The facts of such aspects as to when my biological sister had gone to my house in the timeframe of the year of 2009 as to the facts of which to the year of her wedding having been the same year I had gone on a date with Shawn McCall as to the timeframe of which as I have told others as well as explained as the wedding at The Church in the Dallas area of Texas, which when he asked me about if I had a date to the wedding called Heaven and Hell Unite as it was a themed wedding at the time around December in the area; I asked why I would ever need a date to any wedding as the only wedding I had ever been to in such a capacity had been my biological sister’s wedding to which the reality as to the facts as to her being the whore of abominations as the situations below will explain. I admit there are going to be points of which the opinions which I have the right to have as well as my right to express myself as to the situations of which those people I have dealt with needlessly as to the proof of their ways as to their lack of integrity or wherewithal as to any such points in time, as their only view point of such selfishness as to my opinion as to the ways of such situations.
In regards as to the picture of the whore of abomination named Patricia Ann Hom as her birth name born on 7 October 1986 as to the timeframe as to when the mother of whore of abominations Anna Louise Lally 21 March 1950 as to the timeframe told which when standing with her whore of abominations husband Zack Miller as to the wedding posing pictures as to the date of the picture as to the time as a different aspect as to when another situation had occurred without ever thinking to invite me to such as my daughter’s Mom or ever getting my permission for such as there was not ever any respect from the whore of abominations as to any side of my biological family as to my biological mother, my biological father, and my biological sister as such proof over such times as to the ways they have been as to the facts thereof. Those ignorant individuals did not ever care in truth as to anyone other than themselves as to their wishes to ever think they would know better as to what my children needed in all such comparisons, though I suppose with all of the needless damages those people caused as to their failures repeatedly; I suppose they did go to the state of #Texas Texas for my children in comparison to ever actually caring about me, or what I was dealing with while taking care of my children as to what would I actually have known as to all of their assumptions as to what has been proven in such comparisons.
While my biological sister had assisted cheating on me with my now dead-ex-husband as to his confessions within the year of 2007 into 2008 before his death as to 28 January 2008, the situations of which the fact of being forced into the legal marriage as to the firearm as to the Lincoln Green Apartment complex as to such times when those people knew I was less than 6 months awake from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury with my son as to the additional portions of the legal marriage at the Justice of the Peace which while my biological parents and biological sister if they actually had any intelligence of their own would have known before they threw their titty baby temper tantrum as to the facts of such times as to how there was not the choice for me to wait as to the facts of such a so-called proposal. However because of the lack of intelligence as to such people to pay attention to the fact they knew of my medical portions as to having seen my in the hospital as well as read through at those times my medical records as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain; their choice as to their failure of all such proportions as well as their full lack of any human decency as to the situations as to their knowledge and understanding as to the levels of, their choice to be upset by the fact I had a firearm pointed at me needlessly because of the fact I did not ever want or need any such portions failed to ever go across their minds as to the facts of explain such information to my biological mother on the phone did not ever apparently make any sense to her or anyone else as to literally calling for help at those times in the year of 2000 in comparison to how those people were.
I can write as well as call my biological mother the mother of whore of abominations as she had told my biological sister the whore of abominations herself as with the biological father aspect telling my biological sister to go to the area of Carrollton to where my house had been so she would pick out lingerie for her wedding of abominations, as what parent actually tells their child to go pick out lingerie for their child’s wedding and knows which individual would be the best to do so to help out with the clothing to wear as to the wedding night? Does it take a head injury to figure out that is what a pimp does to a whore as to telling thew whore to go to a specific location to get what is required to be able to go and dress appropriately as to the wedding night as to what would such aspects in the ways thereof would be seen otherwise, by anyone who has actually studied Biblical scriptures and is a confirmed member of the Presbyterian Church USA?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the Confirmation Graduation and the classes of which leading up to the timeframe of my Confirmation within the membership of the #Presbyterian #PresbyterianChurchUSA Presbyterian Church USA at #OldTennent #OldTennentPresbyterian #OldTennetPresbyterianChurch #OTC #OTPC #Tennent #TennentNJ #TennentNewJersey #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #NJ #NJstate Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in Tennent New Jersey which all confirmation classes for that particular church as per the guidelines as the times when in New Jersey in the year of 1996 at the time had been the year I also had gone to #SaintJohn #SaintJohnVianney #SaintJohnVianneyHighSchool #SJV #SJVHS #Holdmel #HolmdelNJ #HolmdelNewJersey Saint John Vianney High School in Holmdel New Jersey in my freshman year of high school which I graduated and was confirmed in the year of 1997. I had told such to people such as Melody Mondini and her family which her mom was from #Poland Poland which when I woke up from my coma I remembered calling her phone number as she was apparently on break from college, of which there was not ever any legal authority which anyone could ever have in reference to ever signing any legal documentation to anything with Melody Mondini as to her college as to #NorthwwesternUniversity #NWUniversity Northwestern University because of the fact I had already been enlisted in the #USArmy #Army #USA United States of America’s Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces of which if my biological parents had ever signed anything they legally had sold into slavery as to without any legal authorities as well as without any legal permissions as per the ways of which as to how an Article 15 occurs in reference to if there is a sunburn as to the Article 15 is the equivalent for damage to government and federal property. In turn if such occurred the repetition as to the facts of #DrMaryEdwardsWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as to the situations involving if such hypotheticals as to such portions, though remember as to the facts of which to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the #IloveYou 8-3-1 situation after the #Y2K Y2K coding situation as to the airplane modules as to the computer system glitches as to such times as to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 if there hypothetically was any documentation signed and scanned and/or printed from any such technological device as to the ways of the hypothetical though would be considered as a fully illegal contract as to the illegal portions in full as to ever doing so and thus would mean legally my biological mother and my biological father as well as my biological sister and all such willing associations thereof which includes such a wedding of abominations as to the whore of abominations as to the points which were after my now dead-ex-husband’s funeral and burial as to the memory box and the stolen property from when my biological sister had been at my house in Carrollton to pick out what the father of the whore of abominations Michael Lee Hom 28 October 1951 and the mother of whore of abominations sending her to pick out the lingerie to wear that wedding of abominations as to when in #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas #TX #TXstate #Texasstate Austin Texas.
While some people might care enough to know what day that wedding of abominations was, I did not care about that wedding of abominations as to whatever month or whatever day as it was not anything of my concern as to any such memory as the reality of being a legal widow Mom of two children which their biological father had died less than 3 years before as to the lack of any such concern as to any such portion about the day as it was not ever important to me as why would it ever be important to me and why would I ever care about someone else’s wedding day? Who has ever gone to someone else’s wedding and actually remembered the wedding day without any such actual reminder as does it take a head injury to figure out no one ever cares about the day or month of someone else’s wedding, as what would it ever matter as to ever caring? Does it take a head injury to figure out there were a few important aspects I was kind of dealing with and if my biological sister was upset or doing so as to cause needless drama, well she successfully did so as why would there ever be any acre about the day of her wedding at all?
Did it take a head injury to figure out if this whole situation was because of the fact she and my biological mother and my biological father plotted to plan to have my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to the slighting in the older New Jersey way as to their failure to pay attention to the medical aspects the same ways they did not care as to when I was in fifth grade as to when I had Mono, Epstein Bar, Lymes Disease, Bronchitis, and the Flu all at the same time that obviously backfired because who actually cares about someone else’s wedding day that they went to attend as to such a wedding? If it was my biological mother and my biological father’s complaint as to their titty baby temper tantrum because of not having a choice as to when my Basic Training day to leave for the Army had been scheduled as those who know as to how no one has the actual schedule when in the #MEPS MEPS station and only after those people told me after they got to San Antonio Texas in the year of 2003 what their wedding day was, why would I ever care about such a day as to their wedding either when they knew I had a head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000? Does it take a head injury to figure out if they had signed the paperwork at the time I first approached them to be able to go into the Army branch in November 1999 instead of dealing with their titty baby temper tantrums as to their complaints as to my choice as they tried to get me to see how college was better in comparison to going and saving the world from the nightmare which I had for years since second grade, they actually could have gone to my Army Basic Training graduation ceremony? Thus how ignorantly stupid would those people be for causing as much needless drama as to the entire state of Texas over such years over a wedding day situation they did not have to deal with if they had done what I told them to from the beginning as to my going to #MAST #Marine #Biology #MarineBiology #Science #Technology Marine and Science Technology School with the #USN #USNavy #Navy Navy attachment back in the year of my confirmation classes, as I had already been approved as to my having met #Governor #GovernorNJ #NJGovernor #NewJerseyGovernor #GovernorofNewJersey #ChrstineToddWhitman at the time in 1996 Governor Christine Todd Whitman over my ocean cleaning poster as I earned on my own, as would it take a head injury to figure out if they actually paid attention correctly the first time as to how much easier life would have been instead as to if their titty baby temper tantrum had been about their wedding anniversary that I did not know the day of because why would I know the day of their wedding anniversary and why would I care?
While I personally cannot remember one point in time prior to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury of my biological parents ever celebrating their wedding anniversary, how many people actually know without a form of a reminder as to their parents’ wedding anniversary or does that take a head injury to figure out? Does it take a head injury to figure out with what I dealt with as a child and as a teenager, why would I ever care about their wedding anniversary? Should it take a head injury to figure out if anyone would have ever been allowed to go to any celebrations and would know such possibly would be my biological sister, as are there enough examples yet as to proving as to how abusive my biological parents and my biological sister had always been as I told people when I was growing up as a child into teenager years and into adult years biologically?
Nonetheless the portions of how my son was the ring bearer and my daughter was the flower girl as to that wedding of abominations in such comparisons as to those people and those aspects which I learned the day of the wedding after having driven all the way out from Carrollton Texas to Austin Texas after the first time of meeting Zack Miller at what those two had considered as the halfway mark incorrectly as from #SanMarcos #SMTX #SanMarcosTX #SanMarcosTexas San Marcos Texas at the exit across the #PrimeOutlets Prime Outlets at the #Starbucks Starbucks at 200, which they claimed was the halfway point of the driving to meet that male in comparison to what actually would have been the halfway part which would have been around #WacoTX #WacoTexas #Waco Waco Texas in such comparisons; however since my biological sister complained as to my choice to move myself and my son and my daughter out from the area of the city of #SanAntonio #SATX #SanAntonioTexas #SanAntonioTX #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA by my choice as to leave after what I personally dealt with as even though additionally to what I had dealt with as to being pregnant and delivering two children less than 2.5 years from being awake from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which I still had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain at the time in the year of 2003 when those people arrived from #ILstate #IL #Illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois as to their ignorance as to ever caring about how I told those people about what happened on the Fort Sam Houston BAMC location as to the returning of the Bronze Star as those people cared more about my now dead-ex-husband than they ever cared about me as to the facts as to such proof regarding how natural and how second nature to such a situation as those people were to have not told me that I personally was not invited to the wedding and that they expected me to just drop off my children to return to Carrollton to pick up my children afterwards; as does that take a head injury to figure out that was an adult aspect as to how I grew up as a child into teenager years into being a biological adult, and how much torture and torment over such a situation which could have been prevented if I had just gotten away from them sooner if other people throughout would have just paid attention to the truth I could only tell the entire time before and after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury? How many government agencies did I tell the truth to about what I was dealing with though because they were paying attention to whatever they paid attention to in comparison to paying attention to the facts and the proof thereof, as to what I had dealt with as a child as well as a teenager and an adult biologically?
What in truth had I actually done incorrectly other than having been born, and living onward surviving as I had and continue to? Does it take a head injury to figure out there is a difference between surviving and living, or did that truth not ever go through anyone else’s thoughts at any point before?
In such references as to the facts of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as to my SCUBA Diving as well as my creation of my Underwater Wedding as well as my creation of my Underwater Travel System, how does it take a head injury to figure out as to how I personally earned such aspects as to my own work and my own research as to all such oceanic portions as best as I could both before and after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury; as does it take a head injury to figure out my aquarium was doing perfectly well until those people allowed convict fish though oddity as to the name and who chose such species of fish, into my aquarium and does it take a head injury to figure out if those people listened to what I told those people as to multiple times? How many times have I had to prove I can only speak in truth and how many times have I had to prove as to what truth has been proven before people actually believe me as to all such truths of when I speak, write and acknowledging the difference between genres in such references compared to assumptions, and such as to how long does it actually take for such to be believed and people to actually speak with me in person in truth in person? Does it take a head injury to figure out those aspects as to what I have written as well as spoken before writing as to such aspects of truth, or does it take a head injury to figure out I had always been correct the majority of the time? Does it take a head injury to figure out to ask and verify before assuming, or does it take a head injury to figure out that requires others to speak with me in truth?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the length of time as to those people being domestic terrorists by the definitions thereof as to what those people continued to do to me without any such care and without any such concern as to what was and what is my best interests by what I actually know, in such comparisons to any such assumptions as to their ignorance to get the most easy of points of speaking with me in truth to be able to ask such questions in which such proof would have been able to be verified decades ago if such people simply just believed me from the beginning? Does it take a head I to figure out that each lie told to me and each problem caused to me needlessly had always been from the same starting points thereof, which does it take a head injury to figure out why I would not ever have any such sensation as to ever being considered as wanted in any such positive way at any such point in time as to the entirety of my life?
I told people my biological mother tried to murder me repeatedly from the time of when she found out she was pregnant as to the times back in the 1980s with me, though why would anyone ever believe me about such even with all of the records of amounts of proof? Does it take a head injury to figure out the facts those people called me the Victim of Child Abuse as a joke, though how many times has a joke been proven to be truthful?
Ok, I survived such and what worth has that been to ever survive such? Oh, I saved the world a few times and did a few things only so people have been as they have been and what am I supposed to see as any such worth or value to such aspects at this point in time as what has ever been considered of anything worthwhile to acknowledge I have accomplished in truth as to actually informing me in truth in person of such? Thus far, I can count to 0 from such times as there has not been any person who actually told me in person as to my having graduated 26 SCUBA Diving certifications and only in one reference to which the irony as to how the clothing aspects as to my biological sister as to her wedding of abominations as to the clothing she was sent to me to be able to pick out for her wedding of abominations to Zack Miller and the Miller Family in the Austin area of Texas as to how such had gone horrifically as to all such aspects as well as the blandness as to such aspects as to all such visual aspects in every such way.
In the reference to the father of whore of abominations and the mother of whore of abominations sending the whore of abominations to pick out a lingerie for her to wear on her wedding night as to the facts thereof, she had seen the memory box of my now dead-ex-husband in the front area of my house across from where my dining room had been in the area on the way towards the area of the library I created as to the patio area if having gone straight out to the backyard. When my biological sister had seen the memory box and whined about the fact she did not have anything to remember my now dead-ex-husband from when she ‘had been with him’ as per her words as to the fact of such a confession from before his death as well as her own minor confession as the larger confession by actions as to proving such came from when she got teary eyed when talking about him and discussing the wedding at the same time, which when I pulled the pink lingerie out from the area of the drawer of my dresser while reminding her it was odd that Mike and Anna had sent her from San Marcos to my house to pick out lingerie as to the amount of stores in the area between San Antonio Texas to Carrollton Texas as to adult clothing stores; however as she talked about my now dead-ex-husband as well as the wedding while complaining she did not have anything for herself from her time with him, she then said she needed to go to her car and then did not ever return.
In such times as to her wishing of such aspects as she said ‘hoped he was going to be right there with … on the wedding day’ as to her wedding of abominations, I told her she needed to calm herself down and pay attention to the fact as to her having been sent from San Antonio to Carrollton to pick up lingerie for her wedding because of the parental aspect as to what she refused to believe me about regarding one babysitter from Old Tennent Presbyterian Church named David who was different than Sony/Sonja’s and Joe/Jose’s son David who had earned his way to the #TheGap #Gap Gap from the #Christmas #Christmas display he created for the #FreeholdRacewayMall #Freehold #FreedholdNJ #FreeholdNewJersey #Raceway #Mall Freehold Raceway Mall in Freehold New Jersey, of which others knew of the situations as to what the aspects were of what at those times in the 1980s and the 1990s as to what I was dealing with and yet again not one person actually believed I was telling the truth at the time because of the aspects of the so-called status as to my biological mother being a Deacon and my biological father being a Trustee; which for people who lived in Freehold at the time whose houses were broken into repeatedly would find such easy to pick on me at such times because instead of actually paying attention as to who to actually blame as that apparently was taking too much brain power to figure out during those years as to the facts about Pastor William Tennent as to the basement situation I discussed as well as wrote about, those people did nothing to stop any further needless abuses as why would that ever be considered as important as to ever actually picking the moral and ethical options in comparison to being ignorant when the proof was directly in front of their eyes?
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out there would be a reckoning as to the religious and spiritual aspects as to what occurred to Pastor William Tennent’s coffin and the situations thereof, as General George Washington’s spirit stood watching everyone’s failures as to their choices to not listen to me though he promised me that they would learn and he promised me as to what lengths as to what would occur to ensure I would be fully vindicated and alive to watch and see every aspect as to what they would go through. My Bok Gung and my Bok Pu promised me such treasures as well as to such situations among other aspects, though they needed me to be able to learn from every aspect of life possible to be able to make sure the full enjoyment would be available to such aspects as they had seen such before and warned me to remain faithful as to what promises were meant to come only to me as they knew how much I had already had gone through and had actually suffered by such times. My Bok Pu said specifically she was excited for the day when Patricia would get everything she deserved for multiple aspects, which my Bok Gung was just as excited for the day as when the disrespect came as to my biological mother’s choice to only use the day of the birthday in comparison to actually naming her correctly; the facts of such portions as to what would have been her name was gone the day Anna threw such a piece of paper into the trash, which my Bok Gung told Anna that the day was not what was to be celebrated in the same way as to what my Bok Pu had put forward for the aspects of what was once wished for though was gone as to the second the name was put onto the birth certificate as to the electronic portions of Patricia’s name of what was supposed to be though as to the failure upon Anna and Mike meant the failure of them in full as they would be allowed to be built up as high as they could only to have all such portions fully crumble beneath their feet as they would try to crawl though would not see any such signs as to the facts that they were falling while I was rising as my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had said there would be points in time where I felt as though I was going in a different direction though each moment I would be rising upward as the eagle to the flame of the phoenix.
There is not any way to ever truthfully deny such feelings have occurred and still persist as to such regards as to the facts that such situations have proven as to why as to the amount of times repeatedly, as to which the absolute sensation of such aspects as to not ever having felt wanted in positive ways as to what I would see as positive and cared about in such.
However in reference to the facts of which additionally as to the choice to steal from my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to the memory box as she admitted to having assisted to wrongfully cheat as to coveting another individuals spouse as to having had such affairs with more than just the aspects of my now dead-ex-husband as to the years of 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 as per the guesstimation that she and he had completed the great rite as to the year of 2004 which the realities of such aspects as to not having been officially told of such aspects as to their initial spiritual union as to such a possibility as to the realities as to who such had been during such times as to both sides of such; then there are the factors of which those people who had been my biological mother and my biological father then earned their titles as to Egg Donor and Sperm Donor as to the scientific life portions of which in such references if they had assisted as well to knowingly have my biological sister complete the great rite as to such portions of wishing something more than was in such references. In turn the fact of her being upset and as already having gone over the details as to such aspects of the amount of times as to her visiting my now dead-ex-husband’s gravesite would reprove such aspects as to my biological sister’s choice as to Patricia Ann Hom-Miller having married and unionized herself with my now-dead-ex-husband as to the spiritual marriage which I had warned others about regarding the factors thereof as in the realities thereof to the truthful portions of which I am a legal widow only to the whore of abominations of weddings of abominations.
However anyone who wants to complain about being married spiritually to my now dead-ex-husband in reference to the facts as to the wedding of abominations by the father of the whore of abominations and the mother of the whore of abominations as to the whore of abominations for the wedding of abominations, at minimum in every possible way I made every possible attempt to warn the people I knew within the state of Texas when in the years of 2000 through 2013 as well as in Illinois from 1998 through to 2000, and in New Jersey from 1985 through 1998; which few ever believed what I spoke in truth as when remembering such as to it being since the year of 2019 before the month of July as to the last time I had read the Bible in print in full as to the book itself as the books of the #LDS #Mormon Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is much different than the Bible itself though it has some similarities though on the soil of the United States of America though in conjunction with the American based and founded church of the #JW Jehovah’s Witnesses as well as the #7thDayAdventists 7th Day Adventists as to such a spiritual and religious revival of the beliefs thereof to the explanations in other ways of the holy scriptures in a multitude of ways as to the differences in time.
Knowing that she had stolen several pieces as well as the other portions as to her choices to breaking multiple aspects as to the various #10Commandments 10 Commandments willingly, when the wedding of the whore of abominations occurred as to the ways thereof to such a wedding of the whore of abominations hosted by the Miller Family in Austin Texas near Lake Travis after my SCUBA Diving aspects had begun while knowing the facts as to which my biological sister had wrapped pieces of the stolen items from the memory box which was meant for when later in time as to when my children which are his biological children who she stole from regarding those pieces; I saw how the wrapping of such aspects had been within her wedding flowers of death as well as the bride’s maids’ bouquets as well as one or two of the best men in the wedding of abominations, thus while she looks as a cherubim as do all of those other individuals look as cherubim as to such demonic portions the fact of which the cherubim do not ever do anything other than stir up problems as to their falsehoods as well as their fakenesses and such as to glamourize such portions in comparison to actually being anything more than just a glamourized version of the realities of the original Death Angel.
While those people probably did not pay attention to the fact that cherubim are at the direction of which the devil or in this situation as to my now dead-ex-husband as to their abomination of a marriage as of course there were ways which as best as possible to protect the sanctity as to the safety as best as possible for my children, there is something ironic to me about the situations as to what the meeting spot should have been in reference to when meeting Zack Miller as to the fiancé aspects if actually had been a halfway meeting in comparison to the full insult as to what I had been put through needlessly as to those people’s choices.

However the facts of which the Original Death Angel is the one and only who holds the keys to life and death as there cannot be life without death as there is no death without life, of which the cherubim wish to try to take such though the lack of ability to know where to seek such only drives out the deamons throughout the earth to plague humanity until the revelations of which such confirmations as to the realities of the truth are brought forward for all to see in truth as to such I suppose could be considerable to the situations in reference to what my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu promised me would be a great treasure of which would be bountiful and plentiful as to the amounts of which my cup would overflow while such preparations were made for their final judgements before the masses which admittedly has such confusion aspects as there was something about a Prince who would bring the Peace for me which would assist many for tens of thousands of years as what would a sounding being similar to the what would Jesus do be when thinking if knowing the various spectrums and various portions thereof? What would a Jesuit do? If such aspects in combinations thereof as to there being the requirement at times where certain situations for the power, and the glory forever is possibly something of which the possibility of such lines would be as to such as the communion of such aspects as to a terminology of being considered as power hungry in ethical though severe ways when certain situations prove themselves as to the truth as to more than just a coincidence.
How many college students and other such situations have been a cult problem sort of situation of which how many have wondered as to the realities of what could occur if the original Baby Jesus Christ as I had been back in the year of 1982 in New Jersey in the garage of the house which had begun such, after which later had moved to another location before going to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church?
I had not ever thought of such aspects, as admittedly I had not been power hungry in such ways as to already having knowing my own personal aspects as to and why I was fully able to bring forward my books in reference to what I had created in the fictional series as per the genre while not thinking about the online situations of as to always remaining true as to not taking into considerations as to the situations of the hacking wrongly portions as to steal and break the 10 Commandments as to my books as only two books of one book series and one book from another having the genre in the title, as The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series By: Susan MeeLing being a three part as when writing in a fictional format and registering with the #LibraryofCongress #LoC Library of Congress as while as to the aspect of making sure to put my legal first name and my legal middle name within the registration in the copyrights as to the stopping in full of any such trying to ever own my rights though would cause the problems in multiple ways as to the daemonic spirits as to those who would not have any situational awareness as to the aspects which my biological sister and/or my biological mother and/or my biological father wishing to ever steal such aspects and when learning of my intelligence as to prevent such the titty baby temper tantrum as to ensuring my ability to keep my works safe with the additional aspects as to my creations of the Underwater Wedding as well as my creation of the Underwater Travel System as to my personal works thereof which only can be accomplished through me because of my decades of work and my decades of research as well as the facts of under oath aspects as to the #Dinwiddie #DinwiddieVA #DinwiddieVirginia #VA #VAstate #Virginia #Virginiastate #combinedcourt Dinwiddie Virginia combined court aspects as to the working with such oceanic beings in the brief aspects as to my books in the three volume books I authored “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” of which having told three people I was going to write a massively huge book and such laughter as to thinking I was joking as to such times; I suppose the fact of the amount of journal blogs on my website as to the additional portion of #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as well as all of my books in conjunction with each of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces as well as my prior writings online, I suppose the truth as to the aspects of what once was laughed at though possibly not as funny to others as to the joke regarding such now in the year of 2021 compared to back in the year of either 2013 or 2014.
However I did not ever tell anyone about my working on creating my idea for the Underwater Travel System until a certain point in time, which when speaking with the #LegalZoom lawyer and the failure of that male to ever understand from what I spoke about if that male was actually speaking in truth in comparison to the problems of hacking of which returns to the fact of such aspects as to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as to which in such references to the Prisoner of War as to the other people’s declaration of war as to the ways thereof to such ignorance to ever think any such subversions as to what my creations as to my Underwater Wedding insulting all such oceanic beings as well as fresh water beings as well as in Space as to such aspects as well as other such additional portions as to the works thereof to my creation of the Underwater Travel System as to which the mandatory aspects of such Ambassadorship of which as I told people before as to other situations as to it is better when I am in a good mood in comparison to when I am in a bad mood from my childhood timeframe as to such aspects of proof regarding the Ambassadorship as to working with in comparison to how others have made the choice to wrongly make such choices as to what their choices have been against me to such warnings at the times when the times were of such warning back before this year.
Additionally as to the fact of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to my fighting for the transfer as to the journal blog entry information of which legally such people who would have been a part of needlessly fighting me as to having to drop the information as to 21 years after being originally issued my earned Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to any such assistance from the minimal amount of time as to finally being able to get to the east coast area as well as drive around such locations as to be able to assist the clarifications in reference to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to such clarifications; by legal aspects as to the #Olympus #OlympusProperties #OlympusProperty Olympus Property as to the regards as to such domestic terrorism as to there not being any legal aspect to which it took from my first request as to the information in truth as to how to complete the transfer as to I knew of such aspects as to how transfers actually went though as to the ways which such problems had been as to the times of which it took until July 2021 for the transfer to actually go through, as it should not take a head injury to figure out a civilian could transfer quicker than such aspects as to the needless hold as to such aspects without any due cause as to which the prisoner of war as to the problems of which I had already brought forward throughout the state of Texas among other such places as to apartment complexes as to the ways of the individuals within the Active Duty and/or National Guard and/or Reservist and/or veteran and/or Blue Identification Card of/for the United States of America’s Armed Forces as to the legal aspects as to the mandatory maximum only at 30 thirty days as to such transfers, as after the attacks on 11 September 2001 although other prior such portions of which war portions thereof as to the needless aspects of nosey civilians and/or prior members of who have no legal authority to ever question another individual without their providing such correct information as to any such individual as to the timeframe after the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to such transfer processes has officially labeled themselves as to a domestic terrorist as to the facts thereof as to there not being any actual warrant ever served to me and any such holding as to such wishes as to what my biological sister had done to the marriage with the aspects of my now dead-ex-husband being who people in the state of Texas were supposed to pay attention to from the beginning though apparently it took a head injury to figure that out as to the amount of people who have not ever had the official clearance within the state of Texas to ever be informed officially without their proof of identification as to such clearances.
Such failures in such ways as to the domestic terrorism as to the other such portions of which others who have not had the legal need though only such problematic childish garbage as to their needless drama as to the lack of capability to actually make the correct choice for the associated member of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to which obviously has been proven from such ignorance to simply pay attention to the math as to the year of my head injury to the years of the birth of my son and my daughter, as why would I care what a name is for regarding such terminology as to the term abuse when it should not take a head injury to figure out to actually make the correct choice as to the morals and the ethics as well as one’s oath in all such comparisons as to having already explained everything in discussions in truth as well as writing in truth as to does it take a head injury to figure out the amount of the lack of intelligence as well as the lack of morals as well as the domestic terrorism as to the realities as to if even one singular aspect of which was brought forward as to what was unknown as to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 by me; then all such truths as to such aspects being assistive to the illegal portions of the terrorism, which I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to how many times as well as how much proof as to within certain types of areas as well as certain types of people within the state of Texas among other such individuals as to the proof to my writings as to such occurrences of the illegal stalking and illegal harassment as well as the ADA violations and the Constitutional Rights violations among other such portions by multitudes of people as to “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to the realities if such people additionally had not believed as to my book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as to the amount of problems throughout the entirety of and does it take a head injury to figure out that is not any way to treat a female in any such ways as to any such correct aspects as to ever being considered as being anything worthwhile as to such aspects, as to how such situations went from the years of 2019 through to the month of July in the year of 2021 as to ever being considered wanted in the correct and in the positive ways as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to the ways such went as to the lack of any such portions of ever being seen as to such choices of actions by such people within the rallies or the situations of the aspects to the apartment complex as only seeing such aspects as to the ways my now dead-ex-husband would have been if he had the finances to do such in comparison to actually ever being a decent human being and ever actually having any real and genuine concern for me and for my best interests as only abusive individuals as to such as well to those radicalized islam portions of which such antifeminism as to such full types of feminazis as to all such choices by the apartment complex additionally as to such individuals involved in my opinion as well as any such prior connections thereof to which the United States of America declared war on the radicalized Islamic portions of ideology and declared war on sharia law in the year of 2001 whether or not people remember such after the facts of the news reports initially after then #POTUS43 POTUS43 #GeorgeWBushJr George W. Bush Jr had been interviewed several times and repeated there was the war declared on the radicalized Islamism terrorists throughout the world of which there were plenty within the United States of America to take care of and eradicate first as to what I had said and what I wrote about regarding taking care of oneself before taking care of another.
Thus prior such aspects of which the combinations thereof to my writings and such aspects per genre as to such as there is not any fictional journal blogs on my website unless I specifically write as such having learned from the problems as to what was seen in reference to what I had seen online as to the illegal release of my books, when I searched as to the purchase locations as to see if there was ever anything worthwhile as to not ever having received the royalty check payments I knew I should have earned by the time of as to what I knew was going to be the world’s best seller books. Again as to the realities of which the Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Prisoner of War situations as to the reality of any such needless and selfish aspects as to those I left to be emancipated from ever withholding illegally even though I warned others about, the lack of any such human decency as to the realities of doing nothing different as to what my now dead-ex-husband had done as to such times of which I did not think it took a head injury to figure out those portions as to the one year and the two year portions and why I knew such and yet everyone else was too ignorant to see such is everyone else’s problems as to their ignorance as to their personal failures as to all such portions of such stupidity as to their choices as to my opinions as to the knowledge as to the US Space Force and yet wishing that would be another situation which again as to already having proven the facts thereof as to other such realties as to the Prisoner of War needlessly as to the clearance aspects required of such discussions of which how does it take a head injury to figure all of this stuff out as to how many people claimed they were so intelligent as to their college degrees and yet their failure after failure after failure after failure as to such practice in comparison to perfection.
When do such ignorant people finally get the memo as to I already literally, proverbially, and metaphorically paid all of my dues and now it is time for what I personally earned as to my payments as to my royalties as there is the reality as to the ADA requirements as to giving the leeway as to such legal terminology in such comparisons to someone who has a college degree; or did it take a head injury to figure that one out too as to such legal aspects of mandatory compliance as to my proof as to having already done so repeatedly, as how stupid does someone else have to be for such repeated failures as to ever seeing the truth of the facts I have always been better and I will always be better as I have always been the best choice in all such realities? Does it take a head injury to figure out there will not ever be any such accepted aspects as to my creation of the Underwater Wedding as to there will not ever be any acceptance from such beings to their realms, to such ignorant individuals who have failed to recognize correctly the one and only who they chose which is me and only through me could any such ever be looked at as to what choice of such allowances of which there has not ever been any need brought forward to me in the ways of which would ever be considered as accepted and thus my choice to refuse all such aspects remains as to such as only through me is any such portion ever allowed and only through me will any such possibility be for such.
Does it take a head injury to figure out others’ declarations of war as to such portions as to the Dr. Mary Edwards Walker for that aspect, or did it take a head injury to bring that forward to as to some college individual? Though realistically, I did not need a head injury to figure that out as I knew such back before I was moved from New Jersey to Illinois. Thus all such others have only proven as to why I was chosen to begin with and no matter how much my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister wish otherwise, it was predestined as to why they continued to needlessly fight for what was not ever theirs to begin with. Their choice to sign any legal documentation with Melody Mondini and/or any such college as to the illegal portions of which as to the aspects of, only reproves such points others from the #Vietnam #VietnamWar Vietnam War era had repeatedly brought forward as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America of which how many times does it actually take before the repairing of such to fix if there is actual progression forward actually needed for the human race, or does it take a head injury to figure out there is the needless repetition of history because of such in my opinion pathetic portions of human existence as to the lack of humanity in all such aspects thereof as why would I personally care about anyone else’s wedding?
If you are directly connected to aspects as to my creation of the Underwater Wedding and have such direct connections to the father and the mother and the whore herself as to the wedding of the whore of abominations as to wishing for such aspects as to the validity of, why would there be any concern or care from anyone other than yourselves as to such?
Why would I ever actually care about another’s wedding when my own aspects of my life have been as such as when there have been those who stood by and did nothing to help me, what more than my having saved as many as I have already get to the point of people seeing how greedy and slothful and all other such portions as to the seven deadly sins as why would it ever be of importance to why any such portions would be important? I do not have such concern for those who made such choices as to their choice to repeatedly ignore the warnings and each can earn such forgiveness through penances as there is not going to ever be a forcing of such as to what I created my Underwater Wedding for, as the mandatory aspects as to the choice through free will in all such comparisons. Does it take a head injury to figure out trying to force any such portions would absolutely turn all such individuals’ weddings into the same aspects of which my biological sister already had the wedding of the whore of abominations, or does it take a head injury to figure out that if she id pushing for such what does misery prefer; as does it take a head injury to figure out as to her getting what she had wanted all along as she wanted to be the star of the state of Texas as does it take a head injury to figure out if the change to such in comparison, she would no longer be the only one who had an abomination of a wedding of the whore type aspects? Do people in the state of Texas, the United States of America, and the world truly prefer to be in the exact same boat as my biological sister for such? Does it take a head injury to figure out why she and the father of the whore of abominations and the mother of the whore of abominations would push for such as to the abominations of whore of weddings for others only because of wishing to make more whores of abominations weddings in such comparisons, to what I have repeatedly fought and stood against?
Does it take a head injury to truly figure that out as to such declarations of war, as to the numerical dates as well? Again, why would my biological mother and my biological father send my biological sister to my house to be able to pick out lingerie for her wedding night? What would that mean as to their personal showing in such proof as to whether or not they personally have cared about the people within the state of Texas, compared to me? Oh, I look as I physically do.
I suppose there is an irony as to the Apostle’s Creed as to the believe in the Holy Roman Catholic Church…the forgiveness of sins…the resurrection of the body…the communion of saints…the life everlasting Amen…A Woman…