While the if factors as to other human beings actually paying attention to my work as to the aspects of the factors regarding the considerations thereof as what I personally consider as to the aspects thereof as asking me as to what I would personally consider would be as to the common sense, however as to the reference of if factors as to the reasons why I chose to change the background of the page for my jouenal blog if there are others who actually read my journal blog after the aspects of what I had noticed during the timeframe when I was reviewing the timelines as to the aspects of the years mainly of 2019 through 2022 because of the facts in reference to the 20 year memorial of 11 September 2001 as well as the upcoming 30 year memorial of February 1993 referencing the northeast coast of the United Styates of America as I told others I once knew in person face to face in person as to the reason why I joined the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to after the February 1993 attacks in New York City as to the nightmare I had in the timeframe of when I was 10 years old in second grade.
The way the clouds look is similar to the ways the waters looked from the area of the USS.USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg in the area of the Atlantic Oceanic waters when the timeframe after I landed at the bottom of the ocean, and when I was at the area of the American Flag as to when it was waving as to the pictures I personally took from my personal work as to the areas thereof in the year of 2009. If that actually mattered correctly back in the year of 2009 in my personal opinion, as to the difference as to how the situations would have been as to the timeline as to such amounts of differences from the time of my nightmare when I was in second grade because of all of the work I personally took care of as to the aspects from around the years of the latter 1980s into the 1990s as when I was a child and it came to security problems as to how much what I personally noticed actually mattered as to how pertinent it was as to what I personally noticed as to the massive distinction of differences as to the factors of as well as the fact of the difference as to then being a minor aged child or minor aged teenager to the timeframe since then of being a biological adult as to the aspects of the facts referencing the common sense.
However since as to how others have been needing to know and understand that individuals who survive a head injury as to such TBI factors as to the capabilities that actually can be, though actually being given a real chance as to such aspects of the requirements as to the aspects of the work sought to actually accomplish as to such differences of having had to deal with the amounts of situations to being capable to the northeast and east coast as to only having been capable to get out there after the year of 2020 as to such aspects despite my multiple attempts as well as my multiple discussions as to my attempts to getting the information required to give to being capable to actually get to where I actually needed to be as to anyone and everyone I ever met in person in real life face to face in person in real life who can remember from the years of 2000 through 2018 about my discussions as to New Jersey and/or NEw York and/or Pennsylvania, if you7 remember me discussing the Amish and/or the Mennonites specifically when in person face to face in person in real life as to the aspects of when the attempts I was personally making as to getting the information for the understanding from you to actually comprehend as to how I had not needed to be where I was at that time and where I had actually needed to be as to being capable to saving those individuals' lives as to the reality of my comprehension of the areas.
However as I was informed as to Hurricane Katrin\a despite the population numbers of massively distinctive differences, the Army National Guard aparently had issues accepting assistance from individuals who could actually correctly assist to the situations whereas the general public would not have freaked out as much as to the situations; though I suppose individuals who comprehend certain personality traits as to how certain factors thereof as to such if factors, as to the references whereas the news would need to have correctly given such information to begin with if it was important as to such aspects of facts from the beginning as the reality of if facts were important from the beginning as to how much less drama as well as how much less in problems as well as how many less situations needlessly as to the amount of focus that could divert to actually progressing forward as to progressing onward in the factors of reality.
Though only those individuals who would actually prefer such progression as towards betterment would prefer as well as ensure whenever speaking and/or writing as to clarifying as to the truth, as to the difference if there is a metaphor and/or genre as to the aspects of what would be considered as common sense instead of whereas certain individuals as to their ignorance as to the hypotheticals thereof in my opinion. Then again, my personal opinion if it was actually worth something as to what my personal opinion as to such worth would be as to the capacities thereof to such differences of others' possible thoughts and/or misinterpretations from their interpretations.
The aspects as to when I personally looked upward after I personally landed at the bottom of the oceanic waters in the Atlantic areas of the ocean as to after having done so repeatedly as to the Gulf of Mexico as well as the area as to Boca in Florida, the aspects of where the references of who I personally knew at the exact time of as that is the translatioon of when knowing someone as to the common sense; then as to the references of the situations, as yet again as to such differences in reference to the situations regarding the if factors as to what my personal considerations are as to the if factors as to such actually mattering as to what I personally consider as mattering.
Then again whatever the stereotypes that I personally do not completely fit into as to the references thereof fully as to such factors as to my background as to the overall as to when I was invited to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment also known as MAST as for those in the Army branch, obviously if someone knows what MAST is as to the intellectual level to begin with as the minimum standard of a starting point to actually attend MAST while obviously being invited to MAST would then as to the common sense of the intellectual levels of the individual. Whether some individuals actuaally knew and/or actually had the intellectual process capabilities as to the year of 1996 when I was invited as t5o seeing if biological females were capable to handle the physical work it took to be in such an aspect, to see if biologicsal females despite the intellectual capacity of being capable to discuss as well as take action when needed as to being capable to hold oneself to the highest standards as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America; as unlike certain other hypotheticals as to the proof as to whether there actuall would be as to the capacities of biological females to handle the amount of physical work, intellectual capaciites, emotional balancing as to the references of such specific types of work, while mantaining oneself as to such other factors referencing such aspects as to a saying about ships and such as to the proverbial aspects that as to such references.
However since I personally did not attend the school though was moved from New Jersey to Crystal Lake Illinois as to what orthers who might have some knowledge that they might consider as now in the year of 2023 in the differences of the years from 1996 through 2023, as to the factors of what I spoke about as well as wrote about in truth as to the capacities thereof as to my personal stance in reference of my wording of aspects to the Army branch; though possibly with as much in the references of Civility as ro such aspects while maintaining oneself as to the if factors of the years and decades as to such references and regards, as to the factors as to a biological female as I am being invited to attend Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment.
Hypothetically the aspects I had told others about from the years of 1998 through 2013 in person face to face in person as to the situations in Crystal Lake and surrounding areas of Illinois, as well as their personal experiences as to such if factors of those who might remember in the year of 2012 after a point in time at Midnight Rodeao as to the aspects thereof to a backyard situation as to that individual who said he was from the area as to who I met with Alicia as to thye references of if factors of those who might know of such; however as to the reality of whereas a biological female such as myself as to those who would have such memories of having told me they believed I had a better childhood, possibly those individuals would be as the same sorts of delusional individuals qas to them having memories that they might have as to where I would have had a better amount of time from the years of 1998 through 2013 as to such opinions in the references thereof despite such facts as to what I explained for each of the hypotheticals as to such considerations as to their memories of who and what and where and when as to such aspects as to from my personal stance as to the differences if any as to such aspects of those of the year of 2010 into 2011 as to the aspects of whether they could actually believe such now. The situations however as the differences from then to now, is my personal lack of care of their opinions as to such references of discussions as to those points in time as to this point in time now on 23 January 2023 as realistically their opinions had not mattered to me personally though as to such clarifications as to the references of what I warned about as to what I could see as to the references of such discussions at the timeframe of others who survived the attacks on the soil of the United States of America as to the specifically direct areas as to the New York City and northeast tristate areas in February of the year of 1993 as well as on 11 September 2001 as to the northeast coastal line.
However as to how I explained to others I once knew in person face to face in person in real life as to my concern about the living human beings as to such points in time, I suppose depending of others' opinions and others' viewpoints and others' preferences for themselves as to the needless situations from the years of 2002 through September 2022; as I clarified before, the situations that were personally worked on as through the aspects of my work as through the factors as to where such efforts from me as to the aspects of what importances thereof as to the if factors as to individuals preferring living and life as I have and do; yet in such requires to actually learning from the history of such to being capable to then intellectualize such to being capable to progress forward as the only ways to learning from history as to such aspects, as the reality of such aspects of where such situations as to when I comprehend being correct as to the aspects of the stance(s) I have taken as to where such proof depending upon the situation(s) as to what my personal accuracy as to such references and regards thereof to the facts.
Thus in reference to my journal blog background change to my page for each post, is to the if factors of others not having been capable to distinguish the references as to the words as to the definitions as to the references in regards of the differences of satire and comedy; because satire as to sarcasm or serious situations as to the wording put into such a specific way that such jovial aspects can be as a softer mood as to the references thereof, to the differences whereas comedy can be live action to the differences where satire is of the past situations as to the differences of comedy being either past and/or present situations as to the factors of depedning upon the individual.
Since I personally prefer satire in such factors while having liked listened and/or watching comedy, there is a difference as to such aspects to the considerations if as to such intellectual distinguishments.
Thus in reference to my journal blog whereas the aspects of the reasons for my choice as to the background from the red curtain as to the if factors upon my own personal review of such aspects as to the aspects of if factors as to the lack of maturity of individuals if as to any I once knew in person in real life face to face in person in real life as to whatever specific amount of time despite whatever aspects as to the connection factors as there obviously would be a difference if as to anuyone actually having such an intellectual capacity to recognize such differences as to distinguishing if as to such humanity factors as to what I consider as common sense, however I also consider it common sense to have real discussions in person face to face in person more often than as to such factors as to how others hypothetically have been as to such if factors of personal connections as to the factors thereof to the in person face to face in person as to the comprehension of the reasons as well as the differences as to the online factors of such communication, though what would I ever be capable to prove as to such importance referencing anything that would or is considered as important to me and actually accomplishing such?
Though when I have said or in this journal blog written as to such aspects of the prior sentence, well of course I am only referring to my personal standards as to what I personally consider as to such references and regards as to the situations as obviously to myself I personally would know and understand and comprehend what my words translate to as to such full connections as to the references of such factors. Thus as to the references regarding such if situations that others who I once knew in person face to face in person in real life were and/or are such lovers of death as to their preferences as to the aspects of the location of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the grounds, as while I personally have paid attention to the living and to life as to such references of the Amish and the Mennonites as to the common sense of such references to the differences of the hypotheticals thereof as the references rto the specific years of time of 1998 through 2022, the aspects of where my preference and my care about life and living would be capable to distinguish as to the references and regards of such factors as to being capable to look beyond just the superficial aspects as to the church I grew up attending.
Only individuals who would have whatever patterns of behaviour as to whatever levels of their pop culture references as to the proof as to such references of whether their considerations are actually for life and for living, as to the capacities thereof as to their interpretations as well as their actions as to such factors regarding such choices; in my personal opinion, as it is one aspect to discuss prior situations as to another aspect as to the focus of such information as to what each individual pays attention to as to such information or details thereof to such if factors.
Thus having needed to clarify the facts because while hypothetically others I once knew were upset and/or threw temper tantrums as to the differences lacking as to the prior timeframes of if factors of when knowing such in person face to face in person in real life, as I said in my Official You Tube Channel videos in the months of the beginning of the year to the middle of the year of 2020 in reference to individuals' choices during the timeframe after COVID was announced as well as the references of the choices as to the timeframes as to 11 September 2001 as to the aspects of what I had told others I was working on as to the length of time as to the additional factors as to February 1993 as to the areas of the bnortheast of the United States of America in conjunction as to the references regarding the aspects of such realities during the timeframe.
The common sense aspects as to the references of being capable to distinguish for myself as to the specific times as the reality is there has not ever been anyone that has ever asked me personally as to such information as to being honest with me as to asking me as per my personal considerations of respect and/or politeness as to such manners, as to the factors thereof to my considerations. I suppose possibly the aspects of my journal blog updates in the years of 2019 and 2020 as to the references of my fiction book series "Fail-Safe" would provide such if factors of the longer length of time referencing such if factors; though I suppose as to how such aspects of 2016 election cycle into the 2020 election cycle as to the factors of who remained silent and who stuck to the codes thereof as to such if factors from the beginning as to such lengths of time as to the references thereof as to such hypothetical differences.
In such if factors as to the reality of speaking with others in a public area as to outside of an event as to a different day of a different month of a different year as to such whether in person face to face in person and/or through a phone whether a landline and/or a cellphone and/or online as to messages/forums/groups/emails/etcetera would obviously be the capacities of comprehending the choices as to whether remaining as to the code for such references as to such hypotheticals I brought forward in the years of 2019 through 2022 as to such if factors as to the differences of reality in regards of outing as to such facts as to the specific point(s) in time per individual per situation per timeframe per such factors to such full considerations officially as to the common sense that should not take a head injury to figure out.
I would guesstimate the difference of sensation as to the facts of the aspects of my background change as to my journal blog, though the aspects of exactly what I referred to as to the satire in such references regarding my saying when I was in a different mood as to such references and regards thereof officially.
For clarificationsa when I have or when I write about the prior situations as to the prior years I do not personally have the need to have any capacity as to going to that specific reference to the specific point in time as to the redoing of what cannot be redone as to the common sense that time progresses forward, if there was actual common sense. For example as to the year of my references of 2018 as to such aspects of a location, that was in reference specifically to the exact point in time as to the exact uyear as to the exact situations and not in reference to anything els as to the regards of the situations. As I have written about and clarified as to the common sense aspects of such situations as to progression forward, that actually requires as to such capacities thereof as to the work that was my mural in what was my apartment complex as to such factors of the difference of if my work was actually respected and appreciated as I personally would have been asked as to such hypotheticals as to such factors regarding the situations as there is a difference when having the comprehension of the information as to the difference of only getting a few small details as to the if factors oddly enough as to the additional proof as to such situations as to the pop culture references as to such if factors referencing what I personally wrote about in the references and regards to "The Modern Day Book" as to such if factors as to what those who have such a background even in part would know of as "Bible Speak" as to such references though to the facts as to the ways where a sermon is if as to such aspects of such knowledge referencing such aspects.
Thus if an individual and/or group of individuals thought as to playing a game when I personally do not play games as to the if factors as to such references regarding my hair color and/or my hairstyle and/or my tattoo0s, as to the exact proof as to such if factors specifically to the years as well as the demographics as to the overall factors as to San Antonio also known as Military City USA in the state of Texas as to such combinations of military and civilian factors as to the years of 2005 through 2013 overall as to such specifics of 2005 through 2008 as to such facts of the demographics of Carrollton Texas as well as the demographics of SCUBA Divers as to the civilian recreational areas as to such differences of SCUBA Diving styles; thus as to the references in such factors as to 2008 through 2010 as to that particular area and surrounding areas, as to the additional factors as to Cedar Park Texas though near Austin Texas as to npot being Austin Texas as to such references to those particulars as to such regards for such considerations as to the specific times as to the sdpecific years as to the specific demographics as to the specific reality I personally dealt with as to the differences of those years as to those times as to the aspects of such facts in regards of my daughter and my son and I as a family as well as myself individually as to such facts in the references of the specific areas as to the specific people as the specific years as to the specific situations I personally dealt with.
Thus as to such aspects proven as to whether in reference to discussions and/or choices of actions and/or inactions as to such choices as well as the factors as to the other references thereof, the easiest factors to be capable to if such care was to actually be for me personally as to the references and regards of the proof referencing such situations as to the factors thereof to the specific points in time. While now in the year of 2023 if as to the years of 2019 through 2021 as to the area near Austin Texas on the other side despite having been a registered voting Republican since I could first vote in the year of 2000 as another additional factor as some have seen as to the election cycles of 2008 and 2012 and 2016 and 2020 for such specific references of the facts despite what I look as, the reality whereas to such facts as to the situations in reference to progression forward as to the reality of life as to such factors regarding such; as obviously the definition of bigtry as to such proven aspects as to the capacities of the definition of bigotry to the differences of sexism and/or racism as to while both as to such factors as to the references thereof whereas bigotry is an overall aspect as to the factors as to the proof of patterns of behaviour as to the choices of who willing to publically though also privately acknowledege as to such factors referencing such in the capacities thereof in my opinion as to actual assistance as to such factors.
Thus in the references as to the timeframes whereas my hair style as well as my hair color and my tattoos as to the years thereof, as to the proof of such where in the years of 2019 through 2021 in the Austin Texas area as to how small and minimal as to the capacities thereof as to my looks in such differences. Then again as to being a Republican since the year of 2000 officially as to such conservative viewpoints as to the references and regards thereof, then as to the additional factors of tranlsations of actual definitions in the multiple ways as to such factors of if factors depending upon the reasons for the cjhoices of such tattoos as well as the placements thereof as to such aspects depending upon the individual themselves as well as other such aspects of their overall combined situations as to such facts. Thus when as to such facts referencing the specific timeframes, obviously when I was a minor aged teenager as to there not being the capacity before joining the Army branch as to such tattoos as to myself in sucyh common sense factors if there were such as to the if factors.
Thus in the references as to those pop culture types of their misinterpretations of New Jersey as to in my opinion, the aspects thereof since I personally was born and raised in the state of New Jersey as well as the other surrounding states as to the facts of being capable to distinguish the specific locations as to the specific personality traits as to the specific verbage as to such common sense aspects if there was such as to the timeframe from the year of 1998 as through mainly to the references of 2013. Just because the northeast is known as the melting pot then as to the common sense where would all of the other ingredients be from as to such if factors as to the proverbial metaphor as to a melting pot, as to how much common sense would be needed to comprehend such factors?
Again as to what I personally consider as comfort for me personally, is not the same as anything as to such aspects as to my journal blog writings as the common sense factors as to the references thereof as to suchj hypothetical immaturity as to the situations regarding my comprehension of myself as my comprehension of my needs as to the specifics thereof as to the common sense factors of being capable to work on multiple factors as to since the requirement of actually having individuals who would be in my life as to what my personal considerations thereof are as to such facts; as to the differences of others' opinions as to what my personal considerations for myself would be and is, as to such factors. Thus as to my being in a good mood as to the factors of my personal comfort levels, as to the common sense if as to such factors of individuals' misinterpretations from the timeframes as to my journal blog when obviously if as to being intellectual to understand the knowledge of the distinguishing differences as to satire to the differences of comedy.
Thus as to the facts of such proven factors as to the references of the choices as per different emergency situations as to the direct contact to specifically ask if there is the knowledge of the direct communication if as to maturity as to such if factors as to the references and regards of such facts as to maturity being capable to ask directly when the chance as to such direct contact through the specific measures purposefully put for the direct contact as to what my personal choices for my personal comfort for myself as to the specific references thereof, as to the common sense differences as to what my personal considerations of humanity actually is as to such differences of such immature if factors as to such failures to the if factors as to the tooth aspects as to such if factors whereas to the failure to ever being capable to ever prove to me personally of actual care about me as well as actual care for me as to the reality of who I am as to such differences of those types of assumptions as to those types who would have such failures as to satire to comedy as the same failures as to humanity to the humane society as to such obvious failures of all such individuals as to any such known involvement without my personal consent as to consent would require being informed first.
It should not take a head injury to be capable to distingui9sh such aspects as to the common sense, in my personal opinion.
Thus as to the references regarding the background change as to my journal blog if such aspects as to comprehending the seriousness the entire time of all of my journal blog posts as to all such factors as I would obviously distinguish if I was specifically writing comedy and/or specifically making a joke as tro the references of discussions though as well as to my official YouTube Channel as to the references where such capacities to categorize such factors even if the lines of such specific topic points blend in multiple areas, as the common sense if as to such references regarding the similarities as to my journal blog the entire time as the reality of such if factors as to the prior years and decades as to t and once again as to what my personal considerations are as to what I consider as mattering officially as to the if factors of my presence online actually mattering.
I have not asked for interpretations because of how many failures of the misinterpretations there have been in real life in person face to face in person discussions, as per the proof as to the years prior to 2020 in a multitude of situations though as to some slower smaller amounts of progression as to some aspects oddly as to such areas as to the differences as to the other locations as to the proof as to such larger aspects I already discussed before the years of 2019 as to the factors of such aspects.
Thus as to the if factors of me myself personally actually mattering as to what I personally consider as mattering just as to the factors of my work as to such, as to the references of what differences would be as to such aspects of what my personal considerations are as to the references thereof to such specific points in time. Thus the year of 2018 ios not any other year as to the common sense, if there ever actually was any common sense as that should not take a head injury to figure out the year of 2018 is not the year of 2019 just as the year of 2018 is not the year of 2020 just as the year of 2018 is not the year of 2021 just as the year of 2018 is not the year of 2022 just as the year of 2018 is not the year of 2023 or any other year as only the year of 2018 is the year of 2018 as the common sense factors
For as many individuals I once knew in person face to face in person in real life that told me they believed in chivalry and they told me they believed in being a gentleman, I cannot believe as to such references and regards as possibly the failures of connections as to the dots to such intellectual factors as to the references of such aspects of chivalry in this modern era of time. Additionally as having been told as to the aspects thereof as to the factors of females biologically as to such aspects to the differences of tomboys and/or feminist regarding such choices as to the aspects of whether the factors of information instead of details as to biases, as to the references of acknowledging such as per the information required, as to the differences of such aspects of the choices as well as the reasons for such choices; as to the common sense of differences amongst the biological; female factors whereas my comments as well as qa few writings as to the biological female aspects as to the automatic factors in reference to the Draft as to such aspects of oddity as to the amounts of factors as to the references thereof to the transition aspects as to how would it take a head injury to figure out as to such amounts of disrespect to the country of the United States of America and all such stands for as to such if factors as to such individuals to purposefully go to the levels of the aspects of such transition aspects in the teenager years of life as to the avoidances as to the Draft if as to such possibilities as to the requirements of protecting and defending the United States of America and/or the world as to such factors?
Should it take a head injury to figure out as to such levels thereof as to the references of such if factors as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such facts of reality that biological females if they actually had the regards of such appreciation of the Constitutional Liberties provided because of the individuals who have been wil;ling and capable to do so, as to the references of as to actual appreciation and gratitude as to such factors referencing such if factors of actually appreciating life and living as to such references thereof as to those such as myself as to such work as to the references thereof as to such aspects to the considerations as would that take a head injury to figure out as well?
Thus the background from the area when I was SCUBA Diving as to my work as to what I personally clarified as to the three volume book series of "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" as to the references of such facts brought forward in my updates to my journal blog as to the levels of accuracy as well as assistances if as to such aspects as I personally have not been informed of such as when I have clarified I have not personally been informed of such as that is not fishing for compliments as unlike some individuals I do not seek others' approval as I do not seek others' opinions in a multitude of aspects throughout various factors of my life as being given the nickname of Trendsetter and being given the nickname of Leader only requires a certain amount of times when actually seeking the opinion(s) of others, as to usually only within the factors of the work and/or the business aspects as to the common sense. Thus when I have clarified as to the aspects of my modeling and/or my performances and/or my writings and/or my books and/or my paintings and/por my artwork and/or my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork; the facts of where the knowledge of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 when I was in Basic Training in the Army branch after having already acknowledged the factors of my MOS choices as to Infantry/Calvary/Combat Arms/MP though as to my choice as to Supply or Logistics as to the aspects thereof, it should not take a head injury to figure out a few factors as to my personal invitation to MAST also known as Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment though as to such a base location of Combat Arms as to the demographics of the MOS as to the bioological gender as to such common sense factors as to the reference thereof as to the aspects of if factors as to the regards of biological females as to the physical aptitude as well as the intellectual aptitude as well as the emotional intellectual aptitudes as well as the factors of maintining and sustaining oneself as to the correct situations instead of as to such if factors depending upon the levels thereof as to what some consider as a connection in such supposed to be consenting adult aspects whether or not in the lifestyle as to such references for such clarifications of if factors.
However as to the references regarding the aspects of such if factors of others either looking into Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the viewpoints only as to the grounds, then as to what the individuals paid the most attention to as to whether they considered more of the aspects of the physical as to the superficial factors and/or if they paid attention to the history more than the physical aspects though notating such or whether as to paying attention to the lives as to such references to the throughout the span of the church as to such regards as to the if factors of such references.
For example as to the situations as to Club Sapphire in August 2022, I registe3red my books within the state of Texas as to my Eclectic Judeo-Christian beliefs as to the Religious Organizations as to such references and regards thereof for all such comprehension as to the reality of such facts as to the additional aspects of being a Confirmed Graduate of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church of Presbyterian Church USA as to both congregations as well as the additional studies throughout my life as to from the 1980s into the 1990s into the 2000s as to such factors additionally to being an Ordained Reverend as to such facts. I had already brought forward such aspects of my ideas to do so in the year of 2004 referencing certain factors as to books as to religious works as to the writings thereof as to such factors as the multifaceted approach I saw as important prior to the finding of the word Eclectic as to the Judeo-Christian morals and ethics as the conjunction of the references regarding the aspects of the backgrounds I have in reference of my childhood and my teenager years experiences as well as in the references of my ethnic background connections as to such facts. Thus as to the if factors as to those in regards whether as to the reference of the Miss Saphire competition in the year of 2017 or 2018 as to my platypus tattoo reference as to that individual in the wheelchair as to the timeframe thereof as to the tutus I wore with the corset as well as the stockings that evening as to the aspects of the references as to August in the year of 2022 as to such social distancing requirements as to asking my personal permission first as to actually using real words as to a real discussion instead of such aspects of thinking that thinking the words is any communication when such as to the if factors as to where thinking the words is not the same as speaking the words as to not the same as writing the words for someone to actually read the words as what common sense actually is for real communication with others as to such aspects of actually being capable to socialize as to such factors as to the if situations of actually being considered good enough to socialize with instead of such if factors as to such situations as to the proof thereof as to whether in reference to the failures of such misinterpretations as to when I referred to my satirical journal blog or as to referring to my journal blog and/or as to such references regarding the metaphors as to other situations as to such factors and/or referencing such metaphors as to other writings of mine as to the facts.
Obviously if as to the background of the coloration of my journal blog before the background change to the aspects thereof as a viewpoint from the area where the America Flag was as to the USS.USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as to the viewpoint from that specific location upwards as I ascended from the depths of the bottom of the oceanic waters as to the Matthias Abyss area as within the Bermuda Triangle as to the area of the Atlantic ocean, possibly the references of popping such viewpoints as to the aspects where somehow others have thought of Titanic as a romance in the difference of what the Titanic actually was as to the references as to the different boat officially as the reality of the 3 different boats as well as the aspects of the factors of another boat in the area as to the naming factors having been worked on to the painting. I suppose a metaphor as to my mural in what was my apartment in Bremerton Washington would be as a metaphor in reference to the capacities thereof of such if factors, regarding the misinterpretations and/or misunderstandings because of the chosen lack of real communication with the correct individuals hypothetically. However knowing how such port areas work as to the facts of where I was raised as to the references thereof to specific individuals as well as specific types of individuals, as to the years and decades thereof to such points in time.
Thus as I can clarify for if I personally need to as to such factors though only as to if I actually need to as to the references of if factors as to the background change as to if I was taken seriously about my life experiences as to what I personally dealt with in my personal life, as to the aswpects I suppose as to the proof in the references thereof as to such if factors as to the background of my journal blog as to the if factors as to the red curtain as to the aspects of my red hair as to such if factors as to the word satire of the if factors of the word comedy as to the if factors of the words satirical(-ish) journal blog as to the differences of the words journal blog. I figured as to the common sense as to my updates to my journal blog as to the capability of distinguishing such factors easily, though as to such if situations as I suppose possibly it does take a head injury to figure such out correctly as to being capable to bring forward the truth.
In such references of those Westboro Baptist Church types as to such possible similarities as to Baptist Camp Lebanon aspects as to the year of as to the personality types, the aspects thereof to such references regarding such if factors as to the references thereof to such factors of the background studies and the information thereof in a larger format as to such references for such regards. Thus as to such aspects of as to where certain common sense factors when caring about life such as caring about life if as to such includes caring about life after death as to the references of the reality of February 1993 in New York City as well as 11 September 2001 as to such factors in the references of such situations as to the reality of life after death as to the aspects of if as to living life being of importance as to being capable to have the maturity to discuss such honestly as to the facts thereof. While the reality that 11 September 2001 was not as bad as to the years initially of my nightmare throughout from the timeframe of 1992 from when I was in second grade, the aspects of such obvious distinctive differences of belief of care in reality as to the proof thereof as to whether there is as to inactions and as to such actions as to the proof as to one way or another as to such facts as to how proof actually works.
Thus in such references and regards from the years of 1998 through such timeframes as to the if factors as to the years of 1993 as well as 2001, the aspects of such lives outside of the New York City areas as well as the lives outside of the field as to Pennsylvania as to the lives outside of the Pentagon areas; as the if it did not take a head injury to point out, the facts of how many lives directly in person face to face in person in real life as to their direct connections to the direct areas thereof to the northeast locations as well as the east coast locations are not the same as watching such on a screen and not having the direct connections to the areas as to the specifics. Since such aspects of what was important to me as to the specific times as to such factors as to how I personally am as to the specifics of the northeast as to when I had my biological minor aged children as to the distinctive differences as to such aspects whereas others were not privy to such aspects thereof officially as to such locations otherwise as to the official factors, thus as to while my attempts in the multitude of ways as to where I specifically would have and could have introduced such living people in person face to face in person in real life if there was actually individuals who care(d) about such aspects of life3 within the specifics as to the state of Texas as to how the reality of how easy it would have been for me to be capable to get exactly to where I needed to be to take my biological minor aged children to meet real people in real life as to the factors of such depravity of each and every other individual throughout any bigotry as to the grounds of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to such ignorances officially in my opinion as to all such if factors.
Apparently because I can distinguish between the spirit factors as to the spirit of General George Washington as to the capacity to distinguish living real human beings has not been passed onto others as to the facts of common sense of the if factors as to such distinguishing factors, then as to the aspects of the factors of where humanity would actually be as to such if factors as to the differences of such amounts of bigotry even as to after the year of 2000 within the state of Texas as to such aspects of the pop culture references incorrectly as to New Jersey as to the aspects thereof as to such if factors as to those renaissance faire types as well as such if factors as to the other capacities thereof as to the proof of such if factors as to whom would actually care more about life as well as care about living as the proof thereof to such common sense.
Since as to the aspects whereas my compre3hension of my work as to my comprehension of my books as my comprehension of my writings, the aspects similarly as my comprehension of my paintings as my comprehension of my artwork as my comprehension of my modeling as to the aspects thereof to my comprehension of my performances as to my comprehension of my choices for just being myself.
Thus I did not realize the aspects of the areas in Austin Texas were at such a depraved level within the aspects of Camp Mabry as to being capable and willing in the year of 2007 for me to salute the American Flag as to such patriotism for and of the United States of America during the Star Spangled Banner, as I did not realize such amounts of Texas National Guard individuals had such amounts of issues personally as to the aspects of a biological female looking as I did in the year of 2007 in the Austin Texas area at Camp Mabry would ever be such a problem for me of anyone to actually be capable to salute the America Flag as well as the individuals graduating as to the facts of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars as to from the attacks on 11 September 2001 also know known as 9/11.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars after the year of 2002 were as to the references of the occurrences of 11 September 2001 or 9/11, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out.
I also did not think it took a head injury to figure out in reference to February 1993 in the northeast as to New York City at the World Trade Center Plaza areas, as to how I did not think it took a head injury to figure out Desert Shield and Desert Strom as to such factors as to the similar references.
Thus I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that saluting the American Flag as well as being respectful while being supportive as best as I could as where I could as to such factors thereof as to the references thereof as the difference, as to the timeframe of 2007 as to the capacities of obvious differences as to my personal needs as to the specific point in time as to such factors thereof as to what my personal considerations of such factors are and would be considered as instead of such misinterpretations from such interpretations as to such hypotheticals even if they knew the details in part and/or information in part as to such references as to the common sense factors as to the regards thereof officially as to the proof thereof as to such if factors both before and after the JC Penny pictures in September of 2007 after such aspects of the years of 2004 through 2005 as to those dress blues as well as the references thereof as to the year specifically as to the year of 2006 into the year of 2007 and 2008 as to my multiple attempts to discuss such facts.
However as to my background update to my journal blog as to from the view of the location of the American Flag on the USS.USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg in the year of 2009 after my personal work that I personally took care of, as the aspects of such factors as to the timeframes thereof to such aspects whereas the reality of such work as to the aspects thereof as to the situations as to the UHAL situations instead of what my intentions as to my attempts were because if my attempts as to my intentions were actually of importance then as to such facts as to actually accomplishing what I set out to do for such regards as to personally being capable to personally pick such factors as to the aspects thereof officially as per my background as to my clearance regarding such aspects
You know common sense for others would be if you knew/know who I am and/or some of my accomplishments and you know/knew someone as to introducing me to them and them to me as to such introductions, an intelligent way would have been as to actually doing so when we were in person face to face in person at the exact point in time as to such factors instead of having to find such out thereafter as to such hypotheticals as to the if factors of importance to the situations as to the specific points in time. The reality of such aspects whereas the requirements as to such common sense for such aspects of if factors as to the metaphor reference I suppose yet again as to "Fail-Safe" in such references of the differences of communication as to such aspects thereof to such official standards, as to the if factors as well as comfort as to the already situations of if ever actually having truthfully cared as to the capacities of actual comfort for me as to such aspects thereof as to such references re4garding such common sense as depending upon the actualities as to such factors as to the exact point in time as to such situations as to the considerations thereof officially as to the differences of reviewing such timelines as to the facts in such requirements as to the references thereof as the reasons why the truth as the reasons why the 10 Commandments have always been of importance to me as well as to others as well as to multiple situations.
I wonder to a degree as to how long it will take before people realize as to how the aspects of the interpretations as to their misinterpretations of such if factors as to the references thereof from the timeframes of such if factors as to the if situations as to the capacities thereof to such lengths of years after having woken up from my coma from my head injury when I was in Basic Training for the Army branch in the year of 2000 when I was legally biologically 17 years old, as to the after effects from that and the aspects of my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate as to such aspects thereof as to the if factors before ever taking my work in SCUBA Diving into such considerations of course as well as such situations as to Irving 2011 as to such aspects thereof to those particulars
Thus as to the regards as to such situations as to the viewpoints thereof as to the differences as to the actual work as to such aspects thereof when if such actual work as to when as to the aspects of my comfort of as to such differences from such work as to the common sense, then as to where such facts as to how there has not been one year as to the aspects from officially as to the year of 1996 where I personally have been allowed to have the comfort of actually being capable to relax as to being capable to enjoy as to having the capacities of a vacation as to what I consider as to such factors of an actual vacation as to the luxury thereof as to my personal considerations. Though at random times for myself as to a vacation for myself where it is only a vacation as to such aspects of, that has not ever been something I personally have had such a luxury to have as to despite such amounts of attempts to just relax to be capable to recuperate as obviously the aspects of a reasl vacation as to such aspects of differences of recovering and recuperating are not in any capacity the exact same as a vacation as what I personally consider as what I would consider as a vacation. If such aspects of others' opinions as to their misinterpretations as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips and my Medal of Honor Art Project work and my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to such factors in a smaller way were to ever be considered as a vacation for me, I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the actualities of my work actually taking to the levels thereof as to the facts thereof to my actual work referencing such aspects as to the reality of my work regarding such.
Thus those yellow buttons as to the area on my website as to where the capacities would be capable to find My To Contact Form as to each and every aspect of such references regarding such intellectual capacities thereof as to such prior years as to from when the first starting point of if knowing about my website and/or if knowing about my work, though only as to the truth as to such allowances as to such facts referencing the northeast as to the specific points in time as to the specific situations as my personal life experiences as to such if factors of those lower level of intelligence as to such if factors of needless games as to such needless situations as to such needless drama as to such aspects thereof to such pretending as to such if factors as to those renaissance faire types in the general public as to such if factors of such background to my journal blog to such considerations.
I, was always serious as to my journal blog as I can distinguish easily the difference for myself of as to the difference of my satirical(-ish) journal blog as to my journal blog as to my journal as to my blog.
There is a difference as to the reference in my book "Finding A Silver Lining" as to the regards of in the field aspects as to the references thereof as to such co-ed aspects, though I suppose there would be the requirements for others to comprehend the differences of work as to the differences of their military industrial complexes as to such if factors as to such hypotheticals as to such references thereof as to such hypotheticals as to the differences obviously as to the considerations in such factors regarding such situations when as to what was considered in reference to only in the reference of overseas and not as to the reference of on the soil of the homeland of the United States of America as the common sense of such if factors of the United States of America being greater than the rest of the world as to such if factors as to the massive distinctions as to such amounts of failures within the various sectors of the United States of America as to such situations as to the amounts in reference regarding myself.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if I was actually cared about and cared for as to the differences of such treatments as to the mistreatemtns as to the differences of how I would/should/could be treated or could/would/should have been treated, if my guesstimations as to such machismo males as to their sexism as to such MOS and work thereof as to such inaccuracy and/or as to such feminazis as to whereas the aspects of such biological females as to the aspects thereof to not breaking a nail and messing up their hair as to such girly garbage as to the lack of wonder as to such types as to the aspects of such hypothetical situations when as to such factors of accurately taking care of work correctly. What would the difference be as to biological females as to such aspects in reference to myself as to the situations thereof as to biological males as to such situations thereof, especially as to the employment factors to the considerations as to such if factors; and thus what would the differences be as to the references made in "Finding A Silver Lining" be to the the references of myself and othrs as to such signing the proverbial dotted line as to the factors of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to law enforcementy as to fire department as to EMS as to such if factor5s, as to such civilian non-signing-dotted line aspects thereof as to the proof as to such personality traits as well as interpretations and/or misinterpretations as well as the seriousness as to when situations are as why woiuld that be of importance?
Does it take a head injury to figure out individuals who have dealt with real life experiences as to serious situations have some similar common thread factors as would it take a head injury to figure out individuals who have had the luxuries provided by as to the levels of whatever factors of employment as to such if factors, as to when real situations occur as to the responses thereof officially in the open as well as behind doors?
Should it take a head injury to figure out as I said in my official You Tube Channel videos as if they have actually been watched and listened to in such additional references as to the factors thereof as to my journal blog if such has actually been read correctly as to such if factors as to January through April of the year of 2020 in reference to COVID specifically as to the metaphors in reference to the choices as to such points in time as I recommended as to the year and time of 11 September 2001, as to the choices as to such proof of actions as to talking the talk as well as walking the walk proverbially as to such if such factors of emergency situations as to the first responses as to such if factors of the considerations of if can assist as to such if factors of thought as to choices to the actions thereof as why would that take a head injury to figure out in this month of January on the 23rd day of the year of 2023 be to such if factors?
How swiftly as to such references thereof to the considerations to the situations as to the year of 2020 or would such be considered as to what description as to the words thereof to such factors as to the choices as to the aspects, and what assistances were offered as would there be an importance to such factors as to the direct aspects of such factors regarding such situations?
Would in such review now in 2023 there be an importance to such choices during such a point in time of the year of 2020 as to such if factors, as what would those particular direct factors be as to such if factors regarding such situations?
While I referred to the capacities thereof as to such work in the references of from 2019 through 2022 as to where such aspects of from the publishing officially as to my first two books in the year of 2014 as to the factors of the Library of Congress as to the factors as to admittedly as to such wondering as to what I could ever do as to such aspects of how many attempts as to if finding someone or if as to being found as to the aspects as to February 1993 as well as 11 September 2001, as the factors of the building sizes as to the NEw York City area are far smaller than they ever were in the 1980s and the 1990s for the majority of the towers and the majority of the buildings as to what was in the evening skyline as to the viewpoints from Long Island for the references thereof to the height as to such sights as I guesstimate those towers from the viewpoint of Long Island are probably above 25 or 35 sotries high if not higher than such factors as to the areas of over 50 or 75 stories high.
That is what once was as to the New York City area overall for those who did not know and/or who have been fooled by imposters/fakers/imitators as to the aspects of the areas as I personally clarified as to my personal knowledge of the factors of, as well as my personal clarifications as to the capacities thereof to such verifications as per the situations since the year officially of 2019 through 2022.
If as to such pathetic aspects of others as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to the common sense as it should not take a head injury to figure out as to the legal name as to such locations as to the legal requirements as to when attending such a location of the legal government identification card as well as to such common sense factors as to the difference between Fetlife as to the difference of in real life in person face to face in person in real life as to such factors as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the legal issues that would be as to minor aged biological legal minors as to such if factors of giving them a Fetlife name as to such aspects, as I did not think that would take a head injury to figure out or point out such situations that could be considered as problematic as to the regards of the mural as I informed of as to my journal blog updates as to the year of 2019 through 2022 as to the references of learning of such though having to clarify as to the reality of such aspects regarding Club Sapphire in the year of 2018 prior to my journal blog updates obviously as per the timeframe as to when I went on my Medal of Honor Art Project trip(s) in the year of 2018 as to what was clarified as to then the if factors as to if I was actually known and then as tpo the if I was actually cared about/for as to the if my work was/is actually considered as important and wanted as to the capacities of what my considerations of being wanted as to such factors of such specifics; then if as to if I was actually important as to such if factors as to "The Modern Day Book" and/or my journal blog updates and/or such aspects thereof to humanity, then obviously I comprehend what differences as to such factors regarding such situations if as to such accuracy of mine.
Thus as to the if factors as to my background for my journal blog as to such if factors as to the seriousness as to such situations and/or the words of satirical(-ish) as to such references as to believing in the capacity to spark thought as to the capacities of for betterment as to what I consider as betterment, I suppose depending upon the viewpoints as to the situations of if others thought I was in a bad mood before as to the clear distinctions as to the background as to the if factors of such differences of when I am in a good mood as to the prior journal blog backgrounds as to the -ish factors of before to the aspects of the reference now in the month of January in the year of 2023 as to the upcoming 30 year memorial as to one situation I survived.
Thus ensuring to clarify biases officially as to such if factors as to the capacities of before makes the differences as toi such other factors thereof as to such if proven factors as to sucyh lengths of time, as then as to the common sense factors in the references thereof to such if situations.
Thus personally I have cared much and cared for life as best as I have been capable to do so and now as to the 40 years, what others' aspects as to such references as depends as to such regards as to the proof of such references. Thus in regards as to choices during January through April 2020 as to the regards of the work of such factors as to what of importance as to living and life if as to such regards, then as depending upon the factors as to the capacities thereof as to the proof as to what was of most importance. For example as to the rallies in the year of 2020 my choice in the beginning was to wear the outfits I chose for myself as to my personal needs for the timeframe in such beginning timeframes before my choices as to as the timeframes went onward as to the different events as to the different timeframes per event in the year of 2020, as to such factors referencing the capability of mine to wear outfits as to what my personal requirements are for myself as to my needs for the situations as per what my sight of such for my best interests as to the events as per such factors thereof. Since I have been a registered Republican since the year of 2000 as well as have acknowledged such in multiple communities and areas of life as well as have discussed such before officially registering as a Republican as to my favorite living when I was a child POTUS/CiC before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to POTUS/CiC Ronald Regan as to such factors, the common sense of such regards as to despite whatever community area as to where I was as to the facts as well as the information as to my reasons why.
Thus as to such factors in regards of having been a part of the original Texas Tea Party movement in Carrollton Texas despite how I look in the year of 2008, the factors as I would guesstimate as to such if situations as to what I have brought forward as to such if factors such as within this journal blog as to such aspects of hypotheticals as to my hair color and/or my hairstyle and/or my tattoos as per the real life situations I as a Mom dealt with as per when authoring/writing/compiling my first two books "Finding A Silver Lining" and "Finding The Silver Lining" as possibly now as to such references as to such viewpoints to such comprehension or possibly as to some understanding as to the knowledge thereof to such viewpoints of distinctive differences as well as the proof thereof as to such hypotheticals as obviously after the facts of others such hypotheticals as to who they spoke with wherever they spoke with such others as well as whatewver factors as through their communications as to such if factors well before I ever put anything into writing officially as the common sense would be where the hypotheticals of such others would have officially outed themselves as well as officially outed others as to the specifics thereof to such specific years as to such specific months as to such specific days as such must only fully be in truth as to such specifics as the differences of my review as to the timeframes are as to the differences of my review of the timeframes as the differences of the exact point in time as the specific exact point in time is of importance as to the reality of the truth fully in all such capacities as the one and only way to officially be as to the correct capacities for actual progression forward if life is actually something others than just myself actually caring about such progression forward as to betterment as realistically as to such situations as to the capacities thereof as to such pondering from the timeframes as to the years thereof as to such amounts of my attempts.
Since I do not play games as I on ly had done so when my biological son and my biological daughter were legally biological minors as to only at specific timeframes, there was not and is not any capacity of where I personally have ever needed nor wanted nor desired nor preferred nor had any ideals as to such needless games.
It must be such a luxury to be capable to play games instead of actual work as to such factors thereof though possibly as to such connection aspects of with real individuals as to real people in real life in person face to face in person as to such if factors, as when the reality of such types of if factors as to those renaissance faire type of games as to the capacities thereof to such escapism from reality as to the aspects where such aspects of the differences as to such factors as to what my personal considerations of luxury are as to the differences of opinions as to what others consider as to that aspect as to the differences of what my personal considerations are as to for my best interests as to my considerations of what I consider as luxury for myself as I have not ever needed misinterpretations as obviously all of those misinterpretations of me as to all of those misinterpretations of my words as to all of those misinterpretations of my choices as to all of those misinterpretations of myself as to where I actually have comprehended my personal situations as I have actually comprehended my personal needs and as I have comprehended my actual personal needs and as to how such st5andards of my minimalism standards as to such being met and kept and maintained for me for my usage as to such aspects as to the factors thereof as to possibly the background of my journal blog brings forward to the viewpoint as to such references as to the capacities thereof where I am capable to clarify as myself as to such factors if I were asked appropriately instead of the length of time as to such aspects of if factors of my accuracy to such references of if factors regarding such situations as to such hypotheticals of the factors of others' interpretations as to their misinterpretations of me.
Thus as to the if factors of such clarifications with such a backgrou8nd change I truly have the need to be in a good mood as I want to be in a great mood as what I personally consider as such comprehending myself, as I also comprehend such as the timeframes as to January through April 2020 as tyo the references where such choices in my opinion prove the genuinity as to such care and concern as to such factors thereof as to such if situations.
Thus as to my outfits as to the progression of such aspects as to the timeframe within 2020, the factors as to the possibilities of such updates in the years of 2020 through 2022 might be as to such if factors referencing as to how such situations regarding if as to assistance as to in such factors as to the situations thereof as to the reality where the COVID aspects officially have yet to be as to such aspects whereas the lack of difference as to the after timeframes of February 1993 as well as to such metaphors in reference to 11 September 2001. Each for the prior three years knows, understands, and comprehends their own choices as to such factors as to whatever their clarifications as to such intentions would be as to such if factors.
However as to the factors whereas the if as to what I consider as to myself mattering as to what I consider as to such factors of being wanted as what I consider as for myself as to my comprehension of myself, as the reality of where if such actual look at time were of important as it is for life as to living as to the aspects of what it is to actually appreciate time as to what such actually is as to my personal considerations though actually making such real attempts as to reaching out as to such factors as the proof as to such direct factors as to the capabilities as well as such honesty. Thus when I personally clarified as to my definitions as to a real friendship as to real relationship aspects as my comprehension of the factors as to the differences of online as to my comprehension of differences as to business as to my comprehension as to such factors as to how I personally run such as to my comprehension as to what I consider as a real monogamous relationship as to such specifics as to what my referred aspects are as to such facts, then as to such of my comprehension of such facts regarding my personal needs as to my personal best interests referencing the entirety of as to my personal comprehension as to my personal needs as to the differences of the situations especially as to the years of 2013 through 2022 as the facts where each has needed to accept the reality and retain such information as to the aspects thereof as the real truth as such politeness is of such importance to the 10 Commandments.
Thus as to 11 September 2001 as to February 1993, what is the difference of the general public's responses as to the situations of the year of 2020 in the months of January through May and what were the choices in genuine truth as to such factors as where were such betterment attempts actually genuinely made for such aspects as to the aspects of such proof?
When in reference of the factors of the coastal regions as to the United States of America as to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving work, why would the aspects of what I made attempts in the state of Texas as to the emails with Senator John Cornyn's staff as to the references of my Texas SCUBA Diving factors be of importance to the areas in the state of Texas to correctly be accomplished as per what I comprehended was actually needed and required to do so as to such if factors as why would that be of importance now in the year of 2023 to the difference of the year of 2019 and 2020 as to such if factors of ports as to the Gulf of Mexico as what did I see that would have been capable of differences as to such if I was taken seriously as to my warnings as to what I could see?
It does not take a head injury to figure out Clear Springs SCUBA Park location SCUBA divers in the civilian sector would not have the knowledge as to such as to only if they had went to the Gulf of Mexico areas as to being capable to see some version of a United States of America's navl military vessel for the allowed areas such as the USS/USNS Lexington as to such factors, as obviously I did not assume anyone had actually had such common sense as to the knowledge thereof to the size of that naval vessel despite having went to create a video when I was there for such size differences of myself as to the size of the naval vessel of military aspects as to the area of the Gulf of Mexico as to such factors as to the if it is cared about as to such water bouyancy factors as to the common sense of drought tonnage weight and other such references as to the if factors as to the Prince of Wales as to the regards of such military aspects as to my attempts. Why would that be of any importance to the states along the Gulf of Mexico coastline for me to make attempts with those individuals as to 2019 as to such aspects of 2020, as why would that be of importance about life and living as what is the difference of the size and currents of the Atlantic area of the oceanic waters to the difference of the Gulf of Mexico or does that take a head injury to figure out?
What would such regards be in such references as to such if factors as to my personal work in regards of protecting and defending the populations on land above sea level be of importance to such aspects ever if I was actually cared about and cared for correctly, as what would be of importance3 as well as to the state of Florida as to such aspects of ceremony?
Why would that ever matter in reference to the oceanic factors as to the references thereof as to such if situations, as to the references thereof as to a difference of viewpoint regarding a pond as to such hypotheticals?
If I actually knew someone as I had during 11 September 2001 as to such aspects thereof as to the differences of that timeframe then as to the differences of the timeframe now as to how such differences are as to when an infant child as to the timeframe of 2001 as to the situations in reference to February 1993 as to such if situations as to such if factors thereof, as to how such would be if I were accurate as to such port factors as the attempts I made as to such timeframes. For example in reference to 11 September 2001 or what is known as 9/11 as to the aspects, I already have clarified as o what could be verified. What was my apartment as to such references thereof as to such situations of where I could have assisted if as to having been contacted and asked for a meeting or meetings as to such if I was accurate in the year of 2020 and 2021 in my journal blogs, as to such if factors as to the references as to such situations of if I am accurate as to such if factors as to ports being discussed and/or worked on as to such if factors as to the lands above sea level for people to live on in the United States of America.
However as I comprehend as to how certain types are in certain areas if individuals surrender as to thje aspects of the ports per state of the coastline areas as to the individuals thereof as per their own works as to when I made the clear clarifications as to my warnings as to how individuals who do not have the normalcies as to such factors as to their origin regarding the factors of where the aspects of the years from before the year of 2016 will matter the most as to such employment factors as well as attempts as to such capacities thereof, as to such factors of attempts regarding such situations referencing the factors as to the years of 2019 through 2021 as to the proof as to such situations as to where if Americans cared as much as the factors as to how their opinions they have professed through such aspects in conjunction of the work thereof as to such if factors as to such situations as the if there were those known to me who knew me in person in real life in person face to face in person as to such aspects of attempts of mine to the differences thereof as to the if factors as to the metaphors referencing the proof of February 1993 and 11 September 2001 as to the references as to the years of 2000 through 2013 as to the aspects of 2019 through 2021; the aspects of what humanity actually is as to such requirements as to the facts regarding the needs in reference to the US Space Force as well as NASA as to actual factors as to appreciating as to the factors of such specialties as to the backgrounds thereof to such specific works if actually important.
Thus as to the references of such factors