There is not any drama allowed, not any needless problems allowed, and not any needless situations allowed as it is required for people who deal with the after effects from the direct impacts from the aspects of the Traumatic Brain Injury or head injury or TBI to be capable to recover from such without the additional needless situations from others.
Not any bratty mis-behavior allowed, not any masochists allowed, not any unethical sadists allowed.
Social distance as to all such unwanted aspects as to how the situations are as to what I have clarified if proven accurate, is important to Me.
Those of each and every type as to such aspects as to anywhere as to such hypotheticals who have caused needless problems officially as to such aspects of where only those who would actually care about Me, would actually care about Me living and care about as to the fullness as to My life and Me living as I actually need.
Possibly as to those types as to such aspects as to their opinions as to My #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArt #MedalofHonorArtwork #MedalofHonorArtProject #MedalofHonorArtworkProject #MedalofHonorArtProjecttTrip Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to such aspects as to the situations where I warned people not to mess with such if actually respected, as those pieces are specifically arranged as to the common sense aspects as to the reality.
Old Tennent Presbyterian Church #OTC #OTPC #OldTennent #OldTennentPresbyterian #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch #OTPC #Presbyterian #PresbyterianChurchUSA already dealt with such aspects as to the facts, and thus as to such situations as to such if factors as to the respect of My work correctly as to the only way to do so as to such aspects as to "The Modern Day Book" #TheModernDayBook references. Thus as to such situations as to what is the only way to ever respect My work correctly, as to leaving such exactly as they are.
Those types as to the requirements as to their indecent situations officially need to accept the facts officially as to just accepting I am alive as the reality of such aspects fully need to be accepted fully, as to how I have always been alive and remain alive.
It is important as to actual care and concern as to what I consider as real care and real concern about Me and for Me as to what is of comfort for Me, and thus as to those hypotheticals as to such situations as to the factors as to each and every needless rumors that as to such needless drama as to what considerations are and have been as to any such hypotheticals fully as each and every aspects including My own son and My own daughter need to accept the reality officially.
Those who had played needless games such as Maria as to the Austin #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas #ATX #Texas #Texasstate #TX #TXstate area of Texas as to such aspects of those needless types as to such aspects as proven, those situations as to what aspects thereof as to such relationship factors as to the common sense if there ever was any as to such in any capacity thereof for eternity as to the situations of if factors.
This group (My website #website and My social media #socialmedia) is to aid and assist through online reading only as in person face to face in person in real life is obviously different than such aspects as to the continuous needs, as to what actual care for and care about a S/survivor would consider as to such aspects.
Ask in genuinity in truth, first.
This group is also for those who have and those whose are acquaintances and/or friends and/or partners and/or if as to a relationship as to dating of P/people who have had such injuries, that were S/survived as to the aspects of the TBI(s).
This is to explain problems if needed and/or the S/survivor wants to as situations that may come up, issues, and other things that may have already hindered T/their life so O/others who might actually genuinely be capable to compassion and care as to what such is as to humanity can actually be better.
Also, this group is to celebrate milestones that we have made throughout the time we have been working to progress ourselves further down the path of life overall if that is actually possible.
My website is not a celebration #celebration of anything as it is just of milestones as to the aspects thereof, as a real celebration requires as to in person in real life in person as to such aspects. If others have needed to accept the fact that posting such aspects is not necessarily considered to their interpretations, as then the clarifications as to this because I comprehend what I would consider as a celebration for Me. While I appreciate that I have such, there is a difference as to what I consider as celebratory for Me.
Go to My website to see as to what milestones that I have not ever had any capacity to ever actually celebrate before with real people in real life, especially as to what I personally would consider as a celebration for any work I have ever worked on and/or might be considered to someone else as an accomplishment.
To actually celebrate translates to what the specifics as to what a celebration is considered as to such, and since there is the reality as the Group Owner as I created this group as to the aspects of how there has not been the luxury that I have ever had as to what I consider as a celebration ever as to what I personally would ever consider as to such. Writing from My experiences is not what I consider as any aspect of an actual celebration, as common sense would be as to the aspects of what a human being would actually consider.
The situations where surviving the after effects of a head injury/TBI as to such factors as to the time of 2000 as to My own personal life as to such aspects as well as the timeframes, as to what attempts I made as to this group though because of the facts as to what My needs were as well as to such aspects as to the factors thereof to the combined situations as to the other forums as to the timeframes as to the years of 2009 through 2013 as to the aspects of how those who have survived such aspects of a TBI would know as to such as to the factors referencing the situations.
I have made attempts as to updating as to the aspects thereof as to My website as to the aspects thereof, because of the reality of what I was and have been dealing with as to My own life as I thought the group could be capable to have discussions amongst themselves as to such additional aspects as to the starting point as to while the aspects of what needs were as to the timeframes thereof as to the aspects where the reality of being online actually physically hurts.
After what I dealt with as to such aspects where the best attempts possible to remember because of not being where I had recognized anyone in person face to face in person as to the aspects of Washington state other than My son at the time as to the combined factors, it would have been great if there were those who would have actually taken such into consideration for My best interests as to the aspects of where the attempts as to such aspects of honesty is to such importance when speaking with especially in person face to face in person as well as online.
Having had a head injury Myself that I survived in the year of 2000 on Psalm Sunday when I was in Basic Training as a 17 year old, the aspects of when I created this group as to such aspects as to communications being a two way street. Thus as to such aspects where I have one biological father and the aspects of where that was enough as to such times, as the reality there is not and there will not be a replacement as to such aspects as to the #CommonSenseMatters #CommonSenseIsASuperPower common sense despite how some individuals I once met in high school tried to claim they would ever be capable to mean just as much to Me as to when in reference to where I was born and raised as to the aspects of what the reality of what it is to mean something to Me would not have been known as to even with the attempts as to such aspects as to those.
Thus as to where the aspects of what was hoped for as to others being capable to communicate as well as to such aspects of the if factors, as to such points in time as to the factors thereof to such situations as to the reality there was nothing as to the assistance to what I needed in such capacities during the timeframes as to the consistent aspects of the in person face to face in person in real life as to what would be as to such factors.
During My journey as to My Medal of Honor Art Project as to My trips as to My Medal of Honor Art Project as to where I mainly grew up attending church as to the specifics as to such proverbial landmarks, as to the references thereof as to such aspects as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church however as to the issues with the technological aspects as to My memory deficits and my cognitive disorders as well as having went from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus #College #Algebra #Trigonometry #Calculus #Geometry to second grade math as to such aspects as to the situations where I made attempts to get to where I needed to be as well as randomly checking in online as to the aspects of the memory situations as I guesstimate as to the updates now in the year of 2022.
I suppose as to such reference aspects to the considerations of the posts, as to the clarifications to the viewpoints to such considerations of the situations.
Many blessings to you and yours upon your path, as possibly there could be betterment.
1). Do not do any bashing, as there obviously occurred such aspects as to the Traumatic Brain Injury S/survivor.
2). Do not do any trolling, as those situations do not assist unless the choices and actions align with what is actually needed for the survivor as to exactly what is needed for T/their survival to live comfortably as needed for the example such as Myself.
3). Do not use as to such aspects of name calling as to immaturity, as this is a supposed to be adult consenting website and there are other locations for those types as to the difference of when defending O/oneself from when such hypotheticals especially are proven in whatever capacity thereof as an I/individual who reviews their life is capable to do so when the need for such as to the specifics thereof as a S/survivor who has the need to continue in life as to learning from the lessons from the past would naturally do on T/their own.
4). Do not cause any needless drama, as the needs for S/survivors of a Traumatic Brain Injury/Injuries as to the reality is already much to deal with on a daily basis and that is dramatic enough.
5). Do not cause anything considered to the S/survivor as any needless situations, as anything considered uncomfortable does not do what is actually needed as to being capable to assist in the capacities in full at all times consistently as to what actual needs for the survivor as certain aspects are already as such uncomforting from the pain levels.
6). Do not cause any needless problems, see #5.
If you mess up to any situation as to the I/individual then ask the S/survivor in genuine truth as to how the needs are as to how to actually do so to fix and repair correctly, as to the S/survivor's needs.
7). Do not assume, just because Y/you might read something you need to pay attention to the time as well as the actualities thereof as to being capable to know anything as communication as to actually getting the permission officially from the survivor is required as to what interpretations as to such aspects as to how assumptions have always been as to interpretations especially to the S/survivor.
8). Just because this is a website that also includes fetishes does not translate to there ever being any aspect as to the references thereof to such situations as to anything other than actual aspects to the truth, as I only speak/write in truth to the situation(s) as there are plenty of biological adults who have had a TBI and the possibilities as to how the reality is there is the acceptance that a TBI cannot be prevented and could only worsen the damages already as to the aspects thereof even just one time as to common sense.
9). Always speak and write and be in truth at all times, as consistency is what a S/survivor actually does as to the aspects of who they were/are from the beginning, as appreciating life as to progression forward requires such aspects in genuinity.
10). If Y/you expect a S/survivor to constantly go over every detail of T/their existence then you are a part of the problems needlessly, as that is not anything that would actually be any aspect that would ever be of any actual assistance to what the actual needs are to progress forward.
11). When a S/survivor works towards progressing forward for T/themselves be supportive to what the actual needs are while actually being respectful, as the #GoldenRule #GoldenRuleMatters Golden Rule as "Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself" is the reality of karma.
12). If actually being capable to be compassionately supportive of a S/survivor in truth as to actual assistance, then do so.