I remembered and described the house I grew up in during the year of 2000, as to the majority of these details as to the timeframe after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury/TBI with the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain. The headaches and migraines as the capacity to speak instead of writing as per the timeframe as to the year of 2000, when as to such factors in Medical Hold Unit now known as Warrior Transition Unit in the year of 2022 at Joint Base San Antonio Texas in Military City USA. However such situations as to the proof as to such aspects, as to the hypotheticals as to those types as per such proof as to such lack of actual care for what was actually needed to my medical aspects as while I personally believe in the aspects of the religious aspects as I have always unlike some people in such types of situations have always believed in the assistance of scientific medicine as well as homeopathy medicine as to the common sense in the difference as to those types of those people who how 9 times out of 10 fully disagreed with every individual aspect as to those types of those people who I refused to be around as to those aspects regarding what occurred as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as their failures in 1992 and 1993 as to such lack of common sense as to each one as to my comprehension as to my pediatrician being far more accurate as to my medical care than any of those individuals as to the situations when I had Mono/Epstien Bar/Lymes Disease/Bronchitis/Flu all at the same time. Where a responsible caring parent would actually get the medical care as best as possible for the actual situations instead of the aspects of what I dealt with as to from September 1992 through April/May of 1993 because of the lack of common sense from a biological mother who had a Bachelors Degree in Science and Entomology and my biological father who had begun going to college for Registered Nurse school, though he achieved LVN status as to the timeframe in the 1990s as to the college textbooks I read in conjunction to my Asher Holmes Elementary School subject textbooks in conjunction to the yearly National Geographic series as to the from the beginning of the start as to that encyclopedia as well type of set as to how I had not ever wanted to watch television as to those who would have seen the movie collection my biological parents had as to such viewpoints to such additional consideration as to my personal viewpoints and opinions as to the accuracy of the proof if looked at.
Picture this as to the house I grew up in as a child in the 1980s and the 1990s with the knowledge of my biological mother's employment at Prudential doing Information Technology coding before the timeframe of the sub-coding aspects as well as my biological father's employment of the jewelry business as he was certified through the School of Bulova to work on Seiko/Rolex/Bulova/Movado/Grandfather/Grandmother/etcetera clocks and watches as well as antiques while also certified to certify gemstones, and then remember my biological mother was a Deacon and my biological father was a Trustee at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the historical society aspects as to the Revolutionary War.
Then think about the football field sized property with the large forest grove along both sides of the property line as well as deep within the back, as the back area and the one side area later became a housing development community and there is still some forest grove areas that remain in the area as of 2022 as to the lack of illumination throughout the forest areas in the daytime hours and then there were the evening hours as to the view. The sky at night was as black as the countrysides as to the areas, despite New Jersey as to such references some have told me their viewpoints to the differences to the reality. There was a well that had a cement octagon shaped cover that was around 10 inches thick for the lid with multiple types of brown/green/black/grey stones embedded within the concrete and the stars in the evening hours were as clear as can be to see especially a favorite view of mine because of the ways the fireflies were throughout the early evening hours and throughout many hours of the night.
My dog's house was along the back of what was an Olympic sized in ground pool where the filling with leaves and grass clippings my biological father had picked up as to the tractor mower bag, and my dog A stayed out there except when the snow came through and he had been allowed to sleep in the basement sometimes because of the amount of snow covering the entrance to A's dog house.
My god A was called A for short as to AWOL as to how the Navy base near one of my biological father's foster parents Mrs. Hardwick who had crocheted a teddy bear in black and white for me, as she enjoyed crocheting and though others had their opinions as to the clothes she crocheted for the different Barbie dolls that my biological sister had as to such differences as to the viewpoints at the timeframe as to the situations as to the possible viewpoints as to such considerations as to the possible differences. My dog had ran away from Mrs. Hardwick's so many times the Navy base had simply called him A for short though his name was AWOL, and yet I decided to name him A for short to Anubis as to where his house was as it seemed appropriate as to when we went to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church briefly before returning to the house in New Jersey as it was around the time when the difference to the Methodist Church to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the timeframe when I had gotten my dog and was allowed to keep him with me.
I had a piece of pizza and when I was finished up to the crust area, I handed the crust to A. At first he began as a dog does chewing lightly, and as a 2 year old I decided as to how a toddler does as to wanting the pizza crust back and yet not truthfully as to the aspects of the ways he and I had played with one another as to how the reality of certain types of pizza crusts are. I opened his mouth to take the pizza crust out, and the two of us went back and forth before I let him have the pizza crust while he stayed with me. My half Collie and half Husky was my dog at that point, as he and I went all sorts of areas around the backyard at various times. He started near the initial garage before the time when the house was built and then moved to the area of the pool later, as the construction for the five car garage with the shed attached had begun a few years after getting my dog. The blue and silver aluminum shed was a contrast in color to the blue of the Indian motorcycle with the glitter in the paint in the aspects as to the reference of the Audi vehicle that my biological father had, as the silver handle bars stuck upward just above some of the containers in the garage.
The outside stairs that I had to run to bring the food and water to my dog seemed now when looking back in time in the year of 2022 to the 1980s and the 1990s as to the areas, as the basement stairs were at the similar 45 degree-ish incline as the house was built in the 1920s or the 1930s or the 1940s as a farm house as the land was once an orchard and a house and property my biological father had been an orphan in. The cellar door that lead inside to the cellar before going into the basement was on the other side of the back of the house to the area of the stairs to the back patio, and if you have seen the construction of Neff Chapel as to such types of similarities to the house I grew up in. Halloween or Samhain being today, well such a viewpoint as to the aspects of for a small look into such aspects of my childhood and early teenager years because of the aspects as to the reality though also remember as to the grounds of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the Deacon and Trustee work.
Each weekend from the weekend either just before Thanksgiving and/or of Thanksgiving or the following weekend, each Friday and Saturday the drive thru nativity went later in the evening hours than the Sunday evening drive thru nativity as the whole grounds were used for an overall aspect as to the different scenes as to the overall aspects of a shortened condensed version of the beginnings of Jesus Christ. As to the family that began the nativity that was a walk up is where I was the original baby Jesus Christ as an infant, and my biological mother was a part of whatever TRF and SCA are as to reenactment aspects for those who understand such aspects. She had been a certified seamstress for the aspects of that TRF and SCA stuff for the areas as to the Colonial aspects as well as whatever the aspects of the TRF and the SCA stuff would be considered as, as her Grandmother was a seamstress for the Army branch during World War I and World War II for the Active Duty Army branch at the time of WWI and some aspects of both the Army and the Air Force branches as to seamstress work in World War II. She had been kind of a bit of a House Mom for veterans as she had been capable to get some employment for several veterans at the time because of her work, and she assisted housing a few while teaching them a few odds and ends as to different aspects of preparation as to life outside of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. However that was the aspects of learning sewing, as to the aspects of the particulars.
However the additional aspects of each Tuesday as to the Biblical aspects of Deacon/Trustee aspects, the Wednesday aspects of handbell and later my chimes and handbell choir, Thursday was the children's choirs as well as the Sanctuary Choir practices for the weekday evening hours as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church. Then as to the weekends as to various progress as to work before the timeframe when I was in youth group as to then on Fridays and/or Saturdays, as to the time with as to the common age-ish aspects. The grounds of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church are on a one square mile of land that is within three boroughs/towns all at the exact same time, and such aspects referencing the original Pastor of the church William Tennent and that basement situation as to the warnings I had given as to the occurrences as to the grounds as to how individuals said they saw the Pastor running around the church and/or other such sightings began as to the Pastor at the time's sister Cookie as to the aspects of the prom night she had and as to where she had been as to the back of the property though middle-ish area.
In reference to Old Scotts Hall to Neff Chapel to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to General George Washington's private office as well as the areas as to the pews of the Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the fact the church was used as a hospital, during the Revolutionary War. The 76 pipe organ as the interior of the church being an upside-down ship, because the only person who was capable to build at the time was a ship builder though such as to the style because of the reality of New Jersey being one of the original 13 colony states as to the United States of America. Usually I sat in the very first pew on the far right of the view of the pulpit as I did not usually sit with my biological aspects after a certain point in time as to the aspects after the basement, because I had taken a stand as to the correct choice as to the situations that proved to be where I was accurate as to the situations as to the basement as to the center aisle that lead towards the pulpit. Neff Chapel in the massive distinctive difference to the garage area, as to the field along the side of one of the areas as to the grounds with a forest grove along almost 4/5 of the property wrought iron fence line mixed with some chain link fencing as per the times.
What is Halloween, or Samhain?
Thus as to the ways the trees grow within the areas of the three boroughs as to the ways the branches as to some with the Wysteria vines, as to the difference of the viewpoint from the daytime to the evening hours as to the branches and the leaves among other plants that grow in such a capacity. Drives during the evening and twilight hours in certain areas such as the Aamco station as to the back area, as to the ways as to the differences of viewpoints depending upon the sight as depending how Pathmark was lit depended how the area looked. Just a few combined factors to the consideration, as what would be a bit odd as to such factors as to the timing?
In reference to the cellar area as to the brown door in the sight of the well when opening the door to the cellar, to walk inside as to the amount of tools such as shovels and rakes within that particular area at the time. When walking through the second door to the actual basement as to the different drains in the floor of the basement sporadically around the concrete flooring as to the divets, the sink as to on the right side with the washer and dryer that lead towards the dog food area and the stairs upward to what was considered as the first floor despite the way the house was built as the capacity of seeing as to Neff Chapel as to the first floor to compare to the basement of the house in New Jersey for the two story reference of Neff Chapel for the building viewpoint. Underneath the basement stairs was a film development room area with a red light on the ceiling as to if the room was in use for the photography development, though a refrigerator was along the way as to the divide that was made with the radial arm saws among other larger tools such as bandsaws and etcetera as to the areas. If instead of going along towards the stairs and going towards the left as to seeing the model airplanes alone the ceiling as to the different ones my biological father had said he had built, as to the reference of my attempt as to the P52 Mustang airplane reference in "Finding The Silver Lining" and/or "Finding A Silver Lining" as to such aspects of the massive difference of before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to afterwards as per the aspects of when I was in Woodworking class and had constructed a wooden frame that beat the woodshop teacher's record over 35 to 55 pounds as depending upon the aspects as to the record as per that teacher's reference.
When walking to what was the back of the basement as the line of tools on the right side where towards the film room, though as to walking towards the back along the lines of the tool chests and such aspects to the installed desk wood table shelving along the back wall with metal chairs as to what looked similar to library chairs as well as library stools to stand upon with the rubber areas. Only fluorescent light lengths as to those who know what the 1980s light bulbs for those, though were from the structure of the timeframe of installation around the 1950s or 1960s for the viewpoint as to the fluorescent lighting as to those bulbs as to when they first turn on in the ways as to how such light bulbs are as to the time the lights stay on longer as to those who know the viewpoint of. The brown and black stairs upward from where the dog food was in the trash can that was used for the dog food, where I had to get the bucket full of dog food enough for my half Collie and half Husky to then run up the stairs to the consideration of the first floor to then run to the back patio area with the green astro-turf as to then the water pitchers to pour water after or before getting the dog food as depending upon the time as to getting such taken care of as to my responsibilities as to some for the timeframe. Since he was my dog, that was my responsibility as to making sure everything was taken care of for him. The chain around my dog was thicker than my reference to the aspects of the creation in 2010 as to the aspects of, as to the reality of several situations at the times in the 1980s and the 1990s.
The technicalities of the first floor of the house as to the back patio that was almost 3/4 the length of the back of the house as to the kitchen area with the sliding door to the closet pantry
Remember as to how I do not have any pop culture references whatsoever as per my childhood as to the movie ratings of how I could only watch Grated at any point in time, the permission needed to even look at a PG and PG13 movie after I became 14 years old as to seeing my first PG13 movie after it was approved as to seeing Stephn King's Cat's Eye as that was considered as acceptable as to the time. I was not an individual who enjoyed movies to begin with and I did not like television much, as only a few television shows I enjoyed such as Sailor Moon and Rescue Rangers along with Tail Spins and Darkwing Duck though the Conjunction shows were always my favorite to listen to and watch. Otherwise, I preferred to go outside and play sports as per being a tomboy as well as working on vehicles as per the garage my biological father's best man at my biological parents' wedding had been the owner of the Aamco and my first oil change I assisted with was on an Old 442. Thus in reference to my modeling and/or performances, I know nothing of pop culture as I was constantly made fun of for the rating of movies as well as having read the Sunday newspaper as well as the Sunday comics as to not knowing what a comic book was as to those differences as to childhood aspects. My babysitter's teenager children as to the Director of Security had cable television I did not really like or watch, though I only played a few games in the late 1980s as to Nintendo and Sega Genesis.
I preferred as I preferred, and I suppose my Medal of Honor Art Project trips possibly as to the amount of work might give a symbolic viewpoint of the amount of work in a different capacity as to an overall view when as to the possibility of a swifty glance at my website and/or my SCUBA Diving work and/or my educational studies as to when I had went through and graduated the Dominant Mentor Program where I began the year long overall in Austin Texas while being a Republican as to having acknowledged such since 2000 as to the aspects of my political affiliated name choice as to the Eclectic aspects though such combinations as to my ways as to when I was a child and teenager. The aspects where I had been in gymnastics and martial arts as to my personal choices with the additional background educational aspects in the religious portions as to my different biological family connections as to such aspects, possibly some might be capable to guess as to how much I did not want to be a cheerleader when my biological mother had been as such as to the difference to how mad I was as to while having enjoyed Saint John Vianney High School as to how my preference to my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to how I have brought forward the aspects of the Confirmation Class year long aspects of my Confirmation Class Graduation in 1997. I would guesstimate as to the aspects of my response with such as to when I did not want to be in the Miss Crystal Lake Pageant though I made the best attempts I could as to the situations, though as to the aspects in reference to my personality as to my obvious difference as to others in my age range and/or possibly as to how I physically look as to the reality I look as I do because of the after effects from my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury/TBI from when I was in Basic Training when I was in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America when I was legally 17 years old as I had to fight my biological parents to be capable to go to the Army after being emancipated because of the situations as to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as the military aspects were an issue for my biological parents.
I had a nightmare when I was in second grade, and I sought ways to be capable to fix and repair what could be for life as to what I could see as to the timeframe when I was in second grade and finding better ways as to what I noticed as a child to hopefully be capable to assist for betterment. "Finding A Silver Lining" is the reference as to my book, as the details of much in shorter references as to the difference as to the length of time as to because of how the situations went as to the timeframe of 2019 as to such aspects as to the situations as to attempts prior to speak with as because of my concerns as I brought forward as to my earlier journal blogs as best as I could figure ways to word as to the timeframe after the year of 2018 as to Clear Springs SCUBA Park as to the situations overall.
Thankfully 2001 even still as to such sights, as to the aspects of the far better than as to what I saw when I was a child as to my nightmare to the comparison of some work I have been doing since having been out to the Atlantic areas of the oceanic water for assistances as to the sight.
I have a viewpoint as to an arrangement of paintings as well as a statement I made as to the year of 2001 in December as to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the World Trade Center Plaza as to the culmination of the overall as to 1993 as well as 11 September 2001 as to a bit of a combination-ish of my words-ish then as to the additional-ish words-ish, "We in America should build it back bigger and much stronger than ever before, because it is unacceptable for what occurred to the area of the east coast in regards of 11 September 2001 as to the totality of such damages from what I saw." As when the aspects as to what I have described as to the timeframe of as to what I made attempts to assist with from where I could in San Antonio Texas as to Joint Base San Antonio Texas as to Wilford Hall as to the two different hospitalizations as to the assistances, because of the reality the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to my birth certificate as well as my background as to the overall aspects I guesstimate. There were a total of 2 between a few days after 11 September 2001 through around the middle-ish of November 2001, and a third in the year of 2002 as to the reference of my kidney stone situation while pregnant with my daughter at the time after my son's birth 2 September 2001 as to my guesstimation as to the aspects of the if factors of prior journal blog entries of mine.
I have as a separate idea though as to what seems ideal as to a possibility as to the Statue of Liberty, as I am viewing several situations as to a multitude of factors as to the current work at this point in time as to such 30 days as per the overall aspects as to the additional factors for the sight as to the waters viewpoint for lack of better words. In several ideas for mural paintings as to the viewpoints from the Atlantic areas as to the Statue of Liberty as to the daytime hours as well as the evening hours, because of a multitude of factors in conjunction as to the writings when as to such work preparation as to the 1993 as well as 11 September 2001 aspects as can be referenced as to a mural as to my current apartment in Washington state in Bremerton. However while needing to take care of several situations as per my updates during this particular non-Medal of Honor Art Project trip because of the distinction as to such factors, as to the reality as brought forward in more recent journal blog entries this year of 2022. The reminders from the timeframe of 2009 as to such aspects as to the beaches I shall write, as to the aspects in reference to the attempts from 2009 onward as to New Jersey specifically while keeping in mind other factors as well as per such Amish and Mennonite aspects with the mountains as to New York state and Pennsylvania state as to vision as to my knowledge of the areas as to the specifics as well as what should have been in what location in reference to the Amish and the Mennonites. Seeing blinkers on the buggies in the year of 2022 as to the differences from the 1980s and the 1990s and as to how the adrenaline as to the drive, I know the average aspects of employment portions as to certain commercial aspects as to the adrenaline aspects in whatever capacity of the viewpoint to the consideration of sight more recently.
However something much more beautiful in my opinion to paint to hopefully get the aspects as to the specifics to the building structure as per the aspects in conjunction as to my creation of the Underwater Travel System, as per the viewpoints as to more recent aspects as to in my opinion as to the bow of the ship as to the aspects of an appropriate aspect whereas to the situation as to the location of the Statue of Liberty as to what I saw in the year of 2022 as to what possibly could be a larger structure as to the building of the Statue of Libertina as to the reality of irreplaceable aspects as to timeframe aspects as to the forward movement aspects. In certain aspects as to this particular point of a reference to my modeling name from the years of 2009 through 2013 as to Lady Dori Belle, I decided to change my name on fet as to a thought process as to the aspects of painting as to what I could see when singing the National Anthem at a point in time as to a sight I could see as to I suppose a bit of a pun to two thirds.
As per prior journal blog references as to the aspects of when I had modeled as to the situations as to the lack of pop culture references as to how I simply created each outfit out of creativity, similarly as to my fiction book references as to "Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with Science Fiction Fantasy" as well as "The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series" as I was simply being creative just as to the aspects of when modeling as to my outfits I personally created as to the majority of as well as my makeup for the majority of as per such earlier clarifications as per my journal blog around the year of 2020. Since only the photographers had ever acknowledged my modeling as to the years of as to in person face to face in person unless as to a modeling session as to the aspects of such clarifications as to my modesty in what I think could be considered as to in reference to my modeling outfits as well as to the overall aspects as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to I suppose a bit of a viewpoint as to, as I cannot remember what others had posted as to such points in time as to the aspects I guesstimate as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury/TBI and/or the timeframe as to after my SCUBA Diving work as to having landed at the bottom of the ocean as well as the Gulf of Mexico as to the overall aspects as to my work at the time in 2009 after 2004 as well as some other updates as per my journal blog as to the culmination of writing aspects as to the sequence to getting such work as to the aspects of as to standards I set for myself.
Though the aspects of being open to acquaintances as to the development as to friendships has always been an aspect as to 10 Commandments as to the reality, though since I actually prefer monogamy as to despite how I physically look as to despite my modeling as to my actual numbers as per the reality as to under 20 as to the references as to the security details as to my volunteering as to the timeframe of 2016 through 2018 as to other assistances as to the members as to the attendees as to such factors as to my journal blog updates as to as best as possible referencing the situations as to my journal blog updates as to the best wording as best as possible as to the aspects of the timeframe as to the time from July 2019 through 6 June 2022 as to save as many as possible as per words to the combinations as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury/TBI as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe as to how everything has cleared out fully 100% as to such aspects of that fully as to having emptied such factors as to such references to the fullness as to such aspects of any if factors as to certain pop culture references of if factors as to having fully removed such aspects as to the clarity as well as to such aspects of the differences as to the situations as to the reality differences as to such egg factors in the differences as to such factors of hypotheticals as to if factors as to the blood references as to being a tomboy as to such aspects of for a brief intercession as to the aspects of the Halloween aspects though a possible in more depth viewpoint as to the aspects in reference to the combined situations overall as to a White Horse Mountain location in 2021 as to a possible reference to the current aspects as to the symbolic factors when reviewing such now in the year of 2022 in the month of October on the 31st.
The cieling in the common area after walking from the kitchen to where the basement door was as to the phone in that area, the dining room after the basement stairs where the upstairs stairs were to the second floor as well. Then spanning was the living room where I had been as to when in fifth grade, then as to the area where the front door was as to the living room to the couch and the table with the record player and records. Above the record player was a shelf of horrific porcelain musical clowns in different sizes and shapes that my biological mother and my biological sister liked, and those statues completely freaked me out as a child and scared me as to the aspects of. Though think about such aspects as to the current viewpoint now and to this day the thought of those clowns as well as the texture from the unfinished ceramic-ish porcelain as to the type of plastic bottom as to the moments when without warning or notice, there would be clicking sounds for several minutes as to the gears turning as to the internal mechanism before a few seconds of silence and then the slowness of the song as to the particular. However the rest was the bathroom with the linen closet behind the door, as well as then the downstairs bedroom.
Halloween, though wait. There is still the second story of the house I grew up in as well as the other factors of my childhood overall in the tristate area of the northeast with the legends and such aspects as to the state of New Jersey and the Catskill Mountains along with the Pocono Mountains and New York state as well as Pennsylvania state to once again the aspects of New Jersey state legends.
As per the porcelain clowns as well as the porcelain unfinished ceramic Precious Moments statues among the clowns as well as some of them having he musical aspects as well, and some being from the late 1800s as well as the early 1900s as to such aspects of remembering when I was in fifth grade as to those factors.
Yet, then there is the upstairs as per the way as to my aquarium(s) I had as my biggest aquarium on the right of the dining table and the AC as to the location, as to the tea cups and kettles as to the glass pieces as well as the porcelain as the knickknacks my biological mother had as to such factors. The similar aspects as to the seemingly 45 degree angled stairs as to the thinnest staircase I have ever seen or been in, as there has not ever been a staircase for a house that I had ever been inside of that seemed as oddly made though as to the decade and century the farmhouse and the yard by the time of when I was born. The grate from the common area ceiling was shortly after getting up the stairs and the phone was to the left as to the area as to what was the shared bedroom before the aspects of where the jewelry watch room, would later become my bedroom area when as to such aspects.
The attic was through the closet areas in each location, near the closet for the shared area was the bookshelf and the pink top and grey metal toy box with the record player I had as well as my nightlight as to the aspects. There is furniture as to specific styles of padding as to the kitchen table chairs as to the metal frames as to a bit of a viewpoint as to the aspects of my biological little sister's toy box in a different fabric, as to the aspects of what some might be capable to consider as to what the massive difference to what was considered as childhood aspects as to the viewpoints regarding situations. Think as to how many porcelain dolls my biological little sister had to have to stack several rows of those along the floor in front of her bed as to the pyramid of porcelain dolls that lined upward as to her bed, the amount of porcelain dolls as to how so many covered her as to how most usually have a teddy bear and blanket as to the aspects of how she had to sleep to have it. Then as to the wall along the mattress too, as to how many porcelain dolls facing as to the direct angle as to why was I having difficulties sleeping at night when looking to my biological sister's side of the room as why would that be a Halloween point of view?
Then after the entire wall and floor of her bed, was a shelving area with more porcelain dolls throughout the room as to the dresser on her side of the room as well as the larger rocking chair as to the aspects of her version of hugs as to porcelain dolls as what she cuddled with at night. What is disturbing about seeing my biological little sister cuddling with porcelain dolls, and what aspects of the faces of porcelain dolls would be a thought process as to such aspects as well as the eyes as to such aspects with the nightlight glow along with the moon light through the window. Remember as to my second dog Sasha a full breed Husky, as to the aspects of the crystal blue ice colored eyes that glowed in the evening hours from when she was within her house as similarly as to the stars in the sky at times in the evening hours.
Then as to the reality of my childhood from infancy before the timeframe of the shared room as the other room that became my room had however many watches that could be in a watch repairer's private office, as well as however many wall clocks as per such aspects as to the reference of a house with pictures as to my children's biological Grandparents as to the aspects of the amount of wall clocks as to the reality of along with the amount of Grandmother and Grandfather clocks that could fit within the area of a bedroom area converted to an office as well as the closet as how many clocks would be thought of as to what I listened to as an infant through toddler years through childhood years into early teenager years as to then the time when I had my own room to do as I had the viewpoint of the Cherry tree in the northern area of the property as to seeing Church Road as well as my childhood best friend as to the aspects of across the street on Church Road as to having went to the area for the first time to actually get out of my car to speak with some individuals in the area as to the street I grew up on as to the church on that road as to the school next to Asher Homes Elementary School as to the parking lot as to the candles each Hannukah in the Masters(on) house near the entrance to the elementary school areas in the area of New Jersey.
Then there are the viewpoints as to the areas as to the trees along the drives, as per such viewpoints to the consideration as to the Halloween Samhain.
The areas behind the walls as to the bedrooms had crawl spaces as well, as to the areas when moving certain furniture as to the areas that opened up as to the areas where the beams to the ceiling below as to the downstairs bedroom and kitchen areas as to the beams to balance on or the MTF board as to the make-shift flooring, as to that area opposite to the area of the grate as well as the phone area as to the accordion style doorway as to the latch on the door as what individuals I once knew in person face to face in person had been informed of as to certain discussions from 1997 onward as to the aspects of different areas as to the house I grew up in.
Maybe I should write as well as say, the house and property I survived growing up in as to such an overall aspect or is it as to the situations in reference to surviving growing up in the 1980s and the 1990s in the states of New Jersey as well as New York and Pennsylvania as would that be more appropriate before ever mentioning the state of Illinois as well as Texas and Washington states as to the years and decades?
Maybe that White Horse Mountain in the year of 2022 as to the open mic session as to the state of Tennessee, as to that particular performance as possibly the viewpoint overall might have a bit of sense for this particular moment of a reference to the point in time of 31 October 2022.
Thus is it more similar to Halloween-ish sorts of aspects as to the reality where my modeling was outfits I simply created without any aspects of references in any capacity, and if there is an alignment of oddities are there any aspects that might be capable to be referred to as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces as to the if factors as to what pop culture references as what would I know about such aspects to the differences of those who actually enjoy going to the movies as why would having headaches and migraines ever have as an issue as to such aspects? .
I truly do enjoy the symphony as classical music, is my personal favorite. I enjoy country music quite a bit as I knew of Garth Brooks when his alter CD aspects were as to the time when I personally began liking country music, though I preferred the regular aspects of Garth Brooks while enjoying Tim McGraw as well as Winona Ryder and Dolly Pardon and of course I do enjoy a bit of techno as well as other music such as rap and pop as I cannot be the only person who has listened to a multitude of musical aspects. The reality of how many individuals as to what types and styles of music as to depending upon, though a multitude thereof as to a sarcastic commentary about myself as to being half Chinese and half mixed as to such a mutt born in the Chinese Year of the Dog as to the musical aspects I suppose. At a point in time I made attempts as to line dancing and learned swiftly about myself as to those particulars as to the individuals who have known me in person face to face in person would be capable to know of such aspects as to such, though I did actually learn how to Two Step as well as Texas Two Step in my jeans and t shirt as well as heels as my under bust corset as t just being myself as per doing something I wanted to do for myself for the first time as to music. "Finding The Silver Lining" has the reference as to the aspects of the same week as to learning such, as to Stoney LaRue concert in March 2013 as to the Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio Texas as to that situation as to the additional aspects of "Finding A Silver Lining".
I suppose an oddity when taking into consideration the month of March as to specifics of timing as well as the oddity of the Halloween, as how such oddities seem a bit as to the aspects to the veil.
Though as to such aspects then returning back to the reference of White Horse Mountain, as the realistic oddity as to a discussion as to my Confirmation Class as to one specific elective as to my Medal of Honor Art Project to such reference in 1997 as the references I suppose in other factors to the consideration as to the current point in time as to 31 October 2022 when writing this journal blog. Though I created my Official YouTube Channel in the year of 2019 and began more officially within the year of 2020, the aspects in conjunction of my Facebook and fet accounts as to the regards of the importance as to as best as possible to take care of as best as possible as to preparation as to my work as to clarifications and verifications as what would be as to such verifications as to the aspects of my journal blog to 11 September 2001 as what importance would or could be as to the reference aspects as to the year of 1993 and how important at all times for such would truthful honesty be as how crucial to such is capable to see?
Though classical music is my absolute favorite, as I had thought of waltzing as beautiful as to the specific style of music as I had not realized how such could ever be considered as the oddity of a legend as to New Jersey as to such oddities as to the viewpoints as to the aspects of being a biological female.