This video only has some additional pointers as to the comparisons as to the actual details of the video, which might assist in relating to several factors as to the considerations thereof for such references.
In reference to the aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage damages as well as the fact that the subarachnoid hemorrhage started because of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, which in turn as to the situations which are the aspects that individuals I once knew in person face to face in person have not ever actually thought in the correct ways as to what actually would be as to my personal best interests as per the proof of such aspects as to the situations regarding the factors thereof as to my clarifications. In turn as to such details as to the combinations of the links you can follow to go read the details yourself in such references as to the additional common sense aspect of which what actually would be best is to simply ask me in person face to face in person in truth as to what I personally would have needed during such prior times as to the aspects of more specifically in the years of 2009 onward, as to the work I personally had done for myself in the years of 2000 through 2008 as with the assistance of what doctors at the timeframe thereof as to finding out what did and what did not work as through to the year of 2013 in reference of the years of 2000 through 2013 as to the combined aspects overall of what I learned what is best for myself as to my highest good for my best interests.
Head Injury:
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:
* Does it take a head injury to figure out that my personal work as to #quantum #quantumhealing #quantumenergy #quantummechanics quantum healing energetic portions in conjunction as to other factors of what I personally worked on as to such factors in references to my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving work on my own as to my memory factors of my personal background, as to the additional factors in conjunction as to my own personal work on myself as to what I found as to my longer term as to the comparisons of such assumptions as to the lack of faith by individuals as to such claims in reference to those who I once knew in persona face to face in person as well as those who are as to my biological mother/father/sister as to the aspects of which should it take a head injury to figure out the situations I personally developed on my own for my own aspects as to the #THC THC as to my research as to the #MMJ MMJ factors in conjunction as to being better than such other aspects compared to the wishes as to such hypotheticals?
* Should it take a head injury to figure out I had better ideas as to such reasons as to the differences of individuals as to a medical practice in comparison as to actually working for life to actually progress forward as to the comparisons, as should it take a head injury to figure out the situations as to my royalty checks which would have fully been capable to take care of the aspects as to my teeth in one swoop similarly as to my surgeries as to how I explained such as to what I knew was best for myself as well as others in such references as should it take a head injury to figure out how many times I have actually been accurate as well as been clear as to such aspects of the facts which the results obviously speak far louder than words as why would that take a head injury to figure that out?
As to the aspects of which there will only be a house in my name which I live in that is ever considered as an actual home for me as to my personal sensations of what I personally find comfortable for myself because of what I personally prefer and enjoy about owning a house, as to the aspects of which to my personal preferences for myself as I learned in the years of 2002 through 2010 as to the locations of which were my personal preference because of the aspects as to what I personally chose for myself. I learned about certain factors as to what I deal with as to such energetic portions in reference to apartments, as to the reasons I purchased my house at each point in time and I learned the difference as to such aspects of a rental house as to the aspects of what occurred as to such energetic portions as to what I have noticed as to such factors. In reference to my home that was in San Antonio Texas until the needless problems of my biological mother/father/sister inviting themselves over without my consent as to the amount of times instead of scheduling a point in time when I personally would feel comfortable as to the needless invasion of my privacy as to their lack of common sense as to the aspects of my pain levels as well as the lack of concern to my personal schedule in such times, the aspects of which when the situation as to the #BAMC #SAMC #JBSA #MilitaryCityUSA BAMC aspects as to Major General Gillman as well as to those factors of such needless situations as to the facts as to an additional set of reasons for me to choose for myself to move out from the area as to actually being capable to have my own privacy while living my life and raising my children as to the requirement of those people being informed to officially schedule an actual timeframe as to what my personal preferences had been as I had informed those people when they moved from Illinois to Texas as the aspects were mandatory. The situations of which my dead-ex-husband arranged with those people during the first separation is not what I agreed to and I informed those people of such factors which the reasons of which added to why I made the choice for myself as to the location which was similar as to my ex-in-laws where the mandatory aspects of scheduling the timeframe as to my personal schedule as to my pain levels as well as to the schedule of my children as to the respect of my and our privacy as to such factors. Those needless problems as to such lack of actual concern in the correct capacities as to additional facts of which to why I made the choice not to move back to Illinois as to working on my own as to what weas as in best for myself.
As I explained in person face to face in person as well as specifically in "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as to the aspects of what I needlessly dealt with as to such factors as to what my biological mother/father/sister had admitted to causing needless problems as to their lies in reference to who those people remembered in the knowledge of which I had either not ever met such individuals and/or those people were more friends to those people in comparison of ever actually being friends with me and/or associated with me. One example as to my birthday in the year of 1997 as to my music choice as to #DrDre Dr. Dre, #SnoopDogg Snoop Dogg, and the #JuniorMafia Junior Mafia group of individuals as to the instead of receiving the cassette tapes of #GreenDay Green Day (which was is a good group as I actually liked their music and still enjoy their music) and #AceofBase Ace of Base (there are some aspects as to the lyrics which are ironic as to the latter portions of time after several years as to such viewpoints) instead because of those people's failures to ever pay attention to the facts of which to who I was then as to their requirement now as to accept the facts of which they had not ever known me as to the facts those people wished to mold me as to the ways which I was not ever meant to be as to the facts additionally as to the #Marines #Marine #USMC #Science #Technology #USN #USNavy #Navy #USGC #USCoastGuard #MAST Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to the aspects of the difference as they wished the uniforms were what mattered compared to the actual educational factors in comparison as to #SaintJohnVianneyHighSchool Saint John Vianney High School.
Those people's failures to ever actually accept the fact that I am not my biological sister, I did not ever want to be my biological sister, there was not ever anything of my biological sister that interested me, and I was not ever going to comply as to such fakeness and needless problems as to the reasons why my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as well as my Grandpa Gavett and Grandma Gavett constantly had to stand up against my biological mother/father because of their wishes that went against everything that was actually important to me in the comparisons of the ways of wishing that what was important to my biological sister would ever be anything worthwhile to me as to any such aspects of interest as to the comparison of complete differences between her personality traits compared to my personality traits.
I doubt I am the only individual who has a sibling as to such factors as to the biological parental aspects wishing otherwise in comparison of simply just accepting the facts, as to who I am as to such comparisons. At the very minimum, I know that the #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQP #LGBTQPride LGBTQP community fully understands and comprehends especially from the 1980s as well as the 1990s as into the 2000s as well as the 2010s as while in the 2020s as to that being less of a needless problem as to the acceptance as to such factors the reality of which as to the aspects which after getting close to 40 years of which there has needed to be where the acceptance as to the full difference as to those people to their wishes as to such as to the comparisons of my biological sister's wishes needing to be removed as to such factors of simply actually accepting me for who I am and accepting the fact that my life is not what rose colored glasses that they have wished for themselves as to the fullest comparisons. People gravitate towards music which the lyrics and beats make sense as to such aspects thereof, which is a common sense factor that those people had needed to accept back in the timeframe of the 1990s as they heard my radio in the 1980s as to my choice as to the radio stations once I figured out how to work the radio myself as well as those people needed to accept the fact of who I had sensed a kin to in comparison of what they wished as to who I had sensed a kin to because of the facts which those people have had to accept as to the mistreatments in each aspect as to what those people had needlessly put me through as to the comparisons of which my right to work to earn my own way in comparison of what their wishes were as to such facts in regards of my books as to my full rights to my profits as to my royalties for my choices as to what I have known is best because of my work as to such factors of which they had not paid attention to when the time to have paid attention to was at such a peak back when I was growing up during such points in time.
It is not any different as to those people's problems as to my childhood bestestestestest friend who became my Big Blood Brother as to how they hated his name and refused to look past the name as to actually getting to know him, as to the facts of which as to the situations of being the first Baby Jesus Christ as to their failures to pay attention to the aspects of the timeframe as to the metaphors within the Bible in comparison of their opinions as to their interpretations as to the difference between the name Damien to Satan as to the aspects of which the facts of the differences as to what the actualities of the scriptures referred to as to how scholars have brought forward as to the modern times. It was not rocket science back in the 1980s and the 1990s, just as it is still not rocket science as to such factors as he was not evil the ways which were assumed only because of his name. Maybe instead of picking individuals without any actual religious studies as to the backgrounds of which to such extents as to the aspects as to wishing to bring forward more in the timeframes as to such aspects as to the Deacon and Trustee factors as to the business aspects in comparison to what church and temple was always intended as to such comparisons as to the board processes because of such aspects as to the legal portions, the situations which in reference to how such scriptures were meant as to such aspects in the comparison of such needless bureaucracy as to such factors of the situations.
One would think it would not take a head injury to figure out when Grandma Gavett went through Seminary College as to how she explained to my biological mother/father/sister as to the full difference as to such aspects which she and my Grandpa Gavett had been diligent as to their work to get my biological mother/father/sister to open their fucking eyes and actually accept the facts as to the difference of their viewpoints as to the comparisons as to how my Grandma and my Grandpa Gavett saw far more for me as did my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as to the facts which they fought against my biological mother/father/sister as to such lengths of time as to the realities thereof as to such massive differences between my biological sister and I as to the failures of which they were going to succumb to as to the warnings from my Grandpa Gavett and my Bok Pu repeatedly especially as to such factors. Such levels of needless annoyances and pathetic trying to get a viewpoint different as to the ways of what they thought the world would become as to what they knew in comparison as to my nightmare from second grade and all such clarifications and proof thereof, as to what my Grandpa Gavett and my Grandma Gavett told them to actually pay attention to as did my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as they told my biological mother/father that the aspects of my visions from my youth were always accurate as to from the short amount of time by the point thereof.
When my babysitter's husband Joe/Jose Castro had defended me as well as my babysitter herself Sony/Sonja Castro as to the aspects of which my biological sister cried when Sony/Sonja had completed the rituals in the garage where the palm leaves as well as the coconuts and the candles as to such facts of which she was not being praised as to "Hosanna in the highest" as to such factors with "Triumphio Susana, Hosanna in the highest" which as to the larger points of view as to the aspects as to the length of time as to where my biological aspects have needed to just accept the facts thereof as to why Joe/Jose had asked me questions in various references as to the visions I had as well as the other factors thereof as forementioned in the references as to my journal blog and books.
In reference as to how an apartment is not a home as it is not a house as to the way I personally view such aspects as to the situations which I cannot do indoor gardening as I only enjoy outdoor gardening as to the aspects of which as to my house as to each aspect of the two, as to which my personal home as to such factors as to my personal choice. It was always my right as to command a requirement as to scheduling the time to speak with me as to the facts of the after effects I personally was working on fine enough as to the comparisons thereof, as the needless problems those people had caused to the despite the facts as to such situations in reference to the situations as to how I wound up off of the military installation as to the reality as to only after having met my biological mother/father/sister as to such needless problems as to such situations as to the needless problems in reference to my biological sister simply being the unethical slut she had always been as to such points in time as individuals within the states of #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate #Illinois #Illinoisstate #IL #ILstate #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate New Jersey and Illinois would know as well as to my guesstimations of the state of Texas as to the comparisons as to the facts of such opposite aspects as why would people complain about me being a prude as to such comparisons as to the aspects in the references thereof as how many males had complained as to what their opinions as to such factors as to the comparisons as to such a viewpoint for those people to actually accept they themselves could not tell the difference between my biological sister and I as to how the reality of such aspects as to the differences as to the influences as to the work thereof for such comparisons?
* Does it take a head injury to figure out as to the situations as to the Justice of the Peace as to the comparisons as to the garage in my #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #SATX #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas house as to such factors, and what did those people as to my biological mother/father/sister do in the comparison of the factors thereof if there was actual care and concern as should it take a head injury to figure out the massive differences as to the backgrounds as well as the up bringing as well as the results as to such lengths of time to figure out the differences?
* Should it take a head injury to figure out that while I have been involved with various locations as to groups and events as to the lack of such as to my biological sister as to the unethical slut aspects as to her choices, as to the comparisons as to does it take a head injury to figure out the differences as to such numerical portions as to the choices as to the comparisons of the needless and wrongful forced aspects thereof that I dealt with as should it take a head injury to figure out as to such situations as to the reality there would not be the complaints about how I refuse to do such without my minimum requirements as to what my preferences as to such are as to the comparison as to my biological sister as to that aspect of such situations as to how hypothetically she has fully proven as to such unethical slut type behaviour?
* Why would it take a head injury to point such aspects out, as what technological aspects could be found as to the proof thereof as to the aspects of such messages and situations in all such differences as to the references thereof with the clarifications as to the IP addresses as well as to such factors as to the situations?
* Should it take a head injury to figure out as to such different viewpoints as to the backgrounds as well as the physical aspects as does it take a head injury to figure out where the largest numerical portions of unethical slut derive from as to the female gender population is usually those who enjoy dance lessons as well as the aspects of the females who prefer to go to college as to such aspects as to the proof thereof as to what is actually considered as an open relationship compared to wishful assumptions, in the comparisons as to the aspects of how I earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications on my own as to the aspects of which actual discussions in the comparisons as to such hypotheticals as to the capacities thereof as to those types of females who get involved through a relationship aspect in the comparisons as to the full difference as to the situations as to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications?
Thus while maintaining and sustaining my apartment as to the comparisons as to what situations which will not ever be considered as a home to me ever and only is seen as to the office aspects as to my opinion in reference to apartments no matter what anyone wishes otherwise as to such factors, the aspects of which the only area in either one of my two houses which were as to such as were the back patio areas as to the fact of such areas being my office area as to the comparisons thereof which in turn as to the situations during the second and final separation aspects of which if I actually had some assistance as to the comparisons of what I was dealing with needlessly as to such points in time as to the factors during the second and final separation as to how such needless problems would not ever have been if such individuals had not involved themselves with my schedule as to my work as to my life in such references as to the common sense aspects of what actual courtesy aspects of getting my personal permission to speak with me in my home in comparison of simply just going to my house without my personal permission as to my #myVA #VA VA Home Loan as to such comparisons as to the reasons why I moved additionally as to the specifics of the locations thereof as should that take a head injury to figure that out as well?
While my biological mother and biological father might have allowed my biological sister's friends over the house as per the pattern of behaviour as to after the house in San Antonio to the bridge loan aspects as to such factors as to the situations during her first week in #McHenryHighSchool McHenry High School in San Antonio Texas as to the situations thereof, as to the comparisons as to the aspects as to how my friends had to get from me contacting my biological parents when I lived there at those times in comparison of living on my own as to such needless problems as to the facts of which those people have had to let it go for the longest amounts of time as to the aspects of which the situations as to the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to such needless problems because of their failures to pay attention to the details as obviously it was not a phase as much as those people wished as to my aspects in the fullest differences as to such aspects. Taking into consideration my biological mother repeatedly told me how she 'needed [me] to understand how she was my Mommy Dearest' as to only recently looking up the movie references, I can see each and every capacity thereof to the monstrosity that my biological mother had always been as to how many would be capable to find such references throughout the aspects thereof to which is multiple reasons of which to the fact as to how I fully rebuke my biological mother permanently as to such factors as to whatever amount of clarifications and verifications thereof which can be found as to if I am accurate above the percentage of 85% as to such clarifications of accuracy.
What would actually be considered as worthwhile as to such aspects as to the proof as to such factors, as to any such aspects of the as to my opinion of needless involvement in each and every aspects of my life that can be found in such references? The answer would be capable as to whatever proof thereof for the consideration thereof, to which in such references as to the facts of which in each and every factor of which the full removal of her from each and every aspect of my work as well as my finances and my life in all such ways as to whatever possible level. Thus I have wondered as to where if is such as not one worthwhile excuse that I can personally think of as to what needless problems as to the factors thereof, which would be considered as worthwhile as to such factors as other than just another lesson to learn from of what not to be in my opinion as to the verifiable proof of such aspects.
In reference to the needless overindulgent needless involvement in my work which is not for her or any connection thereof as to the willing participation as to without my personal consent as to how the facts of such proof, as to the requirements thereof as previously explained as well as the proof thereof to such clarifications. That is a problem in my opinion as to the social media aspects of which if my biological mother/sister had contacted individuals on my social media platform social media accounts without my permission as to such a needless invasion of my privacy, the reality of which my biological mother and my biological sister would owe each and every individual a full apology for how they were not ever nor ever wanted as to ever having been given my permission to ever involve themselves as to such contact levels thereof in any way as well as shape as well as form thereof as to the facts of which the needless nosiness of such factors as to whatever proof as well in conjunction as to the updated timeframes as to the technological portions of such factors of which there was not any consent as to such facts of which. The few who have lived with me have witnessed as to how whenever those people as to my biological mother and/or biological father shown up to wherever I lived as to how the needless involvement as to whatever laptop and/or cellphone as to such aspects of which the list of such portions as to the individuals which my biological mother/father/sister involvement as to such needless situations as to whatever damages those people needlessly caused my son and my daughter and I because of such failures to ever think of anything that I could ever possibly do being as important or worthwhile in the comparisons of their haughty opinions of themselves as to my personal opinion as to such a review now in the year of 2022. My work is my work and such aspects of what clarifications thereof as to the repayment of all my finances for the needless involvements as to such unwanted aspects of which my biological mother/father/sister/their connections are fully responsible for as to without restrictions and without limitations to me and my life from now on as to such proof and factors thereof as to the clarifications as to what those people chose to do of their own free will as to such factors. The situations of which if those people had stayed out of my work, I guesstimate as o what actually could have been more worthwhile for me as to the comparisons as to such aspects in all such references which could be found as to such aspects.
Just as my biological father earned his certification through the School of Bulova as to such aspects, the situations as to ironic similarities as to the factors of which to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to the comparisons as to the degree aspects in reference to how my biological mother/sister had looked at such aspects in the comparisons as to the technology certifications and including such IRS certifications as to the ironic portions as to the review in such a point in time of the year and date of this journal blog entry as well as other such journal blog entries as to the specifics thereof to the timeframe known to me as to such updates though having re-clarified as to such aspects to ensure the dates of the years are known to others as I have known the differences as to the timeframes though the reviews thereof for the clarifications to the possibilities of others who might not have known such differences as I personally have as to such updates in the references thereof to the beginning of the updates as to the year of 2019 as to the first time I had ever allowed myself to open up as to my personal opinions/biases as to such aspects upon the review timeframe as to the realizations as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips from the years of 2014 through 2019 mainly as to such factors of what I had realized as to what I had dealt with hypothetically as to the proven factors thereof. In turn as to such knowledge and understanding of mine as I did not think that took a head injury to figure out, though as to the hypotheticals as to others' assumptions because of the aspects as to how the situations were as to the hypothetical realization as to how children hide from their parents as to when they know they have made a massively huge error as to such mistakes and the aspects thereof to being called out as to such references hypothetically as to the situations found.
Maturity is important, though the aspects of the etiquette standards as to such aspects thereof to such hypotheticals as to the original publishing date thereof as to the #fetlife fetlife aspects for such reviews as to whether such maturity in the references thereof to the differences of time as to from the original posting of that notation compared to adding my original posting on my website for the clarifications thereof as to the possibilities as to the levels of maturity and responsibility as to whether such aspects thereof to such changes in references to the individuals I once knew in person face to face in person prior to such points in time of the year of 2019 as well as the year of 2018 as to the hypothetical aspects of what was known as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as well as to such factors as to what is considered as etiquette standards as to the references thereof to such aspects of invitation as well as most specifically RSVP aspects to the one and only individual which would be whom to request such as me for the aspects thereof as to my personal work as to what I had dealt with because of such hypotheticals. In reference to the aspects thereof in regards of my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to the automatic aspects of extension, as it should not take a head injury to figure such out as to my being their Mom as to such factors in the comparisons of the wishful thoughts as to the similarities as to the travel aspects in reference to those individuals as to that grouping thereof to such a hypothetical situation as to such wishful aspects of their ill-intention thoughts as to those types of individuals' assumptions as to what they themselves are accustomed to as to those patterns of behaviour in the comparisons as to myself hypothetically.
* Does it take a head injury to distinguish the difference between #dance dance class types and #marialarts #martialartist martial artists as to the factors of personality traits, or is that truly that difficult to simply see such factors of differences between my biological sister and I?
* Does it take a head injury to figure out just because someone enjoys music and dances as to along how such choice as to the comparisons as to those types who prefer lessons because of their lack of rhythm and their need for such, as what is the difference as to such styles of dance as to the capacities thereof in the references comparing my biological sister to myself?
* Should it take a head injury to figure out the facts of which there is a difference between #gymnastics gymnastics and martial arts compared to cheerleading or does that also take a head injury to figure that out as to the differences as to the #football #Basketball #streethockey #icehockey #rollerhockey #fieldhockey #baseball football/basketball/street hockey/ice hockey/baseball aspects as to the comparisons as to such factors, as to #choerographeddancing choreographed dancing in the comparisons as to the larger differences between myself to my biological sister as how ironic would it be as to my #EXoticEaster Exotic Easter 2011 performance as to how that was a dance I personally improvised on the spot as to the music as to the differences as to such factors of which to take into consideration of not having the levels of training in such comparisons?
* Does it take a head injury to distinguish the difference between the aspects of the situations as to learning how to swim in the #Atlantic Atlantic area of the ocean compared to a pool, or is that so difficult to accept as well in comparison to the obvious factors of differences as to the childhood aspects between myself compared to my biological sister?
In such references as to how needless involvement as to whomever was contacted in comparison to simply asking the one and only person to actually speak with in person face to face in person with etiquette and respect in truth which is me for the aspects of what I personally dealt with as to what I personally went through as to my personal background instead of ever contacting those people as to the only the clarifications as to such verifications, in the comparisons as to the aspects of such hypothetical portions thereof. The needless problems as I guesstimate as to the lies which my biological mother/father/sister had told however many amounts of individuals as to how many needless problems those people caused throughout the tristate and east coast areas as well as throughout the state of Illinois and the state of Texas as well as the state of #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington in conjunction to each and every aspects of my #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArtProject #MedalofHonorArtProjectByReverendSusanMeeLing #MedalofHonorArtProjectByLadyDoriBelle Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to how those people have needed to stay out of my life and out of my work as to the facts of which individuals who have known me in person face to face in person as to my personal opinion as to the name dropping aspects as well as riding on coat tails as to my opinion in such references of those who have not actually completed the actual work itself as to such factors in the ways of which I personally have.
However as to the two names I have most commonly been known as #SusanMeeLing #ReverendSusanMeeLing #LadyDoriBelle (Reverend) Susan MeeLing and Lady Dori Belle, I purposefully only signed my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces with my legal first and legal middle names as to the aspects thereof as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America aspects as having been unaware as to what the legalities as to such factors in the references thereof as to the situations regarding the ways of such factors in the larger capacities thereof because of the Nobility title as to such factors. However as to such possibilities as to such aspects of which the known factors of the name Lady Dori Belle as I created as to such signature portions, as to the situations as to the common sense factors as I figured as to the aspects of my To Contact Form.
If my clarifications and verifications of which to fully flatten all such curves as to the grades aspects as well as ending all forms and types of stolen valor aspects is to the percentage of which my accuracy is above the percentage of 95% in full proof as to such aspects in the situations of the equal rights of evaluations in each such capacity without any leniency as to such factors of evaluations beyond the aspects of biological age as well as disability factors as to the aspects in truth of such, then if my accuracy is a minimum of 35% above the majority of others in such evaluations as to the fullest removal of my biological mother/father/sister as to each and every factors of my work as well as my finances and my life as to each area thereof as well as to the aspects of a protective order for me and my son and my daughter as well as individuals which I involve myself with against my biological mother/father/sister and such aspects in my opinion as to restraining my biological mother/father/sister away and out of my work as well as my finances as well as my life which includes my biological son and my biological daughter as to their rights to which I have made every attempt for their and my best interests as well as safety away from such needless situations as to what has been dealt with because of such proven aspects as to such needless involvement in whatever verified ways thereof if such accuracy has been found.
* Does it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of the needless drama and mistreatments which are capable to be found in proof from the 1980s unto the 1990s into the 2000s into the 2010s into the 2020s as to what aspects as to actual intentions as to such situations as to the aspects thereof which who remembers as to such aspects, and what additional proof through whichever technological measures as to the aspects thereof which can be found as to the additional situations as to the merger portions to take into consideration?
* Should it take a head injury to figure out that while my biological mother/father/sister might have had some good intentions at one point in time, what aspects have been proven as to my work as to my finances as to my personal life as to such aspects of proof as to the lack thereof to the aspects in such actual consideration of actual genuine concern for my and my son and my daughter's best interests as to the comparisons as to the proof of other such aspects as to name dropping and coattail riding?
* Why would it take a head injury to figure such out as to the hypothetical aspects as to Iowa state in the year of 2018 as to such ground portions before the aspects as to the after portions, as what caring parents would ever choose such in any capacity which would ever be considered as to for the actual best interests as to the 9-1-1 phone call in such comparisons hypothetically?
* Would it take a head injury to figure out as to such needless aspects of involvement in such capacities thereof as how many examples are actually required before the final acceptance as to their defeat fully as to my stance as to such proven factors as to my victory as to getting such aspects as to what I have known actually as the best as to the proof thereof, as why would it take a head injury to figure any such aspects out in the levels thereof?
In turn as to the after effects from such aspects with the conjunctive of before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 full timeframe years as to fully dissipating from the #MRI #CAT MRI/CAT scans, headaches, migraines, memory deficits, cognitive disorders which I worked to fix and repair myself as with those who were at the military medical facilities as to the comparison of ever asking my biological mother/father/sister for assistance as to having remembered as to the reasons why I had not ever wanted to attend Saint John Vianney High School as to my right to choose for myself as to my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to such factors of which my entrance exams as to the proof of my grades as per the facts of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the lesser levels of the intellectual capacities in the comparisons as to before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. The proof as to my 26 earned SCUBA Diving certifications as well as the proof to my #DominantMentorProgram #Leather Dominant Mentor Program results as to such factors as well as the additional proof as to the situations in reference to my various books I personally authored/wrote/compiled as to such situations without any assistance as to getting my work taken care of in conjunction as to the aspects of which my legal copyrights as to my knowledge as to what is best for such situations as to the comparisons of the lack of invitations to my biological mother/father/sister as to my personal work in such aspects in all such factors and capacities thereof as to the legal rights for myself as to do so as to my #LegalZoom Legal Zoom aspects of which having had such #copyrights copyrights for myself as to the proof thereof from the beginning portions as well as my journal blog and my website which I have taken care of on my own without ever asking assistance on a daily basis of such factors on purpose as to the situations of which those types of wrongful needless problems because of such hypotheticals as well as my right to choose to directly go through one company as to my rights in such references for my work as to how I saw best fit for such aspects regarding the thankful portions as to being capable for my work as to such though the situations of my preferences as to my choices in reference to going though #Amazon Amazon (thankfully) as to keeping such for myself though the aspects as to the #USA #American #AmericanCivilWar American Civil War situations as to the aspects of which such clarifications and verifications to my work as to the situations of payment directly to me for such aspects and how such has not ever been as to the levels as to even the basic minimum wage as to such references per hour of work as to the factors as well as the royalty checks in such regards of the possibility of my book sales as to my finances.
Then, there are the transmission aspects to take into consideration as to the larger aspects of which intentions do actually matter as well as how integrity matters in the multitude thereof in such references. The aspects of what I have needlessly dealt with throughout such lengths of years as to the needless and wrongful pain and suffering on top of everything else that I have dealt with in the multitudes thereof as to such situations as well as the other connected portions of what no person should ever deal with in any capacity thereof to such situations as to the levels of proof in all such references in my opinion as well as in the legal documents which support such factors through the torts and prior legal cases and statutes thereof for such references as to the proof thereof. What is actual humanity, when reviewing such situations as to the aspects of which to my work in such overall references as to the aspects thereof in such proof found in each and every factor?
Those who know as to Basic Training more specifically Drill Sergeants as well as specific Instructors to the Armed Forces of the United States of America, how annoying would it be if my or anyone's biological mother/father contacted the Command Center areas as to during Basic Training as to such situations as to the aspects during training and how bad would it have had to be as to the hypotheticals as to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in such references if my biological mother/father had tried additionally using a Pastor from a church I did not personally attend and/or the Pastor from the church I am a Confirmed Graduate member of as to the Presbyterian Church USA regarding Old Tennent Presbyterian Church of those types of factors because of the needless drama as to how the proof of such capacities thereof to the aspects of the situations to MAST as well as the United States of America's Army branch as to how my biological mother/father thought it was just a phase as to from when I was in second grade through such times as to the military aspects as well as how they thought it was just a phase as to the situations as to the aspects of my oceanic work as per Governor Christine Todd Whitman as to my ocean poster as to my creation of the Underwater Travel System as to how those people thought it was just a phase that I would not allow those people in my life as to how many just as phase aspects does it take before accepting the facts that it was not and is not just a phase as to those situations which the proof thereof as to my work as to my involvement as to my aspects as to their wishful thinking in such comparisons?
How annoying as to such hypothetical portions in reference to my biological sister as to such wishful thoughts as to the aspects of what her preferences as to her need to accept the fact as to what and who I actually am is not who she is and will not be as to such factors, as to I am who I am as how many needless problems as to such factors since Asher Holmes Elementary School?
What amount of time is needed to accept me as to who the reality of which of who I am, in comparison of wishing otherwise as to such aspects as how many people can actually relate as to such requirements as to the aspects of accepting oneself as to the situations thereof in the capacities?
Maybe it should not take a head injury to figure out, I had the best ideas as to the ideal work in all such factors as to the percentage rates thereof in truth as to such factors from in my childhood and in my teenager years and in my biological adult years as to such factors. Thus if the wishful aspects of a curve grading for some as to raise the grades as to others as to whatever percentage, the same aspects as to the equality in all such references as to the percentage rates for such an upward curve for grades as to the accuracy thereof for myself in the references. Thus as to the reference points of my Latin class of 107 out of 110 for the grade aspects with the extra credit without a curve were to have a percentage rate of which other people having a grade on means average as to a 70 out of 110 as to bringing such grades upward as to the curve where those people would have a 95% grade then so too as to such aspects of which in my grading as to the percentage rates as to my grades at 107 to 110 as to the aspects of the percentage rates for the increase in my grades as to the actual equality in all such references as to the comparisons of the grade rating ratio as to the aspects thereof to such proof as to what is considered actually as exceptional as to such factors as to the ending of all stolen valor as to the aspects of grades as well as all such factors of all such capacities thereof in each and every situation across the proverbial boards..
Thus while as to such proof as to what can be proven as to the aspects of the links regarding what the average aspects to the situations of which I surpassed hypothetically all such expectations as to the survival of the situations I personally dealt with, the situations in reference additionally as to my personal SCUBA Diving work in all such factors as well. That should not take a head injury or a few, to figure that out. It is known while some people who have had a head injury all of a sudden begin to excel in one or two areas of life, however as to those who have a background as to the levels of which to the links in reference to the damages found as to having had to be retaught the name of colors as well as having had to be retaught how to count to the number of 10 within the first several months of being awake from my coma after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury during Basic Training; what would such proof be as to my actual educational background as well as the proof as to my actual work as to my background as to my childhood and my teenager years, in the comparisons as to such hypothetical lies from my biological mother/father/sister as why would that be important as to ending all types of stolen valor in all such capacities thereof as how would any human being and civilization ever be capable to progress forward with such aspects as to the needless problems of stolen valor #endallstolenvalornow?
By the way that would include the fixing and repairing of such factors as to the correcting thereof as to such aspects in full, of each capacity thereof in my opinion. Though I suppose some could view my creation of my Medal of Honor Art Project as a possible way, to make such a starting point as to the attempts in one way as to such factors of clarifications possibly for one aspect.
What is actually considered as civilized in those aspects, when thinking about such aspects of civilization and the continuation thereof for life to progress forward towards betterment in the various aspects thereof?
Why would it ever have to take to such amounts of time and levels thereof to the amount of proof in each capacity, as what would be considered as important as to the details in such references as to the comparisons of accomplished work simply from the timeframe of March 2020 through to this month of April 2022?
Is it ironic according to calendars online as to the day of Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 as to Psalm Sunday being 16 April 2000, as what additional factors as to the larger whole in reference to the proof thereof to such factors in reference to the aspects of my work compared to others' work as to such accomplishments as to the aspects of such needless drama as to the factors as to the wholeness thereof for such review portions to consider?
While my biological mother had the nerve to try to complain in one year as to how my biological father/sister and I had not remembered her birthday in one year which was in the year of 1993 as to what aspects of which to take into consideration, what proof is there as to such factors of the one person she was incapable to ever complain to about such aspects of her birthday in such references of the needless and unwarranted complaints?
When as to such factors of proof as to the situations as to any actual celebration of my birthdays throughout the years and decades as well as when was there ever an actual celebration of my accomplishments throughout the years and decades, where I was actually personally a part of as to the in person face to face in person aspects thereof as to the one and only way to ever actually truthfully celebrate such aspects?
The answer is there was one birthday party at #McDonalds McDonalds when I was in kindergarten for me, one birthday sleepover with one person in the year of 1997 for me, the wrongful sharing of my Sweet 16 birthday party for me as to the aspects thereof, and those are the only times my biological mother/father/sister had ever celebrated anything as to me in person face to face in person at any point in time of my life as to such factors in each and every reference thereof as to such aspects by their own choices as there has not ever been any point in time other than such aspects which there has ever been a celebrations for me with me at the event thereof as to ever having had such a celebration for me as to such factors other than such. If as to any such hypothetical situations of an imposter as to the equivalent of stolen valor as to such references, as to the additional proof throughout such aspects which I have not ever given permission for as I would not ever give my permission for such aspects ever. However that additionally shows what levels thereof as to those needless problems as to what I have dealt with throughout my entire life, as what is it to actually be celebrated for who I am and celebrated for my accomplishments for my work and myself in genuine truth with me actually there in person face to face in person for such events thereof?
Then again, what is there that I have ever accomplished that would be worth celebrating with the one and only, me?
Here is a brief list as to my accomplishments which not one point in time has there ever been any celebration for me with me in attendance as to any such congratulations throughout such aspects at any point in time thus far as to actually a hope to change such factors for my best interests for my highest good as to my personal work:
* 36 birthdays as to surviving thus far as to such aspects of the situations as unlike my son and unlike my daughter, I was not sent to school with cupcakes or a birthday cake for such a celebration
* 2nd and 3rd places in sparring and form for the additional 1st through 3rd places as to the circuit to the International Tae Kwando circuits in the year of 1996/1997 as a Green Belt
* Graduation of the entirety of school for each school as to elementary, middle, and early graduation from high school
* Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment invitation as well as my test score which my ASVAB in 1996 was around a 93 out of 100 as well as the additional essay portions and the three interviews
* Confirmation Graduation
* My enlistment into the United States of America's Army branch
* My survival of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the date thereof from waking up from my coma each year
* The survival of the carrying and delivery of my son and my daughter into the world as to such factors of having survived such while having a subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain after the rave situation I survived as to how such occurrences thereof in such additional portions as found
* The assistances as to the year of 2001
* My idea as to the T-G-nome research
* My 26 earned SCUBA Diving certifications and work thereof to such factors as well as survival in such references to each aspect of such work
* Irving in the year of 2011 and Indiana in the year of 1999 plus such other defenses as to such factors as to the portions thereof
* The lives I specifically directly in person face to face in person saved directly compared to the at a distance as to the year of 2001 as to the location in such references to the situations during the point in time which I guesstimated something such as the NSA had heard me as to the Gateway desktop at the timeframe during that day on 11 September 2001 as to the call put out as to the possibility of the radio silence as to the individuals who might have been in shock rightly so as to the sights thereof at the point in time in that morning as to the possibility of someone having heard me speak from the microphone(s) in the Gateway desktop computer near the bed I was in at the timeframe when I woke up that morning around 7-ish or 8-ish am central standard time when in the state of Texas
* My 3 performances through the years of 2010 through 2011
* My modeling work as to the comparisons thereof to such timeframes between 2009 through 2012
* My creation of the outline for the Underwater Wedding
* My creation of the outline-ish as to the Underwater Travel System as to such factors of which to the point of inspirational aspects thereof
* My creation of a meme in reference to the female products as to such point in the year of 2013/2014
* My creation of my website including the aspects of creating my journal blog The Ornery PSA as to the aspects of my issues with technology as to after having woken up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury during Basic Training
* My books I personally authored/wrote/compiled
* My creation of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces
* My survival as to the aspects as to how situations were as to how my son and I wound up in Washington state as to the aspects which I knew what the energetic impacts could be as to the flights from Texas to Illinois as to such factors which I thought were only hypothetical energetic sensations in the years of 2001 and 2002 compared to what I found as to the proof thereof as to the situations in reference to the #GeekSquad #BestBuy Geek Squad and Best Buy aspects as to the years of 2013 through 2019 above the Mason Dixon Line #Mason #MasonDixonLine
* My Official #YouTube YouTube Channel : Reverend MeeLing : The Ornery PSA #TheOrneryPSA
Though listing such out is not the same to me when by my writing as to such factors in my opinion, as to such situations as to the timeframes as to the comparisons thereof to such a review as to the timeframes thereof; as when realizing how many individuals I knew in person face to face in person as to those points in time as to such aspects of which the ironic portions as to the reality of the following statement: One can be surrounded by people, and still have the sensation of being alone as to such factors. I have appreciated the aspects after having sung the Star Spangled Banner at some Austin rallies in 2020 as well as the time with people afterwards, as to the aspects thereof to the #InfoWars Info Wars aspects as there were good times as to such factors admittedly as to finding a silver lining among such situations.
However for the disclosure as to the list of specific times which my biological mother caused needless problems for me as to a brief, to take into consideration from what I can remember:
* When I was babysat at Sony/Sonya's house my biological mother tried to get me to stick my finger in the McCaw's cage to get the birds to bite, yet instead the two different McCaw birds had walked over to where I was and allowed me to pet them instead. When Sony/Sonja first saw she screamed at me as to being careful because of the types of birds, which when she saw that I was petting them (mainly the green McCaw named Major though every now and then the red McCaw which slowly came around to not squawking as much at me and later allowed me to pet him) as to how the "Triumphio Susanna and Hosanna in the Highest rituals began" because she knew what abusive households those birds had been rescued from. Chico the African Grey parrot was similar to the McCaw birds as I was allowed to take a nap within the room with her collection of decades of Barbies because she knew I would not open the boxes as well as would not touch the boxes of the decades of collections of the Barbies from the 1950s onward into the 1980s and the 1990s as she collected the Holiday Barbies as well, and Chico the African Grey had allowed me to pet him as well as he every now and then would nuzzle me awake as to several times when I was taking a nap. When my neighbor across the street and I were caught as I showed him what I was dealing with as to David the babysitter from Old Tennent Church, as to the occurrences thereof to the situations at the time which I explained to Sony/Sonja as best as I could.
* In the late 1980s or early 1990s at Pathmark Shopping center she threatened to hit me with one of the cans instead of the wire hangers at the house from the dry cleaners as I had already dealt with as she told me to run as fast as I could to stop immediately as I could as soon as I arrived at the yellow sign, as it had already occurred at the Shoprite and the A&P shopping locations though she claimed I was not doing it correctly as when I fell after slipping and falling because the water area was larger as to such aspects she then claimed I was hurt when I was not hurt and then complained to the individuals at the different locations.
* The Old Tennent Church babysitter named David as to the aspects of which only when my biological father caught him in the act as to such aspects which then he was no longer the babysitter, and then Sarah Hughes became the babysitter as when I pointed to her where I was dealing with what David had done as to such aspects which I would guesstimate as to howe few believed her because of the Dyslexia that she was diagnosed with. When I confronted her in the house in San Antonio that they bought in the year of 2012, my biological mother had claimed it was for the price aspects as to the situation which I would not be surprised if as to Brian Cantrell as to such similar situations as to Baptist Camp Lebanon in New Jersey as to such factors because of how much of an attention whore my biological mother had always been as to the sympathy factors. People in Prudential would be capable to know as to the individuals she worked with and worked for as to such aspects as I would guesstimate others as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church other than Pastor McKenzie as well as others had noticed, as to the one phone call he and I had as per was told as to the year of 2021 which I clarified as to what I had to deal with as to the clarification as to the repayment back to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church when I visited as to the check I wrote to clear all aspects up as to that situation as I dealt with as a child for such proof with the clarifications that have been verified as to such accuracy levels.
* When the well issues shortly before the city plumbing occurred as to the red water which additionally had all sorts of floating aspects, my biological mother told me to go swimming in the water repeatedly before telling me to drink water which had sulfur in the water at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church which I had not minded the water at the church despite such burning sensations within me at the time in the latter part of the 1980s early 1990s.
* After I had went into the armoire at the foot of my bed in the upstairs part of the house in New Jersey and found her bug collection and had been frightened by all of the bugs in the boxes, the warning as to what she would do to me as to what can be referred to as to what people from Asher Holmes Elementary School might remember as to the tick with the large grey sack of my blood as to then in fifth grade as to such factors. Again, I would not doubt how many individuals would be capable to discuss as to the discussions which hypothetically as to the similarities as to Illinois as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to such attention factors as I would guesstimate as to the similarity as to such situations to my daughter as to the McCoy Elementary School aspects and any other portions thereof as to the hypotheticals. Though because it was known as to how many discussions in reference to Asher Holmes Elementary School staff as to my discussions about the backyard in New Jersey as well as the aspects of the oceanic aspects, as to how that hypothetically was utilized either way as to such factors as well as the situations as to the fact my dog AWOL was a long haired half Collie and half Husky which was kept in the backyard chained to a post because of her opinion of my dog as to the same in reference as to Sasha my other dog as to when Sasha listened to me as to how she all of a sudden went missing. I would not doubt as to the dog Mike my biological father found as to who he named Sugar as to running away, as to the aspects directly hypothetically associated as to such factors as he would be capable to discuss the aspects of when my biological mother and biological sister went to San Marcos as to how he spent the time with me and then the drop off at the house which I wrote about as to how I ran over to their house to carry him out of the backyard as to a sensation I had as to take him to my house and get him back to health as best as I could. My biological mother and biological sister were pissed off because of the aspects as to the situations, which they tried to claim a different reason as to why the needlessly took his keys from him as to such aspects of the diabetes as to the hypothetical similarities as to each and every medical factor as to such hypothetical portions as to the aspects thereof regarding those needless problems in the year of 2004 during the early summer months of that year in San Antonio Texas knowing he had diabetes.
* Though I already explained as to how many times I caught my biological mother and my biological sister having stolen money from me in Illinois as well as the hypotheticals as to the state of Texas as to such factors as to my bank account as against my will in all such factors as the proof thereof, additionally as to the neighbor at their house as to Cheryl as to the USAA employee which I informed USAA about as well as others; the situations as to the groceries as well as Wilford Hall in the year of 2005 as explained, as well as the other such needless problems each and every time I earned money on my own as to those two's needless involvement as I told them repeatedly in person face to face in person to always remain out of my way and out of my business as well as out of my life. I would not be surprised as to the aspects as to my paperwork as to the Army life insurance as to such aspects of the computer in comparison to the handwritten paperwork as to such points in time, in the year of 2000 as well as any other such connections which hypothetically can be found as to the facts thereof as to the overall situations of all paperwork as to that Army recruiter's station in conjunction as to the MEPS station in Chicago Illinois that would be capable to verify such aspects in full as to the overall in conjunction as to my invitation as well as tests as to the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment. I had given those two specifically a repeated in person face to face in person warning of how I did not want or need or desire any such involvement to my work as to the years of 2004 through 2012, then in writing officially when I mailed my books to my biological father only as to the reasons thereof. In conjunction additionally as to the facts of which individuals I warned throughout the states of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Oklahoma in Basic Training, and the state of Texas as to such aspects. I contacted the Baptist Camp Lebanon staff as to the situations I was dealing with in reference to my biological mother the timeframe just before Brian Cantrell as to the DYFUS aspects, which were specifically about her in comparison as to such situations as well about my biological sister as to such needless problems repeatedly. My finances and my work and my business in all such factors is mandatory to be returned to me as to all such factors in all such ways, and their involvement needlessly which they were not ever invited to as the wishful thoughts as to the mass sent emails as to such factors in comparison of ever actually officially being invited personally as to the ways which I specifically mailed the books to the newspapers as well as to the news stations as to the comparisons for the clarifications as to the requirements for my biological mother/father/sister as well as my ex-in-laws as to despite not having gotten the legal divorce as to how I have called those people my ex-in-laws since the year of 2004 the first time as well as thereafter as to the second and final separation in person face to face in person to them as well as to others throughout the years officially since 2006 as to the same about my work as well as my business as to such factors of proof as to the similarities as to such aspects of the mass emails as to not ever asking them specifically individually as to the aspects with the exceptions as to the year of 2013 as to CPS in San Antonio Texas and then once in the year of 2014 as to only in reference to my son and nothing else as to such factors.
* My Big Blood Brother named Damien Menendez as to those who remember him from Marlboro Middle School a few months before the car accident that his Dad and he were involved with, he had told my biological mother how sick he was of seeing how she was mistreating me and how he was planning on doing whatever he could to save me as we made a pact that he and I would marry and he wanted to keep me away from her permanently. They already had arguments throughout the times when we were in elementary school as he had watched through the chain link fence between his parent's house and Sony/Sonja and Joe/Jose's house as to the aspects thereof as to what I dealt with each time when I was picked up by my biological mother and Joe/Jose's dog which was also my dog Duke had went to attack my biological mother several times whenever she got too close to me as to how she started going through the front door in comparison to the back gate area because of Duke's ferocity as he was a Weimaraner. I was not allowed to attend my Big Blood Brother's funeral because of the facts which my biological mother knew in comparison, and I would not be surprised if there was the mechanical aspects as to which a prior maintenance as to such situations needlessly if that BMW was taken into a location which my biological father knew someone as to such factors as to the failures to actually care about life as to the wishful thoughts as to the name factors in comparison of the reality as soon as the first snow after such a point in that time as my guesstimation in such references.
* The male I dated in high school named Scott when I was at Crystal Lake South High School only moved after the situations how I constantly went on and on about MAST in comparison of Saint John Vianney High School as to graduating a full year early which the set back as to the private high school as to the public high school, as to going to McHenry Community College to get what classes I could taken care of as well as summer school so I could permanently leave the grasp thereof as to my biological mother/sister as to such facts. The situations which I lived briefly with Katie Airdo's parents as to such situations as to the vision of the snake with my biological mother's face as to the reference of Satan incarnate, as well as the facts of which to the situations in reference to informing others about calling Scott boring only because of how he fell asleep on the couch after Anna fed him food because of saving his life as to what I had noticed repeatedly as to other situations in my childhood and earlier teenager years as to such needless situations.
* The phone calls while I was stationed at Fort Sam Houston as to the military phone lines as one within my room in the barracks as to the one in Medical Hold Unit as to the aspects of the wishful thinking as to my car the 1993 Honda Civis white with black trim as to what I paid in cash as to the aspects from Jim M'Lady Oldsmobile Isuzu and Nissan as to the used car purchase after the 1986 Dodge Grand Caravan was traded in, for the aspects to the situations at the time.
* Individuals throughout the various areas as to such needless involvement of my biological mother/sister contacting through social media and/or any other possibility of which as to such factors as per whatever proof thereof, as to such aspects as per the Geek Squad and Best Buy because of the needless involvement as to how I did everything possible to permanently keep my biological mother/sister and such connections out of my life as well as out of my work as well as out of my business as to such proof capable to be found as to the verifications and clarifications thereof which includes as to how many posts of which I have been capable to clearly define such aspects through my journal blog as well as my writings as to "Finding A Silver Lining" and "The Modern Day Book" as to such factors of which the plausible connections as to the technological situations of which I purposefully chose the name to my website as to the aspects on my own as to my own choosing, because of the signal to my biological mother/sister/father as to my business being only my business as to not ever wanting/needing/desiring their assistance as to my work or my finances or my books ever in any capacity thereof as to my work being my work and my choice as to my choice as to who I would choose for my aspects. I purposefully chose the name as to NYBZN as to None of Their Business permanently, as to the aspects specifically as to my biological mother/father/sister as well as my ex-in-laws as to such factors as to the aspects additionally capable as to such clarifications. If as to the hypothetical as to the Iowa state aspects in the year of 2018 as to the ground and/or anyone who showed up to Club Sapphire at the behest of my biological mother/father/sister and/or ex-in-laws as to such needless problems as to how I specifically had not needed/wanted/desired their involvement wrongfully in my work in any capacity thereof to which the same as to my modeling as well as my performances as well as each aspect of my SCUBA Diving and such factors of why I moved away from the area of San Antonio to Carrollton Texas on purpose as I was exhausted by how those people would show up without any invitation and without ever considering what I actually needed for myself from those people. If they had simply respected the borders as to the boundaries for if I had ever felt comfortable enough with those people, I would have moved back to Illinois to live in the house as well as I would not ever have left the house repeatedly as to such factors of my patterns of behaviour to keep myself away from them permanently as I did not agree with their choices as I did not ever see how they ever actually cared about me in the correct ways as to the differences between my biological sister and I. The aspects as to my son and my daughter as to such clarifications, as the situations from the years of 2019 through 2021 as to such factors as to the sights for my personal verifications and not ever to reunite with my biological mother/father/sister officially as to the reality of such factors of proof of their patterns of behavior. If they need to read in comparison of the biological aspects of which the respect as to honoring such aspects, then as to my ex-family-biologically as to my ex-mother and my ex-sister as to the situations which while I have been compared to my biological father as to the vitriol as to such aspects of how similar to him as to my personality as to my ex-father if must officially be so for the clarifications. The aspects of such length of time as to the ways thereof, as to my reasons as to my response to the Drill Sergeant in my Basic Training as to the situations on the night before Psalm Sunday in 2000 as well as the night thereof as well for the consideration as per my official reports as to my statements as to my copyrighted books as to my business aspects as to my choice for my work as to such factors. Since my daughter had a personality similar to mine as a child, as to the hypotheticals thereof to such situations as well as the similarity to my childhood as to Pathmark for such references in conjunction as to the aspects of why I did as best as I could to keep my son and my daughter away from my ex-mother known as biological mother and my ex-sister known as biological sister most specifically. My biological father only responded the ways as to because of the ways which my biological mother and my biological sister had been as to my guesstimation, as to the aspects as to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as to the aspects to the levels of accuracy to the findings thereof to the clarifications.
* If as to any involvement as to my biological mother/sister as to my ex-mother and my ex-sister as to such factors as to the Austin 2020 rallies as to any such aspects of needless situations as to telling individuals to lie directly to me as well as to their factors of the firearms as to such situations as to the knowledge of Fort Sam Houston as to the Bronze Star aspects as well as the Justice of the Peace aspects, the same factors as to the legal portions as to the state of New Jersey as well as other such found evidences as to the clarifications thereof.
* In the year of either 1998 or 1999 my biological father was driving a silver Mercury Sable and there was a car collision of which my biological mother lied to the individuals as to the collision claiming the aspects of the metal bar as to my ankles at the timeframe thereof, and had not ever allowed me to speak as I should have been capable to do so as to the medical portions thereof as per whatever patterns of behaviour as to such factors for such clarifications as well as any technological device of mine as well as any involvement as to the needless and unwanted aspects thereof as to the aspects which I explained there are creepy females. There are two specifics as to my biological mother and my biological sister or as to my ex-mother and my ex-sister as to such factors, in the conjunction of the situation of the abomination of a wedding as to the clarifications to the Miller family as to the front yard where my car at the time I named Zippy the yellow VW Beetle with the black leather interior and the convertible black top as to such aspects of the front yard as to when my biological mother (ex-mother) and my biological sister (ex-sister) with my biological sister's (ex-sister) wedding party as to them going to get their nails and hair as well as eyebrows done as to the needless problems because of the aspects of my having brought my son and my daughter as to the ring bearer and the flower girl as to such factors in the year of 2009 in front of the Miller's house in the city of Austin after the needless problems as to the Starbucks at the exit 200 as per the explanations thereof previously. I wore a light lavender floor length gown with spaghetti straps with rhinestones that was an empire flat cut on the top and an A line cut for the floor length gown, for clarifications.
* As to the house in New Jersey that I grew up in which was a red Cape Cod style house for the clarifications of my memory: 3 floors, the full basement which had a cellar entrance from the back yard and the room with a red light in the ceiling underneath the stairs which lead up to the next floor where the outside had the patio which was attached to the kitchen entrance as to the area which in the common area where the phone line was which to the left was the bedroom where my biological mother (ex-mother) and my biological father slept as well as the phone line to the Prudential aspects with the Prudential computer to the left which across from the basement door was the full bathroom which was across the area from the living room where the front door was, as the dining room was to the right where the IBM/DOS computer and printer were as well as the staircase leading upwards where my aquarium was as to the open grate in the floor which was above the common area which had the two bedrooms as well as the access to a crawl space as well as the attic areas in each closet of the two rooms. In the backyard originally was a blue and grey metal two car garage which was converted from the aluminum that was corrugated to the 5 car garage with the shed attached in the back area near the filled in Olympic sized pool where my dog's houses were as to how they were colored and shingled similarly to the red Cape Cod style house as the ways which Homeowner's Associations require. The swingset was on the left to the walking in the backyard from the patio which had stairs leading to a square brick pathway that Mike and I put down after digging the areas out, as I made attempts to explain to my landlords Dwayne and Birgit as to what I was looking at doing to the backyard in their house as to the nearby to the gate entrance for the clarifications which the garage was on the right when walking from the house. The well with the cement top was on the left side which was in the middle of the layout to the overall aspects of the red cape cod style house, and the area behind where my dog's house was had been a raised garden bed with grey cement blocks as to the L shaped backyard overall because of the aspects thereof as to the Dogwood trees shaped like lollipops along the back chain link fence. Where the raised garden bed was to the vegetable garden were a row of Lilacs, as to the raspberry bushes in the area between the Lilacs and the Dogwood trees. In the front yard where the windows to what was Mike's jewelry workspace before it became my bedroom after I turned 13 years old, there was a Cherry tree as well as white horizontal wood fence line where the rock driveway was before the housing area as to the side entrance from Yellowknife Road as to the Macadam which was put in because of the 5 car garage and shed that I personally assisted building. Mr. Doody and Mr. Nelson mainly assisted Mike to some work to the garage in comparison to some other individuals as sometimes Mr. Leggio also stopped by, and Mike had snowplowed individuals' driveways in the neighborhood overall during the blizzards which came through. Hopefully that is enough to prove such aspects as to how I had always had the memory aspects, though the intellectuial aspects as to the subarachnoid hemmhorage in the comparisons of the wishes as to hypothetically as whatever my biological mother or ex-mother and my biological sister or ex-sister had told people.
* The house in Illinois: The front had a two car garage to the left when facing the front yard, the entrance of the house lead to a similar color red bricks in the backyard as to the linoleum with the coat closet to the right and metal bars to the left which lead to the living/great room area where the piano was kept at the time which lead to the dining room and circled around to the kitchen which had the door to the backyard uncovered patio before the two way stairs between the kitchen and the coat closet. The upstairs lead to three bedrooms and one full bathroom whereas the stairs downward lead to where the computer was, a den, an extra room, and a half bathroom with the stairs to the basement area where the washer and dryer as well as refrigerator and bult in bar with built in stools were as to the larger other area which lead to the garage as it also was a full sized basement. When on the stairs to the right was the wooden slat wall, to the left was the cork wall, and ahead was the naked Romanesque females as to the almost Asian-ish motif for such bathhouses. Hopefully that too, if enough to prove as to how much my biological mother (ex-mother) and my biological sister (ex-sister) had lied as to such factors in full to each and every individual hypothetically as to such sympathy factors as to the attention whore aspects thereof as to the reference in actuality as to my fetlife posting as to the needless problems in reference to my laptops as to the aspects thereof for the exact specifics thereof for such factors as to the needless and unwanted nosiness as to how I specifically told those people to stay out previously and repeatedly.
* The house in San Antonio that I owned: The front yard had the two car oversized garage to the right with the hidden entrance to the front door with the storm door I ordered from eBay which lead to the white and magenta colored tile floor before the green carpet which was changed to wood planking Mike and I installed as to the same coloration as to both houses which was the great room or living room with the computer desk hutch and the dining room area, then to the kitchen with the bay window eat in area with tile flooring, then to the living room where the wood planks were put in as to the door to my covered back patio area though to the right was the stairs along the wall of the kitchen though if going down one step to the half bathroom on the left and the washer/dryer area on the right though straight ahead to the garage where I had the spare freezer as to the situations as to my statues as well as those factors as to the garage situation as to Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as to the 151 Road Warrior individual as to the MadMax movie Alamo Draft House reference for clarifications additionally. When going up the stairs which I purchased the rails online just as the same as to door handles as well as the cabinet handles all through eBay though the green carpet runner from Home Depot there were 4-5 stairs before the platform and a turn to the left upward with my Master bedroom of the left with the walk in bathroom which the green carpet was changed out to the wood planks with the carpet in the bathroom replaced with linoleum similar to the front entrance, the garden bathtub to the right, the stand up shower behind the garden bath tub, the private toilet area with saloon style doors to the left, and the walk in closet which I installed with Mike the closet organizers made of white wire. From the back covered patio before I had it screened in with two door access points and above the knee double thick paneling because of my two Great Dane dogs, to the right was the swingset next to the Sycamore tree on the other side in line with where the archway was with the jasmine vine which I moved and then the aspects of the metal shed which was changed to the matching wooden shed after the Datsun truck. To the left of the patio were Verbenim bushes which look darker than Lilac bushes, and then a nook of shade types of plants such as Ajuga. There was a left over stump from the prior owners, there were the two Pin Oak trees I cut down similarly to the Sycamore tree which accidentally fell on the fenceline, though I was capable to prevent too much damage to the fence in the year of 2007, and the circular raised pyramid vegetable bed in the back as well as the vegetable bed along the brick wall where I also had the separation of the area for the fruit trees I had for my son and my daughter. To the left were a row of Texas sage plants, to the right on the other side of the swing set and the Sycamore tree were Red and Pink Oleanders, the back row of bushes on both sides were a bush which started with the letter E and on the left was the cactus which I had fully removed similarly to the smaller cactus I had removed from the corner area of the front yard along the same side as to the mailboxes. The two bushes as the front of the driveway were a lighter green and when I first purchased my house there were two Oak trees where ducks and geese would sit in the tree limbs as well as one Hackberry tree with ivy in the triangular middle which I had purchased a fountain that was over 6 feet tall from the PXtra on Fort Sam Houston that was grey and another fountain that was much smaller from eBay, as to give the birds which showed up in my trees some water for them to swim in as I thought they could use such aspects in the cold-e-sac.
* My house in Carrollton: The front pathway which lead from the mailbox was directly in the middle and lead directly to the front door which I had the storm door put on and painted that door red with the silver Texas Star/Pentacle aspects in the front area, the floor was a marbleized look as to the front entrance where the Army box was on the left which the wall was maroon for also as to the dining room area to the left with the built in China cabinets before the hallway to my children's bedroom which James' room was first and then my daughter's room. My son's room was painted a dark hunter/kelly green with a Harley Davidson fan I purchased on eBay with orange trim, and my daughter's room originally was a purple-ish color though changed to a lighter blue with orange trim and glitter flower petals to match the flower fan I purchased through eBay which once was a Jack and Jill style bathroom though changed to a hallway entrance bathroom because of the possibility of sleepovers to make attempts to keep each safe as to the aspects of when older. There was a hallway closet on the left with brown felt slots which confused me, and a linen closet at the end of that hallway, though the hallway to my meditation room was on the right. The carpet was changed to a darker wood plank throughout the house except the bedrooms and the den areas, and all of the doors were painted red because of stopping the energetic portions per room as to the sensation of knowing that a different area as to such factors of the aspects of peaceful energy for the situations to keep the calm per area as to such factors by my choice in comparison of whatever other people may have thought in comparison as to the feng shui aspects. The area of my meditation room was painted lavender with the white trim which the door was on the left, though the door to my bedroom was straight ahead at the end of the long hallway which my room or the Master bedroom was painted a Nautical blue with glitter in the paint and the silver and blue fan I also purchased through eBay with the halogen light bulbs for specifics. There was a day window bay window area in my Master bedroom which connected my Master bathroom area to my two closets one on each side which to the left was the red closet and the right was my green closet, which I organized my clothing as to my outfits as to the green and my clothes to the red with the bathroom area as a lighter yellow color than the library area where I had two or three ceiling fans installed. The L shaped counter top was a lighter marble, the fixtures were brass, the toilet area was open though had a wall area, the garden bathtub was across the area, and the stand up corner shower was across from the bathtub which I changed out the single shower head to silver dual shower head though kept the brass fixtures, and there was a seated area in the corner of the corner shower. If from the front door to straight ahead was the patio door with the covered and screened in patio similar though smaller L odd shaped patio area as to the aspects of the style of screened in as to my San Antonio house with one door, the backyard was an L shape as well with the original fence to the right being around 3.5 feet high as to the gat to the driveway with the carport and the two car oversized garage which above such was the second story built as to where I once kept my Brazilian pool table with individual leather pockets I purchased from a nearby consignment store in Carrollton though moved to the second story, once that area was built. From the garage area was the entrance to the den area which I painted black on the bottom with white on the top and a red high gloss to the chair rail, though to the right was the washer/dryer room and then the half bathroom which I painted the maroon color. To the left was where the stairs were which lead upward to the second story area which I called my mancave though realistically my womancave or shecave area, with the balcony attached to the left side of the area. The wrap around bar area as to the pool table between the balcony which to the right as to the counter space to the left the pool table which included a conversion kit for the air hockey as well as ping pong ball table set with the rack on the wall once at the top of the stairs, an area for the two leather recliners across from the 13 foot by 13 foot wood plank floor and profession grade pole, then the television with the swivel mount, and a miniature wetbar area with a fridge and a sink with a wine rack. In the den area if went straight as to the kitchen with the eat-in area, the red countertop as to the sile stone I had put in as to the black sile stone I had put into the half bathroom as well as the wetbar area in the library, the light pink bottom with the white top and the matching high gloss red chair rail with the ceiling fan in the ceiling as to the double oven near the corner pantry area where the flat stove top with the microwave above the stove as well as the over/under refrigerator. I had a trampoline in the backyard and added the different birdfeeders I found online from a website which they were made out of brass, though I kept the garden areas the same. In the corner area was a metal shed near the side of the driveway, and the corner area to the covered and screened patio was my Japanese Maple and a rock-ish sort of garden area with ferns. The border in the kitchen and the curtains near the patio door were the original from when I purchased my house, for those clarifications as to hopefully clarifying my capabilities in such comparisons as to the needless and wrongful wishes of my biological mother/sister as to my ex-mother and ex-sister for such aspects as to the situations hypothetically as well as to my ex-in-laws for such references.
* My biological/ex mother/father/sister's house in San Antonio: The front yard had the two car garage on the right to the entrance to the house, the wood plank as to the floor boards throughout, to the left was the great room/living room with the piano from Illinois as then to the corner as to the dining room which to the right as to the kitchen where the back patio door as to the living room which circled around to the left where to the right was the half bathroom and straight ahead as to the garage. There was a long wall in the front door area after the closet to the right where the stairs upward to the three or four bedrooms I did not ever actually look as to as I guesstimate the bathrooms as well, as to such factors as to the extremely few times I ever went over to that house as per etiquette standards as per such references as well to such needless nosiness as to such hypotheticals, as to the fetlife portions for the clarifications as to the one and only person those people ever were allowed to ask for all such permissions as to the aspects of which my VA Home Loan though also as to my being the Dominant the entire time as to such factors as to the aspects thereof in all such ways in those particular references as to the in the middle portions of the first as well as second/final separation.
If the extra clarifications as to such needless aspects of the needless and wrongful involvement of my biological/ex mother/father/sister as to such factors, as to their hypothetical lies as to such aspects in reference to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as well as their hypothetical lies as to the aspects of after my SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 including the aspects of Irving in 2011:
* The Lincoln Green apartment: Front entrance with a long hallway with the to the left portion as to the bathroom on the right before the bedroom area, to the right of the walled portions to the living room/great room and patio area, to the wrap around to the kitchen with the pantry.
* The Songbird Townhouse: The front entrance to the stairs immediately upward to the shared bathroom between the two bedrooms, to the right the living/great room with the half bathroom to the left, and the eat in kitchen straight ahead with the back patio area to the creek bed with the view of the forest area.
* The apartment on USAA Boulevard: The front entrance at the top of the stairs with one neighbor on the left, the coat closet directly ahead to the hallway leading to the right to the living/great room area which the living room portion as to the patio area with storage and the washer/dryer on the right end of the patio, as to the left from the entrance hallway as to the dining room separated as to the kitchen area, which the hallway to the bathroom on the left between the dining room and the living room with my bedroom on the right.
* The first rental house in Cedar Park as to the reference ironically as to houses as to Sycamores compared to rentals as to Cedars for the clarifications: The two car garage to the right and the front door entrance to the left, the library area then the stairs upward to the left with the three bedrooms as to the wrap around with the full bathroom and the den area as to the first aspects from the stairs. The Master bedroom with the closet and bathroom to the left, the eat in kitchen to the right after the stairs which lead to the washer/dryer and then the garage. The living room area was separated by the kitchen with the back patio area, as to the uncovered patio as to the circular fire pit in the backyard from the previous renters.
* The first apartment in Irving with Patrick: The front entrance as to the bathroom on the left which was where it lead into the second bedroom, straight ahead as to the living room, to the right the kitchen, then the right as to the dining room, and from the living room to the Master bedroom with the walk in closet as well as the bathroom as to the safety aspects as to where I moved Patrick out of as to my son in that area which to the left of the door to the Master Bedr0oom to the covered patio area.
* The second Irving apartment needlessly near the lawfirm as learned from the phone call with Judge Rubinett as to the unknown to me until after the move as to the attempt to get away from the CFBISD school district as well as the aspects thereof to the district: The entrance to the apartment was to the right once at the top of the stairs, the initial area of the living room/dining room area, to the right the hallway to the two bedrooms as well as the bathroom. To the left where the dining room to the kitchen area as to the back patio, though straight ahead as to the Master bedroom with the walk-in closet at the end of the room though the Master bathroom before the entrance to the Master Bedroom.
* The Thousand Oaks Townhouse: The front entrance with one neighbor to the left and the others to the right, the front door lead to the closet with the living room to the right with the half bathroom to the left on the other side of the stairs, the kitchen separated with the dining room on the other side of the half bathroom across from the washer/dryer which straight ahead to the covered back patio the length to the townhouse. The stairs upward to the left my daughter's room, across the hall my son's room, to the right of the full bathroom, then the hallway on the right the linen closet and then straight into the Master bedroom for me with the closet to the left of the door as to the bathroom on the other side of a nook area which the sink was on the opposite area to the door of the shower and toilet area.
As to the accuracy, the command as to all of mine as to mine only for such clarifications as to the needless problems as to such aspects of which there was not ever any valid excuse nor cause nor reason that would ever be considered as worthwhile to me personally in which to the proof thereof to my opinion as to all such clarifications of the needless aspects since the years of my childhood into my teenager years into my biological adult years. While I had to relearn the names of colors as well as learn how to count that did not ever withdraw any other aspects aside from the arithmetic portions in the comparisons hypothetically, to such wishes wrongly.
Though a bonus:
* The apartment at Crystal Creek: The garage to the left, the stairs upward with a storage door to the right of the entrance door, as to the dining room to the left, the Master Bedroom on the right with the bathroom on the right then the closet on the right, the living room ahead with the patio area, the kitchen to the left of the living room. The hallway between the dining room and the wall of the kitchen as to the right side of the overall hallway as to the washer/dryer area, the left the office room area, the right of the hallway before the washer/dryer the hallway which the bathroom of the left and my son's room straight ahead.
* The rental house in Lakewood: The two car garage on the right of the front entrance to the stairs both upward and downward which the garage on the right as to the right on the downward as to the left as to the den and the right as to the room I was kept in. The upstairs to the left as directly into the kitchen, then the patio balcony area to the left of the kitchen in the dining room, as to the living room/great room area with the bay window in the front. To the right of the stairs the hallway with my son's bathroom on the left, the right side as to my dressing room area, then the next bedroom where my son's room was as to the safety portions, though the left as to the Master Bedroom with the bathroom on the left and the closet on the right.
* The Lodge at Madrona apartment: The bottom entrance to the apartment where the right side was, the hallway from the door as directly to the bathroom with the Master bedroom to the right with the entrance to the bathroom as well as to the two way area, the closet for coats on the right side of the front entrance, to the left hallway as to the kitchen first on the left, then the dining room area with the back covered patio between the dining room and the living room area.
If as to such accuracy as to above a 95% aspect of the living locations, then as to the facts which my biological/ex mother/father(?)/sister lied as well as my ex-in-laws and/or such aspects of individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to whatever their wishes were as to such failures to ever think about what I would actually pay attention to in the comparisons of their opinions, as to what those people considered as important as to the comparisons of what my son and my daughter and I needed as to the importance to such factors. Thus in such references to the removal of all restrictions as to the fullest of such needless aspects from the very beginning, as to such hypotheticals of whatever the psychological disorders as to those types of people as to the aspects thereof to which the ADA as to the aspects of the version of disability abuses as to such aspects hypothetically capable to be fully proven from the very beginning as to such individuals as to how they had always had such patterns of behaviour as to how I have always told the truth to begin with. Just because I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to second grade math and just because in the year of 2000 I had to be retaught colors names as well as how to count, that does not nor has it ever meant the other important aspects of common sense as to what I paid the most amount of attention to as to the facts thereof to my headache and migraine pain levels as to such situations as to being the best Mom I possibly could be while working on healing myself as best as I could while taking care of both of my children as best and as equally as correctly as possible for both my son and my daughter as to such hypothetical claims as to other individuals as to what those people thought was normal as to the comparisons as to the hypothetical portions of proof as to such cognitive disorders as to whatever the cognition of what those people thought of important as to the comparison as to what I actually knew/know is important as to such details. That includes as to such oceanic as to those factors in conjunction as to my creation of the Underwater Wedding as to my creation of the Underwater Travel System as to the truth as to my childhood as to the oceanic portions as well as to the proof as to the truth in reference to the aspects of Irving in the year of 2011 as to the aspects of Indiana as to the year of 1999, as to what I have dealt with needlessly for such lengths of time as to such hypothetical factors as to such intentions being of actual importance as well.
Thus as to the hypothetical proof as to such attention whore aspects as to the wishful portions of the worse aspects as to my biological/ex mother/father(?)/sister as to my ex-in-laws as to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to the state of New Jersey as to the tristate area, as to the aspects of the wishful aspects as to such hypotheticals as to those people in Illinois as to the wishful hypothetical aspects of the people within the state of Texas, as to such factors as to the aspects of those in the Washington/Oregon areas as to whatever aspects as to what I actually pay attention to.
The hospitals my daughter had been in as to where I was allowed:
* Denton UBH 2009/2010: The parking lot area to the corner-ish type of entrance, the check in after the lobby room area, the room to the left to the aspects of the paperwork, the door between the check in area and the paperwork area straight ahead as to the meeting overall room to the right, the hallway to the back left lead to the private office area which the aspects of spending time with my daughter at the aspects thereof during such situations because of the factors thereof.
* Liberty Hill Texas area 2010: The long driveway to the parking lot area on the left as to the building check in as to multiple buildings, the open area as to the office with paperwork to the check in and waiting area, and the back door area as to the sidewalk area to Dr. Jackson's office as to the difference to the meeting area when visiting my daughter which there was a separate office area to all of the individuals and I as to the phone call meeting with McCoy Elementary School and CFBISD as to the paperwork for the Texas Education Agency that should have been completed in the year of 2008 from the first starting point as I brought forward to those staff mnembers as to Angelie Reiter as to Dawn Rink when my daughter was in kindergarten as to the problems from the supposed adult volunteers as to the coaching those people had done as to the needless problems to my son and my daughter from those types as to those situations brought forward in various discussions as to those p[eople's problems as to how I physically looked as well as the military connection aspects as I brought forward well before the aspects of one of my first two books in the conjunction of the paperwork portions as to the conjunctive aspects which I had always spoken the truth as to those types of people as to their needless problems as to whatever psychosis as to such hypotheticals as to the military aspects as to the CFBISD board meeting as to the American Flag Pledge compared to the our father prayer as to such situations in May/June of 2010 "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing".
* The Austin area location in 2010-2011 Acute Care compared to the Liberty Hill Residential Care: The parking lot to the middle area for the front entrance, the paperwork area to the right with the waiting room area, the doors in the back of the area as to the hallway which the medical checking areas as to then the different room assignments.
* Pinnacle Point in Little Rock Arkansas in 2011 Residential Care: The parking lot as to the triangle top over the area of the entrance as to the corner area of the waiting room as well as the check in area with the double doors, and then the hallways and stairs upward to Dr. Angela Brown's office as well as the ward my daughter was in, the downstairs as to the hallways where the individual from CFBISD as to the testings area with the glass windows as to where that male had denied the individuals from the Pinnacle Point the direct access as that should have been as to the testing portions in comparison of making my son and I wait for that to been done as I watched that male point to paperwork with that male from the Dallas Texas area and my daughter's back to me as to the aspects I wrote about in "Finding A Silver Lining"
* The Laurel Land Residential Treatment Center in San Antonio Texas 2012: The parking lot area as to the right where the buildings as to the second or third building as to the entrance area for the paperwork, then to the sidewalks as to the back areas as to the different buildings for appointments for certain aspects.
* The Austin State Acute Care facility in 2012: The parking lot after driving around different areas of Austin Texas, then to the middle building as to the paperwork aspects and waiting room and behind the paperwork area as to the double doors as to the aspects of to the check medical areas as to the hallway on the left as to where my daughter discussed the gorilla she had seen at the Fort Worth Zoo as to the talking portions when she was left unattended by the supposed adult volunteers as to the comparisons of the claims as to such females as to the 6-9 children those three females were involved with as to that fiedl trip in April 2010, which as to the numbers of if the cheerleading competition I did not want to be a part of as to the cheerleading squad I did not want to be a part of as to the only other team not ever thinking about the cheer aspects as to the solo poritons of which if those people hired someone to choereograph as to the hypotheticals of ever actually thinking a choreographer would ever actually specifically make something special for those females as to the comparisons of actually ever thinking of creativity for themselves and/or such aspects as to how I did not know I was going to be moved from New Jersey as to learning such as to thinking that the crowd would look awesome as to the Saint John Vianney High School cheerleading during the football games as to the versions of the flash dance mob situation in comparison of ever thinking otherwise hypothetically as to such hypothetical haughty arrogance as to the comparisons and/or the aspects as to the judges themselves not ever thinking as to the choreographers using more than one team as to such factors as to the movie of Bring It On as to such hypotheticals of such references ironically as to the pop culture reference for once as to the common sense aspects as to Broadway as to the similarity and//or the hypotheticals of the Crystal Lake South cheerleaders who knew I did not ever want to be on the cheerleading squad as to how I did not weant to be in the Miss Crystal Lake pageant as to the fact I have always told the truth about such factors as to the embarassment of themselves as to their score of the 2.3 truth as to such factors as those judges in my opinion were far too kind as to the scores they gave as to such individuals in my ooinion as to the facts thereof hypothetically why the Miss Crystal Lake pageant oes not lead to the Miss America pageant in my opinion. Such aspects as to the prior hypotheticals as I brought forward as to such differences as to what lengths of time as to the comparisons thereof as what is the difference of a few minutes and/or hours with some people in class as to May/June of 1998 to January of 2000 compared to such aspects of the actual lengths of time as to what levels of actual intelligence as to what levels of common sense as to such factors hypothetically as to the differences thereof to those types of peopole as to the actual importance of such situations as to what is humanity in such references and where would such actually have been found? What is the difference as to modesty and honesty, compared to arrogance and haughtiness as to the physical features as to the differences to the background areas of actual locations of the amount of time spent in such areas to pay attention to as to the facts thereof as well as the headaches/migraines I deal with? What aspects as to who is actually considered as important to me and why, in such hypothetical references as to the comparisons of such immature aspects compared to maturity at a youthful age despite whatever hypothetical assumptions of such factors as to those types?
* The Nix Unit: The parking lot to the right and the entrance to the left of a sidewalk length to the middle of the building where the lobby and waiting room area where the paperwork aspects, where the San Antonio Police Department Officers were warned as to what my daughter had done on Fort Sam Houston in the Emergency Room before Laurel Land Residential Treatment Facility
* Fort Sam Houston ER before the aspects as to the changes: The entrance area to the sliding doors before the entrance area to the check in then to the left open area as to the lobby area and the left rooms as to the pulse checks as to Your Dad is Not a Captain's son in 2007, then as to the year of 2012 the entrance almost the same with cubby areas as to the check in within the lobby areas as to then the double doors where by daughter ran through where I explained as to the version of the Scooby doo chase as to such factors which as to the aspects of then Major General Gillman as to his office area on the fifth floor if I remember correctly to where afterwards he offered to schedule the appointment for me to meet with the soldiers who went overseas as to the situations as to after in April 2008 as to the aspects where in his office he had called me a royal fucking cunt while he was in his uniform before the aspects of the Chapel in the basement where when after he gave his little speech as to then asking if anyone had anything to say, as to my having took the stand in front of all of the soldiers who were in attendance. After he then sent an email offering to make an appointment for me as well as the Colnel from overseas as to his duty stations from what I was informed after the CID situation as to February 2008 after the Laurel Land Funeral Home situation as to the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as to being informed as to the dress blues situations as to the pictures from JC Penny as to which I had not known any ribbons or medals other than the Rainbow Basic Training graduation Ribbon and the Medal of Honor ribbon and medal in compared to the aspects thereof hypothetically as well as the facts as to the Camp Marby situation of which I had every right to salute the American Flag during the Star Spangled Banner as to my rights as per my being the orioginal and one and only Sponsor for the fullest clarifications possible if Major General Gillman had not thought about it having been past the 30 days as to the normal factors in the comparisons as to the common sense factors before the scheduled meeting he made for the Colonel and the two other soldiers as to my returning of the falsely awarded Bronze Star as to the aspects thereof to the failure of acceptance for the Puple Heart aspects as to the situations which my dead-ex-husband had requested such as it should not take a head injury to figure out that the situaiton of the legal separations of which are common place as to the timeframes thereof as to the larger aspects as to such factors regarding such hypotheticals as to the common sense of looking in more than just one location for details as to how that should not take a head injury to figure out either as to the aspects of how many have been involved in the supposed to be consenting adult lifestuyle as to the common sense aspects as to the subarachnoid hemmorhage factorsd as to the timeframe as to that point in time compared to the hypothetical assumptions as to how many problems as to stolen valor as to such individuals as though the aspects of which to the JC Penney situation as to not the only one of such proportions as to why would someone who did not graduate Basic Training such as I ever know what the aspects of other medals and ribbons as what levels of common sense are required as to the arrogance of certain types of individuals such as certain officers and/or chief warrant officers and/or enlisted as to such factors? It should not take a head injury to figure out such aspects in the multitude thereof as to the timeframe and the age of myself, as to such situations overall as well as to Medical Hold Unit in such references as some people have different backgrounds which take a while to jump start as to the aspects of the situations as to the subarachnoid hemmorhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as it should not matter as to the Basic Training factors as to how much the details as to the aspects thereof actually have mattered the whole time as to how Drill Sergeant PArsley called Medical Hold Unit as I told people in Medical Hold Unit as to how that was one of my Drill Sergeants from my Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma. It should not have taken a head injury to figure out as a seventeen year old as to the extra amount of protection in the comparison of such hazing illegal portions, as to how it is illegal to haze in college fraternity and soroity aspects as to the same as it should be as to illegal as to hazing underage to the biological factors of under the age of 21 years old or at all as to such aspects. That did not and still does not change the facts of what I dealt with in my Basic Training, and does not change the fact as to my preference to simply just enjoy dancing in the comparisons of such assumptions as when have I ever willingly took excstacy in comparison as what is the difference to MMJ in comparisons, as should that take a head injury to figure out the difference as well as to those assumptions hypothetically?
However because of the factors as to the aspects of which to the New York City aspects as to the 11 September 2001 clarifications as to such aspects as well as the difference as to simply just being creative as to my fiction based book series specifically as to "Fail-Safe: (Written By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" the 10 books and "The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series (Written By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as to those 10 books.volumes as to the clarifications additionally as to "The Modern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as well as the full clarifications of truth as to what I personally saw as to the factors throughout my time in the Atlantic area of the oceanic waters as to the three volume book series as to the purposeful aspects as to the way authored as to "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as to my having known the difference of where in the overall I attended events at though I do not know or have the address as to the specifics:
* The original Temple of Flesh location in 2004/2005 as I attended at the Blue Ball Room in San Antonio Texas: The entrance area which had a hallway from the door, to the right a room with a dancefloor with the DJ with a wall that separated as to the table areas as well as other arrangements of seating.
* Gradys as to the BDSM events in 2004/2005: Behind the actual restaurant as to the parking lot between as to the separate building to the entrance of as to the complete open area though the bathrooms to the back, the door to the left for another exit/entrance area.
* Charles' house in 2004/2005 in San Antonio Texas: The front entrance as to the driveway on the right, the hallway from the front to the right of the living room, the kitchen to the left of the living room where in the middle was the patio area to the backyard though since I did not go into the bedrooms as to my lack of knowledge thereof as well as if I had as to the memory deficit I suppose.
* An event location in San Antonio Texas area in 2004/2005: The large driveway which lead up to the buildings, the front of the building to the right as to a few stairs before the door, the hallway area and open floor plan which the living room which lead to the patio area in the backyard of large size, to the left as to the dining room area, and then the kitchen on the left of the dining room area. As I did not go to the bedroom areas, the lack of those details. However there were several event locations in the years of 2004/2005 as well as 2009/2012/2013 that I had attended with a semi-similar location arrangement.
* An event location as to the Uniform Fetish Ball in San Antonio Texas held by Temple of Flesh as to the years of 2009/2010: The parking lot to the left of the length of the building, the entrance with a wrap around the front area though inside an open area before the check in to the right, then the open area behind a wall as to the dance floor, there was a room that was secluded to the right, and open area to the left which overlooked the dancefloor and the stage area with the gogo dancers area as well in the middle between the wall as to the stage as to the dance floor.
* An event location area as to Exotic Easter held by Temple of Flesh in the year of 2011/2012: The parking lot on one side separated by concrete as well as a back area of parking to a side entrance compared to the street for the building with the smoking section to the back parking lot area connected to the area of the building in the back which lead to the dungeon area, the entrance area to the open area where tables were as to then to the right of the stage area as to the dungeon area to then to the smoking section.
* The Sanctuary as to 2009-2012 in Dallas Texas: The front entrance as to the right the parking lot on the other side of another building, the front entrance to the check in area with an office behind the desk, to the left the door to the common area with the bathroom to the right and the refrigerator to the left, after the shower area different from the bathroom area to the right to the dungeon with a school room type arrangement to the right, then to the hidden area as to the back patio area with an open area.
* An event location in Austin Texas area in 2010-2011: Garage to the right, front entrance to the left which lead to a hallway which went both ways as I did not go to the left as to such aspects though to the right into the kitchen, the left of the kitchen the dining room which lead to the back patio and backyard area though the living room across from the dining room.
* An event location in Austin Texas area 2010-2011: The front entrance between two other businesses with the check in to the right, a hallway which lead to two different dance/areas to the left separated by a wall, and to the right behind the area of the check in another room area.
* An event location in Austin Texas area 2010-2011: The front entrance after a parking area between two businesses, the check in directly ahead, the rooms to the right, the bathrooms on the left of the rooms, the back area lead outside.
* An event location in the Austin Texas area 2010-2011: A patio smoking section which lead inside to an eating area for the Thanksgiving aspects as to ClubFEM in November 2010 or 2011 though the classroom areas as to the Dominant Mentor Program in 2011 before my transfer to the Dallas Dominant Mentor Program for my graduation of the Dominant Mentor Program in December 2011 as well as the New Year's Eve celebrations in the December 2010 to January 2011 time to the right stairs upward as to two or three rooms though to the left of the stairs the kitchen area, then from the eating area or the classroom area to a step downward to a different room, and a room to the right as to another room or two rooms.
All such needless restrictions without my consent ever of me as well as against me wrongly and illegally in all such factors and ways thereof as to the lack of consent of all such needless problems as to how I was always honest as to such facts as well as to the reality of which the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to only in reference to how the consent is supposed to be as to the aspects of scenes the events in the comparisons as to unless there was not ever spoken of as to by anyone outside of any events ever other than by the words which I spoke honestly as to such points in time as well as wrote about as to fetlife only before such aspects which as to the facts which as many individuals as to how I was told as well as told about writing books well before ever to the year of 2004 officially of the first time as to while it is not my fault as to individuals hypothetically not remembering me as to the phsycial difference though having been honest from the beginning as to my situations, which in turn as to the aspects in such references of which my personal consent which was not ever given as to any portions as to the aspects which I had kept such names out of view as to only after the aspects of the updates in the year of 2019 as to such poritons thereof as to the aspects of such hypothetical proof in such conjunctive aspects as to "The Moedern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as to always having been honest about all such aspects unlike hypothetically as to such individuals I once only knew of as to the in person face to face in person as to the aspects which hypothetically as to not ever having had anyone worthwhile to have spoken with in person face to face in person as to such lengths of time as to the years as to all such proof as to such facrtors of which the additional aspects of such needless involvement as to such hypotheticals of individuals thinking of themselves as to being stand out looking as to such background differences as well as the aspects of what I warned against as to such aspects of my issues with technology situations. Thus as to the moderni version of the American Civil War situations of which I personally did not ever start such a war as to the common sense aspects of actually looking as to the larger picture of the overall in the comparisaon to the hypotheticals of such insecurities as to such individuals as to their feelings in the comparisons as to ever actually paying attention to the actual details as to each and every aspects of the minor portions to such small minded individuals such as:
* The Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury during my Basic Training as to the damages from the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain which took the length of time to dissipations as to such factors
* The length of time as to the aspects of those years compared to the difference of time
* The aspects of my SCUBA Diving as to my personal readjustments as to what levels of such lack of common sense as to simply just asking me personally with etiquette and respect as to if there ever actually was any as to from whenever having met as to such in person face to face in person as to the comparisons as to what aspects thereof as to the acknowledgement in truth on my part in the hypothetical comparisons as to both my model/scene name as well as my legal first and my legal middle names at each and every event which as to such aspects thereof to the truth regarding 2009 and all such prior as well as after years thereof as to such factors
* It should not have ever mattered to bring forward the Irving 2011 aspects as to what situations in truth were ever believed of me before such aspects to those points in time, as to the comparison of additional factors as to those types of individuals as to such needless drama as to such hypotheticals of the if factors as to the competition aspects as to the Miss Sapphire to the hypotheticals as to such other portions as to the state of Texas in the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle portions as it is not as though I would ever be a part of such to begin with as to my lack of any such need or want or desire as to such aspects because of my preference as well as to what I learned about as to the Miss Sapphire as to my lack of the need to fly on an airplane as to such aspects unlike some people's thirst for attention as to such comparisons to the ways of which I am simply just myself as I do not and have not ever wanted or needed such types of those aspects in my life as to what is the difference between people who did dancing lessons as to the comparisons as to individuals as to gymnastics and martial arts for the examples thereof to such hypotheticals?
* Just because I was born and raised in New Jersey and grew up going to the tristate areas as to those types of people from outside of the tristate and outside of the east coast locations, does not and has not ever meant as to such portions of those types of people who thirst for that type of attention in such comparisons to myself as what is the difference as to the aspects of those actor/actress individuals as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle fe/males as to such comparisons thereof to the comparisons of myself and my personal preferences as to such comparisons of earned valor in such differences as to the hypotheticals thereof to other participation trophy types as to the usual portions thereof as to such needless drama aspects?
* Just because of individuals who did not get over their prior or ex-relationships as to the reasons of why the aspects as to which the needless drama as to such comparisons as to the amount thereof to what I was dealing with in the full comparisons as to the years thereof to such combinations for if the wrongful aspects of jealousy and/or envy as to however such ignorance as to the aspects thereof, remember as to each and every second of each and every minute of each and every hour of each and every day of each and every week of each and every month of each and every year of each and every decade as to any of whatever timeframe of what could be considered as an accomplishement as to the comparisons as to such hypothetical factors as to those types as to the reality of such as to accepting those facts in comparison as to such needless drama as to those types of individuals who thought wrongly as to such ever having been easy for me in the fullest comparisons thereof as whose life was actually easier in all such capacities thereof as what aspects of support in person face to face in person as to the comparisons of what I personally dealt with as to the factors thereof as to what levels of needless pain addede and what aspects of needless suffering have I personally endured because of such needless aspects as to the needless drama?
Maybe there is a silver lining to such aspects as to individuals who enjoy such as I view as to needless drama, as what transmission would be capable to think about as to such factors in such hypotheticals thereof to such types of those people as since such amounts have thirsted for attention in such whatever ways thereof what would be the viewpoint as to such hypotheticals as to the amount of proof per clarifications thereof and what would such karmic aspects prove as to the factors of such aspects if as to such proof as to the Indiana 1999 and the Irving 2011 aspects for such considerations among what other aspects for such considerations as to the if factors of belief in life forms outside of the planet earth land areas as wo within the waters thereof and/or such aspects as to out of the earth's atmosphere to think about in such hypotheticals?
What is the difference as to making my choice as to posting images and/or videos as to the comparison as to the hypotheticals as to such transmission aspects thereof, for the thoughts to ponder of such individuals?
Where has such support actually been for me as to all such situations and what celebrations of me within the actual area of as to the in person face to face in person recognition in truth as to such factors could be considered as to such factors, as what would be of importance as to the hypothetical wishful differences as to just name dropping as what does energetic portions matter about quantum aspects as well?

Or are people arrogant and ignorant enough to think that clothing as to the leftovers would ever be considered as good enough as to such needs to end all types and end all forms of stolen valor of each and every aspect thereof, as what could ever be considered as important in such differences as to the actualities thereof as to those references for such hypothetical wishful thinking as to the hypotheticals as to such needless problems at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church from when I attended as to such factors thereof as the example of the Confirmation Graduation aspects as well as youth group situations and/or choir and/or handbells and/or chimes for such hypothetical references as well as where would the differences be as to Marlboro Township compared to Manalapan Township to Freehold Township in such hypotheticals as to the found needless drama types?