Since the facts of what I have dealt with instead of what a real chance is where I could actually live my life as to how I need as to my choice as to my preferences instead of what every other homo-sapien-sapien has don as to such differences as to what a human being would do as to #humanity humanity, the facts as to the proof as to the situations as to in truth as to the real truth as to such aspects of the differences as to what I have dealt with each and very time as to suich differences as to the aspects thereof fully.
For example if I was given a real chance after my Basic Training as to Medical Hold Unit, I actually would have been given the chance to truly recover from the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to the aspects thereof as those who did graduate Basic Training #BasicTraining and some who graduated #AIT AIT instead of the assumptions as to what occurrences thereof were and are. No one would have ever looked down on me for being born and raised in New Jersey as a biological female and the reality of my educational background in full would have actually correctly been appreciated and worked with correctly, instead of what occurred as throughout the years and decades. However such situations as to how the facts of all such situations from that point in time also would not have been as to the reality of the situations, because if I was given a real chance as to the differences regarding all others as to that time as to how the aspects of the situations now have been through such lengths of time as I would have actually been given the chance to prover myself in the specific capacities of what my career was supposed to be. I would have had the choice of the timeframe of giving birth to children instead of the reality of the occurrences as I would have had the choice from the start. instead of what occurred as to the aspects of the needless restrictions as to what that captain john Morning did as to how without any legal rights or authorities as to the aspects of him having given me his cell phone number, pager number, house line number. and direct office phone line number.
While telling me as to how since I did not graduate Basic Training he believed that I as to being a student though as to being in Medical Hold Unit as to being permanent party and thus as he said was the only person I was allowed to speak with after he was transferred from being a general's aide as an O2, though before he was put in charge of the Medical Hold Unit and Charlie company to an O3 pinned similarly to the aspects as to the E7 to E8 situation as to the year of 2008 referencing that needless situation as to the aspects of Fort Sam Houston now as to how San Antonio #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas Texas is #MilitaryCityUSA #MilitaryCityUSASATX #MilitaryCityUSASanAntonio #MilitaryCityUSASanAntonioTX #MilitaryCityUSASanAntonioTexas Military City USA as to that reference of time. When he was put as the company commander of Charlie company as well as Medical Hold Unit as to the situations in the year of 2000 after waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in Basic Training in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, the situations referencing the aspects of what I dealt with after the aspects of how students and permanent party took me off post to the aspects of the rave where I just went to go dance as to something I could remember as to the aspects of my childhood and my teenager years as to individuals I once knew as per my biological parents' work and background as my biological father had been a watch and jewelry fix and repairer as to the School of Bulova as to additionally as to certifying gemstones as well as making jewelry as my biological mother worked in Information and Technology at Prudential before there were any subcategories as to certifications.
If I was given a real chance as to such aspects of recovering as needed from such that all others have been given the chance for such luxury as to the aspects thereof to recovery from a head injury or a TBI as to such regarding those timeframes instead of the situations as to such hypotheticals officially, those who have had the luxury of being around individuals they recognize and/or in locations where they recognize as to such differences as to anything and everything I have dealt with instead of such aspects of what a real chance is and would be. However since such aspects as to each and every situation I have dealt with as to the proof thereof as to my life regarding such needless games and needless situations and needless problems as to the difference of all such others whether as to the civilian sector and/or the Armed Forces of the United States of America and/or other areas around the world, I as a biological female at the legal age of 17 years old had not ever been given the chance for such luxury ever as to what the reality of such factors has been throughout such lengths of time as to the proof officially to such aspects.
Additionally instead of being around people and location(s) that I would recognize as also to the weather factors as if I was actually given a real chance to recover from the aspects thereof to the only location that would ever have been acceptable officially as to the state of New Jersey, and no other location as to such aspects unless with the Amish and Mennonites and Mountaineers as to the reality of my childhood as to such aspects. However that would require individuals throughout such aspects to have common sense as to looking at the real background and believing such, instead of only going off of the demographics as to the paperwork that was possibly allowed to be seen and instead of listening to high schoolers as to the hypotheticals as to annoying Illinois as to such reality aspects of such situations instead of the occurrences thereof officially. Though in that location as well as to where if I actually had a real chance to deal with everything that I had dealt with up to that point in time, as to how the differences officially would have been as to such aspects despite what those homo-sapien-sapiens would try to claim hypothetically as the reality of April/May #Arpil #monthofApril #May #monthofMay of 1998 #yearof1998 #monthofAprilintheyearof1998 #monthofMayintheyearof1998 through January #Januray #monthofJanuary #monthofJanuaryintheyearof2000 #yearof2000 2000 was not ever a chance because of how school actually is as to being in school as to the school years beginning in September and going through May or June instead of the common sense aspects of what would actually make sense as to if education was actually important to others that would have humanity as to being human beings.
Thus I would have been asked in truth as to such and when I was asked as to such situations at the minimum, I poke in truth as to the repeated questions I dealt with as I have not ever heard of or known of any other individual who has ever dealt with as many situations as to such lacking of chances as to the real aspects of what a real chance would be considered as the facts of the #Jewish #JudeoChriositian #Christian #Hebrew Judeo-Christian saying to ask of what would Jesus do?
If I had been given a real chance in that timeframe instead of only being stuck as to such areas as to the aspects thereof as to such restrictions as to the aspects of those closed factors, I also would have had a choice as to who I would date as to such aspects instead of such a limited selection as to such common sense factors as to the reality of the situations as to captain john Morning as to the facts before and after such a point in time. Additionally I would have had the choice as to the chance to actually be with who I chose instantly instead of such aspects as to such waiting aspects as to friendships as well as acquaintances and obviously as to how the reality of the time was not dating as to such facts that those types did not believe though need to accept was and is the truth, I was raised by extremely strict parents as to such aspects of where I was not allowed to date until I legally as to biologically turned 16 years old as when I legally turned 18 years old as to the aspects of if I was capable to choose for myself as to the areas I repeatedly made attempts to get back to as to being within the areas as to my choice as to such aspects of differences as to such aspects of who I would have chosen from instead.
However as to such aspects of when the one time I went to captain john Morning's apartment because some people I knew who could take me to his apartment complex as to then go watch-ish a movie as to how boring the movie was as to how I fell asleep because I did not grow up watching movies as there was not any interest for me to watch movies or television, even though the aspects of where I was not allowed to watch movies and television above a G-rated until I was legally 13 years old as to both PG and PG13 movies as to such aspects of the overbearing helicopter annoyances as to all such factors as to the proof thereof as to such types while having needlessly been forced to work throughout my childhood and my teenager years illegally as to child labor laws as well as now in such references regarding such hypotheticals as to my journal blog as to such aspects of the needless problems as to such aspects of hypotheticals as to the #ADA ADA as to my pain levels as to the if aspects as to actually being capable to recover from such situations as to the aspects of how I have always been aware of such as to the amounts of attempts to explain as to if I would actually be believed and such aspects be accepted where I would have the real chance of recovering instead of constantly being pushed instead of what my actual needs are as my actual needs to recover are the reality as to the aspects throughout this year as well as throughout the prior years and decades.
It is common sense as to recovering as to actually being capable to relax and do as needed as per my needs, instead of others' pushing me away as to such aspects from the recovery that I need and have needed.
Not one homo-sapien-sapien who would be a human being would ever push me as to if giving me a real chance as to in any factors thereof as to the proof as to such amounts of work I have had to take care of, as if there was actual appreciation for my work and/or for me as to the facts as to when I choose to pull back because of my own needs as to how such aspects of not being pushy would actually be. If I were given a real chance as to recovery as to such aspects of what was not asked for regarding the aspects of others as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to what I clarified as to the needless damages to the situations referencing myself in "The Modern Day Book" as to how I would be capable to relax as to recovery as to such amounts of needless situations as to the needless drama as to the needless stresses and the needless pain raised per individual piece of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as well as all paintings and all drawings, as individuals who are highly religious and highly spiritual cannot tolerate certain types of individuals as to such facts as to when doing their work.
It is not a choice for others at all, it is a reality as to such factors.
Thus while I said that the home base for my work when only in reference to picking up the rubbings for my work, as to the common sense that would be the only time that would ever be considered as a home base for such aspects instead as to such aspects of what I have been dealing with hypothetically as there is not the capacity for me to complete all of my other work as to such common sense aspects as to the reality of such aspects as per the situations as to the years as to the differences as there is not the allowance of any modifications. Any such individuals as to their failures to ever think they could modify such aspects as to the proof as to the pieces from the years as to the differences as to the framework as well as the aspects of the additional collection portions, instead of what my actual needs are for my work.
Thus if anyone thought because of their interpretations as to such failures as to why there is not any allowances as to interpretations, as to such aspects as to when homo-sapien-sapiens think they can interpret instead of actually just living and let live aspects as to the proof as to such aspects as to whether my work is actually considered as appreciated and wanted as to such facts as my work is not an option from others as to the aspects outside of my specifics as to how it is to correctly be completed instead of the situations as to the reality of if factors as to other individuals of whatever locations selfishness as to such aspects officially.
Though if I was actually given the chance as to just doing my work my way as to such aspects as to how the aspects would have been as to the years of 2018 #yearof2018 through this year of 2022 #yearof2022 , instead of how such hypotheticals of others has been as to the proof of such needless involvement from others who did not know of anything as even though they may have had some knowledge as to my past as to what levels of pushing instead of ever asking me in truth as to such similar facts as to the Army as to Fort Sam Houston #FortSamHouston as to the city of San Antonio as to such aspects as to the facts as the common sense would be as to how such aspects after waking up from my coma would have been instead of what occurred.
If as to whatever side biologically to my son and my daughter that I gave birth to as to how such aspects were as to not what I wanted and not what I needed as per such facts as to Brackenridge additionally as to the truth, then if I had been a real chance as to what my real medical care would have been instead as I made attempts repeatedly to explain. Hopefully soon all such aspects will be accepted as the facts and I can actually have a real chance at life and a real chance at long lasting real happiness as to what I consider as, the facts are just as the facts are. There was no need for me to return to Illinois as to the facts there were no people who would have ever been assistive to me as to my after effects as per the facts as to any such aspects of those homo-sapien-sapiens involvement as to the facts as to the location as to the facts as to the amount of time and the facts as to the reality as to the proof additionally as to how the choices of my biological mother and my biological father and my biological little sister instead of what my actual needs were at that time as well as any such hypotheticals thereafter as to all such situations officially. Though as to any such hypotheticals as to the proof of my childhood and the proof of my teenager years as instead of what I consider as a real childhood and real teenager years, as to the proof such as to my journal blog as well as other such aspects of where I would have had the chance to just be a child and just be a teenager as to such normal aspects instead of the aspects of the situations.
If I had real people that actually cared about me and cared for me as to how such facts are as to the proof as to such aspects of what I consider as care, and not what I consider as not care or taking away from the time where I could actually care as to such aspects of myself as to my work. However obviously there has not ever been anyone that has actually taken that into consideration as well as put such in action as to what would be instead of what I have dealt with officially, as to such aspects thereof as to all such aspects fully. Thus if there were those who would fail to ever know what I consider as care, well the amounts of complaining would be plenty to see as to such aspects as to this journal blog #TheOrneryPSA as well as common sense is as to the luxuries all others have been afforded and allowed obviously.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that I do not actually like my saying at all, whatsoever as per the rage that has just been as to such factors of the situations as it does not matter what other people think as to their interpretations as to the facts of such situations as to why I have used and #copyrighted such as to the permanency of such exclusively officially permanently as to the if factors as to my being capable to have a way for me to have all finances as to such aspects per usage thereof as per the facts.
Comm sense as to headaches and migraines as to not pushing to have speaking constantly in any capacity unless the pain levels are low enough as to comfort levels, as obviously such situations as to the timeframe as to the aspects of the best aspects were when I did not have to constantly be annoyed by others who I did not want to speak with. Some people are the way they are as not all prefer constant talking as to such common sense aspects similarly as to not always needing to write as to just being capable to recover from the aspects of as the luxury others have had as to such aspects of their headaches and their migraines, instead of what I have dealt with and that includes whatever type of writing officially as to common sense if there ever was any in any individual ever other than myself.
If others are mad at others who I had dealt with as to such so-called medical factors then the reality of not pushing me would be a common sense situation, as the reality of going to those individuals as to their choices would be the only option instead of as to such situations as humanity would be om whatever capacities thereof as while others who have had such luxuries as to such aspects of recovery it would be fantastic to be capable for me to actually recover from all the situations overall at this point as to how I choose as to such facts. It does not matter to me if others' feelings are hurt because of their choices as that is for them to deal with the accountability for their stupidity in my opinion as that is their responsibility officially, as to the facts. I have not had the need that other biological females have as I grew up as a tomboy as to playing with males biologically instead of having brothers as there is a difference of having biological brothers to being capable to grow up as a tomboy, as common sense is as I figured.
Thus as to how instead of what I have dealt with as to other biological females as to their issues as to their own personal aspects, as those are their issues for their own personal aspects to deal with on their own. I did not ever get along with those types of biological females that pushed in such ways and if as to such hypotheticals, as the facts that is not going to change as it has not ever changed. Feminized males biologically as to such aspects similarly as to such aspects of the difference of a gentle biological male as to such differences as well as to the common sense, as to what a man is.
Just because I can appreciate such aspects of strength in the midst of dealing with situations does not translate as to such being a capacity of anything other than what I dealt with as to Medical Hold Unit in my opinion, as that was not what I needed nor what I wanted. However I guesstimate as to assumptions of pop culture references about #NJStrong #NewJerseyStrong #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #NJ #NJstate New Jersey as to such factors as to the aspects thereof, while needing to remember as to such Amish #Amish and #Mennonite Mennonite and #Mountaineer Mountaineer aspects as to my preference and my ideals as to the facts of the starting point of New Jersey to the routes as to such locations as to such common sense aspects officially. With such individuals who were the only people who had not p[ushed me constantly as to actually being capable to have real discussions about multitudes of topics while not being overbearing as to such aspects, the facts are the facts as to what our schedules were as to those times instead of what hypothetically has been during such factors. Thus when I needed a break, I could actually do so without being annoyed as to any of them unlike the situations as to such hypotheticals. They were the only ones who comprehended my anger and frustration throughout the times because they were disgusted as to the facts as to what little they saw as to such points in time and when I was asked in person face to face in person with etiquette and respect, as to how much calmer I was as the facts are as the facts are as the facts are.
The reality of such common sense as to the if factors as to the state of Texas #TX #TXstate #texas #Texasstate and/or such individuals as to whatever branch or division of the #USAF #USAAF #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces #ArmedForcewsoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica #ArmedForcesoftheUUSA #AFUSA Armed Forces of the #USA #UnitedStatesofAmerica United States of America, and yet the irony about such luxuries those have had as to such differences of them to the differences of myself throughout the entire time.
Thus if I were supposed to ever believe as to me being wanted, then that aspects of what I consider as to such just as the same as to being cared for and cared about as well as respected and appreciated.
Thus if there have been people as to whomever as to such who have told others as to such, then actually paying attention and doing so instead of just listening.
The aspects of how it is far easier for me to relax and recover as to what my actual needs are instead of what no one ahas the base foundation of except for myself, as to the facts. Thus what is there where I have ever of my own free will without any coercion and without any needless problems and without any needless stress and without any needless pushes and without any needless situations as to being capable to actually ever relax, not forgetting to being capable to recover for myself as to such aspects as to how is best for me?
Thus while those of the #USArmy #USAA #USAArmy #USArmy Army branch might be upset though they should be upset with all of those others who had caused such needless problems, as they should be upset with all of those who caused such needless situations, as they should be upset with all of those who lied to them, as they should be upset as to all of those who stirred up needless drama, as they should be upset with all of those who caused such aspects as the same for each and every individual instead of such facts as to me. Though as since the Air Force #USAF #USAAF #USAirForce #AirForce started because of the amount of whining the individuals had done as to the formation of as to how they still began because of the Army, and as individuals throughout other branches would know of as to the history as to such hypotheticals such as the #USCG US Coast Guard as to the #USMC #Marines #MarineCorps Marine Corps and the #USNavy #USANavy Navy branches and divisions thereof. Since the medical so-called care as to Wilford Hall as to such aspects as to those factors as to the attempts I made to inform the Army individuals I once knew in person face to face in person, as to such aspects to such viewpoints regarding if factors as to such hypotheticals as to the facts as to the timeframe as to the entrance to the Air Force as to the husband at the timeframe of my son and my daughter's biological father as to who went into the Air Force for Basic Training as to the year of 2001 for such hypotheticals to consider as to the year of 2001 as to my Boue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to any such aspects to consider as to the different military bases in the state of Georgia #GA #Georgia #CAstate #Georgiastate as to any such hypotheticals a to my capability to actually have individuals I would remember as to being capable to reconnect with as to the luxuries thereof as to such differences hypothetically to consider.
Those aspects are the facts as has been proven and thus what modeling have I ever done that would ever have been of my own free will by technicality through such standards, as what performances would be as to such aspects as to the truth?
Thus in regards of my Medal of Honor Art Project, where did I ever just get to do my work as to the peaceful balance aspects as to the amount of time and what appreciation and respect of such of mine would there be as to such hypotheticals as what would such proof be capable to see as to when pushed as to the difference of when as to the natural and what would the quality to the difference of such aspects of quantity be as to such differences?
Thus if individuals want to try to claim as to respecting my work and/or respecting me for my work, what would suchg show as to the differences as to such hypothetical pushes?
In honesty the only pieces of my #MedalofHonorArtProject Medal of Honor Art Project from the timeframe as to the years of 2020 through 2021 would be the Hebrew piece that I took to the Navy/Marine Special Warfare Unit as I would have taken my SCUBA Diving gear to if I did not have to deal with the situations I dealt with in the years of 2009 through 2012, as well as the largest 2 or 3 pieces from that Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection as to my honesty as to such aspects of the self-evaluation of my work. However others who have been as to such aspects as to such differences as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project overall can take into consideration as to such aspects of viewpoints, though as to a larger mural aspect as to what I once was working on as to such aspects before the situations as top Washington state as to August and September of 2022, as to the aspects of what self-control is. Thus as to what actual recovery from those aspects additionally as to what I was already dealing with as to such aspects overall, as to the common sense as to if I was given a real chance as to such luxuries others have had as would be fantastic as to such luxuries to such time and situations as to what my needs are as for myself for my own recovery as to what my needs are as well as my wants.
My fingertips have literally blistered repeatedly and because of the aspects additionally as to such needless situations as to such pushes as to the rage that caused yesterday's 9-1-1 phone call as to the aspects of the situations where obviously if there was respect as to even being capable to recover from that, as to only showing the common sense aspects as headaches and migraines are only worsened as to the pain levels instead of lowered pain levels because of the fact the brain is where the central nerves begin officially if there ever were to be common sense as there is not the need for a medical degree or a medical background for such aspects to have common sense #commonsenseisasuperpower
Thus while everything I should have had the luxury to have for myself for a far worse head injury/TBI situation than as to such aspects thereof to my children's biological father as to the common sense of the reality of differences as to the facts despite the location, such facts are still the facts as to the aspects of real medical aspects and real individuals as to family as to the real situations of differences because obviously a male cannot give birth as to the additional facts of Pitocin factors as well. How feminazi of such machismo aspects officially, as to such hypotheticals as others who represented themselves as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces who did not have my permission to speak on my behalf as to how any who had dealt with such nonsense bullshit should be enraged with those homo-sapien-sapiens instead as obviously such proof as to who actually is wanted for such aspects of my work would only be proven as to such hypotheticals as well as the aspects as to the reality of the fullest amount of lack of respect to my work as well as of my work as the most important aspects as to the full disrespect to the spirit of the Medal of Honor itself in my opinion as to whatever proof of such aspects officially to others' selfishness.
However as to such oddity of irony as to those as to my son and my daughter's biological father's side of the family of if factors, well those two names would officially be married as to such aspects as to how much they had defended their incestual love affair as to my son's biological father and his eldest sister as the facts of Mary Evangelina [nichols] Osteen when I knew her and Robert Walker Nichols as they should be so happy as to their marital bliss I suppose.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that if such hypotheticals as to such types as to those hompo-sapien-sapien aspects as to the factors where they fought for what they wanted most of each other as I suppose, at this point in time as to such hypotheticals. Most people prefer to be capable to go outside of their own gene pool as to other human beings as to their choice and while I could have had other choices of going down the hall as to their barracks instead of going down the street, I suppose if any such hypotheticals as to how that definitely would be one time here where I would not mind so much as to using my saying as to how it should not take a head injury to figure that out. If as to the mural aspects as to how in Club Sapphire as to the daughter and Ruby as to such aspects, I suppose if my son and my daughter's biological father's side of the family to every attend such a location after the mural as to whatever turn ons as to those factors regarding such nastiness as to the disgrace and disgust as there would not be anything that would or could ever wash that clean as despite being in WASHington state as to how no matter the tonnage weight as to such washing would ever remove such hypotheticals as to that collection. Though I could guesstimate they could collect all sorts of other aspects as to such situations as to the differences of when I would clean and clear, as to such other factors thereof hypothetically.
Since as to such differences as to the time and the location, I suppose I can make a different reference of if factors as to such latter points in time of differences as to possibilities as to the aspects as to hallways and/or downward aspects as to the differences as to when I was stationed at Fort Sam Houston as to the upwards though was not allowed as to such aspects because of the situations as to Medical Hold Unit as to the aspects of when later CID got involved as to the timeframe once the Brigade Commander found out as to the aspects of where such situations were an issue for the Brigade Commander Colonel rank as to my age as to the timeframe as I was still 17 years old at the time if I recall the specific timeframe as he had a daughter my age at that time if I remember correctly. Thus as to the aspects where I grew up as to my legal age, as I still deal with the situations as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury though I make the best attempts as possible to be a productive member of society though as to the levels of what I can tolerate is much different because of my issues with technology as to the reality of since waking up from my coma.
The factors as to how many laptops as to #GeekSquad Geek Squad and #BestBuy Best Buy from 2006 through 2013, there were more than 13 laptops though as to the aspects of Geek Squad as to the accidental warranty plan as to the factors as to the oddity of the year of 2013 as to the 13 laptops I turned into the locations at the times through those years.

While some aspects as to how my son and my daughter's biological father's side of the family were mainly Democrats and Liberals as to such aspects as to the time I knew them in person face to face in person, I had not realized as to how liberal they were as to such aspects of what they might consider as to such aspects as to the factors of what they consider as to keeping it in the family.
While I do not mind the different branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such spreading outward of such branches proverbial pool factors, there would be a massive difference as to such aspects of keeping it in the family as to such hypotheticals of proof.
Personally as to such aspects as to my invitation to Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment while attending as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to General George Washington as to the Army branch, would that translate as to ...?