I am going to go over several portions referencing the #ElectionIntegrity election integrity aspects for the 2020 election results and for those who want and/or need a recount for the 2020 election for clarifications regarding any such state, though in this particular reference I will use two states which I had personally stopped by a few events or multiple events; however this does not only pertain to me in such regards as if there are those who have a website specifically this applies to you as well for such recounts regarding the #factchecking fact checking, identification processes for automate technology such as when you walk into a voting location and/or mailing in a ballot as per driving a vehicle to the post office and/or drop box for the voting ballot to be mailed as per the situation regarding the invalid mail ballots which were being burned and/or thrown away in such new reporting portions because of the possibility referencing the automated doxxing regarding the lack of actual transparency. Thus while admittedly I have complained a bit through my website about the portions regarding prior situations to the 2020 election, the situations as to where I went referencing the 2020 election, the COVID portions, as well as the new normal which has been discussed. I will also give suggestions as to how to fix and repair your own social media platform locations for whichever account you chose to use for the pictures and/or videos referencing such aspects if you still have access to the social media accounts, as well as give a few suggestions in reference if you were kicked out of your social media accounts for a clarification process to possibly hopefully help. This is in reference to all elections throughout the United States of America for additional clarification as per the actual number of votes per individual candidate in the year for the 2020 election, which then I will possibly take a break to rest prior to posting other suggestions referencing the next phases regarding the proverbial changing of the guard aspects as it can be and has been noticed as to POTUS46 and VPOTUS49 having been brought forward in discussions about topics that have nothing to do with the actual political portions of what their titles entail in various regards as the portions as to what had been worked onw as put on hold because of what is perceived as a larger situation grouped together in a bit of a mush.
In reference to the State of Texas and the 2020 election timeframe I chose to video different portions as well as chose to take some pictures here and there, however I did have pictures taken of me and/or pictures taken of me with others through the use of their phones. Whether or not they knew me or knew of me before the times of such pictures being taken is not officially known to me, however the portions as to the election results are as they are. There are plenty who could show as to the levels of individuals who had turned up for the rallies in different numbers to which the portions regarding the election year of 2020 was officially seen as many more voting for #POTUS45 being reelected through the larger numbers of people who had shown up in the 2016 election timeframe for POTUS45, which the proper and gentleman thing to do for a situation such as that is to bring forward a calmer time in comparison to rubbing in the salt in the proverbial wound regarding certain portions which were recognized possibly. In turn #POTUS44 was hypothetically not able to fully be briefed in the ways which would have been regularly squared away for such a switchover, the same for #POTUS43, #POTUS42, and all such living Vice Presidents of the United States of America including the House of Congress and the House of Senate. As I would guesstimate certain companies in the technology sector may have been called into those houses more often than initially realized because of the levels which possibly the aspects as to what was written in FSL, might have brought forward a different look at such regards within the United States of America as well as other treatied countries around the world possibly as well. If such occurred regarding more than 10 House of Congress meetings, and more than 10 House of Senate meetings, and more than 10 White House staff member meetings about the situations regarding the technological advances and how such automated intelligence compared to artificial intelligence in such technology programs; I believe possibly this might clarify in a different way, which those who have a more specifically specialized aspect as to knowing further details in more modern terms than what I remember will hopefully be able to assist various portions thereof for further clarifications as technology coding moves quicker than some might have realized ever before the year of 2010 possibly for more than not.
In reference to the coding portions referencing the facial recognition software development programs as I had pointed out years ago about the eyes being extremely important to various portions outside of the fact of only being able to draw in heavy details the eye as explained in other portions of my writings and my FSL books, the eyes are the keys to seeing the soul for me; however for in reference to the portions regarding the automated technology which is the portion which searches for the information regarding such recognition features such as cheek bones, skin tones, hair color, hair style, height, width, guessed weight, and etcetera, the portions of which such automated intelligence technology was not formed to ever look at the eyes or the shape of the eyes or the color of the eyes because of the required details referencing the technology programs to be able to utilize such in conjunction with the technology development referencing the portions regarding the details which a camera can capture regarding such lines and colors. As there are many who have gotten further into plastic surgery portions referencing their face and the eye lifts, contact lenses, botox, and etcetera; the automated technology programs by such facial recognition software programs begun in the later 1990s, in comparison to the speed such picked up in reference to the years after 2010 as more people began being able to have pictures taken of them and/or modeled. In turn the more people doing so easily as well as with the development of the Instagram sorts of filters as other companies have used such as #YouTube for videos, sometimes alters the way which the artificial intelligence picks up such features from certain individuals. If you take a look at some of the videos I uploaded to my YouTube channel the filters change the way which my actual physical features are in ways which are unrecognizable referencing such regards as to my overall physical appearance at such times. Personally I chose to see how the filters worked for a few portions here and there when noticing such during the quarantine time in 2020 before more people were able to get out and go to different locations, however those portions were seemingly ideal for this particular reference regarding such technology advances referencing artificial intelligence searches for such recognition factors in programs because of the hypothetical of other such programs working to search for clues in regards of cold case files for law enforcement as well as other such technologies for military aspects.
If I am accurate regarding such different portions thereof which would include images in backgrounds, the ability to distinguish the difference from the coding regarding the digital image(s), color enhancements from a digital image which was downloaded compared to a digital picture(s)/video(s) which was copied/pasted/clipped/mixed/remixed/etcetera; then such software development company programmers would be well aware as to the ways as to which human beings would not be able to tell the difference without the larger jolt in the images, the ways in reference to when watching the news or a show on a channel and the commercial cuts out or there is the picture in picture or etcetera for the clarification. Now there are the commercial ads at the bottom of the screen regarding certain YouTube videos after a certain time if you do not have the subscription for the ad free portions, however in such what is the availability to distinguish other portions is up to the viewer to ponder for themselves as to review such aspects thereof.
That portion above will be written about more along the lines in reference to the aspects of the fixing and repairing however now to the reference aspects regarding the overall view in regards to other states' views of the state of Texas as well as the state of #Georgia regarding what I would guesstimate could be perceived not only by other states in the United States of America regarding both states, though also hypothetically possibly within the world. Remember when you type in the #www portion, the acronym stands for World Wide Web; meaning there are people all around the world who have access to see, what is on the world wide web as per whichever guidelines per area as well as per cellphone/laptop/desktop/internet provider/search engine/etcetera examples can bring forward depending upon what is looked at for such reference aspects regarding what is considered as a general overall accepted for such regions because of varied local/state/federal/country/company laws and/or mandates regarding such types of information and/or images if there are such regarding the way parental controls work in reference to those who know of such levels. Remember that in regards of the world wide web there are not the same aspects as to what is considered as a parental control regarding such aspects, and it took how many years and decades before such was ever a thought for some individuals; usually only after they had children with technology available to them, only as children sometimes can be known to do with the ways of curiosities and then other portions regarding the aspects as to what is considered as the home/extended/social/business/etcetera life as experienced and thus the portions regarding social media additionally I would guesstimate such aspects as to selfies have gotten a few more into trouble regarding teenagers whereas pictures being taken of the surrounding areas would have been a situation for more adults in comparison as to what and/or who could have been in the background and what possibly was being done nearby as in a different regards as to the way and angles of security cameras overhead and/or drones with/without the conjunction aspects in the satellite imagery and the versions of google earth.
As a clarification for the video cameras I had put into the rental cars for the ability only if there was a collision and not to ever record to show any videos regarding where I had been, I purposefully did what I could to erase the chips because of knowing I was traveling through areas which I was not fully aware as to what was in the areas of; and out of respect for the security of the #USA #ArmedForces United States of America's Armed Forces, is why I had chosen to delete such images/videos as to ensure the safety of such aspects. The reference to my trip to #Colorado in 2017 in comparison to my trip to Colorado in 2021 regarding my medication, is one example for a reference point to ensure such safety aspects were/are respected in reference to such. I know I have my clearance and identification regarding such aspects, to which I wanted and needed to ensure the maintaining and sustaining of such especially in reference to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project and knowing I would not know where or what officially was occurring in which aspects thereof national security; to which if such chips were taken after the situation as to the 2018 situation, that was why those chips were scrubbed from such information as best as I could get the laptop to delete such items from the chips. I had not thought about the possibility of seeing any crimes officially until afterwards admittedly if possible, however I was looking towards maintaining the sanctity of the security as best as I could having noticed too many oddities regarding certain vehicles and license plates to which it seemed odd and problematic as to what I saw though had not the correct words to describe such at those times because of the additional zapping electric situations as well as not knowing if there was ever any interest in regards of my Medal of Honor Art Project for not officially having been told of any such aspect. As explained in discussions as well as in writing, I did not allow anyone to go to the locations of except my son; which he was informed it was a trip just for the two of us, in comparison to inviting others for a possibility of being in the area and able to go out after I was done with my Medal of Honor Art Project trips for such pick ups of the historical and spiritual rubbings of the markers for my Medal of Honor Art Project itself to complete the pieces thereof later. I admit, I can be quite Virgo in such regards for metaphors.

However reviewing the attire regarding the events overall in regards of Texas, though not in the specific order of timing as there are multiple events to go over though the overall aspects can be seen for such:
*1* I met a female named Martha Doss at the #Texas Drivers License location which she was wearing a Latinos for Trump shirt and we spoke briefly before being invited to a few public events in San Marcos as well as at her and her husband's house in San Marcos Wesley Doss, which there were several individuals and speakers at random times. Those portions to which my outfits were relaxed casual referencing the clothing choices with a pair of cowgirl boots, and whatever jacket regarding the month of October 2019 before the official primary aspects thereof. I had thought as to discussions regarding the Precinct Chair for the area to which the Hays County Republicans had told her one number for the chair areas; though upon the day of dropping off the paperwork as Martha Doss had done so for me as well as several others, the claim as to a different number was given referencing the chair precinct numbers as she told me there were problems within the Republican Party while saying she had spent time with POTUS45 and his son Donald Trump Jr randomly. The portions as to much else regarding such times were usually in either a relaxed comfortable clothing choice of good jeans, a fitted t-shirt, and whichever boots and/or shoes with whichever jacket. Other events were in a dressier portion regarding a relaxed business casual sort of attire, as to not detract from others who were actually supposed to be speaking at such events as explained as to the ways as such events were going.

*2* The first official more public event if I recall correctly was when Republican Chairperson Allen West (Ret. LT. COL US Army) with several other speakers in the month of May 2020 at the state capital in Austin Texas which there were some news cameras from different local stations as well as #InfoWars, which for several other events as to how such similar attire regarding outfit choices for clothing were the majority of the time regarding such aspects as to the choices of the clothing for such reasons and such events. As later times went onward and the more people with open carry regulations as followed started to arrive as well as more of the times which what is called their Tank for InfoWars arrived to drive around as the announcements were made, the individuals in attendance went as each went during such times; with and/or without any firearms and/or open carry aspects because of the state of Texas also having the concealed firearm carry laws in conjunction with the open carry laws for the regards of the 2nd Amendment of the Untied States of America's Constitution. While some in the state of Texas are accustomed to firearms in such aspects, there are states such as New Jersey and New York as well as Washington and Oregon which do not have such allowances of the open carry laws in such ways as per their own sets of regulations for such aspects thereof. When the InfoWars Tank arrived on the state capital grounds area is around the time in conjunction with the portions of the open carry and more attendees, is when I noticed the movement from the Austin state capital building area to the area outside of the gates and the locking of the gates outside of the state capital building area. As more people arrived to the area in front of the Austin state capital in the ways which once was well before the 6 January 2021 event once had been in the 1990s and 1980s in certain locations, the more police law enforcement began to patrol the areas between the roadways as well as the sidewalks. Some instigated situations and others simply responded to which time levels thereof for such instigations compared to the wishes regarding the ones who try to spin situations, the actuality of the length of time referencing such instigating is of importance to take into consideration as well. The pictures show where it is the before portion of one of the rallies, though also regarding during the time of referencing the bottom pictures are during the time of the events and/or after the events thereof.
*3* In reference to block walking and door knocking regarding the taking of materials to different locations with others, my outfits were similar referencing to the portions of the first two aspects. Either I wore clean good jeans as prior with a clean fitted t-shirt appropriate for the event with cowgirl boots/sneakers/heels depending of the clothing outfit choice with the jacket needed for warmth, or I wore a semi-business dress/skirt with proper accessories for such an event as I had thought; once again to maintain the attention towards those who were in charge of the event as well as the speakers, for the respect to such for their work being done at the time. The same in reference regarding multiple locations for such and depending upon the speakers as well to which whether at the #WCR Williamson County Republican Office in #RoundRock Round Rock, the #YR Young Republicans events in a few places, and/or other such portions the clothing outfits were in my opinion appropriate as well as respectful to the speakers as well as those who take care of such locations which includes dinners and other such styles of events including watch parties.
*4* When POTUS45 arrived at the Apple plant location as to the portions referencing the business meeting and the line of supporters as well as the line of anti-Trumpers as called by others, the aspects of my outfit was similar regarding the respect to the President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump, those who went with him for such a meeting, as well as those of the company Apple regarding their own business aspects thereof. A darker blue dress which the majority of my shoulders were covered, the length was to my knees, a pair of black heels with straps across the tops of my feet, and possibly a shawl I later tied around my waist had been my outfit choice. As to support the POTUS45 reelection while also being respectful to those who were in charge of the event as well as respect to the guards referencing the Secret Service and such law enforcement officers, I remained composed referencing my outfit choices as well as my choices of actions to which though I climbed a tree to place a piece of paper sign in support of POTUS45 on my own; I also did not purposefully cause any commotions regarding any larger antagonizing in my opinion, though I did sing the Star Spangled Banner at the location after awhile. Etiquette is extremely important whether or not some realized in the state of Texas before and/or since then to which there are multiple types of etiquette which is usually unspoken because of the common knowledge in many areas despite how some have thought regarding certain portions regarding clothing, composure, attitude, tone of voice, speech/language, ability/willingness to speak with others, and etcetera compared to one or two forms usually most thought of.

*5* In the latter portions as to the regards of when I began to wear my corset, my tutu, my boots, and whatever aspects thereof for such outfits when doing so; I had chosen only after a certain amount of time which felt appropriate for the larger events with speakers because of the larger crowds being able to simply actually blend in physically as I thought because of the larger amounts of individuals in such locations. Admittedly after a certain point in time of not being able to count the number high enough as to the open carry is when it seemed appropriate for such outfit choices, as the portions of what I could not figure out seemed a situation for me personally. Wanting to be a part of the events I made the choice to go, though it seemed appropriate to wear the corsets as per what I know how to do with such portions because of other aspects as to my own situations as to prior times which I had dealt with and survived. As I also saw people beginning to wear colors referencing certain groups I was not made aware of officially as to the portions thereof and the feelings as to there being people who knew who I was though such prior explanations in my writings as to such feelings I had, the lack of truth being spoken regarding if any or multiple knew of me and/or knew of my website and/or knew of my works regarding such paintings and pieces from my Medal of Honor Art Project; I felt as though in some ways back in Montana at the #MontanaVortex Montana Vortex in 2018, when it was incapable for me to get the time I needed for the time in the Montana Vortex after such Medal of Honor Art Project trip travels to be able to calm myself down enough for the rest of the trip that year; especially after much which had already occurred, and other aspects as to what I had noticed. In reference to the portions as to if there were larger numbers of people who had known though did not say such when speaking with me before regarding my website and/or works thereof while either having firearm(s) on them concealed and/or showing, the amount of times I have been in front of a loaded firearm and/or several magazines ready to pop into the clip area is far too many times to count regarding just from 2000 through to 2007; while not forgetting the Major General's office around April 2008 with the 3 loaded firearms with the round in the chambers thereof as per knowing how the training is for where they came from and what their particular overall mission work aspects were after being on the soil of the Untied States of America for less than 7 days as I was told by Major General Gillman at the time of arranging the meeting though had not thought about when the meeting was initially scheduled by Major General Gillman during that time because of how much I was taking care of for my son and my daughter after their biological father died, as well as the funeral with the backfiring at the 21 Gun Salute portion after the Bronze Star and commendation aspects which was after the Chief Warrant Officer 3 discussed the stolen valor on the dress blues uniform; as well as not forgetting the loaded shotgun situation with two shells in the barrel area; and having to disarm my daughter at BAMC in the Emergency Room after the chase around after she broke through to then have to watch my daughter disarm the Military Police Officer to then push my son to the said and jump on top of my daughter to remove the firearm from her hands to return to the Military Police Officer or whoever it was who grabbed the firearm from when I correctly held the barrel of the Glock as whoever took the handle of that firearm pointed in my back at the time. As Major General Gillman only thought such had to do with Medical Hold Unit and refused to pay attention to a larger aspect at such times those failures cost more than was necessary in any such portion of time, though there are females who know how such types of certain male Major Generals have been and needed to be dealt with regarding such lack of integrity and lack of moral character despite the uniform worn and the location thereof. He was offended for the truth being told to him and instead of being an adult, he threw a temper tantrum and while he was in uniform called me a 'Royal fucking cunt'; to which I thanked him because there was not going to be anyone who could ever beat such a level regarding the ranking structure at such a point in time, the uniform in an actual General's office on a military installation, and etcetera who would ever be able to call me anything worse than such in the whole overall aspects thereof in truth regarding the wording choices.
That was before the meeting with the three males from overseas as I was told regarding COL Sheridan if I remember the name correctly, as there was the meeting with JAG which that COL had an attitude and realized when speaking with me as well as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack regarding realizing the problems from the interrogation regarding CID after the funeral portion and the fact of too many cooks in the kitchen reference regarding all such portions overall. However because of the later #mysa San Antonio Express News not having put the information regarding the forced situation which the Homeowners Association in the neighborhood I was living in was informed of the situations regarding the smaller aspects in reference to my son and my daughter regarding phone calls and their biological father's choices as to the time and then the complaints as to me pushing him to speak with his children biologically instead of ever looking to get back together or speak about anything of such, the lies which he told overseas is the lies which he told on the soil of the Untied States of America in the state of Texas before he went overseas with the activated National Guard who was mad because I saluted the American Flag as well as the troops graduating during the National Anthem of the Star Spangled Banner that weekend before going to Bennigan's. How many individuals have refused wrongly to believe how abusive an individual they once knew actually had been and wrongly defend them even with all sorts of proof proving such situations did occur needlessly, and how many others saw the signs and stood by doing nothing while such occurred knowingly as per explanations referencing the words straight from the mouth from; male or female, hetero sexual or LGBTQP alike?
While there is the portion regarding the references made regarding how I wound up in Washington state after moving out of my townhouse apartment, there were other references to such references of firearms in the area regarding towards Arizona and then towards Washington state; though admittedly after everything that was occurring overall, I did blank out a few times because of the levels of what was going on and no one I knew had believed me previously as to the realities of most situations I had explained in person as well as in writing. The lack of answers and the lack of responses regarding actual help at such times similarly to other such situations currently, only repeated how many had told me how alone I was and how their opinions as to what was occurring were their opinions in comparison to the realities I was dealing with. The lack of ability to communicate as well in ways which I was or would be actually taken seriously because of how I physically look in addition to the pain levels and other such situations, was not helpful either as to assisting such aspects for me personally. Thus if such at minimum of the portions of FSL being read and not forgetting the more recent to such times of adding the writings referencing "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" and/or the three volume on purpose for such printings of "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing", the additional reasons in other details as to why such a view regarding keeping calm while everything occurred in reference to supporting the reelection of POTUS45 with POTUS47 as well as which I could support in reference to the Republican tickets for reelection/election.
However with my hairstyle, my hair color, and my tattoos despite whichever clothing outfits I was wearing at such times; the reality of such portions of handing out my card with the associated correct information regarding simply just my website of www. susanmeeling .com to be put into the tag line for such portions regarding any such pictures and/or videos which had me specifically involved knowingly in regards of, there are portions as to the ease for all such election integrity portions as well as the identification portions for such technological aspects for the honest counting of each ballot regarding the processes regarding the required identification processes for the correct counting of all properly filled out voting ballots whether mailed or at the voting booth itself. Regarding the clothing and the makeup as per whichever event, it was seemingly appropriate for such and done so tastefully with respects as to the unspoken etiquette required at such portions and events as it is known Austin is a mainly Democratic and/or Liberal city population. Some of which who support the 2nd Amendment Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America, though within reason of mental sanity as per mental clarity. How could such individuals whether a Republican or a Democrat view such regarding the amount of open carry firearms seen in such locations, as well as the officers which were wearing uniforms which might not have been recognized as per those who usually walk/bicycle/scooter around those areas as per local official law enforcement and/or the National Guard uniforms? With such a view point around the United States of America who are in states which do not have open carry laws such as the state of Texas and other some of the states, how does that view to see such translate to you when there are those who would be able to know whether or not you spoke with me in truth as well as having such a firearm and backdrop thereof? If such in regards of pictures taken and then posted without such a recognition regarding my website properly as informed was needed to be done for such postings as well as sharing such a picture, what was the view regarding technology aspects to such recognition programs through automated as well as artificial intelligence programs? How could that majorly and massively impact the re-election of POTUS45 and #VPOTUS48 as well as impact all such elections to any state within the Untied States of America if there were those who traveled from other states for such aspects, to then take such pictures to post elsewhere regarding the portions of not giving the context correctly as I had given such instructions regarding the posting which would have been heard by at minimum the camera phone in the hands of whoever took the picture(s) and/or video(s)?
*6* In reference to the night of the election results which I personally knew and could tell POTUS45 and VPOTUS48 had enough to actually successfully be declared as the winner for the re-election in 2020 as well as knowing there were higher counts than ever before for the voting aspects across the United States of America, I chose to wear what I thought to be a celebration appropriate gown as per my thoughts as to the way which would be more appreciated regarding the aspects as to the areas I grew up in and going around for such what I would envision regarding such types of events for election parties aspects in the upper east coast regions. Admittedly a bit overdressed as I learned when I had chosen to go to a couple of events though the choice was not for the location or the people per se referencing those actually at the locations thereof as per knowing, there was going to be someone somewhere regarding a different location to review such portions of how such were going and who all would be at such events with larger public accesses to those locations thereof; as per one location being at a hotel convention area, and the other being at an entertainment location area which more people were able to move around and come and go as they were able to. Not knowing who would possibly see such outfits choices in the just in case of any such higher ups, I made the choice to prefer to be overdressed in comparison regarding wearing a gown or dress in which possibly would be more appreciated for such at the length and amount of time and work for such aspects thereof.
*7* The rallies after the election results I had worn similar clothing outfit portions as to prior events and as such portions went the ways they had, I knew there was something awry which needed to be looked into further. I learned of an event in Georgia to which I decided to go mainly to help in such support across the states in reference to the Republican aspects, though simply just being patriotic as I am and always have been; which it was a bit of time, before that particular portion in the end of November or beginning of December 2020.

However reviewing the attire regarding the events overall in regards of Georgia:
*1* The drive out to Georgia was a calmer aspect to a degree to be able to get out of the state of Texas for awhile, as the portions as to what was too much for me needed to be relaxed and calmed. I packed my bags and went after scheduling a few portions for myself, which as I drove across the state lines to get to the area for the timeframe of was a bit to cool off from everything going on. While I wanted and needed to get the portions of SCUBA Diving taken care of, without any responses from which I had sent out the portions thereof were/are weighing heavily in my thoughts as they were similarly regarding to 2009 in more ways than were prior to that time of course as per the amount of situations regarding all such portions thereof. To keep myself composed and on track to go where I needed to despite having emailed a few locations and individuals thereof without any responses which was/is not helpful, I went to the location where I checked into my hotel room a few days before the drives I was going to take regarding around the area of Georgia. Once in #Tennessee I actually began to calm slightly before the larger altitude changes, and then when arriving I was ready to go as per quite a few decisions I had made along my way. I am capable of talking about subjects and thinking about completely opposite topics at the same time, which I thought was normal for most people. I checked into the hotel room and when it was time to get ready to go to the event for the Luther event, it was an awesome surprise to be able to see and briefly meet for a short few minutes the Senator from Texas Dan Crenshaw when in Georgia. It was ironic to be able to meet him as per many thoughts I was wondering regarding several aspects of the #SCUBADiving, as I learned he was a United States of America's Armed Forces Navy branch SEAL which as busy as I guessed his schedule had to be was amazing to be able to meet and stand with him briefly as it was. I was dressed in my outfit with whichever variations thereof which while there where possible, I simply helped arrange a few things to help where I could.
* The other main event I went to regarding an event at a church which was hosted by a group of individuals regarding the events involving the voting portions as well as other such religious situations regarding Judeo-Christian aspects, as there were additional videos played during the in-between parts of the speakers' presentations. I had not thought about dressing down in comparison to my outfit regarding patriotism to wear more conservative clothing admittedly as I was still quite charged up regarding the Loeffler event earlier in the week as it is important for such referencing the election process for the openness and honesty for the ability for more to know to understand the process, though the location of the church and the building itself was quite comfortable and enjoyable to be at. There is an additional important aspect as to the availability regarding the transparency regarding videos and images to the best of ability because of how many more people are involved using technology to get involved with various portions of not only the election process, though other aspects in which it is important for such clarity of information as well as whereabouts referencing the ability for such clarifications to such intentions as per the importance of proper information being available for the truth. Below is one of the links to a Facebook video I had created while at the event though the other link is for other videos I created while out and about, in different areas. While my YouTube channel additionally has other videos I created of mine similarly to the links for my Facebook account, the need for the open and honest viewpoints of various events also give clarity for those who might wonder as to the actual realities in comparison in my opinion to assumptions as per the stereotypes have been a situation which have been needing to be looked past and seen for more than just one aspect thereof.
Additionally in regards of the second link as well as the third link, you are able to see videos regarding the 6 January 2021 event in #WashingtonDC among other videos regarding other events I had been to and other locations I had gone to. While I had not stayed past a certain time comparatively to what was reported on the news, after what occurred referencing my son and my daughter and I after the San Antonio Express News article situation is only all the more reasons as to the actually full and honest transparency for the realities of such videos and articles regarding different points of view to which in my opinion there should not be the deletions of any such videos ever off of the internet if out in a public location where there are more than 4 people in the area willingly as per the importance of such information for the truthful evaluation as to all such angles as just as those who are involved with researching aspects prefer the whole truth and nothing but the truth; so too should such be taken into consideration regarding such aspects of the actual portions of events because of the requirement for actualities of safety concerns as well as the misleading information when only a portion is given in comparison to the ability for others to go look at the whole as additionally seen regarding certain images and/or videos and/or articles only partially reported upon in comparison for the individual to make their own decision as to what they notice and what they see in the background for if there is something more than just one aspect there should not be anyone who has any right to ever deny such realities of what is in the background for such as there is more than just one involved regarding such aspects if ever to see such to which would then be a backwards approach to ever actually solve cold cases; as one does not always know the repercussions of the importance of such videos/images regarding such portions thereof in the current time or for past times or hypothetically others in reference of future portions. Even if considered as unflattering to see, it is important for other portions of which some do not know nor understand the repercussions of such aspects to the future and thus to remove such wrongly only causes further needless problems for other such situations which would take less time for actual justice in comparison to certain hypothetical situations already dealt with regarding such in my opinion though the facts of such have already shown and spoken for such regarding the truth of such situations having been needing to be resolved long before my post today.
In reference to the portions regarding the ways as to go back and make such notations for such videos if not originally posted with the specific information regarding the election processes of 2020 for an official recount my recommendations are the following as to clarify the information thereof because of the fact the situations regarding such important clarifications required for such because of the clear information required not only for the reference of politics though also in regards of actual business(es) which are for some in the process of growing, some in the works, and some only begun to be a sparkle in someone's eyes for the betterment of the general overall.
* If you were given a card by someone and they specifically have a website listed on the card the etiquette is to simply put the website of the person involved in the details portion to which you have the ability to clarify your stance in comparison to later on going back to clear up such portions, if ever there is a situation involving another who might need those portions of clarification because of the timeframe as well as the situation(s) in such regards. For so many who prefer and/or want and/or need justice it seems a bit arrogant to think someone's situation at one point in time will not impact another for removing such a choice to be able to post in a country which is supposed to have Freedom of Expression in all such ways to which because of the fact of such portions, the etiquette referencing a website if given for such points in time literally can be shown in reference to the automated technologies regarding the transparency and/or lack thereof regarding certain portions of the doxxing aspects. In such references regarding the automated technologies in my opinion from what I have noticed in the overall portions, POTUS45 and VPOTUS48 would have been reelected just as others would have had a more simple of times for the election process in 2020 regarding such if the amount of those who had actually known of such were to have posted the truth regarding such images; especially if shared through any such technological means because of the ways which such previous aspects have bee pointed out. Thus if especially working for an elected official and doing so for the elected official for such additional transparent aspects, there is the learned requirement for such portions of the realities to ensure the realistic portions for other such individuals who might ever look to hire such for the other elected officials so they are aware as to such as required for the safety and security of the national aspects for and of the United States of America. I would guesstimate if instead of having to ask multiple people and groups questions regarding such aspects there would be less of a problem regarding other portions of what has occurred referencing the political spectrum, the military safety aspects, among more regarding the safety and security of the homeland of the United States of America in my opinion. However I do not doubt others would have to agree in several portions thereof, as to other such safety aspects on the smaller scale regarding actual justice in comparison to the lies which have been spread needlessly previously and to stop a cycle completely to be able to move forward the requirement for all to be on the same page equally as per what was always supposed to be regarding public aspects in regards of social media for safety additionally in actual reality in comparison to if you have enough money to cut such out you then cut such out of your own requirements for justice possibly hypothetically one day for your future generation(s) of family lineage.
* If you know someone is who they are before speaking with them in reference to such situations for an election process whether in the phases of or in the initial after portions when the words election integrity are being thrown around, most likely all should be willing and able to actually be and act as such for the requirements requested from others. If you have made such a FOIA request regarding the political portions of an elected official, what would be more easy than to actually have the truth readily available for the general public?
Non-disclosure agreements do not count and are not valid for crimes, as it is known throughout the legal system as to such.
Why should the #CIA CIA, #FBI FBI, #Pentagon Pentagon, #Congress Congress, #Senate Senate, #WH White House, people who have been called into court and have had to testify on the stand officially, and etcetera ever have to be questioned in a court though they also should be questioned if required information is actually needed in comparison to wanted/desired if anyone can pay money to wrongly to delete information off of the internet?
No one should ever have that ability to ever fully delete anything off of the internet or any type thereof any important file, in my opinion.
If in reference to the situation regarding my transfer has been problematic as it has proven to be then such additional portions after all of such aspects I have personally been through regarding such aspects of lies being clarified should be as transparent as such portions of my life have been made to be due to such aspects regarding my books being leaked illegally, as any involved should have all such portions regarding such aspects of involvement and purposes thereof out in the open just as much as per the Judeo-Christian aspects of simplified of what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
* If the actual requirement as it should be for election integrity is actually preferred to the realities thereof, then going back to send the portions in the information section of a post should be easily able to be gone through the areas of the videos/photos section of such social media to actually correct the information for the original post. Since you are able to re-tweet or re-share such information regarding such postings if hypothetically done and if actually caring about election integrity for the 2020 election as well as future elections then the ease of doing so for individuals who actually want/need the recount to actually occur factually would be required of all such individuals. The other choice is automated and artificial intelligence technologies do so for the human beings who would complain and/or think to refuse, as how would such look if the computer assisted programs have to go forward and do such for human beings instead? I have heard about people being afraid of AI in whichever capacity though if the truth thereof such portions regarding the election integrity clarifications are actually wanted and needed as felt, then the requirement for human beings to prove to computers they are smart enough and strong enough to take the reins to do so one their own. Just think as to how many technology pieces you have owned over your lifetime and while maybe I am the only one who has had such levels of situations regarding other such portions of the updates and the like as possibly there are others who have had such situations to different levels, is it better to tell the truth or to be found out later regarding such aspects thereof? Personally I learned it is always better to tell the truth as quickly as possible because I have seen where when there are multiple lies told by others the complications and the problems are learned from incorrectly which that has been problematic for more than just myself, as I have seen and heard about for quite some time. It is easier to clarify such intentions when honest at all times in comparison to having to figure a way to try to spin such aspects which always seems to backfire in the long term into the longer terms and in other such situations into the longest terms possible, to which it is always easier to take care of correctly sooner in comparison to later. for example, how many people wish they did something before Washington state and what occurred? How many wish they had paid attention sooner regarding 2000 or the time for 2000 through 2008 in comparison, and how much better would certain portions have been if such aspects were actually taken care of properly sooner?
The irony about the healthcare portions I suppose as it is always better with preventative medical care than it is to wait, as you cannot ask certain questions to certain people once certain situations occur; because then you are only left wondering as to what could have been in comparison to what could have actually been done at the correct time, and how such would have been instead.
The same can be written in reference to the fact checking which had caused some people certain issues which such individuals probably can pinpoint to certain situations as to when their fact checking situations had lead to whichever situations they lead to regarding such portions in reference to the facial recognition and as more people have learned how long technology has actually been seeing such and working on such, the realistic portions as to how many had been impacted can only be truthfully learned about if actually having the general public being truthful about such postings regarding if there is a website and/or business(es) involved because of the requirement for genuine safety and wellbeing regarding the portions as to the 2020 elections and more. There are those who have been discussing the new normal, to which the times of the new normal regarding such acceptances of the realities thereof are exactly as such. To accept the facts thereof regarding when in public places compared to behind closed doors, and if behind closed doors if there are more than 4 people in person in the location of wherever there would be; then the portions regarding to the consensual portions thereof though if there are nonconsensual portions thereof also the requirement for such regards of for #justice justice as well, to be correct and as unbiased as possible for such.
The eyes definitely have it, though some tattoos as well have been able to be found to assist in the clarifications as to other such aspects to which when there are those who pay for the removal of tattoos as per if their choice(s) to do so; then the requirement for the additional safety protocols regarding such aspects, to assist the security processes in addition.