In the year of 2009 when I was involved with #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving to earn my Underwater Videographer certification of which I had already been an Ordained Reverend for over 3 years by that point in time, I had created my Underwater Wedding of which I had posted about online though also had copyrighted within my book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as to the description of. In such references as to my description as well as my SCUBA Diving certification course for my class homework of which I created my version of the #UnderwaterWedding Underwater Wedding; there is not any way for such to ever be considered as a valid form of a spiritual wedding by the standards of which the #LawsoftheOcean #LOTO #Laws #Ocean Laws of the Ocean would view as valid, because of the fact as to how I had created the aspects of having to be followed to every specific minute detail to which without my having ever given what wording would have to be used for such an Underwater Wedding the situation would be less than ever going through the motions of such in the comparison.
In reference to my creation of my version of the Underwater Wedding because of such portions, there additionally is not any way for any individual to ever force anyone into a marriage because of the requirements in reference to SCUBA Diving having to be completely voluntary. After what I had dealt with regarding how the situations had been in reference to my now dead-ex-husband, I wanted and I needed to make sure that to fully protect myself there not ever having any plausible way to ever force me into such an aspect ever. Hence why I had created my version of the Underwater Wedding as to ensure there would not ever be any legitimate way for any individual to ever force such, because of what mandatory requirements would be.
For example because of the way I created my idea for an Underwater Wedding as well as SCUBA Diving needing to be of one’s own free will, there would not be any validity to ever changing out any portions of gear which would ever be considered as viable or accepted in any such circumstance. Thus changing a mouthpiece or changing a hose would not ever be considered as accepted in any such religious or spiritual viewpoint because of the requirement for the individual to use their own gear and willingly be capable to put the other piece into the mouth of the other willing SCUBA Diver for the willingness to ever be considered as acceptable, and thus among other reasons and factors there truthfully is not nor would there ever be any type or any accepted way for anyone to ever force such onto any individual ever. Another reason such would not be considered as accepted in any such religious or spiritual way is to the fact as to the officiant which in such would only be able to be myself because of it being my creation and not anyone having ever put such together beforehand in the manners which I had created, thus because of such portions additionally as to my unique design of such there would not ever be a way which such would be considered as a valid wedding which would ever be accepted by the underwater beings or any such wishes for such to ever be considered as acceptable.
In turn anyone who would wish or think such to be accepted would need a psychological evaluation as to their history of their psychological breakdowns as to what would ever make them think that would be accepted, because of the facts as to the mandatory aspects to a willingness for such of which there would be a mandatory proposal as well as the mandatory practice of such on land before ever being allowed to ever go into the waters for such a ritual; which again would be mandatory of one’s own free will, which switching of the gear would remove any free will which would be under a legal aspect as to assault as well as whatever other such hypothetical criminal charges associated and/or connected to such a trying to force someone into marriage in the same ways as to my now dead-ex-husband who paid the price of such when you look at such aspects as to the dress blues #endstolenvalor problem regarding the stolen valor. The guesstimation would be of which the length of history of such psychological dysfunctions would be beyond the normalcies of which would have ever been seen before, and would be a requirement for a larger viewpoint as to such psychological disfunctions as to what the wishful connection would be connected to from the starting point of such a psychological breakdown.
In turn if there were to ever have been anyone who would think that such to be a practical joke or wishful thinking as to any such a wish for such a desire, would be fully detrimental to the mentality of such an individual who would ever think such could be considered as possible or accepted by the oceanic waters and the Laws of the Ocean. Thus if there were ever to be any individual and/or group of individuals who would think such to be acceptable would be of which would require themselves to have their entire past history looked into for other such connections, and in such references would fully have confessed such if they ever put such online as to having done so as to he lack of a right to ever wish any such portions thereof to try to take away another’s #ConstitutionalRights Constitutional Rights and free will choices. Especially with the fact of which the ocean is highly charged to spiritual and feminine energetic portions, there would not be any male who would ever be able to get away with such additionally as to not any female who would be able to get away with such. The reasons once again being, it is mandatory to be of free will. The ocean is the only individual aspect of which mandatorily to be able to survive, one has to earn such on one’s own. Thus in references to such in conjunction to the SCUBA Diving would fully invalidate any such individual(s) who could wish such to be accepted, and in turn they would only marry themselves to themselves in comparison to ever marrying themselves to another.
For such an example if males were to do so to multiple females there would be the viewpoint starting as to the point of assault with a deadly weapon as to the fact of the SCUBA Diving gear being mandatory for the breathing underwater, and thus the attack onto any such gear would automatically be considered as such due to the ways of which the SCUBA Diving gear is used if in reference to the mouthpiece and/or hose attachments thereof. In the regards of if a group of males and/or females would agree to such, they in turn would only marry themselves to themselves as one another as per the ways of entering the oceanic waters as oneself. Thus in turn any such group collectively would only be with each other, in comparison to ever actually being with who they could wish would ever be for such a consideration. Additionally as to such being viewed as attempted murder because of the removal of the arrangement to the setting up of such gear differently to the gear which had previously been arranged, in turn would be considerable to such additional legal charges because of the requirement for such SCUBA Diving gear as to the free will arrangements thereof being mandatory especially depending upon the level of SCUBA Diver type.
For example one who is accustomed to others arranging their SCUBA Diving gear would be more susceptible for such an acceptance whereas someone who fully takes care of their own SCUBA Diving gear would fully be in resistance and would not ever accept such, to which as to the individual(s) involved with such a disfunction would wish such would be accepted though would not have any such clearances for any such acceptances ever. The type of independence as well as levels thereof to such an independence would also prove such portions of which would fully show such a refusal no matter where any type of trying to corner such, and would be met with subconscious violent responses of which the individual(s) involved to wishing such would have to acknowledge at a point in time after a certain amount of their full failure to ever keep such within any form of the Laws of the Ocean as the oceanic waters additionally would show such a full rejection in all such ways as to any such wishes for such a situation. Depending upon the individual such might be wished for, the levels of what the Laws of the Ocean would show as a full rejection would be able to be seen in the temperatures rising in heat levels as well as the amounts of glaciers being melted in ways which are at a more rapid pace than ever previously recorded before.
Another sure fire way to tell of such a full rejection would be the coral reefs above a certain atmospheric measurement would begin to die off and fully go away without such an acceptance to such wishful thinkers of which the Laws of the Ocean would fully await such an online as well as verbal declaration of which would be mandatory from such wishful thinkers as to any such healing to the oceanic waters to take place. It would full be able to be seen as to such a rejection of such wishes as to the number of areas which waters could be visited in the natural areas, as the natural subconscious to protect the waters would become more self-evident in a multitude of people in ways which they would not have paid attention to previously. If the coral reefs in more than one large location began to whiten would mean a way of which the initial phases of whiting out such a wishful thought, as per the ways of looking at older typewriters or writing styles which use white out as to the wishful thoughts being fully rejected by the oceanic beings in all such ways. That would be in reference both to the possibility of any wishing they would be able to use my creation of my idea of the Underwater Wedding as well as any such trying to force such as the force would be rejected fully, and the wishful thoughts just as rejected.
The mandatory portions of which my creation of the Underwater Wedding as to the fact of the required additional wording, there is not any prayer which would ever override such a portion either as to the fact of my work before ever the time of any such, as per the initiation ritual I had created for myself back in the 1990s when I was in school at #SJV #SJVHS #Saint #SaintJohn #SaintJohnVianney #SaintJohnVianneyHighSchool #StJohn #StJohnVianney #StJohnVianneyHighSchool #StJohnVianneyHS in #Holdmel #HolmdelNJ #HolmdelNewJersey #NJ #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #NJstate Saint John Vianney High School while going through Confirmation Classes at #OTC #OTPC #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch Old Tennent Presbyterian Church additionally for such protections.
I had seen far too much when I was growing up in New Jersey, and I knew I needed to fully protect myself in case I were to ever be interested in a real marriage in comparison to what I was seeing going on during such times in the 1980s and the 1990s. I wanted and needed to ensure for myself the purest of such a commitment as even though I had been the tomboy I had been and remain, I simply could not allow myself to be fooled by such portions of which I was seeing. I had seen marriages which were arranged which I did not agree with as I saw the sadness in the eyes of those who were unwilling to find a way with one another, as they knew they were not meant to be. I saw such in reference to trying to make such work for the cause of a child or children to which I saw the pain in the children’s eyes, and saw the needless struggles in the eyes of their adults in their lives. I saw marriages which one was in love in one’s eyes and the other was not interested, and I saw how those situations turned out in varied extremes. I saw people lying to one another in such marriages as well as wishing for changes which were not going to happen without their choice, of which I knew I could not stand for myself ever. In such regards as to having seen that and more, I knew in order to protect myself from what I saw that I would need to create a ritual to fully protect myself from all such types until the possibility of if ever there being one who would be interested in me for all of who I am and not only certain aspects here or certain aspects there.
I knew I wanted and needed a marriage which the bonds would be of in pureness, of fidelity, of love, of genuinity, of loyalty, of respect, of truth, of honor, and many more attributes to which I knew for myself to ever be comfortable in such a type of an actual marriage as I saw what I thought to be most ideal would be a mandatory sealing of myself off from any such type of marriage in the ways of the normalcies because of knowing I needed such a specific mutual type of a relationship compared to what I had grown up seeing and hearing in the years I was growing up in New Jersey and the tristate areas I had walked around in the 1980s and the 1990s. I did believe and do believe there is such a type of love available for each individual as per what is the most ideal for such aspects to which in my view, love and marriage needed to be of a mutual agreement and of each individual’s free will to know such portions of who they were actually getting involved with. I believed and believe in such a type of love that transcends the portions of which the normalcies of life would be of which would be the greatest of comforts when in one another’s arms, of which the comfort in such regards would be easily capable in if in the free will sort of ways in comparison.
For those who have known me in person over the years believe it or not, I can actually be romantic.
As a different protectionary aspect for myself as to other such connected regards as to such references of the mandatory spiritual virginity for myself as to if I were to ever willingly get married compared to the legal only portions in reference to who is who I am the legal widow of though is the reality as to the facts of, my now dead-ex-husband.
To additionally fully protect myself as to what occurred during the first separation though before as per my writing about such in reference to when at my house in #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #SanAntonioTX #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas, as there was a restarting from when my biological mother had arrived and had been rejected from entering my house during such an evening when in reference to when that time had been in regards to #AL #Alabama #Alabamastate for such funeral portions to my ex-grandfather-in-law.
At a fourth and fifth time as to such I did a reignition protection aspect as to a secondary backup for such a ritual I had remembered from prior times of before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury before completing a third protectionary ritual, and in line with such aspects as to my seven day ritual I had written in minute details about as to a total of seven times of such to fully encompass myself to protect myself fully from such before ever moving to my house at the time later in regards of my SCUBA Diving classes and courses of which earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications. In such a point of after moving into my house to be able to paint all of the rooms was the final portions of such protection rituals for myself to which the sanctity of all such portions were fully guaranteed for my spiritual and religious safety as to any such wishful thinking if I would ever have been accurate as to any such wishes, to which while some might have laughed at such portions over such points in time the fact of such a protectionary ring around and about myself could hypothetically be noticed in other such energetic frequencies and ways thereof to the other portions of which the recognitionary portions to the officializing of the #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce #USSF #USASF #USSpaceForceDoD #USASpaceForceDoD #USSpaceForceDepartmentofDefense #USASpaceForceDepartmentofDefense #DepartmentofDefense United States of America’s Armed Forces branch of the Space Force officialized in the administration during #POTUS45 #DonaldJTrump Donald J Trump and #VPOTUS47 #MikePence Mike Pence in May of the year of 2020.
Thus the reality as to the wishful thought process as to such a point would be of which such individuals connected to any such individuals regarding such wishful thinking, I refer to the aspects as to the portions of which the marriage to my now dead-ex-husband in such references to the portions thereof as to any who would wishfully think such would ever be accepted. If such had ever believed such to be accepted, then the evaluations as to such portions of which I have already gone over the details of as to such rejection portions from me as to “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to the facts of such being non-transferrable. In the references as to such in regards to my creation of the Underwater Wedding as to the facts of my personal SCUBA Diving, there would not be any way of which such could ever be without my personal choice and my personal free will to such a choice in comparison to what could have hypothetically been wished for. There is the mandatory aspects as to free will choices regarding SCUBA Diving and thus, the refusal of all such would be as rejected in all certainty.
Additionally if any were to ever try to force such a situation even though having already been rejected, the legal aspects as to the facts regarding the portions of which my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the Untied States of America which is within the Department of Defense would fully be in addition to such legalities already brought forward as to the different aspects of which to look into in the multitude of ways. In turn it would be considered especially if in reference to the timeframe of between the years of 2009 through to the current year of 2021 on the soil of the United States of America as to be considered for the domestic terrorism aspects as to the viewpoints of which the current enemy mentality aspects if aligning to such an extremist type of thought process for the analogy aspects thereof to which I have repeatedly proven to have taken a stand against the ideology of such a viewpoint of the extremist radicalized muslim philosophy of which such would be reviewed for such comparative aspects as to the wishful thoughts to ever push or force such upon any individual as a legal citizen of the #USA United States of America and to what connection points thereof to such regards thereof as to if any direct or dependent connection to an Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist/Veteran/Blue Identification Card holder of the #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces #USAF #USAAF #USArmedForcesDoD #USAArmedForcesDoD #USArmedForcesDepeartmentofDefense #USAArmedForcesDepartmentofDefense Armed Forces of the United States of America as to whichever connected branch and/or division thereof. Thus such legal aspects as per suggestions within such written portions of which I have brought forward regarding both “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” towards the back pages as well as “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to such other aspects thereof in conjunction to the #UCMJ #UniversalCodeofMilitaryJustice Universal Code of Military Justice legal portions in the conjunctionary aspects of possibly with “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” to tie such past portions together in ways which could possibly assist such aspects thereof to any such hypothetical.
If there ever had been a situation to which such any wishful thinking individual(s) of such and online or written or some form of communication as to such proof thereof to such a confessionary point of having done so to another individual and/or group of individuals, I admit I would feel bad for the #lawenforcement law enforcement who would have to inform such an individual and/or group of individuals as to any such an attempt upon their freedom of choice and free will while such a try to violate the individual(s) Constitutional Rights as especially depending upon the religious/spiritual connections thereof having been attacked in such regards as to whether or not they picked up on such a wishful attacking scheme which would be nullified before the actions ever went through as it would not ever have been officiated to begin with. Depending upon such protectionary precautions one would put upon themselves for such independence as well as if there is spiritual and/or religious protections in place as well, the aspects of having to inform an individual of such any try would be of which the law enforcement I would guesstimate would have other such a direct aspect as to other legal situations of which would need to be reviewed to which I would not envy such a situation regarding such portions.
It would be a recommendation if such were ever to be found as to informing of such individual(s) immediately as to such findings, as well as to what levels thereof for their own ability for their own protections to look into as to such clarifications as well as such clearings. If such a wishful thought wished to try to persist in such regards despite already having been fully rejected, then the legal aspects as to such involvement to remove such from the situation would be fully mandatory as to all such ways and if the continued portions were still a problem then the requirement in such regards as to the law enforcement aspects as to the individual(s) in the category of what would be considered as a victim though a survivor thereof especially if any such found stalking/harassment/problems needlessly/etcetera were to found and able to be proven as to such regards thereof. In the references to I would suggest the levels to the segregation of such individuals from one another’s locations and if the unwillingness of the perpetrator to such a classification label as to victim though survivor of, then the law enforcement would have to step in to inform the individual as to such portions as well as relocate them to another location as per the versions of such a witness protection sort of program available to keep such away from the other permanently until such a legal portion could go through if there ever was such a situation or case thereof.
In such regards as to the ways to go about such, I would think it would depend upon the individual themselves as to such regards as the individual would not be able to be alone upon finding out such a level of intimidation tactics within the areas of the United States of America as to what levels thereof which could be found in such a hypothetical. Additionally to such depending upon the levels thereof as to such possible aspects of involvement as to who would be available to assist with such a discussion as to who could be trusted with the law enforcement to bring such to the attention of such a label of victim though survivor of, as to who would be considered as recognizable as a friendly individual in such terminology. In the possible instance to which whether considered for the aspects as to any medical situations involved would be the trickier portions as depending upon what the situations could be, would depend upon what steps would need to be taken in the references to bringing such a situation to the individual’s attention in the official capacities thereof. What would be considered as a comfort level to such would depend on the individual’s interests, though the locations thereof to such aspects. Depending as to such portions of which to bring such together for such would depend upon the levels to which such would go to wherever such locations thereof, though since the aspects as to the current timing as to the situations involving #COVID COVID; therein could be a situation of which then would depending upon even further as to such portions, of what would be considered as a more ideal situation.
In turn the ways thereof to such protectionary portions as to the suggestion of such, would then depend upon who would be considered as the ideal for such an in person discussion with such an individual as well as the law enforcement aspects thereof would depend upon such levels of which interests thereof for such to be brought forward. In the minimal possibilities as to such small levels of interests and what possible aspects thereof to such portions medically would then be something of which to take into consideration, as then the realities of how to bring such forward without scaring off the individual themselves as to the bringing forward of such information. In turn the aspects as to what would be suggested as to a guesstimation as to the most ideal would depend upon what would be considered within such interests, or the other aspect of simply having law enforcement go forward with such aspects as to the portions as to the ways which have been proceeded with before in other rescue sorts of missions regarding the extraction processes as to the informing of to the individual before going forward with such processes thereof if there are not any other aspects as to such possibilities of which to bring such an individual out from the situation thereof.
The simple aspect of any such confession online or in text message or in a phone call would only be required of once, though if there were to ever be anything more than such would be able to bring forward such portions more fully within the aspects as to the #NSA #NationalSecurityAdministration NSA approval act with the #HomelandSecurity Homeland Security of such portions enacted within the earlier times of the 2000 or 2001 or 2002 or 2003 timeframes thereof if accurate as to the news report as to the portions regarding the phone calls to a pizza place as to the connection portions thereof as to such portions of the phone line communication portions of such viewpoints in reference to reviewing such aspects as to the finding domestic terrorists within the United States of America as per such phone calls as well as orderings thereof from such a location.
In the case of which an individual needs to be informed of such especially with any other legal connections of any such investigations the suggestion as to how to bring such forward as to any other possibility would be upon the portions of above such recommendations, though possibly as to which such has already been brought forward might be of a good enough starting point to review such aspects as to the options thereof if such were to ever be in such a consideration as to any such proof thereof. While again as to some wishing that would ever be able to be forced would be invalidated in full, as there is the facts of which once again SCUBA Diving ha to be of one's own free will. Additionally to such portions of strength per SCUBA Diver involved as per the backgrounds in combination as to whose choice in comparison to wish would be viewed as to the strength of will, and strength of determination. The facts of which the mandatory portions in the reference to cards earned would additionally be taken into such consideration as per the timing of such a trying to which the full portions once again, would require the free will to go through with such in comparison to wishing any such changes to gear would ever be considered as anything other than a threat to life would be laughable.
However I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that my personal creation of such as well as my personal background would be a mandatory by my free will of my choice in comparison to any wishful thinking, as to any other plausible way for such regarding any type of wedding to me personally; as on land would be considered as the exact same for me, as per my mandatory aspects as to my right to choose as to the proper informing thereof as to such a request from me for my hand in marriage as to my personal beliefs and my personal preferences as such.
