I am thankful despite what some thought they knew about the military branch of whichever name of the Armed Forces of/for the United States of America, I had told people of being medically retired from the Army branch which in turn means as well as the additional portion regarding the fact I said there is nothing which can ever be fully retired from the military which usually came with the explanation with different reference points as to the possibility of activation for anyone in what is considered as veteran status just the same as those who are National Guard and/or Reservists can be activated as such. I am thankful for having explained IRR or Individual Ready Reserve which in turn means anyone who wishes they could say they were not informed of an investigation regardless of other details, in turn means you were officially informed as to such aspects and any and/or all problems needlessly added to such were and legally can be considered for prosecutionary aspects depending as to how you chose to interfere with whatever investigation under the absolute open honesty without anything hidden in the background. There is good interference and bad interference however good interference does not mean preventing yourself from the investigation process by any standards as legally such would be considered as prohibiting an investigation as well as tampering with evidence as well as witness tampering as well as etcetera; for each individual who would have made the choice to knowingly subvert such aspects, especially in regards of the fact I informed you I cannot tell a lie which in turn additionally means as I told you I did not know if some were lying and if they were then such would be at their own detriment. Thus those who have done such types of what is called undercover investigations would be able to verify different aspects as to such who would think to divert from other aspects and try to outwit the United States of America's system.
I am thankful for having had the training as per the ability to go through different schools as well as be introduced in person to people which were specifically through etiquette standards of which were and are mandatory as per a simple reporting for duty aspect, of which my biological parents tried to get me to answer their questions as per later in 2012 with other means as described via the additional aspects of whatever my biological sister would lie about to get me into additional trouble for what she did; in their wishes what I was taught by my Grandpa, as well as my Bok Gung, and my Bok Pu with the training for the type of SCUBA Diving when I was old enough to get certified; as I explained to each SCUBA Diver as well as anyone who read anything I posted online, which as per telling you what I told you about why I fought to join beyond the nightmare I had in reference to what I informed the soldier at the MEPS station as to why I was choosing to be stationed in South Korea for the Chinese aspects to get the information for the required needs for the Armed Forces despite being considered apparently a different name of the United States of America's government for such an employment type, I am thankful for those who knew who my adopted Grandfather was in the specific capacity of what Benjamin Gavett was a part of in the formation of the United States of America's organizations and agencies as well as the foundational laying of the written manuals for such groups in the Armed Forces specialties after assisting with the specifics for Basic Training which if you have a manual from the United States of America's Armed Forces for Basic Training among a few other areas, my Grandfather worked with others for such manuals specifically going through how the training process would be as he would make his notations of such to send to the groups and agencies and organizations he worked with and for to be able to create the manuals required for the specific proper wording. He laughed as his favorite to describe which annoyed him at the same time, was how to describe the side straddle hop or for those who do not know such; it is called, a jumping jack. Thus each involved choosing to prevent such information including my SCUBA Diving gear in a specific manner, the information you already needed to have you already had as you had not been allowed anything further because of your lack of a clearance level. If I was kind enough to give you additional warnings however such may have been done so as to what you needed to know, then consider yourself blessed by such a warning to keep what innocence was able to be kept while assisting to bring forward the truth in the most honest way possible while also giving the freedoms to others to be themselves in such aspects in enjoyment or however such in ways I had not ever been allowed for me. I told people, I did not have a normal childhood from what I saw. Whatever information you were allowed to know, was all you were allowed to know. If you were not officially in specific associated with an Armed Forces branch of the United States of America through Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veteran standard only, Police Officer/Law Enforcement though not a private investigator because of the legal requirements associated for such unless in the truthful aspects of the National Security and followed such orders/recommendations specifically which would have been given in person and not in writing as per specifics as writing means a report in such standards as both prior aspects would know and understand comprehending the space required and honesty in full, Fire Department/Medical through licensed measures and specific training certifications of Active Duty/Reservists/Volunteer under the active status and no other status, and/or a SCUBA Diving Instructor which would be required to only follow commands given by me in reference to my SCUBA Diving and would not be allowed to circumvent any process as per regulations for such types of official though unofficial in writing until made official in writing which includes videos and pictures because of what is considered as coding that would in turn mean each and every attempt to subvert each portion of any specifically informed of investigation in a single or a culmination thereof would prove such attempts to circumvent the justice process.
Thus if others found out they were being investigated by officials and they did not want such information additionally from me to give such officials including for a company such as Bank of America tower in Dallas and/or DeLoitte for two examples only, would mean their investigations would properly be added to such aspects as per such specifics per what DeLoitte works with though they would not be allowed to go over my head as per specifics thereof for gear and/or writings as per those specifics they would know in their own types of contracts; however the portions of the Bank of America tower, due to what occurred not only in reference to the rope work on the once there abstract art as well as to how many people had been let into certain areas which the security firm for the Bank of America towers would need such information for their own records and their own safety protocols as per the after time of the events from 11 September 2001. In additional to such having given the explanation as to where I grew up and grew up walking around as well as was introduced to, each aspect of such an investigation would prove additional aspects of each individual being informed as to such an investigation as to which type of people or as some people call them such types of players to be investigated as for playing a game instead of actually assisting the investigation as required. When good people stand by and do nothing and/or needlessly cause problems because they think they need information they are not qualified, more innocence is lost than should have been however the portions of the identification cards is the ironic aspects of after moving to Carrollton Texas if there was a situation regarding the dependent identification card for my dead-ex-husband which was in the memorial box by the front door and those few individuals who were ever allowed to go into for whatever allowed or non-allowed as per breaking and entering which if using a key and you do not have permission to be there such as Mike and Anna showing up to my house in San Antonio without permission because they had a key; would in turn mean the equivalent of breaking and entering because they were not asked to go in to do anything referring to my house in San Antonio when I was not there and because the VA house loan was only in my name the excuse of my now dead-ex-husband would be nullified instantly. Since the aspects to my house in Carrollton being the same as per my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time and since she would have been arrogant to give such a key away and/or allow her children and/or others such as my ex-mother-in-law and/or such associations thereof if I am accurate to wrongly have a key, no one ever had any legal authority over my house except for myself. Thus if such was done and stolen even if by a photographer, such would be stealing an identification card illegally to reproduce military identifications cards which is a federal offense(s) which though could still be considered as stolen valor would be considered as stolen identity as well as stolen valor including whoever would have sent such and/or paid for such and/or profited from such illegally.
Michael Roberts who owns Nine lives Books in San Antonio Texas with Suzanne Farnsworth was informed as to what and how the relationship was forced as well as how my legal marriage was forced which thankfully since Suzanne Farnsworth admitted on a camera screen that there was video footage of the store back when I was volunteering at the store to help which if Michael Roberts did not know about the Reverend aspect, that is a part of such. However because of the fact Michael Roberts and Suzanne Farnsworth made the choices that were made to stand by and do nothing about knowing the abuse that I was dealing with in person as per including whatever includes as to why the karmic responses of the irony of a male named Robert as I was told had pushed the ladder out from underneath Michael Roberts when he was hanging a sign in the new area location as per the prior location not being profitable enough as per the way karmic repercussions go; for if there was any problems because those people knew who Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr was as well as the 151 Road Warriors situation as well as the other aspects thereof, anything which would have occurred after being forced into that relationship which they would have been informed of by him as well as myself would mean all aspects as to any legal portions involving me because of how they knew what Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and Jamie Robles AKA Lazy Eye had done as per their own discussions within the bookstore, meant they knew the games which those people were playing as well as such sorts of trivial childish behaviours would be considered as null and void for any and all legal rights for them because of their choices to stand by and do nothing to genuinely help an abusive situation by simply reporting such to authorities which even Michael Roberts had admitted to on the phone call in Washington state at my apartment in Tacoma Washington when a male who looks like Daniel from the store had been sent from Century Link to install the phone as a male named Joey similar to Joey Estes who was denied having any contact with me as per the Taco Cabana location in San Antonio Texas near my old apartment. If hypothetically such were illegally released as to any and/or all of my books as would be a purely vindictive choice for such an individual who ironically went through such abuses to only perpetuate upon others needlessly because of a false sense of security of which the admittance as to his mommy having been with a lot of influential people which does nothing for your legacies in the longest terms possible.
Why I ever allowed myself to help such people before is beyond why I should ever allow such to continue as per why would anything I have ever written ever be considered as good enough if even those who knew me when the abuses were going on in person from all three sides as Suzanne Farnsworth admitted she loved Robert my dead-ex-husband how he claimed he was doing the breast cancer research despite the facts, I had come up with all of the work he was doing at the laboratory as per my knowledge and understanding and comprehensions from my works prior to ever meeting such spineless individuals as to remain hidden when I walked into the store as Michael Roberts knew I was on my way and he hid himself the way he did when hiding from his mom when he knew he was in trouble for doing something majorly wrong. I would not be surprised as to the levels of psychosis he has now as per such a head injury as Suzanne said she had to hold his arms up because of how bad the fall was, which does not undo what was done before and does not undo what was done afterwards.
However I am thankful for whoever pushed the ladder out from underneath him, I wish I could have been there to see the blood pouring out from his body when that occurred in person.
I admit my own fury because how pathetic of someone to think to do such in revenge because of what he knew was going on and he did not stop as he saw the technology devices which were being used by such well before I ever began volunteering, as I was asked to assist at the store only after Jamie Robles talked with Suzanne to speak with me about anything referencing the Nine Lives Books. I hope only the worst for such people at this point, and all of their assistants and cohorts; admittedly due to my own biases about various situations which had been going on which when Michael Roberts asked for my military identification card specifically for the claim of taxes such was an illegal request though because I chose to allow him to set himself up for failure as I had already been warned as to the type of person he and the other males he hung around with had been including Daniel and his identical twin brother; such portions with security cameras all over the place would be an easy indicator with GPS coordinates within each piece of technology including vehicles traveled within and following along with messages and etcetera as per such stalking and harassing across prescint lines as well as state lines in reference to speaking on the phone with Michael as he had explained certain aspects as the male who looked like Daniel installed a piece for Century Link which in turn such violation of privacy rights I had would be considered as violated by Washington state standards of privacy laws especially for technology pieces invading privacy illegally and is considered as a federal offense. As I was told there was a discussion when I was living in the house in Tacoma/Lakewood compared to when speaking on the phone in Tacoma at the Lodge at Madrona Apartment complex which Michael Roberts said he had spoken with me on the phone when I was living at the house in Lakewood and had told me about a fall off of a ladder which I did not remember back then nor did I remember that discussion now, most likely probably if such occurred depending upon which year I was in Washington state if was within the first 3 years of such because of the electrical problems zapping as well as having told the staff and volunteers as to my fight to stay in San Antonio Texas during the IRR discussions as well as other discussions where they knew and were explained by each of the three involved with that forced relationship in both of those males wrongly towards me, how such additional treason charges can easily be explained from such actions and choices. Since there was a female name Caramel Featherly who said she needed to take my son to a Dr. Dan in Washington state after the meeting at Steillacoom Library with Tia who did not show identification in either circumstances just before my son had gone into the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces while living in Bothell Washington as per such Washington state laws thinking children and teenagers have more intelligence for such aspects and have chosen to remove the parent aspect, the system of such liberal policies is to blame for such problems as I already warned others long before including those in Nine Lives Books who refused to see there could ever be anything good which could come from such. Realistically maybe they could not see anything good before, because they themselves did not know what goodness was when in front of their faces and they chose to push such away instead of maintaining and sustaining properly within the actual laws of the local and state and federal areas within the state of Texas as well as throughout the Untied States of America and into the world. There were females in that staff and volunteer aspects who were actually willing to stand in front of the radicalized islamists as per their own descriptions with their own words, which religious freedom is only in reference to Jewish and Christian based aspects as per the Constitutional Rights solely under the aspect of Judeo-Christian which allowed in reference to the only other accepted religion in the United States of America as Native American only.
Thus under those three portions of combined aspects my choice of the name of Ecclectic only includes such allowed aspects, in line with the Constitutional Rights and all other types of religious names such as Muslim in the official term of in peace as well as non-peace would mean the inability for the allowances to such sorts of sharia laws being fully refused by the Constitution of the United States of America as such laws do not coincide with the original foundations of the United States of America despite once wrongly allowing slavery however such was eradicated except for within the BDSM communities and the radicalized islamists groups. While such people at Nine Lives Books thought they were above the military when being who they are/were, taking such stances for such beliefs while trying to think that the Armed Forces of the United States of America people are all the same; the sad portion of them having so many types of people within a small store area, to be so blind as to see the exactness of the people's diversities and backgrounds with as many who once had been wanting to be a part of. However since Michael Roberts did not want to continue with the Psychic Fairs because he thought they were a waste of time and refused to see that in order for people to want to go into a store they would have to see something or someone which would be of interest to spend their time as well as spend their money for such locations, which in turn because the preference was to only focus upon the online aspect and the choice to deny the Psychics as well as musicians who once had played the music outside of the store for people to go towards Nine Lives Books; meant that despite the online sales, there was not ever going to be a way for Nine Lives Books to succeed without both the Psychic Fairs as well as the online store, because without the Psychic Fairs there was no reason to ever go to Nine Lives Books as there are those who dealt with cat allergies just to be able to get a reading or a healing session and while not on the day in specific of though during later times would bring books to the store for both online and in person exchanges for cash meant that Half Price Books wins and Nine Lives Books was always going to lost to Half Price Books. Since Nine Lives Books started out in lies, the victory goes only to Half Price Books and any illegal dispensing of online books through leaking information through Amazon for such would mean the prosecution for whoever would have influenced such an idea as per karmic repercussions however such would be for those types of people who would illegally steal intellectual property to illegally dispense the information and illegally put more than just my son and my daughter and I at risk because of such irresponsible behaviours.
My son #Letters4James was not even 4 years old and my daughter #Letters4Lidia was not even 3 years old when that individual as a biological adult messed with their lives as well as mine, all because of his own admitted biases as well as others who have spoken far worse as to such a despicable and deplorable so-called human being. I hope prison sentences occur as obviously such individuals having no problem going after a medically retired individual who had been awake from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury coma for less than 4 years when at the shop, meant they were literally picking on someone who had the mind of a child and could not care in the slightest that they were able to see how they themselves treated their own children as well as how they themselves treated others while playing such games as biological adults with someone who they knew was a biological adult though they knew was in the equivalent of 2nd grade math. If such is true then the fact that the google search which showed the link from a male named Jack online which whether that has to do with a jealous ex-boyfriend named Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr or the male who went up to Washington state to lie to my face in my apartment and on a military installation the Prairie Dog Ceiling Fan boy Sean Leonard who had taken me to Jack in the Box or an associate thereof as an ex-jealous revenge; there are laws against revenge porn, thus where are the laws to protect intellectual property rights as per the portions of books uploaded online through an email system as per the individual named Neko or Master Neko on fetlife who said he was contracted to been flown out to California to be able to do coding I had worked on years ago back in the 1990s when I was informed of such in the 2009 timeframe who also used a fake account of facebook to ask for a picture from The Sanctuary taken down because of such a picture being given permission to take when at The Sanctuary for the graduation ceremony of the Dominant Mentor Program which since the owner of The Sanctuary as well as Master Walker and Master Neko had known of and approved of the picture, there was not any purpose other than to try to be able to prevent such pictures from being seen while ignoring how many laptops were already taken in and ignoring how many external hard drives I made copies of all pictures to leave wherever the proverbial cards may have fallen to ensure the safety as per the way the situations were going at such times from 2009 through to 2018 as per memory issues as well as giving information to those who needed certain specific external hard drives which were not ever released to who the names are or who such got such information from my hands specifically in comparison to illegally taking chips from the cameras from my rental vehicle and/or my car to try to cover their tracks of being recorded. The ironic twist is they did not actually erase such, because of the backup cameras in such cars as well as the GPS as well as the front facing cameras in all vehicles plus all of the other additional security cameras around the areas in each location as well as along the ways as well as the different towers among so much more regarding satellite imagery and etcetera. Thus, they thought the follow the red bobber was going to be the way for such and yet they were shoing the paved roads they were choosing when if hypothetically such was being stalked and harassed during such times especially in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project because of what had already occurred to my son and my daughter and I since 2008 on top of what occurred previously to such times for us from 2001 through 2008 as well as what occurred to me and what I personally witnessed as a child and a teenager. Thus the tampering with witnesses would be a guarantee for each individual who would have done so; more specifically outside of the clubs and specific events I had attended which would have bene in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger lifestyle locations and/or associated events such as an engagement and/or house party for such; as per the radicalized islamist aspects, of trying to use sexuality wrongly against such people. However as a personal notation, the wording of such aspects of male and female compared to the wording which actually was intended though because of the timing of words regarding masculine and feminine energies in comparison to only the biological gender at birth. Thus using such tactics to go into the lifestyle only to get into scenes which were not your scenes to get into if doing so only in reference to what such types as Nine Lives Books Michael Roberts and Suzanne Farnsworth with such associations including their children and friends and family connections, would in turn lead to the portions of treason as well as domestic terrorism as well as terroristic threats dur to the threats I and others received online; which goes into the current point in time of the modern era, which the technological age ensures the catching of such types of people including my biological mother and biological father and ex-in-laws who would be as such for getting involved with any relationship I had chosen to be in without any authority legally by such aspects. It was a warning for them in reference to when visiting Crystal Lake Illinois in 2002 when that situation set went as it had, and when they said they wanted to for Patricia because realistically she had destroyed her own reputation because she had to face the truth of how she had been during the time before my ability to sign the paperwork to join and leave for the Army Basic Training as well as how Anna spoke of such at McHenry County Government Center in Woodstock Illinois as well as Mike when he was working at Nick's Pizza; depending how they spoke about me prior to 11 September 2001 was how they dealt with such responses, and they thought moving to Texas would give a virtue signal to such people who already knew how they had been in both Illinois and New Jersey among several areas throughout other locations depending who they personally knew and who they had associated with by choice for what claimed business if not in an official capacity as would have been mandatory to inform me of if such was the case; however, I was told it was needed for Patricia's reputation when she got to my house after Mike went back to Illinois, despite the claim of being able to help my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia and I. Such false claims by Anna and Patricia specifically as per the portions regarding my son and my daughter and I as per such prior portions regarding their documented behaviours, such proof of the lies would also prove such additional terrorist aspects referencing my biological mother in regards of Prudential and the World Trade Center aspects as well as Patricia for what local wars she began in each area because she thought it would be funny to play a game with other people's lives wrongly; as per the choice just as those in Nine Lives Books at such times to choose the animal at the time Dakota being wrongly allowed to attack my son and my daughter as a 1 year old and a 3 month old. I was yelled at for defending my son and my daughter and throwing the dog away from my children when it went, as well as kicking it a few other times; because my biological mother refused to take care of the responsibilities immediately and then to move to Texas and do such the same things to my son and my daughter regarding that dog just as the same as Suzanne cared more about the cat sanctuary than people meant one in the same for multiple aspects which might be able to be correlated through other links and messages. When someone who would be in charge of the information technology at The Sanctuary for the whole lifestyle community would be put at risk for such as Michael Roberts had done coding on Linux which the Linux system which has the ability for others who have some knowledge as to such to wrongly hack other people's information as well which in turn means such types of internet security is absolutely unsafe for anyone and everyone especially military/law enforcement/fire department/EMS services with clearances which someone such as Michael Roberts being able to send people to go throughout the state of Texas into the lifestyle scenes as well as my own biological parents who were warned to stay away from that store as per other reasons though chose not to listen to my warnings about several aspects before.
I was informed while listening to Suzanne Farnsworth discuss in front of her sister Cindy Farnsworth who has admitted to multiple personality disorder, that one of their friends has a storage unit of which if my SCUBA Diving gear was taken to such and hidden there and/or other portions thereof the mental health crisis I warned of back in 8th grade to Governor Christine Todd Whitman was needing more assistance which seemingly was worthless when looking towards such individuals as Michael Roberts and Suzanne Farnsworth; if such aspects are the truth of which I wish I had not ever met such individuals and wish I had not ever helped such ever at this point when taking a look at such additional facts as it seemed nothing in my life was ever worth the amount of effort to know such types of people would actually feel it to be acceptable to wrongly release such information without ever thinking about the ramifications of doing so with each of my books and my book series which of course would be the stereotypical version of his trying to be a villain because of those types of peoples obsession with such types of novelties which what a difficult choice to make to not be a stereotype though apparently my mistake for ever making such attempts as to actually be a good and descent person. The Republican Women who talked against such people being allowed freely to be on video games and watch certain movies too early in age, are a good set of examples proving a need to bring such forward for the realistic problems as seen with people who have do so. Look at how my biological mother, employees and volunteers at Nine Lives Books had treated me when I told them about the Excalibur Faire and how they made excuses for those 5 males who surrounded me with weapons; knowing I had not known of such a type of situation being pretend until after the false charges were filed with the fake sheriffs for the real jail cell and real metal shackles; which in turn to continue such outside of a location would ensure the aspects of such illegal indentured servitude through slavery as per regulations of definitions, would in turn mean the incapability for any of them to defend their stances and would be an easy open and shut case in the long term for clarity in the longer and longest terms. If you are willing to allow such to occur to a 1 year old and a 3 month old as well as choosing to make the decision to cause problems for them and their Mom who you would have been informed of such medical retirement due to disabilities, then what makes anyone think such types of people would hesitate to do such to a grown adult with the fullest and healthiest mental capacities? If willing to begin causing such problems to children under the age of 5 years old, then the same can be said just as it can for any aspects furthered for those who would have been told of such information and the length of time for such information; which would then be a choice which each would have to make of their own free will, whether or not you paid attention to which consequences would be which consequences.
Illegally holding someone prisoner in any way in any style would automatically also prevent any prosecution for any admittances of any type as per laws, due to needless stresses added for such sorts of problems and each admission would be dismissed and the charges against such perpetrators would lead to federal prosecution; if there actually is a justice system that actually works on land for such, as personally I have not seen such actually go through despite explaining how I wound up in Washington state additionally to what occurred in such forced relationships beginning at the point in time regarding when people were informed as to how the so-called proposal had gone. The fact I went into the store to purchase the rings and such a camera system within the Pawn store nearby would automatically prove such, and each who was informed of such should have gotten the proper assistance in comparison because if you knew of even one person who would have been considered as able to help for such and you chose otherwise; what have you decided is good for you to go through as well as your children and your family and your loved ones, if that choice was to do anything other than the truth regarding my son and/or my daughter and/or I to needlessly cause additional problems. If you chose to cause me and/or my son and/or my daughter to be ostracized because of your biases and discriminations, then if registered as a Democrat when doing so and/or speaking about such beliefs to enact upon means the reality of your actual crimes against such and why I chose to take a stand as I had back when I signed the line to officially join the Army branch of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces while admitting the connections in the ways which I could truthfully tell as per what words I could speak as per the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
I did not realize such would be such a fruitless effort for such to have occurred as per the finances I watched I was able to increase and not ever once saw any appreciation for any of the volunteering I had done as if I had not volunteered to begin with after being asked to have that as such for that location, I would not have had the experiences of being abused by so many people in one exact location and associates thereof. I hope such individuals suffer further for such crimes against humanity, which I wonder where the humanity actually went. Oh wait, that went to the Humane Society full of animals which cannot care the way a human being can. Though, I wonder if beyond biology if such actually ever existed after looking back upon how much and how many had lied straight to my face time and time again. Remember even though my biological age was as it was, my time out from my coma was as it was. When being at the Psychic Fairs I was literally only 3.5 years out from my coma which means the subarachnoid hemorrhage had not even begun to dissipate to slowly begin to start going away out from my brain for such to start working more clearly, which also means I was on Temporary Retirement Duty Leave and the choice to do so means I was still under contract for the United States of America's Armed Forces Army branch which that would be considered as terrorism and domestic terrorism.
The domestic terrorism which such would be under for choosing to allow and be a part of what would be considered as radicalized islam for such choices to allow such as well as to perpetuate and push as well as encourage such a situation with Jamie Robles AKA Lazy Eye and Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr, which they knew Jeremy Kuykendall who is the little brother of Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr was going into the Army branch as an Officer following up to complete the training that Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had failed out of by choosing to drop out in comparison to being targeted and taken out of the state of Texas; which the video as per Suzanne Farnsworth which she said went on during the hours of the store, would in turn mean such perpetuation of such behaviours as I said I was fighting to stay in the state of Texas and had told them about the situations regarding IRR as such was during the time of being a volunteer at the Nine Lives Store. Choosing to support radicalized islam as per the forced aspects which they had been informed of the abuse I had already dealt with, and by such choices to allow such without actually helping at such times means the allowance of radicalized islam wrongly inside of Military City USA. Which in turn in my opinion standing by doing nothing while knowing also as to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia being in my care, means the additional domestic terrorism aspects.
The portions I can see which could be considered as terrorism in a global scale is choosing to release such books I wrote and had registered with the Library of Congress as per the actual legal birth name of my first and middle name which they knew I had gone by in the store as well as online as well as in person as well as Michael Roberts demanding my military identification card to be able to put into a file for taxes, which the taxes of such were inapplicable to his store for such as he would have needed the correct tax identifying information for the aspects regarding the Reverend portion. The fact such was registered with the Library of Congress with my legal birth certificate first and middle names which are specific to me, would automatically make anyone who was a part of using such information leaked as suspects for trials for which they would have to defend themselves from in whichever courts they would be taken to in person; however the judge and the jury already have their prior actions and choices of behaviour, as well as such technology messaging through such; which if the hacking was not as well known back in the times before now for some, that would mean such situations would have been worked on for a longer time than some realized ever. It is one thing to code, it is another thing to hack to code illegally as seen through the prosecution of a few individuals and the non-allowances for such people to be using technology because of how they chose to use and treat such in unhelpful ways and causing needless problems. However such initial cases always assist such as RICO laws, for the online connection portions of larger groups when dealing with such situations of that aspect if there is a connection portion referring to purposeful choices to cause harm in comparison to legal and authorized such aspects as I had been explaining the whole time.
However instead of knowing such or doing such correctly while knowing as per the fact of actually displaying such when I was in the Esoteric section of the store during the time at Nine Lives Books as well as my certificates at such a time as well as Joe Rose who had been who once certified such for those times, choosing to release such registered information and with my specific legal name included which in turn would be a terrorist threat and action choices by whoever would release such in a digital format without a legal right to as per my legal names being used for such writings as well as such being altered would mean additional aspects of such in the global scale of terrorism because of not thinking about how other countries would view the books I wrote as per such agreements which would be mandatory as per Amazon for such. Releasing illegally in a global way who had done so would in turn mean the terrorism level elevated and the threats of that fatwah which already were a problem against me for years well prior, was unnecessary as even they themselves admitted to seeing such. Suzanne said she watched people looking at me in the store when visiting in 2019, which again to blatently admit such on camera with wifi technology available as well as having been informed as to my problems with technology; if such a situation regarding such were to have not been properly released which would be the mandatory version of the actual purchases of the actual books as per my website links to my Amazon books instead of the faked website I have seen; then what type of acceptances for such domestic and global terrorism on a scale of which Michael Roberts and Suzanne Farnsworth of Nine Lives Book began including with the knowledge and infiltration into the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger lifestyles by sending such people to stalk and harass me needlessly.
How would Michael Roberts' mom be looking at him if she were alive, and how would Michael Roberts' dad be handling the situation as per such choices to stand by and do nothing as he raised a boy to be a man instead of raising a boy to be a biological adult boy. Correct?
Thus what would his mom and dad as well as aunts and uncles have had to say to know such aspects of without ever batting an eye to actually stop such when he was a child, as now the aspects of which I was told were only a minor concussion; with all of the problems such had been caused to me as well as my son and my daughter needlessly which is terrorism against children by the way who both of which were/are biological children of one medically retired Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces who was still under the portion to be activated at any point in time as I explained to the people of that store, as well as one who went back active duty into the Army branch of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces as they knew about the IRR as was also discussed. Thus both my son and my daughter were born of military aspects of the United States of America's Armed Forces at Lackland Air Force Base in Wilford Hall, which both sets of times had to do with the activated portions regarding Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas; which I had medical appointments at Camp Bullis which was mandatory in reference to the aspects of Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and the 151 Road Warriors as per the choice for the Anderson Loop of 1604 as he explained within the store though why such was not ever taken care of back then remains such to be as aggravating and worthless as my time for such an area with the exception of one single individual male who was able to get proper medical treatment instead of the lack of a first aid kit in that store with as many cats for that cat sanctuary as well as the store itself as per the phone call Daniel was at the store to hear when I was with him at Jims Restaurant on 10 and Huebner with the group of military individuals who I would enjoy the time for a quick bite to eat before getting the ability to tolerate being able to touch the type of technology that was for that computer system they had. If I did not eat specific types of food there would have been nothing I would have been able to do to actually assist the online bookstore which yes that means such time actually was charged to you if you wanted such help as to make such online sales for that needlessly as per the ways everything else had gone for such a location; however such a lower level technology individual would expect to know more than was available online compared to what was actually far different than anything else ever allowed to be seen in person as to which there is no need for such ever again unless informed of such via my website contact form only for a response.
Thus an irony of Fail Safe as per the actual coding wording which obviously such an individual should have been able to pick up on his own though was ignorant as to such because he was not safe, the opportunity taken to deceive as such as well as then drive such people towards me knowing what I had already gone through as well as drive such people towards my son and my daughter meant there was not ever an actual concern by such people as there was a photographer who went to my house who looked like Daniel who taught what he could of the online listing abilities for the Amazon program; which what was the phone call from the police into my house in Carrollton Texas about, my biological parents still have yet to discuss what occurred despite the repeated questions back then and their refusal to admit they knew who had called the police and why and refused to tell me the truth knowing what was occurring to my son and my daughter needlessly.
What types of people who would think such as acceptable would be needing the most intensive correctional aspects in full for each, as when targeting children as well as a female that is of the radicalized islam as per the ways of which in the modern aspects using technology to track and trace and surveil illegally of someone they knew was potentially activatable; which is the ideal target for someone who has nothing better to do than sit behind a computer screen in comparison to actually going forward to help and assist others, however how many letters have I spent money on to mail out to the correct groups and organizations and businesses to not have a return contact back? My mistake ever thinking anything which I wrote about was ever considered as worthwhile or important or ever accomplished was even worth doing as per the continued lack of acknowledgement, as per the standing by and doing nothing except lying and wasting time; though such aspects in The Modern Day Book also go into additional portions if there ever actually was a real need for such sorts of aspects for clarification, though I have not seen such fruits of such works ever being worthwhile as per what I have seen as per how I have been treated with and without my son and my daughter thus proving such ostracizing aspects I told others in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger lifestyles who I had known in person as to tell and show the threats I was receiving at such times in 2010 through 2012 mainly were actually always real threats against me needlessly.
If it were only in reference to my son and my daughter then there would not have been such done specifically to me, and the continued aspects as to how many have continued to remain away and instead of telling me the truth when in person such continued lies to me needlessly and wrongly. Hypothetically, of course.
Thus if the irony of refusing to send such details to law enforcement agencies as he actually would and should have known of back then as per his own admittances as well as Suzanne's admittances in 2018 and 2019 on the phone as well as in person when I showed up to their doorstep to ensure a few situations in response, their choices to refuse to assist such while claiming to be feminists and Democrats shows such sorts of behaviours which I warned others of repeatedly as well regarding such types of people and the proper term for such types of females is actually Feminazi as per such a description being fully accurate with such with the proof available as per their own choices to use Linux servers and the amount of people they do not know who saw what they had allowed to go on within their doors as well as wherever they went and who they contacted and who they spoke with on the phone and etcetera. What an ironic twist for the name of the book I wrote myself and did not ever allow such a transfer nor the alteration of because of knowing the legalities of using my first and middle name which in turn the court ruling for ironically since they are into comic books, the 1929 Superman comics would automatically be 100% in my favor and would leave them with nothing left except empty pockets. For choosing if such referencing my SCUBA Diving gear if the UHAUL portions were associated with, in turn the choice knowing I was on my way to San Antonio Texas and my choice would automatically be to take my SCUBA Diving gear to the correct location for the military at the Nay and Marines Special Forces Unit near the Warrior Transition Unit which is near the ISR as well as Brooke Army Medical Center or JSBA main hospital with each proper level of doctors to be asked to look into which specific aspects as per what only I could have brought forward from such SCUBA Diving gear; means the lack of ability to assist in the proper ways as per their own admittance, as they did not allow military discounts for books at that store when I was volunteering as Suzanne said she did not feel they needed anything more and Michael Roberts choices for specifically my military identification card meant he knew.
I am glad and I am thankful for at minimum of the male who I took to the hospital who was taken to the Emergency Room by me of which if the Nine Lives Books was under investigation for the cat sanctuary because of my choice to tell the truth to make sure that male was able to receive proper treatment as actually needed, received the blood to replace what was lost, to utilize the energetic portions I was able to use to save his life and prevent his death to get him to the hospital in a short amount of time, and the situations thereafter meant that was literally the only good thing I can think of which ever came out from that store and I hope the best of such per that individual and his family for his ability to survive from what I was able to do until getting him to the hospital. From the moment I heard the phone ring and spoke on the phone with Lisa Williams who would be able to discuss the stalking levels from Daniel as well as other males Suzanne Farnsworth allowed in the store when claiming to be a feminist, as Lisa Williams said she had seen Daniel going around her apartment as the creepiest sight she ever had seen. I can agree, 100%. No, means no. The same can be said referring to a SCUBA Diver during a trip as well as prior to the trip as well as after as to what I would or would not accept, which if such a choice to move my SCUBA Dive gear around illegally and was proven; such an investigation to assist the shared waters between the Gulf Coast area states in reference to the oceanic waters thereof such individual(s) would legally be held accountable for those entire state areas as well as the Mexico region; for hypothetically doing such as explained through such phone calls, the news reports of all associated phone numbers to call a pizza place would automatically register to a watch list if even one had been found linked to a terrorist aspect whether as being threatened or actions as had been chosen to do as per choices to attack needlessly to prohibit the correct prosecutionary aspects.
Whether some males or females want to accept such or not, if someone tells you they are not interested then why would you continue such? I can see from the lack of responses and requests for help which I have repeatedly sent out hoping for the actual help needed had gone unnoticed, though because of the excuses some wish were acceptable as to release other people's works without any legal authority to do so has shown how little concern there had always been referencing quite a bit as when explained to as the realities of what I personally needed in person referencing the aspects of my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury; seemingly have gone for others which great, however that has not been helpful nor assistive to me in the slightest.
Adding the facts of my SCUBA Diving not ever having been recognized correctly, again I wonder why I ever bothered especially with such types of people allowed to be able to breathe or recognize others while wrongly denying the truth as to what I accomplished on my own without any assistance. I should not always have to recognize myself as it has been quite annoying to constantly have to explain such, and without any such confirmation as to whether or not actually having seen my website; why would I ever believe what I had been told in years previously, and why would I believe anyone had ever been truthful to me? Taking my books illegally and altering illegally to send out however such was online thus causing global aspects impacting such groups already inundated with other portions which needed less problems than were, I did not write such for free and I did not write such to ever allow anyone to produce such without such proper recognition. Releasing such as I had meant the books were supposed to be taken care of in a specific way and not in the arrogant way for an egotistical male or feminazi female to wrongly send out the way they had, which in turn my son and my daughter and I needlessly went through additional portions and the rectifications of such is where for such?
I truly do not know as no one has had the human decency to inform me to where I actually know, and I cannot believe I actually fought to be emancipated to join the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces to have been treated as such in a Military City USA such as San Antonio by multiple civilians and military personnel during such timexs then as well as even now with such ostracizing as why could I ever feel comfortable knowing so many had gone from the state of Texas as well as were sent from the state of Texas to go up to Washington state to not tell me the truth as to who they were if I had known them in person and thus playing a game with the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury further needlessly all while I was being electrocuted as I explained in reference to the zapping. Hey, maybe I could make a joke about Jims Restaraunt however instead since I could not cook or find any food which actually would have been helpful to me; what else does that mean in such references as to starving and depriving as per the aspects proven, throughout such times. I did not accept being a needless guinea pig in the civilian sector and I hope for ,martial law at this point to gather up each and every individual to be fully prosecuted to the fullest extent of the laws who chose such actions against my son, my daughter, and I after such times referencing such a location and such people.
Here I thought the Homeowners Association was horrific, then again Michael Roberts only showed up to Nine Lives Books when I talked about how I had kept the shed for the situations regarding Procomm and he was mad when meeting me and asking me about the situation referencing my shed in my backyard of my house in San Antonio. Homeowners Associations which have such people bred to continue, I am glad to admit I truly am glad that Suzanne was only allowed to have one child and I am glad Cindy her sister was only allowed to procreate a couple as such treatments which their own children would have been and furthered were needless as well as the fact of not bothering with such an offspring thereof for such purposes as choosing to lie to my face while trying to eat rabbit food as per my known food allergies of fresh fruits and vegetables which had been a large reason as to not being able to work on technology previously to such each time of volunteering because of the amount of vegans and vegetarians as per their disgusting vegetable oils which I cannot be around because of my proven allergies and since such are as they are that is life threatening to me and proven so with the additional aspects of pain outside of the zapping as per the amount of vegans and vegetarians in the state of Washington near the Seattle Tacoma region of the state of Washington as well as in the Portland Oregon region near Vancouver Washington.
What is it like to be in a relationship which the other person actually cares about the genuine wellbeing and concern for the other involved in an honest way always being truthful and being willing to actually stand next to and with such an individual for the reality in comparison to being viewed as or looked as a novelty or a game, wrongly?
I would not know I have not had that sensation since I was a child before my Bok Gung and Bok Pu died and the Her who was more than just a Professional Dominatrix in New York City to me as she was more mom to me than quite a few situations I had dealt with as a child and teenager and adult, just as those who I lost in the LGBTQP areas of the tristate area who I had known in the late 1980s and into the 1990s for such a specific familial aspect. I did not go into the profession as I promised her I would not though I promised her I would do more to help which obviously with such situations not having been properly taken care of, my own promise failed because of those who were not safe to begin with. If you are freaked out by death which is a natural part of life and required for several aspects of, I actually pity you as you do not ever get to genuinely pursue anything for your own self in truth. Obviously I have repeatedly failed as per the seen and shown aspects thereof, with the exception of promises I made though even then because of the failure for such books I wrote to be able to actually do so on my own terms and in my own way; such a failure on my part to ever be able to think I could do something worthwhile in my own life which would be worth what I had done, gone through, and experienced as per the specific requirements seen as per what others consider as success as per news articles and stories thereof in the newspapers back when I was growing up of the few good stories I could find.
Who is any civilian to ever test anything illegally on another human being, the answer is no one should illegally do so as such is not a Freedom of Expression as there are reasons why people must go through specific training and schooling and classwork in comparison to only reading online or only seeing a video or printing out illegally information which was not yours to legally release unless through specifically the system which should have properly actually brought forward such royalties to who actually earned such for such which would be myself only to use such finances as I chose to do on my own through my legal rights that I actually earned for myself in comparison to such individuals who had simply been born on the soil of the United States of America. When I wrote about one set of books and not all sets of books I wrote of the book sale, that meant only in reference to those titles only and not all of the titles in the slightest as per the specific recording of what was the only sale of such books at such time which meant only the title of Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing and only the title of Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing was ever in such a statement and not any other book and not any other series despite what was written within the pages as per the titles only aspects. If such aspects of my other books had been released illegally without my permission and without any legal rights to anyone else other than myself to go through the Amazon process meant only I had the authority for such as per the understanding of the agreement for such as not in any location was there ever a contract for altering my works nor producing into anything nor any productions thereof. However such people who had made such choices against Half Price Books would automatically think having the right to author my own works would be a profit margin which those people would not be able to consider as ethical, though the irony of what choices had been made as to trying to tell anyone else of what their opinion as to what ethical would mean; as per their choice to steal books boxes from Half Price Books as well as the name aspect of the three words to copy each aspect they wish they had thought of prior to. How much ironic aspects for such people to do so to a company they once worked for and instead of coming up with their own books without stealing from others, that would in turn mean the lack of creativeness for the positive and for the betterment in truth. Such people would assume such should be free and yet have the nerve to charge people for the books within their store, which in turn the hypocrisy of which if such were to be on top of the choice to refuse to send such to law enforcement or whomever as per what Suzanne said as to the video recordings of such at those times and if the phone calls were recorded on Nine Lives Books portion; if you were not informed, so too was as soon as the aspects of the JBSA contacting to call to speak with me about the attack by the cats the store knew were not vaccinated and knew were feral while knowingly choosing to not have a first aid kit in their own store just for the bookstore and not forgetting the cat sanctuary; which if they were mad at me for choosing to tell the truth to save the life and get the proper medical treatment for the male who I labeled as Dad is Not a Captain if knowing of such before as per knowing such when I returned to Nine Lives Books from Jims, means their choice to commit treason and terrorism as per the Military City USA portions when I returned to the store front location in 2019 as per the signs throughout the San Antonio area as their knowledge as to such as per their own admissions on their own Linux and what-have-you always monitored by the NSA technology pieces as well as always monitored by AI and other program companies with their own people for both the AI as well as the program companies.
However why would such be important to technology companies, right? What does anything haver to do with anything referencing safety in truth, as seen right?
Maybe I should simply stop believing in justice, as I have for so long. I thought justice on earth was supposed to be available especially in the United States of America especially, which truly I wonder after everything from youth as well as combined aspects thereof if there ever truly was justice to begin with and wonder if there ever truly was the allowance to ever have the right to pursue to attain happiness to actually have to maintain and sustain correctly and properly. I did not need any further overbearing aspects in my life, I actually simply needed to be able to be a Mom when I was able to actually and was supposed to actually be able to in person to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia however that was stolen from them just as it was stolen from me. Sure I cannot get such time back, though nor can anyone else get such time back from what their choices had been by choice. What is it like, to genuinely have a choice? Apparently for the past almost 21 years that has not been allowed to me on top of the prior 17 years, thus what is it like to be allowed to have the choices of such? I have heard they are supposed to be wonderful, though I have not experienced such for myself in those ways which have been so enjoyed by so many others in certain ways as well as other aspects in other ways.
Though I suppose I can say as well as write at minimum, I am able to know what it is like to actually swim around the bottom of the oceanic waters in each area of the ocean I had gone to in order to actually see the fullness more of the areas of the oceanic waters than has ever been allowed before including in reference to Boca Raton Florida as well as the specifics of the USS/USNS Vandenberg SCUBA Dives. That, was an amazing aspect to which none have been allowed to experience as per rules and laws of the ocean. I am thankful at minimum the situation in Irving as well as other aspects thereof, have shown me more than what anyone on earth individually has regarding the truth for myself. Such a situation is what it is and those portions which I allowed others to know of are the only ones which were ever actually needed as per such clearances of others simply not having had the allowances, as per what they have seen. Why would I discuss ever if you cannot simply pay for such books through the proper aspects as would be the aspects for such for the worth thereof in conjunction, as to quite a few specifics which if one portion has not been accomplished and I refuse to halfa$$ situations; what would such mean referencing those particular aspects, out of curiosity? That would mean you individually would have to prove such to such for such, is quite simple beyond such prior aspects discussed/written/explained through my website only regarding what specifics are as written as such only online and not by the release of someone else in such a manner. As per the realities of such as to my website, then what do you think the contact form is for? The answer is to correctly and through etiquette send a message as to what it is if you are truthful as to what aspects specifically to any book outside of the Finding A Sliver Lining By: Susan MeeLing and/or Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing; as each book series and/or book would be required for such specific requests of specific information, with the proof thereof such a purchase. If you want a version of a FOIA form, there is the website contact form which had already been available for honest and correct communication without such problems as has been needlessly caused.
How could anyone ever call themselves a feminist who would purposefully choose to push other females downward in comparison to correctly lifting them upward to actually be able to be ready for themselves in comparison, to what has occurred to me? My son would not have needed to go through such nor suffer, just the same in reference to my daughter, and the same in reference to those who had known me in person and actually may have cared at some point.
I cannot forget such ever and if my own son or my own daughter chose to do so on their own knowing hacking and such was not correct or not caring as to the consequences which were warned of, I truly do not know why I could have ever done anything that was considered as good as why would you ever think such was ever for free?
My Medal of Honor Art Project was not free it was filled with the blood, sweat, and tears which once were able to fight for this country and had love this country and the world so much that the Constitutional Rights were able to actually be brought forward. Charity is different than free, and even still the portions of which to work as much as I had despite the lack of seeing such because of not being allowed to legally as per specific portions of as even though there is a paycheck associated with to be able to pay for; the price of such pieces are not and were not for sale ever, as the Medal of Honor was and always has been the highest honor to which someone could ever earn as per the requirements of what it takes to earn a Medal of Honor. Pieces of such a type were not ever for sale because of the legalities in such military aspects for the Armed Forces of the United States of America to prevent the sale of valor, which because of those who have wrongfully allowed stolen valor to be the choice to not stop such in a court as per what should have been as per literally the word stolen which means stealing which stealing is a crime; the lack of justice up to the Supreme Court level to not properly take care of such means the choice for the aspects of Martial Law for the Universal Code of Military Justice for such, in full honest truth. Due to the lack of the spine required for actually correctly seeing such a simple work for the criminal prosecution of the word stolen, means literally the crime associated with stealing; which in turn any type of stolen valor could not ever truthfully be denied justice, as per the laws for businesses which have the law firms to fight such crimes against a District Attorney and/or Federal Prosecutor. Why would a court which is supposed to be held to a standard of unbiased judgements ever deny the right for prosecution unless they themselves had found stolen valor within their own families and instead of properly taking care of such for the masses, such so-called justices chose to cover such up wrongly and thus forcing such into the aspects of such types of laws as per the Universal Code of Military Justice or UCMJ?
Maybe if such were correctly taken care of before, additional problems would not have ever been needing to be solved and would have been taken care of correctly long ago. How long have a fought against stolen valor? I am uncertain as to the specific year I took a stand against stolen valor, as I remember being a child though I do not know which city I was in at the time of such. However I do know the first larger stand I took against such with stolen valor and stolen property and stolen identity and stolen intellectual property and stolen property all have a specific word in common and yet there is only one of those which somehow has been left behind and I wonder how could such be for so many decades and such for the Untied States of America and citizens thereof. My son and my daughter know if they were to ever have a child with other people the requirement as per such to occur for a truthful Baptism, however any such children brought forward into the world would not be allowed as such an aspect without such from me from their first known portion of time per the initial pregnancy findings. Any such prevention means the lack of abilities to be able to continue on for development, because I would not be able to allow such to occur for the safety of more. As per their biological Aunt Patricia would know about her own wedding as well as how she chose to conduct herself at such an abomination which in turn would mean, they should know that such was not ever blessed and refused as to such fully by the choices they made at that wedding by those biological adults; which in turn such aspects would have to have such precautions taken, and none would be allowed such without such. No one other than I would be allowed to introduce them to the waters correctly, which in turn would mean the last of such aspects are simply within myself only. Any such females who would look to my son for such would lose their wishes instantly because of subverting the process which would have been mandatory which lying to my face would automatically disqualify such from ever being allowed such, and since females can only have one child at a time and my son can seed plenty of females all of such females would be abominations as well as their children would be as such as per refusing to speak truthfully for such a request which in turn would be their own damnations as their mothers of whores would be responsible for such an ignorance in my opinion though as my opinion tends to be facts you can take that and cash such. The same in reference to my daughter for each one child she could ever bear, though such would be mandatory for truth as well for such any male to do as such without the proper steps taken as per specifically through myself only.
I was raised Cantonese, I was not raised American Mandarin unlike my biological sister and several others.
What was taught to the Cantonese and in specific in reference to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu which my biological mother had disgraced with the choice to name Patricia Ann Hom as she had, meant the guarantee of such only being able to be passed on through my specific in person. She could not ever know of such because that would mean she would have had to actually not go to those Broadway shows, she would have actually had to spend time with such individuals, though most importantly she would have had to been born with the specific name on the legal birth certificate for such and that cannot be changed as Anna was not allowed to write down the name for if she chose to; the name would not be allowed to ever change to such for Patricia Ann even if later on in life; because it must align with the solar and lunar calendars with the astrological aspects which Anna Louise Hom should have paid attention to if she wanted that much for Patricia in the ways which she knew they specified and she would have become what she had already been warned of if she had chosen to ignore such a warning as she chose to.
If you need a reference point, look to how the evil step mother or evil mother is portrayed in Disney for such sorts of aspects for when seeking a small condensed Faery-sized way as to which individual is who regarding the specific aspects as to the birth of a child such as in regards of Aurora in Sleeping Beauty or Snow White for such a Disney reference which ironically can be seen in several aspects in reference to others in such knowledge for a small step. I look forward to moving forward soon, as situations seemingly require a different location in comparison to what has been occurring and has occurred. I would like to believe in the justice aspects for such aspects; however there is only so much time allotted for such, and quite frankly I am quite annoyed and exhausted by such aspects in several ways as to how such could go on for as long as from 2004 for the first Psychic Fair at Nine Lives Books I had attended and been able to set up to go forward which when Suzanne stopped having the Psychic Fair was when she started losing her larger in person store aspects by the way in case they did not put that situation together. Those people chose to care more about the cat sanctuary than those who could go forward to assist such, however Michael Roberts had not ever believed in the Psychic Fairs or any of the individuals who had done such types of work and thus Lisa Williams refused to go into the store because of the amount of cat urine and lack of concern for the cats as well as others had refused to be a part of because of how many spaces were available for cat adoptions in comparison to the assistance such brought to that location. Since they preferred books instead of people as well because they chose to only see the little they saw from others' work in comparison to the amount of people who would go to such locations for such individuals and then go to purchase something later after their readings, such sorts of ironic twists of karmic fates for Nine Lives Books especially when in reference to Suzanne herself admitting to having gone to a Shaman somewhere; which in turn that mentor of hers must be rolling in the grave enraged as to such disrespect and waste of the teachings, as she knew she was supposed to continue forward with those fairs and she was warned if she chose to not maintain such for the people as she was taught for such the animals would then turn on her the day she chose to put animals before human beings. If Michael Roberts was messing with her medications and had been the cause as to why she went the way she had and/or her sister Cindy, then such aspects were lost and the reasons as to why the lack of space needed for such a cat sanctuary.
If such people once were in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger lifestyles and were upset because when they were younger the attention was as it was though as they grew older and were unable to maintain their own sanity within such a lifestyle and were making the choice to go after the lifestyles they claimed to care about so much to push such people away through their choices to attack in the ways which would force others to push others away because of how they chose to run their lives; I have seen such situations previously as those who have been in the lifestyle for longer than a few years, who have seen people come into the lifestyle to stir up drama using a scapegoat for the excuses as to such behaviours because of the ease of the targeting to make such easier to blame and make look in another direction while the other hand was doing something else. I have not hidden who I am, yet admittedly I have been the easiest target anyone could ever hope for to be able to use as a scapegoat wrongly; though also giving the ability for others to see the truth of their own choices from such prior times, as which situations have you seen which would be able to relate to other aspects as per such lifestyles. I know in reference to Carl I was told of situations which he and Scarlett were upset about within the entire Austin community, as I had been involved with other areas and only after I arrived in certain locations shortly afterwards there came the drama from others in comparison. My biological parents learned when in Crystal Lake Illinois that if I was around then Patricia would be able to blame me wrongly for her choices, when I was out of their lives when I went into the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces. Patricia knew this and she manipulated them continuously in comparison, which is why she pushed for the move partially to Texas because she knew if she was able to be around me then she could blame me for whatever she did wrongly. My ex-in-laws saw such and were also told of such by her as well as warned by me previously as to exactly what she would do prior to her arrival to Texas, though my ex-in-laws have done as they have done themselves well before meeting her to which then two peas in a pod for such choices.
I was told in 2019 of drama that occurred 5 years prior which if the illegal revealing of the information within Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing and Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing had been released as per the filling out to Legal Zoom which is based in Austin Texas and since such connections to whichever family line including apparently the Kennedys referencing Patrick who had outed me and had been why I was interrogated officially shortly after a whole other culmination of aspects, I see you lessons from what your Great Grandmother warned you of did not sink in from what you were taught and to which she wishes the best for all of you. Those who did not know your Great Grandmother, that was the responsibility of your parents to warn you of what not to do or be a part of as well as she warned of taking a step back and not responding in any way as per until you calmed down enough to actually be able to express your thoughts without emotions impacting for the unbiased aspects taught. If such a family were to have done so illegally, then you know what your Great Grandmother has in store for you as you disrespected what she taught you to be as in comparison to how such was seen released wrongly for such and how much shame she has when looking down upon you; that is if there are those of you of her and/or her children who should have paid attention to what she chose to have sent forth to the justice required as per how your Great Grandfather was and were shown how to stop such in comparison to fuel such needlessly. Yes Rose Fitzgerald caused the situation referencing John F Kennedy, as well as his older brother for such purposes to destroy the legacy he had built because of how he chose to try such. The safety of the United States of America was more important to her and her father, in comparison to the other portions and why she loved Jackie more than any because she understood as she learned the hard way unfortunately and she did everything she could to prevent anyone from ever causing harm to her adopted daughter more than some ever realized; even Jackie herself, as Jackie was innocent from such details and kept in the dark until the fortunate aspects of spending a few moments alone with Rose to which she warned her to stay safe to be prepared for what she needed to know for her own survival in such upcoming times of which Jackie heeded such advice against the influence of the others around her and was able to protect herself and was a willing participant to bringing forward what was necessary to be for the safety of the United States of America overall as well as the United States of America's Armed Forces. What Rose Fitzgerald knew was that male Joe had only seen the dollar signs as did several of his kind as seen through the situations which occurred, whereas she knew from other aspects love would always conquer all for the best possible outcomes possible.
She warned her father as to the type of male Joe had been before meeting her and he refused to listen to her warnings which he then when realizing had contacted others who lead her to the aspects of being the Holy See or for those who would not know such another term, the Oracle of Delphi is a different aspect though along such lines of some similar traits for such a timeframe in comparison to what she saw coming for and the warnings she gave. Having certain capabilities means the requirement for specific ways to approach such an individual as per multiple aspects which can be read about or learned to a degree, though there are certain traits and qualities which of which such would only be for the one which would be able to with stand the storms of life to direct the storms in the correct directions for a clearer and safer path of enlightenment for more to be able to truthfully be able to see correctly in a larger way. Certain aspects required for such require specifics of which some have not been able to know because the information is specific for those who are adept for such knowledge, and the same in reference to the aspects of the government portions of the United States of America and the world as well. Rose looked at Jackie as a younger version of what was and when the moment came, Jackie knew to take a sway to the side just before the shot would be fired as per the specific notations of a song playing on the radio for her to be able to get the signal. If there is video footage of such a time in comparison to the pictures of Jackie in the dress, the reasons such were in place for the quick transition is due to what was needed as such individuals within other areas saw the aspects as to what JFK was doing with as many as she called flousies and old bats bothering her son from doing what he was supposed to be doing correctly. She knew she had other children and grandchildren who needed more than just that particular view and when she noticed certain aspects of similar qualities of such unfaithful individuals perpetuating such frivolous behaviours which she knew needed some explanations though was afraid to speak with such individuals as per the timeframe of which the LGBTQP and Professional aspects of the adult lifestyle were concerned, she prayed for the time when the ability to bring a clarity forward was which the Jewish Torah calls the Messiah or Messianic Times which notice the magazine name for Military Times though the Holy Roman Catholic Church and those within call such in the New Testament for the Holy Scriptures in the Bible as the Godhead because of the head area looking as to what others would consider as a male; which when you take a look at certain symbolism of certain types of military associated flags for the fallen or POW or Proud American, the style of the hair is unable to tell the gender within the color of black with the surrounding white color and whichever symbols are seen within such.
Thus the following are a short list of investigations which I am either at the center at for being attacked and/or my son and/or my daughter, as well as what more specifically had been working on to get such details clarified and squared away as per previously explained:
* The babysitter from Old Tennent Presbyterian Church named David who was in high school; which Daniel looks like David would look if he had grown up into an adult and Anna made her comments and opinions of such known
* Baptist Camp Lebanon situations when I was 11, 12, and 13 years old
* Prudential
* My Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the causes and surrounding soldiers involved with such
* The rave which lead to Brackenridge prior to being taken back to Fort Sam Houston to go into BAMC and the CID investigations thereafter
* Medical Hold Unit problems such as SPC Carrollton not getting the picture I was not interested in him nor was I interested how he chose to use cocaine as he explained in the breezeway outside of the barracks area where the room was with the light which had a motion sensor to turn the lights on among other situations including the overreach of power as well as the counseling statements as well as the Article 15 as well as the restrictions illegally as well as EO/IG and more
* My biological father's connections as well as my biological mother's connections as well as my biological sister's connections as well as my own connections throughout the tri-state areas shortly before the attacks during 11 September 2001 to the World Trade Center as well as the Pentagon as well as the Pennsylvania field and all people who were directly impacted via those locations and/or on airplanes/in airports/ as waiting for such people to get back such as semi-truck drivers who would be making a delivery on a military installation when the first plane struck and the lockdowns which would have necessarily occurred though the lockdowns for such situations for clarity
* the two houses across the street to my ex-in-law's Grandpa Nichols' house referencing Mimi and Linda and their daughter who was raped and murdered in the backyard which Grandpa Nichols admitted to putting a blanket over the body of the dead girlfriend of his eldest son's first love, which he admitted to having to clean up a few things to prevent his eldest son from going too far off of the deep end in reference to his mom as well as his sisters and little brother as the Fort Worth High School and Fort Worth Middle Schoolers would have known of, though homeschooled children and those parents/adults who were in the nearby areas whether driving and/or walking by the crime as well as the crime scene(s); which I was first told of in the year of 2000 and wrote about the picture in the house behind Grandpa Nichols' green lazyboy style chair
* When taking into consideration the length of time out of the coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury regarding the subarachnoid hemorrhage damages which did not start to dissipate to go away and not register on the medical scans taking 4.5 years to begin to show signs of improvement and not until around 2007 had the fuller effects of the blood seen in my temporal lobe of my brain in sight not being there any longer though the after damages regarding the 2nd grade math level and the cognitive disorders with the memory deficits including wrongly using my headache and migraine pain levels against to cause a different version of torture knowingly choosing to do such, at any point in time after I woke up from my coma after the Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which in turn would equate to such a leaking of my books falling into such a category for additional legal charges being if in the city of San Antonio Texas or the state of Texas or the United States of America for any aspect thereof as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project and lifestyle aspects
* The fact it would have been considered as the fact both my son and my daughter are literally from me being raped when taking realistic portions outside of the forced legal marriage, though unlike some people I actually did what I could for the best possible for my son and my daughter as it was not their fault I was raped by their biological father and it was my choice to have my son and my daughter instead of ever considering an abortion; and anyone who was informed of such if they had reported such being the only ones who could be considered as safe, if completed the reporting of previous to 2007 to law enforcement authorities. I write would have been considered as such because of the fact he died in January 2008, though then those funerary arrangements allowed and who was at the funeral as well as what was done by each individual at the funeral and thereafter from such because of the aspects of their choices to attack the religious portions specifically in combination to the Holy Roman Catholic Church Saint Patrick's Cathedral and the DFW National Cemetery location because of the ex-in-laws being infuriated I would not stand for the stolen valor to continue when the Chief Warrant Officer 3 had explained what was incorrect about the picture as Grandpa Nichols had also explained to my ex-in-laws and how such treated him as well as the Patriot Riders and the other soldiers who were in uniform at the funeral
* Excalibur Faire in Smithville Texas in Bastrop County in 2005 and the males who encircled me with weapons and the thereafter having been told to just be myself with such individuals knowing of the after effects just as others in the San Antonio Pagan community as well as BDSM/LGBTQP/Swingers communities
* The forced engagement/forced legal marriage and how such came around as well as the forced other relationship and all included regarding Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as he and others were informed of
* Nine Lives Books the cat sanctuary specifically regarding the first aid kit as well as the teenager I took to BAMC with his then girlfriend who both were volunteers for the cat sanctuary and the male being attacked by a feral cat and how the store employees as well as volunteers for both the store and the cat sanctuary had worked to clean up all of the cat cages out of the store during the time when I took the teenager male to the hospital as well as the girlfriend at the time who wanted to lie to cover the Nine Lives Books and the cat sanctuary and my refusal to allow such by making them tell the truth as well as telling the truth on the recorded phone call from the Animal Control area on Fort Sam Houston or now known as JBSA and each connection thereof as per knowledge as well as the explained understanding of who they knew they should have contacted about the constant assaults I was dealing with which they stood by and laughed doing nothing in comparison to others being told about by just me; those people were told by my now dead-ex-husband as well as by Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as well as myself, as to how the garage situation occurred and the parking lot in the back as per the arguments which later had lead to such abuses against me; including the 151 Road Warrior Alamo Drafthouse on 151 and 410 area near Marbach.
* Patty Vaughn case in LaVernia Texas and Brian the San Antonio Police Officer and Airman at Lackland Air Force base who used handcuffs while in uniform in the Jims Restaurant illegally on me in public thinking it was funny while already having been told of the portions as to how the legal marriage had been forced though because of not graduating Basic Training as well as my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury being considered as lesser than the Air Force graduate that he had discussed
* The delivery of my son at Lackland Air Force Base as well as the delivery of my daughter at Lackland Air Force Base in Wilford Hall; as why would anyone ever be put through more than 7 days of labor per child in 2001 and 2002 unless a particular vendetta against me for such as my ex-mother-in-law said she would not allow any child to have pain killers to assist and if the fact my ex-sister-in-law had stolen with her two children on Lackland Air Force base where my first retired identification card went missing and Mary E. Osteen's response of easily getting a new identification card if they used such measures through Carswell Naval Air Force Base and/or in Macon Georgia the military installations and/or my biological mother and/or biological father aspects; think about the fact that was allowed, and why would anyone ever think that I ever had anything less than every right to investigate anything and everything for such gross incompetences of such so-called medical professionals after the OB/GYN did admit his biases towards my age in reference of delivery as though he was able to do anything worthwhile as with such an indifference towards the genuine health and wellbeing of females in and/or out of the military as per such sexist behaviours and deserved comments about the lack of abilities in a positive way to genuinely and properly and correctly take care of people; which if that male continued on to stalk and harass, then I proved such a point with the time of telling you the degree was a worthless piece of toilet paper though expensive for him and such staff members who participated who might have had connections to the Basic Training situation at Fort Sill Oklahoma when I went to Basic Training and the time of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as Drill Sergeant Parsley called Medical Hold Unit's phone for a soldier one day when I was in the office answering phones and instead of being honest with what happened as to how my head injury occurred as well as the night before; the fact Drill Sergeant Parsley on a military installation phone line had said he was surprised I was alive would be a major red flag to CID as well as the Pentagon as well as other law enforcement agencies if such was paid attention to or cared about
* The Psychic abilities I have proven to have since a child among other portions of what I can control movements of when in a good mood or a bad mood as the choice is up to each individual and each situation which when there is not any comfort then the constant bad mood is the fullest anyone is allowed as per the requirements which have failed to be taken care of to this point correctly as per the torture needlessly endured and unwanted and unneeded. However not one person has ever asked truthfully as to what actually was needed for any such situations and only assumed to use only whatever the particular topic point discussed was instead of asking in genuine truth as to what was needed of which since I am as I am, there has not been the requirement for me to go into such details as per the lack of protocol being followed as well as illegal surveillances by civilians without clearances which would be allowed such information in any area or facinity as per what has been clearly shown. When given specific etiquette instructions, what more is actually required for that clarification to speak with me about such information which ever could be wanted if ever considered as important? Such investigations seem less important each day with each aspect with such lack of responses despite having contacted long ago, though if such communication ever got anywhere worthwhile any way. That would require actually admitting in truth the first time when meeting as to having known of my website and my books and my Medal of Honor Art Project, first. Each additional aspect if such cannot have been is not looked at as friendly, it is looked at as continuing what I dealt with regarding my dead-ex-husband wrongly as per the treatments I have received as well as the being left alone in a room to wait as though something I ever did was worthwhile because why bother going any further?
* My SCUBA Diving choices for the style of SCUBA Diving I only needed the certifications for to be able to get the correct information regarding my SCUBA Diving gear usage only as only one certification of the buoyancy class was ever required for my ability to correctly SCUBA Dive safely each time for each safe descent and each safe scent, to which the pictures I took which were going to be taken along with my SCUBA Dive gear to Fort Sam Houston as explained if the UHAUL situation had not been forced because of the moving company claiming to not have enough room for my items in a larger truck than the UHUAL truck for the move from Carrollton Texas to Cedar Park Texas
* The semi-truck collision on 35 southbound around April or May or June of 2008 when I went to the Dallas surrounding area to look at houses without a Homeowners Association as per the problems which occurred during the time of living in my house within such a Homeowners Association and the situations thereof
* The police arrival to my house which my biological mother and biological father as well as Phillip Omstead refused to tell me what the discussions were about at my house which I paid for when the ex-fiance's sister as told at the time was supposed to pick up the Mistubishi Lancer and a few belongings, as well as the threats in email received as I defended him against his ex-girlfriend upset over earrings which if having to do with the Art Class which Anna did not tell the truth as I explained to her about the picture with the earrings for the drawing I had made years prior in reference to what she had joked about being a cold female which yes she was in reference to the color of her dress I had to make look like a blanket over her so that my biological mother would stop complaining about the lack of clothing on top of her to show people what occurred as it also covered up the wounds I drew in pencil around her body though such ironies are as such, during the first engagement-ish as he did not ever officially propose to me and he only had purchased promise rings at the time prior to his leaving for Basic Training; though also the assault which occurred while he was in Basic Training. Later I did propose and the decision was made though retracted as per as the text messages the Thursday before the weekend event, which the male Patrick Kennedy sad he knew who I was engaged to was not coming to that event as he knew he was done with me even though I had saved his life and stopped a different situation from occurring which if the questions were asked about those I had overheard back before the rave in Austin in 2000 by anyone in the slightest; such problems could have been prevented in a larger aspect sooner regarding those who mix drugs to make other drugs in the civilian sector as non-medical people.
* Jade Wolf Coven
* A male named Joey who was in charge of the Guardian Assholes show who said the show was going to be based on an idea he came up with of which if the false pretense had been in reference to having downloaded the books via a link whether in reference to FSL and/or any other book such as Fail Safe as per the search I found regarding the wrongful downloaded links to any other book as per choice of whoever ignorantly made such a decision for such without ever consulting me such as Sam Lewis or his wife Nikki Lewis for failing to take into consideration any other portions I allowed them to know of when sending them a copy of my first two books because of the arrogance which the Maryland area of the east coast forgets about the history of the states in the original colonies if was learned by such both being from the area and being upset if such about additionally how I wound up in Washington state and instead of genuinely caring; the choice to release such books cost more greatly; though what did it matter when you have a daddy sugar banks who was willing to pay for a studio which I was not interested in, and do not want to be a part of. The individual making a choice to tell me the name as Joey while bringing up Boeing reminded me of a male named Joey Estes who was upset because I made the choice to not have sex with him after he told me his wife decided she was ready for such even though I was not, and just before the excuses and drama from such when 1 picture was posted which he was wearing a hat with Boeing on it; I posted it on fetlife to receive a message he was afraid people would see us together and his preference as to the picture on facebook because of the hat, which if it was not known or was as to the Omega clearance being dropped and in the Austin area of Texas which my biological mother and biological sister had it in with the Miller political family after I had already told them of the abomination wedding of my biological sister as well as how I was treated by my biological family and ex-in-laws; when Erika AKA Discordia at the time had been told of the interrogation which came after the phone call which each one of the legal names at some point were used to call me over to the house after an additional message left on the answering machine, while she thought it had to do with a natural response to the names being called the reality was that was a normal part of my childhood and teenager years. However the 4th of July 2012 party was going to happen shortly before or shortly after the interrogation which my biological parents arranged needlessly, with the combinations thereof afterwards. Yes, fetlife was the scarier place compared to the amount of people on facebook. Or, not. Thus the male Joey from Boeing who had known about Club Sapphire and though Ray said no to such regarding the Guardian Assholes was supposed to be named show, if the circumventing of Ray's decision was circumvented then where were all of the cameras placed inside of the club? The year for the Miss Sapphire competition, was around the timing of that taping of the initial parts of the show; which if such was used from which the cover would not have been available, then each set of needless additional problems which came from stem from such individuals who would have been ignorant to think they knew better. How weird that Nikki Lewis went into social work within the Austin city area of Texas, which why would anyone ever think to use such would be considered as acceptable for someone with such a scheming background for childcare in the social worker field with such a hypothetical choice? I was questioned as to what type of Mom I could be, thus what type of social worker could that be with a professional photographer who does all sorts of nudes pictures as well as the combination of the social worker in charge of teenagers? How, could that be a possible problem? Any overreach from such types of civilians who would do such, if a possibility? I know with the legal aspects as to false representation would automatically dismiss the backing from allowing such to go forward as per the Washington state laws in reference to legalities referencing privacy requirements, which such recording possibilities if occurred would require a sign for any business to put up for cameras even in the lobby area as per Washington state laws for privacy; in turn such would mean each person who ever entered or walked through or left through the front area of Club Sapphire would automatically be on camera, and would fully break their own Non-Disclosure agreements they wanted others to sign just as it would fully break the wrongful agreement from Joey as the false start means the false representation which in turn all aspects of which were from any type of inspiration from which my works came from my own imagination and nothing more than my imagination would mean intellectual property theft because of the facts from starting from false pretenses by others as well as the illegal recordings per location because of privacy laws in Washington state as well as whatever the other laws are per state which would have been mandatory to actually be allowed to go as per the requirement for certain specifics for such a type of project in comparison to just grabbing a quick grave stone rubbing as such sorts of mediocre rubbings are nothing compared to the work put into a historical and spiritual rubbing. Anyone can do a grave stone rubbing, a historical and spiritual rubbing has little to do with the grave stone itself. Though if the PoTL series also was wrongly leaked in turn such an arrogant aspect to ever think that was anything in reference to and quite disgusting and ignorant in every possible way, and such warnings which stem from the Bible of do not make an engraved aspect was and remains true. Only if you actually know what to do is such allowed, though since no one went through the training I had gone through as the grave stone rubbing portion via my Confirmation Class was the last portion of which was remembered; in comparison to the overall aspects well before, which if people had asked correctly would have been told I learned multiple aspects as to how I can complete a historical and spiritual rubbing. That in turn means for those who could not translate the more simple words, it work multiple years to actually learn how to complete a historical and spiritual rubbing and I was able to remember my Confirmation Class for the last portion. I did not sign an agreement when going to Sam Lewis' studio or whoever's studio on St Elmos behind the hotels toward the back portion turning and after the sharp turn on the left towards the back area is the location of that studio, which in order to put pictures of others taken in a studio and/or professional style location to put on a website or for public use or for any type of profit; the requirement for a legal agreement is mandatory, even in the state of Texas. The legal agreement of which to the terms of the prices owed to the model, needs to be determined for such otherwise if not disclosed then the legal argument for all profits from such would be a penalty for such a type of people. Also that was only for that studio location and not in reference to anywhere else, which includes any living quarters I reside in as well as my vehicle as well as any area which is considered to be a private location. Of course a male from Pennsylvania should know better just as a female especially from Maryland should know better about such laws, however those who research such details would also know the legal requirements as per a private location being off limits for any type of recording without the person who lives in the specific location as well as pays for such knowing such is supposed to remain private would wish they had the allowances from a previous agreement which was expired before how I wound up in Washington state. Sam Lewis was the last person I knew for a few years of time who I saw before I wound up in Washington state in person with that male from Cowboys Dance Hall from the Stoney Larue concert in March 2013, after the situation at The Sanctuary. That event itself might even be an investigation as per the targeting, though you would think with as much illegal targeting has occurred some people would learn to be honest and respectful regarding such sensitive aspects as to the aspects regarding the overall background I have dealt with. Someone such as a female who would dare to think she could ever have any legal rights over me would be a version of an Aunt Tom, for choosing such whining she was not allowed the information to be used for her class because of realizing I had not fully warned who I needed to warn first. An arrogant choice for such types of people who would only look towards the profits, and whether or not they could actually care about people as people; I wonder, as to how I could not look at her for very long and I could not wait to get out of the studio to not ever return again or ever want anywhere near me or my son or my daughter ever. Such a disgrace from such when looking at the ways of wrongfully taking advantage of me while knowing as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and meeting in 2010 only 10 years after waking up from my coma though 1 year almost after my SCUBA Diving; which in turn, psychosis as to who would be allowed to be competent enough to properly help children and teenagers is a problem which can hypothetically be noticed by more than just myself. Such another abomination to see such realities, as to how some think instead of how some know. What type of person would ever trust a couple as such any further, I am uncertain as I know better from experiences as to who to stay away from such as those people. Since my life is specific and she was removed from being allowed just as her husband was removed from being allowed, the fact of his choice to bring up the fact they are polyamourous does not mean any attraction to such in the slightest for any type of relationship in that way. I only looked at them as friends within a professional photographer setting and nothing more, which in turn just because I am who I am does not mean anything more. I do not personally recommend such people to work with, if such aspects are proven as to them singing like birds and dropping names as per the types of so-called people from an area set which the requirement for privacy is law in those areas and trying to think that did not apply in the state of Texas when it does in private living areas such as a house of an apartment. If such are polyamourous as was said, why would a photographer bring such up during a session if not for which aspect? If the portions of the realistic name dropping back in whichever years as told in 2019 about what occurred 5 years prior in conjunction with the couple who went from Austin to San Marcos for events in the lifestyle of Carl and Scarlett, what aspects as to the social worker aspects would actually be considered as safe or worthwhile for such children if that actually is occurring in such an overtly sexual way as per prior photographs taken mainly by such? In order to get someone to be willing to participate in a research project which I had already declined repeatedly for many reasons, to try to force such onto someone who already declined multiple times to multiple people and groups means the simple; no means no, means no, means no. How insensitive and the lack of concern as to continue to lie, especially having read such and having the nerve to ask for a second copy. Go buy, your own after such. Oh wait, I allowed you to have a second copy though remember; do not use my name in vain, as there are Biblical repercussions for such. It is fantastic you live within Travis County limits, as I am glad the taxes have been raised for property taxes which is wonderful to think about. I know when buying a house there is a negotiation aspect as to which fees are paid by who, however the taxes are the taxes during each year of within a house. I learned recently how the property taxes are raised for such areas, which if you prefer to live as such in Texas in the area of Austin; once those prices are raised, they do not drop down. Maryland and Pennsylvania as well as New York and New Jersey learned such, thus why would you bring that to the state of Texas? I know a model I worked with once named Charlie had said she had a drug abuse problem of which some aspects during such times would elude to the situations of which I told some about referencing the people who kept pushing for me to get more pills when I told the doctors of such others' opinions which I preferred not to have any more pills, I was able to take care of such weaning off of my medications after being in Washington state in a more full way. Ironically that bag leftover happened to be stolen and though the police report was filed, it is ironic as to how the Seattle Chad/Chop area was rampant for as long as it was for the area which had a larger aspect referencing the legalities of privacy laws.
* While there might be other aspects of which I could have been a part of an investigation, the aspects as to where my SCUBA Diving gear had gone missing was in Austin Texas as per the UHAUL situation. Such a people who collect as much as they have whoever such, denied the Armed Forces of the United States of America the proper opening of such a type of bag and whatever occurred with my SCUBA Diving gear if such means a problem because of the gear not being opened correctly; such aspects are for law enforcement to deal with apparently, as the other portions of which I wrote about referencing my pictures on fetlife as per the SCUBA Diving shop; I truly do not know whether or not was ever a blessing at this point, as those pictures were not able to be kept as to what occurred. (6) I have had the BIGGEST blessing happen today... - LadyDoriBelle | FetLife
You can literally see my issues with even smaller technology as per the way my SCUBA Diving watch is facing, and the type thereof. The point I discussed about the amethyst bracelet is able to be seen referencing the view which when pointing at the shattering of the bracelet, from my own internal powers. I had not gotten the bracelet tattoo in my write yet as that portion of that was not able to be completed until after the Apple Blossom Flowers to add to the Asian healing symbol and thus, without the additional portions added to well before such times in Washington state; I have said it is always better for me to be in a good mood, compared to a bad mood. The amethyst bracelet situation was in 2003 when I was having a good day which obviously I was happy on the day of my National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification class for day one of the last two days of class to be able to show my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to how much I had already worked for such education regarding that class and the books of both the encyclopedias as well as the SCUBA Diving book, for more information purposes to assist with other aspects more clearly.
I did come up with my idea for The Underwater Travel System, though without my SCUBA Diving recognition in the proper manner there is realistically no purpose to ever go forward with such in my opinion. My oceanic waters, my choice. As per such situations to genuinely ensure the actual proper safety protocols for such types of SCUBA Diving for those portions of such locations requires far more than just a few aspects, and the portion referencing the illegal leak of information proves as to why such aspects have not been discussed prior as per was going to be discussed at that Marine and Navy location back in 2012. What is the purpose as to such now, other than those floating tubs of explosives I took videos of which would have proved worthwhile much sooner. I suppose the boat in the California area may have been struck by what I was explaining in comparison, though the official news reports said it was an internal fire which had caused the explosion and waves. Whichever ways, it is what it is about such work which could have been discussed back in 2012 or sooner; if proper protocol had been followed in such procedures for such types of discussions, though what is the big deal now? Such connections are unnecessary apparently because such gear needed to be opened by the only one who could have actually explained in the real time moment with other portions, however since there are those who prefer the financial aspects in comparison to the lives such SCUBA Diving gear was intended for to review under my supervision; obviously that went as it had, and whatever portions of such if actually important than I will be informed through protocol of such. Does anyone recognize anyone in the background image of me, as to any stalking in the lifestyle? Whether Pagan, Excalibur Renaissance Fair, BDSM, LGBTQP, Swinger lifestyles?
When you choose to lie to people and you refuse to tell the truth, who does it hurt for such a blatantly red target? Bad things happen when good people stand by and do nothing, except for see how their wallets increase which in turn when such comes back around towards them as the Jewish and other peoples learned in the 1940s. It began with the people who did not care about the LGBTQP community, then it went to those who were Pagans, then onto the BDSM/Swinger communities, then it went to the Hebrews who stood by only reading about such doing nothing except reading what was available for them to see; which Hitler thought of the Jewish people to be as heathens which is the actual terminology translation for the word pagan, as Hitler had forced all of the people he did not like into the ghettos for easy pickings of the remaining ones for such confiscations who had the largest pocket books to prevent them from being able to circumvent such a setup to go after the ones he truly hated the most because of the aspects which his dad had left him for a hooker he met leaving his mom for the other woman. That is an unknown as to who actually had been on Hitler's list for the more hidden aspects because the female Adolph's dad left the family for, was not from the higher ranking groups which he respected and to repair the damages done to he and his family is how certain aspects continued as such had.
I warned people to properly be respectful to the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans of the United States of America's Armed Forces despite the situations I went through, as I knew it was only a few in number compared to the larger aspects of the Armed Forces of/for the United States of America overall. I spoke of how the abuses were in reference to my past in what words I could speak prior to what I could write as the portions of speaking with headaches and migraines with the random ice pick headache/migraine type sensation equates to a different version of Tourrettes, because of the striking pain levels which people seemed to prefer wrongly for me to be in more pain than I was already in at such times apparently as per treatment by the general population aspects as met in person in various locations over the years ore specific to 2000 onward though not denying the past portions. The stolen valor is a problem which even perpetuating such in the non-military way is just equally as offensive, though there have been those who have thought such was not ever going to be caught onto as the protection from law enforcement in local areas has been mainly for businesses and the aspects as to those without such businesses have been left as they have been left. As I have seen where my daughter has gone after people who merely look like someone she was hurt by in the McCoy Elementary School situation as per Pinnacle Pointe's Dr. Browne and I discussed certain problems which another investigation as per the Dallas Independent School District getting involved with the Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District as per the paperwork you can click on for more here: Reverend Susan MeeLing's Journalism Blog : The Ornery PSA
I wonder if there is a similar trait which can be found referencing such regarding a person such a Nikki Lewis and Sam Lewis referencing such aspects of the social worker portions for the Travis County Austin city area, and what connections in between the state lines such as in Washington state referencing my son James Michael Nichols. If such was gone through for such intensive purposes as to cause harm to my son for such a choice referencing more people than just Nikki Lewis' paperwork for her research for her college degree, than what type of person such as that should ever be found as fit for such sorts of work to assume she would have known more than what she was allowed to read as such paperwork to go through would mean what aspects and problems for such a female as Nikki Lewis with Sam Lewis of Made By Sam; if such were to be a problem to look into, hypothetically? What a larger problem for the state of Texas' residents when thinking about how some people have been known to be from California moving to the state of Texas, and what was that about a pedophelia ring within the largest state with the most amount of immigrant children and teenagers? #IllegalChildTrafficking
If my ex-in-laws thought that my release of the link was a slight against my daughter wrongly and lied to her further needlessly, I had done so because of the actual need for her to get the proper help within the social worker system since your choice to deny the proper assistance was as it was. If my ex-in-laws' children hacked into the email system or knew someone they could flash their flesh to for such penetration to get such ability to do a payback for such, where were you when you actually had the ability to be there? Where were you when you were told what was needed specifically at the time, and where were you when I made the pathway for you to visit my daughter at your available schedule? Oh, Grandma Nichols wanted a chauffer instead of driving herself just as the same for Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez; which both females were told in person at the UBH Denton location when I already drove them there for the first time when driving from Carrollton Texas to Fort Worth Texas to White Settlement Texas to Denton Texas back to White Settlement Texas to then take my son to home in Carrollton Texas at the time. Take a look at how many hours of driving I did for both my son #Letters4James as well as my daughter #Letters4Lidia in comparison to any of my ex-in-laws or even my own biological sister who failed to be a decent human being as per the wedding abomination and the male she married Zack Miller who had been so caught up in that, they thought a halfway point between San Marcos and Carrollton Texas was at the 200 mile marker Starbucks. How was that college education fees worth, when you think about that portion of distance and math? I know it upset my biological sister she was not good enough to get employment the way she demanded as per lack of experience as well as what I warned her about referencing the distance willing to go, which the college fees for such degrees have actually assisted for what in reference to the constant nagging as to how it was as it was? For 26 SCUBA Diving certifications I earned plus my SCUBA Diving gear plus my trips and the maintenance for my car, I would guess I paid around a total of $5,000. How much was that Masters Degree, out of curiosity? However even with earning such on my own and looking physically as I do which did not just disgust you and yours obviously, I still earned as I had and what I have earned in comparison to what washes away even expensive pieces of paper; which if Grandma Nichols did not prevent Marissa Marie from moving into my house, those college fees she has to repay with those finance charges are as they are as well as that cash money box she has kept hidden in Grandpa Nichols' house is enough money to pay for quite a bit of your college loans in case you were unaware since your mother racked up your credit score as she did the others after they declared bankruptcy which in turn those fees that were charged because of your bankruptcy charges are where the pushing forward of needless debt onto others begins for those who have not already paid the price for their rights through such uniforms earned through whichever branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces branches and divisions. I paid the ultimate debts which were not mine to ever be branded to pay such and yet, I am reminded of a #SouthPark episode as for you to see exactly how you truly had acted when given such a debt relief. That should no longer be allowed, in my opinion.
Hey, I made a pop culture reference.
However I can see such arrogance from the teenagers of my ex-in-laws because of their constant accustomization to everything being handed out to them instead of seeing they could have had a hand up instead, of sleeping as they have and chose to be as pr such individuals they were around and refused to open their own eyes. Of course such would throw a temper tantrum as to denying what finances could have been helpful for my son and my daughter in a multitude of ways of which please do not lie to yourselves thinking your side of the family did not know how to contact someone in the government system, as many social work programs as you personally had been on.
That was a choice of which each one of my ex-in-laws as well as my biologicals had made at each chance they were given, which each were warned I would not allow such types of behaviour to abuse me any further, once I realized as I was doing everything I could to protect both my son and my daughter. What is it like to have multiple peni to sit upon to get whatever you wish for at the moment to then deny my children your dead-relative's living children, to then deny such of which you could have had if your own biological mother's and Grandma Nichols had done what they were asked to do to actually help. If they were not as lazy as they were and only looking for the quick money, then you would have not had to go through as you had; more importantly, my son, my daughter, and I would not have had to go through such just as those who I had considered as friends and family in my own communities had needlessly been impacted the way you chose to go around things. Maybe if Mary Evongelina Osteen and Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez and Grandma Nichols at the time in 2008 had listened to Grandpa Nichols and I about getting the stolen valor pictures taken down in that house as well as the return to the Army of the second Bronze Star and commendation through my hands and not yours back in 2008 in comparison to whenever such may have occurred, I am hoping the military shamed all of you for doing as such and for each perpetuation of such choices I hope that you are reconditioned to being better human beings if that is possible for such ex-in-laws of mine. In, my opinion.
Among so many others which have already been written about of which none have ever had the human decency to ask about such in person, or at minimum if there ever was anything worthwhile that ever could have been done by me; I have not ever received any type of invitation for such sort of anything, which thank you for continuing such arrogance which I did not need any further parts of. An invitation means the willingness to be able to choose in comparison to forcing a situation in which I had been denied the right which others have been gifted, which them when going back to prior situations when thinking about how much I had been forced; does it take a head injury to figure out, that actually is the correct way to proceed in comparison to how such sneaky and slight of hand type of people have been preferred by others compared to who actually had done the work to being such awareness? Or is the continued biases against such after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which no one seems to be able to simply be a decent human being, or was that lost in such people when they put animals ahead of human beings wrongly?
If people think the laws of which the state mandates as consenting adult are the same within the foster care and adoption system, that law needs to be upgraded to ensure the safety of such because those children and teenagers technically do not have the right to choose and they do not have the ability to consent when you think about such situations as per the areas thereof as the unadulterated disgrace of sexual assault which occurs to males and females needlessly as biological children is disgustingly sickening especially if there has been a prior assault to someone to ever choose to put another through such is disgraceful. After as many assaults as which have occurred to me, I made sure to not allow myself to ever push forward such a type of assault on another person in any way. That is an actual choice as that is not an illness to claim such a pedophelia aspect as acceptable as it is wrong fully as there is nothing acceptable about sexually assaulting a child or a teenager or someone who has the lack of ability to genuinely consent in full truth, in my opinion. I doubt those who have survived such abuses who have made the choice to step forward in a better direction could truthfully disagree, however I have not asked anyone nor had I assumed as I knew it was better to respect other people's privacy as well as space and property and spouse/relationship/girlfriend/boyfriend/fiance.
Then again I was taught through supposedly true stories as to true love in truth finding its way of which, maybe that is a reality in comparison to what I have experienced thus far.
I am thankful from each certification I earned, I was able to learn additionally as to other aspects.