Starting with the portion of being thankful for the aspects of irony, regarding several aspects. I am going to go backwards in the timeline to a point which it might come across as odd though it will assist in some ways better, hopefully.
* 2014 : moved to Tacoma Washington and found a rental house in Tacoma Washington after while, and was able to being my Medal of Honor Art Project beginning in the month of August after getting my son #Letters4James squared away as well as finalize the first books I was going to publish later after reorganizing hoping it would be helpful to both my son as well as my daughter #Letters4Lidia as well as others in FSL books as such was the starting point of the first 8 books I authored and compiled during such time regarding FSL and later into the other 6 books I authored though I also began my website and am thankful for the ability to figure such out here and there along the way
* 2013 : The situation within the Crystal Creek Apartment Complex in Vancouver Washington after the Sherriff had arrived to my apartment in #42D about the water pipes problem of a leak in the apartment below the floor of my apartment level on the two story building as I was on the top floor of the two, which confused me as to why the Sherriff was called about the water pipes leaking into the first floor apartment because of the age of the apartment building as well as that was the maintenance job to complete compared to the Sherriff's job as I thought. He and I spoke as the male who I met at the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert in March earlier that year after the being surrounded by the 3 males and 3 females when at the concert who would not leave me alone the entire evening and the Shiner Bock beer I only had less than the portion from the full part to just above the top of the bottom label of the beer bottle, though it was fizzy more than what I remembered Shiner Bock beer to be when making the chili for the SCUBA Diving Texas Chili cookoff and it tasted different than what I remembered; however knowing it was a different altitude and knowing the cooking is different in higher altitudes as per SCUBA Diving, I thought about such forgetting I was in Texas when remembering the portions about the Shiner Bock beer though was unable to think about the altitude changes being any major problem for my headaches and migraines beyond knowing I needed to stay below the Mason-Dixon Line after going through North Carolina and South Carolina because of the upset stomach I had gotten when getting closer to the Mason-Dixon Line energetic point after returning back to Texas in 2002. The Sherriff asked me a few questions about the apartment complex leak in the pipes which made little sense, though he kept persisting about that leak from the shower as well as from the washing machine area which was the Crystal Creek apartment complex's job to maintain compared to what was going on in the apartment as I understood from what the male Sherriff who looked similar to the younger male motorcyclist during the trip back to Great Falls Montana from the Little Bighorn and Miles City area from Lewistown Montana when stopping at the Ray's Gas Station in the year of 2015 with the older one who looked similar to the maintenance male from the Crystal Creek Apartment Complex who was married to the manager Tracy in the office who had gotten along with Pam in the lower apartment area to the floor my apartment was on.
I am thankful I had emailed about the figure in the purple CRV as the situation was odd for several months before as well as several months thereafter regarding seeing that male figure among other portions regarding such. I remember in around early October 2013 of trying CBD instead of the THC and falling asleep after having severe breathing problems, which I woke up around 3 days later and the male figure was constantly around that CRV or area that was parked or the garage peeking around the corner similar to the way Pastor William Tennent of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church would do though a bit differently than when his spirit came out from the time when the congregation had taken the coffin out from underneath the church to wrongly remove the remains to put into a different casket and the hauntings which occurred outside of the church to wherever those people who had caused such a choice had not been able to ever recover from as the church congregation dwindled because of the thought the spirit of the Pastor William Tennent would stop bothering them if they were not closer to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church. I know what occurred instead was Pastor William Tennent's spirit had split apart into a view similar to Fantasia and the brooms to which the spirit of Pastor William Tennent went to follow after each person who had agreed with such a choice to remove the casket and the only people he protected where he could were those who had not wanted the basement to begin with underneath the church, which some thought running from Old Tennent Presbyterian Church would stop the problems such as my biological mother who was freaked out when seeing the black robe herself, however the protection would always be over such individuals who had made each attempt to preserve the basement as a gratitude for the massive attempts against such odds to maintain his friend General George Washington's personal request to the congregation of the formation of the grounds and the church during the Revolutionary War during the Battle of Monmouth which were on the grounds next door to where the metal iron fence is along the left side of the ground when entering from the area near Neff Chapel towards the back left corner. The Pastor's haunting was a choice because of those who disobeyed the rules and went against such warnings, however the warnings were just the first portion as there were more than just myself who had stood up against the basement being put in knowing the history of the church grounds and knowing the importance to preserve such aspects for many generations as possible for the longest terms available; to which I am extremely thankful especially now to have stood up for what was correct and true when I was just a child, and I am thankful others had as well and hopefully were well protected as best as possible especially since the situations regarding 11 September 2001. The male figure seemed almost similar to the way I had seen Pastor William Tennent, however the Pastor's spirit moved much differently than the male figure I had seen.
I am thankful I emailed several about such though it was admittedly odd to have such a situation regarding the CBD in comparison to the THC and how such was not helpful compared to the THC, though the oddness about the additional electrical problems regarding just a few weeks prior at BestBuy regarding the Geek Squad situation about my laptop accidental insurance protection plan from the 13 laptops in less than 7 years which were unrepairable as well as the male who spoke about the college class involving the wrongful research trying to use me as an example which I stood against vehemently and did not care about the ramifications if such were to be tested against my will as per the alarms from the areas going off as a final warning to such discussions as per the discussion regarding spiritual energy; and those warnings were the last which means if he and others did not adhere to such warnings, then they also knew or at minimum learned if you hear the firing then it might be too late for you to make a better choice as per such backgrounds depending upon each involved with such a choice. As military of certain employment knows, you do not hear about those who had heard the firing shot because of the way such goes for such types of people hearing such. I had to go out to the car with the help of my son from the alarms going off inside which thankfully he and I had gotten to safety, hopefully for the betterment during such times especially. The Sherriff did not say who had called him to the apartment complex though he asked about a situation regarding my son and what was going on at the time, which I asked why the situation was a problem as per explaining what was going on in brief to the Sherriff and when I was told Jason had said something about my parenting I had asked why the two baby mommas were having his Mom take care of their children when she was recovering from cancer and the regressions treatments were a positive aspect for her life. He smiled as he thought about such when I asked what his wife would think in reference to if the situations were different and he said he would speak with me later if he needed any further information, as he needed to go down the stairs to speak with Pam about what we had discussed. I still do not know who specifically called officially, though that male spirit form was watching from the corner of the area of the garage where I parked my car and he had smiled for the first time since first seeing him as he usually yelled Nottingham and something about becomes her at the time when I was on my patio at random times.
Prior to such in reference to being in Washington state I remember being in Arizona and getting my son involved in Ice Skating lessons for summer camp and going to an event just after seeing online both on facebook as well as fetlife via two separate technology devices which one was my cellphone and one was the laptop, which each website in real time was showing posts as to people claiming I was in different parts of the state of Texas in people's businesses outing them to their bosses. I showed the facebook to my son which there were people saying either of me being in San Antonio or Dallas in other people's jobs supposedly doing such while I stood in Arizona, and on fetlife people were claiming I was in Houston or in Austin doing the same thing as the claims on facebook. My son and I laughed at the oddities as the male from the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue situation Jesse Leroy Hoover Jr, looked back and forth between both devices confused while my son and I were laughing wondering how such could ever be. Later Jesse and I went to a lifestyle event in Phoenix or Scottsdale which I wore an Eeyore hooded pajama as I was freezing cold that night to wear over the outfit I had on underneath of a red dress and red shoes, as I thought it was a good color choice set for the red with the white and the blue because of simply how I am while my son relaxed in the room watching television for just a few as I could not stand being in the area very long and only wanted to see what the area was like for such though felt an oddity when walking around the location and left quickly. I am thankful to have stopped by the First Presbyterian Church to see if the Pastor at the time had any advice and though the situation went as it had, the stained glass image was odd to look at for awhile admittedly for several reasons to visions had at such times when walking in the garden on my way back to the car to return to the resort.
I remember prior to that having the identity theft reporting situation as well as applying to go to Florida apartment complex however because of learning of the identity theft and account situations among other portions as to what I can remember as after the Cowboys Dance Hall concert, I had spoken with my son about which would be ideal after the Child Protective Services situation regarding my daughter and the portions which they had said I needed to give at minimum one of the relatives to my daughter a reach out for such assistance to her. I had facebook messaged my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen which in the waiting time I looked at apartments in Florida for a just in case, to ensure the ability for the ease of a transition as best as possible as I had told him about the possibility since I had kept him up to date about as much as I could within reason as best as possible. Georgia is close to Florida and thus the same sort of situation regarding Fort Worth in reference to Carrollton Texas, for what I thought would be most ideal for such times. However the San Antonio Police Report with the identity theft situation and the bank with the credit issues all at once when I had just began the ability to have my legal name changed to what I had been known as of the name Susan MeeLing, though with such situation and more the last portion needed for such times was to go through with the finalizing because of the amount of situations compiling upward and what I needed to focus on as I was also going to change my son's last name and daughter's last name to MeeLing if the paperwork for the identity theft was not an issue; to which I made the choice not to as well as chose to ensure that my middle name remained only my middle name and if I ever did somehow get married to the right one, then I would change my legal last name if such were to be a possibility for the correct relationship of such type of that romantic aspect of and for love sorts of what-have-you sort of aspects. I know it might come across as odd when thinking about my writings in comparison to the romantic aspects of love, as that is not the side of life I have known much of beyond what I have read in books and what I have seen in Disney movies or such types as Everlasting and 50 First Dates which I had difficulties ever believing such could ever be possible for someone such as myself as quite a few portions thereof regarding quite a bit.
Before then there were situations which I had began to walk away from the adult consenting lifestyle as the community standards were dropping quickly and the problems to which I could not find the words to explain became more difficult over the time, as there were multiple factors involved to which I need to being the following year of going backwards with the beginning of the year going forwards though also backwards as 2012 was a difficult year for many more than may have realized. As best as I can because of various aspects as being unable to lie the problem of certain situations to be able to explain such truths were of such difficulties at such times, I could not figure out how to explain such without putting it into words in writing because of the multitude of levels.
* 2012 : New Year's Eve Party which was just before the Irving situation regarding the lights in the sky or was shortly thereafter towards the end of 2011 as well as the shotgun situation which I had to disarm Patrick Kennedy from the double barrel silver barrel brown wood shotgun in 2012 with 2 shells in the chamber areas in 2012, as he was doing a rifle drill and was mad at me for laughing at the trying to do a rifle drill with a shotgun because I was infuriated as to how he had a shotgun in the apartment knowing what was occurring regarding my daughter and the Fort Worth Zoo and McCoy Elementary School of Carrolton Texas of CFBISD situations; which he refused to acknowledge was a problem despite knowing, she was in the residential treatment facility in Arkansas which he thought just because she was there the problem was reduced though refused to take into consideration the safety and well being of my son as well. That was the end of the relationship and 3 days later I was out of the apartment as soon as I could find a location with a month to month lease to be able to get everything out of the apartment I could to get my son and myself to safety while knowing my daughter was in the hospital at the time, to then be able to do what was needed as best as I could. The inability to get everything was a problem and even though I sent the screenshot of the aspects he had admitted to preventing me from getting my belongings, the renter insurance would not cover the additional claim because they said it was not considered as acceptable behaviour to use fetlife for the ability to prove an insurance claim when he had posted it on fetlife in comparison to facebook in regards of the female voice I had spoken with on the phone; which legally made little sense to me as per the verified account, however the knowledge of his ex supposedly of Ms Juules (?spelling?) and her claim of hearing about me outing people back in the earlier portion of 2011 made a later aspect to sense if such a connection was still going on as per the piercing he had gotten to maintain such a relationship with her; as some others would be able to verify more clearly, as to such details.
After moving to San Antonio Texas with the aspects to take the SCUBA Dive gear I had from my SCUBA Diving to the Navy and Marine Warfare Unit by Warrior Transition Unit near BAMC on Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas AKA Military City USA, instead the UHUAL which had all of my SCUBA Dive gear was confiscated as the second moving truck which had to be arranged as the claim from the moving company to not being able to fit all of the 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 1 living and 2 eating areas worth of furniture from a less than 1200 square foot apartment with a garage into the 24 foot long truck despite how there was nothing in that truck which reached the ceiling to move in comparison to moving from Carrollton Texas to Cedar Park Texas with the same size truck and fitting all of my furniture for a 4 bedroom and 2.5 bathroom with 3 living areas and 2 eating areas with patio furniture and a 2 car oversized garage worth of furniture; which the movers did not care and said the mandatory need for the second UHAUL truck which was taken into custody, though the mover who had arrived with the 24 foot truck refused to tell me where as he said the third party was responsible for contacting me even though their moving company had made the relentless portions of not allowing me to put all of my belongings onto the 24 foot moving truck. Later around April or May I felt a ripping sensation throughout my skin ripping apart the individual fibers of my physical body similar to what I had envisioned years prior in my backyard in San Antonio around 2003 though far more painful as my bones ripped as well with such, and the pain levels were excruciating. The portions of later seeing the movie Silent Hill with some of the portions would be the closest description as to what pain levels I had actually felt as per the time in 2012, and shortly thereafter was the vial from when I went to the bottom of the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle of the waters in the Atlantic area of the ocean when going to the USS/USNS Vandenberg as the seal was removed whenever the gear from my SCUBA Dive bag had been wrongfully stolen and wrongfully opened in the incorrect location and whoever stole such and opened such I do personally blame you for the pain levels you caused me needlessly for whatever selfishness excuses thereof as that pain was worse than both of my children's individual labor and deliveries combined into a one hour timeframe for all of the days combined of that labor with the pitocin involved as well as the medical complications of such. However the vial which was going to be given and could not be given to the Navy and Marines Warfare Unit because of such times, meant I remembered the warning given to me in reference to Irving if such had shown up as the individuals who flew in from outer space in the lit up area when on my patio on the top floor had been upset with me for not taking the bag sooner to the military though not being close to JBSA with the specific groups I would need to speak with and not wanting to do so with another around; the lack of ability to further actually do so was removed whenever the UHUAL situation occurred, per that move needlessly. The vial which I had to give to them with the gear meant I had to drink the whole concentrate myself of what I had gathered from the area I took a picture of when I was done for the clarification as learned in Underwater Naturalist classes and SCUBA Diving certification, from my additional research for the aspects for a healthier way for healing in different avenues in a specific way which would be helpful both on land as well as in the waters regarding specific types of SCUBA Divers for a specific type of training set as I had arranged for myself prior to going to the areas in the oceanic waters overall officially after my SCUBA Diving certifications I had earned.
I drank the entire vial, washed it out with water to get the last of every drop required, and repeated until it was only water which came out from the vial to drink. The dram bottles I had ordered online needed to be finished completely, and it was as it was regarding the situation though thankfully I had done so as per the situations regarding what occurred on Fort Sam Houston in BAMC referencing my daughter and needing to disarm her after she had disarmed the MP which was after she had escaped and ran throughout the Emergency Room areas of the BAMC or now SAMC hospital to then get her restrained after I had removed the firearm from her hands after she had pushed such into my stomach with her hands around the handle while pulling the trigger of the MP's firearm repeatedly while spitting in my face and trying to bite me the entire time. I was able to get my son #Letters4James to safety behind the nurse's station with the other medical team who saw the situation as the other soldier's who were a part of the chase had gone as they had gone and the patients in the bed areas in sight saw whatever they saw, while I worked to disarm my daughter #Letters4Lidia as she continued to pull the trigger repeatedly and the blasts went off for later to pull out the remnants in my leg from the last aspects regarding that USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg SCUBA Dive during my ascent which the tentacle in the picture had left a few marks and Irving had been to assist to remove such because of taking as long as it had regarding others moving quicker to actually get to me in comparison to only my SCUBA Diving gear which infuriated the beings as to such callousness from those who had once known me in SCUBA Diving as in any Instructor capacity and/or of me in any Instructor capacity as I had been informed in regards of in person meetings and discussions of such from my description personally to them individually or as a group in person as such beings knew those individuals should have cared more about the waters for the oceanic aspects for the entire human race in comparison to what their egos thought was more important as per the regards of the waters being the life of the earth for the life of the earth. Those beings removed the metal like shards from my physical body explaining there were not medical trained people with the abilities yet for such technologies and the quantum physical aspects to which were to be made when I was ready and agreed to such would be possible if I chose as such, however they warned as to stand upright for the correct causes as pointed to my arm when repairing the damages from the bruising as I can put into words for such situations involved. You can see my attempt to cover up some of the remaining portions in the tattoos in my leg on my left side, from the veining aspects compared to what is seen in the other picture from where the bruises began starting at to the picture with what I had to remove myself from the situation regarding the metal shards from the bullets from the firearm situation on Fort Sam Houston as per how the processing for such had been because of the vials I drank. I had given blood to the VA twice since returning to Texas, as such possible leftovers might have been able to be found if there was not that much damage additionally from all of the electrocution aspects while in Washington state because of the aspects in reference to the vials I drank in conjunction to the area at such times with the additional aspects regarding the altitude changes as well as being above the Mason Dixon Line.
Below are some group pictures from some times for additional aspects of various multi-person modeling-ish pictures over the years from 2008 through 2012
The portions of which regarding the aspects of the timing from various portions in reference to some modeling while other pictures were when out in a relaxed atmosphere as possible for such times, to which the ability to recognize such times as best as possible for such reference aspects in such time as the current times in the year of 2021. I had completed several modeling sessions in hopes to better assist my memory of what tattoos I had as it took me awhile to figure out the aspects of being able to see my tattoos was not thought of as much when beginning my tattoos to help my memory, though was far more helpful for the times regarding Washington state as per the time in the shower to be able to see such aspects to work towards remembering while dealing with the situations in such areas as Vancouver at such times for a clarification point and though I am not officially aware as to the updated portions of such individuals in the pictures with me lives in more ways; I hope times are much better and much clearer, despite the situations having had to be explained in more details as per the additional difficulties after the Irving situation before the JBSA situation though after the Vandenberg situation and more per such times. The irony is if in Vancouver Washington if the people in Crystal Creek Apartments were able to figure out that my son and I were kidnapped and/or the terminology of possibly treason because of the stolen valor being used to be able to trick me at the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert to get to Washington while the male was planning to get my son and I to go through Canada to get to Alaska and knew such was wrong, however those in the city of San Antonio AKA Military City USA who knew me in 2004 onward and was informed of such aspects regarding my now dead-ex-husband and me being off post knowing military aspects of how such would be viewed and/or while simply on Temporary Retirement Duty Leave when meeting and the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to ignore the reality to choose to not inform who would be known to such higher ranking authorities to what was occurring to that particular status I had in the Pagan and/or BDSM groups in San Antonio Texas for such UCMJ and civilian legal charges for such treatment I was going through with the knowledge of my now dead-ex-husband's military connection of being an E5 at whichever status knowing of what the ramifications were and not having any care towards such because of the Pagan or heathen view and preferring to go through with other aspects instead of telling the truth to military personnel about such realities especially if still directly associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America at such points in time; which technically would include through in reference to the second and still forced aspect of Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and even he would technically be culpable for having been involved with ROTC officially in UTSA and such connection points of other aspects for such legalities though ironic if his little brother Jeremy Kuykendall had figured out that aspect and reported such instead of who would have been in the know up to such a point in time.
The aspects regarding Nine Lives Books would in turn be included in such because of the books available, the connection explained to me by Michael Roberts of having been involved with multiple aspects of the city of San Antonio and politicians, and that additional choice to ignore such in such hypotheticals as to illegally test as well as illegally surveil any aspect without ever informing the law enforcement of the aspects specifically regarding the background explained as per how that relationship began regarding my now dead-ex-husband as well as the aspects as to how the situation began involving their friend Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr to try to protect him as well as my now dead-ex-husband only because of the college portion despite they were informed as to who came up with the breast cancer research project as those were the only people at Nine Lives Books which he had admitted that portion of my having come up with each aspect of such to though both sets agreeing about college compared to the reality. In turn the ironic twist of if mad at me for telling the truth to Fort Sam Houston's Animal Control Center after the situation regarding your dad is not a Captain, which in turn would be additional aspects thereof for such a city with as many military personnel as to what occurred; as well as the legal aspect learned of more recently in 2020 of if there is someone or people who have been forced into a situation beyond their control because of extenuating circumstances such individuals which in such would mean my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, and/or I in each situation from the starting point of when I was taken off of Fort Sam Houston Texas and anyone involved knowing of such aspects would legally be charged twice though not double jeopardy for the civilian portion as well as the military portion in both sets of courts of law for the various aspects including treason and domestic terrorism per definitions to such cornering and surrounding while denying my son and my daughter and I help and assistance at any point proper once having been informed of such details about the aspects and after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury for whatever excuses they may have had whether believing me or not about such and if any type of furthered tests illegally outside of medical associated directly through the insurance aspects thereof for such specifically from such aspects to continue such treatment in the civilian sector knowing while standing aside and doing nothing of the situations at hand being as such to which each with such direct connections would in San Antonio at minimum be possible for such charges while myself and my son and my daughter being innocent of any type of charges as per the legalities of when being for lack of better words kidnapped off a post to be treated/tortured as such regarding any possible charges of any possible crimes hypothetically. If in turn such was learned of and then yet ignored because of whatever excuses of wishing for causing their own type of justice, the hypothetical backfiring because of such knowledge and the furthered and larger charges against such individuals for making such a choice for themselves with such knowledge about the situations.
For example Michal Roberts worried about taxes and said he needed specifically my military identification card knowing of my Reverend status as well as having been informed that I had completed an energetic clearing for the store which he was offended and did not believe me about the energetic portion as well as had not simply looked at the prices for my type of healing per hour for the highest charge per hour for a smaller fee to see of over $100 per hour for one type of healing energy which in turn would mean the actual charges for the energetic cleansing of the entire store as well as the painting of the bathroom was not paid for to me as per what in writing was seen and known of for the smaller just for one person fee of time though would be much larger for such works than the $100 per hour as per the type of energetic work comparatively and thus the trying to justify to himself of the actual fees which I could have demanded in comparison to having genuinely card about the store's idea and situations as well as the thereofs regarding the Psychic Fairs which was part of why the Psychics of the Psychic Fairs thought it was my fault instead because they had read the sign and knew the additional work it actually took to do what I had done to cleanse the store and would have thought that because of such the payments would have been properly taken care of instead of as had been done in minimal amounts in cash for only a small amount of volunteering to clear such and also the aspects regarding the laws for volunteering and the fact the cat sanctuary people had not ever received any of the aspects which are required by law to prevent the view of running a slave factory as per such laws hypothetically. As there was a Mom with her teenager son with known medical conditions to receive implants in his brain and the Nine Lives Books store owners officially and unofficially at the time of or silent partner sort of setup arrangement for Nine Lives Books as they said for legal protection to try to hide from, the additional view of possible child slave laws for the underage people because the male was not the only underage individual who had been a part of Nine Lives Books and/or the Cat Sanctuary. If I was the only volunteer whose military and/or identification was demanded by Michael Roberts as per Suzanne Farnsworth's recommendation or request ot knowledge would in turn mean the known targeting simply from that location and any association thereof would automatically be implicated as an accessory to and/or accessory after the fact for a beginning portion of such legal criminal charges against such if hypothetically able to be seen for such aspects throughout such times with and without the Pagan and/or BDSM communities known of through discussions at such times.
Since there was not one person allowed to do any type of work at Nine Lives Books or the cat sanctuary or Psychic Fairs who had a darker skin tone complexion whether an employee or a volunteer the portions of the additional views of racism for not having darker complexion or any Asian in automatic visuals until later in time with an ear candling individual towards only in the back areas which complained because she did not get the spot of the Esoteric Section as I had despite having more clients because she did not see the fact she actually had the better position to be found in the store and preferred herself to be moved to a section where few would ever see or find her in the larger aspects for such a choice and the assumption of anyone for the payments because of their ignorance and lack of knowledge to such fees and the lack thereof to Nine Lives Books to ever pay me at such rates as published in such a sign and knowingly taking advantage of such care to abuse needlessly knowing of such details regarding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. In turn at any point thereafter of being in such groups if figured out and nothing was correctly done or explained to the authorities, what are the legal charges for which technically can be added for such choices at any point in time from 2000 onward through before and through from San Antonio to the DFW area to the Austin area and etcetera regarding anyone in the state of Texas with direct knowledge of the aspects simply from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury from the time during Basic Training in the Army branch in the United States of America's Armed Forces? Each choice thereafter to my son, my daughter, and/or I by such including in reference to the knowledge and treatments from my biological mother/father/sister and their connections including the fact my biological sister met her husband who became a law enforcement officer and his family connections when informed of as well as my ex-in-laws for their direct military connections while choosing to protect their now dead-relative when he was alive because of him being the baby of the family would also be hypothetically involved for such in comparison more-so because of the direct military connections compared to my biological father-ish to a degree though my biological mother having worked in the government center in McHenry County in Woodstock Illinois would not have such technical protections nor my biological sister because of the fact of knowing such as well as choosing to move to the state of Texas and prove they had not moved to the state of Texas to ever help my son and/or my daughter and/or I to continue on such choices against while knowing the actual truth from the beginning portions though their hatred and embarrassment of me being proven time and again with each denial as well as each slight they chose to do because they were upset by any choice I made for myself without ever caring about their wants as they had made their choices long before they moved to San Antonio Texas and such treatment they knew of by being told in person though preferring the prettier view of the horrific lies instead of accepting as should have back then and/or at some point of the ugly truth as to what was being done to me as well as while what I could do to protect my son and my daughter while standing by and doing nothing. Such similar aspects regarding the speaking with Thomas Marsden's Grandfather a retired Air Force individual as told and his mom instead of contacting the police or law enforcement on post to monitor instead of doing what was needed at the point in time, avoiding the conflict to begin a larger battle to turn into a war on the United States of America's homeland soil and such portions which I was made fun of for defending and standing for the oath I took to protect and defend the United States of America's citizens against any enemies both foreign and domestic.
Thankfully if so in Vancouver Washington, at minimum of someone figuring such out quicker than when actually being within the city of San Antonio as well as the state of Texas for the amount of military connections throughout such a state and each involved especially in the Austin area of Texas to such times with the closeness to the state capital would then be implicated further because of such additional connections with and/or without the portions of the military direct connections themselves which in turn the entire communities across the state of Texas would be shut down when such was learned of officially beyond the times of my own explanations as per either Vancouver Washington and/or my writings of my books to which if you knew either my son and/or my daughter and/or I and you allowed your biases of such in any way impact your choice to do what was correct because you cared more about your employment and/or your company and/or you friends and/or etcetera compared to doing what you knew was legally and morally and ethically correct such as in SCUBA Diving; then the portions of what possible legalities are, are additionally as how such legalities are as at minimum I made every attempt to explain as well as get help and assistance without such done by those who would have been informed of such legal aspects more including those with dependent status to any individual of such Armed Forces of the United States of America because of the direct knowledge of at minimum the Military Police and/or CID as per told of by name by me at some point in time which includes the ones I met at the base itself during 2008 after the funeral and the stolen valor learned of regarding my now dead-ex-husband; of which if the preference was to protect a male in comparison to me as well as my son and my daughter, what is the public view of such realities for the longer terms thereof in regards of the treatment who are technically in veteran status and such dependents with or without the starting clearance I had not discussed until putting into writing many years later in my FSL book of starting my status with Omega clearance? I am thankful for a few situations regarding not only such if true in regards of Vancouver Washington though also in reference to if figured out when dating and needing to take a step back knowing of such oddities and needing the clearer picture of such, for better knowledge and understanding to be wise as to which choices were needed as time went onward for actual justice as I was not the only one who could have ever gone through such as the same with regards of my son #Ltters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia not being the only ones to have to needlessly go through such well before the situations regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project.
If in Vancouver Washington such contact was made to people who knew me in person in Texas, what was the response and who was contacted with what fuller information and was there the complaints made against me and my children or was there the report for help and concern about my son and my daughter and I?
Same I suppose could be brought up for certain additional situations involved regarding me personally, compared to the aspects regarding the additional aspects of my son as well as my daughter as by technicalities that would make me in a different set of metaphors as the Ground Zero due to the time known to be able to check by others of what I explained as Zero Week and though I learned in 2019 the timeframe of week was not the same as the amount of days between getting into the Army on 21 March 2000 and my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury with the after effects as explained occurring at such a day if the preference to play a proverbial game of keep away from the military became a situation for civilians illegally while putting me as well as two minor biological aged children through such needlessly then the situation as to what a view of such individuals by which standards thereof hypothetically.
After moving back to San Antonio in 2012 into the townhouse at Thousand Oaks Apartments at the time and after disarming my daughter to best help my son as well as myself to cope with such realities as I instantly also remembered the situation in the office at the BAMC General Gillman's office to which the 3 soldiers had needed to be able to explain for themselves as to what they needed for their help to recover from the situations after their time overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan for the length of times each were in the overseas region and I knew, if I had stayed or made a scene of the time the way the responses would have been instead as I had hoped they were able to realize quick enough as to what aspects were needed for their own better mental health well being from what their jobs had been at such times to also better assist others who I knew were going to be on their way as well as others who had already had such situations occur; which while I knew what had occurred at the time in 2008 as well as in 2012 in the same base location at Fort Sam Houston of JBSA, I also knew of the situation regarding Fort Hood and I had hoped the ability for the proper healthcare for the betterment of such was able to be taken care of more properly as I knew I had to have met someone who had been stationed overseas who had needed such additional assistance in a better way. I knew law enforcement had such similar protocols to a degree and hoped the portions would transfer throughout as to the reality of knowing how such was impacting me personally, though also knowing I could not stop because of what my son and my daughter needed more at such times as well as other aspects needing the proper attention in the speediest of ways because of knowing more than I could speak of even further after such time in regards of Irving. That was a portion to which I had planned to discuss when with my SCUBA Diving gear at the base, however such was not capable for discussion without my SCUBA Diving gear at the time of 2012 because of the situation. However I am glad to have been able to receive the pictures I had taken over the years to put into photo albums more than 34 specifically numbered photo albums, which arrived at the SCUBA Diving shop my son was going to Junior Seals SCUBA Diving classes for his birthday present at the time to also give him a better set of experiences while also taking care of the situations as best as I could for my daughter as well.
The aspects of the situations regarding my daughter and the firearm situation had not fully settled into my thoughts as I simply needed to get everything taken care of as best as possible when the next portion of my biological mother and my biological father had called me over to their house to interrogate me in questions because of an answering machine message they said Patrick Kennedy had left on their answering machine to run out the tape at the time, outing me fully as a false claimed homewrecker as well as a few other choice words; though I cannot remember the specific month admittedly as the situation regarding the firearm, was a bit much to process though was in 2012 and was after going to DFW to the storage unit in the Irving area which had to do with the insurance call to USAA with the email of the screenshot which the phone call female voice said was wrong to use such a website to get the payment taken care of because of the problems it would cause for others. My concern was for others, though also the concern was for myself as well as my son and my daughter before the others as per requirements as to being a good Mom; or at minimum, as best of a Mom as I could truthfully be for them. Marie and I had gone to The Sanctuary one evening and saw Jackie Daniels who had wanted to inform me of her dating Patrick Kennedy, which I warned her in front of the smoking section as to what I had to do to disarm Patrick from the shotgun which she said she enjoyed being shot though I did not think she knew what I meant by the shotgun portion somehow though I made the attempt as I had also made the attempt in person to inform Patrick's Mom about the need for him to be more involved in a better way with his son as I knew I could feel the situation getting out of hand in a few sections as to which aspects were being impacted as I did not know his son's age though I knew he had to be using social media and the fact of his dad using social media to post pictures of more than what he was sending to his son's Mom for child support would cause a situation for all of them which she listened though her body language and facial expressions did not change very much as though it was something she had heard before possibly.
After the interrogation as well as the after effects of the prior portions combined from such a short amount of time from 2008 to that point in 2012, there was a point in reference to the 4th of July 2012 event at Mike and Patty's which the failed attempt to flirt in a way which was understood was misunderstood because of another male named Master Charles who had said words which he knew would upset Allen and knew I would be blamed for such as when the words were said I was leaning over to the side speaking with the person to the right of Allen's chair when he jumped upward to yell about the situation and got into my face about someone using the word boy which I had not said towards him though Master Charles had and I went to explain such though it had not been possible for such an explanation. The same individual who claimed to have seen videos of me in the middle of an orgasm who told Allen of such which I did not know how he would ever see such as I had not ever agreed to do such videos nor had I ever agreed to be a part of such types of videos or pictures because of the fact of having my two underage minor children's safety to think about more than such aspects as per the requirement for my and their safety. He tried saying or I remembered something about his ex-wife as well as Thomas Marsden, though I had forgotten about the Jade Wolf Coven by that point in time from the Seguin area. I had told them of my childhood friend named Damien who died when in the year of 1995 or 1996 from a car accident to which I had told them he and I were blood brother and blood sister from a childhood aspect after I had saved his life and we bonded and when the situation regarding the Ouija board they wanted to play with, my friend came out in a fury and I had warned them there was not ever going to be a way for anyone to bond with him because he was mine for eternity and no matter what choices or wishes anyone could have wished for the longest amount of time would be denied because he was always mine for longer than any time ever knowing anyone else. As per the ways which he and I had bonded and kept such a connection, there was not the ways for which anyone else could have such a bond with as he was and is an additional protector of mine and any such attempt by anyone else would then mean he would view as a slight as per having been warned and he would see such as a wrongful trying to attack me because of the fact of knowing what his name was and knowing what his name meant.
Since he knew I was the only person who refused to treat him differently just because of his name, he knew he wanted to protect me for all of time because of something he said he heard from people at his school; which I cannot remember what he referenced, though he was happy I would talk about the Bible and the Torah with him as he felt calmed by the aspects of because of how many people wrongfully had looked at him differently because of the name choice. If some think or know how infuriated I have been about the identity theft and other issues, how enraged do you think my childhood best friend and blood big brother would feel about some trying to use his name in such ways wrongly? He would and has refused any and all such tries because of his protectiveness only those who knew him and how his temper had been over such similar aspects to such times even into Marlboro Middle School, as well as how protective he had always been of me even in the elementary school where some had not realized he was speaking of me when referring to who protected him and had his back just as much as he had mine. His Mom and Dad had not known of the zealotry some would see in such a name choice back when he was named and some were not knowing as to the levels some had gone to for such previously, to which I told him as I promised then as to what I would do to keep him safe from such problems if he ever felt it was too much to handle as I knew the name meant more than what he said it had meant for others. I had been able to code back in such days and had seen other aspects as to some individuals at such times regarding birth certificates, and saw the locations some had been from; to which living in the tristate area during the times of the middle 1990s meant there were those who could not see such a difference, and by the time of a certain point in elementary school he was beginning to feel tired of the constant defense of his name which I knew was unfortunately going to occur as well as his dad for wanting to have the name for his son which he too was getting tired of having to defend his choice to his own wife knowing how it was impacting the entire family.
He did not want his Mom to suffer any further and when the aspects of when he was in a coma after the car accident which killed his Dad on impact from the airbag deployment and the crushing weight from the impact of the steering wheel into his chest and the telephone pole after spinning out on black ice, Damien's Dad died on impact whereas Damien was in a coma for awhile; as Damien had confronted his dad about the name he had been given, and his dad was tired of dealing with the complaints from his teenager son. Those who have had teenagers to deal with the attitudes thereof just think of a New Jersey teenager male from the middle 1990s who was correct in reference to your experiences or even you own though elevated of course, and then think about the way such a response could have been for the situation at hand arguing over why he could not get his name changed legally when he knew of others who had their names changed for a marriage because of the bullying he was dealing with and having to defend himself from all through elementary school. Paul and I were in Science class at the time of the announcement of the collision, which I remember telling Paul he needed to know that Damien would not suffer nor be in pain as I would not and could not allow it for him and his Mom would not have to make the choice for the insurance; which Paul did not understand or know what I meant at the time, though when the announcement came in reference to the death of my childhood best friend and blood brother meant he would not have had to suffer or deal with what I have had to go through in different ways as to such after effects in many ways thankfully for him as well as his Mom as she too had been a part of naming him the name which she was raised not to look at lightly and with more people who have named their children with such a name have seen such impacts in the other aspects as to such name choices which hopefully such name changes legally have begun to occur for the ability to refute and rebuke using such a name in such a way ever again. He was and is the only one who will ever be known to me as Damien and he is the only one who I can ever acknowledge officially as such as my childhood blood big brother as while I can have other big brothers in ways, that particular aspect is in reference to one particular way as per our childhood and our upbringing and our bond which was permanent long ago as such.
He has been around in ways which I know, as he had asked for a better life instead of what he was dealing with at such times; and as pop culture has gone as it has, that particular portion if there is something involving such would fully be rejected in such a manner by him as per what he had dealt with as a child and was why he asked for me to be his protector and visa versa. I learned Paul had been a part of a show which I read a bit of the situation involving such and I hope such aspects were able to be therapeutic for him, as he would be able to see certain situations regarding how Middle School though more-so high school would have gone in different ways comparatively I would guesstimate and in such the ability to hopefully find a way to cope with such a loss young in life while also the situations of being from New Jersey and going to New York for aspects of such times. He knew how much Paul cared just as Paul knew how much he did not blame him despite certain aspects of such as he knew they were just teenagers messing around, compared to the longer aspects seen which were not only at such times from when Paul knew him as there was a much longer past of such as which later would be more known to such and was not where such began for Damien despite the aspects which had been bothering him for far too long even to that point. The aspects to which Damien worried was not just for his family, though for his friends as well. Those who saw such aspects later in time compared to were not as such because of the newness of the levels of what was considered as movie or type of entertainment if beyond the aspects of religion wording, which in comparison to later generations the aspects of were not as rampant comparatively though could be seen in other ways as to what some learned later on with such a name choice even though knowing it was not meant for such. Sentencing a child to such a name choice for the length of their youth is a long term choice which each parent must take more seriously in the naming choice process, as seen over time as names do have meanings whether some would like to believe or not. He did not blame them at such times the way some might think because they were not to blame for the name choice and their own backgrounds of such were only a part of such aspects, to which he and I discussed at length in the backyard at the fence sometimes or when together playing. Some might remember how deep I could go into discussions as a child or a teenager which was a surprise to some regarding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the after effects of other portions in regards of my life since then as well as before, as per other aspects of my life which were kept hidden for multiple reasons as to the safety portions as best as possible. Such zealotry is a problem as such idol-worship is not appreciated the way some might think regarding him because he knows as to why such choices have been made and despite the fact of being warned against such in multiple ways, those children named Damien are the ones who there is a different concern for in regards of myself because of the fact of knowing the needless burdens they bear for such a name choice which some think is a joke though there is always truth behind each joke.
Though not spiritually married to him for clarification as some might wish as well as with such additional aspects, there is the blood big brother or the BBB to which if some to were wish to bring anything forth regarding my dead-ex-husband's casket and burial that would automatically be the equivalent of the Pastor William Tennent situation for such individuals as per others who have been a part of that aspect regarding the basement for such a choice regarding Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as while some have made peace with such aspects as some have felt a need for the closer portions to the levels of; others who had not realized the portions of making such a choice regarding Pastor William Tennent have had such situations which for choosing to wrongfully push for such if that hypothetical aspect regarding my dead-ex-husband's casket and remains, such is sent towards your permanently because of the same sorts of zealotry which would automatically be rejected as per my BBB. He would not tolerate such as per the individual as to what had occurred and my blood big brother is glad to have such aspects to keep him entertained for such times, as per your choice to do the same to such as per what he had dealt with and hated for his entire existence; hypothetically writing of such of course, as the fun games he would have for such only those from which grew up during such times with him would have a slight idea as to how such would go for the aspects in return as they knew/know how protective he had always been of me then and now he does not have the physical limitations as once was. In such aspects what is the term for a specific aspect if there is only two and the eldest is the brother for a specific aspect for the terminology regarding Empress, for certain references some might be able to think of for such an aspect? My blood big brother had always been far more protective of me than anyone would or could have ever guessed and if such responses in kindness were returned for such aspects, I would not be surprised as to how such turn arounds would have been for such an individual to explain without words as to how protective he had always been of me and what he would do if he felt any threat wrongly towards me as his Little Blood Sister or LBS or maybe some can see a different symbolism close to such initials though rearranged for something along the lines of Lady Dori Belle possibly might be more known or possibly Lady (Susan) MeeLing. Ironic about the additional aspect when you take into consideration the General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, eh?
Nonetheless regarding the portions of some individuals in reference to the times of 2012 after such knowledges, I had been informed as to a female named Discordia AKA Erika (?spelling?) for those who knew her as Discordia online; had sort of made a confession kind of as to what she had admitted to doing since the first time she had seen me in the San Antonio adult lifestyle and how long she had been playing games or testing my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury at her leisure because of her claim saying her dad had been a doctor at John Hopkins University as well as her having been institutionalized before because of wanting her dad's attention and thinking it was the only way to get his attention was through being institutionalized; she admitted to having been with my now dead-ex-husband as far back as in 2004, shortly after the first time of being at Master Charles' class for a demo, as well as after attending a couple of Grady's BBQ munches where there were dogs at the location, and also the Christmas Party event which there was a phone call to Thomas Marsden's grandfather as well as mom about what my now dead-ex-husband called him a homewrecker knowing he was not to blame for the problems in the marriage though because of the lack of belief at the time from the truth being told; however such situations occurred additionally to such with Discordia AKA Erika in such a situation as well as the Jade Wolf Coven which Christy said she needed and wished heavily for decades to be able to meet my Big Blood Brother which she was denied fully as per the warnings as she said she would convince people to name their children wrongly after him which she was warned as to how such went for him. Christy said she did not care about what I thought and I warned her of what the children would go through, which she did not care in the slightest as to how such would go for anyone.
The combinations of such a group with the males as well in marriage or relationship to the BDSM as well as the Pagan community within the San Antonio Texas area, is an ironic aspect of Military City USA to such a combination thereof regarding the Torah and the Bible including how Divinity is a merciful being though also a being which refutes certain aspects and protects those in battle as much as possible; however such views, are thought of regarding the aspects as to the modern times.
As Erika explained how proud she was about how she felt as though she had won a prize because of the fact she knew everyone she could get to go to the San Antonio courthouse for her arraignment for her choice to steal garden gnomes claiming she was freeing them from captivity from other people's yard to put into her backyard, meant that she knew no one was paying attention to what was going on in reference to what she said she had been a part of starting in regards of me as well as my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as she was able to keep her parents' attention for awhile as well as others. As she discussed such in the garage with the door fully open within the same color green chairs as per my ex-in-law's at Grandpa and Grandma Nichols' house Erika discussed with Alicia, Lisa, Lisa's husband a lawyer, Brian, her two daughters as her son played out in the front yard, whoever was in the cold-e-sac able to hear as well as on that street or within earshot, and I listened to how proud she was to be able to convince so many people across the state of Texas in the various areas she had been a part of and/or knew people in such areas throughout beginning in the San Antonio adult lifestyle groups while she discussed as to how her parent's paid for her house for them to live in while adding she knew I had to sell my house to be able to afford the payments for my daughter's healthcare while taking care of my son and I as best as I could on my own. She said she knew of my issues with technology and was in knowledge of people she could speak with and use to be able to get what she wanted and what she thought was important, while laughing in the garage knowing of what I had to do regarding of disarming my daughter on top of the shotgun disarming, and the SCUBA Diving aspects. She said she had been playing with the males who had been in any relationship with me as per sending people she knew to distract them away from me because of knowing how simple it was to manipulate certain types of males as well as certain types of females, as she said she had been an escort and learned as much as she could from Chrysta as she knew she had met Steve in Las Vegas at a place which they had whatever interactions; though she laughed as she joked about Steve with a female named Jessica Rabbit, and how she had fun with such sorts of aspects regarding such because of knowing how he had been about her particularly. As each of us listened to Erika explain as to how long she had been involved with causing needless problems to anyone and everyone who ever looked in my direction because of having known someone years before ever meeting me when she was younger who she had gone to high school with who had not remembered her even though she woke up from a coma with her husband who knew her from their high school, who refused to acknowledge their friendship from what once was. Erika said she thought of the fact I should thank her for being able to prove what the Army, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, and the Navy had already proven regarding the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury being real as per the memory deficits as well as the cognitive disorders because of how much she had done and how many aspects she had tried with as many people as she had sent towards me and/or had sent towards them because of their involvement with me in any way or shape or form she could find. She said 'just as you and your sister have a sibling rivalry which I didn't get to have, I had fun with adding to yours for so long. Your dead husband is mine, and what do you have to say about that?'
Other than all of the other portions to my feelings and opinions of what she had brought forward I was perfectly content as to allowing her to have such and keep such as her spiritual husband permanently as she did not know as to what promises had been made to me, which rituals were completed, as well as other aspects confessed to before his death which he explained to me in fuller details as to not only her regarding by a picture he showed me as well as said her name though also other portions.
The cellphone picture he had was of her when he showed me saying he was only dating her to try to make me jealous for what she could do compared to me and when that did not work to get my attention towards his favor, he warned of how he could play with her to make her respond however he wanted such as a puppet on a string; which ironically with her own confessions as to such, truly she had not known nor understood as to how correct both had been.
In such ways of the lack of knowledge admittedly to my own ignorance I must admit as when Damien and I were talking during one Christmas between the fence line when I was at Sony/Sonja and Joe/Jose's house, he had asked me if I was certain as to how willing he knew I would be to protect him if needed. I promised him I would protect him as he knew he could trust me, which he asked if I was sure because the pain was getting heavy which I told him I always would care about him and what was best. He asked if I could truthfully believe I could protect him from more than jus a wave or two as per the water situation some would know certain details of, which I promised him to keep him safe I would go further than anyone would know. He asked if I truly cared about him as he felt it was hopeless, which I promised him he could hope if he truly could just bring himself to believe in me. A few Christmases later as time went onward, he asked me a second and a third set of times about why he had to have such a name. I could not tell him why his parents chose such though I was able to promise him I would do the best I could, and we sat outside in the snow for awhile despite the freezing temperatures. The following Christmas to in 6th grade he was mad at me for not showing up as we usually had known we would see one another as he could not get any answers from anyone at Asher Holmes Elementary School as he tried to jump the fence to get to the playground in time to ask what he knew was the same grade of 5th graders before being caught and taken back to his school, which I had to explain how sick I had gotten because of what occurred and we talked a bit longer that evening while each respective house had their own events occurring. He thought his fear of what he knew of how I was growing up was occurring as he had feared of me being locked away from him on purpose because of what he had read in a Rapunzel book one day in school which I told him again it was only because of what occurred regarding the Mono, Epstein Bar, Lymes Disease, Bronchitis, and the Flu all at the same time though he kept being afraid about me being taken away and hidden from him needlessly which I repeatedly had told him not to worry. I suppose an irony regarding a few situations over time in some ways, though an additional irony is the same year my Blood Big Brother had died so too had my dog A or who others called Awol and I called Anubis, as so had my Bok Gung within the 12 month timeframe as to Damien's passing later on that year in 1996. That particular summer in addition to as per the aspects regarding my dog to which Erika was not informed of nor were many, as per the aspects thereof in reference to a multitude of aspects regarding the past.
Though Erika was correct as to her choice to prove such aspects because of her problems with envy and jealousy, when I went off and ripped into her for as many lives as she had messed up because of her issues with her friend from high school; there was not any excuse I could think of nor any reason nor any cause which could ever validate any aspect of her choices, as she admitted to reading through multiple aspects which were not hers to ever be a part of and such an aspect would cause more than me to simply walk away from ever being involved in her life in person ever again. She laughed at me saying she knew she could always do something to get someone to speak with me, which I told her she did not have the choice as to how I responded and she would be wise to monitor herself instead of meddling with anyone else any further as she and all who would willingly know and willingly participate in her games would regret the day each made a choice to purposefully do so in regards of ever coming after such aspects regarding my son and/or my daughter and/or I for the aspects of ever being able to forgive such an amount of time was not going to be up to me though would be up to all of those who she had left in the wreckage in her choices to go against such legal aspects as per Lisa's husband starting to explain such as I walked towards my car to leave such and go back to my apartment as the times from the 4th of July 2012 situations in a larger way were causing more pains than I was able to speak of or explain as I did not know what occurred or how such situations were more than just the bounce house she had wanted to get as well as she had wanted someone to spray the water hose while people were jumping around inside after she had been mad at me for not realizing that Joseph and Megan Estes were in the area because of not having my sunglasses on which had my prescription glasses to be able to see more specific details as my eyeglasses at the time were in my car as well as waking up in the bedroom somehow though remembering feeling something coming out of my back while feeling as though I was being carried after one situation before a little bit later regarding the discussion with Allen to explain my side of the situation without any possibility to in a way which was understood. I remember there was something that occurred where I had to stay away for 30 days and when other portions occurred which I was falsely accused of, I simply decided to walk away from the overall aspects in the San Antonio area regarding the adult lifestyle.
As per Excalibur aspects regarding if I am falsely accused and my particular responses before such as well as during such to the after portions, how such continued onward for a bit into the rest of the 2012 year onward to the time frame of dating a male who I had met in SCUBA Diving during our National Geographic Open Water certification course and needing to bring him back to life after other aspects in my life at the time such as the signing of the paperwork for the legal aspects only regarding the parental legal rights though remaining a Mom had begun the day of or the week of the need to speed over to his apartment to what I had felt at such times to get him to safety. I had not realized as to how far he had gone down such a situation and in reference to his female roommate at the time who had similar features to Erika AKA Discordia including the hair color and length thereof, I had no words to explain beyond not feeling comfortable about his female roommate being involved though knowing how such aspects were as per certain other people I had known regarding their roommate situations with the opposite gender and/or similar sexual preferences to such associations of adult consent. When receiving the text messages before receiving the fetlife messages about him thinking we lived too far apart from one another to continue onward with the relationship as it was, I could only see such aspects regarding both messages sets combined as the choice on his part to end the relationship between he and I.
Linear time moves extremely different for me especially after the effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and such additional portions regarding the combined aspects while I admit I suppose in a way I guess to be thankful of the realities being able to be brought forward of such truths, the aspects as to having to bear the aspects of such knowledge were also far more than could be explained in a discussion or two in a larger aspect and the requirement I knew as to years before thinking of a way to write a new set of religious books in a sets of series as per knowing the much needed aspects in a more modernized view as to multiple portions not making sense for some as to find a genuine inner balance as to what life circumstances could be worked through instead of avoided or ignored or ran away from as seen when in the San Antonio Pagan community as well as the adult consenting lifestyle aspects. What in turn would that mean if Erika AKA Discordia threw a tantrum and had contacted people as she said she had already done when in the garage in 2012 at her parents' which became her house as she reminded me of in reference to rub in of having to sell my house in Carrollton Texas to be able to pay for the healthcare for my daughter after what occurred while also taking care of my son as best as possible and myself as I could would that mean, as she admitted to being involved with causing problems across the state of Texas while also saying she knew people throughout the United States of America because of how she had been involved with the adult lifestyle as did my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen and her husband David Osteen who went into the Air Force branch of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces and such aspects of UCMJ associated thereof additionally; regarding any furthered needless problems in the adult lifestyle communities whether in Texas, Georgia, the United States of America, and/or online when signing into an account or using an account associated with a citizen of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces to which if civilians involved with such dependent status who are culpable to the UCMJ as per the requirements then the portions of active duty or activate national guard or activated reservists would or could be reviewed for such as well as all prior situations thereof and afterwards as per the investigation type of aspects which some smaller portions could have been reviewed and went after for the ability to keep track of for the larger aspects to be brought forward in which time as required once officially informed of through by technicalities of FSL to the Library of Congress. However because of the aspects regarding the additional leaking of my books with the portion of the Omega clearance by whichever choices thereof by whichever individual(s) involved, what would the legalities be for such choices if wishing to use my intellectual property rights without paying the fees for such to be able to try to claim such open aspects which were removed illegally by those who legally had no authority to do so and the risks to such regarding the PotL and the Fail-Safe series knowing more of the live action role playing type of people without the actual concern for my minor children and/or I for such illegal releasing of my intellectual property of all of my books while the choice of wrongful hiding of information as per whichever choices made by whomever for such at any point in time while wrongly denying me any of my Constitutional Rights regarding such intellectual property theft for such? If trying to use the political aspects of POTUS 45 reelection campaign to try to hide the facts while posing for pictures with me in larger events in Texas to try to cover themselves though actually failing and giving proof of such choices of reading the information hypothetically and refusing to report correctly, then what additional political perception views would that be for each individual and their families involved in such a possible situation be if to ever choose to go forward or push anyone else's political career forward with such stolen intellectual property theft of my books being illegally released as well as any involvement from such in the state of Texas about my SCUBA Diving by any type of government/military associated officials or companies whether or not government contracted officially?
Nonetheless when Erika AKA Discordia continued to confess how many years or by then almost at a full decade of her choices to go after me because she felt as though I was her competition since 2004 despite having stepped away for awhile to return in 2007 while she also admitted to having been involved in such in between times because of her problems not getting over someone who did not remember her from her high school who had a head injury and a coma and her husband did not force the female to be anywhere near such of Erika AKA Discordia, because of learning about such aspects of her attachments and psychosis of beyond wishing to be her daddy's little girl in the same way she was seeking since her childhood as explained by her that day and whenever else; what was the choice(s) made by each whenever learning of such, as officially I was not informed of such despite though specifically not learning of the leak regarding my books until 2021 in June compared to whatever anyone else had known of such? I hope the legalities go through swiftly as possible for such regarding the problems associated despite whatever others' wishes are, as that sort of aspect of the ironic twists of the pop culture aspects truthfully causing the harm warned of during earlier times regarding the aspects of the false premises of such types of pop culture aspects in the non-documentary way and such referencing those who do the live action role playing and which the Fail-Safe aspects of my authoring of such a book to begin such a series. Thus while some would ignorantly think of whatever they thought of and others might have seen such correlations, Fail-Safe in regards of the visions in regards of the figure seen as well as the other aspects seen when in Vancouver Washington as well as prior situations. The 1,000 cuts or one shot actually had to do with the vials regarding SCUBA Diving and the portions of which in one afternoon of Erika AKA Discordia confessing to part of what she had done being able to be seen as both the 1,000 cuts as well as the 1 shot of such types of painful aspects needlessly towards my son and my daughter and I as well as the others who were not informed of such choices by her at such times from 2004 onward to whenever she had to be forced to stop or at minimum forced to stop the in person portions thereof though probably used technology to communicate and not realizing with the release of such books of mine meant each and every person who ever downloaded the links from such online would automatically be available to be audited in every aspect of their own lives and their own pasts as well as would put a monitoring portion upon themselves for generations to come because of such choices made by choice against my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia and I among the others I had care(d) about the genuine well being of despite how I was treated and how I was viewed at whichever times thereof.
I am thankful as she said I should look for as I found several reasons to be thankful which despite not being able to explain in words while speaking as well as in reference to typing because of the pain levels added to the sound coming out of my face when I speak regarding the fact I deal with headaches and migraines and my mouth being in my head, at minimum I am thankful for being able to do so in the ways which I can/could as best as possible. I am thankful BestBuy would have the ability to find such an employee and individual regarding how my son and I wound up in Washington state and hopefully the removal of such types of people who would go around to try to circumvent any authority vested specifically in the one who would have all rights to choose one way or another to deny of such would be able to find such a time in the Clackamas Oregon location and hopefully such illegal aspects removed such from the United States of America as just because you might be in college, there are reasons why there are mandatory legal paperwork for anyone who is in the civilian sector to go volunteer if they choose to be a part of a medical research aspect in comparison to illegally being forced for such because of the lack of proper care as well as proper concern for such college students who refused to look at any of the long term ramifications of such illegal choices. Any who have come to the country of the United States of America on such types of college grants and financial aide should be labeled as such proper terms and removed from the United States of America in my opinion regarding their choices to use their college locations as an excuse to try to circumvent the medical processes put in place to actually protect the general public in comparison to just doing so without the fullness of actual proper training to wrongly experiment upon the general population, as in my opinion those pop up flash dance location sort of situations without the proper informing of could be the starting point of the larger impacts and without the concern for the general population as well as area thereof regarding law enforcement and/or fire department and/or EMS; such is not considered as the aspects of a protest, as per their own wording choices and such aspect thus could be looked at for such sorts of organized crimes under the RICO statuses for not taking such into consideration depending how such law enforcement organizations/agencies/groups could review such.
Realistically the aspects of my direct connection myself through signing the dotted line myself and acknowledging such meant the investigations which others were told about were the only technical warnings they needed from me as to what could be lurking in various ways compared to what they wished in possibilities not matter which group or community of any area in which the United States of America as well as the world could see in reference to their own citizens as well as their own higher officials more well known, because of such aspects of random civilians possibly thinking to take from the medical aspects into the public sector regarding paparazzi if done a specific way as to purposefully cause harm needlessly just for one picture or video set such as the Montana Vortex female and male in 2018 after the traffic caused in 2017 in Montana as already explained to which Princess Diana's family had correctly complained about despite the public view of the relationship situation at the time and her children's lives being needlessly impacted because of the lack of concern for their safety as well just for one picture set for one payoff. I am glad the choice from the time was to deny the paparazzi of such however as I was not taking anything from anywhere I had been regarding specifically PotL, the wrongful choices to release such books in additional aspects wrongly and arrogantly thinking without actually looking at prior to releasing meant the aspects thereof additionally in reference to hypothetical charges for such as only the FSL books were released by my choice and no one else ever had the authority technically to do so in whichever capacities thereof as per the fact of my legal first and legal middle names being used more often for longer than any nickname I had been known by which is a different form of abuse when you think about those who think that live action role play garbage in my opinion is considered as acceptable by all when it is and has not ever been accepted by more than just only in reference to myself; though also the aspects of the illegal slavery portions when taking into consideration the aspects of the Amendments within the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America as well as other countries which had fought to eradicate such aspects from the lands because of knowing it was wrong to begin with morally and ethically to which what was the compensation at the clubs/events/locations which would legally be considered as justifiable for such choices regarding anything involving my writings and/or works?
In reference to the what was supposed to be a show though only was supposed to be recorded as I was told when signing the contract in the public area of the restaurant of only having the recordings for the show in specific studio locations and not having gone through the process I told of such regarding if interested to go on any trip regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project knowing and informing of having to contact myself of who I would need to as well as what actually would have been required for such of anyone to be able to drive along such trip aspects for my Medal of Honor Art Project which I created myself would mean the aspects of such illegal surveillances because of the requirements I did discuss saying I would need to explain what would be needed of them if I allowed such which I had not had any further discussion with who I was told via the signing of the contract as to who would have needed to speak with in comparison to anyone sent through anyone else as per the contractual details required for such aspects, as I had said would be needed as well as the male Andrew Fast saying he knew the only way to get something done for the show was if I spoke with Joey the supposed director; who had not ever done so for such clarifications which in turn would remove all portions of such because of the refusal to follow simple directions from the only one who legally had any authority for such choices regarding the show which was once called Guardian Assholes though Amazon was said to have pulled the show for the lack of proper information which in turn if bitter because of losing such a contract though failing to recognize anything further such as the requirement I had clearly said would be needed through direct in person discussions about the possibilities at the time of the runk of my car area when showing a few pieces when getting ready to drop them off when explaining the discussions for if I would allow such would be required to discuss with me as per the historical and spiritual rubbing portions as well as the knowledge of using religious texts for such aspects as knowing the requirement to contact the Holy Roman Catholic Church as well as the Pentagon for such recordings if done as had been regarding if was allowed after I had contacted such for the prior times to ever going on such trips as per the requirements which would have been made mandatory for the safety of the rest in comparison to the spiritual marriages made because of such choices regarding trying to remain the shadows of such and the ways to which my Blood Big Brother would automatically react energetically as well as how he would direct my now dead-ex-husband as per the acceptance of such portions back in the times between 2003 through to 2008 during such confessions between 2003 through to a week after the turn of the New Year in 2008 to which was in the backyard of my house in San Antonio which had been where many conversations occurred as multiple people would have been able to hear as well as the garage situation which others could have heard as well as the in person descriptions thereof.
If the paperwork and/or the emails regarding the visions of the male in and near the purple CRV and/or the ribbons from the typewriter were looked at by either law enforcement and/or the people in which certain situations began as I was told because of the discussions I had with Jason about various topics before the modeling request and the problems which occurred afterwards in the apartment further had been the catalyst for such realizations as to who I am in a more official capacity and which portions as to other connectionary portions, I am thankful for such despite the additional aspects as if that male figure vision was someone who he and/or his Mom knew and the yelling he did screaming Nottingham at me from the car area as well as a few other areas; I have told people to pay more attention to what they claim to know in comparison to what actually is known, as I am not the only Mom who has had to protect her child from an abusive situation without anyone to turn to for help as though I know how some can be regarding the aspects of the public perception overall regarding the views of backgrounds and the ease to twist needlessly when doing more to step forward in a more positive light can be used against such needlessly to keep in line just as the targeting of individuals with certain connections have been a problem for awhile because of such connections. I remember Jason being surprised when I told him his Mom must have been a hard female in east coast terms to be able to be a female Pit Boss in Nevada as knowing though unknowing of how situations can be for such locations and at such times, as per simply being protective of females I had seen when enjoying being able to go to certain types of locations such as All Stars in San Antonio and Palaazios in Austin; though not forgetting the times I briefly explained standing up for females I knew in the adult consenting profession across all ranges, which he was surprised when I informed him I was simply a Female Dominant in comparison to a Professional Dominatrix. He asked me why I would care one afternoon when we were talking and I simply said, because they are people too with actual feelings and some would be surprised as to what precision some have which can be translated into different areas for the mindset required to get to such a precise way of hitting a specific point. That was a problem and what when looking back had been the actual catalyst compared to what was claimed later on regarding the freaking out of the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert situation male as he listened after he had already spoken of how the meeting had occurred earlier that year in 2013 as well as his response when telling of his Officer Basic Training in Lackland Air Force Base when seeing how Jason had reacted. I was told Jason took a step closer to me which was where his problems began and seeing the female I had a scene with at the Velvet Rope had been the cause of the problems in more ways because he could not see how I could ever look to see any beauty, in any way of her because of how he saw her body type compared to who she actually was as a person. I would not be aware as to if he had ever gone to the Velvet Rope to see if that would have been possible at such times which in reference to my choice it was known I would have, though the honesty of such was a different aspect in combination as to other situations regarding the male figure screaming and yelling when in reference to when I was on the patio at different times; including regarding the recorders from school being played at loud high pitches while being directed by the females to aim towards my patio which the sounds of with the male figure screaming louder, was excruciating along with the electrical and the energetic portions thereof combined.
I do have to laugh at an irony about the male yelling Nottingham and thinking to get the American Flag and the New Jersey Flag as a stance regarding the church I grew up going to with General George Washington's office and decisions thereof regarding the male figure screaming Nottingham as I thought it had to do with the aspects of the Revolutionary War and Britain while not thinking about until later how I had been at Crystal Lake South High School and had been made to try out for the role of Maiden Marion, as there was a Sherriff who had arrived as described regarding the portion in 2013 with the male figure yelling Nottingham at me each time I said the word Sherriff in respect to the officer at my door; and the characters thereof for such a time, including the Disney version including a running around a vehicle in modern times could be seen referencing the go cart the apartment complex used for the taking people around to see locations in the complex. I do not have the ability others have to comfortably live in an apartment because of the energetic portions thereof in reference the same to any complex as per the energetic portions and my refusal to be involved in a Homeowners Association which would be the portion regarding such needless monitoring of such, to which it would be known as to the illegal surveillances in a house which was not a part of a Homeowners Association and an individual choice to refuse and rebuke all associations to a Homeowners Association group because of prior situations beginning back in the times of before when living in New Jersey and the property situation thereof previously described. I warned people how wrongly intrusive such types of groups are and how they need to be handled and regulated correctly, which such a law firm associated with the Homeowners Association whether in New Jersey and/or in san Antonio Texas regarding my house in San Antonio. The word no, means no. There is not any need for anything further as to such when saying and meaning no for a response to such as not because of having anything to hide, though having had the human decency to respect others' privacy unlike what occurs in such regards of Homeowners Associations people as well as in reference to certain types of technology people who refuse to accept no as an answer and throw a temper tantrum because of not having been told no and it being meant as much as when I say no means no and such warnings as to when I am in a good mood I am in a good mood and when I am in a bad mood I am in a bad mood and you need to do what correctly and rightly means for such comfort levels otherwise the portions of the continued bad mood and how such does impact and effect such because of the aspects regarding no meaning no and my Blood Big Brother's protection additionally for me against such types of people who would wrongly not accept no meaning no from me and how he would respond. Again, I refused such referencing the Geek Squad aspect at Best Buy for a reason because of knowing how those types of people have no clue as to the correct way to approach such and the refusal of such would mean however the land and the waters would go is how the land and the waters would go as per many times warning as to it is better when I am in a good mood as there are those who have learned the hard way to accept when I say something goes a way in whichever specific capacity thereof is how it is going to go one way or another which all depends upon whether I am in a good mood or a bad mood.
The actual monitoring of the weather and such aspects are a good indicator as well as seismic activities as per what connections regarding the SCUBA Diving and such disrespect warned about, though since there have been those who have disrespected what I respected; then I suppose such individuals were asking for such for themselves as per the turn the other cheek sort of situation as well as the what is good for the goose is good for the gander, proverbially and/or metaphorically. However it is ironic to the term of COVID and the company video taping and recording with or without the authority which would be needed for requirements regarding permissions, whether or not anyone wished otherwise to try to circumvent such as it is known females are not the only ones who have needlessly dealt with certain aspects either and since females have gone through as they have and visa versa; then what is the balancing point, if anyone were to actually care to pay attention to for the actual respects thereof? I do not know officially, as I only know what my personal experiences are and what I have seen/heard/witnessed and etcetera. What I do know is when certain situations have occurred, I have seen the responses throughout nature which were the intended signs to warnings as to the natural aspects of when to actually cease and take a step back compared to pushing forward as per human beings feelings as to what they think they are entitled to compared to what they have actually earned on their own as per intentions proven in the short term and the long term into the longest terms.
However going back to the aspects of Erika AKA Discordia and her admitting to how she had done so for years as she brought up how many people would be there in person to support her in court while telling me of how she knew none would ever be there for me when the court proceedings would go through, as well as what she said she knew of how she had influenced people through ways which she learned through her dad's work at the John Hopkins's University in combination with how she wished she could make me be a Swinger in her terms of being a Swinger compared to what I felt comfortable with in comparison to just speaking with people and dancing; the continued aspects of such female she had said she contacted as well as the males she sent to interrupt anything which would cause a genuine smile to my face because of her own misery from losing who she said she loved more than the world itself as she looked into my eyes, was only the starting point for such admittances in front of many. As she had continued at a point I simply began asking what it was like to have such though also adding in truth, which angered her more demanding to know as to why I could ever look at such in a fair way in comparison to what she wanted me as well as others to see however made or caused to compared to the truthful reality of. she admitted when I was in the DFW area she thought she would be able to be okay for being the only redhead in the San Antonio area until I began modeling which upset her because of how she had once been a well known escort in the San Antonio and other areas, which then was when she said she needed to have where she was more close by for what she thought would be safer for her comparatively as when I was in Austin she said she was concerned for her safety because of the nightmares she began having flowing to her dreams where she could not longer sleep without medications and the medications made the nightmares worse for her because of not knowing how I could impact such; which I told her of my Big Brother, though she thought I was talking about my dead-ex-husband compared to who I was referring to regarding my Big Blood Brother from childhood.
She complained about when I moved back to the DFW area as to what she thought she saw as well as how I cared more about my son's #Letters4James well being while everything was going on and complained about how much time I was spending to make sure my daughter #Letters4Lidia was taken care of properly, as she felt as though her dad was slipping away from her and leaving her feeling as though again she was abandoned as she learned when she was institutionalized repeatedly as a child and as a teenager as per medical requirements per Hippocratic oaths and she refused as per her admittance to the fact her dad was not legally able to work on her as she thought that would mean more time with him instead of with her mother. She admitted she knew of my being a Reverend to which I warned her I was not a Priest which meant anything she told me would legally be able to be used and there were Priests who made the decision to inform law enforcement when confessions became to heavy for the Priests to handle what they were being told of regarding the aspects depending which location they were placed into, as per the aspects of what requirements some have made for such times prior because of the health risks at such times referring to the beginning phases of the development of the Holy Roman Catholic Church with the Hebrews works of the Jewish people, as the availability for such medical health aspects in conjunction with what was thought of regarding the masculine view of being male gender and feminine being the view of female only compared to the personality traits more associated with such gender roles comparatively; she waved her hand saying she did not care, as that was not why she was telling me anyway as she was wanting me to know all she had done and all who she had chosen to cause problems to because of her insanity as per my choice of words without the official medical degree for the studies I have read about as well as the books I studies heavily as per the way I personally read through books of whichever types I choose to read through. She brought up how she enjoyed having pushed for the females to speak with me and visa versa regarding Mike and Patty's in San Antonio, as well as how she had been using Alicia's key to get into my townhouse apartment whenever she knew I would be elsewhere to go throughout my townhouse without permission as she knew I did not have the patience for people who did not keep their hands to themselves as well as the lack of patience for those who did not accept I was not interested as she said she had tried pushing for more and learned how the weather changed when she was doing so and it made her scared; which I warned her she should have paid more attention to such warnings, as those were signs to which my Big Blood Brother may have been warning her to pay more attention in the correct way compared to what she thought she knew.
I admit I thought only the problems regarding my biological mother, biological sister, ex-in-laws, ex-relationships, Nine lives Books, Pagan community in San Antonio, BDSM community in San Antonio, and the GeekSquad at Best Buy were the initial problems regarding technology situations once off of the military post of JBSA; though I admit I had not taken into consideration if anyone would be arrogant enough to oversteps boundaries of which I had explained where to and how to be for their own safety, though I had not considered anyone being less intelligent than a toddler throwing a temper tantrum regarding not getting their way regarding the wrongful going through information which was not made to be theirs in the ways they wished for as per other safety requirements some actually take into consideration in a much larger way than those who wish they had the clearances to know what is not meant for them ever and/or the reasons as to why. She admitted to going against my rules of any sexual activity in my townhouse as I was the only one who if I chose to was allowed, and she thought it was funny how she and Alicia had certain sexual activity in my daughter's room when my daughter was in the Laurel Residential Facility to hide such pieces all over the room as if it were an Easter Egg Hunt in a different way. As those which have volunteered to help clean up and/or set up certain locations such as Swinger Clubs would know and as both were more Swingers than BDSM, I cannot count that high as to how many I found and I cannot express in words the rage when cleaning up the room for such which when my daughter was sent back to my townhouse and how I am; I removed the aspects of the BDSM portions which could easily be unhooked to be rehooked later so my daughter could sleep in a clean area, and why I chose to sleep downstairs when I could take a nap until I could get as much cleaned up in her room from that time after the San Antonio hospitalization thereof when I had to disarm my daughter while she was pulling the trigger on the firearm she had taken from the Military Police Officer when I had jumped on top of her to keep everyone safe as possible just a few weeks before the time regarding Alicia as Erika AKA Discordia had said she was initially accepting of Ken living with Alicia until learning of what I had to do regarding getting my daughter to a hospital after what occurred as she laughed about how convenient it was for her parent's house to be so close to where my apartment had been at the time enraging me fully in that garage.
In some ways it would not surprise me if in regards of the situations simply from 2012 regarding the Irving situation, the firearm situation regarding who she named with the last name regarding Patrick Kennedy, the firearm situation in reference to my daughter at JBSA, the insurance aspects as well as the Child Protective Services portions regarding the McCoy Elementary School in Carrollton Texas as well as the Fort Worth Zoo situations combined in the larger aspects for such times in 2012 to that point of the legalities, the interrogation at my biological parents' house and the name calling, the Temple of Flesh situations as well as at Mike and Patty's situations, knowing how the situations with Ana and Matt had been including discussions over at my apartment at the time; of which I am thankful for the fact she said she was going to a ClubFEM event as well as a Sanctuary event one weekend after I was informed of a package at the apartment complex Patrick Kennedy had lived in when I once had lived there regarding the reason for the move after the shotgun, which she went to the apartment complex leasing office to walk in to pick up the package I had not received and thought the shipping address had been to the apartment I was living in as per changing online the shipping address and the billing address which I contacted via email to the company about the payment thereof to clarify and make amends as per how I am and was raised by in reference to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as well as my biological father regarding making good on payment. She laughed when she told me of how it was so much fun to pick up the package meant for me and how proud of herself she was for waiting until I arrived at her house to pick up my package, which she was mad at me for not opening the package in front of her because I told her it was not ever anything of hers to ever be a part of and was only mine and mine alone to do with as I chose to because of how some might guess I am about my corsets and my outfits. Admitting she was angry at my choice was why she claimed she felt she could go to be able to look to how I look, and an ironic twist regarding the corset comment in reference to the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue situation and the male going after my corset I was wearing which had been one of the corsets if I am correct from the package which I had contacted the company through the website about to clarify the proper payment in comparison to assumptions hypothetically as I do not look Asian without makeup to those who are accustomed to such eye shapes in seeing online compared to when in person for my particular Asian decent of lineage and mix thereof with the raising.
As she continued onward about her aspects involved when she finished and asked what I thought. I can only guesstimate at this point, there might have been a few more people in the earshot area who could have heard my response in comparison to just her Erica AKA Discordia, her boyfriend in the Air Force branch named Brian, Alicia, Lisa, her husband, 2 others I could not remember their names, along with her children in the front yard and going back and forth into the garage from the house as well as the front yard; the second I began to inform her briefly as to my opinions of her choices, and how enraged I had been for those who were not able to hear such at such times can guess from whatever situations they may have had when I was either defending in regards of either my son/daughter/myself in whichever capacity regarding if the tone of my voice ever changed though more importantly the level of audibility when getting to such a level as I watched as everyone's eyes widened largely to where I could see the whites around the entirety of each one's eyes around the colored portions of their eyes when I first began to speak just the first few words and watched as their hair color began turning colors before my eyes and the fury ran forward.
I am thankful for many reasons though to some might be considered as good reasons to be thankful, some might think of indifferent reasons for such considerations, and others could possibly think of a few bad reasons as to why I personally would be thankful comparatively. However, it is what it is regarding that sort of childishness.
However being thankful for such aspects for those who may have realized there was a larger set of aspects which the legalities and implications thereof regarding such admittedly biasedly as to how such was handled if so, as per the realistic portions of the invasion of privacy being an issue for those few combinations while not forgetting the prior portions to the year of 2012 or afterwards as per the requirement for actual healing occurs when in the aspects of truth in comparison to glazing over or trying to hide as the length of time which the portions of regarding the situations referring to the additional irony of when I was in 8th grade and asking Governor Christine Todd Whitman what her and her groups' plans were to actually help with the mental health well being aspects because of my then friend at the time's mom who worked in the Marlboro location area regarding the only residential mental health facility for the entire state of New Jersey at the time regarding more than just such aspects as per the realities of those who had been dealing with the portions of the after times regarding the events of 11 September 2001 and such types of non-disclosure agreements not having been explained that the portions of which if there is a legal investigation to which law enforcement is involved then the non-disclosure agreements are actually considered as null and void though the payments are still valid for such individuals because of the legal law enforcement investigations for such aspects which some law firms have used illegal tactics to try to enforce such silence while not thinking about the ramifications to their own families and their own friends as to what occurs in the longer terms for such who are not equipped for such aspects the way some in the military and government and law enforcement agencies of the United States of America have learned because of certain aspects which civilians have been allowed to be civilians because of such individuals going to such distances and lengths to ensure the safety of those within the Untied States of America and on earth within this galaxy in this particular part of the system of the universe having certain knowledge and understandings for comprehension which some capacities were not meant to learn of in full because of a multitude of reasons. I suppose this post regarding certain types of individuals show which ones can handle the truth in which aspects as to those who cannot and why, simply from choices as per each individual experience and when learning more at which rate as to what it actually takes to have certain responsibilities as well as why such is looked at and chosen for certain individuals compared to others.
In such regarding a group I had created years ago which I was unable to get off of the ground at that particular point in time I suppose if such were figured out prior to more recent times the choice for the acronym specifically in comparison to going into certain specifics because of looking at the time I created such for such an acronym, those who know of what precision regarded for such a style of group as to why as knowing of more than what some had seen or thought they had seen of me; for while such a female was not the only inspiration for such as the aspects regarding the group type for such aspects with making the time for such who had such types of professions to actually have relationship time away from such professions because of knowing others well before waking up in Texas in 2000 as well as knowing the real reasons as to issues regarding a particular situation involving an individual as to why such a relationship had actually gone as such comparative to what was assumed at such a time before my involvement, in conjunction to seeing how such was already quickly impacting such an individual and her relationship well before it could have been detected as per being close to such situations among knowing there had to be others who had not had a problem with the profession though knowing of the requirement for time between spouses to be able to be reserved for time between spouses in what capacities preferred between consenting adults with a specific type of flare for some spice to the relationship while in longer terms looking towards such for a once in a while open discussion sort of aspect in a non Professional way and actual open honest discussions of such without the pretenses some had not been able to see how I would ever have known such being only a Female Dominant compared to a Female Dominatrix while still enjoying the consenting adult aspects; maybe it took a head injury to figure out that such might have been more needed for a larger aspect more quickly for more knowledge to begin to look towards understanding other sides of such aspects to the same equation of what adults consenting actually enjoy and need, as per their own particulars in comparison to a lump sum overall sort of way.
I am thankful in regards of an ironic twist if so as to such aspects of being able to see more, despite the double edged sword of knowing far more than what some might think to be too much. Realistically what might be too much information for some, might be just the right amount of information for others to see a different path and a different way for a betterment in a more solid foundation compared to the quick fix. In order to correctly fix to repair in the short term into the long term for the longer terms to go into the longest terms possible, one cannot simply just look at one or three points of an equation set as those who grew up playing chess with their Grandpa/Grandma and/or the Great Grandma/Great Grandpa or in my case my Grandpa Gavett as well as my Bok Gung as well as my Bok Pu sometimes multiple games in one session can see the aspects as to how such larger views can sometimes assist in different ways while physical strength still being important and needed the ability of a strong body does not forget to include the ability for a strong mind and visa versa. That was a point I had worked to explain to some people in certain sectors regarding the technology guys I knew over the years when growing up, as some individuals thought only the physical appearance for the technology guys was to be in one way only. I told them I promised I would do to help where I could do protect them regarding certain more common situations for such times in the 1980s especially before the 1990s, however I warned them to be careful because there would be a time when those who they had seen as one way would also get into technology and thus there would have to be a reconciliation point because just where some only thought the physical training was only the physical training and nothing more would soon learn to be proven wrong as just because someone trains diligently in physical training does not mean the mental capacities could not be trained the same way though differently. While some scoffed and laughed at me for such as they did not know who I knew who was extremely into sports though extremely into technology aside from myself though my physical was even more of a mental challenge in some ways because of the additional portion of being born as a female, they did not know who I knew of the males who were extremely into a lot of sports as well as being heavily into computers and/or video game systems which some of those technology males were refusing to see as such and even though my warnings were as they were; I knew if they did not start to pay attention to what they were doing online, how such could turn around and come find them when they did not realize of such as per such technological impacts of the view point thereof for such longer term technology individuals as the back tracing would be for a longer amount of time and the ability to find such coding would be more easy despite the thought of only technology guys having a code while not ever looking towards certain types of professions or groups or associations which have a specific code of which some take extremely seriously.
I am thankful I chose to use the utmost amount of discretion over the years despite simply saying I know or I knew a guy unless such was specifically at the location to specifically introduce to because of the requirement I knew for the portions of certain aspects not being as well known and/or accepted for some, which in regards of the fact I had not brought up certain situations not because I could not remember the person/people specifically though their name or certain other details; the fact some situations were not ever discussed or written of regarding decades ago, hopefully gives a bit more into how it was difficult to make the choice to actually go forth to write with the levels of full open truth regarding FSL and the hopes of which such would be more clear for other aspects of warnings where I could even with the regards especially of the Library of Congress aspects because of my fear as to what I knew I had already seen in person; whether in picture, in video, and/or in person in the tristate area in the 1980s and 1990s. I was a child and a teenager, however that aspect of how some forget how they were when they were such ages and thinking as to how such would go in such a location may also assist regarding other portions as to why I have been as protective as I have been of such areas with such people I knew when I was growing up in the area whether or not I could remember a specific person's or people's names of whichever specific location of etcetera as quite frankly there are a lot more people more closely living and working together as per the limited amount of space in the areas of the tristate region and the east coast. Each area of the coasts regarding the United States of America are similar in some ways to Eurasia and other continents when you look at such a view I gave regarding Fort Worth to New Jersey and New York City to Dallas and Texas to the state of New York or similarly Pennsylvania, for a smaller view. The west coast of the United States of America compared to the east cost of the United States of America if you look only to the number of states, can be similar to the amount of cities throughout the state of Texas and the ways such area type populations are in a combined aspect. Whereas the eastern part of the western area of the world would be more similar to the area of the west coast of the United States of America regarding the size and number of designated areas, from the other as the west coast of Eurasia would be more similarly close to the states arrangements along the east coast of the United States of America.
In such ways the area of South America can be viewed similarly to the aspects of the mid-west of the United States of America in some ways as Africa can be viewed as such similarly to the mid-west areas of the United States of America and while there are islands such as Hawaii and Samoa as well as Japan and the Korea island area I had seen Canada, Mexico, Australia, Greenland, New Zealand in such certain larger aspects of such islands of a more Texas way of the general population in my own odd view of the way I had seen from going around multiple areas within the United States of America mainly with 2 different trips to the Mexico area per different reasons as to go each time as one was because I refused to believe until I saw and then I could not unknow and the other was to take care of SCUBA Diving situations regarding several particular aspects which I knew only I could handle to take care of properly as best as possible. Thankfully when at the SCUBA Diving check in for the SCUBA Dives when I was asked by the employees of Apple SCUBA as to whether or not they were certain as to allow the group in one location, thankfully they did not only look at my physical appearance as when I showed them my earned SCUBA Diving certifications was when the clarity was understood and thankfully the captain of the boat and the SCUBA Dive Master on board of that boat knew a bit more covertly as to what my purposes were to land at the bottom of the oceanic waters where I had while the other SCUBA Divers on the trip remained more close to their tour guide for the region as there were those who had visited me at Nine Lives Books which we had discussed healing energy properties I could work with and utilize and various backgrounds thereof which when they brought up the oceanic waters I had discussed my poster project to meet Governor Christine Todd Whitman and the Marine Science and Technology School with Navy attachment. That particular group of overall who had discussed such with me asked if I would ever get back to the water as they had a concern in the region in the Gulf of Mexico near a section which stuck out and had a preserve, to which I had promised if I had the chance to make sure such was taken care of in the safest possible way I would get there as quickly as I could. I had figured possibly the elder female sitting towards the back corner of the building area had known one of the individuals who I knew at such times and the discussions back and forth between the Apple SCUBA Dive company and I as the male from the other SCUBA Diving shop in Carrollton Texas stood listening and watching while fidgeting wondering when I would be done speaking with who I was speaking with and being disrespectful in their country needlessly as he did not understand they were not speaking to him as they were speaking with me, which certain individuals who learned of such situations also know of such aspects regarding my SCUBA Diving gear during that trip with that male standing there in-patiently waiting for what was not his SCUBA Dive trip to begin with as the trip was arranged for me to earn my 24th and my 25th SCUBA Diving certification and only what was needed regarding healing certain aspects of the oceanic waters; though such a set of following situations shows as to such aspects regarding such an individual, as well as type of SCUBA Diver for such aspects which I doubt only is my opinion regarding such now later in 2021 compared to June 2009 as the other females were bored as to why my classes were my classes as they wanted to drink and party while the trip was going on and complained how I was ruining their buzz because they wanted to go play as well as the other SCUBA Diver husband to Joy who wanted to just go party compared to the fact of the trip being only for my SCUBA Diving certifications and they were only allowed to be there because of their friend who was my SCUBA Diving Instructor Jeff Walters for more than just that particular SCUBA Diving certification. Such types of fe/males who have problems with people who study more than one or two aspects to be able to go forward have been known for a long time, and their complaints during the trip were nauseating and why I simply stayed back from the husband to Joy at the time as well as the other two females on the trip which you can see in the pictures where I was wearing a Distracted by Shiny Objects t shirt for such references to who I refer to in such ways as to that particular SCUBA Diving trip in 2009. The female named Sally was upset because I told her I did not care what she wanted to do or where she wanted to go drinking, the same in regards to the male who was from the other SCUBA Diving shop as the refusal to listen to me as to staying in the resort was ignored and forced on the last moment when I thought we were going to look around the resort area in comparison to getting a Jeep Wrangler and running around the area in Mexico which I knew was unsafe though they refused to listen to my warnings as they refused to see what dangers there were for such areas and their nonchalant attitudes were disgraceful to certain people of the land; which offended them as to my stance as per their choice of words for certain females of which again, I simply defended and then dealt with those types of females' responses against such other types of females while in the country of Mexico.
In my defense, I as respectfully as possible dealt with such females' opinions as per the location to which those within the United States of America and specifically in the area of Texas; believe when I say while my tone of voice was softer, those females were far more scared of the words I was speaking than when in that set of locations. I suppose I can be thankful as well for the reference regarding my friends in Crystal Lake South High School specifically Kenny and Lisa regarding the cafeteria table, and how I had a discussion with Leah which no one heard except what she heard, and the following if ironic additional childish aftermath to such situations. I can be thankful for such at minimum as I must admit, the waters crashing along the area of Mexico we were at reminded me of when I was growing up in New Jersey. Their comment of how they were going to wait until we were on the soil of America before they would go off was all I needed to know as to how they needed their binkies in a different way in comparison to SCUBA Diving, as well as the overall view of such a location and discussion which I was extremely calm about when I spoke and I did not raise my voice in the slightest as I remained compose and did not move much at all which maybe my biological sister has a reference in my backyard as to a different view though not the exact same overall in such a reference to my tone of voice as Leah would know though for a different metaphor as to how they did not understand or know how I was speaking to them in such references with such warnings as to how I knew certain individuals did not take kindly to certain types of people referencing specific types of safety. Apparently they thought I was weird for being an unattached female who was able to put myself through SCUBA Diving certification courses on my own and they chose to look down on me for being able to do so on my own for each of my 25 SCUBA Diving certifications to that point to earn one extra SCUBA Diving certification as they thought the military was somehow fully responsible for my laziness as they called it during the trip, at that oceanic area of the Gulf of Mexico waters which I had literally finished clearing and cleaning the night before. Something just did not make sense to me though I realize now compared to then in 2009 now in 2021, they also wanted to go to Valhalla to go SCUBA Dive because they thought it would be a great experience.
Again, I knew all I needed to know about such females regarding their view as to my SCUBA Diving certifications as they thought I was being lazy not becoming a glorified SCUBA Dive Master of SCUBA Dive Instructor by their opinions because they said they thought only real men and real women went into being recreational SCUBA Diving Instructors. They did not like my response as to what my type of SCUBA Diving was always and they thought it would be funny to nickname me GI Jane about my SCUBA Diving, which I smiled and informed them as to another warning about the military and what type of SCUBA Diving certifications they had compared to what I had and why. Their response was they wanted to party and have fun and were miffed when I told them, I was not SCUBA Diving for those reasons as my work was for something more than what they were looking at. That apparently upset them, and they went on about how they felt they were better because they had ways to pay for whatever they wanted compared to someone such as myself as they thought I would burn out of SCUBA Diving and they wished they could prove to me of how their lives were better compared to what they thought they knew of my life at the time. The picture from that SCUBA Dive trip in June 2009 can speak more than what some may have realized and as my SCUBA Diving gear went missing in 2012 and those females threw temper tantrums in another country thinking the Mexican authorities were impressed by the way they wore their clothing and moved, when they were informed that the individuals in the area were paying attention to my hair as well as had been informed as to my SCUBA Diving certifications was when I looked to Jeff Walters and told him we needed to get out of the area immediately and get back to the resort. Thankfully when looking in the rearview mirror and sideview mirrors, thankfully he listened to me, and we obviously returned back to the resort in just the right correct amount of time.
Those females and males except for Jeff had known only of how schooling is paid for in the Untied States of America and did not think for one second as to how education is paid for in the country of Mexico while making the comments they made as per how they viewed such fe/males of certain aspects, to which I am thankful for at minimum standing up for what was correct despite the absolute dangers absolutely around as per the fact the male from the other SCUBA Diving shop was more easily recognizable compared to anyone else in the group as my hair color changes as does the length in the waters when I do what I need to in order to be able to help the oceanic waters as to what I do and how I SCUBA Dive. It was not known I had paid $800.00 United States of America dollars for the 16 individual specialty SCUBA Diving certifications at the time, which many in the area would know of how much the education is actually worth compared to a college degree at certain locations of schooling though also the fact SCUBA Diving gear is expensive depending which brand choice you prefer to have because of the way such pieces work for one individual. Those types of people who go out of such ways to collect items without thinking of the ramifications as to anyone else as per their ignorance as to what impacts others similarly to how my childhood friend and Big Blood Brother had been dealing with because of his name as time has gone on to prove such types of people needing to get away from such portions because of the need to maintain human beings truth in comparison to obsessions because true love is earned and not forced, the fact I admitted to being the first live baby Jesus Christ in the 1980s and not knowing anything about how pop culture is and being made fun of for such; it makes a bit more sense now as to why I was worried about my childhood friend and Big Blood Brother for the religious aspects, while I now know why he was just as worried about me for the same way in a different view point as he knew the aspects more than I had ever seen in person as he had. If the name was used similarly to a show for the name of Damien or a movie which would be a shortened aspect to a television series which would have because of what I know of the Bible and the Torah to be regarding his name and how I was not allowed to watch movies above a certain rating though could only watch any G-rated movie or show until I turned 13 years old which then was when if allowed as to which movie was allowed from my choices, from such times which I suppose I can joke about certain aspects referencing the first movie I saw after I was old enough to go to Blockbuster to pick out a move because I was old enough to get the choice on my own which I chose the 50th or 75th anniversary edition with the documentary first of the movie The Exorcist; which even though I grew up going to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and walking around the square mile cemetery, I was unable to sleep without the lights on because of what I already knew to be real for what that is worth regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project specifically the trip portions in certain areas at specific times.
Yes a clearance level given in certain situations for if in reference to the aspects as to the figure I saw near the CRV, there being a large difference if that was the only area to clarify such because of other aspects regarding such if in regards of a husband in comparison to not knowing of such because of not knowing before moving into the apartment as I had seen Jason walking later and asked him why he stayed in the car overnight at times when I first met him on the way up to my apartment and he stopped walking asking me what I meant. That was the first discussion he and I had before talking more as time went on in 2013, as I had been outside on the patio smoking cigarettes because of how I am about cigarette smoke as vapor is not the same despite what some wish as to being an accuse to not being around what they view as the same as cigarette smokers simply because of more people being into vaping who do not fit a specific physical look and the associations or assumptions depending upon thereof such aspects. Similarly to tattoos and different color hairstyles with whatever profession there is the reality of what such is as the character and then there if the shadow portion of which is what others say of such aspects and view from which causes them their own fear if unreasonable, to which when seeing the male figure for over a week or two before ever meeting Jason and not going down to the CRV because of not knowing who it was and it being evening time; I simply thought at one point maybe I would see who I was meant to see and meet who I was meant to meet. I had already discussed such regarding with the male I had met during the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert who also already had seen the aspects regarding the facebook comparison to the fetlife comparison and his own issues regarding as to his aunt in Houston Texas who had gotten him the ability to go to Officer Basic Training School at Lackland Air Force Base from when he was working in Iowa laying communication lines to go back to Houston to take the picture for the Officer Basic Training School at Lackland before going to Elmendorf Air Force Base as I was told at Cowboys Dance Hall, which as I learned later Officer School for the Air Force is in Alabama if I am correct to what I was told when at the Legal Offices at Lackland Air Force Base, in comparison to enlisted Basic Training which only occurs at Lackland Air Force Base which civilians would know as well as those dependent who would choose to pick up only one or two pieces of information while guessing the rest especially such as in reference to my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen who lived in Georgia and her husband was stationed at Warner-Robbins Air Force Base in Macon Georgia, which how many females wish their husbands were a certain way though cannot mold them to what they want because each male just as each female is their own individual person and has their own individual ways as to what is themselves from their own lives and it is up to both within a relationship of such adult consenting aspects to what is and/or is not considered as acceptable depending upon the situation.
I had excommunicated my ex-sisters-in-law as well as my ex-mother-in-law from my life as per the way they were treating more than just my own children and others such as Grandpa Nichols, though also myself as nothing was ever good enough for any of them for the type of system they were accustomed to despite all of Grandpa Nichols and Tony Walker Nichols' warnings. I had been informed in 2001 as to how long Mary Evongelina (maiden name Nichols) Osteen had been proud to be involved with the swinger lifestyle for over a decade by the time she and I met, which she started in Louisiana before getting to Texas and then going to Georgia for clarifications as then she spread herself to Florida as well as different other areas around the United States of America; to which I did not think about her involvement in the BDSM community because of knowing there is a difference between such, however I remember someone discussing something about a Swinger location of another point in time in the DFW area though I cannot recall the situation in comparison to in 2012 and Erika AKA Discordia wishing she was able to make me a swinger the way she knew swinging. If comparative to such and connections are as such, then such females had chosen as they had chosen just as I had chosen as I had chosen since there were not many BDSM club locations in the Washington or Oregon area of the United States of America and mainly swinger locations comparatively to who I am as a Dominant Female Sadist; of which whenever Mary had found out about my true numbers compared to what her true numbers were I suppose was similar to when Erika AKA Discordia found out what my true numbers were as she discussed her true numbers over 10,000 as per the same via other females she had been around, and I was made fun of because I view sex as actually something to be shared in truth in comparison to others as I have seen and been disgusted by personally because of knowing the safety precautions required and if only telling lies then the spreading of such diseases is quicker compared to maintaining safety as the grossness of which to simply be willing without ever actually earning such a privilege to maintain and sustain properly in a loving and truthful way is far more important to me than what some swingers view such as for I am Polyamourous which is extremely different than what some swingers view such as while not taking into consideration the other half of such an equation of if in a marriage or relationship depending what works for such in those capacities.
In 2012 because of how I am and how I care I did explain to Erika AKA Discordia as to what aspects of which my Polyamourous aspect is more similar towards in comparison to when in an actual wanted relationship, which she did not like that nor was she accepting of the fact that I am Pansexual. However she was infuriated when I was not attracted to her in the slightest physically or in any other way simply because of her having breasts did not mean there was anything of which was attractive to me as she thought all females who have such views were going to be as males in such ways, which she also brought up my hairstyle saying she thought I should have been more attracted to her because of how she looked compared to anyone else she had seen in the community and was offended I was not remotely interested in her. I warned people of creepy females, by the way. Nonetheless my choices as my choices annoyed her among others as I know what I find attractive and I know who it is I find more attractive in comparison to being forced into a situation just after a relationship ends to think that the memory portion would ever be good enough compared to the real individual simply because of looking alike and nothing more than such, because it is who the person is and not only the physical aspects thereof in reference to relationships of any type though especially in reference to consenting adult aspects. I cannot lie which means I cannot stand a relationship with anyone who would lie to me, especially in such an intimate way and thus my choice. I thought there were males who were along such similar paths of the way I view such though the reality of individuals who have only known how to play games instead of earn life, has an apparent aspect which when it comes out into the open the full view of such whether in reference to the games or to the realness and genuinity; the physical looks fade away quickly as the realness shows through far more, in a multitude of ways.
Honesty, is always the best policy. That is far more attractive to me any day of the week, than anyone who prefers lies.
Physical aspects are only one portion which truthfully is of little meaning to me being Polyamourous as the ability to truthfully care about people without biases or admitting to such prior or during explanations to ensure the knowledge at minimum for the understanding portions, if you look at how little I had the ability to scene with anyone regarding how I am regarding such particular aspects in BDSM specifically you are able to know how I can easily discuss and care far more than I could ever move towards another level of such adult consenting portions. Such in regards of sex itself as to my numbers especially being as I am which means the genuine feeling and genuine concern is far more necessary in comparison for me to others regarding such types of adult consent aspects, due to my heightened aspects and the fury which occurs when learning of if lied to and what about especially regarding what for as those who wish to just have a notch in the belt forget the fact that at the end of such times you are not able to ever have those individuals in the longer terms as such is only a distant memory which blends as such and the ways such goes as those individuals do not ever stay with you the way you wish they would for some who go after specific people for whichever aspects in comparison to the ways which courting a relationship occurs in proper form and etiquette. While I can pick up on energetic portions as well there is not the denial to which in only one particular situation having picked up on such aspects prior to actually going out on the date as per a response regarding how his eyes looked, which was in other aspects how such was taken to which level thereof at such a time though the timing was off as my responsibilities were as my responsibilities were just as his were as they were. I had put into the match aspect for the possibility of marriage if worked towards as the option was available and I was unsure at the time if I was ready to go down such a path at the time in 2009, as I felt I needed to make sure I knew what was best for me regarding a relationship and yet I knew my son and my daughter needed me more than any relationship I could be in. I saw what occurred regarding my friends in New Jersey and throughout the east coast areas, and I did not want or need my son #Letters4James and/or my daughter #Letters4Lidia to go through such aspects while knowing there had to be other Moms as well as Dads who were in such a predicament at such times as well and hoped maybe there was a way for betterment in a larger aspect as I knew my friends from childhood parents were also older and would be able to explain such aspects to be able to assist for their knowledge to work through such situations more-so in comparison to back then in the 1980s and 1990s as I saw how times were moving. His choice of words later after the fountain where he wanted me to r,,e him was not an option in such a way as I am extremely ethical and while not forgetting my prior aspects in my own life; I also knew if he had learned of certain portions how he would mot likely feel for such, if I had been accurate as to what I picked up from his energy. In ways which to show in a Faery way of which there was not a problem as the knowledge of was a bit deeper than he may have realized, the only thing I could do was bring him a Pumpkin Pie after seeing his train picture to which I wondered if he would be kind of similar to the male who I met at IHOP back before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and would be able to read through the marbleizing of what picture I had made in the cinnamon for him as that truly would have been a different type of such if I could get the aspect thereof via the artwork within. It was, as it was. However I also knew I had told him about my SCUBA Diving as well as the individuals from Hawaii who asked me to go to Hawaii to look at the USS/USNS Arizona for what they were worried about and having told them a similar aspect in a different way regarding, once my son and my daughter are over the biological age of 18 years old I can go take care of such if it is needed; to which in such situations, now my children are.
The artwork aspects as to what I had seen in the garage reminded me of a few aspects which seemed familiar in 2013, though situations had been as they were at such times regarding more of course. I am fairly certain at a point I began cooking and had sent some pies to the office and downstairs as per how I am when cooking around certain times if I have the need to cook as per when raising my son and my daughter, as I only know how to cook in a larger way compared to just for a smaller number of people with less of an appetite comparatively. However the additional aspects as to how I cook is different and the altitude changes of such with the areas in Vancouver Washington were much more time consuming for the aspects of learning such, which is as it is. The portions of which leading up to from 2012 to 2013 were quite a bit more than I have ever wanted or needed to personally go into because quite frankly it did not seem as though I truly needed to go into such details, though had not considered if anything would ever need to be investigated as so much occurred I simply did not know which way to begin for such as the portions of just one year was the feeling of far longer to me as each aspect for me due to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury is one aspect at a time I suppose.
I am thankful to that male figure though as whoever he had been before he started getting mad and yelling in the CRV, the initial portions of time when I saw him was calming and interesting. However, that I can go into at another point in time if actually needed to.