In reference to the 2020 #electionintegrity #2020electionintegrity election integrity portion as well as revisiting the details thereof regarding several aspects such as my voting records and my specific details as to choosing who I would vote for depending upon the circumstances while very much informing of my personal opinions beforehand as to also having shown various resources and way to look up further information for yourself to make your own decision, I have said and written as to my preferences regarding the level whichever thereof regarding being a version of a Commander in Chief at such elected government levels of the United States of America to have certain military connections and/or direct associations thereof similarly to the reference aspects of the President of the United States of America who is also the Commander in Chief of the United States of America's Armed Forces thus instead of POTUS technically the acronym would be
though #POTUS with the number for a shortened and abbreviated aspect is more available and easily known as realistically the official first and only specifically known as such would have been considered as the General of the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces before being elected as President of the United States of America and Commander in Chief of the #USA United States of America's #ArmedForces Armed Forces George Washington, with whichever number thereof. However by technicalities officially only George Washington has ever officially in the larger ways known as to having been as such as the regards as to the Resident of the United States of America as the known Commander in Chief of the United States of America's Armed Forces, as such is implied with the title of President of the United States of America as the length of the list of responsibilities is much longer than some might realize. In turn while I very easily could have cast my vote for #MaryHegar Mary Hegar for the Senatorial run in 2020, I chose to continue with my support for Senator John Cornyn regarding the reelection thereof in 2020 because similarly to the 2016 Presidential Republican Primary in reference to Senator Ted Cruz, I felt the proper areas to look into more than what meets the eyes at such times for some individuals when looking at the situations thereof.
For example I have already brought forward that my opinion of #SenatorTedCruz Senator Ted Cruz being younger than I felt would be ideal in reference to this current time in the modern era because of his age as well as the youth of his wife and their two daughters, in comparison to elder children who have grown up to go off to college and/or are able to go out to begin their own family referencing whichever age range regarding the child(ren) of the #WhiteHouse White House in the First and/or Second Family of the United States of America. I felt he was being lied to in reference to him running for POTUS in the Republican nomination just as I felt he was lying to himself regarding what he knew he actually wanted to do in reference to law and legal aspects just as the lies regarding to actually being in the ways to truly hope for being President of the United States of America at the time of the 2016 primary, and such an aspect thereof in my opinion would have proved such to him and his wife and others referencing the aspects thereof. Additionally in regards as to Mary Haegar and her military background while yes there are portions as to the realities to the help such a background would be helpful in ways which if there were not more females who could step up towards such a position if Carrie Isaac or others who have a military background I met over the course of the 2020 election cycle see a clearer path for which avenues to step forward into, I easily saw the aspects of Mary Hegar among a few others with a higher capability to run and work towards earning the #GovernorofTexas Governor of the State of Texas position as to the reality of being a version for the state of Texas as to the Commander in Chief of the #TexasNationalGuard Texas National Guard more specifically though also able to work towards other aspects of the overall veteran population within the state of Texas to then expand outwards and upwards with such assistances to other states with higher veteran populations; and yet also able to assist in ways to help states with veteran populations more spread out across smaller population areas, without the sigma of the Austin weirdness which some have looked down upon from whichever viewpoint thereof regarding however various portions have been viewed over the decades as well as more recent years.
Could I go through the paperwork and run around the state of Texas and officially go through the speeches and processes of actually speaking into a microphone to a setting thereof regarding why I could be considered for such a situation as I have muddled through the thoughts of in some aspects, regarding portions thereof? Though the realities of knowing when it is time to pull myself up by my proverbial boot-straps as to what is required for different portions of knowledge as to myself personally running my mouth as I have been known to do, I have also allowed my fingers to do some proverbial walking regarding such portions as to the ironies referencing the twisted aspects as per the internet aspects of the web and such a joke towards my subarachnoid hemorrhage mainly in regards of the word for spiderweb aspects as a twisted joke of the ironies. There are male who have professions as to employment to which it has been considered as acceptable for comments and jokes without the thought as to certain other potions unless pointed out in specific ways to which a female former Fighter Pilot in the United States of America's Armed Forces and such thereof similarly to their male counterparts in their own ways thereof, I would not doubt as to the twisted humours as to which some have not been as well known for such commentaries and/or viewpoints and/or joking aspects because of the fragility regarding the portions of specific types of MOS and capabilities thereof. I also admit I have realized there might hypothetically have been a time or two where getting into something which some might think of as a phase and/or the possibility of burnout sort of aspects to then possibly inform or possibly wait until what timing felt more ideal regarding such sight as to different view points to ensure aspects of my own personal biases regarding such aspects as to how to correctly verbalize my thoughts while measuring such to validate whether for or against my own ethical and moral values while ensuring the lack of bias as best as I can because of what I have lived through and survived to live onward.
In turn regarding the video I made as well as how I simply naturally am in a multitude of ways regarding the multifaceted views thereof. I would guesstimate few would think of how I ponder in different ways in comparison to others regarding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in comparison to what I have discussed over the years in comparison to what I have written regarding the non-fiction portions of journals and/or books such as the Finding 2 book series, "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing", and with the three volume series of "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" someone such as Mary Haegar and other such females and males would be able to work together in my opinion with more aspects along the spectrum as to the Governorship of the state of Texas regarding the Commander in Chief portion of the Texas Military as well as the Texas National Guard.
In my opinion her running for Senator of Texas in the region thereof was a way for her to get some experiences regarding the processes of while similarly in reference to my thoughts about Senator Ted Cruz regarding his Republican Primary run for President of the United States of America, as the process was important to go through for the knowledge and the understanding; however the larger aspects thereof in my opinion far outweigh certain other aspects as to some of the time aspects, for the clarifications thereof in other ways. I believe there are others who are able to look towards such roles to assist with what is more suited to their particular aspects regarding those who have graduated Basic Training and/or AIT though also knowing of those who have not graduated Basic Training with or without a Blue Identification Card for the United States of America's Armed Forces, to help and assist such situations in the various aspects thereof. As I knew I was not the only female who knew the female's natural hair in my Basic Training situation from that point in time backwards as well as forwards for a bit of time, it takes only one person to take the step forward to show others which ways the doors could actually open in different ways at times to which sometimes is a bit different as per the approaches thereof. For example regarding #CarrieIsaac Carrie Isaac if she was not ready for a larger step out and wanting and/or needed to remain within the waters more comfortable to her because of whichever connections thereof, the same could be said in reference to another aspect regarding the meeting in the Texit situation regarding the female who had chosen to speak up outwards after the meeting regarding my putting out the cards after the male who wrote the book at the meeting had asked me to step forward in the front to be able to hand him my card as he had asked me to do at the time.
I know there are videos which I do not think should ever be or have been deleted regarding multiple aspects because of the portions regarding you do not know how such actually will be for a long or longer term view point regarding such videos and/or images, to which if it was permanently deleted regarding such aspects as to my account on Facebook then there is another strike regarding the aspects as to the election integrity portions as to the #AI #AITechnology Artificial Intelligence Technologies as well as the #AI #AITechnology Automated Information Technologies regarding anything having to do with the election and political processes regarding such prior postings regarding such situations for review regarding the election processes in the year of 2020, when looking now in the year of 2021 at such portions in a larger way for the short term back then regarding the aspects of to the long term-ish referencing to the possibilities within the next 3-4 years to the long term of 10-15 years to the longer terms of the 15-25 years and onward from such times as per view regarding such portions. However there is not ever a full deletion as to the portions of videos/pictures regarding the digital portions which in turn I would not be surprised regarding the ability to purchase the request to remove such blocks for such videos/images if uploaded to a cloud arrangement, to which certain technology companies would be willing to be paid to retrieve such after such requests were previously made by whoever's choice thereof. Thus in which the various sectors of the civilian veteran sector regarding the versions of certain aspects depends upon several factors and as to which would not only be considered as ranking in an unofficial way regarding precincts and groups or associations, though also what would be the view point regarding units or squads or battalions or bases in such ways as the capital building in Austin and other such landmark locations being considered as the equivalent of a base situation for a metaphor to ease clarifications to better assist in a variety of ways to get the clarity of other such portions to the general sector regarding what needs to be taken care of. However in regards as to which portions of images/videos which could have been deleted by paying a company for such to remove, if ever found to be actually useful referencing a political aspect the way as to Andrea Cortez has been seen in reference to when in certain political arenas; how could some over the 2020 election cycle in the civilian sector see certain portions regarding different areas which would be able to give a pattern of behaviour for standing up in certain regards, for a different set of view points regarding the willingness to take a stand in comparison to other portions which might be a part of a different legal situation regarding such portions?
Any healthcare concerns regarding any such aspects for the youthful aspects while also taking into consideration wanting to live longer, to see anything in references thereof regarding any such situations? Thus in such regards in addition as to election integrity who is which individual as to why any such choices regarding such portions would have been chosen and which aspects thereof was there a possibility in reference to a different thought during such times, and why was such a choice made in the hypothetical reference regards as to images/videos in such possibilities if any had deleted such and/or requested the service to remove such only to rethink at some point in time as to how such could assist more than oneself in various lengths of time? As an example how many in the McCoy Elementary School #CFBISD situation and the #FWZoo Fort Worth Zoo situation wish they had waited before judging openly, in comparison to other such situations from 2010 through to the 2020 election cycle of time regarding any such situations and how was I viewed regarding such only to prove what portions regarding the different length of time?
If such companies have begun such portions and are looking at such rollouts remember regarding those who might think about such as to the fact law enforcement will get such videos/images if needed for legal aspects for justice as I would guesstimate a tiered system for such options, to which if such be the case is the more expensive choice to the one purchase if that is a case regarding the non-blurred out portions more worth such or is the repeated portions regarding such different levels regarded as to the price worth such aspects thereof if having to go through the different levels over multiple points in time? Legally the news would have to put my Facebook account and/or my website address of www. susanmeeling .com with the name for the particular aspect regarding whichever article for others to read in reference to commentary as per the ways news reporting goes as I am fairly certain such goes across the various spectrums of the news media portions, thus if such a company/companies exist for such purposes the realities as to the requirement legally for such if I am the only original source for such writings and/or videos and/or images regarding such as per the ways information regarding not only the election integrity though also the transparency required through different FCC and such types of regulations for the aspects as to how to ethically and morally report news in such ways regarding such. While for reports regarding quoting online for written articles on such news media website would be able to include the link as to the direct article as has been done with other such news media references, the commentary in such studio situations is a different aspect as to such commentary portions regarding my social media just as others and the same regarding my YouTube channel videos and such aspects as per prior times thereof for the ability for the viewers of the news media to go to the channel to be able to see the entire version in comparison to what has been done regarding prior such news reviews of commentary shows on various news media stations.
If the portions regarding the election integrity referencing additionally the aspects as to the social media postings and/or text messages and/or emails referencing the social media portions of the election integrity with such additional aspects as to taking your cellphone and/or car to the voting location booth in person and/or the mailing of a ballot to which the additional exterior security cameras and such towers would be able to hypothetically verify such identity portions for such election integrity portions, how much does it cost to fight for what you view as important as to your freedom to express yourself through pressing whichever aspect for your voting for your freedom of speech to count in the ways which means to the most to you as well as the most to those who you care about the most? While I have been made fun of just as others have dealt with certain portions regarding such aspects as to being involved with the Armed Forces of the United States of America of whichever branch and/or division in different ways in regards as to my words, my comments about my thoughts, my life experiences, my joking and/or satire, my clothing choices, my hairstyle, my hair color, my tattoos, my associations from various timeframes in different locations and groups thereof; I am not the only one who has gone through such portions over the years and decades, though I admit I may have been more cognizant as to the realities of the social media portions regarding various aspects I had brought up to people in person as well as online referencing various aspects as to what I had dealt with in person as well as online. I would not be surprised if there were those who may have gone looking to see the levels to which I had been blamed for such portions and/or whatever writings thereof regarding such comments as to opinions thereof as to what I dealt with, to which each individual would know of their own thoughts and opinions over the times I knew in person in conjunction to as time went on whether such realities I had discussed and/or written about had been reviewed as such had been reviewed.
Nonetheless the aspects as to having already accepted such portions just as others who have gone through various aspects of life such as in the law enforcement/fire department/EMS though especially the military regarding the Armed Forces of the United States of America have, and while such views and comments might have been thought of as harsh or whatever descriptions as to comments thereof; what have you written online, what have you read in reference to various books, what have you watched in movies/television/online streaming, what have you said on phone calls with others, what have you emailed/texted/messaged to others, and etcetera before thinking about the public postings regarding such aspects thereof regarding the opinions in such regards would some think to review of for such times? Thus for a reference to the prior posting I had completed regarding adding such to the portion of the Comic Book Meme aspect because of the ways which the reality of having grown up going to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church which is surrounded by a one square mile cemetery as a child and teenager among the other aspects of growing up in the tristate area while being born and raised in New Jersey during the 1980s into the 1990s, what type of humour could one have regarding such an upbringing when adding such a view point as to having to go to cemeteries for the historical and spiritual rubbings for my Medal of Honor Art Project artwork pieces have anything to do with the references regarding such thoughts to ponder within oneself regarding the questions I asked in this posting as to the internal reflection of such portions? How could anyone ever think I was the only female who had ever made satirical jokes regarding life experiences or am I truly the only one, as I do recall there being a few female comedians over the years such as #Monique Monique and #LizaMinelli Liza Minelli which could give a few strong female voices for comedian aspects regarding various thoughts and view points along with #LarrytheCableGuy Larry the Cable Guy being funny to me along with #JeffDunham Jeff Dunham and #ChristopherTitus Christopher Titus. How could such a group of comedians mainly listening to in combination with #GeorgeCarlin George Carlin, #RobinWilliams Robin Williams, #OswaldPatton Oswald Patton, #JonStewart Jon Stewart, #RichardPrior Richard Prior, and #AndrewDiceClay Andrew Dice Clay have anything to do with my sense of humour? While my biological parents had paid attention to the labels on movies as well as music, I suppose they had not thought about the comedy aspects regarding my childhood as I did like listening to #BillCosby Bill Cosby and liked the show regarding the characters on the show as per what they individually represented; the culmination thereof in a larger way in combination with where I grew up walking around and the people I spoke with might assist a bit more, regarding such view points regarding the backgrounds thereof. Thus as various portions impact the ways aa to the viewpoints thereof, I had made the choices I made during my voting for the 2020 election cycle as best ways to which I personally saw for the long and longer terms thereof regarding my personal choices while also knowing the individuals with longer times in the elected positions have been working on different aspects in the legalities of the law making portions in other such portions of time during the switching of positions regarding the ways as per the election cycles.
Thus whichever levels one feels might be comfortable regarding strapping up one's proverbial bootstraps for whichever portions as to where would be most ideal for the larger assistances in the best means to which such patterns of behaviour would be required such as the ability to overlook and area in a much larger way while also flying with regarding the proper precise drop point locations to pinpoint what is the most ideal for the targeting of what could be done in a different way compared to flying a Fighter Jet to the being on the ground portions, which precisions would be required for a different view point within the various aspects of prior experiences for those with such backgrounds thereof in whichever sectors of the civilian portions despite the physical and/or ethnic background(s) with whichever biological gender and whatever sexuality within the aspects as to the comfort of spiritual preferences of peaceful balance would be more capable regarding those with such varied backgrounds in the veteran sector, and which individuals would be able to prove despite not having graduated Basic Training though still were/are willing to help in whichever ways can be worked out regarding such portions in which ways are most ideal for whichever situations thereof? Which dependents as to either spouse or child would be able to relay the differences regarding such prior childhood and teenager times as to varied discussions regarding their parent('s)(s') and/or spouse's employment to bring forward a clearer knowledge to understand the varied levels of which portions would be able to step forward in the ways of not officially having signed the dotted line to be directly associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America, though similarly to parents/friends/family thereof such individuals how could such portions in the civilian sector be more able to clarify such portions in the larger ways such as the larger areas and the varied differences of regarding the multitude within the state of Texas? How could such aspects be seen referencing those with not the spouse aspect though possibly because of age regarding service times connected in other such family aspects and/or the possibilities referring to a child and the aspects of others within the age range born of such times and/or after such times, and which portions as to how such safety for more in a multifaceted way be seen regarding such portions thereof regarding the measures of working towards a brighter and better way for the best possible outcomes thereof?
In turn additionally to those with varied levels of experiences in broader fields such as infantry, calvary, combat arms, MP statues, with/without Specialized Forces training regarding such aspects thereof; in comparison to the normal views as to the security aspects; how could such regards be in reference to more localized regions as accustomed to in such precincts or Homeowners Association regarding rights not only in reference to 2ns Amendment rights though also in reference to mineral rights, because of where you have been to and what you have seen regarding varied land formations which would be within your training in varied aspects from such in person and topographic map aspects? What additional aspects would your perspectives give referencing the mineral portions for specifically regarding #MilitarySCUBA (Military SCUBA) #MilitarySCUBADiving (Military SCUBA Diving) #SCUBADivingPolice (SCUBA Diving Police) #SCUBADivePolice (SCUBA Dive Police) #MilitaryStyleSCUBADiving (Military Style SCUBA Diving) #MilitarySCUBADiver (Military SCUBA Diver) #MSD #MSSDP (Military Style SCUBA Diving/Diver Police) of such a specific law enforcement aspect regarding varied levels thereof for the homeland soil of the United States of America regarding Military Style SCUBA Diving, what is the health concerns regarding #CavernSCUBADiving Cavern SCUBA Diving in regards of when finding an air pocket when surfacing to go into another area as to the mineral rights concerns regarding air quality which you would be able to go into further details thereof which what scientific portions would be able to assist others regarding the panels and fields thereof in which plants are impacted regarding how they clean the air as well as assist with other such benefits regarding the plants and the animals which feed upon? How can such impact and affect children regarding different aspects as to the schooling portions as well, as different portions as to the mental health and well being regarding the timeframes of such?
While I will admittedly not be voting in the state of Texas regarding the upcoming 2021 election season and though I have such regards in reference which others throughout the United States of America which could see such additional portions thereof, possibly this assists with a few other portions as to the clarifications noticed regarding the election integrity portions to assist others to review such more than in just one direction to see which lane is best suited for such betterments overall regarding the various aspects thereof. I am thankful for the time to review such portions within the state of Texas as to be able to see as well as in certain regards show it is better to discuss portions sooner rather than go into such details afterwards as safety aspects of various portions depending upon the levels of knowledge, understanding, and experiences override some aspects of prior knowledge as per the updating of more in the modern era of time. While it is important to review and go over such aspects thereof, many times there have been those who have needlessly suffered regarding such different aspects to which while some might not fit a particular molding as to what has been thought of as the stereotype or the normal aspects as to such a viewpoint, sometimes those who break through the glass ceiling to fly upwards have an option to see more in different ways which has a larger impact than some might initially think and hoping so in a great way. There have been many females before me who have been able to stand up when required in various spectrums across the United States of America as well as the world, which hopefully such inspirations and more are able to step forward together despite whatever ethnic background or biological gender at birth or overall aspects which makes each individual each individual.