In reference to how much POTUS45 Donald J. Trump has been under investigation from the timeframe more officially as to his Presidential run for the Republican chair as to the President of the United States of America in the year of 2015 for the 2016 election year, through the years as to the point of the year of the 2020 election cycle; POTUS45 in my opinion as to the 6th of January 2021 hearings in this year of 2022, is only fully clearing the pathway for a 100% victory for the former POTUS45 Donald J. Trump for the if possibility to run again as to for the Republican President of the United States of America POTUS47 as to the if factor, which as to the status symbol that would be as to the perception aspects of having the undefeated aspects in a larger ways as to the saying of Make America Great Again as to in a multifaceted way which would be considered as unprecedented though also unrepeatable as to the aspects of what would be of the if factors.
Each individual who voted for POTUS45 in the 2016 election though was a part of the silent majority if they remained as to the Republican portions in such aspects, depending upon such will be as to how their voting records would prove to their patterns of behaviour regarding their choices. In reference though if they remained resilient as to the aspects of supporting POTUS45 despite even if as to silent majority aspects, then in the possibility of Donald J. Trump re-running for the elections cycle as to the year of the President of the United States of America in the year of 2024 as to their capability to speak more openly about such as per the comfort regarding such aspects as to the references regarding during the timeframe of the 6 January 2021 hearings in the year of 2022. In reference to those of the silent majority as to the aspects of support for POTUS45 though quietly because of the viewpoints as to the uncommon aspects of the timeframe of the 2016, I predict as to such factors in reference to by the timeframe for the 2024 election cycle for President of the United States of America as to their more willingly to be open about such factors because of the larger more known details because of the clarifications and verifications in the court system as to the capability to give more than what some have referred to as to whatever references they have had in the comparisons as to what I can remember from my childhood as to the timeframe as to when I went up to New York City in the 1980s and the 1990s though more-so the 1990s as to the Wollman Rink area. While I knew some people who had said they worked at the business of Trump in the New York City areas, the reality of knowing when I discussed such in the Seattle Washington areas as to the aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the ways which some people had thought of and made comments as to such prior points in time as to when I wound up in Washington state in the year of 2013.
Thus as to the individuals who would have nothing that would actually be of any excuse any further that could hold them back from speaking more honestly as to their support for POTUS45 as well as reasons why, the aspects of the 6 January 2022 hearings only show the factors of how many areas which as the news reports as to showing the details as to the clarifications and verifications from the years of 2015 as to the 2016 Presidential election cycle as well as into the 2020 Presidential election cycle. While the situations as to the voting situations as per the references as to the year of 2000 voting system aspects regarding the state of Florida as to an irony referencing other situations, the reality which as to other factors which beyond the Bermuda Triangle as well as the if factors of other arrangements as to discussions and arrangements as to such possibilities to the considerations in other references in conjunction of the official formation of the US Space Force in the year of 2020 for such considerations in different capacities.
In turn as to the reality of how many situations have been brought forward as per video footage, pictures, as well as interviews as to the additional conjunction of the Pentagon having brought forward images and videos for the general public to review as well as other areas around the United States of America and the world as to such references; the aspects which as to the year of 2000 to the election aspects for such considerations as to the areas, in a different capacity of the viewpoint since individuals who know about certain factors of military references as to the actualities of time as to such aspects, the reference as to such of the 5 or the 10 or the 15 year timeframe as to such regards of prior discussions I have had with people beforehand and/or other warnings I had given in reference to my updates to my journal blog in the years of 2019 through 2020 into 2021 for such references this year of 2022 and/or the capacities to review to think about the aspects of technology though taking certain aspects into that particular consideration for the year of 2009 for such supposed few months prior aspects.
Nonetheless as to my prediction as to POTUS45 completely having all such work completed through the Democratic party as well as the Democratic process as per the 6 January 2021 hearings as to the largest and most public background check as to such clearance factors to the review thereof, as well as to the responsibility factors as to ensuring to take care of such work while continuing onward as to the needs as best for the country of the United States of America and the aspects thereof within the world as to such factors. In such hypotheticals as to my prediction as to the regards thereof, in the timeframe of September 2022 if the 6 January 2021 hearings continue as into the rest of the year of the 2022 election cycle as to how I can easily see upon whenever the end of such factors of the hearings as to when within a 3 or 6 month timeframe of when Donald J Trump decides to announce his bid for re-running as to the Presidential role as well as the possibilities as to his children possibly looking to run for local state federal types of and/or within the news media regions as to speaking more often as to the news arena aspects as to such various sources of the news formats.
I do not think the Democrats and/or Republicans realized when the 6 January 2021 hearings began as to how much of a clearing they were going to give to POTUS45 as well as several supporters of his as to the different viewpoints as to such factors, as the reality of the situations as to the if as to my accuracy; POTUS45 as to the length of time as to the amount of investigations will have such levels of backgrounds cleared as to the factors thereof, the situations will be a smooth and easy pathway which he would be capable to succeed as to such a landslide victory in ways which would be unpreceded beforehand because of the facts which there is no other President of the United States of America that began with multiple investigations to the levels of throughout the entirety of the timeframe. As well as over one year from the time of the inauguration as to such aspects regarding investigations as per the capability to see in reference to POTUS42 regarding those particular factors as to POTUS42 Bill Clinton, which even with such situations in the middle and late 1990s as to how the reality of what POTUS45 has endured as well as his family as to the amount of differences as to the stamina of various individuals to try to make attempts as to anything as to such aspects in the comparisons as to when the aspects of the 6th of January 2021 hearings conclude officially in this year of 2022 as to how many individuals who may have cried in regards of when in the election cycle of 2016 as to that being such as small viewpoint in the comparisons of the reality when the full clearances are fully confirmed in my opinion.
Thus as when such clearings and clarifications fully occur as to POTUS45 as to the fullest background and clarifications thereof, the situations which will bring forward more than what I would guesstimate any individual of whichever political party side as to being capable to not have foreseen as much as to the levels thereof as per what I had briefly discussed here and there throughout the year of 2015 into the year of 2016 as to the election cycle at the timeframe thereof in the Seattle Washington area at the timeframe prior to the timeframe of the 2019 into the year of 2020 cycle as to the election of the year of 2020 as per such aspects within the Austin Texas area. In my opinion the clarifications and verifications brought forward can be run side by side as to some similarities to the considerations as to the references; though the 6 of January 2021 hearings in my opinion will fully close down each and every nay sayer as to POTUS45 permanently, except the individuals who might be bitter because of how accurate as to the comparisons as well as what greatness will be as to the accomplishments and achievements thereof as to my personal opinion.
However I have not hidden the fact that I voted and supported POTUS45 in the timeframe just as I have not hidden the fact I voted for Senators Romney and Ryan in 2012 as to voted for Senator McCain and Governor Palin as to the aspects in the year of 2008, however I also have not hidden as to the aspects of respecting the office of the President of the United States of America as to when POTUS44 as well as POTUS46 being in office as per the ways which such factors as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the requirements of as to the responsibility regarding such aspects as to the ways of which for the best overall regarding such aspects as despite whether agreeing with or agreeing to disagree; the reality of such aspects as to the needs and requirements despite the aspects of as to making sure the best possibilities for the lives within the United States of America as well as treated countries as to such factors, which in my opinion is of importance. Thus as to the reality as to my SCUBA Diving work as to the conjunction aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as the collection referencing my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker collection as to despite the political registered party, as to what work was required and necessary as to not allowing myself to be impacted as to the comparisons as to the work which has been needed to be taken care of as to the best of my capability.
Nonetheless as to such factors in regards as to once the clarifications of the 6 January 2021 hearings are fully completed, as to the fullest cleared pathway for the entirety of regarding POTUS45 as well as the family of as to such references regarding the aspects of the timeframe as well as the day. Thus my predictions for the aspects of are as such, in writing.
However as to the reality when I was at the 6 January 2021 event while I was informed people were going to walk over to stand in front of the building, I was not informed of anything which occurred until after I woke up in my hotel room after I had went by the Marine Corps Museum and then went back to my hotel room to lay down for a bit to recover and rest from the timeframe. While I arrived a few days before the time of the 6 January 2021 event and I stayed several days past the time of the 6 January 2021 event as to researching aspects associated and/or correlated as to the 11 September 2001 aspects as to certain factors which seemed of importance, the aspects of not learning about the situations of the aspects of the damages to the building was not until later in the evening hours once my migraine lowered to a point of a headache-ish aspect at the timeframe. Though I was surprised I lasted as long as I had, though I had pushed myself to be capable to see what I could notice as well as remember because of my clarifications and verifications as to my updates to my journal blog in the years of 2019 into 2020 as it seemed of extreme importance for a larger aspects along the timeframe in conjunction as to the 6 January 2021 aspects as to the amount of sounds to the area as to picking up on what memories might be of assistance regarding the aspects thereof as to from the 1990s and the 1980s from what I could recall from such times before the year of 2001 as to such factors.
(20+) Facebook Video Link from the day of 6 January 2021
