My book series Fail Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with Science Fiction Fantasy #FailSafeTheKennedycursefusedwithScienceFictionfantasy #FSTKCFWSFF as to when reviewing such points in time from the beginning of my journal blog updates in the year of 2019 to this point in time of the year of 2022, as to my review regarding how many individuals as to such hypotheticals knew of details within the pages of my first book of this series as to where I was simply being creative when writing. Upon such a review as to the aspects of how situations have been as to such hypothetical situations, as to the oddities referencing such situations as per learning about such in the year of 2020 when at Pro-Trump rallies in the Austin Texas area at the time. I was informed as to one of my characters I name Rose Fitzgerald as to another character individual named Joseph Kennedy as I was as previously written about as well as my Official YouTube Channel as to the aspects of where there are sections of my book where I read such on YouTube, and apparently as to looking up some details afterwards to the Pro-Trump rallies as to learning a few other name oddities as I simply picked some common names and threw them around together to create my book series. Now at 10 volumes referencing my book series as to the combinations where the automatic alignment of the volumes automatically go together as per the storyline as I created as per my intellectual property rights permanently as per such factors where as to the proof of simply being creative as to such aspects, to the comparison as to the if I would have ever looked up such before in the comparison of looking such up several years afterwards to publishing my first volume of that book series.
The characters Maggie, Christopher, and Luke meander throughout different scenarios as to the what I figured as to just honest creativity and yet as to the oddities as to such aspects of such amounts as to the common aspects of the name as per where I was born and raised as to how common it was to see the name Kennedy #Kennedy as to street signs as well as building signs and though I cannot remember which building tower it was in as to the World Trade Center and World Trade Center Plaza #WTC #WTP #WorldTradeCenter #WorldTradeCenterPlaza #WTCP as to either a tower of the plaza having the name of Kennedy that I had to run through as to security checks or it was a few floors in one or two or three of the towers though not towers as to certain buildings as to the factors specifically.
Ironically my other book series The Curious Children Book Series #TheCuriousChildrenBookSeries #TCCBS both volumes one and two as to an oddity as to how easily my book and possibly book series Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with Science Fiction Fantasy as to such plausabilities as to how many children and teenagers nowadays might actually require such aspects referencing the situations as to "The Curious Children Book Series: Volume One: What is A Family?" as to the aspects of my own wondering as to what an actual family would be considered as to such aspects as to the reality as per whatever proof as to such aspects while as to the same factors as to "The Curious Children Book Series: Volume Two: What's the Difference?" as to at this point in time as to such aspects as to a different pondering as to the wondering factors as per such situations as to the proof of such factors.
Thus while such aspects as to only around the year of 2019 or 2020 as to ever thinking about a male I had dated with the last name of Kennedy, as to the oddity in some references I suppose as to the aspects regarding how much I enjoy listening to Kennedy of Fox News #Fox #FoxNews as to hearing her name as I was typing in around the third or fourth chapter of the first book of my book series Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with Science Fiction Fantasy (Written By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing". The aspects where I have already informed officially as to my cards as to such factors as well as to the intellectual property rights as to each of my books and book series as to since I have already written books in such additional capacities as I have been working on as to that particular book series as per the verbiage as to the rhyming aspects referencing the specific topic points. Thus as to the acknowledgment that I have been working on a multitude of topics all at the same time as well as multiple artwork pieces, the reality of all such connections as to the reference points as to the situations as to the oddities as to how important my mural may be for children who survived the attacks on 11 September 2001 as well as throughout as to such aspects of scheduling the time to be capable to see such as per the online images might be considered as okay possibly as to how in my opinion as to what would be as to the mural portions as to the aspects where the immersion aspects seem more important as to the if factors as to such individuals who had not believed as to the magnitude of the amount of buildings and the amount of people as to possibly there are people who have pictures from the 1980s and 1990s from #StatenIsland Staten Island and/or #LongIsland Long Island as to the full view of the Statue of Liberty #StatueofLiberty as there was a time when the only areas that one could see the entire Statue of Liberty from the outskirts of those two islands as per the triangle region of the overall viewpoint. In reference to the aspects of photographs of the New York City spanning of pictures as to the length of New York City as to the back area was supposed to mirror the two sides equally when reviewing through a camera and/or just looking outward from the #USCG US Coast Guard location at Mukelito in New York #NYC #NY #NYstate #NewYork #NewYorkstate #NewJersey #NJ #NJstrong #NewJerseystate #NJstate.
Thus as to the aspects where the situations as to review the sides as to seeing the reference in a different capacity as to the viewpoint of oddity regarding the timeframe as to the year of 2020, and the year of 2021. For those who remember and/or can see my earlier Official YouTube #YouTube Channel videos as to my hairstyle where as to the zapping situations as to waxing the sides as well as the back of my hair as to the headache and migraine pain levels, as to the weight among several other situations I was dealing with in the years of 2013 through 2019-ish though as to the time as per such 2020 as to the residual factors as to dealing with the situations. Since the aspects of the reference to "Finding The Silver Lining" #FindingTheSilverLining #FindingASilverLining as to a reference of P.B. regarding such aspects as to certain individuals as to the possibilities as to the if factors as to Washington state in the years of 2013 through 2019, as to if as to any individual I once knew in person face to face in person before and after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
Does it take a head injury to figure out that if before attending Club Sapphire #ClubSapphire and/or my #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArtProject #MedalofHonorArtProjectByReverendSusanMeeLing Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the obvious factor as to my wallet situation as to the need for assistance to and for me though as to such as to only reproving such aspects as to "The Modern Day Book" #TheModernDayBook of the if factors as to those who may have read my journal blog as to the sensation I had in the year of 2015/2016 as to the needless problems of such factors as to the unwanted Artist aspect as to my viewpoint as to how I personally emotionally had felt, as to would it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of if factors as to how the perpetuation of that in comparison as to actually being decent human beings as to actually speaking with me in truth with etiquette and respect?
Would it take a head injury to figure out at those times as why would I ever believe if I knew someone in person face to face before and/or after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury purposefully lied to people at Club Sapphire as to such supposed connections with me as to the actualities of as to what I would consider as to the aspects of actually knowing me personally, as to why would such aspects as to speaking with other people as to such if factors as why would it take a head injury to figure out speaking with other people while claiming to be there for me as to the aspects of if factors as to such connections as what would be similar to my biological mother claiming to have moved to the state of Texas for me as to actually assisting me as to what she claimed she thought I needed in comparison as to what I actually have needed?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if either side of my children's biologicals ever threw either and/or both of my children birthday parties without inviting their own biological Mom as to such as well as what birthday parties for the individual who brought forward life into this world as well as saved the world, as why would that ever matter as to actually having my own egg donor/sperm donor/1986 Dodge Grand Caravan as to such aspects as to ever belkieving they ever actually cared about me and my actual best interests as what would ever show as to such hypotheticals as to such if factors as what would a family be and what difference would it make as to such aspects of actual genuine care for me as to such failures regarding those individuals as to the reality as to the proof of such aspects as what would ever have me with the sensation that my life and my work as well as myself were ever actually considered as important in a positive way to those types of those people as to such factors?
Would it take a head injury to figure out to ask where the actual pictures I took of my son and my daughter as to the comparison of such levels of hideousness as to such egg donor/sperm donor/1986 Dodge Grand Caravan as to such aspects regarding why would I ever believe those people were ever capable of actual communication in the correct ways as to such failures to ever open their mouths to ask me instead of assume as to such low level petty immature garbage as to such if factors as to the aspects of what would be the difference as to such a so-called family regarding any such hypotheticals regarding such biological factors as why would it take a head injury to figure out what lack of human decency as well as lack of humanity as to such individuals as why would anyone ever believe those people as to ever thinking such would be considered as humane to me as their Mom as well as humane to me as...well...realistically there would if such truth as to even 1 per child as why would those biologicals ever believe that would ever show me care or show me concern for me?
Why would it take a head injury to figure out the aspects as to throughout such lengths of years as to my birthday as what would ever prove about those biologicals of my son and daughter's biologicals in the addition of the aspects to theirs, why would I ever believe any of those people would ever have actually cared about me genuinely as to such aspects as what would ever be as to the aspects as to such ostracizing factors as to ever being considered as wanted positively in a good way as why would it take a head injury to figure out as to how the names as to such references to the comparison as why would such labels be more appropriate as to the comparison as to what a parent would do as to actual care and actual concern as to the comparisons as what would my background as to being a Mom prove as to the difference regarding those factors as what difference would there be to see that I made as to such a difference?
When as to such prior times as to having asked for assistance throughout the years of my childhood as well as my teenager years as well as my biological adult years as to those biological factors especially as to through the years of 2009 through 2012, what would such points in time ever prove that my biologicals actually cared about me and were actually proud of me as to the comparisons as to such pictures throughout such aspects of that house as why would there ever be any actual reason to ever look at that house during the years of 2004 through 2012 and ever see where I was cared about and I was wanted and I was appreciated as to those people as why would I ever believe as to such types as to the correct care as to my actual needs as to why would there be such a viewpoint referencing such individuals as to the length of time of proof?
...per prior official journal blog entries of mine as all of my entries on my journal blog are within the Official context for clarifications as I figured it is common sense as to my Official YouTube Channel as to such aspects of the common sense as this is my Official website and thus as to my Official journal blogs to such clarifications and verifications as they have always been as to such Official context...
While the reality of having asked for assistive to me as to the wallet aspects as to the Emergency journal blog entry reference because of the facts as to the common sense referencing such an emergency regarding my wallet and my identification cards, as does that take a head injury to figure out the common sense as to how that would be considered and emergency and if I actually mattered as to what I actually need would then there have been a phone call return to me before the prior 24 hours from such supposed individuals as to why would there ever be the belief as to what would be considered as actual care for me?
Since the reality as to how the proof of such lengths of time as to my viewpoint as to how the aspects of what I have been as to those individuals as to nothing more than a biological aspect that went along my own way as to such factors, because it should not take a head injury to figure out as to such reality of my liberties as to my home location boundaries just as I have the liberty to choose what is actually best for my children when they were minors as to such aspects as well as what is best for myself as why would such a head injury to figure out that boundaries are appropriate as to what would have been considered as a home as to such aspects of why would it be important for me to be capable to concentrate on my work as to such aspects of what I had needed?
Should it take a head injury to figure out because of my wallet situation as to the aspects of having to lessen aspects because of the reality as to such aspects as to why it is an emergency regarding my wallet as to the capability to pay for gas, pay for food, pay for the oil change needed, pay for laundry, and etcetera as to my return to Washington state or would it take a head injury to figure that out as well as what would be common sense to such hypotheticals as to certain types?
Should it take a head injury to figure out individuals who may have read that journal blog as to 2015/2016 as to how I had felt during such points in time as would it take a head injury to figure out that actually speaking with me in person face to face in person in truth and etiquette with respect as why would anyone with common sense believe that speaking about me in comparison to speaking with me as to such aspects as to the years of 2015 through 2019 as to the situations as why would I ever have a change of sensation as to those particulars as to such if factors, as why would anyone who did not speak with me as to such hypotheticals as to in truth and ever say to such claims otherwise to others if I am accurate as to when reviewing as to whatever point of the year after getting back into the state of Texas #Texas #Texasstate #TX #TXstate as to 2019 and 2020 or would such individuals fail to remember the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as what would ever be considered as inclusive about the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to such if factors as to individuals I once knew as to whichever years as why would the aspects of inclusion be considered as important?
Why would anyone ever believe if anything referencing my SCUBA Diving gear as to the UHAUL situation in the year of 2012, why would I ever believe those aspects as to such biological as to hypothetical aspects as why would I ever believe those people could ever actually care about me and my best interests as to my healthcare as to my daughter's healthcare as to my son's healthcare as to those particular points in time; or would those types of those people be the lacking of different as to the same types of situations where instead of speaking with me in person face to face in person back when such as to the comparisons of actually in truth as to such phone calls as there would not need to be a head injury to figure out listening in on any phone call as to the reality of where why would I ever believe those people ever learned as to being a supposed Deacon and Trustee as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in the 1980s and the 1990s as what would ever make those people ever believe I could ever see any actual worthwhile change as to the respect regarding such factors as what would there be as to such factors of respect as to the aspects I specifically officially informed them of in the year of 2005 as to the one and only person to speak with as to me would be me myself or would it take a head injury for those people to figure that out as to how such would not be considered as to the aspects of within a reasonable aspect in such viewpoints as well as such situations as why would there be a difference as to 2000 through 2008 as to the preferred aspects as to such situations of the male gender as to such factors regarding their viewpoint as to preference to speak with as why would I ever believe the aspects of those people caring about me as why would anyone believe if their biological parents hypothetically listened on a phone call(s) as to how officially why would there be any belief as to actual parents as to the fact of my being 39 years old as what would that actually say as to such boundary situations as I already declared as what would be of importance as to the if ever factors of wanting to show care to me as why would that ever be considered as care as p[er my viewpoint as to my previously stated stances?
