I recently saw a post online for #LS5 LS5 Legal which after speaking with the helpful female I was informed that in the state of Texas they only have a 1 year statue of limitations for any sexual assault crimes as well as other such situations, for example a situation referencing #Zantac Zantac prescriptions of which the one year portion is problematic because of the known length of time which is required for filing documentation for the court system. Additionally with the fact in reference to the various portions as to if there is any problem within the state of #TX #Texas #Texasstate Texas then the 1 year maximum should apply the other way around just as well in reference to the individuals who have owed bills to any company within the state of Texas, if there is that situation regarding such. Why is a state which professes how advanced they are, so behind the times regarding taking care of children and females properly when thinking about such portions? Have any individuals had any problems regarding the adult consenting lifestyle with individuals who should have been charged though because of the time some people take to process such situations as the psychological portions have been proven for some people who take a bit longer to either remember and/or put such a situation into words, for such problems regarding that aspects as to the concern and safety with such portions? Who does that truthfully protect regarding only allowing 1 year for such a length of time, especially when taking into consideration the amount of military base installations throughout the entire state of Texas and such aspects having the required justice portions for such problems?
I was told the state of Texas has been known to have legal problems regarding the ability for lawyers to actually get lawsuits taken care of the survivors of various portions, to which how many cases in reference to medications which have been tested on individuals within the various branches and divisions Armed Forces of the United States of America has occurred in the state of Texas? What about children in the aspects as to the mental health systems, as well as foster care, and orphanages? What about children's homes, and etcetera? How many have truly needed to suffer the ways they have, and how many stood by and did...?

In my opinion, I consider that as fully unacceptable to allow only a one year timeframe and in my opinion because of the length of time in such references maybe the state of Texas should have a version of the #Mesothelioma Mesothelioma aspects taken into consideration, especially in reference to the school districts which the local and state officials who have allowed that state to crumble from what it once was designed to be as it was supposed to lead the way regarding the larger aspects they have boasted about regarding how there are those who know how certain types of Texans can be about such aspects. What is that reference regarding #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving, for that problem which has been problematic for multiple female SCUBA Divers as well as multiple female SCUBA Diving Instructors? Why would that be considered as acceptable to any individual in all such references, as I believe there should be a massive suit regarding such aspects fully being looked into each and every nook and cranny of each SCUBA Diving Instructor from the state of Texas to go through such details and then make such aspects better and safer for all SCUBA Divers. Especially when taking into consideration teenagers getting involved with SCUBA Diving as well as children who get swimming lessons, some from SCUBA Dive shops for a point in time; though I suppose there has been a stop put to that swimming lessons at SCUBA Diving schools for certain locations, though are your children truthfully safe when you take those portions into consideration.
Just take a look at what I dealt with in reference to my time involved with such a grouping of SCUBA Divers, who would try hypothetically to hold the adult consenting lifestyle group in a hidden location to then take advantage of such a situation to then try to cover such up as per their known per their individual patterns of behaviour risky behaviour and patterns thereof. Is it a wonder as to the amount of illegal immigration problems that have been easily able to actually take care of, though the length of time as to how many decades has the people in the state of Texas complained about the immigration problems and what have the local state officials ever actually done as that is not a federal issue that is a state of Texas issue. The border fencing could easily be put on the land of the state of Texas a few feet inward, if that security was actually important in comparison to the human trafficking which has been permitted wrongly especially when taking such amount of minors crossing the border areas and going into the foster care system. What needs to be done is all such reports which have been verified by whichever official way such has been able to be verified such as in my reference as to the “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” which has been registered through the Library of Congress, of which those cases referencing my son as well as my daughter as well as myself by the order of the age and then me as their Mom as per having told people as well as having proven such in full as to the multitudes of problems referencing such types of situations. As I have said and written before, I know I am not the only one.
How many people have a child or a grandchild or a great grandchild, a Mom or a Grandma or a Great Grandma or an Aunt? How many within the #LGBTQP LGBTQP communities have not been able to fight such problems within the area because of the anti-sodomy laws and the fear of reprisal because of the facts as to the anti-sodomy laws, though how do certain aspects occur in reference to the male portions when in such a reference and/or females? How many people have needlessly been kept in the dark because of the facts as to what occurred within the state of Texas to them and/or their loved ones, and why has the state of Texas officials not done anything about it at the local and state level while going after the federal aspects of the state of Texas elected officials for the finances to take care of what should be taken care of at the state levels?
I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out when there are those in the state of Texas who go on about their however many generations back of their connection to the state of Texas and how such treatment to anyone not officially born biologically in the state of Texas as I have unofficially been informed through emails in reference to Senator John Cornyn and his office and staff as per specifically asking them about such portions regarding the aspects of which I know others have had to ask such individuals throughout the state of Texas such situational aspects as well, how the treatment of the individuals as well as the family members of those who have been in the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans of the United States of America’s Armed Forces when you look at such overall portions as per such aspects.
In reference to the aspects as to the ridiculously low number in year referencing how the sexual assault case situation is in my opinion, that is an infestation ground for pedophilia in that state for having been so behind the times as to properly take care of individuals; however when the border situation which Texas has had the ability to pay for the closing off of the border in its own financial banking aspects as per just the portions of what it pulls in from the #SXSW South By Southwest in #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin events; especially over the amount of decades of which has been held in the area, up until the COVID situation. However how many underground caverns are in the area of Austin, and what medical facilities only for children are there in the area to take into consideration? How many homes for …, are there?
Why would you people ever allow yourselves to succumb to that level oof debauchery, while chanting God Bless Texas? Is it because you want God/dess or Divinity to wash away such sins you know would be considered as problematic though it is up to you to fix and repair such situations, as per the ways thereof in the legal portions? Or is you are hoping for a larger lightning strike to just burn everything away in comparison and have the equivalent of a Chernobyl situation if such a lightning strike were to hit one precise location or a few, in your hopes for such a rapture in comparison to taking care of such laws correctly? Is that what your preference would be for that state, and the people thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out that when you put up signs which say Don’t California Texas, you might want to look into your own laws regarding such local and state aspects to ensure such portions as well as the protectionary rights for those who have been victimized to survive as well as their family members of the direct portion? By my count as far as what those within the state of Texas would owe me just in that example in comparison to the aspects additionally as to what occurred in reference to the overall time in regards of both my daughter and my son, as well as what occurred from those who had gone out of the state of Texas up to the areas during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to what additional needless problems that have been caused due to the negligence from such various levels of officials?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the scriptural portions which as many Texans say they are a Christian as it is known Divinity hates and abhors the pedophile aspects as to harming needlessly children, in addition to the aspects of the supposed chivalry regarding how certain #Texans Texans have claimed to be, in conjunction with the #NASA NASA and the other such correlated aspects as to the #USSpaceForce US Space Force for such portions?
Does it take a head injury to figure out that when such aspects occurred and you have officially been informed in the correct amount of time as to the portions of official reporting can be registered as to being official in regards to online as per the ways which hashtags work to officially inform various groups, that the needless drawing out the clock portions as to the ways which occurred in the #DFW Dallas/Fort Worth areas as to such problems?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to how certain other countries’ individuals have been treated in comparison to your own citizens in reference to the laws in place regarding the assault portions, and what is your policy in reference for justice in regards of if something occurs to a diplomat? Do you truthfully, care?
Does it take a head injury to figure out that the adult consenting lifestyle scene has this extremely important word in what I have said and written, repeatedly? What is the word which would be a situation referencing the adult consenting lifestyle scene, in regards to what it should not take a head injury to figure out about? The answer is, consenting as consent is important.
Does it take a head injury to figure out with the ways some have been treated inside of the state of Texas and/or by people who have claimed to be proud Texans, what is there to be proud of regarding that being a situation for how many decades?
A one year limitation to bring forward such a situation as being assaulted for just the one example, is beyond ridiculous. Even the Holy #Roman Roman #Catholic Catholic #Church Church has had to pay for what they have done and it does not matter what state their churches are in for the actual requirements as per their already having admitted to having such problems across all sorts of areas, to which the ease for that door to be opened within the state of Texas for the longer amount of time because of the legal aspects within the torts and either the state of Texas allows such portions to occur negligently.
By all standards of legal tort the fact that the Holy Roman Catholic Church has had to go through the lawsuits across various sectors in various locations to complete payouts to the survivors who have been victimized by the known aspects as reported, by such opening of the proverbial pandora’s box that in the beginning portions is enough for a law firm who might be bored as to school district portions for a bit in reference to legislation aspects to take a look into such portions of who the aspects occur which would have other prior cases which have been put into the record of the state of Texas which would allow that door to be opened fully for all such aspects to be corrected and fixed to be repaired for the betterment of such portions.
Technically by knowingly allowing such churches or the state of Texas and thus endangering minors as well as the contribution to the delinquency of a minor and etcetera in conjunction as to the portions in reference to you wonder why the amount of IVF treatments in the state of Texas, maybe if you actually took better care of your females and made sure they were safe in comparison you would not have to proverbially import the children through the allowed versions as perceived as to illegal immigrations portions. Which just because I was baptized as a #Methodist Methodist and raised in a #Presbyterian Presbyterian Church and have studied multiple levels of various religious and spiritual pathways, I did grow up reciting the #NiceneCreed Nicene and the #ApostlesCreed Apostles Creed in church as my biological mother was a Deacon and my biological father was a Trustee.
I thought Texas was proud to have succeeded after the Texas and Mexico War…I thought there was something I heard about the Alamo…something ironically in a sarcastic joking sort of way making fun of my own Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to a degree…that whole memory deficit thing…Remember the Alamo…right? #RemembertheAlamo
How many people moved from other states which has had heavy population of pedophiles, as if I am accurate there are several cases as to the individuals from Hollywood and the #CA #California #Californiastate California aspects as well as the problems regarding the taxes which would be denied to the state of Texas for the fact of the knowledge regarding such aspects while the sexual assault probabilities as to the way such aspects in the news reporting has already brought several cases of such forward to the general public’s awareness. How many of the homeless population in the state of California had been sexually assaulted by different perpetrators regarding within the Hollywood sector, and where are some situations occurring as to specific locations as to entrances to tunnels and wishing to hide underneath a solar panel field which has caused the earth to blacken and not in the rich and fertile soil which once was throughout the state of Texas because of the known frequency waves as the same in reference to the aspects of the windfarms which law enforcement agencies would be able to find the evidence thereof if gone outward to find hypothetically?
In my opinion there is no excuse nor any valid reason nor any cause which such aspects are viewed as acceptable as when taking into consideration the aspects especially since Texas has NASA as well as #SpaceX Space X, #BlueOrigin Blue Origin, US Space Force, and other such groups regarding the facts as to the scriptural portions as to how such viewpoints are against any and all harm to a child needlessly, then additionally why should anyone be surprised as to the levels of problems the state of Texas has had swirling around in the entire state while having the repetition of the news reports?
How can a group of individuals from that state consider themselves as protective of anyone if they are willing to allow such to occur without ever doing anything about such portions, especially with as many people who are associated with the different branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and whichever levels of law enforcement have children and grandchildren and so on in reference to such portions of the sexual assault in such a state for civil penalties regarding such?
Does it take a head injury to figure out why the law firm for the #McCoyElementarySchool McCoy Elementary School, #CFBISD District of Carrollton Texas had done what they could to draw out the legal aspects, at this additional point regarding those who I once knew and informed of in person as well as what I had posted online in the multiple areas thereof? Those fees would be owed to my daughter #Letters4Lidia, to my son #Letters4James, as well as to myself regarding all such costs and fees thereof, which already has been proven as each specific must correctly be taken care of in such responsibility for what occurred and what had been known as per all such #Facebook facebook, #CafeMom CafeMom, and the forum postings on #fetlife fetlife for help if there was any who could regarding such aspects as to the postings I made over the years from 2009 through 2013 in the reference to that portion; though additionally as to the #LegalZoom Legal Zoom which is based in Austin Texas as to the Library of Congress copyrights which once again because of my legal name as well as the facts as to the specifics of while not remembering Irving as well as the federal ruling as to the Superman comics and etcetera as the Civil War portions had already been taken care of over a century ago I thought history had brought such forward; or has it when it comes to the individuals within the state of Texas, as there are the realities of additionally the medications which the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans who have been purposefully by the choice of the state of Texas to accept such a responsibility as to properly take care of to maintain and sustain such individuals as who do you have who can help you in reference to if any such UFO or UFP were to go around and be upset about additional aspects such as transmissions from various technology messages with the knowledge seen in the paintings as to the length of time human beings have known about such entities as well as their opinions as to what is considered as acceptable compared to unacceptable for such aspects as per in the Torah as well as the Bible as what is said as to what Divinity hates the most.
What has been wrongly allowed, in such references? Who would want to travel to the state of Texas knowing that was a situation, out of curiosity? Is that a part of a few reasons why COVID occurred and the stopping of the money train from SXSW from those who have such information in their technology records and learning of such portions, as to why the SXSW has not returned for a total of 2 years?
How much did that hit the bottom line proverbially. Regarding such aspects of income additionally in other such references as to the fact of such copyright portions of which are only mine to own legally?
How that has been considered as acceptable for however long such has been a law is ridiculous and quite atrocious behaviour on behalf of the reality of such portions, especially with the knowledge thereof regarding the space aspects as well as how many claim to be a Christian within that state while not having taken care of children in the correct way?
How can that be considered as acceptable to any female whether or not they have a child, as well as since it has become more well known as to prevalence; how can any male of any community find such to ever be considered as acceptable in any ways, while taking into consideration what do you think from such portions as to the official aspects to the US Space Force being officialized as to that viewpoint regarding such unidentified flying objects and phenomenons thereof?
I was told by someone in Washington state she had watched a show which there was a house with land which no matter what occurred there were problems in one room area of which the sale of the house went on and on and on, though one individual would not allow her children to deal with those problems of which there should be a mandatory waiver regarding such portions referencing the house purchases as well as apartment complexes as per the energetic portions thereof absolutely impacting such realities. There is not any legal aspects as to why that has been hidden for as long as such has, though in such a discussion; it was ironic if I recall correctly as I was told the house and property were somewhere in the Houston Texas area as to how the hauntings and the Native Americans had walked away from that area when the people from the east started going there, as the Native Americans who usually would fight for the land they were put on were willing to go in a completely different direction as to the energetic problems from such a location. I wonder where in Houston that land might be, as there would be a neighborhood in comparison to just one property unless it had hundreds of thousands of acres regarding such hypothetically. However if I recall correctly the hauntings in the Houston Texas area which the lands of which have been filled with the aspects thereof to swirl the energies around for the aspects thereof to go into the minds of whichever individuals in such connectionary portions of their being of existences, to fill their dreams and find their ways as to go in the directions which certain types of energetic spirits have been known to do.
Maybe some of the Renaissance Faire individuals should have or should pay attention to such aspects of the realities as while they might have been role playing, I was being myself at the Excalibur Faire in the Bastrop Texas Smithville area in 2005. That land looked as though a massive fire went through what once was the faire grounds, though additionally I was told about a fire going through the area around the year of 2011 as to the acres of damages done to the area from a freak situation that no one saw coming to the area at the time. Maybe a lightning strike which just so happened to be hot enough to spark a flame which was hot enough to melt a law enforcement officer’s firearm safe to a puddle with all of the firearms inside in that puddled area, is considered normal for that area or other areas. Maybe that is considered as a normal situation which the heat from a lightning strike could ever causer that amount of damages in reference to the aspects thereof that the situations somehow are heated enough, that the metal which would be an equivalent for certain areas would be the type inside of the #WTC World Trade Center buildings as how many people who are considered as Texans had said that the #NYC New York City area was what they considered as Sodom and Gomorrah? Is that why my daughter, my son, and I were treated as we had been? Is it because you knew how many people traveled from New Jersey through to the areas of New York City and your biased view against such an area in addition to the other aspects proven regarding such through the technological means, of such embedded history for the various servers and such aspects throughout the galaxy?
How could anyone from the state of Texas ever have looked down upon me when taking such legal aspects into consideration, despite how I physically look as explained by several Texans in person as well as the online situations?
Though out of curiosity how could people who are considered as Texans vote for POTUS44 #POTUS44 when taking such a reality into consideration, as what do you think Chicago is like regarding where Mrs. Michelle Obama is from referencing the ways such aspects are handled in regards of similarities between the northeast coast as well as a city such as Chicago?
Maybe there is a reason why the aspects have been preferred as to my biological mother as to the ways which my biological sister and my biological mother loved the musical, #ChicagoMusical #ChicagoMovie when taking several other aspects into consideration as to the political family that my biological sister was married into as to such legalities I knew she had known people who actually could have genuinely helped in the correct ways as needed in comparison to what hypotheticals in other such ways upon learning what I had accomplished just before that wedding at that house near the Lake Travis area which are filled with the waters I had personally cleared on my own as well as I had earned several of my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications in. I suppose if it was known as to who I was when I had brought my son and my daughter to be the ring bearer and the flower girl instead of some of the looks I had received by the Miller political family hypothetically, most likely if that was known as to who I am regarding that aspects; would the treatment have been more respectful back then as well as afterwards, as I did meet Zack Miller who married my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom-Miller in the year of my SCUBA Diving just after the time when I had safely descended downward into the pits of the abyss to surface alive safely.
How did your son meet me, in that San Marcos Starbucks? Was that the most intelligent choice in such times as to try to judge me just by how I physically look when taking more into consideration, as I at minimum dressed appropriately when driving as far as I had to meet that male who would legally marry my biological sister at that abomination of a wedding? I thought there were Texans who like the color red, as if accurate there is a large area of red in the flag as well as a smaller area though large area of blue in the state flag. Was it your family saw me as the bottom of the barrel, in such references to the state flag?
I suppose so, in some ways. I am the only one who landed at the bottom of the ocean in the several areas of the deepest areas when adding the factors thereof. However it is okay, maybe there is another aspect to take into consideration which has deep roots.
While I know better than to ever think that a respectful response which would be seen and interpreted as actually being as such to a true New Jersey-ian raised in the ways I was taught in comparison to the female you had married into your family in my opinion regarding the facts referencing my biological sister, would come out of such a group as to the ways such has gone as per my experiences both from the years of 2000 through to 2013 as well as the years from 2019 through to 2021 of which the ramifications of if that Miller family has been problematic additionally to the adult consenting lifestyle as close as the wedding house is in Austin to multiple locations just for the BDSM/Swinger/LGBTQPers would be able to verify. Which events have occurred throughout such years in the adult consenting lifestyle that would require class and tact as well as etiquette followed for such portions as to having chosen the way such had occurred and while I could be incorrect, how many times have I been proven to be accurate in multiple ways and at what depth as well as to the portions as to the amount of time?
Though the reality of detracting from your son’s marriage to my biological sister would have been a faux pax in some ways because of having the reality of such walking around in the ways as to how dare I look as I have, correct? Do not think I did not hear what some of those individuals were whispering amongst themselves about the aspects thereof as there is a joke I can make about being born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dog, which many know as to the hearing capabilities of a well bred Bitch with the certifications earned to additionally add. Though additional irony of knowing there was a letter in “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” from a higher ranking soldier with the last name of Miller, though such a common last name as to such portions. I am thankful as to having been able to have sent such out for years in multiple locations all around the internet on top of what books I had sent out in reference to the reminder from the term in Legal Zoom, though what technology portions could have been triggered in reference to such electronic messaging systems hypothetically used for the varying aspects thereof to take into considerations regarding what is known as the sound when something flies right past you at a high velocity of speed?
Irving, it was interesting. Different though interesting nonetheless and just as such, I have many memories associated with the area I was born and raised in regarding New Jersey as well as the tristate area to that one particular situation.
However returning to the point, one year? Is that symbolized in your lone star in your flag as to why the aspects of the survivors of those who have endured certain aspects within the state of Texas, or is it that there is one match who lights the flame for such situations?
As there is much training that occurs at Lackland Air Force Base as it is known that is the Basic Training location for the United States of America’s Air Force as well as the AIT or equivalent of for the branch and divisions thereof, what do the officials who are in and of the state of Texas have to say about that portion as to the time of one year in addition to the situations referencing the military branch regarding the amount of sexual assaults?
Thus is the area of Lackland Air Force Base along with the Joint Base San Antonio of Military City USA considered federal soil or is it considered as the state soil, regarding such legalities for IG and EO as well as CID to which I would not be surprised as to how their confusion might be in such regards and references thereof. Thus maybe there is a news reporter or someone who can ask officially of the various elected officials for the area of San Antonio within the areas of Military City USA for the references for such aspects, and what can be done regarding such legalities. Since it was known and has been admitted to as well as has been documented regarding the aspects as to what occurred to me within the area of San Antonio Texas and the locals to where I had my house in Pheasant Creek subdivision, what is the procedure for when I bring something such as this forward in reference to the rewards thereof? There surely have been a lot of legal portions which have been put into law in reference to my first book of which additionally having mailed such books as I have and the aspects thereof, in such regards then what official credits have the state of Texas’ individuals regarding such had to say about using such portions and the credits due to me and to me only?
Oh that’s right I sarcastically have to add, you have that Anna as well as the Patricio portions thing going on regarding such portions as to the Alamo as there is not anyone in that history with the name of Susan or MeeLing or Lady or Dori or Belle if I recall correctly from what I read.
Though there is the truth behind the name of Santa as to the origins regarding the aspects as to the German town of Fredericksburg, correct? Maybe there has been a visit to the Houston area of which those stirrings had gone upward as per what she had admitted to having known about and allowing to happen to me immorally as well as unethically and illegally, though I too have traveled to Houston Texas three times by the year of 2013 just on land. I wish I thought to ask what year those happenings as seen on whatever show it had been had first been noticed regarding such portions in time, as to the situations thereof looking back to reflect on such times including having gone swimming as well as my SCUBA Diving in the Gulf of Mexico.
However, how many people in the adult consenting lifestyle community know that in the state of Texas only one person in one location needs to be aware of the recordings occurring wherever and all over in whichever place in the legalities for the non-privacy protections thereof?
I prefer privacy as I prefer etiquette just as I prefer those who earn of their own accord in comparison, which how could such other areas to which individuals have bene known though not known in reference to who attended in more specifics thereof to larger well known names of people in reference to the lifestyle as well? As many individuals who have said and shown their Christian views in the state of Texas from 2000 through to 2013 and then afterwards more-so in reference to SCUBA Diving specifics as well as books I compiled and authored from 2019 through to 2021, what was the situation in reference to what occurred in regards of…oh wait…it was probably wished for as to the male gender for such aspects in the ways of the paperwork regarding the aspects of the gender biologically for the minimum of what I accomplished as a non-Texan within the state of Texas…correct?
Were there those who wished for my now dead-ex-husband in comparison to me as myself as has been verified, or what difference does it make?
The answer is, all the difference in the world.
It is saddening to think how accurate I had been in reference to how many had preferred that individual in comparison to who had earned on my own, and while I could be inaccurate the aspects as to the prior writings I have posted if such portions are truthful in such reviewals then realistically I thought there was the request for forward progress in comparison to what has been seen in reference to various aspects regarding the treatments I have dealt with. Whomever might have told you they knew me in reference to any possibility of a surprise, well you did surprise me. However just because of the copyrights on my website as well as my copyrights in reference to my website, the realities of what financial aspects would be considered as owed if correct as to a reward portion is considered as via the # Ombudsman Ombudsman which has a headquarters where since when?
I hope I am not the only one who saw the amount of situations which needed far more than just my words and actions, as was it as soon as I returned from my SCUBA Diving trips you thought it was a free for all because of such portions as to the religious aspects? The answer is it was not a free for all, though I suppose in some ways of various perspectives it kind of was turned into a free for all in the portions of such times when reflecting upon such now in the year of 2021.
I am surprised that there is the only 1 year portion compared to the fact of the aspects to the Holy Roman Catholic Church legal cases as in the year of my daughter’s birth in the year of 2002 had been the first United States of America’s case for such prosecution rights, of which when taking such into consideration as to the aspects thereof; how much irony can anyone see in such regards and references, to which what can be done about it is able through the correct law firm who would want to be in front of the camera as how massively huge of a case would that bring such amount of publicity forward referencing such within the aspects of?
I hope so, as soon as possible.
P.S.: What words can be spelled in reference to the longer name of the portion of the two MM name with the aspect as to the name of one particular plant, which would be a bit creative in plain sight and yet at the same moment as to wondering whY such could be considered as something a bit different to such portions? There are a few names admittedly which can be made from such letter combinations, though since the reference to the religious portions of what additional aspect to the number that I consider as my immediate family could be noticed for such a quandry?