After many situations and life circumstances in my son, my daughter, and I's individual lives as well as as a family had occurred to a point when my son was in Middle School and later into High School; I had finished and completed writing and publishing various books after having written many journals, blogs, opinion pieces, and etcetera on various social media sites prior to creating my own website. In order to make it easier for myself as well as make it easier for those who I once knew hoping in the positive ways if they ever did an online search, there would be an ability to find me easier as I truly knew and I truly know myself. I explained many portions of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury over the years and to make things easier if in more specific reference to my daughter though also in reference to those I once knew, the ability to find a way to contact me directly was the thought in regards of my website. I do not know how others run their websites, though for a long time I was the only one registered who did anything on my website.
Admittedly the laptop I used as well as the updates to the laptop to create my website and publish my books, the laptop was not mine officially. However I was the one who made my website designed as I have it arranged, with assistance from the maintenance group through the company. As there are many computer helping companies with technology I am not the only one who has had situations involving the maintenance and/or repair required for a technology piece whether a cellphone, laptop, desktop, tablet, fitbit, e cigarette, and etcetera. In reference to the first two books which both my son and my daughter were given, I was completely honest. I admit I held back some portions because of situations which I did not think anyone would believe me which in turn I took other experiences which I could not speak about into a Science Fiction Fantasy, because of the belief in me as to what I believed from what others told me about myself as they saw me as to the Fiction Fantasy portion despite Scientific anomalies.
Nonetheless at the time of publishing my first two books Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing and Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing, I gave the first set of the books to my Freshman in High School son first and later was able to send the same 5 book set of which I had given my son when he was almost 14 years old, and my daughter when she was almost 19 years old; though because of the age difference, is why my daughter had been sent more of my books at the time. I admitted the medical after effects from the time in Basic Training as well as my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as each aspect I could remember putting such into the different books of "A" and "The", for the assistance to the reading of both books.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as a responsible Mom I would not hand over to a child the adult books of The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series By: Susan MeeLing, though at times I have wondered if some could have been arrogant or ignorant to think so without asking me specifically. As a side note while I was informed of some in the adult lifestyle introducing their adult children into the lifestyle through education through discussions from books, after they were over the age of 18 years old; though others I have known explained they had such an explanation, because of being caught by being walked in on. Though varying stories in between to various extents, I suppose it is the reversing of the walking in on situation for better understanding from knowledge.
In the latter portion of the "A" book I wrote about the assistance of #MedicalMarijuana #MMJ as well as the different stages of medical procedures after waking up, the prescriptions, the #Ayurvedic Medicine, #Homeopathic Medicine, #Chiropractic Care, and into the Medical Marijuana aspects in ways to assist the pain levels I was dealing with in reference to my headaches and migraines though also the memory issues and cognitive disorders. Along my journeys through my experiences over time I did not want to admit the beneficial elements throughout the medical assistance to alleviate some of the pain levels of Medical Marijuana when first being introduced to the idea of around the year of 2003 after I spoke with someone who knew the individual I was involved with at the time, who later spoke with that individual about the research they were doing on medical benefits. Already dealing with what I was dealing with at the time, I did not need any further escalating problems aside from remembering the commercial from my childhood of eggs with a frying pan on drugs. I already had a head injury with scrambled brains in a way to figuratively view as a review of the commercial, and yet ironically the Medical Marijuana seemed to assist with unscrambling.
I already had the head injury, I did not need any furthered problems. I did not think when I saw the commercial as a child about prescription drugs being a situation, and when after waking up and being told about the idea of; against each part of the explanations until the conversation, did I finally try. I did not want to believe the assistance it had given from Medical Marijuana around the middle or end of June, ironically around the time of waking of up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the coma which transpired afterward. Acknowledging at the time of knowing my son was the age he was, I knew I needed to ensure the truthful information with the correct timing thereof when getting ready to publish my first two books while knowing whenever my daughter would be able to read through the pages; she too would need the information to be able to be processed in a way to know and understand about how much I tried and attempted for the betterment for them as well as others, knowing I was not the only one with certain experiences which I sought to make much better; especially after additional circumstances, and combined situational events in life as such. While I know, understand, and comprehend my particular combination of life experiences and events have certain situations which are completely different than anyone else; I made the choice to minimize even further in many ways as to the fullest extent of the circumstances comparatively, because of how many had previously not believed me already.
However when in Tacoma Washington in 2015 after having given my son the "A" and "The" books to read and we discussed many aspects of as he asked as I did not want or need to push him one way or another just as I did not want or need to push my daughter one way or another, later the discussion of the medical aspects were discussed in further details because of my writings within the "A" and "The" books. Certain discussions were not brought up about what I wrote whereas others were, one of which includes the medical portions. He admitted he noticed a difference between when I was on the prescriptions I was prescribed compared to after knowing the Medical Marijuana aspects, which I then gave him a few books to read about various backgrounds for the medicinal uses of the plant including other helpful portions thereof such as the similar traits to the hemp plant though different in some ways. As I am honest when asked questions and as I was teaching him other aspects about planting and gardening as he was involved with the local community garden as well as wanting to have a garden like the one I made when my house in #SanAntonio #Texas was still home, he wanted the responsibility of learning how to maintain a garden and thus I taught him.
When it came to the portions of beginning to grow my own medical plants and those who have grown Medical Marijuana plants know, understand, and comprehend how the nickname of #Weeds is a misnomer because when you learn what it takes to maintain and sustain the plant for proper production; you can wish it grew like a weed though with certain strain crossbreeding, the hybrid plants can produce a higher yield of flower similarly to growing fruits and vegetables. I knew I was in Washington state and the legalities, however I not only did not want to get in trouble; I also did not want because I knew my landlords did not need to deal with the Homeowners Association #HOA among other portions along with, the plants growing in the backyard of the property of their house. Additionally knowing of being within the civilian area of a military installation, some might understand a bit more for such precautionary measures. I have enjoyed gardening, for a long amount of time.
I chose to go a bit Texas in saying which irony of ironies, "Go big, or go home." Maybe it was a little of both and should have been written "Go big, and then go home" and/or "Go big and/or go home, depends on how you feel" or something along those lines; while admitting certain sentimental feelings, and the what-have-you. While reviewing the portions of my recent trip and taking a break from the thoughts of the experiences, sights, sounds, and so on; brings forward, this particular journal blog entry. The choice I made is very much in line with the original saying in both ways in regards of the amount of books for the time in #Washington state in combination with my journal blog and my #MedalofHonorArtProject with my artwork, though also in reference of my growing choice. Remember I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to 2nd Grade Math and I had successfully completed #Chemistry in Sophomore year of high school, though my Biology teacher in Freshman year of high school said she believed I should have been put into Chemistry during my #Freshman year of high school instead. When I explained to her the year of 8th grade science classes and the egg drop she understood and knew exactly which teacher I did not name even though I was in a private high school, because of the grade changes upward when going through school. As a side notation maybe not only looking at how good parents genuinely do the best they can, though also check with the teachers and adult volunteers in the years before as well as after to see the genuine progress of what was noticed for each student comparatively.
If the same child is constantly picked out of the crowd in the class, what is/are the root cause(s) of such? What is the process to find ways to genuinely fix the situations by repairing the problem(s) to prevent the repetition into the future, for a better and greater more positive future? What is the best remedy in the short, the long, and into the longest terms possible for more?
Returning to the point of this journal blog entry about the books I gave my son to read in specific reference to "A", "The", the books about Medical Marijuana, and various gardening books I had. While some of the Medical Marijuana books had growing ideas, I had already read through several gardening books of various types having been a volunteer at a book store in San Antonio. While discussing the gardening for the community garden and the backyard garden, I was already looking at which way I was going to go in reference to the Medical Marijuana gardening. Getting various supplies for each aspect and then, the packages arrived. The tents were assembled, I set up the lights, arranged the fans, and then opened the box for the #Hydroponics Kit. I wrote already, the Texas saying. I think I lived up to the saying quite a bit in various twisted ironies in multiple ways, which I can laugh at myself for such as I had laughed at myself for such with some people I knew in the industry up in Washington state who received the tents and supplies because of the way the situation went.
In my defense, I am extremely talented when it comes to growing the ground...I forgot that part. However apparently, it took a head injury to figure that out...or at minimum awhile to remember. ;-) I can get any plant to grow in the ground yet #WaterBamboo plants are/were not considerable to be, a forte of mine.

I did what I could to figure out the correct way to arrange the #HydroponicKit, the math for the organic compounds, and I admit I did not have the ability to get the plants to grow. However, I did not plant all of the seeds at once. I planted 2 or 3 of each seed I ordered, because of knowing how temperamental the seeds and plants can be, for that species. I was able to get every individual seed to sprout and get larger than the pictures in the books, however the recommended time meant because of how I grow plants; the sprouts were much larger by several inches than the estimates. I followed the instructions, and then shortly afterwards the plants died. I went through the process to grow the plants a second time, which the exact same thing occurred. The seeds sprouted quickly and healthily large, to then put into the Hydroponic mixture, and then the same result.
Between the two attempts to get the seeds to grow into plants which technically I had accomplished, though maybe I should have specified to grow to be able to complete the processes myself; I suppose I can joke about in some ways, though by technicalities I did get the seeds to become plants. However when the second round of seeds were going to be started, was when I asked for him to help me review the work. He looked over what I had done and laughed when he saw I had gotten when I did for the Hydroponics, shaking his head. Looking over how I arranged the numbers as I poured the organic mixtures, I was informed I was reading the information for the calculations incorrectly for the plant growth mixture as the numbers did not make sense to me. Apparently the first time I had done so for those who know and understand far better about the Hydroponics, the 1/2 did not mean 1/2 the bottle. He and I laughed at my follies, which we talked more about various topics. In the latter part of the school year when talking with my son, he quickly wanted to clarify he had a homework assignment which he knew I would find out about and wanted to ensure the schoolwork portion. We talked at length about the assignment, and a clearer understanding was capable. When I made my second attempt to grow the seeds into plants, that was when I had followed the understood additional portions; completely forgetting I tend to make things stronger, which the same results essentially occurred.
With a few seeds of each left I asked my son for assistance towards the beginning-ish middle-ish of his Sophomore year later in the beginning of 2016, with the organic portions. I thought of how I knew the weather of Washington state and when he could not garden outside nor go bike riding, the indoor gardening was a way which he still had time to himself if he did not want to talk with me for a bit of time. However he did not know what I knew as I had put the various bags and boxes mainly of my small remaining tokens of my life before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which means before I had fought to be emancipated to join the #ArmedForces branch of the #Army of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica including my Green Folder of my Enlistment certificate, the pictures from the picture albums I had taken over the years, my #SCUBADiving Log Book with #SCUBA Diving certification cards, and of course the remainder of what I had of his sister's belongings in the area where the tents were.
I hoped he would get curious and look within the bag and boxes knowing there was nothing of shame to see, and find some happier memories while knowing and understanding better of how much I did everything I could. I figured he would remember when going into his room I had arranged and displayed many items, so he knew I always cared equally about both of them. He would see the various pictures and stuffed animal toys I had picked up over the years while the situations in 2008 through 2013, and he would know and understand just as the hope I had for my daughter to know and understand; I went as far as I could to do the best I could, for the best possible outcomes.
Did I know and understand my son was in 2016 was 15 years old when I asked for clarification to the Medical Marijuana plants growth, at the time?
Yes, I did. However I also knew I could not figure out the portions of, which I guesstimate there are other people who have had difficulties with instructions for kits. How else was I supposed to ask someone in person the questions I did not understand the information to, where living at the time? I can get the seeds to sprout with strength and vigor, I can plant the rhizomes into the ground to grow heartily and fuller than some could believe unless they saw with their own eyes, I can grow a bountiful plant with flowers blooming in numbers where the petals are large and innumerable combined in the ground; to maintain and sustain, in ways which could surprise. In the water without ground, I cannot put into words the difficulties from such.
If there were to be a joke to be made because of the repeated yet proven issues with technology I have had since waking up from the coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury before my SCUBA Dive in 2009 about some writings I sent regarding shock therapy, in reference to the fact of my energetic aspects having literally and metaphorically being utilized with a Hydroponic Kit and organic chemical compounds. While remembering the additional aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project with after what occurred in Irving Texas, while also a reminder of pictures and videos I have taken over the years in conjunction with my background growing up. Thus before and after though while the immediate beginning-ish portions of the after effects from what occurred to my daughter, my son, and I because of what occurred to my daughter; I have repeatedly proven such and for this moment I digress, as to the intended twisted irony. I am fairly certain some might have initially laughed at certain aspects of what I have written aside from the intended satire or comedic view of life at times, though the reference is more regarding the laughter at my works. The saying is, "It is, what it is."
Nonetheless the request for the assistance just to get the plants I began to a certain point as I researched further for various knowledge online after reading through the books, to get additional information to be able to asses the knowledge for clearer understanding; while my son had taken care of the organic compounds of which in his high school and the grades, I was hoping the combined aspects of the books and the kit would assist until I could figure out the portions before the time of the first sign of a flowering bud if he could get the kit to work to grow the plants I made. As I am usually extremely private about the proven positive health benefits of Medical Marijuana working to assist me in multiple ways as I learned the hard way high #CBD levels are detrimental to me whereas #THC is far more beneficial to be able to accomplish what I have and continue to push forward onward despite my headaches and migraines being worsened by the electrical damages additionally as well as the e-cigarette situation when the #Toro copper tube had zapped continuously until I could get my other arm to push the e cigarette away as well to my teeth from the medications over the years from the age of 17 years old, as well as after the SCUBA Dive at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. #Vandenberg as I did not ever have a single cavity, prior to that SCUBA Diving year after 9 years of continuous medications prescribed.
For clarification I have not sold any Medical Marijuana products and I truly appreciate the work on such legislation measures as I suppose there is an additional sort of twisted irony, when looking at what I was able to accomplish once accepting the fact of the assistance positively. There is a difference between Medical Marijuana, and recreational marijuana. I may look as I do, however upon accepting the assistance of Medical Marijuana for THC; the amount which I have accomplished on my own with help from various pre-existing companies from 2014 through to the current moment is undeniable truth, especially when taking into additional consideration the back and forths I have done since the middle of 2019 to the current time in the year of 2021 on the first of May.
Honestly I am surprised with as much land as there is in Texas which could be utilized for the stabilization of the effects from the solar panel farms as a balancing, as per the heat levels being of ideal conditions along with the humidity levels thereof; truthfully I have not understood for a long time, as to why the state of Texas with as many veterans who can benefit from the Medical Marijuana better with THC in comparison to CBD. The medical research has been going on in the state of Texas before I had my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury if I remember correctly from what I was told at the time, though the proof is the truth and the reality. The banking portions confuse me admittedly, though I am fairly certain the amount of business which the state of Texas could be involved with in the state of Texas with as many who would benefit from such a legislative measure. The many aspects of the benefits of Medical Marijuana or the recreational nickname of Mary Jane, of which there are ways to assist employment opportunities if the restrictions against the use of Medical Marijuana THC were lifted and removed quickly.
Admittedly when I was just about to come around to accepting the reality of beneficial aspects towards my health, I knew I could not be the only one. At one point I notated and documented by the minute as to the differences I felt between a mail order type I thought might be helpful though it was tolerable-ish, compared to Spice from the prior time I did not want to aspect Medical Marijuana was helpful and the situations which I have forgiven myself for in reference to wrongly wasting premium lab grown Medical Marijuana, compared to Medical Marijuana with the medication I was prescribed; in reference to the on and offs, the positives and negatives, and so on. I noticed certain attributes in various aspects though admittedly and ironically about the way I look the notebooks full of notations I made and the sticky notes I wrote over the years which were misplaced or what situations occurred, which should not negatively be taken advantage of. Yet I can simply chuckle to myself in reference to the #Academy situation and schooling in different aspects, the BB portion, and how I began my look further into SCUBA Diving for my health through the #JewishMedicalJournal; it seems ironic as to the nickname for the #PrimeMinister of the #NationStateofIsrael #Israel, is BiBi for a shorter version of his name #BenjaminNetahnyahu; which if you know the way I had squared away my BB Gun when I was a teenager at camp for additional power as well as the accuracy, an additional twisted irony. A technology oddity for a fun extra, in reference to a search engine and email company. 2/3 of the word pun, or good? Though there is a quote in which I had added in regards of my Medal of Honor Art Project from #BenjaminFranklin for another irony, as well as waking up from the coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in #MilitaryCityUSA; which has the remains, the marker, and the artwork piece of my Medal of Honor Art Project of the only #Hebrew in the state of Texas. A twist for one more, what is the state of Texas known as?
However if you put the individual star from Texas one way or another in reference to the #StarofDavid with #Laurel Leaves in the background for the outline, and it almost forms the abstract version of the plant leaf of a Medical Marijuana plant with some flowers growing in the background because of the size of one of the leaves compared to the flowers. I admit, it is odd to look at my tattoos now along with the situational portions for the oddities.
Yes, I am a #Republican. Yes, I am medically retired from the Army of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Yes, I have been involved with multiple groups and communities over the years such as a #Pansexual/#Dominant/#LeatherWoman/#Sadist in the #LGBTQP/#BDSM/#Swinger. Yes, I have attended and been a part of the #NRA in support of 2nd Amendment and Constitutional Rights for the Democratic Republic of the United States of America. Yes, in the more recent times I have involvement officially with the #YoungRepublicans #YR/#SaladoWomensRepublicans #SWR/#WilliamsonCountyRepublicans #WCR office is where I assisted from mostly in 2020/#PintsandPolitics #PAP/#Wheels4Warriors #W4W. Yes, I have taken my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces upon beginning my Medal of Honor Art Project in 2014 through to the current time in 2021 around the continental United States of America to #AmericanLegion #AL/#DisabledAmericanVeteran #DAV/#MilitaryMuseum(s)/#VeteransAffairs #VA/#VeteransofForeignWars #VFW locations. Yes, I handle my responsibilities to the best of my abilities.
Yes, I spoke with my son and gave him reading material to discuss with him about the various aspects of the Marijuana plant to discuss the differences he noticed from the medical portions which he was informed of not only because of my books in writing which I handed to him; though also because who better for him to speak with and ask questions honestly for a truthful opinion with the facts of purity, in front of his eyes? The same in reference to my daughter, and the medical aspects can be stated. I truly believe at this point after the occurrences of the bullying against my children at the #McCoyElementarySchool before and after the #FortWorthZoo #FWZoo situation, especially after the failure of the ARD/IEP process through McCoy Elementary School of #Carrollton Texas of #CarrolltonFarmersBranchIndependentSchoolDistrict #CFBISD members at the time from of which the possibility of the benefits could have helped sooner quicker. I had not accepted how the natural benefits were as I did not truly see the benefits in full at the point in time, and I know there are times when certain aspects have to be tested upon someone first.
Yes, I took it upon myself to test upon myself the medical positives and negatives for what I noticed in reference to identifying the factors of which would be the healthiest. Yes, despite not having a medical degree after what I had been through I figured the only way to find a better way is homage to the old adage saying. "If your want something done right then do it yourself, or at minimum explain it in terms which more can understand from the knowledge for progress forward."
I know I was not the first nor last in regards of the reviews into Medical Marijuana, nor am I the first nor last to recognize the health benefits. One aspect I learned just as with prescription medications the Medical Marijuana works to a certain level for many depending upon the strain, however the individual themselves have their own response to the medication and the dosages thereof.
Thankfully during the administration of #POTUS45 #DonaldJTrump, signed into the legislation officially to the healthcare addendum for the #RighttoTryBill.