If people have wondered why as to how my responses have been as to the timeframe from the year of 2018 through now as to such aspects of my journal blog updates, it is because of the facts there has not ever been any point in time where the aspects of what I personally would consider as comfort as to the aspects of what I have dealt with and brought forward as to such.
If I personally had actually had the sensation of comfort at Club Sapphire or any other location or event that I attended as to what is supposed to be considered as the consenting adult lifestyle, then I would haver actually participated in such activities if such individuals actually had ever had the capacity to have it where I personally had the sensation of actual comfort.
There has not ever been any event or location where I personally have had the sensation where I personally could relax and enjoy myself, because of each individual situation I had dealt with as well as such overt machismo as to such lack of chivalry to what the common sense would be as to the if factor of actually earning such aspects in the comparisons as to what has not been of any comfort as to what I personally would ever consider as comfort as per “The Modern Day Book” as well as my journal blog updates in conjunction as to “Finding A Silver Lining” and “Finding The Silver Lining” and thus as to such factors of the if situations of individuals actually seeking to make things where I would actually be comfortable and enjoy then as to actually doing so would actually require what would actually be considered as actual comfort to and for me.
I had that comfort I actually needed at a point in time, and there was the full perfection of everything I needed and everything I wanted and everything I desired for everything that was 100% perfection as to what I personally had needed for myself as to what I considered as actual and real comfort for me and what I needed for me to raise my family for if those individuals as to if they ever actually cared about me would have left my lifer as to what I actually had arranged perfectly instead of those people ever involving themselves with what was unnecessarily messed with because of such failures to pay attention to what I actually comprehended I needed at the exact timeframes at the exact moments each and every exact point in time in the comparison of how every time other people think in comparison to comprehending as to such factors in reference as to the situations since and if such individuals actually had the capacity for actual communication with me as to actually having the capacity to such human decency and actual humanity as to what would be considered as to the comparison of what has only been problematic needlessly from the timeframes starting officially as to the most amount of needless problems as to the most amount of needless drama from the starting point of the year of 2003.
If from the year of 2003 as to such comparisons of what actually was needed in such differences as to each capacity thereof fully, all such situations as to the differences as to the fullest amount of betterment as to the comparisons as to what my Bok Pu warned everyone about as to the needless problems that would occur because of the failures as to Anna of ever getting the specifics of time correctly as to the facts that time is of the most important aspect in comparison of perception because when time and perception align as to what that reality actually is as to how the reality actually views as to the lengths of time throughout all of eternity. Thus if actually wanting to get things correctly then the requirement as to actually doing such as per the correct timing would officially require that knowledge as to the understanding, for without such knowledge as to such understanding as to the capacities where the lack of such would be.
Thus as to the if factors as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle if you spoke with other people about me in comparison to speaking with me as to such aspects to the comparisons as to any actual interest in me, then all you did weas speak with other people about me as to what you spoke of as to what your discussions with those people were as to whatever the topic points thereof in the comparison of ever actually speaking with me.
The common sense as to the if factors of if having went to Club Sapphire to speak with me though not having done so and having spoken with other people about me in comparison to speaking with me, then what level of common sense would there be for such clarifications needed to be made as to such aspects as then who would it be that would have caused the needless drama as to such needless situations?
If in comparison to speaking with me as to whether in reference of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips and/or as to the times at Club Sapphire and/or prior times as to Washington state and instead of speaking with me you spoke with other people about me, what level of common sense would be needed to clarify that instead of speaking with me as to having spoken with other people about me as what would ever be considered as common sense to if wanting to speak with me as to speaking with other people about me as what would ever give the sensation to me as to speaking with me as to the if factor as to speaking with other people about me as what intellect would that be?
If as to the aspects as to Club Sapphire as to such hypotheticals as to males in such references then as to the fact of comprehending that I put the badge on myself as to the aspects of how uncomfortable as to such aspects as per the point of actually having to get to the point where I actually put such around my own neck as to being capable to distinguish to you people as to how uncomfortable you people have made as to such sensations to me as to this length of time as to such additional references to each and every one of you people who I once knew in person face to face in person as to all of the needless problems you people caused me as to the point where I had to get my hairstyle as to such levels because of you people as well as because of you people as to the aspects of your loudness as to the length of my hair as to my hair color as to such subarachnoid hemorrhage color reminders for your physical viewpoint since such failures as to the amount of people I once knew in person face to face in person to have actually paid attention to the most important aspect of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, and thus as to the common sense of such guilt to individuals I once knew ion person face to face in person because why would such guilty individuals ever be capable to actually look at the in person face to face in person as to such overt guilt of their crimes as to such factors in comparison of any actual humanity as to in the capacities of what would actually be considered as humanity.
Thus as to people related biologically to my son and daughter, you people are as to what needless problems as to what I dealt with as to such monstrosities as to what I physically look as because of your lack of anything worthwhile as to what I personally would have considered for myself prior to ever having dealt with such situations.
In reference to individuals as to either side of my children’s biologicals as to such friendships and/or acquaintances as to such lack of worth to your existences as well as per such factors referencing the factors of what situations have been, as what would ever be considered as to welcoming as to having had to deal with such amounts of tattoos as to simply being capable to deal with each day because of your types of needless proportions as to such aspects of where there would not have been how I physically look in such references to what my personal ideals for myself as to such differences to you people.
There is nothing about the aspects of what I physically look as to where any of you people have ever made such to where I have ever had the sensation of actual comfort because of how many failures all of you people have been as to how you have chosen to be in comparison as to what would be considered as human decency, to such situations.
If you people had actually sought to where I actually sensed comfort, the aspects of what would actually be to where I could sense comfort would be where I could actually relax and enjoy myself as to actually being capable to relax and enjoy myself as to with individuals who I actually would want to be around as well as want to be around me as to the actual comfort of what I actually consider as comfort. I did not volunteer to only have comfort for other people, as the common sense as to being a part of what is supposed to be the consenting adult lifestyle is where actually being capable to have and be comfortable. Maybe if other people were capable to actually pay attention to such details as to the aspects of when taking control of what would actually be considered as comfortable as to creating such aspects for the capability to at some point actually possibly enjoy some events and actually enjoy some times where as to actually enjoying the actualities in the comparison as to having dealt with all of the aspects as to what has been, instead as to what I have worked for the be capable to simply actually enjoy myself at events I attend as well. In order for me to enjoy myself as to the aspects of what supposedly as to a community supposedly as to such aspects of what would be considered as, then as to the reality of as there was no one else who did anything that was assistive to people who have been dealing with the after effects of head injuries as to the obvious factors whereas to such individuals throughout the supposedly consenting adult lifestyle. However people who have survived head injuries I would guesstimate similarly to me, do not and would not consent to anything except for the truth fully when in reference to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to actual involvement with others as while other people who do not have head injuries though are always capable of something occurring as per how head injuries can be as to such aspects as to the common sense as to the 10 Commandments as to such facts.
The additional aspects as to the sexual portions as to the capacities of health, that is a different and yet equal aspect of the truth needed. I have already posted my fully clear paperwork as to my fully clear tests with 11 tubes of blood per such clarifications as to the aspects of as to any/all mis-typing or typos as to the numerical or letter portions as per such aspects of the clarifications per my 100% clear papers as per such multiple blood tests with each test either being 8 or 10 or 11 or 12 vials per such timeframes as per the years of 2018 through 2021.
Since I publicly posted the paperwork on my website as to the exact ways as best and as equal as to such factors as to “Finding A Silver Lining” as to the first time in the year of 2019 as to the aspects of how long ago such clarifications were completed as to any such if factors of those types of those individuals of the biological connections to either side of my son and my daughter as attention to the detail of time would be of importance as to those particulars if as to such hypotheticals as to afterwards to “The Modern Day Book” as the publishing of “The Modern Day Book” was in the beginning of the year of 2020 though the posting of my bloodwork was in the year of 2019. I comprehend there have been people who have had difficulties comprehending 0+0=0 and 0+1=1 and 0+2=2 and thus the possibilities of individuals I once knew in person face to face in person who had such issues comprehending those numerical portions as to the aspects of comprehending the year of 2019 is before the year of 2020 in case some people needed the counting lessons too as I had to relearn how to count to 10 when I was in Medical Hold Unit in the year of 2000 just as I had to be retaught the names of colors in the year of 2000, unless all of a sudden the reality of how I was taught to count from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 all of a sudden now is different and the aspects of what I was taught by the Army was incorrect though if still counting occurs as to those numerical sequences then I am going to guesstimate I was actually taught correctly as to such factors and possibly even the names of colors could be correct too.
In turn if as to such capacities then as to what would be best for myself as to having learned at a biological adult-ish age as to what is best for myself with the comprehension of my childhood and my teenager years as to what I have clarified and verified, as then as to such situations whereas the comfort levels as to what would be considered as to ideal would then be as to such factors referencing what would actually be best for what is best.
If as to the aspects of the comfort level as to the situations as to what others may have assumed because of what other people told other people about me in comparison of asking me as to what I actually am as to such interests, therein would be a different aspect of situations as to the similarities of asking someone who knows of another person about them though having the capacity to ask oneself as to the individual and then actually believing to get the actual correct answer in comparison to actually going to the correct person to ask the question to then get the correct answer. It seems common sense to me as to the aspects of clearly to such regards such as there would only be myself to ask me about my SCUBA Diving, though obviously since there has not ever been anyone who has ever had the common sense to simply ask me in person face to face in person as to any such questions ever as to my work as to my background or any other factor of as to the common sense as to only if it actually mattered would I have been asked as to the aspects of if it mattered to other people. There is not any capacity for anyone who has actual intelligence to truthfully ever believe anyone who could actually ask though would have chosen otherwise as to the aspects where those individuals would only show the lack of care as to the actual situation, as well as the lack of responsibility each individual would be capable as to such factors because of the responsibilities As to such capacities of what would be considered as important referencing such communication factors as to the only ways communication actually occurs as to questions and answers. Otherwise the aspects of such as to how if it was important as to what would be as to such in the comparison of what others hypothetically assumed, as to the aspects as to the reasons why I warned people if you actually want the truth then there is only one person to ask of such truth in reference to myself if that is important enough to actually ask.
Thus in reference to while I have enjoyed time with speaking with other people as to events as to such differences as to the aspects thereof as obviously if as to the situations of actual connections as to how actual connections would have been in such factors thereof as to what considerations to comfort, and thus in such factors regarding the aspects of the situations as to the if factors of as to what my viewpoint of actual comfort is for my involvement is as to what my personal comfort levels are for my personal involvement. If as to such aspects of any try to push in any other capacity of what I would not consider as comfort, then the review as to such regards as to what my viewpoints as to such factors to the comparisons of what actual comfort would be for me as to such comparisons as to what has not been considered as comfort to me referencing the aspects thereof. If I was comfortable as to Club Sapphire then I would not have ever put the badge on, at any point in time.
If I actually had the sensation I could actually enjoy myself as to such aspects of as to what is supposed to be considered as the consenting adult lifestyle as per truth, then I would not have ever put the badge on.
If I were actually capable to sense to having real discussions with individuals as to a certain point in time in comparison to reminders of how such needless drama situations from Texas as well as Illinois as well as New Jersey as to certain areas, as to such factors of if I actually was capable to believe I could enjoy myself then I would not have put the badge on.
If I actually had the sensation I was being spoken with etiquette and respect as well as human decency as well as maturity, then I would not have put the badge on at Club Sapphire.
If I actually had the capacity to dance and enjoy with others, then I would not have put the badge on.
If I actually had the capacity to speak with others to what factors of as to, then I would not have put the badge on.
If I actually believed I could actually connect in a real relationship factor as per such points in time after 2018 though even in situations before as to the state of Texas, then I would have actually been involved with individuals who actually gave me the sensation of being comfortable in a relationship with.
If I actually had the sensation my life and my opinion and my viewpoint and my presence actually mattered, then my response to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to such updates as to the aspects of would obviously be different as to the capacities of what my viewpoint would be if as to such aspects thereof to such a viewpoint.
Thus if my biologicals as to such factors actually wanted me to have the sensation they actually cared about me and they actually respected me, then what the aspects of 2003 would have been in comparison as well as the aspects of other situations as to the differences as to the capacities thereof.
If as to my ex-in-laws having ever actually wanted me to believe of being considered as respected and a part of that family, then the situations as to how such went throughout the timeframes of 2000 through 2010 would have been far different than as to such aspects of what I would consider as being a wanted in a positive way part of a family aspect as the one and only person to ever ask as to what would be as to my personal comfort would only be to ask me as there would not ever be the capacity of ever asking my biologicals of anything that would ever be correct as to what I actually would need as the reality of if they could actually do so correctly as to what the situations would be different as to that reality from well before the year of 1993 or 1996 or 2000 or 2001 or anytime thereof thereafter as the same as to each individual I once knew from Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as there was nothing during the timeframes back in the day that were correct as to what I needed as the aspects regarding the situations as to the amounts of drama needlessly because each person as to the glitch as to the assessment tests as to film director regarding the aspects of in comparison to how many people were told about the glitch as to the assessment tests that year as to how many individuals still thought of themselves smarter than technology when technology had put out the error message itself as to informing the general public about such factors in 1996.
The news reports that came out as to the paperwork that was sent home to the parents as well as all of the capacities whereas everyone in the northeast was informed of the glitch to the film director as to the aspects of needed to retake their assessment tests, and if I was the only person who retook my assessment test as per the requirements as to the aspects thereof then as to the reassessment test that was warned about as per the aspects of something in a news report at a different point in the Asbury Park Press as some have seen legal commercials as to a similar factor as to the situations of the reassessment test though it did not say when the reassessment test would be.
Thus while some people might enjoy the look of tattoos and while my tattoos have meaning specifically, the aspects of actually going through the process of a tattoo is not anything that I would ever consider as something I personally would consider as a bade of value in such capacities as there are the facts as to such situations. If I wanted or if I needed most importantly if I had the sensation of needing to as my tattoos in regards of showing, then I would actually have such a sensation as to being a positive aspects for me in comparison as to what the sensations are to me. What other people think as to such comparisons as to myself, are the aspects of what other people think in comparison as to myself.
Thus similarly as to events as to modeling as to work, if such was spoken with other people as to positive comments then you spoke with other people about positive comments and those positive comments are nothing I ever was informed of and nothing I ever had for myself as to such aspects to the common sense as to discussing positive comments with someone else about me would translate exactly as to having positive comments about me to someone else in comparison of having positive comments and informing me of such positive comments.
Common sense would dictate that would not be fishing for compliments, as fishing for compliments would actually give a specific reference in comparison of an overall reference in the generalized way because if I actually had such compliments in person face to face in person where such positive aspects in regards of non sarcastic comments and actual compliments in comparison as to what other people claimed were compliments to them while as to what I considered as compliments as to what others’ opinions had differed from me as to when I made attempts to explain such differences as per the capacities of being told to use words. Thus if as to actual realizations as to what individuals in reference to their explanations as to compliments as per other descriptions that assisted where I formulated the specific wording for my book “Finding The Silver Lining”, though as to such individuals having explained what their versions of compliments would be as to their versions as to titles as to their words during such points in time then as to what I explained as to a difference of opinion as to an agreement to disagree as to what a compliment was as to those years in 2009 through 2012 as to then there should not be any upset by any individual I once knew in person face to face in person through their own standards as to what they explained were what their version of compliments were as to such descriptions as to such wording and discussions.
I disagreed as to such wording similarly as to the aspects of Female Dominance as to the name aspects, however as to such individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as per their own descriptions of what their viewpoints of what they considered as compliments to the difference of what I consider as a compliment as to the aspects of leading by example ad thus as to the situations of etiquette and respect as to such individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to their choices of their situations as to if they read such as to if they view such as complimentary still as to their ways as to their verbiages as to my version of wording in my way as per such influences. If the aspects of such were to be considered as upsetting to others as to my wording, then why would such be upsetting to others as to the words as per the influences they had been as to my formative years from when I woke up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury while I was recovering with the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain throughout 8.5 years as well as then as to what I was shown in the timeframe after the knowledge of my SCUBA Diving and landing at the bottom of the ocean and surfacing alive as to such amounts of times as well as locations thereof to the depth levels that the coding factors as per clearance levels, in the conjunction of the SCUBA Diving certification, in conjunction to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment, with the conjunction of the Navy Marine Special Warfare Unit as to such aspects in reference to the situations as to the truth as to the depth levels.
Common sense to airplane flights: Where do the airplane flights start from and go to and how does the knowledge of the actualities actually get proven, when taking in consideration my SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 as to those who may have completed the arithmetic from what I truthfully said as to atmospheric measurements as well as fathoms; thus where would the capacities of the actual distance across the oceanic waters be capable to actually know the depth levels from such distances, as what would the depth levels changes per the areas of the grading system areas as per the distances across such lands below the waters compared to the curvature of the earth as to such levels of trenches to the indentations as to the pockets within such curvature areas? Thus what would the actual measurement be if as to seeing a Naval shipyard with a class ranking as to the aspects of the above the water size though the knowledge of a minimum of 2 or 3 times the depth beneath the height from the top of the water line to such class level, what then would be the arithmetic for a minimum depth level measurement of the propulsion measurements of downward drought for 5 to 10 submarines as to the current developmental stages in the year of 2022 though to the year of 2009 measurements though to the measurements as to the knowledge of time difference as to the 20 to 30 years to put such work into the location as per such factors compared to when the news reports of such aspects. Thus why would where I was born and raised, where my biological mother and my biological father worked, my Grandpa Gavett, my Bok Pu, my Bok Gung, and my babysitter Sony/Sonya and her friend Nora be of importance in reference to my SCUBA Diving at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as why would my Bok Pu be more important than my Bok Gung for that as why would my babysitter Sony/Sonja and her friend Nora be more important than Joe/Jose for that aspect of the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as why would the capacities of those three females be of importance, to that specific SCUBA Dive as well as other SCUBA Dives though that particular SCUBA Dive why would the Vandenberg be specifically important to such capacities? Now, why would airplane travel distances be of actual importance and what would NASA females as to arithmetic in certain capacities be capable to comprehend as to the numerical factors as to the differences as to space travel as to the comparison as to my SCUBA Diving depth level as would there be a few females from such timeframes capable to be found for such specific references regarding the situations as to my SCUBA Diving though as to Space Arithmetic aspects that such females would be capable to review the depth levels as to the measurements as to the knowledge of such arithmetic as well as other capacities of such NASA factors to the references regarding the situations as to what actualities are the actual possibilities as to the actual measurements?
Ideal timing of seeing “Love it or hate it” as to candy corn on Outnumbered, as to such aspects as to the facts whether to love or hate the facts the reality of the facts are still the facts.
Thus while I do not actually like or enjoy typing or saying the words hate as to such aspects of clarifications because hate as to hating choices as to the difference of hating people as to the difference of hating people would translate to hating human beings because of the amounts and connections, and though I can hate choices the difficulties of hating actual human beings or hating actual people as to the comparisons of hating choices as to such factors as to such massive differences I suppose.
Thus as to such aspects of my books as to book signings as to my adult book series, the capacity of my comfort level requirements as to such factors as to the differences regarding the situations as to what would be considered as comfort to me. Having authored “Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series” and then the aspects as to such situations without anything as to what would ever be considered as comfort to me as to having authored such factors and knowing as to in the fictional way though as to the aspects of taking a leap of faith there could be such viewpoints as to the capacities thereof in other situations, though as to the aspects where it is known as to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as well as through such aspects as to my experiences as to not being a feelingsy girly romance stuff as to those capacities. It is known I am a tomboy in comparison to being a femme femme type of female, as per the reality of not being lipstickish as to such factors. Though I would not consider myself in such terminology of a butch or even a baby butch for such clarifications as to those wording comprehensions, the aspects of being in the Q aspects because of the combinations as to such factors of word descriptions to who I am.
Thus as to the aspects of intellectual factors as to the differences as to emotional factors as to the difference to the aspects of physical viewpoints as to the differences as to the spiritual aspects compared to the sexual attraction aspects, as to such Q or Question Mark type of aspects because of the multifaceted aspects of my life as to depending upon the combination as to what aspect of what capacity of as to the situations. Thus if actually seeking where I relax, then as to the specific combinations as to what actually would be as to my relaxation in the comparisons as to the situations.
I suppose a possible oddity of if as to such aspects of an individual who might actually be along such similar lines as to wanting to relax though such factors as to responsibilities, though in as to such then aspects as to the if factors as then what would be as to such relaxation as to the if factors of such?
Common sense would be if as to such aspects of such specifics then as to communications as to such in person face to face in person discussions as to the factors of, especially in reference to my work as to my schedule as to the aspects where if it was thought I had not thought about aspects of my own life as why would I believe anyone could have faith in me at that point?
Why would I be capable to believe I could be cared about in a positive way, as why would I be capable to see anything other than what has been shown to me as to such aspects as why would my viewpoints as to the comparisons as to what I have seen/experienced be of importance?
If as to individuals as to prior times as to relationship aspects as to numerical portions though as to sensations different than as to such factors as to the possibilities thereof, if time as to such as to the aspects in truth of such importance then would such be where in the capacities of what as to the aspects of as to if actually?
I suppose each leads through their own example as to what they have experienced as to what they have seen as to what they have viewed as to what they have known, and thus as to the aspects where as per if my journal blog is read as to the aspects of where acknowledging the reality of my life as to such situations as to the factors of. While whatever others’ opinions as to bearing such truths as to such facts, as to the reality of what it actually takes to be as honest as to such facts as the reality as to factors as to energetic situations as to the reality where such aspects of the differences between the physical to the emotional to the intellectual to the spiritual to the sexual are actually different for some people and that importance of such honesty is crucial if ever needing someone to believe in actual care and concern for them.
There are reasons why there are laws against hazing just as the reality of 0+0 is 0, just as 0+1 is still 1 year as just as 0+2 is still two years as to such references as despite whatever such individuals I once knew in person face to face in person might try to claim, the facts as to the reality of being a biological aged legal 17 year old female as to the comparisons as to the reality where I had to be retaught how to count to the number 10 as well as had to be retaught the names of colors as to the facts as to despite other situations does not change those facts as to the situations as how many people have had adrenaline situations and they were capable though afterwards as to such afterwards?
Why would I believe I was ever cared about as to those aspects when the comprehension if as to such aspects of those individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to the years of 2000 through as to 0+0 and 0+1 and 0+2 as to the intellectual aspects, then as to the emotional aspects of what if those individuals want to try to claim care and try to claim concern about and for me as well as my actual best interests as to such comparison if as to such lack of common sense about 0+0 and 0+1 and 0+2 as to the aspects of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain, as that 0+0 and that 0+1 and that 0+2 seem(ed) really important as to the aspects of “The Modern Day Book” as to the situations regarding other people’s involvement in comparison to just my involvement with the individual who might actually be interested in me as why would other people who would fail to think about those facts ever be capable to ever discuss anything of value and worth to me as to such aspects as to the if factors as to the situations of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain situation that took 8.5 years as what would their common sense be if as to such aspects having needed to be explained as to the 0+1 and the 0+2 aspects?
Thus as to individuals if having said anything positive about me as to the comparison of the knowledge of what ahs been seen as to the online portions as well as the aspects as to Leatheratti for other references as to the aspects thereof in conjunction as to the situations as to fetlife as to the aspects of forum posts I had dealt with as to such factors in the forums as to such viral forum posts from the years of 2009 through 2013, why would individuals who I once knew in person face to face in person pay attention to how important the actual truth is as to such factors as what if there were those such as to the 201 Project as to such situations as to 2012 as what if to such individuals something seemed odd as to the situations referencing what others were saying about me in comparison to myself as to the comparison of what people who knew me in person face to face in person as to actually knowing me in person face to face in person as who would have such capacities of knowledge in such capacities of me to what aspects of in person face to face in person to such knowledge as what would the difference be as to watching compared to in person face to face in person or would that common sense aspect of 0+0 and 0+1 and 0+2 actually be needed as per such a reminder?
Thus as to what actually be as to what I would consider as to being considered as important would be as to such aspects of my choices as to what I view as to what would be considered as important to me as to such references, regarding as to what would be where my viewpoint as to what actually matters to me being considered as to what is actually of importance and thus as to the common sense aspects of what would be the only way as to what would be capable to get me to have such sensations as to being wanted in a positive way would be as to the capacities of what I would comprehend for myself would be as to what would give me that actual sensation. Common sense would obviously bring forward as to such 0+0 and 0+1 and 0+2 as to what would be regarding for such amounts of time as to how few ever got what would be for me as to for my best interests as to what actually assists me as to such for my best interests, then as to such 0+0 and 0+1 and 0+2 would then translate to the aspects where what would be considered as to what I would view as to where such care and concern about me would be as to what I would comprehend as to what would be care and concern about me.
Thus similarly as to individuals speaking with others about me and giving compliments of what they might actually consider as compliments compared to what the claims as to what compliments such individuals told me as to what they said were complimentary aspects of how they considered as per such clarifications and verifications as per the aspects of what I was informed as to what was explained to me, as to such comparisons of what attempts I made throughout such lengths of time as to what I consider as actual compliments as to such differences. Thus if as to such after “Finding The Silver Lining” aspects as to such individuals as to what their influences as to their wording aspects as to how they described various situations as per my words for my viewpoints as to such aspects depending upon the factors of as per such prior clarifications and verifications as to the timeframe after the year of 2018 as to such situations to this year of 2022, as what would be considered as important about such factors to the considerations in reference to any such possibilities of individuals to such factors regarding the aspects thereof to such situations?
Why would the importance about the subarachnoid hemorrhage and such factors as to Brackenridge be important about such situations as to from 2018, or from 201, or from 2009, or from 2004 or as to such aspects to 2002 or even 2001 as why would those aspects in the year of 2000 be of importance to other situations in reference to my medical care as why would any respectable medical individual as to any research and/or development ever think they would have the capacity to ever actually get anything correctly as to such details without such important facts as what lack of respect would there be to individuals who would not have such as to the knowledge regarding the requirements for any medical recommendations for individuals as to the aspects of such situations as to the capacities of such differences as what importance would it be for such a basic starting point?
How important would that labor and delivery aspect be to that subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain, as what would be important to those details for anyone who would think as to the aspects of my headaches and migraines in comparison to what I would comprehend in such comparisons as what would be important about those factors and why would I ever believe individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as biological females as to ever having the capacity of humanity or human decency as what morals and ethics require as to agreements being considered as certain factors because biological females as to the difference of biological males as to the difference of biological females who have more masculine tendencies as to such differences as why would that be of importance regarding progression as to honesty to progression forward in truth?
What importance of the comprehension of would be important about any of my work, as why would 10 Commandments be of importance to such assistive aspects?
Why would it be considered as a difference to comfort levels if as to such aspects of when volunteering to complete walks as to the aspects of security to the perimeter, why would that be considered important for myself to be capable to relax to ever enjoy myself as what aspects of perimeter areas would be as to where the lack of comfort regarding myself because of such aspects as to the areas thereof as why would I ever actually believe in comfort for myself as to actual relaxation and enjoyment if as to such hypotheticals as to those types as why would I ever have any sensation that would ever be considered as relaxing to me or as to being considered as wanted in a positive way as to why would anyone ever think that would be comfort to me when the aspects of what I actually consider as comfort has not ever been asked of me despite the reality of what I had created perfectly as to what was best in comparison as to what no one else ever had gotten correct before nor since.
When perfection has been attained, then leave perfection to be perfection in comparison.
Those situations when perfection is attained as to those types of needlessly causing drama instead of actually being happy for only then give such influence as to such factors of that type of situation, in comparison as to what would actually lead through example as to such factors to actual support and genuine appreciation as well as actual assistance in truth.
The saying of people do not forget how they made you feel, and thus when in reference to individuals as to how they felt when they attended locations I was at as to such aspects regarding their enjoyment in such factors of as to the levels of. When taking in consideration of the if factors as to the location of Club Sapphire as to the comparison as to the if factors of accuracy, why would there be comfort to me as to the if factors of knowing about my Medal of Honor Art Project as to historical and spiritual rubbings as to the energetic portions and then why as to any such confusion or surprise as to the aspects of my response as to such viewpoints of the if factors as to what accuracy as to such aspects as why would speaking about me with other people in comparison to speaking with me as to such aspects ever give me the sensation of being cared about in a positive way in comparison to actually speaking with me in person face to face in person if as to actual care in actual truth if having known me in person face to face in person and/or online aspects as to such factors regarding the knowledge of as what would ever be considered as welcoming as to such aspects of if situations as why would anyone ever consider that as a favor to me if as to such regards in comparison of being truthful with me?
What artificial intelligence did other people have as to such factors in comparison of speaking with me in truth as to such truthful acknowledgements, with etiquette and respect to and of me?
Thus as to what artificial intelligence as to other people did they have thinking they knew me as to thinking they knew what I needed as to thinking they knew what I wanted to thinking they knew what I desired as what would give such aspects specifically as to specifically, what would such be as to the comparisons of such hypotheticals as per my updates as to how I do not play games and would such hypotheticals in my viewpoint be considered as to a game despite what others might think of otherwise as what would my personal opinion be as to individuals who would need the comprehension of 0+0 and 0+1 and 0+2 as to actual work as to the comparison of pretending as what would pretending refer to compared to actual work?
If people who I once knew in person face to face in person actually had belief in me as well as faith in me and actually trusted me to make the correct choices in comparison of the occurrences of such situations as to such inclusionary portions of the current point in time in comparison as to what would have been considered as actual care and concern as per the aspects of 2001 after 1993, and thus if I was actually cared about in the correct ways instead of how people admitted such aspects directly to me as to such aspects about their needless games of their needless drama of their worthlessness as to such aspects as to causing needless problems thinking that such would ever be assistive to my capacity to distinguish as those people in Illinois thought of themselves more highly than as to people I was born and raised around as to the tristate areas. I dealt with some of those people who literally told me in the years of 1998 and 1999 that they wanted to try to replace my friends from the tristate area, and I informed them none of them would ever be good enough to replace individuals I knew from where I was from. Thus as to my journal blog updates as to such factors of knowing not all of those individuals were as such however enough were as to their actual admittance they thought they were better than who I knew, and as I remained as calm as I could while those people in that high school also tried to compare themselves to people in regards of situations as to 1993 to me in 1999; as in one situation shortly before the football game that week for those who remember such a specific word, that individual shortly before such as those people would know thought of himself more east coast as an Illinoian because of pop culture he watched than he thought someone born and raised from New Jersey is as to such aspects regarding.
However despite such aspects as to the timeframe after having woken up from my coma and despite not having went to the high school reunion and it was so not odd that the high school reunion to that area as to just so happened to be during COVID lockdowns and quarantine according to the news, not as though there would be a massive purging that year as that oddly enough would have been best as to such truth in the comparison of thinking dragging such out as to the hypotheticals regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project and trips. If the biological aspects as to having discussed such with other people though did not ever have where I brought such up to the individuals as per the clarifications and verifications as per the updates because if the aspects are that those people went around and such claims as to, then if as to such the reality and thew truth would actually be as well as my medical care would be immediate without any concern or problems or hassles or delays. If that was the case then I would not ever have to deal with anything I have brought forward from such updates and clarifications, because then I would have been capable to write about happier times if such aspects were actually truthful if those biologicals told as per the ways they were when in the 1980s and 1990s as per such fifth grade aspects for one of multiple examples as to such.
Thus if as to such factors then my finances would be for me to completely handle, the aspects of what legalities would fully be as, books I have worked on would actually be where the royalties as to the if factors of only my work because of only allowing such as to the aspects of to my creativity of my intellectual property as while I have obviously explained the fact of how such is fiction because if I were to actually believe it to be fact, then there would be the requirement as to such fiction stories being facts for me and that requirement for being facts in comparison of creativity would not be where other people had such as to the common sense factors as to the obvious as while few situations as to dating as to the aspects of writing as to escapism from situations as to what was not ideal for me, as what would ever be considered as love or care or romance about being pregnant at the age where I was supposed to be in my career and what is romantic about being in labor for over 7 days in the hospital as to such labor and delivery as what would ever give any impression about love or romance or care or concern about me as to the first 5 years of being awake from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as what individual would fail as to such levels of as to romance to ever think that would be considered as romance within the first 5 years of being awake from my coma?
What would be romantic about dealing with headaches and migraines upon waking up and throughout each moment of life awake since as to headaches and migraines, as what would anyone consider as the capacity for romance and love and care as to such aspects at the biological age of 17 years legally as what could ever actually be considered as romance or love regarding that?
1.5 years of being awake from my coma and what would be considered as love, romance, or such factors as to the timeframe of 9 days after delivering my son, as what would be considered as romance or love as to the aspects of while dealing with those situations and taking care of such factors as what in person face to face in person would ever be as to such aspects as to the timeframes thereof thereafter?
What would be romance or love as to 2.5 year or 3 or 4 or 5 years after being awake from while dealing with as well as handling such situations, as what when looking backwards would such be as to the supposed aspects of romance as to love regarding such factors of the two fiction book series as to such factors or possibly even the three fiction book series because in order for such to be considered as facts to me the requirement of such actual facts for within my life as to my personal experiences in comparison of being intellectually creative enough to be capable to think of what would be ideal while not having to be nosey as other people as to thinking or stalking in their cases as to such factors of originality regarding such aspects without the prior pop culture or knowledge thereof as per such factors of the normalcy to the timeframes of such details and thus as to my intellectual capabilities from creative writing courses I took throughout my childhood because of my naturalness to such factors as to the reality how fiction is fiction and the facts of such reality would require if to actually be considered as facts for me as to what the requirement as to actual facts for me as to the requirements I personally have as to such standards of what I consider to such aspects in the comparison as the common sense would be as while good for others as to finding love or romance or both; the facts of where that would be other people who found such in the comparison as to myself, is still that fact because of the facts as the obvious situation if as to facts referencing the fiction book series I authored as to such ease and common sense.
First in reference to the fiction book series as to “The Curious Children Book Series”, that would require myself to actually have went through such officially exactly as per the books in comparison to just writing and then reading in the comparison as the requirement for such for me to consider as facts for myself would officially require myself to actually have done exactly as per the exact verbiage as to the exact aspects of the books to that book series in comparison of being creative. The second reference would be as to the “Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with science fiction fantasy” would officially require myself to specifically went through each and every aspect thereof in the exact order per the exact wording of the exact situations in the exact timing as to the exact order, and thus since such has not occurred as well as the numerical portions of the years to the common sense aspects to such reviews as to the timeframe from my journal blog updates in 2019 onward to this current year of 2022 before I begin the next aspects of other factors because obviously with certain situations as to the requirement for such clarifications and verifications as per certain trips of my Medal of Honor Art Project as the reality of if my work was taken seriously and cared about correctly as to the differences of situations. In reference to the other fiction book series “Paroxysm of the Lotus” as to such examples of creative aspects of writing as per such capabilities of mine to distinguish the difference, and as what the facts as to the comparisons obviously as to such factors as to the common sense referencing the situations as to what the difference is between facts and fiction.
However as to taking care of the other factors of what work I have been taking care of before 2018 as to the situations from 2018 to 2022, as the reality of such aspects regarding what would be considered as romance or love regarding the aspects of the years as to 1993 to 2001 to the timeframe of 2020 as to the first time of overall seeing the tristate areas as to the aspects of 2021 and 2022 in February when having seen the New York City skyline at night from a specific location I would fully remember each detail that should have been in the evening skyline compared to the obvious common sense difference of my modeling because of how many needless problems as to moves that should not have had to occu because of the situations between the years of 2009 through 2012 as to such factors as to what obviously would not be considered as romance or love or care or concern for me or about me in any correct capacity of what my actual needs were as to such points in time from the years of 2000 through 2008 from 2009 through 2013 and as to such factors as what would be common sense if I was actually cared about correctly as to my actual needs as to what would be if as to such factors in the comparisons as to the current timeframes from especially 2009 through 2022. I made actual attempts for myself to get the assistance I knew and understood and comprehended I have needed, however what would ever be considered as such aspects of genuine care about me and genuine concern about and for me as to such aspects as to the in comparison factors as to each and every individual as to such situations in the comparison of what would be best as to such points in time. Thus what would be considered as romance, unless those types who thought Titanic was a romance movie as to the obvious comparisons as to how I have not ever thought of Titanic as a romantic movie as it will not ever be considered as a romantic movie to me in such comparisons as to what I actually believe romance to be in comparison to that sort of garbage to ever thinking that would be considered as romance in comparison to novelty sorts of situations as to the timeframe in such a review of as to the comparison of what actual romance would be. In my opinion Titanic would be a modern version of the older time aspects as to what scandalous would be as to those types of trysts in comparison to actual romance, genuine love, and actual care with the concern of as to such aspects of what romance would be considered as to me as to such full comparisons as to how Titanic would not is not and will not ever be considered as romance to me because of the reality of life.
For example though I am a Republican and I have acknowledged voting for POTUS45 Donald J Trump as well as being for the Second Amendment, the aspects of Austin Texas rallies in the downtown Austin Texas areas as to all of those individual times for each one of those rallies to each individual as to such factors as to the truth as to the comparison of the situations as to the facts of capabilities to see what those situations caused needlessly to the timeframe of the situations with the knowledge of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury with the after effects from the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to the timeframes thereof, with the after effects from what I dealt with as to the individual experiences throughout my time in that state in the years of 2000 through 2013 and 2019 through 2021 as to such aspects as to the situations as per such updates and clarifications and verifications as to such situations as per what I dealt with. What would ever be considered as care and concern for me as to the aspects of the situations of if factors as to the aspects of the downtown Austin Texas 2020 rallies regarding such, and while yes I still stood my ground; what does that change as to the facts of the reality, as does that change the paper read as to the Texas flag pledge with all of the situations at the surrounding timeframe as to such factors as to being known for being born and raised in New Jersey and not having been raised to say the Texas flag pledge as well as the aspects of the situations as to the common sense physical viewpoint of the overall aspects per situation as what would such situations show in the aspects to such knowledge as well as the facts of how many military installations in such conjunctions as what would be the viewpoint with such knowledge as to my New Jersey Flag with the Texas Flag and my American Flag as to my houses as to the years of 2004 through 2008 as to my San Antonio Texas house as to 2008 through 2011 as to my house/home in Carrollton Texas as to the aspects of the paperwork read as to the 2020 election cycle as what aspects I had brought forward in years prior would be considered as a 2020 vision?
Thus as to individuals I once knew in the state of Texas that are Texans, what would the legal definition as well as the perception be as to such facts?
As to the individuals I once knew in the state of Illinois, would you have the sensation of comfort with that exact scenario in full as to your being in my exact position in the comparison as why would there be any concern for you if as to the exact switch for such as to the if factors or unless there would not have been anything as to such other than the emotional aspects as to such lack of human decency as well as lack of common sense as well as lack of ethics as well as lack of morals as well as the needless drama as to what obviously would be of no value beyond just showing exactly in a different representation capacity as to the aspects of the situations whereas while some might think of themselves more highly in comparison to the reality of such aspects as to the situations.
Remember as an unattached biological female mixed ethnicity and Pansexual as to such aspects while additionally born and raised in an area that survived 2 major terrorist attacks on the soil of the United States of America to then be in a state that was a location I lived in, to then deal with those factors in any comparison of what would be considered as to human decency and civility regarding the viewpoint of such situation to the comparisons of such non-New Jersey aspects and not ever good enough to come close to New Jersey-ian-ness as to those pop culture wannabe types that already were as to the 1990s as to the situations of those types of those individuals of those millennials as to the comparison of actual intelligence because of how they were raised as to the short cuts as to the halfway aspects in comparison as to the actualities of the requirements, and thus as to those types of ever thinking of themselves in such capacities while failing to ever pay attention to the actual real details as to the situations as to those immature types that have needed to grow up as to such generational aspects as the reality of such lack of appreciation from those Texans from all of the assistances New Jersey-ians gave throughout the centuries of decades as to the aspects of even as to what was allowed as to the Texas Mexican War was only allowed to be won because of New Jersey-ians’ kindness as to allowing the aspects in Washington DC to be allowed to be considered for the area under specific guidelines as to the if factors as to such promisary notes as to such points in time because of what in New Jersey was dealing with. Those New Jersey-ians who those types of those individuals as to what I dealt with in comparison as to the if factors of those types claims as to generational, well I do not comprehend what generational translates to Texans though if that is considered as generational as to such aspects of the circumstances as to such favors New Jersey had bestowed all those centuries of decades ago then as to such factors of where the appreciation of such assistances from the individuals of old from New Jersey as to such aspects as to those factors. Then obviously as to the years of 2000 through 2013 as well as the years of 2018 through 2021 as to such aspects, individuals who are generational as well as born and raised New Jersey-Ians as to how my lack of understanding as to such aspects of seeing those types of those situations.
Sure, I remained calm and I handled such aspects while reviewing such details as to the facts needed for 1993 as only real New Jersey-ians would comprehend the requirements of such details as to 1993 for 2001 and visa versa of 2001 needed for 1993 as only real New Jersey-ians who were born and raised in specific areas of New Jersey would comprehend various factors without having to ask anyone to clarify and without having to research the details before the timeframe as well as have the memories from the specific timeframes as to the aspects where others would only cause themselves to be foolish because of the requirements as to the specifics as to the years as to the timeframes as per the aspects of the actualities of the names and thus unless you can fully tell the truth 100% of the time because of specific details as to the specific requirements as to the specific knowledge thereof as to such factors where such types of wannabes in comparison as to the authentic because the authentic is always the best as the reality of authentic as to perfection and just as the reality of the Thunderbird as to perfection when it first came out as to the aspects of to the body style as to the design as to the curvatures as to the interior and the exterior as the reality of perfection achieved at that point in time. Other cars at the time depending upon as to the caliber as to what modifications and/or updates as to such aspects, though the standard as to the test of would be the first as to the authentic as to then the amount of time between as to such perfection in my opinion as unlike the VW Beetle that could be revamped the Thunderbird is as the Thunderbird is. If it was meant for mass production in comparison to the aspects of being within a specific capacity of as to proper care and correct maintenance as to the appreciation of such work in the comparison of the customizing mass produced factors, hence the reasons why authentic and relics are of far more value and greater appreciation as to the aspects thereof to such combinations.
Thus for me as to such metaphors, the aspects of authentic aspects in the situations because of the fact that modern parts do not always translate to older vehicles unless the correct fittings are capable to the comparison of just the parts because the materials actually do matter and actually do make the difference. Thus if as to those ex-in-laws of mine who had failed to follow Grandpa Nichols commands when he was alive and failed to do as Grandpa Nichols warned as to the timeframe of 2008 as to his last wishes referencing what he told me as to what he had also informed of to others in front of me as to such aspects of favors he said were owed because of the pies, because of the VA, because of the aspects of 2008, because of the combinations he said as to how just as my biologicals as to the factors of how he had said he wished I was actually his daughter because he could actually be proud of a female he created in the comparison of what he was seeing at those times. He told my ex-sisters-in-law to pay attention to my warnings because of the proof as to my childhood and my teenager years as he had found out and verified himself in the year of 2000, as Grandpa Nichols knew exactly who I was the entire time as per how he had went through different classes and studies as well as religious factors of viewpoints to the discussions as to 1993 as well as 2001. The aspects of when I stood up for the traditions of the Black Beret in comparison of the Tan Beret as to the Rangers and while not having graduated Basic Training and in the year of 2000 as to the MOS choices to the comparison, whether in reference because of the MOS aspects of Logistics as to the fuller details regarding the deeper levels of logistics as to the aspects regarding the situations.
Thus in reference to 2001, I comprehended myself best when I made the first attempts to go to New Jersey in the year of 2001 as well as 2002 as well as 2003 as well as 2004 as well as 2005.
If such individuals who I once knew in person face to face in person actually cared about me as well as actually cared about my best interests, I would have been out to New Jersey before the year of 2020 as to the reality of the facts of the if I actually was cared about and if my actual best interests were considered as important. Just as if I was cared about in truth as to how my trip in 2020 to New Jersey would have been an individual I knew in person face to face in person within the vehicle with me in person face to face in person, in the comparison of what I dealt with as to such lack of anything worthwhile for me as to what actual care and real concern for me and my best interests are and would be as to such factors and would only prove the needless problems of those types of those people from Crystal Lake Illinois who wanted to try to ever be good enough to replace people I knew in person face to face in person throughout New Jersey and New York City and New York state and Pennsylvania as to such disgusting disgraceful worthlessness as to how there is not ever replacing such people to me in my life ever and those types of individuals who would try to think of themselves as good enough to replace in comparison of having the intelligence to just be themselves and be respectful to my people I once knew as there would not ever be respect to my people who I once knew as to other people trying to pretend to be them.
Unlike those types of those people, I do not pretend to be anyone.
I am simply just myself, and that is actual respect to my ancestors as well as actual respect to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as well as the worth as to actualities thereof to real people in person face to face in person in reality in person face to face in person because virtual reality is not the same to me as actual reality.
Those types of those people who have tried to claim they were impacted by seeing the news of 11 September 2001 compared to how there is nothing those people could or would ever be capable to compare as to the reality of as to the comparison of just seeing, as to those types of psychological disorders where they try to have more upsetting aspects in comparison to just actually living better and being appreciative of such while actually truthfully assisting in the correct ways, in comparison of stirring up needless drama as to such factors of causing needless problems when having the capacity to actually enjoy life as to such hypotheticals as to such individuals. Just because I went back to the Texas area for a small amount of time, that small amount of time was enough as to such aspects as to those situations as to those remainders as to those factors. The reality where there is 2019 through 2021 as to the reminders as to such situations of what I dealt with and as to the reality that other people needed to accept as to such details such as the Brackenridge situation on top of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years, and as to the area where in the state of Texas in the timeframe of 2019 through 2021 as to such area location as to such aspects with CID as to such situations during the timeframe reference to when I was in Medical Hold Unit as the reason why I was assigned an escort at the timeframe when I was biologically 17 years old legally to the comparison of being above the biological age of 18 years old as to when I needed to take care of various aspects around Fort Sam Houston Texas during the timeframe I was in Medical Hold Unit as per being stationed in the orderly room before being stationed with Navy/Marine Special Warfare Unit before being stationed with the overall aspects of all 5 floor of ISR before being stationed within the areas of the hospital overall as to Brooke Army Medical Center before being stationed in other areas of Command on Fort Sam Houston in different capacities because of my background to where I could assist because of the larger capacities as to the overall areas I grew up going to and being around.
In 1993 in the month of February while dealing with Mono, Epstein Bar, Bronchitis, Lymes Disease, and the Flu all at the same time after the factors of second grade I remember sleeping on the couch in the downstairs area while the television for the rabbit ear type of television was on as to if I recall Magnovision type of television for what that is not worth to me for such aspects of certain factors to the considerations. Nonetheless to such situations at the timeframe of February-ish 1993 after having been homeschooled for months because of the failures from my biological little sister to complete two simple tasks each day as all she had to do was take my homework to my teachers and then pick up my work for me to complete, though since her life was as non-difficult as it was and as selfishly internalized such aspects as to the timeframes as per what would be considered as gatherings to celebrations as to whether such inclusionary factors actually ever were to such comparisons as to the length of time of the patterns of behaviour as to the fact those people had not paid attention to the most important factor as to 1993 as to such situations compared to 2001. Nonetheless as to February 1993 when the homeschooling was for several months because of such failures from those biologicals as to my education and the school having needed to get involved because of such amounts as per before as well as after DYFUS had been called in, as per the medical doctor having contacted DYFUS about fifth grade because of the facts of Prudential as well as the Bachelors of Science as to the DYFUS factors regarding what my childhood and teenager years were.
However I remember sleeping, the couch I was on top of began having the sensation of floating or levitation as I could sense a sensation only as close to metaphor description of maintaining buoyancy in the water as to SCUBA Diving when going through cavern areas such as Peacock Springs in the year of 2009 through the tunnel areas as to the closest sensation I could give for the point in time. I remember opening my eyes and seeing the ceiling close to my face, looking around the area, and seeing the elevation as admittedly that was difficult to find words for to explain. Sure, I can write creatively fairly well about whatever topics fairly smoothly-ish. It has only taken from the year of 1993 to now in 2022 to find words for facts, as to such situations despite the after effects and the aspects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain and the length of time for such to heal. However similar to the ways I made attempts to describe 11 September 2001 as to the television sight, the television from the view I was at as to I remembered I yelped because of everything I saw all at once in the vision type of way. I remember the couch floated downward and I ran to the kitchen before the couch’s feet touched the floor to where the keys were hanging on the side of the cabinet to run across the street to Timmy’s parents’ house, as I saw when looking in the backyard as to what was moving out of the grounds in the energetic portions.
I remember my nightgown was ripped when I ran from the cabinet area towards the living room to the front door to run across the street without caring about the traffic of the vehicles at the time as I remember looking after I already ran through the lines to the other side area of the sidewalk, and hearing as well as seeing the normal aspects of the 9:30am-ish through 3pm/15:00 timeframe as to such occurrences as I remember it occurring several times as to from when February of 1993 around the end of January 1993 is the earliest I can remember the sensations of such concerns and the further into February of 1993 the more I ran over to Timmy’s parents’ house as there only was the entire time as I remember trying to hide myself underneath their kitchen sink as the timeframe went as per in 1993. I am uncertain who in Timmy’s family and/or connections of as to either that timeframe of 1993 or if as to 11 September 2001 as because of certain aspects, though I remember having the sensation to run up the stairs as I remember I went to walk towards the direction of and yet because of what I was seeing at the time as to the energetic portions as to where I could see as to what I could do as to such factors of where as best as possible.
I remember one time shortly before the middle of February 1993 running across the street to the kitchen area after seeing the dining room with the cabinet, to sit at the kitchen table and look around as the entire area at the time in what I could see became a bright white everywhere. I watched as the building expanded and contracted similarly to the aspects of the Liberty Science Center structure for a metaphor, and as the color of my nightgown as to the background color began to clear as to sight as to finding a few cinnamon candies as to needing the distinctive difference as to the colorations for such aspects as to the area compared to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the colorations of white with as to the comparison of the color black as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church though the color red as to my childhood as to the spicy factors of the cinnamon. When I was moved from New Jersey to Illinois as to the aspects of after Basic Training as to mailing Timmy a letter because of everything combined as I could see, I made multiple attempts to get directly to as per sensations.
That 10 year aspect as to high school in Illinois compared to the aspects of where I was born and raised as to such a reunion to the comparison of that, if as to such factors of those people having needed to accept that I am a New Jersey-ian and I will always be a New Jersey-ian as while I re-grew up in the state of Texas and I am certified though a Texas located school as to my SCUBA Diving certifications, however as to the facts of only being a New Jersey-ian as per the facts of situations as per clarifications during the timeframe of 2019 through 2021 as to such aspects as per the timeframes as the aspects of how such proven lack of respect regarding such situations as to the only correct way of ever actually respecting my work as to my SCUBA Diving would only be in one capacity as to such factors of common sense and only one way as to such references to the actualities of if as appreciated and if as actual respect thereof to my work during such points in time as to those cleanings. If as to 2020 being considered as to the comparison of support as to what would be considered supportive regarding such work already completed, regarding the waters because if I was actually asked and spoken with in truth then such assumptions would not be such a problem as to my journal blog updates from 2019 especially into 2020 and 2021 as to the additional legalities because of 1993 as to that attack on the soil of the United States of America and as to such having clarified and verified such factors before as to the year of 2019 as to the year of 2020 and 2021 of such legalities officially as to the knowledge of the terrorist attack on New York City soil in the United States of America in the years of 1993 as well as 2001 and thus as to the legal factors of my journal blog as to the situations I have already clarified as to “Finding A Silver Lining” and “Finding The Silver Lining” as well as “The Modern Day Book” and “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire” with the updates to my journal blog; the common sense legalities as to my journal blog because of the known factors as to such investigations as to 1993 as well as 2001 as the reality of such DC factors of common sense, and thus as to those in reference to smaller factors as to personal life situations as per my updates as to my journal blog as to such aspects where the perception of your feelings means nothing as to the comparison of the facts as to my work as to as best as possible referencing 1993 as well as the aspects of 11 September 2001 as to the situations where I could assist.
Only in the year of 2019 had I ever went directly to the FBI office, as not any point in time before the year of 2019 as to such aspects to any going to a law enforcement agency such as the FBI or the NSA for the clarifications. All prior aspects of whatever hypothetical accusations, there is not any point in time I walked directly into the offices of a law enforcement agency about anything specifically involving the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle until the year of 2019 compared to the length of time as to my life as well as life experiences as well as locations I have been to regarding the aspects to those situations referencing such factors. Has anyone thought about why the names of New York City streets have changed as many times as they have as well as why New York City locations of lines have changed as much as they have as to the amount of locations throughout New York City, or is that something only recently has ever been thought of as to situations regarding the knowledge of Y2K?
Youth…kids…time….knowledge…yankee areas…population numbers…
Thus as to the aspects of such circumstances as to the comparison of what actual support would be as to the aspects of in other capacities, as those factors as to those situations as when the few times I was asked in truth as guess what occurred as to when I responded in truth in comparison to when other people have spoken about details that were not for them to discuss though because of their feelings as to having opinions compared to facts, and thus as to such factors whereas individuals I once knew in person face to face in person in areas other than the tristate areas as while the news reports and what was learned about 2001 as to such factors in the conjunctions of overall. Yet as to the situations of such factors as to the reality of when such situations as to the year of 1993 and not 1996, as much as certain individuals I once knew in person face to face in person have tried to claim as to the original timeframe as per such clarifications and verifications. I would guesstimate individuals who were in high school and/or college and/or working in New York and/or New Jersey and/or Pennsylvania as young adult professionals as to my responses from the year of 1993 as to situations, as to being far more aligned to such viewpoints in the comparison of people who would be closer to my biological little sister’s age because of the facts of the massive differences as to responsibilities as to life experiences of such points in time. The facts of age as to birth as to specifics as to the actual physical viewpoints as to the details of that can only be seen in person as to such details because of such requirements, and thus as to the aspects of from the ground floor looking upward as to such aspects of in the middle areas looking around as to the upper areas as to the viewpoints thereof overall as to such massive differences between such compared to attending a show on Broadway and/or being driven from one location to another in comparison of the viewpoints.
However as to the individuals from Crystal Lake South High School as to the year of 2000 as to the year of 2001 and the year of 2002 as to people my biological little sister knew who thought they were more important than people I once knew in person face to face in person despite them not having any school classes with me, despite them only attending school with my biological little sister, as well as despite the face there were not extra curricular activities with any of those people my biological little sister had thought somehow I was supposed to remember and somehow I was supposed to connect with such individuals I personally had nothing to do with before and had not ever seen in person face to face in person before at the timeframes of when those temper tantrums as to how those people thought I should remember them when not having ever met them before the timeframe of the year of 2000 or the year of 2001 or the year of 2002. What level of ignorance would those individuals have to have for this length of time for them to comprehend that such individuals who were four years younger than me who attended a different school that I had not had involved within my life in person face to face in person as to such factors as to after my Basic Training, what levels of selfishness millennial needless problems as to such aspects referencing such types as per the proof as to what levels of lack of intelligence as to 0+0 and 0+1 and 0+2?
Those people as to my biological little sister’s school actually were insane enough to believe I should remember people I had not ever met before, and their failure to pay attention to the common sense of those facts as to the lack of any connection prior yet how those people wanted to try to be more to me than my people from the tristate areas. Those people who were associated with my biological little sister compared to associated with me as to those types thinking that they would be better than such aspects, as to where I was born and raised as they thought I should remember meeting them because of thoughts they had because of what discussions were in comparison to in person face to face in person with me as to ever having the actual capacity as what common sense would be as to getting to know someone in person face to face in person. Thus what I informed people about in the state of Texas as to what situations as to Crystal Lake as to those factors of memory situations, started all because of how people who were in school levels 4 years lower than my grade level as to my biological age compared to my education levels at the times of as to such factors where their selfish behaviours as to their thoughts as to how they believed I should remember them in comparison to remembering the truth as to people I actually knew in reality as to real people that I actually got to know who I actually care(d) about as to who mean(s)/(t) a lot to me because of my childhood and my teenager years as well as the facts as to 1993 as well as 2001 as obviously 1993 was in a year before 2001.
Why would anyone ever think that just because someone knows someone who knows someone that I should automatically know, as why would that ever have been as to the timeframes of 1998 into 1999 and 2000?
Why would anyone ever think just because of someone who knows someone I know who knows someone else as to a situation as to the automatic thought of me knowing such automatically as why would anyone think I would know of such aspects in a specific way regarding in person face to face in person meetings, when as to such aspects as to those references as to my biological little sister’s aspects as to the lack of common sense as to how the requirements of in person face to face in person meeting and discussions to actually get to know someone else as per what my personal accepted viewpoint would be in such comparisons to individuals who would actually need to accept the fact of not having such interactions as to the aspect thereof because of the reality of actual reality as to the in person face to face in person aspects as to the facts where the situations of what is considered as accepted as per my acceptance as to such factors, to the requirements in the comparison as to such aspects of those individuals as per their intellectual levels as to what influences from their pop culture references as to the comparisons of the intellectual levels to the distinguishing factors of being capable to know the difference of the in person face to face in person compared to the aspects of intellectual capacity of the virtual reality differences as to what actual intellectual aspects of being capable to distinguish such portions for the intellectualization of such knowledge to the understanding of such differences to pop culture references compared to real life in person face to face in person experiences. Thus as to the situations in reference to 11 September 2001 in comparison of February 1993 the obvious factors as to the differences of how individuals intellectualize the situations as to the comparative factors with as well as without pop culture as per not being the only person who was raised in such a way as to the rating system, and thus as to the factors regarding situations across to such viewpoints in reference to the United States of America as well as the world in reference of the clarifications.
Thus 1993 when I was dealing with the reality of as to the combined factors of the overall fullnesses thereof at such points in time, I suppose an oddity as to this prior week as to having ran to the areas as I have in a combined factor. First when taking in consideration as to my having made the attempts to pay my rent as to those factors before my planned trip I scheduled for myself as to my scheduling as to when I had put such together in “Finding A Silver Lining” and thus as to my personal schedule for my work as to such clarifications and verifications as per my updates as I had clarified before I continued onward as to other work as to my requirements as per such aspects of my son and my daughter’s biological ages as to such factors as to those details though not as to my feelings/emotions/connections in such regards as per the facts of such feelings as to those deeper portions are only as to how my choices in the references thereof, and as to such factors of those particulars are as to how I have already clarified as to the only way I have any need to such factors is in person face to face in person discussions as only in other references are as to facts and not as to such factors of feelings to such connections because of how I personally have chosen.
My feelings as to the actual connections as to the interpersonal factors of such feelings are as only to such in person face to face in person as I have always been as to such factors, and thus whereas the fiction book series as to such references as to the aspects of how that only remains as fiction as to such realities because of the facts that for such to be reality as to what reality would actually require as per my personal viewpoints of what I consider as actual reality. Thus since the in person face to face in person as to such reality as to the comparisons of the current timeframe as to what the actual reality currently is, the situations as to such factors of the viewpoints regarding such updates initially as to my journal blog as to such factors in reference to such teenager high school situations because those people actually had problems accepting that fact. If as to now 22 years later and those individuals needed to realize and accept the fact they stirred up[ needless drama because of how those people who went to school with my four year younger than me biological little sister’s schools/classes/extra curricular activities/groups as to those connections compared to who in the fuller comparison of preferences to my choices for my associations away from those factors of individuals who did not know me and had not ever actually made the correct nor genuine attempt to get to know me as per what my considerations of acceptable to be as to such regards because when having caused such needless problems as to the lengths of time as to such individuals as to the capacities of proof as to the reality where such individuals would fully need to accept the responsibility of such factors regarding what they cost others.
Thus individuals who had not met me nor had in person face to face experiences with me as per what I personally would consider as compared to what I would consider as viewing and obviously as per the situations of 2001 compared to 1993, as to my personal viewpoint referencing their viewing as to such comparisons fully as well as intellectual levels as the reality of the 0+0 and 0+1 and 0+2 as to the aspects of individuals who had needed to comprehend attending school with other individuals who are biologically related means nothing to the direct connection as to the only direct connection is an actual direct connection as to the comparison as to such references regarding the differences. Thus attending school with my biological little sister is not a connection of attending school with me, as obviously attending school with my biological little sister the common sense would be attending school with my biological little sister and not attending school with me as the reality of people I actually attended high school with as to those individuals would obviously have more common sense as to in person face to face in person experiences at such points in time than such siblings referencing such factors. Thus as to the amount of time as to the classes I had with people I attended high school with, would obviously be more than individuals who I did not attend high school with. The oddity as to individuals in my grade as to high school and those factors of such similar situations that such individuals would be capable to comprehend for themselves as to whatever their siblings had informed them of, as the aspects of their younger siblings actually thinking I should remember them when I had not met them though attended school with who I attended school with and their viewpoints of thinking the high school reunion as to my high school reunion as to the comparison of thinking as to their high school reunion four years later in comparison of who I actually would prefer to see in comparison of individuals who had actually thought of themselves that much more highly than individuals I personally actually knew in person face to face in person.
Even with such situations as to whatever levels thereof, those individuals as to the biological little sister factors as to the aspects of such situations of the similar factors as to such aspects of people I once knew in person face to face in person in New Jersey as well as New York and Pennsylvania as individuals who I once knew in person face to face in person aspects almost as oddly as to the ways as to how TNG group factors as to the age situations in comparison as to the aspects of realizing the reality as time is time as once above the biological age of 21 as to such aspects thereof as to the factors of consideration as to special needs as per the ADA factors as since ADA laws have been around for decades as to such regards as to what is supposed to be considered as the adult consenting lifestyle as the only way of informed consent is if everyone is officially truthfully informed in comparison of only here and there as that is not considered as informed consent as informed consent requires all details as to involved factors in comparison as to the situations of guessing or annoyances as I consider as such especially when since I do not see anything other than a needless game or needless drama as to such factors and thus as to how the situations of if factors as to the selfish factors as per such situations as to that biological little sister 1986 Dodge Grand Caravan situation as to such aspects where then there was not ever a problem as to the aspects thereof regarding my diagnosis of memory deficit and it was only the fact of how psychotic and losers as to my biological little sister in comparison as to the facts of what has been explained repeatedly as to such needless problems and needless situations referencing such aspects as to since my childhood and my teenager years as to what I have worked to be capable to move and progress outward and away from to progress forward towards betterment as I dealt with that in my childhood and my teenager years as to how my biological little sister continuously somehow thought I should know her friends in comparison to the people I knew in person face to face in person.
The same individual who somehow was upset along with the cousins to in Illinois, when my maternal biological mother’s half brother went to get married those individuals as to my biological little sister and cousins actually informed me they were somehow jealous that the maternal biological half brother thought I ‘had the nerve to look prettier than the bride wearing a longer dress in the colors that were informed that were allowed. To this day I still have not understood how there would ever be something to be jealous of when taking in consideration the fact of 1999 after having been moved from New Jersey to Illinois going from the situations as to Baptist Camp Lebanon to that, as what would be creepy about my biological maternal half uncle finding me as why would the common sense as to scientific portions as to health and wellness be of importance to the consideration referencing actual health in such viewpoints in the comparison as when the reality of my childhood as to such factors of consideration as to the viewpoint regarding such situations as to common sense.
Timmy had not known how much he always meant to me I would guesstimate, though I have reached out directly to as best as I could.
However I suppose as to such aspects of oddity as to the situations regarding my concerns as to then the occurrences as to 1993 in February as to such specifics, thus when looking backwards now as to my concern as to the aspects at such a point in time while he was in school and as to the aspects of from when I was in second grade as to such aspects in other references to the timeframes as to 2001. Thus I suppose oddity of such if as to other misunderstandings in the comparison of the aspects of the situations as per the proof as to history, and thus as to the if factors as to if there were those Timmy and his family knew in 1993 who were capable to get to safety and/or had not suffered. However such aspects of similar situations since multiple points in time, if I had simply actually been asked in truth as to the common sense situations as to my patterns of behaviour to the truth in genuinity as the truth in genuinity is the most important and also most expensive in some ways as to if important in the capcities thereof truthfully.
Thus as to while the misunderstanding as to the words because of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the aspects I suppose now in such review as to the damages caused by others as to the factors of the memory situations, as the reality of common sense as to remembering people who I actually known in person face to face in person compared to obviously not remembering people who I did not know in person face to face in person as to the aspects of specific details of such individuals as to the aspects of the specific individuals as to who I once knew. In comparison as to the heights as well as weight proportions as to the common sense of how what the specifics would be as to what would be considered as normal shrinkage compared to the aspects of the situations of such timeframes, as to who would actually be as to what height size compared to the aspects of individuals I had seen in person face to face in person and thus those types of those people who would fail to see the situations as to the seriousness of actual 10 Commandments as to such factors of learning to such situations regarding the aspects thereof to such reasons for the 10 Commandments.
Oddly how the translations of Biblical texts as to the aspects of the printing aspects as to what requirements as to technology as to the aspects of the carbon dating factors as to the actual numerical calculations when taking such numerical portions into consideration, when thinking about the facts referencing situations as to the timeframes as well as the numerical aspects of printing as to the 10 Commandments as to both BC as well as AD.
Thus as to human beings as to humanity as to compassion as to care and concern, the common sense of individuals who I once knew in person face to face in person as to the aspects of attempts as to care as to such situations compared to other individuals’ involvements as to the comparisons of intentions. In turn as to the aspects referencing such situations as to church aspects regarding differences as to prior journal blog updates as to references, the situations regarding how certain factors as to the situations during such points in time as to the common sense of if I actually had people tell me the truth in comparison to individuals who would be a part of such aspects of any religious aspects to such references as to the aspects regarding if the truth was told from the beginning as to other individuals as to the aspects thereof to the differences. Thus as to the if factors of individuals as to the basement at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the aspects of the reality of the situations referencing 1993 afterwards to then 1994 and then to 1996 before 2001 as I warned those individuals of as to such situations as to those board meetings, the aspects of the occurrences as to the situations would be different compared to if they had heeded my warnings correctly and actually took life seriously in comparison as to the situations during such points in time.
Thus as to the aspects of having had to deal with re-re-re-re-re-re-re-proving as to my own clarifications and verifications as per reviewing such details for myself because of the situations I dealt with as to those types of individuals who had needed to comprehend their needless drama as to their issues as to needing to accept that while my biological little sister might have known you as to such references, that common sense is that she knew you as to such in comparison and just because she knew you does not translate to me as to such factors as to knowing or remembering those individuals as those problems as to what I explained and wrote about in “Finding A Silver Lining” had to do with those people as to in a four year younger school as well as those situations referencing such aspects as to the timeframes in 2000. Common sense as to middle school compared to high school as the same of the difference of elementary school compared to high school, and individuals who I grew up with have always been the people I grew up with.
1993 as to 11 September 2001, all aspects of what situations as to those times in comparison to progression forward as towards betterment as to actually working together in truth and genuinity for actual progression of forward movement hand in hand as to the aspects of actual life. 1994 to 2017, the specific pathways of 1994 of southern California towards New Jersey as to Washington towards Florida as to the area of Nebraska in between as to the situations of attention to details as to solar eclipse as to the areas of to the swirls of tornado as to love as to the corn maize as the hay rides in Old Tennent Presbyterian Church around the areas where the congregation would know of a viewpoint referring to individuals as to throughout the timeframe from the historical marker as to the aspects of the ways such occurred for the references regarding how the viewpoints as to General George Washington’s private office area as well we the Battle of Monmouth and the Revolutionary War. The original 13 colonies as to the areas known as to 1993 and 2001 as to the main areas, though as to situations where individuals specific to as to the aspects of as to while a part of as to the original still being original.
The aspects as to oddity referencing individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to such situations as the reality of how the warnings about pop culture as to the situations with millennials to the situations of 1998 as to the situations of ending all types of stolen valor, and thus as to the situations as to where the individuals who would actually comprehend reasons why ending all stolen valor as to the aspects of earned valor is earned valor as to the differences and earned is only through genuine honest measures as to the 10 Commandments. In regards as to actual earning requires the truth as to the purity, the facts required in truth as to the reasons as purposes as reasons to the aspects of require the measurements of proportions in the correct and yet modest capacities while random additional bursting boosts as per requirements. In the timeframe of from September 2022 after taking care of as best as I could as per my plans for traveling in my schedule as per how if I had people in my life in person face to face in person that I actually had the need to check in with as to informing of my personal schedule I would have done so, however as to the aspects because of the viewpoint as per how situations have been as per such prior explanations as to how others’ choices have been as to the response as to the reality of others choices having been as such.
Thus while I have been truthful and have not pretended nor ever tried to replace someone else, the facts of the wonder as to what levels to such intellectual capacities if as to that sort of constant aspects of others pretending as to the comparison as then would such memory deficits actually transfer to such individuals in the comparison and would such lowered aspects because of the choice to do so as to the comparison of working towards more intellect for betterment as would such then translate when reviewing such now in the year of 2022 to such prior points in time? Thus for example if as to my ex-in-laws and/or biologicals as to such hypotheticals, would such intellectual comprehension remain or be smarter or lower as to such references because of the aspects of the clauses as to etiquette and respect in truth as to factors of what would be considered actually as civilized in such references as then would the viewpoints of choices show what portions as to the factors of such choices in what capacities?
The situations of those individuals thinking of themselves as to family because of the aspects to pop culture as to the references as I was told in the ex-in-law aspects regarding such in the year of 2000, as to such pop culture references regarding the individuals as to such factors and as individuals who I once knew in person face to face in person within the state of Texas as to what attempts I made to explain in truth as to what I noticed. However as to such aspects in those particular references as the situations of how individuals who owe favors as to New Jersey as to the aspects of as to, though the situations of deals as to the aspects of what has to be officially approved of as to the individual before any forward movement as to how I have clarified as to in all situations as to how I must have the discussions as to the clarifications as to what my approval of would be as per my choice as to the requirements for myself to the actual viewpoints for such approval. Thus as to where the mandatory factors of my being informed officially for mew to make my own choices, even with representation as I would fully require my own choices fully on my own officially in comparison to others as I would not agree ever.
Thus I have always been myself, and I prefer the truth.
Thuys truthful care for me and truthful care about me has my requirements, and asking Susan MeeLing truthfully is the only path to successful knowledge as to my needs as you are allowed to use my name Lady Dori Belle if respectful and etiquette as per manners.
Thus in all aspects as to officially in writing as to the mandatory aspects of all decisions I must be in actual control; of the decisions as peer the choices as to the pathways, as to such full clarification permanently as per my work as to the proof of my integrity as to the proof of my purity as to the proof of my honor as to the proof of my genuinity as to the proof of my motivation as to the proof of my surefootedness as to the proof of still taking care of responsibilities and if I was actually cared about in the correct ways as to the correct assistance that I would have in the exact ways at the exact times when needed as per the fact the Americans with Disabilities Act or ACA as to such situations of knowing and understanding and comprehending what is best for me and for my situation(s) and thus as to the assistance as to advocacy for actual assistance for actual needs in genuine and real ways as per. Thus as to the situations where each area as to what could have been better as to those times though for what can be better as to the current times, though the assistance as to such in the correct ways as to actually on time as to being early is best as to discussions with for knowledge as to understanding.
Thus as to individuals who could see the importance of my work possibly, as to such aspects referencing forward movement in life as to such factors. Though there are individuals on both gender biologicals who have dealt with certain aspects the reality of my having known how important it was and is as to my New Jersey, the flag situation as to how such aspects as since obviously Texas in 2019 as to representation as to the aspects of as to Texas SCUBA and then as to the year of 2020 as to the Austin Texas area during the election cycle of that year. What would there ever be to believe as to those situations as to the proof thereof within that state as to those years as to such aspects of the journal blog, as what proof would such be as to the aspects of actually accepting me for who I am as to such aspects of the reading as well as to such updates to my journal blog as to 2019 though 2020 and 2021 as what importance would such be as to the references of as to being considered in a positive way wanted in good ways as to positivity?
What would those factors as to where I was born and raised as to the comparisons as to the year of 2021 be, as what would that prove as to such aspects if in any capacity could have actually spoken with me sooner in the state of Texas though such needless drama as to such garbage political theater in comparison to any human decency as to such knowledge as to 1993 as to 2001 as why would I ever be capable to review that timeframe of 2019 through 2021 as to any genuine care about such aspects of the tristate area as to 11 September 2001 and/or 1993 from that area as to such situations as what would the proof of such viewpoints be as to New Jersey-ians when actually reviewing the details as to the review of such times now in 2022 to my New Jersey flag with my American flag as to such aspects of the timeframe as what would the difference be as to time in New Jersey and actual connections to New Jersey in a deep way as what would ever show shallowness compared to depth of metaphors as what timeframes would such be as to in depth as well as length of time as to such depth?
Would 1986 with first memories of in the year around 1990 or 1991 have actual genuine care and concern as to such aspects of the tristate area during such points in time, or would it be the aspects of 1982 as to 1984 as first memories as what aspects as to the year of 1998 would be of real importance as to actual answers in genuine truth, as what proof as to patterns of behaviour as to actual work as to fullnesses of as to the length of time would there be as to what would that difference be and as to such factors as to such review portions as to such points in time then why would I have the sensation of being cared about in a positive way as what about my work could I view as to being appreciated as what would I know of any appreciation to my work as what would ever be the aspects of where I would comprehend such as where would there ever be any aspects specifically referencing to such aspects as to the aspects of as what have I already brought forward as to the aspects of clarifications and verifications as to the specifics of the situations as what would actually show me as to actually in such official capacities of actual sense to me?
Also do not assume you know what it is for comfort and relaxation for me, as the requirement of actually asking me as to what would actually be considered as comfort and relaxation to me would not ever be capable to ask anyone other than myself as there would not ever be anyone except myself to ask. Since the aspects of having brought forward clarifications and verifications as to the actual aspects of specific portions of what would actually be assistive, the situations as to actually doing so would actually require such in comparison of just reading as the same situations as prior timeframes and thus as to the laziness of social media as to the requirements as to actually doing work as per beyond just the social media aspects as to actually getting stuff accomplished as to what would be assistive in the capacities of.
Thus if as to having my journal blog read as to the artist aspect what would if hypothetically accurate why would it ever be considered intelligent of anyone at all of if having shown up and speaking with other people instead of actually speaking with me and actually caring enough to have actual civility and real human decency as to such common sense factors instead of such ignorance as to the aspects of transferring yourselves from your social media aspects in real life as to in comparison of living and actually speaking with me as per my updates initially as to my journal blog, then as to such aspects of waking each of you up in such hypotheticals the truth is speaking with other people at Club Sapphire in comparison of actually speaking with me would fully translate to you speaking with other people at Club Sapphire in comparison of you speaking with me. Why would I ever believe I was cared about in a genuine positive way if such aspects were actually not thought about as to the common sense, as to such regards this entire time as what factors would then as to such "The Modern Day Book" references would there be?
Why would I ever believe if as to the aspects during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to my journal reference as why would that ever translate if as to similarly as to the distance as why would anyone ever believe if could have spoken with me in actual truth and/or invited me if were in the area in truth, as why would I ever believe as to actual care about me in any capacity if in comparison to having done so and actually being with me as to such in truth as to such comparisons as to the aspects of the opposite and would only show the lack of care as to my work as well as the lack of care towards me as why would people who would sit with others in comparison to sitting with me as to the if factor as to claiming to be there for me?
Would it take a head injury to figure out actually being with me consensually as to in person face to face in person as to real discussions in person face to face in person as to such aspects of those times during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips with etiquette and respect in truth would have been and is the only way as to what would have actually been as to where I would have had the sensation of as a wanted in a positive way artist as why would there be as to actually letting me know, as why would having to guess ever be considered as any actual care as since I am not the type who would do that sort of needless drama to someone else as why would I ever consider that as actual care about me and why would I ever consider that as actual concern about me when I have worked to make it easier for myself as why would anything other than what I would comprehend would be best for myself be such?
Why would I believe I could be cared about when comprehending what is best for myself and working to achieve such to actually have what I need for myself as why would I believe when there has not been in person face to face in person as to actual assistance as when seeking to actually attain such aspects if such individuals had not failed as much as they had as to paying attention to the fact I actually have comprehended my own needs and thus to prove as to such as to acknowledgement in truth since proven, and since proven as to such aspects when as to when I have not hesitated as to the proof of such validity as to the aspects where the immediate movement as to such factors to correctly assist as everything I had arranged in 2009 needed nothing from anyone else at all as all of the work was completed and if such individuals of their selfishness as to such points in time as to such factors as to the situations as to the comparisons as to the importance of life as well as individuals I once knew in the tristate areas.
Other people introducing themselves to people I once knew as to how I have personally clarified how I have not ever given anyone permission to do so in prior journal blogs, and thus anyone who would think I would prefer to speak with them as to those types in the state of Texas as to compared to New Jersey as to those types who had thought their time as to that state would mean more to me than individuals who I grew up with as to such factors as to the situations of the needless problems as to how many needless situations as to what I personally needed in comparison was not people in the state of Texas at all as I needed my people as to where I was born and raised. Those needless problems as to the aspects of how many attempts I made to go back to where my home state, and the situations as to the proof regarding New Jersey flag aspects as to the situations for the assistance signaling as I have clarified how many attempts I have been making. If people thought moving my biologicals to the state of Texas would make me want to stay in Texas, that would actually be the complete opposite of every possible aspect in each and every capacity as I warned and anyone who said to keep my biologicals as to Mike/Anna/Patricia away from me was and remains 100% accurate as t0o any/all needless drama situations as I consider as what I consider as needless drama to be as per all such clarifications and verifications so the clarity is understood as to I actually have the knowledge of what I consider as needless drama.
Thus if as to the aspects of how much I have made attempts to go see as to my home area I comprehended it was not going to be pretty, as the common sense of 1993 as to the comparison of 2001 as to the aspects of the timeframe when I was in Wilford Hall as to such timeframes as to the situations in September through November 2001 as to such aspects. I comprehended the situation as to the common sense aspects as to the timeframe if individuals actually had common sense that I once knew in person face to face in person, though apparently that version of MK Ultra or whatever verbiage as to such aspects as to the commonality as to those types as to such aspects since I did not graduate Basic Training even though Basic Training had nothing to do with what occurred in the timeframe of September 2001 though I did not think that took a head injury to figure out either. However as to such, what would the aspects of being considered as wanted in a positive way as to genuine care and genuine concern in truth as to such factors be as to when reviewing the details as to the timeframes as to such combinations as where would the accuracy show such factors?
If as to the situations to where my attempts to go see Timmy for the amount of time as per my attempts since 1998 as to vehicle building modification speeds to make attempts, as I was distraught as to my Sweet 16 party as to how he of anyone should have been at my party then. However I suppose in a different capacity, I guess so as to such aspects as to the other portion of the timeframe as what would such matter to the aspects of genuine care and actual concern as to seeing as what oddity would such be to go to save and then such misunderstanding to then what would it take a s to such clear explanation and then when as to such clarity what translation as to the aspects would such viewpoints be as then how could I ever actually be cared about and cared for as why as what is it that would truly be when reviewing such aspects?
What can I truly think of that would be of actual aspects that matters at this point, as why and where would and could such matter realistically?
Thus the timeframe from Montana to Georgia to Maine to Illinois to Montana to New Jersey to Indiana and as 20 years of life survival as to the timeframe of 2001 as to the timeframe of almost the 30 year memorial to the then 30 year survival of life of 1993, if considered as important as to actually appreciating and celebrating life when taking such considerations now in the year of 2022 as to whenever in the future as to my journal blog read if such as to the aspects of.
I would love to see Timmy and spend time with him though, especially as much work and as many attempts as I have made throughout the years and decades. Then again that additionally would be if he actually would want to see me, and spend time with me in person face to face in person. He would have to know despite the aspects of the online portions as to how we started was in person face to face in person, as when we were growing up the childhood aspects of the toys were not nearly as important as when he and I were actually spending time with one another in person face to face in person. Such as when we would run around the backyard and chased one another around, as anytime I ran faster as to certain aspects he knew would get my attention. The blue seats with the white bars as to the red paint regarding the swingset he and I would spend hours on as the swingset at his parents' house was of wood whereas my area was metal, and as he and I were the only as to such area whereas to he and I as there were no other males that I allowed when he and I were children as one of the issues in certain regards as to when he and I were as we were. We would argue as to the bus time as to the same stop area and only when he and I fought together, did he and I get our way as we wanted.
It would be odd if Timmy tried to speak with me though had not done so in a vanilla setting, as the aspects of what would be considered as of ease and comfort to such discussions would be as to the capacities of as to a softer way. I personally would need that as per our childhood and I can guess if as to any possibility, energetically I probably would depending upon the area be a bit upset as to the aspects of approach. Possibly the aspects of the approach as to the vanilla portions of if factors as to such situations as I suppose an oddity as to such a review of if situations remembering a few details I authored, as that would be odd if he began cooking and/or if there were situations as to the aspects of what was supposed to be a fiction story and if as to an oddity of name rhymes as I would not know if he ever thought of me though I was simply being creative. It would be odd if he tried nd in comparison as to 1, 2, and 3 if as to such the irony as to if as such as to an oddity as to a title for a volume I suppose as to the counting to ten as to where as to numerical portions as to counting.
