I have not discussed in a larger way a problem which occurred online beyond certain threats I had dealt with during the years before I wound up in #WA #WAstate #Washingtonstate #Washington Washington in #Vancouver #VancouverWA #VancouverWashington Vancouver with my minor aged son #Letters4James after what had occurred with my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to the #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #TX #TXstate #Texasstate #MilitaryCityUSA #FamilyCourt San Antonio Family Court situation, as in honesty I have not had anyone to speak with that I could trust to go into the larger details of such aspects. However I did write before ever speaking in minimalistic portions compared to the larger aspects as there was not anyone to speak with about the larger aspects in person, and thus I registered my books with the #LibraryofCongress #LoC #USCongress #Congress Library of Congress referencing all of my books though for this specific my first two books “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”.
Before going on again as a reminder because of using my legal first and my legal middle names as well as the combination to the timeframe of all of my books with my legal first and my legal middle name which I had been known to go by for years before ever entering the adult consenting lifestyle as well as when initially getting into the adult consenting lifestyle in the San Antonio Texas area in the end of the year of 2004 into 2005 during the first separation from my now dead-ex-husband, and the reminder of the facts as to the #Superman #Supermancomic the Superman comic legal case which the rights were fully restored to the original creator(s) of those comic to which the legal aspects as to my copyrights always remaining as my legal copyrights because of the exact same sort of situation additionally to more importantly my life story as to the metaphor proverbially as to why I refused to settle with the #CFBISD CFBISD law firm because of knowing they wished for an NDA and I would have to legally refuse such anyway because I would not ever be able to not discuss in truth as I can only tell the truth. Thus in reference to all of the larger and smaller details there has not been any importance in my opinion to discuss such details in person with others, because of knowing I was not the only one who had dealt with certain combined experiences and there were only a few experiences which were mine and mine alone. #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving is one specific aspect to which is fully mine only to go into details of what I had accomplished though since I am as I am, there has been several reasons why I have not felt the need to go into the larger details of.
In reference to #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving in the year of 2011 and other such types of situations similar, I have not felt the need to go into such details similarly to the aspects as to the SCUBA Diving portions beyond what I have written about as per the reasons I have known about regarding my Blue Identification card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America. However in such regarding writing which the facts of #stophacking #endhacking #closeallbackdoors the hacking situations as well as the #endstalkers stalking problem in reference to as far as I knew as to my Medal of Honor Art Project only by that time of in the year of 2018/2019, the facts of since how such had gone had left me with the feeling there was not any requirement unless I was asked specifically in words by those with the correct clearances to go into the details of more officially.
In such references in which I had written about a situation which in my defense as to such times of the Kinko de Mayo party in #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas in the year of 2010, there were more problems associated with the male named Travis or HC Coyote as to his obsession with the situations regarding my life. In such what first began the problems with that male was his admitting when I showed up to a TNG or The Next Generation munch at the coffeehouse in Austin, he had been offended that I had been announced before officially arriving in the Austin adult lifestyle community by an individual in the lifestyle on #fetlife fetlife. I had not heard of TNG before in the #Dallas #DallasTX #DallasTexas area as by the time I had become involved more often within the community, I had reentered the San Antonio community though few remembered me as Susan MeeLing as per the online name of LadyDoriBelle. Despite repeatedly telling people my name is Susan MeeLing, the portions as to their view as to my online fetlife name had been where their focus as to such had been in comparison to paying attention to the details as to my preference of my name as Susan MeeLing. I had only created my online name #LadyDoriBelle Lady Dori Belle for a creativity point when I was online, as that was the only way I could see having creativity online in such regards as I have the issues regarding the graphic designs that many others are accustomed to being able to do in such comparisons. Creating for myself something which I thought was different, was just my own ways of making such creativity able to be seen though the explanations given in my account for such.
However unknowing about TNG just as the multitude of other groups in the Austin area compared to the #DFW #DallasFortWorth #FWTX #FtWorth #FortWorth #FtWorthTX #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas #FortWorthTX Dallas community had some smaller number of groups despite the size comparison, though I also had returned to the San Antonio adult consenting lifestyle well before getting involved with the DFW adult consenting lifestyle even though by technicalities I had been out of my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury for only 10 years by the point of such in reference to Austin area adult consenting lifestyle community. Upon my arrival as I have discussed as well as wrote about, the coffee house was where the individual named Travis or HC Coyote had been and the Daddy comment of which he could not tell of what my reference had been as to the facts as to other portions just before the comment if he has the capability to remember as the discussion had been about parental problems and the situations with biological family members as to such aspects before he had commented as he did and I had responded as I had. The ironic portions as to the abusive problems from that male repeatedly from that evening onward as he refused to accept no for an answer similarly to males from #SCUBAToys SCUBA Toys, as he asked me about what I thought about the SCUBA Diving schools in the area at the meeting munch.
As I can only tell the truth I informed the TNG munch of the problems in reference to those males as per the experiences I had with such situations, of which Travis or HC Coyote tried to defend their actions. While some of the females cringed as to the discussion as a few males had looked over as to the situations described, Travis or HC Coyote continued trying to defend the choices made by those who I had needlessly had to deal with as the defense of such behaviour is and has been ridiculous. There is no excuse nor cause nor reason for such problems as to what I dealt with and since I know I am not the only one who has dealt with such problems, anyone who defends such actions and choices has no place in my life regarding the continued defenses of such illegal choices of behaviour regarding the constant harassment and constant needless abusive problems.
At that munch event as per discussing several aspects which included certain situations I dealt with regarding my now dead-ex-husband, Traves or HC Coyote tried to defend genuinely the actions my dead-ex-husband as he thought there was nothing wrong with having to physically protect and shield the abuse from him towards my son and my daughter. I was told by Travis or HC Coyote he would do worse similarly the ways which my biological father had said when unknowing as to the levels of what I had dealt with, yet Travis or HC Coyote continued saying he knew guys such as my dead-ex-husband and there was nothing wrong in his opinion as to what problems I dealt with because of his view that being a female meant that his opinion was more important in comparison to the reality. In such a side note as to if hypothetically there has been any additional harassment or stalking from Travis or HC Coyote then the facts of which any such portions of my work he would have to deal with the facts there was nothing he would or could ever do without me as a Female Dominant the entire time thereof, and each individual choice was because of my works and my being a Female Dominant; which by technicalities includes the wrongful stalking and harassing hypothetically, for without me there would be nothing he could do in such hypothetical portions.
Nonetheless Travis or HC Coyote only continued to try to push his opinion of which I found nothing of importance regarding his opinion as it seemed childish and little in comparison to ever being of an adult, as the facts of such realities to which his assumptions as to females being incapable; I knew what I had accomplished on my own and I knew I did not need to defend what I had earned on my own as well as what I had done on my own regarding several aspects throughout my life, which there had not ever been a male who had helped me with such in person during such situations up to that point. I had completely done all such works on my own and while there had been male instructors that was not what my SCUBA Diving had been about, nor what my SCUBA Diving had been for. Having been working additionally my creation for the Underwater Travel System as to the times of while healing from other portions regarding my situations, I did not feel the need to explain such larger aspects to such a close minded individual as he seemed to be. Though later there were a few discussions which were deeper topics along the philosophical viewpoints of Socrates as I had mentioned to another of certain portions of what I had thought and Travis or HC Coyote thought he was invited to involve himself when he was not, however I had allowed him to be a part of the discussion as to allow him a second chance to prove whether or not I could tolerate his existence at the time.
Later as the discussion occurred there was some decency I could see start to come forward though shortly after seeing such, he pulled out a blow dart gun and started waving it around. He put a dart into the blow dart gun and though I had discussed such as well as wrote about such, I did not feel that it was important because of how the rumors were already flying about me as to how others thought about my situations were considered overdramatic despite believing I was being calm about such while doing the best I could as a Mom. However also having admitted to having been in the forced abusive situations previously regarding my now dead-ex-husband as well as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr also known as Cactus Jack in reference to the garage as well as the 151 Road Warrior situation during #Fiesta #FiestaTexas #FiestaTX #FiestaSanAntonio #FiestaSA Fiesta and the #Alamo #Alamodrafthouse #SanAntonioAlamodrafthouse #SATXAlamodrafthouse #SAAlamodrafthouse 410 and 151 area San Antonio Alamo Draft House as well as what I had dealt with in reference to the SCUBA Diving groups in the timeframe including my SCUBA Dive at the USS/USNS #GeneralHoytSVandenberg #GeneralHoytVandenberg #Vandenberg General Hoyt S. Vandenberg in the #FLKeys #FloridaKeys #KeyWest #KeyWestFL #KeyWestFlorida Florida Keys, the constant patterns of behaviour of others feeling the need wrongly to be as abusive as their choices had been and the amount of people who in my opinion wrongly defended such choices; I felt there was not a way to bring such up referencing beyond the fact of the blow dart gun being out, being loaded, and being pointed in the direction of several different people.
While the reality of the fact the blow dart gun had been pointed in my direction repeatedly and pushed out of the way several times before and after the aspects as to others having the same situation as well as Travis or HC Coyote’s response trying to claim he was right when realistically his choices were endangering others and his lack of concern or care only showed such childish portions repeatedly as to his failures to be a decent human being as per the shown portions, I did explain the realities of such to the owner of the house for the TNG group as well as the Kinko de Mayo event. Since it seemed semi-important as to the aspects of the blow dart gun to others though additionally to the flogging situation as to the female who was smaller in size than I and the medical possibilities of such complications, which I was yelled at for having the concern about the medical portions knowing the repercussions to the house owner as well as other such legalities in larger ways for any problems medically due to any and all such aspects because of the ways the laws are written; when Travis or HC Coyote went outside, I spoke in truth in front of him and he complained as to his joke which he was told it was not a funny joke, which he complained saying he thought I did not have a sense of humour and he thought I needed to calm down. I told him he needed to back off and stay away from me because of the facts as to the blow dart gun pointed at my chest as well as the blow dart gun having been physically pushed into my arm during the event, which as calm as I could be when explaining such a situation he refused to see his problems.
I told him he was going to be shown for all of his failures as a human being, and I told him that he would deal with every repercussion I sent in his direction if I needed to stand my ground. He laughed at me claiming he knew more than I about legal aspects which I had told him Texas laws are not as complex as #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey laws, which then became a different problem as his ego seemed to have a problem when a female put him into place as to his issues. I am unaware if he has mommy problems as to his mom and however such aspects, however I am not his mom and I do not care to educate him in the ways his mom should have for such types of behaviours. However I did explain to him if I had to go in depth I would make him wish for his mom to be able to have done a better job raising a good human being, as he was the most pathetic excuse for a male I had seen for an example as to the area of Austin Texas. I had met several individuals and there was not one male I could think of who disgusted me more than such, however he would be the type who would ignorantly think it would be a badge of sorts in comparison to thinking about transmissions and the fact of the officializing of the #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce #USSpaceForceDoD #USASpaceForceDoD #USDepartmentofDefense #USDoD US Space Force and the Irving situations as that might hypothetically not have ever crossed his mind as to how such would be viewed by far greater beings than he could ever be. However he was an individual in the TNG group who thought that he and the TNG community with anyone who actually graduated college were more intelligent than anyone else in the entire universe. I informed him he was ignorant for such an assumption and similarly to those who followed him around, those individuals continued thinking as well as trying to defend to me how they thought they were the smartest people throughout the entire universe.
As a side note when that particular discussion occurred, I looked upward towards the sky and saw a few aspects as to what I have taken pictures and video of. I will leave such as to that for such thoughts, in regards to who thought they were the most intelligent beings in the entire universe. However there are plenty of aspects to which my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom-Miller has repeatedly been told over and over before living in the state of Texas to stop harassing me, which then I have already gone over such details regarding MAST and the military to which throughout multiple areas you can see where her wishes to be better than she eve was would only be through as to why our biological parents put me into the legal guardianship as even the aspects as to the family she married into if honest with themselves would know that my biological mother especially though also my biological father would not have ever put me as legal guardian if I was not considered responsible and would take care of situations correctly as they knew they could trust me without ever having to be told such words. Patricia Ann Hom-Millers’ problem stems from the timeframe of #McHenryHighSchool #MHS McHenry High School because of the threesome I caught her in and informed the parents to be able to make sure their son’s health was correctly taken care of because of her failures to know how to keep herself clean and her wishes that she could drag me down as the way of crabs as a different dual reference to the situations in reference to her, the situations regarding she was grounded from going out because of her lies and her refusal to tell the truth because of the facts she was caught as to all sorts of lies including cheating with the dance instructor which she was called out for, and she was mad because of the situation when her friends were in my backyard at my house in San Antonio as to the hairspray and the fire because she was embarrassed I was not being as cool as she wished I would be in her opinion. Thus her problems of her insecurities as to her failures she has repeatedly tried to outrun though could not accept responsibility for her choices as she was warned there would be a point in time she would face all such portions and she would be forced to accept her responsibilities to her failures, of which since the area which her abomination of a wedding with all such virtue signaling was in Austin; are there any technological connections which would prove as to her responsibility to causing additional problems needlessly, wishing that she was able to take responsibility over my creation of my Underwater Travel System as well as my books I copyrighted and authored with compilations myself? Where would my ability to prove my mental clarity be different, compared to her greed and selfishness be found?
Remember she was upset I caught her sleeping with my now dead-ex-husband and then the fact she knew I was less than 1 year awake from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, to which any of my biological or ex-in-laws who would wish to ever take control of what is not theirs over any such wishful claims; what is their response to knowing and understanding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, and what is their explanation for their choices to allow the situations to go on from the time of learning about the situation I had been in because of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury? What is their reasons/causes/excuses as to why they stood by and did nothing to help me or my son or my daughter while seeing and hearing such in person, and what is their reasons/causes/excuses as to allowing such to continue in comparison to if they wish to use such portions of the after effects then why now and not then when it actually would have been helpful?
Greed as to what I created which they had tried to prevent me from prior, is the answer.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any who would try to use the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury from 21 years ago who knew me at any point in time before I had been out of my coma my the time of the year of 2018 stood by and did nothing to actually help me and my son and my daughter, legally do not have any argument to which can legitimately be used as they were able to do something to help back before the year of 2018 and they chose not to help though chose to cause problems while messing with the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
It should not take a head injury to figure out I learned how to take care of myself as well as came up with ways for others to take care of themselves to which invalidates any wishes of my ex-in-laws as well as invalidates all wishes of my biological sister and my biological mother and biological father if against.
While the following went onward as to the constant garbage from Travis or HC Coyote as to wishing to continue to bother me to try to metaphorically get under my skin in the ways which were nothing adult and not anything more than being a child in my opinion, I had informed him though he could try to be more annoying than such aspects of a toddler there would not ever be the respect which could ever be earned from such as the respect of which to earn is more important and far greater than ever being a nuisance and a child when being a biological adult. Having been only 10 and 11 years awake from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury at that time and having to have been taught the name of colors as well as how to count to ten, I did not see how he did not see the full insult directly to his face back then. He instead laughed and tried to tell me he was better and could be worse as he saw such as a challenge for the worse in comparison to the reality of what was intended for the better than my dead-ex-husband, however such portions of situations will prove as to such hypotheticals of the lack of ability to see any such actualities as to the hypothetical views of such situations. Other than the fact I reminded Travis or HC Coyote that my now dead-ex-husband was and is dead, the ignorance as to how Travis or HC Coyote had not seen the reference to such while trying to claim he was one of the smartest and most intelligent beings in the universe.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out to worship life is far more intelligent than to ever worship death regarding the realities of which in order to enjoy life, you have to be alive. However there was a point which Travis or HC Coyote tried to pin point the facts as to my Confirmation Classes from #OTC #OTPC #OldTennant Old Tennent Presbyterian Church #Presbyterian especially when he learned I was the first living baby Jesus Christ, which when learning I knew how to complete historical and spiritual rubbings he asked me to tell him about it and I told him only what was allowed to be known at such times as nothing has changed regarding such aspects. He told me he would try to get the details from me as to how to complete historical and spiritual rubbings which I told him good luck though the need for the luck would not be for the historical and spiritual rubbings, though for what would occur if any trying to such would be of the fault not of mine for such aspects. However the blow dart gun was shortly after the discussions regarding such which I refused to explain any further, and with the facts as to which the language differences between English and Cantonese as well there was not ever a point of which such words would ever be able to explain such portions to begin with.
I would not doubt if hypothetically such an obsession drove him to madness as to wishing to be able to crack a code that did not have a code to crack, as such scrolls were destroyed in the timeframe of the 1993 attacks when my Bok Gung was going to another location and he was in the area as to the flames which burst forward elsewhere. Other such scrolls were destroyed because of the location being so close to the #WTC #WorldTradeCenter World Trade Center in reference to where my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu lived during the 1980s and the 1990s, as anyone who knows anything about #NY #NYC #NewYork #NewYorkCity #NYstate #NewYorkstate New York City, there are multiple housing units which are above businesses and business locations. While my biological father and biological mother dropped me off at my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu’s apartment they shared with my Aunt Linda and her husband Phil with their daughter Catherine, once they left to go shopping or to whichever show at the time; I went with them to where they actually lived, as well as other such business locations. In the year of 2021 the first time of driving through where I could along my way, I noticed many missing buildings from the skyline I once knew were there. Even though as a child and a teenager growing up going to the area and not being old enough to drive a car at those times in the 1980s and 1990s, I knew certain viewpoints for many reasons.
There were more than 10 buildings I saw missing from the skyline of New York in the timeframe when driving through after picking up the historical and spiritual rubbing and the paper for the gravestone rubbing for my Medal of Honor Art Project of #DrMaryEdwardsWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker of which if the transfer had not taken as long as it had to get out of the state of Texas, the work which I had planned to work on would have been done before the month of September 2021 for the 20 year memorial. However since such situations have been as they have been and the problems of which have needlessly continued without the justice or the aspects as to any such reasons which other portions are just as equally important to such, since I do not remember the names of the buildings as I once had known as well as the knowledge of the amount of changes having taken place to the area of New York City; I also know the need for which I need a driver in such comparison for New York City, as I had initially discussed years ago with a male about the possibilities if I was able to take my son and my daughter out to the area to additionally visit the #LibertyScienceCenter #LSC #Liberty #Science Liberty Science Center as I wanted to show them in person more than just where I had frequented in the area as to the more common timeframes in comparison to the more special timeframes.
It should not take a head injury to look at what pictures there are of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker to be able to see the one and only female Medal of Honor recipient thus far has a specific ethnic background mixture of which during the Civil War was considered as easier to have her pawned off into the Prisoner of War camps until it was learned she was a doctor, and it should not take a head injury to figure out the Women’s Suffrage Movement because of the Civil War had to do with the mixture of such an ethnic combination of a background for one female. By the way how wrong was it that Dr. Mary Edwards Walker while as a Prisoner of War was expected to give medical assistance though when she needed medical assistance it was wrongfully denied, and what should it not take a head injury to figure out about any correlation to such aspects as reading my journal blog?

There has not been the feeling for such a need because of such aspects regarding the area as per what my intentions had been for such aspects, and thus in regards as to the amount of situations to simply transfer as well as the amount of situations which occurred after finally getting the transfer; one particular situation as to the ticketing problem, I simply stopped thinking about any need to go to such locations to begin with.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the years as to the differences between my biological sister as well as where she went as per the natural influence compared to myself, as to the realities of which the needless harassment from my biological sister has been because of her own failures from her own choices and the continued embarrassment because my physical appearance is as it is. It also should not take a head injury to figure out that her choice to support #endstolenvalor the dress blues and was proud of such just as my ex-in-laws as to the massively huge difference between the ethics and morals, as well as caliber of individuality.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the fakeness of which my biological sister as well as other such connections as to trying to use what I wrote in part to try to get information as per the wishes of which to find out information as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America is considered as treason.
It should not take a head injury to figure out my SCUBA Diving is in part because of my background, in part because of my SCUBA Diving training, though mainly because of who I personally am as an individual.
I had briefly explained such aspects to several individuals before writing about such to which the facts of the difference regarding the unwanted artist journal blog entry I wrote once again it is what I personally would feel as to the positive ways of being wanted in comparison to what others’ opinions to be of such, as the unhealthy and immoral aspects as to what had occurred in reference to several situations has only pushed such a feeling further as to the unwanted artist portions because of such aspects not being in the ways which I would view as being wanted in the positive ways. There is a difference, especially when taking into consideration all of what I have dealt with as to what the differences would be regarding how I have been treated and what I have dealt with. Thus anything which would be considered as abusive would not ever make me feel as anything other than unwanted, as per the conversations I dealt with during such times.
Nonetheless as to the furthered problems and needless situations regarding Travis or HC Coyote as to the lack of ability for him to realize he was not needed nor wanted as to the ironic twists of such, he had refused to see what the problems he had already caused within the Austin adult consenting lifestyle had been and each time I called him out on each aspect he had done he claimed I was being overdramatic and complained that I could not take a joke. I told him repeatedly I did not have the patience for such types of his kind of jokes as his kind of jokes were not considered as jokes and were considered as assault, abuse, stalking, harassing, problematic, immoral, unethical, lack of common sense, lack of dignity, lack of self-respect, lack of respect towards others, immature, needless, and purely wrong in my opinion as to his additional lack of etiquette an lack of common courtesy. Later after the blow dart situations and the coffee house much among several other events he had shown up to and then decided to let me know he was there because I was there as he thought if I saw him I would change my mind about him in comparison to being disgusted by him and annoyed by him as well as repulsed by him, as to I had not needed such additional problems during the times in those years of 2010 and 2011 as I was already dealing with enough. He claimed he thought he knew better as he thought I had not dealt with what he felt was enough which I informed him he would regret the day I figured a few things out, and upon the day I would I would send such terrors to his dreams that he would wish to be able to stay awake and not ever go to sleep because of his fears that would be within his dreams because of what I sent to him and anyone he caused to needlessly annoy me as well.
While he laughed thinking I was joking, I informed him there is truth behind every joke I tell.
I went to an event later after learning of a group with the acronym of SNAARK #SNAARK of which I had the impression such was a different type of group in comparison to what I had learned of, and I did not return to such a group because of my refusal to participate within any such situations as I saw the problems with those types of individuals who would choose to go in such a direction. I informed a few people what goes around comes around regarding the choices made in reference to HC Coyote as to the aspects of him informing everyone he had found clown porn to be able to show only because I had made a comment that I did not like clowns, to which he did not see of understand the reference as to the aspects of my biological mother’s clown figurines which would move at random and begin to play music without being prompted and the ways which the song send in the clowns was eerie in multiple ways. While I feel comfortable walking around cemeteries for my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as to look over different types of head stones because of the Confirmation Class as to the history of the stone works as well as other such masonry work as to what I had learned regarding one of my two electives during the timeframe of, those clowns my biological mother had loved and protected more than she ever protected me had been as they were. Though I explained such at the event when I was called proverbially on the carpet, Travis or HC Coyote tried to claim he was more important than such and what he would put in the DVD player was scarier than those clown figurines.
I told him there was not going to be a possibility for the clown porn to be creepier than that set of figurines and if he had actually seen what I was talking about and felt the ways the porcelain was dry and not a lacquered finish, he would begin to have nightmares from the clowns. Everyone thought I was joking and being snarky, which in comparison to simply telling the truth they had thought once again of me being overdramatic in comparison to seeing how I could only tell the truth as to such aspects. In such times as to the lack of ability to see the problems caused by themselves for such infantile behaviour choices, I simply went along my way as I knew he was trouble as soon as he walked into any location I was at as his type of individual has needed to be edu-ma-cated in a different type of way until the legal system could catch up to such a type of individual as I am despite how I physically look quite slow to anger. I told the Austin community of such which then those children in biological adult aspects had said they hoped to see what I was like before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as hey hoped to see how angry I could get, which I warned them they did not truly want to see that aspect as once they saw such they would not be able to unknow and I would not help them nor would I have the ways to calm myself because of what it would take to get me to that point since after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as I knew what it would take to calm me down and none of them would ever have the capability of what would be necessary for me to calm down from such a hypothetical.
They laughed jokingly saying they knew how to calm anyone down, which I told them I was not just anyone and they would not ever know what was needed to calm me down which additionally I would not be able to tolerate anything from them as they would have tainted anything they touched and thus they would not ever have any capability to calm me down though would only enrage me further to which the aspects of what would continue onward was not something they truly wanted. Of course such individuals at the SNAARK party thought I was only being snarky in comparison to telling them the truth, however I guesstimated they would learn the hard way as each and every event afterwards had problems due to those people and connections thereof. Travis or HC Coyote tried to say he knew everything in the universe yet again which I told him he knew nothing at all, which upset him further despite simply being honest. The clown porn was put on the television of which I simply walked outside and away after awhile as to the bouncing around Travis or HC Coyote had been in reference to trying to scare me with clown porn, compared to what I grew up in a house with. There was no comparison to such, and thus I already had learned other such aspects to which the seven evening in a row ritual of High Ceremony which I created myself had been in full motion which my biological mother and my biological father with my biological sister would be able to remember the time in reference to what occurred to my fish in my aquarium and then the timeframe afterwards to which everyone stopped causing problems to me thereafter. While my biological sister would still try I warned her that if she continued to try she would no longer be going only after me, and she would be attacking far larger of a number of people to which she would not know which direction anything would come from.
Similarly, I gave that warning to Travis or HC Coyote for such time though he thought I was joking.
The first shall be the last and the last shall be the first, in reference to the aspects as to the adult consenting lifestyle; the first location I was ever announced as to my arrival in the area though was the only time I was asked if I had minded if it was done in such hypothetical comparison to the adult consenting lifestyle regarding Washington state area including the #Portland #PortlandOR #PortlandOregon #OR #ORstate #Oregon #Oregonstate Portland Oregon as well as #Seatlle #SeattleWA #SeaatleWashington #SeaTac #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington Portland Oregon and SeaTac areas, as I had not given permission to be announced as to my going anywhere referencing any moves after the Austin area situation. If I did not make the announcement myself, I did not need nor want anyone else to make the announcement for any moves or transfers regarding such as to what I had told people I was dealing with already by the amount of time before Washington state. How I wound up in Washington state after the #Cowyboys #CowboysDanceHall #CowboysSA #CowboysSanAntonio #CowboysDancehallSA #CowboysSATX #StoneyLaRue Stoney LaRue concert at Cowboys Dancehall aside from such aspects, after what I dealt with in the Austin community of such I did not want or need to deal with that again. However the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first, of which I obviously went over Washington and Oregon first as well as had been calmer in such references as to the larger aspects as to knowing and understanding they did not know of the problems regarding certain types of people from Texas areas as well as my ex-in-laws in #GA #Georgia #GAstate #Georgiastate in Georgia specifically #Macon #MaconGA #MaconGeorgia in Macon. In such references the comparisons to what has been gone over in the regards to the details of can be seen in such differences as to the aspects of first arriving in Washington state to a piece of paper, as the aspects of which had to be gone over were more of for the safety precautions and the ability for such individuals and groups to be able to see more clearly as to the differences regarding the ways I had to go about bringing such forward in the multitude of ways. Whereas Washingtonians are more aware as to the technological portions of which the privacy concerns are as well as the security aspects thereof, at minimum I could go over such for them to get security for themselves taken care of in the comparison to when I began going into the details regarding the individuals and groups who hypothetically went into the areas they were not specifically invited to be involved with as to the same regarding the transfer aspects as to Washington and Oregon for the references as to such writings on my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA.
Despite having to bring a multitude of aspects forward at minimum I could give the details for them to get their health, their well being, and their lives in order while then getting ready to get into the other details referencing where such problems stemmed from as those areas have the innocence as to not knowing as to the situations which had followed to the areas; of which the smaller towns and the other states involved regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project trips additionally could get themselves and theirs taken care of, as I knew when getting into the actual heavier details as to the levels such were and could hypothetically get to. Despite not wanting to have to get to such levels of details at minimum the individuals who had not a clue of such aspects were able to figure things out for themselves and theirs for their betterment to find the tools required for what was needed for their safety in such regards, despite not being my fault or theirs the ability to get such in check for themselves. Thus the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first, for which the portions as to what problems regarding those types of obsessive types of people regarding the problems caused needlessly thinking a game would ever be considered as acceptable would be able to be clarified as the facts of which I had not ever released such books of mine to be in the ways which I have seen online as being protective of children in the comparison of the ways which I had seen. The reasons as to why I had put such into the genres of the #Amazon Amazon book sections were important, just as has been seen more recently within the #YouTube YouTube uploading video aspects. However because situations had gone as they had gone the letters out for people to get themselves taken care of and find ways to see what they could find as needed, I hoped would be of assistance and benefits while going through the other portions as required.
In turn the first shall be the last as to the first location I had been announced referencing to having been asked in such references only to the Austin location, I had dealt repeatedly with such situations regarding Travis or HC Coyote because he did not see why I would ever be good enough to be announced by such a predominant member known within the Austin area. Later in the year of 2020 I learned of a connection to #WashingtonDC #DC Washington DC of which I figured may have to do with the knowledge as to my SCUBA Diving at the time regarding looking back to the year of 2010, however such was not officially discussed as to such connection points as to the possibilities thereof. The aspects of which DC has many individuals who would additionally have learned at some point as to the facts regarding my nightmare and why I had repeatedly worked to get involved with what I knew would be locations which I could help referencing reducing the problems noticed from my nightmare as after seeing such I had begun to find ways to make such better because of noticing areas in my nightmares which could be changed to make a better outcome for more in larger as well as smaller ways, though being a child back in the 1990s as well as a teenager the lack of seriousness as to what I had brought forward until the timeframe as to the attacks 20 years ago on 11 September 2001. The knowledge as to the #TSA TSA finding more as well as the local and state law enforcement individuals as well as the higher law enforcement finding details as to what was able to be prevented in conjunction with the aspects of which in my room in the Medical Hold Unit barracks if seen in regards as to the term lucid dreams though were actually astral traveling moments, had been ways which such aspects were revealed to such as #CID CID as well as others as I guesstimate regarding such aspects as to the only way I could find words to describe such aspects. Despite the problems from a male who transferred from #FtSill #FortSill #FortSillOK #FtSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #FortSillOklahoma #OK #OKstate #Oklahomastate #Oklahoma Fort Sill Oklahoma named Specialist Carollton (?spelling?) which had been shortly after the phone call when I spoke with Drill Sergeant Parsley who was surprised I was alive, such aspects as to the situations in reference to how my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury occurred as I have gone over.
For those in the adult consenting lifestyle as well as within SCUBA Diving who were annoyed as to my CDO-ness about the correct facts, what do you think the reasons as to the realities behind my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury had been regarding beyond the identification card in truth? Regarding the situations as to the knowledge as to which employment I was looking at for my job, what would such a view be regarding the combinations? In reference to standing up for people who others did not like or agree with or personal biases, what do you think was the viewpoint to such? Do you remember how I told you that you did not want the medical treatment or the ways which certain aspects of the military had been in reference to when you told me you hoped for all of the military aspects within the civilian sector and I told you that if so I wanted to make sure that my situations would not have to be for such connections to the Armed Forces of the United States of America, in such regards? Do you remember how I warned you as to the ways you should correctly treat the individuals who you know or have some knowledge of to such a background in reference to the military/Armed Forces of the United States of America, as to what could happen if your hopes went forward? Do you remember my warnings as to what I was dealing with in reference to the biases and treatments from the CFBISD individuals and parents connected to the McCoy Elementary School situation, as to such a turn around in your direction? How many of you told me you hoped that it would occur and how many of you dd I tell my guys and I would then correctly be taken care of, and you could worry about the rest of such situations?
In turn while my biological mother, biological father, and biological sister have been as they have been with the proof thereof similarly to my ex-in-laws of whichever patterns of behaviour thereof; where are the problems to which they have been willing to take a stand for everyone else, except for when such situations regarding me. Why?
Why do I not believe of ever being considered as a wanted artist or wanted in a positive way, and what does such matter?
What makes a difference as to what I have brought forward matter in comparison to others wishes, hypothetically?