Thankfully the male who lived at 7902 Pine Manor Drive San Antonio Texas who was a realtor who sold my biological mother and my biological father the house I told that male realtor to keep them out of a Homeowners Association when they were moving to the state of Texas, of which when Mike and my biological sister Patricia arrived in the early summer time is when I had handed over the Homeowners Association manual from whoever had the house I had purchased previously. I am thankful whoever that was who had left the Homeowners Association manual was willing to do so, and I read through each piece of the papers both front and back after purchasing my house on Heritage Place Drive. I had adored my house I found with the ceilings, the arches, the carpeting, the backyard, and the front yard; though I was uncertain about the Homeowners Association, more-so what it meant in reference to who would be in charge of such as well as why those who would be in charge would want such a responsibility as per the explanation via the explanation from the realtor who told me the Homeowners Association only checks on the ability no cars are parked in the yard and the lawn is kept maintained. I was surprised to read the manual within the Blue Trapper Keeper of the Homeowners Association manual, though it was as it was.
I was excited to move into my house with my son #Letter4James and my soon to be born daughter #Letters4Lidia which the first person I met was the realtor who lived at 7902 Pine Manor Drive, though I cannot remember his name though my biological parents would have such as well as several others who literally surrounded him in the Pheasant Creek subdivision as he was who told me the information regarding how Pheasant Creek subdivision became such, while Apple Creek subdivision had stayed as because of a relationship between two people who lived in the same Homeowners Association neighborhood area who began dating and when one would not sell their house to be with the other person; then the two lead a dramatic fight because of the ex-relationship garbage impacting the communities involved, and whereas one simply was not willing to sell to move into the other's house and visa versa was the way the whole problem began for that particular neighborhood. They met at one of the neighborhood night out situations and hit things off as they were both single and had the needs for their own houses, possibly prior divorces or with children and how such would go if not a cheating situation and one left the other spouse for that individual.
I was not interested in the drama though he had approached me with such as the movers had brought the items into the house, which annoyed me he was anywhere near my property; however he just so happened to show up to my house after the mailman had delivered the mail, and the mailboxes were on my property. Being kind and dealing with such an overtly nosey aspect as to see what was being moved into my house, that male stayed while talking and watching each aspect; however moving from a townhouse apartment into a house does not mean the same thing which meant whenever as you can see from the angles as to the deliveries; the boxes would be taken straight to my door, and I would grab the boxes immediately being able to know and see the mailman bring me the packages which meant the male realtor and the others were unable to ever grab what was left for me on my doorstep. I had later put a storm door up which prevented the prior people from getting into my house who would have been wrongly made a key and not returned to the owner, which in turn meant I needed to change the locks as well as put the storm door on however my situation regarding the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to which I could have done so on my own meant that later when I got the storm door the fuller safety in comparison to what I felt was ridiculous from the Homeowners Association. As I began working in my backyard garden, I noticed how that realtor would stand in the garage at night while listening to a black and silver radio on the back wall in the corner of an older style look such as a small miniature sized 1980s boombox though much smaller. I would do as I had looking at such and when I began gardening instantly, there were problems because I was changing the landscape fully. Once my daughter was delivered and I was able to begin mowing my lawn with a push motorized lawn mower for that male among others to see and notice I was not joking when I told people I did not invite over for a specific time to stay off of my property as a 5 foot 4 inch tall female pushing a non-self-propelled lawn mower at the same pace of a Toro self-propelled lawn mower makes an impact, as to keeping true to my words.
If you are invited, then you are invited. If you are not invited, you are not invited. I am extremely aware as to who I am and I am extremely aware, as to what I will or will not tolerate. I read the Homeowners Association manual, and I was not accepting of several terms and conditions which I was taking the chance of showing such as to how I refused to go along with the situations that I saw. At first I thought everyone had a copy of the Homeowners Association manual, until time went onward and the one who had been 6147 Heritage Place Drive as then the acting President of the Homeowners Association who had already offended me when walking up to the mailbox when I was mowing my lawn and I turned it off to shake his hand as he looked down at me to scoff saying he did not talk to the help. I did as I could to remain calm as the lawnmower stood between that male and I as I explained I owned my house and my property and though I am helpful, I was not the help. That male in 6147 along with 7902 had been friends as I had watched from my property how such would occur as the male would go to the 7902 house during the daytime randomly as I had continued mowing my lawn, and noticing the situations around.
Those within the coldesac and I had gotten along and we talked more frequently more often and as another house had children who were in elementary school at the time Brooke and Danny short for Danielle of Arnold and Emily, were friendly along with the Manny, Gill, Caroline, and some of the college students who lived across the way. Some of the other neighbors I had not gotten to meet or if I did I cannot remember other than the male who lived around either 7911 Heritage Place Drive/Parkland Green Drive area who had helped with the dissertation situation later on as well as I think 6118 or 6122 area of Parkland Green Drive who I had gotten along with and spoke with as she was not able to work at the time as per a situation with her estranged husband, though we spoke of multiple spiritual aspects regarding differences in religious beliefs though more about the similarities between the types and the words used being a notation point as per the context of the overall situation. She told me some of the people in the subdivision refused to speak with her and she was surprised I would speak with her, which confused me. I did not understand as to why anyone would not speak with her as I did not see what any problem had been, though she explained because of her clothing of the I think it was called a Sari though I could be incorrect for the type of fabric; which we talked about in larger details, as the Cockatoo bird she had went around the house, and was actually potty trained. That was definitely interesting to see as we talked, and she had told me about the breadstick she had gotten from Olive Garden which had hardened though did not crumble and remained to form though had solidified fully.
As the situation referencing my biological mother and biological father to purchase their house, it had gotten to the point of which Mike intervened from where I had already made such known as to the non allowance of Homeowners Associations as he remembered some of the overall situations regarding the housing development which popped up behind and around the Leggio's house and a few others, as well as to the side of the house I grew up in New Jersey in. The card with the scope for Valentine's Day one year was in relation to what I had turned my dog A's ears to get the ability to speak and point to the piece I could see several times when outside with my dog A, as Mike worked in the garage and randomly walked outside to see what was going on. There were a few times when I saw such and though it was not realized at such times, then as the development continued forward the problems to which the realization when getting online for the coding work later had kicked in as it made absolutely no sense for anyone to not have a physical copy of the coding which was going on in what I was working on which I made a suggestion in one of the backrooms for the coding; which one of the guys wrote of knowing the importance for both the digital as well as the physical when able to be done. After the time when in San Antonio Texas thinking about the paperwork of the Homeowners Association, I wondered if Mike and Anna ever had someone show up to the house to make an offer for the property which annoyed me because that was not the Homeowners Association property no matter what they thought they actually did not ever have the rights to. Seeing the Homeowners Association try to claim the mineral rights for each and every property, I refused to allow such for anything that was and would be mine. I decided when reading the paperwork whatever was mine would always be mine if I chose to and if not, then it would be as it would be. Who were such companies to think to mine underneath houses to allow such to fall downwards to then take the underground foundation of the properties of houses buildings, as such was not ever their to begin with to do. What type of excavation project were such Homeowners Associations working on which they would think such would be a better way in comparison? It annoyed me the people who owned the houses were actually paying for those Homeowners Associations to lie to them, just as later it annoyed me for finding out when purchasing a house as to the lack of transfer rights as I refused such as well for that despite whatever paperwork. My house, my property, my belongings, and only mine. I did have to allow that house to go as such, though the other portions were always going to be mine and no one else's unless I made the choice to share. I would only share as needed as what was mine, is mine.
When Mike decided which house he was going to take without a Homeowners Association, I told him he could make copies and take to as needed for such for that Homeowners Association manual needed to be spread across the country for more to be able to know their rights for their property and their family in their house(s). I could only do so much though knowing San Antonio Texas is a military city with 5 military bases, I have admitted I am protective of as well as I fought to be emancipated to be able to join the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces after looking into the Marine Corps and taking such a view point as I agreed with their Basic Training graduation policy for all recruits in comparison, and I already looked into the Navy branch as per my application process to Marine and Science Technology School knowing they worked with the Coast Guard and knowing the Air Force came from the Army. The neighbors knew of such about me as I felt as though I seemed odd to them, though the reality as to what had been said in comparison to the truth of the situations; I needed to do what was best and safest for the time for each involved for the longer term, and the longest terms possible. It was painful to later learn how much had been said as per my choice and what had been agreed to as to not discussing the separation within earshot of either my son and/or my daughter, which my mistake for thinking it was understood as to such in each and every location. I learned of what was said about me and how some decided as to how the viewpoints were spun without all of the details, which the situation later regarding the forced aspects in the garage discussion as to my being put in front of to be critiqued about each problem seen in reference to me. However such was, as such was and in that end the taking to San Antonio to get out and stay away from my son and my daughter was explained fully. I told him to stay back and I removed him from anything regarding Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District when I went into McCoy Elementary School, however if because of their biases known and proven against me and since I look as I did and do; if the staff members choice in the front office decided to not remove that name from the paperwork and/or the computer program because of their biases and discrimination against my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, and I; what occurred referencing the Fort Worth Zoo additionally rests on each one of those individuals shoulders throughout the entire school and school district, including the families and children who wrongly bullied my son and my daughter fully in my opinion for allowing their biases of discrimination to flow through to what their responsibilities as to their actual employment had been instead of allowing such ignorance. Paperwork for the situations in a larger way here when clicking on the written words for the specific link to the webpage area of my website for the article, please share and get the word out fully from that computer link shortcut as there is more throughout my website and journal blog entries articles in The Ornery PSA: Day 34 of 60 Days of Thanks Challenge (
As the time went on for the aspects regarding the house on Silver Quail which the situations as to such went as such, my situations regarding the Homeowners Association had continued onward from the starting point of the realtor and the acting President of the Homeowners Association at the time well before anything referencing the other situations. Of course there were stay at home moms in the Pheasant and Apple Creek subdivisions which the overdramatic aspects as to the housewives who played games with one another was beyond overtly annoying, as how such females could act in such ways as their spouses would actually work to pay the bills for them to be allowed to stay in their houses comfortably; I did not understand or know how such could ever be acceptable to such individuals on either side of such aspects, as whatever guilty pleasures they were doing was their own doing. I caught one female with shorter brown almost black hair almost shoulder length fixing her clothing when walking by with my Great Dane dogs when walking as she left another individual's house and shaking my head at her for such behaviour, she looked in another direction while wishing I had not seen her literally wiping herself after whatever she had been involved with regarding the situation. The disgust for such was beyond ridiculous especially knowing as to what I was dealing with as that female smiled afterwards, as she skipped past on the other side of the road. The scent of such debauchery was overwhelmingly gross, which as she walked towards the house she was living in at the time was as it was. I felt sympathy for whosever house that actually was as well as if there were any children involved in such blatant wrongful cheating on whoever had been the spouse to such, as there is a different aire about an individual who is in different situations. The aspects of which when picking up as to someone who wears a ring because of an arrangement are different from the aire to someone wearing a ring because they mean it compared to someone wearing a ring because they have to, each are completely different; though is why situations as to such despite the knowledge of several other situations, are not the most simple to explain. Nonetheless, I knew such situations were as were and the females who were running around literally and figuratively were as they were. I noticed some males, though not nearly as many as the females who were knowingly cheating on their spouse while assisting another to cheat on another's spouse. I knew the difference between Swinging in comparison as I had known plenty who were a part of such when growing up in New Jersey and going to New York and Pennsylvania as there is a different aire to such, just as there is a different aire to those who are in a polyamourous relationship. The BDSM factors to such I had seen in not only certain locations I had gone to, though also certain locations I had been to which were others' homes. I could tell the difference between an adult aspect compared to other aspects, as per several situations I had dealt with as a child and a teenager. Though seeing those who were in the proverbial closet while already having grown up seeing far too many pretend as such did not exist though always had was difficult for me to process, as I knew I had seen such and helped with such before in my own little ways. I had already been a beard multiple times in my middle school as well as high school and some friends who needed just a little bit of time before acknowledging who they had always been, which such too has a different aire. That was not something which went well as I was already dealing with the situations referencing the acting President in certain references, and was wondering referencing the realtor as to such a position as I knew he knew more than he was letting on.
When first putting plants in my front yard the acting President in 6147 stomped across his yard to stomp across the street intersection to stomp across onto my front yard property and demand to know whether or not I asked permission about planting flowers, I asked what his business had to do with what plants I put into the ground of my property. When he continued being as he was I informed him none of my plants were going to be taller than 3 feet in front of my house, which he took a few steps back as I stood up straight to look him in his eyes. I told him I read the full covenant not caring who in the entire neighborhood heard me as I spoke, which those who know when I am angry and entrenched upon; I can either get softer for certain aspects, or I get louder and louder. As that male had continued to press onward trying to tell me what he thought I should do with my property that I was paying for and I was maintaining, at a point I informed him to get off of my property as just because he was pretending to be important in the neighborhood; I could not care in the slightest about his attitude towards my property, when he told me he knew people. Knowing what I had already dealt with I laughed in his face, asking who he knew. He told me he thought I did not need to find out and I told him he should be careful, as he and anyone he knew had known nothing about me. He chuckled a bit before making some passive aggressive childish comment to which I informed him if I were to allow him and anyone else as to who I am, I would allow such to be known as per what I would allow to be known. I told him to get off of my property as he tried puffing up his chest and I laughed telling him, "Sorry about your dick, bro."
He was not as happy as I was at that moment, as it was as it was. I told him each time I thought of him I would think about how small he actually was and how little he felt because of how tiny his little wee wee was, wishing some of the neighbors could have been there to see though hoping someone had heard somewhere as to that male being schooled as to being arrogant to step foot onto my property. He tried telling me a few other portions prior to telling him I knew the only plants which I needed to ask about were if I were to put bushes in my front yard though if I wanted to put trees in my front yard, there was nothing the Homeowners Association could do about it. He took a few steps back and gasped as I stepped forward throwing my hand cultivator down into the ground to have the handle standing upright as I told him exactly what I read via the Homeowners Association manual, and I went into specific details of sections and subsections of which he eyes grew wider and wider as to the verbage he would know I actually had read the full Homeowners Association manual. He went back to his house with a lowered head pouting as a child would which I warned him of there being a difference between good attention and a difference between bad attention, of which I warned him to stay away from ever causing my attention to be considered bad as that would mean whoever was ignorant enough to push too far would feel the heat from my wrath and I knew how to turn up the heat if necessary. As he went towards his house murmering to himself, one of my neighbors pulled into his driveway and I told him all about it and we laughed while I pointed directly to the house as he knew already of the problems as I was not the only one that male had angered and aggravated because of overstepping the lines and getting into others' stuff without permission per each time. Since the Homeowners Association manual went over each individual aspect, I paid attention as to each individual situation which in turn as per the Homeowners Association manual each individual change would need to be requested as per each specific situation.
I am extremely thankful I grew up in New Jersey and around so many which would know and understand the ways of which that individual, was incapable of seeing at the time just yet. I am thankful for all of those universities with all of those law schools and all of those lawyers with families I knew when I was growing up, which that male or anyone who would look into who I am would have to complete some serious homework prior to stepping up to such a plate; however, if only beginning at the specific time as afterwards to do so would mean a different aspect. I am thankful for those in New York as well as Pennsylvania, as such legalese was simple for my knowledge and understanding back in the late 1980s and into the 1990s as some of the fraternity and sorority houses I had gone by were needing help here and there with their papers or homework; which at the point of meeting that acting President of the Homeowners Association would not know of, and the company of Procomm might have been able to tell a bit of a difference in reference to how I had been compared to whoever they might have spoken with previously when it came to the shed situation. After the spoken situation with that male there was word he was leaving the Homeowners Association as acting President after I had been told he had allowed a personal variance for the metal shed which was in my backyard, which was technically not allowed; as I had asked about such with one of the neighbors, asking as to why the shed was metal compared to the paperwork I had read. The BBQ housewarming party I threw shortly afterwards had been another time just before the announcement of his relieving out of the President aspect at the time, when he walked over to my house when I was mowing my lawn again; then demanding to be invited to my BBQ as he stood in front of the non-self-propelled lawn mower and I. I warned him to keep away and stay back as he tried to tell me he could do whatever he wanted, which I warned him of the same exact thing in a different way. As he told me his opinion as to what he thought I should cook for when he thought he was going to walk into my BBQ, I informed him of what I was cooking and what he was not invited to ever because of his arrogance and maybe when he would grow up and not act as a child; maybe I would be kind enough to share a scrap or two with him, if he were ignorant enough to ever come at me and/or mine. He went on a few more tirades as I informed him if I chose to allow such to be, I would allow such to be. However if not asking with words for me to listen to as speaking from the mouth in person or in fully written context, I would be the only one who would make any decisions about what is mine. I listened as he tried to tell me how powerful he was compared to me and when I laughed while holding onto the lawn mowers handle, he asked me why I was laughing. Apparently telling him that I knew power and it was amusing to me he thought he could think to tell me what he thought his power was compared to the fact of the need for others help in comparison to what could be done to him and all of what he would wish to think would be his, if he were to continue to push forward while still holding onto the lawn mower handle. I apparently upset him when I pointed out the lawn mower was not running such as the same could be said as per what he was thinking about trying to claim as any type of power which he could wish he could have, which was amusing to see such arrogance. Though, I did not doubt he may have thought I was arrogant and thus his haughtiness would be part of his downfall.
While he demanded for me to cook what he wanted, I informed him of what I was not going to cook only because of his whining. When he walked away again moping and pouting no differently than what I had already been dealing with at that time, when the BBQ went on and the realtor had been invited over to my BBQ, the comments were made and informed as to how I would not tolerate certain types of behaviours and would take care of how I needed to take care of situations. I saw the male walk over towards the sidewalk on the other side of my fence towards the road of Pine, which was amusing to think the need for such was ever required for him to smell what I was cooking in my backyard as I raised my voice a little bit knowing he was instigating a problem to state clearly as to there was not going to be an allowance for certain types of people while going on about how such childish behaviours were not allowed for biological adults ever. That male acting President later was no longer as such when the Datsun truck ran into my backyard, shortly afterwards to both the house purchase as well as the then acting President throwing more temper tantrums. I knew both had something to do with such though without the proof of their behaviours, there was not much to do in the shortest terms. However neither knew as to how many had seen the covenant, how many had taken pictures of the covenant, how many made copies of the covenant, as well as how many had been taken copies of the covenant.
When the situation with the Datsun truck running into my backyard and into my shed after destroying what I made in my vegetable garden which only the realtor would have seen and known about for certain aspects though also Arnold and Caroline and a few others from the Songbird Apartment Complex office as well as Terry from the Lincoln Green apartment complex of Lisa and Terry before their divorce, I took care of the situation as it had occurred and explained; though the new acting President of the Homeowners Association situation when he walked into my backyard also went as explained, as per the fact he walked across the street from an angle which would have been an equal distance of trajectory to whose house was the last acting President of the Homeowners Association in a line. Afterwards to the time of his demand to speak with the owner of the house as I stood there was the first insult, when I informed him I owned my house and my property he demanded to speak with my father; which I asked if he was thinking he would ground me to my own room in my own house of which I paid for which he would regret if he ever tried because I knew more than he ever knew I knew and I spoke with people he would not ever be able to track down as to who I spoke with, leaving specific trails for if anything occurred as to what to do as per requirement from my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu.
However, that male was not informed just as Mike was not informed. Ironically, my biological father pulled up in the white Honda Civic which I paid for when purchased from Jim M'Lady Oldsmobile, Isuzu, Nissan in Crystal Lake Illinois which because of the legalities even though I paid for my car in cash to them the choice they made was to wrongly deny anything. I warned them in that time in 2000, if it was not taken care of correctly back the first time I arrived in Illinois to return my car to me as to what I would expose fully of them and what they would go to associate with in a try to circumvent a single situation of giving me what was mine to begin with as their VW Bug model for my 16th birthday instead of an actual car with keys was beyond annoying to learn I would have to also pay $800 for the van which also paying for the insurance and the maintenance in cash. I reminded them of such when in Illinois prior to getting back to Fort Sam Houston to be put into Medical Hold Unit, and I made a phone call knowing they were aware I was on a military installation which meant they knew it was a recorded phone call as per the fact my biological mother was working for McHenry County government center in Woodstock Illinois during the time. I had warned them about the abuse they joked about as to joking they thought of me and saw me as a victim of child abuse which later when they moved to Texas, they started admitting to their joke of such which instead randomly they would joke of being a victim of their child abuse; which I warned them in New Jersey a few weeks after the Detectives left the property, I refused to allow them or anyone such as them to put me through anything further and however many else I could save from such would just be icing on the cake to make sure that would not occur to children or teenagers ever again. I refused each and every type of abuses and despite whoever it could or would be I would refuse to allow such, which now I can specify more to include the wording in a non-consensual way as non-consensual aspects of abuse are such. While each situation would be as such would be, the need for clarifications were extremely important as to the varying levels of what was and what would be.
After the joking back and forth about the specifics I told the male standing inside of my backyard and annoying me, Mike had told him the same words I had which when he said as such the male looked down at me and stood in shock as to how the exact response was exactly as I said it would be. I had already seen such before and was as calm as I could be until he left and then the other portions went on, including the reference regarding Fred Loya taking months to get anything taken care of and because of their refusal to do their job of employment the needless amount of times I watched people walking through my backyard. Infuriated as to none of them ever being invited to my property at that point in time, I did as I do energetically for each aspect. It was not my fault they knew not to trespass and no, there was not the forgiveness they wished for later as per my son and my daughter being in my house at such times. No such leniency would ever be for such who would ever cause my children harm, or ever being a threat was just as dangerous for anyone who would ignorantly dare or try wrongly. I had already dealt with having to protect my son and my daughter with my own physical body from what was occurring and known of by certain individuals, which in turn any such would be as such for such. When the fence was finally taken care of and as I had already ripped one of the rainbird pieces off of my fence line towards the location of the Pine road directly across the street from the realtor's garage, I could not care how much damage occurred for such an ignorant choice. The rest was taken care of regarding the property, however the situation referencing the shed replacement required a letter request to the Homeowners Association Procomm company. I waited almost 90 days prior to picking which shed size I was going to choose from which company and after making my choice and sending in the required paperwork as per the Homeowners Association manual, I went forward to replace the metal shed with the shed which actually blended with the Homeowners Association rules.
I went over to the realtor's garage several evenings seeing his garage door open with the lights on and the music going and though several times before had been awkward here and there as he tried to be as machismo as he could try, I informed him I had ripped the rainbird off of my fence line seeing the box on the table towards the back of his garage. I told him I destroyed the piece and would do so for anything which would not be allowed ever, as he asked me why I would do that to the property. I told him my property was my property which his garbage was not tolerated, and I was not going to allow any such devices in or on my property or where I lived ever; and warned as to what would occur if such had been forced, as taking my choice is not the option anyone would wish the results for and would mean whatever measures which were needed for such would be whatever measures were needed for such. He complained telling me he had the right for the Homeowners Association rules, and I told him unless the Homeowners Association paid for my fence line all the way around there would be no excuse for any rainbird or anything from any type of Homeowners Association to ever put any type of any device anywhere near me or my property or what would be considered as mine fully. If so, I would respond in kind of which Excalibur is quite a reference to such at this point in 2021 compared to then in 2003 and 2004. The second and third rainbirds were installed and ripped out from my fence each time, though the Oleander bushes might be hiding the rainbird as whoever would need to check to verify such if there is a concern for 6154 Heritage Place Drive for such types of problems; as the shed is still there in the backyard, and is in the direct line of sight blocking whatever that male realtor was looking at when he was standing outside of the garage at night. When the contact was made in reference to the shed being considered 6 inches too tall, I responded as I had despite the fact the San Antonio Police Officer using his rank for the San Antonio Police in the acting President of the Homeowners Association which he seemed taken aback I knew him doing such was wrong and incorrect to do as that was not a perk which was allowed for either side legally; and the same in reference to spouses and/or family of, as such rights are supposed to only be in whichever setting as per to remain as unbiased as possible especially when taking into consideration the closeness of each individual life being literally in the area.
Though such seemed to fall on deaf ears within the different discussions with different people about that particular phone call, and I refused to allow such to be any longer. I wrote an email to Procomm about the shed only as I did not know the other portions were of any details needed, and after several attempts to get a response and refusing to wait any longer; I went to the Procomm office to wait for a meeting, and then I was taken into a large desk area with multiple large chairs and that particular type of tactic which some use for such tries for intimidation. I would not have doubted if such had video cameras wondering what was going to be and as I remained silent waiting, they sent in their first and only lawyer who was probably wearing an ear piece as what lawyer could actually speak with me and win trying to defend what they knew was wrong? I pulled out the covenant of the Homeowners Association and was prepared more than the lawyer thought I was prepared for, without the knowledge of how many I had already given such information to prior to walking through the front door to be met at the reception desk of Ubi Uskovich. When the meeting was over with the lawyer as I pointed to each section, subsection, amendment, and etcetera the lawyer said he would take into consideration the possibility of the variance despite all of the documentation. Then, I informed him I had already researched Procomm and knew of how much they were ordered to pay in financial responses for each and every aspect regarding a United States Marine who was wrongly penalized for hanging an American Flag in the front yard of his house and the restitution which was forced for such a problem that company's people had needlessly caused; and a little bit of details, as to my background in the smallest degree ever compared to the much larger aspects.
Three days later, I had a letter explaining how the Procomm company agreed with me and made adjustments for the variance of the 6 inches. I waved that piece of paper around and showed the different neighbors when a letter came in the mail on the same day, for a new meeting for the Homeowners Association. Well, what timing. I was ready to go and went to the meeting, dealing with other aspects; however the chance to shake the hand of the acting President the month of the variance letter after he had threatened to put a lien on my house meant war, as per the safety and responsibility required for my son, my daughter, and I. Using such tactics to me after what I dealt with as a child because of the housing complex built behind and along the side of the house I grew up in and the fact I had Mono, Epstein Bar, Lymes Disease, Bronchitis, and the Flu all at the same time just a few years prior to the breaking ground of the properties being built around that portion was enough for me when remembering through flashes of visions as to such when on the phone with that male and with each one of the other two males who made such comments. The third time, truly was the charm.
I shook that acting President's hand informing him of my name, and his knees buckled as he took a long breath inhaling trying to thank me for the ability to attend the elementary school held location for that meeting where all of the children had gone to school. I warned him to take a step back and calm down instead of overreacting, though he tried to remain as calm as he could while speaking at the meeting; which he probably had not thought of how he would be viewed by such cameras inside of the cafeteria area of the school, or anywhere else on the property. I had not informed anyone of being investigated by CID at Fort Sam Houston regarding what happened when I went to a rave and the Brackenridge hospitalization after what the term of I think is called being roofied, though I asked for headache medication of Advil by name thinking that might be enough to help; which ironically the pills given to me were candy coated, and had the Advil word on the pills. The second set of pills when asked at the rave were tulip shaped and tasted like grape Flintstones chewable vitamins, which the hospitalization I survived was and is as it was and is. Though I was not officially told I was being investigated, I had guessed I probably was being investigated as I was put on 5 years of Temporary Retirement Duty Leave for an evaluation about the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury during Basic Training; which I was told there was a Congressional Investigation, though I had not been informed as to the occurrences thereof despite my asking of such to be clarified so I could actually know. I was told to run for the board position offered, which I did not want to do though I did see a golden opportunity which I could not pass up. I raised my hand which the facial expression of the acting President was fantastic as he asked for anyone else to raise their hand repeatedly, and when no one would raise their hands; I was granted the title for the Treasurer of the Homeowners Association area for the company who I had just met in the office of, which I still can laugh about the ironic timing. I thought I could make a difference and change certain aspects, though I did not know about what a treasurer did. I went to the first meeting and learned of the arithmetic needed which I told the board I was not able to do and explained the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, which they said was going to be okay and nothing to worry about because of the need for the help. I was handed the manual for the Treasurer, and went to reading the information when I returned to my house. I read through the documentation and felt the hairs on the back of my neck rising as to such documentation and rules, which then I did the exact same thing as with the first manual from the Homeowners Association as I knew no one in the neighborhood was informed as to how things were truly being run.
I repeat ironically, Excalibur which ironically happened a few months after the first separation and the ways of which when being surrounded wrongly by 5 males with unsheathed swords and weapons from the Medieval times meant I was being threatened and I stood my ground to defend myself with words which apparently cut through those males like the knives they were holding before each threw such on the ground at my feet and backed up to give the ability for the final blow to the last male standing in front of me to remove him fully. The false reports to the fake Sherriff at the location with the fake deputy with the real metal shackles and the real portable jail cell; meant I refused to take any blame for any false report ever made about me ever, and to claim a wrongful report of falsifying being a Faery was wrong on all of their parts as I knew it was associated with such males who needed to be educated in a different way as to be better human beings as the machismo was no longer allowed in any such times without a proper reason to stand up instead of stand against.
While that San Antonio Police Officer ironically would have been ideal to ask in reference to a situation in Fort Worth, I was unaware as to how to proceed because of the surrounding situations in a larger way as such was an older situation which those people tried to wrongly claim that teenager had pulled the trigger herself. If the Fort Worth department needs to speak with me about such, there has not been a point in time which I have ever been able to hide myself; however I suppose, I did not take into consideration at the time of as to such being the situation in a way of which the way Cowboys Dance Hall and the Stoney LaRue concert targeting had gone in March 2013 as the probable claim would probably be as to being a biological adult while wrongly picking to choose to forget the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which I did not think was able to ever be hidden as many people had gotten mad at me for such aspects of while claiming they needed more proof than what they were seeing in front of their eyes the whole time that they knew me in person as well as what they saw online from my postings on facebook and on fetlife. By that point in time I had already been dealing with all of the situations regarding my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, the help Grandpa Nichols in several ways, the situations regarding the Bronze Star, the aspects of which the Chief Warrant Officer 3 at the funeral referencing the wrongful stolen valor from my dead-ex-husband, the Memorial service needed, the medical aspects of the name change from Medical Hold Unit to Warrior Transition Unit regarding the medications being prescribed too much too quickly among the poker games for pills and mixing with alcohol as the prescriptions have a different effect if alcohol is involved compared to Homeopathy with Ayurvedic medicine a bit later though mentioned in a meeting at some point, as well as a few other situations along the way; which began on I 35 Northbound in January 2008 with the phone call regarding the memorial service for my dead-ex-husband so my son and my daughter could see truthfully as possible, as well as the time when returning to San Antonio being told to go to the Military Police station to then be picked up by CID to answer questions from several different soldiers in uniform, unlike the more recent times when returning to San Antonio Texas in 2019 which the CID agents were not in uniform though were in civilian clothing. I am uncertain if back in 2008 of the CID agents being in BDUs as I did remember the CID agents from 2000, though I could not remember what they were wearing after everything which had occurred from the rave as well as the immediate aspects of being less than a couple of months outside of waking up from my coma.
If there were those at the Camp Mabry graduation for the National Guard which were offended by the fact I was saluting during the National Anthem and/or believed the lies which my now dead-ex-husband had told before learning of the stolen valor that had been perpetuated for years before ever meeting and/or groups of individuals associated with such a choice especially being less than 8 years awake from the coma at such a time; what is it that was impossible to believe as to what you saw on that day, compared to what you learned thereafter? Five hours, more than 3 changes of 2 soldiers in uniform each, some yelling in my face while slamming their hands on the silver metal table in between, and just me. How was it that made you feel proud of yourselves for such a choice, during such a time when trying to get the E7 upgraded over the weekend to E8 though was too low ranking to be at the funeral; telling you in the softer voice as to what should not be seen on the laptop, as though he already knew the pictures were going to be shown to me. The response I gave to those three males as the double sided mirror had whoever was watching from the other side of the glass and allowing such to occur to a civilian on a military installation at Fort Sam Houston Texas wrongly and illegally before I went up the Chain of Command to the General's offices on post, apparently was not what any of those who I had been in the room with was expecting when the laptop of a bunch of coroner pictures of my dead-ex-husband were showing; including the maroon lamp knocked over on the pine wooden nightstand, which I thanked them for showing me as I truly did not believe he was dead at the time and the proof of the physical death was perfect. As they would not have known about me helping the Coroner in ISR or any other prior aspect beyond what they were allowed to know by whatever their allowed clearance levels would give such information prior to, I knew what my clearance level had been upgraded to from that moment in an unofficial way though I knew which portions were next in line for what was needed as per other aspects prior to and after going to the Coroner Examiner's office at Wilford Hall on Lackland Air Force Base.
A point in time in the neighborhood while I doubted anyone knew of the fuller extent of the forced situation I was dealing with, the aspects of which regarding what was needed to be taken care of for those in the current Armed Forces of/for the United States of America, were necessary for the future Armed Forces of/for the Untied States of America; while also taking into consideration the fact of the past soldiers of the United States of America, as well as those who were in when I was in the Army branch of/for the United States of America in 2000 and their spouses and dependents as I remembered an E7 who had been informed of a medical condition which was irreversible who had committed suicide on post and the way the soldiers had treated the widow of when she went for answers to the death of her husband. At the time of 2008 though I was not married spiritually ever to that male, I was and am the legal widow of that unfortunately admittedly. While many have gone through whatever thoughts of such, none have ever taken into consideration during any discussion prior despite what I had already informed them of; I did not graduate Basic Training when I went to Fort Sill Oklahoma in 2000 which means I did not steal valor, and as many times as I had already defended people who earned valor against those who were wrongly promoting stolen valor the processing of such information realities while taking care of the situations was not simple nor easy because of knowing what was informed of to me by the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as well, and also the Halloween trick or Treating which he wore that same dress blues uniform when running around the San Antonio area throughout the time when he returned from overseas before his death in 2008, from I do not know when technically beginning such. I do remember he was mad at me for taking the side of whoever yelled at him during the Halloween trick or treating with Emily, Brooke, Danny, Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr, and I after returning to the houses from the walking around the neighborhoods of Pheasant Creek and Apple Creek subdivisions. The information about such during the times was allowed for only certain situations unfortunately because of certain levels, however I did make sure as best as possible to inform of such when I could as I had already discussed several aspects of protection regarding the Homeowners Association manual referencing Arnold about the rights required and as to why for what I could as best as possible as while well before the timing of the need for such a feeling to speak of for the safest aspects possible. What people need to know is if there are those who choose to steal valor it is one thing to inform the individuals of the situation with proof as much as possible for transparency, though the facts are needed for such regarding those who would not have the knowledge of such and children would naturally defend what they would only be informed of.
As a child I understood the idea of Santa Claus for certain people however I worried about the fact of pretending such for presents would mean when doing so, the choice of how the children would grow up if such were to be kept hidden as to who actually brought the presents to the homes of each would be a safer aspect as per the way some news stories had been during the mid to late 1980s and into the 1990s. It made me nervous seeing and knowing what I knew for the children I went to school with, the children I played with when in whichever areas, and more. I had told my neighbor Emily I needed to force myself to watch Law and Order SVU because of being able to see some justice somewhere as such was based on actual events and when being informed of prior concerns of her safety while also hoping for my own and my safety as best as possible, I remembered quite a bit more and with such few words to explain was the best I possibly could do. I knew my own son and my own daughter and I were targets needlessly and I told people of such during many times, which the blame should only be placed upon those who are to blame instead of continuing with a vendetta as per just because of one aspect the forcing of such to another without ever knowing the fullness of the prior aspects to take into consideration is much safer than going in with guns blazing. Again as much as I could especially with the online aspects, I did what I could to keep up to date in reference to situations for a long time online such as on facebook and cafemom and fetlife; however I could only do so much as one single legal widow Mom raising two children by myself who their biological father died, and though the situations which were as they were the need to do the best I could in each aspects of life became more and more evident.
At a point in time when the memorial was completed and the Bronze Star situation was discussed and handled in the Fort Sam Houston area in May 2008, I knew that my biological sister was mad about the news article messing up her plans as to how I was being seen in the newspaper; which I could not express as to the insinuation from her, knowing she knew more than she was admitting to having seen of who she had defended as well as had been involved with and had seen in person certain aspects I had dealt with in the calmest time in that situation which only lasted 3 months before the house in Illinois was sold and the final move for my biological parents was going on. As my biological sister had a threesome with 2 males one of which whose parents lived in Apple Creek subdivision who went to my biological parents' house to do such in their bedroom and around the house, which in the front yard when driving by before calling the cellphone repeatedly until the phone was picked up as I saw the three cars in the driveway and one in the front of the street of the house; I informed the parents, which my biological sister and those people's feet I saw when they were in the garage with the door halfway up just below their knees was not rocket science as to knowing how situations were as per such lies to my face at such times. I warned her to always tell me the truth when she was left in my care at my house in San Antonio, which that situation was as it was. When she had gotten to a point which I allowed another female and 2 males to my house to spend time with my biological sister in the living room to find them in the patio area and the male with the longer black hair with a skunk looking streak lighting hairspray on fire towards my house and myself, I handled the situation as needed to destroy the attitude of such arrogance as to think just because someone's mom or dad has a specific employment does not mean you earned such on your own terms unless you earned such on the proper terms for.
Later when having to sell my house specifically in Carrollton Texas I was not informed as to the condition which the prior realtor had left my house in Carrollton as, when having to get a second realtor to get the house sale as per the amount of time required which if my biological sister did not think about such a male being as careless as he had been to light fires in such an area before; he was destined to be burned by playing with such, especially when protecting my son and my daughter which again I repeat the spiritual marriage to such of abominations is what it was and I hope it in the longest terms was fully worth what comes from such choices to such types of people. As I was living in a Homeowners Association such childish behaviour automatically set off alarms to each person who saw such in the backyard that evening from those teenagers from McHenry High School on Eckert Road, which yes I am able to identify through pictures if there was a need for such verification from the high school pictures for that year's class as seen in CID for the situation referencing a different situation of an overreach from Sergeant Baber wrongly and quite disgustingly additionally to such sorts of unacceptable behaviours.
The realtor whose garage was usually open at night would have seen such as well as everyone who lived across the street as the blaze of fire was shot from a hairspray can from an arrogant teenager while the other 3 teenagers laughed and giggled, refusing to see what they were doing to themselves was what they were willing to have done to themselves as adults and/or their children when they were of age as per their own teachings. Thus if you want the cycle to stop, it begins with one person.
During the time when my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia was overseas, I had situations which the portions of one simple task which the forced relationship situation at the time had very little he was commanded to take care of by me as per the forced aspects when staying at my house; which one he majorly failed to accomplish which was weed-eating along the edges of my property, and instead of taking care of that just as I learned in reference to the Ford Focus bill he was supposed to pay each month I learned Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr or whatever his name changes might be is not ever to be trusted in my opinion. Someone else had to step in thankfully to take care of the weed-eating which was after my van window being smashed in a little while earlier as well as the power steering being knocked out prior to my reconnection for such to work properly for the Ford Winstar van I had shortly after my ex-in-laws declared Bankruptcy Chapter 13 against my advice and a phone call about the car loan though was paid for and the collection agency Scott male who called thought there was fraud going on though should have looked the other way in comparison to my direction, however that phone call was when I was outside on my back patio with that individual and the Police call which came afterwards for such an arrogance as the additional portions were ridiculous from such an individual from the Houston Texas area which was disgracefully disgusting as well to hear such a voice telling me his opinions as per the situation as such an individual with such skeletons in his closet was infuriating to listen to at the time. I would not doubt if such an individual who would have access to credit information would need a background check for when researching people's information for credit backgrounds for such situations the way realtors would, which then in such situations the question as to the safety requirements for people who have specific backgrounds and clearances being wrongly taken advantage of by such who would be found to have taken the personal information wrongly to steal.
In 2001 were the times for the beginning letters of how much information had been taken off of a military post installation through CD Roms, discs, computers, and etcetera; though also I wondered what if there were outside circumstances which would need such clarifications as well, as the requirements for safety and need for certain aspects without civilians causing needless problems as has been seen while ensuring those in employment of the United States of America remained in proper check with proper and correct balances for such sorts of prevention of overreach. Or I suppose I should write, certain people who choose to overreach from what they are actually allowed to do when in reference to in the community aspects of standards when living in or out of a Homeowners Association. I heard someone who was claiming the fear of if finding the Christ was in reference to the followers of, which I cannot be the only person who has heard people discuss the benefits of in a creepy manner such as quite a few situations I explained before. Such sacrilegious words inside of my house on my property in Carrollton Texas, was such as nails on a chalkboard to my ears and infuriated each Faery and Dragon within my house and property at that specific moment as per the Faery Ring which developed in the backyard underneath the trampoline. How many have Homeowners Associations near areas which declined such who Erin Brochavich had brought up as to the occurences thereof, if I recall some portions correctly as to the name for such a movie title reference.
When I received a letter about the weeds during the time in 2007 as instead of that male Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr doing as told after someone had thankfully pulled the weeds from the sides to put in the pathway of my lawnmower as it would be easier for me to mulch the tall pieces, instead of remembering to begin the mowing in the front yard and beginning in the backyard the time I would get to the front yard pushing the lawnmower as per such a situation as after delivering my daughter to mow; nothing was done, and whatever drink was being drunken by the male was whatever as such instead of doing as told. I had to respond to a letter from the Homeowners Association as per the complaint made, which because of the levels such had gotten to within that Homeowners Association in Pheasant Creek subdivision especially after informing the realtor of my shed variance letter after discussing and showing others; I simply let it go and explained the background in a minimal way for a small view into the actual aspects of a Mom taking care of two children as best as possible while dealing with a now dead-ex-husband though then ex-husband regarding the phone calls among what I could go into as I was uncertain as to how such was going to go if he actually was able to get out of the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces alive. I knew he was not, though with the way the situations were at such times the known and understood and comprehended realities of were not far from my thoughts as per the way the legal marriage had begun in December 2000 which was just around maybe 5 or 6 months after waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. The subarachnoid hemorrhage would not begin to dissipate and show signs of improvement of the blood being released until another 4 years from that point in the MRI, CAT, EEG, EKG, and biometric scans for the smaller amounts of by the time of 21 December 2000 for me.
I could not fully go into other details though explained as best as I could of which when I put my New Jersey Flag next to my Texas Flag underneath my American Flag, it would not be a surprise as to how many in the Homeowners Association would throw a temper tantrum as shortly after posting such of anyone to be upset and simply just move out of the house it was a surprise to see Manny up and move after meeting a female. If the New Jersey Flag was such a bother to you, did anyone ever think about the fact of where I grew up and those who I had lost or was such taken as a temper tantrum in comparison to what it was in such a Military City in the United States of America? Did some people forget well before the twenty year anniversary of such a location I grew up in for such a large military population, or was it a bunch of so-called Texans who could not see such because of whatever inbreeding as per the size of the cemetery in the literal name of the town Kuykendall in the state of Texas; and the explanations as to how much incest occurs with such a size of a family plot for a cemetery as well as a town when I was in Alabama in Steele, and how there was one cemetery for those who were not related to the Nichols family and one cemetery for those who were related to the Nichols family. A town with the name of Kuykendall as well as the cemetery having been named as such to then see my now dead-ex-husband as well as that male Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr defending incest wrongly in the backyard of my house in San Antonio as well as in Fort Worth as well as other locations still grosses and disgusts me as much as it did each time hearing others from such a lineage defend such wrongly. I would not doubt if certain types of Texans such even as that male Cactus Jack defending such would wish the comments made about other states were only for such other states, however wrongly defending such with the common knowledge of the medical implications for such choices has been a big situation.
The fact such an individual as Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had the nerve to be offended for my choice to fly my New Jersey Flag with my Texas Flag with my American Flag disgusted me to know he was anywhere near me as well as anywhere near my son as well as anywhere near my daughter, for such an individual who was proud to discuss inside of a subdivision with a Homeowners Association with multiple people and families while also wearing his 151 Road Warrior t-shirt as he was warned was going to infuriate some people who understood and knew more than I ever could about the symbolism of such an event during Fiesta San Antonio in whatever year the situation occurred. I did what I could to push the discussions towards the explanation being so though without the ability to explain as much details as to how the relationship aspect was forced wrongly, I wonder what it is like to actually meet someone at random and the relationship actually work out without other people intervening thinking they know which individual would be best for me when I can make up my own decisions as to who for such. If you were not involved with me personally in any point in time and I do not specifically ask for such, why would anyone think to try to force such? I have pushed off far more than I would like to have to admit and thus any choice to do such would not be seen as a friendly aspect if a forced situation, as NATURAL is always the best for me. Hence, why I do not do well in certain situations such as being involved with a Homeowners Association house location as I specifically looked for a house without one which if such individuals my biological sister and/or my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my ex-in-laws and any of their associates did not get the memo about, step back and leave me alone from your choices as I will make my own way for if I chose a relationship as most likely if people did not interfere with what they did not have to actually interfere in then maybe just maybe the situations which occurred would not have occurred and such times would not have been lost permanently.
If my New Jersey Flag caused such an upstir, obviously no one had the nerve to actually ask me why including in my house as that male's friend Nathanial left shortly thereafter to go to Oregon to later move back to San Antonio Texas; another tried forced situation needlessly, though because of a medical situation I had assisted with what I was told about the medical procedure for the time. Thus who continued as however they continued is however they continued, which in turn whichever aspects as to when in a public location in comparison to when inside of a what is considered as a home or housing situation; unless the person specifically asks for such recording devices into an area on their own accord, there is no excuse as to any such aspects including by a Homeowners Association referring to a fence line area as such is still considered as Private Property and there should not need to be a sign for such to keep out without being invited for each time or any time at all. If you do not make the payments to live in the property then you have no legal authority without an actual investigation which genuinely leads to charges in comparison to stalking and harassing with such technology devices, as per explained referencing Washington state in regards of myself. Thus there is not the actual need for such unless there is the cause for needless harm to me and my wellbeing for the recording aspects illegally having been done, and what is in the closets of your behind the scenes for your pasts out of curiosity since you have done needlessly and wrongly to me as per games I have seen being played because of such technology devices. Veterans without legal authority which includes private surveillance or private investigator licenses do not including invasion of privacy, and you are subject to each violation you choose to do on your own accord as per laws. You might not think such laws have existed, and yet they always have existed. It is not my fault you did not read the fine print sections, wherever such may have been. My mistake for ever assisting where I have in reference of such I suppose as why should anyone ever expect or hope for privacy when paying for an apartment as well, it is considered as a living space which is supposed to be a private space for the person who pays for the living area which means the lease signee and not the apartment complex property as per the same excuses tried for a Homeowners Association. Look, a forced situation yet again as they do not give the bylaws prior to signing a agreement which legally is a bait and switch if not informing of such even within the state of Texas because that would legally mean the apartment complex owners would legally have to live within the apartments themselves instead of monitoring such illegally as per Texas privacy laws as well as Constitutional Rights of Freedom of Expression which how can one have freedom of expression if there is not any privacy?
What is the pursuit of happiness? I do not know, the luxury has not been afforded to me as per others choices to get involved where they have chosen to when they have been informed as they have been in private settings I should specify apparently hypothetically. I have despised Homeowners Associations after the 5th grade situation which was long after the drawing I made as a child regarding the scope, which yes when you think about such regarding such types of people who would want such lets you know in a different way as to what I saw. Which way now should I view such a drawing, is up to which imaginationary aspects as to which I choose I suppose. I am extremely thankful I know much better, though maybe one day others will know better sooner instead of such games as what has gone on since such times. Oh, wait. There are still people who somehow think a Homeowners Association is a good thing which out of curiosity, how does the Homeowners Associations now get involved within the state of Texas in reference to politics? Do you remember what I warned you about referencing Homeowners Associations and the state of New Jersey, as to that 2nd Amendment Right as to the gun laws in the state of New Jersey? Which major city was the first larger Homeowners Association located in within the state of Texas, I would guess it was somewhere near the city of Austin as per the Capital building nearby though not within the city possibly itself though within the outer city limits area as per each capital type of elected building as per their projection to get the regular people involved with politics as per their plans I had seen coded when my biological mother was working at Prudential and I worked on the coding in other rooms as well to see the larger blue print situation as per certain types of Homeowners Associations and the mineral rights as well to be able to dig and carve out as needed.
Texas, how are those underground caverns looking as New Jersey cannot have the same situations and why would such be a larger concern for the state of Texas compared to the state of New Jersey though would be in line with the state of California for the state of Texas? How many Homeowners Associations popped up in which states along which border, out of curiosity? The smaller views of the bylaws are important, though the larger portions are also necessary to look into for fracture points within the land masses as well.
If such occurred from the Pheasant Creek subdivision Homeowners Association which would need to stop such behaviours which would have began in 2002 for me while not forgetting other situations, I did warn as best as I could while living as best as I could make work for the situations going on during such times since then. I did as best as I could think to attempt to get the information out while protecting as best as I could knowing more details than I could speak of or write about which then when taking into consideration a male who dropped the clearance Omega in an Austin area which my biological sister's in-laws live in a Homeowners Association which houses looked like the ones in the paper location faxed for such a reference aspect for hopeful protection against such types of situations I had already seen in person, the male named Carl from Carl and Scarlet had told me of the IRS paperwork and his knowledge of a paperwork fee as he had been in Austin Texas at the time of and would have known what was going on around such locations as well as others when I was told of such when I was in Washington state in 2013. He said he knew he would get a payoff for the IRS aspects from what I remembered from when driving around Austin in 2019 after I returned to Texas after how I wound up in Washington state, which I think I saw a movie or a television show which reminded me of a character I had seen in a movie with a Kenu something or another as well as the villain in Memento which in the end of that movie has the same aspects occur to the male from the other movie. What has the NSA found, among others since his point as to the aspects of which was at the right time for the vision I had regarding other situations at such times in 2013 in the area of Austin Texas?
Also in reference to the portions regarding the clearance aspect being dropped and then later being back in San Antonio Texas to then deal with a male who threw a temper tantrum about what I chose to do with my body in comparison to what he and his wife thought, as Joey and Meg Estes who complained about a picture on fetlife was okay with the picture on Facebook instead; of which they were warned about the Homeowners Association problems as well as the other situations going on, just as equally as others shortly before the interrogation in my biological mother and biological father's house in San Antonio on the wooden chair from the dining room table set and the lamp from the area next to the piano.
If people need a visual as to how much of a difference in treatment between my biological sister and I during childhood and teenager years, my biological sister was allowed to choose the piano lessons with being allowed to go to dance classes to trying desperately to become a Prima Ballerina. I was allowed to pick the flute and the problems which occurred when I was asked to play the piccolo from my biological parents afterwards was a problem because of how much space it took up comparatively, and I was allowed to go to gymnastics at the YMCA. Which of the two do you truly believe was the spoiled one of the two, despite what some had thought of me when they knew me in person?
In reference to my adopted Grandpa, my Bok Gung, and my Bok Pu and how they and their families and their friends with their business partners in comparison; how do you think such occurred when in reference to when I was allowed something that she was not ever allowed to ever be a part of; when taking into considerations the larger aspects as to what occurred and how such went with as well as without the Homeowners Association aspects as well as those who have proudly somehow been a part of such certain more specific portions thereof, how do you now truly see how such actually went in comparison to the minimal details of here and there comparatively. Remember, the writings take what amount of time to write or read compared to the amount of time for actual situations in comparison to explaining. Correct? However I am most thankful for my adopted Grandfather, my Bok Gung, and my Bok Pu for lessons which cannot ever be replaced and which cannot be learned without such backgrounds as per specific requirements.