Today I am thankful for telling the truth even when it has been inconvenient to some for a short amount of time comparatively, to the lengthier and longer portions in the most distance of pasts for such aspects; whether or not even I wanted to bring forward or discuss, especially when taking into consideration other aspects of truth. Today I am thankful I told the truth regarding certain specifics which make a clearer understanding from the knowledge which assists in certain aspects of which the truth was not the easiest portions at first, though in the shortness of comparison to the length of time seemed to be as quick as blinking once. However because time is varied among people depending upon situations as well as other circumstances, the depth of which to go into sometimes takes a bit more to bring forward to the surface for more to know a lot more than they may have ever thought they once had thought they knew of a portion.
* I told the truth about where I grew up in New Jersey as well as where I grew up going to in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and Florida as a child and teenager admittedly during times before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury mainly compared to afterwards only having been able to go back to the areas a few times as admittedly I could not handle what I was dealing with seeing and was why I had needed someone else to drive the car to be able to look more clearly especially with all of the technological aspects which I had not been around certain portions such as the toll roads until that point in time in December 2020 and since then including the most recent trip in March 2021 as the ability to focus while seeing to also drive is a different situation which would have been far easier and far more welcomed with such aspects as to if had been done as I knew it had needed to be done the first time correctly. I am quite specific for multiple reasons of which in turn not following specific commands causes other situations which were not ready to come to the surface and what was ready had to be pushed down because of simply not doing as it should have been done to begin with, in the specific manner which I knew needed to be done. However since I do not like laziness and I do not appreciate wasted time in the slightest such as my biological family and my ex-in-laws would have done, I went alone on my own and what I actually processed is not up for discussion because of such. I will only discuss as I want to discuss and such other aspects have no need as of my opinion to come forward to the surface for discussions, as there was not the need then for if it had been as such; then, is when it would have been discussed in person and not through any video recording as already discussed and already written about.
* Nonetheless I did not lie ever about such which includes I did not lie about applying to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment in 8th grade, which by then I had been going to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church for almost 13 years before my Confirmation Class and Graduation ceremony; with all of the details associated with the military aspects of/for the United States of America, especially with the Old Scotts Hall and Old Scotts burial ground visits each year a minimum of twice a year, to honor and commemorate the past to remember to learn from the mistakes to be able to pay attention in the current time, to looks towards what is truthfully best for the future. I did not lie about my multifaceted reasons to apply and go through the entire process for which when the MAST school told my biological mother and my biological father about the military attachment is when they chose to wrongly pull my paperwork because of their refusal to allow me to be a part of what was not anything to do with them and where they knew they could not be allowed anything I did not allow them to know. I had seen how they had opened their mouths with who they spoke with in front of me while speaking as they had, as I knew how they viewed certain perspectives as per commentary from their families as well as their associates as well as their friends as well as who and how they chose to interact with others including themselves and my biological sister. Since my biological sister was not going to ever try for a charter school until after she graduated high school which in turn meant college, that had been the excuse they gave additionally since Patricia Ann(abomination) Hom would be too lazy to actually be able to apply herself without any intervening from both and/or one of the two regarding Mike and/or Anna. The descriptions all three gave when in Crystal Lake Illinois when I was specifically working towards my emancipation to join the Army branch as well as during the 11 September 2001 events, are a very good explanation into what their views had always been all along. As long as the situation made them feel as though they looked better than they would send packages and yet at the same time when they learned of my coma, they did not arrive to the hospital until after the phone call when the nurses told my biological father I was awake from the coma and that the rest if they wanted could see me then. If there was care and concern about other soldiers and making care packages later for others, was it only because they graduated Basic Training compared to what occurred and as to why and then how does that look in the long term to deny such while also pretending such fixes anything in the slightest when a false and faking public perception is presented as they have shown themselves to be accustomed to doing? Thus, I told the whole and fullness of the truth as best as I could explain during such times without the aspects of caring of the public perception of me.
* We moved to Crystal Lake Illinois in 1998 from New Jersey which was the truth as it was the truth about the reasons to why as per the removing me from MAST process which all that was needed was their signature at the time for me to be able to go through with and instead they put me into a Catholic High School because Anna did not tell the truth to the people at Prudential about the picture and why I had taken it with the earrings as she displayed the picture in her office cubicle in Prudential as I told her to do, as I told her she needed to get the parents who worked there to speak with me specifically as to why I took their friend's and their child's picture and jewelry from what I had drawn as a child as she already had discussed that portion of the drawing with the black dress and why I told her she needed to follow my command specifically or she was going to pay the ultimate price for her failure. By the time of after summer camp at Baptist Camp Lebanon as she obviously had already proven the lack of concern for me via the babysitter situation among other portions of physical abuses on top of in addition needlessly at such times to what I was already dealing with from when my biological sister would lie about me doing what she had done for the blame to be pushed onto the wrong person, which I vowed would no longer ever be allowed ever again if I could figure a genuine way simply because of how many times I was beaten because of her drama. One example is when our cousin Catherine from Linda and Phil were at the house in New Jersey sleeping on the pullout couch which Patricia had gone down the stairs and put a pillow over Catherine's head after putting tissue paper from the toilet paper into Catherine's nose the way she later had done to our cousin Jade's ears with cotton balls and toilet paper, and when she went upstairs laughing into the room and told me what she had done I ran down the stairs as quickly and quietly as I could sliding along the rail and the wall with my hands as I could not allow my feet to touch the stairs to much because of the age of the house.
I knew the textured wood would not allow the most silent downward movement, though I knew I did not have much time as I knew which toy she claimed she had put onto the pillow which was one of the large boxes with the electrical cords to the external outlet area near the computer desk with the IBM/DOS near the dining room. I ran though tip toed behind the dining room table as to try to remain as cover as I could to see the black box on top of the pillow over Catherine's face in the direct center of the pillow, and I saw the cord wrapped around Catherine's neck underneath. I unplugged the cord from the wall, then unplugged the black box cord from the outlet, to then remove the box from her face at the same time with my other hand; and begin to remove the pillow to the side and pull the toilet paper pieces out from Catherine's nose and mouth to then go to the bathroom and flush the toilet paper saying not again to myself. I told Mike and Anna about what Patricia had done to the puppy from Sony/Sonja and Joe/Jose's that was being watched by her for some aspect which Patricia Ann(abomination) put the puppy into the microwave when I was upstairs and I heard the 1980s microwave door close and the dial turned for the temperature before the buttons being pushed, and the start button prior to the whirring mixed with the yelping shortly before the visit from Linda and Phil with Catherine. I was not able to get down the stairs from upstairs in time prior to hearing the last seconds and the explosion from with, which then after yelling at her and grabbing the knife to get her away from the microwave; of course then was when Mike and Anna walked in, and who looks innocent for such in the initial portions compared to who was innocent the whole time. Who was dealing with being beaten for the situation, compared to who had caused the situation to begin with? As the blood pooled out from the bottom portion from the seal of the microwave downward onto the floor and when a slip occurred, who was then in trouble for not cleaning up the microwave from the mess inside not being taken care of? Afterwards who was then beaten when the microwave was open, and who afterwards had to clean up that?
Another time when a medium size dog was being babysat while I was outside in the backyard and while that dog with my biological sister and biological mother were inside of the house, why was I beaten for the dog and supposed dog piss along the walls by the pantry if was outside the whole time in the backyard? Thus for just a few smaller-ish examples for me wrongly being blamed and in trouble for what I did not do and told the truth about the whole time, you are able to see a pattern of behaviour similar to my ex-in-laws regarding Grandma Nichols and the treatments as well as the taking advantage of what is wrong to do so as especially when knowing and having been informed of better choices; you can see a different though somewhat alike patterns of behaviour regarding such types of situations, for such types of personalities from such individuals. Yes I was blamed for the playpen situation instead of anyone listening to me at the time and in front of Linda and Phil, who do you think was sitting in the chair in the kitchen laughing while I dealt with what I dealt with? Thus I also told the truth about the situations regarding how wrongly protective of that comparatively, actually had been all along. When taking into consideration additionally for such lengths of time for such repeated patterns of behaviour to the MAST school as well as the way many parishioners at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church would speak of my religious studies and helping around the grounds as I had in comparison to what was going on at the house, how would such when accustomed to only being able to get one way was such taken when that type of individual is constantly being influenced by such an individual who had been there when her older brother named Daniel (?I do not know if first or middle name for the name Daniel? though went by the name of Danny) Lally had drowned as I was told? What if Daniel had not died though Anna had lied about him to get her way with her mother to have him needlessly sent away, and instead of telling the truth my Grandmother took her daughter's side because of how Anna had known how to pretend to be the way her younger bothers and sisters would have known from her mother's second marriage to my adopted Grandpa? What if their father actually had taken Daniel away from them because he caught Anna doing things to Daniel needlessly, and instead of allowing her to continue and wishing to make a better way; he chose to just allow my maternal Grandmother to have her daughter, and he take his son to prove one way or another?
I do not know if my maternal Grandmother would ever have divulged such to anyone other than the Holy Roman Catholic Church when she went into Theology School and then became a Nun who worked in some monastery aspects, because of her choices needing to be brought forward in a more positive light for a different clarification aspect for her children including in reference to her first born son for the ability to cleanse the board equally in a different type of signaling which he and/or his father might realize differently. However the portions of which trying to protect Patricia Ann(abomination) ((Hom))((-Miller)) from what was already explained to Anna from Grandma after a certain portion in time, which the end of such sorts of tyranny would be brought to an end as per warning because she knew about what I was dealing with as I had told her the truth multiple times and she knew I could not tell a lie as she knew and saw what the treatment difference was when she went from New York state down to New Jersey as per my adopted Grandpa's request a few years prior to his death and later the trailer fire shortly after his funeral which I was supposed to attend though because of such choices by my biological parents thinking they knew better had been the first wrong step they made regarding specific instructions they were handed in reference to the correct treatment for me as per extremely specific aspects as to who my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu knew me to be as the same with my maternal adopted Grandpa first. However the treatment which my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu reported over to my adopted maternal Grandpa of their continued ability to know more in truth, meant the larger animosity between my biological sister and I as she was raised incorrectly to believe she was the only one when she was the only one for a different aspect comparatively which she was intended for as per Anna's choice to refuse to name her with the correct middle name. Due to such not being on the original birth certificate, the name is what the name is as per the choices made which when taking a look at Anna's first name and Patricia's middle name it truly is a disrespect when taking additional consideration of the Chinese aspects of naming also the time to which Anna thought a way to honor the female portion was to claim the birth date of Bok Gung's birthday on the 7th of October would be good enough to honor my Bok Pu. That was on of the portions of which was denied and ignored for which only the specific levels of certain levels of earlier Mandarins knew, though was extremely specific to the higher levels of the Cantonese. I remembered my Bok Gung's birthday one year and that was the year of which my biological mother was warned of how much trouble she would be in upon the day which I remembered to say happy birthday in a specific way, of which then the cycles which were warned of to my biological mother specifically regarding the untangling meant such would be unravelling of all of her lies would be on the nigh.
She was not told of what else to be worried about as per my Bok Pu giving her the choice as to whether to continue in the same patterns of behaviour, or to actually change the way she claimed she could or would to prove to the actual family as to which way she was for the aspects regarding Mike as well as Patricia. It was warned if she chose to remain on the same course what would occur just as the same referencing Patricia, and though the times would prove one way or another; the family would be on alert the moment of the remembering of the specific birthday, because of something Bok Pu said would be for me until such a time. I did remember one year, and with such in turn those who know more of the ancestral aspects regarding the Cantonese would understand the blend of the Mandarin aspects and the portions as to why only for such a set of siblings with the specific time of 4 years 1 month 8 days apart or the number of Ranger/Agent/Lady 13 being activated fully as per other portions and what such would then turn into specifically for the one who was always as such to be able to do what was needed; while the other would go along as such and then the portions thereof would go as per choices, and such would be fully unveiled and revealed in one major portion, one minor portion, one smaller portion, and then growing to increase with such portions for such clarifications of that which was needed for a clearer understanding for a better base knowledge portion for the proper movement upward and outward while sideways equally and downward as needed for specific portions throughout life. A distant lingering memory of such to those who would be in the know of, though a different lingering specific aspect to others within such energetic portions which were intended for such as per promises made. The situation of such is when promises made are promises kept as to what occurs when promises made are not kept, and what such repercussions are one way or another as per the requirements for such aspects especially in reference to choices made when regarding later times after my biological sister and biological mother and biological father would then be within the state of Texas; of which the vision portion referencing the snake as well as my first pet, where my biological father enjoyed rounding up the names for the biggest pay with the youngest portions with the most venom; however the other portions of which throughout the state of Texas when in such a state, would also be known about as per however such would have been during such times whenever such would have been.
I was later told of such being in the mid to late 1970s, though I am uncertain as to such portions regarding anything specifically or officially; however on the way from Illinois to the state of Texas, Mike and Patricia said they spoke with one another for the hours of driving and discussed such details as well as others along their trip in the silver Mercury Sable which my biological sister had driven while she was in Texas until my biological parents replaced that car she did not have to pay for onto other vehicles she did not have to pay for unlike myself. I had to maintain my vehicles I paid for in comparison to her always having Mike to take care of any problem after she called Anna, as other situations would probably assist such view points for other metaphorical references as to how such life has gone. It is, what it is realistically. However such portions referring to the situations of meant whatever choices were made to tell whatever was told by such individuals is exactly such as it has been, though I am thankful I warned as often as I could despite some thinking I was only telling a joke. Realistically the only way to discuss such situations as the interrogation was to make fun of the situation about Denmark because if not then, how could I explain such without bursting into tears that I was kept in a wooden chair with a lamp light in my face while being yelled and and questioned after all of the furniture except the one chair and one lamp was left as each took their turns in my face screaming? All because of a recording on the tape answering machine from my then/now ex-boyfriend Patrick Kennedy after I had not brought up anything about the shotgun firearm in my face that he had put into my face loaded with two shells, which I had to disarm because of the facts at such times; they did not believe me as to anything I defended myself from, and who would have paid attention to such anyway at such times that I knew of? Who would I have asked to assist that I would have been able to think of or speak of, only 1.5 years after no one had been helpful regarding the SCUBA Diving I had done? Surely people wanted information, though how would anyone think they would have the right to such information without ever asking about such prior to my SCUBA Diving gear and the UHAUL? If no one asked me in specific details before 2011, what would be the need for anyone to know anything from such a SCUBA Dive when you think about my background? I said and clearly explained I refuse to tolerate brats of any sort or of any type, which I thought was clear enough though brats would look at such as a challenge wrongly and then get in trouble in ways which their mommy and daddy would not be able to purchase anything to make the situations better for such bratty behaviours.
As some in New Jersey though more-so in Illinois learned, bratty teenagers were not anything I wanted to be near nor needed to be near. That obviously translated into my adulthood which in turn bratty anything, would automatically infuriate and enrage me as to such insolent and arrogant behaviours would instantly push me away as I would feel full repulsion as well as disgust by such types of behaviours. If you are going to try to claim you are better than me, prove it before you ever step up to the plate with what you think would be impressive to me of which if you thought bratty behaviour would impress me; have you ever met anyone from the east coast whose parents can buy them anything when they walk down the mall way areas in the center of New York City as your biological sister, while you get nothing except being told of the embarrassment you are because of not being more like Patricia? No? What about going to school with people whose parents can take them to the Tony Awards for a birthday surprise, along with 10 of their closest friends and family members to then discuss as though they had done their friends a favor when it was their parents who had actually done so? No? What about a parent who can purchase without a lease the full price of a vehicle whether BMW or Mercedes, and then listen to the teenager complain about how their parents did not love them enough for not buying whatever vehicle they wanted in comparison? Did they have to pay for their own insurance as well for such vehicles, or did they have their parents pay for it and then they purposefully wrecked the vehicle to be able to get the vehicle they wanted; once again, paid in full prior to driving off of the lot? If you have not ever been in a situation which everyone you are surrounded by has that exact same capability though you are the only one within such a direct way in such a larger amount of areas combined across three states on a constant basis, what do you think someone who grew up with such would ever look at towards people who even if they want to pretend to be brats would be the response? Would you take in consideration whether female or male, or would you simply just be able to see clearly without knowing that female was me as a child and a teenager listening to each aspect while living as I had been treated? You know because as according to two certain females though one male I had been around constantly when growing up as a child and a teenager, 'if [I] wanted to be a tomboy so badly then that is what was deserved' according to their opinions after multiple situations. You, can do the math.
* After being moved out of the state of New Jersey also because of what Patricia had done to her reputation at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as well as at Asher Holmes Elementary School and her falling out with Mindy Doong after whatever occurred between the two of them prior to Illinois if and/or Mike was or was not involved in addition to his sister Linda and/or husband Phil and/or their daughter Catherine, since they did not want to believe Patricia had gone as far as she had regarding what I was caught cleaning away compared to what occurred; I moved faster to get myself out of that group especially after when calling on other agencies, that way such had gone in several situations. However as the MAST school was unable to work out for me and I had gotten myself squared away to graduate my high school at the age of 16 because of the timing of the school years, my biological mother found out and we went to Illinois as she knew I was preparing to go to the recruiters for the military of the United States of America. When getting to Illinois to learn she specifically picked that Crystal Lake South High School because the majority of my school credits would be unnecessary for my high school to graduate to transfer the credit, I went to summer school while going to college summer school to then go to high school while going to community college as well as being a forced cheerleader for a school I did not want to be at and was holding me back needlessly while having a job at IHOP among a few other places as time went on. I was able to graduate at the age of 17 years old instead however as soon as my biological mother realized I would be able to graduate early by only one semester, then she tried to tell me as to how she knew better even though she had repeatedly discussed her vitreal for the military of/for the United States of America and mostly bashing the Air Force because of her wanting to have joined the Air Force and they supposedly did not want her; though her adopted father my adopted Grandpa had denied her to go into the Air Force because he saw how she had been towards his children, and knew of how she had been towards her older brother Daniel. She claimed it was because of being a lesbian more well known to the military if she could have joined, though she claimed it was an assumption on his part and she was better than the Air Force according to her claim. What did she do?
Anna Louise Hom explained she had lied on government and insurance forms to be able to push forward another lie of which she claimed I had been which was actually was her responses for what I had done regarding finding out as to what work I had completed to be able to fully circumvent her out of my way to move onward, which she then had me committed in an institution under the guise of everything she had done and said which was why she was able to speak so freely about without any problems in comparison to a Mom who has gone through so many locations and filled out so much documentation for one or two children that it becomes a simple response for the amount of times despite whether over a long or short amount of time as when going through as many times as I had for my daughter who actually needed help and began to learn how to manipulate the doctors the way Anna and Grandma Nichols had been seen and known to do; the hospitalization with some different people I had asked Governor Christine Todd Whitman about when at the 8th Grade meeting had become more evident and clear, when I asked about my then friend's mom Kelly Gann's mom in New Jersey who was working at the only mental health and wellbeing location for the state of New Jersey which was looking at being closed down. There were some who were definitely in a similar situation as I which their parent(s) did not care to accept the truth as to who was always, whereas others who were there who needed someone they could speak with about the truth going on in their houses compared to what was seen or discussed when the truthful paperwork was filled out by extended family, and then there were those who genuinely needed to be getting that sort of help and assistance to be able to find a way to function if they were able to get into the general public in society to be able to maintain and sustain their own self control if possible. I had freaked out the main doctor who was in charge of me as I told him about the situation and later a polygraph miniature detector was introduced to the group with each one wearing nodes as per the medical aspects, which the electronic device started making sounds when I did not move or when I did answer truthfully the lights would remain green though the sound would go off and there was a buzzing. One female who had been a roommate for a few days had been needing such a location as she spoke about wanting to be an air traffic controller for the Air Force as she knew everything was destined for her after I told her about me only, as I paid attention. I had brought up where I grew up including the church, MAST, and more; which then the one of the few branches I did not bring up she chose the one branch my biological mother as she had been had been extremely upset about not getting into, and I could see my adopted Grandpa shaking his head side to side with disapproval.
I maintained my own self control, and when able to leave I had vowed to not ever allow such to occur to me and/or mine as best as I possibly could as those who need such do not need others who can get help elsewhere from taking away the time from those who actually need such. When that did not work and as I had already talked with the recruiters prior to entrance at the high school job fair in the gymnasium that year in 1999, that was when Anna lost it and when Patricia went on crying because Anna was paying attention to something that was not her; which then the easiest thing for Anna do to as she was not made to face the consequences previously, skirted off the responsibility onto whoever would take her with such. I was made fun of prior to the hospital which the recruiters were made aware of by Anna as she wanted to inform them as to all of the excuses she had to why I was supposed to do one thing in comparison to all that I needed and had to do, despite whatever claims she thought. After getting out and re-discussing the details of my entry to the Army while also speaking with the other branches in that area, both admitted to the recruiters they had lied to the hospital as well as lied to the insurance as well as lied to whoever else would be involved with that situation just to keep me away from what they knew I was going to need. They chose to continue on and as such went and the graduation from occurred between November 1999 through to 5 March 2000, I dealt with Basic Training sort of smoking as well as being interrogated as to why I would think I could ever be good enough. During the interim Anna arranged a job interview at McHenry County Government center for me at a point which she thought I would prefer that instead of the military for the United States of America and when I told the truth as to what was occurring and as she and I spoke before the actual interview and the meeting which I was tested as to my typing skills, I knew I did not need that job as there was better for such a position for a different pathway upward as I knew I needed to get onto my path quickly and correctly as possible. Once the paperwork for the Army was officially completed and the ASVAB with MEPS the day after the paperwork was signed, I went on my way shortly afterwards to Basic Taining before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and after effects.
* Looking at the paperwork from my Senate request as well as prior requests of my military records, I noticed there are some typed pages which should all be handwritten into the paperwork as at such times though the area was in Chicago; the technology for the area for the military aspects were not the same as in reference to the local and/or state paperwork when filling out forms for safety protocols, of which the typed paperwork which includes the life insurance policy which I told my Uncle Leonard and Uncle Sharon as to the two names in the slots which were to be the aspects of the life insurance policy. However while Lenard Gavett was in the Air Force at one time which was a problem to Anna when I told her what I did and some of who I told, looking to the paperwork now as to the multiple errors throughout certain paperwork which would be only able to be typed and printed from a place such as McHenry County Government Center and/or the house computer desktop which would be where the torn sides of the papers from the originals would come from as in McHenry county government center they did not have the reams of papers for printing at the time with the same type of printer or same type of paper alignment. Is that considered as plotting a murder or is that a misinterpretation from such events combined with the paperwork as well as the multiple times of their own statements to others over the many years both before and/or after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, or would that be considered as over dramatic with the additional events well after including my SCUBA Diving as well as Irving and my SCUBA Diving gear? What would that make the Miller family in Austin Texas if they were in knowledge as to such information and would think continuing such even through technological means as to text message, call, write emails, etcetera with and/or without a burner phone or regular cellphone as such are all and always have been tracked and traced well before they were put onto the market as the models are the exact same models as what once was the year or two or three prior on the walls for that particular cellphone plan in any store or retail location. Online sorts, do you need a credit card and/or shipping location? For any delivery box, do you need a verifiable identification to be able to purchase a lease for the time? Does cash have a specific way cash is made which to prevent counterfeiting the need to use more than just one type of material to be able to bring forward the correct finances forward in comparison to fraudulent such types, which if so then what does it say about people who would have in the civilian sector of such if by their own freewill choices knowing choosing a burner phone and what do all burner phones have in common?
They all still have a blackbox type of device as well as GPS coordinates as well as a few other programs which all interlink to a storage facilities set up in which ways they had been, for any sort of just in case scenario. Has anyone who ever used one knowingly ever used such or had always purchased their own cellphone through a contract in comparison with their bare hands, and/or touched the oils of their face when holding a phone to their ear? What about ear wax regarding headsets and/or earbuds? Is there DNA which is in ear wax, or possibly a hair follicle? Do fingerprints erase themselves with the burner phone or do those fingerprints stay on the case, out of curiosity? Knowing how my biological sister had been as a child and a teenager prior to moving to the state of Texas, I am thankful I had given the warnings as to such as much ahead of time as I could and continued onward as I knew I could not be the only one who needlessly was impacted because of my biological aspects of my biological mother/sister/father. As she learned hacking phones compared to other aspects as per my biological mother, the amount of behind the scenes hidden in the keyboard shadows while stirring the pot comparatively back then from 2000 through to 2013 prior to how my son and I wound up in Washington state regarding those people; maybe all those times I had to turn my laptop into GeekSquad through the accidental insurance plans was more important than even Best Buy had realized at the time while hoping to find a common link for some other coding portions which were not able to be replicated because of only one individual who would have been able to fix and repair such backdoor and open areas for a securer portion for such technology devices at the time of from the mid to late 1980s into the middle 1990s from a specific server location IP GPS coding portion thereof. If such patterns of behaviour continued passed when I was in Washington state, I am thankful despite several aspects of being able to at minimum give as many warnings as I could about my biologicals a swell as my ex-in-laws as just think as to what my biological sister could have taught them when going to Fort Worth after she was caught having a threesome in our biological parents bed in their new house which neither had ever been in at the same time together up to that point when she was a Junior in McHenry High School in San Antonio Texas.
Her disproportioned hatred of military individuals as passed through Anna more-so with others as the background with the fact she was caught instantly by me whereas I did not interrogate her as she was able to be in the backyard where anyone in the neighborhood would have heard the entire discussion and questions being in a Homeowner Association and having already pissed off the first President of the Homeowners Association because he thought of me as the help when I was mowing my lawn and then tried to tell me how to plant in my garden before telling me he demanded I invite him to my BBQ housewarming because he heard things about me, which adding my biological sister to that swirl of drama was just the portion for that explosion in 2003; as when I refused to allow her to stay at my house without anyone at my house leaving her there for that upcoming weekend, any plans she could have had were destroyed as she proved herself to be untrustworthy and with such a punishment and being taken to Fort Worth instead of whatever hypothetical party she may have been planning at either or both houses as per whatever she and Mike discussed in the car on the ride down from Illinois to Texas; she was able to spend time at one of my ex-sister-in-law's houses with Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez, Brieanna Marie (Nichols)-Lopez who was born around 1996 and had a pregnancy at the age of 14 in 2010 though was 15 when she delivered Anthony Joseph Lopez which her little sister Marissa Marie Nichols-Lopez was around 12 or 13 when in 2009, and Joseph Anthony Nichols-Lopez was around 7 or 8 or 9 years old in 2009 or 2010; though Patricia Ann Hom at the time was 16 years old meeting them and I had warned her to be better as I warned them previously as to who Patricia and my biological family actually had been, though each side made the choices they had made. If Breianna Marie Nichols-Lopez was told to play the message of her dead-uncle's voice recording into the ear of my daughter #Ltters4Lidia while my son #Letters4James sat nearby seeing each aspect unfold in front of him was because my biological sister and /or biological mother had played a game and/or hacked knowing the lack of technology availability they would have compared to New Jersey or even a government center in Illinois; that technically would be a legal battle between the two of those people for the portions regarding how such influences to minors had been and whatever crimes charged associated with, in conjunction to abusing the disabled for knowing about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and wrongly using such to take advantage of others if I am hypothetically accurate of such though the proper prosecutionary wording for such being a bit different possibly. I told Susie Marie (Sweeney ?spelling? new married last name now as she once went by Nichols for the last name in news and then went with Nichols-Lopez for the veterans award ceremony of the paintings of their dead relative when using the Gold Star Family to find programs which were intended only for those who were a direct tie to such and not in the biological way though by the paperwork through the United States of America's Armed Forces); as she complained about the stolen valor dress blues pictures from JC Penny not being used for the painting, though with technology the ability to wrongly manipulate images and videos had needlessly become rampant and needs to stop for the truth to truly be seen in my opinion.
* As the ex-in-laws would know as to what actual involvements of wrongdoing when taking a step back compared to prior to my biological mother with my biological father and my biological sister against the warnings I gave both sides of what not to do and what to avoid, each made their own choices as to which path they chose of their own free will. I could not write of such to the levels of online because of knowing of their constant monitoring of which whenever they chose to discuss anything about me at any point in time when using technology to show another to then discuss, they would know which technology pieces held by which individual people were nearby for whatever locations they were located at for whichever points in time which security cameras and pinging services would be able to find such connections to bring forward the truth as to who was involved with which pocketbook; and who stayed clear despite the fact of seemingly being surrounded by oddities of drama and then not actually being involved with such drama officially or intentionally regarding many aspects, especially when considering the timeline combined of each events on one calendar as to see which ways had gone as they had regarding life. In my opinion the continued problems of my biological mother and biological sister specifically with their feelings and opinions as to law enforcement and military specifically after my biological sister had earned her Masters Degree wherever she had gone to school though without the experience and/or the willingness to actually look towards other ways to assist with the financial aide or the expanding of good horizons, the opportunities which once were available have been closed off. The peace corps as she said she was still too good for according to what she had said in the van one day after telling me of another spouse she assisted to cheat in the dance instructor location, prior to the new dance club studio opening in San Marcos Texas as she taught ballet students and then began being the Swan Lake Sugar Plum Fairy Princess as claimed though because of the choices of them once again; I was not invited nor allowed to attend any event she was at because of how my background though actually clear she did not consider good enough to be anywhere near, especially after one of her high school friends with longer dark hair with a streak of blond from McHenry High School in San Antonio decided he thought it would be a funny joke to play spraying hairspray while lighting with a fire aimed towards my house where my son and my daughter were inside after doing so towards my biological sister as well as two other high school students. The male left after I told him to stop before making him stop and his complaint as to my getting a firearm to point at him while he continued to ignite the hairspray towards my house with my son and my daughter and where I was standing, which then he told me he would tell his dad who was a sheriff on me. I warned him to tell the truth because if he lied or his parents had chosen Patricia's side if she did not tell the truth, as to how that would go in each direction; thus if there was upset because I chose to stand my ground after the boy should have been taken to an institution for thinking such was acceptable as the same referencing my biological sister taking his side during the evening hours afterwards for embarrassing her; she cringed when I looked into her eyes telling her, "No you are only embarrassing yourself, and I refuse to be a part of anything you want to be near. Stay away from me, and do not ever go near my son or my daughter ever again or you will be informed as to what I actually can do. Steer clear, and stay away once you are out of my house when they get here to take you to their new house that you have already soiled before they get here. You were told that you were not sent to Texas to be the best little whore in Texas by him, and you should do better than going beyond that warning." If she chose to do so for anyone under the biological age of 18 - 21 years old for any sort of assault specifically physical and/or sexual, that is up to each individual to make such known to her and them in reference to what they allowed needlessly to occur. Anna had been warned by multiple people just as Mike had been warned by multiple people as to the actual problems which were being caused by Patricia and yet, because Patricia looked Asian more-so than I the excuse of the pretty one was a needless constant. Any point when I actually found something to smile about from childhood through teenager years to adulthood, her incessant unnecessary need to insert herself where she was not ever needed to get involved nor ever asked to get involved nor ever wanted to get involved was a lesson from New Jersey she and Anna had not learned about before getting to Texas officially where they actually learned. As Patricia had said she really wanted to meet the people who lived in the two houses of Linda and Mimi as she thought they would be awesome friends I told her that pattern of behaviour is over and no longer tolerated as it should not have been for a long amount of time and she would be wise to steer clear from being such, for that sort of situation was not what she wanted to have hanging over her head as she would not ever be able to remain her sanity nor her composure long enough to be able to come across as anything other than as I knew her which was insincere and petty over jealousy with envy for somethings which she was taught the 10 main rules for through church. As she had been to several churches she knew the commandments were the same across the board, though certain wording was needing the revisions for a clearer understanding from what I thought.
1). Though shalt not have any other God/Godhead before me, though translation Goddess.
2). Thou shalt not blaspheme my name, nor ever take my name in vain. For a few examples, identity theft would be unacceptable as the same as in reference to specific names made and/or created for myself that I have chosen.
3). Remember to keep Holy the Sabbath day of which for myself when I had been taking care of my son and my daughter was actually each day once getting them back home from school to be able to cook dinner and speak with them about their days at the dinner table, to then have them do their homework from classes and when done some video games or television within reason, a set of books or stories read before they took a shower and went to bed with a few other stories or books read with; prior to prayer, and then tucking into bed for their sleep for the next day. Fridays when a babysitter was arranged through a company which was supposed to do a background check to prevent multiple aspects called Sitter City as per their explanations on their website was what was supposed to be helpful though since in Carrollton Texas starting; how could I ever have thought such arrogance as to blaspheme my home through ever putting any recording devices into my house as my house had been made into realistically extremely Holy grounds; which that was fully removed the day I had to leave my house I had made into a home, and whatever was remnant from such destruction remains as a hole in the proverbial ground and without me there has the capability to do as however I instruct such energies to move throughout those entire lands just because of several aspects being wrongfully caused problems. I do not tolerate certain aspects of which such destructionary choices needlessly to my son, my daughter, and I meant that they asked for it and I brought it and left it at each of their doorsteps to follow them wherever they trod. Do not ever think to enter what is to be my home and wrongfully blaspheme me to push forward your agenda as that portion will come back around and bite you, however such hounds are sent to do so. My home was made Holy and when the first tragedy struck, that was the beginning of removing all I had put into that house for the good energetic portions fully. The moment I had to choose to look for another place was when the second portions of everything energetically being removed from my house I made into a home, and the day which the house was sold was the last moment which everything was fully gone from that house for only emptiness to remain as my home was always my home. I did not ever need to share such with anyone, and in such the overstepping of bounds means no one gets such in the way they wished they would get such. Bull Valley Illinois, for Carrollton Texas residents at such time and all involved causing such problems to my daughter and my son and I needlessly. I hope such situations follow you around permanently and maybe with each individual step, you will think about which choices are actually the best choices comparatively.
4). Honor thy mother and thy father, which for the United States of America is the Founding Father of George Washington and whether you choose to look at the Statue of Liberty or the first and only female Medal of Honor recipient in the history of the military Dr. Mary Edwards Walker thus far since the first awarding of as per timing for among a few others for a specific aspect such as General George Washington's Agent code name Lady 13, who Lady 13 had been able to speak with to assist is who she was able to speak with to assist the formation of the United States of America during the Revolutionary War as some historians and history researchers have been able to learn about. Maybe there is a bit more of hidden truths of which honor has needed to be restored properly, as many aspects of life have been needing to know more for understanding to be able to find the wisdom to work towards a different and better life. As there is always a sperm and always an egg which through the physical body chooses or what-have-you regarding other scientific means though still needing a sperm and an egg donated to make a child, the requirement for incest to cease which has already been proven time and time again has not needed to go any further of which technology has made sure to remove such as it was intended to prevent such problems seen through various genetics and there is not the need to research such any further as that is considered immoral and unacceptable to move forward ever again knowingly. In my case there are a few which taught me the most who I have done my best to remember to mention as per each influence as those in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania had quite a large influence in my life with Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and the radio with the computers as well. I did coding which is much different than hacking which hacking I do not agree with, as such goes to rules above as well as below technically regarding myself and what the realities of what I do are. I emancipated myself a long time ago from such individuals before getting to Texas and I definitely did what I could to keep a distance away from multiple aspects regarding my ex-in-laws activities which in turn, when their choice to make me drive as I had to would be their choices which lead to such aspects which they are responsible for. They need to honor their mother and father in different ways as their choices of which they should have learned from for the betterment in comparison, was and would be the correct way to honor as the lessons were not needing to be repeated. Mike even said he did not want me to go through what he went through going into the world in any way, which in reality and in honesty I did everything I could to not repeat such as well as not push forward as best as I could for each to not have to deal with such ever again. However I suppose since my biological mother, biological sister, and my ex-in-laws wanted to remain as Democrats who fought for POTUS44 Obama and their particular need to label everything possible to give whatever words as per colleges; did my labels for certain individuals I knew fit or were they considered overdramatic, or were the responses from those who had pushed for such labels considered as overdramatic when the labeling they wanted to push onto others was turned around onto them? Excalibur reference, for that particular portion I can jest.
5). Thou shalt not murder is different than thou shalt not kill, as the thou salt not murder was intended for that particular purpose of differences because of throughout the Torah and the Holy Scriptures of discussions about war which there is a difference between killing and murder. In war when correctly justified rightfully there is not a murder, as that is a killing. Those who have tried to push the agenda of peace and love surely seem to call in those who they labeled as killers or murderers, so which one is it for those who like to have labeled so much? Why would anyone who would hate law enforcement as well as hate the military of the United States of America as explained to me by several aspects referencing my biological mother and biological sister more specifically along with whoever they had agreed with for such times in conjunction with my ex-in-laws pushing to wrongly promote the stolen valor in Grandpa Nichols' house as well as anywhere they have without the clarifications of the fullness of what actually had occurred throughout specifically the years in such reference of 2006-2008 though onward as each chose; I made the choice to not perpetuate stolen valor and take a stand to protect those who earned valor in my own little ways as I could which those who fought for Obama such as at a Thanksgiving dinner in San Antonio regarding my biological sister out of curiosity, why would you want to be involved with a correctional police officer before he went into law enforcement if you felt as you said you did back then? What was the forensic degree for and was there a legal authority which unlike for me in the ISR, my biological sister breached illegally? Security cameras and cellphone towers and vehicle blackboxes and etcetera as when driving and pinging through each specified location of a technological checkpoint wherever had gone and wherever had been, does have the lasting effects even beyond the credit/debit cards and phones to prove far more as I would know about such foundational groundwork laid back in the earlier days in which in the 1980s and 1990s the final portion of which were completed for the foundation were brought forward the day of the first social media platform outside of the emails and messengers systems seemingly called Six Degrees which began in 1997 from what I have seen online via the google search though LiveJournal as well for more in depth writing aspects in comparison to the pictures with a few words. Thus in certain references when choosing to go forward with other aspects of such, murdering an individuals reputation without the correct and fuller amount of information properly is considered as a situational problem when taking a look at the way the cancel culture has gone forward. I knew when I first heard the term that would mean those who had chosen to do so through their labeling of every small detail about each person as per the questions asked by others, though in which ways was who honest and truthful?
6). Thou shalt not commit adultery, which if you have been married to someone when alive and they physically die and do not get revived then there is not the situation of such being considered. Such is only in reference to someone who is married when they are alive and the other is still as such from the time in point of the marriage, however if agreements are made for open marriage aspects on both sides or what-have-you depends on who you chose to marry in such regards. I have been a legal widow for several years now and not having been spiritually married officially in ways which I would recognize as such for even the slight possibility of, I was told by Mike as well as others to not look for my Mrs as if there was a male worthwhile enough then he would know on his own to earn the right to give that aspect of. I have not cheated, just as I have not lied.
7). Thou shalt not steal.
8). Thou shalt not bear false witness.
9). Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife or husband, or in a shortened more applicable terminology of Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's spouse.
10). Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's property, or goods.
I think such makes a bit more sense, hopefully. I am thankful my pattern of behaviours in truth has been able to at minimum hopefully know what good I have actually done and completed, in comparison to what I have been told in the years prior. Hopefully the movement forward is much better and clearer, for genuine betterment with the knowledge of the past with records of such for the current times to understand the larger aspects of the information to gain the wisdom to correctly move forward.