In the year of 2010 as to the #FWZoo #FortWorthZoo Fort Worth Zoo situation where the three volunteer moms had lost my daughter #letters4Lidia at the Fort Worth Zoo during the #McCoy #McCoyElementary #McCoyElementarySchool #Elementary #FarmersBranch #FBTX #FarmersBranchTexas #Carrolton #CarrolltonTX McCoy Elementary School of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District on/around 28 April 2010 as to the timeframe when I had already requested from Mrs. Tamara Hatcher as to switching the ways as how I normally had planned for being capable to go on each one of my children’s school field trips as to rotating which one I went on per year as a volunteer, the response I had to the request was decided that Mrs. Tamara Hatcher claimed that the way I ‘physically looked was considered unnecessary for the students and staff to see on a field trip’ after having had problems with my hairstyle and my tattoos because of the requests from her among others as to my ‘explanation as to the reasons why [I] looked as [I] do’ as to the aspects of my wrist tattoo and the prayer I had tattooed within my right wrist which says “Light & Love Light & Love Between, Below, & Above as to the spiritual symbol of the crescent moon on each side as to the phases of the moon cycle as to the central circle with the star in the middle which also has the masculine energies to the feminine energies of the moon cycle. I have noticed that my menses cycle usually rotates to either around the New Moon or the Full Moon cycle, of which as to a reminder for myself in conjunction as to my prayer which I created for my children to use as a mantra if they need assistance to focus or if they were scared as to certain factors as best as I could assist back during the year of 2004 as to such situations I was dealing with as best as I could while keeping both my son #Letters4James and my daughter #letters4Lidia safe as best as I could as to the situations I detailed as to my journal blog entry on 25 January 2022 as to the hospital visits as to such points in time.
While my biological mother/father/sister had chosen to ignore several factors at the time as per the ways which certain situations had been which includes as to the aspects of the journal blog entry of 25 January 2022 as well as other such aspects in reference to the situations regarding my biological sister’s wedding, the aspects of which to the McCoy Elementary School situation as well as those political types of situations in the comparisons as to the truth as to the comparisons; the ways of which I had made every attempt as to such factors which included as to the aspects of the June or July 2010 school board meeting, of CFBISD. I had discussed multiple times before writing about the realities as to which the Principal Dawn Rink had tried to make an attempt as it seemed to intimidate me as to trying to make me feel uncomfortable as to saying the Our Father’s Prayer at the public school meeting, which she had not the inclination as to my childhood upbringing as well as had not known of my being an Ordained Reverend as well aside from the fact of the separation between church and state as to such legalities apparently. However as per such situations as to the school board’s choice to say the Our Father Prayer instead of the Pledge of Allegience as well as apparently the pledge to the state of Texas as to the sight in such review as to now in the year of 2022 only to learn of such for myself as to the year of 2020 or 2021 as to such aspects as while I was told about the pledge possibly to the state of Texas, the most likely occurrence was to wondering why that was said in such aspects as to the Pledge of Allegience as to wondering what other schools throughout the United States of America actually said such a pledge to their own individual states throughout the public school system. In my opinion for each state that has a pledge to the state in comparisons to the aspects as to the United States of America, as to wondering what the general population as to the amount t of veterans/Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists as to such aspects of the pledge to the state after the Pledge to the American Flag and the United States of America in such references. However if that was a situation of thought back when my son was in school as to such factors at Rhodes Elementary School in #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA, it probably was not that much of more than such of one of my passing thoughts in such references as to the point in time. However as per the clarification as to whenever I posted about such for the first time as to the Texas pledge in such references as to the aspects as to the rallies in Austin in the comparisons as to the aspects of not having remembered and/or known of such as to the CFBISD school board meeting around June or July 2010, the situations of which the aspects which were not of a major deal to me personally as to the aspects of the American Flag of the United States of America. While I had posted about my #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJersey New Jersey Flag with my American Flag which the New Jersey flag on my houses in San Antonio as well as Carrollton as to remembering the state which I was born and raised in, as well as all of the individuals who I once had known as to who had commuted to the city of New York #NYC #NewYorkCity #NewYork #NY #NYstate #NewYorkstate as to the timeframe of both the 1993 as well as the 11 September 2001 attacks, as to my childhood as well as the day thereof itself as to giving respect and homage as to the areas thereof in the ways which was of ideal aspects for me as to my choice for my houses as to each portion of time.
While Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had complained about my choices as to my flags on my houses that I personally paid for, he was informed as to my lack of care as well as my lack of concern as to his opinion as to what I did with my houses which I paid for as to the aspects thereof to such portions as to I did not want nor need nor desire an additional version of a #HOA Homeowners Association as to such portions thereof as I had not asked for his opinion or anyone else’s for that matter as to what my choices were for my house(s) per arrangement of flags as to the reality of which none were in the ground as to the aspects of hanging from the side of my houses in such comparisons as to whatever regulations thereof as I had not thought that took a head injury to figure out the difference between flags hanging from a pole in the ground compared to flags hanging from the side of a house.
Nonetheless in reference as to the facts regarding the situations as to the McCoy Elementary School situations as well as the Fort Worth Zoo in conjunction as to whatever possibilities as to the keyboard warrior millennial types as to the aspects of which the situations of verification processes as well as anti-discrimination situations as to the multitude thereof as to the area of the city of Carrollton Texas in conjunction as to the public school aspects thereof as to a coincidental portion as to the natural hair in Basic Training as to my #ADA ADA aspects as to my medical disabilities as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the requests for my daughter as to the #SpecialNeedsEducation Special Needs Education, the situations from the year of 2008 into the year of 2009 had escalated swiftly as to the end of the relationship that I had not wanted/needed/desired to be involved with as per the explanations in reference as to how that began to begin with as to such factors. In my opinion if the McCoy Elementary School of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District had kept the registration information in comparison to changing it as I had went into the school office to make sure such aspects were taken care of and the staff’s choice to keep that individual on my children’s school registration because of the proven factors as to their discrimination as per the mistreatments as to such points in time as to the school board meeting as to the anti-military sentiments as to the reasons why the #PatriotRiders Patriot Riders were at my children’s biological father’s funeral as to those types of protesters; the reality of such proof would be in the reference as to what my son, my daughter, and I dealt with as to such factors as to that school board meeting as to the Our Father Prayer as to the comparison of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as apparently the Pledge to the Texas Flag in such references in my opinion; which since the private school I went to register my son to attend in the year of 2010 had informed me they had received a call from McCoy elementary School staff as had the other #montessori Montessori School, as to the harassment aspects of which would be prevalent as per the school phone records as to such points in time as to what my children and I were dealing with as to such portions thereof as to the title aspects in conjunction as to the payment of $6,000.00 for the behavioral school I had to pay for out of pocket because my insurance had not covered that despite the association with the #UBH UBH Denton location.
However I also wrote about after discussing how the Principal Dawn Rink as well as the teacher Tamara Hatcher as well as the guidance counselor Angela Reiter had wanted and went to the behavioural school ‘to see what type of parent [I] was for sending [my] child to a different school than what was in the district’ as to what I explained to a multitude of individuals in person face to face at a multitude of events as to not being within the areas of the consenting adult lifestyle areas of such specific types, as was always within the smoking sections as to such discussions. The aspects as to how my son had been friends with a family which had two sons by the male named David and Tammy’s eldest son from a prior marriage which I had been glad for my son to have time with his friends, as I was capable to get to know Tammy and David at the times during. David had been the first individual at McCoy Elementary School to ask me about my tattoos, and others had subsequently followed asking me thereafter as to the parents and the staff members before the Fort Worth Zoo incident. If there was the aspect as to a bear costume as to the nickname he gave himself of Papa Bear as to the comparison of who the actual in reference as to the #SAPagan San Antonio Pagan community aspects because I called my son my Panda Bear, my daughter my Koala Bear, and I was and remain the Mama Bear as to my cubs; the individual if such as to the Fort Worth Zoo in such references if in a bear type of costume as to the ways of which the reenacting problems as well as the aspects of the role playing aspects as to the voice box situation as to such types thereof as to the 151 Road Warriors #MadMax MadMax movie situations as to the #Alamo #RemembertheAlamo #AlamoDrafthouse #AlamoDrafthouseSATX Alamo Drafthouse situation as to those types of individuals as to such factors as to the pop culture situations, it would not surprise me as to any such factors as to the furry type of situation as to that individual Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as to having used such to go to speak with my daughter as well as trying to such as to my son as to having told him to stay away from my children.
If in reference as to what my dead-ex-husband had tried to do because only of the concern about my bills being paid correctly as to without my permission as to claiming his concern as to my financial aspects until he learned that the finances were being used inappropriately as well as my finances were being cyphoned because I had noticed such as to the finding out that my biological mother/father were using my finances for themselves as well as my biological sister as to the full removal of such aspects of which they did not have any authority legally to do because of their complaints as to having learned my income as to my finances as to being retired as to which the wishes in reference to if they would try to put my information as a dependent as to the legal portions of which the reasons as to after he was out of the Army before I had my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the situations as to the Justice of the Peace problems, which as to the aspects of since he died during active duty as to the wrongful problems which could be caused to the entire military healthcare system as well as the military itself in conjunction to the civilian healthcare system because of the problems associated as to such factors; if my biological mother/father/sister were to wrongfully make a choice which they were officially legally barred away from because of the timeframe shortly of the end of the year of 2004 into the beginning of 2005 before the removal fully from my USAA account as to the aspects of which they tried to circumvent because of their neighbor Cheryl as to such an employee association the reality of what my biological mother/father/sister as well as their associations as to any such assistance would officially be considered as domestic terrorists as they were officially explained such aspects back in the year of 2005 shortly before the Wilford Hall Lackland Air Force Base situation as my biological mother/father/sister were fully informed as to what they needed to stay out of and nothing bring themselves into any such situations because of their lack of knowledge as to how the Armed Forces of the United States of America actually worked in such references. Since because my biological mother/father/sister complained as to such factors of which they did not know as to the aspects of what my actual background for my work actually was as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America and had repeatedly been caught asking others as to what the information was as to what my background was, and was repeatedly denied the knowledge thereof because of the facts which I have brought forward as to such warnings I gave to anyone I personally knew in person face to face in person; the aspects of which the facts if such a repetition as to their failures to stay out of my work as well as out of my finances as well as if they tried to put me under as a dependent in comparison to how I was always the Sponsor of the aspects to such portions; the reality of which as to the reason why I was always the sponsor as to the reality of his not getting any identification card after the timeframe of October 2000 and the aspects as to the situations which he officially was not allowed on any military installation as to the failures to be allowed to have such portions; the legal problems which my biological mother/father/sister would officially cause as to such ignorances as to the lack of understanding because of their lack of wherewithal to ever see any importance of my personal work would officially cause the various aspects as to the computer system lockdowns as to the COVID portions if that actually has been found as to only being an AI related aspect of which then the paperwork they would have to officially complete as to fully undoing what problems those people caused as to their needless involvement as to the fact I had already proved my own capabilities as to living on my own as to without those people’s involvement as to the lack of problems I would have ever dealt with to begin with as to the reality as to my enlistment paperwork as to the insurance portions as to the fact such was supposed to be handwritten as to what the National Records and Archives should have had as to the timeframe of my enlistment because of the ways such was actually completed back in the year of 2000.
The reality of such is when the initial portions of the occurrences referencing my daughter’s situation at the Fort Worth Zoo and the aspects of McCoy Elementary School is when she was in the hospital the first time prior to the timeframe as to the RTC situation which was when my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time of around May of 2010 was about to leave to go to Arizona because of something she had arranged and complained about in reference to my allowance of her using my van at the time, as she whined about having to drive the distance without the use of my GPS as to the length of the trip as to the situations which she had arranged from the beginning of the situation. I had informed her as to the aspects of the insurance situation in reference to the aspects of my daughter, however because I could not legally do so as to the paperwork as it was only through such aspects of the difference because of the insurance aspects as well as fully keeping my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America separate from the situation because of the aspects associated to such factors; she was not capable of being bothered at the time, because of her whining about the GPS. Then the aspects as to how my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America went missing as to when my other ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina (maiden last name Nichols) (married at the time of 2001 for the Air Force Basic Training graduation in the year of 2001 Osteen) situation when I was pregnant wityh my son at the time as I have previously explained and wrote about as to such factors including the San Antonio Police Report in reference to the aspects of what details I could go into during the timeframe thereof in the year of 2013.
While the situations of other such prior journal blog entries as to the facts referencing my ex-sisters-in-law as to each of their daughters and one of them having had a son as to what I already brought forward as to such aspects, the situations as to how I also additionally explained as to the fact of my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez around the year of 2003 or 2004 having purposefully run up the credit card limit needlessly because she as well as my ex-mother-in-law Lydia Evongelina (?surname?) Nichols had planned to file for bankruptcy as to with Grandpa Nichols at the time, as to the situations per the aspects as to having called the San Antonio Police Department after the male named Scott on the phone had a problem with the fact as to his incapability to distinguish the difference between the name of my now dead-ex-father-in-law as to my son’s name as to their differences in age, as well as the problematic situations as to his attitude problem as to having been called out for such aspects as well as his complaints as to the aspects of the differences of addresses as to his choice to work at a collection agency and yet failing to pay attention to other such factors in the references thereof as to a female telling him where he was inaccurate as to such aspects.
Not the first time I have dealt with certain types of males as to such factors in those particular references of a male who did not like being informed specifically what was correct and/or incorrect as to such, though also not the last time as to such a point as to the factors thereof since the realities as to my work of within SCUBA Diving as well as other such portions thereof as to the obvious aspects of those types of males as to those types of attitudes such as to the aspects of my Ford Winstar’s problems shortly after the phone call where he himself was fully in the wrong as to each and every portion thereof. As I wrote about as well as explained before, the San Antonio Police Officer said the complaint needed to be made in Houston Texas in the comparison as to such factors in comparison to taking a report and then filing such with the Houston Police Department as I figured would have been easier and a better usage as to the time in comparison of trying to figure out specifically which location thereof as to the situations. However since now there are the antiharassment laws as to collection agencies and those types of individuals, that has not changed the initial aspects of such prior situations as well as those types of individuals as to their need to get over their own arrogances as to such factors.
If I am accurate as to such realities then the facts of such as to why the full removal and denial of my biological mother/father/sister as to such factors of their irresponsibility as well as their lack of knowledge as well as their lack of foresight as well as their needless involvement as to the aspects of which the only time they had to get involved in the correct way was back in the year of 2000 and 2001 as once 2002 was passed as to their aspect of which they had officially proven themselves as to being irresponsible as to such aspects, as to their lack of capability to pay attention to the correct details as to what they could have and should have done by the correct choice in comparison as to paying more attention to the wrong child as to their planned one as to my biological sister in the comparisons as to the actual care and concern for me as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America in the correct ways. What part of no do those people not understand as to the reality of which the aspects of when I was in fifth grade I officially understood exactly where I stood in the line thereof to those people, of which I made attempts to explain even to the point in time as to during my Basic Training aspects as to the night of Psalm Sunday church services in the year of 2000 as to my explanations as to that Drill Sergeant as to why there was not any names he was capable to call me which were worse than my biological mother/father as to such points in time as well as the additional aspects of the problems needlessly from my biological sister as to my explanations I gave to Medical Hold Unit as well as the explanations I gave to CID as well as the explanations I gave to various civilians throughout the years as well as the explanations I put into writing as to the official statement as to the reality of what I personally dealt with as to such points in time as to my Basic Training in the year of 2000.
However in such references my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez said she could not be bothered as to such factors to pay attention to those details back in the year of 2010, because of how she was getting ready to be in front of the cameras at the time as to the aspects in reference to the arrangement as to the Arizona aspects as well as her children and my son with Grandma Nichols in comparison to the facts of which I had officially only allowed them to have the pieces as I had not been informed of any camera aspects as I would not have ever allowed such portions if I had all such details in comparison to at the last moment. Hence my prior clarifications in my journal blog entries as to the beginning of my updating portions as to such factors as to the aspects in regards of my work, as to not allowing such portions until I was officially fully complete as to the updates in the references thereof in the comparisons as to how such factors in reference to the larger aspects thereof and the mandatory requirements as to the links in specific to the full journal blog entries as to if the usage thereof to any such portion was utilized as to such factors thereof for the absolute clarity as to the prior problems as to the #mysa #SanAntonioExpressNews #ScottHuddleson article as to such factors as to the failures as to the garage situation when bringing forward the aspects as to the situations as to how the forced problems as to the similarities as to the Justice of the Peace aspects. However as to the similarity in such references as to the failures from the male named Scott as to the collection agency as to such factors as to the paying attention to important details, I suppose such a hypothetical aspects as to the situations as to the connection portions thereof in such references as to such a massively huge failure on Scott Huddleson’s part as to the aspects of knowingly being in Military City USA also known as San Antonio Texas as to the aspects in reference to such portions as to the wording in the article at the timeframe of in the year of 2008 as to the mixed medication overdose factors as to my children’s biological father as well as knowing the state of Texas has a large military population as to such aspects as well as the length of time between 2004 through to 2008 as to such aspects of which legally as to such situations in reference as to what is called stalking and harassment as to such connection factors if any such technological portions of the connections could/would be found as to such situations as to those aspects as to what I have needlessly dealt with over the years into decades.
However if in the references as to what I dealt with was because my biological mother/father decided to call the Army base I was stationed at as to the aspects of getting themselves involved because I had refused to call them during my Basic Training because I did not want nor need to speak with them during any of the phone call times as to my choice to not do so as to what I did not need to get myself involved with, then the aspects of which what I have warned others as to such situations as to the aspects of which when the biological aspects needlessly get themselves involved thinking they know about things better when realistically they know nothing of such sorts to begin with. The irony as to such factors as to the hypotheticals as to the Facebook and social media portions of which if my ex-in-laws were to have been in contact with my biological mother/father/sister as to such aspects of which I purposefully kept such separated as to the lack of knowledge as well as the lack of understanding as to the realistic portions of which the lack of the requirements as to such needless involvements as to the ways of which if they actually wanted to be of use and of assistance, they had already missed the proverbial boat as to such factors as well as to the years of after the point of 2002 as to such factors of what they had been in the knowledge of as to why Grandpa Nichols was assisting me as to the realistic portions of what he knew better of in the comparisons as to how much he had warned my ex-in-laws as to just simply be grateful and thankful as to my willingness to assist where I was as to such points in time from the years of 2007 through 2008 as to such factors as he knew I did not have to assist them with anything as I could have been the stereotypical ex-in-law as to the stereotypical ex-wife as to such factors as to the rights. I personally had as to all such capacities as to each and every individual portion as to my right to choose as Grandpa Nichols warned them as to not overstepping any lines I specifically drew as to such points in time as he warned them that if they had chosen to ignore his warnings as well as if they chose to ignore my warnings that he had warned they would be tried with treason and he would be laughing in his grave with the biggest smile on his face as finally what he and so many others throughout the years had been warning the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America among others had brought forward though because of the civilian aspects as to the situations as to how they thought they knew better in such comparisons, because of the civilian contractor portions in the comparisons thereof to those who actually went through and dealt with the situations informing such individuals as to the reality of their employment aspects and the problems as to those types of individuals involved with such aspects as to their ignorance as to ignoring what actually needs to occur in comparison to their wishes as to such other factors in the comparisons. When the need is to actually getting the work done correctly the first time around as to the problems as to such needless lag as to such needless hurrying up and waiting as to it always having been the civilian contractors who had caused the hurrying up and waiting portions because the civilian contractors simply wanted to milk the system in comparison to getting out of the way for those who actually had work to get taken care of, because of their incessant needless sensations as to thinking that civilian contractors were the same as to those who actually were completing the work in such comparisons as to such wishful thoughts in the comparisons as to the stereotypical aspects of which those types of civilian contractors simply needing to understand if you are lucky enough to be allowed to be a part of such then actually work at the rate of speed required in comparison to wasting everyone else’s time. When such needless aspects of such tireless problems as to the worthlessness of such situations as to those types of individuals who have needed the swift kick as to movement because of other work which needs to get done instead of such wasteful aspects as to the time as to such portions, especially those who have had the aspects of over-sensationalizing aspects by adding needless problems as to making themselves feel more important in comparison as to the situations of being decent human beings as to taking care of the situations correctly the first time around however the additional facts as to when causing needless problems for sensationalism as to the aspects of which the abusive aspects are still considered as abuse because of the facts of the causing needless problems as to the wishful thought as to such saving aspects when to begin with was caused by such a type of individual to begin with as to such factors.
If you as a civilian actually want to show appreciation to the Armed Forces of the United States of America, then move at the correct speed in comparison to your wishful thoughts as to such portions of your slow speed as to your laxy daisy aspects as to how the Armed Forces does not have time for such laziness as to the reality of what work actually needs to be accomplished in comparison to the same aspects as to those types of civilians who needlessly bloviate the time as to those who have work to accomplish as to the wishes as to such time with in the comparisons as to thew work which needs to get done correctly as to the correct speed as well as to the correct work in general. This is why the aspects as to individuals who are active duty/activated national guard/activated reservists do not have patience for when such civilian sector types waste their time as to such aspects of other such work that needs to be accomplished. The aspects of such portions of what actual security needs to be taken in consideration in comparisons as to the ooos and ahhhs as to such factors is such of a boredom aspect of which such portions of work that needs to get done correctly in such comparisons, as the only correct way to show appreciation as to the Armed Forces when they show up to such a location as a civilian sector aspect is to actually getting the work done in a timely manner especially if a specific timeframe is promised as to the work that needs to continue in comparison as to such aspects of thinking staying around and wasting time is considered the same as when in reality it only shows the lack of respect as well as only shows how the lack of appreciation for the work that is being done as to such factors thereof.
Those types as to the individuals who have taken such lengths as to the waste of time only show such aspects as to not actually appreciating such liberties as to such factors as to their realistic portions of what actually needs to get completed as to thinking their involvement means more to the individuals when in comparison even the individuals involved are fully annoyed as to such a waste of time as to such factors as there is not the need for such showing off in the comparisons as to getting the word accomplished as to such types of individuals who try to think of themselves as higher than when in the comparisons as to the waste of such amounts of time, and why I have preferred such aspects as to USAA as to the ways which actually getting the work done in such comparisons as to wasting needless time when the time is of the essence as to such comparisons as to those civilian contractors which think the same ways as to those types as to enlisted wives which think the exactly same rank as to the officer wives as to such annoyances to those who actually have work to take care of as to such factors. Maybe instead of such gaggling around in such comparisons especially when work actually needs to be taken care of instead would be more ideal, hypothetically.
Maybe it should not take a head injury to get in the way of those who actually have work to accomplish as hypothetically if the aspects of such portions of interjections were actually preferred there would have been the reaching out as to the contact before such aspects of needless involvement as to such hypotheticals from those in the civilian sector as hypothetically as to the situations as to Iowa 2018, maybe if such individuals had actually asked me instead of assuming as to such factors hypothetically such situations would not have been problematic as hypothetically I already took care of such situations as to the reality of making sure I was prepared as to such factors and was already working as to such situations which I already explained in prior journal blog entries of which in such references should it take a head injury to figure out that only the individuals who caused the needless problems to being with have been the same thugs and hoodlums they have always been as to such needless involvement to begin with as to such factors?
When do those people get the memo as to such responsibilities they need to take for their own choices and their own actions, as why should it take a head injury to figure out as to their involvement only caused such needless problems to begin with and if they actually wanted to fix And repair as to such factors how difficult would it have been to actually ask the one and only individual which would have been capable to give the answer\s if they were actually intelligent enough to ask that individual to begin with in a mature manner as to such etiquette standards as well as using the correct words when in person face to face in person and/or the only official confirmed contact information as to if not in person face to face in person?
Or is it the version of the pop culture celebrity portions in the comparisons as to the aspects of what work was being worked on as to those types of individuals involving themselves thinking it was just a piece of pretty picture paper as to the colors and the glitter in comparison to what it actually has been this entire time, which in turn as to such factors of my Medal of Honor Art Project as to such movement forward in comparisons to the needless lull of time as to such factors of what work I actually need to get to in such comparisons to wasting time as to the needless portions at this point of the updating what has already been updated officially as to such factors before as has any military associated individual dealt with such aspects of when going to do work as to others stopping them in the middle of what needs to be taken care of as to such points in time as to the thought that is what is needed in comparison as to what actually is needed?
If in such hypotheticals as to those individuals who thought less of my Medal of Honor Art Project than as to what it actually has been as to the completed portions thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork in such comparisons, the reality of such factors if as to the situations about my SCUBA Diving as to the actual 10 year portion of such anniversary point in time as to the clearance aspects as well as the aspects in reference to Irving officially was only through the correct channels in such comparisons as to the portions of such involvement as to the clarifications thereof. In such references as to the Irving portions as to the year of 2011 as to such factors, the aspects of simply asking me instead of such portions as to the occurrences thereof as to the individuals who would have had to show such clearance aspects thereof as to such known realities as to such factors in the references and regards thereof. In reference as to my SCUBA Diving as to the facts only after the 10 year point was such allowed to be discussed/wrote about in more details as to by the end of the year of 2009 as to the beginning of the year of 2010 as to the actualities of such a lockdown of information because of the legal requirements as to such a point in time unless I had been capable to get my SCUBA Diving gear to the specific location I was working to get my SCUBA Diving gear to before the UHAUL situation, which in turn meant the official 10 year lockdown as to such aspects thereof to such a point in time as to those who understand as to such factors of information; as the only aspects as to such situations would only officially be within the aspects of the ranking individuals which would be as to such factors of the clearance backgrounds in conjunction as to the rank aspects which, officially I brought up as to the situations in reference to General Gillman as to such aspects thereof to the reality of the situations.
Thus in turn as to such hypotheticals in such references there was not ever any legal reason to ever associate my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America with that individual as to my dead-ex-husband as to the aspects of which it was supposed to be kept separated for the legal purposes as to the Armed forces of the United States of America as the aspects of my son and the aspects of my daughter are completely different than to myself as to all such factors as to their healthcare portions of which legally I could not do so myself back in the years of 2010 or 2011 por 2012 as I had asked them to assist though instead of actually doing such when I told them what to do; their choices as to their aspects only have been proven as to whatever wishes they had as to any such involvement as to my life in theirs as to their failure to pay attention to the fact only in such points in time when I allowed them to be involved having the thought they could actually be of something of use as to assistance as to having thought they could have redeemed themselves, if they failed to do so as to then trying to put my separate on purpose Sponsor account as to that individual they themselves failed once again as to such factors as if there were those associated with those people my biological sister had married into which tried to assist such a circumvention of the aspects thereof because of their own failures to pay attention as to my Blue Identification Card not ever having been under my dead-ex-husband when he was alive was because of the fact that my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America was always intended to be separate from that from the very beginning as he was always underneath me as at minimum he had known and understood such factors as to him being beneath me as to the reasons as to why the Justice of the Peace portions in such references because he knew without me he would not be allowed access as to any such portions unless he himself had reupped in the Army as to such factors of which the IRR took place as to such situations. After the backyard incident which they had shown to such failures as to the actual concern for me as well as failed as to show such actual concerns for my son as well as failed to show such actual concerns for my daughter as to their personal arrogance problems as to when going on the military installations as to claiming they felt lowered which they were lower as to such factors though their wishes in references as to such aspects, of where they thought I had not graduated Basic Training only because they had not gone to a graduation ceremony in comparison to ever paying attention to what I personally accomplished as to my Basic Training timeframe as to what I could allow them to know of as to such factors as to the hair aspects though their personal racism as well as their lack of knowledge as to what a CCC and lack of knowledge as to what a COC course was as to such situations.
Since they knew they could manipulate my now dead-ex-husband as well as my ex-in-laws as to the ways as to the statement from POTUS45 during the 2016 campaign as to the fake news situation as to such factors as to seemingly calling out Scott Huddleson for such aspects as well as the San Antonio Express News in comparison to the lack of capabilities, as to the comparison as to my full lack of willingness as to such factors. Hypothetically they wished I could and would pay attention to their needless problems in comparison to what I actually had to take care of as to my personal work because of how individuals who have gone active duty/national guard/reservists know of those types of people who are civilians who want the attention for themselves as to thinking their selfish needs are more important than the work as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America when actually doing the work that is required, and necessary in such comparisons as to such factors thereof in comparison to accepting they are far in the backseat in such capacities as to what work actually needs to be done and taken care of in the correct ways without stirring up needless drama as to such factors.
How did #Enron Enron actually begin officially within the 1990s though unofficially within the 1980s and what was the tipping point, as to those who know of such factors what can be seen in the references as to the combined factors as to the situations I have dealt with as to the aspects of since waking up from my coma as to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury from when I was in Basic Training for the Army after the MAST situations?
How many individuals who have been in whichever branch or division of the Army/Air Force/Coast Guard/Marines/Navy have dealt with their biological family and/or their biological family’s friends as to such wishful aspects as to paying attention to needless drama in the comparisons as to the actual work that is in front of such factors in the comparisons thereof because those individuals think that their needless drama to the work in such comparisons is more important in such comparisons as to what actually needs to be taken care of; as how many individuals have needlessly dealt with various factors because of those types of individuals who wish to have the time in such comparisons and then try to do a guilt trip in comparisons as to what actually needs to be accomplished as to such factors, as why had I made the choice in reference as to who I was engaged to twice aspect as to when he was in Basic Training as to the Corona situation in comparison as to bringing up such factors at the time when he was in Basic Training as what good would that have done in the realistic portions thereof?
Why would I have sent such aspects as to any such letter in reference as to what I dealt with as to the Corona aspects in reference to who I was engaged to at the timeframe when he was at Fort Sill Oklahoma, when actually thinking about such factors?
There were already situations which we were in the middle of to which in such the references thereof what good would that have actually been and what realistically would have been said and/or thought as to such factors as to the Corona situation at the timeframe thereof, when my then fiancé was in Basic Training in the comparisons as to the timeframe?
The answer is the Army would have tried to tell him that he was being manipulated as to the feelings and emotions in comparison to the fact of which I had to defend myself as to the Corona situations, not any different as to someone who was a Marine as to SCUBUDDAH as to such factors of not having been capable to explain myself as to the situations as to him already having known about Leslie as to such a point in time as to the reasons of his claims as to why he could not speak with me up to that point in time and why I did not bother going into the details about his friend Joe as to that Army Ranger in the references thereof to the additional problems in reference to the civilian recreational SCUBA Diving community as to those problems associated with those types of individuals who had their own issues of which to their failures to pay attention to what I had informed them of as to my direct orders as to not going SCUBA Diving in the underground missile silo as to such health risks they put themselves and others as to the highest risks possible as to going SCUBA Diving in natural waters as well as going SCUBA Diving in reservoirs as to such aspects as I warned them against doing. I did not think it took a head injury, to figure out going SCUBA Diving in an underground missile silo that was only decommissioned because of water no one knew where it came from was difficult to figure out to not go SCUBA Dive in those underground missile silo waters.
However since as to the #Facebook Facebook situations as well as to my biological mother/father/sister as to such factors as to their refusal as to such points in time to have paid attention to the details as to such points in time as to such aspects which to the #redHatSociety Red Hat Society situations as to such factors as well as to the abomination of a wedding situation as to my biological sister to ack Miller as to such factors as to the realities as to the #Starbucks Starbucks aspects of the halfway to both of them from #SMTX #SanMarcos #SanMarcosTX #SanMarcosTexas San Marcos Texas to Carrollton to meet with me was at exit 200, in the comparisons to Waco Texas as to the actual halfway mark before their wedding as to such problems as to my opinion in such references. Since my biological mother/father/sister hypothetically lied to the Miller family as to such relation aspects to me as the way my biological mother/father had done so in reference to the aspects of the San Antonio Pagan community as well as other such groups and locations as I was informed of later as to such aspects as well as the Austin Texas location which I was asked about my biological sister which I later received a complaining phone call as to having had the nerve to acknowledge the biological aspects thereof, my sympathies as to the Miller family as to such situations and yet if such were to be more common place as to such political family activity as to the physical look as to such factors as to the ironic portions thereof. If there is actual care/concern as to the biological and/or family aspects then the situations as to the marital aspects of invitation when there actually is a wedding to invite to in comparison to the #JusticeofthePeace #JoP Justice of the Peace comparisons as to what I dealt with in such comparisons, as to what I warned multiple individuals throughout various groups within the state of Texas as to what I was dealing with as to beginning in the year of 2003 as to such factors. In such aspects as to the situations in reference additionally as to the #CampMabry Camp Mabry aspects as to the hypothetical assumptions to my hairstyle and tattoos as to such factors in reference as to the pop culture problem as to such assumptions in reference to comparison of what I was actually not allowed to watch as a child as per the movie ratings, the reality of such portions which I explained to a multitude of individuals throughout my childhood into my teenager years as well as my biological adult years as to such a hypothetical assumption in conjunction as to the National Guard ceremony as to such audacity to be upset with me as to saluting the American Flag during the National Anthem of the Star Spangled Banner as to that graduation ceremony which my son and my daughter were in attendance of.
Yes, how dare I teach my elementary and preschool aged children to be proud and hopeful to the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America for which the oath as to such aspects as to protect and defend as to such aspects as to any military individual associated and/or any such elected individual who would/could have had a problem as to the fact those males as well as females who have stood up for my rights as well as others’ rights to look as I do as well as be capable to have the aspects of such Constitutional Rights. However how dare I as to such sarcastic tone if it cannot be sensed as to such as to my right to salute during the National Anthem, as to my hairstyle as to such an ironic portion as to the American Flag as to when I was in Basic Training which I unlike some others as to not having stolen valor in all such comparisons as to my right as a citizen of the United States of America to salute the American Flag as to the National Anthem.
No I did not nor do I personally care as to the normalcies of placing a hand over my heart as to such, for it was and is my right to choose if I salute as to the respectful ways thereof to such aspects as per where I grew up attending at #OTC #OTPC #OldTennent #OldTennentPresbyterian #Presbyterian #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in New Jersey; yet again as to where many individuals I was raised with in the northeast area as to where, I was born and raised as to such aspects of the Iraq and Afghanistan War after the aspects of the attacks on 11 September 2001 after what occurred in the year of 1993 as to Desert Storm and Desert Shield as to those who I personally knew involved with those two conflicts. My Constitutional Rights were something which were to protect and defend as well, correct? Or was that only for people who physically look a specific way as which individuals throughout the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/veterans/dependents have a or several tattoos and/or colored hair?
In regards as to the June or July 2010 CFBISD board meeting as to such a violation of the separation between church and state as to such aspects in the reference as to instead of the pledges to both the United States of America as well as the Texas flag as to such portions, in reference to how many people were at that school board meeting as to having heard such to the Our Father prayer as to wondering what the meaning of such a symbolic choice in the references thereof as to the aspects of such bigotry regarding those individuals involved as to such a choice would be as to however many people had noticed such factors as to that meeting compared to me at that time in that year. However if the individuals who had worked as to the rallies in the year of 2020 as to the election cycle #electionintegrity as to the Texas Pledge after the Pledge to the United States of America, yes I am the exact same individual as to if you read such on Facebook and/or #cafemom CafeMom and/or #MM #ModelMayhem Model Mayhem and/or #fetlife fetlife in the forum areas as well as when in person face to face in discussions as to events I went to when I was asked about my week. For those who would be in the state of Washington as to my volunteering at Club sapphire if you recall as to what occurred when asking me a question as to my week, the reference to such situations as to those times as to the years of 2010 through to 2012 in the comparisons as to the years of 2015 through 2018 for the reference aspects as to the areas as to such discussions as to the comparisons as to the assumptions hypothetically as to such aspects for the clarifications.
As a side notation as to why #Eminem #MarshallMathers Marshall Mathers or Eminem as to such aspects, why is it acceptable for Model Mayhem to be as MM though the aspects of Marshall Mathers as to having to spell out the pronunciation as to his two initials which are of the same aspects as to wondering now in the year of 2022?
It seems a bit odd as to such a choice as to Model Mayhem as to such differences as to my personal opinion as to such factors of him being a Dad and despite his lyrics which you may or may not like as to such aspects, what is it that could be considered as to a massive difference between the larger aspects of differences as to the comparison as to Marshall Mathers as to his music which would be as to what opinions as to the possibilities thereof in such references?
Why would it be considered as acceptable for one though not the other, as such seems odd in my opinion as to such factors. However if I am the only one though it seems I would not be as to such aspects, what would be the aspects as to why his name as to the pronunciation aspects compared to the situations as to Model Mayhem as to such publishing aspects in the general public sector for such as to his legal first and legal last names as to such situations as to a business as to the Model Mayhem aspects in such comparisons I wonder?
While my physical look as well as my outside of the school grounds of such aspects which public schools have admitted as to not having jurisdiction as to off of school grounds situations as to interactions except as to the facts of the field trips, what would be the consideration aspects to take into consideration as to the facts thereof to my having explained my Constitutional Rights in the references as to such aspects to the difference between the separation between church and state as to the CFBISD board meeting as to the comparisons as to when my daughter was in kindergarten as to requesting the special needs classes for her education as to the proof of such within the school district aspects of therapy as to the legal requirements as to once there is more than 5 children as to the mandatory aspects for a school to put into place the aspects of a special needs classroom as to such requirements as to accommodations as why was I told by the staff of McCoy Elementary School as to looking into homeschooling instead when they and already asked me about my disabilities as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the reality of those people violating HIPPA laws as well as the antidiscrimination laws they violated as to such hypothetical legal terminology for such aspects in conjunction as to what would be as to the aspects of if they were forgetful as to the Texas flag pledge and if they had instigated such problems as to the Texas flag aspects; why would I personally bring up the Texas flag aspects as to not ever having said the Texas pledge before the year of 2020, as where would I personally say such in a public location before then in 2020?
In such references as to the year of 2008 into 2009 and 2010 as to such portions of how many were proud to as they proclaimed their racism for ‘voting for the first black President of the United States of America Barack Obama’ #POTUS44 #BarackObama as to the reality of how much more racist and bigoted can one be as to proudly stating as to the specific reasons as to voting for a specific individual for #POTUS POTUS as to only because of the ethnic background as to such a point in time, as did people not know that during the #CivilWar Civil War there were African American slave owners at the time who fought to keep their slaves in such captivity in the comparisons thereof to such freedoms as did other people not know that multiple ethnic backgrounds were considered as either indentured servants or slaves in such points of time of the Civil War?
What about the factors as to the skin tone as to the Civil War aspects as to the amount of work as to my books well before as to such aspects as to the official portions as to the year of 2011 for my first time as to making an attempt to publish my autobiography after the initial year of 2008 though having discussed such in the year of 2004/2005, which in turn as to such aspects as to the situations as to what aspects can be seen in reference to the situations as to the aspects of my royalty checks in the references as to my other books as to the regards as to such factors as to those particular points in time as to the current year of 2022 as well as other such factors as to my Medal of Honor Art Project aspects as what correlations as to the gender of males in such references as to the aspects as to the fake news as to such portions in reference to Scott Huddleson hypothetically?
How many people can remember what was dealt with as to when I declared being a #Republican #GOP Republican during the election cycles of 2008 as well as 2012, as to how many problems had I dealt with simply because of giving my reasons as to why I voted for Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin as well as Senator Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan as to the aspects of the Mormon faith as to the #Jewish #JudeoChristian #Christian Judeo Christian path was of a positive aspect in my opinion despite believing a bit differently as to the polyamoury as to both genders being capable to having multiple spouses if the agreements as to such factors thereof as it makes more sense to me for a female having more than one husband if there is the agreement in such regards just as to the Mormon aspects as to some males having more than one wife if there is the agreement as why would that be of importance in this modern timeframe?
Though personally having admitted as to such factors, I can see the equality as to the gender aspects in my opinion as to such aspects of what could be considered if the agreeing individuals are as to such factors. In turn as to when taking into consideration as to what is supposed to be the adult consenting lifestyle as to my personal confusion as to individuals within the year of 2012 election cycle as to how many had overlooked such a portion in reference to certain aspects thereof, however such was the right for each individual to choose as to how they personally voted. In the references as to how I explained such aspects throughout such times as to the board meeting and such factors, the confusion to me during such times as to the situations were beyond perplexing though possibly to some in such a review backwards as to now in the year of 2022 as to such situations of confusion as well.
However as to another clarification aspects as to such possibilities of haughtiness as to the Superintendent Burns as to a speech he gave during the high school graduation of Tammy’s eldest son which David was helping to raise, I made a promise to being at his high school graduation if he brought his grades up enough for him to graduate high school because of the situations of believing in the education being of importance in children and teenager’s background. I had informed him about some aspects as to my earning some of my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to having explained the reasons for why I put myself through more education and had explained as to the reasons as to some of the ease as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury were because of the aspects of my prior background as to my education from my childhood and teenager years, of which as I was informed as to how his biological father had been absent as to multiple portions throughout his childhood as to knowing I could make the trip as to such time for my son as well to spend time with his friends while additionally giving such support where I could as to such an achievement as to the factors thereof in such references. Since my biological sister and mother/father had chosen to not invite me to the high school graduation as well as the college graduation for that situation arrangement, I wanted to show my son where I could as to my approval as to such aspects of the needed and the requirements as to the educational background as to however such was earned.
Again as to such hypotheticals as to those people as to my biological mother/father/sister as to such aspects as to my SCUBA Diving certification, there was not a graduation ceremony for me as to such aspects despite whatever some other schools may have done in comparison as to the aspects thereof though shows the hypothetical aspects of such unnecessary pettiness as to those types of individuals as to such factors as to the reality of which if I had gone to MAST as to there would have been a high school graduation ceremony as to my aspects thereof which they were informed as to my early graduation time as to Saint John Vianney High School of which if in such references as to being moved from my hometown to go to Crystal Lake South High School as to trying to needlessly postpone where I left the house as to go into my career aspects then the reality of such portions of what I had already scheduled for such as to what would have been both the high school graduation as well as military graduation was missed out on by such individuals as to their biases as well as their problems as to such aspects of which my graduation ceremony from MAST would have been a proverbial all in one sort of aspect.
However if the CFBISD and/or McCoy Elementary School individuals had paid more attention to my biological mother/father/sister because of the normal physical looks in the comparisons as to how I looked as they legally had not authority because of the facts as to my being the sponsor as to such factors of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as well as the aspects of the lies which the IRR aspects of which my children’s biological father had told as to such capacities as to such realities, the situations of which those people had not actual rights as to ever involving themselves with any aspect of my life as to such realities of which from the point of fifth grade as to what aspects of levels of responsibilities I had to take for myself as to such situations from thence forward as to the proof of such aspects. Trying to hold onto someone as to the aspects of which such situations which were already destined as to what work I personally needed to take care of in the comparisons as to such proverbial wishes as to the ways which to the differences between my biological sister to myself as to such massive differences as to upbringing as well as background as well as education as unlike some people such as, I do not need a title nor a label officially as to accepting another for simply being a human being as to such aspects as to whatever hypothetical proof thereof to such aspects.
If in reference as to the war aspects of which the point of such as to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as to the situations as to my biological sister having begun such problems starting in elementary school as to such aspects as to her particular proverbial war against me as to such situations, then what as to those who I once knew as to such factors could possibly see as to such capacities as to the usage of such in the comparisons as to the clarifications thereof in such references as to the possibilities as to the aspects in such references; especially when taking into consideration as to my having been the Sponsor as to such aspects as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as what does the aspect of my Basic Training have a reference in such regards to take in additional consideration as to other situations as to my biological mother/father/sister as to such references hypothetically as well as any such connection as to the marriage aspects of who my biological sister had married into which aspect of the Miller family, as who would wonder as to such factors as to such additionally as to my children’s biological father as to my ex-in-laws regarding David’s graduation from Lackland Air Force Base in the year of 2001 around May or June or July in the year of 2001 as to which factors of my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America?
Though unlike some, I also know how to maintain and sustain myself as to the #10Commandments 10 Commandments in such references thereof as to the situations of such proof as to the realities in addition as to the paperwork aspects of such situations as to my enlistment form as to the life insurance aspects as to the typed/printed portions compared to what was filled out in handwriting back in the year of 2000 compared to how the facts as to my biological mother having worked at McHenry Government Center in Woodstock Illinois of which what are the four scariest words anyone can think of as to such factors in reference to such a working location as to such hypotheticals as to any additional aspects of connections thereof to such situations regarding my biological mother in such references as to such connections to a government center?
How important are those 10 Commandments when reporting the news as to each and every individual aspect, in each such factors?
What would it be in reference as to the aspects of the inch compared to a mile situation as to the financial assistance as to balancing a checkbook in comparison as to the reasons for my Blue Identification Card of/for the United States of America as to such aspects of which the reasons why I have always been the Sponsor as to such aspects in the reference portions as to the transfer situation, of which the ambassador aspects for the terminology as to between the military sector to the dependent aspects as to the 30 day situation as known as well as the veteran aspects in conjunction to the civilian sector in reference to being capable to make aware as to such factors to take into consideration as well as the opposite portions as to the civilian sector as to my SCUBA Diving gear in reference to the aspects thereof as to the situations of my SCUBA Diving in conjunction as to other situations as to explanations as to assistances as to clarifications as to the aspects thereof as to the technology portions for the background checks as to the MAST portions thereof in such conjunction aspects; as how could if such problems as to the situations thereof as to such overreach as to such factors in the references as to my biological mother/father/sister in such references as to what they did not have any legal authority over as to such realities as to what hypotheticals?
In turn as to the additional portions in which there has been the allowance as to tattoos for the military personnel as to such aspects in the multitude of ways as well as other such portions of proof as to the assistances as to the clarifications thereof as through my book “Finding A Silver Lining (written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to what hypotheticals as to what assistances in such references as to background clearances, as to “Portraits of Partnerships” in reference to my “Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” which could additionally be taken into consideration as to such assistances for the clarifications thereof as to what factors in other regards additionally within the civilian sector as to the military sector and what could the references as to the addition of “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” be of additional contribution factors?
While the reality of my opinion as to the transgender aspects of which having the teams as to the biological males, biological females, transgender males, transgender females, as to the capability to keep and maintain such balances as to if in the references as to such aspects of which if as such has been allowed in such under the biological ages of the age of 18 years old for such even perspectives as to the realities of which in my opinion as to the correct aspects if such portions as to such continuation aspects thereof; however since there is the reality of which certain types of individuals who have tried to circumvent the system as to the legal aspects of the draft registration if there ever is an emergency as to such factors, in my opinion as to the recommendation as to across the board as to such automatic registration as to such factors in the cases thereof if there is proof as to such messaging within the areas of the technological aspects of such individuals and/or groups trying to find a way as to such circumvention in reference to the legalities as in my opinion if such was to be pushed onto children under the biological ages of 18 years old as to what possibilities thereof as to the aspects of what would be worse than what I had been accused of in such references despite keeping such fully separated as to such aspects as how many individuals in the 1990s wore collars and chokers in their everyday garments in the comparisons as to such BDSM associations as to the sight thereof or do people forget the store #HotTopic Hot Topic as did others forget how some dressed when they listened to the bands #Nirvana #Garbage Nirvana and Garbage as well as #MarylinManson Marylin Mason in the 1990s?
In turn while I wish I could truthfully write as to having the prior knowledge of such a speech, since I had not attended my own high school graduation for the aspects thereof to the situations in reference to Tammy and David’s son’s high school graduation I promised to attend; as POTUS 45 #POTUS45 #DonaldJTrump Donald J. Trump and his children had said, “Promises made, promises kept”.
In regards as to the possibilities of such factors of my misunderstandings as to such factors because of how the situations have been as to the sensations as well as the factors thereof as to the multitude of situations regarding how I wound up in Washington state though such clarifying factors thereof, I do actually appreciate the assistances whereas such possibilities whether or not such comes across as to such aspects. I do know there are such possibilities, however admittedly as to such aspects in reference to the situations as to the technological background checks as to such in other such intentions as to what possibilities thereof there are the realities of which the clarifications as to such factors of which the background checks as to such situations are of importance as I would/could guesstimate some might have a much clearer aspect of the knowledge bases thereof to such clarifications as to the possibilities. While there are those in the 1980s and the 1990s as to the news articles and news reports as to such aspects of certain similarities as to such factors, the realities of which as to the situations regarding such portions as to the situations of possibilities in the most unbiased portions which despite the biases of my involvement those who know of such factors as to when having such a connection as to the clarification processes in some ways as to which the realities of such proverbial aspects as to the social distancing in such comparisons as to the reasons thereof which might make more sense despite the levels thereof to such aspects in the regards as to the combined factors. Since I have acknowledged my personal aspects as to the mission statement areas within “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing”/”Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as well as the mission statement area within “Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to the factors thereof as to the election factors as well in such references, because of the factors of which the similarities within the aspects as to the proof as to the #Democrat #DNC Democratic Party as to when I had fought to join the #USA #USAA #USarmy #Army Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces as to the #MAST #Marine #Marines #USMC #Science #Technology #USN #USAN #USNavy #USANavy #Navy Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to such factors as to the requirements as to as most unbiased viewpoints as possible which in turn means as to the reality of which the aspects as to having acknowledged my personal viewpoints of leniency within reason as to such factors as to the realities in reference to those who can take a step backwards to see a larger aspect of such a proverbial picture in the regards as to the formation of the #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce #DoD #USDoD #USADoD US Space Force as while there has been #NASA NASA for awhile the realities of which the air space as to such portions of differences as well as which companies which to such military contracts as to the development phases of such factors as to such portions as to the situations of clarifications in the mannerisms of which are admittedly unconventional.
While I can hope for the understanding and to such clarifications as to those who have the background of other such though connected such portions thereof, there is the reality of which the clearance aspects as to the developmental phases as to what as best as I could explain as to how technology programs are a minimum of 20-25 years older than they seem as to such factors as to the ways which the patchwork gets taken care of in regards as to the coding processes. With the additional aspects of which certain individuals who have had the restrictions as to social media accounts depending upon their levels within the various sectors of the United States of America, the situations of such clarifications are of a different variety in such regards as to the backgrounds from such prior times as to the hypotheticals as to such references thereof.
While there might be enough of a pattern of behaviour as to such aspects in reference to the as unbiased as possible aspects as because of if I was ever accused of posting something in a direct capacity of which to needlessly cause drama in such comparisons as to such factors of the ways which can be seen in reference to my journal blog on my website, the differences as to such in regards including to the meme factors of which the clarifications which I would have included such a tagging portion of which the specific naming aspects in the references thereof to compare as to my prior social media aspects as to the capabilities to know and see the differences as to what some may have wrongly accused me of in such capacities as to such comparisons as to the proof thereof as to the point in time as to my updates on my website beginning officially within the month of October in the year of 2019 as to the situations in such regards as to my books as well for the clarifications thereof as to such hypotheticals in the regards of such possibilities. Thus as to the similarities in reference as to the high school graduation as to such factors in reference to the aspects as to my social media accounts as to such hypotheticals as to the ways thereof to the aspects of such proverbially calling out as to such differences as to this point in time of which my updates might make more sense, in such comparisons as to what I hypothetically had wrongfully been accused of as to the ways which such Excalibur Faire references thereof to the aspects of such situations.
While I have made the reference as to simply including the specific link to the posting in my journal blog as to the aspects of if the writing of an opinion piece as to such factors as to what I have put together if there are those as to such situations thereof as to the ways which the reference as to tort law references, the ways thereof as to such factors as to the maintaining of the Freedoms of the Constitutional Rights with the perspective of both sides in the comparisons as to misleading portions thereof as to such hypotheticals as to the ways of the protection of myself while as to such capabilities of others as to their rights as well as to the factors of the right of a truthfully and equal with a fairly balanced judicial aspect in such references as to the social media culture of such possibilities as to while maintaining and sustaining the Constitutional Rights within the additional measures of other such legalities as I would guesstimate as to such factors thereof to such references which admittedly I do not know the specifics as to each and every statute thereof. In the additional portions as to the aspects of which the realities of following the #10Commandments 10 Commandments as to the aspects of the legal terminology of liable/slander as to lying or blasphemy as to such aspects of coveting or such factors of theft aspects in such references to the illegal portions thereof as to such situations which in my opinion can be plainly seen as to such aspects within other laws and statutes thereof, the capabilities of such an ease of the breakdown of which of the laws as to such factors fit into which category thereof in my opinion though admittedly not having gone to law school officially though in such guesstimations as to such factors thereof.
I do actually appreciate the support as to if here is such aspects as I know as to the situations I have dealt with being of a larger capacity in the combinations thereof, and though I make the best attempts possible as to clarifications as to working on such aspects; the realities of such factors of which the additional portions as to what clearance aspects, when taking into consideration the situations of legal justice reform in addition. What would it be to some as to if having dealt with whatever legal aspects as to the voting portions as to what good behaviour aspects of such portions as to the ways which a DD214 could be upgraded after certain lengths of time, as what could be considered as to good behaviour in such references as to the criminal justice reform portions to take into consideration as to law abiding citizens as to such factors in the comparisons as to how some have viewed the situations as to voting rights as to citizens as well as the factors of the border situations as to such comparisons as how many have ever thought about and/or paid attention as to such factors as who has petitioned upon their behalf as to such aspects as to such situations as to the ways which there is the educational portions within various institutions as to such reform aspects beyond what meagre attempts as to such aspects as to some of my writings as to such situations as to my own personal experiences though not having had such a background and yet the physical portions as to how I physically look as to such situations regarding the ways I have dealt with which portions of what situations over the length of time of the years since my hairstyle and my tattoos?
I know my wording is not always the best aspects though I make attempts to be as clear as possible when taking a stand, albeit in the oddest of ways I suppose as to depending upon who is spoken with as to such factors thereof. How many artists have been looked at in one way or another in such comparisons as well, as what differences as to the ways thereof as to such factors as to the opposite wording as to military compared to artistry aspects as to the individual thereof as to such references in comparison as to how some view motorcyclists and/or SCUBA Divers in such references as what does responsibility make as to a difference in such regards as to those who pay more attention to perception in the short term compared to longer and longest terms of perceptions as what do patterns of behaviour translate in such reference aspects?
How could with there only being so many words to make attempts to describe aspects be of consideration to symbology as to various portions thereof, as what could be taken into consideration as to such factors in reference to proven patterns of behaviour as to intentions as am I truly the only one who has had to clarify to such portions of various situations as to the overall conceptions as to the viewpoints thereof?
Thus as to while having not ever planned such portions as to the CFBISD situations as to the aspects of the superintendent Burns, the aspects as to what I informed Phillip Omstead when he brought up simply suing the school and the district as to such a point in time as to the aspects of the Fort Worth Zoo after such situations from the prior year and a half as to if I am accurate as to the majority if all such aspects as to the clarifications thereof; as to the aspects as to the reasons why I had the sensation as to it being far bigger, than just the school and/or the school district and/or the field trip situations. If I am accurate as to such factors as to the majority of portions in such references, then the reality of such aspects as to what is of requirements as to journalism ethics as to such situations in the references thereof to the aspects of which to ensure the truth in such factors I informed of and explained as per the shorter video I had listened to from #GlenBeck Glen Beck a few months ago as to an ironic aspect thereof to the combined factors. In the situations as to Superintendent Burns as to the aspects of the high school graduation as to if there were temper tantrums as to my choice to remove myself from being as close to that individual as to the point in time thereof as to my promise to be at the high school graduation as to such situations, the reality of such a need for the separation aspects as to the combined factors was obvious as to the point in time and was not ever having anything to do with him being at the high school graduation as I had not ever known of such until his name was called to take the stage as to such situations. The situations of reality as to I was dealing with far larger and more important aspects within my life than to care about the speech portions thereof to such a point in time as to my promise as well as taking care of my son and my daughter properly as best as I could as their Mom, was obviously far more important to me than any such situations.
While it would not surprise me as to my biological sister’s involvement as to the ways which she complained about the news article later as to the year of 2008 as to the San Antonio Express News in the references thereof as to how it seemed to make her look even though she was not named in that article, the obvious factors as to other such connected situations as to those types of problems of which it would not surprise me as to other such connection aspects as to that particular individual as to such hypothetical portions thereof as to why my son had preemptively bit her in the behind area as to when in the year of 2003 after he and his sister watched me defend them when she was standing by and doing nothing as the dog Dakota which was the same dog from Illinois as to having attacked my son and my daughter needlessly as to my defense of both of them. Since she did not discipline the dog just the same as to how my biological mother did not discipline the dog when in Illinois in the year of 2002, it was my house which it began in which the aspects of to my VA home loan as to such factors of which my legal right and my legal authority to in the state of Texas and any such connected portion thereof as to my authority to stand my ground as to such protectionary laws thereof to such a beginning point both in that reference as well as in the reference as to other situations up to the year of such connectionary aspects from 2002 through 2008 as to any such connection and associated aspect thereof to each and every aspect thereof as to my self-defense as well as the defense of those who might have been and/or were and/or are impacted by such types of associated individuals and/or groups and/or agencies as to such organization factors as to what would be considered as the opposite of what my Grandpa Gavett worked on as well as what would be considered as opposite as to what work he stood for as to his beliefs as to the situations as to how such would be as to the realities as to such as to what he believed for the United States of America though something I guesstimate he was concerned about as to me as his Granddaughter as to such factors as to having lived through several decades as to the ways which motion pictures had become as to the factors over the timeframe of as well as to how such situations were as to the point in time which he had voiced his concern over such factors as to the similarities as to my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw as to the aspects of music as to the differences between the radio to the records to the A-tracks to cassettes at the timeframe of such portions.
While some aspects might be considered as to certain similarities and yet certain differences all at the same time, the oddities as to the overall #bigbangtheory big bang theory as well as the #stringtheory string theory debate as to the aspects of which technically could be seen in both such situations as to one being directly connected to the other as to which portions thereof as to which came first in such references in both aspects for such physics debates as to such possibilities, as in my opinion it is one in the same despite the obvious aspects as to the aspects as to the chicken and the egg as to which came first in such references as to both being as to such points in time. In that particular debate as to such factors, I suppose it depends upon your purview as to such factors as well as the metaphors thereof. In the reference as to the aspects as to the egg which a chicken lays as to the aspects of being internal as to the viewpoint of such a reference to my opinion, though that particular aspect as to such a portion can be considered as to a different philosophical debate as to such factors. Though I am appreciative and grateful as to such aspects there is the realistic portions in reference as to the energetic work as to such reasons to why the aspects of not having been online as much regarding while working on my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork aspects as to the energetic portions of such aspects, which aside from the situations as to the occurrences as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trip specifically as to the year of 2018 regarding Iowa aspects; the situations of which as to having been working on the process as to what would be the most ideal situation as to what I had the assistance to writing a letter to the #FBI FBI as to the #6888thPostalBattalion 6888th Postal Battalion as to my aspects of such lengths of time as to figuring out the situations in reference to a balancing factor thereof which in turn the Dr. Mary Edwards aspects of which I brought forward initially within the state of Texas as to such situations as to my journal blog in such references as to the thought processes during such lengths of time as to other key factors in the references thereof though aspects as to explaining such portions as to the energetic aspects as to the ways thereof being of minimalistic aspects to which the fuller portions thereof have had the situations as to the oddities, as making attempts to explain such factors as to getting such portions to explain as to the correct wording as to the differences to the overall aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the completed pieces of my Medal of Honor Art Project compared to the aspects of the Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection portions of which such factors as to the additional situations as to the problems in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips in the year of 2018.
What I had arranged for myself as to the aspects thereof while additionally working on the aspects of the prior year’s Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork from my 2017 Medal of Honor Art Project trips as well as the residual aspects as to the solar eclipse of 2017 as to such factors in the references thereof, have been as to such additional aspects of situations as to the aspects of getting such taken care of and correctly explained as to such factors because of the levels of intensity as to all such combined sectors thereof as to such situations in the conjunction aspects as to the energetic portions of the solar eclipse in the year of 2017 as well as the aspects as to the Bethlehem Star in 2020 in the additional factors of what I had arranged for myself though the situations thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips of 2018 as to the portions to the considerations as to the combined factors from the month of August/October 2018 through to the situations as to the current timeframe, and the situations as to the zapping as well as the Mason-Dixon Line aspects in the combinations thereof as to what I had warned people about I once knew as to such points in time before the year of 2013 though such aspects I guesstimate as to some similarities as to the factors as to in my opinion the wrongful lack of belief in me as to my telling the truth the whole time as to such situations.
In turn while I genuinely do appreciate the assistances where possible as to such aspects the reality of such levels of work as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the aspects of the combined factors thereof to the when completed historical and spiritual rubbings as to the overall aspects as to the full completion of my work per piece as to such factors, the ways per piece as to the levels of work as to getting such portions correctly take care of are far more in depth than some may have taken into consideration as to the reality of such factors which can be noticed in the reference aspects as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection beginning aspects officially around the middle of the year of 2020 as to such journal blog entries as to such factors of my murmerings as to the comparisons as to the aspects of the portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to such massive differences as to the comparisons thereof to the combinations of which the timeframes colliding as to the references thereof as to the 6888th Postal Battalion aspects in the regards as to the workings thereof to the differences as to the ways of the Dr. Mary Edwards Collection compared to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker’s Medal of Honor Artwork pieces themselves in such aspects as to the history of such aspects as to what I had made attempts to explain in reference to when in Washington state after first learning about her being the only female Medal of Honor recipient up to the point in time thus far as to such factors as what she had endured as to such aspects as to the length of time as to her having been a POW before her saving and release from such aspects as to such aspects of what attempts I had made to explain such factors as well as to the situations in reference to her work as to such points in time as to the aspects of the sight of which I have had since I was a child as to such factors which I have discussed as well as written about as to the factors thereof.
However hopefully such is clearer as to such aspects for the knowledge thereof as well as the aspects of such clarifications as to the other portions, which I am thankful as to the assistances where as to such aspects and though it is difficult as to the portions of such explanations as to the combinations thereof as to the overall portions of my life; I have genuinely made the best attempts possible for such clarity, as to the situations being far more intensive than some might have known and/or realized as to the ways thereof for the work in such references as to my Medal of Honor Art Project in the generalized aspects of which again the situations as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Medal of Honor Artwork being two separate aspects as one is officially a different aspect to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork whereas the other is officially a part of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork. The differences are capable to be noticed as to such factors, if attention to details as to such factors is noticed in the references thereof to such work per piece as to the genuine care and concern as to respecting the spirit of the Medal of Honor award and maintaining and sustaining such aspects as to the Medal of Honor award as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the differences as to the aspects in reference to my Dr. Mary Edwards Artwork Collection in the comparisons to when the pieces are officially fully completed because of such differences as to the work thereof.
Hopefully, that makes a bit more sense.
