After having written my first several books after awhile of being back in the state of Texas, I wrote of the places I went SCUBA Diving after a longer aspect of portions as to how parts of what I had grown up being able to see, which in turn does not mean the actual methods of my SCUBA Diving. Though I have sent books to some requesting responses prior to ever thinking to run a project as why would anyone think they could accomplish as I have when they only have the few descriptions compared to the actual diving itself, to think they could ever teach what I was doing? I would like to believe they would think to actually research though realistically, the only person they could go to for such information would be the one author of such books which in turn would mean the classes taught; would only be, the classes taught which were written about. It would not be anything about my personal training referencing to the specifics of the actual how to's from such times written about, it would only be what was seen by those who were wearing SCUBA Diving masks in the water possibly when at the same time of; though the masks in SCUBA Diving do not allow peripheral vision as when wearing glasses on land or goggles in the water. Thus just because of sending a book or even possibly a letter, that does not mean I endorse anyone to teach my methods; because there were not methods to be taught in reference to the classes I took, which if anyone thought to sell without my permission rights of intellectual property for my classes then in turn you who would have been sold such without my permission for such would mean your right to sue those who would have done so without my permission as they were not teaching you what I was taught. I was taught the information they meaning the SCUBA Diving Instructors for such certifications for SCUBA Diving, however not anything more than some references of my background without any actual training as to such sorts of SCUBA Diving as I had completed.
What I did to clear the waters in the state of Texas, in the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Atlantic oceanic areas of the waters were only capable to be done by one individual. I did so and thus, none have ever been taught as I was taught. If someone were to try to modify such with false claims of them having been there when I landed at the bottom of the ocean, what id the depth level their depth gauges said compared to my Atmospheric Measurements and their depth guages were calibrated incorrectly. Not forgetting the two SCUBA Divers who were close to the bottom, did not land at the bottom level where I had landed well before that location of the SCUBA Dive. If such individuals were paying attention as they were to their depth gauges when they were SCUBA Diving in their way, they would be honest if they mentioned as they were going along then there was the land for the area; compared to where I had landed at the bottom of the oceanic waters, at such times. The closest example on land or above the waters is an airplane pilot would be the other SCUBA Divers, and if they had kept at the same rate and saw a mountain, they would have gone into the mountain. I on the other hand would have been more similar to a helicopter which could land in any location with the proper room and maneuver as needed below and around and above their airplane. Thus even if was an Instructor of mine for SCUBA Diving such an availability to live at such levels when SCUBA Diving, literally is only because of me and my abilities.
Just the same for catching a Poufy Fish and being able to live in the same timeframe for a SCUBA Dive, though a different individual during the trip with a different experience. Both those males knew one another and they both saw what they were allowed to see from their purview in the front of me compared to me coming up from behind, which in turn the reality of such when thinking about both having been Instructors in the Cozumel/Cancun Mexico region and not having paid the slightest bit of attention to me when one of the two who was the PADI SCUBA Diving Instructor was supposed to be teaching me. Thus both in such would be considered as disqualified for being able to teach what I was doing, because neither paid attention to begin with at those times correctly. Again that SCUBA Dive Master in the Gulf of Mexico waters was put at risk just as the other SCUBA Divers with me, because of those two who had not told the truth when it was the time to. The male who was my SCUBA Diving Instructor for the two certifications from that timeframe had been the equivalent of the airplane version in comparison to me as the helicopter, as he did swim next to a Nurse Shark. He had joked at the dinner that night with the male who caught a Poufy Fish about how close to death he was catching a Poufy Fish, which if that male had not moved my SCUBA Diving gear around then he would not have caught a Poufy Fish though the other SCUBA Divers in the group and I would not have had to deal with that particular aspect.
The lingering effects after that SCUBA Dive which I had informed the male who caught the Poufy Fish as to contacting me during my trip when I went to Georgia and Florida, because of knowing the possible impacts as to the residual venom within his blood at the time. As he was a SCUBA Diving Instructor for NAUI at the time and the other was a SCUBA Diving Instructor for PADI at the time, the two should have informed both of their shops as to that particular set of SCUBA Dives before I ever had gotten the chance to speak with anyone. Before going to Georgia I thought they knew the protocol for catching such which had been why I was confused as to why it was such a problem for that one male to contact me as he was told as well as informed about my medical retirement from the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces, which he laughed at. I had told one SCUBA Diving Instructor at the shop who owned International SCUBA at the time in both Carrollton and Garland Texas, however no one reported further as I had expected to be contacted by the Armed Forces Top because of the levels. Instead the trip went as it did in Georgia, went as it did in Florida including the SCUBA Diving, as well as went as it had upon my return to Texas. I have written as to how minimal contact and the ironies of discussion points referring to such book "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" volumes 1,2, and 3; which even the classes themselves are to be taught in a specific manner which if not done so additionally causes confusion needlessly because if wanting to have a remotely close possibility of the safety precautions, it is not as simple as picking on of the three books. I have put it out there that if there is a college which is looking for a Teacher for such, there truly is only me who you can go to for those types of classes and thus if interested you can contact me for such discussions. Even still, my SCUBA Diving is my SCUBA Diving and not the same as any others though I can SCUBA Dive to a degree as they can/do/have to a point. As it was an unofficial aspect of a few dates and having felt as I had because of several aspects, it was decided to remain unofficial by such choice and thus by the time of later who I had already had multiple classes with as well as multiple certifications taught by, the irony of timing I suppose.
There was one particular SCUBA Diving Instructor which is ironic because during the Cancun trip I had fully agreed with the male NAUI SCUBA Diver which later I learned was an Instructor when getting back to Texas, of not being interested in dating during a SCUBA Diving Instruction class or trip. I fully agreed with the male on the trip as we talked, which admittedly was after the fact of him catching a Poufy Fish and after moving my SCUBA Diving gear; including the pictures which were taken, when only a limited number of people would have been able to be around my SCUBA Diving gear. However the fact of beyond the pictures being taken with my SCUBA Diving camera while others and I were walking around prior to the time being on the boat as per the coding from the pictures I took prior to name changes for labeling pictures of times/places/clothing/outfits/etcetera for other references of other pictures taken of me though sent to me from my times when modeling more often for myself from 2008-2012 because of needing to remember what I look as after the problems from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as I had explained to each SCUBA Diver and Instructor as well as people I had met. I was not contacted for actual modeling work to be paid for such despite putting the option available, though because I would not model nude or implied nudes and I am particular about such; I was fairly certain that was the excuse as to why I had not been offered any opportunities because of my choice, as to what I felt comfortable modeling and/or being a part of as it was more than just myself I needed to take into consideration.
Nonetheless I had spoken with multiple SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diving Instructors about the Cancun/Cozumel SCUBA Dive at the lake as well as the shop as well as with whomever I spoke with around such times, which by the time of my Underwater Videography Class which was also my Underwater Film Photography Class, which he did not understand as to why I needed to take both Film Underwater Photography SCUBA Diving as well as Digital Underwater Photography SCUBA Diving. I explained to him I read each book and went through all of the material just as I had for each other SCUBA Diving certification I earned, on top of my prior years of training which those who have certain backgrounds know certain training does not go away from that type of memory sets of training types to a degree. As in reference to the Cancun/Cozumel SCUBA dive trip and speaking with the male, the discussion about not getting involved in such a way was a portion I fully agreed with for such times because of the style of work I had been going through. I knew at some point what I was working towards in reference of, meant there was a possibility at some time of if there had been an interest when later on such a time could come for. However because of the way I am and the way I was raised it meant minimal to me as realistically the thought of anyone ever being interested in me was beyond any thought, as by then realistically the amount I had dealt with up to such a point; I did not need my biological father telling me it could be difficult for anyone to ever look at me because of what was perceived as baggage from that time, however I told him if there ever was someone who actually had cared and loved me the way it was supposed to be all of that would not matter and it was what it was.
I had been told that several times prior to San Antonio Texas in 2012 which as he sat across looking at me that afternoon, I simply was baffled as to how or why such a view of me was considered as horrific as I had been told so often. It would not be long from that point where I would have to bring someone back to life, not far off from that discussion afterwards of doing so that individual would have a slight idea as to the calm version of what I dealt with hearing as a child and a teenager. I may have grown up in the area of New Jersey that I grew up in, that does not mean I stayed only in that area when growing up as a child and teenager. As technology has expanded more to more later in the time from 1998 through to 2012, you only have seen part of what I had seen when I was a child and teenager regarding what goes on behind such as per the insurance aspects. You have parental controls and settings now online, I was not that lucky despite how many had thought I lived a sheltered life. If those from such times remember, I would simply smile in your direction and tell you how I wished it was that simple. Yet when you add the portions regarding some's views as to only looking at where the house was that I grew up in towards others in such an area and/or view of numbers, I am not the only one who had been in such a situation set as well as though I was coding to protect and defend; those who had been able to purchase technology earlier would be able to give examples, as to where in technology coding works I went to find ways to protect and defend against such from occurring as much as I could while getting other patchwork and closing backdoors which would assist the United States of America and treatied agreements for safety and support as best as I possibly could when I noticed certain aspects.
I do apologize if hypothetically the cost a bit of money to the Armed Forces budget by sending a few assistance measures back when I was younger in the late 1980s as well as early 1990s into the middle point, I did not agree with the decision and did not want to be as angry as my Grandfather was about a situation he and some of his guys had been a part of trying to get taken care of earlier. I was shown his and his guys' surveillance footage from that time of which I suppose certain stances of mine against radicalized islamic beliefs and thoughts or opinions, and those who would have a clearer knowledge and understanding of what I saw could have been prevented as well as been cleared sooner would know and understand with clear comprehension. Film pictures, polaroids, microfiche, VHS tapes with the date stamp in the bottom or upper right corner, the audio with or without the footage, and a few letters or writings which if you look at FSL you might recognize such types of writing style for; which might make additional sense to some, whether or not the agreement of my words or ways to explain or show made much sense at such times and possibly even now. There is a reason why I was able to write certain specifics regarding The Curious Children Book Series regarding the difference, just as there was a reason I could tell my biological sister what she learned in college was different than being in the field; while giving the examples of the military guys she was complaining about taking her job opportunities, because I defended their experiences and understanding from such for that particular type of employment in forensics.
The deployment of the aircrafts overriding the central area because their information was faulty when looking at other areas on that computer, which hopefully they were able to find and see for such. The call needed to be made for the orders to drop where they were needed and sent messages as for others to go because I believed those lives were worth more than what the technology calculations were showing for the probability in combination as the profiles of the individuals involved, and as they were highly trained in a multitude of ways when looking further into their upbringing locations; I knew those individuals were more than capable from what was being seen by others, because I could see the barriers between the information being transmitted in the proper time comparatively to what the waiting period was. I am glad the individuals of the United States of America's Armed Forces survived and continued on because of the fact you can see how much more they were needed and what more each one of them did and where they assisted further with more, and though I know in some ways I could technically be in trouble for making such a decision. Only during the timeframe when I was in 5th grade with Mono, Epstien-Bar, Bronchitis, Lymes Disease, and the Flu all at the same time was needed to be away from the computer during such times in such ways; which is why an additional aspect of a feeling, as I have felt for awhile because of not getting to send the last piece I had found prior to having to go to the doctor to fully clarify.
When I recovered from and the slow return to school and life outside of the house, it was a slow process to getting back from that; which I guesstimate in some ways, the technology groups working on artificial intelligence were going more forward with other developments which as I explained to a few I knew when I was growing up in school, of needing to be careful how you view and review others because there was going to be a time when those people who I had defended them from would be good with technology as well and they needed to make sure to be kind and genuinely respectful. I was reading a lot of types of books and I saw the assistance needed in a different light and while I feel bad for not telling anyone I had done so before officially in some unofficial ways I suppose there was a bit of an acknowledgment of, for other times I saw moving in the works which concerned me. I knew I was not playing a game when I was on the computer and possibly that has to do with other view points of mine which additionally other games I did not like at the time such as Battleship when I was growing up, might make a lot more sense at this point in 2021.
I had written about a SCUBA Diving marriage ceremony I had made and I had video taped during my Underwater Videographer SCUBA Diving class which I had previously discussed how my SCUBA Diving Instructor had challenged me by saying I needed to do my homework, which I had to make a short video clip quickly of SCUBA Diving aspects as I understood. Jeff D. thought I was joking when I told him I would make a movie which would be girly and make him cry, and he would like it a lot. He said he had seen a lot of movies in his life which I asked him what that meant about anything, as he did not see the movie I was going to make. He told me he thought it was impossible for me to make a movie which could get him to ever shed a tear, because of how much he had seen in his life. I told him I had seen a lot too, though I had not seen many movies and was not understanding what he meant beyond that portion. He told me he had seen so many types of movies of all types there was nothing I could do to surprise him, because of the amount of genres.
Admittedly I had a massive crush on him however because of how I am about school and work, I was not able to allow myself to because of the fact he at the time was an Instructor. My SCUBA Diving was and is extremely important to me which I told him I took extremely seriously though did not ever think if he ever looked at me in that sort of a way, for several reasons. He talked about a few movies before asking me what I had watched, which I told him the truth. I was not allowed to watch movies above a G rating as a child and not until after I turned 13 years old was I allowed to pick through a few movies, and whichever PG13 ones I had chosen there was only one movie my biological parents had allowed for that time which had been Cat's Eye; which ironically, I saw a few specific ironies within that timeframe from some situations I had already seen variations to that point. I told him I had seen a few since afterwards in high school though not until I was 18, was I able to see a rated R movie.
He stopped working on his laptop computer at the time to look up at me of which I had a few thoughts though I could not verbalize them and wondered what could possibly get him to have a different view of or from whatever he had seen, up to that point in time. I looked him over and saw something which seemed hardened and yet a small spot of softness hidden, while he tried to tell me something about the movie situation. I decided instead of what I thought my class was going to be as to make a movie with an underwater wedding theme, because it seemed as though that would be the only way to get his attention from such a view as he seemed as though he felt something missing. I could not let such an opportunity pass by to actually see the SCUBA Diving Instructor I had been learning from in multiple ways in various classes for my SCUBA Diving certifications, to make a positive impact as best as possible. He said he did not believe he could see anything new even though I told him about my idea for Ice SCUBA Diving during the Aurora Borealis and wanting to be able to see the view while SCUBA Diving at night, watching the way the waves moved in the water with the glaciers overhead and the small areas of the ice chips to see the lights moving among and throughout from a different perspective. I was surprised from my discussions with him for such as to his repeated disbelief of how beautiful genuinely certain areas can be even with varied aspects, as he and I discussed the differences between cold and warm water SCUBA Diving during my Drysuit SCUBA Diving certification at the lake portion as Patti Stewart had taught me the pool portion of the classes for.
As a side note it has been weird to me about that particular SCUBA Diving certification knowing of both SCUBA Diving Instructor's involvement, and though neither were an assistant to one another as both were for such; the oddity of the certification name aspect has been something I wondered about, though forgot to ask previously.
While some SCUBA Divers had not known and/or understood certain aspects as to how I came around to SCUBA Diving certification classes before and/or during my coursework as my physical appearance and age was what it had been at the time, as well as the fact of not knowing about the news article which would print whichever pictures were sent by my ex-sister-in-law to the newspaper as her name is in the news article and it is the one who had sent such a picture as per the proof when looking at my ex-in-laws' house in Fort Worth; I am uncertain if SCUBA Diving Instructors were not informed as to the stolen valor by that individual and were incapable of distinguishing between the fact I had not stolen valor, nor did my son nor daughter at that point in time, nor capable to tell the difference that my children and I were not responsible for what he did especially when taking in consideration the aspects thereof. With as many law enforcement and military connected individuals in SCUBA Diving, my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez is different than who I am including the name itself.
In clarification, I told my ex-in-laws especially my ex-sister-in-law as the Chief Warrant Officer 3 would know and the funeral home would have the video footage for the time prior to storage in another area and facility of all footage which I defended the Chief Warrant Officer 3 against my ex-in-laws who had already been dealing with my ex-father-in-law Grandpa Nichols yelling at them about him knowing that there was stolen valor. They attacked the Chief Warrant Officer 3 already having been told repeatedly since the pictures were taken to Fort Worth Texas the same weekend of picking up the pictures by Grandpa Nichols of his fury and rage, which when the Chief Warrant Officer 3 had said the same words he started out with had caused such a fluster. I stepped in knowing Grandpa Nichols was taking such a stance though he was not at the funeral home he and I did talk for hours each time I went to Fort Worth despite any of the situations, and he pointed it out to me on that day when he was handed the pictures by his now dead son their dead relative.
Due to the fact in pure spite against me for standing up for the Chief Warrant Officer 3, out of spite knowing I had returned the Bronze Star Medal and commendation to the Commander of the unit in Iraq and his 2 aides in the General's office at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas though not knowing the full extent whereas Grandpa Nichols had known, as well as out of spite against Grandpa Nichols knowing the full truth those people of my ex-in-laws chose to send the picture with the stolen valor to the San Antonio Express News. He was enraged and infuriated which was part of the arguements at the house during the time between him and Grandma Nichols and his daughter in the area Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez (now sweety or something along such lines), which as an additional portion she was the one who contacted the artist in Houston to paint the image in the dress blues and when he refused as I was told; she sent a different picture for him to paint, and yet they photoshopped pictures with that stolen valor as well as had posters made with that stolen valor. Part of how he died had to do with the spite against him for having the nerve to take a stand against his own son because of the fact he knew it was wrong, and they wanted to extra benefits of saying he was a Bronze Star recipient when they were ordered to give me their Bronze Star Medal and commendation copy to return to the base which I chose; including by Grandpa Nichols' demands added to mine, which were reasonable.
They caught him looking for the Bronze Star Medal and commendation to return to me so I could take that medal and commendation to the base for the proper return, and shortly thereafter he was sick and in hospice. Before I was able to get the the hospital, he died. That is not the first time they treated him as such, as there is a long record which I have sent to who I thought would be able to get the proper information to the correct individuals as needed. Thus aside from the SCUBA Diving situations as well as other portions and the treatment I had received being a single Mom of two innocent children who had nothing to do with anything except being born to me as how I look, instead of taking a step back hypothetically others took the wrong step forward using the left foot thinking the possibilities of the worst simply because of how I look and because of my age at the time. They knew nothing of my past which would have been easy to find if they went to the correct locations to actually look if they had the clearance level which would allow such for, as well as which information they actually had to have compared to what they wanted. Aside being blamed needlessly and wrongfully for what I did not do, what my son did not do, and what my daughter did not do; the problems which arose from the state which I did not steal valor though others had made such a choice, those in the state of Texas veterans or not made the choice to look the other way and only pay attention to the information at the time which they chose to pay attention to at the time.
Texas is supposed to translate to friendly, and yet I did not think simply because of the climate of the area as to the terminology thereof. I will say, I did not see such as friendly though such fire I returned in kindness with a smile as they cannot have water which had not been cleared by me personally which in turn the ability to not have to deal with what occurred when the water color changed when I was dealing with what I was dealing with was something they did not have to deal with because ironically; there was not a way they ever could, which since such proof has still yet to be acknowledged properly as per proper etiquette standards is what it is. Apparently there might be those who think they can do what I did and think they know what to look for, which they do not. Just because I took pictures in certain areas does not mean those were anything to worry about in such ways, it meant they were to pay attention to for timing for the ability to recall and remember what most take pictures for as to memories. As was joked about the amount of SCUBA Diving gear I had which of course translates only one of a few ways, the males who made comments about the amount of SCUBA Diving equipment varied as such does. One particular SCUBA Diving Instructor was educated though did not like the fact I stood up for myself just as another had attempted to calm me down from being upset by some random individual who knew nothing about my entire life as to go and make such accusations of me, after what I literally had just completed clearing less than one hour prior to dealing with that. Of course as a female I would not be surprised if such had been blown out of proportion however, none of them knew anything about what I was taking care of. I remained as calm as I could, though I do not doubt he noticed the flames in the campfire rising higher and higher as I spoke from my side. I literally was unable to enjoy a single meal simply because of his tantrum, as I just needed to enjoy my steak. Instead of enjoying my food there was the need to stand up for myself, because some male thought he knew better about me than I knew myself.
You want to complain about your life? Think about being a single Mom of 2 children with the after effects of a head injury with a subarachnoid hemorrhage who did not graduate Basic Training for the Armed Forces in the largest state in the United States of America with veterans of each branch largest population of around 80% of the total number dealing with ex-in-laws who prefer their dead relative and what he did in comparison to the living children as well as dealing with the other biological side and how they preferred the same comparatively, while dealing with a school and their staff/parents who only look at what my physical exterior was including SCUBA Divers who are accustomed to going to wherever they are accustomed to going shopping; all while looking as I had in the town of Carrollton Texas starting in 2008 though traveling throughout the state of Texas at the same time, not forgetting being a part of the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger communities and lifestyles as well as the Pagan community. That year beginning in 2008, and let me know how difficult you think your life was regarding any discrimination if yours is able to be worse than what I dealt with in totality. I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out to stop your whining and complaining and get to work doing better. That entirety of that state I sadly at this point acknowledging such have to admit living in after everything I had done for such ignorance and arrogance, I regret ever assisting with such after such treatments. I further regret taking care of what I took care of regarding Irving in 2011, as that was even more I did not need to deal with only to return to the same trash going on regarding that particular SCUBA Dive and situations thereof.
Now in reference to such regarding complaints, are scared of COVID? Really? When did you wear a condom last when having sex with who? Now, you care? What about those prior immunizations which have to be implemented for you to be able to actually accept the COVID vaccine properly, for those who are scared? You miss one update on a computer, and what happens? For those who understand such references you are a mix of an IBM trying to do a Window 97 update in 2021, in regards of your immunizations. I have not understood people who fought against such because if you had not had a missed dose from your youth, you would not have to go through such now would you? The genetics behind immunizations are specific and complex and yet quite simple because had everyone taken their vaccines in time when they were supposed to all of those years ago, so many aspects would not be as problematic as they are today. Yes there are certain shots such as the flu which some can develop symptoms if there has been certain introductions previously, however while I admit I did not want to get the COVID vaccine I did get one because of noticing certain signs. I have not had the symptoms develop the way the flu vaccine had, and thus since it is going on a 2 weeks now and not having gotten sick; I wonder as to the reality of those who have not been properly immunized, and how they will fair regarding such.
Thus with such a culmination of combined aspects, why would anyone ever think it was a good idea to steal valor? I do not know though obviously such when looking at could not careless about the safety and wellbeing of anyone else involved beyond themselves, which the proof is in such when taking into consideration quite a larger aspect of situations.
Nonetheless it is called Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus or SCUBA for short of which I suppose my mistake in certain references, when paying attention to the fact of the buddy system for SCUBA Diving as a mandatory for the PADI and NAUI certifications. I am thankful I also looked into SSI, because after some of the garbage I saw going on during such times and has continued on since the proof regarding such acknowledgements has still yet to be formalized as far as I have been informed or not informed of technically as a possibility as at this point it is difficult to believe quite a bit regarding several I thought what I thought of; as that particular training style has more alignment of understanding for SCUBA especially after such individual moving my SCUBA Diving gear around, including within my arranged BCD as noticed in the Cancun/Cozumel Mexico area as I had already put everything in place before getting on the boat to go out and rechecked after arranging my gear. I turned around to grab a cigarette and saw that male zipping up my BCD upper pocket zipper and I asked what he was doing, when he told me he caught my tank before it fell over on the boat. I was preparing for my SCUBA Dive as there were certain portions going on, which admittedly the last thing I thought of was to re-re-re-re-re-check my SCUBA Diving gear before dropping down as he had seen me repeatedly recheck my SCUBA Diving gear each time. However such an individual knows who has learned of, and such an individual can deal with such as per such choices and knowing such of Irving in addition. Having been awoken to such in Washington state when in my apartment after discussions and then the time at the Navy/Marine Base in Bremerton with the conjunction of the seals along with the tentacle aspect in the ocean coming out towards where I was to retract its tentacle and clarifications were made along with when I had walked on top of the quicksand and the ocean in front of him, I woke up to the fact he had lied to my face the whole time when he asked why I did not take a selfie. The only other option of such would have been the females on the trip, one of the Joy's husband, or the other male who was the PADI SCUBA Diving Instructor unless they all were playing games with my SCUBA Diving gear because of not knowing how to keep their hands to themselves and in their own bags while staying in their own lanes. If that was a game all of them were in on then they each put their own lives as well as that SCUBA Dive Master and the Captain of the boat as well as my life in danger, because of such sorts of behaviour.
Children I did not give birth to, I gave the warning. Those in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger communities in the state of Texas knew better than to step up to that plate until after the SCUBA Diving situation, which in turn such sorts of antics and behaviour of such individuals should be at a far higher level than as the excuse of just having fun or just going on a recreational dive. While some do a recreational SCUBA Diving style, there are many more who do not do recreational SCUBA Diving ever. I have always been the type who had not ever gone recreationally SCUBA Diving, as I explained my reasons for getting involved was for my health. I also explained of the reality it is better when I am in a good mood in comparison to a bad mood, though it is best when I am in a great mood.
Knowing not all SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diving Instructors have such stances about SCUBA Diving gear as there are those who do take such seriously comparatively of which is ironic in an oddity, I suppose. One of my SCUBA Diving Instructors who I had the biggest crush on who I did not ever tell anyone of any interests I had at such times who had also been the first one for my Specialty Course Training for my SCUBA Diving, had been the one who let me use his underwater video camera to make the movie which was my homework for that class. I did not ever take into consideration he could or would ever look at someone such as myself as I had already had quite enough experiences in the area by then to pick up on how I was being looked at for simply being in the area while not forgetting to take into consideration of anything such as SCUBA Diving, thus as serious as I had needed to be about SCUBA Diving I had focused as the discussions I had heard when classes were over or during break seemed as though it was for others compared to. As per my usual I simply stuck my nose in a book or went swimming during the daylight hours, or talked with who was not discussing such topics in such ways while out at the lake when not in a relationship.
I explained though my biological age was as it was I was only almost 9 years out from the coma with the subarachnoid hemorrhage when beginning SCUBA Diving certifications, though I explained my prior background from what I could remember for the words I had which I could use to explain in a minimalistic way because of not being near a military base which I knew would have access to fuller amounts of my records at the time. There were people in San Antonio at military bases who did not believe me when I warned them about how some civilians are towards military when off post and outside of the area, as some did not believe me when I told them how I had to fight to be emancipated to be able to join after the amount of time my biological family knew I was going into the military. I knew the Armed Forces of the United States of America needed more knowledge and understanding to see and think differently though more clearly as the way civilians were going, I knew they would not see certain aspects coming. Sometimes one is too close to a situation, to be able to notice. Though it was not only in the state of Texas, and it was not only to one type of person in gender/age/look as to the treatment as the civilians who I dealt with in certain areas had a specific view point which they tried to project onto others and attempted to project their opinions into others. I gave the information and each could determine for themselves from their own research to be able to see to know to understand to comprehend what was needed for themselves and others, to ensure the betterment in a larger way in comparison to allowing such to continue in such a manner.
There were certain aspects which almost felt as though that particular SCUBA Diver had picked up on such aspects as I could see how others looked in his direction when speaking with him, and I look as I do. For the homework assignment I asked a few people who were around the lake to be a part of, there was a couple who were already together, a female who played the flower girl with the petals I found in the lake, and a male was the Priest as I had instructed as well as directed as well as filmed when we got into the water. Ironically I had fully cleared that and was onto the next area for my SCUBA Dives in a little bit, as I could not go without clearing those waters because of the importance of the specifications. One individual misstep and as the Poufy Fish example shows, there can be major ramifications. I made the Underwater Wedding for SCUBA Diving, though such was not validated because of the aspects required as the same in reference to my biological sister's marriage to her husband while at that wedding ceremony as being near the Lake Travis/Aquarina Hot Springs areas and not being the one to officiate the ceremony in the water and/or near the water I had cleared.
In such while the videography images I took were through someone else's camera as it was my SCUBA Diving Instructor's camera and someone who was not Ordained as a Priest or Minister at the time in 2009, though there was an Ordained Minister as well as myself at the wedding for my biological sister to her husband though because of the treatments thereof during such times; the untangling of such a set of vows for my biological sister and her husband, as such was sacrilegious in the eyes which had been cleared at one point in time by me. In turn the irony of the couple if they had wanted and did get married and knew of while acknowledging me as me, their actual wedding would have been sanctified compared to the other aspect of my biological sister to her husband because of. Whereas the Priest in the movie I recorded from what I had made in design for my homework, the marriage in the water which as an Ordained Reverend and they agreed if they chose to follow through with such they literally had my blessings compared to that other aspects; because of that other aspect trying to use my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as props while ignoring their Mom, as I took pictures through several different lenses because of the land camera type being used which I had purchased though had looked through the screen in comparison to looking through the view finder the way I had when in the underwater videography class. Thus if the need for the religious aspect was required by my biological sister's new in-laws then, they did not get it because of those choices made, and they have displayed the proof wherever they have displayed the proof. Additionally, those children my biological sister and her husband had were made and born out of wedlock. I was told I was an embarrassment because of my situation as well as my looks, though I think their wedding and children could be considered in a different light when taking such into consideration.
That wedding was the utmost unholy sacrilegious marriage ever in my opinion especially the timeframe of being so close to the prior aspects, and the irony of the stolen valor being a problem needing to be resolved fully. My ex-in-laws did not want to return the stolen valor Bronze Medal and certificate on time, while not listening to me while putting in items to the casket of who my biological sister assisted to cheat on the marriage to me legally with in my house in San Antonio, and the water aspects combined with Grandpa Nichols' vehement rage shortly thereafter; I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out the math, for that marriage and those individuals' having had children with one another. The kicker would be if the water used, was natural spring water to kick that off into full gear. Having driven passed the area where they were before driving towards Austin Texas for that wedding where my son and my daughter were used for their wedding while being mad at me for having the audacity to look decent by wearing colors I was told to purchase for the clothing for my son to be the ring bearer and my daughter to be the flower girl, what more do I need to write in such religious and spiritual aspects when adding the fact of being able to complete historical and spiritual rubbings of markers? Not forgetting how many Medal of Honor recipients remains are in the oceanic and lake waters, and the obvious aspects for such especially recently returning to the state of Texas; it is ironic I was told that she actually had been able to give birth to children, after she cursed the day she ever wanted to get pregnant after watching my son being born at the last minutes. It seems a bit ironic about the one month and six days from today's date for posting, as well as a Chow Chow incident which is still hilarious for both aspects and additionally ironic for the third aspect of the third for such an additional reference as when she was told she smiled and laughed saying she thought it was hilarious. Though what was not hilarious were the messages I read on her phone about certain requests she was making back in the early 2000s, as she left her cellphone unlocked in my house while I was legally watching over her which meant I had the authority to see how she was playing games in Illinois as well as in Texas with her cellphone; including the messages about how Mike and Anna were not going to be in San Antonio for several weeks, and how much freedom she had during such time in high school.
Well, I told her to be careful what she said she needed as I asked her to clarify when she was living in my house in San Antonio Texas shortly before the McHenry High School situation the first week of her being at the school; in reference to what she requested regarding the pregnancy aspect when my son was born as she had some time to think, which she said her thoughts were still the same and she did not care who she married it would be so because she asked me of another way which I told her there was not another way. She did not specify type of pregnancy which I did ask about just for clarification, in turn includes surrogacy and other methods of treatment as per her request to me in 2003 after 2001. Then again I do not understand how multiple aspects have been as have for as long as have knowing far better and yet, choices to choose as such choices have been has been an additional query to ponder as why is beyond the scope of understanding.
However as such the assignment was as the class required for me to be able to earn my certification for that SCUBA Specialty, because he decided to challenge me and I knew he was being difficult because of whatever was going on with his work added additional stress; I knew what he needed to snap out of it, whatever he was having situations with at the time. As I admit I can be a bit creative at times, I thought that brief movie I made would be better for him. When I handed him his camera to look over what I made for him, he did not say anything for awhile. He later said a few things, packed his stuff, and left. He did not say whether or not he liked it nor much except saying I passed and graduated for that certification, among a few other quips before getting into his vehicle and driving off.
I was not told of whether or not he liked what I made for him, though I did complete the work and graduated from the class for that certification. I did not get to see the video in the completed format on a screen of any type itself as it was recorded as I had directed throughout the shooting of, and thus I have no idea what the video actually looks as. Beyond what I saw when directing and going back and forth for the time after having them practice the movements on land prior to the video recording, I have not been able to understand or know how I passed that class. Though, I am thankful I did. I am also thankful for the classes to learn from to do the best I can as best as I can, as SCUBA Diving taught me more than some could have thought of at the time possibly.
Admittedly in some odd ways it almost felt the same way as when in Medical Hold Unit one day, though quite differently at the same time and yet exactly the same. I did not have the words at either time of such specifically as the terminology for such a specific wording eludes me, though actually describing without using a specific set of words should not be problematic to figure out the actuality in comparison to the trying to CYA because in the long run when all the descriptions are there and the only few words are missing just as the Judge in the case in reference to the CFBISD and McCoy/Fort Worth Zoo situation, there is no excuse when you had every description available and knew exactly what was being referenced and thus stonewalling is fully considered as unacceptable and she knew it before the Judge forced the law firm to stop their games and face the music in full as the case before the Judge was considered as unbiased. Thus because the Judge had made such a ruling in turn the school district, the school, the staff, the students, the families associated with, friends associated with, and etcetera throughout cannot cause any further additional problems to my son, my daughter, and/or I because of the facts proven as such and each and every other infraction is considerable for legal prosecution for stalking and harassment as would easily be able to be found by any law enforcement agency if honorable to prosecute them for such proven aspects instead of covering up because what good does that do when you take into consideration of oceanic aspects as well as Irving and more out of curiosity?
For example someone contacted YouTube about an older video I had recorded of mespeaking to the audience when watching about the truthful situations with the proof and if there is any connection to such of anything written about in such a book that has such proof for, then the ironic message of claiming falsley of being a bully when that obviously would show the opposite of having to find such through such time if there is any connection where the correlating evidence would prove such facts as well as the stalking to do so online to my account needlessly because of a hypothwtical individual/group who would feel as though their guilty hypothetical actions were under scrutiny for their choices while ironically doing what they made a false claim about. Bullying online means telling people to go do something just as would in real life only to cause harm and not to do anything that could ever be considered as good, which my video was to educate as to what was experienced and proven and the problems which came after because of are the necessary lessons for all to be able to know and access to be able to truthfully evaluate for themselves as I had intended for people to do on their own search with such documented proof as per requirements. Stalking means going out of your way to go through such without justifiable measures or justifiable means as that school/school district/zoo/adult volunteers/children/parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles/friends of would not be allowed for such as per such anti-bullying policies, as per the community standard guidelines; though in reference to law enforcement there is a difference compared to what had occurred and had been proven as such, though technology measures and means referring to such stalking regarding other aspects compared to certain situations.
Technically if such were to have just one connection to such for any type of complaint against me falsely, would technically mean not only the stalking/harassing/bullying though also because of the additional aspects referencing military and law enforcement importances would be a failed try to remove evidence from different statements to law enforcement officials if required for other legal situations specifically FSL and The Modern Day Book because of the nature of each of those 3 books. In turn that would be destroying evidence and is punishable by federal time as well as federal fines to such for even requesting such to occur because of having to remove the link or take it down from the YouTube website, which in turn would mean if YouTube did not want to have such prosecution for involvement with assisting to such a harassment; they would need to undo any request to remove any paused or halted links to each and every one of my published YouTube videos, with the exception of the ones with music involved because of those artists' work for the dancing aspect unless their copyrights were considered as accepting of such because of their work involved for the music for me to be able to dance. Of course, which I very much appreciate as much as I enjoy music and dancing at times.
Nonetheless the relevance to the combined posting for today the 27th day of Thanks Challenge today 1 June 2021, as despite circumstances the amount I learned between classes and studies in SCUBA Diving assisted in various other areas of life with the exception of a few areas admittedly. I am thankful for the ability to have learned what I have from SCUBA Diving, and I hope much assistance has been able to be helpful in larger ways despite not having the what is considered as normal.
The picture I painted years ago in Washington state and the series, literally explains part of my SCUBA Diving and what I cleared in various areas of waters by myself in 2009.