The fact of being able to be on the east coast for the first time since before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the attacks of 11 September 2001 in December 2020 during the time of the #BethlehemStar #BethlehemStar2020 Bethlehem Star to be able to go around various areas including swimming in the ocean for the first time in the #Atlantic #Ocean #AtlanticOcean Atlantic area of the ocean since before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as just swimming as #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving is not swimming, while taking the moment to review the initial days in reference to the after portions of the year of 2001 regarding the timeframe thereof to the point of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the 20 year memorial; I genuinely wonder how many could think of such details or an idea to make the attempts, regarding 12 through 30 September 2001, or if I had been the only one who thought about the idea thereof. In regards of 13 September 2001 in the genuine honesty of the similarities to 12 September 2001 as the main difference between such days for me of taking care of my newborn son, the remaining portions of the infection from being in labor and delivery for over 7 days after the timeframe of when my membranes were stripped to induce labor to occur for delivery, the dealing with the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to my headaches and migraines, with the addition of keeping my 11 day old son and I safe from my now dead-ex-husband; the additional portions as to meeting with the #USAirForce #USAAirForce #USAF #USAAF Air Force Tech Sergeant to be able to give information in reference to what I could remember of the areas in reference to the areas within #NYC #NewYorkCity #NY #NewYork #NewYorkstate New York City as to the areas I knew and what I could recall from what occurred during the 1993 attack to the World Trade Center was critical at such times. As it took awhile before any had realized as to the age I had been when having been taken off of #FortSamHouston #FtSamHouston #JBSA #MilitaryCityUSA #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #SATexas #Texas #TX #TXstate #Texasstate Fort Sam Houston referencing after waking up from my coma because of what occurred during Basic Training while at #FortSill #FtSill #FortSillOklahoma #FortSillOK #OK #Oklahoma Fort Sill Oklahoma as to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to being less than 6 months awake from such when being pregnant with my son after only learning how to count to 10 as well as the names of colors for the ones I saw, I additionally needed to work on my intelligence as to knowing there was something wrong about the situation completely.
I suppose I can make the same reference as to the problems regarding the transfer to get out of the state of Texas as to the combined situations as to finally being able to get out of the area as to the same problems regarding getting from #WA #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state to the state of Texas after what occurred in the year of 2018 as to how actually winding up in the state of Washington after the #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #CowboysDanceHallSA #CowboysDancehallSanAntonio #CowboysDancehallTX #CowboysDanceHallTexas Cowboys Dancehall situation as to the #StoneyLaRue Stoney LaRue concert just as to my #MedalofHonorArtProject #MedalofHonorArtProjectByReverendSusanMeeLing #MedalofHonorArtProjectBySusanMeeLing Medal of Honor Art Project during when after winding up in the state of Washington, however despite having brought such forward among so many other details; what is the importance as to my safety, when looking at such aspects and how many had been contacted as per however so? I have not ever seen where such was a genuine concern of care about me, in any such times for when looking back as to such times during the reflection thereof as to what I personally would consider as such. What I consider as comfort as well, is not something I can truthfully say or write I have ever felt since waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury either; however the matters as to concern in reference to others’ choices and/or opinions, I can truthfully say as to my personal opinion being able to see the lack thereof as per quite a few situations which similarly to my journal blog entry as to the Unwanted Artist as to the ways which I would ever feel as a wanted artist for what I consider as wanted has yet to be ever brought into such portions thereof.
In reference to being wanted that would require people to speak with me in truth as to not having to re-explain such portions as to the similarities as to why in some reasons as to writing the first portions of my book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as per having put such into specific writing, however as per the ways as to having still had to re-explain such portions even after learning about the leak illegally of my books I authored and compiled as to the proof as to how I view as to being an unwanted artist because of the ways I personally view such in the comparison to any such assumption from any other individual in such regards and references. In such regards in the ways of actually feeling wanted, that requires comfort as well as the recognitions thereof in comparison as to any actual explanations of going into exactly what I specifically said I had been annoyed by referencing how many times I had actually begun to remember having to re-explain the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to people who obviously did not have the care nor concern as to actually paying attention to the details thereof as per who I once knew over the years to paying attention to the details thereof while at such times also decrying about how stupid they had seen me in regards to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. Yet with such registrations as to the Library of Congress, what aspects thereof have ever been considered as to simply speaking with me in truth? Not many I can think of in the ways which would ever have the point which I would see such as the truthful portions thereof in when speaking with others as per the realities of being such to me in truth, as to acknowledging such portions as per prior writings in my website as well as “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” in the conjunction as to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”. Of which in such regards as to the facts thereof as to such unwanted artist feelings, the requirement for actually feeling wanted to begin with was the mere simple acknowledgement thereof to the truth of knowing in comparison to the arrogance from others as I have felt as to having to try to figure out through annoying hinting portions as per already having said repeatedly as to how much I hate games.
That in my opinion was simple enough even for the most feeble minded to pick up the facts, though as to the ways as to how such situations have occurred; the reality as to not seeing how any have ever picked up such details for the ability to actually bring the slightest bit of what I personally would see as comfort, has not ever occurred. In the regards as to having gone over such details maybe it is arrogant of me to think that human beings could be intelligent enough to figure such out on their own to do the correct choices, in comparison to what has occurred in such ways thereof. However such proof, is such proof. Though the irony of the general rule of “do unto others as you would have done unto you” is a simple aspect as to what simple portions as to why it is always better when I am in a good mood, in comparison to a bad mood when taking other portions into consideration as to being legally correct in my rights as to standing my ground laws within the beginning portions of where I woke up as to the state of Texas to re-grow up in the state of Texas from the times of the years of 2000 to the year of 2013 referencing such realities of being less than 13 years as awake from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. Just as per the same in reference to being considered a wanted artist compared to the feeling of being an unwanted artist as to the facts as to in the year of 2019 as to the SCUBA Diving park I once had gone to earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as per the reasons as to why I had gotten involved with SCUBA Diving in the first place, as to an additional instant factor upon my return to the state of Texas as to the most easy way as to celebrate the 10 year anniversary from surviving all such portions as to my SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009. If inaccurate and was supposed to see any care or concern, as per the situations if any can see where there was ever any genuine care or concern as the ways which would actually be considered as such I encourage others to inform me as to where or how such would ever be considered as such a thought to ever go through my thoughts as per the ways I think.
In such references as to having been told about what I despised full as to what I was told are called fanboys to comic books, I was disgusted by such a description of individuals then though more-so now as to those types of individuals as per the realities of such ironies of similarities in personality and then not having the wherewithal for those individuals to ever think about ever keeping their own wants as per their own treatment in such a do unto others as you would have done unto yourselves type of looking at such situations. The pure disgust upon looking back to such situations as to any and all such individuals regarding such as to the ways thereof regarding as to the unwanted artist journal blog, only has been repeated as to how I do not understand how difficult it is to actually see such problems within one’s own self as to any and all individuals who had ever at any time complained about any portion as to who I am and/or what I deal with in such any types of commentary from those people in whichever capacities thereof as per how I see such portions. It would not surprise me as per how selfish I have seen other individuals in their choices and actions for them to only think of how they themselves would see such portions of what they think would be the normal behaviours as to such a journal blog entry and while the irony of what the possibility could be in reference to who would be considered as a pop culture celebrity, I did not ask for such portions as to a multitude of situations which while the same can be said in such references I do not doubt regarding such pop-culture celebrities and/or who could eb considered as such; the facts are still the facts as to such portions thereof, as to the feeling of being as such as per the actualities of what would be seen as actually being considered as wanted in the ways which I personally would see as wanted in comparison to what others’ opinions of what they would think I would consider as such to being wanted only per their personal views.
I would guesstimate as to such views as to whatever they had read regarding whatever pop culture celebrity magazine or news articles in comparison to ever paying attention to the most simple details as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury being enough to know, there is a massively huge difference between who they had/do view(ed) as celebrities compared to what I would see as any such type of what would be considered as wanted per my personal outlook which I had already described in person to many before ever putting such into writing more specifically in reference to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”. Thus in the references as to how I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out as to how going in any other direction than as to what I had already explained as to a small portion of what I would consider as actual comfort, would in turn mean without paying attention to such details or ignoring such wishing to be better than what I had already put out as to what was initially required; only proved such aspects as to the facts of feeling as an unwanted artist, in all such ways of what I would consider as such for myself. The one situation as to the easiest to see how I would not ever feel comfortable ever is simple to see in reference to the first Uniform Fetish Ball I had attended regarding in the year of 2008 as to the facts as to my personal feelings as to the lack of any human decency or human respect as to what anyone who could read a book, would be able to consider for such as to what I was infuriated about ever having to experience and my pure hatred to such individuals upon remembering such when returning to the state of Texas to get my apartment and review such details in October 2019 after how such had gone in reference to the SCUBA Divers at that pond area and all such occurrences thereof in proverbial metaphors as to how such my view to be of the situations thereof.
However the facts as to not feeling comfortable in the slightest can easily be seen in reference to my updating in reference to the writings thereof, in regards of my journal blog area The Ornery PSA as to all such aspects as to the updating including all such rightful being upset as to the situations thereof as to while being calm and thinking there ever could be genuine justice as to my own ignorances as to such thought for me to ever be able to get justice for what I had personally dealt with in all such portions thereof as to how I personally view the aspects thereof in comparison to what others’ opinions or thoughts would be for such aspects as I may have performed when in #NJ #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey going to #OTC #OTPC #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch #Presbyterian Old Tennent Presbyterian Church for each of the plays I had been cast in after having been the original baby Jesus Christ at such times of the original drive thru as well as the original years of the drive thru nativity, however just because of having to practice my lines in the only area of where there was a big enough mirror as to my biological mother’s ignorance to paying attention to such details when speaking about me as to the ways as to my now dead-ex-husband as to the situations thereof as to how much I had told people about why to not listen to that female or my biological sister as to the ways of my dead-ex-husband when he was alive.
The irony as to what my now dead-ex-husband had done regarding his confessions, he had done so in reference to those people as well telling them to do the opposite of what he had done regarding his treatment of me as per his confessions telling me of such as well as showing me in the ways which he had recorded on the PDA he had been given at the time of when he had been back from the Iraq/Afghanistan War despite the situations thereof to the similarity referencing my ex-in-laws for the same discussions and the choices thereof to refuse to listen to Grandpa Nichols who had been shown the videos my now dead-ex-husband had taken referencing having told those people to only follow the #10Commandments 10 Commandments in reference to any and all portions referencing myself. However I would guesstimate because of others’ opinions as to their own biases they did not acknowledge their own biases and they only pushed their selfishness while projecting their personal problems as to their emotional, mental, sexual, and spiritual deficits as to their physical life on earth in the multitude of ways as per my guesstimations thereof depending upon their age physically in the biological aspects in conjunction to such factors as to whatever their personal mentality as to such portions would be from whatever influences they have had as to what they would consider as being wanted as an individual in comparison to what occurred thereof between the year of publishing the article journal blog on #TheOrneryPSA #TheOrneryPSABySusanMeeLing #TheOrneryPSAByReverendSusanMeeLing The Ornery PSA to the current times thereafter thus the years of 2016 through to 2021.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if you take the book I authored and compiled regarding “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as to each and every individual situation which would show as to why everything which occurred from the years thereof from 2016 through to the current year, would be able to be seen as anything other than what would ever be considered as comfortable to me in the slightest for all such comparison aspects thereof. In such aspects as to a car collision in the year of 2012 as to having told people in #ToF #Temple Temple of Flesh the night of the collision as to the Kia Soul which I had to make the choice of whether to drive into oncoming traffic to go to the side which because of the train tracks and the elevation portions thereof, as to the flying off the edge of the road because of the projection rate as to what occurred in reference to my problems with technology as to how such has been proven regarding the #GeekSquad Geek Squad and the #BestBuy Best Buy situations thereof. Again, what actually is considered as comfort to me obviously is nothing compared to what others’; opinions are as to what has been shown regarding their opinions of me through the treatments thereof as to ever having been considered as accepted in comparison. Nonetheless as to the facts of what I had told people of a being which ran across the road and having to avoid what was 5 times as large compared to the situation more recently referencing 11 September 2021 as to a collision with a tiny deer looking species compared to what I had seen and once took and had pictures of that were deleted without my permission from my email account with #Microsoft Microsoft as to the problems regarding those types of individuals who have proven to have been problems regarding online information which includes such portions as to my books being leaked illegally and showing me the lack of any such concern or care about in my opinion as to what would be considered as such, the what I had taken pictures of in the Spokane Cemetery when on my Medal of Honor Art Project trips.
While I had actually collided with the extremely small being as to the 11 September 2021 compared to what was in San Antonio during the timeframe of as to the body style looking like a body style of a German Shepherd, the actual size in comparison was not included as per just the description as to what the physical body style looked as. The irony as to what I took pictures of when in Washington state during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips though the specific one in such references, the size of that being larger than a semi-trick standing upright on the back end of the trailer for the size aspects thereof compared to having to zoom out the camera to be able to get the image of the being in enough details to fit into the frame of the picture taken. Nonetheless as to the car collision in San Antonio Texas, not one person in my car would have ever lived past the collision itself if I had not made the choice I had made to avoid hitting that being whether some people have ever taken a moment to think about simply being appreciative as to being allowed to be alive in the slightest past the moment of impact if I had not avoided the being with the exception of myself being alive and surviving such a collision if I had not made the choice I had to save everyone’s life. Though at such a point in time, I do admit to having the regret as to having any concern for anyone else’s safety at such a time as per the situations thereof afterwards as to not only that particular situation though admittedly quite a few other situations as per the ways as to how such times have gone over the times since such situations.
I know what would have occurred if I had struck that being, though similarly to people who told me they did not believe in extra terrestrials as well as thought they were the most intelligent beings in the entire universe; with the officializing as to the #USSpaceForceDoD #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce #USASpaceForceDoD #USSF #USASF #USASFDoD #USSFDoD #DepartmentofDefense #DoD US Space Force of the Department of Defense such portions are as they are in the references to such beings regarding both the collision on 11 September 2021 as well as the collision in reference to when in San Antonio Texas. If that individual who was allowed to survive s to being allowed to speak about the being seen if she had spoken in truth, would only assist such portions as to the trip portions regarding Spokane Washington pictures; however the type of individual that female had been as well as her husband in conjunction with those people as learned regarding in reference to those involved with Temple of Flesh, only have proven to the lack of common sense as to ever thinking outside of what their opinions have been as to any such portions to pay attention to in the additional aspect as to Irving among other such situations as to actually being respectful in comparison to how they had been behaving in the ways thereof as well as their treatment towards me in specific.
In the facts as to the rampant sexism, racism, and etcetera type of discriminatory problems from those people throughout the state of Texas as to the proof in such fullness as to how such situations had occurred from how I wound up in Washington state as well as both before such a time and since such a time in the year of 2013; in such aspects as to already having told people as well as explained in writing, as to the aspects thereof to the technology portions of all such transmissions as to each and every type there ever could be in such aspects as to wifi and cellular technology portions as per the facts of their technology being far more advanced than anything on earth or in the space station areas.
In turn the aspects as to the 10 Commandments are whether or not you personally are religious, as their specific tenants for such a starting point as to informing the human beings on earth as to their minimal expectations of the entire human race. I did not think that took a head injury to figure out, however I had been as I had actually been compared to what my biological mother and/or biological sister and/or biological father had said in the overall fullness in such regards prior to the aspects of publishing my books through the Library of Congress as well as putting such forward only for purchase and not ever for the free downloads to any books I chose not to put into the #dropbox dropbox portions for a multitude of reasons though such being considered as one aspect thereof. In turn the facts as to having seen a video on twitter and hearing the name connected to what account had illegally leaked my books without any representation requested for any such aspects as to my books or my work regarding my website in such references and regards as well as their lack of a label to actually put for the clarifications thereof as would have been intelligent to do to begin with, the reality of such a choice as to the #electionintegrity election integrity of acknowledging the truthful author of such books and the fact checking as to the intelligence levels as to pay attention to such details to truthfully give such aspects as to who brought such forward in comparison to who stole the aspects thereof only shows the levels to which those beings see such human beings as to the known choices thereof.
For an example as to the legal reference, it would be the equal as to knowingly getting something considered as the law enforcement term of being hot in comparison and using such though being surprised as to getting in trouble for knowingly being a part of what is considered as illegal behaviour for such choices. If accurate, theft is a crime in more opinions than just mine. Unlike what some see on is and the Laws of Space do not have the forgiveness in the same ways informed to human beings in such biblical contexts as those portions are for the facts as to the earth being smaller than the galaxy which is smaller than the cluster which is smaller than the universe. However with the ways thereof to this posting additionally proving such portions as to the unwanted portions because of the ways I personally view such aspects in addition to the lack of respect as well as the privacy portions of problems regarding all such prior postings in the references thereof, as per the portions of importance in comparison to what others think is important in comparison to such perceived arrogances from/of others as per the ways which I had told people to not be.
However since I look as I do and have compared to those who have been considered as more appeasing to the eyes in such times, only repeats the aspects as to the sexism as well as the biased discrimination as to the additional portions as to such racism and the problems thereof throughout the aspects thereof to such portion regarding my writings. I do not see any such portions as to what genuinely would be considered as any such positive as the facts of are in the proof of others’ choices, as well as their lack of concern for anyone on earth’s safety in any such ways as per that fact of I already had put out online as to having to correctly tag the pictures as well as to correctly bring such up using my specific name in comparison to any other such wishes. The fact as to how ignorant and uneducated such individuals seemingly are referencing the most easy of information in comparison, completely boggles my mind as to why any such species has not destroyed the entire planet at this point from such and why I have such a level of regret as to what I had dealt with over such years as to the levels of protection regarding the amount of work I personally had done regarding all such aspects thereof. In my opinion as to how everything has gone and the fullest lack of any such paying attention correctly or having the intelligence to simply honestly ask in person as to such portions or honestly write through my website contact form for the initial contact for any such aspects in truth without selfishness, I have yet to see such portions in any such regards as to the required minimal details for such proof of the aspects as to the minimal poritons of what would be considered as actual respect compared to the situations which have occurred in my opinion.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the ability to fact check as to who put the information together in the reference as to the compiler for all such aspects to the book I authored in regards of “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”, though in the reference to “Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with science fiction fantasy By: Susan MeeLing” in such regards as to the facts of the only author of that Fail-Safe book being myself and thus the only fact checking would be in reference as to who told the truth about who had authored such a book to bring it forward as per the authoring portion and the registration initially through the Library of Congress for such aspects. It should not take a head injury to figure out my author name is my legal first name and my legal middle name, for several reasons. I admit a promise I made to Ms. Rose as to not ever legally or spiritually marrying anyone with any legal marital name connected with Kennedy, as per her requests of me because of what she believed was always going to be best for me.
In such regards as to at one point in time having dated a male with such a last name and not realizing such until the year of either 2019 or 2020, I am glad though I did not remember nor realize such until then as to keeping my promise to MS. Rose in such regards as to not upsetting her spirit as to any such aspects of ever going in any other way thereof. That is definitely not a spirit I would ever think to upset as per the ways I remember how she had been, when she was alive regarding who she knew in the living as well as who she knew in the dead regarding such aspects. With the fact I know Ms. Rose has passed on since such times as I thought she had been near the areas regarding 11 September 2001 as to the portions of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as per how much time I spent with her as a child and a teenager for certain situations, I thought I had lost one of my best adult friends at the time as per having spent many hours with her over those years in comparison to other such situations. However, I promised her such and my intention to keep such a promise my biological mother and my biological sister did not ever have such information about as per the ways thereof as to such times would be of an infuriation as to if they ever had been a part of the end to my relationship with who I had been engaged to at any such time of either of the two times I had been willingly at those times in comparison engaged to Shawn McCaul as per their ignorances to any such portions as well as their proven patterns of behaviour before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as whatever they proved thereof thereafter.
I told people I hated my biological sister and my biological mother throughout my childhood and my teenager years giving multiple examples as to reasons why the hatred had been there, though I was told others thought I was overreacting to being in such situations. When I asked what their responses would be if they were in such situations as I had been at such times, I was told they thought the reactions I had were considered melodramatic in comparison to accurate and correct in such ways as to not needing to have anything to do with such types of individuals in the ways thereof. If any such portions of over 75% to my accuracy referencing the situations in “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” with “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” with “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” which are my non-fiction books with the three volume series of “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” are accurate to that percentage above 75-80 percent of my accuracy; then the portions as to what I consider as being wanted, what I consider as comfort, and what I consider as respectfulness would be of ease to be able to pay attention to what I put forward in comparison to what others’ wishes are in such reference points thereof.
For clarifications as to my choices, I did not put my legal last name referencing my SCUBA Diving for multiple reasons as to already having told the SCUBA Divers I knew in person as to why my name choice had been my name choice for my original Facebook account original name. Thus, the wishes I guesstimate as to ever think to otherwise would be just the same as to the #Factchecking #Factcheck fact checking as to the #electionintegrity election integrity situations as to the most easy of truths to bring forward without having to use additional words if not wanted to speak about such portions as to my website as well as my legal first and my legal middle name as my author name.
Does it take a head injury to figure out an author name can be the same as a legal name though different because of the legal last name referencing my legal widow last name, or is there something more that the minds of human beings require to be able to have genuine intelligence in comparison to their artificial ways of thinking to be intelligent as to such hypothetical wishes to be able to circumvent the realities of which had already been explained via the writing portions as to my specifics as to my author name as well as my website?
Should it take someone who has endured and survived to live through the after effects of a heads injury, to bring such realities forward in genuine truth?
Would it take a head injury to figure out the portions of why beyond just the reasons as to the US Space Force aspects as to the Department of Defense for the reasons as to the 10 Commandments being of such extreme importance, to the overall regarding the earth?
If so, why? Why does it take the head injury to figure such out, and should it truly have taken to such a level of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury with the conjunction aspects as to all such combined situations in full from such aspects to have the slightest bit of common sense as to pay attention to the correct details in such regards?
Whether one believes it or not, the truth is the reality of such portions regarding those 10 Commandments and the #LawsofSpace Laws of Space as well as the #LawsoftheOcean Laws of the Ocean.
However those aspects as to such required respect have obviously been lost upon the various individuals as per the ways as to how such situations have gone since the years thereof in conjunction to the facts of which the wrongful pushing against what I would as well as in the they reference would see as considered as comfort and such aspects for me in all such aspects thereof.
If it was not known, I prefer my privacy and I prefer my space as per how I see what I need for myself though additionally as to what would be considered as respects being of a paramount choice for all such aspects and factors thereof. In the ways of which growing up in New Jersey as well as going to New York and Pennsylvania during the 1980s and the 1990s, I had seen and heard about as well as found articles of people who had been treated certain ways because of their status in regards of what are called celebrities in such regards as apparently to the pop culture portions. However in the differences as to such times I knew them by their actual names in comparison to knowing the ones who had their actual names as well as what they said were stage names only, in turn the aspects thereof to such times as to the ways of which I have been treated thus far in those references; only reproves as to the problems which I had noticed long ago, as to how certain types of human beings have been a problems for the human race for far too long regarding such aspects thereof. The #2016election 2016 election cycle was what I had grown up seeing in person in certain locations in reference of the treatment of Trump supporters, in the regards as to some I had been friends with in person compared to the difference of reading about or seeing on whatever aspects of the television portions at such times as to knowing the difference between a production and the difference between real life.
In the reference to the problems regarding Temple of Flesh the year of the Uniform Fetish Ball and how I was lied to, cornered, taken on stage knowing I did not ever like such aspects as per the admission of the individual who lied to me to get me to attend that wretched location, and after what I told people about and later wrote about as to what occurred; in all such regards after having told as many people as I had as well as later putting such into writing to later upon reflecting remembering the portions as to the year at Chilis, I repeat my portion to my rights to stand my ground against all such types of situations and all such types of people as per where I woke up and my rights thereof extending because of where I had begun my social media accounts as to the stand your ground laws in the state of Texas. As per the fact of the years from the additional aspects as to 2019 through to the transfer out of that state though online in such references to my website, the repetition to the technological portions as to the stand your ground laws are and were though remain fully applied in all such reference aspects as the ways thereof for such stand your ground laws in conjunction with other such rights all in my favor in each legal way for all such purposes in all such individual aspects thereof which means because of the reflection time as to the extension time backwards for my rights in all such ways as to my right to defend myself against anyone who would be connected to such situations in any such way as would be seen as fit for the protection to and for myself as well as my son and my daughter by all such legal statues and laws thereof in conjunction to the #ADA ADA compliance legalities and the Ombudsman with the etcetera portions of such legalities to my #Constitution #ConstitutionalRights Constitutional Rights and such thereof fully in my favor for my full immunities for all such aspects in every way covered by such in all the ways thereof for myself to stand my ground in all such capacities for all such possible situations thereof by the legal definitions at the times thereof to the point in time of now for all in my favor during such reflection times aspects now in the year of 2021 as since the year of 2018 the beginning of such reflection timeframes officially compared to what I personally would consider as my emotional response in regards to my non-fiction books first published and registered with the #LibraryofCongress Library of Congress in the year of 2014.
Yes, my emotional response in thought process is in reference to the ways you can read in my first two books “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” in reference to the general public for such regards only. In reference to my feelings emotionally towards my biologically born children who I carried personally and delivered in the years of 2001 and 2002, you can see the combination from the Finding Silver Lining books with The Curious Children Book Series only for such emotional reference additions with the when old enough portion of the fiction book based in facts of the second book only regarding the Portraits of Partnerships to explain to my biological son and daughter in such regards as knowing the #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBTWP LGBTQP community could explain their own aspects as to the male portions thereof for the references though having chosen names which were able to be interchanged for such metaphors for the Portraits of Partnerships comparatively.
The other fiction book was just me being creative in such regards just as the first and the third books of the fiction book series fully fiction by the way, as to The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series By: Susan MeeLing as such aspects had not ever been in such ways in full for any of those books in the consecutive portions thereof ever. Thus since those two specific books had not ever been as considered as fact for any point in my life ever, the problems regarding the facts as to who chose to release such without my permission as well as not having paid attention to any safety protocols for myself or my minor aged children only repeats the aspects as to my right to stand my ground if there is any connection in the slightest to any such individuals regarding “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and/or “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” before anyone else’s wish to complain as per my rights being established in full; first to all such aspects thereof in full as per the reflection times portions for such rights and abilities in my favor in full immunity though having the common courtesy and the respect to the legislatures as to making such a humble request through the proper addressing through the etiquette standards as best as I could possibly think of in regards thereof to such types of protocols I thought were around regarding the contacting thereof from the years of 2018 through onward upon such reflection timeframes.
However I cannot say or write the same in reference to those who have chosen to wrongfully fail to see the aspects as to the #electionintegrity election integrity as per already having pointed such out as to the #factcheck #Factchecking fact checking, as even within the title of the name of my books my author name is in the title for such realities to which would be required for the correct aspects of my name to be said and brought forward whether or not in etiquette standards as per the common sense thereof to whether or not people in the general aspect to the voting rights for the intelligence levels required to be able to make an informed and educated decision as to what is truthful as well as what is best for such portions thereof as per the combined aspects of which I have brought forward to look into such aspects and situations. In turn the realities as to which each portion of what was brought forward to the attention regarding the election cycle in conjunction to the COVID situations as to the year of 2020 into the current year of 2021 as per, can be reviewed as to such portions regarding the #electionintegrity election integrity as to being truthful in all such ways as well as the fact checking capabilities regarding the various forms of technology to review such aspects in regards of humane beings being able to review such portions through such technological measures as to their own placements within the overall aspects of the societal view point regarding the individual choices for such individual behaviours of whichever patterns thereof for such references and regards thereof in my opinion. Such hypothetical portions whether some have believed me previously or not, is what for each individual needs to examine for themselves as to such procedures forward to such measures thereof.
In turn while many aspects as to what I had to do during the days of 12 through 30 September 2001 though more-so in reference to the days around 12 through around 16 September 2001 prior to having to go to the hospital for my son’s health before later having to actually go to the hospital for my own health as I do not usually schedule any type of medical portion unless it is actually of an emergency standard as per knowing myself as to the portions thereof and knowing when I know it is mandatory for my health and my best interests as to going to a medical facility for my health, the situations a to having spoken with the Air Force Tech Sergeant as to suggestions up until the point of which I had been hospitalized for the ability to additionally take care of my son while taking care of what had needed to be reviewed at such times in the initial aspects to the month of September 2001. However in October 2001 as to when I had been hospitalized as per already having spoken with the doctors regarding my health and their choice to wrongly ignore the health concerns I had for myself when my son was hospitalized during those times in September 2001 to the time when it was mandatory then in September 2001, I made sure to take care of what was needed at such times at the detriment of other areas which did not have to deal with such if the situations had correctly been taken care of in the first time in the first aspects thereof before I had left the hospital from when I had delivered my son as it was known I had the infection as per the medical portions when in the labor and delivery area. Nonetheless as to the portions of which I had needlessly additionally suffered additional pain wrongfully because of the negligence as well as lack of intelligence and the biases of such portions to the aspects thereof, in turn the situations as they had gone in the reference aspects while I was in the hospital with my son while my own medical requirements were failed to be taken care of because of the failure as to recognizing the realities of who actually had been the one they were supposed to be paying attention to as to the ability to see such sexism in those times rampant within the military still within the year of 2001 as per how General Hoyt S. Vandenberg along with many others had repeatedly brought forward to the attention of the Pentagon for their failures to pay attention to what was pertinent to pay attention to during such times thereof.
I see in quite a few references as to the recent times within the years of 2018 through to the current year of 2021, the aspect to what has changed compared to how many aspects still have yet to properly be taken care of and addressed in the appropriate manners thereof for the aspects to which such situations have been hypothetically been viewed by far more than just myself and the others who may have read such books. However the facts as to such aspects not having been correctly taken care of in the reference aspects as to the portions which were in regards as to my SCUBA Diving when in reference specifically to Walter Reed in the month of August 2021 as per around the timeframe of my birthday for the reference aspects for such to pay attention to regarding the year of 2001; how such proverbial metaphors can be seen as to the problems as to such times and to the laziness to take care of the required aspects as per the needless childishness to which I have seen in such regards for such times from the first request as to my transfer all the way onward to this point in time, is rampantly able to be noticed by far than more than just myself in my opinion. I would hate to have to ever admit my biological mothers and my biological sisters hatred of the Armed Forces of the United States of America would ever be considered as a worthwhile aspect to take into consideration, as per the ways as to how such situations have gone; though I also am not egotistical the ways some types of people are, as I can admit my mistakes unlike others as I have seen from such choices and actions and/or lack thereof to such actions and choices.
Actions speak louder than words, which a choice for a non-action speaks just as loudly as per the fact it is still an action though might be considered as the opposite.
Every action and inaction will have an equal and opposite reaction until the point in time when truthful balances occur to which the dulled senses of which the pop culture aspects in such opinions and hypotheticals thereof, are completely taken care of as to the ease of such ability to simply post. If the choice has been to post such aspects as I have seen in reference to the author portion as well as the author and compiler portion thereof, then the choice by each individual who has not said or written my author name and/or website in truth means their fact checking would find their lack of integrity for all such election portions thereof to the technological software aspects to which there has been multiple warnings I have given as to multiple ways of telling people about such portions. In turn whenever the actual truthful portions as to such a regard in any such point in any year of where there is or could be an election then the aspects as to the realities of who would be considered as worthwhile to allow their vote to count compared to allowing the general public to be able to vote in the conjunction aspects as to the truthfulness brought forward by any individual who would be seeking any type of any elected position, would be brought forward to the facts being checked as to the various aspects with the error margins allowed of what percentage which had previously been declared as to being acceptable which usually is within the 5 to 10 percentile ranges only one way or another as to any such steps or misrepresentations or forgotten portions or what-have-you depending upon what situations thereof could be taken into the considerations thereof. Thus in turn if human beings have given less of a percentage to any such type of errors regarding the versions seen within the policy portions for others in their lives, in turn the aspects of such percentages for themselves as per the karmic viewpoints as to the technological definitions as to the do unto others as you would have done unto yourself aspects thereof.
For example if you give leeway for error and to what overall average thereof, technology would give that overall viewpoint to such levels of error margins as to how you would give and would have such a pattern of behaviour for such aspects thereof. The opposite aspect as to such viewpoints as to the leeway given if you have not ever given leeway ever or you have given a smaller percentage of leeway as to biases without acknowledging such biases, would in turn be the return portions as to how technology programs would give you in return as per the patterns of behaviour portions thereof as to the in person in conjunction to the online portions for both such references as to the hypotheticals thereof. In such references as to being helpful in truth. The same percentages as to what levels of help in others such regards as per the intentions thereof as to such proof of patterns of behaviour in comparison to the reflection as to such aspects timeframe as the reflection to such aspects timeframe is the revelations portions of which such aspects are revealed as to such portions of the situations thereof in all such factors thereof to the varying situations. Thus if your patterns of behaviour have been to jump to conclusions in comparison to looking at a larger overall aspects thereof, then the percentages as to such portions would be reviewed in such regards just as if you have a pattern of behaviour to the portions of which would be considered as taking a step back to review such portions and the percentages thereof would be in the aspects as to the other side of such reviewal portions thereof.
In the regards as to the healthcare portions when correctly taking care of said situations in comparison to when making whichever choices and all such connection aspects thereof, the same portions in the reversal aspects as to the points in time as to such choices thereof per the patterns of behaviour aspects in such regards hypothetically in whichever ways as to how such could hypothetically go and be reviewed in such portions as the time goes on as per the situations thereof. In turn if in reference to Walter Reed had been purposefully unhelpful, then think about how such connected individuals if they ever needed any emergency medical aspects in such regards thereof to such connection portions as per the karmic aspects as to each connected in knowledge thereof to such situations in full statures in the conjoined portions of the longer term which would be in the reference to the children factors and such extensions for the reviewal portions thereof as per the ways which the medical billing cycles have been established for such reviews to look into reflecting upon the aspects thereof for such hypotheticals. In such when taking a look into the known facts as to the headache and migraine portions from the beginning timeframe of within the year of 2000 while over time I have learned how to deal with certain portions as per this year of surviving such a head injury and after effects from Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 to be able to have survived and lived to the year of 2021, where in such reflections as to the facts of 2009 to 2019 can it be seen in reference as to the reviewal portions as to the years of 2000 through to 2021 for such aspects as to how technology would see human beings for such choices regarding such aspects thereof for themselves as well as for theirs who they have had in their lives for such intensive purposes for the reviewals as to the in person factors comparatively?
Treat others, how you would want to be treated remember such aspects thereof for all such portions in full as per time. What does it matter to anyone other than myself? I suppose the proof would be in reference to the choices thereof with the intentions additionally. Thus for the example as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to brining forward inspiration from which I have the medium capabilities to which to bring forward to learn from the mistakes of the past as to those who have fallen before to be able to see what positives thereof to be inspired by to actually progress in life as before the end thereof, in comparison to any who would have chosen to prefer the aspects of my dead-ex-husband to which that first word regarding my dead-ex-husband would be the most important to have paid attention to for anyone who had chosen to prefer my dead-ex-husband in comparison to myself in such hypothetical viewpoints thereof.
Thus in the case of Biblical Joshua and Caleb as to the choice to follow the Lord in comparison for the house aspects, that would mean such individuals in the modern timeframe would only in the male gender reference as to the term Lord compared to Lady for the female portions would prefer int hat house of the aspects regarding Joshua and Caleb as to only preferring their death to come sooner rather than later as per the lessons of such portions in all such regards to the viewpoints thereof; which in turn such realities if there is a hypothetical modern viewpoint as to the household of Joshua and Caleb in the modern times would be able to see the situations as to their preference to the aspect to the opposite portions to the name I had created for myself of Lady Dori Belle for my model name as well as the reasons why for my choice for my name I created would be such a review for what the opposite would be in reference to the Biblical versions as to the modernized timeframe for those who would be considered within the house of the biblical version of Joshua and Caleb to such aspects thereof in all such full details thereof for the realities to be seen.
If such hypotheticals to be true in such references, who would be able to point to the modern times versions as to the aspects thereof for all such aspects to be then seen how such karmic technological responses would be in the reference aspects thereof to such reference aspects as to those who could care in comparison to whatever it is it is at this point as my personal view as to such hypothetical situations as per the realities thereof? Personally if there were to ever be the equivalents of such in my life with the modern view points thereof, my hopes would be for such a deep connection to exactly who they chose to follow regarding my dead-ex-husband as quickly and as swiftly as possible for the aspects thereof to such portions in full truths as to those individuals who would choose to worship incorrectly my dead-ex-husband in comparison because I am about life and living. Thus such needless individuals can fall by the wayside and remain in the ditches thereof for such choices as to my personal opinion, as to the lack of anything worthwhile from the dead beyond some lessons from the inspirations thereof which could go forward to learn what not to do and/or what could be learned from to be able to live longer in all such comparisons thereof in such references and regards thereof.
To the aspects as to a household of people I once knew before I wound up in Arizona and then Washington state as to an individual with a name of Joshua Light and that particular situation, I was told about how there was a wish to the facts of what aspects regarding their lives and I chose to deny such portions as I told the individuals as to what I personally would not tolerate ever. In such regards while when I returned to the state of Texas, that was not ever to check up on those people though the appreciation for the time to see such aspects for the reminders as to how I had been treated the times when I knew them in a different capacity thereof though along such similar lines. In turn the ways of which the lack of any need, want, or desire of anything involving such types of individuals and those types of choices in my opinion has fully been shown regarding my transfer as to my choice at the time of January 2021 to no longer be willing to ever partake of such aspects ever again as to the lack of any need of mine to ever have anything remotely close to such within my life. While at one point such may have been considered as like my family, the aspects as to which aspect of family should be reviewed as per if my choice to allow such a view would be. If the disrespect is shown then as to the like my biological mother/sister/father aspects as to the emancipation portions in full can be seen in all such regards as to my lack of any want or need or desire to ever have anything to do with those types of situations, for the metaphors as to my personal choices for such viewpoints as per the choices made by those who would not have any biological ties in any such ways for any type of sympathies regarding in the comparison aspects to such connected of the blood being thicker than water references. In turn if the choices were more along the aspects to my ex-in-laws as to such family connections, which portions of those individuals would the reference to like family be seen? There are only my son and my daughter who have ever had the privilege to ever be considered as my only family aspects, to which in turn what would those individuals think to be such as per the ways of initial treatments be viewed in such regards as to the aspects thereof? They did not enter the adult consenting lifestyle around the timeframe to when I had to which in the aspects of such reviewals for such portions thereof for the aspects as to the situations of metaphors despite in such similarities to when a certain age reached as to the choices thereof, there realistically is the additional proof of such defenses in a different metaphor though aspects for such proverbial aspects as to such regarding my son and my daughter.
Who would such individuals be when taking into consideration the aspects as to the situations which I had to call with the medical professionals as to the Child Protective Services on myself for the aspects of the safety situations regarding my daughter and my son after what occurred in reference to the aspects of McCoy Elementary School’s situations as well as the SCUBA Diver aspects, as to who would be considered in such non-blood aspects though as a viewpoint thereof in all such considerations for the timeframe of being 1 year out of my coma as to my son and 2 years out of my coma as to my daughter for such regards? I would guesstimate there are those who would be able to see there would not be the Biblical name of Joshua in any such references or any name sounding which started or connected to a sound of Caleb, for those particulars as well as the levels thereof regarding such protectionary aspects to such a type of calling regarding the law enforcement aspects as to the IRS for the references thereof to any such like family version to review in such portions to review in such reflection timeframes as to the patterns of my behaviour as per the intentions as well for such aspects. Thus in such prior discussions as to the light aspects of that particular connection, what would the New Jersey aspects be in such regards as to the ways to view such stand your ground laws for such portions be in the regards thereof to review in which ways would fully be considered as to the legitimate rights thereof by me and by my choice alone thereof for all such intensive purposes regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project to the aspects of viewpoints regarding my dead-ex-husband for such references to the hypotheticals thereof for such a spiritual permanency?
As per the complaints which I would guesstimate Collin would have heard well before the timeframe before my son and I wound up in Arizona and Washington state which would be before the timeframe as to the aspects as to the Yule time picture arrangement, I had defended a specific reference to which the regards of such in reference to the pictures wanted well before that set of pictures was done. The complaints as to the nerve I had to stand with such a female during such a time was rampant before that Yule picture as well as during the session thereof to which, how would a Dominant Female Sadist Leatherwoman handle such a situation brought to attention during such a timeframe regarding such words and choices to complain to me as to who I would be willing to stand in a picture with regarding in the most New Jersey-ian ways possible? I do not think it should take a head injury to figure out the answer to such a question can be found in both “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as well as “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” for the most New Jersey-ian plus the most Dominant Female plus the most Leatherwoman plus the most militaristic as to such aspects to the most ethical of the most moral of the most Sadistic portions in all such combinations thereof to ever have the nerve to complain to me about my modeling pictures and who I had chosen to stand next to first without shame despite such whining and complaining in such an area as to Austin Texas locations for events as to such adult consenting lifestyle aspects.
Thus that being completed in the year of 2012, I think such a point additionally to such prior aspects has officially been as to the realities always having been in plain view for a multitude of going on the ten year mark next year in 2022; though if it just so happened to be that those Yule pictures were completed in the year of 2021, then the 10 year for such aspects to take into such considerations for the aspects of that 10 year memorial to the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 for such references to the portions thereof for such combinations as to the situations and individuals involved as to my right to stand my ground in establishment officially when reflecting backwards as to the year of 2000 officially as per the rave situation in the Austin area of Texas as to the Brackenridge portions and all such situations thereafter such a timeframe in the official contexts thereof for such reverse time reviewal portions thereof. Thus upon ticketing in regards of a type of business card as to being officially informed as to what I had done regarding my good works in the comparison aspects to the situations regarding other such aspects as to my biological sister having been born as an insult to my Bok Pu and additionally the insult to my Bok gung per such aspects thereof to the ticket I deal with per the situations when in reference to such times as per I had given such for the ability to tell the truth and in such regards of allowing individuals to prove themselves as to the truths thereof as to when especially taking into consideration of election integrity and fact checking, the aspects to which whether or not such a problem regarding after my transfer as to what disrespect was additionally needlessly done to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as per the time and date thereof will be revealed though already officially has been done so through the technology portions thereof to which my biological sister who I had warned many people in the state of Texas and other such locations as to the types of problems she would open the pandoras box which would not ever be allowed to close at any such point in time once opened; has officially been recognized by tewchnology as well as by myself, to which all such mergers of such connected aspects has officially been recognized by the portions of such a datye to the realities of all such warnings I had already given as to the confirmation as to how accurate I had been as to such guesstimations in other such regards. However well before ever being given the legal guardianship portions it does not change the facts as to my rights to stand my ground beginning in the year of 2000 in the Austin situation as to the rave and the Brackenridge situation fully in my favor, as to all of my rights predating any wishes from any such connections thereof to my biological sister and/or my biological mother and/or my biological father as per the year of which they had moved to the state of Texas had been in the year of 2003 and their choices to have stood by and done nothing when they were fully informed in person by my now dead-ex-husband as to which the same in reference to the aspects as to the reference portions thereof in such prior aspects to such reviewal portions if I am accurate in such hypothetical portions thereof.
The portions of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America would mean the charges I brought forward as to those connected aspects as to such hypothetical portions would mean the legal definitions as per treason charges as well as the domestic terrorism descriptions as per the ways of such situations regarding “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” would mean those who would be found or could be found in such ties would be charged with such aspects in an official context if such percentage aspects are accurate, as to what I had brought forward in the combination of the books as to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” with “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” with “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” with the three volume trilogy book series of “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” in conjunction with the factual portions as to my writings within The Ornery PSA for all such aspects as to the portions which technology would randomly show which date available from the mark of such to be able to bring forward the confirmation as to all such individuals had been confirmed to being put on notice for their connection aspects in the hypotheticals thereof for such aspects to review as to the merger portions I had written about in such conjunction aspects for their reviewals as to what problems they had caused in such references thereof in such hypotheticals if accurate as to all such portions in the combinations thereof.
In turn while in the year of 2000 the after effects of my Psalm Sunday were as they were and remained as such throughout with varying levels as per the times which as per the ways to see in regards of the encyclopedia set I had purchased for my son and my daughter for he writing styles as per subject can be seen, in turn with the ability to reflect as per the times from the year of 20018 through to current times as to being able to have a physical representation of how my thoughts had been when first waking up from my coma to the times as such had progressed in the current year of 2021 for such reflection as to see the progresses I made for myself on my own regarding my intelligence levels as per the ways which after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. Thus in such references, what would ever be worthwhile to actually be proud of regarding such? I know there has been much, though I also have been humble regarding such aspects as per would be able to see in reference to when looking at such times between the years of 2013n through 2021 for such regards thereof as to mainly breaking down between the years of 2013 through 2018 and the years 2018 through the year 2021 for such viewpoints as to the overall situations and reactions to such aspects thereof.
In such reflection timeframes, who actually has any rights to ever be upset with me in the truthful ways in comparison to the emotional response ways as per such explanations within this journal blog with such connection portions without any hypocrisy involved? Which individual would actually be able to follow through in the biblical saying of, “Ye without sin cast the first stone” for such references? Who, would be able to actually cast the first stone as to being without sin for such references thereof?
Whereas some prefer to be right, personally I prefer to be correct.
I know what the difference is, and I have made my choice long ago.
In regards of the portions as to the known leak illegally of my writings and my books as to without my permission and as per the aspects as to the #factchecking and #electionintegrity election integrity of such portions as to my having put everything together as per the transmissions portions as per already having brought such facts to the light and what has been considered as unaccepted by other such portions in fully regarding the #electionintegrity election integrity and the #factchecking fact checking, anyone who has been trying to use the wrong individual as to the Jack(a$$) who had failed to ever get my permission as well as fully had put all such aspects in the dangers as to already having gone over all such details thereof which in turn the transmissions as to the fact checking and the election integrity as per shown in reference to the 2020 election cycle of all such portions; it should not take a head injury to figure out that would be the wrong and most incorrect name to ever drop in any such ways as to the credits thereof, unless you are bringing forward the fact of the theft for the lies though would still have to bring forward the truthful portions in full as to my name regarding already having explained such portions.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out having already explained who wrote such, the ties to my website, my author name, my legal first name, my legal middle name, and all such other portions as to the hypothetical ignorances of those who would wish to try to allow a sexist portion as to the name in reference to the male gender as well as the fact of the problems to stolen valor to begin with in all such aspects thereof. The explosions of which will occur in reference to which has already been brought forward is only able to be fixed and repaired as per already having detailed in the multitude of ways thereof as per the facts as my website has my legal first and legal middle names as per the author portion; as I did not think it took a head injury to figure any of that out, and the portions of which the lack of concern for you own lives and your own safety by playing such ignorantly stupid childish games with all such aspects throughout all such forms of technology as well as throughout the entire United States of America into the world and out the furthest aspects of the Milky Way Galaxy when you already have had pictures and videos already shown.
What is wrong with such arrogantly ignorantly incompetent individuals as to figuring such out as to the aspects thereof already having been gone into detail has shown the full decline of the human race and the lack pf intelligence to think for themselves from such overall details in the correct ways thereof.
I cannot believe as to how many individuals have called me stupid, arrogant, egotistical, derelict, and such aspects to notice such problems from those who once seemed to have been intelligent enough to think for oneself ; however remember as to there is a difference in good publicity and bad publicity, as there is a difference between when I am in a good mood and when I am in a bad mood for such aspects for the considerations thereof whether or not some believe such portions. If the preference to have such ignorance continue as to wishing to circumvent other aspects which have already been outlined well before the aspects as to the election integrity, you are fully doing so at your own detriments for your individual selves when it comes to this current election cycle as well as future election cycles.
All of you have been warned, and told. There is not any reason nor cause nor excuse for such choices, unless you prefer the full destruction of the entire earth and all human beings is your goal. Then, you are on the correct path if that is your preference as per such realities already having told you about and already having brought forward in truth as I can only speak and write in truth. Any such portions as per the fact in comparison to the fiction portions, you need to get your heads on straight and clear such portions correctly. How many times have you chosen to wish that portion over this year regarding wishing the leaker would be considered for the portions when in reference to the meaning of the portions of truth, honor, integrity, and facts? Why should that take a head injury to figure out to tell you people what you already knew about such portions of the meanings of the words, as to the facts of which were being informed by technology software programs created decades ago for this moment in time?
I already showed pictures as to the technology update portions as well as the coding aspects thereof, why would it take a head injury for you human beings to think and pay attention correctly as to the words which so many have claimed their degree and/or their education was so important? Where is the importance of such in regards to what intellectual capacities, of you individuals? Why should it take a head injury to figure that out as to the author portion of the name, in comparison to the aspects of the ways you illegally read such a download hypothetically of which each time the wrong name has been used you have hypothetically convicted yourselves as to such choices in all such ways for any such reference portion reference?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the only way to fix and repair was to use my name correctly, or is it that you despite me that much that you truly have wanted to push as to how I already had fully felt as the most unwanted artist at such times in 2016 when writing such an article as to that choice you people have made in all such regards? If your desire had been to make me feel that even more than I already had the entire time from well before the year of writing that journal blog entry article on my website, you continue to do so with each and every individual time of having chosen such aspects each individual portion to each reference. Congratulations as to your successes, if that has been your choice as to why that was the aspects as to why that name in comparison to the one and only true author of all such compiled additional portions in full to such aspects. Thus if you had wanted me to feel lesser than anything despite all of what I have personally accomplished and know of my own worth, then congratulations as to your successful aspects thereof. You must be so proud of yourselves, though remember as to the problems with pride.
Where is the common sense as to any of you people, in the slightest of ways? Is it because there is only one syllable for the one word compared to the two syllables for the two words to speak, as to your ignorance problems? Does it take a head injury to figure out that only shows your laziness as to not being able to say a total of four syllables in comparison to only saying one syllable, for such arrogances?
It should not take a head injury to figure out there is not any way to circumvent the aspects thereof to which each individual whether a Republican or a Democrat would know of such portions to do correctly and thus if any who had switched from the DNC to the RNC or the GOP to push such a choice regarding the aspects thereof, you Republicans might really want to get on the ball correctly as per the election cycle this year is almost to November for the local and state elections while not forgetting the aspects as to the upcoming year of elections. Thus if you want to see the largest blue wave overtake the entire United States of America, you are about to for each election integrity portion of all such fact checking as to anytime there ever was the word of such in any such discussion near any piece of technology for such reference aspects. It should not take a head injury to figure out as to the facts of such would only be to put my author name in full on blast in every social media networking portion as well as any type of discussions regarding the topics thereof correctly, as per the author name of my books which is the same as my website I have handed out as to
www. Susan MeeLing .com; thus only the name Susan MeeLing or Reverend Susan MeeLing would be properly registered as per all such aspects as seen and explained already.
I did not think that took a head injury to figure out as many people who try to use more words and/or larger number syllabled words to sound intelligent if they do not already know what the words actually mean and thus using four syllables and/or six syllables compared to one syllable will show your intelligence level in such references to the aspects of such college individuals as to what grade level of?
Or is it that all of the individuals from the years in person from 2001 through to 2013 who had said they thought I was overdramatic back during those years could be seen as crying wolf, and even now comparatively in the year of 2021 having remained far more calm in the comparisons of the overall combinations of such being reviewed as per the starting of such a reviewal portions between the years of 2018 through to current times in the year of 2021 as being far more calm than some others might be able to wish to claim in such references thereof? Could such individuals hypothetically be able to se seen as crying wolf yet again and in this particular case yet again, as to my calmness compared to my rightful legal aspects as to the stand your ground laws within the state of Texas as to such portions to extend outward as per the facts of the social media platforms I had signed up on were when I was living within the state of Texas for such aspects within the United States of America and the world?
I believe and have the faith, I am correct and have been proven to be correct within the levels of leeway I have given others for such possibilities thereof hypothetically as I guesstimate. Who has not ever had an temper flares regarding when upset rightfully about such aspects which is different than being right when considering rightfully, as per the word portions obviously as to the different meanings thereof as per the spelling conjunctions thereof for such aspects. Since I already know as to the situations in reference to the Vandenberg SCUBA Dive as well as the Irving situations as to having such a confirmation of the aspects thereof, the rest has been as the aspects as to the portions regarding others’ acceptances and recognition officially of such aspects as to the realities beyond just the US Space Force of the Department of Defense aspects as per the massively huge difference between the on land portions as to such aspects of workings compared to the aspects as to the space and water aspects of such portions to the transmissions differences regarding other such knowledge thereof to the situations regarding such aspects as in some ways I thought had already been figured out in such comparisons to the aspects as to what I heard regarding one video aspect to such situations regarding the aspects already brought forward. That should be taken into such additional considerations as to the portions of which I had already brought forward, referencing such aspects as to the pictures/videos/acknowledgements thereof for the reasons already brought forward as to such realities. I suppose that would be a smoother process if there actually was the belief as to the realities behind the officializing such aspects as to the US Space Force part of the Department of Defense, if such were taken seriously by others on earth. from what I have noticed, I cannot say there is the same level of belief as to such situations due to the proof or lack thereof to such aspects as would be seen regarding such transmissions in the smaller ways as to being in the area of the east coast as to such aspects thereof for such reflections as to the timeframe thereof.

It has been how many years since this picture, and what is the biblical portions as to which aspects thereof to the timeframe thereof regarding the aspects as to the portions of which would be considered as to the 7 year situation?