In reference to a news report in after the Datsun truck which was reported by a female in the #KSAT12 KSAT12 news organization which I only agreed to that one report and nothing further as I already had enough I was dealing with and did not care about helping her career because of the lack of drama in the news at the time the way certain types of females have been in high school as well as how that type of situation is the equivalent of ambulance chasers as to those types of people who cause needless problems just for a story in comparison to just reporting the news, those types of people then tend to become the news when they are found out. I did not need any additional stress or problems nor was there any want or need or desire for any such aspects of which I did not ever ask for her help regarding bringing out who I am as I always knew and I did not care for the situation she had brought forward about bringing my background up referencing my personal life beyond what occurred in reference to the #FredLoya Fred Loya Datson truck collision which the driver had run the truck into the back part of my fence and ran into the shed that was in the location. I dealt with enough up to that point in time and those types of hypothetical situations of which when learning of information and then needlessly going after the individual no different than a different version of paparazzi is not helpful to anyone who actually cares about the individual’s life or their family’s life, though someone from #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate San Antonio Texas with as many military bases in the area would hypothetically only see the #ConstitutionalRights Constitutional Rights in comparison to the individual lives as to each individual wearing a uniform when in reference to the area of San Antonio with the 5 military bases. While yes such individuals give the assistance to the Constitutional Rights which allow people such as for their Constitutional Rights for Freedom of the Press, it starts with consent first.
If there is not the consent as to such news reporting in such ways, there is the lack of consent to each and every individual which wears such uniforms and/or associated with such individuals who wear such uniforms and/or their children, of which I did not ever give that female any exclusive rights as I also did not ever allow those people to constantly follow me and/or go after each individual I had ever met and/or ever knew at any point in time just because they did not feel like doing their job at #KSAT #KSATNews #News #fakenews KSAT News because of the other information which was/is repetitive which in such references to what I have said and written about medical practice, it is simply because you have not gotten in correct yet. Thus, do your job and figure actual ways to fix and repair stuff instead of causing more needless problems because of whatever you feel you are too good for because you are not good enough to help fix and repair aspects when you have not fixed and repaired from the ground up in such references in such hypotheticals.
Just because there are as many military connections within the city of San Antonio Texas as well as as many veterans within the state of Texas, does not mean each and every individual cares about either becoming a star or even helping others in their personal careers because most military individuals prefer to keep to what they need to do instead of whatever excuses someone else might have for their own selfish needs compared to what the preferences are and were in such hypotheticals. For example during the time as to the KSAT12 news article in reference to the Fred Loya collision in the backyard of my San Antonio house property in reference to the insurance company and how long it took for them to get the payment correctly taken care of in my favor as well as the problems in reference to the #HOA Homeowners Association thereafter because of the prior problems with the Homeowners Association board members as well as certain individuals thereafter, while some like to be in the spotlight in such comparisons; there are others such as myself which while if I have to then I do only by my choice though as when I have been forced in front of the spotlight because of needless hounding as the ways which an annoying spoiled only child acts around others when they do not get their way in other groups, I personally have not ever cared about such aspects because of knowing who I am as well as what I needed to take care of without the assistance or the opposition referencing getting such work done as I did not request such aspects as to ever being in front of the camera to the levels hypothetically thereof because I personally prefer my privacy of which was not afforded to me because of both San Antonio area as well as associated companies in such hypotheticals as to the #SanAntonioExpressNews #Mysa San Antonio Express News along with the KSAT 12 company of which I had not ever signed any paperwork to ever allow such and in conjunction with as I was informed as to the show which was supposed to be called Guardian A**holes as to the #Amazon Amazon show I was informed that was only supposed to be filmed at the informed to everyone which included myself being informed as to the garage by the train tracks, the studio with the workout equipment, and one bar only; not anywhere else as even though I specifically asked in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project and I told those people of the requirement to speak with me about such details before ever going forward with such by letting me know, there was not ever any discussions of any such furthered aspects of which I personally had any decision as to such needless harassment as to such aspects as to the ways the choice had been to follow while lying and causing needless situations as to cause harm to the different areas while fully disrespecting the entirety of my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as the trip portions thereof.
In such turns there has not ever been any official apology nor has there ever been a way of which such discussions has ever occurred for any such apology for each and every aspect needlessly caused to me by either of those three different and/or connected groups/organizations/associations ever to which I would ever have accepted such as the meeting with the male from the Guardian A**holes Show was only to watch the different episodes as I was informed of comparatively which I did not get shown all of the episodes, and though there was a dinner there was nothing in reference to any business discussed nor any forgivenesses given nor any which were asked for using the words when speaking in comparison to those types of people who I have already gone over in such details when in reference to the difference between my non-fiction and fact based books compared to those who have the seemingly inability to distinguish the difference from fact to the fiction as well as science fiction books I personally authored of which in such references to the actual fact the words fiction and fantasy are connected with science fiction fantasy would fully mean in the title of my creative book of “Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with science fiction fantasy By: Susan MeeLing”, it should not take a head injury to figure out if you cannot tell the difference of those three words being in the title of the book with the term science fiction fantasy then you are a problem to society as your mental state has deteriorated to the level that you have shown your incapability as to distinguishing such a difference and the lack of discretion to such aspects to be able to tell the difference while having the human decency to mind you own business while staying out of my business and annoying me needlessly as I have already dealt with enough problems just as my son #Letters4James already had enough to deal with and my daughter #Letters4Lidia had enough to deal with. #Justice4Me #Justice4SusanMeeLing #Justice4LadyDoriBelle #Justice4Me
In such regarding that one dinner and the one showing which I was not shown the rest of the show and no one from the show was present when I had been shown the minimal aspects to that show at that time, I did not ever agree to anything as to other than seeing the viewing portion as I was not interested in any relationship with that male as was insinuated in reference to the actor Andrew Fast as to the male named Joey from #Boeing Boeing as he said was where he had worked as well as his daughter as he had said. There was not any need nor requirement for anything by my personal standards as there was not the request ever made regarding any such making of my science fiction fantasy book and since I was not informed of any leaking of my books, there would be the legal clause of protection in my favor as to the mandatory requirement to fully disclose such information prior to ever bringing forward any contract as to the required portions of which my intellectual property rights as well as my legal first and my legal middle names being within the title of the book as to the prior protections for myself I had already put forward in prior writings which are all considered under oath testimony as per the #Dinwiddie #DinwiddieVA #DinwiddieVirginia #VA #VAstate #Virginia #Virginiastate #Virginiastatecommonwealth #commonwealthofVirginia Dinwiddie Virginia combined court on 7 October 2021 as per the additional check having been cleared and literally and figuratively and proverbially and metaphorically all in one giving over the memo in full to such aspects in the check when having been accepted for the area to cash officially as just the registration of the acceptance of the check was the only thing I personally needed and required for such a memo to be accepted without anything else further required as to the official portions thereof.
In turn for the clarifications as to it not mattering what others’ wish for such in regards of forgivenesses or wish for as to acceptances, as per my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America there is not the easy aspect as to just a meal to ever go over such especially when there was not any discussion as to any such hypothetical details as to any forgivenesses if that was ever told to the employers as to the lack of those individuals ever bringing such up using their words when speaking as imagining the words when speaking does not count as to such hypotheticals since I had written about telepathy in reference to non-human beings as to those who were enemies to the human race as to such aspects regarding any such aspects in reference to what I was going to go into in reference to my creation only as I did not have any assistances nor did I want nor did I need any assistance in writing my book “Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with science fiction fantasy By: Susan MeeLing” just the same as my other fiction books as to the lack of intelligence behind individuals who cannot distinguish the difference between fiction books to fact based non-fiction books. Thus in the hypothetical reference to any who had read without ever actually purchasing to my knowledge of such books for my use of my profits from my royalty payments, no the wishful thoughts as to the telepathy had nothing to do with anyone or anything and I do not nor will I ever accept such aspects without the actual words being used in the ways you have to speak when going to a confessional regarding Priests in a booth as such. Thus anyone who would wish for such, let me burst your bubble to such aspects as that has not been considered as acceptable and I have the right to choose on my own when I am correctly informed via using words at the moment of in comparison to having to go through needless additional problems and needless additional drama because of the lack of comfort as well as the lack of ability to feel calm as I personally refuse such aspects no matter what you wish and thus if you are not going to have the common courtesy to use etiquette and be truthful when speaking with me using words out loud, then you have proven your lack of capability to be an adult in important timeframes and your personal judgement as to your mental well being should be taken into consideration as to your lack of ability to distinguish between fact from science fiction fantasy.
Thus if you are incapable to distinguishing from between such aspects as to the mandatory requirements as to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” in every possible aspect in all such references as to always following the 10 Commandments as to being truthful at all times, then I am not willing to accept such aspects and you are to deal with your own responsibilities as well as that lazy version of wishing for forgiveness has been rejected by me in full for all such wishes as in order to earn forgiveness you must actually truthfully be remorseful and truthfully must work towards repairing such damages and fixing such problems on your own before you ever think to ever request to speak to me about any such portions as I refuse to accept such situations as to those types of people who wish for the easy through the laziness and the sloth as to which then to have the audacity to be greedy thinking that would be accepted afterwards when it was not accepted to begin with as to the envy of such wishful aspects in the ways of which your pride has lead you astray as to which there is no one who will change my mind regarding such aspects because of the requirement of truth is mandatory. Thus if back in 2018 as to such a hypothetical wish for such forgivenesses or discussions, you have been rejected and it was not accepted and thus the fact of it hypothetically being wished for has fully been denied and rejected in full for your wishes to ever think that would be accepted of which you should get your mental health and wellness checked as to such wishful problems being solved as such at that time in comparison and thus your problems caused others needless harm because of your failure in such hypothetical portions to ever realize that would not ever be considered acceptable when you should have used your words when speaking with me in person in comparison to thinking that would be accepted without such direct communication knowing I was specifically in front of you at the moment in time. Such in the same references in the year of 2019 and onward as without the adult usage of words, no I do not accept any of such wishful thinking ever.
If in reference to what I learned latter in the year of 2019 or 2020 after returning to the state of Texas to go to the #FBI FBI office, the #CID #CriminalInvestigationDivision Criminal Investigation Division, the #MilitaryPolice #MP Military Police stations, and etcetera referencing the #SAPD #SanAntonioPoliceDepartment San Antonio Police Department and #ATX #APD #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas #AustinPoliceDepartment Austin Police Department after having already gone to #SenatorPattyMurray #SenatorMariaCantwell #CongressmanKilmer #CongressmanSmith the #Seattle #SeattleWashington #SeattleWA #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington #WA #WAstate #Washingtonstate the Seattle FBI, the office of Senator Patty Murray, office of Senator Marie Cantwell, office of Congressman Kilmer, the office of Congressman Smith, as well as #JBLM Joint Base Lewis McChord’s CID as well as MP stations; it did not matter that Joey from Joseph and Megan Estes had hypothetically put an apology on fetlife after the timeframe of when having already created my website specifically because they refused to send any such private message to me first through such a contact form of which I did not read such an apology as I was told because I did not care for their apology as to the aspects after the identity theft problems as well as other aspects as to the mandatory in person apology for such aspects as to having the common courtesy to speak with me personally in comparison to wishing such would ever be accepted for the lack of capability to distinguish the differences of such aspects as to online compared to in person of which without the specifics of a personal business website combined as my website is and was created by only one person as to the details and such works which was myself and myself alone; I wrote the way I wrote because of my personal capabilities as to writing, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I could not afford anyone to be employed officially as to such aspects and thus I did not think it took a head injury to figure out there was that factor to take into consideration, as there are those who have writing capabilities outside of the age range of the schooling portions.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out those 2.5 years of Latin classes I took as to the ways which the 5 main languages have begun from such aspects of Latin in conjunction to other languages developed from Hebrew as to the amount I grew up around because of the Jewish people I personally knew when in the areas of the tristate location I was born and raised in when more specifically in reference to #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey, the showing of such a lack of concern and the lack of respect in reference to all such aspects as to not having the common courtesy to such aspects to complete such a request for forgiveness using your words especially if there were any individuals who wished such who had ever complained about my use of my words.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that type of wishful apology after what occurred in person in real life at the #TacoCabana #TC Taco Cabana as to that evening prior to the discussion at the Taco Cabana in the morning, I refuse to look at such an apology because I do not care for such a reading referencing such aspects as to that problem of no difference to the ways of my now dead-ex-husband as to the garage forced situation of which I have refused Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr also known as Cactus Jack for his wishful apology referencing such as when he tried to tell me he felt sexually assaulted as to when he sodomized me in reference to the situation he admitted to others about in regards of such forced situation in regards of the year of 2007 before my then final separation though now dead-ex-husband had gone overseas and the distain I had listening to such words from that male as to ever having the nerve to disgrace me with such a wish for my sympathy to him in his wishes as to my personal feelings as to what I personally had gone through in all such comparisons.
Thus if there is that additional combined level of perceived insanity as to any such wishes to any such times of ever thinking as to my fiction book(s) and again the word is within the title as to science fiction fantasy as those three words should have been enough to distinguish the facts of differences to the fiction book series which unlike other factors as I had thought simply being creative as to my adult book series to which I had not given specific names as to the ways of the characters beyond what I chose because of knowing as to how such aspects from as I already explained as to the individuals I knew in the tristate area when growing up in the 1980s and the 1990s, of which if there were those who thought any such situations were ever something specifically in reference to them within the Texas area of which I told those people I grew up where I grew up and told them I knew more than they had ever allowed themselves to believe and accept as truth. Thus if such a hypothetical wish in reference to the embarrassment caused to me by Joseph and Megan Estes as to the situation at Taco Cabana in the patio area surrounded by the parking lot which people were walking around as well as the employees which had the jobs to go check on sections who heard that male say those words to my face as to what he was demanding of me; I refused him then, I refuse him now, as I will always refuse him because of the fact he did not ever apologize for what he had caused me in person and all such problems as to the needless drama from the situations at Mike and Patty’s as well as additionally to Steve and Krysta because of their already conceived biases wrongly against me the entire time if they had chosen to lie to me even once on purpose would in turn be a problem in larger ways as seen in reference to the 4 July 2012 event situation. Get over your egos, and be decent and genuinely good human beings instead of what has been problematic for far too long in my opinion.
With the needless assumption as perceived regarding the aspects as to #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving and the ways which some people have chosen to earn a SCUBA Diving certification compared to the ways some people have earned their college degree grades, I made the personal choice to earn my SCUBA Diving certifications through actually doing the required work for the actual classes themselves in comparison to what others’ perceptions may have been due to my being involved with the adult consenting lifestyle and such assumptions wrongly as to such aspects as to the mandatory consent in comparison to assumptions. Officially as to my oath for clarifications I have not and do not consent to using my books to in any way or shape or form as others hypothetically have done so as to their choice(s) to pretend, as I can only speak in truth and I have repeatedly proven such aspects of which others have to get to the factual point of accepting I only speak in truth and I am capable to actually distinguish when writing in comparison to speaking. I cannot speak or write as to others’ comprehension levels or their capability levels, however in the references as to such clarifications at minimum I am capable of distinguishing such factors and the proof thereof is more than able to be seen though known.
In such regards as to the clarifications through the banking situations additionally as to the facts of having been under oath as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out after taking the oath of which whether in reference to my enlisted Army oath and/or the oath to tell the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth with the help where possible to prove such, there was not any point in time where someone from such an official standing said anything of the sort of which after being out of the courtroom officially the difference to the oath which was declared officially and thus I did not think it took a head injury to figure out once you take an oath of such standings for example as the oath to tell the truth and the whole truth that such a mandatory aspect as I saw for such times when I was 16 years old as well as when in reference to when I was 17 years old as people who knew me back in those years of my biological age knew I took life far more seriously than most had assumed because of whatever their luxuries were in comparison to what my life had been in such references. While I had hoped for more positive aspects for myself to actually have comfort and truthfully have the luxuries I sought for myself knowing I had to earn the comforts I preferred as I was unaware as to what others had done for such aspects comparatively, I wanted to make sure at all points in time if needed I could look into any mirror to look within my own eyes and be able to stand the reflection of my life looking back into my eyes without any type of regret as later when having had given birth to both of my children my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to ensuring both of my biological children and anyone associated with would be able to know and be proud of the fact genuinely of the work I had done as best as I could as well as to be happy that such work had been accomplished as best as possible without any shame as to my choices and my actions in any and all such ways. I needed for my son and my daughter to be able to accept themselves as well because of knowing the damages as to what can occur when such situations are revealed regarding such portions as to the ways which technology has been around for far longer than most had known, when I was a child in the 1980s. I saw how people were moving towards forgetting too easily because of other factors of which I knew it was important to be able to progress forward as to being more capable to distinguish better, for the abilities to be more capable to progress forward in positive ways.
I knew the situations I was dealing with wrongly at the times of from the year of 2000 onward into the year of 2013 more specifically though there was not the knowledge nor the awareness as to such situations being problematic as per the timeframe of the years from 2013 through 2020 as to such levels, until seeing the sign from the #FactChecking fact checking and the #ElectionIntegrity election integrity portions of the prior software programming in the earlier times of prior to the 1980s coding in the software systems. #FC #EI #FCEI #EIFC
Thus in reference to the Fred Loya Datsun truck collision to my backyard fence if such had to do with any of the individuals who were with my biological sister after she had been punished for what her choices were during her first week of school at #McHenryHighSchool #McHenry #McHenryHS #MHS McHenry High School as to the situations referencing whatever my biological mother dealt with regarding #McHenryCountyGovernmentCenter #McHenryCounty #Woodstock #WoodstockIL #WoodstockIllinois #IL #ILstate #Illinoisstate McHenry County Government Center as per various phone call the computer systems would have recorded and processed such information as the ways of transcriptions in other such references, whatever the phone call as well as whatever the situations discussed within such electronic recorded and surveilled areas were as they were and the repercussions of such are as what repercussions of such are. In such references as to my legal right to stand my ground by going to the firearm safe to pick up the #Glock Glock 45 or possibly the #DesertEagle Baby Desert Eagle in reference to the same one that was held to the back of my head in different occasions compared to another Glock 45 in reference to the forced marriage aspects as to the multiple amount of firearms my now dead-ex-husband had as to the explanations I already gave as to the situations referencing #McCoyElementary #McCoyElementarySchool #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas #CFBISD #Elementary McCoy Elementary School and the assumptions made in reference to my legal second Amendment rights; if one of those four teenager children who threw a temper tantrum because of the boy teenager who was lighting a can of hairspray on fire while aiming it at my house with my son and my daughter inside as well as the threat to the damages to my house property as well as the threat to the damages to my neighbor’s families and houses and properties because of the ages of the fence lines; those ignorant childish wastes of time as to ever having worked as much as I had to save where I had as to such infantile situations to perpetuate while adults go onwards needlessly adding teenager high school childish drama in the real world whereas such portions thereof to such opinions of mine, I had every right to defend my property and the safety thereof. It was not my fault if such a sight of defending my children while defending my property while defending myself while additionally defending my neighbors and their families and their properties offended their whining childish senses of reality.
In turn if their parents told them I was correct by the laws within the state of Texas despite having been in a Homeowners Association those types of needless behaviours have been problematic referencing the intentions when someone makes any report as to such biases especially when the demographics of an area are more well known and needlessly stirring up wrongful drama when life actually is working towards the betterment compared to the garbage stirred up from children who do not like they were put in their place and told no, their behaviours and their choices of actions were and are not considered as acceptable and the time to take responsibility for such choices and behaviour has always been a situation since technology has been a part of life and such realities of such acceptances as to all such connections regarding each individual technological aspect as to the version of the bump program regarding the #Apple #AppleiPhone #iPhone Apple iPhone bump program in the year of 2008 or 2009 or 2010 for such references as to the length of time such connections were initially established as to the beginning phases as to the timeframes for the Fact Checking and Election Integrity of which I had repeatedly warned people about more than they were willing at such times to pay attention to the realities thereof.
Thus in the regards as to the individuals as to the timeframe in the backyard at my house in San Antonio as to the total of four teenagers as to the problems which came from such hypothetically, if you were ignorant enough to go and write about such using your technology devices as to communicating with one another over such possibilities as to the needless problems caused because of the fact all parents and others with such details as to the fact I had the right to defend myself as to the hairspray being lit on fire and sprayed in my direction as it also had been done so in your directions by that male with the skunk looking hair that was almost chin length that was a darker brown almost black with one thicker streak of white-ish yellow-ish blond-ish hair, in the state of Texas I had the right to defend myself as well as each one of you teenagers in high school junior levels in such references to being on my property while my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as well as who was also upstairs as to my extremely abusive now dead-ex-husband as to what I was already dealing with, though if you arrogantly thought he was a responsible individual then there are the facts as to the solen valor #EndStolenValor #EndStolenValorNow as to the dress blues situation being at the time and needing to stop such a normal choice as to such temper tantrums as to my choice to additionally defend and protect my neighbors as well as all of their families inside of their properties with a firearm which I had the right to use correctly and safely; then you four teenagers at the time in the year of 2003 as I guesstimate were told by elders as to the facts thereof and instead of accepting the facts of my accuracy, you chose to throw temper tantrums around the state of Texas in comparison to paying attention to the details and the realistic importances of the correct way to handle and use firearms only when necessary for such type of force.
If in turn regards in reference to McCoy Elementary School if your choices were to contact the school because of your childish games after high school in comparison to growing up because of your childish games going from your high school into college in comparison to earning your education correctly instead as to such, you cannot change your choices of behaviour as to anything involved as to the wrongful games you chose to play with others’ lives including two minor aged biological children as well as myself as the facts of when I met you I was only awake from my coma for three years from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the fact my subarachnoid hemorrhage was still showing up in the MRI and CAT scans of which by #ADA ADA compliances. In such hypotheticals you had failed to show your human decency in the correct ways as to such aspects thereof and while you might as well as others might not have known about the realities in reference to the meanings of as well as behind my Blue Identification Card of/for the #ArmedForces #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces #ArmedForcesoUSA #ArmedForcesUSA #ArmedForcesUSADoD #ArmedForcesDoD #USArmedForcesDoD #USAArmedForcesDoD #DoD #USDoD #DepartmentofDefense #USAF #USAAF #USAFDoD #USAADoD #DoDAFUSA #DoDUSAAF #USDoDAF #SSDoDAFUSA #SecretaryofStateArmedForcesoftheDepartmentofDefense #SoSAFoDoD #UnitedStatesofAmericaSecretaryofStateofArmedForcesofDepartmentofDefense #USASoSAFDoD Armed Forces of the United States of America especially with the minimal information anyone was allowed if they did not have the correct levels of which specific clearance with the specific additional portions to be able to access my military records as per the example in reference to Dr. Kerry regarding such times in the year of 2003 before that timeframe of such situations for clarifications; just as with such a firearm situation as to my explaining of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America, that is not pulled out to inform of to others in a light or a minimal or a considered as a less than responsible thought process of such a set of necessary choice and decision.
However as to such facts of having to get to the point because of such combined problems of which the full clearances and removal of all such problems referencing such aspects as to the combined court case of which all fines were paid in full and the zero balance in all such references to myself having all such aspects fully cleared out in my favor as to all such debts having officially been paid by me as to all aspects I personally have been involved with, each individual is now officially in charge of their own responsibilities as to each such choice(s) and action(s) thereof as all such aspects have officially been cleared in all such ways and the inability for any individual ever again to be able to pretend they do not know as to such realities in reference to the technological portions thereof which in turn the new world order of such aspects to which the realities of which such a purging in reference to having taken care of such to pay in full as per the receipt of the check having been received and accepted as per the records of my payment in turn means such aspects as to all such clearings of the ways of previously having gone into as per the oath aspects and the having given such to the Judge in the presiding case as known at the time when I was in Dinwiddie Virginia combined court on 7 October 2021 for such aspects to be correctly taken care of as best as I personally could take care of.
Thus in all such references as to which any wishes to continue further as to such aspects as to pretending as to not knowing who I am and/or what I had accomplished is not allowed again to ever actually repeat any further, as to the same referencing what each individuals’ choices have been over the course of time as already has been for quite some time. Thus in reference to the news reporting situation whether in reference to the aspect as to the #FredLoya Fred Loya situation which they would know of what their client was doing as to such aspects as with such technology backing up of as to prior discussions/connections as to any such cellphones for example, in turn would mean in such reference as to the facts the insurance company took far too long wasting time thinking there was going to be something other than taking care of what needed to actually and correctly be taken care of instead of trying to push the situation further needlessly; my safety as well as my son’s safety and my daughter’s safety were not of any concern to that insurance company, and I had ever right to go the way I had because of their failure to correctly take care of the situation knowing that I lived in a Homeowners Association and since they presumably preferred to go through my insurance for my house though I refused to have any marks needlessly against such the choices of which I had the right to inform others as to how such situations have been wrongfully a problem for far too long has been required to bring such forward to the light as to the types of situations insurance companies depending upon the type as to how their choices are regarding such situations.
In the reference to the aspects of the news reporter and such new organizations as to the needless problems I dealt with afterwards in comparison to actually helping and assisting me in comparison to helping and assisting in your selfish aspects, the fact of such types of stalking and harassment as to the ways of which your knowledge as to how such had gone at such times especially within the San Antonio Texas area as to such hypotheticals; has been a problem which also has been brought forward to the light, because of your choices to be less than journalists and more similar in my opinion to ambulance chasers though for the news aspects as to wish to take credit for finding such though not having actually found such on your own and the required credit to where the credit is due for such aspects in my opinion which in turn your ways of trying to make me the proverbial scapegoat for your choices as to only reporting on what you had seen where there were a minimum number of people hypothetically as to try to shift the blame in my direction in comparison to the ways of which I would be able to verify I had not spoken about certain aspects if I was ever wrongfully accused of such because of the knowledge as to the facts of what smaller lesser known discussions with others in smaller numbers of people which would not have the larger impact as to the numbers of people for such a hypothetical portion as to the regards as to the code within the adult consenting adult lifestyle communities throughout the state of Texas as well as other locations I have been to. Thus with the updates as to only some smaller details of which I have clarified such as to the additional portion of not having used anyone’s name officially in reference to discussions as well as in reference to “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” in official contexts yet again, I did not ever drop anyone’s name as I am not that type to do so without the actualities of such needless in my opinion pressure against me because of the facts as to such recent situations as per my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as well as my website as to my works out of respect and appreciation in comparison to what others may have assumed because of their own guilty consciences as to what they themselves have hypothetically done in whatever false accusations against me wrongfully in comparison to being humane.
In such references as to such facts as to those news articles and the Fred Loya situations combined, I had not nor would I ever allow such situations knowingly because unlike some people I actually have respect as well as genuine concern in such comparisons hypothetically and figuratively. Thus if such individuals cursed themselves because of their inability to distinguish between the non-fiction to the science fiction and/or fantasy of such fictional science aspects, there is not any fail-safe for those individuals as they had chosen to do so of their own free will in comparison to me as well as my son and my daughter referencing the situations which were as they were done. Thus the reformation of justice in several aspects as to clearing up the situations in full as per my website as well as the brief I had handed over for the presiding Judge to review as to my side as accepted, as well as the facts as to the situations regarding the updating as best as I can and have been able to as best as I could, the official aspects as to the realities of are as they are and have been accepted by such court system combined as per the name choice thereof for which in the realities of which each has been required to take responsibility for their own choices has been long overdue to such rectifications to fix and repair correctly.
While I did not know of such situations officially I did have a sensation as to picking such up and in ways of making sure I am accurate before going off on a tirade or temper tantrum, I have ensured to make sure my responses are of a calmer state of mind compared to what others have shown in various circumstances. In turn the clarifications of such aspects as to the Space Force portions, at minimum in such references as to ensuring to show at minimum of one individual who was paying attention and did follow such aspects of the #10Commandments 10 Commandments as the 10 Commandments can be applied to each aspects of life no matter what the ethnic background and no matter what the religious or non-religious aspects are, it is simple common sense. Thus in references as to the whichever thereof to the thou shalt tell the truth, thou shalt earn on one’s own, thou shalt honor where one came from, thou shalt respect thy lineage, thou shalt honor the relationship in when in consenting aspects compared to other such situations if in a relationship regarding in the ways thereof in the adult consenting ways as to how such aspects are considered as to the individuals involved as to such portions of which each involved within the monogamous style, or if all of the individuals all consent and the in person discussions thereof to such are agreed to with such proper documentation of which would be known by the aspects of which again as to such.
For re-clarifications I am a legal widow and I have not ever remarried as well as I am not in a relationship of such a type as to the requirements I must not ever be denied of for, as my choice if I were to ever get married and in such a situation as to the mandatory knowledge and mandatory understanding as to my personal requirements as to what I personally need for myself to feel comfortable in such a marital portion because of what I have dealt with and the fact of acknowledging such aspects means the openness and honesty to such aspects of the fact aspects in truth thereof. I already knew I can be an intimidating female because of my internal strength as well as my ways of which I have accepted myself for who I am long before anyone else ever realized my self-determination being at the levels; my choices are my choices of which I acknowledge can be a bit much, though in my opinion are worth it. In the mandatory references as to what and how such a relationship were to be able to have develop or such wishes regarding others possible wishes as to such having developed which it had not on my side if such a hypothetical thereof as to such aspects of what type of proposal of such aspects would be to my preference of the ways I would prefer, that is not something I have ever written about nor spoke about in larger details of such portions as to the aspects of knowing to keep my mouth shut as to if the possibility of such were to ever be to actually know to be truthful at all times in every situation involved with me.
I have only been engaged to one individual willingly and knowingly without any forcing of any type of which that one male had been named Shaun McCall, back in the year of 2009 into 2010 and then later in the year of 2010 into the year of 2011. I have not been engaged nor married since, and I am not in a relationship in any such reference thereof for full clarifications.
In my opinion as well as the facts thereof to technology portions each is capable to haul yourselves from now on in my opinion of which I hold myself to such standards as to the 10 Commandments, as the ways of such aspects have been fully been made known and aware of such aspects. The rules are the rules and the facts of such rules throughout the multitude of areas in life are quite simple, which in turn the aspects of such aspects in the general public additionally are important to such aspects. Whichever group/organization/agency/set of etcetera/family/friends of such you may belong to, it is still important to remember your humanity as you are each a human being to begin with. What choices each makes while living in such a world at such a time is a choice each individual has to review for themselves as to what is of actual importance for the current moment, the short term, the long term, into the longer terms and the longest terms possible.
From this moment on 9 October 2021, what is it that you want your legacy to be from what your beginnings were before this moment and onwards as you contemplate prior to making your next decision which will be what? Each has to make that choice for themselves as when taking into the additional consideration of a discussion I had yesterday when getting my haircut styled as to a female who had been at a store when the attacks on 11 September 2001 occurred as to the store owners getting a phone call shortly before the next airplane had gone through in the timeframe of the attacks and she said their family was in the northeast area from her memory of such times as to bringing up the facts as to the zodiac changes in a posting of a reported news article from I do not know when or on what channel the picture of the posting was from when seeing such yesterday, I am going to guesstimate depending upon the choices made during the timeframe in the year of 2020 from the quarantine times of which working through such additional information of the #SocialDistancing social distancing to be able to sort through such facts as well as the additional portions of the eyes in reference to what I had brought up as a child which few listened to me regarding the importance of for certain details; if such is the truth as to the amount of linear time which had gone by in comparison to the actualities due to the #Y2K Y2K coding in conjunction to the facts of some not knowing how to process such information and the possibilities of people not remembering certain individuals in a newsroom depending on the location, if such times are a different linear time and the requirement for the 13th zodiac sign as to a sign of the #13thAmendment 13th Amendment and/or depending when the report occurred as to if I was working on my Medal of Honor Art Project when such happened in reference to the astrological zodiac changes for the addition of then I do not know what others think of in reference to the number 13 in such regards other than religious history-ish.
What #Fridaythe13th Friday the 13th is for some might not be the same as what it is for others, of which recently at #TheEveningMuse the Evening Muse as to listening to a male explain that the local area had begun quarantine because of the COVID situations on Friday the 13th in 2020, I am uncertain how others view that day or that date for such aspects in the generalized as well as specific thereofs to such portions. If in reference as to the #WTC #WTU World Trade Center acronym to the Warrior Transition Unit acronym of such proportions of the San Antonio Express News as well as the KSAT News organizations as well as the #Hollywood Hollywood portions because of the #MadMax MadMax situations in conjunctions thereof with the technology and the other such points of connections, how such a reviewal process may have been needed depending how long such had occurred over such times if that was the equivalent of an auditing of such portions in regards as to the years of 2019 into 2020 and 2021 would be of by those who would be more in the knowledge of such in the more official contexts thereof.
In reference to the overall as to such clarifications and clearances to which the reviewal process of after learning of the #GA #Georgia #GAstate #Georgiastate #DewyRoseGA #DewyRoseGeorgia #GeorgiaGuidestones #GAGuidestones Georgia Guide Stones in the year of 2020 because of paying attention at the time to an #InfoWars InfoWars connected group through (not) #JustAnotherChannel #BrandonGrey and group thereof to their report on such a curiosity as to the controversy behind such a situation thereof the words are as in stone where the sun rises and sets in a specific location thereof as well as other informational aspects:
1). Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2). Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.
3). Unite humanity with a living new language.
4). Rule passion—faith—tradition—and all things with tempered reason.
5). Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6). Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7). Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8). Balance personal rights with social duties.
9). Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite.
10). Be not a cancer on the Earth—Leave room for nature—Leave room for nature.
Could number one be in reference to the aspects as to the situations caused by those less humane as to such aspects to find what the actualities of balancing perpetual aspects of the technological portions to assist with the ability, to keep life continuing onward as to such prior coding references for if there was one who could find such aspects in time?
Could number two be in reference to ensuring the correct genetics are correctly passed on though meaning in the reference as to the blended portions in the ways of stopping the inbreeding situations, referencing such aspects as to improving life on earth whether or not capable of having more children and/or wanting and/or needing to create more children; though of what type and which type of children to consider, as to such a query and why?
Could such aspects of number three be in a way to review such aspects as to the ways which truth is of importance while finding what is beautiful being within the eye(s) of the beholder as to being able to find a way to love and appreciate life while seeing ways in the proper aspects as to finding harmony within the infinite of the Milky Way Galaxy and into the universe, for such considerations with number nine?
Could number four be considered as to knowing when to temper the passion in comparison to igniting the passion, of keeping faith and tradition in all areas of life being within the levels of appropriate passions thereof as to knowing the differences between needing and wanting and desiring?
Could number five be of which to genuinely find a balance for which more than just one group of people though of which all people would be able to find actual common ground in an unbiased level of truth to see the beauty of more while being respectful to traditions, as to the further progression of life?
Could number six be in reference to the news and/or social media as to the eternal portions though the requirement for the truth as to the actualities of such biases acknowledged as well as surrounding circumstances to take into genuine consideration, in comparison to simply jumping the gun and assuming instead of seeking such reason and balance for the knowledge to understand better to move forward in a positive manner?
Could number seven be in regards to the James Madison quote, regarding the laws of which the general public needing to be able to genuinely understand through a general basic knowledge starting point which the 10 Commandments assist in ways which are the requirements of truth for the genuine learning to go forward to be able to progress themselves and others within their communities in a more positive and uplifting way?
Could number eight be in the knowing to balance ones rights with one’s social responsibilities have to do with the influencing known to some by such aspects as to celebrities in such references which would be of importance in regards as to making sure to clarify before posting any type of assumptions as to what might be of consideration to review the outer situations to each individuals’ circumstances as to the timeframe thereof before judging another, as to what possibilities in reference to the social media portions and the ways of such technological measures to ensure the proper balance as the technology aspects grew during such times behind the scenes much more quickly than some realized and thus before the beginning of introducing civilians to work on such technology pieces having a sign for others to heed and pay attention to for the ways of which to ensure the aspects were correctly reviewed in comparisons to prior times to look at for such possibilities?
Could the number none additionally have to do with knowing what is truth within beauty within love and which portions of which aspects are considered as to what love could find beautiful in the ways of truth to be able to balance the ways of seeking harmony with the infinite, in ways which could be reviewed in ways as to pondering what such could be considered as?
Could the number ten be in reference to not being destructive in whichever ways purposefully, as to be able to have nature assist healing the ways which nature has the abilities to heal in which while some may not have realized to such starfish type of aspects the ability for those who comprehend such gardening aspects in a variety of situations and ways as to being able to bring forward newer and healthier life in which such aspects to the perennials and evergreens understand much of?
What in such an order could be considered as a resolution for such aspects and attributes for those of such aspects, be taken into consideration for such realities as to the ways of which to end stolen valor as to the furious rage which such naturally causes in the additional portions of what could be considered as unholy regarding any such aspects thereof to those who earned such valor especially if done in a disrespectful manner as to the intentions shown and explained per individual on their own via their own free will? What was each individuals’ choices in reference from the timeframe beginning in reference to the quarantine onward to this point in time in the year of 2021, and why? With the known portions of the fact checking and election integrity, what were each individuals’ responses and why? As the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 was this year in 2021, what was found and what situations were of importance and why? In reference to the 13th zodiac portions for the linear timing adjustment if that is a reality of the linear time because of my specific memory of the specific day with the ability for those who knew which courts to look into to find the date as the court documents would have the printed day as well as the date of the day, because of how legal documentations are for such court proceedings; if the truth of such was found similarly to the aspects I brought forward about the locations I remembered from before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury regarding such linear time if such went by as to such aspects, why would the social distancing be needed in reference to the amount of time for such as to the possibility to the amount of actual lives lost that day on the attacks on 11 September 2001 to the linear time as to how long it took?
What if when I was simply being creative as to the Fail-Safe book I wrote in reference to the news stations at such times was actually a situation during the timeframe of the attacks on 11 September 2001 when I was just being creative, though such was a missing puzzle piece able to assist a different set of thought processes some had pondered before when the time of registering my first two books “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as to the combined aspects of such time situations for the actual linear day to such portions of today officially as known as 9 October 2021 though what if the time was a different linear time and the ways of which to reveal such would take what level of review for such aspects before that type of a possibility to be brought forward and how as well as why? What was discussed by others when I was in labor with my son in such references to those in the area of, and what situations were needing to be reviewed in such contexts?
I do find certain aspects ironic as to when I was in Medical Hold Unit at Fort Sam Houston as to the style of vehicle I had been driving at the time when such astral traveling as it was a gunmetal gray manual transmission which is ironic as to who I had been engaged to twice's vehicle similarly to the oddity of the Lancer portion to my high school mascot at Saint John Vianney High School as if that one particular individual of the few prior relationships I have had were to ever have learned of the truth and had been cleared fully, that is the only individual who I had such a connection with in such ways and the aspects thereof would be an irony if he did not ever get married as to such a heartfelt connection thereof oddly enough for those who once knew me I suppose in reference to in person. Though such was once upon a time, many many moons ago. The irony I suppose in reference o Matthew West in other such regards, however the ways thereof to which such aspects of such portions regarding such a clearing would depend upon each's own responses and responsibilities thereof, which I had not ever really thought in depth about as I had been told as to opinions of me and while some might not have thought about such realities thereof the realities thereof are the realities thereof. When there is a chosen family in comparison to a in one way only sort of situation, there is a massively huge difference as to the viewpoints thereof and once such a chosen family aspect breaks such trust through such choices in reference to the truth the aspects thereof are to go however such occurs as to such clarifications thereof as one can choose whether to be a better family or to be as how each choice is made.
