Today I am thankful for all of my SCUBA Diving type of training, and I am glad that because of how and where I was trained well before SCUBA Diving for what I do; there is no one except me who can explain anything and everything, regarding my SCUBA Diving which in turn means anyone who would think they knew anything would be seen and found as ignorant in every aspect as my SCUBA Diving certifications are and were only for information as well as to ensure knowing my SCUBA Diving gear as I had explained back in 2009 as well as since. I am thankful I knew not to speak of or write anything specific about the exact procedures or anything of the sort as per requirements, and there is not a civilian who could ever know because of other aspects which has nothing to do with what they would think they had a right to.
I am thankful for how much I learned, practiced, and prepared for my SCUBA Diving well before any would have ever known in my own biological family while I was growing up which in turn means my Bok Pu's fury toward my biological mother and biological sister for the insult she had done regarding the name is complete. Technically such was completed by the time of 2012, though in such with all of what else needed to be taken care of was with minimal furthered interference at such times prior to returning to Texas from my biological mother, biological sister, and biological father; as when my UHAUL which had my SCUBA Diving gear was taken my biological mother was nowhere to be found, and my biological father was at my apartment at the time; which as per their prior choices in New Jersey and Illinois, proved such other connections additionally for all those they had chosen to interfere with needlessly when I grew up. My maternal side adopted Grandpa, would be just as happy as he would have known just as with my Bok Pu; the timing regarding the success as well as what he wanted and needed to occur regarding what she had done to his biological children, which her mother had refused to acknowledge. I am thankful both taught me more though what I learned from my Bok Gung as well as my Bok Pu has nothing to do with what some might wish they thought it to be beyond, Divinity.
I am thankful I paid attention when Mike cared more about Patricia Ann(abomination) Hom-Miller only when she would start whining and crying as Anna Louise Hom had done, and I am thankful to be able to create a way for my biological sister to be the star poster child she had always wanted to be. Granted she might not like that particular aspect of being a poster child for being the Whore of Abominations, though Mike did say he did not want her to be the best little whore in Texas. She was not able to be the best little whore in Texas as per his request, she because the poster girl for the Whore of Abominations; and since Anna had wanted to live vicariously through Patricia because of her own insecurities from her older brother Danny being a male, she was able to become the poster girl for the Mother of Whore of Abominations; which is ironic because those words are what Grandpa had used to describe my biological mother and biological sister, though because of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury I had forgotten for a little while about such.
I am thankful, I finally remembered.
What some did not understand or possibly know is the reality when it comes to those with severe after effects from head injuries or TBIs is over time, there is a way to undo the damages to the memory if the ability is pure and truthful to be able to do so. I had been told about a movie called Momento which the main character was a male who had a head injury and he used tattoos to unlock his own memory, though I was told about the movie in 2012 or 2013. While not as dramatically filled as such as I thought at the time when seeing the movie and came out well after I began my tattoos, the ironic twist of being able to piece together much more for a larger aspect and a bigger picture with all of the details minutely seen as per all forms of technological advances as well as their own choices of free will. I am thankful to have been able to see that movie on the laptop before taking the laptop in to the GeekSquad at Best Buy, though saddened and disappointed to think back as to what once was because of such choices by those who wanted to act similar to the male who caused all of the problems needlessly which ironically looks similar to who would be known in Austin as Carl from that couple with Scarlet and wherever she works. Ironically she looks similar to Crystal Cook from Crystal Lake Illinois if grown older, and the ironic aspects as to how certain similarities in her voice after the amount of times Crystal Cook in Crystal Lake South High School had hated the fact of my New Jersey accent. I was not needing to deal with fighting her to the same level of beating up Nick Robinson in front of Joy Hoover and Tiffany Oswianny after they defended him using the N-word while claiming to try to blame AJ in comparison to being honest, which that Friday night football game was supposed to be a warning and a reminder as to steer clear if you are unable to be truthful by your own choices.
I would not be able to do the type of SCUBA Diving I do without such as an initial starting point regarding being truthful all the time when discussing with people as well as online, which my maternal Grandpa with my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu knew and saw fully; which was the not the starting point, though a starting point. I could assist with the clarifications, though that would mean the required contact and requests would be mandatory in writing only; as per prior known aspects of several portions which would indicate the specifics required however since such has not officially been correctly done among quite a few other aspects, then I am thankful I know how to correctly stand my ground for the proper and correct reasons. I have no need for types of people who would prefer lying when it comes to the oceanic waters and fresh waters, as that type of behaviour is fully unaccepted by those in the oceanic waters among other locations throughout above and around the earth as well as within the Galaxy and far beyond. If you prefer a sandbox to play games in, then you have one. When you grow up enough to be mature enough to respectfully ask without pretenses of lying or such, then maybe we can discuss something further or I can continue onward as I have.
While my storage unit was cleared out and the items in my garage apartment were not allowed to be retrieved as the ex-boyfriend Patrick Kennedy had chosen to refuse me access to my own belongings, the furniture of which was kept without my permission as well as my SCUBA Diving gear if in such was fully denied to such for that choice as well. There is no need for such aspects either as choosing to rub in the fact you stole my belongings though ate food on the table I picked out while sitting in the chairs matching that dark cherry wood oval table with cream fabric colored chairs, was the downfall as to why such responses regarding other aspects because of such arrogance to think to steal from me while denying me my own property illegally and wrongly. It was a problem for Patrick Kennedy that he was unable to go into the Armed Forces of any branch or division and because I had been medically retired from the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces when he was doing a rifle drill with a shotgun, I had told him to stop as I was infuriated he had a loaded firearm in the apartment in 2011 as to the situations going on with my daughter #Letters4Lidia as well as my son #Letters4James. After he had pointed the loaded shotgun in my face and yelled at me continuing on about his personal problems which I had refused to accept ever, I disarmed him and ordered the opening of the double barrel shot gun to see two caps in both chambers. The end of the relationship was then and there, which the irony of not remembering his last name for several years and a book.
I had warned my biological father to not ever trust Patrick or his family with any detailed truthful information as it was none of their business and since Patrick knew I had fought to be enlisted to be emancipated during the Clinton administration and did not care about the politics though chose the path which was necessary, I am thankful to have learned of a rivalry regarding the two politics families more recently in comparison to back then when I wrote that Fail-Safe book. I was unaware of such details though because of how he had been working for DeLoitte at the time I would not doubt him trying to save what skin he had by selling or taking such without my permission, and I hope that was fully removed from him as he did not ever have any authority which he whined about in multiple ways. He had complained about John the owner of the private security company which again had no authority over my SCUBA Diving gear, as no one except I has such authority. As Patrick Kennedy had gone as far as he had to destroy whatever he could whenever he had the chance as per Bank of America when he was Director of Security and informed others within the Dallas BDSM community such as Dallas_Kink online fetlife to do the shabari along with the other females he had chosen for that picture set on the abstract red bow metal art piece because someone he had said at work made a comment, he did not like about certain other portions and Patrick felt it was his right to do what he wanted overstepping the liberties he did not have; as seen regarding the fact I knew he should not have taken me up the tower to see the floors with the technology serves, or anywhere else I knew he did not have the authority to do so for despite being a Director of Security. When he was in trouble for using the basement phone line to call my cellphone number which was based in Austin at the time, I told him he needed to write a check which would cash for the owner of Bank of America to pay back the fees he incurred to the company for needlessly using a secure landline to be able to speak with me. Patrick complained about cellphone reception of which I knew had to do with being in the basement of Bank of America, though he knew nothing about such as he did not grow up using technology in the ways which were as I had been taught and had coded myself. When he was fired or put on leave until the Bank of America company could figure out what to do with him, he began moonlighting with John and then discussing how he would try to take over John's company to show Renee and Jason he was better. I waited for the employees from Bank of America to ask me a question when in the MacArthur road area apartment complex as I had not been put onto the lease agreement, though I did not want to interfere with their investigation prior to getting the apartment in another area of Irving on Meadow.
I went inside randomly thinking the males in the suits would pick up to ask me about whatever they were discussing as I knew it had to have something to do with either the tower with the technology which my parking ticket was validated by him when I drove the convertible Toyota Solara in and out of the parking garage across the street I had gone to, if I can remember correctly upon my return to the state of Texas in 2019. I did not know if it was that or possibly the shabari ropework done by Dallas Kink as I was informed as well as he posted the pictures as I was told from his work, though I am uncertain who was the photographer as it was not told to me though could have been him in such. As it was known about my involvement to the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger communities throughout DFW/Austin/San Antonio in person, if Dallas Kink and/or Patrick Kennedy had been continued to be investigated for prosecution then I can easily see the needless and careless individuals making such choices to once again try to save their own skin. During the interim of the time between the Bank of America and DeLoitte he had been assigned to security guard duty driving a car around Irving, and the problems he had with each and every employee was rampant and furthered needlessly.
If people remember how things were despite plenty of situations overwhelmingly going on in my life needlessly there are two specific individuals who were involved in my life at the most overdramatic times as claimed by others regarding me, the first would be Phillip Omstead or Darko online fetlife who wanted to make a Power couple with me because he wanted to make Renee and Jason jealous of him; though did not explain why, and was upset I cared more about my son and my daughter as well as Renee and Jason far more than I ever cared about or for him; though he had introduced Patrick Kennedy to me as per fetlife prior to later meeting after my 2nd engagement ended, and it just so happened to be that Patrick Kennedy would not leave me alone the entire evening until I simply could not take it anymore and gave him a taste of what was to come for him for pushing such. He thought it was fantastic and wonderful and because of how he had no clue how I pick up energy, he had no clue how I was doing what I was doing to ensure I read everything within his thoughts to ensure the safety because of feeling certain oddities which were not adding up at the time. Just before the requirement for the check to be written, is around the time just before having to move back to the Dallas area because of making sure both my son and my daughter were taken care of as I had discussed what was needed at the time in a way a child could understand to my son about the hospitalization regarding his sister. I am so thankful despite not knowing the Clintons were once in politics in Arkansas, the ability to be able to go back to their area which I realize now back then when I told Patrick a sign for the hometown of former President of the United States of America Bill Clinton on my trip; I watched the body responses, which sent other questions into a spin.
That first time was just after the check being written and during the time of the two males in suits, at the MacAruther area apartment which ironically near Lovefield Airport where the male SCUBA Diver Instructor had said he had worked near when on the phone when in Tacoma Washington of which I did not get a drivers license change if I recall correctly, though also my son was put into a different school because of finding out Patrick Kennedy lived within the CFBISD area and I was infuriated he did not inform me prior knowing what was going on. Instantly I went to find a school for my son out of in the private sector which Patrick went to the school to pick up my son at times when I had to go to Arkansas, and when moved into the Meadow road Irving and the district lines had just been recharged as per what I learned of; then the law firm who had an office nearby was able to see directly from my apartment illegally surveilling me, and able to research my background knowing of my SCUBA Diving. I repeat if there was the choice to deny me the ability to get assistance because of the amount of lawyers I contacted in reference to my daughter's situation in turn that could be considered attempted murder because if they knew of just one individual who was a SCUBA Diving Instructor, then they would have known to get medical attention or contact about and the denial of such means the death penalty for such a crime in the oceanic waters; though can be considered as such similarly, when regarding to on land for some who understand certain aspects and comprehend the larger portions thereof regarding the gear and the discussions regarding more specific details well beyond anything regarding anything I have written.
As Nona Matthews refused to shake my hand as well as refused to send the paperwork in a timely manner as per the law firm via the downloadable document for you to know they changed their law firm name though kept several of the initial names such as Trevino a Medal of Honor recipient's last name which no one could truthfully think that I would allow such a name to be allowed in such a regard after all that occurred could they? Just in case you did not know, the Medal of Honor Art Project is not for one person or one family though for all of the Armed Forces of the United States of America for them to be appreciative of. Just because you might have an association and/or a relative of, that does not mean you earned a Medal of Honor. If some did not like the fact I chose to take my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces to the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, VA, Veterans of Foreign Wars, military museums, and etcetera; that is not my problem, as maybe those spirits did not want anything to do with their own bloodline, because of what they have seen and paid attention to. If some people decided to stalk and harass by stealing the pieces for where they were specifically intended for to go and to return to upon the death as explained of such a family member, then the pieces are to be returned by all means necessary to such locations without any further hesitations. Until then, those spirits will not be there in the artwork ever. If you feel something, I guarantee it is not who you think it is, as you would fall into such a trap with such arrogance. I specifically explained those pieces are not to be passed down though are to be returned to the locations or type of, only. Otherwise I am not responsible for the hauntings, the possessions, the etcetera that does occur and has already. I highly recommend to take such pieces to the locations specified, as realistically I make the choice no one else.
As I can joke about karma for what occurred to my son, my daughter, and I there is not one ounce of love lost in reference to the fact my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces were and are only meant and intended for such, and any that was purposefully and however chosen by others and destroyed because of other people's ego needs to be informed of immediately as to take care of what is necessary.
There is only one completed Medal of Honor Art Project piece which can be recreated and redone, because of the situations after a visit from a specific individual shortly leaving thereafter lying to me inside of my apartment at the time as well as lying to me at the oceanic waterways. I have discussed other additional problems such as those in #N208, however such additional portions to that visitation adds up to other portions when taking such into additional consideration.
It does go back to the SCUBA Diving, as well as Irving. When such individuals who thought to cause problems needlessly additionally to my son, my daughter, and I such hauntings could calm down; though no, a second completed artwork piece will not be done, as there is another portion of which that sort of situation requires which is not up for discussion nor is such up for any part of writing beyond such as it is not for anyone else. However if such is not taken care of, that is not my problem either as even though there is a museum being opened in the state of Texas; I was not informed of such, and such requests were not made through the proper channels; being only one individual to go through, once again such would only be myself. No, I do not want any of my Medal of Honor Art Project completed pieces at that location as that is not an acceptable way to do so without contacting me as that was not your choice to make. I asked about the pieces for the ones regarding the physical remains in the state of Texas, only; not any other state, no matter where they were born. The pieces I wrote about the possibility of teaching others how to make was not in reference to artwork, it was actually in reference to learning how to complete a historical and spiritual rubbing, though apparently that was not considered as important as a political garbage public stunt. Trying to cover up what the school district and the local area had been a part of doing with a museum does not honor the truest form of the Medal of Honor, as the Medal of Honor for such an area would cause shame whereas a Medal of Honor is earned and is not to be shamed as such individuals would have been hypothetically arrogant enough to think would be a good surprise; and would not be seen as such, by the Medal of Honor recipients spirits. It is realistically quite prophetic when thinking about certain Biblical references to certain aspects, and including the number specifically. It is ironic I could have gotten a place to live in the area of DFW, though I just simply could not stand the problems still surrounding such without the correct clarifications. If I am inaccurate, then I suppose I will be informed though since I know better especially when it comes to certain types of people who think purchasing something is better than actually discussing to go through; there is a large misconception as to who I am, and who I have always been. The law firm knew such, and the law firm if even through a shell of a shell of a shell corporation had done so; I am no longer interested in anything else from such.
Maybe that is why I simply do not feel like painting the last ones from the state of Texas, until I feel comfortable; though I truly am wondering about a few aspects, thereof.
The law firm should have realized that the last day of the final meeting, when they claimed they felt as though they were being extorted; how ironic at this point in time, of such hypocrisy as to a law firm with multiple branches trying to claim any one of them to ever feel as though they were extorted when I know how lawyers which are not from the New Jersey/New York/Pennsylvania are and try to be what the east-coast once was and moved passed knowing the amount of technology in the area to completely cease such sorts of that type of behaviour in certain aspects. The ways of which a law firm which did not begin in the east-coast area would be to try such, is nothing new to someone who was born and raised in New Jersey. Thus, that law firm would continue insulting such situations after they already had dealt with such. I hope if it is found the law firm had anything to do with causing additional problems needlessly, each and every individual were to find about what I went through and dealt with in their own personal lives; however such were to be, would be. If the preference was to continue such on the same path, then what point do you actually follow through with the Promise to Change especially if you voted and/or fought about voting for former President Barack Obama? I suppose that saying means just as little to you as your choices have made over the years, just as how little such meant to you about the various portions thereof. How ironic as to that individual being the POTUS at the time and how much hooplah was made about him, and yet to actually go forward in such changes required has been such a failure to such a law firm as well as their associates in my opinion. I kind of can remember a part in one #SouthPark favorite episode of mine which there is a song, about change. Was that a reference to certain portions, in an ironic twist? Who, promised to change? I can only be myself, though I can do the best I can for betterment. Who in such communities was known to say such about changing their ways, out of curiosity? Only such types of people would think money was the only way to fix such, in comparison to the intent behind such. Sure money is important, though as a law firm would know; intent is more important and the value of such depending upon the intent, depends upon the actual cost and not by monetary value. If the legal aspects of the law firm refused to acknowledge the morality clauses which they themselves have to sign for their own lawyers, then the additional irony of such lack of morality among such types of people.
Unlike Christy from the Jade Wolf Coven, I do not have to mess with anyone if I choose to send out energy in whichever way I choose; as I can simply just remind you of the time, and let you know such signs were always there for you to pay attention to. That is not my fault if you chose, to ignore such warnings as has been done so many times before. When, will people learn? I do not know, as truthfully it seems because of quite a few aspects as to how fruitless such an endeavor was. Since the fact of the other portions regarding lifestyle aspects, well how true. The fact I was able to SCUBA Dive the way I had, is an indicator as to one aspect needed for even one minute of SCUBA Diving as per other portions though having nothing to do with any training from any SCUBA Diving Instructor and to deny where they are supposed to go; is yet another disgrace from human beings who would think they would know more or better than the one, who had done so. Metaphors, metaphors.
I feel such has been a waste of time for me to have ever gone as far as I have for such, especially when taking into consideration what they did on land compared to what I took care of in the ocean; and to ignore such for so long, disgusts me that in this area and as long as it has been the lack of respect which was earned and due. That male SCUBA Diver Instructor who caught the Poufy Fish would not ever know what it was to earn or do as I have done, as Mike said "When boys grow into men, they put away their toys." I took that in the female context a long time ago back when I was a child in New Jersey, as most would know I called my tools and weapons exactly what they were in comparison to such whether in SCUBA Diving and/or in BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger lifestyles.
Ironic additionally to such in reference to the false claim of extortion because if that law firm had gotten into the BDSM/LGBTQP/Sinwgers lifestyle before I had been there then they knew legally they would have to recuse themselves as an entire law firm from such a case; however their illegal choice to remain on such a case for the School District of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District means they were extorting others to stay away from me, which by legal definition all of those people would be able to report such and send such individuals to prison for such because of the fact those lawyers should have at minimum stayed out of any event or party I had gone to as I had notified online of which ones I was going to and they had a way to go elsewhere. However since most high paid lawyers are submissives in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swingers lifestyle which means there was only one group which they would go to, and that particular group I had been more protective of than some understood as to why I could or would be as I had not been a Professional Dominatrix; I had always been a Dominant Leatherwoman Sadist, though finding the correct term for a three word shortened was not simple as some might have thought. Though I suppose the full length title in comparison to shortened would be Dominant Leatherwoman Pansexual Polyamourous (when I choose and speak with about such if in a relationship) Sadist, however I was told of if doing something for over 10,000 hours such makes one an Expert; which at that point, well a few additional aspects to add to such a title then yes? If in reference to combined portions referencing how I SCUBA Dive, then I suppose that additional E for an acronym or abbreviation such as FSL in such a way would be an additional aspect possibly?
Thus as I know the youngest of the entire group was not in the profession long and though beautiful and intelligent, she was not equipped to deal with such vultures surrounding her. I would not doubt upon my return to the state of Texas or even shortly before if a group of people who once were excluding her had reeled her and her relationship in to try to convince them otherwise, and try to prove where they were helpful in comparison. However, did they ever warn those individuals without any strings attached for any business aspects immediately or did they string them along only when convenient? Did they only reach out to them when if they did not remain in contact and/or keep someone close by to maintain an eye on them which the other would instantly jump at the chance for the business, or did they do what they could to show how much they cared in a different way though without any strings attached? Such types of claims as to the extortion from the law firm was enough to send up every last red flag in 2012 and though I did explain where I could and warned as best as I could, I know I did not ask for anything in return in such regards; except the truth, and nothing except the truth. I cannot speak or write for the law frim who felt comfortable speaking with Patrick Kennedy as he spent several hours over there to pick up the box of paperwork as the law firm convinced the Judge Lynn Rubinett that they felt threatened, even though I told the Judge as to all of the explanations as to the truth of looking for a place away from the school district as well as not having known where the law firm was until Nona Matthews had told the Judge on the phone call. If the law firm had been intelligent and not had played games with my son, my daughter, and I as well as hypothetically those I had cared about and been involved with regarding many aspects; then realistically, why would the law firm at SMU say they felt as though they were being extorted? Maybe the male and some of the other staff had been at an event or two and thought I recognized them when in the office, and that was that male's guilty conscience speaking knowing he had known to not ever step foot inside of any location as well as knowing he should not have sent anyone for his law firm to such in any city; such as the DFW area which the law firm was in, Austin, San Antonio, as well as Houston Texas simply because of how small the BDSM/Swinger communities in the state of Texas are; especially compared to Washington DC where they have gone, as well as the east coast tristate areas. I hope so much for that law firm and associated especially now, though admittedly wonder who was truly trying to extort who? Is a Non-Disclosure Agreement considerable to extortion when thinking about the fact of not being able to speak about something because of a monetary settlement, and the problems which can occur from such? Could lawyers and law firms which do such practices be considered as extorting others who sign such Non-Disclosure Agreements with such penalties as they are not doing so in the favor of the United States of America, when doing so and without any legal clearances to prevent such information to the legal system of whichever city and/or state as well as the United States of America? If not specifically in elected office and/or specifically a clearance level of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces, is it considered to be extortion to prevent the Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Expression for such a legal settlement? I believe so, in my opinion. Such settlement payments with Non-Disclosure Agreements after being coerced into signing is considered as illegal and immoral practices, by lawyers own legal torts of definitions. How many law firms can legally be sued if they were to continue to hold anyone accountable to such a Non-Disclosure Agreement as per threat of retaliation, as within their own legal made documents which each one of whichever law firms' associates would have processed as well as signed however so for any individual and/or group? Any and all, is the answer. There are forms online which if there are those who had been forced through coercion to sign because of extenuating circumstances, especially if the law firm associations were to be found to be involved for any such activities which would cause such a coercion and would all be punishable by various laws and torts and statutes.
Irony, Excalibur.
Nonetheless regarding my feeling as well as the fact of with the after effects of a head injury to the level my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury had been though others as well, again the knowledge some did not know was when a memory deficit comes around though such might seem as PTSD; it actually is the brain catching up to piece all of the pieces together and thus, the misconception and the failure of such arrogance to think such would in the long term be acceptable when it never was. Just as that law firm name may have a few last names and/or first names of people who actually earned a Medal of Honor, those people never were Medal of Honor recipients and they never will be. Stolen valor of such pieces of artwork, is much a hefty price to pay. If such were to wish religion and spirituality are mumbo jumbo, then if so; why has it been so difficult for such individuals to tell the truth? Is it because if they were to speak, all of the lies they told to others about their involvement with their businesses would be exposed fully and the law firm would fully be destroyed? Who would ever want to work at a law firm with such associations, especially with as much technology can assist to find each and every legal case by law as to which lawyer worked on which cases at which times; especially regarding the timeframe referencing my daughter, my son, and I's situation? I have seen some articles as to how that can and does go and I am protective of who I am protective of, which that does not include such individuals if they were to get involved with monitoring the locations and events I went to while in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger lifestyle locations as such would be an easy way to pawn off all problems on what they wished would have been their scapegoat because of how easy it would be to make such look in the shortest terms possible. However those types of people do not know how to look past the short term, they only see the short term and the lowest hanging fruit to what their tastes could have been. With the name if there was a temper tantrum thrown because of the news article about my dead-ex-husband which my biological sister and my biological mother made comments about who did nothing to assist during such times especially referencing who my biological sister was marrying into the Miller family in Austin Texas which who knows which lawyers are in that family, the reality of knowing how the forced situation was at the time as explained to many people including them; would have been an important piece of the puzzle to inform of, though because of how my childhood and teenager years had been into my adulthood; why would I think anything else would or could have occurred, with so much proof and evidence?
The law firm or associates who had an issue with the false information as it was only a short condensed story compared to the fuller and fullest aspects means the law firm and associates would in turn go after the legal widow of someone she did not know stole valor, who had been forced into a relationship with threat of death with torture though the torture obviously occurred anyway in the city of San Antonio Texas as well as throughout the entire state of Texas traveled through, and medically retired from the Army means the lack of ability to lie or to steal valor. However since some do not know how to research information or ask questions at the time and preferred assuming, I could easily see how ignorant the aspects would have been for anyone who did not have half a brain to look into such. Even as my biological mother has a Masters Degree in Science just the same as my biological sister has a Masters Degree in Science, it has nothing to do with my SCUBA Diving and nothing which any others would have had the knowledge or understanding of other than the fact they denied wrongly while doing nothing except destroy all I had worked to build upward instead. Thus their choices to not remove themselves including anyone they knew who would have been sent from such locations of parties and events, fully removes any and all legal precedences for any prosecution against me fully if even just one had a fetlife profile which could have notified them of such from their own accounts. Technology is wonderful, yes?
Thus while my biological mother and biological sister may have a Masters Degree each, I have earned Expert level which is always above their Masters Degree as well as above if they were to get a PhD. With 24 SCUBA Diving specialties as well as the additional training aspects, maybe that could hypothetically be considered as such for each individual aspect thereof and how many Expert Levels for each aspect would such mean at that point for me in each field as well beyond the SCUBA Diving as well as BDSM/LGBTQP/Swingers lifestyles and gardening and books and online work and etcetera? If I recall correctly some individuals said they thought I was born as a lawyer which I corrected a few times saying seriously and yet ironically, ethical lawyer which after a few as I was told smart a$$ responses and dealt with thereof; possibly I can joke a bit, as to the truthful aspects to such.
How ironic law firms and such have moved forward with technology to be able to catch evidence of behaviours to be able to assist a legal defense against prosecution and visa versa, however all I can think about is a situation referencing Excalibur Faire and my response to the 5 males who surrounded me with weapons in their hands. I told them I would use their weapons against them if they did not leave me alone, and I suppose I was a bit more accurate than realized for such a time. Certain aspects simply are so important for evidence, yes? Thank you for doing such over the years for so long of your own free will, as that portion can be upsetting to those who I had no choice but to do as I had to in order to keep as safe as I could for themselves to be able to step forward out from the shadows and into the light in a truthful way to bring forward the illumination to the world as to certain aspects as I had done much to explain as best as I could to those who were not in the profession. Those who ignored such and sat by quietly while knowing of such can be considered as culpable to such especially if they assisted or helped or hid such realities from others, and to target so many in one fell swoop by the law firm in addition to whatever may have been going on referencing other aspects for others; was a major problem which needed clarifications, as there is nothing wrong with what consenting adults consent to within their own lives, within their specific relationship, so long as it does not cause harm to anyone else. If hypothetically the law firm in the DFW area had people attending events to then speak with me about, then such nullifications are prevalent. If the law firm had people attending events to then speak with me there about, then again the same nullifications. If the law firm in San Antonio had sent people to the events I attended or clubs I attended knowing, the same nullifications. If the law firm sent people from Houston to events I attended, then the same nullifying aspects.
If the law firm went into ClubFEM specifically in any circumstances and/or were already a part of the ClubFEM group(s) and had refused to recuse themselves from either the case and/or the group of ClubFEM, then the same nullifications for any charges fully towards me. By law those lawyers, paralegals, administrators, financial managers, technology assistive, security firms, advocates, mediators, and etcetera were involved as per the law firm to speak with me about; such nullifies the aspects of any and all charges wrongly filed against me and fully exonerates me for every individual point and aspects they may have lied about and/or instigated to cause further problems needlessly while taking advantage of the females and males who were caught in their crosshairs when aiming blindly. Legally by all standards each and every aspect would incriminate all of their own and associates thereof while causing the closure of The Sanctuary because of the legal paperwork required when filling out to join the location as well as Temple of Flesh in such similarities, in addition to whatever online registrations they had done which would include Velvet Rope as well as Club Sapphire among anywhere I went which would be considered as themselves showing their stalking and harassing even after the fact. Though since no one was told I was writing a set of books officially though many had said they hoped I would write books after reading what I had posted online on both #facebook as well as #fetlife, why would anyone be surprised I wrote any books and/or as many books as I had authored while compiling the paperwork in an orderly fashion for a shortened and condensed with proof understanding to teach people how to research where I could as well as teach people how to organize as best as possible? Phone discussions and transcripts thereof may have physically been taken out, however the technological sources for all of the audio would automatically be registered in locations unknown to any technology individual to ever be able to reach to be able to gather the information from.
I know where the places were before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as I assisted with some of the planning and the codework for, and was one of many reasons I warned people to be careful what they choose to write and/or record when picking up to use technology however done so to choose to enter in the information; as realistically, I also had told people where I grew up, and who my biological mother worked for when I was growing up as a child doing software and information technology. However since there has been much development in technology since those years, such a broad title of work did not give those who would not have the knowledge to the depth of at such times in 2001 through more specifically 2013. I was unaware of the amount of expansion though when taking a look at the years I had been coding and/or working with technology to work on in the mid to later 1980s into the 1990s, there are those who can research how much work had gone into what is considered as specialties now regarding the technology aspects I find it a bit apropos as to a Marine having technology in his background. I did what I could to explain to him about what I knew of technology unknowing until later as to his level of working on technology, which the irony of the saying I wrote after discussing about a student teaching the teacher and the teacher teaching the student is the only way truthful learning can occur for both sides of the age aspects of younger and elder/older.
In turn in reference to Her, I knew she had a few clients who were not marries nor had children who followed Her rules; however with certain portions regarding the 1990s in the east coast area and other connection, I also know how some can be if they lose a lot of money gambling and then try to continue onward. The same is able to be written regarding when someone does not get their way and then goes to needlessly steal from and attack because of the failure to move on and away from such a situation, and/or they just cannot help themselves but to continue on such a trajectory. As I had to move back to the DFW area in 2011, that male who had refused to tell the truth back in 2009 SCUBA Diver and no longer an Instructor any longer now; my hairstyle and my haircolor is quite specific, and he was plain looking compared to the vibrant colors and would have already known as to how to blend in. That is except, for in SCUBA Diving. That individual though wearing only the color yellow for a wetsuit was a good idea of which I feel as though some specific types of SCUBA Divers associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America would be able to additionally add commentary as to the stupidity of wearing such colors not in the lake/pond, though in the oceanic waters. I literally took a picture of a Nurse Shark which hid after I handled the situation and it swam off to hide just before a Poufy Fish was caught by the same SCUBA Diver, who had admitted to moving my SCUBA Diving gear around. If anyone would like to explain as to what a problem would be for such a situation specifically regarding one SCUBA Diver wearing a yellow shorty wetsuit as well as one wearing a yellow full length wetsuit, please do inform of.
The male in the shorty wetsuit which was short name Jeff Waters my SCUBA Diving Instructor for that first day of SCUBA Diving only for my certifications at that point in Cancun/Cozumel was an underwater photographer who worked for Verizon, and instead of informing the proper individuals to specifically ask me the truth as most likely he convinced the one who had moved my SCUBA Diving gear without being informed that male had moved my SCUBA Diving gear and yet had years of experience knowing such and seeing how that male had been as the immaturity factors included, I suppose in reference to my SCUBA Diving gear another individual suspect as well as all connection points thereof as per the photographer aspect. How annoying it must have been to know one he had done some teaching for, had gone much deeper and continued onward in such manners of which also being the only one who kept him alive during the depth level he was at. I doubt he ever reached that level since, and I am not interested nor was I in whatever relationship aspects thereof between him and Sally. Just because I have been involved with the lifestyle does not mean you are interesting to me in such a manner, if the case. Nonetheless the SCUBA Divers which could have at such times regarding my SCUBA Diving gear, you have the list of all of my SCUBA Diving Instructors and their numbers and personal information to find such is what it is. As though SCUBA Diving was a thing in the area where I grew up having all that ocean water and lakes, most likely such individuals within the state of Texas did not take such into consideration as per usual for certain types of people. Who I refer to as Her, had a pin from one of Her who was a favorite to Her. She told me he had not been able to afford anything further and had fallen for Her, and she refused him. He was not the first She had refused as per business and when knowing who had been important to me being in such a profession with such types of people with and/or without children or spouses, I knew she and hers needed to be kept safe in comparison to what has been happening since the beginning of time as the oldest profession has dealt needlessly with far too many as such who would be careless as the law firm to think they could purchase their way illegally and immorally and wrongly. Prophecy was the time when much would be revealed and unveiled, of which the Messianic Times would begin to start to show when the targeting occurred to the one who was innocent of such sorts of works though would wrongly be blamed for what was not of though care about and for despite the fact of not being involved specifically as such for a long length of time for what would be more known though in an extremely shortened condensed amount of time for such a Paschal Lamb.
Between my biological family, the aspects regarding the military and valor, those who I had known previously, those who I had met, and then all of the surrounding situations thereof; how simple was it to see, and how difficult was such to miss so many signs over and over again? However having had such done to was the other portion of prophecy which had not been revealed as the one Paschal Lamb which was sacrificed from the world because of the world's populations sinners, would only come out of the technological portions and only after the Abyss regarding the oceanic waters as well as space. Every type of situation would be thrown at such an individual repeatedly for a specific amount of time of continued false accusation no matter how much proof was available, until the time when the requirement for such revealing would be mandatory to take place. If you take the timeframe from 1982 or if in Chinese birthing aspects in reference to me in 1981 through to 2013, though specifically a time when I was in New Jersey at one sleepover whether you consider 2010 or 2011; in both situations and in both aspects of ironies regarding who I had been engaged to each year in two different timings thereof as well as the situations in between, that warning to me from the spirit world as to the reality Toniann Farinella would possibly remember; I suppose which year was the rape which would have been considered as my murder, would you have preferred to reference? Would you like to use the actual situations regarding such, or would you like to look at what in reference to regarding my son and my daughter? They were both ripped from my arms and taken away from me at two separate times as well despite how much I had done to keep them safe for so long, and yet I was not good enough to keep them both as safe as I could while doing what I could to keep myself safe as well.
I suppose such was my fault thinking arrogantly after no longer having to deal with who is my now dead-ex-husband, though I forgot my biological mother and biological sister had been as they had been when I was a child and teenager growing up in New Jersey before moving to Illinois. Mistake, I admit. However you may have heard the saying, about a lion and a lamb regarding a few prophetic aspects. Ironic how specifically the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg SCUBA Dive had been, in the Solar Zodiac of the sign of Leo during the year of the Ox. What is the saying about oxen and/or bulls, and strength? I was born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dog in the Solar Zodiac of Virgo, which for an indicator as to how fiercely loyal I am and how strong that strength is when necessary to protect and defend as needed in whichever ways mandatory; despite the facts of sometimes, being the most difficult decisions having to be made to explain as to the lengthier reasons as to the why.
I despise games, and I have for a very long time. I had to grow up as a child into being an adult essentially prior to being 5 years old, of which because of such aspects at what point did anyone ever think a game would be a good idea to play regarding someone such as myself unless you were looking to be scolded as a child though as one which would be considered as an adult which in turn means such scolding would not be in a childlike format and would be done by one who looks as such in multiple ways and yet speaks as an elder as always had been?
I wish I could have laughed in the face of that law firm in reference to the false claim of extortion against me, though the ironic portion regarding their lack of understanding and numbers as obviously they had practiced that before the meeting as the number I had said was probably something which would have not ever registered with them though would have registered with higher law enforcement agencies because of the sign on bonus number for when if I had graduated Basic Training and AIT would have been lower and would not have made any sense in the slightest to an individual who had practiced over and over again the same lines. Thus his choice to say he felt as though the law firm was being extorted for a number of $30,000 shows fully, as to what I had been warning about as those in such a field of profession as well as throughout BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger lifestyles for such a type of legal situation; do you believe me now, regarding what I was warning you of and doing what I could to keep you safe by your own choices to be able to do so for yourself? Is that a number which if you were in a legal situation and heard if it was not a constant practice of the law firm to do, which would make any other lawyer jump for such a situation to settle the case back then in 2012? I know I cannot understand numbers the way I once had in so many ways, though I am fairly certain $30,000.00 probably would not be a larger number compared to the aspects of the case overall situations, if I am accurate.
Yes, I had cared. Whether or not at such times you had wanted to believe, as I know how pretty certain trinkets can be though your lives had always been more beautiful to me than any purchased item in such a regard. Justice for so many before you in a specific area regarding Professionals within the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger communities has been needed for far too long, and such having had children and spouses as well have been included in such sorts of need for justice as such were the most innocent of the innocent as well when certain types of people get as they have for such. One blue latex outfit designed in a specific way with one particular individual discussing such for who associated with for such a reference with hair slightly up and a necklace with heels, I remembered Her instantly though had no words to explain beyond what I could. A small piece of glitter fell from nowhere just above the small curl, and I knew it was a sign from Her when seeing who had been around with other certain specifics. I made a promise, I needed to keep my promise.
Promises I made/make, are promises kept/keep. I cannot say for others what is in such records otherwise, though I can speak and write for my own.
As when just prior to winding up in Washington state an individual who I had brought back from the dead after I drove out to where he was and knew something was going on had seen and met with Patrick Kennedy to get some of what he had given which was only my children's toys and a few other boxes as I knew he had cherry picked through what was not ever his to begin with after the interrogation he caused me to go through after leaving the message on the answering machine tape about me to my biological parents, I also know he had seen who I had been surrounded by and bothered the entire evening during Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue's March 2013 concert; though I also had noticed some background pictures from 2011 which as per law enforcement would be able to see and show. I know despite not speaking with my biological mother or biological sister at the time of what if I recall correctly had been a message from an individual about outing which I had already had spoken on the phone with an ex-girlfriend of Patrick Kennedy who claimed she knew I had outed people despite not having done so back in 2011, that female as was told had been a rival to who I was protective of and an ex-girlfriend to that male. If that phone call was after an event which I had gone to the bathroom to help where I could and if accurate about what I had been told about who she supposedly left Patrick Kennedy for were to be true, who was it she left him for and why? Though I had been outed so many times I cannot count that high, I know Patrick was doing as much as he could to try to get her attention to come back to him.
The male John from the security company outside of The Lodge which Patrick worked for who I briefly spoke with there and also looks similar to a male with a blue motorcycle I met later in Washington state as well as at my apartment telling me he once pulled security for the location of the Lodge at Madrona Apartments who had a breathing machine with a punctured lung, seemed familiar to the same male. As the problems with DeLoitte regarding the Barn and more specifically the schedule thereof for all timing of movements told to me by Patrick Kennedy, seemingly was information which was not needed to be known by anyone and yet was told to many in multiple locations. The after portions of time from Bank of America and that situation combined with the fact Phillip Omstead who I think I saw in Great Falls Montana at the Econo Lodge hotel near the dried up fountain playing a guitar, would be another individual who had been at the event regarding the bathroom time regarding that specific female and male; which similarly to Patrick, had wanted and wished to become a Power couple to overturn as he said. While I can only discuss my portions of what I was dealing with from my past and timeframes thereof, I cannot answer as to the other aspects as to anyone else's prior situations regarding such situations as I am uncertain as to how those particular details are between such two individuals a Jules and Renee as well as whatever rivalry between Patrick and Jason as to other scenarios prior. I know Patrick was upset about not becoming a third at some point and was part of Phillip in such a regard, though I am uncertain how such ties into anything else at such a time or thereafter. He said he fell in love, though it did not seem as such as much as a feeling of obsession to me and when I saw he still had the ring piercing just prior to the rifle; I was already done with that situation, and the firearm was the last straw because of the safety aspects. I know later when in DFW at The Sanctuary a female came up to me when in the smoking section to tell me about her new boyfriend and etcetera completely not picking up until she said she was dating Patrick, of which I simply warned her as to what I had last dealt with referencing the shotgun. She laughed and said she liked being shot at, which I found to be an odd statement from her. I do not know how such fits into the larger aspects specifically, though I have a feeling others may have a clearer insight with more details thereof.
I do not like being shot at for clarification, it is not something I look forward to the way she explained or realistically at all in the slightest. I have had far too many times which firearms were loaded and pointed in my direction and/or against my skin in different locations during certain points in time more specifically between the end of 2000 through to 2007 at random, though was not the first time and was not the last for such times continued through to obviously in 2012 at Fort Sam Houston in the BAMC Emergency Room.
At this point, I am thankful to be breathing.
