I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the 13th Amendment was put in place to protect people, such as myself.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the #ADA Americans with Disabilities Act was put in place to protect people, such as myself.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I already knew I had dealt with such as to explaining such repeatedly to others before I put it into writing, and then copyrighted it the way I did to protect myself.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I already had figured such out and was humbly putting such into words to be respectful of my ex-in-laws as well as my son and my daughter, in comparison to whatever douche bag had ever thought I would ever need to write about such further.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I knew I had been repeatedly raped, I just did not need to put myself through such aspects as to the past few years as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when I told others as well as put such into writing of the discussions within the San Antonio Pagan community I did my research.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that you would be a traitor to the United States of America for ever purchasing such copyrights by the ethical and moral stand points as well as the legal stand points as to my life experiences, my life's work, as well as what I personally had paid for literally and figuratively and metaphorically.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that would be the least romantic and the least humane way to ever treat me, or anyone else in the entirety of life.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if I ever had been involved in a relationship with you at any point in time, I would be glad that the ending occurred as you did not ever love me as someone who loved me would not treat me in the exact ways as my now dead-ex-husband had as he admitted he did not ever love me and he did not ever care about me and he only used me for what portions of what I could produce.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out you would be viewed as a horrific and less than sub human being in my eyes, as I would not ever respect you nor would I ever be able to care about you as that would only be viewed as to how much you hated every bit of who I had ever been.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out you would not ever want or need me in your life if that was done, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out you would only be seen in my eyes as to always having looked at me as the least intelligent and the slowest and the lowest form of life in the entire existence throughout all of the entirety of the human race over the entire existence of the earth in my opinion.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if you were a photographer I once worked with that I would not ever view your work as having ever appreciated me as a model and/or performer, and you would be nothing more than the most sleazy of all human being on the entire planet as to not ever looking at any models or any performers as anything less than pieces of trash in comparison to the work put in.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if there are those within the Congressional and/or Senatorial and/or White House aspects of such who overlooked such and/or did not ever care about the ways thereof, as to how the individuals who voted for you would see as to how little you ever cared about anyone in the slightest.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that the #USSupremeCourt Supreme Court has already distinguished such aspects as to the slavery portions as per the purchasing of human beings in any such ways in any such portions whether or not online does not matter as per the facts as to the 13th Amendment within the United States of America's Constitution as per the descriptions of any form of slavery at all as the technicalities of my life would be considered within such legalities as I cannot speak about anything in a lie and would only be the truth of which in turn all such aspects legally have always been in my favor even with all such technicalities as per my legal first and my legal middle names within my website.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out it would also is considered three times as much because of the aspects in reference to my son and my daughter as well as myself, for the #13thAmendment 13th Amendment aspects; as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I was protecting my son and my daughter as well from such problems, as even though I was forced into the situation I was at the times the massive portions as to my personal life experiences as well as my life as well as my creations from my ideas as to my intellectual property rights for the ideas as to how I personally organized such additionally are within my 13th Amendment Rights as to in a different way prove to my son and my daughter I had always cared about them and their personal safety in such comparisons to anyone who had not personally defended my son and my daughter against my now dead-ex-husband during each and every conversation I alone had dealt with as not one other ever stood up against my now dead-ex-husband in my defense in any such portions when any of those conversations occurred in person at such times.
I did not think it took a head injury of my biological mother/father/sister having known of the facts as to only being awake from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and them having seen me in the hospital after I contacted them as they stood by and did nothing to save me nor did anything regarding such knowledge as to my son as they watched the #PoliceAcademy Police Academy movies instead of paying attention to the facts of such, as I did not think it took a head injury that my biological father having gone through nursing school aspects would have been enough to figure out he would have known as to the medical portions. I also did not think it took a head injury to figure out my biological mother having a Bachelors of Science would mean she had college training as well as my biological sister for her college, and thus them having done nothing at such times in 2000 or 2001 or 2002 or 2003 or at any point in time to ever help me that they would fully disqualify themselves when the most pertinent years were where they could have done something and anything after such only proves as to how I was treated as a child and a teenager by such people and would only prove their greed in comparison to ever having cared about me as I told people I once knew as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I told you they were as they were and if you stood by and did nothing to stop such then you are just as culpable in my opinion.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that my ex-in-laws would be in the same category of such as they obviously had been informed of such as well as saw such, to which the slavery portions of where my ex-mother-in-law is from was still rampant when she left and would additionally show as to how I told people those individuals had treated me when first out of the coma and still having had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as well as the same aspects as to my biological mother/father/sister.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if my son and/or my daughter were to have been a part of such, then they are exactly the way I had raised them not to be and would have turned out no different than the abusive trash their biological father had been of which I am and have always been alive as he died years ago and on the day of his death was the only time the will and testimony was ever considered valid for such time in the year of 2008 as there are no loopholes to go through ever as per my choice; of which I had chosen to not bad mouth his existence when they were under the biological age of 18 years only and thus I did not think it took a head injury to figure out your biological father actually would be disappointed in you and would hate the fact you did not respect me after how much I personally had done to keep you two safer than you ever have made any choices on your own.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if my daughter had done so she was incapable of knowing better as per the multitude of hospital stays as to such times, and I would not ever forgive her for ever making such a choice; as neither would her biological father forgive her for such a choice, as he hated his family and it would have been through his family that she would have done so.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if my son had done so, I would wish I had completed such for both at the same time instead of doing what I could for both as to such times regarding the San Antonio Family Court and I would wish to have been as selfish as everyone else had falsely claimed me to be from years as to the ways their choices and their words had been from the times between their conceptions and their births all the way until their 18th birthdays biologically.
I did not think it would take a head injury to figure out I would fully disown my children in the ways of releasing them from ever having to accept me as their Mom as obviously they would not have ever seen me as anything of importance in any ways and they would not have ever appreciated anything I had ever done to protect them and keep them safe, while telling them the truth the entire time as they would have only been the ways their biological father had been and if their preference remains as to their biological father who #endstolenvalor stole valor as well as they would prefer such abuses in comparison to what I had saved them from having to deal with regarding each conversation I personally dealt with to keep each of them safe.
If anyone and I do not care who they would be had ever influenced my son and/or my daughter to go forward with such I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out I would hate every part of who you are and any such involvement within my life and I would not ever find any reason/excuse/cause of which anything I ever did to assist in any such ways would have ever been worth ever spending any time with you, and I would still maintain my rights as my son and my daughter would prefer as to me always being their Mom in every possible way as best as I could including emotionally especially as to the lack of forgiveness to any such individual who would have done as my now dead-ex-husband had done as all of the work to undo all of the abusive garbage he had put into their heads during the first separation would have been worsened though the irony if you had tried to be as him the fact of him having fixed and repaired such because of the fact of the short reconciliation at such times before the second and final separation as it does not take a head injury to figure out when he left my house in San Antonio he had already acknowledged where he had messed up in every possible way and apologized to my son and my daughter for ever putting them and I through what occurred.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if there is any military connection to such a hypothetical that you are still subject to being pulled back in under the UCMJ for treason charges for such aspects, and the firing squad would legally be allowed. I also did not think it took a head injury to figure out, I would hope to be able to personally be the one who pulled the trigger myself to watch the life drain from your eyes as I was born and raised in #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey and I have done what I have had to do in several situations and thus I would not have any hesitation of such to do if I had to in person while looking directly into your eyes as to such harm to my son and my daughter and I as I do think it takes a head injury to figure out I would find great comfort in such a sight.
As I thought keeping the copyrights with my legal first and my legal middle names would keep the legal copyrights as to my life experiences, my works, and my intellectual property rights as well as my creations as they would be allowed to do however they wished on their own without ever having my concern or my involvement ever again and I would not ever bring them up in any such points of any requirement beyond examples of what was dealt with at such times that I survived I did not think it took a head injury to figure out each time I posted about my #ConstitutionalRights Constitutional Rights it covered all facets for each aspect that was violated by each individual involved.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out my copyrights as to the legal case in 1947 as to the #DC #DCcomics #Superman #Superboy #SimonShuster Superman/Superboy Simon-Shuster as to the legal rights of mine always, as even though the situations of which as I can only speak in truth and write in truth the portions additionally to such a case to reference as well as the Supreme Court as to the laws of anti-slavery.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if I had ever viewed you as a friend and/or family member by choice, I would fully regret ever caring about your well being and I would hope that there would be a sickening of any such food I had ever cooked which you could have eaten to ensure that you knew at minimum energetically you were known to such spiritual beings and especially my Medal of Honor guys and all such spirits of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the realities of the fullness of your personal worthlessness to humanity except for as a lesson of who not to be anything as.
From the time of initial point of anything I have paid for which has not worked then all such finances should be fully returned to me for all of my usages or, all of what I have paid for to work actually fully works completely immediately.
There is not any excuse nor cause nor reason for at any point in time for what I have paid for to ever have any problems and thus all such restrictions need to either be fully removed one hundred percent completely from everything I have ever paid for to work such as my website, cellphone service, cellphones, internet, computers, laptops, and etcetera or refund my financial aspects to me in full immediately as why would I feel unwanted; well that would one hundred percent show the lack of any such regard for anything I have worked on and put together as per the ways I interpret as such because there is not any way to ever look at such aspects without seeing how the lack of concern and lack of want as well as lack of need in all such regards for each aspect thereof, to which it is one way or another.
Either all of my stuff works as I personally intended it to work which then that shows me that what I have worked on and completed has actually been wanted and worth while, or the financial aspects are fully returned to me and all such other aspects fall to the wayside and completely die off regarding each aspect I have ever worked on for the betterment.
There is no in between, there is not other way as it is one hundred percent my colors of black and white.
Thus show me which one it is by either refunding all of the financial aspects I have ever paid over every individual year of each individual account of throughout all of the time of each aspect returned to my accounts for me to use the finances for my choices in full on my own, or release and let it go as to all of the work I have put forward on my own accord to go as I have intended for my best interests.
One or the other, not both can be.
Immediately without hesitation, as there is no other way I will ever see as to what actually is or has been considered as to what I have personally put forward as worth while.
Why have I felt unwanted?
I have not ever been told of nor seen the results as per officially informing me as to such aspects as the ways of hiding all such aspects as to the truth from me only has shown me the lack of concern, as already having explained the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
While I have seen how others have been praised without having to bring up or explain to the levels I have had to go into for any such portion of any such works, the amount of what has been put forward in such explanations after having repeatedly been told to use my words makes little sense to me as to why anyone would ever think to be hypocritical as to choosing to not use their words in telling me the truth as such hypocrisy to tell me to use my words and then not do so in return does not make any sense as to any such portion of what I had repeatedly been told.
Which is it?
Am I actually wanted and needed for what I have put together? If so, then why have I not been told?
Is what I wrote/authored and compiled worth anything as to the levels of what I dealt with to overcome considered good enough, truly? If so, then why have I not been told specifically of such?
Is what I have worked on been worthwhile, and worthy of actually discussing? Well, I have not had people tell me when I have spoken with them in person as to such before having to explain on my own as to what if they already hypothetically knew because if there was the knowledge as to what I had worked on been put together as such then why was I not told of such officially without having to go into the details to then discuss?
As seeing an old friend I met at Club Sapphire as a memorial from his passing as to having told him about my books as well as having told him about my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as my paintings around the year of 2015 as well as others after having spoken with him though in smaller group type settings, not one person who I met if they had known ever told me they knew before when speaking with me if they had known.
While if other people made the choice to discuss such with others and then had not told me of such that is a factor to take into consideration if anyone is upset as to my reactions, as why would I officially know who or what you discussed with other people? Why would anyone be upset with my response if no one ever told me when speaking with them in person that they had been already informed of what I have done, though did not tell me they had been informed as to what I had done? Why would I ever assume anyone would know me at such aspects if not having been told first, before discussing anything with me?
In my opinion that would make me arrogant and haughty and all of the aspects to which I do not like to ever assume anyone I met in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state, if I were to have ever assumed anyone had ever known of my work.
For clarifications when I had looked at my website information there has been minimal information about how many people have gone to my website to look at such information, to which again would show as to how I would not assume there has been anyone or even that many people who had ever seen such of what I have worked on.
I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out as many people who told me repeatedly to the point of actually remembering that they were tired of hearing me repeat myself when I go and stop speaking in a larger way because of being electrocuted as to the zapping in the areas I had been after winding up in Washington state after the #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #StoneyLaRue #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #SanAntonioTX #TXstate #Texasstate #MilitaryCityUSA Cowboys Dancehall Stoney LaRue concert, if not one person tells me they have seen my website or know of my works that I am not going to assume anyone knows or knew of my works.
While some might be mad at me for not assuming especially from the years of 2014 through 2020, why would you be mad I did not assume that people knew?
If you are mad at me because I did not assume anyone knew from the years of 2014 through 2020, why would you be mad I did not assume?
If you are upset because I chose to remain humble about my works and simply wait to be spoken with as per being respectful as well as having etiquette as to making sure I did not overdramatize my works, why would you be upset as to such aspects as to me having been respectful and speaking with without bringing up such and waiting for others if they had seen such to bring such aspects up? Why would anyone be angry at me for being respectful, and not choosing to think everyone knew who I was? Why would I think everyone knew who I was if they did not tell me first, they knew of me?
Why would I ever think there would be a large number of people or anyone at all who would ever know of me, if no one ever said of such to me?
Why would I ever believe I was a positive and influential individual if when I can only speak the truth though not one tells me they knew of me and/or knew of my works, that I ever influenced anything in a positive way?
Why would I ever believe that anyone cared about what I have been working on, when not having been told anyone knew of what I have been working on before I brought such up in a discussion?
Was it difficult to tell me that you knew of my website and/or my modeling and/or my books and/or my paintings and/or my Medal of Honor Art Project and if so, what was it that I did that made it so difficult to tell me in truth you knew of such aspects of me?
Why would anyone think if they did not tell me they knew of me and/or my works as had occurred, that I would assume anyone knew of the aspects thereof without such words spoken?
Why would I ever have any sensation as to ever knowing without being informed of such though picking up on energetic aspects later on when reviewing such as to different signs at the later times to see such, though not having been told first?
Why would anyone assume if they spoke with others about what I had done that would mean I would know what their discussions were with others, when I was wherever I was in comparison?
Why would anyone be annoyed at me for ever being humble and respectful as to wait for others to tell me they knew of me and of my works, in words which would simply tell me of such?
What would ever be any reason/cause/excuse as to ever assuming there were those who knew of my works and of me, if hypothetically a situation?
What would make people assume that I ever received any royalty checks if there ever was a book purchasing when I have repeatedly wrote there has only been 2 books which have ever been purchased once each book, as to such aspects as to what I have been infuriated over as my works are my works and without the royalty checks I earned ever being for my financial usage to any such aspects?
If my ex-in-laws and/or my biological mother/father/sister and/or my daughter and/or my son had gotten involved with what they legally did not ever have any right to do and others had purchased my books though I have not gotten the royalty checks, does it take a head injury to figure out those are the people to be mad at for stealing from me illegally?
Why would I ever allow anyone to ever control what I worked for and worked on myself as the answer is I would not ever allow such and would demand all such finances be returned to my full control as I have not ever allowed anyone to ever take over my works, as per the facts of having repeatedly brought forward the reality of the legal portions of my legal first and my legal middle names as to the legal copyrights always remaining my legal copyrights as per my #ConstitutionalRights Constitutional Rights as well as my legal rights because of the antislavery laws. Where is anyone who would actually care about such aspects being in my control over my works, or why would I ever believe anyone ever cared about me when having brought such forward repeatedly as to the #Superman Superman comic book legal case which in the favor of the original creator of for my rights regarding my copyrights being only mine for my such usage which in turn all of my royalties as to all of my royalty checks would additionally be in my control?
Taking such away from me illegally would not ever cause or make me think anyone ever cared about me nor would it ever make me think anyone ever wanted me nor would it ever make me ever think anyone needed me, as it would only show me how much I had always been hated and not ever cared about in any way ever.
There would not ever be the view as to ever being needed or wanted or in any way respected in any such aspect, and I would only see how much everyone preferred me to die in comparison to ever having been alive or continuing to live. I would only see that everyone fully prefferred my dead-ex-husband in comparison to ever wanting or needing or caring about me or what works I have done, as I do not see how anyone would ever think any other way ever.
How would anyone ever view that as ever being wanted or needed or cared about is not something I could see, nor would ever be able to see as there is not one cause nor one reason nor one excuse I could ever think of where any such a choice to ever steal such from me as to ever being anything other than pushing me away as well as pushing me down instead of ever lifting me upward.
If such is true and such illegal stealing of such because if purchasing through backdoor methods would not ever be seen by me as anything other than breaking all #10Commandments 10 Commandments as well as being literally allowed illegally to be purchased in the slavery portions of the online aspects as well as the in person aspects within the areas of homeland soil of the #USA United States of America, and fully only being viewed as nothing of any worth or actual value as a human being. I would only see others preferring a #CivilWar Civil War in comparison to ever loving what I had completed and put together, and would only be the view of the ways I had been forced regarding the garage situation as my now dead-ex-husband had done to me. There was no concern when that happened as to the conversation I dealt with to be forced into the situation to begin with, as I had already explained.
I would not think it would take a head injury to figure that out ever, as how would anyone within the United States of America feel if they were put through such?
Would you think of being valued as a human being, or would you feel as though you were nothing more than chattle?
Personally if such is true, it probably makes sense as to all of my journal blog entries as I do not view such if true as anything other than forced slavery as well as being mistreated and the lack of any concern or any want or any need of me and I could not ever see any other way of those aspects. I would only see pure hatred towards me and would only see how every individual I ever met had viewed me as an enemy when the whole time they had been the enemy towards me, as to all such aspects of any such lies.
Go ahead and show where anyone would ever feel otherwise, though they have to be mentally sound to prove such as well as truly honest. I dare you.
Where would any Dominant and independent individual ever feel wanted or needed to ever be treated, as such?
The answer, is nowhere.
Review such, and let me know where I am incorrect if there is the truth of which others had stolen my works from my payments as to purchasing without my consent as well as purchasing my life as to my experiences and my works because of all the connected aspects.
It would not ever be viewed as anything other than slavery in my eyes, and I would not ever see anyone ever caring about me or my well being.
I would only see the ways of which my now dead-ex-husband had treated me the whole time while he was alive, and would not ever see anything of any worth to anything or everything to what I had ever done.
I would only see how much everyone else preferred anyone and everyone else, in comparison to me.
If such is true then all should fully be returned to me and all of my financial aspects should fully be put into my name for my accounts for me to use, if such is true. That is, if there is the actual concern for what I would need and want as well as human decency as how there has not been law enforcement and/or military action against such portions would not ever show me that I was ever protected or cared about.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out, as to any such portions of reality.
I challenge you, to prove which way your stance is. Prove to me whether you could truthfully see how anyone could ever truthfully feel wanted and needed, in comparison to being literally yet again as to the ways of the room I was kept in when in Washington state only online as well as in the physical combined as to such aspects. Once again, I repeat as to how such is fully viewed as to only being a slave trader as well as a treasonous individual who should be charged by the UCMJ standards as to the treasonous actions and choices to ever purchase such aspects as the reasons I put my legal first and my legal middle name within the title was to protect myself from ever being purchased in such a way as to my life experiences and to my life and to my creations, and then if such occurred where there was not anyone who stopped such aspects as to occurring or has fought against such aspects from continuing on other than myself as to how much I have always been hated for everything I have ever done.
I would only continue to feel as the most unwanted and the most unnecessary individual in the entire universe, and I would hate every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year of my entire life and all such portions of each and every individual connection thereof.
Though since I have brought all such hypothetical situations forward if anyone has even read such aspects, pretty much proves every aspect thereof to how I have felt this entire time as to such aspects. I do not think that takes a head injury to figure that out, at this point. It has only been how many journal blog entries of which I have gone over all such details, and how could anyone stand by and allow such abuses and do nothing about ever informing me as to the knowledge of such?
Oh, you were playing a game as I had written about as I felt?
*sarcasm* Great job for making me prefer death over life at this point, as I would rather not ever do anything at all than ever be a part of such as I refuse to ever be treated as such if you cannot tell from my refusal to ever go anywhere except what is mandatory. However what does that matter? None of such has proven to be worthwhile, now has it? If it was worthwhile then I would not have been ignored when I brought such forward and the mileage as to all such traveling reproves my point as to only being treated as less than a human being and only viewed as nothing more than an animal, in comparison to eve being treated with dignity and respect as I have treated others with. My, mistake.
I thought more highly of other people than they had ever had the decency to treat me, by speaking in truth to and with me.
Why would I continue on writing as I have about all such portions over this time regarding my rage as to how such has gone referencing the aspects of what I personally worked for, if I did not feel the ways as I have? Anyone who knowingly had been a part of such, would you want that for yourself? Would you want that for your children? Would you want that for anyone at any point in time? I doubt it.
Prove to me I am incorrect, as there are only the ways of which my royalty check payments being fully in my control if there actually have been purchases and if there has ever been the modification of my works without my permission then return such to the original aspects in full and put all such royalty payments into my usage if there has been such. That is the only way I would ever view such as ever being worth of such and would be the only way I would ever see that my works were of importance, as there is not any other way for me to ever view it in another type of viewpoint.
If the individual is within the state of Texas, then I am glad I burned the rest of the pieces and I will not ever complete the rest of the historical and spiritual rubbing artwork pieces for that state ever. I also additionally will not complete any other Medal of Honor Art Project pieces of artwork except Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as a symbol as to how there has not ever been anything except such traitorous actions and choices by each individual who had been a part of such willingly. That was not ever a protectionary method to go through such aspects as to take my copyrights if such occurred in any such way as per the definition of which as to my works and my life as I already explained in reference to the reasons why I would not ever settle with the CFBISD school district and any SCUBA Diver who if a part of such, I would refuse to build or be a part of ever allowing the Underwater Travel System to be built and would not ever assist in any such way of that ever becoming a reality ever until all such copyrights are fully restored and all such royalty payments are for my usage only.
Take a hint as to the water pipe problems around he United States of America, as to the Bo-Bo situation as to the tentacle in the picture I took, as I am the one who dealt with such aspects and not anyone else. How could anyone not hate every aspect of every individual who would ever have been a part of such, and how could anyone ever stand by and do nothing as to ever considering themselves decent and ever looking down on me for my reactions and choices to rightfully be infuriated?
By the way, I fully hate you more than I ever hated Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr for having willingly been a part of what he had been and then claiming he felt sexually assaulted knowing how I had been forced to stand on the steps of the garage as I was stripped down and everything was gone over as to what was physically wrong with what is me. I could not ever stand the sight of anyone who would ever willingly be a part of such, and I would hate all of you for ever standing by and doing nothing to ever be a decent human being.
What? Was I not raped enough for your standards regarding having been pregnant within the first year after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and being pregnant with my first child, while dealing with such repeatedly? Was that not enough suffering to you people, regarding what I dealt with? Was it not enough of being forced into such a situation at gun point, to the back of my head as to such aspect on USA soil within #SATX #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #TXstate #Texasstate #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas? Was it not enough to be forced repeatedly over and over to being raped against my will each month of each year, or did you retards not think I did not know that and you thought I needed to put such into specific writing in comparison to having already done so without having my son and my daughter have to read such? How would you like for that to occur to you and yours, if you willingly were a participant to such aspects?
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that would make such sensations as to feeling as the least in any and all such aspects and all of my works were worth nothing in the larger and more important ways of life, as the preference would be to the death of everything I would ever be involved in when out in person in comparison to what I once enjoyed in life as I do not think it took a head injury to figure out when I described as well as wrote about as to picking up on energy as to that if hypothetically true would additionally show such proof thereof.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to the lack of respect you would have ever showed me, as not one self respecting person who would ever have actually cared about me would ever do such a choice as that would go against every reason as to why I fought to be emancipated to be able to join the #USArmy #Army Army branch of the #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces #USAF #USAAF #USArmedForcesDoD #USAArmedForcesDepartmentofDefense #USAFDoD #USAAFDoD United States of America’s Armed Forces in the Department of Defense.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if such is hypothetically true as to my copyrights as well as telling people of such to ignore and to lie to me by not ever acknowledging such aspects of truth, you would have committed treason and further slavery of all such individuals especially if any individual ever spoke up against such and you forced them to stop only because of what would be perceived as a game.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that if such a choice was made that would be considered as treason for each person being forced to not bring such portions up, as well as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out you would not have ever viewed any of those people as human beings as you would have only seen all such individuals as a game and would be nothing more than a modern version of an Uncle Tom.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out while some may not have known if such is hypothetically true, each person who would or could have ever been upset or mad at me would need to refocus their attention as to finding such an individual and/or group to inform them however so as to relinquishing such legalities as they were not ever your rights to begin with.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that if that is true each complaint I have ever made is valid as well as each individual who has ever been upset as to who I once knew in person would have been informed as I was planning on discussing in person as to returning to Texas, though I did not think it takes a head injury to figure out it would not have been as viciously worded as per the words I have been more commonly known to speak with in such comparisons to the sensations thereof; however I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out if you have any connection to the BDSM lifestyle as to the lack of the need for your type to ever be involved in the adult consenting lifestyle and to have all such of your type removed fully from the human existence, as to whatever your type would be as to ever thinking such would ever be considered as acceptable as I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out your type was willing to do so not only to me as well as my two minor children at such times though also all other such individuals who had been told to not tell me the truth.
I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out if there is any such connection to the Professional Dominatrix aspects of the adult consenting lifestyle what I had discussed as well as wrote about as to those types of situations of certain types of individuals who do not have the common sense to see the difference would only view all such human beings as nothing, though ironically you would have to acknowledge for such a choice to ever go forward with as to it not taking a head injury to figure out you would have to see how you were always nothing as without me you were always just as you were and remain just as you are.
I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out that whoever would think such as acceptable would be the least worthy to ever consider themselves, as a human being.
I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out obviously I was and am smarter as to such aspects to know better as to put my legal first and my legal middle names within such of my books and copyrights thereof, as I do not think it took a head injury to figure out all of the above.