“The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” went over multiple details in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips of which in reference to anyone regarding the #TX #Texas #TXstate #Texasstate Texas state referencing my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork or anyone else for that matter who might be upset as to my requirement and need to burn the pieces of paper as to such points in time, why would there be enough examples as to why it would be necessary as to what reasons beyond the aspects of what I had already gone over in the explanations in reference to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”?
Why would all of those situations that I noticed among all of the other possibilities thereof to others thinking they had any idea of how the actual portions of how a historical and spiritual rubbing is completed in the correct ways thereof, have anything to do with why such had to occur?
Why would anyone’s assumptions they had any clue of what actually is entailed in the full workings thereof to a historical and spiritual rubbing have to do with why I would have to do so in reference to such paper pieces, as who would know as to who had gone and done something which there are several areas within the Bible which specifically give you the warning before my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to graven images, as what would I need to burn off to burn away from what who did what and when and where?
Why would it matter as to the factors of my training of how I was taught in the comparisons of anyone thinking all it took was rubbing a piece of charcoal on a paper in comparison to what actual work is truly done to complete a historical and spiritual rubbing, as who would know as to what choices were made as to the aspects of the #Pentagon Pentagon making 3 Medal of Honor pieces though not the way I do so as that was not the way it was begun; as why would that be a problem if anyone thought that it was as simple as just a piece of paper with charcoal in comparison to the actual work it takes to complete a historical and spiritual rubbing to create artwork with of such as what would be the reasons for such factors of protection because of who thought what about my actual work involved?
What would be the reasons as to why I would have to make the choice I did in such references as what would be the purpose as to anyone thinking that just because they may have some connection to whichever branch and/or division of the Armed Forces of the United States of America that they were ever allowed to actually be a part of any such portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the historical and spiritual rubbings as what did I write about after discussing in reference to the Solar Eclipse in the year of 2017, as what would be of importance as to the safety I already went over in reference to my discussions in the time leading up to as well as what did I complain about afterwards and what was occurring in the state of #WA #WAstate #Washingtonstate #Washington Washington state as to the black birds that changed the color of the sky after the Solar Eclipse as why would I have to take such precautionary measures as to such pieces?
Why would the facts of when arriving in the state of Texas after how I wound up in Washington state as to the amount of crickets all over the ground within a few weeks be of importance in the year of 2019 to the aspects of what choice I had to make in reference to the pieces of which I had picked up from the state of Texas, as why would the problems additionally because of the transfer be of importance as to such aspects as to what choices I had to make in reference to such pieces?
What would be of importance regarding speaking with me in truth as to the factors of knowing I have been working on my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as what would be important to each and every aspect as to what works thereof are, as why would it be important for what I had to make the choice of what I had to do in reference to the addition of the Solar Eclipse in the year of 2017 as to the situations in the year of 2020 as to why the choice had to be made as to why was that important regarding anyone who may have assumed they had the right to what was and is only my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as what would be of importance regarding my historical and spiritual rubbing processes and the actualities of such work as to the reality of what work I had been doing as why would it be important for the sanctity of my work in all such factors as to each and every state I had worked on as to my Medal of Honor Art Project?
Who had ever invited or gave any orders as to following me during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips hypothetically would be who you would need to direct any anger or resentment towards as the ways of which my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork was specifically completed in a specific manner of which I personally did not ever explain to anyone as to what the requirements would be as to the processes thereof to which the Solar Eclipse in the year of 2017 along with the other factors in reference to situations I wrote about in reference to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” would be of importance why and where in which areas as why would it be important to specifically ask me what the procedure would be for anyone interested in simply going along with me as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as why would it matter what for a historical and spiritual rubbing process that no one other than myself has ever been taught would be important to only go through me as to whether or not I would allow such as why would I personally know what to tell anyone who would or could have ever been interested in attending such a trip as what would be important about going to speak with me in comparison to anyone else?
What importance to the aspects as to the timeframe of when I had to make the choice and the decision to do so to such pieces of paper and if in reference to those who did not believe as to the fact I have completed historical and spiritual rubbings, why would you of anyone be upset as to if you did not believe of what the facts were of the historical and spiritual rubbings matter to you if you only thought it was a piece of paper with charcoal as I know how to complete such works on other paper thus why would any of you ever be upset if you did not believe before?
Why would that matter as to anyone who had not believed beforehand as to the historical and spiritual rubbing portions as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork processes if there were such individuals, as would you not have already known I could redo such work as needed as why would it actually ever bother such a type of individual?
What would be the reasons as to why it would be important for my choice of what was completed as to my work as who has ever actually officially paid for such pieces to be completed in full as to the complete price as to the per hour of working on from the beginning of to the final drop off time as well as paid for all of the materials officially themselves as well as officially paid themselves for the encasement as well as paid officially themselves as to the entirety of such a process, or did that come out of my own financial aspects as why would anyone who did not ever actually commission such artwork from me ever be upset as to the choices I made as to my Medal of Honor Art Project?
Thus if anyone is upset who would actually need to have such anger directed in their direction in comparison to ever being upset with me as who made the choices they had made in such references as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” in reference to the different spotting and occurrences thereof as what would be important in reference to the #GreatFalls #GreatFallsMT #GreatFallsMontana Great Falls Montana area additionally in the year of 2015, the time in #Arco #ArcoID #ArcoIdaho Arco Idaho in 2017, the #MontanaVortex Montana Vortex situations as to the time in the year of 2018 as well as that hotel situation which I had to leave early because of the problems in reference to the people in the Super 8 in #Missoula #MissoulaMT #MissoulaMontana #Montana #MT #MTstate #MontanaState Montana as to the Solar Eclipse in the year of 2017 as to such a choice I personally had to make; as why would those specifics be of importance as to the safety and protection thereof as to my work as to my Medal of Honor Art Project because of what additionally to the first time I went to the MacMillan Mausoleum as why would those situations specifically be of importance to review? Who then would be of who to be upset with such a choice when such was not ever asked of me directly as to the correct procedures of if interested in simply going with me as why would that be of importance, in comparison to assuming it was not a big deal?
When adding the facts as to my ocean SCUBA Dives, Irving, as well as the factors of my Medal of Honor Art Project as to who had what lack of faith in me as well as in my work; why would any of you be upset as to what choice I personally had to make as what right do you actually have to ever be upset as to any such portion of my Medal of Honor Art Project as where were you when I actually needed assistance, and who are you to ever judge me for any such a choice as what choices in your background should you focus on instead of why I had to make the choice for my Medal of Honor Art Project sanctity and thereof as why would that be of importance for you to think about?
Why would it be important in the year of 2021 to the year of 2017 as to the spiritual numerology of such factors as to what choice I personally had to make and who thought that was actually an easy choice for me to have to make for the aspects of or are there those who have been so arrogant to ever think that was an easy choice for me to make, and why would that be such an egotistical thought of who?
What would be of importance regarding what my needs are in comparison to what others’ assumptions are as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as who cared about what my needs have been in the fullest portions as to what has already been brought forward previously to this journal blog entry as who has personally taken care of each aspect as to what I personally have needed for myself as who has ever in person when in person with me actually been a part of what I needed for myself, and thus why would it matter as to what I needed to do for my Medal of Honor Art Project for my Artwork portions as who would ever know what actually it takes as to the works thereof to what I have to take care of in person?
What would that matter?
Why would it be important?
How would the in person aspects of in such regards of in person be of importance as to any such of the above questions?
Who other than myself actually has the authority to complete my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork, and thus who other than myself would ever be allowed to make such a decision?
When have I ever had any person in person with me during the actually full processes of the entirety of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork and in especially as to the reference of in the state of Texas as to such portions that was specifically a part of such a process as per my allowance, or was the entire process completely done by me as to the historical and spiritual rubbings and the artwork thereof completely done in each way except the encasing done only by me as why would that be of importance?
Does that mean I am done with working on my Medal of Honor Art Project? No it does not take a head injury to figure that out, however why would it be important for me to recuperate from everything that occurred as to my healthcare as to what I have been put through as what of importance would that be regarding my work that no one else helped officially regarding the largest processes of such aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project?
When no one has ever actually asked me of what I personally would need for myself as to my work, who would ever think they have ever had any rights as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork?
Then again, why would I ever have to explain myself to anyone who had not ever gotten my permission as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as what would you do if those aspects were done to you in the reverse knowing what I have dealt with in full as to such factors as how would you need any down time to go over such aspects as to the reviewal processes or does that take a head injury to figure out?
