In such references as to an irony to such portions as to while as to the amounts of situations as to the combined portions thereof, where some would as I had been told as to taking certain aspects seriously as to the situations in another reference as to the ways of which regarding how some have obviously shown to idolize my now-dead-ex-husband the ways of which trying to be worse than as to such portions of what I had dealt with over the timeframes thereof to what would be considered as worse as to the aspects of the 1980s and the 1990s terminology differences as to what would be considered as worse; admittedly I had not thought of the ways of which to the aspects of the ways of what others would think of as worse in comparison to what actually had been intended, as I figured with the fact of putting such details in writing as to the fact my now dead-ex-husband had confessed as well as to the 1980s and the 1990s aspects of it not taking a head injury to figure out such portions thereof as to both of my books registered with the Library of Congress “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and my second book at the same time “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”.
Though I had registered my books which includes more than just those two books with the #LibraryofCongress #LoC Library of Congress, I had sent the first two books to who became #POTUS45 POTUS45 #DonaldJTrump Donald J Trump of which during the impeachment trail of such aspects it did not make sense as to why the impeachment trials were occurring as to what was minimally being reported in the news, as I did not truly think that he really used all of my works from my first two books in the ways of running for President of the United States of America as I thought that was the genuinity as to the platform he was running on as it made sense that many of the factors which were brought forward were of situations which many had seen as situations which needed assistance. In the regards of which having written about my personal life experiences it had not ever been a thought that anyone would ever steal such information to use to lie as to any such portions as because of how I am, I do not see such normally as that is not considered normal to me. The #10Commandments 10 Commandments are what is normal to me and thus while listening to some of the situations on the news, I thought the aspects of the amount of situations had to do with the other unknown factors of which unknown to me as it was not reported and I did not find anything online when initially looking up information about his background in the year of 2015 of anything having to do with any television shows.
While google searching the information about his background there was nothing which showed up as to any show he had done such as the later learned about online through when searching in the year of 2018 as to such times, as the reality of the situations which I had seen were nothing of which ever indicated anything prior as to such situations as to later having been reported on the news as to having found other details and information thereof. The facts of how he had said in news media interviews of his idea to run for #POTUS President of the United States of America had been of a coincidental aspect as to the reality of thinking about more than one aspect of life at times, in comparison to my ever thinking of such situations as to ever being seen as anything other than a passing thought because of the interview that was shown later around the year of 2017 when others had brought such forward on the news from prior interviews from the 1980s and/or the 1990s in comparison to the year of 2017. In the references as to what I personally was dealing with up to such a point in time as to the situations as to how I wound up in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state after everything that had lead up to that point in time as to the year of 2013, there was not anything in my thought processes of anything which was considered of what I had done myself as worthwhile which as can be seen as to the factors of such realities as to the situations which thereafter as to my writings of which none who I had known had ever in truth informed me of any such realizations of any type as to such. Though I did comment about such aspects and could not find the paperwork as to figuring out the correct processes thereof, which if technology recordings recognized such aspects as to being the correct way because in part of my website though additionally as to the ADA portions thereof as to what would be the viewpoints when going through such factors of review?
Though I had posted on my website as to having found it interesting as to seeing such oddities and knowing what I had written, without anyone ever specifically asking me as to the truthful ways of asking me as to simply saying the correct words of “Did you write …?” or “Is the website your website” or something along those lines as to the similarities, I had not ever gave such a really in depth second thought as to any such portions of the realities that could have been as why would I ever think anything I had ever accomplished had been of any value or of any worth when taking into consideration the amount of times not one person I had known or one group I had known had ever properly acknowledged me as to the work I personally had done? Why would I ever see anything I had done as anything important beyond what I knew was important though more specifically why would I ever view anything I had done on my own was ever considered as important to others, when no others had ever acknowledged me for such aspects as to being of any importance? Why would someone such as myself ever see that anyone else ever saw anything I personally had gone through as anything of value when there was not anyone who ever had actually put forward the effort to speak with me in truth about such aspects, or inform me that anything I did was as important as I knew it had been important?
Thus why would I ever think as to the further in depth portions of which what I had sent out as to the physical books as well as later having sent out through the link as to such, ever being considered of any such importance without ever having been told? Who automatically thinks and then boasts about such aspects as to such accomplishments to random people and thinks that is worthwhile as to such aspects without a second thought as to contemplating as to the more in depth portions of what importance truly is, as to such aspects? Who genuinely goes around with various aspects of smaller achievements and boasts about such in comparison to ever seeing the need for other such reviews as to the aspects thereof, and who actually would think to do so would ever be considered of worthwhileness as in my opinion as to such aspects there would only be the larger ability for failure to be as huge as to aspects of which would blow up in the face as to the aspects of which would be seen as only problematic for those who would instantly respond in comparison to having the thought processes as to evaluate to what levels as to such achievement portions in the ways of which earning is considered of importance? Why would I ever think that anyone who would not automatically think about such portions to then be able to actually verbalize such aspects would ever be considered as genuinely intelligent, as why would anyone who would nor be able to verbalize the realities of such to ever genuinely have the thought processes to evaluate more of the details in comparison to the immediate portions?
Why would the immediate portions of certain aspects be considered as more important compared to the longer term aspects as to the details thereof, is something which my personal contemplations have always been over such regarding my life and thus why would anyone ever think the opposite way as why would I think others would be different as to preferring the truth as who actually appreciates being lied to? Who actually appreciates being stolen from, or having things stolen from them as how would that ever make anyone ever actually have any such sensation of ever being considered as valued? Who would actually think being cheated on or cheated out of anything would ever be considered as to being worthy or worthwhile as to any such portions, and why would anyone ever think that would ever cause the slightest bit of any such value in any such way as to on earth and/or in the oceanic waters especially and/or the space portions? What would ever be considered as to the ways thereof to being considered as of any importance to the individual(s) who actually accomplished such works as to such theft and abuses thereof, as who would ever think that would ever be considered as any sort of concern or compassion in any such way? What would the situations of needlessly getting in the way of progress as to the lesser amounts of knowledge or especially understanding ever be considered as to be of ever being considered as important or valued, as who would ever think that would ever be a correct or a positive way of ever showing such as why would that ever be a thought as to ever thinking such would ever be considered as that way?
In such aspects of reflection as to such possibilities as to the situations of #POTUS45 #DonaldJTrump POTUS45 Donald J Trump having made any such choice as to ever stealing from my works to then go and portray as though there was the aspects of which all of my works were the equivalent of his in comparison to my works being considered as my works, would that be considered intellectual property theft as well as would that be considered as fooling the general American public as well as considered as fooling the world as to the lack of better words for such a description? Would there be more than just the legal recourse as to an impeachment as to such aspects as to the ways of which the #factchecking fact checking and the #electionintegrity election integrity as to such portions, as what would be the legal ramifications as to if ever officially found out to such portions of which in turn what would it then mean for the country of the United States of America as to the realities thereof? Would such show the more negative aspects as to the ways which there have been problems in various sectors as to the situations of which would be along such radicalized ideologies as to ever thinking that the ways thereof to the lesser viewpoints in comparison to showing America’s strengths and prospects in such comparisons, as what would the situations truly show in the long into the longer into the longest terms possible as to if such were to ever be found as truthful as to such fact checking and election integrity portions? Would in each and every individual portion as to the situations thereof whereas the lawsuits of which are more common to the situations of in business though what are the normal aspects of if someone felt slighted by the United States of America’s government and/or the local areas as to such portions thereof, because what would that then show the other countries around the world for such a choice as to if that were to be truthful in reference to POTUS45?
Would the facts of such details as to my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving not having been brought forward because of the situations which occurred be considered far more problematic than just initially thought as to the realities as to my personal work before my SCUBA Diving officially, as to my creations of the Underwater Wedding and the Underwater Travel System? Would such aspects as to the facts of such as to how I told my biological mother I did not want and I did not need to be involved with anything involving the #MissCrystalLake #beautypageant Miss Crystal Lake Beauty Pageant be something which each and every individual would need to look within to see what the actualities thereof to such situations, as while I told my biological mother she did not know what she was doing and she needed to get over her ego as to riding coattails that were not hers to ride; would the facts of such aspects as to the younger beauty pageants have such a situation of which the situations as to the stalking as well as the harassment as to trying to make more of a situation, instead of just letting it go because it was not ever good enough at the time and thus not being good enough at the time meant that the contract was officially over once the end of such a beauty pageant I did not ever want to be involved with to begin with be able to be found as to other such problems throughout the larger aspects of life? What would that truthfully entail as to such problems regarding the facts of such if were to be found, especially in reference to those who had refused such to begin with as there is not the legal allowances as to such forcing as to ever being recognized in any court of law except in the criminal justice system of which each prosecution would be as to each account of each situation in such references as to the referral processes as to such connections for the legal recourse for each and every individual who had been involved whether or not they actually wanted to be involved with such a beauty pageant?
Would there be a connection link as to the needless drama between females as to any such portions of those types of beauty pageants as to the ways of which such interconnected aspects of which the intertwining of lives as to such portions, and what would be the legal ramifications as to such situations being figured out and brought forward? If such were to be considered as to the situations as to while I had officially informed many I was not ever interested in any such beauty pageant, I did not want to be a part of the aspects of any such beauty pageant, I did not care to be involved with any such portions of that beauty pageant; would that then mean the factors of such as to if it were brought forward to those in charge of the beauty pageant that I did not want or need to be involved with, would that mean the length of time for such aspects would in turn be shown as a different viewpoint as to illegal indentured servitude or also known as illegal portions of slavery as to the factors of being against the #13thAmendment 13th Amendment? Would that mean in such references if such an individual were to be found later as to being considered as something more though was not considered of any worth to the beauty pageant at such times as to what would that mean in the legal terminologies as to wishing to make such be more in comparison, and what legal recourses would be for the aspects if found that more than just myself had ever been negatively impacted as to such aspects?
What would the #USACongress #USCongress #Congress #USASenate #USSenate #Senate Congress and Senate have seen as to such or would they have ever known as to the details as to the ways which females who had not ever wanted to be involved with such would be viewed in a different way, in comparison to the females who had wanted to be involved on their own? Is it there would automatically by such portions of a parent forcing a child into the beauty pageant aspect as to any who similar to myself had not ever wanted or needed to be a part of such aspects as that was not ever of any interest to me personally, be considered as the terminology of slave traders as to the factors of which when having been repeatedly told of not wanting to be a part of such situations as to the guilt they would permanently bear as to pushing such forward despite the what was in the best interest of the child? What would that in turn mean legally for each individual who willingly and knowingly participated as to such aspects as to such a beauty pageant if there were more than just myself who had not ever wanted or needed to be a part of such, and what would the legal recourse be as to such situations caused needlessly as to the aspects thereof in any such associated portions of such a connection to such a hypothetical in reference to a beauty pageant that was not of interest to the individual such as how I had not ever wanted to nor needed to ever be involved as I had already made my decisions before as to my choice to go into the #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces #DoD #DepartmentofDefense #USDoD #USDepartmentofDefense Armed Forces of the United States of America as would that then be considered as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to what the protections of the #ConstitutionalRights Constitutional Rights and Amendments are and represent?
While I do not watch much television or streaming aspects as I prefer the news in comparison to any such falsities as to the ways of which I could see the oxymoron as to reality television as to learning about such as to the reality television which I was not interested in, would such a situation ever be a problematic cause as to reviewing such portions to what possibilities of if that were seen by such situations as to being a wrongful way to try to take a stand as to the aspects of females within the #USA United States of America? Why would feminists protest certain factors as to females though not look for the initial root cause of such possibilities as to when in reference to the feminist movements as to the ways which females who had been involved with certain types of industries, how many of such females were found to have any direct connection to a situation in reference to being involved with a beauty pageant? Would such other factors of such aspects of females who had not been involved willingly or at all to such any beauty pageants be viewed differently than such, and why would that consideration be as to such? If there is the connection of certain traits as to what specifics thereof are to such hypotheticals, what then would the United States of America need to review as to such aspects? Had this been noticed before as to such connections though were not able to be brought forward because of others who could not see the length of the amount of ties to such situations and problems thereof associated to such, and if so what would such amount of length of time have been found to such aspects thereof?
When taking into consideration as to the world aspects of which in turn additionally as to the factors as to the situations in reference to the ways which certain aspects have been found as to the hotel room situations of which politicians have been caught in the candid situations of which if in the ways which some have seen as to news reports as to wondering of how such occurred, what levels of which the technological aspects as to the situations per as to the lighting aspects as to depending upon the angles thereof; in which as to when I was younger and reading the newspapers in comparison to being allowed to be up late enough to watch the news, I had wondered what ways there would be to find such situations as to clarify certain consenting adult choices compared to the ways of which were needlessly being exploited as I could see further situations in ways which were as to an Irving situation in comparison to the factors more were paying attention to as to the ways thereof to such aspects as to the beauty pageant ways and/or Hollywood aspects. In turn the situations of which while my biological mother had wished for me to be involved with what I did not want to be involved with as per #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology #USNavy #USANavy #Navy Marine Science Technology School with the Navy attachment, the problems of the needless back and forth as to her wishes as to such aspects constantly had been problematic as she wished to live vicariously through as to not having resolved her own childhood problems in comparison to the times.
In turn in reference to such aspects if my biological mother illegally had made a contract with a company which she did not legally ever have any rights to do so as per the Article 15 portion as to the ways of if someone gets a sunburn within the Basic Training aspects, she and/or my biological father would officially have done such illegal portions as to the violation of the 13th Amendment as to such backwards ways as to their need to let me go as I was not ever going to be what they had wished for as they were being greedy regarding already having had my biological sister which since they had already turned her into what they preferred and thought of such as a challenge regarding myself; well there is one particular male who learned how not to challenge me as to the strength and additional portions as to such, as my biological father was able to see as to the left over portions thereof to what the challenge had been as to my particular type of construction.
Comparing my work to taking the #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey construction levels of regulation codes to a level he had not ever seen before, I informed him to take notice as to such aspects as to the fact it was a challenge known to me and what ways I am for such a review as to the details thereof. In the facts to such reference of my creation of then hell, purgatory, and Heaven as to the bed system I created and had said that others could make something like though would not ever be what I created ever; that did not extend past any such a point in time to the reference of my creations thereafter as to any such portions, in any such ways. In the reference to only such aspects as to what my personal creation had been to the levels which had been seen as to such times, the facts of which to what I refer to in reference thereof to the situations regarding the aspects of such stolen intellectual property as to the ways of technology recordings without any legal rights and without any legal purposes other than to the portions of breaking the 10 Commandments as because of certain types of people who have thought coding was gaming which coding is not gaming as there is a difference because coding is supposed to only follow the aspects of the 10 Commandments whether some have wished to pay attention to those factors or not is not up for discussion or debate as the facts and realities of which coding for gaming is different than coding for life.
In the reference aspects of both in the ways while such aspects would be considered as against the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America for if my biological parents had gotten involved with what my Big Blood Brother had already warned me against being involved with and another factor as to my choice towards the aspects of Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment as to the #USArmy #Army Army aspects as to onward after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, I fought against such aspects purposefully and I knew my reasons as to why as how many people have seen where #hollywood Hollywood types think halfway doing something is ever considered as good enough compared to the actual standards as to what is mandatorily needed?
In such regards as to the factors of which if in such references as to the ways of which having sent such to the areas I had though more specifically in reference to who became POTUS45 as to Donald J Trump, if there are extension aspects as to prior such times of the abuses thereof to which additionally can be taken into consideration for the review as to what possibilities of the factors as to what would be needed to clarify and fix and repair such situations; the reality of which Congress and Senate have worked on their own legislation as to the ways which such clarifications as needed with the reference points thereof are considered as different as to the factors of utilizing the aspects of such legal references as to the torts whereas if in reference to the fact checking and the election integrity portions having needed to be brought forward as to a more official statement as to having sent such books of mine “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as to such possibilities as to such a campaign then there would eb the aspects of which if in the fact checking and election integrity as to if his choice had been to ignore such factors as to the words which he said in reference to not ever running for any other term would then be implemented if he had not acknowledged such factors as to the truths thereof to which in turn would prevent him as well as his family from running in any type of election process as to the sins of the father portions of the biblical aspects. While admittedly having thought of such and partially having written as to such in comparison to now in the year of 2021, if such factors are accurate to the realities of such then the situations would be of a legal flipping of the switch as to the ways which in prior postings as to my journal blog as to the ways which the 2020 election cycle had went.
Had there ever been any people whether the females and/or their family members who had ever experienced situations of which the connections to a beauty pageant could find some similar aspects as to certain specific connections, of which what would those females who were involved with Hollywood and their counterparts in balancing see in such references as to the factors thereof is the direct connection had been in reference to the aspects as to what I learned around the year of 2018 or 2019 as to Donald J Trump having been a part of running the #MissAmerica Miss America Beauty Pageants as that was not something I watched or got into as a child and teenager though what energetic portions did I pick up on that others would be able to recognize as to the facts thereof while not being interested in the situations myself while assisting others who were interested in such be?
In the factors that #POTUS46 #JowBiden Joe Biden having become POTUS as to the situations despite the amount of visuals as to the support as to the references to this particular journal blog entry as to such visuals compared to the internal portions thereof, the factors of what would be considered for review as to the factors thereof would be of a few viewpoints as this would technically be considered as uncharted territory as to such times. If there were the technological ballots which counted every vote though because of the election integrity fact checking portions of such situations as to the votes thereof to the reasons as to why such voting occurred and had gone as such if accurate and true, then by technicalities as to the factors of the ways which the software would then show that the ideals were for the ways of the ideals which POTUS45 brought forward though because of not having the integrity during the election as to the facts already having been checked as to what hypothetically as to the results for such times. If in such regards the actualities as to such the ironies would be in the reference to as to the rectifications thereof, would actually be directed towards the fact he should have admitted such and brought me forward as to such aspects as to the times thereof. In the ways which such could be reviewed if such accuracies would be then that would mean if there were those who were not officially in the know though learned of later and/or those in the know and had worked upon such factors as to bringing such truths forward, then the ironies as to the dual election cycle years of which were in such references as to which it would mean that I had been elected President of the United States of America in both the #2016election 2016 and the #2020election #election2020 2020 election cycles as to the writings of mine.
In some ways in reference to the 2016 election cycle as to the debates as to the ways which such views as to the situations depending upon the reality of such viewpoints thereof would be able to refer to different aspects as to various situations, referencing the stage time between then #DNC #HillaryRodhamClinton #HillaryClinton #HillaryRodham DNC Hillary Rodham-Clinton and then #RNC RNC Donald J Trump as to such aspects of such a proverbial switch in which the factors of which in the debate portions could be such a review as to such other aspects as to prior situations as to then it would be viewed that Hillary was more Republican through her background work as to Donald would have been as to the Democratic viewpoint in such reference proverbials because of the ideology background compared to the words used as the combinations thereof for such factors. In reference to the background aspects as to the comparisons in reference to the wording portions, as per the Republicans have been more of the earned valor aspect as to the overall viewpoint as such with the support aspects thereof from such earned work and accomplishments.
In the ways which such could be seen in other Hollywood types of situations which individuals with certain #ADA ADA aspects as to the factors thereof as to the veteran portions and other such aspects, would in turn be another reviewal portion as to what would be considered thereof for such a situation which in turn if that is accurate as to such situations then if the election integrity and the fact checking as to such found such aspects as to the results; then the situations of which the ways which had not ever been done before would be a way which would be of Congress and Senate and the #WhiteHouse #WH White House to discuss as to such portions as to what officially had been the American people’s choices as to the POTUS as per such information aspects which while I have made suggestions and offered assistances where I have been able to the factors of such possibilities would be of an extremely different review process as to if such would be then the situations could be viewed as to the ironies as to the ways which ironically what an #Octobersurprise October surprise in the election fields across the ways thereof as while there has been for some’s knowledge as to the version of a Black Pope to the office of the President of the United States of America as to certain aspects thereof known to a select few over such decades it was not officially recognized in the same ways for lengths of time because of the lack of technological portions to such decades.
#POTUS44 #BarackObama POTUS44 Barack Obama had brought forward as to his spiritual advisor as to several aspects as to his Presidency as to the ways of, which not one person complained as to the facts he had a spiritual advisor which would show the lack of any problems between the portions as to the ways which some people have wished to and have fought to separate church and state which in turn the lack of any lawsuit or legal aspects meant that it was acknowledged and allowed as to such factors as to such years in comparison to continuously having brought forward other aspects of which in reference to the state of #TX #Texas #TXstate #TXstate Texas as to the civil aspects as to the one year portion of ability to sue such aspects would be from the last point in time of such occurrences as to the last infraction as to such portions as well as to the starting point thereof. In turn in such legal reviewal portions as to the combined situations, how such may be interpreted as to the possibilities as to the aspects of would then be lead to the irony as to the ways which rectifications as to the fixing and repairing of such details and situations in a different way as to the unchartered territory as to the aspects combined. In turn would that mean the ways of which to be brought forward would be through what measures, beyond where the situations which have been brought forward by me would be how in reference to others as to such hypothetical possibility situations if accurate as to such impeachment as to POTUS45 Donald J Trump as to the situations as to the election integrity and the fact checking?
Is POTUS46 and #VPOTUS48 VPOTUS48 #KamalaHarris Kamala Harris additionally confused as to the technological portions, as to the election situation as well?

I am uncertain what others pondered as to various times over the years since the attacks on 11 September 2001 however if such technological factors had additional portions more in depth than some realized despite discussions, sometimes now matter what outfit someone is wearing does not change the depth of where their thoughts can go to in pondering about what possibly could hypothetically be best for more than just what meets the eyes no matter what the reference as to the beauty is within the eye of the beholder.