I have removed my biological mother, biological sister, and biological father from my life after what occurred regarding my daughter #Letters4Lidia, my son #Letters4James, and I; and have not ever given anyone permission to ever have anything to do with my cellphones nor my website as I chose to remove certain aspects that I had put in place for when I need such, I will add such with the limitations thereof as such is not to be under anyone else's control; only my control, and who I choose to allow which permissions, is who I choose to allow which permissions.
I refuse to allow anyone to ever control my life, my work, or my technology in the slightest of ways. I always have and anyone who ignorantly thought otherwise was quite mistaken as to such, as quite frankly I am who I am.
I find such ironic the day I post all of the information regarding the paperwork and documents, all of a sudden my cellphone cannot be opened needlessly of which if such does not open; I will make my choices, accordingly. Is it that difficult for the realistic portions of what good I actually had done to be acknowledged or is it that others prefer to continue with such childish and littles versions of games, when I do not accept such nor do I consent.
I knew a male named Thomas Marsden who went by Raven Marsden as his last name was Marsden and while his Grandfather was a retired individual from the United States of America's Armed Forces Air Force branch which he tried to follow in his Grandfather's footsteps and had attempted suicide during #ROTC at #UTSA so many times he was kicked out of the program, when I met him after the beginning of the first separation that male and I began dating for a brief amount of time while I was involved with the Jade Wolf Coven based out of #Seguin #Texas. Jamie and Christy had been going on for awhile and a female named Tina such as the female coach from Crystal Lake South High School cheerleading name who claimed to have been an ex-Lakers cheerleader whose husband did not like me, she did not like the fact I was correct and did not want to use the cheer from Saint John Vianney High School though she knew if she talked with my biological parents the beatings I would deal with as per the explanation I gave when I was forced to tryout for cheerleading; as I explained I did not want to be a cheerleader, especially for a school I did not know anyone at prior to my arrival. If he did not get informed of that back then, that is not my fault his wife also had encouraged the JV squad to go toilet paper each of the Varsity cheerleaders' parents' houses; or it was just my biological parents' house, which then the constant problems I had previously explained from such a location. As there was a place in San Antonio Texas which when a female who was a retired Mustang's daughter had repeatedly talked about her father's rank at Midnight Rodeo when drinking, there was an evening which the situations surrounding were beyond ridiculous. Those at that house place in San Antonio would be able to remember if they did of the male who spoke of being from Crystal Lake Illinois, the discussions about him being a part of the KKK, as well as the Marine s*** hitting the fan joke; which Mike would possibly remember as well as anyone else in the common area, of that house. That male who had thrown the temper tantrum at that house if I recall correctly had been the same male who had asked me what I thought people with head injuries would think about my comment of it should not take a head injury to figure ... out in downtown #Tacoma #Washington, as well as the male who visited #N208, which also looked similar to the male who had initially been called to the heater problem in my apartment in #N108 at the Lodge at Madrona Apartments; the same place which changed the locks to my apartment though left the key in the office, without informing me and leaving a note on the door. I told the people at the Jehoviah's Witnesses #JW church on Holly; if remembered, though what does that matter at this point?
Well since the situation with Leah who had slapped my big brother though not biological brother in the face because he said no to her for a Sadie Hawkins Day Dance though was willing to go with a mutual friend named Lisa who wanted to make her ex-boyfriend jealous, though I learned of such when I sat down to see the red hand print on his face. I walked over to Leah's table, picked up to throw the cafeteria table across the way to the lockers, and pulled Leah close via her chair to speak with her. When I was done I picked up the cafeteria table to place back in front of Leah to walk back to the table to speak with Kenny, who had been stunned for a moment forgetting who he had told as it was just a few minutes before I had arrived when the situation occurred. Afterwards I left the situation alone, went on with cheerleading practice that I did not want to be a part of though knew the horrific consequences as to what would occur if I had quit the squad regarding my biological parents, and then went on with my life. Several weeks later I was called into the Principal's office who was mad at the fact that Leah was being picked on by other people she had told and then sent to Kenny and Lisa because they knew, as they also spoke with whomever they spoke with about the situation. I left the situation alone and did not bother with such afterwards, as I had stuff I needed to do to prepare myself for what I had already made a few attempts to get squared away so I could actually do what was needing to be done.
When called into the Principal's office Leahs' adopted mom and adopted dad were in the office as was my biological father, as Leah was bought and paid for the adoption from the Philippines and her friend Phil from Crystal Lake South High School had been on her side as what I was told. As Leah's adoptive mom called me a racist not knowing I had already fought a football player named Nick Robinson for using the n-word towards me while claiming he was calling AJ such because of him wearing black clothes and having a black backpack as I had guessed at the time, I flipped out because of where I grew up and the amount of my friends and family who would be made at me because of if I had not chosen to take a stand against such that day; knowing my cousin Jade as well as my paternal Great Aunt Helen who married Jade's Dad with Grandmawmaw and Grandpawpaw while also remembering my friends of various neighborhoods, I felt it would be wrong if I did not stand up for whether or not AJ was called such in comparison, because of my own blood family relations as well as friends. Nick Robinson told his girlfriend at the time Joy Hoover to try to control me, which I put her in her place telling her to back off and stay back or else. Nick and I went round and round before he pushed me, and I started punching to the point where he was on his back looking upward as I continued swinging my fists as he tried slapping his way through such. When the teachers broke up the fight where I was on top of Nick swinging, I warned him to fix himself or else the weekend would mean he would go to the hospital for pissing me off. That week when the Friday football game went on the cheerleaders had to take a knee because of Nick being taken to the hospital after the opposing team had a player who clotheslined him, and gouged out part of his eye. Joy Hoover cried on the sideline as I smiled, knowing what occurred. Is it not ironic that Jesse had the last name of Hoover, regarding how I wound up in Washington state with my minor son after what occurred at Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD through McCoy Elementary School's staff and biological adult volunteers regarding the Fort Worth Zoo and my daughter after she and my son were already dealing with needless bullying from staff and students?
As Leah's adopted mom continued to tell my biological father and I about how racist she thought I was for what Leah had started, Leah's adopted dad sat there saying absolutely nothing. I watched as he sat quietly and I watched how his eyes and facial as well as body responses were to when his wife spoke, when Leah sat there quietly as though she had never had a voice before, and as my biological father and the principal listened to the rendition about how Leah's adopted mom thought she knew how racist against Asians as she claimed I had been. Unable for her to look past her own ignorance to my biological father who was first born American of a 100% Chinese background, I could not believe how stupid she sounded when she said such words and I laughed. The adopted dad sat upward stunned as he watched his wife continue onward as some know how certain types of females can be, and at a point it was informed of my biological father being first generation Chinese; though he had not discussed the aspects of his own time in the orphanages or foster care, which Leah's adopted mom who once again they went to the Philippines to purchase to be able to adopt her as the cost was over $50,000 back in those days for a baby female. Instead of choosing to be able to adopt within the United States of America those people went to another country to look through nurseries to be able to buy a baby to bring back to the United States of America while ignoring the reality of the amount of children in foster care and orphanages within the country, though when you only want a baby instead of actually caring about children; such a purchase from people who have the ability to literally buy purchasing a baby from another country to import as if the child was chattle in comparison, those types of people I have met before. The laziness as to the amount of paperwork to ensure the actual safety of the child within the United States of America compared to purchasing a baby to traffic to the United States of America without going through the official customs process, obviously seemed problematic back in those days; and seemed needless with as many as I knew, and had met.
Admittedly now in 2021 I have additional aspects to such biases for the situations which occurred regarding my daughter, my son, and I; though back then in 1998, I had not thought to go off on that family about my biological father's life prior to that female going on about how she thought I was racist despite Mike informing her of being Chinese. The dad to Leah rolled his eyes in disbelief because of the name as well as the fact I did not look Chinese or Asian in the slightest compared to if he had seen my biological sister instead. I heard him whisper under his breath as to him being able to take care of such and when I cleared my throat he looked over towards me which I simply looked directly through his eyes and past him, which I saw him shiver as he should have. I smiled and he made a comment about my attitude, which I told him how funny it seemed for him to be upset about my attitude after what he had mumbled under his breath. Mike went on at the wife as Leah sat there smiling looking back and forth between her parents, Mike, the principal, and I. I knew that look from my biological sister and Leah being an only child and a purchased child at that, I knew that male was a problem and those similar to him needed education in a different way.
I was in trouble for defending Kenny Tank, though it meant nothing at the time as why would a female defend a male who could defend himself? When I was asked that I pointed to the fact Leah was/is a female, though that meant nothing to any of the males in the room at the time as both Leah and her adopted mom smiled as I sat there annoyed. I made a promise underneath my breath which I knew that male saw me move my lips and heard nothing, which I watched as his eyes opened a bit wider with rightful fear. I knew by the time he would realize what he would do it would be too late for him and his, which infuriated me. He would be repaid for each aspect he, his wife, Leah, and each one they would send to me would be dealt with as they would be dealt with. Mike was mad at me for defending Kenny though I did not understand how he could be, when at any point in time for the aspects in other ways. I could not remind him about the toilet papering of the house at the time from that female's part of the cheerleading squad, which was not long after the competition which the Varsity squad was mad at me for telling the truth about getting 2nd place out of 2 teams; which I had given the JV squad credit for being much more talented in the cheerleading aspects, though people chose to pay more attention to the scoring instead of the JV squad. I told multiple people as to my surprise of being on the Varsity squad when I was forced to try out, though it seemed to fall on deaf ears at the time as the Varsity squad had lied to other people in the school telling them different scores instead of the truth of the 1st place team getting a 6.9 which I thought should have been higher in my opinion for their routine; though the 3.2 score the Varsity cheerleaders had gotten which in my opinion should have been a bit lower, though I had Saint John Vianney High School and Marlboro High School cheerleaders to go off of for an example compared to the fact of the Pommies in Crystal Lake South High School among others in Illinois.
Nonetheless the principal had made the choice to say Leah and I could finish the basketball season though the following year, neither of us were allowed to tryout for the cheerleading squad. I was excited as all get out because of not wanting to be a cheerleader to begin with, whereas Leah started crying and her adopted mom started yelling at the principal as I actually was cheering because of the fact I was told I only had to be a cheerleader for the first year and nothing was said about my Senior year of high school. The adopted dad was mad as I was happy, and the adopted parents went on yelling at the principal because of how many years they paid for Leah to be in cheerleading and it was her whole life. My comment of maybe her finding something better to do with her life instead of causing needless drama for others because of her only child syndrome, upset her adopted dad and adopted mom; though I rolled my eyes, as I did not have patience for such types of people in any portion of those three. I knew such types who thought if they purchased a baby from another country it would make them look better and the politics would be better because of the signaling of the different backgrounds and the openness to do so, and yet such choices disgusted me not only because of the previous mentioned portions, though also because I had seen such before from other politicians in the east coast area as well as other locations because of the newspapers and magazines.
Ironically years later when I was in San Antonio Texas and volunteering at Nine Lives Bookstore, the finance manager named Ken Westmeyer (?spelling?) had asked me about what I meant regarding magazine subscriptions. I told him people have issues such as magazine subscriptions and have such as a choice, though he thought I meant magazines regarding firearms. He was upset because his PT Cruiser, I did not like the design of the car; as it reminded me of a roller skate mixing with a hearse, which he said he was offended and I did not understand how he could not see the comparison with the overall shapes. Around the time of he had gotten me a gift of a figurine in a box, which when he gave me the box I opened the box to pull out who he called Poison Ivy. As I ripped the box open and looked at the artwork around the different portions of the piece as I had not ever seen such a type of figure at the time as a child, teenager, or adult; he started gritting his teeth asking me why, I would ever do such a thing before storming into the back office and slamming the door closed. I did not understand or know what the big deal was as he knew about my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, and I told him I did not have many things when I was a child growing up; as well as having told him and others about the model VW Bug I had been given, when I turned 16 years old as my biological parents' joke for a car without any keys. I kept looking at the figure feeling the details as well as looking at, as that was impossible within the box. Daniel who was mainly doing some of the online stuff before I had been hired as a volunteer for some amount of time, and he started asking me why I would insult Ken by opening the box. I did not know what he meant, as I did not know what the big deal was as no one told me anything. Though ironically Marc Salas Photography who was in my house as well as the phone technician from Century Link looked similar to Daniel from Nine Lives Books in San Antonio, which I did not put together until more recently as to such similarities physically as Daniel said he had a brother who looked like him.
The twisted portion is Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and Jamie Robles had walked into the back of the area to see me looking at the Poison Ivy figure and asked me what I was doing, looking at it. I told them, though none of the people at the time seemed to explain enough for me why it was such a big deal about opening the box. I still do not understand though Jesse Leroy Hoover Jr had purchased a Poison Ivy larger figure, which I had opened the box and he had almost the same reaction as Ken Westmeyer. I still do not know what the big deal was, as realistically why would I? What in my background would ever suggest as to why I would know one way or another, as to what the overdramatic portions of opening a box for a gift I had been given without any explanation as to what to do with it? Maybe because of my hairstyle and haircolor some thought differently or possibly did not believe me about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, though Jeffrey as well as Jamie had tried to explain something about comics to me. I only read the Sunday newspaper comics, so I was unable to understand what the problem was as to why anyone would be upset with me. Shortly afterwards Michael the owner of Nine Lives Books came into the store, which sent all of the other staff members as well as volunteers into some sort of frenzy. I simply was unbothered by such as the opinions of others were their opinions as none could give me any examples as to what they meant as to his specific type of personality traits and thus, I simply allowed him to show himself to me as he was. He had made comments about how he thought a flat head screw driver was a slot driver which made little sense to me, which I did argue with him over the name until later he researched the name flathead screwdriver and did not have anything to say as to my being correct and him being wrong. That occurred time and time again to the point I started remembering and asking him, why would he test me when he has seen more than anyone else at the store and sanctuary had when he and I were on the roof of the building. He said he did not believe me about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as he said he researched what occurs to most people online, which I told him head injuries can be different depending upon the person. He got upset though remained calm, and tried to tell me he knew otherwise. I told him he knew nothing about what he read as just because he read something did not mean he knew everything as he was incapable to know everything, nor understand everything, nor comprehend everything; which upset him, as he told me he did not appreciate me telling him he knew nothing. I told him I did not think he knew nothing, I told him he could not know or understand or comprehend everything; which is different than knowing nothing at all, and he disagreed. I told him he needed to think about how minimal information would actually be online, though he did not believe me.
Shortly after that timeframe, a kitty litter stat situation occurred and the son of a Dad who is not a Captain situation occurred; which the fact of taking care of such, no one in the store or the sanctuary cared or seemed to notice anything about anything. I did speak with animal control form Fort Sam Houston without hesitation as I knew, that son of a non-Captain needed the proper medical care as he had told me his plan had been to lie to the doctors which would have prevented him from getting the proper care and treatment as needed and was actually necessary as Nine Lives Books and the sanctuary attached all knew the cats were not all vaccinated and the cat which scratched the son of a non-Captain was in serious danger from that feral cat. I knew about the deadly aspects in reference to cat claws and the toxic shock that can come from such in the stomach first prior to going through the blood stream ironically, even though the scratches were where they were on that son who was not a Captain's son. Some of the staff and volunteers were mad at me thereafter as if they knew I had told the Army at Fort Sam Houston, which I was perfectly fine with them knowing I had done so. Then Michael had demanded to see my military identification card because he said he needed the information for his business' taxes from the explanation. I knew he was not being honest with me and I knew he and the others were trying to cover up the fact of choosing to deny the feral cat situation as the cat sanctuary volunteers were told to get all of the cages with all of the cats out of the store before the time when I returned from #JBSA, which I vowed I would make sure the justice was served as best as I could for that son of a non-Captain and his Mom and family. I knew of the staff members and volunteers for the most part being against the United States of America's Armed Forces, and I was not going to allow such behaviour to continue. Ironically a few years ago as I was told, Michael learned about head injuries first hand as someone named Robert was at the store and staying in the store who had been around when apparently Michael had fallen off of a ladder as was explained. Those people knew of the situation as to how the relationship began regarding who is my now dead-ex-husband as well as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr, in reference to how such began as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack had bragged to many people all around San Antonio #MilitaryCityUSA as to how the forced relationship began in 2007 including his own blood family and friends in different comic book shops such as Dragon's Lair as well as Excalibur Comic; which I told Cactus Jack and Jamie Robles AKA Lazy Eye, as to what occurred in Bastrop County in Smithville Texas of which both were extremely interested to know my side as to what occurred.
As Cactus Jack of the 151 Road Warriors who terrorized the city of San Antonio during the Fiesta in San Antonio celebration one year by encircling the 1604 Anderson loop with Mad Max movie type vehicles and garb, which I had warned him and her of their involvement seemingly sounding as terrorism and purposefully choosing to do so after Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr whose brother Jeremy Kuykendall had gone into the Army as an Officer though they can look similar to twins because of their close ages. Whereas Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack had invited his little brother Jeremy Kuykendall and he helped planning because of the connections previously explained, I told Jeremy he better inform the Army or whatever branch he was going into of the situation because if they found out after if he became an officer in the United States of America's Armed Forces as well of his brother and sister's involvement; the clearances would be downgraded for him quickly, he would be transferred to places which he would be upset about because of comfort levels, and then the bigger problems would start to surface for the entire group if they did not stop and tell the truth. I was ignored as to my warnings to each of such regarding Nine Lives Books in San Antonio on the 410 Leon Valley area, though I was already accustomed to such referencing my nightmare because even though such staff and volunteers knew; they also thought because they worked in a bookstore with old used books which depending upon the information had little to no value as to the medical advances for after effects of head injuries, though they thought because of the books they knew more which I warned them against as to the price they all would pay if they did not stop being ignorant and arrogant in their ways. As Suzanne Farnsworth was apparently on a heavy amount of prescriptions and had to be hospitalized because of the amount of cats she had living in her condo and the cat urine and feces in the bathtub she turned into a litter box and removed all of the cabinet doors for in her condo so the cats would have a place to move around, I had not seen so many cats in one location previous to such a time; though she tried to claim she did not hoard cats, and the one bedroom which she kept some of the sick cats in were not a health concern to her despite my warnings.
I stopped by Nine Lives Books after returning to San Antonio as well as having mailed a letter and dropped one off after calling when I was in Tacoma Washington, as Michael was on the phone when the Century Link male arrived to claim to make the phone work despite the technology situation. The irony is if Michael and the others paid attention to anything I had warned about or discussed, they are working on and with technology which I coded more back in the 1980s and 1990s; which if Michael was who I was arguing with when I was on the computer from Prudential back in New Jersey at one point or another in time, then the twisted irony of being face to face with him and neither knowing of such in certain ways because of the amount of time possibly. If he was one of those who was deleting military healthcare digital records while I did what I could to move to other technology locations for the ability to find such later instead of what was being done, the irony as to how many employees and volunteers at Nine Lives Books having problems with living in the military city of San Antonio Texas. Michael did say something about his family, and Suzanne did say something about Michael's mom's house and the money involved as she left him the only child all of the properties as well as the money; which he did not like that I was not impressed in the slightest as to such though was giving him the ability to prove himself one way or another, unlike anyone else he had met previously. He admitted to being intrigued by me as he did not have the capability of understanding how I could care knowing I had been through as I had been, which I told him to pay more attention to the bigger picture which he thought he knew was the bigger picture and was not. I told him as well as others who each already knew of the involvements of Jamie Robles, Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr, Jeremy Kuykendall, Rachael Kuykendall who married a Marine and had a child with; as they also knew others from other Half Price Books locations, which Suzanne had left Half Price Books to make Nine Lives Books because of her view as to corporations while the irony of wanting to have her own corporation; which she admitted to taking boxes of books which were dropped off to the store she worked at in San Antonio, and scalping employees to leave with her to start up Nine Lives Books as she took boxes here and there to stash prior to beginning to open the Nine Lives Books store. In such boxes of books she admitted to me were leftovers from Half Price Books I was able to find the Equinox series, The Big Blue Book or known as The Blue Book Project, as well as the entire books written by Alister Crowley which I recognized each of and was given permission by Suzanne prior to knowing about the medication and the cats in her condo and the medications she was on prior to hospitalizations because of that combination; she had said I was allowed to take any books I wanted to have and/or read, and was wanting to just get rid of the books from those boxes she took from Half Price Books while the first three years prior to planning to get a lease and then open Nine Lives Books as Michael had/has a large house as per what Suzanne explained and he was also into comic books among other aspects.
I told who is my now dead-ex-husband of all such aspects as well as several others here and there when I had the chance, as I did not want to waste any opportunity for the just in case something would make sense to someone who knew who to contact and how to get such properly taken care of legally; as they admitted repeatedly as to their lack of concern about anyone who had any association or tie to the military, which when I asked did they really mean everyone they each individually for each time just smiled at me quietly. When they moved the cat sanctuary cats into the back area where the online books were being kept all of the volunteers for the cat sanctuary as well as the staff and their friends and family, were able to go into the back areas of the store in comparison to previously. As Suzanne's sister Cindy had been a known kleptomaniac and bipolar with multiple personalities, even Michael was annoyed by her antics though he liked he had benefited from the fact she did not know how to keep her hands to herself nor keep her hands clean. I warned each employee as to what would be done if they were found out which they did not care, which when the cats were moved to the back Daniel left the store fully and Ken Westmeyer began stopping to work as well; which Michael blamed me for needlessly, when he did not know of the cats in the back area of the online books which were all high dollar value. As Jamie Robles and Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr knew all of the employees and some of the volunteers, they knew of the different situations previously including their friend Nathan as well as a male who was heavily into the Ren Faire scene who also liked the exotic dancer club in San Antonio called Tiffany's. He had longer hair fairly wavy almost curly which he kept in a low hanging ponytail at the nape of his neck and he too left when Suzanne left Half Price Books, as each of the employees who left and those who remained friends with who visited Nine Lives Books all knew and helped as I was told; as to how Suzanne was able to open Nine Lives Books, with a fully stocked set of shelves. They also all knew of where I lived previously, my biological family as they stopped by because of their involvement when I had gotten involved with the San Antonio Pagan community and discussed whatever they discussed at the store, as well as Joe Rose from such who was aware of several aspects as well as to certain traits thereof having once been a Baptist Pastor prior to finding the Pagan community and lifestyles for drum circle out in Bandera/Helotes and was my Reiki teacher who also knew Suzanne Farnsworth though unknowing if he knew Michael whatever his last name is as the owner of Nine Lives Books I would guesstimate there would be tax forms as he had explained which would have all of his information and more; as he said, 'many people had given him their passcodes to their accounts online' which I warned him silently he could/would regret the day he began such practices previously to that phone call. I suppose the irony as to the signage, as I did make a particular sign in a way to protect as I was asked to do and make.
Such a childish game to play with an adult who had always been responsible, despite how my hairstyle and hair color is; especially considering the ages, compared to me as I was told. As Cindy had and has a similar hairstyle to mine though not the color which would not be difficult for her to make as she knew I went to Sally Hansen Beauty Supply, after reporting certain aspects and after Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had been living in my house after the way the forced relationship had gone regarding my now dead-ex-husband which he was not happy that he could not control me after the death, he obviously would have had access to the different things throughout my house which as I pointed out at the time when finding the missing books, no one wanted to believe me as to the situations I noticed. Later as I wrote about in a letter to Michael which Suzanne sitting with her sister Cindy had told me, as to having video footage of the incident which the books had been taken and/or the safe or something of the sort. Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr having been show as well as being needlessly involved as per the forced relationship as Suzanne and Jamie had suggested to my now dead-ex-husband as to the possibility of in that regard to the situation to my now dead-ex-husband as well as knowing how and why the first separation occurred, I would not be surprised as per the #MadMax situation if he had mimicked the situations which Suzanne had ordered others to steal books from Nine Lives Books when looking back to such times; as obviously being in my house, the medications I was taking at the time were a large number of prescriptions which was known as to my not liking being prescribed so much and not feeling comfortable with such a large amount of prescriptions. Each of the females were highly interested as to what prescriptions I was on, though again them thinking arrogantly of having old used decades old college and prescription books; they would not think to look up the modified aspects as to each yearly update to such books, as Half Price Books would have known and has been why they have been able to order newer books for their shelves which Suzanne could not understand as to why or how at those times. She would pay cash for each set of boxes some people would bring into the bookstore who once or did work for Half Price Books which several still had stickers from on when given to me to list online, as Daniel had showed me how they would remove the stickers from the Half Price Books and other local stores which were once in business at those times without causing indentations to the book covers. As seemingly insane as those people were back in 2007 in my opinion for the cat sanctuary specifically and having the store cats roam freely around the bookstore back then in the original location prior to moving to their newer location when I was there in 2019, Suzanne tried to encourage me to date a techy guy before suggesting an archeologist who had walked into the store as she also informed me of someone she knew working at the Body Farm in San Antonio she knew as well. As the amount of situations and the threats made to more prior to 2019, the lack of interest to give such Medal of Honor Art Project piece to as Michael was unable to inform me as to whether or not Suzanne was related; meant that piece went where that piece went, when taking such pieces to where I had written on my website as to where they would go. As psychotic as some were about the cats in my opinion, I would not be surprised if because of the additional hatred of choosing to remain in San Antonio instead of moving out of what the area is with 5 military bases; if their choice was to try to destroy the Armed Forces of the United States of America from within the borders of the 1604 Anderson Loop as well as the 410 Loop, I can see how easily after sending the physical books prior to sending out the link online if such individuals were filled hypothetically with such amounts of psychosis as several had acknowledged once being involved with Renn Faires as well as the BDSM/Swinger/LGBTQP lifestyles in San Antonio Texas and some other areas; each made comments as to why they were mad at me, for looking as I do knowing such people mainly in San Antonio as Suzanne mentioned Master Charles.
The irony about Master Charles is his connection to Thomas Marsden as Thomas Marsden had complained when I was living in my apartment on USAA Boulevard just a few weeks prior to a 9-1-1 phone call I had to make about a black SUV with white wall tires bouncing and hearing a muffled female screaming, she was in a blanket when being carried to the gate doorway on the other side of the office building compared to where my patio apartment was located. I remained hidden in the Red Bud tree at the corner of my patio, though back then my hair was my natural haircolor and was longer as per the time in 2004-2005. I pulled out my sword while speaking with whichever female 9-1-1 operator as it felt as though she was not taking my phone call seriously and preferred to discuss anything except what was needed, which only the Jade Wolf Coven and Thomas Marsden had been in my apartment in comparison to also my biological mother and biological father which would mean my biological sister would have had access to such key at the time without my permission; of which I have written and spoken about their choices to go to my house and enter without being invited or told they were not welcome to enter without my permission and me being there unless specifically given instructions for. If such similarities regarding the Century Link phone in Tacoma Washington at the Lodge at Madrona Apartments was similar regarding such times in reference to the USAA Boulevard as such females within the Jade Wolf Coven of Jamie, Christy, and Tina while Thomas Marsden was there; the ironic twist if they had prevented the 9-1-1 phone call from going through, in my opinion that would mean involuntary manslaughter charges due to the fact of tampering with a phone line, which I could have gotten that female the Police and EMS if the games were not being played with such phones. In my opinion the family of the female who at minimum she did not feel what occurred as there was only so much I could do while waiting with my sword and doing the best I could to listen for her muffled screams to give the information to the female on the phone call after the end of time with the Jade Wolf Coven as Christy's husband when they were separated had slept in my apartment after work when they separated another time, when she said she was a lesbian instead of straight and kicked him out of his own house. As Mike allowed me to stay at their house and sleep on their couch during the initial time of the first separation prior to being able to look for an apartment as per the healing I had to do after the last conversation few had believed me about prior to, I was unable to do much because of how badly I had been beaten.
Though what did it matter to anyone I knew at the time? It meant nothing wrongly, is the answer.
As my SCUBA Diving gear was known about and such individuals at Nine Lives Books would have known about each aspect per online postings I made, it was known I was on my way back to San Antonio Texas in 2012; and I was planning even though not spoken of, to take my SCUBA diving gear to the area I knew on Fort Sam Houston which would be helpful to get such medical assistances to the guys as quickly as I could, which would have been guesstimated because of my patriotism and known aspects of which since Michael has as much as whatever he has the obvious house and storage facilities of people associated with those people would be the ideal locations to search for such pieces. They would not know about my SCUBA Diving though since they were obsessed with books and more specifically comic books and movies, the pictures I took would be of value for them additionally to preventing the military from getting such gear and would be arrogant enough to put such pictures and log book as a reminder in case I did not know. I could have cared little about such as they would have known regarding the other aspects because of my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, which in turn would mean they would have knowingly chosen to hide such medical assistance because of who they knew in colleges and such Biological areas. As when I went to Clear Springs SCUBA Park and the aspects of one of my bathingsuits going missing as well as Brad making a comment about mooning the first evening I had spent the night at the SCUBA Park prior to the pee which was released into the water from the SCUBA Divers who were beneath me at the surface swimming, such poison they released into the waters killed off endangered species which they would not have known of and the ironic twist of them claiming to be for the safety of the environment. I consider such as a biological warfare because of the fact of the urine being used and fully rejected by me as well as the threat to the ecosystem and whatever they would know or who would be nearby as to houses which would receive such water supply, again following what seemingly is their terroristic types of behaviour as known regarding the Mad Max 151 Road Warriors situation.
I do believe at some point there would be a possibility of Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and/or Jeremy Kuykendall more-so being keen as to what was being planned and spoken about by Nine Lives Books in San Antonio, as Jeremy Kuykendall said he was looking at running for an elected office and was using the Army Officer aspect to be able to do so as he knew it would be helpful to what he had studied in college with his then fiance Leslie. Whether or not they got married is unknown to me, though the male who I was engaged to twice had said his ex-girlfriend who had left her James Avery earrings in Shaun/Shawn McCaul's apartment prior to him leaving for Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma; as it was known when I bought my house in Carrollton Texas as to where I took my vehicles, for oil change service and maintenance; which Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr's dad was a mechanic in San Antonio Texas, and his mom was a Northside ISD bus driver and such equipment and contacts with the local San Antonio Police Department regarding the San Antonio Fiesta celebrations for the moonlighting aspects of security. I had told others such as neighbors in San Antonio, a Constable and/or Sherriff in San Antonio who I had gotten my Great Danes from and would stop by as I told him he could at anytime to be able to check on Ganesh and Freja though because of the situations in a larger aspect was not able to tell him of what was occurring as he told me he would stop by randomly to see Ganesh and Freja through the fence; which I told him he was welcome to do as I knew how much he cared about Ganesh and Freja, as well as having told Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr to tell the officer about the 151 Road Warriors and more as he was arrogant enough to think all law enforcement were stupid because of how he and others made fun of those who showed up to the Alamo Drafthouse on 410 near 151 in San Antonio, and the parade license was the only charge they could make stick at the time. I warned such about how there was an open availability for each to be charged properly, as they were only charged with one aspect and the double jeopardy rule would not apply simply because of the time; because of the large area they encircled and the amount of different locations, which Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr did not take into consideration as none of the others had despite the purposeful choice of the Anderson 1604 Loop because of the 5 military bases which means he would not have taken into consideration the UCMJ which has a minimal end date involved as per being in ROTC to be an Officer such as Jesse Leroy Hoover Jr claimed to be an officer who graduated Officer Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base.
That I would guesstimate would be due to the fact of it being known as to enlisted going to Basic Training there as I had wondered prior to returning to the state of Texas after how I wound up in Washington state because if there was an investigation being conducted, those people would know they would not want me speaking with law enforcement or the Armed Forces about their involvement including regarding Half Price Books as in the Carrollton area Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr would wear the 151 Road Warrior t shirt to work thinking he was getting one over on the company. I warned him back in San Antonio I was going to fully expose him and the group after the house in Carrollton, as he had not realized I had already pushed him to be open with others throughout the San Antonio Texas area to numbers of which he and others would not have any Facebook or online connections unless I specified as to how or if I knew them and with the large number which I would add a friend request without verifying; that would confuse them as to who was who even further, which while the timeframe of typing the books initially which Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had been around when I began officially typing up information; he would have been the first to know and begin such, especially since he requested to meet at Jims Restaurant when I was back in San Antonio Texas as a try to be as gangsta as he claimed he could be. Ironically fully forgetting the number of people who had met him as well as the #SCUBA Divers and the neighbors he had already been introduced to via my housewarming party who could have seen him and/or anyone who would have paid attention in a coldesac, such as in Carrollton Texas at my house. Of course a criminal returns to who or where they initially begin, and what else would be as predictable as such for an individual such as him? He claimed the SCUBA divers at San Marcos Aquarina Hot Springs really liked him more than I when I was in the water SCUBA Diving, which would mean he did not pay attention to the fact I was in the water with the SCUBA Divers I actually knew as he wore his 151 Road Warrior tshirt as a signal to annoy as many of anyone as he could; as known in reference to the Camp Mabry situation which he defended my now dead-ex-husband's stance as to yelling at me for saluting the National Guard and the American and Texas Flags during the timing of that particular graduation ceremony. If he knew the last name for the possibility of the elected official Congressman Michael McCaul and recognized the license plate check regarding who I had willingly been engaged to in comparison and the irony of the name of Leslie for the ex-girlfriend with James Avery earrings, I would not be surprised if with the mechanic background as to the brakes problem and clutch problem to the Mistubishi Spider Eclipse I purchased and had to exchange because of the constant needless problems. Since the fact of his choice of favorite game was #WarHammer and the obsession between such individuals at Nine Lives Books with aliens as Ken Westmeyer discussed #Hentai, I could easily see such individuals finding out about Irving and instantly rushing to Washington state after realizing such and after getting involved further drama causing as they knew people who were in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger Lifestyles as they admitted.
Such pathetic excuses of wastes of flesh, in my opinion as what would they ever think they were entitled to? Nothing, is the answer. If co9ming after me had to do with the problems of theft I had pointed out to Lisa Williams, Suzanne Farnsworth, and her sister Cindy Farnsworth less than 3 days after the moving of the full amount of cats for the cat sanctuary to the back online area. As they knew I am allergic to cats and was why I stayed in the back away from the cat sanctuary, I stayed volunteering as long as I could handle being around such prior to my health beginning to have issues worsened by the amount of cat litter boxes as well as the cats themselves. I had explained to several other volunteers and staff members, however the drama around and within Nine Lives Books and the Cat Sanctuary attached as long with the subgroups to such cat rescue organizations who worked with Suzanne's cat sanctuary as she explained at Nine Lives Books in 2019; there are crazy cat people who simply cannot let go of something when it is not theirs to begin with, and never was. Additionally to the fact the ammonia in cat urine causes mental health breakdowns because of the micro-bacterial infections among many other problems throughout such as well as since Suzanne and Cindy both were living in and apparently still living in that condo, most likely if their mom was a cat hoarder and/or they grew up with such, the type of long term brain damage which would occur I suppose can be seen as per their explanations at Nine Lives Books in 2019 when I stopped by and their cameras recorded such discussions as well as their medical records from such. The Egyptians burned cats because of learning their people were getting sick, and they thought if they sacrificed the cats then the God(s) would see such and be forgiving to their people. The Hebrews had left the land of Egypt because of such problems among other aspects at such times, and moved across to Israel to get away from such illnesses which were poisoning the lands of Egypt and Africa due to simply pouring out the cat urine anywhere they felt like; which in turn the lands of have been marred by such for a length of time until the proper information is squared away regarding the aspects of Divinity on earth and the acceptances required thereof for the beginning portions. Ironically the blond female wearing a dry-suit and the only one in the entire Clear Springs SCUBA Park to do so that weekend around the 4th of July 2019; she was carrying a metal bottle when she entered the water attached to her hip similar to a water bottle for rubbing prior to them dropping down and feeling the sensation of warmth to revoke and rebuke to return back to whence it came permanently..
Such medical complications which will further arise in those waters because of such and the Algae blooming shortly thereafter, that blond if the same female in the picture with my son when in Washington state and/or family thereof which would be able to be found via facial recognition as well as the fact Brad and his wife had a mandatory sign in sheet as well as computer programming which would have records of each for the federal funding grants which assist to maintain and sustain such waters additionally because of the amount of well water in the areas and the way well water works as Ken Westmeyer would have known as he said there was a well in his property out in Bandera or Helotes. Though he was upset because of my opinion about the PT Cruiser overall in comparison to just his PT Cruiser as I said the same thing I told him about the roller skate mixing with a hearse to make the PT Cruiser ex-girlfriend's roommate Maryanne Maypole when dating Pam who both had a lot of cats in their own house; and I had discussed such from the first time of seeing the PT Cruiser, when driving around San Antonio Texas. However while my biological father told me when I handed him his Christmas gift of the Mustang P51 model airplane I made and spent months working on which I can make fun of myself for the wings looking like a peace sign, he told me if giving a gift such as it is better to give in a box and let whoever open the box to do with as they will when telling me about the way model airplanes whether or not for any type of racing type for some remote control via the races he was in decades prior; when given a figure named Poison Ivy which I had not ever seen before and I opened the box once Ken gave to me, he threw a fit and stomped his feet going into the office mumbling underneath his breath about something regarding comics. I only read the Sunday comics as I told multiple people and I knew and know nothing about the comic books, which Ian Ginsberg from New Jersey who I went to Asher Holmes Elementary School with and had drawn a cartoon which I did not know about because of when I was told to go to my bed and stay after 6pm/18:00 when growing up in #NewJersey, which I had told him when he and I were in either 1st or 2nd grade. When he asked how I did not know about what cowabunga meant when seeing the bubble near the mouth of the drawing, I asked when he was allowed to watch television and what type as I was not allowed at the time to see anything other than G rated movies.
He laughed asking if I was joking, I was only able to tell him that at the time as what I was dealing with regarding the child abuses when growing up was so bad my biological mother and biological father with my biological sister all joked about one of my teddy bears which I had up until around 2005; how what had been done to it had shown their nickname for me was the victim of child abuse, as they laughed. The last time I saw the remnants of such was when the Jade Wolf Coven and Thomas Marsden were in my apartment and while they laughed when I told them about the seriousness of the joke my biological family had made about me, I doubt they truly understood or knew how abusive my biological parents and biological sister had always been towards me. I warned others while explaining as best as I could and few ever believed me throughout all of my childhood and teenager years, which by the time of being in the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces I had hoped someone would actually listen to the truth I had to say as for so long I had been called a liar when I did not and could not tell a lie before or especially after my PSalm Sunday 2000 head injury. Getting to Patricia Ann(abomination) Hom(-Miller with hyphen for legal married name only) and how she had been in the labor and delivery room when the time of delivering my son James Michael #Letters4James and if she had illegally invaded my privacy as she had already done previously though in reference to recording a cellphone or a video of the birthing process, I was informed the United States of America's Armed Forces did not allow such and I had informed all of my biological family of such a warning as did my children's biological father and the spiritual husband to my biological sister after she and Anna chose to keep me out of their wedding plans into the Miller family as they thought they did not ever need me at the wedding my biological sister had to Zac Miller. If that was a hypothetically real situation then the prosecution of Anna Louise Hom (legal name) and Mike Lee Hom for allowing Patricia Ann Hom at the time 15 years old to keep the recording of the video as to what occurred in my private room in the labor and delivery area; the legal prosecution would be most likely from the civilian sector, however because of being on a military installation and the private labor and delivery room area with their known biases against the Armed Forces of the United States of America at the time as individuals in Crystal Lake and other towns in Illinois would know such as Ridgefield Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church additionally to Woodstock Illinois. If the real reason they moved out of Illinois to Texas had been because Anna lied and defended Patricia and refused to adhere to the laws as well as Patricia threw a fit as she would do being overdramatic and crying to get the attention she wanted averted because of her tears and Mike defended as well if such were to have been, then they even as civilians can be subject to the UCMJ or Universal Military Code of Uniform Justice additionally to the civilian sector as such was illegal to do in the civilian sector though especially in the military areas of Lackland Air Force Base Wilford Hall Hospital.
I did not invite her into the room, Anna told her to take a nap in the room while I delivered as she and my now dead-ex-husband though her spiritual husband; had spent time talking with one another while I was in labor to deliver, as the doctors had done as they could for my son's birth. That careless actions would be stereotypical for those people specifically Anna and Patricia, whereas if Mike knew before hand he probably would have warned them against such additionally. If they hid such from Mike as well as the reasons they claimed in reference to my son, my daughter, and I getting help and it was because they thought maybe if I would vouch for them if they had told me of such then they could get away with what they had done. However I was not informed they had done so, however specific comments about such times from people I did not know would be the reality as to why that would have failed and would subject the two or three of them for federal prosecution if I can know the law correctly, as well as traveling with such between state lines for trafficking illegally the information of a military installation, as well as not only my own privacy though also each medical professional's privacy in that private labor and delivery room of mine. I hope such prosecutions against them if such is accurate can go forward though since Anna was unable to find a job in the education system or the overall area in San Antonio Texas though was able to be a substitute teacher up until after she started crying on Lackland Air Force Base about the truth of what she knew at the time regarding who I was dating in one way compared to a polyamourous way, Anna knowing of already the realities of as #LaVernia Texas would know having seen her with Pam and I when we were in the area; then the additional aspects of being pulled into the MP station until Mike picked her up as she refused to ever speak with me about such afterwards as did Mike refuse to speak about the details at those times, meant they were going to deal with what they were handed until either they faced prosecution and/or admitted such to try to calm the problems, or they simply just die however so each.
As the Jade Wolf Coven and I went our separate ways as I thought forgetting how Christy tried to scare some people as she claimed she knew how to use certain energies though forgot she told me she would purposefully get involved to make some people think it was magick in comparison to her direct involvement which would have been shortly before volunteering at Nine Lives Books when I was involved back then with the coven in 2004/2005, she was upset when I informed her she was not doing magic though was doing stalking and harassing and if people she once had and as she admitted continued to do she would deal with the consequences among all others as well. As Thomas Marsden had introduced Christine to Master Charles in San Antonio when he was married to Susan a female in the BDSM community who was shorter than I, longer blond dirty hair fairly stringy, and similar to the female at the Tacoma hotel as well as the Denny's in Spokane as well as the Club Sapphire in the parking lot sitting on the bench when she if her had said she thought I should be kinder to actresses when I was talking with someone else about nothing to do with her; I can now remember meeting with Master Charles in San Antonio at a Starbucks near the Morgan Star Complex when he told me he and her had a divorce because of her psychosis, though at a different event when a bouncehouse was involved that male had told a male he knew I was interested in at the time that he heard me call Allen a different name, as I did not call him anything except his name. Master Charles had gotten involved with Christine as she was a younger version of his then wife and instead of paying attention to the fact Thomas Marsden had actually introduced Christine to Master Charles, then if such were to be as per the aspects regarding how Christine had been such would coincide with such behavioural patterns of her own psychosis as she admitted to going to nursing school to be able to get into psychology to try to fix her mommy issues as she hated people touching her long hair especially her mommy doing so as she knew her mom was sending energies to her and unlike me the portions as to her receptiveness for such types of behaviour. Personally I explained if you ever touch me without my permission you will suffer consequences and they will not be what you would wish for, she saw such as a challenge whereas I warned her to stay back.
Joe Rose's relationship at the time was messed with because Jamie and Christy had spoken with Dee in comparison and as their relationship ended, that was because of Christine with Tina and the other female Christy had wanted to wish could replace anything I could do; which the energetic portions, have proven such no one can touch what I can accomplish. The female in the stocks seemed to look similar to Christine with shorter hair or a relative thereof named Molly, as Christine met her husband when working at the mall food court in Abilene near the Goodfellow Air Force Base knowing a similar hatred of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to my biological mother and my biological sister. Her then husband Mike and the two daughters with one son were who I babysat while cleaning the house as Christine was one of those stay at home moms who not only preferred the easy life for the time she could muster, though claiming to be a Satanist she said she needed to feed herself before ever feeding her three children. I refused to allow that while cleaning as she made herself food and as the three looked fammished, and I went to the pantry to make them a different type of tuna fish sandwich. Her middle daughter seemed okay, the eldest was curious about many aspects, though her son was quite enchanted by me; which she hated when he asked for me, instead of speaking with her. That was when she claimed she was a lesbian and kicked Mike out of his house claiming other aspects, and as I explained previously; she was ecstatic to get involved with a female named Rochelle who she knew from school, and how she took care of those three children afterwards is up to them to explain in truth.
I did have a hairstylist one year named Rochelle after returning back to San Antonio in 2012 which I was able to get MMJ medication from and after putting my medication in the car for the rest of the Easter birthday celebration which was near where Christine used to live as I remembered, the medication went missing after I noticed a blond female walking closer to Rochelle from down the street corner. As Christine was insanely jealous of my abilities once she learned I know and can squirt as well as have abilities she wished she could have for herself though her lack of self-control was only one of many problems and issues as to why such was not ever in her cards, she continued to complain about only being able to orgasm once in awhile while her husband said he could fit both of his hands inside of her and clap his hands without barely feeling the walls of inside of her. She claimed it was because she had 3 children which I told her it was because she was lazy as to why he was unable to feel his dick inside of her, which she continued on about how her favorite dick to sit on was African American. Offended when I told her I enjoy being able to sit on a barstool and not slide down, she said that hurt her feelings; which those who have known me must know the levels my responses were. However I can recall the brief aspects of telling her, "Wow maybe your husband might be lucky enough again one day, or he will find someone where he can actually feel. Do you, ever feel him?"
I did not understand why she was offended as it was the truth and she was not willing to do the work for herself by herself as well as she seemed upset because of the fact of being told such information with her standing next to him in the street in front of their house when he was speaking with my now dead-ex-husband, Jamie, her husband Steve, Tina, and I as cars passed by and people on the other parts of the nearby front yards areas heard and laughed. Later at Joe's Volcano when dancing and the Pete's Left Nut alcohol drink Jamie gave to Christy which glowed in the black lights, I was concerned about why the drink glowed as there have been many times when I have been to a club which I did not see such; though she had been the one who was at the club who had said while holding onto two beers and sliding her head downward towards the table surface saying 'Wow, this table is so deep.'
If there are those who recall a female who when drunk in Washington state at Club Sapphire when I was outside in the smoking section and a female who looked similar to Christine had become brazen with the alcohol to tell me she 'watched [me] moving around the club and thought [I] had resting cunt face', which I explained the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to her as well as the group along with the electrical problems causing me additional pain needlessly; though I already knew about what had occurred regarding the 2 Star Major General Gillman referring to when I had to go up the Chain of Command to get certain aspects taken care of. Though that was a different situation regarding General Gillman being mad at me for being correct about each aspect and him not knowing anything about how such was going on, which he tried to claim the name change from Medical Hold Unit to Warrior Transition Unit meant everything was all of a sudden fixed from the times of Medical Hold Unit and was proven to be extremely mistaken which he knew and wished the name calling he had done to me had been enough to get me to stop. He was proven incorrect, again and again.
Major General Gillman knew he was in the wrong once I pointed out several aspects as to his behaviour in the office on the Fort Sam Houston #JBSA post which was prior by a few weeks, to the appointment he made for me with the Colonel from Iraq who was in charge of the Brigade overseas as per his email to me. When arriving to the office for the meeting to return the Bronze Star Major General Gillman and the other two Star General had given to my ex-in-laws as well as myself after the Chief Warrant Officer 3 had already explained all of the stolen valor my dead-ex-husband had done without my knowledge as I did not learn the ribbons, as I did not graduate Basic Training. It was wrong of Major General Gillman as well as the other 2 star General to award such knowing of the pictures as well as the repeated denial letters about the fourth or fifth Purple Heart he was applying for, though was found that he had not ever earned on Purple Heart to begin with as well as the Vietnam War ribbon was impossible to earn in 2007 or anytime from his birth; though Grandpa Nichols had earned several Purple Hearts as well as he had 4 tours in Vietnam and Grandpa Nichols took my side against my ex-in-laws whereas the Major Generals handing over such to those people meant re-enforcing the bad behaviour of them who had already had multiple back history problems as to such behaviours in different ways. The 3 firearms were in my face for not thinking about when brining a backpack into the office to return the stolen valor given regarding the Bronze Star after already having been informed by the Chief Warrant Officer 3 of such, to discuss what occurred overseas as well as in the United States of America including when my now dead-ex-husband had lied about several aspects and had caused needless problems which I had warned of such as his meat tag tattoos on the left side of his body, as well as put far too many others needlessly at risk from such and more.
Not forgetting how at the graduation ceremony when I saluted the troops during their opening aspects when the National Anthem of the Star Spangled Banner played, as when I was yelled at it was because of the claim of me not being in uniform. I did not graduate Basic Training which I did not deny, though I still had and have respect for the soldiers who were graduating that day as well as those who have been able to graduate and will from Basic Training and AIT as well as whatever specialty training needed. I defended my stance as I did not think it mattered if I saluted the flag to anyone other than who I was saluting during the National Anthem the Star Spangled Banner, though the forced relationship situation while he wore his 151 Road Warrior tshirt on Camp Mabry; which my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia watched as I stood in my own defense to do so. That continued in the car ride over to Bennigans and others from the graduation went to the same place, as the two males sat in the front seats going on about how stupid they thought I looked for being Patriotic and thankful such individuals were there going forward. My headaches turned into migraines from all of the yelling, and I passed out from the pain levels in the backseat in between my son and my daughter's car seats. As Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr agreed with my now dead-ex-husband who had forced the situation to begin with tattle tailed on me for having the nerve to stand up for myself while the training was occurring later on as well as before, though that point it was mainly about how they thought the UCMJ was about someone such as myself saluting.
In my defense which I did not ever think I would have to defend my right to be proud of being an American, being thankful for the Constitutional Rights, being grateful for the Armed Forces branches and divisions of the United States of America, as well as feeling a sense of pride for seeing such a graduation as they were going off to the Iraq War and I knew how important their work would be; among several other aspects, which I knew not everyone had the ability to have a family member at the ceremony and I thought it would give them a little bit of a boost as needed. It had been 6.5 years since the attacks of 11 September 2001 which there were those in the civilian sector complaining about the length of the time already while not remembering the length of time it took such terrorists to plot and then go through with their attacks against the United States of America's Homeland, and I grew up in New Jersey in the 1980s and 1990s. The Pastor at my church when I was growing up attending Old Tennent Presbyterian Church #OTC was also a Chaplain in the Army, which I did not know if he was still in the Army; though it was also a small little aspect regarding such, as the church was used as a hospital was used during the Revolutionary War designated by General George Washington and the Continental Army had been treated within the area. It was not the only time the church was used for hospital aspects, though it is the most well known aspect because of the establishment of the church. I could not remember everyone I had grown up knowing though I knew some had survived, I knew there were those from the areas I grew up going to who had to have signed up for a branch or division in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. There was a female who I remember her dad was a Fire Fighter in New York as he commuted, and there was a few I knew who were such in New Jersey as well as Pennsylvania. The same regarding Police Officers and Emergency Medical Services, when I was growing up then. I did not know if they were still alive yet or who actually I knew had survived, as I was taken with or notified at times when my biological family made the choice to exclude me wrongly from going back to New Jersey when they did as they knew they wanted to try to control the narrative as per usual for them.
In comparison while some may have wished them to be correct, there were those who actually knew the truth about my biological parents and biological sister compared to what their claims were about me; as there were congregants who remembered when I was in 5th grade and when I was not allowed to get help at the hospital wrongly; which I warned Anna, Mike, and Patricia there would be a day of reckoning for their choices and behaviours, and if they chose to continue on the same path there would be nothing I could ever do to help them as they would have earned what they would have earned. That was before the thoughts wondering as to why my biological sister was ever allowed into the private labor and delivery room when I was delivering my son, and I did not give her any authority to ever record or take any pictures. An example regarding what happened in 2012 at Fort Sam Houston in Texas at the BAMC Emergency Room when disarming the firearm from my daughter who had taken it from an MP while a situation was occurring, when I was informed my son took video footage of with a cellphone; I made him show the doctor who had made the comment about his opinions as to my need to push my son to safety prior to jumping on top of my daughter to disarm her in the midst of everything and including his claim as to my dark humour compared to Marines he claimed he knew overseas who looked like the male at the Pizza place in #Selma Texas just before Washington state, as I was told he was the Mayor of the city of Selma. I saw later pictures of who was supposed to be such, though was not the same picture as to who was at the location in 2013.
Almost looking like my ex-fiance's dad I had met as he commented about his preference of smaller chested females compared to what I had prior to while wearing a lanyard around his neck with the Air Force logo as both told me they knew each other at Officer Basic Training School, I saw red though forgot for a bity because of the situations overall as to what would occur if I saw red at any point in time in such a way which felt similar to the way I saw red and felt on the bus regarding Saint John Vianney High School and that. I, was ready. I already had been separated from everyone I had ever known and cared about in the larger ways of groups as the amount of drama which occurred regarding what some comments sounded such as from Nine Lives Books, some comments sounded as from Jade Wolf Coven, some comments sounded similar to words my biological sister Patricia Ann(abomination) Hom-Miller would say when we were children when growing up before I became a teenager also after she called me on my cellphone complaining about people knowing the possibility of any connections to her as she had an image to upkeep meaning she continued lying to her in-laws about my existence and they were in compliance as per the wedding situation they had which it was known of the denial to me after additional insults such as no one telling me of her even dating a male let alone engaged until thankfully Facebook, some comments which were from McCoy Elementary School staff members, some comments from which were from the Carrolton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD, as well as some comments from Crystal Lake South High School and Saint John Vianney High School; which because of certain specific phrases and specific details, everything clicked when that male spoke though did not fully make sense at the time why I was seeing purely the color red. Not the same shade of red as my hair by the way, though I am uncertain if the color is actually called red; it just seems befitting however because of all of those comments combined in one discussion at that one pizza place as well as discussions leading to the pizza place and after the pizza place in Selma, who did I have around me to trust to tell?
I was already being treated the same way as when my now dead-ex-husband, Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack, my biological mother Anna Louise Hom, my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom-Miller, and my biological father Mike Lee Hom at such times among so many others such as the male SCUBA Diver Sean Leonard; regarding the specific types of those peoples' types of condescending attitudes, which I have no need to do a spiritual wedding for them as they already are in reference to who they chose. I was told they would blame my head injury after effects instead of taking responsibility for their actions such as in reference to moving my SCUBA Diving gear, which in turn I knew since how I had already been treated throughout the state of Texas; there was few I thought, I could trust. Situations when going to tell who I thought I could trust were unable to bring forward such discussions, and my son and I wound up in Washington state after the Stoney LaRue concert situation by a few months after stopping by USAA when learning of the identity theft as per the paperwork I had already been receiving about the leaked information beginning in 2001 just after 11 September 2001 for the first lengthy letter. Of which if Mike, Anna, and Patricia had been noticed by AI and/or the NSA and/or the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the pictures they may have taken in unauthorized areas whenever on post as well as within the Wilford Hall Hospital in conjunction to when at the Basic Training graduation for my ex-brother-in-law David Osteen earlier in 2001 when my military identification card went missing with his wife Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen and her two daughters Ariel Marie Osteen (whatever her legal married name is now) as well as Sondra Marie Osteen (if she has a legal married name now unsure of), which was when the Braxton Hicks began in the parking lot within the borders of Lackland Air Force Base. I do not have any respect for my ex-in-laws as the lack of respect they showed my son, my daughter, and I during the multiple years; which additional comments made, were along such lines regarding that pizza place in Selma.
I was not ever important enough to any of them as proven especially when taking a look at some jokes made by my biologicals as well as my ex-in-laws regarding me, which they were each warned of the reckoning coming. I had known I warned all who I could prior to the drive as went towards #Arizona and then Washington state, which thankfully a male I met when in Arizona had brought up going through Salt Lake City #Utah as I told him how the male in the location and I had met. I was not ever certain about my modeling I had done because of not receiving offers to work and since my modeling pictures at the time were for me to be able to see myself and mainly how I looked in comparison to all of the years prior to my changing of my hairstyle and hair color in conjunction with my tattoos, I did not believe or think about anyone ever recognizing what I look as regarding me. I told people my tattoos help me remember better, though many thought I was joking or trying to be rebellious. If rebellious meant not forgetting and being able to remember better, then I suppose so. However I was accused of following a trend which as the purposes of my tattoos to help and assist me alone in the ways which I use such for, no one ever believed me; even some within the medical practices who said their degrees, meant they knew better whereas I fully disagreed regarding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
As I knew there was not enough information from the perspective of someone who survived a head injury to the level of which the damages were in regards of, I could easily see anyone who would not have had a concussion at minimum or a head injury or a TBI seeing my website and thinking they knew better as per such doctors and medical practitioners at the times I was told of such. Upon getting to the point in Lakewood Washington as to publish my first sets of my books, I also knew I needed a website to easily show to explain as to what I was working on regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project of which I am the only one trained to complete such works as per the proper training for. It is not a grave stone rubbing though the gravestone is rubbed with the proper paper and charcoal, the historical and spiritual rubbings have nothing to do with actually touching the stone itself as those were a combination of words to try to attempt to explain what I actually do for such artwork pieces when the completed portions are done without any interference. The slightest bit of interference means the length of time to complete properly will be lengthened simply because of the nature of my Medal of Honor Art Project, and how I complete historical and spiritual rubbings of as I had been taught by my Cantonese Great Grandfather and assisted teachings from my half Cantonese and half Mandarin Great Grandmother.
No one was ever taught such other than I, due specifically to the different zodiac calendars which they had studied and had generations of the lineages from both sides of the family trees for that portion of the family. It was notated the biological father to Patricia was different than the biological father to myself, and in turn I was taught by my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu in comparison to what Patricia had ever known or been introduced to; the same specifically referencing regarding Anna, as they knew who she had cheated on Mike with to claim him as the father of Patricia. However I did remember when I was in my high chair of Anna looking at me then looking at Mike before asking him if he was ready to make a child with her, which he had to be convinced he was ready to deal with a second child. Her weight had already changed instantly well before that discussion, she had fuller cheeks, her heat flashes were random, she was sick from the slightest different smell and she began throwing up randomly; which after being pregnant with my son and my daughter as most Moms who have been through such, that is called morning sickness. Thus Patricia's actual biological father is whomever he is, and my biological father is who mine is. Anna knew of such though possibly Mike was unaware at the time, as I do remember him not really wanting to and it taking several hours of them talking before he finally agreed to Anna's whining and crying which again; a heightened level of emotional hormones would also induce such behaviours, especially when in the initial phases of pregnancy.
Anna knew and lied, and because of her lies people were needlessly injured and/or died. How can I write and/or say such so easily is as such, Patricia was named with a middle name which was a shortened version of her name Anna with Ann; which was a name that male's mom had in her name as well as to who she had cheated on regarding the birth of Patricia as she saw such as a sign. The fact she was happy to name me with the name my Great Grandparents chose as well as the specific spelling of regarding the Cantonese spelling for my middle name in comparison to telling my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as to the excuse of the same birthday as my Bok Gung, my Bok Pu was insulted and went searching around instantly. As we were living in New Jersey instead of New York City, there was only person who was informed of such important details was myself and a very select few individuals in very specific groups, which Anna, Mike, and Patricia were kept in the dark the whole time as to my Great Grandparents as well as my adopted maternal Grandfather's knowledge of how his wife's first marriage's daughter left after the death of her brother Danny had known because of him catching Anna treating his biological children as they would be able to discuss as per their experiences as to her. My cousins on such a side would be able to tell stories as to how my biological sister was towards them whether in person and/or online and would be able to clarify whose daughter, is whose daughter.
My biological father Mike had been confused as I could not phrase the words correctly at the time, as I had told him I thought there was a milkman's daughter going on; though I think the words came out differently, as I knew it was the same oven though a different baker. When I brought that up to Anna she began crying because Mike was in the area as I was not going to allow her to get away with that as I knew Patricia would actually need such a medical records for if she lived past a certain age, and with Anna being as into genealogy research as she had been; she was trying to manipulate the information online because of knowing she had cheated on my biological father, and when she learned I was looking online as well for my biological connections she began insisting on needing to begin taking care of the updates on my laptop computer. The fire began shortly after my energy work I admit, though the updates began around a few weeks prior to such regarding that particular situation. The individuals at Nine Lives Books who met my biological family though was not informed by them as to having any connection to me personally as per their normal ways, none of those people would have known about the biological connections as the #mysa San Antonio #Pagan community would have a larger knowledge of such. With the last choice when I was in #Vancouver Washington had to be made before finalizing the proofreading of what I had written up as well as the organization of the paperwork and pictures though was not able to get digitized as I had needed and was working to do, I had quietly prayed for a way to send a signal to be able to get those who needed to get out before the situations were fully opened for exposure; and a male in the Austin community named Carl who was involved with Scarlet had commented about the IRS regarding cash payments, which I went looking for the form to do what was necessary. As Scarlet and the family I had as a choice made knew about Maria and the faked death in 2012 when I was in #Houston Texas for the #NRA Gun Show among a few other situations regarding her connection to Lucille, I also remembered other discussions regarding a once member of #ClubFEM commenting about the amount of individuals he recognized at the Thanksgiving event among others regarding the groups in the Austin community. There was no paperwork to keep track of the actual members and that alone seemed nerve wrecking regarding the location because of the second floor and the freshly painted trash can and light colored stones which did not ever have any oil or dirt, despite having seen cars leaking oil when they drove into the location previously; which caused me to be more careful, wondering how and why each time there was not any trace of such.
Who, could I have brought such forward to then?
I did not want to have to go the route I did, though the discussions as Washington in Vancouver went which the irony of the yelling complaint; was not directed at who the neighbors downstairs thought, it had been directed at. However there were situations admittedly because of what occurred and working through what I could to help my son, while dealing with everything else all at the same time all by myself. With nothing compared to what I once had regarding several specifics despite how other situations had been, the context was always needed in further details to be able for the clarity; which when those who would stop me in the middle of explaining and complaining about the repetition prior to getting to the points needing to be gotten to, as I had already seen such previously before regarding my dead-ex-husband as well as my biological family and connections thereof I knew there was not any time to waste. I had seen people claiming on Facebook as well as on fetlife they had seen me and/or had others who claimed they had spoken with me, and yet I was in Arizona and/or Washington state which made little sense to me. I had forgotten about my name change because of the threats I had told people for years by then I was receiving online, and yet no one believed me about those portions either; which I cannot remember who it was though it was in #Austin who had said, she hoped and wished I actually would be taken out of the state of Texas as she did not think I looked Texan. When I told her I was not and I was born and raised in New Jersey though I regrew up in Texas, similar discussions as per regarding when I won the Chili cookoff when at Clear Springs SCUBA Park about me winning and having the nerve to be from New Jersey to win a Texas Chili cookoff with over 25-35 individual entries for that event. I asked her to think about what she was asking as for asking for such meant she and others were willing to go through such themselves if I were to survive such a situation, which she welcomed such to the entire state of Texas. Whichever event or party that had been, I left the event before 10:30pm/22:30 to leave; as I could not believe anyone would be so arrogant; though similar discussions referencing the medical care and treatment, for such examples referencing some of the individuals in such communities. I learned Michael from Nine Lives Books learned about the need for healthcare, as I was told about how he had a head injury and concussion after a ladder was knocked out from underneath his feet when changing the signage at the new location. I remember I had said and I wrote I would not wish or hope for the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to occur to my worst enemy, which the irony of knowing that was in reference to me and my thoughts; though not necessarily those of other people as per the aspects, as to how Michael had treated all people as tools or toys. He admitted as I wrote when I was in Washington state and not after the Century Link visit from a male who looked like Daniel from Nine Lives Books had done something to the wall which the phone call went through to Michael though did not ever work any other time, I suppose such a sign for that worst enemy portion of everyone throughout the state of Texas as well as the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as well as treatied aspects thereof as per those types of people. Though, it is still a funny irony as to that ladder situation and the name of the individual who I was told who had done so later in 2019.
While the ironic twist additionally to the theft of my SCUBA Diving gear, the log book and pictures left in the cases; when taking the cases to the compactor, the quickness of the staff maintenance crew to crush the container in comparison to any other time I had seen both before and after at the Lodge at Madrona. I would not doubt the arrogance as to not think about turning in my laptops to the GeekSquad, which would automatically have all connection points as per the requirements as well as explanations ironically referencing phone calls to a pizza place referencing if there is one phone call made to a pizza place by a suspected terrorist how all who call the company will automatically put into a lump sum to prove whether one is trustworthy or whatever label chosen for. Thus, who has not called a pizza place ever other than children under a certain age? Though the additional portion not said, was all phone numbers associated with the account of whoever would have called which in turn every cellphone in the world has been monitored for longer than since that article news report after the publishing of my book "Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with Science Fiction fantasy By: Susan MeeLing" ironically. I warned people over the years, though again few took me seriously.
In reference to knowing I was going to be authoring other books in my writing, I could not allow myself to knowingly have to make the choice to unintentionally cause harm because of the information within the pages many already would have known about; though the paperwork, I was nervous about being a bit more traceable. That was the portion of which the IRS form seemed the only way to be able to inform and yet prepare, as there were so many additional aspects few knew of to the levels of who needed that protection despite the frustration as when I would publish officially in 2014 to make my website for my Medal of Honor Art Project pictures in conjunction with other pictures as well as my journal blog as I call it The Ornery PSA; I did not know what damages in full were already in the works because of the previously listed portions of individuals, and knowing I could not speak of officially in a specific capacity the only people I was able to officially give the heads up to had been a female chosen family member to get the others taken care of because of a different phone call about name dropping at a strip club they knew someone at, and I called to speak with about who also was in Logistics in the Army as a Quarter Master who had been involved in the same circles over the years and when he was stationed at Fort Hood and I was saw the information online I called him immediately.
I did not choose to write up anything at the initial time back when I knew of such, because of not knowing what the base at the time was needing additionally for the safety for all who were on that particular post as well as surrounding nearby areas as a just in case. He knew I was protective of him and his ex-wife among others as I had spoken with him and her to prepare him specifically as best as I could, for what he was needing to be able to do for such a choice as to go into such a job field as the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces. I did not deny being attracted to him at the times I knew him though because of timing, I also knew I could not step over that line at such times because of still needing to pay attention to take care of several aspects thereof. I did not have the ability to give him the official information I knew at the time regarding the information leaks at Temple of Flesh, though later it was able to be known as I had given multiple opportunities to Steve and Krysta to tell the truth about such devices they had being hacked into and/or information taken on a sticky thing I do not know the name of though a little longer than a thumb, CD Roms, as well as external hard drives with many people's information and identification. I could not fully remember to tell him when he spent the night at my apartment as I was planning to do as the situation was a bit different than I had thought such to be, and I had not seen him knowingly since in person. However, I also once was close to his ex-wife and she too meant a lot to me among others.
The sad thing is the fact Temple of Flesh is literally held at The Players Club, which that is not the correct name for people who genuinely want to be a part of such a lifestyle as they do not view such as a game when it comes to their health and wellbeing. However too, was a different sign though had made sense as well for a few additional portions regarding the discussions at the pizza place in Selma Texas with that male I cannot recall his name as well as Jesse Leroy Hoover Jr as well as a few other discussions before as well as since. I was dating a couple at one point in which the brakes as well as the clutch in the convertible Mitsubishi Spider Eclipse had gone out when driving on 410 after visiting which they lived near Mike and Christy's house near Portranco Road, which I did not remember at the time as I was having to drive in reverse on the highway because the brakes were slipping as the clutch went into second gear and would not go any further. As others drove 60+ miles per hour the correct direction as per the beginning of rush hour traffic, I had to go backwards to get to a safe point to be able to call for help and assistance as it was a new car to me. As with a few other oddities regarding the neighbors in the apartment complex which I had to send a picture of the Dodge Durango being parked at an angle and blocking my ability to park as well as other issues from that apartment people, the overdramatic responses when they messed up were similar to quite a few other previous situations of the false claims against me. Excalibur Faire in Smithville Texas in Bastrop County is a good example as to how I will respond if I am falsely accused of something I did not do, and I do not deny such. I do not like being lied about as I would guesstimate no one likes such, and the amount of false accusations against me were through the roof which I refused to play any of the games going on which infuriated several who then continued to push forward more false accusations. I repeat, do not falsely accuse me or I will respond as per the Excalibur Faire and that is that; of which lying to me, has a similar response as that is a false claim.
After being made fun of as a child and a teenager as to how many times my biological sister had gotten away with false accusations and the beatings I had gotten which Anna and Patricia laughed about and as repeating such referencing the stuffed specific teddy bears I had which the particular type of fabric was extremely specific, though they thought it to be funny as to name such of mine as The Victim of Child Abuse and jokingly tell so many around New Jersey and Illinois and Texas proudly as to that name choice while also Anna joking about leaving me in the crib and laughing hearing me scream as per Anna's words' as though battery acid was being poured onto [my] skin'. Ironically, Michael from Nine Lives Books thought he had it bad as an only child. I did not go into much details as to how bad it was when I volunteered at Nine Lives Books, though as Anna and Patricia specifically were as they are; I was not aware at the point beyond the San Antonio Pagan community and the hint of knowing regarding Lackland Air Force base at Wilford Hall yet again though in 2005, of knowing to what level those people would go to just because of moving on passed them. I mean I did fight to be emancipated from them after all for as long as I had until they finally signed the paperwork so I could join the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces, after each time they persistently got in my way needlessly to try.
I did not understand why they felt to need to lie to me about the move as with Patricia's reputation which admittedly could have been tarnished or added to what she already was willing to do, regarding that female Leah and her adopted parents who purchased her as a baby from the Philippines to bring over to the United States of America which again seems like child trafficking as the excuse of the adoption fee is exactly such in my opinion. If there is even a single case in which that sort of situation turned into the child becoming a spouse to one of the adoptive parents to replace such other, in such I repeat such a stance as to the illegitimacy of such an excuse when regarding the so-called adoption process from overseas compared to going through the multiple children who genuinely need help and assistance within the United States of America. How can anyone think going to choose to do so is otherwise regarding such a relationship, if there is even a single case of a marriage and/or children taken place?
I despise and hate pedophilia regarding children under the age of 18 years old more specifically in regards of sexual aspects with another older than 21 years of age, and I refuse to condone such. However to make the choice to go overseas to purchase while claiming to adopt a child mainly babies to bring over instead of the legal process within the United States of America as such individuals would know there would not be automatic welfare checks for that type of situation, how creepy is it to purchase an infant to raise to then to make as a spouse? Only radicalized islam condones such sorts of behaviours in any religion or viewpoint of any aspects regarding rules, which in turn I repeat the portions regarding such problems from the attacks regarding 11 September 2001 and how has society gone since a bunch of Liberals and Democrats have pushed forward which agendas where? Whether Leah or the JV squad believed me back then in 1998, I actually did feel sympathy for Leah despite the view. If that occurred where her adopted father had married her after divorcing his wife who was mad at the time and/or if she dies or disappeared, there is a lengthy history as to such behaviours if such were hypothetically to be the case.
When taking into consideration as much as I had put together when proof reading and organizing, when the IRS form was informed of though not the specifics as to beyond in the discussion too far while already having had discussed the alphabet soup of letters for government agencies; I knew, I had to make the choice for the safest outcomes as best as possible. I knew there would be those who had already been caught previously as per TM or Tender_Male though I cannot remember his real name, though I sent the package from Irving Texas area postal office for the specific hotel address after the fire in Bastrop earlier which was mentioned. I did not know how many aspects of the technology portions referencing my biological mother and biological sister as well as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack and/or anyone else listed or not, as the amount of laptops I was informed of was enough as there was no way to account for such from my own knowledge specifically of regarding Best Buy. I know they are located within the Pentagon shopping area, thus I figured there had to be some connection somewhere; hoping for the best possible outcome admittedly a bit selfishly as well, as including even for myself. However the aspects of the safety portions regarding Her from New York City as per prior writings, I could not take any chances in that way despite the options for choices or should I write...lack thereof...
The choices of doing nothing and not publishing was not an option, just as doing nothing by not taking the chance to attempt to keep as many safe as I could who were innocent of such as best as possible prior to publishing seemed just as careless as well as that being considered as more than just irresponsible. I had the choice to inform online, though knowing it would be unable to be able to give a sort of a safeguard for while being able to bring forward my published aspects of my books; the choice to make a covert and dark type of attempt for such in a different way, was the only way I could see to do so without tripping any additional alarms proverbially. I knew, what could have occurred if I made any other choice than then one I made as I had already seen enough to fully know more than some realized I had seen and known. At a point at Club Sapphire I could feel there was a difference in one small evening with one tiny comment made well before the comment at the bookshelf by who looked as Duct Tape Dave from the Dallas/Fort Worth area about it was nice to see how he had not seen any drama from me; while hiding in the shadows, near the shelf close to the entrance to the back area. He had not liked a comment made online and went into a tizzy years ago as well as the fact I had to ask a female he played with named Paige about cost because what he and she did not know, had been Phillip Omstead AKA Donnie darko had told me he knew of her background and if I did not ask she would demand payment as he had knowledge of prior situations. I cannot remember of what regarding beyond that as it was in 2010 after the start of the larger aspect, though those who do not have children do not think about such additional aspects no matter what unless they have a specific type of thought process which allows a different view to be seen to open the eyes. Ironically in reference to Phillip, the comments made about how he wanted to help me sue the school district was a big red flag on the day of the Fort Worth Zoo situation at the lab testing facility. As per other situations noticed from my past in New Jersey as to how my biological mother and biological father had been, they would place themselves in plain line of sight to sway any doubt as to any knowledge because of being in front of the people they were causing problems to needlessly. Great Falls Montana 2018 at the dried up fountain, would be a good example if hypothetically such.
Whereas there were those who I thought I saw or remembered the energy of when dealing with being electrocuted or as I called it zapping back then regarding in person specifically compared to if only having seen my online presence and the searches I knew were going on did not assist my stress levels as I saw the Homeland Security sign, though a SouthPark episode stuck with me after listening and thinking about. I knew I had given a birthday gift to an individual I had dated at one point which he said he liked the Joker and I had told him about the Batman movie seen and why, regarding 2008. If Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had seen through hacking I had purchased a Joker costume suit for the male I was dating from the couple I was dating as I am polyamourous, easily the tizzy and temper tantrums from that individual who knew I never wanted nor needed that individual in my life; would have sent him off of the deep end, which it apparently did when he contacted me shortly afterwards to see if we could meet at Jim's Restaurant. I told people about that 151 Road Warrior situation hoping someone would know what to do or who I should contact, though no one in the #BDSM/#LGBTQP/#Swingers lifestyles had ever met him as I had not brought him to any events ever. The South Park episode or season had to do with a male character who was horrific to a female named Heidi in the show, and I got to thinking a bit. Personally I know I would not know if I met the artists of #SouthPark unless they told me specifically, just as I would not know if anyone I listened to music by would be as such unless they specifically told me; which the same is for news reporters as well as politicians or elected officials, which the way I had been in Club Sapphire regarding anything seen in the cleaning/set ups/maintenance/take downs/security walks/etcetera, was truthfully no different than how I had been at events throughout the state of Texas including simply hanging out and talking with people outside in the smoking section. If I am accurate the male who wore the military dress blues pants with the patent leather shoes and white button down shirt with the Calvary cover who started drama needlessly outside, if such was Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and/or a cousin/family member, he should be thankful for those who had been called in to calm the situation as best as possible for what was going on. I told some people when I returned from Montana in 2016 of a similar cover at a gas station as the trip was shortly afterwards of such, and it annoyed me. I remember mainly because of learning that Sturgis was not a high school or a college, though a motorcycle rally of some sort; which some giggled as I can laugh at myself as well, especially since I am as I am about motorcyclists when on the road as I can be a bit protective at times to the fact of I am, a Mom. I was pregnant with my son less than 6 full months after waking up from the coma and with all of the damages which ensued from such, instead of the care of parent(s) who would have the background to know enough to see a problem; instead the problems of such were added to, when 3 years later they moved to Texas and did not keep such a promise as per seen over the years especially from 2003-2013 regarding my daughter and my son after McCoy Elementary School and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District and especially the situation regarding the Fort Worth Zoo with all that followed while not forgetting my SCUBA Diving.
If that truth had been told back in 2009 by that one male SCUBA Diving Instructor who had admitted to moving my gear as well as going through my stuff as well as pouring cold water into the shower when I had closed the door, there is a male who I knew in San Antonio who suggested sticking my head into ice water to try to help the pain; who knows the situation regarding the bounce house, was the same week as I had tried the suggestion and what the after aspects were from such. The light colored dirt which was similar to the stones at that location were put in shortly before the 4th of July event that year 2012, and the time when I was down I simply can only write I am as I am. I have recommended sending search dogs down into the underground caverns as not only because of the Clear Springs SCUBA Park situation, though also the connection portions referencing the border crossing issues as well as the rope situation at Natural Bridge Caverns among other underground caverns such as Space Caverns and Longhorn Caverns; in reference to EOD sorts of looks, as the male from MikeDrop had said he has dogs which had been tried to find a home for though because of their training they are not the calmest. I truly wonder if it is they are sensing what they were trained to detect in comparison to anything else, and I recommend such to be looked into as the types of dogs he would have access to would be able to quickly and fiercely detect such sorts of situations in a very specific way and manner. I am feeling as though those dogs, need to run down there; if not already figured out to check such, as the 20 year anniversary is coming up and what occurred on the 10 year anniversary? Does it matter if it is a 10 or 20 year anniversary, when taking into consideration the specific date? Those with specific clearances would know which specific events in overseas locations as well as within the United States of America, to be able to piece such together better than I because of their closer access to such information.
What is the saying? Hide, in plain sight? What was Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr's saying about the number 300? 'This, is Sparta.'
I did not catch such a reference though I had been made fun of for not knowing pop culture references of which that Joker situation and the brakes and clutch problem after visiting who I had given such to near 151 and 410 area in San Antonio, I believe the Republicans who brought such forward in the late 1980s into the 1990s were correct. The video games as well as computer games are a situation which more needed to learn from to pay attention to, as such a situation was influenced by the MadMax movie as to the 151 Road Warriors and the request he made for the etool from the Army was from that particular case as he told me the words the lawyer used. I thought it to be clever admittedly and quite amusing, though it seemed important as well for me to remember that portion which I am uncertain as to why; though maybe that helps find the transcripts for that case just for the parade license, though I warned him because of all of the interconnecting links as to the choice during Fiesta in San Antonio and specifically the 5 military bases as explained as to him being scared and worried rightfully of being charged with treason for purposeful attacks against the areas and his claims as to why with the others.
I knew when having to make such a choice I recognized something I could not put into words at such times, however when making the choice I did not want to have to make; the fact of knowing there were individuals who were not introduced to the lifestyles by me though may have been going to scope information and stir the pot, the aspects as to how I had been all along unless messed with needlessly can be seen in reference to such. I did not dance with the music as per the DJs as I had in Sapphire in many other locations, as realistically in most locations there was not music to dance to. Nonetheless, the only way I could think of to find a way for the best possible outcomes for more.
I could see how my biological mother specifically ignorantly would think of my website as too busy and the same in reference to my biological sister, as they did not ever understand the realities thereof as well as they were behind the times in so many ways while trying to keep up with the Joneses proverbially. However the fact of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury are a portion as to instead of the assumption they would have made while being themselves, and the comment made about going to the Salvation Army instead of any help actually offered in conjunction with my son's response had been enough to know who a large culprit was in reference to many needless over dramatic aspects. Of course I am protective as it is known about in reference to military, law enforcement, fire department, and EMS and with my particular background combination of studies and works whether or not as an official employment; I knew my website would seem cluttered or crowded to those without such after effects luckily for them. However with more concussions as well as head injuries as well as TBIs as time went on after waking up from my coma and the after effects from, just as I had later after making my website published the links for FSL 2 books; those with specific types of assistance to help deal with the lights and technology after waking up, it seemed as though it could be helpful for them while informing my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia I am still as I always had been and in hoping my son and my daughter would always be proud of me as their Mom while taking care of what I could to help where I could seemed extremely important as well to the addition of the Armed Forces of the United States of America specifically. I had gone up the Chain of Command at Fort Sam Houston for many reasons and when the memorial service occurred, I needed my son and my daughter to pay attention to more than just the situation. They were able to see along with the soldiers who obviously were there at the chapel in the basement despite Major General Gillman being initially upset prior to the meeting with the Colonel and the 2 aides, how much was needed for those then as well as those before as well as those in the future to be able to learn and prepare for their transitions into the civilian sector as not all of the soldiers were as the same in regards of anything except the uniforms they were wearing. The injuries which each had sustained during their time was also an additional point I needed them to know and to see, as I knew they needed to remember why I am as I am while doing the best I can while being their Mom.
I thought the portions of my website would also be able to assist civilians who had such as well regarding such injuries, as I knew some had experiences as well as some are family/friends of those who have survived much more than they have spoken of to others. I know how children's thoughts can go quickly similarly to such especially when learning and young ages, which is a part of why a few additional aspects regarding how technology outdoors can be compared to technology indoors and the need for a healthy set of eyes and ears as best as possible with the correct information as best as I can recall. However acknowledging my faults due to such not as a crutch though as an acknowledgement I thought and think, might be more helpful for those who feel as though at times when the cluster of information seems a bit much the ability to read through at a pace which is a bit Montessouri in certain regards might be helpful. Knowing of the Center for the Intrepid as well as Warrior Transition Unit being as impactful as needed for many more in a specific way I personally would have wished for back when I was in Medical Hold Unit, the possibility of the assistance for such guys to be able to recover better was also in my thoughts as I remembered around the time of the SouthPark episode or season hearing the name Denzel and having read the newspaper article in comparison to the online or television news; of how that could possibly help with that aspect, as well. I remember being so thankful and grateful for such a choice and though I knew that was better for many more, as time went as it has it seems a important addition. Maybe the Medal of Honor Art Project artwork piece I took to the Marine and Navy location can assist to such guys as well additionally, despite not having been able to take my SCUBA Diving gear there as I had planned to when returning to San Antonio in 2012. I knew, they had the correct stuff on that post specifically compared to any post near the water. However since Irving and DeLoitte being near where I was living at the time in 2011, I can easily see a greedy corporation thinking they knew better than the one who had done everything since I was informed one of the instructors I once had to get a certification named Amanda works at DeLoitte. She would not know what was needed, nor would anyone else.
I was the only one the whole time, though I also know the feminazi aspects regarding certain types of people. It was known I did not have a degree, though they knew nothing about my full background at any time until I informed them; despite what they thought they may have found, as they knew nothing of the in person aspects ever from my childhood and teenager years which would have been the biggest downfall for that company if such were to have occurred regarding my SCUBA Diving gear in the longer and longest terms if hypothetically such were to be. I would need to know each aspect of what was done to my gear, exactly where it was taken, at what time, when it was opened, what was done to my gear, which areas were such taken to, and etcetera in full details to be able to piece together the brokenness they caused hypothetically needlessly. No need to go into events of Irving, as I was not in the need to inform anyone without their clearances being approved of previously by specific standards. Without such requirements, you can figure out whatever you wish for yourself compared to what reports would have actually been taken care of back in 2012 if such arrogance was not impeding upon my works. However the ex-boyfriend who left the message on the tape answering machine which lead to me being interrogated as I informed multiple people of by my biological mother and biological father shortly after moving back to San Antonio which was needless, just as needless as a photographer who would think just because I once modeled for him I would ever assist with SCUBA Diving with any association to stealing such and denying the Armed Forces of the United States of America from getting what was actually needed.
Hey, are you my mother? No? Then why of anyone, would you ever try as I emancipated myself from that decades ago. Take a hint.
I could not care about any celebrity who would want such a gear set to illegally deny an active investigation and I hope whomever of whatever is found to get such properly taken care of, as I am the only one who can explain such and without the justice; well there is the saying, no justice, no peace. Just because the company name is Made By Sam though Sam Lewis Photography, does not mean you made anything in reference to my SCUBA Diving especially. Sad to think how both he and his wife Nikki who works in child care services would be so ignorant, though I could be incorrect as if such individuals from the east coast area could not keep their hands off of what was not theirs to ever begin with; he had brought up how he had been in the lifestyle in multiple areas, as well as had been found through on fetlife for clarifications for others regarding additional reference. I did not ever look at such individuals ever for any relationship aspect beyond what was stated, though Sam does look as though he could be related to Master Charles who had said at Mike's place in the common area to Allen he had seen me orgasm though I had not ever been involved with that male in such a way and I have not ever been willing to do such sorts of videos ever as I am not that type of person. It disgusted me to think that anyone who I had not been involved with would ever know, as it is no ones business except mine. Stay back, and away. I was not ever interested in him in that way ever, though I was informed by Sam as to some male Dominants who think just because they are Dominant they can dominate a female Dominant as many female Dominants have experiences needlessly with. If you can drop to the bottom of the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle where I landed to surface alive safely as I had, then maybe you can explain as to how you could be possibly dominant in such; however that ocean is and always has been mine, and mine alone. Good luck calming down the ocean, I successfully have multiple times in reference to hurricanes among other portions and no; you are not welcome, though I guesstimate those who chose to cause problems needlessly, have begun to realize such referencing what I warned of. It is better when I am in a good mood, than a bad mood. Just as I can push a hurricane away, I can actually stir up one as well if pushed to such levels and the rage of the waters is mandatory. If you have my SCUBA Diving gear, it is safer for the entire world to return such to me with each and every individual piece I had in there. If not possible, then do not complain when I am not in a good mood about anything.
I do wonder as to what experiences others can attest to regarding the treatment in reference to Master Charles regarding females, as I know I met a male which I had mentioned his name to Master Charles when I first met him; though I first spoke with that male in Austin, which on his website the amount of BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger Lifestyle information was helpful when I first officially entered the lifestyle. Master Charles cringed at the name, though the mask on that individual would also indicate such a situation regarding my SCUBA Diving gear. I do not date nor get involved in such ways with dominant males, as that is not an interest of mine personally. Who I find attractive and why is not ever the same per individual, and if the choice is between being forced into a relationship I personally do not choose or being single; well I suppose, I will remain single. I learned, that does not work out. As my way has been proven to be more helpful and beneficial, I will stick to my way unless there is a reason given as to a better aspect to look towards and then I will make my decision on my own. While it would be great if there was such in reference to what I personally prefer as to a relationship were an option, I also do not specifically ever do anything just to be in a relationship; as when or if the possibility of, which has annoyed my biological parents for 1.5 decades and any relationship I had actually wanted to be in such was interfered with by them as well as especially needlessly by my biological sister or I suppose I should write my biological half-sister. She found the notes from Anna years ago about her biological father, though liked the way Mike was when she would instigate problems between as Anna knew. Hence why she would always complain as to how much more like Mike I had been, in comparison to the way she wished I would be more like Patricia.
That, was a huge sign for me to notice. I do not know if Mike ever picked up on that as well as how many times she had said that phrase, however I know it struck the wrong chord with me instantly the first time she said it when I was a child and she was using the wooden spoons after the metal coat hanger. Yes I suppose a sad joke, I am having to admit I am a victim of child abuse.
However I refused to allow that to ever stop me or get in my way in the long and longer and longest terms possible, and I know I am not the only one who has survived needless torture by biological parents or relationships or friendships as stated.
Hopefully a guiding aspect to a better way for more to seek a better path, and find enlightenment through the healing processes as through going through the known portions from various points in time.

I do not think many realize when they speak at or yell at politicians in such ways as has been done to law enforcement, fire department, EMS in some ways though especially in reference to the Armed Forces of the United States of America for the longest aspects; how the words you have felt personally when told of have caused feelings as they have arisen, and I am uncertain as to what is more well known as to some more well known figures as Marshall Mathers AKA #Eminem and others have brought forward in music about some aspects as Christina Aguilera AKA #Xtina had about what she saw as a child. While Marshall had the female aspects thereof when listening to lyrics, Christina had the male aspects thereof as per lyrics. I know more have such knowledge and understanding of such which has saddened me despite knowing what I was dealing with myself which in some ways might be considered as odd, though maybe when listening to lyrics certain portions make a bit more sense while enjoying the background music to the lyrics as well. Sometimes it is simply the background music which feels right whereas the lyrics may seem off comparatively when dancing, at minimum in the ways of which I dance. Admittedly it was not until later of learning the possibility of Eminem's name being Marshall well after The Curious Children's Book Series, especially as my son James enjoyed some of the later music from such though I could see how he may view my biological mother as well as my ex-in-laws in reference to Eminem's earlier music in regards of such as I hope I did the best as I could for both my son and my daughter as well as more.