Why would it be where I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when the direct orders when I was initially medically retired from the #USArmy #USAA #Army Army branch of the Armed Forces of the #USA #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesofAmerica United States of America in November 2000 on Temporary Retirement Duty Leave as to the direct orders to fly back to Illinois though moving is different of course, as to the facts where the needless problems began as to the references thereof to the illegal factors as to the facts where I should have been capable to return to Illinois as the equivalent of convalescent leave for the 30 days to then go and live my life as I chose.
Should it be where I did not think it took a head injury to figure out with such as to the Justice of the Peace as to December in the year of 2000 would officially reprove those facts as to the references of how the aspects of the post factors of San Antonio Texas as to Military City USA, as to the situations as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate as to the proof of such sexism as well as feminazism as to the situations from the year of 2000 as to the proven factors.
Does it take to the point where I did not think it took a head injury to figure out each and every time I mentions New Jersey and/or the year situations of 1993 referring to #NewYork #NewYorkstate #NYU #NewYorkCity #NY #NYC New York City as to such aspects as to my attempts to assist such factors as when as to such situations as to the references of my journal blog updates and clarifications as to the years of 2019 through 2022, as to the facts where the proof as to how many others preferred death instead of life because if they preferred life then as to how such belief in me as to the immediate factors as to such situations.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the amount of times I references New Jersey and the tristate areas translated to the tristate areas as to where I grew up going around and being born and raised in New Jersey, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure each and every time I made attempts to explain such as to the clear factors of my attempts to return to being capable to actually assist where I comprehended the real assistances were needed.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out my having discussed and/or written as to such factors as to communications as I personally consider as communications as to where my attempts to assist as to the after timeframes of February 1993 and after timeframes of 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 was as to such amounts of lives I personally knew as to the amount of people as to those lives I personally knew, and as to such factors as to the references thereof as to how I did not think it took a head injury to figure out what closure would actually be for me personally as the if factor as to actually having real people who would care enough about me as to actually assisting me in the correct capacities instead of what occurred throughout such prior timeframes.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the individuals as to each time I moved instead of actually getting to where I needed to be and staying where I comprehended I needed to be only continued to prove to me how unwanted I was as to the facts of comprehending my needs as to recovering as comprehending my needs to be capable to work on what was/is important to and for me personally instead of such amounts of other factors instead of such needless unwanted factors as to those renne faire lying games as to such unwanted factors as I do not play games as to through my own informed consensual aspects as the reality I would not ever make that choice for myself willingly if informed officially as to such factors of such a choice ever.
Does it take to such levels where I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when I have refused to play games repeatedly as to if ever knowing of such as to such references as to there not ever being in any capacity of me ever being in a good mood if any such factors thereof as to in any way as to such facts, and thus I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if asking a younger aged individual instead of actually asking me and believing me would be a problem in a multitude of ways.
Would it take to such points where I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when as to such facts that such individual(s) lied as to how unwanted such lying renne faire types are actually and have been the entire time, as myself cannot stand what I consider as those types of particulars as to needless games.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if those lacking of seriousness as to such aspects of those lying renne faire types as to such aspects of their own free will of their own choices as to how unwanted those are to me as attending one that all such situations were as horrific as they were as to how unwanted it was as to ever being involved with such lying renne faire types as to the aspects of where just because of their misinterpretations, as to how many attempts to getting directly to what was and is as to such factors as to the references thereof.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to the state of Texas if as to more than one renne faire as to such aspects of lying renne faire types of if factors, then as to such aspects of my initial updates as to the reviews I had begun only in the year of 2019 and through 2022 in such references.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the individuals who would ever think of my saying as per what I personally prefer instead of what I have clarified would be for where I personally would be in a good mood, as to the difference that I have comprehended myself more than any other has ever made any real attempts to such factors thereof in such references regarding such prior situations.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if as to such aspects of where those who would try to think I should or would or could ever actually care about the factors of in a sadness sort of factor as to my children's biological father would be officially ignorant as to such aspects as to the reality of what I personally dealt with as to instead of what I personally needed in whichever capacities thereof officially in the full combinations thereof, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out how unwanted all such sensations as I have picked up as to such factors as to the importance of my own free will choice as to such liberties and freedoms to do so as to what my considerations of ease are.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the situations when as to November 2000 as to the factors as to then in December 2000 as to the #Justice #Peace Justice of the Peace as to how unwanted as to all such sensations thereof I had been as the reality of if I was wanted, I would have been asked with politeness and manners in truth.
I did not think it took a head injury in reference to the difference of whatever pop culture references as to the situations as to me being born and raised in New Jersey as how many clarifications as the differences of the attitudes I have made fun of as to the references of those pop culture lying renne faire types, as the reality of actually living in New Jersey requires certain protocols as well as standards as to being capable to work with.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the difference between someone who is born and raised in a state such as New Jersey as to the difference of someone being born elsewhere and then moving to the area, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when the clear aspects of are as the clear aspects of are.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that pop culture references of individuals who traveled through New Jersey, are not the same as being born and raised in New Jersey.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out there are a lot of individuals who have traveled through New Jersey and had to learn the size of the state is different than the amount of time to travel through as because of the traffic flow, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the distance of the measurements of the miles would be of importance as to such facts about the size as to the population factors.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out what true loyalty is as to the considerations of a #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #NJStrong #NewJerseyStrong New Jersey-ian as to such factors of making sure to take care of responsibilities while attempts as to the larger situations if capable to do so as to such factors thereof, because if ever as to such factors of loyalty differences as to such regards as to the review factors with the reminders with the warnings as to the aspects thereof as to life and living as to the proof of such references while making attempts to actually work on personal factors in the conjunction of business aspects.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out in reference of my children's biological father's side of their family as to such aspects as to the situations as to the Chief Warrant Officer 3 in regards in conjunction as to the prior times from 2000 through 2008 as to such factors, I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that such aspects of standing my ground as to such protection authorities as provided as to my personal self-defense as to such aspects before the year of 2008 when I informed each as to the discussions as to how the situations were as to the factors of why I was in Texas instead of where I grew up.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out in such regards as to if I was loved as to the facts thereof as to the reality of differences as to the situations, as obviously such factors as to the aspects I comprehended as to my needs as to such aspects of where such would be of ease for me personally instead of such constant amounts of stress as to how stress only adds to the physical headache pain levels I have been dealing with since I woke up from my coma after my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 when I was in Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when an individual who was sent to Medical Hold Unit from Fort Sill Oklahoma after I spoke with a Drill Sergeant from my Basic Training on the phone when I was in the orderly room in Medical Hold Unit in the year of 2000, I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out either as to such factors.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out a biological female in the year of 2000 as to the infantry/calvary/combat arms/MP aspects as to such MOS factors as to other biological females such as the Navy branch WAVES and/or the #PostalBattalion6888th Postal Battalion 6888th as to such factors thereof to the length of time as to such sexism as to such divisions of MOS, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the facts about such proof as to the timeframes between World War II through to the timeframe of Desert Shield and Desert Storm as well as the timeframes thereafter where only more recently within the years of as to the if factors since 2020 into 2021 of some females biologically being capable to go through and graduate such factors.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out any biological female stirring up any needless drama as to another biological female being capable to assist as to such MOS factors as to how such is considered as feminazism as to such factors instead of feminism as to such reality situations, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to NASA having been around since before the year of 2000 to figure that out in such common sense factors.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out pressuring me in any capacity is not anything of assistance to me whatsoever and does not show me personally anything that I personally would consider as appreciation for me and/or my work, as the factors thereof as to what my personal considerations of are.
Does it take to such levels where I did not think it took a head injury to figure out any biological females that would ever involve themselves as to ever thinking they would or could ever comprehend my needs as to ever thinking that just because of me being a biological female as to anything beyond as to such connections, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out a tomboy comprehends themselves more than a girly girl.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the reality of when such uncomforts as to the aspects thereof as I have clarified as to how such uncomforts have been as to what my considerations of comfort for me would be and are as to such differences, as to if as to any biological female as to the proof of such feminazism as to those types that are not capable themselves to accomplish such feats as to then it should not take a head injury to figure out pushing such as to such aspects are not considered as appreciation to me and/or my work at all as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I comprehend myself and I comprehend my needs as to what would be comfortable to and for me personally.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when as to such situations as to the timeframes of 2000 through 2022 as to such if situations as to the references of infantry/calvary/combat arms/mp aspects as to the factors thereof when as being medically retired as to such aspects as to having not graduated Basic Training, as to such proof referencing such feminazism as to the differences of what compassion would actually be instead as to such hypothetical if factors.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if my work was actually appreciated as to me myself having created such work as to my references regarding my work, I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the differences of what would be if I were a biological male as to such aspects of instead as being a biological female as to the aspects of appreciation as to such factors in the full aspects thereof officially.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the reality of what my children's biological father's side of their family had done as to such aspects of where they had gone, the references thereof as to the proof as to how instead of what would be as to actual care about me as to what I consider as care about me throughout the years from 2000 through 2008 as to the proof as to how much they love death instead of how much they prefer life and living as to my considerations.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out his stolen valor as to the references of the dress blues in the city of San Antonio Texas as to the aspects thereof from the year of 2004 through 2007 as to such regards as to him wearing such dress blues and my attempts to inform truthfully as to asking what to do to actually fix and repair such correctly as well as getting my son, my daughter, and I assistance as to the reality of the situations; as I did not think that took a head injury to figure out as to the reality of those timesframes as to what occurred, instead of what I personally needed regarding the situations.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the references thereof as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury after effects as well as the after effects from my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to when I made attempts to clarify my needs as to my capability to comprehend myself as to my background as while such aspects might not be normal to others, as to what was normal for me as to the aspects thereof to such differences as to what I worked to being capable to assist myself to getting myself in a capacity of what would be betterment.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the MOS of the infantry as to the proof thereof as to such aspects in the conjunction of the below the #Mason #MasonDixon #MasonDixonLine Mason-Dixon Line factors as to such if situations as to the proof thereof as what male would ever find a biological female who is strong attractive, as what would ever be attractive about a biological female who would be capable to be herself as to being capable to truthfully assist.
Does it take a head injury to figure out if others actually needed to know what occurred during my Basic Training, as to the facts of what I told the #nuerology #nuerospychology neurologist and neuropsychologist at the exact time of in the year of 2000 as to the facts regarding comprehending the reality as how many lives of those who I personally once knew in real life had they not cared about?
Should it take a head injury to figure out the differences between not caring about someone and not caring about an opinion of others, or does that take a head injury to explain as well?
Should it take a head injury to distinguish the aspects of opinions to laws, or would that take a head injury to point out as well?
If such aspects as to the reality of the timeframe of when I was in Basic Training at #FortSill #FortSillOK #FSOK #FortSillOklahoma #Lawton #LawtonOK #LawtonOklahoma #OK #OKstate #Oklahomastate #Oklahoma Fort Sill Oklahoma were important, would it take a head injury to figure out asking me correctly instead of making me relearn how to count from 1 to 10 would be different than as to such facts or does that take a head injury to point out the memory deficits and cognitive disorders when I had to be retaught how to count to 10 as to the facts of how I went from #CollegeAlgebra #Trigonomatry #Calculus College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to second grade math as what would be considered of importance?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the area of the cemetery at Fort Sill Oklahoma as to the infant section as to the references thereof on post as to such regards as to the reality of the amounts of situations as to the #OBGYM #LaborandDelivery #Labor #Delivery labor and delivery factors as to the military references as to womens healthcare, as what would take a head injury to point out as to such if factors as to the references thereof if as to males biologically ever actually caring about a female in truth?
If such aspects of February 1993 were important as to such factors from the beginning and/or through such timeframes before as well as after 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 to others as well as myself, would there have been actual real people for me to discuss such with as to the aspects of discussions are when communication between real people in person face to face in person as to such capacities to being capable to discuss as well as ask questions as to answering such questions as to communication?
Why would I ever believe as to myself being wanted as to such aspects as what as to February 1993 has ever been wanted to such factors of such regards as many attempts directly as I have made as does it take a head injury to figure out if others were sent to speak with me and instead of actually asking me in truth as to informing me officially as to who they were and/or who they needed answers for, why would it take a head injury to figure out such situations as to those factors as to the lying renne faire types as to the areas thereof whether as to Illinois and/or as to Texas?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the difference of lying renne faire types as to the difference of historical reenactors as why would it take a head injury to figure out that lying renne faire types would only lie to themselves as to being outdoors as to such immersion factors as to the current time as to such factors of as to the technological advances as to the differences of historical reenactors as to the history to see as to various factors of, as why would it take a head injury to figure out if such renne faires lie about thinking that is not impactful as to such if factors as who have such lying renne faires types proven as to such if situations?
Would it take a head injury to figure out as to the capacities thereof as to #Excalibur Excalibur Faire as to the situations I personally dealt with as to taking in the considerations as to the responses throughout such timeframes, why would I ever believe I ever was or am truthfully cared about and/or cared for as to such common sense factors as to that was not of my free will as to the aspects of such comprehension of such facts as why would it take a head injury to figure such facts out as to each and every individual as to such hypotheticals as to such if factors referencing the differences of locations as to such combinations of those historical reenactors and/or such lying renne faire types as why would that take a head injury to point out?
Does it take a head injury to figure out when I spoke with whomever I spoke with at the Excalibur Faire throughout that weekend, what would the mental health disorders be as to such factors as to the considerations thereof as to the common sense?
When I was informed in the year of 2020 through a male I knew in the state of Texas about when the timeframe when he went to a renne faire as to an individual having a weapon similar as to what I dealt with though as to the differences of him being one male as to one individual as to myself being a female as to the differences I personally dealt with, what would be considered as feminism as to the difference of feminazism as to such if factors as what would be progressive about such if situations as to outside of such renne faire locations as to the aspects thereof as what would be anything else as to the proof of?
What would be considered as to the 1960s and the 1970s hippies as to the references thereof to those types as to lying renne faire aspects, as what would be capable to be noticed in the aspects of the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to such if factors?
Does it take a head injury to figure out such aspects as to the if factors thereof to the 1960s as to the 1970s as to the aspects of what progression has been as to the timeframes of the 2000s, as the aspects of does it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of such if situations as to the references thereof as to such if factors?
Should it take a head injury to figure out in reference to #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch #OTPC #OTC Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the First Presbyterian Church as to Arizona in Scottsdale as I had been there in the year of 2013 referencing the #FirstPresbyterian #FirstPresbyterianChurch #PresbyterianChurchUSA #FPC #PCUSA First Presbyterian Church in #Scottsdale #ScottsdaleAZ #ScottsdaleArizona #Arizona #AZ #AZstate #Arizonastate Scottsdale Arizona after the situations as to #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #CDHSATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #SAT #SATX #SanAntonioTX #MilitaryCityUSA #Dancehall Cowboys Dancehall after the 20 year memorial as well as everything I personally was dealing with up to that point in time, why would I believe I had people in my life that understood the truth at the time of?
Does it take a head injury to figure out being invited to #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology #school #Navy #USMC #USMarines #USNavy #USCG Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as well as the interviews translates to getting my work completed first as to then being capable to go do things that could and would be of enjoyment to me as to being capable to relax, or would it take a head injury to figure out as to such aspects of such being raised by a first generation Chinese male as to the grade factors as to such situations as what would be as to a watch repairer as to certified by the School of Bulova as to the references thereof as to such certification of mine as to my #SUUNTO #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SUUNTO SCUBA Diving certification as to such factors as to the references thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure that level of intricacies out as to the requirements of such, or does it take a head injury to point such out and how long does that take to sink in and be realized as to such common sense as what would that have to do with being a Mom of minor aged children at the time of making attempts as to February 1993 and 11 September 2001 as to those who know people as to from those timeframes as to such factors of assistance as well as life?
Should it take a head injury to figure out while the aspects of when I created the group WHIPs on #fetlife Fetlife there is not any capacity of where whatever they chose as to anything I personally would ever approve of as to the starting point of how and when and where and why and how was the only factors of the aspects as since I personally did not begin such fully as to the references thereof as to in the specific capacities of what my personal intentions were for that group, as to it should not take a head injury to figure out as to the capacities of such ever being capable to begin or get such correct for what my personal intentions were as to the aspects thereof as it should not take a head injury to figure out that would require the starting point at the exact time of as to such factors for the correct starting point officially or does that take a head injury to point out as well?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the basis of my fiction book series Paroxysm as to such factors as to my creation as to the references of what I clarified as to when the legal age of my biological children being above the legal age of 18 years old, as would it take a head injury to figure out and point out such aspects as to the common sense aspects of what I clarified for myself as a monogamous relationship as such clarifications as to "Finding A Silver Lining" as to such common sense for myself when those were above the legal age of 18 years old; or would such lying renne types ever be too ignorant to ever be capable to distinguish such facts, as why would those types ever be capable to actually accomplish such factors for me as to for myself personally if they are only lying renne faire types though within the aspects of as does it take a head injury to figure out then such would not be the consenting adult lifestyle as the requirements to be consenting would be required for informed in truth consent as to all such sides?
Should it take a head injury to figure out any lying renne faire types ever involving such as to my books as to if as to such as written about as to the situations referencing #WA #Washington #Washingtonstate #WAstate Washington state and/or #TX #TXstate #texas #Texasstate Texas as to the references thereof, how many needless additional drama aspects of such unwanted games as to such lying renne faire types as to such factors of where those types as to such aspects of the factors as to the outside of the supposed to be consenting lifestyle as to such if factors as to such facts proven as to the pop culture as to the lying renne faire types as where have the distinguishing factors been as to such regards?
Would it take a head injury to figure out fiction creative factors as to the aspects thereof would be as to creativity, as does it take a head injury to figure out such aspects of what considerations as to what was as to the aspects to the timeframe as to the references thereof; as what disgrace would that group as to whomever decided as they decided be as to the differences of the starting point of as to my creation?
If as to the reference of the biblical reference of the three boxes where in the three boxes each individual had the chance to be capable to show what their accomplishments were, as to the aspects of such references. If as to the regards of my groups I created though as to the situations as to the years of 2012 and 2013, then as to the regards of the situations as what factors of proof would such be as to my personal viewpoint regarding the requirements I created before the timeframe of the year of 2019?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to such situations in reference to Chilis #Chilis restaurant on #Dezavala Dezavala as to those aspects of in the year of 2001 as to such immaturity as to those individuals as to such factors thereof to the proof in conjunction of #OliveGarden #OG Olive Garden in 2000 on #Eisenhower Eisenhower, does it take a head injury to figure out when the responsibilities of an individual are as they are as to the differences of personality traits as well as capabilities as well as personal needs?
Should it take a head injury to figure out when having explained February 1993 #February1993 as to such aspects in the year of 2000 though having done so more often in the prior year of 1998 through 2000, why would it take a head injury to figure out such aspects of compassion as to the situations while taking the time for the attempts to assist as to such factors as does it take a head injury to figure out to accomplish work requires attention to doing such correctly immediately instead of hesitations as hesitations as to such aspects do not assist such aspects as it should not take a head injury to figure out.
Does it take a head injury to figure out when as to the if factors as to those lying renne faire types as to such if factors as to in the year of 2000, then as to such if factors as to the situations as to Brackenridge as to the #rave rave as the difference of raves in the tristate northeast hypothetically would be 100% different than such raves as to such an area with lying renne faire types or does that take a head injury to figure out the differences as well?
Then again, I told those individuals at Medical Hold Unit and #CID CID as to the facts from the beginning and it should not take a head injury to figure out as to the facts of such hypothetical factors as to the proof thereof referencing the amount of time as well as the amount of lives of people as per my journal blog references in the year of 2022. Does it take a head injury to figure out there are differences between the northern viewpoints of life as to the differences of the southern viewpoint of life, as if so then would it take a head injury to figure out as serious as especially from the north are as to the aspects as to how such aspects of being told to relax is not relaxing at all or would that take a head injury to point out individuals who would not be of comfort telling someone to relax as to the aspects of common sense?
Should it take a head injury to figure out if as to my comprehension of my personal needs for myself personally are different from my needs as to my children biologically, or would that take a head injury to figure out as well?
Does it take a head injury to figure out asking with real words as to real discussions as to the capacities thereof are as to human beings as to the differences of those factors as to other such if references as does it take a head injury to figure out spirits are not human beings, or does it take a head injury to figure out that human beings are human beings as to such differences?
Should it take a head injury to figure out if those lying renne faire types were to as to ever contacting my biological son and/or my biological daughter as to if ever having known me in person face to face in person in real life and only within the references of the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle, then as to such legal references or would such take a head injury to figure out such common sense factors; as would it take a head injury to point out if a dating relationship is over as to such aspects thereof as to the common sense of staying away from my biological children as to the common sense factors as to other as to showing the poaching factors as to the (il)legal references as to such if factors as I clarified in regards of the updates as to my reviews in the years of 2019 through 2022 in any capacity thereof officially as to whether in person face to face in person and/or online and/or computer games and/or video games officially as then as to the common sense as to the lack of distinguishing factors as to those types as to such if proven as to such hypothetical proof.
Should it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of where lying renne faire types as to my biological son and/or my biological daughter would only be as to the proof of there not ever having been any real connection with as real friends from their side as to any such if factors, as to the proven hypotheticals as would it take a head injury to figure out there would not have ever been such truth from their side to begin with as to such lying renne faire types.
Does it take a head injury to figure out that just because my modeling images as to the outfits I personally created of my own creativity for my modeling as to being capable to distinguish the differences between my modeling images as to the differences of my selfies on Instagram, as would it take a head injury to figure out such clear aspects in reference as to my outfits as well as the images of me as to the proof of such factors of distinguishing differences?
Should it take a head injury to figure out my outfits I personally created as to such overall looks as to wherever I personally went to as to such modeling sessions, then as to my personal payments for my outfits as does it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of such differences as to having purchased my clothing I created outfits from as to such differences of ever going to a thrift stores #thriftstores or #Goodwill goodwill as what would the difference be in reference to such posing aspects of others as to any such if factors as to my clothing that I created my outfits for as to such distasteful individuals as to such posing of their hypothetical aspects regarding my clothing?
Why would I ever believe I was/am wanted as to such if factors as to my purchases for my clothing as to my creations of my outfits referencing any such if factors as to those hypotheticals of those lying renne faire types that would not ever have had my personal permission to pose as to such references and/or pretend and/or as to such factors thereof to such lying renne faire types, as to such differences as the authentic is important.
Does it take a head injury to figure out if as to any such proof as to others having involved themselves with my son and/or my daughter from the supposed to be consenting lifestyle who knew me in person face to face in person in real life as to the aspects thereof as to if as to such aspects of the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle though before they were 18 years old legally and/or as to any such aspects that officially would be against my biological daughter's ADA as to such Special Needs as to the facts I brought forward in the years of 2009 through 2013 in reference of the forum areas as well as writings as well as posts before the aspects of "Finding A Silver Lining" as to the aspects thereof after discussions and emails and phone calls, similarly as to the years of 2019 into 2020 as to my attempts in multiple factors and ways thereof; if as to any such if factors as to the aspects thereof from the what is supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle against any such aspects of what would ever be officially considered as informed consent as it should not take a head injury to figure out consent can only occur if informed truthfully, then as to the if factors as to does it take a head injury to figure out such lying renne faire types of if factors?
Lying renne faire types = pop culture = millenials = feminazis #goviral
Thus as to how I have denounced the group WHIPs officially in the year of 2013 as to the official factors, the aspects of such clarifications as to comprehending legal references as to the situations when taking in consideration as to the reviewing of such details and information. I agreed with the creator of the #Leather #LeatherFlag Leather Flag as to the references of the financial aspects as to the aspects of that group's intention as per beginning such, and thus as to the clear factors of clarifications in such references regarding the aspects of the personal relationship aspects. Thus as while having clarified as to such aspects as to the lack of involvement from me personally the entire time as to different specific situations regarding such clarifications as to such if factors as while I may have been as to certain aspects, my personal lack of involvement as to other references as to such other situations during the timeframe(s).
To the references of those who knew my children's biological father though did not know me personally and yet were if ever informed of my head injury and/or my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain and/or such other factors thereof as to the aspects of whether or not knowing of the other details, does it take a head injury to figure out as to such a lack of loving life as to the facts as should it take a head injury to point such facts out as to if told of the fact I was born and raised in New Jersey as to any/all attempts as then should it take a head injury to figure out the truth about the timeframe before the Justice of the Peace if any who knew my children's biological father in person in real life face to face in person in real life if ever asked about me getting back to New Jersey/tristate areas and the aspects of whatever was said in that discussion(s); as should it take a head injury to see those facts in truth, as to the reality of the aspects of the time.
Does it take a head injury to figure out if I was actually cared about at that time as to how I would have been on my way to New Jersey and the tristate areas in November or December of 2000 even if after as to Illinois, as does that take a head injury to figure out as to the uniforms I had told about finding; or does it take a head injury to point that out as well, if I personally was actually cared about in real life in person face to face in person in real life as my would it be where my personal needs as to my multiple clarifications as what would be capable to be proven if I was actually cared about and cared for correctly as to such differences as to does it take a head injury to figure out my journal blog updates and my reviews as to the year of 2019 through 2022 as to the common sense factors as to what would have been as to the memory deficits as to the cognitive disorders as to College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus as why would it take a head injury to point that out as well regarding February 1993 as where was the consistent comfort for me in real life as have I proven I have comprehended the best for me yet?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if as to such as this upcoming 30 year memorial of February 1993 as to the difference this year of 2023, as does it truly matter as much as it seems it does?
Should it take a head injury to figure out the situations of similarities as to others' aspects as the 20 year memorial of 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 in the year of 2021 as to the year of 2011, as what is the difference of individuals' choices after January 2020 as to COVID as to the situations as to 11 September 2001 timeframes, as does it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of the 20 year memorial of February 1993 in the year of 2013 as the situations as the aspects of does it take a head injury to figure out the 10 year memorial situations as to the year of 2003 as realistically why would anyone in the state of Texas have believed me as to such warnings about such aspects as to the facts of #IL #ILsate #Illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois as to Texas as I attempted as to the multiple locations and groups thereof as what were individuals' mentalities at the timeframe of 11 September 2001 and/or if before as to such if factors as to the convalescent leave after having woken up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as what would be common sense as to certain situations as to the specifics thereof as to the areas of Crystal Lake Illinois as to such aspects as to those who would know of the situations as to such factors as to the situations combined as how many explanations and warnings did I give as to the situations from April 1998 through January 2000 as to those timeframes as what would be of importance to the considerations of Texas as to my attempts all at the same time regarding the areas and the individuals thereof other than the aspects after #MidnightRodeo #Midnight #Rodeo Midnight Rodeo in San Antonio Texas be of importance for?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the difference from overall aspects of dancing as to New Jersey tristate areas as to the difference of Illinois as to the difference of Texas, as what would the common sense aspects be as to such if factors regarding my biological little sister as to such if factors as to the lying renne faire types as to such viewpoints as to the words thereof as would that be as to such if situations as to certain pop culture types as wannabes and/or trying to try living through vicariously as that is not living as it should not take a head injury to figure out that is not life?
Does it take a head injury to figure out to appreciate life, as best as possible in truth?
Should it take a head injury to figure out if as to such aspects of actual care about me as to the if factors as to the situations regarding the pregnancies themselves while having a subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain, why would it take a head injury to figure out as to such aspects of as the time specifically of being awake from my coma from my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000?
Does it take a head injury to figure out I am myself as I have not ever changed, as I have always been myself.
Should it take a head injury to figure out the facts are as the facts are to be accepted as to such facts as my personal life experiences as clarified and proven, though does it take a head injury to figure out the capacity to see as to then as to such viewpoints regarding such electoral factors as would it take a head injury to figure out as to such if factors of strength to prove myself as to my personal life experiences, would it take a head injury to figure out as while making attempts as to such factors of life as to being capable to notice such aspects in a multitude of areas as to a multitude of ways as to such progression factors towards betterment as to the if situations for myself?
Is it more selfish to figure out selfies or is it more selfish to look at such career aspects as to importance of what is considered as important, as does it take a head injury to figure out while some may have had their opinions as to my words if as to having read my journal blog as to the truth of such official factors as to the if hypothetical situations as to the aspects of in person face to face in person as to the conjunction of technological aspects as to the merger on 6 June 2022, as would it be of importance as to such if actually for living and for life as what I personally consider as to such factors as what factors as to assistance and/or protections could be as to such factors aside from the reality of the overall?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the difference of discussions as to the specific timeframes as to the difference of a review in the years of 2019 through 2022, or does that take a head injury to point those facts out to remember the truthful facts fully as does it take a head injury to point out the years to others as the reference of 1,993 to 2,023 for everyone to remember correctly?
Should it take a head injury to figure out 2,000 to as to 2000; 2,001 as to 2001; to 2,002; to 2,003 to 2003; as should it take a head injury to figure out 1993 to 1,993 as to 1994 as to 1,994 as to 1995 as 1,995 as to 1996 as to 1,996 as 1997 as to 1,997 as 1998 as to 1,998 or does that take a head injury to point out?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if my website was seen and/or my work actually appreciated as would it take a head injury to figure out if liking something someone else works on, as to informing with manners if as to a specific instead of the aspects as to what my considerations of immaturity are as to such aspects thereof as to the if factors of in truth as to "The Modern Day Book" as per my writings from my personal experiences as to what I saw as well as noticed?
It should not take a head injury to figure out less comfort does not ever prove any appreciation ever regarding my work, as it does not take a head injury to figure out if I was/am/could be actually liked and appreciated as to where my personal comforts would actually be of importance in truth for me.
It should not take a head injury to figure out since I do not play games and I consider lying renne faire types as games as to what the factors of were as to what I noticed, then as to where those factors of when I would not ever willingly ever be a part of such aspects of any lying renne faire types and/or reenactor factors as I personally did not consent to anyone ever uising my books I created for any type of what I consider as lying renne faire garbage and if as to such aspects thereof in any capacity officially as proven before the year of 2020, then as to such facts as to "The Modern Day Book" as to such aspects as it does not take a head injury to figure out that is nothing I would ever be interested in as to such scripts as I did not ever consent knowingly as I would not ever consent to any such acting portions as to such if factors regarding those Warhammer needless unwanted aspects as what I consider as lying renne faire types.
Thus the proof of the problems from all such hypotheticals as to the situations as the factors where there was not supposed to be anywhere outside of the two locations at Washington state as to the show Guardian Assholes, as I clarified that was not acceptable to me and if as to such if factors as to others I once knew and/or saw the post at the time of to contact who to contact instead; the common sense as to such if factors as to my personal clarifications, as I have already clarified as to such factors that were not acceptable to me as I explained and have remained the same as from the year of 2015 as the signing of the only paperwork I ever signed personally. It should not take a head injury to figure out if in reference of my modeling as to my modeling name, then it should not take a head injury to figure out from my updates and my explanations as to such facts I clarified previously as to discussions.
Now that it definitely should not take a head injury to figure out as my biological children's legal ages are above the age of 18 years old, as the times are now. If as to the aspects of the references where on all platforms including #CafeMom #Mom CafeMom as to having posted my Fetlife link, I had always been honest as to the forum locations to specifically as best as possible remain honest as to such facts of life.
However if as to my modeling images as to such if factors as being known, why would I ever assume anyone would have seen my modeling images on #Facebook Facebook and/or Fetlife in the years of 2010 through 2013 in the general public as what would ever be my assumption of such if factors at those times if known as to my modeling; or was it others had not believed I told them the truth as to modeling, as what are the differences as to the images regarding selfies I have posted on #Instagram Instagram to such modeling?


Thus it should not take a head injury to figure out as to such if factors of differences as my explanations as to what would actually be as to such if factors as to the make up factors as to my children's biological father's wishes for me as to the clarifications and verifications as to my accuracy, and thus if as to such if factors as to those renne faire types as to the aspects thereof as to such if factors as to such situations; if as to having went of their own free will as to such aspects after I already informed of such aspects, the common sense as to such if factors as to what I spoke of before writing of in truth thus hypothetically such factors as to those types who have proven as to the factors of the situations as to the oddity of if factors as to not having actually accomplished such aspects as to the clarifications as to the if factors as to those lying renne faire types as they would not ever comprehend such discussions as to such prior times anyway as obviously if as to this point in time as to them just waking up at the amount of years then translates into the amount of weeks as then translates into the amount of days as to then translates into the amount of hours then translates to the amount of minutes as then translates to the amount of seconds as to such references to the considerations of time.
Thus as it should not take a head injury to figure out as to the facts of November 2000 as to the facts of New Jersey and the tristate areas referencing myself, then as to such legal facts as my protections because of the facts additionally as to the Stand My Ground Laws as the reality of the #JBSA JBSA factors with such situations as to the proof as to others' bitterness as to such hypotheticals as their acceptance of the knowledge in truth as to the reality of such factors where if as to the capability to having went to New Jersey sooner as the tristate for the serious aspects and not as to shopping; then the common sense as to how that should not take a head injury to figure out such facts of responsibilities, officially.