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The Ornery P.S.A.
a philosophical-ish


It should not take a head injury
*after personally sustaining a head injury & coma*
to figure this out...


After a Drill Sergeant threw Me into the metal part of the bunk when I was in Basic Training for the United States of America's Army branch at Fort Sill Oklahoma #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #OK #Oklahoma in the year of 2000 on Psalm Sunday, I have dealt with the situations as best as I have been capable to do so while taking care of the situations and asking for assistance as per the required explanations of the information to such facts first.  While making the attempts to get assistance for the aspects thereof as to the reality, the aspects of where and when as to the multiple attempts to ask for assistance for me.  As my journal blog for when I was ready to bring such as to my other works forward since as to the lengths of time as to where my modeling was as to the modeling page information, just as the other pages have the information as to such specifics, and just as this journal blog of mine is as to such facts.

If I had real friends (if as to having met in person face to face in person in real life as to the aspects of this particular reference such as from the state of Texas as to the state of Washington as to the years of 2000 through 2013 if I met within the state of Texas for such references), real (the areas of the tristate region as before the year of 2000) family, and real relationships in real life that recognized me as to the aspects of if as to the face to face in person who started in truth as I had started such in truth as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate; then I guesstimate there would be the easier factors as to being capable for me to speak with others in truth in person face to face in person and/or through online measures as to such factors I suppose.  Though would such as to the knowledge of the ways as to how they began such discussions with me as to would there be such a situation, for them to consider as to such if factors as to such discussions with me in truth?

As to some suggestions and commentary within "Finding A Silver Lining" one of several of my bo0ks I personally authored/wrote/compiled as I can only speak and write in truth as per such clarifications as to the reality as to the specifics of such discussions/writings/videos as per my Official You Tube where I have satirical commentary where I comment about the factors as to having dealt with others' opinions about their pop culture references of #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey, though as to for the most part I have actually preferred to be asked with politeness if as to having read my books and/or seen my website as just the same in reference to the timeframes when I was modeling as to having respect as to what I consider as respect, referencing if as to such polite manners as to discussions if as to such having been noticed because of the factors in my opinion as to having real discussions as communication would be if my website was seen before the year of 2023 as I first began my website in 2015; as in my journal blog posts as to the reality of the years of 2010 through 2013, as to the aspects of introductions as to those timeframes when as to various factors as I did not take selfies as I was actually working with photographers as to my creations of my outfits as per the description on the link to my modeling page(s) as to the references regarding my journal blog updates in the years of 2019 through 2022 as the timeframe onward as to the year of 2023 as to the factors as to how such journal blog entries will be as to such factors as to the aspects of the various topic points.

Go read through the multiple journal blogs on my website after finishing scrolling to get to the journal blog area, now!

Share the links of my journal blog, too!

 I was born and raised in New Jersey and grew up going throughout the tristate northeast areas mainly, and as to how the reality of when the importance of the situations as to the aspects of reviewing as to such facts regarding the logistics for several factors as to the considerations; the years of 2019 through 2022 as to the review process as to the aspects of the timeframe, prior to the timeframe of the 20 year memorial of 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 as well as before the 30 year memorial of February 1993, as to the northeast areas mostly known as to New York City #NYC #NewYork #NY #NYstate #NYU though also as to the #Pentagon Pentagon, as well as Pennsylvania #Pennstate #Pennsylvaniastate as to the reality of how many New Jersey-ians commute in either direction, depending upon what location for the commute. 

The factors though I have said at times, I re-re-re-re-re-re-grew up in the state of  #Texas #TX #Texasstate Texas as to such factors as to the timeframes, as well as all 26 of my SCUBA #SCUBA #SCUBADiving  Diving certifications I earned were through one school within the state of Texas as I also earned winning first place in a Texas Chili cookoff with more than 20 entries as well as my chili recipe as I am adamant about my recipes as to such aspects just as I am specific as to what it actually takes for me to cook in a BBQ as to the required preparations for when I have BBQed.   

I can sarcastically write, those who know of the Rules of the BBQ as to where I grew up as to the Rules of the BBQ as to such factors to the considerations of such preparations.  However that is to cooking food as to the differences of my journal blog entries, as to the factors as to proverbial aspects of food for thought as the difference of real food in real life as to the facts of the situations to such attention to the details as well as attention to the information.

Such facts as to the metaphors in some of such factors that only after reviewing such information as to the aspects of the fiction book series that were as to for My personal life as to such dreamland sorts of factors as to the differences of such hypotheticals, the references thereof as to such regards as to the logistical emotional with the real situations as per the names I was informed of at the timeframes referenced review as to My journal blog as to the situations overall.  

If as to my journal blog being found and read as to where what I consider as common sense, as to the aspects of my satirical saying   how it should not take a head injury to figure out. 

*(sometimes utilizing articles discussing facts)*
By:  (Reverend) Susan MeeLing
also known as

The One & Only

(YouTube)   Lady Dori Belle


Business Card.jpg


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?

Day 41 & Day 42 & Day 43 of 60 Days of Thanks Challenge

As my 41st day of thanks challenge for 60 day to begin the lengthy entry for this, I am thankful I gave plenty of information as best as I could to as many people in person as I had before being forced to do what needed to be done despite not wanting to because of code; and yet the code needed to be broken open, repaired, and fixed to run more smoothly and correctly in the right correct direction. I am thankful even with all of the zapping, the medication issues being messed with and learning of at such time, the situation overall regarding my son and my daughter while being a Mom while doing what I could for extended family members who needed the correct information brought forward more clearly; having to go forward with such a choice despite all of the prior information given and warnings reminded of, I was torn as to how I could do so feeling truthfully justified for the eureka moment. I went through all of the paperwork, pictures, videos, notebooks, writings, techy objects, and more to be able to piece multiple aspects together when the moment of eureka came during one phone call, which reminded me of Enron and a warning I had repeatedly had to give once a level of information had been reached for such an individual. I had told him of the facts I saw in the newspaper though also people I knew in school and I did not want to see that ever happen again and would do what I could to prevent to that level of, if he would look into the larger aspects as to the bigger portions of what actually occurred in the timeframe of the larger portions. I knew he did not understand because he did not know of the other additional portions aside from Homeowners Association aspects though to be able to get the interlinking portions as to other discussions he would be able to find out about which with who had minimal knowledge of other portions was shown and discussed with about other topics, which would be able to bring such together for a larger portion once I heard the term IRS and remembered instantly. I went to the work area to see everything along the ground and threw a fit, infuriated I was going to have to do what I needed to do as I looked through the photographs and saw the background portions and freaked out instantly. It was misunderstood at the time by the neighbors downstairs as with other intertwined aspects they thought from what the male who had targeted me at the Cowboys Dance Hall sending the others to be the shiny objects to swoop in right when planned as per other portions from noticing movement throughout the club that evening of the Stoney LaRue concert and the shadows from the lights, which in turn the discussions overheard when walking by certain groups and/or people made a lot more sense when in Washington state in Vancouver. Alaska made more sense as to why the male from the situation outside of Stoney LaRue's concert after getting towards Arizona and into a place which was not where I had been told was supposed to be where as doing what I could for my son as well as myself as randomly noticing certain aspects without the ability to speak with anyone I knew in which would alert there truly was a problem beyond just the initial view of the whole situation. I learned later in Arizona he was wanting to take me there to Alaska after he laughed about a favorite club he would attend at the moment of pulling up a picture of what looked as Christy from the Jade Wolf Coven though older in the background of a picture from 2010 though also in other times seeing what she would seemingly had looked like though only when in the state of Texas up until a point in Seattle Tacoma Washington area which she said she had a large , which infuriated me further sending rage in each direction; which ironically, the transformer 9-1-1 phone call, shortly after the fury began to calm-ish a bit though the zapping increased flowing. I am thankful I made as many attempts to explain as often as I did, and I am thankful CID from the Brackenridge situation was able to recognize certain patterns surrounding the situation at Medical Hold Unit which is now Warrior Transition Unit with the Center for the Intrepid at #JBSA in #MilitaryCityUSA #SanAntonio #mysa. I am still thankful and will forever be thankful for Denzel Washington and those who assisted and worked with to be able to raise and put together the funding for the area to be able to make sure those who went off and were severely injured were able to be properly taken care of, for the betterment while seeing other interconnections along such the way for additional aspects.

I had met in August 2000 who became my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia biological father who had told me he had met me before that night, spoke with his mom and sisters about and wanted to begin talking; though he was upset I was on restriction, which I felt was a different situation when he brought up the company commander Captain John Morning and knowing I had liked him as he heard from Choleva and Sybert and he wanted to know why or how I could ever look at him as anything. McCoy had also been a part of the discussions he had heard about me as he began investigating to research me and when Choleva brought up how she knew he was going to be a doctor someday and I told her I preferred not, she did not believe me as to what I explained though she only saw the finances of as she had been previously stationed in South Korea and tried telling me about how wonderful being a Queen for a Year as I called it had been which I simply looked at with disgust as I knew what she would do for such especially when she told me if I had actually been stationed in South Korea as to what she and the other females would have done to me for cutting in on their profitable earnings. I laughed telling her there would be a different type of profitable earnings depending on what she meant though she was referring to the television which was older technology than what was already out as well as some weave which I had seen far better weave from my Grandmawmaw's friends, which she felt was insulting as to how I could have ever seen better hair than what she had gotten. I knew she was one of those females who the male she preferred left and learned what a Queen for a Year was and since he did not take her back before going to the United States of America in marriage, she lost her mind and was about to be Chapter 13ed for inability to comply or adapt. Her friend Sybert also had been stationed there had been engaged before his PCS to Fort Sam Houston however because he did not actually follow through with the wedding itself and she had seen others previously including Choleva, she followed suit to lock him down as she knew the state of Texas from her 4H club. McCoy had been dating a female named Trish who was a back and forth or more likely bisexual female who did not like to eat out though enjoyed using her fingers more than anything else, and McCoy wanted to keep her relationship with that female as she knew she had a male she was playing with the emotions of as a back up just in case she needed to have children to be able to maintain benefits to the base as long as she could. Andrews the only one of the females who had been to South Korea who I respected as she took what she chose to do for the Queen for Two Weeks, get what she needed purchased from the area through stopping by, and then return back to the United States of America to split the winnings with Sergeant Charles who did not mind not only refusing to use a condom with any situation though also had been proud to have overcome the clap several times; which I warned him especially about such, though few listened. I preferred in regards of Andrews for her to make her own choices as to what she did with how she was in a more positive and beneficial way, though she knew nothing about who I knew prior times in more specific areas and locations though nor did Charles understand who I knew and why I was adamant about condoms and proper medical checking for the best health possible at the time.

I went shortly after being removed from restriction as I had already told Captain Morning about my background, my childhood from what I could remember, my teenager years up to that point of being 17 years old, and he promised he would never leave me. I looked to him and told him not to ever say never, and asked if he remembered Fifel. He laughed as he did and I told him he needed to be careful as he did not know many aspects and he needed to pay more attention, which he had given me his pager phone number and I texted him the phone number I had on the military installation in Medical Hold Unit at the time within the inner portions of the base on Stanley which I informed my biological mother of as she was also working in McHenry County government center which both lines would automatically be recorded as I knew and she had to be informed of when signing contract paperwork. After a few phone calls between my biological mother, my biological father, and I was when I chose to send the text message for him to ask what it was and for me to explain 8 letters with 3 words and one meaning. It was a nod which some would know to understand later as per such technological aspects as per what I had warned others about referencing my nightmare and knowing what date I needed to be inside of the United States of America's Armed Forces to be able to prevent from going further because it was the only way to fully stun the AI system as well as cease all plans I could not take care of by myself to stop; as it was the only way to stop what I saw in the wording planning with other coding referencing certain flight information which I could briefly explain to my babysitter's husband Jose Castro who was a Director of Security in one of the World Trade Center buildings; which his wife and her friends had done multiple rituals assisting the reference regarding the triumphio susanna as other references additional to portions of them specifically knowing my maternal Grandfather as well as my paternal Bok Gung and Bok Pu, as it was known my biological mother had been legally married to another prior to beginning to date who raised me and was part of why I repeated so often to him afterwards as to biology though also to specific aspects as to what he personally taught me from whether his specific books and/or when around. He did not get the credit he earned where he should have in other references and I knew though had no way to tell him and thus I promised I would not ever allow another male or female to go through such, because of the internal struggles as a child and teenager as well as not ever knowing to the level of and confusions. My choices additionally to not assist knowingly to cheat or help cheat was not as well known for many reasons, though probably makes a bit more sense to some now in comparison. Both ways, for some right? An even more fearful situation when you think about what I grew up around, and knowing such additionally to who the ethnic fullness is of though not knowing who specifically and also knowing of others at such times as per the years prior and the sexual revolution which again; my maternal Aunt Chris would be able to verify certain aspects as to my biological mother's whereabouts for certain parties and events, as well as a few additional details similar to a picture referencing a club in the Seattle-Tacoma Washington picture on a wall and one more. Yet my biological mother also told me she had never smoked and never smelled pot in New Jersey, or on a college campus in New Jersey such as specifically Rutgers University in the late 1960s into the 1970s. Why could I not believe my biological mother ever, as a child? The irony of its a small world being her favorite song and Disney portion, at the time when going to the park. The same for anyone who would prefer my biological mother, biological sister, and ex-in-laws wrongly over me in a specific viewpoint which to this day has yet to be disproven as per explained choices and seen behaviours as well as the slowness of the technology when the cellphones are not on when working on my website as though AI and/or other problems regarding hackers need to back off and stay away. Hacking is unacceptable and unaccepted as such details which are allowed to be known by me, are exactly such. My website is only my website and no one has or had any authority over changing such without my choice and without my permission, thus the specifics of if I allow a contractor to work on such is only for the specified aspects and nothing more ever to be allowed and such to be cut off immediately as when or if I need such assistance I will ask for such otherwise my website is exactly such only. All others are to be removed and not granted access without what choices I write for my requests regarding such aspects in reference to my website development, as I do not need nor want any assistance for how my website it run; same for my technology pieces, whichever I pay for out of my own pocket for myself to utilize as I deem fit..

Then there is who I met referencing who was going to be my soon-to-be-ex-in-laws referencing my now dead-ex-husband's mother Grandma Nichols as well as her daughter Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time, and some of the grandchildren with Grandpa Nichols. After awhile I heard words which sent chills up my spine reminded me of what my babysitter's son would say referencing clothing though making little sense as to such, as she would try to speak with a Dominican accent though it did not ever sound Dominican ever. My babysitter and her husband were from Acapulco in the Dominican Republic which specific phrases were not ever said to me at the time of the first meeting, as well as having to explain plantanos to who said she was from the Dominican Republic. I did not know anyone from there who did not like Cockatoos or McCaw birds from such an area, though she only liked the McCaw birds when I brought up what was some of my memories at the time. Grandma Nichols said she liked to pull the feathers out of the wings of those birds which disgusted me because of knowing how Sony/Sonja Castro would rescue birds to rehabilitate them from abusive owners. She said she liked how the Cockatoos tasted which was even more confusing to me as I know how Dominicans are about that particular bird, as it assists to the island beauty and helps to rid the area of certain types of bugs. She also said in the tone which those in the LGBTQP lifestyle would mainly know of the sound of the voice when discussing Haitians compared to the Dominican Republic, when expressing her pure hatred of the Haitians and how they would do anything to get back at anyone who ever was thought to cross over a line which she thought needed to be corrected.

What she said she thought in such a way, I agreed as the over-stereotyping of certain groups was needed to be cleared. I could not get passed the fact she did not know what coffee I meant, nor did she know of Rojo Pollo which she said was only a red chicken she would try to catch instead of the food which I told her she was wrong and would not ever. I think in later references as she had admitted to doing of stealing chickens with the red such as roosters from several farm areas in different towns she had lived in the way some Asians have had to learn that geese at parks are not for public consumption and are different than what accustomed to, which in comparison to Asians learning and knowing better; Grandma Nichols AKA Lydia E. (?surname?) Nichols as per legal documentation had proudly said she did so in each farm house location as she blamed the farmers for not having a chicken coup instead of stopping herself from stealing as she could have easily done, though chose to ignore such warnings from Grandpa Nichols who she lied to to get into the United States of America by taking the place and name of the female who he had fallen in love with and a modernized portion as to how she waited to tell him she was not who she actually was and needed to get her into the country for other help. That female went to New York City claiming to be her mom though was her sister or cousin or friend, though who Grandpa Nichols had loved and who loved Grandpa Nichols though had moved on because she had to as well. She was warned the first time of meeting me when we were talking to be a better person or he would ask for help to get help, which I smiled. He and I spoke many times over the length of hours, despite few others ever paying attention at such times except the youngest cousins Marissa Marie and Joseph Anthony as they had not ever seen any female ever speak with him though would yell at him instead. After the first few months of getting to know them and bringing a pie for each for each trip, Grandpa Nichols informed me he was getting a minifridge with a lock and key to be able to keep what food I would bring him safe to ensure the food was safe for eating as he needed me to know for a bigger aspect. He told me he was picking up food or having friends drop food off to put in the fridge while Grandma Nichols went to work and Susie Marie was taking care of her children's school and work, to keep the food safer as he knew I did not know what he meant though he said he knew I would explain so others would be able to know and understand more clearly. I think the VA hospital situation and the doctors included can assist to help for such additional details as well as them knowing of my blue military identification card, and the situation previously for the first meeting of my ex-sister-in-law Mary E. Osteen with her husband's Basic Training graduation at Lackland Air Force Base in 2001.

The coding for which I had noticed was if there was a reason for a break within the technology AI which would occur to be big enough to make the Artificial Technology slow down instead of speed up referencing hackable technology if before the 9-1-1 + Y2K had met in conjunction. Reading such a coding I knew I was not the only one who saw that and began to start working towards finding what was the situation however I had already been explaining such by the time in 1999 when people were noticing so long, I began making my own plans to be able to get into where the actual situation was going to be in the middle of everything at the central point to prevent the spreading as to what would have been next if such was not stopped. The code text message to Captain Morning with the phone number and the 8-3-1 was able to be sent in just enough time to send out the required responses, though I knew I did not know if it was going to work in time and when being on post when 11 September 2000 after other dream-like sorts of aspects in my barracks room of driving in a dream and using a manual transmission when driving; after a certain point is when I had gotten lost and found my way into what is called Old BAMC which had chains on the doors at the time, and a large padlock. I met a male dressed in old Army Green Class A uniform as I told Watson who asked me to take a look over a few situations which were needing help and assistance for betterment as he knew who I was and who I am, which I had seen quite a bit. A dream I had when writing in a notebook in Washington state in Tacoma at the Lodge at Madrona Apartments and the aspects of the dream, had been a bit of what had been seen to assist with. The counseling statements were the way which my Grandfather and my Bok Gung and my babysitter's husband had worked together to put into place as per my Bok Pu's knowledge and understanding with the comprehension as to the reasons why. Nonetheless when 11 September 2000 occurred, I knew I was not out of the woods proverbially just yet as I knew there was more to what was going on which needed a different set of aspects for betterment as the 1980s and 1990s coding I worked on was for the foundational portions of the larger gridwork patterns for the growing need for technology across the world as the internet was being launched in more locations without as much preparation the way Space Research had been done, and the worry and concern as to the interconnections between various groups of backgrounds and how such would be reviewed for the times as to the information.

I told people how I had gotten my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, I told people about how I fought to be emancipated, I told people about the history of the church I grew up going to, and I told them about my biological mother as well as my biological father as well as my biological sister from what I could remember at the times as well as the few smaller details of what I could from my extended family. Captain Morning AKA my Captain Cupcake was sent to Kentucky at Fort Knox as he told me he needed to go there for some work and the orders changed quickly which later I learned was because I had done as I was asked as to call him John his first name similar to Saint John Vianney High School in Holmdel New Jersey, as he previously was a General's aide while a Lieutenant prior to becoming commander of Medical Hold Unit; and was stopped by the new Brigade Commander Colonel who demanded a meeting with Captain Cupcake about several aspects including the Iowa connection Captain Cupcake had been told in person of as he did ask me about Mormonism and laughed when it took me awhile to pronounce the word because of relearning how to speak without crying from the amount of headaches and migraines initially from waking up from the coma and when others spoke or yelled the same aspects as per the pain levels. I grew up in New Jersey and went to New York City as well as Philadelphia and Pittsburg though the vibrations of certain tones and words were beyond words to try to explain and even though I grew up in such locations; the slightest louder noise with even a heightened level of intensity caused an increased amount of pain which instantly caused tears without control as the pain was excruciating. I could only handle so much for so long as to how loud so much was and readjusting to being awake after a coma for a length I did not know as well as how long Zero Week actually had been prior to the 9 days of Basic Training before the Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after Services, and the way such had been previously to the point of going finally. However the situation with Captain Cupcake saying he had to go and he promised, he saw the clouds rolling inward as we talked as there was a CID investigation pending at the time referencing the Brackenridge Rave as well as the details surrounding. I was told when the case was fully completed in reference to the entire investigation, I would be informed officially as to the findings as well as the case being completed; I told people as much as I could remember which I did discuss the CID, Special Forces, and how that came to be referencing timing back then as most in Medical Hold Unit knew I did not want to not be a part of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as I knew they needed more help than they knew. When people asked why I did not sue the Army branch for my head injury after effects, what did I tell you as to the reason? I knew, there was more needed to be done and I saw which way the portions were being moved and which areas I would need to be at for the best possible outcomes.

My soon-to-be-ex-in-laws specifically Grandma Nichols also to the chickens she tole because of a male who had taken her from the farmhouse area of land to the store at the Commissary for food he had charged her for the gas and she was offended he charged her, which was the reasons she started to steal the chickens from the neighbor because of her not realizing how much and the length to the base to go to the commissary. She proudly discussed how she stole pecans from farms in Texas near Fort Worth as well as she admitted to many of each as to how she stole chickens from Alabama and Louisiana, though the pecans she would say she shelled them before taking them into a bag she would keep in her purse to prevent the damages to the good nuts compared to what she would eat on the farm while picking all of the pecan trees as ordered to. I was told as many others were told and as I told others I would not be surprised if those others told others, and the warnings later with the paper might make additional sense to such individuals and/or groups associated referencing a short time afterwards of being taken to and then later being reminded of being taken to Shreveport Louisiana when pregnant with my son at the age of 18 years old via a bus shuttle ride as Grandma Nichols, Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez, Maria, and Petra with a few others had booked the shuttle bus from Fort Worth Texas to Shreveport to go to the casino to gamble and when I was told I could not get into the casino to even sit down despite them all having been there previously; they had expected me to wait for them at the buffet table which I told them I would get up and walk around and go whenever I wanted as they were not going to tell me what to do after they drug me across the state line of Texas into Shreveport I don't know where and they knew they were going to go gambling as well as they knew the age requirement, which they thought it was a funny game to have that go on while I was known to already have been dealing with who is my now dead-ex-husband for just up to that portion as well as knowing how short it had been since I had woken up from my coma which was at that time less than 1 full year as it was not July yet. I was looked at as overdramatic for such a dare to be upset after being invited to go to the casino with the group of them as they could have left me at the house instead with Grandpa Nichols, which then they were all angry when I told them I would have actually preferred to be at the house with Grandpa Nichols. You can guess as to the amount of stirring of drama that went, though I was able to get a small portion to Grandma Nichols shortly thereafter when informing her of a Symposium in New Orleans which after a discussion with several people as to the prior time in the state of Louisiana in 2001; I brought Grandma Nichols a plate of food which was prepared specially for her, compliments of the chef. She ate each portion and used her fingers to get the last of the juices to be able to enjoy what she was getting at the time, of which since I have been doing as I have done well before ever meeting that female as well as the additional portions thereof to my background; Grandma Nichols might have thought she knew Santaria, though she did not know anything other than Orthodox Catholicism to go off of which were the only portions she knew officially compared to the few bits of black magic and yet afraid of black cats. Those black cats at the Nine Lives Book Store that I spent much time around and some were moved to the back to the online volunteer area of the store later on in conjunction with the two black cats which I had living in my house named Mumbles and Teeners for short, as her dead son murdered my white cat Emerald Isis just as he arranged for the murder of my dog Dionysus with my biological sister and biological mother's help as the timing as to the couch in San Antonio Texas from when I was sick in 5th grade as well as a few other portions as I did not know they brought that couch down to San Antonio until it was there in that house and Anna Louise Hom had said she could just put a couch cover throw over the top of the couch to hide any of the problems; which it was impossible for that to ever actually work, as there is a specific energy of the couch from that time because of what occurred in a specific way.

Before I begin this portion please keep in mind the abilities I have admitted to having for a long amount of time well before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and I know there had always had to be questions about the situation, as when seeing the picture the first time when meeting the Nichols family I was extremely drawn to that particular picture as Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at that time would have known just as especially Joseph Anthony and Marissa Marie unlike the others as per age. However when Mary E. Osteen with David Osteen arrived prior to David going to Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio Texas weeks before my blue identification card went missing as the three females who were from Georgia had claimed they knew I could get another identification card without any problem because of what Grandma Nichols had told them, about getting them their own identification cards. My identity theft began only after the three of the Nichols had declared Bankruptcy and I refused to be a part of such which if the aspects of Brieanna Marie's and Marissa Marie's and/or Joseph Anthony's credit score was destroyed because of Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time using their identification to be able to get power as I had written about previously in FSL, then Grandma Nichols had obviously done such before despite Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time going along with such as Grandpa Nichols told her to stop following her mother to the jump off of the bridge. However the picture specifically could not only bother just myself and I had brought such up asking about the picture, which Mary E. Osteen discussed about her knowledge of the female as Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez had discussed her knowledge which both knew her from the same Fort Worth High School and what was going on inside that high school regarding bullying to a very different degree, as there was a childcare facility within the school grounds as well as metal detectors to get inside with a police substation emergency unit. I knew areas such as from the tri-state area and with a situation when at the YMCA and learning of a foster group being allowed as I was told to go to the YMCA and feeling horrific after thinking about what I was about to deal with regarding my biological sister when getting back to the house and being misunderstood and as to try to explain at such times was impossible as my biological mother got involved and things went as such. After getting back from Louisiana and finishing up the last portions regarding my specific types of workings for clearing there was a situation at a Burger king on Fort Sam Houston which I called Berger King customer service and told the male what I had done on the phone line as the other portions regarding the treatment of the soldiers and the dependents was my personal problem though as soon as my now dead-ex-husband walked into the door and knowing what I was going to deal with shortly afterwards while still concentrating on the workings thereof referencing the portions being directed towards my ex-mother-in-law; there was no possible way for me to explain how such words would come out of my mouth at the time, though I did what I could to give a background for a better understanding as I felt horrific for saying such words while working through such energetic frequencies though the Pecans and the Chickens regarding the farms and Grandma Nichols stealing from now makes so much more sense when looking back to that year. I had asked for assistance to clear the vision from a female I had met when I was in a specific area I knew I needed to go to from other portions from my Grandfather, and the correct words were said for such a boat ride without charge to a house in an area which I was able to discuss several aspects and the assistance for such with a return reading for clarity for their area as my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after effects were known to those I spoke with previously in 2001 and by the time of getting to New Orleans and not having changed my hair or losing much weight in the length the ability for the casino camera security guys who would have possibly seen such could have put a version of an APB or BOLO. I went to speak with who I spoke with in a swampy area with a non-motorized boat location to such a place, which the moss branches hung lower to the water for those who know the area of who requested to speak with me from the area. I do apologize for not remembering her name, though the coffee with the pastry on the plate for the discussion was well discussed and the return reading for those who are from such an area you were given such as she needed clarity for a vision she was having which she told others about previously.

I had only met Tony Walker shortly after because of the arrival and upon seeing everyone in the house together of that timeframe in whichever ways, I asked about the picture and watched his and Grandpa Nichols' responses as I saw Gail look towards the side not realizing how much she had once looked as that female when she was younger though at the same time knowing. The choice to give a carousel for her wedding portion of the gift was more intricate than she may have realized, as well as the floral arrangement despite not being able to be there. The gift for Tony which though not a traditional gift for a wedding in the slightest, I knew he would know why there were three in comparison with a stand which would assist a different portion for his own safety as well as theirs regarding their children. I knew it would not make sense as I knew Tony was into martial arts training as per the aspects of bringing my Gi to the house with Joseph Anthony, James Michael, and Lidia Louise to their home in Oklahoma later on in 2008 with the dogs for assistance for clarity when the time would make more sense as I knew they paid attention to signs out in the open wherever they went though also paid attention to signs out in nature more-so compared to those of the others which he would later understand from referencing ties for betterment in the longest terms as per getting him the firearms and gun safes making sure the explanations were as best as possible regarding the historical firearms from the Civil War as well as one or two from the Revolutionary War having already discussed the church I grew up going to. I gladly told him and Gail later as to the baby shower in 2001 drive back to Grandpa Nichols' house when I took Mimi back to the neighborhood as the rest of the females went as they had, which I knew Gail was not able to attend or was preoccupied during the shower itself to tell her first; though Grandma Nichols laughed not realizing what was coming and same for Susie Marie as they said she was nosey ever since the time and only saying the time when looking towards the backyard region of the house as per their angle when leaning back. Mimi ran to her house after just the short amount of time which a male whose father I found for him would have a slight understanding as to the ferocity of how my words can cut through quickly to get the mandatory clarity for knowingly not only myself, which thus he would be able to give an example though others can in their own ways as well if specifically directed more specifically. Though I have learned and knew there would be a time when so many aspects of life would somehow seem interconnected and those who had not grown up with nearly as much technology as I had been around, would need more assistance than in most cases. Tony, Gail, and their children would know more just as Grandpa Nichols would among others as per my demands to get to the areas as I saw which ways certain aspects were moving as per what I could barely remember at the times of.

In such regarding the first love of Tony Walker Nichols' life who he met in high school in Fort Worth which the drawing picture of her which is like a younger version of Grandpa Nichols' first love which Grandma Nichols had lied to get into the country of the United States of America, she had gotten pregnant while she was stripping at a club while dating Tony Walker and when he moved out with her and Grandma Nichols was unable to be around the cash she was bringing to the house for awhile until Grandpa Nichols signed a co-lease for the apartment to get him out of the house for his and her safety; Grandpa Nichols went to work that day before being called back to the house, to get home early as it was considered an emergency as explained to me. The mother Linda, grandmother Mimi, Grandma Nichols, Mary Evolngelina Nichols at the time, Susan Marie Nichols at the time, and what was told to me by different account of 3-5 other females who were known to the girlfriend of Tony Walker Nichols at the time for being around the two daughters as well as the friends of Tony Walker's first love. One preferred putting peanut butter between her legs and the ones associated with as Tony Walker would remember as well as others as it was said that went around the high school quickly as soon as Mary and Susie had spoken with people, and those who remember how Mary and Susie Nichols and their groups had been would be able to discuss such further. I would not be surprised as per the McDonald's 1st birthday to my son while I was pregnant with my daughter in 2002; if some of those people of the McDonalds staff and/or those who came in had remembered Susie Marie from high school and/or her sister, as per their own choices while not forgetting how Grandma Nichols had chosen to be out in public as well as the overall view of Grandma Nichols for that particular scene as to how that situation had been referencing her friends who were hiding behind the glass away from her and Susie with their children as I with my big pregnant belly waddled along carrying the stuff from one side to the other as the people who had reserved the time were correct the whole time and I was simply getting out of the way despite how wide I was.

Nonetheless I was told by Grandpa Nichols, Linda, Mimi, Judy, her husband, Mary, Susie, Grandma Nichols, Petra, and Joe Susie's first three children's father of their versions about the events. From all of the information gathered the personal opinion as well as the initial feeling picked up from the time of just seeing the picture and the first two minutes of the responses had been the following, which possibly this might assist such:

* Tony Walker Nichols was at work or school and preparing the apartment for the two of them

* Grandpa Nichols was at Carswell Air Force Base and was called back most likely on a landline which automatically would be a recorded landline in each phone call ever made between him and/or anyone calling onto a military base installation as per governmental regulations well before the current year

* There was a group of females who worked at one club which were being found behind the dumpster at the waterski shop for awhile which seemed a bit as why I gave a female a taser just apparently in the nick of time for her own safety in All Stars in San Antonio Texas, Day2 and such would know of me for one such aspect in the state of Texas for which almost seemed entangled and yet in some way not as per the way the females discussed and seeing certain connecting points though the high school portions of such connections would be better to look at for such sorts of connections as to the specific club as well as type of female involved and etcetera; again only a hypothetical of one or two connections, though possibly a few more

* Linda the mom and Mimi the Grandmom to the female Patti (?name of red haired female with shorter hair in a white shirt and white background hung on the wall behind the green rocking couch facing the television in the converted garage to a living room?) whose house was when facing from the Marshall to Dorsey at the corner to turn right where Grandpa Nichols' house is Linda's would be the second from the left and Mimi's would be the one on the right

* Linda and Mimi had been telling their daughter/granddaughter to go to Grandma Nichols to be able to learn spanish which if Tony Walker learned spanish later and the words of the ability to be able to see whether such was similar to making a smaller version of the sleeper aspects as per wonderings as to where the Fort Hood Shooter doctor had been a part of training prior to as well as during time within the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces and what connection points thereof, as Grandma Nichols does not have any hispanic accent which truly sounds any type of specific area as per claimed via the multitudes of times; which what were immigration laws at such times when Grandpa Nichols had met her and where, as well as who were the largest number of travelers from which region and which country of origin truthfully which would possibly have a religious connection?

* Grandpa Nichols was working with whomever he was working with whenever he received a phone call after being informed, reminded physically and verbally as to how Grandma Nichols had already discussed where she had been on Carswell and who she had been speaking with during such times as to other aspects regarding the military base as well as females she knew personally as per being a dependent; which Grandpa Nichols warned her to stop as he would have to inform as needed to his Commanding Officer, and she did not heed the warnings as nor did others per the honey pot trap.

* Grandma Nichols always had cash available at the moments notice in large quantities without hesitation even if someone randomly stopped by without asking over first, which I have seen that sort of arrangement before in New York City more specifically though unknown locations specifically to at any point I had ever been over to that house from 2000 even to 2020 in December as per the amount of cash Susie Marie's husband Sweeney had gone to the ATM to withdraw money to repay a debt owed even if Susie Marie did not get informed as to whether or not Grandma Nichols had actually declared bankruptcy or if she reported what Susie Marie was going to plan and dropped the dime on her as she already had in reference to Susie's first three children's father as well as his brother and others as per some would know how she had been a part of helping solve problems as she claimed; an east coast though semi-universal type of term depending upon location and situation overall comparatively to be able to keep Susie Marie under control so she would always have to go to Grandma Nichols for cash knowing how her daughter's spending sprees would go and what was put onto her children for the entirety of the debt as if Grandpa Nichols took the entirety of the debt as per the paperwork without Grandma Nichols because of the requirement of set income compared to the job she did at M&M Bottling company with the Miller area near Fort Worth Texas as well as working as a cash paid volunteer for the food sampling at Sam's Club in the nearby area with others, and a few other aspects as to the cash payments for the food stamps as well as her idea for the stolen hot items to pay with cash to then return to then get gift cards to purchase the remodeling equipment and etcetera needed while paying cash for the work done by whomever as per the check payment was an example of who she had used for remodeling via the remodeling I had completed to my house in Carrollton which she and Susie had known as to who was doing the work and where they met them from of which if cameras were found then that company along with whomever Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time had introduced her mom or visa versa regarding such in reference to if when my biological parents and Phillip Omstead with my then ex-fiance Shawn McCaul's sister and whoever else was there as I was in Cedar Park and about to move without speaking with the Nichols or specifically Grandma Nichols about quickly having to go for the requirements for my daughter's situation at the Fort Worth Zoo after McCoy Elementary School bullying in Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District; if illegal surveillance was installed and the police were sent by an anonymous tip though the phone line came from Grandma Nichols and/or someone such had been associated with at the time while I was in Cedar Park area signing paperwork for a different location completely and the moving truck arrived the day of without warning as I had not spoken with my ex-in-laws since earlier when they refused to assist or tell the truth regarding the Arizona trip for the artwork regarding their dead-brother and their upset as to me having allowed them to use my van to go to Arizona to be able to go to the hospital to be able to take care of my daughter while allowing them to have my son go on the trip to see and experience hopefully for the best, no one told me what had occurred referencing the Police Officers beyond that there were police officers. My then fiance's car was being taken care of and watched over by me as my ex-in-laws knew as they had met him before going to Basic Training and before the situation referencing having to defend myself after a Corona beer which had an odd fizzle which I had told my ex-in-laws about the semi-truck collision as I had told Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr at the time as well as his family among so many more well before going to move into my house in Carrollton at the time which Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had seen the atrocities of Susie Marie and Grandma Nichols which she had met him and they got along well especially after she learned as to how the forced arrangement had been regarding such; which was explained in FSL after discussing with multiple people as per all aspects within FSL both books have been discussed for the most part with multiple people, with the exception of a few because it is only my business and without proper clearances there is not the need nor the requirement to discuss or write about in those particular aspects as I am not interested in discussing such without the proper aspects completed in such as per my own aspects. My now dead-ex-husband had told my ex-mother-in-law about the bookstore I was volunteering at which my ex-sister-in-law's daughter Brieanna Marie had been interested as she had wanted people to believe she read the encyclopedia which I asked which letter she began with in the books and she tried to tell me there was only one book for the entire encyclopedia, which having a set myself as well as growing up with the National Geographic book collection my biological mother had as well as volunteering at Nine Lives Books with the male I was forced into a relationship into with the ex-in-laws being informed of the way it went as well as being informed for months before about the bookstore, the only reason they wanted to meet with me was because of being told about Cactus Jack AKAK Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and the fact he was working at Half Price Books with the additional connection to Nine Lives Books' owners; he was warned to stop playing games with those people before going to meet my ex-in-laws, as I knew he was talking with Suzanne much more and I saw the difference to when she would talk after speaking with him compared to before speaking with him. I noticed the same behavioural changes when Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack's claimed ex-girlfriend Jamie Robles AKA Lazy Eye, before compared to after speaking with her; and the same with the other employees and volunteers, including her own sister Cindy and specifically certain ones of the cat sanctuary volunteers as the clattering of the sound of a bottle hitting keys in a pocket is different than the sound of keys hitting a bag in the pocket compared to keys hitting only the fabric compared to keys pushing through the fabric prior to puncturing. As both went to college at UTSA and had already been introduced to my biological mother, biological sister, and biological father after they went into Nine Lives Books had been the can of worms proverbially with the irony of Heroes and Fantasies nearby in the same shopping center. Of course I could only tolerate the aspects of the forced aspects so long and once that aspect as to my dead-ex-husband was completed regarding the upward discussions with the chain of Command because of the outer circumstances involved, I could not get rid of Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr quick enough; though I knew he was going to transfer to Half Price Books in Dallas and I knew he would be arrogant enough to wear the 151 Road Warriors t-shirt even if just for one time and instantly, he would be too ignorant to see the fact he was in the main warehouse and wearing a shirt which commemorated when he encircled the Military City USA San Antonio; and hopefully someone would be intelligent enough to see how I could only do so much which sending in the Pumpkin Pies was hoping such clarifications would occur, to help much more easily for clarity while showing an honesty straight from me through him in such a specified reference if they would learn of my Medical Retirement from the Army branch in the United States of America's Armed Forces as if such were to be possible then the fact of such specific words would show the lack of stolen valor; which hopefully would assist to bring forward clarity I could feel was needed, though could not figure out to which levels thereof such as the boxes of books being taken from a store to Suzanne's condo and/or storage facility and/or friends who would have such a storage facility and/or friends who would and etcetera to close in on who the actual culprit had been all along and who had been so though realized the better ways to clear up the problems. As Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had been in my medicine cabinet and feeling a weird difference when sleeping on one side of the bed because of a sound which I only heard later in Carrollton Texas when he showed me a voice box changer, I instantly was infuriated because I could not remember certain times which did not make sense because usually when such occurred there was a conversation I dealt with from my now dead-ex-husband and that portion was similar though extremely different. Picking that up I began pushing to meet his friends to know who to speak with because I knew his friends locations whichever I took my cellphone to, would lead the law enforcement to the source of the situations compared to the source of the problems in whichever capacity for such a situation. I realized anytime I refused to behave as he wished I would or could, I would have heard such a click because it was only after my now dead-ex-husband was overseas and causing additional needless drama for my son, my daughter, and I while Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr complained about the same garbage my now dead-ex-husband was complaining about then during such phone calls while adding the fact of complaining about the payment he was supposed to be making on the car note for the Ford Focus as well as the insurance fees to his own license and not my car. I remembered later after taking him away to San Antonio there was a point which a click occurred and he brought up a point which then I reached for my checkbook as he said specific words, and I knew I needed to tell people what words I remembered him saying about his college fees and the Army pulling his funding because of his choice to leave the ROTC program at UTSA because someone gave him the nickname of Cactus Jack and it was his repayment and restitution for what those people did to him. I do not know the history between employees of Nine Lives Books and Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as well as Lazy Eye AKA Jamie Robles, however each of them know how such an individual had been and how they chose to remove such out from their lives is how they chose remove such out from their lives if they were able to get away from Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as his mom had not told anyone until later as to his own mental health institutionalizations as per the Lee High School situation which he repeatedly complained about the NAACP and said something about always causing problems which I remembered laughing thinking about the irony of such an individual saying he thought such of another while complaining about what he went through in ROTC and the reasons he claimed for the 151 Road Warriors. When she learned I took Jeffrey back to San Antonio Texas, she refused to speak with me for awhile which I saw her trying to figure out as to how as I already told her for that time the life insurance will was set up for her children; and I had already told the law firm for the will I did once have made for such information, as the lawyer needed to know every detail I could give as he said lawyers tend to be nosey and with such a system I had arranged for what I was looking to make sure my son and my daughter were properly taken care of he was impressed and needed to know why I thought as I had. I told him everything I could and told him if he ever learned how horrific my biological family and my ex-in-laws were he and all lawyers would be more disgusted as to such people having problems with their jobs while living in the ways as such have been doing, for decades by such time. I remember he told me he was surprised to ever meet me as I told him about my way up doing as much as I could for where I could help, and a few times he seemed a bit speechless when I told him what I was doing and working on. I told him about the house in San Antonio as well and the legal portions regarding the memorial for my son and my daughter while also taking care of what I remembered from when I was in the Medical Hold Unit and some of the transitions which were going on, though also told him about the issues I had with technology after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and how it happened which he seemed a bit surprised as to a few aspects. My ex-in-laws did not know specifically where or who which they would know the recording portion referencing Texas though as per the house sign which in turn they would have recorded themselves and their own discussions as per their own recording devices and wherever the tapes and digital aspects would have been sent to as per how Grandma Nichols preferred to be in control even when she was not, though such tapes if the video cameras were not dummy cameras would have the ability to be able to show who was where for such in conjunction with the cellphones of each, social media posts, film and digital camera technology at the time because of the transitioning period to mainly digital cameras, laptops, desktops, and etcetera plus towers and street security cameras with and without toll tags would be able to assist; as each car has a blackbox just as an airplane as to guaranteeing a way for the insurance company to be able to verify which area of which claim is important to get taken care of while keeping a larger collection to review over time to find connection points to reduce the amounts of deaths as per reasons for insurance companies are only to pay out when mandatory compared to if which area is at fault for which to blame. When initially meeting Grandma Nichols the amount of interest in Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and his connection with Half Price Books though what he knew about each employee at Nine Lives Books was more of what my ex-in-laws wanted to know, and before the forced relationship with Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as explained and described repeatedly as to various horrific events thereof; though my dead-ex-husband had warned of other aspects to him as well, which whether or not he paid attention to it is what it is. However Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack had told whomever he told about whichever portions and thankfully I had already been speaking with CID during the timeframe just after being forced into such a relationship which I had hoped they would be able to find out about and figure out what to do because I could not figure out how to explain, though the portions referencing the 151 Road Warriors as well whenever Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had thankfully chosen to wear the shirt on post despite me telling him not to; which again in reference to Camp Mabry, hoping despite not wanting to be seen with that creep ever or anywhere near him; the portions of which what occurred referencing the spectacle of being yelled at simply because I saluted the American Flag during the graduation ceremony for the Texas National Guard during the Star Spangled Banner National Anthem. If you think you saw me get yelled at for that, just think of how much sarcastic fun it was regarding when both told my ex-in-laws specifically my ex-mother-in-law compared to my ex-father-in-law Grandpa Nichols and then my ex-sister-in-law and her children. As I know Grandpa Nichols had not known better as per the same per my same Gateway desktop computer at the time, others had been allowed to use both computers without the permissions granted beyond what they wrongly took liberties they did not have. At Grandpa Nichols' computer I know my ex-sisters-in-law both used the desktop as did Grandma Nichols, both sets of daughters for Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time were allowed, and my now dead-ex-husband who ironically their spiritual husband except in reference to Grandpa Nichols as he is a spiritual husband and the legal husband to Grandma Lydia Evolgenlina (?surname?) Nichols as per the aspects of what was completed referencing the casket which I warned who was and who was not allowed to put anything into such. I did not think any further warning was needed beyond the multitude of ones prior by both myself as well as Grandpa Nichols among the other upbringings they each had to be respectful to the dead, which only a few understood knowing what was meant and intended. However of course someone volunteered to put his two cents into the casket as well which he did ask, and when he did I smiled telling him I had hoped he would ask on his own for such to occur fully though it was always the choice he was going to make. Though I did not introduce Sean Leonard to my ex-sister-in-law or ex-mother-in-law as there was not the need for that level of, he on the phone call during the time when I was living in the Lodge at Madrona Apartments had brought up my ex-sister-in-law's name Susie which also referencing how he knew I had done all I could do sent waves throughout the atmosphere prior to his arrival for the final kiss goodbye. It seemed off and odd in combination especially when looking at the body shape of the Marvin the Martian male dressed in the picture near my son and I, which the situation seemed odd to begin with and quite disgusting in some ways as I had remembered a sasquatch when looking at the Marvin the Martin mask; or was it Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and/or family/friend/associate of not accepting the fact I would not ever be able to stand the sight of him, without being enraged. I knew a female who was painted as a female though was a male in the DFW scene named Paige who played with Duct Tape Dave which seemingly the same sort of laugh, which was odd to me which if that was the same male and he refused to simply acknowledge such to hide behind the green paint instead of being honest and while telling Duct Tape Dave or whoever if he told of such; I cannot begin to go into the problems with such sorts of behaviours, nor the levels of which would be ridiculous as to the childish natures thereof for such comments by the bookshelf. However if some did not ever think about Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and the games he preferred, the movies he liked, the television shows, the comics, the practical jokes he would play on others such as the porn written on the side of a brown paper bag from Dragon's Lair to a male he did not like similar though not the same as Grandma Nichols grinding ice in her home country to put into water claiming it was ice to feed to her cousins/sister/children at times if they think about certain feelings when they ate certain liquid foods she blended; the amount of repeated offenses for such individuals are quite complex to which the portions regarding the need for such details referencing the bookstore from the ex-in-laws to Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr made little sense to me then; though hopefully somehow it makes sense to others. Especially with the known fact referencing as to the CID picture regarding pointing out SGT Baber, if such was known and seen then what is taking so long for such or is it not considered as important for the year of 2000 onward for the sexual assault and harassment which occurred to me while in Medical Hold Unit as well as since then without any UCMJ, I thought justice was in the terminology or is justice only allowed for those who have actual connections? For example why would Jolliff not be considered as a viable aspect regarding assault when taking into consideration the medical field of MOS, and the proof of such being seen in the thankful area for the Center for the Intrepid as well as the Warrior Transition Unit being moved closer quickly after the investigations in CID for multiple aspects as to what occurred to me? Is there anyone else who would think that if they only went after for such though wrongly forgot and denied me the justice, that would ever cause any major problems? Oh wait, I was told his dad was in the congress. Is there a different justice if that is the case, and if so, what is the justice? What is it like to know justice for what has occurred to oneself, out of curiosity? I would like to actually know, though personally I wish I could say I was specifically told of such.

The same type of jeans I wore to Cowboys Dance Hall for the Stoney LaRue concert in March 2013

* Grandma Nichols was upset as Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez when I offered to give Marissa Marie a place to stay at my house in Carrollton and refused to ever allow Marissa to stay in my house in Carrollton, though I thought at once to be able to prevent Marissa Marie to be able to stay out of Grandma Nichols' and her mother's repeating grasp if referencing the credit situation as well as to monitor as well as the police who arrived and what they would have been looking for specifically and where as Mike and Anna went back to paint over the walls in pure white as because of the colors of paint I had chosen for the walls within the different areas and different rooms within my house when I had originally painted each color for each room as only a few had ever had been allowed to walk towards the back area of my house other than the contractors which were from Grandma Nichols and Susie Marie for the children's bathroom and wall separations as well as the upstairs second floor region and the back patio; other than such a male named Sean Leonard who was a SCUBA Diving Instructor referred to as Ceiling Fan boy now who had been upset over my son having a Harley Davidson ceiling fan in his room which if that is a normal installation for such because of the normal genre and children have gotten into Harley Davidsons as well, then not every ceiling fan or fixture in my opinion should have such cameras installed illegally as such would still be considered as non-consensual if such were automatically installed as that refuses anyone the right to choose wrongly of which if the male from the Homeowners Association neighborhood Ceiling Fan boy chose to put any technology aspects into my house when I was gone and/or without my knowledge I obviously would have a few people who would know further details as to such types of behaviours as well as the moving of my SCUBA Diving gear when I had gone to Cancun and his connection to having mentioned knowing Susie Marie on a phone call, which I would not be surprised if she would discuss such a type of situation she had assisted with in my hypothetical opinion as to the situation referencing Tony Walker Nichols' high school sweetheart and first love Patty(?) He and others in school at such times including their dead-brother would have plenty of people who would be able to discuss as to how and who Mary and Susie Nichols were known to be spending time with, how their responses were, as well as my own written and spoken portions from what I have told others throughout the years including my own biological family as to such sorts of situations referencing such people as those ex-in-laws; which in turn would not surprise me or anyone possibly referencing Mary E. Osteen when on a military installation when living within military housing and a dependent identification card for Macon Georgia Warner Robbins Air Force Base which in turn would make her and her daughters culpable under the UCMJ for living on military grounds and agreeing to such terms if there is proof of the damages done to my SCUBA Diving BCD were done by my ex-in-laws especially because of the automatic recording for military installations as to the requirement for government security of the department of defense and homeland security; thus in such a move from San Antonio Texas to Carrollton Texas if the Carswell Air Force base had been alerted as to my arrival in Carrollton and Grandma Nichols went pulling out my military identification card and/or if they got someone who could look as I do though the tattoos I was getting were difficult for the illegal falsifying of personal identification was making more problems for Grandma Nichols than worth the prior aspects as well as to the change of pattern of behaviours of all females involved would be telling signs as to the situation which occurred regarding the female in the picture; which ironically one year there was a photographer who asked to take a picture of me with a similar pose after I had told him about where I grew up and how I grew up which he was surprised as to how I could read in a different way, which he told me he once had a daughter which her picture was in a location which he needed my help to be able to find her killers and I said murderers which all I can remember was a small tear fall from his cheek just before the picture was taken which was a favorite for a few including my own biological parents and biological sister back in 1999 when my biological mother decided to take me to Chicago without letting me give the pictures to the photographer or tell him as he gave me cash to develop such as I had told him I did not want to be in the Beauty Pageant and why and he was surprised I knew I was not going to win that competition as well as to the why which seemed weird to him seemingly even back then thus seeing that particular picture had been what had caused my realizing certain aspects about the situation though I had told my cousin Katie I was going to give him the pictures if my biological mother would not have been as she had always been a different version of the same proverbial coin regarding certain specific aspects regarding Grandma Nichols as seen referencing my biological sister Patricia Ann; who I warned heavily about the situation, though few believed me when I discussed such in larger aspects at such times including the threats I was receiving as the children were using technology and going off of whatever was discussed in such households at such times regarding after the Fort Worth Zoo situation which Brieanna Marie's boyfriend and biological father of Anthony Joseph was an employee at the Fort Worth Zoo and I warned after the voicemail situation to Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time if she did not call into the Fort Worth Police as to her daughter being impregnated at the age of 14 years old by that male to deliver at 15 years old that he would commit such a rape again and she needed to stop it or someone else would have to take a bigger step. Grandpa Nichols worried about Brieanna Marie in the same way as Gail and I had, as we saw the patterns well before in our own personal lives and no one could believe her own mother would not help her as she knew I would not know the name though if others had then they would have been able to make a report to catch such a type of sets of people to deal with appropriately quickly as I have always been against pedeophelia which means any biological child underneath the age with proper mental faculties of 18-21 years old as children learn more quickly younger there is obviously a stunning when a child is brilliant however that brilliance needs to remain innocent for as long as possible to bring forward more genuinely positive change as best as possible. I told Susie Marie that in front of Grandma Nichols who scowled and looked towards Breianna Marie in shame when I looked over to see a glimmer, knowing Grandpa Nichols was watching intently and waiting. Brieanna would know if her credit score was impacted just as Marissa would, however since Marissa has been living with Grandma Nichols more recently as I had told others of such concerns about the only concern being the finances compared to the proper and genuine care of the children whether foster and/or adopted; the finances go towards the children, and the children alone in a proper way and manner. If Marissa was living with Grandma Nichols to be able to get assistance with some financial aid loans Grandma Nichols knew she could have legally adopted her to be able to give her the college education benefits through Grandpa Nichols, as I had already explained what I was wanting to do to be able to assist Marissa to be able to get herself the help she needed to get herself into a better place; as per part of taking her onto the Georgia and Florida trip so she could see what she could actually earn in experiences if she genuinely continued to apply herself; however I can see if Grandma Nichols refused to do such for Marissa Marie and if taking the easy way out instead, I can see how Marissa would be jealous of my son and my daughter as she had watched more from the middle child syndrome effect especially regarding her little brother Joseph Anthony being the only male of the family even though she was the youngest female until my daughter was born. Susie Marie as well as Brieanna Marie and Joseph Anthony among others would be able to discuss how Marissa Marie had been over the years and if such influences as what had already been instilled via the welfare scamming her mother had taught her in combinations with her Grandma Nichols and her father's side of the family which would take advantage of the prison system to get free housing as the prison system guaranteed the food and shelter though without any other way and no further choices instead of looking towards a different view such as being able to get a healthier aspect and being able to go places in comparison to one location only regarding the two different proverbial choices of the same coin referencing codes regarding the military and the prison system because of how expensive life can be. In my opinion the way the military of the United States of America offers more options in comparison to the prison system for locations, both offer education and both have different types of training; however both have needs to assist such transitions within the civilian sector, especially in reference to the underage offenders as to assist genuinely instead of simply pushing away underneath the carpet just because of a bad lawyer situation such as I dealt with regarding the San Antonio Family Court and the first lawyer assigned to my daughter's case as well as a name change situation as the male next door named Robert had not liked that I preferred to call him Bobby as I told him if he learned as to how bad the legal marriage to my dead-ex-husband had really been he would be shocked as to what I had survived. His step mom and his dad did not believe him when he told him the truth and since their preconceptions had been as they had been, their assumptions cost more for them than they had realized. Do not ever touch a memorial piece which you do not have permission to touch, as that particular choice may be the last one you make depending as to how such situation is truthfully reviewed or if assumed. I would not doubt the assumption of the stolen valor being acceptable, though I told a few as to why it was arranged as such; while ignorant individuals would arrogantly think they knew anything, I had such as a single reminder to recall what lessons needed to be remembered as to the cost of what occurs with such choices however life continues onward and one small mistake is not the last step one will take. If repeated patterns then seek a different path though remember there are more than just one or two who could be wrapped up in such, as one portion of such a choice for that. However if the neighbors had keys and illegally entered my house as per the house sale would automatically refute all prior acceptances, the choice for such if had been done by the next door neighbors as to what was none of their business after the female requested a higher fence so my dogs did not scare her any longer; when I had the fence completed she complained she could not see the dogs which were not hers to begin with, and there was nothing that old female could ever get which would ever make her happy and why she chose to go after the dad of Bobby was a suspicious time as well as per how she was able to move on such as quickly while also monitoring each aspect seemingly illegally. The female I purchased the house from was upset the day of the closing after learning of bid offers which would have been more though would have been through finaces instead of cash at the time and demanded to meet with me after getting my realtor to agree to ask me, which she said she wanted to see the face of the person who bought her house and I smiled saying it was my home and I will do as I please with such as I can and I will. She and her daughter moved along quietly whispering to themselves which if they repurchased the house to resell and not thought about the quickness of a market swing to only resell for less with and/or without the finance charges because of the profit difference marginally, the irony of such especially since the police arriving and such types of people not realizing certain aspects of those who were born and raised in New Jersey; which such types in 2008 to see a New Jersey Flag respectfully hanging next to a Texas Flag underneath an American Flag would be too haughty to ever think of where I was born and raised, as well as where I was re-raised. Since my biological mother and biological sister had not assisted at such times regarding the stolen valor picture in as well as the news article in the San Antonio Express News as per their own known contacts as well as my ex-in-laws, only Grandpa Nichols, Tony Walker Nichols, and David Osteen had been more fully aware as to how much I actually had done without the actual need to do so ever legally for my ex-in-laws, though such proves when the systematic portions of society are ill-equipped to govern such individuals who prefer to game the system instead of finding a better way to lift oneself up as Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time learned via her bankruptcy charges which she lost her insurance job and yet Grandma Nichols was still able to work at the manufacturing plant how and why? Grandma Nichols was allowed to still serve food at Sam's Club for the weekend portions with the mandatory checks, why? Grandma Nichols did not lose anything and was able to purchase through financing a car how soon after declaring bankruptcy, how? Seven years of what was it Susie Marie had said in reference to filing for bankruptcy regarding housing, loans, banking, and etcertera...? Grandpa Nichols warned Susie Marie she was going to give it all to her mother who had been sucking the life out of her since she was a child and would be late to her own funeral, because of needing to see what she had allowed all of her life while instead of going further she held herself back because of allowing Grandma Nichols to hold over her head whatever she knew about Susie Marie Nichols' personal involvement as per the situation referencing the first love of Tony Walker Nichols as I would guesstimate more specifically. However Grandma Nichols would have known she would have small time gains of finances compared to the long term gains in life for Marissa Marie by choosing to only allow her to live in the house compared to legally adopting her as I had requested back when speaking with Susie Marie to be able to assist Marissa to get the proper education I knew she would need for the levels of work she could actually accomplish earning her Masters Degree and/or her PhD along with for the major in psychology with a minor in a specific subject with an additional minor in a complimentary though an opposite end of the spectrum to be able to have the secondary additional aspects for clearer thought for understanding from the knowledge for those she could assist for the better clarifications for more. Grandma Nichols only allowing her to live there and request additional payment while stealing her cash from her car and/or purse and/or etcetera while blaming anyone else possible would bring forward the smaller gains and completely continue to expose who Grandma Nichols had always been to her own blood. She should not have ever been allowed to keep her job employment at the plant as Susie Marie would have to know for the human resources paperwork filings to apply for a job at the location, and what would such a company do to an employee who would lie about such and hide such which would prevent any further climb upwards and maintain the individual at the level of which they had earned on their own if found that Grandpa Nichols and Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time were the only ones who filed for bankruptcy because of the linked debts to then be the only one in the direct center to keep everything? They would research everything possibly associated within the first full year of a tax cycle season as each quarter there is an audit and within the timeframe of the 3rd or 4th audit from within the company the IRS would come in to request additional information to link such a situation to whichever individuals and groups within a 5 year period for the lower ranked employees of lesser responsibilities to go after the larger ones to see how would interact with the newbies and then how such would go for a clearing. If within a time of a 5 year point to retirement for one individual per time then the random questions would be asked by specific employees without any connection except trough the human resources department which everyone has to have a meeting with human resources multiple times for whatever aspects to ensure on the up and up for the best interests honestly. If there was found to be more problems and the retirement year came and the company knew which individuals to maintain security details on compared to researching investigation materials though could be in both situations to a certain extent depending what was found; depends on which levels the government of the United States of America could and/or would go to depending of the information specifically. Thus the sevrence package would be around half of what could have been and possibly even less.

* Mary E. Osteen always seemed jumpy when she was outside in the front yard of the house in Fort Worth, and when in Lackland Air Force Base she seemed calmer when walking around and yet was still looking over her shoulder as though she was waiting for someone from Fort Worth to step to see her.

* Grandma Nichols would go inside of Mimi's house, though would not step inside of Linda's house at all.

* Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez then when knowing such by name would not go into Linda's house beyond the living room area though stayed away from the kitchen

* Mary E. Osteen would walk over to Mimi's house though not to Linda's front yard property line between the two

* Judy would look over and talk randomly, though only would stay outside of both of their houses on the porch

* There was an older car which would randomly drive slowly when going from or towards where Mimi and Linda's houses were and slow down near the property line for Judy's house whenever outside with a combination of such females

* My daughter when I went to visit in Christmas 2020 placed food outside of Mimi's door and only knocked while having the knowledge of the voicemail Brieanna Marie played for her in the van and however many times against what I warned repeatedly as to what could go towards her life from such in January 2008 and she laughed welcoming the challenge to prove me wrong as to how easy she saw my life and when she began to see what I had warned her about she knew she had to make choices for herself as per whatever her choices were and the same in reference to Marissa and wherever she works as would be quite befitting regarding if the first love had been in such a situation truthfully and a comment I made in anger when a few situations were occurring and adjusting to the zapping as I did not understand the electrical impact to me at the time saying whoever is responsible for her my hope is they begin stripping to show a sign; which the irony if Grandma Nichols once had been such as per military locations and times thereof such as boystown though because she could not get such any further, the natural progression to a house mom in certain circumstances; however there is a difference between a house mom who is as Grandma Nichols in such versions as a hypothetical low level pimp, a House Mom who cares, a madame, and a Madame who cares as how a Mom would care about if her actual children for their best interests for their own ability to keep themselves safe as it is known a Madame Momme with the French accent for certain locations is a different version of a few other terms depending upon the level and location thereof which any individual in such a specific whether because of forced background or just happenstance; there are choices which need to be made when a Mom has to step in and evaluate a situation to see which individuals are actually to blame and which individuals were the designated decoys in such situations, as there is always a few who see what is unseen and know what is unknown as per various aspects regarding whichever connections thereof. Low level pimps do not care how they get the cash as long as they get the pay, mid level pimps have a semi-relationship unless pay is due, and higher level pimps are usually involved with each though if pay is due then pay is due. The same can be said in reference to each level thereof when up to getting to the higher levels of the Madame and/or Madame Momme as with such levels the need for additional security and safety is looked into in ways which take lessons learned from the past to be able to assist with the current where possible to assist in re-reviewing as to how the future truthfully should and would be more accepting as well as safe comparatively as there are many who do and do not have child(ren) and/or are or are not married referencing the different levels overall. However when at the level of the Madame and/or the Madamme Momme or such levels of terminology in different locations for as such, there are the levels of which at times in regards of parenting in a way the methods of unconditional love mean more than simply what someone can purchase with w piece of paper as that one piece of paper can lead to a freedom which had not been seen or known though dreamed about and hoped for by so many long before; as the oldest professions are the oldest professions which have always been the three most taboo topics, which has confused me as to how anyone was unable to see the differences in various times regarding various discussions. However at whichever level if a relationship is involved, there is a different dynamic, just as each relationship consensually is unique in their own right as per requirements and needs as agreed to for what is most ideal. I have seen the hypothetical version of the low level pimp of Grandma Nichols is proverbial aspects as to the levels of risks taken compared to the payoff and the work for being something I have seen in the inner cities for years, in multiple locations well before meeting that group. Mike was raised in foster care and orphanages after he was 10 years old because of contracting Tuberculosis though even during the time of the Vietnam War which he wanted to join the Tuberculosis prevented him from going into the Army and yet when his number was called he re-went through even though he gave them paperwork which the reverification process was mandatory at the time to then later join the Merchant Marines which some have not known about their continued existence because of the culminations of the Coast Guard and certain overlapping portions as Merchant Marines go where the Coast Guard cannot while the Marines are deployed and the Navy is nearby and the Merchant Marines depending upon the situation are able to go in the shadows of the night to get more than what meets the eyes. Mike said he had been to Denmark in the Red Light District, and it was during the interrogation in the living room after someone in the community dropped the Omega clearance word in public as another individual had left a tape message on their answering machine about a homewrecker falsely accusing me and then the picture posted on Facebook was considered as acceptable thought on fetlife was considered as unacceptable as though no one ever went on both websites other than the people in the state of Texas; as some may have apparently thought, or had most likely assumed. Did any of my ex-in-laws and/or biological family member associates begin to show up and start asking questions getting closer with honey pot traps, after a certain point in time? Remember what I said about my medical retirement in the Army, and how military retired bases have always been in such a reference point. Someone releasing such a specific word especially after my SCUBA Diving though before Irving would send off additional red flags to each and every individual who would know of such aspects and what such would mean for the UCMJ and revision of rules and laws regarding the Republic of the United States of America with Democracy in the states and cities thereof.

Out of curioisity what true Dominican does not know how to cook rojo pollo, coffee in faery sized cup with sugar cubes, or plantanos with anything other than corn oil with morton salt instead of sea salt with olive oil and/or coconut oil; as she used corn oil instead and was confused why I was not okay with the Morton Sea Salt on the top portions of freshly cooked Plantaines in the oil combination which would reduce the actual flavor and enhance more, while not forgetting how she could not cook the specific rice pudding known to that particular part of the islands as Sonja and others Sonja knew though knew and each made exactly almost the same because of the specific type of milk used and the additional specifics without the cinnamon on the top. I would randomly add cinnamon though Sonja and her friends liked how I would not add any seasonings to my rice pudding they made or any other type of food they made prior to tasting any of the food, and if Texans think they know cookoff competition; have you ever met stay at home Moms before and seen how competitive they can get, about food and cooking? Has anyone ever met someone living on the east coast for a few decades or born there within the tri-state area who was serious about some sort of type of competition they were involved in, or heard the stories of such? Think about babysitters and stay at home moms and housekeepers who also babysit and spend time with their friends, think about how I prefer to taste the food before I add seasoning if needed, and think about how many authentic meals I was able to try because of the small amount I would eat normally and how they would know of how I was being raised in such other aspects anyway with and without the Jewish addition to such cooking aspects of in their own ways of cooking competitions. Anyone ever go to a church or synagogue cooking competition before? How about in the tri-state area? I grew up where, and how? By the way, I did successfully cook the winning chili recipe for the first ever Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest and Chili Cookoff together in October 2009, out of over 25 individual entries for a reason I would guesstimate. That might be why my first attempt to cook chili came out the way it does, as well as how I cook in a general sort of way with the additional portions of the healing energies as some might have learned regarding my cooking over the years of which Grandma Nichols loved my BBQ though the others preferred the different varieties, and yet Grandma Nichols smelled the seafood dip instead of eating any for a little bit then had a large portion of the seafood dip which islanders who can eat beef of different cuts as well as chicken and hot dogs along with bratwurst and hamburger choices with pot roast usually will steer clear from seafood as per the ability to have such more often in comparison to the beef and other choices of food. I remember she did not know how to open a coconut when returning back from the Georgia Florida trip which the other grandchildren would know as to what occurred with that coconut and whether or not she was able to open it or had to get help, which a Dominican from the island would automatically know how to open such and would not ever need assistance beyond getting the correct tool for the job.

I could easily see my ex-in-laws being upset after my return from my SCUBA Diving as when each heard of the news I was still alive after my SCUBA Diving the first trip for the next trip as well to survive, all three of the ex-in-laws had called me demanding me to go to Alabama to see my ex-Grandmother-in-law and her son Tony who was in the United States of America's Marine Corps during Vietnam and their other grandchild Brandon who had a room with a blacklight and thought the speckles on the wall were glow paint in comparison to the teenager CSI sort of situation anyone could easily see, in that location. My ex-Grandmother-in-law told me about the stories referencing her daughter Sondra which Mary's eldest daughter was named after which she said Sondra died because of all of the demons which had caught up to her, which when asked why Mary named Sondra her eldest after the aunt it was explained to everyone in the room at the time as to Sondra having opened a doorway and having been engulfed by the demons of which she could not ever be able to release and in order for my ex-Grandmother-in-law to get her the help she needed she admitted to feeling bad for ever having to put her daughter into the hospital after my comment about the grandson's room though she told me of such before that point in time the first time I met her. I told her that Sondra her daughter needed the help and it was better for her to have gotten her the help she needed instead of forcing a different response as knowing the area of Chandler Mountain in Alabama and knowing the requirement for the clarifications of certain situations, which I told her the portions of which certain aspects which were once thought to be more beneficial were not as readily available to be understood or known as there are those who do have the ability of certain aspects and then there are those who are genuinely schizophrenic which in Sondra's case she actually had always been schizophrenic because of the reality that some people's genetics were altered because of the inbreeding which was vehemently defended to continue to me wrongly by multiple people in that family. Each time I told them if they wanted to progress forward they were going to have to think in a different way as it really was not a good idea to have so many Nichols family members in one entire plot for an entire cemetery in comparison to the entire other half of the town, as that was unsafe for their growth and they needed to be able to find a better way for procreating as there were and are helpful aspects though it does sometimes take a little bit of time to work through the proverbial gene pool to filter to a better set of ways.

I was asked what would I do if there were issues regarding as I had been told as my now dead-ex-husband refused to accept I was correct about the wrongness of inbreeding, which I was able to explain to my now ex-Grandmother-in-law both times that the realities of such situations sometimes cause the schizophrenia to kick into a point however if naturally sensitive the portions of madness can occur until being able to be more in a confined portion of depending if higher frequencies can be picked up because of other familial connection points; which in turn would mean the required hospitalization for if such were to occur as there are multiple people who have such inbreeding which have been working to eradicate in different ways and prevent as through online aspects, however the portions of if a higher frequency is used the initial impacts are quite remarkable because of the ignition of each within each who could have such within their own genetics and after awhile the filtering begins to occur to progress forward. I was infuriated to learn of the mental health aspects involved with my now dead-ex-husband on each side which was beyond enraging to learn after the way such began to begin with in regards of that time back then in 2000, however because of loving my children more and knowing my daughter and my son needed more assistance, the requirement for my personal knowledge was important as such sorts of behaviours can be difficult if left untreated as seen with the Aunt Sondra, which I asked Mary to rename her daughter when she had told me of such in front of her mother's view in the front yard of Grandpa's house before learning of such as she explained Sondra was her favorite aunt. Sondra was Grandma Nichols' enemy when she first arrived to the Alabama area and they did not ever get along after Grandma Nichols had watched Sondra for a few weeks as per traveling, which in turn other aspects began as they were living on Chandler Mountain at the time. Mary did not believe me about renaming Sondra her daughter as I had already noticed certain symptoms from other prior times since my biological mother lied about me needing psychiatric care because she had once again found out my plans to go into the military of the United States of America, as she had already done so when I was in 8th grade going to the MAST with Navy attachment as well as with the graduating 2 years early because of the class schedule I picked to be able to join the military as I had discussed, as well as knowing my maternal Grandfather liked the military and did not believe Anna should be in the Air Force because of pictures he found of her own background with such regarding my Aunts and Uncles and how my Grandpa showed me a clearer way out of what he and others knew I would need to get away from to get towards for they each saw more than they realized and yet he and my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu fully saw and knew.

As per certain situations of Grandma Nichols and wherever she came from as she has cashew plant wood carved pictures she said she brought over from where she came from which may help as she has a few of them around the house in Fort Worth along with all of those stolen valor pictures which before my daughter went to the system she was noticed to be having problems with the stolen valor pictures as Grandma Nichols, arranged with whoever the picture of her dead-son in stolen valor all over the house while trying to cut my son and I out of whichever pictures I was in wishing she could undo the bonds which she could not ever touch to begin with. Bonds made with children in a truthful Mom love will always outwork any bond made in a lie or untruth as the lies always unravel, and the truth always comes out.

Grandma Nichols and my biological mother got along, whereas my biological sister Patricia got along with Breianna and Marissa though not meeting the extended cousins elsewhere because of the technology portions as to the reasons why I gave warnings repeatedly as there are aspects which many Texans were unaware of and I did as best as I could to warn despite situations as to what to look out for regarding such. I told some I had been asked about my biological sister of which she later called me complaining she was being informed that someone knew me, which I explained later though also at the time as to how much I was denied previously as per the wedding regarding my son and my daughter. A few were amazed as to how I could be treated as such and I explained I had dealt with a lot more than some realized which I warned if they were to learn to the levels of, they would wish they could unknown certain portions though it was as it was. Mike got along with Grandpa Nichols as well as Tony Walker Nichols and Uncle Tony in Alabama, though learned as to how I meant what I said when he went to Georgia and Alabama to see what I meant when Mike and my now dead-ex-husband went to a funeral where the amount of drama for that funeral was the beginning portion as to what came in reference to the funeral for my now dead-ex-husband. I can see where Grandma Nichols would try to leave Grandpa Nichols behind in the DFW cemetery as he had already discussed as she had in some ways, about the different name as she had hinted the surname where she was from was not the same type of surname for a Dominican which was weird and odd to me as well as the fact when during the first separation a male name Ayaz Sheik was introduced to me by a female with blond hair and blue eyes who worked at Chase Bank in San Antonio Texas and was the in San Antonio Pagan community as well as who had been the one who had taken me to the Excalibur Renaissance Faire with her friends Christy and John which only Christy and Dawn worked with Ayaz around the technology portions of customer service. Of which I did also explain the aspects of my time referencing the Jade Wolf Coven and those who would know of their antics would be able to combine such sorts of levels, which the combinations of the problems would have to be worked out as quickly and concisely as possible for each to see with their own understandings as to such combined situations overall.

I have disagreed with several aspects as to the Nichols family for many reasons and I warned my biological sister as well as my biological parents and others as to such types of situations around the state of Texas, of which the portions regarding the picture of the female who once was Tony Walker Nichols' girlfriend and first love I could easily see Grandma Nichols being previously offended about something and each of the children and grandchildren would know from their own experiences as to how she would have actually treated the girlfriend knowing Tony would not be in the house as well as to reasons why which my now dead-ex-husband had explained previously; as it is wrong when rape occurs whether male or female, as consensual sexual interactions are consenting adults only as explained repeatedly and whether whichever gender of such chooses to take such a choice away needlessly the consequences are long lasting and need more correct assistance for knowledge to understand when such is considered as to discuss in comparison to forcing such against one's will which would be the equivalent of a mental version of such sorts of aspects in my opinion for whatever that would be worth if anything at all since as it has been noticed the lack of honesty seen throughout the state of Texas among other locations. I went to voyeur parties though did not actually voyeur as I went to speak with people in comparison to being creepy, take a hint as that I do not consent to and have not ever. As there is no legal authority which would require such there should not have ever been such put in place as there were not any legal justifications once the case regarding the death of my now-dead-ex-husband was closed as per being told of such regarding years ago, which then there is not any aspect legally without being served a warrant as invasion of privacy is included regarding apartment complexes as the way such has legally been brought forward for Air B&B among other such tactics illegally as would have been easily done by my psychotic ex-in-laws as they did not like I refused to ever allow them close enough as they did not prove their worthiness as to fully have such and they can keep such situations of their overdramatic-ness to themselves. They were warned repeatedly as to multitudes of aspects and if those people still refused to listen and stay away such as being arrogant enough to lie to the whichever branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces on any document including showing any form of identification which was not legally belonging to them, then the penalties for such have already been outlined in prior writings for such suggestions.

The spiritual marriage my ex-in-laws would have done to themselves specifically as well as to my biological mother and biological sister and biological father would be done because of Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr choosing to force his way into something that was not accepted ever as well as interjecting without any permission to do anything as per removed from the school documentation at McCoy Elementary School though since he looked more acceptable to their staff members instead of how I looked, it would not surprise me if that male would have gone through the wrong security and because of my ex-in-laws not willing to let go of something not worth it and the Fort Worth Zoo; it would not be a surprise if Brieanna Marie who played the voicemail and Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr with the voiceover box for the WarHammer and any other childish and annoying game he did not understand I hated fully as he thought he could force me to like something I refused to like after what I experienced at Excalibur Faire and I was beyond infuriated each and every time anyone ever thought they knew me better than I knew myself as few ever knew me enough or was ever willing to give me enough of their time of day to ever actually get to know me as myself. Since so many refused as many warnings as I had given the facts as Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr would go in order to try to be some sort of saving grace only to be refused because of how that was forced against my will and the fact he had the nerve to claim he felt violated would instantly send me through the roof and swearing each way as it was known how much abuse I had already survived so the needless aspects of others to not know how to keep their hands to themselves does lead to certain situations referencing certain parts of the world as I warned as well which is a severe punishment regarding those who would ever find sharia law as acceptable by their own definitions matching how they would write of such per their view as to how they would prefer others to be treated as per themselves how they treat others in the best ways as possible per individual. For example in Grandma Nichols' case she had already stolen the first love of Grandpa Nichols as well as stolen an identity to stay in the country to bring others into the Untied States of America illegally and the pyramid portion of such a scheme per family, per head, per etcetera until the ability to have a child to get a green card and such for the food stamps and etcetera as proven and seen regarding such; by the time of already having used her pregnant belly with Mary to tell Grandpa Nichols her real name and her pregnant belly with Susie Marie to tell of how she contracted a father for, the again with her now dead-baby-son with such pregnant belly to tell him she had been how he caught the aspects from the blood transfusion when she had knocked him unconscious with the cast iron skillet frying pan after he was mad at her for cheating on him again and was threatening to leave her to get his children away from her. I know there have to be other military individuals who know how certain females try to manipulate the system to keep their spouses in check while they do exactly as they accuse themselves of, and with patterns of behaviour possibly Gail could attest to certain patterns seen through Tony's ex-wife to his mother in comparison for one example.

In the case of Mary and Susie Nichols the two of them have been known to others well before myself being told of as to how they would do the equivalent as to the hidden words of the Jasmine portion of Disney behind the curtains, as a nod as to more than what had been seen previously for some people as Walt had survived the orphanages and foster system in what years of the world? He did not realize creating such meant he would have to find a way to assist to help clear out what he was running from himself from his own situations he had survived, especially when taking into consideration the psychological study as to how many more have had few parental figures or if so which parental figures are displayed as which characters per Disney movie from his time and ones he was working on with others to find hope for an actual better future with the sugar though without the coating film of the grit.

Personally since I was told the five named females had waited until Grandpa Nichols had returned to the house to go inside infuriated about being called out from the base which was just before his full retirement as that was the signal to the Army at Carswell Air Force Base as to the timing for the paperwork that he could not legally express because of the confidentiality between a spouse at the time as well as the after times from the Vietnam War and views of soldiers, wrongly blaming all for what only some were responsible for. I was told by Grandpa Nichols the following several times as he knew I needed to know as he knew as he explained to Tony as well as several others online and in person:

* Grandma Nichols called him "at work and then one of the two sisters had added to the phone call and/or had called herself to get him to the house crying hysterically"

* When he "arrived at the house the females were all quiet and silent sitting looking at the ground as the other girls with the five were off towards the corner looking at the grass and plucking the ground"

* He "went inside the house after getting out of his Ford Ranger truck to go inside the house while smoking as [he] did not understand why any of the normal chatty cathies would be shut up and silent"

* None of the females entered the house for awhile as each of them stayed outside and refused to go inside saying they "knew [he] was going to be mad at them"

* He "went outside and ordered the females into the house to know why [he] was bothered at work as he was in the middle of taking care of something for [his] troops right when a firearm pull occurred and shortly after the problem on post was a message [he] needed to return to the house immediately" as per whoever delivered the message to him

* When they filed into the house one by one their heads were all hanging low and some were still crying when everyone was inside the house he demanded answers which one of the daughters said 'She didn't mean it when she handed the pistol over to her and told her to think about what a stupid whore she was being" and the other said "She thought she was helping Tony because she knew where (?) was working and she thought she knew better of what Tony wanted and needed when she yelled on the other side of the one who handed over the firearm" as Mimi and Linda were yelling at her with Grandma Nichols in the middle of the center yelling as well after she had been drugged to go to the abortion clinic which she was told to contact a doctor if she noticed something and when Grandma Nichols said she refused to ever allow her to be with her son for being a stupid whore and punta pinyete to her work the females all left the area to go inside of the kitchen for some tea and soda. When they turned around to say more to her as the other females continued yelling at her and bullying her with the firearm in her hands instead of shooting any of them as she was told there was only one bullet in the revolver, (?) pulled the trigger in her mouth as the other females held firearms to the side of her head for a game since they thought it was funny about something that had been passed around the school as a joke which started because of the family feud between the neighbors." (I am uncertain which church or what group of such times which would have added to such situations though I remember something about pecans or chickens regarding the aspects of)

* Grandpa Nichols said he "listened to each whine as the adult females remained silent he walked over to them demanding to know what they did to his son after what Grandma Nichols had [done] been known to have done to him and Grandpa Nichols informed Grandma Nichols she was going to permanently pay one way or another for what she did twice that the knew of" when at one point there was a time when I remember him asking me to help solve the crime for him because of the legalities and more involved than he could tell me though knw I would be shown; which as known, I have a tendency to do my best to keep my promises. I cannot remember where he said he caught Grandma Nichols trying to drown (?) for words she used in response to when Grandma Nichols was teaching a class with the children in the house, which I think had to do with the stuffed doll with the beard and the male member of the stuffed doll for such which was when he learned of after 2000 as he had walked in on the class when he left work early on a different day and the medical records would assist to clarify the timing of catching such going on in his house and standing up for his children as there are plenty of pictures which had been pointed out as to Mary and Susie Nichols dressing up their brother with female clothing and make as well as other friends of his and theirs who had brothers which only some were against their will as per the aspects of what was becoming more open to be known as to such times regarding the LGBTQP communities.

* Grandpa Nichols had caught Grandma Nichols doing similarly as Carrie had done as Tony would know and Gail could also explain further as to such aspects of being caught with multiple soldiers despite the rank or level known as certain aspects were as they were and with the additional aspects of Swinging being more openly at the time, the levels of which were accepted as per the lies told to him about the name meant he had little care for if Grandma Nichols had gone on with any of the other soldiers which infuriated Grandma Nichols because she tried explaining she chose him and wanted him to be with her thought she refused to accept she lied to him for years before admitting such and used her pregnancies to try to prevent the truth from being responded to as would have been deserved as per legal aspects known for deportation and Grandpa Nichols told her if she wanted to have sex she could with anyone except him; however she had learned of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and instead of simply leaving well enough alone she had poisoned him while poisoning herself at the same time as per wishing he would see her as he once had prior to when she had only been lying. He began locking himself in what once was Mary and Susie's room from their childhood because he knew it was the only penance he had until he was able to get someone to put everything together for him, as that side of the family already had a history of using his TBI or shell shock against him when knowingly lying to the Armed Forces of the United States of America about what they were actually doing to him as seen in the VA hospital among other situations as I had explained as best as I could as quickly as I could remember. However he remembered the events to the police correctly, just out of order because just after he called the police Grandma Nichols fired a shot toward Grandpa Nichols and missed though the ringing in his ears when the Police Officers showed up had been enough for the ability to try to use the excuse while not remembering the Police would recheck several times over and if they found anything additional they would add such charges to research what levels of which go where, as per the game of Clue can assist for such a reference.

* Grandpa Nichols told me he had gone over to the house before calling the police to come over after asking the questions to then walk over to Linda's house to walk through the backyard knowing the females had chased (?) from Mimi's backyard into Linda's backyard to get to the swing set to sit on the swings to get away from everyone else who chased her over to the side while yelling at (?) for getting pregnant a second time after what had already been done to help her as the first one they had simply beaten her stomach until she began bleeding as per the lack of proper medical care from abortion clinic to prevent such situations under emergency by choice situations only and not as birth control as they offer condoms in the location as well, which the second time of being pregnant and not knowing it was actually Tony's that time as he knew and his natural responses were not from the loss of her as much as feeling the loss of his only son he would have had and why his natural response as to whenever the rest of the ex-in-laws would bring up anything about the last name being passed on through to my son as subconsciously he truly had known and had felt it was his despite his sisters and his mother's denial of the facts they had begun the roulette rumor about her and were messing with his head because of his lack of attention to them when they wanted to play ways he did not want to play and they went towards my dead-ex-husband and his friends in such types of ways with Grandma Nichols' assistance as she took the pictures on the walls and was why Grandpa Nichols kept all of the cameras on his shelf hoping for his sister to take the cameras to get the proof to where she knew he had warned her of referencing his niece as she knew he could not divuldge much because of what she knew of his military career and she tried to get Brandy to stop doing what they were doing not knowing Brandy was being forced into the situation by her sister-in-law my ex-mother-in-law. Having gone through and survived certain aspects in my life, I was able to recognize far more than some knew though others instantly understood as per my natural responses and who I would speak of such to if in an unknowing way about such situations to get to safety where possible such as with Brandy's children and that situation Grandma Nichols had assisted as well as she introduced the two initially as Great Grandma Nichols had according to several offended Grandma Nichols about her accent not sounding hispanic or as she said "wetback enough" and that sent Grandma Nichols through the roof as she was not a Mexican and she refused to be associated with such in any way except through a business transaction as she booked the bus charter ride as everyone had to pay her for the ticket instead of when at the location; as well as she would run a lottery at the M and M bottling plant which each time of a larger powerball the weekly drawing would be similar to bingo for whatever work group situation was wrongly being done as they were promising gifts they could not maintain nor deliver; however the insult to Great Grandma Nichols was also because of how several siblings of Grandpa Nichols refused to truth Grandma Nichols as per Great Grandma Nichols' request because she had been informed as to other activities and had refused to allow Grandma Nichols to stay in the house because she was caught stealing chicken from the neighbor and the only way to repay for already having cooked and eaten the chicken was she had to sleep in the dog house outside because she refused to work to pay back the other landowner; which was caught several times in several locations, as per her usual to take advantage far over due and it took Grandpa Nichols awhile to see what was going on in front of his eyes.

* Grandma Nichols was upset with me when she learned I was going through a friend of mine in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger Lifestyle group in DFW named Pita for MMJ instead because I was getting weird feelings from the type of greenery I was getting from Joe Lopez who was Susie's husband at the time before my son James became friends with Tammy and David's children as well, and the problems which occurred at McCoy Elementary School for my daughter and my son were not the only ones who experienced such from the staff and adult volunteers. I had gotten a few ounces from David before switching over to Pita, though once in Cedar Park after the situation at my house in Carrollton Texas while my daughter was in the hospital; Pits had met a male while in the process of a divorce from Paul and had gotten attached to my daughter because during the time when the divorce was occurring in paperwork as per the amount of times of others involvement, Pita had met a male who had gotten her pregnant and she chose to get an abortion because of the situations my daughter was going through and she could recognize certain problems she had going on within her own personal family as she was from India and had not liked the way certain family aspects were because even though she had earned her own degree the fact she was a female was where her parents had refused to allow her to work and putting her into a specific position needlessly in my opinion. She asked me to speak with her parents which I agreed to and when going to their house and some questions were asked, I explained my position referencing the diligent work their daughter had done to successfully graduate college with her degree and with her soon to be ex-husband, it was important for her to be able to stand up for herself when needed to be able to go forward as they knew they had not spent the money to assist her education for such to go to waste being someone's arm candy. It was not meant in disrespect though as she and I had discussed several religious portions as well as backgrounds with my personal background she felt if I would speak with them they might see a different point of view, and would allow her to begin working on her own as per what she was capable of from such a degree. Her father listened quietly as her mother asked far more questions, as we spoke and I explained my personal background and where I had come from. She had already shown them pictures of me as well as my SCUBA Diving by the point in time and since the Ceiling Fan boy refused to speak up sooner as per commanded, putting me needlessly ironically in such a precarious position in a different way as if he had done as I had commanded when I told him to contact me referencing the weeks I was traveling to Georgia and Florida instead of doing so he went dark and I heard nothing from him about the Puffer Fish especially after he had moved my SCUBA Dive gear around several times on the trip in Cancun which was no different than what occurred referencing to when in Georgia and getting ready to go to the Georgetown Aquarium the next day and catching Mary Osteen closing my SCUBA Dive gear bag telling me she "thought [I] did not need to go SCUBA Diving because [my] children did not need to see that happen". As per the bubbles out from the back of my BCD and showing such as well as if there was something additional put into my SCUBA Diving gear specifically my BCD, obviously I survived the SCUBA Diving I had completed in Florida and all of the prior wills as to financial or any type of payouts have fully been revoked long ago which they knew. I did not die as I always had been alive despite the excuses some would have assumed regarding the ways my ex-in-laws would try to manipulate the system as well as try to manipulate my son and my daughter as seen in multiple times and multiple ways with their own children referencing lying under oath and not thinking about the penalties thereof because the females in that family have not ever received justice for what they had done all of those years ago and with each step they have taken they have made it where there is little room for error because of the amount of technology to monitor everyone everywhere. As technology hacking has had to be forced to a close because of the required levels of security, the required additional safety precautions of both in person as well as in reference to the online portions as per two step security factors as ween per such coming due to so many risky behaviours needlessly going unchecked and under reported due to others' biases and judgements that only some deserve justice when it is the statement for a reason: JUSTICE FOR ALL.

* From what Grandpa Nichols said I am going to attempt to organize from what I had been told about in the ways which from the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury the prior writings with this outline hopefully assists to clarify the prior statements from my writings/videos as well as prior law enforcement statements regarding such which admittedly I do not know the year of though Tony was in high school I think in the 1980s as he like Ozzy Ozzbourne and went to concerts for from what I was told with (?) before or after as he would be able to answer for those portions from Grandpa Nichols or E7 James Walker Nichols DOD in August 2008 buried in DFW National Cemetery with 2-3 Medal of Honor recipients nearby physically:

^ When he was finished asking questions to the females for a moment he went to the front door, walked across the street, looked through the backyard fence line to see (?) face down with her rear in the air and her dress ripped and blood around the ground seeping from a head shot wound

^ He fell to his knee knowing he was unable to tell his eldest son because of the amount of additional details needed which his son would have more ability to explain and have the chance he was not able to have with his son as a promise he asked for as per the ability for males of such times to speak and/or discuss more openly with their sons at such times especially regarding the military of the United States of America's Armed Forces as he held onto the metal fencepost with one arms on one knee praying he would be able to make up for what he knew he needed to do because of the amount involved in a larger way and knowing that this as not the only situation regarding the larger aspects in the specific area and targets thereof as he was drunk when he met Tony's mother at the boat and could not tell the difference as Grandma Nichols had made the last drink he had prior to going to the chapel as you can see in their wedding pictures as to the glazed over eyes in the look of his face comparatively to the timeframe

^ He jumped over the fence line to sweep (?) lifeless body into his arms wrapping her with a blanket as the way she was left by those females who were also video taping or taking pictures as to what was going on by those females to try to make Tony stop loving who his sisters and mother did not approve of and since Linda and Mimi agreed to teach (?) a lesson as to disobey as per the abortion facilitated by Grandma Nichols in the house with his sisters assistance as he would know how they were better and as their children would be able to explain as well as my son and my daughter more-so than the few times I had seen and not known what to do as per learning how to speak at such times and words to explain were difficult as to knowing what I had grown up with and trying to figure which way was up proverbially; though would give a clearer knowledge base, for understanding. He said "Susan I need you to know I sat her up on the one needed to see her the way I found her." As per already having discussed my background in a larger religious and spiritual aspect the pieces to a different puzzle which had already been proverbially clicking together as per seeing the picture and hearing the screams I had heard one evening years prior when I was a child in the house in New Jersey, and seeing a hand peer through the fabric curtains to see through the nightlight one evening Mike was upstairs working in the clock and jewelery workshop. I could not be calmed down because of my biological sister's porcelain dolls starting to begin to collect up the wall which was not though was helpful, years later I would hope in a different aspect. I tried drawing what I saw, and my biological mother told me she needed to see clothes put onto the naked female as she thought it would be better. I argued with her telling her that was not how I was seeing who was crying, and after convincing I drew a black colored dress on her up to her shoulders. Later when I was graduating 8th grade I went to get just my cubby's work of artwork from the special level of extra artwork class with the portfolio of only my work, however when cleaning out for the year after my best childhood friend had died and though no one believed me; there are a few who I purposefully spoke with which I had told them his Mom was not going have to make that choice, as I knew Damien knew the correct thing for him to do. When the PA system had gone onward to tell of the update by Paul I was sitting, and I told him to prepare as he should be the first to know Damien was going to be in a better place soon and his Mom would be okay after she healed a bit as she needed to. Later the insurance company told her she had 24 hours because of the life support costs and that was what was on the announcement that day, which was when I told Paul Waselewski of such as calmly as possible. That 8th grade portion where many in school already were making fun of me for being weird because of the church I was going to as well as being able to see as I do and can, when I saw the picture one female had drawn I had seen the female who I was trying to draw for years up to that point in that female's picture. I knew taking it to my biological mother would be risky and needed to be done when I looked over and saw the type of earrings and a necklace which the female was wearing for the face of the last person seen, which I saw Damien's spirit standing there looking at me explaining it would be needed for later as it was important for me to remember. Sony/Sonja and Joe/Jose Castro's neighbor was Damien's Mom and Dad, and I grew up playing with Damien for years even during Elementary School because of going to visit Sony/Sonja and Joe/Jose and their daughter Liaza and son David. They among other church members at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in Tennent New Jersey heard renditions of how funny my biological mother and Deacon as well as my biological father and Trustee told many of how amusing it was to tell me to draw clothes onto the female, while forgetting the other parts I told them first. The combination of everything I found I knew would be able to explain who I was seeing back then in elementary school at Asher Holmes the first time which I cannot remember if it was 1987 or 1988,, though an irony later in October 2000 when meeting the neighbors across the street to an angle to the left of Linda and Mimi after seeing the picture which was behind Grandpa Nichols' chair and the same screams I heard as a child. If Anna still has that drawing which I asked if she would take to Prudential remembering seeing many cameras around and hoping someone would notice the paper where I had erased though left the mark of the eraser as I had already been in art classes with Ms. Dotty since 4th grade and by then I was in 8th grade, and had already earned my meeting with Governor of New Jersey Christine Todd Whitman with my artwork of the pastel drawing with some other mediums for cleaning up the oceanic waters which was when I officially began working on my plans for my idea of The Underwater Travel System. Granted that following summer I was sexually assaulted which I was blamed for by my biological parents as well as my biological sister as she joked about what she thought I deserved when in the van on the way to the Burger King, as then the news of my dog A's death came just 1.5 years after my childhood friend's death; which later once back to the house after the detectives left from the first questions before later prosecution for the assault in 1999 in New Jersey or wherever Baptist Camp Lebanon was at that time in the northeast area, I was later informed of my Bok Gung's death and funeral having occurred prior just as how I was told as to how my adoptive Grandfather's funeral had gone on, both which my biological sister went and I was told later by a few years thinking it was not a big deal wrongly as his was just towards the end of 6the grade and my Bok Pu's had been around the year of my childhood friend's death. I mistakenly thought my life could not get any worse, though I had not gone off to the time for Basic Training for the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces yet. I had regretted ever writing those poems regarding several aspects as soon as I wrote them because of thinking how only someone who had no perspective of the realness of problems throughout my life would ever think they would be able to look at a small snippet of time to think they could ever know of such realities, as I had wanted to end the strife and what would a Catholic High School female have anything to know about such with Private School prices in New Jersey with who was going to school in my grades right? In just the prior 2 years of school to that time I had only had found out about and was not allowed to go to any of the funerals for any of the 4 individuals I had known as I was told Mike had buried my dog's body in the Olympic Pool in the backyard as it was an in ground pool which had a crack in the pool and was why I was told it was being filled over the years. Yes, I still remember the layout of the old designs and could if needed go through the area of the property to explain such if needed as well as what the house and the shed were simply by being in the area as I instantly recalled a lot when I drove by though I could not bring myself to stop in because of the other portions of processing everything else as the first time of seeing that area of the tristate was a bit more than I had thought was going to be seen. I did not think my memories would ever come back from that area or time which is ironic when looking at the fabric of the comforter to Mike and Anna's bed when in New Jersey, to the curtain fabric if miniaturized to the fabric of the curtains regarding the colorations of the fabric to what was my house in Carrollton Texas before everything else that occurred went as it had. I needed to see those curtains as the color combinations I made for my house, before everything else unnecessarily went as it had in quite a few situations.

Of course my ex-in-laws who had refused to accept or acknowledge what the Chief Warrant Officer 3, the facts Grandpa Nichols had shown with pictures of his own uniform, as well as what I had informed them of regarding the stolen valor their dead relative had done; thus during the housewarming party instead of them telling the truth as well as my biological father and me biological mother; my new neighbors wrongly thought that I was simply going along with the wrongful stolen valor in comparison to how much I had done to stand up against such, as they wished to live in their delusion worlds thinking no one else would ever find out about such treasonous behaviour as to purposefully and knowingly perpetuate while influencing others to do the same of stealing valor of the United States of America's Armed Forces in my opinion. If those people did not know I was living in a smaller town compared to San Antonio or Austin or Fort Worth population numbers, I am infuriated when people refuse to tell the truth needlessly. That aspect to continue onward without explaining knowing of or learning of however in such a reference to explain the need to stop such is to prevent the emboldening of those who would cause disrespect to those who had earned the right to put on such a uniform, as unlike certain other rights there are some rights which are and always have been mandatory to earn. A video game system cannot teach you that when you can buy your credit points instead of being made to earn on your own, which in turn finances are the same way as when you earn your way you have the right to choose how your finances are spent so long as there is realistically little to no harm needlessly to come from such.

I remember the following from different random discussions and pieced together:

^ Grandpa Nichols then walked into Linda's house to see the females covered in blood as they thought hunting and skinning an animal was not any different than human life incorrectly as per the way Grandma Nichols had taught them how to do so and pictures thereof with additional background psychological proof of aspects which others could agree to his opinion as he wanted to get as far out of his own gene pool as he could fins when in reference to Grandma Nichols as several unknown factors about Marines is many of them come from smaller towns which inbreeding has been normalized and the long term effects were not as widely known among the general population as such was considered of royal descent however the royals had learned of the developmental problems over time and had seen the need to go outside of their own genetics before the word spread across the lands of such situations. Not all Marines though many from beginning times had come from a limited area which the natural portions of human beings physical portions took over and the adult aspects were passed along until the time when it was more well known mainly by the governmental portions to such degrees and with the fear of having such occur without much back thought certain portions of the invitation which had initially been to prevent incest was known would have those who would wrongly take advantage to purposefully circumvent the system such as Grandma Nichols telling Grandpa Nichols because of the legal clause for being married of believing such wrongly as there are legal reasons to report abuses as well as crimes which some military members as well as dependents may not have been taught or known of. He took her threat seriously as she had proven herself before and knew he needed more backup than just himself at the time, and talked with whomever would listen as he knew the justice needed to be served after his physical body was cold in the ground so what needed to be done thereafter to ensure he would always be with Grandma Nichols as he promised her for everything; she knows which piece she saw which instantly brought tears to her eyes to know she would always be married to him as he promised her, and for all of the hard times he was going to make her remember she should have listened to his song singing Juvenile Back dat Azz Up around the house was his victory dance despite her lack of understanding for such at the time. He promised her if she ever purposefully ever did anything to cause harm to me, my son, and/or my daughter he would ensure what goes around comes around to her and all of hers for what they had done in each and every way he could before he left the earth physically as she know she feels his breath every now and then at specific spots in the house which are of the most important for her to remember as his revenge permanently as he knew I would always be resilient and able to heal from everything perfectly and all which was sent would be turned around fully and reversed fully back to the original sender for such sorts of situations as he saw and explained to others as he ensured with others the fatwah which was called was to be found as he knew where she came from and he needed to tell me what specific word to know to get help when time because he knew I was in danger and needed to get all who were a apart of responsible to take responsibility one way or another for each action they themselves had done or had arranged as per what he would listen to when they would speak outside when he was in his room as they were always louder than anything he was doing.

^ After he had covered Tony Walker's high school love with the blanket and went back inside he told the females to get cleaned up and wash their faces and clothes needed to be thrown away to get into new clothes as he ordered Linda to call her husband and ordered Mimi to contact her extended family

^ There were 5 females total involved though unknown if the females were the adult three females of Grandma Nichols with Linda and Mimi with Mary and Susie as per comments about the S&M sisters or M&M Sisters or N&N Sisters or the Nipples Sisters in reference to comments regarding Fort Worth High School and their choices regarding the female Tony Walker Nichols would remember her name; as well as something about peanut butter and one female with a dog, a revolver game or twist, tent stakes, and duct tape with rope regarding the swingset from other's comments rnadomly as well as from Grandpa Nichols in specific portions

^ I was told by my dead ex-husband when during the time between the first and second final separation that after a situation in a backyard he had seen was when he started throwing pears at the chickens as well as burying kittens up to their neck to take the lawnmower out after he and his friends had found a dead body near the railroad tracks as well as another time at the backyard and another few times at the area behind the water ski shop

^ A house I was taken to with similar color walls to what Grandpa Nichols' house in what once was Grandpa Nichols' room which previously was Mary and Susie's shared room is a similar color to the red in the house in a coldesac on the other side of the Anglin Drive exit when turning right towards the area with the farmland and I was shown a house in the neighborhood where he said he had with others thrown a Moltav Cocktail which I had to ask what it was though did not understand, though I think the McDonalds was nearby to that area of housing after when being driven through to get out of the neighborhood. I know a house I was taken to had 2 males standing outside of a white colored house which I was told not to look over my shoulder as those were trouble makers, which since they had already made eye contact with me I simply nodded my head as I remembered where I grew up and knew that when you know to be cool how much cooler everything can be as I did not know prior aspects and was not interested in what the situations were regarding quite a few situations I could pick up on though did not have the words for and with much going on in the area to figure out is a bit much currently when focusing upon this particular portion though if helpful then is helpful. However this was only a few months or weeks prior to my son's birth and once more just before my son's first birthday party at the McDonalds, which after the fight that broke out between my ex-sister-in-law and the two females about the birthday cake situation as I began moving the birthday presents for my son and everyone else from the party for my son was hiding behind the glass looking through from the playplace as my ex-mother-in-law had yelled 'punta negra' at such a fight when I grabbed a child female to pull out from the fight to get her to her mother or aunt safely; the expectation for me to get involved with the fight when pregnant with my daughter made little sense to me being asked later by my ex-mother-in-law as well as my ex-sister-in-law as they were surprised more-so my ex-mother-in-law that I would not get into the fist fight while being pregnant as they thought I should have, and I was yelled at later despite being told needing to go because of a supposed shooting that was about to occur after the police officers showed up to the McDonalds with the EMS and I gave my statement. I did not recall hearing about a shooting at the McDonalds that weekend or thereafter, though I admit when I was told my now dead-ex-husband was claiming to be in a gang where they drank hot sauce to get into the gang I laughed because of where I grew up telling him that those were not games as those guys I knew were really in the know of such realities he was not knowing what he was doing. He was offended when I told him so at Fort Sam Houston in Medical Hold Unit as he claimed he was from the hood which in some aspects I can see certain potential for growth in multiple areas as when going through for the betterment to uplift such areas, however he took my laughing at drinking hot sauce as a condisending tone because of knowing where I grew up and claiming he wanted Fort Worth to be like where I would go and I told him he did not know what he was asking for his family and I wanted to stop that as everyone genuinely deserves a chance to grow and move towards betterment if they can find the way instead of going in such a direction as there are too many who have already lost their lives and there are those who can take such to move forward with such experiences to make better lives in realistic aspects a little at a time as there was not the need for such if possible. I was told he knew what people there deserved which in certain references I could see though I also knew there were innocents who were more capable than some would ever think of when initially meeting, and those people were and are from all areas of life as such is how the pun of a well rounded individual in the world can grow. I was laughed at among other portions, however the fact he said everyone from Tony's High School graduating class as well as Mary Evongelina's High School graduating class, as well as Susie Marie's graduating high school class, and his when seeing which way the situations were going after what he said was a hard time; either were murdered/killed by joining a gang which by technicalities if since he chose to say as he had of what he preferred the irony of other aspects regarding him specifically in such, went to high school and dropped out because of drugs and/or pregnancy, and/or went to prison whether or not a crime was committed because of the way some people in the neighborhood were on his street while also complaining with others about Linda and Mimi wanting a white only neighborhood as others knew and his father agreed up to a point when remembering a few soldiers he had been stationed with who had taught him a better way to see things in a tactic which some did not understand was not the correct way to teach someone about their sexuality as Grandpa Nichols was a bi-sexual swinger up until the 1980s;

^ I asked what about the other males involved who jumped the fence and ran away, though I cannot remember when or how the discussion was at such a time when looking towards that area by Linda and Mimi's houses; though only Judy seemed perplexed, whereas the people in the house across the street when looking from the driveway with Judy's house to the left with Linda and Mimi's on the other sides of the streets to the right with several females who would walk in and out of the doorway looking at the Nichols' house randomly whenever anyone was outside. The same referencing the biological father to Sondra Marie when the children were running around the front yard of both ex-in-laws and they stopped when Mary began discussing the aspects of Sondra's biological father which she went to sit down in the corner of the fence line listening in the front, hiding behind the remaining aspects of the tree in the front yard as the others moved closer to try to listen to Mary and Susie laugh about not telling her while I defended both David and her to be able to know the truth one way or another. Grandma Nichols stayed quiet looking at the cars driving by randomly, and especially then was when the females came out of the house just a few months prior to the McDonalds birthday party.

However hopefully that is enough information in reference to such since as per as many written letters sent out to as many as I have, as many books as I have sent out to the amount that I have, and as many of the pieces of my Medal of Honor Art Project as I have personally delivered to though was not ever asked for any presentation to do so for the pieces I made for any purpose prior to even today 17 June 2021 while not forgetting the portions regarding my SCUBA Diving in any way except for those who have lied to my face and/or pretended as though they did not know at such times in 2009 through to now except for an excuse of not taking a selfie despite how many pictures I posted from the camera I purchased with my credit cards, though there is the excuse of those who have finances to wrongfully deny what was not ever theirs rightfully to deny as per in the whether or not you choose to believe in reference to those who think they know better compared to actually knowing better.

What was it my biological father said, Do you want to be right, or do you want to be dead right? I suppose those who would prefer to cause such problems during my Medal of Honor Art Project prefer the latter of the two compared to the first, if I were to look at such in a way. for example regarding my ex-sisters-in-law, my ex-mother-in-law, and my daughter who said they went to Georgia for some paperwork would have automatically lied to such by presenting the Army with any documentation regarding the will and testimony because of the fact I have always been alive and the Army would be forced to prosecute all involved with such a fraudulent pattern of behaviour as per the other portions not only in the above writing though other aspects as well. I should write, if there is ever a belief in justice; though I also have yet to see justice for quite a few different aspects of what personally has occurred to my son, my daughter, my Medal of Honor Art Project, my SCUBA Diving, and I. If a life insurance policy against me was filed and a claim made referencing my SCUBA Diving gear from my SCUBA Dive in 2009 illegally, that would mean a forced prosecution for insurance fraud as well. I knew my biological mother, biological father, and biological sister hated me more than I had ever been able to explain though obviously such would prove such further than beyond the abomination of a wedding when my son and my daughter were used as props instead of genuinely being wanted at the wedding with their Mom; however since it was made known the day of the wedding that my biological parents and biological sister and the Miller family which has multiple elected officials throughout the state of Texas who would choose to look at such a female such as myself in such disgust despite living in the Austin city limit area within the state of Texas to reprove the way such people in the state of Texas and throughout have always looked at people who have different hair as well as different skin color as well as a different background as well as the lack of concern for anyone who did not graduate Basic Training; which then after such occurred referencing the situation with my daughter and McCoy Elementary School and CFBISD of Carrollton Texas; what a furthered portion referencing the virtue signaling regarding to put a Medal of Honor Museum in the Arlington Texas area of the state of Texas in the middle-ish between the Fort Worth Zoo and Carrollton Texas with the DFW National Cemetery nearby where there are two Medal of Honor recipients' remains left with all of those acres of land within cemetery who would not be in the slightest bit impressed as to such a political display of a vulturous way of virtue signaling as to wishing to make such go away with a situation which if finding out about my Medal of Honor Art Project and if were to do only for such then why would I not be invited to participate in any meeting for the development of or where I would want such to be or how I would want the interior to look or how the location of gardening would have to be designed; if the presentation were to be where the political individuals running for 2022 would use such as a backdrop instead of actually and genuinely respecting those who served in the uniform whether or not they earned a Medal of Honor? I could be incorrect and that could be just a hypothetical energetic pick up because of the levels of different aspects of which I have been working on; however if such were to be, then what would there be to be thankful for? A building to house such of what I had done? Would that mean similarly how I had built an additional to my house in Carrollton Texas before all sorts of problems occurred to my son, my daughter, and I as well as more needlessly, which was already in place though some decided to stick their nose in a business which was not ever theirs to begin with? Whether my business of my personal business, or my being a Mom, or being a SCUBA Diver who earned as I personally alone earned and not with anyone else beyond the 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as not any other portion had anything to do with how I landed at the bottom of the ocean in any location I went to, or my religious and spirituality of Eclectic Nature, or my Medal of Honor Art Project in the ways of which I do as I do as I was taught long before ever being in the state of Texas or SCUBA Diving in the state of Texas; what would anyone with a compassionate view as to who I truly am ever think that replacing a building to cover such would ever replace what I once actually had? It cannot replace the time which was taken from my son, my daughter, and I individually or collectively as one family. It cannot replace the memories which we could and should have had for ourselves and no other unless I personally made the choice to share such without anyone else's influence inside of my house, nor can it replace the years taken away from those who I had considered as family and friends from those times for myself or them or my children if I had introduced them by my choice as their Mom in person. It cannot replace the hugs and kisses and story times I could have spent reading to my son and my daughter in person, over the past several years. It cannot replace all of my cooking which my son and my daughter and I could have had together in person, though of course my ex-mother-in-law would not care about such as she only wanted the convenience of what was brought to her the way she brings food over to Linda and Mimi's or sends others to do so when she does not want to walk across the street herself to leave on the doorstep being as lazy as Grandpa Nichols had always said she was for not being good enough to actually work for anything herself. Proving the aspects regarding how those people meaning my ex-sister-in-law and my ex-mother-in-law were too lazy beyond what Grandpa Nichols had said in reference to the hospitalizations my daughter had at UBHDenton which even though I put the names on the list for them to be able to drive out there themselves, because I would not drive out to Fort Worth from Carrollton to then go to White Settlement to then go to Denton to then take them back before taking my son back to my house in reference to the first hospitalizations for my daughter as my those who know my ex-mother-in-law, she was infuriated I told her she needed to drive herself to go see my daughter if she wanted to have her in her life. Thus the irony of the way situations went though even then such has been proven as to how she wished she had more control that she was not ever allowed to have because when you lie on an immigration form no matter how many years or decades prior, you can always still be sent back to the country from which you came from, or you can go to prison as Grandpa Nichols had wanted and needed for so long. In the house she has with all of the stolen valor pictures of her dead son as well as her spiritual husband in conjunction with her legal husband and spiritual first husband Grandpa Nichols, she got her hope for all of eternity as per the additional aspects per Grandpa Nichols loving the fact of learning of how many black cats ran around and were near me to go straight over to his house and as he watched me give Grandma Nichols the hugs she needed to have first back in those days as her son and her husband watched with a gleeful smile knowingly. However if she was afraid of losing such because of simply the distance and/or because each and every week I did not bring over a pie as I once had previously each visit because I moved from San Antonio Texas to Carrollton Texas as well as gave her the funeral of her dreams for her favorite dead son, then I suppose that house full of pictures of what once was is all she has to remember what she once had and cannot ever get back and she can look over across the street to see those houses and what she and her two daughters were a part of. What if the death of the daughter of Linda was around the time of Mary Evongelina Osteen though Nichols back then pregnancy delivery records for timing as well as the timing of Susie Marie Nichols then abortion which she said she felt guilty for and wondered if it would have been okay because of the situation she could not say the words to me specifically about, had all aligned in time to when the initial time of around the month and day of death in that year? I remember Mary saying she was not allowed pain killing drugs when she was in labor which Grandma Nichols said it was partial payback for something which being on a military installation she should have been able to get an epidural back then, though Grandma Nichols refused to allow Mary to have pain killers for the delivery of Sondra Marie as I was told. Why?

I have not hidden that I was born in the cusp timing of the Generation X and the Millennials via the year, which personally I have joked I was a part of the Generation Y despite the year. For example, why would anyone think Grandma Nichols ever cared about anyone other than herself truthfully if with so many aspects the choices which have been made for so long? Why did Susie's first set of children's father always have the ability to get bail to get out of jail after being arrested, and somehow Susie and Joe would have to pay Grandma Nichols for each bailout she did? Why was she able to pay for the bailout to begin with, for each one? How was she able to have the exact amount of cash needed for her ability to pay, and why would anyone not be allowed to sit in that area of the dining room without her getting upset including Grandpa Nichols? Why would if you walk towards the backyard would Grandma Nichols run over to the area even if getting a paper towel or doing some laundry, to help keep things clean? Why would Grandma Nichols rush over to see if the shed or the back shed was being opened if there was nothing being hidden, and why would she joke about some treasures being hidden throughout the yard as well as throughout the house; as though in an east coast sort of tone? Why would Grandma Nichols joke about how she had a dog who buried a bone here and a bone there throughout her yard, which she was ready to find at the moments notice? Why would my dog's burial in the backyard of the house I grew up in be a thought when being told of such, as well as a few other situations? Why would Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr ever involve himself in my son, my daughter, and/or my life once that relationship was fully over knowing he knew I was forced into the relationship which I had not ever wanted to be in and was literally explained by me that I had dealt with being at gun point to have to deal with him in Nine Lives Books? Why would anyone told keep such quiet to themselves and not go to the proper authorities they would have known at the time while wrongly keeping me in the dark as to any other portion, and think that would be considered as acceptable? Why would anyone ever think putting my son and my daughter and I at risk in any sort of situation would ever be looked at with acceptance instead of rage, especially if the facts were known regarding my so-called creepy behaviour in middle school as to the portions of actually verifying seeing and speaking with spirits to then ever deny any portion regarding such images which in later times proved to be worthwhile and the credit still given; yet the credit having been denied wrongly to me ever be considered as acceptable to such individuals who would or could have ever failed to simply ask a single question to inquire as to the truth to me, of such? Unless those were accustomed to assuming, and then what was the choice of AI for such an excuse given whenever discussing about such a picture and set of earrings? The school already had such reports regarding the spiritual aspects as well as my church and background unless in a false claim way and then, what would such be reviewed by such as to any decisions purposefully made without ever asking any actual questions while assuming anything was ever truly known? If then in reference to such why's, why would you choose to act first and then ask questions later regarding such if the picture was actually that important or unless not asking you preferred to stir up drama needlessly because of your own ego? Thus if upon seeing the picture next to the picture I actually drew and colored is there a reference or a few which such could have been found back in 2000 that should have simply stopped such behaviour, or was it you were incapable to stop yourself and did not care about even those lives of that picture literally being in front of your face? Why would you be so careless as to not have any discernment on your part with such literally able to be seen so quickly, or was it your failed attempt to push others around to make yourself feel bigger while crushing families who meant nothing to you to begin with? Why would you want anyone to care for you when you have cared less for others than the way you would want yourself to be treated, if taking a look when stepping backwards to see a larger view? The same why can be asked in reference to the photographer who could have simply asked why in comparison to assuming and simply found out my biological mother was as she was in comparison to me, though if so then why did you allow such to continue when finding out I had done nothing wrong? Why would you ever put something onto someone who simply actually was doing genuine good in the world after everything having worked on and fixed up to such point, unless you are completely insatiable and have absolutely no moral compass? Do you know what a moral compass is, why and/or why not? Would you want what occurred to me because of you to occur to each and everyone of your family members and friends the way you had done so to me and mine, why and/or why not?

Quite frankly I do not care who is behind the mask of the Marvin the Martian costume as if the individual knew me in person, then why would you not say anything to me as who I would have known you as? I suppose an irony in whatever way of the pointing of the gun towards the male who had taken my son and I across state lines after the Cowboys Dancehall situation, as the Wizardcon in the Portland Oregon area convention center would have had multiple cameras at multiple angles as to see who was in the area and who was walking nearby or in close locations to see who was looking where via the security cameras. It would be ironic in a different way regarding Matt West, as if he were to find out as to how long a SCUBA Diving Instructor at the time afterwards to find out about how others knew of my SCUBA Diving regarding the oceanic waters as he had once been in the Navy as a Seabee; what would he do if he found out that more than 15 SCUBA Diving Instructors made the choice to keep quiet about my SCUBA Diving until getting to the level of Instructor or Dive Master, and how would such look towards such SCUBA Diving Instructors if bullied into staying quiet because of the sasquatch costume situation regarding a camping situation if additionally found out after I had already told others of though more specifically to the fact he had seen and been on a Navy vessel in comparison to whatever other SCUBA Divers who had been on cruise ships and/or Instructors of whichever type there were at that time. Why would it ever take as long for any to ever simply ask about such for any further discussions, or why would anyone think they would be able to figure such out without me if not for arrogance of what I had the right to choose for myself as what to do with my SCUBA Diving gear? How could anyone ever not see I was going where I should have gone and would have actually given such explanations back then far more in depth than anything I wrote or spoke of, if not wishing to hold something over my head as such would not allow anyone access to the areas I went SCUBA Diving to the level of as per the rules of the ocean and then the laws of the ocean? Why would I want to go forward with my idea of my Underwater Travel System, if there has not been any honesty regarding such in reference to my SCUBA Diving? Maybe it just ias not and never was considered important enough until it was seen that you would actually need to speak only with me for each portion of such, as who thinks they know where everything is?

That quote from Mike, Why would you think when you could, know? For SCUBA Diving and my idea of the Underwater Travel System, I know such a quote applies permanently for quite a few additional aspects as quite frankly I wonder what the importance ever was beyond what I knew it to be.


Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Model Author Susan MeeLing

It should not take a head injury to figure this out because I thought you are supposed, to be smarter.

If there are those who find such interesting enough to research further to bring forward more information in reference to the forefront for more detailed information, as usual I request the courtesy of the same which I do in reference to how I refer to articles for reference points when writing my journal blog entries; for each one used for reference starting points, to research for clearer understanding from such knowledge.


That is common sense, good etiquette, and good karma; whilst lifting others upward, in positive ways.

Quotes which mean a lot to me:

"The ultimate measure of an individual is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at the time of challenge and controversy."

"We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken society is guilty, rather than the law breaker.  Freedom is never-more than one generation away, from extinction.  We do not pass freedom on through our blood stream because freedom must be fought for, protected, and handed on for the next generation to do the same."

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.  Though best to be able to share in person with who matters, until that time occurs being able to see what is possible through such is a feat to notice.  One must be happy within oneself prior to being happy with another, though such can be enjoyed if living in one's own truth is as such. and then as to the capability to progress forward with another and/or others depending upon the situation(s) and individual(s)."  ~  A Quote From Me, Reverend Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle

Me in Black Suit Prepared.JPG

If in anyway I am inaccurate about anything I have written here in this journal blog entry and/or any prior journal blog entry and/or future journal blog entry and/or factual books I wrote and/or videos I have done through my OFFICIAL YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing, please only contact me through the contact form for the ability to clarify such details in public view fully to fix and repair to rectify the situation(s) as I do not respond to comments in my journal blogs because there thus far have not been any notifications sent to me about such from my website.

In such references if there are any inaccuracies then I will fix and repair such details on my website, as per such.

Though there are the aspects of which if you would like to speak with me in addition to possibilities of opportunities for me, the welcome aspects as to contacting me through my contact form.

If I have known you in person when in person in positive ways and/or ways which might need clarification(s) as to mature discussions, there has always been the welcome open door policy as to contacting me through my contact form if you were not given my new phone number though such is online regarding my website more recently published online as to my Website Business Phone Line: (360)-713-4937.

Thus far there has been only one who has known the contact form area to speak with me on a phone line was simple and capable to do so through, in truth.

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

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Fetlife as Lady Liberty Belle:

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

Welcome to the website of the one and only exclusively through Amazon author
Susan MeeLing, and the one and only overall model
Lady Dori Belle

My Copyrights Reserved

My website is not for sale nor is for purchase intended to assist with correct and truthful information of which as I give the credits to others in such return as to the credits to such which must be given to me (Susan MeeLing) to my work and my website which has been and is to assist to go forward with further aspects as I personally choose, however such mandatory recognition of which such portions of my works is having used such is required as to acknowledgement and proper respectful recognition thereof as to such details in the actualities of the truth as to the 10 Commandments as the 10 Commandments matter just as actual truthful life experiences matter. 

No misinterpretations of/from me are permitted, at all.  Realism.

If you would like to use the link to a journal blog of mine, then the subscription fee should be capable per link to the journal blog link for usage with the acknowledgement of the subscription fee for my journal blog for the previous links to such aspects as per what I have made attempts to arrange as I have not ever allowed anyone to remove any information from my website for any personal usage as to in any capacity as the permissions from me are required as to getting personal permission from me as to such aspects.

There is the capacity to purchase a subscription to be capable to contribute financially to my work as to the aspects of my journal blog, as the links for the references regarding my journal blog are allowed to be published as all of the information as per the requirements for others to research as per the truth in full as required as per the information as per my journal blog The Ornery PSA.

All such permissions would be under the copyrights protections, for me for my work officially. 

You can request contact for arranging meetings and speaking arrangements through my contact page on my website, though the link to the right is to my Linked in account for additional verifications.  (6) LD Belle | LinkedIn

™© Copyright®©

Thank you for taking the time to look through this website and please, enjoy your day.

Brightest blessings to me, for my highest good.

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