As the levels of my headaches and migraines have reached the point they have, today I can only write of being thankful for the ability to breathe and yet at the same time because of several factors the irony; of the additional pain when I breathe, which hopefully can be quickly and correctly taken care of so I can actually be able to focus.
While realizing having already gone through the #Obudsman years ago and having learned there is an umbrella of protection despite knowing of being denied repeatedly the irony of the fact for each individual who had denied me and/or wrote/said as they had, they would not have an extended level of protection if only they had acknowledged me and the truths thereof.
However I do not know what statements were made by others officially to officials and yet the irony of if there were certain situations which they had given statements about me one way or another which includes in reference to #NDA also known as Non-Disclosure Agreements, each if depending upon their level of involvement and what other aspects of their connection points depends of what each choice is.
Since so many have had their perceptions despite their own involvement as biological adults if had been done so as biological adults with admitted caveats as other situations in certain situations such as what I have been told as to a honey pot, if there was a direct connection to me if there was the truthfulness stated the irony of the levels of protection that actually is and always had been as I had told people the truth the whole time I knew them in person as well as when others saw what I posted online. I discussed the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, the situations involving the school district in #Carrollton #Texas which involved my daughter, my son, and I as well as informing them of being in talks with the #CFBISD hired law firm; while also having told people about the fact I had contacted the law firm and later, the law firm informed me they chose to speak with the school district and chose the school district's side without any of my side in the fuller extent. Yet the irony of course is with that fuller extent because the only person of the law firm who would technically be within the umbrella protection would be Nona Matthews only in reference to a specific connection, though depending what she chose to do with her life after her involvement with the situation depends as to whether she has the Bar Association aspects for the state of Texas only; especially if she is from a multigenerational Texas family, which if she learned the school district did not say the #PledgeofAllegiance and the #PledgetotheStateofTexas and how Texans can be, as I only learned of the pledge recently to the Texas Flag this past year in 2020. If I knew there was a pledge to especially because of my #SCUBADiving, the automatic response would have been exactly the same in combination to add such knowing I had done as much as I had for the waterways and life throughout the state of Texas up to that point. If I knew back then in 2010 of there being a pledge to Texas' flag, I would have been just as I had been the entire time with additional oomph then. That is, if there was not already enough as there was I suppose.
Thus not having hidden anywhere about the levels I was going through in conjunction with the #SCUBA Diving after the SCUBA Dive I had done at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. #Vandenberg additionally to what was going on in reference to the overall school situations in conjunction with the school district and adult volunteers as well as their children towards many aspects to my daughter #Letters4Lidia, my son #Letters4James, and I's family situation in the middle of the additional portions surrounding as per regularities in life to the points of prior to winding up in Washington state and so on; technically if they had signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement and were paid somehow, they technically have the legal right to speak about what they had occurring or what-have-you if a direct connection to me in person directly. However because of the Fort Worth Zoo situation additionally being specifically an aspect, the same in reference to the security camera footages for the multiple angles can legally be released as well as the video footage from the school board district meeting showing where they had not said the Pledges though said the Our father prayer in full for that whole meeting instead of how it was hidden off of their website from the starting point for that year. That technically would mean an audit of the entire school and school district if there was an NSA investigation which proved such as truth, and the #NSA would already have had the footages anyway which in turn the irony of going out to specifically among a few others; the ability for full clear disclosures, for proper awareness of knowledge to step forward to begin understanding, and work towards comprehensions in various situations as there is more than just what is on and in the earth as the Galaxy is larger than known and the Universe is far more vast than could be imagined by some.
If there were those who had to hide because of the societal considerations of the time of normal back then, the allotted ability to accept and embrace oneself for who one is can now actually in truth be the actual normal in a far better way in a clearer path for the steps forward to progress further. In turn that is not only in a larger way, though also in an individual way, a relationship(s) way, and a community way as the portions thereof regarding consenting adult behaviour has been a debate over the ages which has needed to be settled.
Arguing about what consenting adults choose to be a part of in reference to their sexual enjoyment behind closed doors away from biological aged children under 18 years old and such caveats, the reality of the truth of #TheConstitutionalRights and #Amendments for the genuine right to pursue happiness.
In turn the prohibition against certain lifestyle cultural norms seems extremely old and not elder to the younger generation and generations at this point in 2021, as they have grown up seeing and watching more than what was seen and watched from the elders' generations. However the balancing is required as to maintain a balance because of the previous ten to twenty years of the social media aspects being advanced quickly, which as the youth moved along with the technological advances the curiosities of being able to research quickly and easily with their technology devices meant they were able to look into the technology they were growing up with using. As the extortionary problems which online has had the ability to impact the elder generation quicker compared to the younger generation to a degree referencing the portions regarding the pictures and video uploads as well as the writings, phone calls, and messages; the clarifications of various situations which were already in the process of being labeled and shuffled around meant those who paid attention, made their choices. As most from the beginning portions of technology though there were many females who assisted and were ignored for awhile as many more males were promoted quicker with higher paying offers, there were still females who were apart of creating the various advances.
What is the saying? Hell hath no fury, like a Mother scorn.
#RoseFitzgeraldKennedy was able to come across her daughter #RoseMarieKennedy's medical paperwork for what her 'husband' had done because of the medical records, motherly intuition, as well as noticing her daughter's absence before the lies he told her. Rose Fitzgerald-Kennedy swore revenge upon her enemies which each of whom had helped to do to her daughter needlessly, what was done. Back then the technology advances had not begun to move as quickly for certain common use generalized production for businesses and then for the general population until later depending where you were living afterwards as per the years, however once the time of the Y2K is when the official reset actually had begun within the computer software programs. Once the time went forward as it had and life continued onward as such, the watching began officially as each person had to make the choice of where and how they purchased a device as well as how if they had others to teach as to how they taught such in comparison as well as in conjunction as to how they lived their lives and continue forward as chosen to of own free will though knowing and accepting the realities of your choice to record or take picture or etcetera depending upon what your usages for technology devices were/are. Laws had to move forward quickly though because of the legal system portions as well as the regulationary aspects to be able to get a case in front of a courtroom Judge and jury, the portions regarding the additional knowledge of looking toward space as well as around the world in conjunction to every day life became a situation I personally noticed when I was a child growing up in #NewJersey and going where I had while growing up in the tri-state area before Illinois and onward to the #Army branch of the #USA United States of America's #ArmedForces and to being a Mom while doing the best I could prior to SCUBA Diving as well as furthered situations.
There were many who I explained my childhood and teenager years as best as I could as well as the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as more specifically the school situation outside though along in conjunction with my SCUBA Diving records as well as Irving, the choice I made after a meeting at a Starbucks near Cedar Park Texas when living there after my daughter was in the hospital and while my son was at school; there were certain specific phrases a male who asked to meet with me to ask about legalities referencing the law aspects of the school district which he requested a number from me regarding how much money it would take for me to stop pursuing the justice needed, I could not give a number as those who knew me would be able to guess. However I told one or two groups of people afterwards that weekend in person as well as whichever munch may have been mid-week, though with as much as was occurring the requirement to constantly explain was a lot though I did the best I could while keeping quiet as per necessary when dealing with a law firm who chose to represent the school district instead of my daughter, my son, and I as their right to choose; though so with each choice, has an equal and opposite reaction.
That meeting with that male at that #Starbucks though unknown as to the intentions thereof specifically from him, I returned to the rental house at the time to look up further avenues to seek assistance and/or help to the situation regarding the overall aspects as there were so many portions involved for the short amount of time my son and my daughter were attending #McCoyElementarySchool from 2008 May through to May 2010 and the amount of situations which occurred because of that school in #Carrollton #Texas' employees, staff, volunteers, and children as they were instructed per such did not seem to others as pertinent as it actually had been. Some told me they did not believe anything could occur all the way to a partial belief as well as some who related to what was going on from prior times with their adult children when their children were younger and similar situations having already occurred, which those who know how dealing with law firms can be the level of required amount of calmness as best as possible can be difficult though necessary in public areas where multiple people are invited such as a party or an event or a meeting; which I discussed as best as I could the technology portions which I could remember while doing the best I could to explain the problems I had after waking up, which they needed to know because of what I dealt with previously and seen previously to waking up from my coma. My words to explain were not the best at all times I learned, though I did make the attempts to explain with full disclosures in truth.
In 2011 I had to send a picture through email to the lawyer for the law firm Nona Matthews to believe I had been in the military as she did not believe someone who looks as I do could have been involved, however she and her law firm knew nothing of my military background studies which meant they knew nothing of my clearance levels because the records from my maternal Grandfather and my Great Grandparents had been sealed because of clearance levels in the United States of America's government. Those who know how such selections go for clearance levels, understand the levels thereof and what for depending upon the background checks initially and so on. Thus the law firm, the school staff, the school district's staff, the school volunteers, their children, did not necessarily get any warning and yet those I knew in person were given warnings each time I could speak with them; if I could get the messages correctly for them to understand from the knowledge able to be explained to which points thereof, for the timeframe allotted.
I could not tell anyone what would occur if I personally verbally made the call by my own free will choice to take a picture of my military identification card the way it was done, just as I could not tell anyone what would occur by actually following through with sending the email with that picture of my military identification card the way it was done. The background conjunction of who my biological parents and their jobs additionally had to do with other portions to my maternal Grandfather's and my paternal Great Grandparents' records of their particular assistance to the United States of America, of which the initial kickoff for the aspects had been when my biological mother insulted my paternal Great Grandmother and then insulted my paternal Great Grandfather because of the insult to his wife; choosing to deny the middle name chosen by my Bok Pu because of my biological mother thinking because my biological sister was born on my Bok Gung's birthday was good enough to be okay with him, though did not consider what she was told about the name being chosen by Bok Pu to honor the #Cantonese side while not forgetting the #Mandarin side to bring both in harmony for a better balance in comparison of one or another. You can see from how I chose to name my son and my daughter, of my choice to respect such a memory and explanations which came to me from them back then when in their condo in Chinatown Manhattan. Those who know of the honor aspect referencing Asian cultures, my Great Grandparents legally were able to escape Mao Ze Tong and be able to assist getting which Cantonese they could and which Mandarins which sympathized with the Cantonese as best as they could to safety in the United States of America via specific processes back then. My maternal Grandfather helped in various areas of the United States of America's Armed Forces and Law Enforcement development groups, training, and formations from what I remembered from little bits from before his passing. While my paternal Great Grandfather (Bok Gung) was Cantonese his wife my Great Grandmother (Bok Pu) was Mandarin, and they had a son who would be my paternal Grandfather which was last seen in #Alaska from what I was told as he may have had children beginning a second family from what my biological father had said.
He told me he did not want me to meet them, which I was interested to see if that meant I too had an actual extended family I had not yet met after my Great Grandparents had passed on. I knew after a point of speaking with my biological father in Texas after their move to, I wanted to meet and see if there were anything in common beyond just the lineage and learn more as how much had occurred in reference to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. It was disagreed upon and I made my choice as I knew my biological parents were not paying attention to the correct aspects at the time, which in turn I posted about it online however I forgot about forgetting. It took me years of forgetting of how I forget to realize how much I forgot to try to remember how to not forget to then figure ways to attempt to help my memory issues, as by then it was only 3-4 years out from waking up from the coma.
The portions regarding attempting to piece together to explain the technological portions referring to the current era and the aspects thereof seemingly fell on deaf ears just as the aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury while in Basic Training in the Army branch of the United States of America as well as the situations at hand, I the choices I had to make after the picture was emailed would be presented to me as they would be as per the particular clearance level; which that meeting at Starbucks in early 2011 prior to moving to #Irving, had been a different catalyst which I forced myself to go forward despite knowing how situations were within the communities I had been involved with regarding others' discussions about me whether online or in person. As the time of quarantine and lockdown over the time prior to the slow opening as the election season kicked into proverbial overdrive in 2020 and returning back to the state of Texas though more specifically the energetic aspects especially after the time after how Washington state occurred, the assimilating to the energy after having been through what I have been through has taken a bit process.
However I am thankful I had contacted such and though I could not tell others about the Obudsman Protection I learned about recently, the time in 2012 in reference to the laptop situation became a problem and an additional type of different obstacle to figure out in; whether I was told the truth or told a lie by the male and the female regarding such, though whether or not the reality of remembering other aspects which some may not had been informed of as I was when they were in active duty, national guard, reservist, and/or veteran status and had not received their letters about various breeches in security regarding technology such as laptops/CDs/disks/thumb drives/etcetera having been found to have been taken off post; though the reporting time for it was minimal, yet I did receive multiple letters about from 2002 through to 2012 and all of the information involved being leaked for the alphabetical letters from A through H in one situation letter, G through O in another letter, N through Z in another letter; prior to receiving letters going into other information thereof which despite additional aspects, the laptop situation reminded me of that time and I had met more and more military members as time went on. I did not remember the timeframes of information nor did I remember a lot of the other details regarding how far back the dates went for the military service records, though I remembered receiving more than 3 each year for those times. I checked my mailbox more often back then, however the times of those letters were in line with certain news reports on television as well as in the newspapers.
When in #Washington state in 2013 after all which fully had gone, I had to make the choice again when I was speaking with an individual about the IRS on the phone and a few aspects I noticed in my surroundings which started clicking after another set of phone calls. I had already been working on writing books as I would guess at this point some might be able to look back to my social media accounts linked on my website, which could give a bit of a precursor to see that possibility of going forward with such. I knew something was wrong though I could not speak because of the zapping which is the irony backwards when in the state of Texas regarding other electrical portions prior to having left which I explained and GeekSquad through Best Buy knows, in turn those additional laptops I sent into GeekSquad which were not ever returned to me had been another aspect in Clackamas with the alarms going off when I was told about the insurance situation regarding the number of laptops; and I knew, I did not have a choice which I would like however I knew it had to be the best choice to get more taken care of properly.
I had to fill out a form which I had done in truth and I faxed it from the office at that apartment complex in Vancouver Washington, and the movement went forward as I began to work on completing the writings of my first two books as it was needed quicker than initially thought and with more details than initially had been worked on. Thus, I am thankful for the ability to have used the tools of technology to be able to go in as best of an order as I could despite only being able to get certain warnings out.

#SusanMeeLingFindASilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #60DaysofThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLingFindingTheSilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge#60DaysOfThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge