While my biological mother had the ignorance of thinking only because of what she saw in movies and television as to pop culture was what was most ideal for the aspects of what she thought life actually was, I informed her otherwise as per the irony as to the aspects of the factors regarding how she thought as to the ways which The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints' Joseph Smith had future metaphors as to what is now known as Hollywood regarding the aspects of the ways which such factors as to how individuals throughout multiple spectrums of life have brought forward as to the ways which such needless problems as well as abuses have been as to the aspects as per such various news reports as well as documentaries as to the factors of what needless problems to individuals such have dealt with. Whether in reference to the amounts of individuals as to the needless stalking and harassment as to while individuals might have thought as to how such fandom actually would be considered as in the comparison of what being a fan of someone would require etiquette and respect of and to them, the fights that occurred between her and I because of her failure to ever pay attention to what I could see from the points in time as to the aspects of when I was in elementary school as per such aspects of how even she had been guilty of such needless problems regarding what factors thereof to such failures of ever paying attention as to how that has negatively impacted the aspects of my childhood as well as my biological little sister's childhood as well as her marriage to my biological father as to such implications; though as to how both thought such would not be that much of a problem and yet the amount of problems needlessly to such levels of factors as to how few individuals ever thought to actually take me seriously about such warnings throughout the decades as to the levels of depravity regarding individuals who think that because they saw something however many times as to how the movies and/or television shows and/or modeling images would automatically translate to whatever thoughts they had in comparison to the reality of such being as whatever the timeframe was as to such a point in time.
In turn as to how since having been outed as the original Baby Jesus Christ because of my biological little sister running her mouth telling people what business was not for the aspects of discussions only because she wanted to be known as to such coattail riding in comparison of ever actually discussing situations that would be considered as worthwhile, the needless problems throughout locations including church had become as to such situations where there was nothing of the most ease of relaxation from throughout the week or weekend. Then as to later times referencing such aspects regarding as to how when having moved from New Jersey to Illinois because of the amounts of needless drama that was stirred up because of such aspects, instead of individuals taking the time to ever think about whether if such were to be for them if they would ever appreciate what they chose to do; the aspects of how such factors had not ever crossed their minds as to if they ever had such aspects, what their opinions would be if they themselves had such aspects to deal with.
The references as to such aspects as to why the references as to going towards the Armed Forces of the United States of America as per the first opportunity as per the invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to my excitement for such aspects of doing something that I knew would be best ffor myself, instead of such aspects of acceptance that what my personal wants and needs were as to such levels of work in comparison as to the ways which the Hollywood viewpoints as to how not only as to such situations of when going out though also as to how the needless drama as to within the celebrity circles because of the situations as to the press aspects in comparison as to ever thinking to simply appreciate the work in comparison. The amount of individuals as to the artists who have needlessly suffered because of the individuals thinking that any publicity is good publicity in comparison to how only good publicity is good publicity as to such aspects as to what the individual themselves chooses for their career, as to such aspects as to the references regarding prophet Joseph Smith as to such references.
I have always welcomed genuinely truthful individuals as to friendship or at the minimum of acquaintanceship as to being respectful as to such etiquette standards, though instead as to such aspects of what is considered to me as etiquette and respect as to how such individuals' thoughts of what their interpretations of etiquette and respect would be in a full context in comparison to actual etiquette and respect in the larger capacities thereof to such factors. Since as to the reference of such on fetlife as to such a minor levels as to only in the references to the situations I was dealing with at the timeframe of when I authored such a notation, the levels of such individuals as to the aspects of what would actually be considered as beyond just those particular levels of regarding those types of situations I was already needlessly dealing with because of what mirrored images as to such pop culture references as to the aspects in comparison as to what aspects of what would be considered as far more ideal for myself especially as to what I personally was dealing with during such a point in time.
In comparison of any individual ever thinking as to the 50 Shades of Grey, as I referred to as 50 Shades of Bullsh*t as to the aspects of how many needless problems I personally began to deal with more-so as per what I wanred other Female Dominants of whatever types in person face to face in person as to such needless situations; the levels of what I had not read as to the book series though was dealing with the aspects thereof, as to the levels of how many situations grew out of control regarding the aspects of females who read such and tried to convince me how I should see the books series in comparison of ever thinking I was not an individual interested as to the first two books of the series as well as the males as to whatever aspects as to such levels of how much further I personally had to defend myself instead of ev er having the capacity to simply find the smallest amount of relaxation for myself in such comparisons as to the amounts of stressful situations I was already handling as to the best of my capability.
When additionally as to such needless problems from my biological mother as to such wishful thoughts that it would ever be of importance to me as to her opinion, the same as to the needless problems as to my biological father as to such failures to ever pay attention as to his words about who would be there when the lights went out as to such comparisons of the fullest reality regarding what I personally dealt with as to such aspects thereof, and my biological little sister as to such needless overdramatic situations only so she had something other than what would actually be of importance to take care of as to actually being a responsible individual in comparison to such immaturity; those particular aspects of which as to the additional needless problems later as to my ex-in-laws, which instead of individuals having paid attention to the correct details exactly as to how such factors of such prior moments as to the writings thereof as to how many needless problems regarding the version of cherubim wording to the descriptions of such types of uneducated individuals with the lack of experiences in the actualities thereof and such assumptions as to ever having the slightest bit of genuine education as to such backgrounds as to the larger factors as to how in the latter points in time of such lack of common sense because in order to have common sense as to having personal experiences to be capable to have such common sense as to the swift reactions in the correct capacities thereof.
While I do not doubt there could have been just as there could be individuals as to having been more than acquaintances in such points in time as to the comparisons as to how such factors went probably because of the same hypothetical needless problems regarding the Hollywood aspects as to such needless drama to stir up the aspects of attention as to such in comparison of the attention to the actual aspects of the worthiness of the work, the situations as to how many lives have needlessly been impacted because of those types in my opinion who have instead of ever appreciating life as to such pretending and renaissance faire types as to such levels of mental health problems because of the lack of capability to distinguish between fiction and facts. The requirement to be capable to distinguish between fiction and facts as to such references has been of the most important aspect as per such timeframes regarding the reality, because of the levels of more than just the aspects of what might be assumed.
For example while the aspects of having acknowledged of watching the Sailor Moon cartoon as a child, I have always been capable to distinguish between a cartoon as to the metaphors compared to the aspects of reality. Last I checked and remembered, the aspects of Sailor Moon only were as to in the air and on the earth in comparison to the water as to such aspects of the Atlantic area of the oceanic water, though I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out.
In reference as to the situations which I had not seen Sailor Moon until the timeframe when I was in fourth grade and had discussed such aspects of what I dealt with before the timeframe of when I was in fourth grade, I did not think it took a head injury to figure out those particular factors either.
Since I was not allowed to watch television as a child past the timeframe of 7:30pm/8:00pm or 19:30/20:00 as to such television unless I had accomplished more than the normal as to the aspects of having had to complete extra work for over three days as to the timeframe of the announcement as to the particular Friends episode as to the year I called into Z100 as to the additional work I had to do thereafter because of one small action of choice, the situations as to the facts of what my childhood was as per such others who would have been capable to verify as to other such aspects such as the Pastor of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church who also was a Chaplain (Officer) in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the aspects of the only words he had to describe my biological parents were 'strict' as to what I dealt with in comparison of actually having a childhood myself.
Thus as to the aspects of what individuals as to DYFUS or Child Protective Services have needed to accept as to the reality of how they overlooked such aspects because they did not pay attention to anything except the location of the house as well as the aspects thereof despite what my babysitter and her husband as well as my Grandma Gavett as well as my Grandpa Gavett in conjunction of people in Asher Holmes Elementary School as to the staff as well as my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu having contacted Child Protective Services because of the situations I personally was dealing with, instead my biological mother and my biological father tried to blame me for the aspects of what others saw them doing as to such needless problems as a child as to how for decades they have needed to accept accountability for their choices as to the fullest extents as to such references regarding all such factors.
The situations of which while the wishful thoughts as to ever thinking I would or could ever find the slightest bit of comfort when they needlessly involved themselves as to what I was at one point in time actually enjoying as to the individuals, in comparison as to how self-important they thought of themselves in the comparison of ever seeing beyond themselves as to such aspects of what was not ever of importance in any actual capacity to me in comparison as to what my life ideals have been for myself.
Hence as to such aspects of the updates and clarifications and verifications since the year of 2019 as to the requirements as per such for a larger capacity of what I had warned throughout the multiple decades, despite individuals who had whatever assumptions of themselves as to whatever they knew of in comparison of ever thinking that I could ever be capable without such needless problems to such factors. If as to such needless drama as to the length of time as to what would have been completed in the timeframes that would have been correct in comparison as to how such lengths of time have been because of individuals who thought they knew better because of their assumptions, instead of ever paying attention to the length of my personal history where I have been accurate in comparison as to how they did not need to pay attention to such needless drama as when paying attention to such needless drama as to how such emanates within life as to such individuals regarding such factors regarding individuals as to their prior patterns of behaviour. Thus as to the aspects of such comparisons as to ever actually appreciating life, the ways of such factors as to how the stirring up of such needless drama translates as to how such aspects tro the karmic factors regarding in the capacities thereof to such regards.
If as to the aspects of truth in genuinity in the beginning starting point in comparison as to such aspects of how individuals have proven themselves to be as to such factors, when an individual such as myself has the patterns of behaviour as to being responsible as well as taking care of what is needed correctly despite the opinions of others as well as despite such needless problems as to the viewpoint as to such individuals who were failures regarding such aspects as to the needless drama as well as to the karmic factors of the repercussions to such individuals regarding additionally the reviews of such factors; in comparison as to such aspects of how the facts which I have brought forward in truth as to such aspects having needed to paid attention to more correctly, as to the aspects of actual belief in me as to my knowledge as to my understanding as to my comprehension as to my patterns of behaviour as to the amount of truth as to the facts regarding such amounts of situations as to the length of time compared to other people's opinions.
It is not something that ever in the long run ever actually has the perception of goodness or greatness as to such individuals as to such needless problems as to the facts as to such aspects as to the proof of such karmic responses as to whatever choices of wording to such references, in the reality of such length of time which is their responsibility to accept the accountability for as to such regards. In comparison as to how for the longest amounts of time as to individuals taking into consideration what proof as to the length of amount of situations where I have actually been accurate as to the comparison of the amounts of situations as to the needless problems as to the combinations thereof to such deacades, the reality as to how people have simply needed to accept that if I actually go for something as to the reasons why despite the lack of wording at all such points in time as to how much wasted time situations as to wording in such multiple references as per such lengths of proof as to the comparison as to thew work to be accomplished; as to the aspects of for lack of better wording as to the aspects of karmic responses because of such lack of faith in me as to the comparison as to the belief in me as to the proof as to the amounts of such proof where I have been accurate, as to the aspects in the larger portions thereof.
When the facts are I am the first person to admit my shortcomings as well as I am the first person to admit my failures though I am the last person to bring forward my successful aspects, therein as to such length of time as to such references because of the reality of my comprehension as to the aspects of there are simply points in time when words and explanations only waste time in comparison as to getting such work accomplished because of such needy individuals as to the comparison of ever taking into consideration regarding my knowledge and my understanding and my comprehension despite what other people might think more of themselves as to the comparison as to the actual results per individual as to such comparison of results as per in reference to myself; which as to such aspects of appreciation to my work as to the respect of my work in such comparisons as to what some might think as to the aspects thereof, as to the situations referencing actually to the irony of asking me in such comparisons as to asking individuals who have not ever known what my personal ideals as to such aspects in the larger capacities thereof as to the length of time for such actual discussions.
Since I have repeatedly explained as to the issues as to the technological factors as to such aspects regarding, discussions as to the in person face to face in person for actual clearer communication as to the common sense aspects as to the factors thereof as to the comparison as to such hypotheticals regarding individuals who have not ever taken into consideration what they have needed to accept as to the reality with such amounts of proof as to the factors thereof; as to the 13 laptops as to Geek Squad as well as to the aspects regarding my hairstyle when I was in Washington state as to the length of time it took me to be kind of capable to deal with having grown my hair back out as to my headache pain levels as well as my migraine levels, despite what other people have needed to remember as to my labor and delivery when I was pregnant twice while in the first two years of having been awake from my coma as to from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain. Just because from that point in time of after having been pregnant twice as to the labor and delivery does not disprove the problems as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, though as to such only reproves as to such aspects as to the aspects thereof to such physical aspects as to the references thereof compared to the ignorance and biases regarding such types of individuals to think as to themselves in the pop culture references hypothetically as to whatever areas as to the tristate location as to such comparisons of ever thinking anywhere else could ever have individuals as to tattoos as to meaning as well as any other female as to the hairstyle and/or hair color as to such assumptions.
The reality which I once was capable to complete 1,000 piece puzzles when I was in second grade in less than a two hour time period as well as by the timeframe of when I was in fourth grade once having been capable to complete 5,000 piece puzzles in less than 3 hours, as well as when in ninth grade having been capable to complete 10,000 piece puzzles in less than 4.5 hours as to such individuals simply accepting the facts as to what my intellectual levels once were as to before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the comparison of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. I would guesstimate if individuals found and asked people I once knew in person face to face in person as to how I was as a child as to how geeky and how dorky I was known to be as to also how quiet as to such comparisons of whatever assumptions only because of how I physically look and/or because of the differences as to the viewpoints as to the online social media and having been honest as to my name in such comparisons, as well as having explained such factors in writing as to my reasons for the choice of my name as to specific aspects thereof compared to whatever assumptions as well as compared to whatever choices of other individuals regarding the factors of such references. Though as to a different version in certain capacities as to the comparison of Hollywood and/or Broadway as to Joseph Smith in comparison as to the warnings I personally brought forward, as well as to the aspects of the proof thereof to such comparisons as to such points in time as to the factors thereof as to the other references.
In the aspects as to the regards of individuals who have thought as to whatever they have thought in comparison of ever taking into consideration as to the fact that I have been complained about for taking things seriously as to the fact of such a review as to the reasons why I have taken situations seriously, as I have not ever had the luxury of not taking situations seriously because of the facts as to the situations of my life as to the common sense factors regarding the proof as to such as to the clarifications and the verifications especially as to my updates regarding the factors thereof as well as the knowledge as to what my personal ideals are as to the comparison as to what preferences as to such aspects as to desires as to the comparison of the reality of what my needs and what my wants are; as I have known, understood, and comprehended myself far more than what others have needed to give me credit for as to such regards without their egos as to such references regarding how credit is actually given in aspects as to etiquette and respect.
In turn as to the reality of how I have welcomed honest and genuinely truthful discussions and have appreciated when there has been actual care and concern for me as to what actual care and concern as to such aspects as to the references thereof if any as to such regards, the aspects as to the reality of which as to my work as to what genuine respect as to such etiquette standards as to the references regarding how there has not ever been anyone who has ever thought of the aspects of actually speaking with me in truth as to such in the comparisons; as the reality of individuals had spoken with me in truth as to such standards, as to the references which I would be capable to write and discuss such aspects as to the proof thereof which as to the reality which while some might have thought of as to such respect in comparison to what I have explained in my Official YouTube Channel videos as well as in writing as to such aspects thereof, as to the common sense as to the clarifications and verifications as to what would actually be considered as to speaking with me as to finding out what my personal needs would be as to such requirements as to my work in such comparisons as to such assumptions as to instead which only reproves the aspects of the earlier portions of this journal blog as well as prior aspects of my journal blog as well as my books as well as my Official YouTube Channel.
It matters not to me as to the individuals backgrounds themselves as to what they might think of themselves as to such aspects of working with, what matters as to the aspects as to the common sense as to the courtesy as to such aspects of respecting themselves as to respecting my work as well as respecting me as to such aspects to have the human decency as to actually speaking with me in such comparisons as to assuming as to such factors as to such backwards problems as to the needless situations as to the aspects of such problematic proportions as to the ways which my work actually requires as to the references regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the aspects of such factors as to what I have clarified and verified as to the references as to my experiences as to the oceanic areas as well as other such water aspects in conjunction of the proof as to what I personally have dealt with as to the proof of such aspects as to the comparison as to the common sense as to the references thereof to actually have the thought process to actually speak with me as per such minimum standards as per such aspects as to what is not as to technology though as to actual discussions in person face to face in person because of such clarifications and verifications in comparison of ever thinking otherwise as to how such is not considered as anticipatory in the correct ways at all.
In comparison to the only ways as to actually being anticipatory the correct ways as to the aspects of what actualities are required as to the aspects of respecting the facts that I have actually known and understood and comprehended what is best for myself as best for my work as to the comparisons as to such needless problems as to such references of those aspects as to such situations regarding the cheerleading needless aspects as to my biological mother's failures to ever actually take into consideration to not live wishfully vicariously through such aspects, as to the failures of paying attention to the needless problems she has caused as to such needless situations because of her own internal mental health disorders in such comparisons as to the reality. I overcame such aspects because of the requirements as to actually knowing and understanding and comprehending far more than such credit that has been required as well as the acceptance of such as to the levels thereof to the proof of to the length of time as to such aspects, which if as to the aspects of her selfish aspects as to wishing individuals would ever be capable to correctly understand me as to the comparisons as to how she and my biological little sister as to the aspects as to the references as to such needy attention as to the amounts of individuals in the comparisons thereof as to such choices.
In the references as to the minimum requirements as per such tiny portions as to the aspects of what would actually be considered as respect to the aspects of my work in whichever capacities thereof, as to the references regarding my trips as well as to such aspects of my privacy as to living arrangements in such comparisons as to how such factors in reference to the needless situations as to the Hollywood types as to the aspects of what is actually considered as comfortable for myself is not in such capacities at all as to what the portions of what once was my home as to what purposes I created such for were actually correct the entire time in comparison of what individuals knew nothing of and spoke with the wrong individuals as to such aspects as well as since not having asked me in truth in person face to face in person if as to such aspects if as to such hypothetical types of such references as to what would actually be as to the best as to such regards; as to the lengths of time as to such needless problems, as to what could have been prevented if such individuals were not as haughty about themselves as to such egotism as to such lengths of time.
The regards as to while I actually have the capacity to appreciate the if factors as to if there are fans to my work as to the aspects of which what actually acknowledging such would actually require speaking with me in truth as to such aspects, if as to such comparisons of such hypotheticals as per such factors as to the updates from the year of 2019 through this year of 2022 as there has not been such as to the aspects at any point in time of any individual ever telling me of such in person face to face in person in truth as per the clarifications as per such aspects at all despite what individuals might have thought to themselves and/or told others as to such aspects as to the failures to communicate with me as to such levels thereof in truth through simply actually speaking with me when the if aspects of in person face to face in person as to such truthful portions thereof as I do not pick up on hints nor do I accept such aspects thereof because of the ease to misconstrue such aspects thereof as to such requirements as to speaking with in truth which requires actual words as to how actual communication is as to such factors. Thus as to the capability to speak then as to actually doing so with etiquette and respect and if as to the aspects of speech impediments and/or deafness as to how most either have a translator and/or a writing implement as to such common sense factors regarding such hypothetical situations as to the references to such aspects.
When the proof as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection as to the proof as to such aspects of the Commander as to the first female Commander in the five branches of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the Coast Guard as to the aspects in conjunction as to the first female Vice President of the United States of America in the comparison as to such aspects as to any such hypotheticals as to the viewpoints from others as to my Medal of Honor Art Project regarding the attached aspects to, the common sense to pay attention to the correct details as to the facts that female Marines have had their standards as well as how there have been females who have been capable to complete Ranger School as well as become Snipers as to such Special Forces as well as the fact which as to how I have not called myself the title which most as to the Army as to such aspects as to the situations as to my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to the conjunction of the MOSes that I had sought for employment aspects in conjunction to ending all forms and ending all types of stolen valor as to the references regarding the factors thereof as to the situations per such proof as to the aspects of the ways as to the best as possible to the best of my capabilities as well as the knowledge as to such progression.
While some females biologically may have a problem as to accepting the aspects as to the association as to the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, the common sense factors as to my invitation to the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as well as to such aspects as to the situations which biological females know as to how certain types have been already as to the reasons why Military City USA as to San Antonio Texas as to the aspects as to such common sense factors as to the correct choice as to the short term as well as the long term into the longest terms as to such factors as to the hypothetical proof as to such references. In comparison as to stirring up the aspects of needless drama regarding any such biological female as to the comparisons as to the knowledge the length of time as to the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the reasons to end all stolen valor as to such factors regarding the length of time, why would it take a head injury to point such details as to my correct choice as to the long term as to such factors as to the technological aspects in such references regarding the wording?
In the references regarding the aspects of such explanations as per such background aspects of my life, the situations referencing such situations as to how once again as to such clarifications and verifications; respect of my work is as to not of your interpretation despite what art has been described, respect of my work is as to what my explanations as to such factors are as to the reality regarding how and when and why and what as to such references despite who someone might be as well as whatever their particular background as to such factors might be as to the comparisons as to whatever other individuals have hypothetically thought of themselves to tell others as to such references to the comparisons as to the in person face to face in person factors. Such clarifications as to the length of time as to such references regarding the aspects thereof to the common sense references as to ending such types of falsehoods as to the viewpoint regarding such hidden aspects as to the references as to the regards of what actually as to such importance, to the comparison as to what others opinions as to such hypotheticals as to such factors as to the hypothetical viewpoints as to whatever aspects in such references regarding such factors.
While some individuals may think of themselves as to whatever viewpoints because of the lack of better wording as to such MKUltra aspects as to such types as to the clarifications and verifications of such situations as per such references, as to the aspects of ending such needless problems as to the comparisons as to such review aspects as to the individuals as to such hypothetical circumstances as to such verifications and clarifications. However that once again as to such internal review as to such comparisons as to the aspects as to what conscience aspects as to the viewpoints as to the depending upon who spoken with in person face to face in person as to such comparisons, as to the aspects as to such references regarding the timeframes as well as the situations as well as the proof of patterns of actual behaviours as to the comparisons as to the levels of stress as to such culminations thereof to the viewpoints as to the comparisons of assumptions to the hypothetical aspects regarding such factors.
In the reality as to while such aspects of my writing as to my books as to my journal blog, I have not been capable to think as to the references regarding anyone who had once known me in person face to face in person and/or as to having known of me as to my social media aspects as to having the incapability to see as to such writing/authoring as to such aspects; though as to the references regarding such aspects as to the correct ways as to approaching in such comparisons as to the length of time as well as to such factors as to depending upon such situations during such timeframes as to the proof of such references to the situations. Hence as to such updates as to the year from 2019 through 2020 through 2021 and into this year of 2022, which in turn as to such aspects of how the backwards portions in comparison as to the upfront honesty to such aspects as to the etiquette standards as well as respect.
Respect is a two way aspect as to the references as to the respect of oneself as to the reflection as to the respect towards another, as to such energetic portions as to the regards of such factors.
Since I have not hidden myself as to my work as to such aspects despite having been modest with descriptions as to the aspects of situations I dealt with as to the larger factors thereof as to the levels of knowledge and/or understanding and/or clearance aspects instead of whatever hypothetical assumptions because of those types as to the needless drama as to such sneaking around in such breaking of the 10 Commandments as to though shalt not lie as well as thou shalt not bear false witness as to such aspects, the situations which as to the common sense factors regarding such hypothetical situations as to the aspects of such clarifications and verifications as to the factors of such as to despite what hypothetically some individuals had discussed amongst themselves though had not taken into consideration the differences between themselves and their backgrounds as to the comparisons as to what I have explained I have dealt with as to the length of time.
Though up to such individuals as to the clarifications and verifications for themselves because unlike such hypotheticals, I do not pretend to speak on behalf of anyone except for from my personal experiences as to such factors regarding the situations I have such personal knowledge and understanding and comprehension as to such situations. While the aspects which as to such factors of which individuals as to the proof as to such references regarding the aspects of the if factors, the situations as to what situations as to the proof thereof which others who have been considered as celebrities as to the aspects of their own personal knowledge as to the situations of what they themselves have dealt with as to the situations as to such aspects thereof; however because I have not paid attention as to the physical aspects as to what some might consider as to the if possibilities, the reality of such aspects regarding the situations of what inspirational aspects from what I personally viewed as to the energetic aspects whether as through listening to such performances and/or reading such words as to the hypothetical comparisons as to what individuals have in other circumstances as to the viewpoints regarding the aspects of such situations.
Which yes if as to such as to the if factors ass to fans I am truly thankful for, I would not know of such as per what I would consider as to such aspects of what a fan of mine would be as to the aspects as to the formally having such etiquette standards as to the respect to discuss with me in truth as to the calmer discussions as to such factors as to the comparison of possible thoughts as to my automatic assumption as to how I have explained as to how I do not assume though if there are a multitude of patterns of behaviours as to the lengths of time as to how at some point as to putting such hypotheticals together in such references as to the points thereof to such proof as to the comparison of what some might have thought of beforehand as to whatever references to such points in time as to the regards of what others have thought as to who they have been a fan of as to such regards.
In all honesty as to such with the references regarding the example of my website, if I were to attend a technology event I would not ever think anyone would automatically know me in such references because of how many technology companies there are in the reference of such overall. Thus as to such references regarding such in person face to face in person aspects, the references as to such viewpoints regarding the factors of such hypothetical viewpoints as to the aspects thereof to the thoughts.
Remember as to the reality of most television before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury being as to cartoons far longer than any actual person aspects of television and/or movies, which in turn as to the aspects which as to the references regarding such aspects as to the references of human beings as to the regards of such viewpoints. Even if as to the more current references of an if factors of seeing someone in person face to face in person such as who I consider as cutie patootie Navy SEAL Rob O'Neil in person face to face in person, I would not recognize him unless he were to introduce himself and/or someone else introduce him. In reference to who I consider as cutie patootie Marine Johnny Joey Jones, the same aspects of such references as to the only in such references to the if factors of having officially been introduced as to such aspects. In reference to someone such as Tyrus as to the same reality regarding such aspects, as to the situations which unless officially introduced as to the aspects thereof to such discussions because of how I know the aspects of my memory deficits as well as my cognitive disorders. In regards to the same in reference to Greg Gutfeld as well as the aspects to The Five individuals, as to the regards as to the knowledge as to how the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury are as to the references regarding such even with the aspects of listening to their voices when listening to the news; because of what the technology does to the voices, whether some individuals pick up on such details to the levels of.
As an example to an individual I had listened to many times as to the news station as to Colonel Allen West, it was not until I was officially informed of his attendance as to a rally I had been at in Austin in the year of 2020; though even when in a different situation, only because of the knowledge of such and then an individual pointing such out to me, was I actually capable to realize such aspects of him being at the event in the references of two different times.
I do not assume, as to the aspects which as to where I was born and raised as to the reality as to the 1980s and the 1990s as to such aspects regarding such references because of what I saw as to those years as to the various circumstances in a multitude of areas as well as a multitude of events regarding such factors and because of what I knew occurred as to hearing about such aspects as to the care and concern as to such regards as to the aspects thereof despite whatever pop culture references there might be about people from my home state as to where I spent much of my childhood and early teenager years as New Jersey-ians are usually far more shy than some might think of the aspects of as to the in person face to face in person. Whatever aspects as to the levels of anger and/or rage as to usually only after so many times as to the repeated aspects thereof as to the constant pushing in such references and then when such individuals have the turn around as to what choices they made as to the references regarding such complaints in which they have needed to accept the responsibility as to such references as to the pushing in the comparison as to how such individuals who are born and raised in New Jersey are usually the most mild mannered individuals, though as to such aspects as to the sh*t talking when joking around as to the similarities as to the ways which military aspects as to such differences as to whatever assumptions as to the aspects of such pop culture references.
Whatever the aspects as to the 50 Shades series as to the situations regarding the aspects of how that storyline went in the book as to the first two books as to the references thereof as to the additional warnings as to what I had noticed regarding the aspects of the supposed to be considered as consenting adult lifestyle scene locations, I am uncertain as to what other whatever types of Female Dominants experienced or as soon as to how they dealt with such as to any such factors as to what I dealt with and was dealing with as to such points in time as to the years thereof; however as to such aspects which as to how such hypotheticals as to the early release of the books as to if in the year either of 2009 and/or 2010 despite the publication aspects; the situations regarding the facts as to the proof of what I was dealing with as to such points in time, as to the aspects regarding such factors as to the situations as to the hypotheticals. Since as to the ways which the technology factors as to the references regarding individuals who have caused needless problems as to website situations and/or email aspects and/or assumptions through such factors of the references regarding such situations, the proof as to such aspects in the references as to why such aspects as to the patience factors in comparison as to such assumptions as to the hypotheticals thereof regarding what proof as to such aspects to the timeframes regarding such individuals as to those who I once knew in person face to face in person during such years as to the timeframes thereof to the proof of such reference points.
Though as to such similarities as to assumptions referencing my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my biological sister as to such instant aspects in comparison of thinking and pondering in truth without such biases as well as to the consideration of the aspects of the consequences regarding such choices as to whichever types of such consequences to the choices thereof, as to the proof as to such aspects referencing the portions as to the proof as to such regarding to the length of time as to the actual accuracy in such comparison as to the wishful thoughts as to such similarities as to the reality of my ex-in-laws though especially as to their children as to such a lack of background as to the reality of the technological records of such aspects to the references regarding such hypotheticals as to the ways of such technological factors; which as best as I could to warn about such millennial types in the particular references beyond the aspects of the birth year, as to such factors as to the specifics of such references as to the aspects as to what attention to details and which attention to which details as to such portions of to pay attention to regarding such aspects I made attempts to clarify before as to such situations as to the aspects of Washington state as well as to the aspects of to my updates regarding my journal blog as to my website as to my concern about life progressing forward correctly as to the best interests as to the actualities of for the betterment thereof as to such regarding the best as best as possible.
If as to the wishful aspects as to any illegal surveillance within any living and/or driving location of mine as to wishing informing my minor aged son and/or informing my minor aged daughter as to the state of Texas as to such references despite the knowledge possibly of my reality as to the aspects which as to the situations of me being the one and only Sponsor as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as to a different arrangement of problems as to those types of individuals as to what I made attempts to warn as to such factors; though because of my son having been a minor as well as because of my daughter having been a minor, there was not any legal aspects which such hypotheticals as to any actual protections as there are none for my biological mother or my biological father or my biological sister and/or the conjunction of connections with and/or to such as well as my ex-in-laws as to such hypotheticals because of the knowledge as to their age as to such minor aspects as to the portions thereof as to the legal age of consent to such portions within the state of Texas as to such points in time to such hypotheticals. that is the accountability for their choices as to their responsibility, as to such aspects of accountability of such needless problems as to the lack of common sense as to paying attention to the age as to the number.
Common sense as to of such factors as in the timeframe of from my knowledge of what is considered as consent in the state of Texas up to the timeframe of my knowledge through the year of 2013, the minimum age of consent was as to the age of biologically as to 15 years old of which neither my son nor my daughter were of such an age prior to the year of 2013 as to their birth years of 2001 and 2002 for such references as to the legal implications of the hypotheticals thereof to such factors as to the situations regarding such proof as well as the if factors as to any such continuation as to such references regarding the factors thereof to the standards thereof to the laws of the state of Texas regarding such situations hypothetically of the in the location of as to such points in time of such aspects as to the mandatory attention to details as to such references regarding as to at all times as to such knowledge officially having been informed as to such hypothetical references regarding the situations from 2003 through 2013 and/or 2019 through 2021 to such regards of the legal requirements as to my living arrangements as to such in the state of Texas as to the factors of which as I have clarified and verified as to the lack of my consent to such recordings as to the aspects of the mandatory factors of which I have not ever consented to as to the aspects of the reality to such official informing as to the aspects in the legal documentations to the aspects of such references regarding officialized consent.
Obviously it does not take a head injury to figure out the privacy laws as to Washington state are as to each and every individual within such a location of such official informing as to the aspects of consent, to which there was none ever given as to the per diem as per aspect per the legalities as to the privacy laws of such a state location.
However the obvious aspects as to the intellectual property rights automatically as to the if factors as to such surveillance as to the aspects in each and every capacity thereof, as to the automatic aspects thereof to such intellectual property rights as well as such profits thereof to the references regarding such if factors as to the references regarding such privacy laws as to then the aspects of such intellectual property rights to the individual of such reference points.

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