No flash was used though you can see the levels of energy I was dealing with putting the mask on my face with the glare from the metal and metallic fabric, if you pay attention to such.
This 4th of July 2021 is a time of remembrance for me as per what I was going to continue as per a Latin test reference regarding the bonus extra credit aspects, however since the interruption of such a portion then the aspects to which my Medal of Honor Art Project portions of which I am thankful for being able to do my Medal of Honor Art Project though being upset rightfully so in regards and any who had purposefully caused problems by simply lying to me in whichever way had occurred. While I am glad I personally do not owe anyone anything because of when my books were sent through such measures online after the illegal downloading and illegal purging of the information within such books online, at minimum I can be thankful that wiped away all debts which I could ever have owed as well as cleared all aspects to which I can thankfully say the confusion portion of taxes in any area of which online would have had such able to go through has been fully cleared for each and all aspects for me to which I am thankful.
However the portions to which even though the Bronze Star I returned to the Army branch in 2008 during the meeting within the Major General's office with the Colonel and his two aides if the second one was or was not returned, the fact of the ground laying of stone-works needed to also be paid attention to as the fact of such regarding the concrete type used for such a process to which the only one who would have been able to clear such at any point in time was always going to only be me who would have been able to legally make such a decision. While there is not the clarification as to whether or not the Medal of Honor Museum is for such a set of pieces regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project officially, there are those within certain sectors which know and understand the aspects regarding the comprehension of which the stone laying of the foundation is always the most important part of any such situation. If such hypothetically was only or mainly in reference to such then the realistic portions regarding the stone having to be replaced for the requirements thereof the type of work for my Medal of Honor Art Project beginning with a historical and spiritual rubbing of the markers for the art process to begin as to what each individual piece has to have each particular line of paint to each particular portions of which background to each aspects included and well beyond thereof as per the portions specifically referencing the two portions of the historical as well as the spiritual rubbings for such aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project.
Yes, it is a different type of Independence Day for me. For me in reference to this year in 2021 as to the independence as to which has been allotted to me for which I have through words and actions have proven my own intentions whether or not some wished to believe at such times when in person and/or knowing thereof, however the realistic aspects of such books of mine having been released without my permission; is a double edged sword, and quite bittersweet.
The sharp portion and the bitterness aspects are in reference to the different portions of which were known though ignored which the sharp cutting of such aspects as to the lies told to me each and every time whether in words or non-words, in actions or non-actions meant the pain for such cuts were above and beyond what some may have initially thought for such to be done needlessly when I had at minimum known of my first two books FSL being released by my own choices. The rest of the books to which were released without my permission in turn the sharp cutting of which I knew it was released as well as already having arranged the beginning portions of my website to which each lie to me of such while knowing I had already released such regarding the Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing as well as Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing online through links as well as through the Library of Congress as well as having taken and mailed such books to where I had taken and mailed such books, meant there was only the truth which was able to be spoken in whichever ways one chose to do so. If your choice was to speak with me knowing me in person before I wrote and released such books with the compilation aspects after downloading, then such was a choice made. The same in the other direction regarding any furthered books having been released without my permission, though the bitter part on the other side of the slight knowing such had been released and without being truthful pretending as though it was more than what some had thought or was less as others thought. Thus another set of cuts to which I wonder if by the time of one full year if there were those thousand cuts made regarding such and how such cuts were made were by the choice of each who made such choices thereof, while maintaining the aspects of which the regards of the museum in specific more-so would make little sense as to any portion of any furthering after as many letters and books had been mailed to specific individuals throughout the state of Texas and knowing of the fact as to the staff reading such and reviewing such though if such regards thereof are/were known then the pondering as to why when knowing of the truth being extremely important to me; how could such be considered as anything else regarding such, when asking into account as to the situations thereof? If in reference to other books as per some who are into certain movies have been and wishing for a portion regarding such series, the knowledge of none of the situations having actually been real for myself as was written in a fiction format is on top of such another set of cuts in those regards as per I do not speak in metaphors unless I specifically say such is a metaphor which similarly regarding writing as if I am letting you know as a read it is a metaphor through labeling such as fiction then such is a metaphor in fiction.
Thus the double edged sword in regards of both the state of Washington regarding who had known of such and chose to stay quiet and do nothing as seeing such occur while the state of Texas in reference to those I had once known in person who either went up to the Oregon/Washington area and saw and/or found out I was there though had not asked me about how I had arrived to the location when speaking with me, and if they said they spoke with me telling me they knew me as myself as when in the state of Texas compared to having seen someone at an event in Texas and not ever having spoken with them at the event though speaking with them when in Oregon; such miscommunications by such choices to be able to go as such, are as such. I know there was a specific type of female named Sasha in the Velvet Rope who I told her I remembered her from an event in San Antonio Texas at a Temple of Flesh event one year, though I did not remember anything else from the event itself which specific one I had seen her at. I told her I did not speak with her and only saw her on the stage and thought she was beautiful, and nothing more than such regarding that particular event. If there were those in the state of Texas who know of which female Sasha I am referencing, I cannot know what your prior experiences are of such nor of how such went thereafter in a specific way as you would know; however if such situations prior to when I was able to speak with her in 2013 were similar afterwards to when she may have contacted you, then I wonder if there was a situation which the portions for which some did not realize however such was needed that particular clarification for whatever it is worth. However yet again, needless cuts if accurate.
I remembered the portions regarding several different groups of females who had a problem with a house beginning to hold events in the San Antonio area, after meeting him in Austin in 2010 towards the end of that year prior to the re-engagement at the time to that male regarding that re-engagement later in December 2010 just as it had been the prior time of such an engagement though as the prior time had not occurred and gone through to marriage the ironic aspect of which the second time through whichever circumstances thereof. By the time of the situations occurring in San Antonio in 2012, there was an event to which I had brought who I was dating at the time to an event for Exotic Easter in 2011 which I had explained the lifestyle groups within the city of San Antonio to him from the Dallas area; which he did not believe me at first and then when he changed his outfit choice and missed seeing the first two performance portions of when I was on stage for the event, he then complained about what I had warned him about when I was on stage for the third portion of that particular show I had been the poster girl of for as well as the main star character though the poster did not have any of my tattoos showing for the pictures as I was told there was no one who would have attended if they saw all of my tattoos on the poster for the event because of how ugly everything looked as I was told by some who were involved with the process of making that particular poster for that event in 2011; as though I had not already had enough self-conscious situations regarding my tattoos at such times, that definitely was a final set of nails into that coffin proverbially as I simply did not have any need nor want to model after that as can be noticed as per the rest of such times because of the levels to which I learned such had gone though few were believing me at such points in time. That male learned how some who have no training respond to those who wear certain clothing and then the situations of which was warned was similarly blamed regarding the phone call aspect in the basement regarding the landline and all discussions on that landline which the check was written to the Bank of America downtown location for which such phone calls had occurred, which had been a security landline as to what also was being discussed regarding what I was needing to take care of for my daughter #Letters4Lidia as well as my son #Letters4James which as my biological parents and biological sister had denied me as many times as they had meant the information discussed on such a landline in the Dallas County area meant the school McCoy Elementary in Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District which is within the Dallas County Lines was able to listen or at minimum be given such information while my biological parents and biological sister denied ever knowing me while using my son and my daughter as props for their abomination of a wedding in Austin.
I repeat my point regarding the aspects of the Medal of Honor Museum, and the stone situation; if some wish they still have issues accepting such realities, maybe those portions since such a time can give a better view of the stone aspect regarding the foundational situations.
However the one shot as to taking the chance as to going into my email to download the actual files to then process as had been chosen to process meant all such debts ever owed and all such possibilities which were already covered by the Obudsman Whistle Blower Protection clauses whether known or unknown, meant my son and my daughter and I were fully covered legally by such protections in all ways for each aspect sent into such well before I published my books officially. Which in turn the aspects of the in person situations, were as they were for such choices. However I had not taken any situation from the time in Texas for any books regarding PotL for clarification, as such individual situations were specific to the east coast area I had grown up in knowledge of various aspects as per where I grew up walking around and what I had seen when growing up as a child in the various ways as to such though in the creative process of taking such to create Celestial Chastisements for such a series. While some might have thought of such regarding my time in Texas, I am confused as to how many had complained about my remembering New Jersey to then forget the aspects of which the east coast has far more in New Jersey than in the combination of the entire state of Texas which might surprise those who have not been in such a region to travel around in person as New York City and state as well as Pennsylvania also regarding though the only major transformation area is the state of New Jersey as per the transportation aspects thereof.
Thus independence additionally means more than just one or two aspects, personally for me.
In regards of learning of a few smaller subsections of groups which had been followers of the makers of Temple of Flesh and what was a part of regarding the different processes, meant the portions of such followers took measures into their own hands as per the lack of concern regarding how such had gone. I was informed of how only one female had been for the poster girl aspects for years and her followers were not happy as to such choices regarding the change in look while being informed as to how other females chose to use the group to further what was seen as such makers' causes, because of their view as to how the community should be viewed in only one way in comparison to the mutlifaceted aspects to which were needing to be cleared to be more accepted of; though when such discussions occurred, I was told I knew nothing of such makers' decisions and that I thought was not going to align with what the groups they were a part of had wanted for the adult consenting lifestyle. I was told of how certain individuals wore a ring to which I was told contained a powder which would go into drinks, though when I spoke of such few thought I was being serious even though I pointed it out to several individuals; while not thinking about the fact I was doing so at Temple of Flesh events, which then the unknown as to which group was associated with which group or individual. I later had brought such up to the house location individual, however that went unnoticed as such same females were bringing in more females to the house location as per the ability to try to control the situation. The female Discordia AKA Erica had told me the people in the main events at the larger aspects make the smaller parts of the each month events more possible as the bigger events makes the smaller ones able to be paid for, because of what they would be willing to pay to just see and be a part of. When I asked about the morals and the ethics of such choices, I was told there was not allowed any for what I was looking at because of the needs of what was seen for the smaller groups compared to the larger party events. I spoke of such discussions with some from that event in 2011 in the Dallas Fort Worth area as well as Austin and San Marcos areas, though few took me seriously about the situation I was informed of. That same female had pushed once in 2012 for me to mentor some group of female college aged students who I had not wanted or needed to, however because the male was being railroaded in the situation is the only reason why I stepped up to the meeting from the situation. As when meeting with the three younger individuals the two females admitted to lying to the male and the male admitted to not thinking about certain signals which the females acknowledged as per telling him of some medical concerns, which I had informed him he needed to know about the medical aspects before getting involved with someone because of the larger aspects in combination to the what seemed as smaller portions thereof; which those two females had acknowledged the correct portions thereof one female having been extremely interested in Ken a friend at the time of Discordia, as well as the other female who had fallen on a ladder which I was told to stay away from the situation as I had. There were females who were pushed towards certain males which two females with similar length in hair as well as one female shade of hair color being lighter compared to the other female with longer hair having darker color hair, had been brought to the house location via the group associated with Discordia AKA Erica.
After a point in time after the discussions regarding the what was not mentoring though was mediating by correct terminology for such aspects to the three of which I only saw the females afterwards and rarely saw the male at such events, though in honesty because of literally having disarmed my daughter shortly before the timing of the ability to recall what the male looked as would be difficult for me beyond him having darker colored shorter hair and was in college if I remembered correctly just as the other two were as well as Alicia who had been at one of the local community colleges as well as UTSA. I was asked to speak with the lighter hair colored female to get her away from the male because of Erica feeling that she knew better for the male involved in comparison to simply leaving the situation as such as it was not her place to get involved with his relationship with the females in the larger aspect, though because I would not go along with such ever again the comment was that she knew I would regret not choosing her side quickly and would be made to be known why she was going to do as she had to. I told her if she chose to do so I would make sure that everything was explained in full and I would not hesitate to keep who I could safe while destroying the problems she and the others were causing needlessly, to hopefully rebuild for the better because that sort of needless drama was unnecessary to a very specific type of lifestyle of adult consent. I was told it would be better if I did not get involved and if I would just settle with what she could find for me then the settling would do better for me, which I fully disagreed as there was not any need for that to occur as there was no requirement for me to ever settle as settling meant getting less than what I had earned and I was specific about such prior aspects as to I earn what I earn and I will not accept less than what I earn.
Again being thankful for such a clarity regarding the books in the overall aspect, and yet the other portion of the concern about the specifics of written information regarding such safety aspects for myself as well as my son and my daughter along with others associated with such and/or children regarding the specifics thereof.
Nonetheless the unrealistic portions of without the stonework the portions of the historical and spiritual rubbings of such pieces regarding the work in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project would not be impacted by such aspects thereof specifically especially because of the marker being used for such, would be difficult for me to know as to why any would think that would be considered as a safe way to lay such stone works of cement making regarding the known aspects of the valor situations at such times prior to redoing the marker at such a location because of the requirements thereof if in at any way involved or in reference to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project though not specifically discussed with me or told to me of such possibilities officially.
However the amount of situations regarding the thought process as to the levels of which would have been read about would then mean the pondering as to why any would think to lie to my face when in such a known situation, would come across as helpful to me?
Unless it was not ever helpful and only was another set of cuts to cause needless additional problems as though the times I had already been up to in that point were not considered to be painful enough by their standards, which then what standards would they want for themselves in such turn around situations as I do have the common courtesy of such aspects for that sort of metaphor to clarify such aspects in comparison. How would someone who would hate me for not proclaiming that I done anything other than not graduating Basic Training in the Army want to slight me in such a way if looking at a psychological problem of such than to pick a location of which the stolen valor was known regarding my now dead-ex-husband to try to glorify a male who knowingly stole valor from his dad's Class A uniform to falsely accuse more as well as provide fervor of the stolen valor, while trying to bury the facts of the stolen valor while the stone was still in the place wrongly would be a guesstimate. If such was a thought of a more positive view of the location between Dallas and Fort Worth Texas after what occurred in the areas which I drove to get my daughter and my son where they needed to go during such times living in Carrollton Texas, then the stone piece was needing to be replaced after being repaired and fixed before the laying of the foundation and the building of such frames for such a location because of the requirements thereof regarding the historical and spiritual aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project; if that was ever actually within such ideas or plans, which then in such I would guesstimate some probably warned of waiting to do so before working on such as to the specifics of which the historical and spiritual rubbing process not ever being explained to anyone ever before and has not ever been explained since at any time. While I have said I complete the grave stone rubbing, that portion is not in reference to how or what the process is for the historical rubbing and the same in regards of not having explained such in reference to the process of the spiritual rubbing, as well as not having explained the process for the combination to bring together for such a process overall as no one asked me with proper identification clearances to which to ever go into such explanations previously and to which there is the protection of my Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Expression in my earned Constitutional Rights and Amendments which I earned myself as well despite not having graduated Basic Training in or for the Army branch of the Untied States of America. However such overall aspects would have already been done when thinking about in a larger set of ways and even still if anyone wanted to actually impress me, the portions of doing the opposite of everything that was done would literally be the only way to ever accomplish ever doing something in such a way which would ironically piss me off because quite frankly I have believed there is the possibility of love and soulmate aspects though for others in comparison to myself. If there are those who have actually gotten to know me could say of anything which would be the most difficult aspect to accomplish would be to actually have the ability for those sorts of romantic aspects of which while the physical portions can be described those feelings of that type, are not the portions of which most would genuinely quickly think of regarding when speaking with me as I have been described as being a bit cold or stand off-ish regarding the relationship emotional connection aspects of such a type of situations.
I know love while being a Mom thus being able to love and care for my son #Letters4James and #Letters4Lidia as a Mom who cares about them and cared about them while caring about them and more because of the knowledge and understanding for the comprehension of what sometimes, the protective portions are required though also knowing the requirement for the correct compassion for taking care of the daily life and routines thereof. However being a Mom is the only type of love I have known in such a level and such a capacity to which to take steps for my son and my daughter's lives to be able to assist them to grow in a more positively beneficial way to be able to go forward in a healthier aspect, while making sure to be able to take care of oneself as when taking care of responsibilities. However the other type of love which admittedly I had dreamed of the possibility though could not see for myself as knowing what I would need to do when certain visions came forward, the viewing of such sorts of films by Disney where the female has some sort of what-have-you regarding love in such a way has been only viewed in my opinion as a fairy tale as seeing such portions of the beginning phases of love in such a way seemed to be just as imaginary as the cartoon drawings themselves. I know myself and in regards of the only time of ever thinking specifically about a male for only such type of a possibility of that portion of love had been before going into the Army branch a few months back in time, however I also had been having my nightmare at the time which would be required for my decision to be made to push forward despite having thought about actually not enlisting at such a time though glad I had. However that would be the only way to be able to in such regards of that pure romantic and feelings sort of love which the deeper levels of connection are more easily enjoyed per day, in comparison to what has occurred for such portions. I had wanted to show my son and my daughter of there being a possibility of a love life in that regard as to not allow my heart to freeze over however the reality of what was needed more at such times, I could only focus on being and doing as best as a Mom could in such situations. Having irresponsible flings would not teach my children their own responsibilities nor would it have been responsible for myself as per what would need to be properly taken care of, in the short and long and longer to the longest terms possible. Thus while open to such if the other proved such for, however was not sought after in a more specific way for myself with another and while so also was not as open to shenannigans in such aspects. My children meant more to me and I guesstimate my actions prove my words of such, despite the other aspects of their ages being over 18 years old for each while now being 21 years out from my coma waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
What is justice for what occurred to me over the years and by who, for each aspect thereof? What is justice in reference in regards to my son and my daughter, as to what occurred over the years to them because of such?
Thus at minimum I suppose the regards of the independence regarding the taxes while still paying my taxes in each portion as to what I choose to purchase or have a legal agreement regarding of, is one portion regarding the what was planned though not officially written about regarding the Bonus Points and yet the Latin class would have been the metaphor for such which would have easily been seen and known if there were those who had read such as per would be seen in regards of at such portions if thought about in comparison. I have told people that they might wish they could know each and every individual second of what I deal with as well as what I have gone through and yet the aspects thereof is futile because why would you actually want to know what I had fully experienced unless you were and/or are wanting such for you to experience for yourselves, which seemed arrogant to listen to some wish and hope for some portions of what I had gone through only paying attention to what the what was perceived of as pretty compared to what the portions of for such a view as per the overall combined aspects. Such groups of females involved with Temple of Flesh as well a such groups of males involved with Temple of Flesh during the time frames which I had been a part of the group at such times which were during the years of legal investigations within the city of San Antonio as well as in the state of Texas for a multitude of situations such as the rave and Brackenridge as well as the aspects regarding the after effects and how my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury had occurred, which in turn such explanations already having been given would remove any legal wish to try to sop writing or speaking of such truths as per the legal investigations to such aspects and would also go against my Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press regarding The Ornery PSA in reference to the Constitutional Rights I had earned and preserved myself.
I did not have such loyalty to Temple of Flesh which was known to most because of the females regarding the poster girl situation, and I had begin my time in the lifestyle long before the event which I had been pulled onto the stage in San Antonio at as that was in 2007 or 2008 or 2009; whereas I had been involved officially in the San Antonio lifestyle scene in 2004 December time frame, and I did not begin going to Temple of Flesh for such times. I also had unofficially though officially been introduced to such portions of some of the aspects in a specific set of ways back when mainly being a teenager and being a beard for a few friends of mine I knew growing up to help them understand from the knowledge as to who had more experience to explain the wording for the ability to accept oneself outside of the portraits of what was considered as acceptable, compared to just simply being accepted. There is a difference to seeing such a way as what is considered as acceptable is not always considered accepted and what is accepted is not always considered as acceptable, to which such a balance and fine tuning for clarifications in my opinion needed to be created as such ease of knowledge and understanding had been known to me back when I was a child growing up into a teenager in the tristate area while living in New Jersey. While I suppose some form of sentiment may have been seen by some who knew me at one point in person regarding times after I woke up from my coma, though such portions of which the tristate area has been far ahead of multiple curves throughout time has been overlooked oddly quite incorrectly. Nonetheless the portions regarding the aspects of what loyalties were where, I began in the BDSM lifestyle officially in San Antonio Texas and not the swinger community; however I began in the LGBTQP community as well as seeing the BDSM and the Swinger communities in the 1980s and 1990s while being more heavily involved with the LGBTQP community first, then the BDSM community, and then later on regarding the Swinger community though acknowledging I enjoy speaking with swingers though that does not make a swinger to simply speak with some of the community just as it is now more well known that speaking with a homosexual to another of the same gender is not going to make you one of the homosexual aspects unless you are.
It was well explained to several people mainly the females of such groups as to my perception, to which then the situations regarding the differences of the fact I am a Female Dominant and the situations regarding their particular view of any female who could ever be a Dominant and their inability to see the difference or know of any difference regarding the Female Dominant compared to the Female Dominatrix, of which then the opposite aspects of which while doing what I could to explain such in such settings was seen as unrealistic in such settings while not forgetting male Dominants who would think such as a game compared to simply just accepting as such for certain situations.
Since I was informed the prior poster girl had a relationship of some type with Steve as I was informed of through John AKA Celtic Cowboy and the same male who had been heard at a club in Killeen telling people in the club that he knew me and would assist as per a discussion from a time when two who had heard him do so had told me, he had showed up to the photoshoot on his own as he knew the schedule through myself though also through Steve and had stopped by for whatever was thought to be the normal aspect when I had not responded as he preferred which I left quickly thereafter his arrival because of prior situations regarding Excalibur Faire as well as the San Antonio Pagan community to which others including his ex-wife would be able to give more details of as to from their experiences as to why I ran though was able to be brought up only once in 2012 as per the event going on for the following Exotic Easter which I was not allowed to be a poster girl for as I was told without asking as well as the ways of which being kept outside of the event in comparison because I had noticed people using cellphones to record the dungeon area of the event and my personal knowledge as to how such Dungeon Master aspects were supposed to be regarding such types of rules via the Dominant Mentor Program and other locations. However knowing of the fact of which such associated events to that particular group in comparison to other groups had publicly taken pictures and allowed such in the main areas of the club though unknowing if in other areas of the club and/or events thereof, any who had ever been to Temple of Flesh public events and/or Gloryhole Girl events and/or etcetera as I only went to those public type of events in comparison to what else might have been going on anywhere else at any other time between more specifically though other such aspects thereof depending upon who you are and your involvement in the adult consenting lifestyle; each one of those public events including at The Church and the club Purgatory, each allowed cameras as well as cellphone pictures and videos for such events, because of the type of locations thereof. If having chosen to allow photography inside of any event in any other location in comparison for if for example rules were changed for more than just the Dominant Mentor Program for interior pictures of events, then such situations are for such individuals' discussions thereof and the same for whichever house party events. Personally I did not take any pictures myself nor did I ask anyone to take pictures of me though I did appreciate the ones I had been sent regarding the public events to post on my fetlife and facebook pages for the clarification aspects, though not for my own personal aspects as I simply figured the pictures were simply taken because of the multitude of people in the event on stage or maybe something in the background to when I performed on my own was of worth for such pictures. Otherwise I simply thought everyone at each of those public events had known of such pictures being taken, as per the realities of others having posted such pictures as well as other pictures online. However such events and locations who may have arranged such was unknown to me officially for arranging such or who specifically they worked for, though I know of being told by Pita of Craig who would only work with newer models for his projects when I spoke with her about such just before going towards San Antonio in 2012 though in 2011.
Knowing such situations regarding my involvement with the lifestyle before the problems regarding McCoy Elementary School I also knew if I stopped being myself, then they would look for something more either way as per such aspects of the fact the law firm would only find what they could find and if the slightest change in who I am was ever noticed the problems which the law firm would use such as a way to try to wrongly falsely accuse me of hiding would be simple for such types of people as per having already seen what occurs in such situations when growing up in New Jersey.
Thus, I remained myself the entire time while informing others as to the truth of the situations I was dealing with as such portions which to pretend to be someone else means the problems from which the telling of lies causes.
As such has been seen and noticed as such has been seen and noticed, the regards of which the 4th of July has quite a bit more significance to more than my Medal of Honor Art Project as per the multitude of events which has occurred on the particular day of the 4th of July.
Thus if the non-challenge to do worse to me was wished for in regards of the non-challenge then I suppose you are a success as my now dead-ex-husband did not go as far as to build anything regarding such aspects for me in any way while knowingly using a location which would be considered as significantly hurtful because of the combined situations thereof to choose such a spot to honor those who earned valor in comparison to stealing valor while having ignored what I did by the choice to specifically not speak of such honestly, which I suppose if that was the idea for such a non-challenge then you win. Congratulations, if that was what you were wanting however such ramifications for accepting such to yourself had been warned of as well as per the overall situations thereof regarding the definition of consequences and the different types thereof. The only way to undo such a situation though to untangle those webs of which regarding the historical and spiritual rubbings of if in regard of my Medal of Honor Art Project does mean the same aspects as to the marker at the Dallas/Fort Worth National Cemetery as was supposed to be corrected regarding such marker attributes, though if it was a part of such a choice. The independence from such energetic portions with the culmination of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips probably might make additional sense to the timings of regarding the bugs in Idaho as well as the Solar Eclipse timing in 2017, if the portions regarding such discussions and timing are relevant to such aspects of planning and/or ground work aspects if any accuracy is there for such a reference regarding such a type of military museum and the pieces of which from other locations which were completed in truth would require such a truth thereof regarding such a clear location for such historical and spiritual rubbings for my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces if such was discussed and/or thought about regarding the taking of my pieces from the locations I had taken such to for such purposes are a part of such ideas which were not discussed with me in person though a few phone calls and/or text messages though none officially known when in person officially as per such other details on my website.
In reference to the San Antonio Temple of Flesh Exotic Easter event in 2011 which the Pervs in Toyland show had been the particulars of such the storyline, the male I was dating at the time Patrick Kennedy who was Director of Security was warned about the realities involving the aspects of being a Director of Security and the safety protocols required within his contract for the morality clause which he refused to acknowledge as well as refused to acknowledge the portions of going to San Antonio with the military aspects in the city. The submissive male portion as to how he preferred that portions of at that time life to be consensually at such times was not the problem so much as the problem was him wanting to be seen with me in the particular portions of such which his job was not going to allow such without the proper preparations for such protocols for such a lifestyle as the types of situations required for such an event would be necessary to be in place prior to going out to such an event because of whatever his job entailed and whatever was occurring at the Bank of America building in Dallas, which he was also told of the people who he had told about the event could have the ability to travel to see such and how that would be perceived if that was the case would be important to keep in mind. Instead of the realities being paid attention to at my warning, he chose to pack a hooded mask with a collar attached to the neckline which he also had been warned to simply wear the top hat with the ears instead to simply be able to blend into the crowd overall as well as to be able to see more clearly as the hooded mask had only perforated eyes in comparison. At the event the choice to wear his hat to the ears with the top hat while at the event initially then when he did not get the attention he wanted from the clothing choices when standing next to me, he wanted to go back to the hotel room to pick up the hood to change his entire outfit which I warned him against before also telling him of having to be on the stage shortly. I warned him of the fact of being in San Antonio Texas and the military bases and the connection to such aspects, though he did not listen to my warnings as he thought it would be okay; yet I warned him of the Director of Security job position regarding the need to blend into the background for him which that was not considered as important and I warned him if he did not change his ways then he would bring far more trouble to the DFW lifestyle scene, than he would have ever been able to have helped as he continued to bring up his ex-girlfriend at the time still. I was on stage before he returned and as after the second act and still not having seen him, the female Shauna was told to help me switch my corset over for the final portion of that show which the corset was put on upside down when she wrapped it around me and though I told her I needed to look at the corset in the mirror; she told me the rest of the cast would be done soon and it did not matter how my corset looked to her or them because it was Steve's show in which I explained then they would want the show to go better with the correct attire compared to what she was doing, and I was told she and her friends have been a part of the Temple of Flesh than I had been and was why Steve had chosen her to set me up to get ready for the show at the event as she knew what his plans were as she said. As soon as the corset was tied up I knew something was wrong even before then however she pointed out other aspects, while I readjusted my pasties to make sure to remain covered as I was concerned and when I turned around Shauna was upset to see I had covered everything before she had put on my corset and then was wanting to switch the arrangement to what was originally supposed to be for the outfit though the other females started yelling at Shauna and I to get to the stage or else.
The portion to getting to the stage meant going through the hallway and up the stairs to get to the stage for which I had lead the revolution of the different character toys against the characters named the bitch and the douche, while the character of the Toy Master had given the moral of the story along with me at the end; which the show had gone as such had gone, though I was later informed of other problems as per my warnings as to the mask. When I was walking around afterwards to then be found by Patrick Kennedy to tell me about how he had a female who called him over to where he was to pull on his collar and he said he had to defend himself from her grabbing all over him while drinking, he was upset at me for not being able to show me which female had done so to him to discuss the etiquette portions as to the lifestyle differences as I had already known would be a situation. I did not ever sign a contract with Temple of Flesh as such was not required for the poster girl as I was told and thus I laughed at the pass when at the event knowing a different meaning to such, and giggling to myself of the lack of contract meant the canceling of the portions of the pass for the subverted ways as to such a choice; if that had been a situation regarding prior models and what was known to them about such, or if it was a hidden message as to the lack of a contract meant the following year was not fully arranged as of that point in time yet and though my thoughts go as they do it seemed to work out in either case because of the problems already going on far too much and needing the ability to calm was important.
The fact of repeatedly telling Patrick Kennedy as to why he should not have gone to the hotel room to change clothes and then return to the event, simply did not sink in when looking back now at the short time afterwards from returning to the Dallas Fort Worth area which was when the question about the phone charges to Austin occurred as those phone calls were over 2-3 months old from the time he had been asked about such as though it was an in waiting sort of situation which I can see now though felt then. Later he was put as a security patrol before then going onward to the DeLoitte company for a similar in a way situation of Security Director, however then when in regards of an event when he along with the Dallas/Fort Worth ClubFEM group went on stage at the Halloween Gloryhole Girls event which Temple of Flesh had been a part of as well as back in San Antonio visa versa for that group as that was the time for when what was the Uniform Fetish Ball had been however after the performance which I had danced to The Star Spangled Banner; that was the first time the poster girl, had been someone different for the print flyers. Up to that point she had been the only or one of only a few females who were a part of the poster flyers which in the adult industry in comparison in her thoughts compared to myself knowing all was connected in multiple ways, though I had heard the squabbling amongst the females who were upset as to being in the green room with her and speaking with her as though she was a normal human being which I saw her as herself which I had not understood what any of the other females' problems were at such a time. Even she herself was surprised I was speaking with her which I asked why and she explained the other females refused to speak with her or look at her in her eyes and she almost started to cry in the room because she said it was the first time a female had looked at her in her face for awhile, up to such a point. I did not understand what she meant and I did not know why she was crying, which I grabbed a tissue from the Kleenex box to hand over to her while fixing a bit of her makeup. It was and admittedly still is confusing to me as to know of the adult aspect while seeing the adult clothing while knowing what occurred at such locations and/or associations thereof, which confused me as to why such would be a problem for anyone in the slightest as each at the event was an adult who consented as far as I knew to be at the event. A male who was with her had tried to enter the room which I ran to the door to stop him and ask if he could give her and I a few minutes as her makeup needed tending to, which he said he would wait outside of the door to be able to wait for what she needed.
I was told had been the usual poster girl who was the blond in the Barbie Girl costume in 2011 who looked similar to one of Felecia's friends from the San Antonio Stay at Home Mom's group and the wedding situation with the cake I created, though it had been so long it was impossible for me to remember at that length of time from when that female was upset about people not attending her wedding reception because of the San Antonio Spurs and Dallas Mavericks Championship Playoff game and she was also mad at me for agreeing with the people who chose to go to the box office seats in comparison to the wedding reception as she knew the game playoffs were during that time and she knew that she was living in San Antonio. She then was mad at me for being upset for her choice to throw away the entire 3 tier wedding cake I created from scratch and made the designs by hand myself for what number she said would be 300 people, though much less had arrived for the event which after thinking about the size of what cake I had made I think it may have been a bit more than for 300 people which then her anger towards throwing such away only upsets me more because I told her she could have given it to the Police or the Fire Department or the EMS or leave it at the Fire Department Hall for them to know if there would be a place which could eat the food instead. Some of the females I saw and heard running around almost seemed similar to such regards of the attitude comparatively, though as time from then later would tell as to which situations were involved with which situations.
The ironic twist of the title Pervs in Toyland regarding the SCUBA Diving and one afternoon when Steve and Mike were talking about something as the dirt was arriving at the house location when I walked by, the two nodded and one said "It is a proven fact, she did do it."
I looked over at the two and asked what was going on as they both took a step backwards from me saying they were talking about some water issues, which if in regards of such after my SCUBA Diving gear had been taken from the UHAUL by such an arrangement then the aspects as to the ripping of my skin and what claims were made of me falsely regarding comments as to what was wrongly accused of me saying would be ironic for such to have stemmed from such a location as that is pretty much a feeling as to when opening the SCUBA Diving bag in reference to other aspects because of as per a different vision premonition though that first vision was in 2003 whereas the Irving situation was at the end of 2011 and the official feeling in full of that vision in 2003 occurred in 2012 shortly before having to take my daughter to the emergency room and later disarm her at the BAMC/SAMC Emergency Room. I am thankful I drank all of the vials samples I had collected from the time of that SCUBA Dive trip, though such could have been more beneficial if I had actually taken my own SCUBA Dive bag to the Navy and Marine Special Warfare Unit to explain myself instead of a covert operation to steal such and then destroy the work I had done to get such to the location myself without any individuals who were considered as compromised. However since no one officially asked me nor simply told me the truth, when in Oregon where as I was told a female nicknamed Jessica Rabbit lived which was one of Steve's girlfriends at some point in time happened to be in 2013; was the electrocution not enough additionally to everything I was already dealing with, after the fact of not once ever having been paid for any of the performances I had been a part of? I made the initial contact about performing for each group regarding in my dancing to which none of the individuals had ever given me the money as I was the one who contacted them, thus if they gave my money to someone else who did not contact them; I do not know as to why such a choice would have been made as per learning of such cash payments, only afterwards in 2012 from one of the security guards saying all were paid in cash and I was not informed as to such ever until then which I can recall. However such individuals who would assume only the worst of me when not taking into consideration anyone around me at such times only because they physically looked normal compared to what had been said repeatedly about my physical appearance to my face as well as online, that is for your own thoughts as to how such in such times was to be seen in the longer terms as per such situations known to be going on additionally specifically in my own life as I had not hidden such and seemingly or wrongly or what-have-you thinking there would actually be the ability to make and keep friends despite knowing I am not the swiftest to ever get involved in a relationship.
I do not know how others viewed such lifestyle aspects of the adult consenting behaviour however personally I knew all were adults biologically which meant being able to speak with about any topic was available and an option far more than in other situations in my life at such times as even in regards of SCUBA Diving, my son and my daughter were not the only children who were running around the shop and/or the lake and/or the hot springs at times as the Junior Seals starts at 12 years old at the time and the shop had children swimming classes in the pool which meant such discussions were always off limits to me at such times, as children do not need to know the specifics thereof regarding adult consenting behaviours and without the distinct difference in the SCUBA Diving shop meant there was not the requirement to ever discuss any aspects regarding my modeling at the time which I was not being paid for up to such points in time if anyone had ever thought to ask or think about as it was supposed to be where there was an equal aspect if the pictures were sold though initially the trade for print or trade for CD though if the pictures were sold I was supposed to get 35% for most of the pictures though other contracts were for 50% of the profits whereas only one contract had been for 25% as I made sure to read through each contract before signing such to ensure I knew to understand and comprehend the fullness of what was going to be owed to me for payment as I was looking at the long term aspects as to how such could assist financially to get going in a different direction than some had been a part of as I had seen in person as well as online regarding certain models in the Texas areas at those times. The SCUBA Diving gear bag being taken despite the photo albums being given back to me was where I was not able to allow myself to continue any further without being asked with the specific details of, as there were multiple portions as to why I made specific choices for myself. While some wish they could blame a relationship the reality is as others who dated me though few would be able to say is their involvement at such times, had nothing to do with whether or not I was going to model.
That choice solely had to do with my SCUBA Diving gear being taken from me without my permission as I was going to take it exactly where it needed to go, with the explanations of the fullest portions regarding such SCUBA Diving in comparison to what I had briefly written thereafter such times as the additional aspects in my life were already too much to bear and having already explained what occurred on JBSA regarding the disarming of my daughter meant there was nothing I could muster to simply go along as I once had as the situations were beyond being anything of much value after such beyond taking care of my son as best as I could while taking care of myself as I could. However the irony of taking the time in reference to the Halloween event in Portland Oregon and what I had silently whispered to myself of if there was a win for the last minute entry I was going to do, I would then return to modeling however since the choice was for a different couple instead of a single individual as per the category then I simply full walked away from modeling because of such a situation when listening to the rest of the people after getting off of the stage as the choice was for the wrong category and all who were there at that event watched the rigging of a live situation in front of their eyes as everyone heard the winners was for the single female competition and at the end of all of the people going on stage when announcing the single female competition winner was a couple instead; there was an uproar throughout the crowds in the different areas and when getting to the Velvet Rope that was not any different as to multiple people looking for the female in blue who should have won because they were upset she had not won and while I was cleaning and preparing in the back kitchen after changing clothes and speaking with some people about other topics while hearing such when others were walking by, after the third or fourth time I wondered who they were speaking about of a female in blue.
Thus in reference to Independence Day if there were ever those who wondered why I stopped modeling, the freedom was gone the second my SCUBA Diving gear bag was stolen and I knew how much damage was going to be caused because of that one singular choice by whomever made such a choice. I had worked extremely diligently to preserve everything perfectly and that one choice cost me everything because of the unwillingness of others to simply wait just another 12 hours, as I was not going to risk taking that to a military installation when a male submissive cared more about being in a picture than the safety of being a Security Director of the Bank of America. However, why would my perception have mattered at such times to anyone? Why would that singular choice of choosing to not take Patrick Kennedy onto the military base of JBSA be seen as to other situations regarding the lifestyle scene in a combination of, to be able to explain in more full details as to each others' accounts as to what occurred before going to San Antonio in 2011 in April to the timeframe between to Halloween 2011 of such similar events; to then the time afterwards initially before I returned to San Antonio Texas in 2012 to the timeframe of 2013 by the month of June. Is it not sickeningly ironic the day I was in the San Antonio Family Court was either the 6th or the 7th of June 2013 when I stood on my own by myself without anyone I knew in person speak with me who I knew for longer than a few months, at such a time? I could not think of a worse thing to do to someone as per the knowledge such had to do because of my dead-ex-husband having stolen valor and the repercussions of such to my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, and myself as well as the fact of the San Antonio Express News having been emailed about the updated information regarding the forced situations to which in a military city their choice to ignore the facts of what the journalist was actually told in the meeting as he only used a pen and paper to take notes compared to recording the entire discussion which was fully explained and thus instead of explaining how the portions had been or simply leaving the name labeling as the friend of...; the journalist's choice to lie about any aspect as to a willing fiance, did not assist such aspects for any portion of my son or my daughter or my life as the latter portions were what as was for such a time. What would have made my life much easier in the portions regarding all such situations only continued the spiraling to which what life was, is what life was.
There is one huge ironic twist of which the day of 6th or 7th June which has proven in a different way as a day, in which lives in infamy albeit in 2013 additionally and the arrangement of the stand being similar to a small island as to how such similar aspects to feelings regarding the Pearl Harbor attacks as the rest of the United States of America was able to forget while the islanders and those who live on such islands would remember far more than just one portion of the events that day in comparison. Today being Independence Day, well I know I am definitely independent and those who have read FSL and The Modern Day Book can definitely see as to how much so as well as what it took to be as such despite how much and how many had said and wrote as they had said and wrote.
However my Medal of Honor Art Project rubbing pieces being prepared is as such is for the day of the 4th of July 2021 as quite frankly regarding such aspects are as they are, as without the aspects of what the American Flag stands for even something as simple as a female being able to go to a school and/or run a school is possible because of the beginning portions and continued work from those who had been a part of the United States of America's Armed Forces which despite what situations in a smaller way have occurred for some people the larger overall aspects are important to then make sure of the smaller pieces being properly taken care of and squared away properly in comparison. Attention to detail, is important.
Though the tax situation despite the books and how such had occurred regarding such a choice meant the lack of any legal culpability for such aspects as well I suppose thankfully by whoever made such a choice, despite the other portions regarding such other aspects of which the accomplishments thereof I had completed myself were as such are and that is what it is. I suppose that is one different way to which letting freedom ring, make s bit of a different set of cents.
I know, two thirds of a pun.