I have clarified as to the situations as to when in my Basic Training as to my Drill Sergeant that if as needed as to such factors as to standing up as to the aspects of being the one and only Sponsor, as since I have not officially ever remarried as to my requirements as to such aspects thereof as to such requirements officially as well as legally as to the of my own free will choices as to what requirements as to a proposal as to my requirements met as to such fully as per my I had clarified as to such aspects as to other protections I had completed for myself as to the year of 1996 and 1997 as to in discussions as well as in writing as to of my own free will. As to concerns I had from such aspects thereof as to "sight" as to what others refer to as visions at times, the aspects of protectionary precautions as best as I could.
Since the proposal aspects as to what must occur as to such references as to any hypothetical as to any such aspects thereof, then as to how such requirements must be met before any such aspects as to the official capacities thereof or such is considered as to those others as to their fraud as to such aspects officially as I have clarified, if as to such as to such capacities thereof to such findings. Ending all stolen valor as to such aspects as to what seem(s)/(ed) important in a multitude of ways as per my Basic Training though also as to other areas as to seeing a bit more at times, as best as to such capacities thereof to such situations.
Due to what I have dealt with as I have had mandatory requirements and as to where such has not ever been met as to my official requirements as to the aspects thereof as to only in such discussions in person face to face in real life discussions as to such requirements officially, regarding certain aspects as to what some may have thought in certain situations as to the interpretations in my opinion. Since as to how if such aspects as to such hypotheticals as to any such as to my children's biological father having lived and instead of actually telling me the truth then as to such legal estrangements as to the aspects of before the year of 2015 officially as to such legal standards as to the aspects of officially speaking with me in person face to face in person in truth, as to such aspects thereof and not at any distance as to such then as to the further proof of such estrangement officially legally as to the year of 2015.
I have lived-ish with others only after when I landed at the bottom of the oceanic waters and surfaced alive as to such points in time as to my SCUBA Diving #SCUBA #SCUBADiving #SCUBADiver work in the year of 2009, because I personally am not the type of person because of my religious background that has the sensation of comfort as to being in the capacity of a relationship as to dating in the same apartment or house that would ever be as to anything other than as to what would be considered as a roommate because of such descriptions as per the time as to the clear aspects as to in my opinion as well as to the specifics as to the discussions. With such and because of the facts as to my religious background as I have explained repeatedly about the aspects as to the church I grew up attending as to the heavy traditional aspects as to such a religious background, as while some may have had their interpretations as to such aspects as to the reality of such to the considerations. My personal background as to my #Jew #Jewish #Hebrew #Hebrews #Chiistian #JudeoChristian Judeo-Christian beliefs though made fun of many years and decades for, as to such aspects as to my personal beliefs as to not living with a relationship of dating in the exact same apartment location and/or room as to a house, until after I have certain aspects as to my personal background and beliefs thereof are officially as to my religious beliefs and my religious backgrounds because of such traditional values. Thus if as to any who might try to claim such even as to such aspects of trying common law would be against my religious beliefs, because the only time as to ever willingly living with another individual other biological adult as to in the exact same location as to the exact same apartment in person in real life in person as to the common sense aspects as to such factors as to that reality.
In my opinion it is not as and was not as anything other than as a roommate as per the discussions as to such financial assistance to the specific point in times as to any point in time as to the amount of responsibilities as well as to what was at those times in those years as to that time, as the amounts of clarifications as per such technological aspects as to such pop culture references in my opinion has only caused further aspects as to the references regarding the Bible writings as to others' making as to their towers as to their babbling as to the references where their levels of were as to building such aspects to reach the heavens as to the Tower of Babble in the Biblical #Biblical aspects as to the amounts of such factors as to where the common sense is to the difference as to such what I consider as bratty behaviour as to such aspects in references to those types as to such hypotheticals.
That amount of political beaurocracy as to certain factors to review as to the aspects of the Tower of Babble as to when taking into the consideration, as to such bueasrocracy as to such aspects in my opinion has been a situation of needless drama as to such types as to such as to what the Texas Education Agency #TexasEducationAgency #TEA #Texas #TX #Texasstate #TXstate #Judge #Judgement Judge Lynn Rubinette had lectured the lawyer Nona Matthews about as to knowing exactly who and exactly what I meant as to such factors, as to how the reality of such degree as to what separated the aspects thereof as to per the oddity as to the aspects of the Special Needs Education #SpecialNeedsEducation #SNE as to the Texas Education Agency as to the ARD #ARD as to such factors of the IEP #IEP and comprehending as to such aspects as to her degree as to such factors as to the differences as to my not having a legal degree. The Juydge as to the timeframe had been upset with Nona Matthews as to the specific individual thereof as to such amounts of attempts as to the acknowledgement of faxes as well as emails and letters as there was not any excuse whatsoever the Judge accepted from Nona Matthews as to anything she tried to claim as a defense, as per such common sense aspects as to the entire time.
Hence why my situation was allowed to be brought forward before the courts at any time as to without any biases from the Judge as to the Education Agency as to such Judicial aspects, as per the if factors as to my needs for such updates as per Judge Lynn Rubinett's explanation as to the year of 2012 to any point in time as per what the aspects thereof could be for my daughter and/or my son and/or myself as to the aspects as to McCoy Elementary School #McCoy #McCoyElelemtnary #McCoyElementarySchool #Elementary #McCoySchool and the Fort Worth Zoo #FWZ #FWZoo #FortWorth #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTX #FWTexas and the Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas #FarmersBranch #FarmersBranchTX #FarmersBranchTexas #FBTX and the state of Texas as to all such connections as to if such possibilities thereof as to such hypotheticals if as to my needs as to such findings as per that particular phone call meeting as obviously the Texas Education Agency Justice #Justice #JusticeLegion #JusticeLeague was in the knowledge as to what law firm as well as the school and the school district as to such aspects as to the reality.
In reference to the aspects as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to such references thereof to such factors as to the proof of such aspects, I have maintained myself as to what I have mainly been known as to such aspects of before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as only in the legal government name aspects as to my Maiden/Army Enlisted Last Name as to how such aspects as to the areas as per where I grew up going around as well as other situations as to the timeframes well before after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury coma as to the reality as to such aspects of the differences as to the individuals as to who I personally once knew in person face to face in person in real life in the middle and late 1980s as to the 1990s as to obviously especially as to the online factors as to such social media references as to such aspects as to the reality of such differences as to individuals as to where they were from as to how they viewed names in such regards as to any hypothetical need for such clarifications as to the real common sense as only real common sense is common sense.
However as to such aspects in reference to other factors thereof, in such differences as to other situations as to how some might have needed to accept the common sense aspects as to the additional factors as to such regards in reference as to the first separation as to such aspects as to the reality of what I was told as to the situations during that timeframe as to my biological mother and my biological father as to such regards as to the if situations as to the aspects thereof as to my Maiden last name as to the differences as to what the aspects thereof as to my Bok Pu as to such aspects to the references thereof as to my ethnic background as to such factors of differences instead of whereas to how that homo-sapien-sapien as to my egg donor biological mother has needed to accept those facts that she signed away her rights to me in the year of 1996 as well as to such factors of what she was told as to my BokPu as to such references as to such aspects thereof to such situations to that consideration of if factors that she and all others just need to let it go as to how pathetic they are for trying to hold onto someone who does not want nor need to be a part of their aspects as to such references of such hypotheticals as to such factors thereof.
When the aspects as to kindergarten aspects as to trying to hold onto something and/or someone who does not have the aspects of such a want and/or a need as to the same aspects as to the kindergarten aspects as to the situations of if someone is being mean to you as to them not liking you, and thus as to such aspects as to when pushing away from others as to such aspects because of the reality of not wanting to be involved as to such aspects thereof then as to such choices as to whether to be a decent human being as to humanity as to such aspects as to respecting the choices as to such individual factors as when as to the proof as to such pulling away as to such references such as myself having pulled myself away as to such pushing away regarding other individuals as to such points in time as to comprehending myself as I am not a child as I am not a little girl who goes around and does something for attention. If I write as to being done with an area and/or a location and/or others as to such aspects where the reality of being done with such others and the only mature way as to such aspects as to the situations is to letting go, as the aspects of such others as to the need to grow up and be mature.
The needless problems that came from the aspects as to my children's biological father as to those types who needed to let it go a long time ago as to the same in reference to any others as to such trying to claim as to any such holdings, as there is not the want nor the need nor the desire of mine to such aspects as to how I have let it go a long time ago as to how the situations actually were and only as to such updates because of the hypotheticals as to the proof thereof as to the truth in such references as to what would have hypothetically been found as to then in such references where the mature aspect is to let it go. The reality where such situations as to any hypothetical as to however many updates as to such aspects as to only reviewing as to the exact time as to such reviews as to the aspects thereof as to the in such situations where could have been truthful with me in person face to face in person and/or online as to such hypotheticals as to the choices thereof to such individuals as to whatever proof thereof to such #10Commandments #10CommandmentsMatter #Truth #TruthMatters #ExperienceMatters 10 Commandment aspects, as to how I had and am honest as to such aspects both in person face to face in person in real life as well as online as to such aspects as to the specifications thereof as to the common sense aspects as to others who simply need to accept those facts.
Their hypothetical interpretations as to such aspects of since whatever point in time as to the aspects of where those would need to calculate the timeframe as to such as to for themselves, as to the reality as to such combinations thereof as to the overall situations officially as per the proof thereof to such aspects.
It is bratty and immature to in such hypotheticals as to such facts as to the aspects thereof as realistically anyone and everyone as to any point in time as to the aspects of where I could have spoken with people who I once knew in person face to face in person in real life as to before the years of because of 1993 as well as because of 2001 that caused me any needless situations, that caused me any needless problems, that caused me any needless pain, that caused me any needless drama as to those individuals needing to accept the facts as to whatever their choices were as to such points in time as to such actions they chose as to those points in time. That and those are their responsibilities for their accountabilities as to their stupidities as to such aspects as to whatever proof thereof as to such situations, as to in my opinion whether in person face to face in person in real life and/or such aspects as to any online factors thereof as to where I should have been capable to get to as to the if factors as to actual care about life.
Thus as to those types as to their online factors as to anyone they might have known in the tristate areas as to the east coast locations only through online as to their own faults and their own failures as to where I could have went to such aspects as to who I could have assisted as to such situations as to in person in real life as to such aspects, as to such differences as to such others as to their hypotheticals. Maybe because of those types as to whatever their choices as to such hypotheticals as to any feelings they have had for their prior known individuals as to however as to such aspects, as to the common sense aspects as to the if factors as to having gotten out of my way and having stayed out of my way as to where those individuals might have been capable to get back online instead of such hypotheticals as to such situations as to the proof thereof as to such situations as to the years thereof as to such social media and such online aspects to the hypotheticals thereof to such situations.
However the massive distinction as to such aspects as to those pop culture renaissance faire types as to the aspects of where I knew the real people in person face to face in person in real life as to such genuine real life exper4iences, as to the non-pop-culture aspects because of knowing real people in real life as to my real childhood and my real teenager years as to my real biological adult years as to such real situations as to such real locations as to the real life as to such factors thereof as to such distinctions as to the differences of visions as to the difference of aspects of whatever others' interpretations thereof could be and/or were as to such aspects as to the proof thereof as to such aspects as to the years of 2020 and 2021 and 2022. Thus such clearings and clarifications bring clarity for myself as to such aspects as to others as to the if factors as to such clearings and clarifications themselves, as to the aspects as to such common sense in my opinion aspects.
As a different side notation while my daughter had not had any ability to get an ID card as to the dependent ID Card because of the healthcare as to such aspects thereof as to the fact she once was as to a dependent status as since she was a dependent at one point in time and as to such factors as to how then as to such removal officially because of the healthcare insurance as to the distances as well as the civilian aspects, and there is not any chance for reconciliation as to such aspects regarding my children's biological aspects of their biological father's side of the family and such connections thereof as to who I met as to the knowledge thereof as to the specific points in time as to such. For example as to the Air Force basic training graduation as to my children's biological father's side of the family as to that female's husband as to the Drill Instructor asking if I was David's wife and when I clarified I was not David's wife, as Mary was David's wife. Since I am not interested in polygamy at all as to ever being involved with any male who has more than one female he his involved with as to such aspects as to my viewpoint of such aspects as to my type of polyamory as to such differences if I were to choose as to such, the requirements as to what my viewpoints would be as to such differences that are not up for interpretations as I did not ever get to spend that large of an amount of time with David at all as to such in person face to face in person in real life aspects. #EndAllStolenValor #ValorEarnedMatters
I have dealt with as much as I have and there has not been the aspects of where such so-called family aspects as to the reality because of the situations as to the timeframes as to any such lies as to the aspects as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the other such factors thereof, as to the proof as to the requirements as to the 10 Commandments as to such aspects of my religious backgrounds as well as studies thereof as to the extensive factors. While such individuals who if they actually had truthfully cared for me as to how such would have been as per the aspects as to the reality thereof, the situations where there has not been my full needs met as to such aspects on the consistent bases as to what my needs are as to such as I consider as to such factors as to the hypotheticals as to the proof thereof as well as to the references as to such proof of such aspects as to the length of time as to where I was born and raised as to the overall aspects thereof as to New Jersey as well as the tristate northeast areas. Those homo-sapien-sapiens as to such references as to any such aspects to such hypotheticals as to the differences as to what their interpretations instead of real discussions as real human beings would actually have had with me if there was such as to those homo-sapien-sapiens as to actually instead, being real human beings as to genuine humanity in my opinion.
In reference to a different situation as to the aspects regarding the year of 2001 when David went to Fort Worth Texas after his wife Mary and the two daughters of Mary were in the area while he had left to go to Basic Training in the Air Force the aspects where those biological females related to my son and my daughter through their biological father as to all three of the older females as to such biological aspects to my son and my daughter's biological father while pregnant with my son at the time in the year of 2001, Mary had discussed with the other females and myself as well as Grandma Nichols' neighbor Judy about the aspects of Mary's first born daughter Sondra Marie as to the difference between the biological fathers as to Sondra Marie and Ariel Nicole as to their legal first and legal middle names as I was told. There was a maroon colored later 1980s or early 1990s Pontiac that slowly drove up behind where Mary was standing as to having passed by the area on the way to the house across the street from Grandma and Grandpa Nichols' house that initially parked and went inside of that house as to the female, before the female ran back to that car to then as what I saw where they drove off and then came back with people in the back seat of that same car where they pulled off to the side to park in front of Judy's house while those females laughed as to telling me that Mary's eldest was another biological father instead of who David was. While Judy was upset and appalled as I was while the others laughed as to such aspects, I made attempts to describe the importance of healthcare as to the differences from what my children's biological father told me about the groups of people in the overall area as to the genetic backgrounds. #BiologyMatters
While I had been introduced to some people on the other side of the I20 highway as to a neighborhood with a street where there was a white-ish colored house with a larger front yard and two males standing outside of the front yard when that occurred in the year of 2001 before the discussion as to when David went to Basic Training, though as to when I saw them as to a head nod as to when I was told not to look as I did not sense any problems for me as to such aspects as to taking a swift look and being respectful as well as showing my hands as to not having anything. I received a head nod from each one while then once the door opened as to the red interior of the house overall as to the rooms I went into, and a red sheer color of fabric over the lampshades as to when inside of the areas to speak with others as I was introduced. I met around 3-4 people there as a few others arrived, though I cannot remember their names as it was a lot at the time for me to deal with during such situations. I explained and wrote about such factors as to my original Blue ID Card of/for the #USA #USAA #USAF #USAAF #AFoUSA #AFotUSA #ArmedForcesoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica #USAMatters #constitutionMatters Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the Basic Training aspects as to David's graduation during the timeframe in #FindingASilverLining "Finding A Silver Lining" as well as my updates to my journal blog, as to such references.
In regards as to when only less than one full year as to 11 September 2001 as well as during the timeframe as to my birthday while only being awake from my coma for less than 2.5 years with the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain only a few months after the kidney stone hospitalization though for my son's first birthday party at the McDonalds #McDonalds in Forrest Hill Texas #ForrestHill #ForrestHillTX #ForrestHillTexas #McDonaldsForrestHill #ForrestHillMcDonalds, as to the situations during the timeframe as to the birthday cake situation as well as when the timeframe aspects as to because of the birthday cake #birthdaycake #birthdaysituations as while I was wearing blue capris and a blue with small flowers pregnancy shirt with a bow in the back, as to dealing with the situations as to the overall aspects while making the best attempts to appreciate life as to the time. The amount of pain physically as to the combined factors as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage damages from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as such factors in between such time as to the year of 2000 through to that point of the year of 2002 as to my headaches as well as the additional aspects of pregnancy pain through as to such additional factors that the overall aspects as to throughout my entire body as to such facts as to such situations, though as to doing the best I could as to the situations at the time.
When the arguments came after I was told by others that there was going to be a specialty birthday cake as to the aspects of when my two children's biological father's younger sister picked up the cake to bring, I told the McDonald's employee about the aspects thereof and he had put the birthday cake back into the freezer for the point in time. When she arrived with the cake as to then being upset because of what I was told as to the situations as to how she argued with the manager about the situations and because she threw a fit as to whatever occurred as to the situations while I was taking care of the party of people who I did not know as none of the people there were anyone I personally knew before the year of 2000, and none of the relatives were mine except for my son and who was in my uterus as to my daughter at that time in the year of 2002. When the manager was tired of dealing with both that female as well as tired of dealing with Grandma Nichols, the manager walked over to speak with me because as I guesstimate as to being the only level headed individual he had dealt with as to the situations. He informed me of the aspects as to the time as to another birthday party scheduled as to the area as he told me I could stay, though the specific location as to the situations were as to the area.
Understanding such aspects and as I had began to move the items from the area closer to the bathroom to closer to the play place area for the ease of those who were at the party as to the windows, the arguments between the individuals as to the biological relatives as to the other party as well as the staff at that McDonalds. As I moved around the areas and apologized for the aspects, each of the individuals told me "Its okay, Momma. We know, we understand. It's not your fault."
When two of the females remained closer to the play place area as to my children's biological father's younger sister doing something, one of the female's purse accidentally struck a child that was not hers and she flew off of the handle as to yelling at the females as well as Grandma Nichols yelled 'punta ni**a' to the females as then there was the push from the younger sister as to the two females and as they fought and the landing into the birthday cake while the others watched and people who were from the next scheduled party began to enter the area, I saw the same child that the argument began over and reached over to pick her up and pull her out of the fight between the two as she only had a little bit of a small injury to her arm as I kept her at my side as she hid herself using my pregnancy shirt. When everything as to that situation broke up and as one of the females ran over to where I was with the female child, I informed the mom she needed medical attention for her arm as to the bone as I sensed something to the effect of a small situation that could easily be healed. The police law enforcement as well as EMS arrived and as to the situations where then as to just getting everything that was from the party, to then pack in the van. I apologized to the group of mainly males who had arrived as to them having heard my explanations as to the situation as well as I guesstimate as to them having spoken with the females about the situation, and each either gave me a head nod and/or as to the few males who spoke as to such aspects as to the same type of words as to "It's okay, Momma. It's not your fault, we know whose fault it is."
In that timeframe as to then getting back to the house as Grandpa Nichols asked what occurred as to seeing my face as upset as I was as I carried my son in the door, as he knew about 11 September 2001 as the aspects were nearing the one year point in time as to the memorial aspects. Grandpa Nichols had been informed of the discussion as to the year prior as to having heard me discuss the situations as to my beliefs as to the aspects thereof and as Grandpa Nichols agreed with me as to the situations, as to the aspects in reference to how he told me to go to the room and try to relax as he would find out what occurred before speaking with me. As the females began to arrive as excited as to such aspects because they picked up a birthday cake from McDonalds with an extra one because of the situations as to what they thought was to celebrate, Grandpa Nichols was enraged as to the situations as to him having yelled at them for what I dealt with at the time and knowing of what I was dealing with while being pregnant with my daughter while taking care of my son as I attempted to just stay calm while the overall situations were as to such aspects. At the house when I was asked what my choices were as to making the choice to save the life of a child, I dealt with being told as to what they thought New Jersey loyalties were as to the instead of the reality of the facts as to such aspects where their pop culture was not the reality about New Jersey while they tried to tell me what the loyalties were as to Fort Worth as to such massive differences in several factors to a degree I suppose.
They actually expected me to get involved with the fight instead of what my choice was as to saving the child, and getting her to safety as well as attempts as to the facts of getting the female child the medical care she needed. I cannot remember if it was Petra's child or granddaughter as to the aspects of, though it may have been a friend of hers as to the time as to that birthday party at that Forest Hill Texas McDonalds in the year of 2002. I cannot remember if there were any of the dads who showed up to the party, as there was a lot I was dealing with at the time; though it was not as though I personally knew anyone to begin with as to that reality, as to the situations. Grandpa Nichols took my side as the females argued amonst themselves saying they were mad at me for choosing to save a child's life, how they were mad at me for defending the McDonald's employees, how they were mad at me for taking the side of the scheduled birthday party people's timeframe as to their rights, and how they were mad at me because I would not fight while being pregnant with my daughter while my almost 1 year old son was nearby to me as to how the aspects of the females had the right to be upset as to what Grandma Nichols had said as well as what those had done regarding the situations.
Nothing of what they were mad at me for made any sense to me whatsoever, while then they tried to tell me how it was in New Jersey while I explained to them there was nothing of what they did that was really #NorthNewJersey #NJ #NJstrong #NewJersey #NewJErseyStrong #NJstate #NewJerseystate #NewJerseyTurnpike #NJT #NJTP #GerdenStateTollway #GST New Jersey-ian unless in Camden #Camden #CamdenNJ #CamdenNewJErsey #CentralNJ #CentralNewJErsey or South-ish areas #SouthNewJersey of New Jersey though some in Maryland #Maryland #MD #MDstate #Marylandstate aspects as the majority of what they did was inner city #NewYork #NY #NYstate #NewYorkState New York City #NYC #NewYorkCity and/or Staten Island-ish #StatenIsland #StatenIslandNY #StatenIslandNYC #StatenIslandNewYork #StatenIslandNewYorkCity and/or Philadelphia #Philadelphia #PhiladelphiaPA #Pennstate #Pennsylvania #PennsylvanniaState #PennState #PAstate inner portions and/or Pittsburg #Pittsburg #PittsburgPA #PittsburgPennsylvania inner portions as to when outer areas get involved with situations where they are not needed as to such needless drama as to the already situations as to such factors. They sounded more similar to Crystal Lake South high schoolers as well as some of the surrounding areas as to Crytal Lake Illinois #CLS #CLSHS #CrystalLake #CrystalLakeIL #CLIL #Cr as to what they referred to, instead of the majority of areas as to the middle and latter 1990s as what they were doing and describing was the early news reports from the 1980s as to the situations in the middle and later 1980s as to such aspects instead of the majority of New Jersey though similarly as to Camden and South New Jersey as to such aspects as to the situations thereof; as to the other areas as to their involvement as most New Jersey-ians do not get involved unless another New Jersey-ian is actually in a situation and/or as to certain other factors as to college students as to their soon to be and/or graduates as to such aspects of the situations when a New Jersey-ian is involved in stuff that is not their fault, as to other factors' involvements.
Later in the year shortly after I gave birth to my daughter as to that second time as to such a labor and delivery as to such similarities as to the type and the aspects thereof as to the length of time, as to a phone call later about how my children's biological father's younger sister had a court case as to where she laughed that the other females did not show up though she was mad at me for not going to the court to stand up and defend her where I told her I would not defend her for anything because of the facts that she was to blame for what she had done. I told her in person face to face in person in real life when we got to Fort Worth that I was glad that I was not there as the reality of as to the aspects of the facts, as when I was told the other two females were not at the court case as to how in my opinion if they had been there as well as if I could have testified as to how the truth would have been told as to the facts and how such would have been as to such situations. Additionally as Grandpa Nichols crossed his arms with a smile on his face as to such aspects as to him having told the females biologically related to my son and my daughter, I told those females that the reality of my choices were the best possible choices for my son and my daughter and I as well as others as that child would have been hurt worse if as to my getting her out of the area as soon as I could.
Only feminists would be against such types of situations as to what I have dealt with as to such hypotheticals thereof and only such feminists would fight against what I have dealt with as well as would prevent such needless problems as to such aspects of if factors as to preventing others from being in any such capacity thereof as to what I already have dealt with, though not as to such levels of beaurocratic aspects as to the common sense as to the factors as to such amounts of writing as well as such clarifications as to such aspects thereof as to what I have already dealt with in the capacities thereof to this point in time as to such amounts of wasted time aspects as per the prior situations such as to how I could have gotten to where I needed to be in reference to the aspects of the northeast areas before the year of 2020 as to how many lives that were of individuals I once knew in person face to face in person in real life that those hypotheticals cannot replace who those people were to me as to such aspects as to as well as to those as to New Jersey as well as New York City and Pittsburgh and Philadelphia though as to such outside of Lancaster Pennsylvania as well as to such other smaller towns as to Pennsylvania state and New York state as to those areas as to who I once knew in person face to face in person in real life that obviously as to there not being the directories as to such church directories and there not being the aspects of yearbooks as to how the #Amish Amish were as to pictures/videos of themselves as well as how the #Mennonites #Mountaineers Mennonites were specific as to only what aspects as to the modesty as to how Mountianeers were as to such viewpoints thereof as to the aspects where they were a half and half aspect as to where the modesty required as to such aspects thereof as well as privacy especially as to the bathroom areas as well as the changing areas and the bedroom areas officially.
Thus if as to feminazis in my opinion as to such references as to such hypotheticals as to such discrimination as to such as to what aspects would be legally considered as to such hypotheticals thereof as to such references as to such male or female biological aspects as either one is capable as to such a label and/or title as to such regards, just as there is the capacity as to the references regarding such aspects as to the feminist as to either male or female biologically thereof officially. Thus if as to such involvement as to without my informed consent as to such hypotheticals as to what such officially would require as to such references and regards thereof, however if I am inaccurate in any capacity thereof my apologies as to the wasted amounts of time as to any such factors thereof regarding such if situations.
In a different reference as to later aspects as to a different aspect as to a combination for the following, as to the only person who had ever asked me about my wrist tattoo in the city of Carrollton as to at Boy Scouts #BoyScouts as to one of the dads of two boys who were in the school of McCoy. He actually was the first person to ask me ever without a presumption as to when asking me about any of my tattoos, though as to such aspects as with human decency as to the aspects. I explained such spiritual reasons as to the aspects thereof and when I explained such, he told me of his surprise as to the reasons as he had thought something different though had not told me what he thought was the aspects of the situation. His name being Davis though his wife Tammy whose eldest son had a different dad as to how despite the situations at the time that I was dealing with overall, I promised him if he graduated high school as to getting his grades up enough as to how I would be at his high school graduation. The situations were after the Fort Worth Zoo aspects and I had moved from Carrollton Texas to Cedar Park Texas #CedarPark #CedarParkTX #CedarParkTexas as to the aspects because of the traveling aspects as to the requirements as to the healthcare for my daughter as to the RTC #RTC situations as per the healthcare requirements as to appointments if within a certain area of a location to the RTC regarding the situations, as to the aspects thereof.
For clarifications currently as to how I have made attempts as to the #VA #VeteranAffairs VA appointments as to the recent aspects as to the timeframe though because of the situations as to the overall aspects as to only recently being capable to update my physical address, as to the aspects where if I had been capable to get into the appointments as to actual assistance as to what I actually have needed as to the situations where the attempts have been made though the wait times as to the aspects as to the situations overall as to such updates where I have been capable to do so. If as to the aspects where such situations in truth as to such aspects as per my clarifications as to such aspects would have been taken seriously from the beginning as to my journal blog updates as to the years of 2019 through 2022 instead of such wait times, as to the aspects where as the overall situations as to the current time. Since it is actually a lot for me to handle everything as to such situations as well as my attempts to getting my business taken care of as well as I am the only one as to such aspects, if others had known of such as to having spoken with me in truth as to actually using real words as to real discussions as to how the common sense of such would be in the reality of such in person face to face in person aspects as to the updates as to my journal blog in the years from 2019 through 2021 as to such updates as to how it would have been much easier for me as to instead of this situation as I have clarified repeatedly. However since such aspects as to the attempts to deal with such overall aspects as to such facts as well as the other situations as to where if there was actually a real outreach as to what that actually would be as to humanity, the common sense aspects as to such factors as to where when dealing with headaches and migraines as to the common sense as to real care for and real care about me as to how that actually would be if there was actual respect of such aspects as to the facts.
Common sense, truly is common sense as a super power apparently.
However those aspects as to such hypotheticals as to those types as to such hinting instead of being a real adult as to such aspects of maturity as to a real adult would actually be as to being a real adult in person face to face in person as well as to being a real adult online, as to such common sense once again.
Distance care is not care at all, as there is nothing caring as to what I consider as caring for me as to such aspects especially as to who I am.
Nonetheless the first arrangement of tattoos or what would be considered as cell popping as to such aspects as to when I showed such as to my shoes that I had created as to my Latin class as to where the beginning of such aspects as to such were, and the evening of my last ritual for the week long aspects as to where my biological mother thought there was a fire was actually what I had completed as to my feet as the symbolic aspects as to such were shown through my shoes as to the entirety of from the soles of my feet all the way around the sides of my feet and to the tops thereof and all around everywhere to such aspects as to the situations. After what occurred to my Big Blood Brother, I needed to make sure to protect myself as best as I could as when I was in fifth grade was already too much to deal with. Every inch of me was taken care of as to back then in the year of 1997 as to the aspects thereof, as to my concern when I had a vision as to the aspects at the time. I made attempts to explain such to those who I could, though as to such years as to the aspects thereof as to the belief in me as well as belief of me. Thus as to after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury coma as to such aspects where at times when I can see as to the aspects of the various types of clairvoyance/clairsentience/clairsentience/etcetera in my opinion, as to what is as to the ease of in person face to face in person explanation as to the lesser amount of physical pain to me if as to actual real care instead of those types as to such pop culture watchers instead of actual doers.
Just for that additional clarification, if needed.
In turn if such clarifications as needed as to such hypotheticals as to in any capacity for such clear aspects as to not having dated anyone in the official capacity of as to my journal blog updates as well as to though there have only been as to my modeling aspects as there was not anything more than as to such modeling as to telling jokes as to such points in time and there were no jokes from me as to anything referencing any capacities thereof as to any dating aspects as to such individuals as to the aspects thereof as to the Olympus Photo Modeling #Olympia #Olympus #OlympiaWA #OlympiaWashington session officially, as he was dating and married to other people as to not having been dating me as I was not interested officially as to such aspects as to the reality.
In reference to a situation as to modeling similar as to how modeling as to seeing as to others seeing modeling aspects as the difference of doing, as to such facts are as to such facts are. Thus as to such situations in the year of 2012 as to having been invited officially as to the modeling aspects, as to who I was invited as to their knowledge of and to such aspects of the only area I knew them through. Thus as to the differences as to modeling as to such regards for other such references as well as the aspects of if factors in regards as to that aspect of Olympus mythology would be whereas my character Aphrodite would be with Poseidon's character, as I do not remember his real name as to the length of time since the year of 2012. As to having been introduced to the group of as to the individuals who had been the characters of Hades #Hades(Joshua Light), Demeter #Demeter (Stephanie who was Joshua's wife at the time), Hestia #Hestia(Crystal who was one of Joshua's slaves as per the aspects thereof to their lifestyle then later to Joshua's wife after his divorce from Stephanie), Athena #Athena(Trish one of his girlfriends and trainee slaves as to their lifestyle), Hephestus #Hephestus(Stephanie's submissive later turned husband to ex-husband), and Hermes #Hermes (Stephanie's son). I was introduced to who was Hera as I think she was who was #Artemis Artemis' Mom, though I am #Aprodite Aphrodite in the modeling session though uncertain as to who was Zues #Zues, Ares I think was named Rick #Ares #Aries, and Apollo #Appolo with Demeter are others who I am uncertain as to their names as well.
I only knew the individuals specifically referenced as through the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to the areas as to the #BDSM locations mainly as to events as to the year I first met them in 2010 towards the month of September or October of 2010, though I am uncertain if it may have been latter in the year of 2010 or in the beginning or middle-ish of the year of 2011. I had not ever met them outside of a lifestyle event until that photo modeling session and I am not aware as to anything about the individuals as per such aspects as to the timeframes before then, though since then as to the year of 2019 as to some details briefly as to the aspects thereof as to how Hermes or Connor if I remember correctly as to his name though the others I cannot remember their names in real life at all if I was ever told their names as when in modeling sessions as to if there are characters specific as to being referred to as to the character name as to such references. Years ago when in #Saint JohnVianney #SaintJohnVianneyHS #SJV #SJVHS Saint John Vianney High School ironically I had a creative #Latin #GrecoRomanLatin Latin class report as to how the top as I painted was the t-shirt as on the front was #Diana #Goddess Diana the Goddess of the Hunt and on the back was Aphrodite/#Venus Venus as to such references, as the boxers I had drawn though the other female had to paint herself (whatever that females name was as I cannot remember the people from my Latin class though they had their Doc Martins #DocMartins and as to my creativity and how I saw Latin as the basic language for all languages as to the five most known languages as to the symbolic factors as to decorating my shoes with words at that time in the year of either 1996 or 1997 or 1998) was #Cernunnos #Cernnunos Cernunnos as to the front and Hephaestus on the back.
As there were the different sets of paint as to the work as to the pairing as per Mrs. A's Latin class as to a different side notation as to my painting as to the drawings before as then to my work as to on the top half only as to the painting whereas the drawing as to the boxers because she did not know how to draw as she said, and since it was just a rough draft as to the pencil drawing as to how she needed to focus her attention as to the painting of the boxers; while I had put such out there for her to work on while I took care of the rest of the 4/5 of the work as to that particular, project for Latin class.
Thus as to such aspects as to such clarifications of if factors as to such aspects as I am not certain as to the aspects of if factors as to the aspects of if situations as to such aspects of modeling as that larger factor as to the references regarding the mythology as to such modern aspects of time in this year of 2022, as the aspects as to such possibilities of if as to #Poseidon Poseidon as to Venus as to the difference between Aphrodite and Hephaestus as in either situation as to how Aphrodite/Venus as to with Poseidon/#Neptune Neptune as a possible misconception as to such aspects. Aside from the fact I am unaware if who was the character of Poseidon's name in real life or anything about him, as there was only that particular session as to that one point in time as to such aspects where other situations as to oddities I suppose.
It is odd as to how Diana the Goddess of the Day and the Sun as to the Goddess of the Hunt and the Earth as to the Goddess of the Moon and the Stars, as to the Roman mythology as to such aspects thereof to the differences as to the Greek mythology as to being some similarities as though as to certain differences as to the mythos. While as to Diana being Cernnunos' favorite as to such aspects of her capabilities as to such factors as to a situation whereas to the time when Cernnunos had noticed an injury as to Diana and when he had learned of the facts as to the situations as per the mythos as to such choices as to the timeframe as to the Roman mythos, as to the oddities where when Diana had fallen asleep as to a situation where she awoke to Cernnunos beside her as to her bed in such oddities as to the mythos as to how once they united as to them remaining as such as to how Cernunnos had other as to some aspects of mythos versions of relationships though as to Diana as to his favorite and Diana as to having been as she had been in the Roman mythos, once Cernunnons had be as to Diana's side when she awoke as to him being hers and them being inseparable as to most times within the mythos as to how she went from hunting as to being mainly as to the Goddess of the Sun/Moon/Stars/Earth as to how he had been about Diana from the start of time in the Roman mythos.
In the references as to Aphrodite in the Greek mythos as to where she had assisted Hera as to more than just the Iliad aspects as there was a point when Hermes in the Greek mythos had a situation where he went to Apollo for assistance though Apollo was arrogant as to such aspects as to when Hermes (in the timeframes as to the mythos of the Roman aspects as to Mercury) as to how the situations regarding the aspects where he went to Hera, and Hera enraged already at Zues for multiple factors as per the situations as to where most know of such aspects as to where Hera removed Aphrodite to be capable to get information that Athena had hidden from Hera as to their battles amongst themselves in the Greek mythos. As Hestia took care of the household and as Demeter due to upsetting Hera was as to the situations where the 6 months and 6 months aspects that some might know more of, while Hades having enraged Hera as well as Hephaestus as to such aspects whereas to some similarities between the two of such factors while Artemis made attempts to plead with Zues at first, she went to Hera later after she spoke with Hermes about several aspects. Poseidon was not notified until Hermes went to meet with him and when Hermes in the Greek mythos had met with Poseidon as to such aspects in regards of Aphrodite as to the situations, Poseidon had beseeched Hermes to get Aphrodite though as to how Aphrodite being as to the ocean as to how she would be as she was, as to such aspects. The ocean being far and wide as to such aspects where Poseidon had went to find Aphrodite, much to the dismay of Hephaestus because of other situations because of Athena and Hera's battles amongst themselves because of what occurred.
While Hera slowly came around to liking Aphrodite though hating her involvement as to just knowing as to such individuals as to in the Greek mythos as to the aspects of Hera had been enraged because of finding Zues' involvement as to a Swan situation, though Aries had stoked the proverbial fires as to such situations as to only enraging Hera who was capable to being angered easily as to the aspects just from Zues and Athena as to their own affair that had occurred and other such connecting factors. As Aphrodite was the only one who had not enraged Hera on purpose nor by any choice as to such Greek mythos, the aspects where the proverbial cow as to such aspects as to the amounts of fruitfulness as to such aspects because of Aphrodite's nature as to such areas as to such aspects where Hera though enraged as to other situations as to the kinder-ish aspects as to Aphrodite as even Hestia had not of such levels as to the aspects, though had such a hearth and home in such differences. It took Poseidon many moons to find Aphrodite prior to making his way towards Aphrodite as to wed as to such aspects, though with Hermes' assistance at the behest of Hera herself as to the situations as there were a handful of times when Poseidon had been before Aphrodite though as to the silence as to such aspects because of his own situations as to Apollo and Aries as to such aspects while in fear as to Hades and Hephaestus, as to such lengths of time prior to his arrival to gain the attention from Aphrodite as to such Greek mythos as through Poseidon as to how much of the aspects as to Hera finding more as to such situations whereas Athena tried to get Hades to get her information as to how he was not allowed to do anything after a certain point because of him enraging Hera as well as what Zues had assisted Hades with and because of what Hades had begun as to the situations to begin with as to Hera's constant rage with Hades and Zues as well as Hephaestus as in the Greek mythos as to what he could have told Hera and Artemis from the beginning. When as to Aphrodite and Poseidon's wedding only Hera, Artemis, Hermes, Apollo, and Aries were allowed to attend because of Dionysus' drunken state as to having wandered off into the woods, and her time with Hephaestus as his consort after being as to such a viewpoint of Aphrodite as Poseidon refused to allow Hephaestus partially at the behest of Hera and partially because of his own Greek mythos as Poseidon had pushed Hephaestus out of the way as to such aspects in the Greek mythos as to the occurrences thereof as to the Greek mythos situations.
Though the #Roman Roman and the Greek as to Latin as to such aspects of the studies before the time when I took Latin though through all technicalities as to the Greco-Roman Latin classes as to Saint John Vianney High School in 1996 through 1998, the aspects where I could see certain aspects during the timeframe back then as to such aspects in different situations. In some viewpoints when reading through such later as to the Latin classes as to how Neptune in some ways seemed as to Poseidon though as to the aspects as to the mythos as to when Aphrodite or Venus as to such aspects when she was on land as to the ways where such seemed, certain aspects as to how Venus/Aphrodite seemed similarly to Diana as to such aspects as to the mythos as to how such mythos were when reading such aspects as to where Cernunnos seemed as to a father figure to Poseidon in some ways as per the mythos. Though the situations whereas to a multitude of ways where when reviewing such points in time as to how Aphrodite in the Greek #Greek mythos had two children who were of the foam, though they had returned to the foam in such mythos as to such aspects as to the Greek mythology as to such aspects as to when Aphrodite would go onto the land as to such aspects as to the sadder and more upsetting portions as to the Greek mythos as to the situations I read about.
In the Roman mythos as to such aspects of differences as to the Greek mythos the connections seemed quite oddly strange to me as to seeing such interconnected aspects from the times thereof in the 1990s when reading about such at the Parochial high school though not having attended #Catholic #Parochial Catholic schools at all previously, yet having known many who were involved as to such aspects throughout the years when growing up as a child and a teenager. When as to Crystal Lake Illinois and as to my attempts to explain aspects as to my biological mother's half sister' two daughters as to how they needed to learn more about the Catholic aspects as they were Southern Baptists #Baptist #SouthernBaptist who had went through the aspects thereof as to how their biological father and their biological mother had divorced and for as to such references as to how my maternal aunt had converted as to #Catholocism Catholicism to be capable to marry, the aspects as to such situations as to the aspects where I warned as to how important the religious background as to the respect of such is important while I dealt with the aspects of being told as to such opinions regarding such factors.
In some ways now in the year as to 2022 in the month of September when reviewing such times as to the situations combined as to seeing certain aspects that had not made that much sense to me before though the capacities of seeing in some ways, and yet even though the current time is as to such factors as to the wonder as to such references of such aspects as to the situations when reflecting upon such prior times. The picture below as to a kind of collage aspect as to the situations as to the modeling session as to the year of 2012, though with a bit of different words as to the timeframes thereof as to having added as few aspects as to what seemed appropriate either in the year of 2019 or the year of 2020 as to such aspects as while I am uncertain as to the occurrences as to any of such individuals as to such official aspects as to the timeframes between the years of 2012 through even to this year now in 2022 as to such aspects where others would know more of such hypotheticals whereas I am simply just reviewing the aspects thereof to such points in time.

In such a review of the time as to what I suppose an oddity when looking into #SailorMoon Sailor Moon as to the references in different capacities as to the metaphors as to such aspects as to where Neptune and Uranus as to the planetary aspects as to such aspects as to the Roman mythology as to some factors, as to the oddities when taking such into consideration. If the knowledge as to #Serentiy Serenity as to Sailor Moon's story line as well as another name of where she had two children in one of the Sailor Moon movies, as to an oddity about Venus/Aphrodite when taking such into a different viewpoint of metaphors I suppose as to such capacities now as to what was the past referencing my life though in the current present timeframe as when seeing to look towards the furture as to a different oddity all together I suppose.