On the 3rd day of my 60 Day Challenge to my #SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge #ML60DOTC, today's entry of what I consider as a journal blog though some might consider as another specific label they know as which might be considered as new to others or in the shortened wording more commonly used in comparison to the name of the paper or simply just as The Paper(s) prior to getting to such points. The irony I suppose thinking about such is I remember enjoying reading through the full Sunday Newspaper each week when I was growing up, and my favorite part of Sunday after all of the time at church with everyone meant whichever articles I did not get to read in full at church from some of the members who brought the #AsburyParkPress #APP Newspaper with them meant at the house I would be able to catch up on the rest of the details. Thinking about such I am thankful for being able to hold a newspaper in my hands to feel the pages between my fingers while smelling the residual drying ink from the innermost section of the newspaper, while looking through the individual articles to read through to learn about what was happening in the local to state to federal to world current situations of the time in the mid to late 1980s through into the 1990s. Though in 1998, 1999, and 2000 the newspaper name changed when going from #NewJersey to #Illinois however I noticed multiple situations which were reported upon that had similar consistencies. I went from the east coast area to a town with a population of 10,000 at the time in 1998 which upon seeing so many similarities between the heavily populated areas I grew up going to into the smaller towns, the people's personalities and groupings seemed a bit to coincide to a point.
While there are always exceptions to every un-stated rules as well as stated and proven rules for the overall, I was thankful to read such when in Illinois because it simply repeated to me as to what I was preparing myself for was necessary prior to fighting to be emancipated to join the #Army branch for the #UnitedStatesofAmerica's #ArmedForces. Nonetheless having spoken with multiple groups of people over the years before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to wake up in #SanAntonio #Texas (#MilitaryCityUSA #MCUSA) to later in 2015 begin the portions of what I have referred to as my journal blog while not realizing the similarities between journal and journalism, which at times I admit I can be a smidgen stubborn or also in some ways more well known as independent to put mildly.
Thus after several combinations throughout my experiences in life including referring to my words one evening after having listened to #TheFive to then be listening to #RedEye at the time which is ironic in a different way as I remembered a male in Dallas who was nicknamed Red Eye online in an adult social media forum, which reminded me of something I said to a friend at the time which got her to smile; which had been the first time I said my saying, which I have copyrighted and own the rights to fully especially with the addition of online technological portions which unlike the #LibraryofCongress registrations do not allow the same leniencies for numbers of years for time of ownership for between 25-75 years though is permanent upon typing and posting. You can see the length of time situations in reference to prior legislation which has been considered either as a Grandfather Clause for certain situations, the decision to keep a legislation on the books because of the entanglements of the other associated bills being passed together in one lump in comparison to one at a time, and several other aspects can be looked into as well. However while listening to Greg Gutfeld speak with his guests for his show before what is now #TheGregGutfeldShow #TGGS #GGS, he said something which caused me to giggle so much I spit the tea out of my mouth into a trash can from the laughter from whatever it was he had said in jest with another on his show. As the banter went back and forth briefly I remember thinking to myself how humorous and ornery the commentary was between them, and thus I came up with the name for the journal blog area of my website for the entries: #TheOrneryPSA.
Another additional aspect of thankfulness, though of course listening to him on The Five when I was in #Washington state was quite amusing to listen to the way he worded certain thoughts of his and discussed various points which the staff had brought together to broadcast. As per my usual of switching channels during the commercial breaks because of what I was also paying attention to in other broadcasts, I do not know what it is about his voice though something simply turns my ear a bit. I suppose possibly the closest reference I can give for such feelings might be able to be read through in yesterday's post for Day 2, in various regards. I did send signed copies to several news stations and various individuals who I remembered inspired me or caught my attention in a positive way, as it seemed important in addition to the link for each to download to see for themselves though I sent extra blank copies to certain locations as well referring to Finding A Silver Lining and Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing. Later I did send copies of other books I wrote not thinking when of prior books sent because of the receipts of who I mailed to prior had meant forgetting doing so, additionally to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
Before I continue into the importance of the tattoo session with Shannon at #RoseCrown #RoseCrownTattoo #RC in #Manchaca Texas, I explained some aspects of the reasons for my beginning of getting tattoos. The memory aspects are of importance of course though also the fact I meditate when getting a tattoo is one portion which as much religious and spiritual training I have undergone, I know how to pray when speaking without saying the words out loud because of speaking with another; that only took a few decades to Master fully. Today, I am thankful for much as the ability to do so while having the tattoo in each one of my palms in each hand proved that fact to me. I suppose I can joke the re-reading of certain books in conjunction with other additionally detailed books while re-growing up after waking up from the coma with the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain, which had not yet begun to dissipate yet though the wording eludes me at the moment.
The fact I sent my books for religion registration as Ecclectic in my opinion prior to filing for an #FEC license for over a one year period of time from the initial processing of paperwork in the state of Texas, is crucial as an additional point of reference because of the information and the material I wrote about. In reference to "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" (Click here to purchase Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing to save time and money from the subscription for the backpages written prior on my website) which was written after being an ordained Minister, "Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" Click here to purchase Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing to save time and money from the subscription for the backpages written prior on my websiteat the same time of the first book, "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" (Click here to purchase The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing to save time and money from the subscription for the backpages written prior on my website) as I have gone by prior to any writings in an official capacity as Reverend Susan MeeLing in a community area other than Susan MeeLing.
I doubt there are too many who could truthfully deny seeing multiple overlaps between the various aspects and though despite the fact the United States of America was formed after fleeing for #ReligiousFreedom to escape persecution, the later aspects to separate church from state came after the saying of One Nation Under God (with the pyramid which is an inverted sacred symbol in other cultures of the feminine nearby each one written and/or inscribed and/or molded). As the acceptance which is shown throughout various pages of the #Torah, #Bible, and other #Holy Scriptural works including commentary is a large factor in regards of multiple peaceful religion followers in various areas of the earth through various parables along with timeframes-ish including simple-ish rules which assist individuals to clarify for themselves as to which path is ideal for them in the short term and the long term; there are additional reference points of which the scriptures have shortened suggestions for betterment during the times they were intended for, though the amount of interpretation over the centuries and milleniums have removed specific texts as well as translations throughout the years in words differed as the times went along. A small example you can see in a shorter though more modern time is type into a search engine definitions of acronyms, then look at when the timeframe of the LOL began, and see the amount of years between while looking at the additional acronyms which such letters can stand for unintentionally if not knowing other details as well as other acronyms added over time. Though I had applied for both because of the belief from the information written about in conjunction with my Medal of Honor Art Project, it seemed even though Texas legislature might still be working to look over such; it felt as though it needed to be done to apply for both, especially having gone to see the east coast area first in #Florida in 2009 after waking up and later in 2020 for the first time planning for the trip to be able to see New Jersey since 1998.
Nonetheless the combinations of my books as well as my #MedalofHonorArtProject which I recently learned it is considered illegal to complete a gravestone rubbing however I complete a historical and spiritual rubbing of the marker which is different than a gravestone rubbing, as there is not one location which one of each of the #MedalofHonor recipients was left in anything except a cleaner and better condition than the way I found most in certain locations; in my defense, and I did not charge nor did I extort anyone in any way to complete my Medal of Honor Art Project because it was to give thanks for the ability to continue onward and see other paths for a larger betterment for many more in the society which has become inundated with too much stimuli for certain individuals and in other aspects the lack of depending upon the situations and at which timeframe. The electrical portions are absolutely needed obviously for many technological aspects in life which includes my ability to be able to have the tattoos completed as needed, or in today's case a touch up and revamping for the colors. I thought it to be befitting in reference to #SCUBADiving, some writings, as well as the fact there is only one female Medal of Honor recipient who has been awarded such since the #CivilWar (named Dr. Mary Edwards Walker) and I know there have to be several females who have successfully aided in ways which went above and beyond the call of duty to the United States of America within the Armed Forces thereof. I admit I do not know them by name, though I know there are those who have earned such which irks me a bit additionally because of the aspects of my #SCUBA Diving and the fact of being the only person who has gone to the depth level within the oceanic waters within specifically the #BermudaTriangle to land at the bottom of the ocean to surface alive and survive to live; as a biological genetically born female, and the irony of #MotherOcean/#MotherNature/#MotherEarth being the most commonly referred to aspects of nature. Going to an all female tattoo shop knowing in an overall sort of way though not through personal experiences in such ways, is a bit of an additional added twist of irony I thought and murmered about earlier.
Today I had a same day appointment scheduled with the tattoo shop #RoseCrown which a tattoo artist named Shannon, had been able to squeeze the ink into a small sized cup after squeezing me in for an appointment. A fellow SCUBA Diver she discussed some aspects, though discussed her background in the tattoo aspect of her life. She said had been in various managerial positions in various locations including a tattoo warehouse where she learned about the mechanical aspects of the different machines all the way to the needles including to the ink itself while also standing her ground when necessary, as well as additional research in the field of prior as well as during into the time of today regarding the work in regards of tattoos in addition to her art degree which in my opinion despite the colors could possibly have assisted her more than initially processed as to the way she is able to move the needle the way she probably would move a charcoal pencil or a paintbrush depending upon the piece she would work on. Having listened to her as she poke of different situations in minimal detail compared to the artwork she can do and has, obviously any tattoo session is also a time of getting to speak with someone in a specifically unique setting.
We talked about some of other prior experiences on both of our sides of the needle as the tattoos went through the updating, expanding the size of, as well as the shadowing I was looking for within the newer ink to still shadow through just as the way my #KuanYin and #Phoenix tattoo combination is as it is almost like a highlighting or illumination to the strength and coloration pigmentations. I am quite happy with how the two pieces were updated and though it is a bit much to type as my hands heal from the tattoo earlier today, I am keeping true to the challenge I set forward for myself as well as others in reference to the 60 Day Thanks Challenge. Leadership by example, I think is a saying still. Seems as from what I listened to Shannon has done so quite well for herself as well as the other female artists and shop owner, which is wonderful. I wondered why when I had gotten my first tattoo how few females there were who I saw beyond mainly the piercings and getting such in comparison to females getting tattoos and female artists, when initially getting my first ones at #PlatinumTattoo in 2006 into 2007. I noticed the same at #CatTattoo in #Addison #Texas in 2008 through 2010 when I had pieces completed though in 2019 when I stopped by, is when I saw the changes inside as well as the staff. I had gone to a couple other locations such as Shotgun Tattoo out towards Tyler Texas in 2006 as well as a shop in #Tyler Texas I cannot remember the name of who was able to complete 3 tattoos for me in 2006, though #DoveTailTattoo was the first time I ever saw a female mainly tattoo shop in 2011. It was interesting to listen to Shannon as she described some of the artist friends she knows who have traveled and visa versa to see the different styles and incorporate certain techniques, to specific pieces of work as well as how such was done in conjunction with some historic and gardening aspects.
Shannon had mentioned that tattoos are considered as a lifestyle which I had honestly not thought of before, though with the amount of details she had gone into in combination with what I have seen and experienced had made it quite clear to understand from such knowledge. I have gotten tattoos completed to assist my memory and though the cognitive disorders showed later in time compared to my first tattoo time, I cannot deny and I do not deny my tattoos helped me in more ways than I can explain officially. I showed her where one of my tattoos had been also showing her the movement and turning of other tattoos, all which occurred after my SCUBA Dive to the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic area of the ocean when I landed at the bottom of the ocean to do what I needed to do from other types of training from my childhood and teenage years prior to SCUBA Diving certifications I earned. As a side note in reference to certification cards for SCUBA Diving information those who have kept paper logs in comparison to those who use technology for logs of dives, are going to differ because of the lag in time though would be cool and hopefully more assistance can be for. As Shannon told me about a group of Japanese female only SCUBA Divers called the #AmaSCUBADiving or #PearlSCUBADivers, which have been doing so for thousands of years in addition to #wikipedia.
We discussed briefly about a few other subjects of topics within her life experiences as well as mine, which just as with each prior tattoo I had been able to do so with and had been why I reacted as I had in reference to the portions to a Christmas Present reference during one year to Cat Tattoo in Addison Texas. My tattoo artist then said he had been in the Navy branch of the Armed Forces for the United States of America and the Republic of which he had completed my Methuselah tattoo, Tulips, Lily, Faeries in my leg, my Platypus swimming on some water tattoo, the Apple Blossoms, Dragonfly, Irises, Peony, androgynous Religious Spiritual symbol I made in the way for in my tattoo, the prayer I made for my children, and the second round of three rounds for the tattoo in the back of my neck because of the white ink. Platinum Tattoo in San Antonio Evers location #Dayton had completed the portions of the 5 symbols in both sides of my hands individually as well as the back of my neck for the first round of the white ink, my Phoenix swooping down to rise upward from the change from the flames though Kuan Yin was completed by Shotgun Tattoo, the crescent Moon with silver hair and lightning from her blue eyes; though my first tattoo of the black/white/grey scale tattoo of a burning heart with a black rose within and blood droplets in my ankle, was completed by a different artist I think it was completed by #Caesar as the beard and the way the hair grows was different than the way I have seen some grow because of a small patch I noticed near the lower jaw towards the ear during the tattoo session. I have a Latin Phrase which translates to "Stand for something and fall for nothing" with a Poison Ivy covered female with Venus Fly Traps and chains of plants going out as sent in the shape of a chair I had wanted built, completed by a shop in Irving Texas I cannot remember the name of as well. The Lotus, Faery in my back, Dragon in my back, and Deer in my back were completed by one artist in a shop in Tyler Texas which I do apologize not remembering the name of the shop or the male artist. That artist was supposed to be able to do the back piece of the hammer of God(dess) coming to save with a grey sledge hammer after seeing what happened to the Twin Towers and when it did not occur, I was irate at the callousness of simply attempting to make a phone call to inform the artist ahead of time when decided. I suppose I can refer to a few different instances where beyond just the facts written above in this paragraph in conjunction with this entry, however the portion which some might not understand or know is a session with a tattoo artist is a mutual exchange.
There of course is not the denial of the monetary exchange for the work done, being honest with such. However far more importantly when someone chooses to get a tattoo for whichever choice for their tattoo(s), it is important to know and understand there is a bit of time which goes into the tattoo process. The shop has to maintain a certain level of standards for health code regulations as well as medical supplies because of the needle works, though also the autoclaves for sterilization and the proper disposal of the various pieces in sterile packages which my favorite part of watching the Navy guy was him breaking the needle when he was done with the session as it made a specific sound and there seemed to be a bit of a spark pun intended when seeing the snap occur or bend depending which way the piece went. As explained the importance of genuinely knowing the craftsmanship required to be able to continue with the profession has been important to maintain especially as time has continued onward, because of the amount of different types of injuries though also life experiences. I have seen beautiful artwork throughout the years which I simply have admired knowing there had been experiences which lead to be able to survive and live continuing as such, which began being noticed when I was growing up as a child in the northeast coastal area of the United States of America specifically New Jersey though having gone many places. There are many other aspects plenty can go into further details about and have, which can give more knowledge and understanding. While there are some who think it is a fashion statement when in reality tattoos have a pun intended, deeper meaning than at just the first view of the surface.
A what could be considered normal session for around a total of a four inch by three inch area being tattooed from beginning to when I left had been around 2 hours to 2.5 hours, of which Shannon and I spoke with one another the majority of the time before the tattooing began and then after the preparation to get the ink going had been a bit of time while I was silent needing to focus and refocus from the work I needed taken care of for my tattoos before I could continue talking with her. In turn while some may think a tattoo is a quick process, realistically it takes a far longer amount of time than some realize. I have made the mistake myself before in reference to one of my tattoos as I thought I had a longer amount of time than I had for the day, which had been the reason why I had to complete the second session afterwards to finish the piece as to not have a halfway completed tattoo when not in the point in time for such. Such might be something to take into consideration when there are those who have much larger pieces than 4 inches by 3 inches of an area tattooed into their flesh. In the thoughts then think about if you really want to go through such to then go through a tattoo removal process if you regret a tattoo choice, which I would guesstimate without the discussions as much the removal process would be a minimum of two or three times longer and instead of enjoying the session with someone; you are left to yourself to sit and think about what you did when you chose to get whatever tattoo you chose to get wherever you choose to get the tattoo and all of the surrounding circumstances as your thoughts could go, if you get a tattoo you regret.
Personally as I am certain many have come around to knowing and understanding comprehending many levels of, I know I am not the only one who contemplates prior to getting a tattoo session for the tattoo to be completed. I know there are those who are of the opposite thought process, a varying degree level of the choices, and etcetera; however personally I knew I needed the tattoos I have been lucky enough to be able to get completed, as the assistance has been extremely important as I felt years ago would be needed and required. I simply did not know to the level which a secondary pun intended I suppose partially, how extremely important it was for me. With so many situations in reference to paperwork and documentation as well as technological portions, I know my tattoos were needed and I am thankful for all of the great tattoo artists who have helped in the ways they have. I know I am not the only person who has figured the tattoos can help with after effects from head injuries or TBIs whether #military, #lawenforcement, #firedepartment, #EMS, and/or civilian of which since the technology has caused some people to have problems with memory retention the rethought around the ideas of tattoos may have been helpful for others as well when looking into what apparently is a lifestyle. I write as such not more than simply having not thought of the lifestyle portion beyond simply speaking with people as I would whether or not in a tattoo shop, whether or not at a store, whether or not at an event, whether or not when out going to wherever for whatever reasons required/wanted/needed. It is in reference to the artists themselves as I very much have seen such as a lifestyle though admittedly I thought technically each profession has its own lifestyle, just as each group has their own lingo, just as each song has its own rhythm, just as each individual is in a multitude of groups thereof depending upon the interests. I believe many can agree if there is one thing many can agree with either they themselves have a tattoo or several, or they know a minimum of one person who has a tattoo or had one.
If needing a unifying message despite the oddities thereof, I would guesstimate most could agree with such and from there can find a common ground to begin with as each who has a tattoo or who does not have a tattoo has their own backgrounds for each as human beings. In turn though it might be considered as odd how I had gone about in reference to the paperwork filings for the religious portion then to follow up afterwards during the time to realize the connected portions to the factual aspects of politics, it seems it would have been odd not to. Though there is a portion which the legal case could be made in reference to the fact church and state have never been separated to begin with as how many legal documents are needed to send to the government of the United States of America to just have an ordained aspect, confirmation portion, (seminary) (college) school, taxes for the property local area as well as whatever is purchased, and etcetera and yet there have been those who I have not understood as to why the fight to remove the portions of #Divinity from the state aspects when taking in consideration the metaphorical state of the government of the United States of America had not ever left the church. Which in turn all prior rulings of the removal of Divinity being used as well as prayer as per the #FoundingFathers and #FoundingMothers on the #JudeoChristian #JC principles for the future. To the times of then in the late 1600s through to the 1700s to then the #RevolutionaryWar which the #BattleofMonmouth occurred on the other side of the fence of the church grounds I grew up going to and was Confirmed through in 1996-1997 class, which since both are registered with the state of New Jersey and the #HistoricalSociety literally and figuratively proves my points. Aside from those aspects additionally please let me know which church or temple or group has absolutely no in-fighting and absolutely no political portions such as voting, nominating, and etcetera; for example, how do Homeowners Associations #HOA work and continue in certain neighborhoods?
Thus for many reasons such as the Freedom of Expression to be able to get a clean and clear tattoo in a safe location during hours which are helpful during the day and/or night depending upon the shop, as my Constitutional Rights assist my Religious Freedom in a peacefully balanced way as best as possible. Today, was a really good day. Thank you Shannon and Rose Crown, for assisting with such. The revamping and updating was greatly assisted quickly, and I truly appreciate the help in the appointment.

An added bonus was getting to see this view after my tattoos were complete today, which I am thankful for. Admittedly each time I see a military tag for a vehicle, it is a simple aspect though I cannot help though to smile; especially as much as I have driven around, the past few years. As now more people have tattoos which the identifying marks and pictures/videos of have become more prevalent in the current time which in turn means, the visuals which have assisted in multiple ways additionally. However as it has become more common for people who have tattoos to be seen in some modeling, where are the tattooed female newscasters on major networks? I have not seen an elected official show if they have a tattoo at a public event or the like even recently regarding females with a large number of visible tattoos, if I remember correctly. Hairstyle and hair color in contrast to the backdrop which are put behind those in videos are bright and flashing with moving tickers all over the screen, which is partially why I can listen in comparison to watch the news on certain types of screens and monitors. Many Veterans, Active Duty, and National Guard have tattoos as do if they have dependent(s) as well as civilians have a tattoo able to be seen, yet the main people who are seen in the media know what others have been watching and doing in reference to technology.
My son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia were explained as to why my hairstyle and my hair color are as they were then as is now which also were explained in a minutely brief way as to the aspects of the reasons behind each individual tattoo I have in comparison to the largest aspects thereof with the interconnections and purposes, though were taught to be mindful and pay attention. I have explained in brief to many individuals over the years though more-so to children at times in comparison in reference to the details in a way which they can understand, because I saw the ways which certain avenues were going and knowing I could help where I could is where I had. While on my Medal of Honor Art Project trips especially, when children would run up to me as I have naturally had occur for years such as at a gas station to talk with me about my hair and/or my tattoos; I spent quite a bit extra time in such explanations, knowing some were still growing up in certain ways as I had and needing to be aware before paying attention to too much television/movies/streaming compared to living and enjoying life while being as safe and as aware as possible.
My son and my daughter were not raised with much television though it was on, they still played when inside and watched randomly before and after going outside to run around and play simply being able to be children. I remember when I was pregnant with each one I hoped they would not have to go through everything I went through and their lives would be much easier and better in comparison while knowing and understanding how much I loved and love them and always will love them, doing what I could to ensure the cycle of patterns of behaviour that were harmful stopped to bring forward betterment onward forward.
As now more people have tattoos which the identifying marks and pictures/videos of have become more prevalent in the current time which in turn means, the visuals which have assisted in multiple ways additionally. However as it has become more common for people who have tattoos to be seen in some modeling, where are the tattooed newscasters? I have not seen an elected official show if they have a tattoo at a public event or the like even recently regarding females with a large number of visible tattoos, if I remember correctly. Hairstyle and hair color in contrast to the backdrop which are put behind those in videos are bright and flashing with moving tickers all over the screen, which is partially why I can listen in comparison to watch the news on certain types of screens and monitors.
I am thankful I was able to explain as best as I could in person, as well as in writing.