Only because of the fact Halloween is around the corner this month and since life has been as such for this point in time, I am in the mood to go over such details. Having been born and raised in #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey as well as walking around the tristate area, I have gotten to the point which knowing Halloween is coming up this month, as to the facts of which to the time of the month for the year as to one of a few holidays I have enjoyed since I was a child well before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury 21 years ago I figured I could write about such while taking care of other situations at the same time. For those who did not know about how I had been online as much to this level back in the years more specifically of 2010 through 2013 as to both on #facebook Facebook and #fetlife fetlife as my biological associated aspects would only have specifically paid more attention to facebook, their ignorance to other such aspects as to online portions would lead them to believe the amount of typing online I had done is abnormal and yet for those who knew me on both Facebook and fetlife this would be considered as normal in all such comparisons.
As the internet is bigger than the world and yet at the same time the internet is shrinking to be able to fit the world in a different way, it is a situation of which as I had emancipated myself to not have to be involved with the ways which I fully disagreed with the lack of morals and the lack of ethics as well as the lack of etiquette regarding the biological aspects is another reason to bring such details forward. I refused to be a part of multiple situations my biological mother, biological sister, and biological father were a part of; to which because of my right to choose as to what was something to either refuse to be a part of or be involved with, I had already chosen not to be a part of their particular preferences and without ever having any discussions as to the lack of communication from those types of people as their preference had always been to force in comparison to discuss I have repeatedly refused such because I refuse to be forced without any communication as to the discussions for any needs.
The fact of the internet being larger in the beginning than the space in the world around the earth was known to those who were in the know, of which those who were in the know of such would not ever assume any knew of such details without such realities being brought forward to such discussions. In the references as to my website as to the size of the internet, why would I ever think or believe anyone I once knew and/or met in person would ever know of such when there are billions of websites on the internet? Would it be considered as insanity and/or the lack of clarity of any such individual I once knew as to ever try to use any aspect as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury for not ever having brought such details up and/or telling others not to bring such up, in comparison to my simply being humble which can be seen in reference to the performances I had done in regards of the years of 2010 into 2012 as to not bringing such up not because of my lack of appreciation as to the ability of such aspects; though because of not ever having been shown or told how such would be more appropriate as to the levels of what was being dealt with, at such times? Could anyone who has the capacity to think about such details actually need such pointed out, or were it only assumptions as to such times in such references? Just because of being born and raised in New Jersey and the tristate area does not mean I had anything to do with the more well known aspects, as my personality very much shows which levels of New Jersey and the tristate area as to my preferences in comparison to others hypothetical assumptions because of the ways which my biological sister had always been in comparison to the ways which I had always been.
In my opinion the lack of discussions only shows the lack of maturity, as I prefer to actually know details in comparison to the ways those individuals have proven as to only blindly follow in comparison to think. In turn for such clarifications to the additional factors as to the amount of times I saw each of those individuals make the choices they made, I have the right to choose as per my own morals and ethics. My morals and my ethics despite how I physically look, are far more in line in comparison to the fact of their ability to blend in physically and yet their morals and their ethics or realistically in my opinion the lack thereof such morals and ethics are why I have repeatedly done what I could to #socialdistance socially distance myself away from those types of people and those types of situations. If there is any connection of those people to what occurred in reference to the rallies planning in downtown #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas #TX #Texas #TXstate #Texasstate Austin Texas, then my reasons to socially distance myself permanently from those types of people makes more sense when taking into consideration if those people had encouraged any such types of behaviour as to the open carry of firearms while telling people to lie about knowledge while holding firearms whether open carry and/or concealed as to the facts of the clarity of the mental health as to being able to have the intelligence to be honest as to when having such amounts of firearms to the #2ndamendment second amendment, though would be in line to the ways my biological mother and my biological father had been in reference to the tristate area shortly before the times of moving to Illinois in the year of 1998 as they had been a part of knowing and helping the group of individuals who had been in the office area which practiced for if there ever was an airplane which flew into the #WTC #WorldTradeCenter World Trade Center, of which that particular office area was the only office full of people who had everyone escape on the day of 11 September 2001 and survive.
My biological mother discussed such on a phone call as well as in person after they moved from Illinois to Texas, of which when they had decided to move to Texas and because of only remembering certain points as to such times; I did everything I could to warn people within the areas of Texas as to what I could remember already up to such a point, though I had really kicked such levels upward as because of having picked up the energetic sensation that the people within the state of Texas needed to know of such realities. Few believed me or wanted to believe me as to whatever their issues were as to such times and as time went onward others’ opinions have been others’ opinions, to which in certain references both in regards of the facts as to the tristate area as well as the situations as to how I wound up in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state if any such connection to my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my biological sister; all of the individuals I had warned when I was involved in the adult consenting supposedly lifestyle as to those individuals, the lack of concern as to my safety and my best interests is able to be proven as to such levels thereof because of the facts able to be seen as to my not ever having been in the west coast area before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the plant life looking similar to the east coast of which my biological father had once done business in the west coast area of the United States of America in Washington state which for clarifications to those who had claimed that the aspects as to my biological parents were not cruel and unusual in their punishments towards me.
I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out how they had always been cruel and unusual towards me because of their proven hatred of me by their choices and actions in comparison to whatever words they wish would be good enough of which the full ability to see why I would use the word emancipation when remembering I had sent the application for a book in the year of 2011 to Tye Publishing and my biological mother doing the coding portions as to my laptop at such times of which the push for the emancipation process when I was a teenager as well as the reminders thereafter, as to being able to be in the full view as to why in conjunction as to the violations as to the #13thamendment 13th Amendment as to any such connection as to my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my biological sister as to any such problems as to receiving my royalty check and my royalty payments as to their proof of their lack of humanity and their lack of concern in all such ways as to why they and all such connections to their has always needed to permanently stay away from me and out of my life permanently as well as away from where I live as well as away from my belongings as they have not ever helped nor assisted me in ways which I would see or find as beneficial to my best interests and such aspects is permanent as I refuse them permanently as they have repeatedly proven such aspects which includes any and all of their connections which would act on their behalf. Each time I have written about such online is an official statement as to the requirement for the restraining order against such individuals in person to my in person as well as the restraining order against such in all such references to my online aspects in full, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out and each individual time I have written of such which again under oath is a reminder as to their requirement and their associations which act hypothetically on their behalf requirement to remain away from me and mine permanently as they have not ever assisted me or helped me in my best interests and unless doing so for my best interests and my highest good there is no need for those types of people to ever be involved with me and/or my works.
Amen, for clarifications. I have every right to have stood my ground against those people as they made the choice to go to Texas only to stalk and harass me while trying to outrun their past behaviors in comparison as to the fact I am the type of individual who goes to clarify, as per the proof thereof. Those people have been a type of different terrorist group and though those who have hated how I am and have hated how I physically look, take a look at the differences as I am the type who keeps to myself unless pushed and only when I am attacked or see the requirement to defend do I have anything to do with such situations. Unlike the truthful aspects of such to the opposite regarding my biological aspects, those people stir up drama needlessly and I have always hated such about that of them and they hated the fact I refused to ever play their games. Look at “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as to their involvement with “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” and pay attention to the details, and keep those of that and theirs away from me and out of my life and away from what is not and has not ever officially begun as theirs as they have not ever cared about me and they have not ever cared about my best interests.
#freebritneyspears #freebritney The term Free Britney as to Britney Spears truly does seem quite appropriate as to the hypotheticals involving those types of people, and those of which have such proof thereof as to those people’s connections only show such additional portions of their lack of genuinity and their lack of care and concern in humanity. The aspects to any such involvement of my biological mother and/or my biological father as to the downtown Austin rallies knowing I would be there and the situations as to the firearms, is proof as to what I had brought forward as to the situations of which they had preferred the communist and socialist views as to the CCP in comparison to ever genuinely caring about the state of Texas as well as the United States of America. Pay attention to details, and pay attention to learn from history otherwise you people are doomed to repeat the patterns of behaviour for such. Here is an idea since as many who have repeated history have failed to learn, why not try something new and different? How about actually thinking instead of getting upset as to my words, and pay attention to the situations thereof to actually contemplate intelligently in comparison to having your feelings about words get you upset when what innocence do you have to such words as well as what innocence do you have to back up your intentions?
Halloween is a favorite time of year for me because of the time I would get to spend with my Big Blood Brother who lived next door to my babysitter Sony/Sonja and Joe/Jose Castro, which is also why I enjoy #Christmas Christmas because of he same reasons after being older to not be babysat at such times. I was able to spend time with my Big Blood Brother actually named Damien of which because he went to a different school and being able to spend time with him and update one another as to what was occurring in our lives, is why those two holidays are my favorite holidays because of the memories of such from the times thereof. Those who did not know as to such would show their lack of knowledge of me in such truths, and would prove their lack of ever knowing me to begin with which in turn would mean their lack of any such need to ever actually be involved with my life when I have not consented to such involvement in my opinion. As I have proven my capabilities to officially defend myself appropriately as to the #Dinwiddie #DinwiddieVA #DinwiddieVirginia #VAstate #Virginiastate #VA #Virginia Dinwiddie Virginia court coherently, there is no excuse nor cause nor reason for any such involvement of my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my biological sister and/or my son #Letters4James and/or my daughter #Letters4Lidia to ever be involved with any choice only I have the right to make and such under oath portions as to the reminder that in a court situation once you raise your right hand to take the oath to tell the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth is not actually ever removed and thus by technicalities legally anyone who has ever testified in a courtroom and has had to raise their hand to take such an oath if they have willingly without undue pressure lied whenever they had spoken in any such way whether with words audibly and/or whether online as to typing would officially mean by technicalities they lied under oath and would be automatically punishable by such offences no matter what the length of time from such as to the official standards as to the technical fact there is not the removal of the oath to tell the truth as to when in a courtroom and thus online in the social media portions of which to tell the truth automatically as well for such aspects in conjunction by legal definitions and legal technicalities.
I suppose if hypothetically anyone had testified under oath and they chose to ever lie, they would be afraid from this point onward as to the facts of such technicalities and the aspects of patterns of behaviour as well as free will choices in the comparisons as to what I personally have dealt with. In turn those individuals would probably be more afraid as Halloween gets closer because of the known factors as to Halloween, beyond the time as to now having allowed people to be informed of my time with my Big Blood Brother Damien. Happy Halloween early, my Sadistic Empress joke as to such a name portion if anyone ever had the intelligence to pay attention to details correctly aside to being able to read such aspects on fetlife would actually need to think about childhood times in comparison to the times of biological adult aspects. What did you do as a child when playing with the opposite gender, and what did you do in groups with the opposite gender in different references of influence? My Big Blood Brother and I had entertained the aspects as to the females as to others having been babysat at Sony/Sonya and Joe/Jose’s house, of which are there any females who discussed weddings when they were children? My Big Blood Brother is my Big Blood Brother, and we made our own choices to protect one another as to various ways as to our ways. My Big Blood Brother Damien and I have always protected one another in our own ways, and that is what it is.
However, Happy Halloween early. If I choose to get involved with a marriage, it is under my terms only and not under anyone else’s terms for clarifications. Unlike some people, I know better than to upset and annoy my Big Blood Brother just as unlike some people I know how to respect the dead as well as respect the living as per the repeated patterns of behaviour in all such comparisons to what I have seen though so too in reference to my Big Blood Brother Damien.
There is a lesser known aspect to the lore of the #NewJerseyDevil #NewJerseyDevillore New Jersey Devil which I had searched for online to see if there were any verifications from what I remembered from growing up in New Jersey, though admittedly had not found as to what I recalled from such times as to when a child. I cannot recall if I had read about such or if I had been old as to the oral traditions thereof as to the aspects of the lesser known portions, though I suppose for whatever it is worth as to such aspects as to the ironic portions of being closer to #Halloween Halloween as to the timing of oddity; as to the multifaceted aspects of this being the first year I have been able to be along the east coast since the year of 1998 as to the time before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, of which I did not think it took a head injury to explain to people as to such aspects as to the timeframe especially when taking into consideration the cognitive portions of which I did not think it took a head injury to figure out anyone with a degree would need to have some actual intelligence in comparison to artificial or automated intelligence as to only knowing the book information in comparison to actually having the intellectual capacity to think for oneself correctly. I did not think it took a head injury such aspects of the restraining order additionally to such connections would extend to my ex-in-laws as to the connections to my biological portions as to the facts of such already having been clarified as to the year of 2003, of which I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when I have written and/or murmured to myself in such aspects as to the requirement for all such connections to only work in my favor and my benefits in comparison to anything or anyone else otherwise the restrictions I would turn around and place on them for their lack of respect as to my rights as to the reviewal portions of Excalibur Fair as to using the weapons once used against me upon others.
Thus do not push me against my will or I will retaliate as to my right to defend myself, and my right to do as I personally need for myself. I will not ever see comfort in such ways as there is not the ability to do so, and the length of time of over two decades only proves such aspects as to the responses I will have when needlessly pushed and needlessly aggravated in comparison to having the comforts I prefer and the comforts I need. Thus, back off and stay away if you are not actually going to do what is for my best interests as to my specific needs. Do not assume of me ever as if you do not use your words to speak with me and ask beyond what I have already explained in writing as to the non-fiction and fact aspects, then do not ever assume you can assume with me as that will be a version of your own Excalibur Faire reference as I would guesstimate there are those who have learned the hard way.
Be smarter than those people and do not assume and actually use your words correctly in truth as to either speaking audibly or writing such to me in ways which will actually reach me in truth and not under any assumed name, as my website is the originating point and the requirement thereof for such verified accounts are going to be the only way I will respond officially. Make sure to only follow such instructions, as I have the right to choose what is best for myself as per my personal needs as per my personal requirements and in turn I will go into the lesser known lore of the New Jersey Devil an entity I had met aeons ago when growing up in New Jersey as well as having researched online for what verification details thereof as to what I could find.
The lesser known lore from what I remember about the tales of the New Jersey Devil is the combination of the main aspects to which the parents in reference to the New Jersey Devil depends on which portion paid attention to as in some versions it is because of the father being disgusted as to the same in reference to the mother being disgusted as to another lore version as to relatives being disgusted as to other versions of which there are local connections which were disgusted, though the overall aspects to which the physical portions of such being considered as such an atrocity to look upon because of such levels of the ways which the physical was just so much to look at that the blinding portions of the ways to the physical were so much to bear upon laying of the eyes upon that people had to look away from such levels of differences as to the ways which the New Jersey Devil appeared as the facts of such levels of physical differences were of which where those with missing limbs were considered easier to look at without the wheelchairs more-so than looking at the New Jersey Devil in all comparisons just as burned victims were easier for the townspeople to see in person before being able to tolerate such a sight.
However such aspects to the initial portions of such as to the beginning portions of the New Jersey Devil lore is how such views thereof are, though the other such lesser known portions to the overall length of such stories as per the ways thereof to the New Jersey Devil lore are similarly just as semi-varied thereof to such aspects. In one particular version of such lesser known aspects there is an individual who is told of the New Jersey Devil being nearby and in such references to that particular lore the individual is a male who seeks out the New Jersey Devil of which he sends out several individuals to seek the #NJD New Jersey Devil to bring the New Jersey Devil to stand before him of which there is not the knowledge to the New Jersey Devil of such a sought after portion, to which the individual who brings the New Jersey Devil to the male then goes off in the distance while the male speaks with such to then later have certain tests done to the New Jersey Devil of which upon learning of the realities as to the facts behind the New Jersey Devil the male is so enraged within such aspects the New Jersey Devil is sent off and away yet again without any such word as to reasons or causes as to why.
The portions of that particular portions of one such lesser known lore is in varied aspects as to the situations as to what occurs in such in between times of which later upon the revelations learned, the male then seeks out the New Jersey Devil a few more times prior to the male going to the New Jersey Devil himself to speak with such without the presences of such other individuals as to the situations which the male has found himself within and seeking the advice of such the New Jersey Devil was befriended to which the male was able to find such ways through areas he had not known of were in existence before. In the particulars of in regards to the New Jersey Devil for that particular aspect the male initially is frightened as to even approach such as to having learned of the truths behind the New Jersey Devil, though because of the levels of which the situations had piled up to that individual within the lesser known aspects; the New Jersey Devil in certain better terminology of words is more of a seer than the New Jersey Devil as per the ways which viewed, though because of the aspects as to the physical portions thereof to which the viewpoint seems as a drawing depiction in comparison to the viewpoints thereof to such physical aspects the male is able to see more than just as the rest of the townspeople and has the ways of which upon the sight seen in such aspects the ways of which the lesser known portions of which the New Jersey Devil is declared as to being in hiding though the reality of such aspects has been taken to a location which is not a location in a time that is not a time on which such a location is which the male is able to speak with the New Jersey Devil in ways which are not as well known as per such lesser known portions thereof.
In another lesser known story of such a lore the ways usually revolving around a male seeking the New Jersey Devil had always been an oddity to me upon hearing such lore, as it did not make sense for the amount of males who sought out the New Jersey Devil and yet at the same time knowing such other portions it had made sense in other such ways thereof. It was an oddity which I had thought about as a child as to why would mainly males seek out the New Jersey Devil, though the descriptions as to the journey to be able to find the New Jersey Devil had been a fairly common factor to such lore as to the ways thereof. It made sense in certain references due to the terrain to which to get to the New Jersey Devil, though such oddities had reminded me as to the ways as to the lore as to the Oracle of Delphi in certain similarities though in a way of which in the United States of America in comparison to the ways of which the Oracle of Delphi was overseas in the old world countries in such prior aspects thereof.
Nonetheless in reference to the lore in reference to another lesser known aspect as to recalling such in reference to the lore behind the New Jersey Devil as to such times, there was a male who had met the New Jersey Devil when he was younger and yet because of the ways of the New Jersey Devil as to the soul within as to such was not of a physical portion as to the age as to the same ways thereof as per the normalcies as to the ways such age was calculated. In such a reference to the lesser known portion of such a lore, the male meets the New Jersey Devil when he is younger and though the New Jersey Devil remains the same within it is on the without which has changed in such references to the lore of the timing. In such references there is a point which the male meets and sees the New Jersey Devil several times over much amount of time in which the ways of the New Jersey Devil enchants the male as to how could such movement occur from such a being, to which the male sets out on a quest to see one way or another as to the realities of such portions regarding the ways as to the movement of the New Jersey Devil. Word gets out as to such movement regarding the New Jersey Devil of which in such references as to the movements as to the ways thereof to such aspects, there are many who seek and yet who do not seek as to what ways of such similarities regarding the fear behind the unknown and yet the wondering as to such aspects as to why there would or could be such portions thereof.
A different lesser known lore about the New Jersey Devil is actually the opposite in a few ways as to in comparison to the disfigurement of the New Jersey Devil, it is only rumored as to such disfigurement as to the reality of which the New Jersey Devil is actually the fairest of all such beings within the area as to the physical beauty is of such wonders that few can stand the sight of the New Jersey Devil. The lore of such is the ways of which all of the townspeople are disgusted not by the physical aspects of disfigurement though of which the physical beauty is such a sight to behold that instead of treating the New Jersey Devil as such other females as to such physical beauty, the townspeople instead chase such a New Jersey Devil away because of the other females’ jealousy as to such aspects of the largest amount of differences as to the ways thereof in all such comparisons.
The lore of such a much lesser known aspect as to the New Jersey Devil is the situation of which the females grow enraged with such jealousy they order the New Jersey Devils’ capture and murder thereof, though upon the sight of seeing the New Jersey Devil in person the hunters are enchanted as to her beauty in such comparisons and instead take her to a different location away from such a situation. While the New Jersey Devil is under the impression of one way, the truth of such is in another way as word is sent out to other such individuals along a chain of discussions as to who the New Jersey Devil actually is as to such portions and upon the moment of learning about the life of the New Jersey Devil such females seek to find such for themselves and while they try to get the secrets of such beauty the revealing is only of the truth to which none can stand and none can handle as to any such of the females involved for such aspects to when they simply give up to move along to the ones who have the lesser aspects to which they are accustomed to for such aspects.
The males of which were drug along such a situation in the lesser known lore as to such then partake of which causes a larger aspect in such areas of which the local townspeople chase such away to the point of no return to the New Jersey Devil as per a few who continue pushing such aspects until several specifics go to retrieve the New Jersey Devil to return the New Jersey Devil to such to force the females to deal with such much to their nightmare because of such attributes to which only the New Jersey Devil has such of, to which in turn the nightmare of such portions drive those females to the brink of insanity because of the inability to compete with such grace because of other attributes which I cannot recall the levels of from such a lore.
The next lesser known from what I saw when looking online, I admit I had sought out when in the known area to the Pines of which in the lore of the New Jersey Devil is more well known to have been of which in such a time having seen who I had seen in such a time was not as scary as what I had been told or seen in various ways as to other such aspects. Of the fact as to having grown up attending #OTC #OTPC #OldTennent #OldTennetPresbyterian #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch #Prebyterian Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and walking around the square mile cemetery, I have seen many aspects of the varieties thereof. When having had multiple situations I had seen in visions which have been able to be distinguished between seeing spirits and seeing living people in comparison to those who have not been able to tell the difference as to such aspects, those individuals who have failed to be able to tell the difference are those who would fit into the classification groups of whichever thus has been established as to the medical terminology thereof. In such references as to my ex-in-laws having proven the aspects of incest within their family blood lines, there is such a factor of which such individuals are not always able to tell the difference and the bleeding over from certain situations from one metaphor to another is something which schizophrenics are incapable to distinguishing the difference as to the metaphor compared to the individual situation thereof of which those individuals would be able to prove whether they have been intelligent enough to distinguish the difference between metaphors without such a specific description for clarifications or not as per their own responses hypothetically.
In turn there are many lesser known aspects to the New Jersey Devil lore though the majority of such aspects have to do with the townspeople who had problems with the way the New Jersey Devil physically looked and the needless rumors of which had spun around because of those townspeople had caused such a stir of such problems the local individuals in charge had gotten involved, because of the local townspeople having failed to ever prove themselves to be humane towards such a being as the New Jersey Devil. Upon the multiple movements of the New Jersey Devil in hopes to keep the New Jersey Devil safer from such types of townspeople who should have been able to have self-control and self-awareness to be mature, the facts as to such mob mentality problems became more well known because of the New Jersey Devil because of the townspeople failing to be able to have the wherewithal to ever actually think and decide for themselves as to their incapability to distinguish between the mob mentality and the actualities of individualized thought. Thus in one of the lesser known aspects as to the New Jersey Devil lore when the portion of time came as to how long the New Jersey Devil had been out in the wilderness and the townspeople following along such a trail in ways to needlessly cause problems to wherever the New Jersey Devil had gone because of their lack of ability to stay away from the New Jersey Devil due to their obsessions, they had caused the higher up groups of people to slowly become enchanted on their own by the actions of the New Jersey Devil because of the learned portions as to the ways which the New Jersey Devil was only attacked because of the physical looks for such times as because of what was viewed as disfigurations to the townspeople was seen differently to the higher up individuals and groups thereof to which when that battle began the townspeople tried to claim they were in the right when they were only later to be proven as to their problems with their choices as to their lack of ability to see beyond only the physical. In some ways one can see a metaphor as to the Mandarin aspects, compared to the metaphor of certain Cantonese characteristic traits.
In such references the townspeople plotted and planned problems needlessly wherever the New Jersey Devil had gone to the point which all levels were informed as to such regarding the location of the New Jersey Devil of which when such a point became more evident, those in the townspeople areas of newer locations became worried as to what they had seen and heard from prior situations and when evaluating such portions though the New Jersey Devil was not known as to whether or not the New Jersey Devil was actually born in the area as to such; because of the individuals within New Jersey not being able to tolerate and not being able to stand such problems as to having done the research as to fact checking the situations, had been incapable to allow such situations regarding the outsiders from involving themselves needlessly within the aspects of their local townspeople in New Jersey and how the New Jersey Devil began staying within the areas of New Jersey because of the few who had not followed along with such problems from other local townspeople areas. The lore of the New Jersey Devil to going other locations and being more difficult to find as to having to go out and physically search for the New Jersey Devil became as such due to the failures of humanity at such times as to the ways of which those townspeople had failed to ever look beyond their own personal thought processes, and thus when the lore of individuals saying they saw the New Jersey Devil as to such aspects was in minimal ways as to the facts of such problems by other such townspeople having needed to be put into their places and leave the New Jersey Devil alone as more than 80% of the problems found were not of who was blamed regarding the New Jersey Devil though such 80% of problems found were to actually be caused by the townspeople and the 20% of such were found in regards of the New Jersey Devil to only be in self defense to which by technicalities would return to the blame of the townspeople in such references though the realities of such portions as to the New Jersey Devil because of the responses due to the problems needlessly started because of the lack of wherewithal from the discernment as to such portions from such townspeople and the assumptions from their own biases as to such proof thereof for such times as to the ways metaphorically able to be seen if millennials who have only known the video games/computer games/movies/television/streaming/technology/pop culture/fiction/comic books/etcetera in comparison to ever reading factual books in a larger percentage of time as to their own personal failed aspects as to the proper usages of escapism psychological terminology as the balanced versions of such are as such balanced versions in comparison hypothetically. It would be a sad day if in reference to psychology studies as to ever having individuals who have read/watched more fiction to ever consider the difference between fiction and non-fiction, as what would their capacities of intellect ever be good enough to ever actually truthfully without biases discern? The answer is, none.
In such lesser known lores of how the New Jersey Devil had gone along such ways, there were the aspects of individuals in higher locations recognizing certain factors as to such aspects. Usually there in such references of the lores of a male finding something special about the New Jersey Devil to which in such references of, usually in some ways the enchanting only begins as to a way of simply seeing the uniqueness as to such a difference as to the ways thereof. In such lores the male usually follows along as to watching the townspeople as well as watching the New Jersey Devil as to the pondering of the reasons why as most males have a more linear thought process and take the time to evaluate the situations compared to the usual aspects as to the female thought process as to rely more upon their emotions in comparison to taking the time to reflect truthfully, and in such aspects usually the males in such lesser known lores are either unattached in such ways as to a relationship as to the aspects of the connections of which to the types of relationships of the romantic sorts thereof in comparisons whereas the females are scattered as to the types of connections and ways of such types of connections and due to their connections as to the ways of which the manipulations to such males in the references thereof to the aspects. Whereas the males without the attachments have the ability to discern a bit more because of such lack of connections in such lores, those are the individuals which the townspeople usually have not paid attention to as to which viewpoints thereof as to seeing differently in such comparisons as to the mob mentality of which in the lores thereof usually it is an individual who is known and yet not known who finds such differences within the New Jersey Devil and thus takes such time as to finding more details about the New Jersey Devil than most others would have realized until the times when the facts of such within the lores thereof to such stories as to the situations described; as to when the lesser known lore aspects to such, of which the New Jersey Devil in certain references has the transformation process of which whether to the reference of the #Phoenix Phoenix or whether to the reference of the ways which a beast turns to a beauty sort of view as to such aspects in ways which the aspects of such lores as to the lesser known aspects of who the New Jersey Devil turns into because of other such connected situations within such factors of such lores thereof.
One of the main lesser known lores as to such aspects of the New Jersey Devil is the capturing of such attention of a few upper individuals to which one who has the hardest of hearts known to many within such a circle takes a moment of pause when the New Jersey Devil is brought up in discussion, of which while in the beginning the male(s) usually have the initial same sort of responses over time the responses are subtle as to the differences when the New Jersey Devil is brought up in various discussions as to the lores thereof. In such lores as to the myths and legends of such portions there are a few points in which the more well known individuals as to the impressions thereof to such bring forward a different thought process to open such thoughts in a different way in such comparisons and upon such revelations to such aspects within such lores in the ways thereof as to the aspects of seeing a different sight of the New Jersey Devil while those who had only seen such disfigurations remain as to such views of the disfigurations whereas others see such disfigurations as more than what had been presented and thus the proverbial terminology of such enchanting thereof because of how such prior viewpoints had been changed through such times and the ability to have seen such transformations of such viewpoints is where such enchantment has been as to the lores in comparison to any such magical portions as to the ways which such townspeople had claimed in the lores as when able to see the larger pictures of such there is a different set of viewpoints in the comparisons thereof as to the larger amount of details to review over such aspects thereof.
In turn the ways of which such aspects to which such times thereof to such lores, the New Jersey Devil in the lesser known aspects continues onward whereas all of the townspeople are usually burned alive for the problems they had caused within their areas and the problems of which such situations were to be stopped by such aspects as it was always within the areas of such townspeople as to the usages of to such evils in magical realms in comparison to ever being in reference to the New Jersey Devil as to the ability for the facts of which the New Jersey Devil was able to illuminate the truth of such aspects as to illuminating the intentions compared to the wishes for such types of people. Some lores have lead to what is known as the #Salem #SalemWitchTrials Salem Witch trials, though the aspects thereof to such proof of such endeavors is different among depending which lore as to which time thereof for such a review.
In turn this upcoming Halloween in the year of 2021, where do you fit into such metaphors within such lores of the New Jersey Devil? What is your background as to such #Judaism #Christianity Judeo-Christian studies, as to the levels thereof as well? Where are your truthful aspects comparatively for such internal reflections and reviews of such aspects, to take into truthful considerations? Can you tell the differences, in truth?
