There is a song which was remade years ago shortly before I was able to finally be emancipated when I was in #CrystalLake #Illinois #CrystalLakeIL #CrystalLakeIllinois #IL #CL #CLIL Crystal Lake Illinois which was on the radio though I made a recording of it off of the radio as I had needed the song to get me through, which as I was driving around #LakeintheHills #LakeintheHillsIL #LakeintheHillsIllinois #LITH #LITHIL Lake in the Hills Illinois on my way back to the house to argue again with my biological parents about being able to be emancipated to join the #USArmy Army branch of the #USA #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces #ArmedForces #USAF #USAAF United States of America's Armed Forces as the nightmare I was having had been getting stronger and more frequent and I knew I needed to be where I needed to be for the ability to genuinely help in the best ways possible. When singing along with the song I had recorded onto a cassette tape because of how much I knew the song would help me at the time because of what the song meant to me in reference to the 1993 attack and what I saw coming I remember the light turned to the color red as a car pulled into the lane next to me with their windows rolled down, when the male in that car yelled over to me while I was singing demanding to know which radio station the song I was singing along to was on. I turned the song down to tell him I had made a recording off of the radio and it was not on any station at the time that I knew of without the ability to go into any further details when he yelled the words Bitch at me, as the car sped off even though the light had not changed from red to green which I was confused about.
Upon returning to the house confused as to what had occurred as well as the causes as to why, my biological mother started in as per the usual at the time and I went down to the basement to simply go be alone as I knew she would not go to the basement because she hated the smell of the cigarette smoke. As my biological father came from the laundry room area to see what I was doing he asked me what was happening and I asked when I would be able to get the paperwork signed to be able to go into the Army branch, to which he demanded again to know why I needed to go. I told him my nightmare was getting more frequent as per the situation which he shook his head whispering underneath his breath again before yelling at me for thinking my nightmare had anything to do with anything important, which I explained myself about the song I was listening to. I told him about the female and the male in the car which had pulled up in the traffic signal area while I was singing and because of what occurred which made little sense to me as the female laughed and the male was yelling, my biological father asked me what song I was listening to. I told him it was the remake of the son by #PearlJam #PJ Pearl Jam and I was singing the part of the song "Where oh where could my baby be, the Lord took her away from me" and I reminded him about the 1993 attack occurring; which he shook his head saying that was only a one time event, which I told him I knew it was not a one time event and I needed to be in the Army to be where I needed to be to actually help the situation. I was yelled at and asked why I would think the lyrics of the song had anything to do with what my nightmare had been, which I reminded him about what occurred after the 1993 attack and how I went looking for everyone which in reference to the color black when people have brought up black people I had not seen such in reference to when #POTUS44 POTUS44 Barack Obama was running for office because of how I see color in comparison; however in such a reference to the color of black to those who I had lost personally which he knew many of the people from a part of my list at the time from that event, as my biological father lowered his head silently knowing about such.
While admittedly while few who I knew in the state of #TX #Texas Texas who had not believed me when the times were throughout from 2000 after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury through to when how I wound up in Washington state as to the year of 2013 as to both references of the 1993 attack as well as the 11 September 2001 attacks, such a situation reminded me of what I had attempted to explain to a male who had run the #TempleofFlesh #TOF Temple of Flesh events regarding when I had performed the #DenverMileHighClub #DMHC Denver Mile High Club song I had paid for regarding the itunes download onto my ipod of the Swing Dance Big Band version of the #NationalAnthem National Anthem song #StarSpangledBanner "The Star Spangled Banner" when I learned of the Uniform Fetish Ball no longer being an event in the San Antonio Texas area which though I had not been informed of why the event was no longer being held it seemed important to give a warning about the situation. Each time I had gone specifically to a Temple of Flesh event to tell him about what I had remembered usually something occurred instead of being able to tall him or his wife about the situation, though in all honesty the ability for anyone to actually believe me about what I saw and/or my warnings was minimal because of how few took me serious at such times; though when looking at other situations the reality of such portions in reference to the time aspects, the situations have been as the situations have been regarding such aspects in an overall sort of way.
When I was working at #OG #oliveGarden Olive Garden as a waitress and saw a male who was wearing a #Korn Korn band t-shirt and told him I liked the band as well as a few songs both on and off of the radio, I remember he and I talked though the female he was with seemed confused as to what I was speaking with him about in such references. When she asked me which concert I had been to for the band, I told her I was not able to go to any concerts for Korn because of how I was raised and the only concert I had been allowed to go to up to that point in time had been for the band #Newsboys Newsboys in a field when I was in #NJ #NewJersey New Jersey which she laughed as the male looked quite serious in comparison when I was explaining the situation. He asked me if I had ever copied a song off of the radio before which I had told him which one I had done so with as well as the reasons why, though such was before the 11 September 2001 attacks as the song was important to what I had a nightmare about regarding such portions. I remember his skin started to turn a bit translucent regarding such aspects as his eyes widened a bit while listening to me, which whenever it was in reference to the specific event to speak with Steve and/or Krysta about the situation; all I can recall from that particular event was the blond female who had been seen with the coffin shaped ring and the white powder which I had gone to warn Steve about her putting into his drink before handing it over to him when she had gotten it from the bar, had been more important to tell him about though it was not taken seriously regarding such aspects as the blond female started to flirt with him and play with her hair as she puffed her chest to lean closer towards him.
In reference to the Olive Garden timeframe about the situations thereof, the female continued going in a similar direction as to the ways the blond female had acted briefly while the male had ignored her asking me a few questions about why I was working at Olive Garden. I told them about the aspects as to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and I was in Medical Hold Unit at the time which I remember he put his face in his hands whispering underneath his breath, as the female laughed asking why I would ever join the military over a song. I informed them I did not join the Army over the song though had joined the Army after a long amount of time which seemed important for the aspects of a nightmare I was having at the time, which it seemed important for me to take care of in such references though was disappointed in myself for being unable to complete Basic Training to go to AIT for what I thought at such times was why I needed to be in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. She laughed at me telling me that I had a pretty face and a cute waist and could be more than just a waitress and more than just someone in the military if I gave things half a chance to go forward into a more productive career with more money, when I smiled and informed her that it seemed pertinent as to my choice to go the route I was choosing because of more than just a few minutes of time comparatively which she told me that being a musician or an actress or whatever I could get myself into would be considered more important if I would give the chance to go further in a different way. I politely disagreed as best as I could while maintaining my composure because of how disappointed I felt in myself for not being able to go on with what I felt was most important at the time, which she then she discussed if I had the ability to get involved with a musician or an actor how the ways which would be different could be a possibility in comparison to ever thinking to do anything on my own instead. I explained I felt it was important to go in the ways which I had seen would be better for myself and others, which while she laughed the male looked around the room in the Olive Garden.
After a bit of further discussions the male asked for the check to leave which when I brought the bill over to him he gave me a credit card to ring up the bill and when done, I took care of what was needed and put the paperwork where the paperwork was supposed to go in reference to the aspects of. A few weeks later one of the waitresses named Crystal Lynn asked me what it was like meeting someone which I did not understand what she meant by the question as she thought I was lying to her about who she was asking me about, and the other waiters at the Olive Garden started treating me differently because of the truth I had spoken. That female began pestering me and telling me she knew more about who is my dead-ex-husband, which I had not believed her at the time as she said he was not someone who had been in the Army as I had thought and her dad had done a background check instead and found he was someone else. When I confronted who is my now dead-ex-husband about the situation and dealt with the conversation thereafter to then tell her about what I dealt with because of what she told me about, she told me her dad and her step-dad had been looking for me for awhile. I did not know or understand what that meant at such times, however I was asked if I had been up to the northern area of Texas yet which at the time I had not which I did not understand why there was a reference to such; however as she was informed as to where my ex-in-law's house was as to the situations nearby the area, as per learning of where I was from and what church I had grown up in because of what I had learned over such time.
In reference to those who are Female Dominants in the Professional aspects as Dominatrixes, I pose this question to you: Who when in the timeframes of 2010 through to when I wound up in Washington state threw the largest temper tantrums and began the most amount of complaints to you when it was learned I refused to be a Professional Dominatrix though was still willing to spend my time with you without ever asking for anything in return, though also would not play at the events for #ClubFEM ClubFEM with any of the male submissives who were Your clients and/or had been known to have been a client to another Female Dominatrix?
While I had acknowledged a few reason and did not list all of my reasons as to why my refusal had been to the reference of being a Professional Dominatrix, I had expressed a few reasons as to why. Not until recently had I admitted as to other reasons of why I refused to be a Professional Dominatrix, though who was it the majority of complaints and whining to You had been? Was it truthfully other Female Dominatrixes who complained to You, or was it those male submissives who were already Your clients or who had been known to be clients to those who were/are Professional Dominatrixes when You look back in such times? While I had known who I had known in #NYC #NY #NewYorkCity New York City, #Pittsburg Pittsburg, #Philadelphia Philadelphia, and other areas within the New Jersey when I was growing up as a child and a teenager and only recently have admitted to having lost my favorite friend from such times regarding when going to New York City; who is it that was the largest problems regarding male submissive clients? Was it those who had a wife wih and/or without child(ren) who had nothing to lost, or was it the male submissives who were clients who had not a wife and not a child to worry about the consequences of their actions who were/are the biggest problems in such references?
When I had explained in person to the Professional Dominatrixes I once knew as to some of my reasons as to not becoming a Professional Dominatrix and after going off wherever I had gone during such discussions, who complained to You the most immediately compared to who had in private admitted certain aspects of such truths? Who was the most irate about the fact of beginning my group #WHIPs W.H.I.P.s to give the time for all Female Dominants whether Professional Dominatrixes or not to have time to either spend with their spouse and/or simply enjoy the evening without having to work to genuinely be able to relax and enjoy simply just being, comparatively? What was a major point of discussion when in person about male submissives and the references as to why I refused to be a Professional Dominatrix, for those of You who I had spoken with about such portions in person? Was it the portion as to the not being willing to assist cheating and the portions of not being willing to take finances or time away from the child(ren) of such, or was it the regards as to the facts as to how certain relationships and feelings which develop naturally over time when the consistency of such aspects are a situation? What was it that I had brought up in reference to how some submissives whether female or male in regards of certain customary portions as to the discussions which occur both before as well as after such sessions, when in reference to any adult consenting behaviour which I had brought up?
When taking such into consideration in regards of for those who do not know, the points of which the feelings which naturally occur within the human psyche as to the consistent relationship aspects as to whatever schedules are arranged and/or the amount of time thereof; how many clients of Yours had complained in reference to the feelings they professed to You about Your time which they paid for, in comparison to the truths some had learned what I had referred to regarding such aspects? What occurred to Lucille Ballbuster, and why was the situation which occurred? Was it found as to who She had been having as a client who overreacted when She made the choices She had the right to make, and what care and concern or lack thereof; was there for Her, as well as Her son?
What was said to You about the situations I was dealing with in reference to my daughter, my son, and I? Did You ever hear one or a few clients of Your and/or members of the male submissives among the ClubFEM aspects ever say the words, 'Well, if she would just do something as You do then she would not have the financial hardships' or something along those lines?
Who was it that has the largest financial gaining followers, compared to someone just as myself when taking such into comparison? What is it to a male submissive who prefers being a client in comparison to a male submissive who earns the attention of a Female Dominant, and is able to retain such attention in such viewpoints thereof? How many of You clients had made multiple tries and/or attempts to get You to leave a relationship You were in which was not of a cliental aspect, and how many of them grew tired as soon as capturing such attention in such ways? Was it because of once they caught the proverbial rabbit their attention span had changed to a different Female Dominant, and who was that attention sent towards? Why?
While Patrick had wanted me to become a Professional Dominatrix and I refused such aspects, what occurred in reference to when he learned of when Ms. Jewel had no longer been involved with the male submissive who had been involved with the relationship aspect of such a situation? What occurred referencing the drama within ClubFEM when before I was involved compared to after I became involved compared to after I was no longer a part of ClubFEM though still in Texas compared to when I wound up in Washington state, and how many Female Dominants had been injured and to what levels thereof? If I am accurate and though I had explained such to Jason when in reference to Renee's safety about the lawsuits which occurred regarding the Female Dominatrix in New York City because of the couple and the inability for the male to have the required amount of semen to have a child because of prior Professionals he had already been to prior to seeing that Female Dominatrix, what was the legal recourse for those people? What has been You legal recourse for any such situations referencing such aspects, when taking such into consideration?
While I have admitted as to the fact of having to get to the point of sending the one piece of paper to the IRS, what was the response to Renee in such a regard as soon as that began from the cliental as well as the other Professional Dominatrixes in such references? If You take that into consideration and the clarifications have been made, then what legal recourses does that actually give ClubFEM to genuinely be able to have the footing to stand up for Themselves upon? Were the male submissives happy that the Professional Dominatrixes were being looked at regarding the IRS, and if they were; what was their comments as to such, while possibly not taking into consideration the fact You would have legal recourses against male submissives for the problems as to if there ever was a situation as per the ways Lucille Ballbuster had at such times?
If You are considered as a legitimate business and a legitimate entity in such references the ways as which exotic dancers have the rights and abilities as they have been able to get for themselves over the years, what power do You have for Yourselves for Your protection? If You maintain Your #IRS IRS taxes as best as possible in comparison to hiding such under the proverbial table, then what is it You are actually able to keep Yourselves safe from with genuinity in comparison?
Was the complaints You heard about me having to do with how I would not become a Professional Dominatrix as the ways You were/are, or was the complaints from the submissive males about a relationship aspect? Why would any submissive male who preferred being a client complain when it is just one Female Dominant who professed the refusal to be a Professional Dominatrix, though still had the time to make for spending with Professional Dominatrixes without any shame regarding such individuals? Why would they complain realistically, when You think about such? Was it that they truly wanted to be Your submissive male client, or was it they preferred the aspects as to the convenience as to such portions? What convenience would that be in such references, out of curiosity?
While I knew and I know there are male submissives who enjoy being a client only because of certain aspects whether that is because of a genuine understanding within their relationship which certain aspects fall more-so into the lines of a polyamourous relationship, though because of certain aspects the inability to easily or readily find such a relationship because of various factors. Just as I know and understand there are submissive males who prefer being a client until they possibly find someone who in such reference is a Female Dominant with such aspects as to what they prefer and finding such portions within a relationship aspect thereof, among many other different situations depending upon the relationship sought. However I also knew and know while understanding and comprehending as to there being submissive males who only prefer such aspects of the Professional Dominatrix because of their actual preference to try to top from the bottom, in comparison to earning the relationship from such a Female Dominant because of the view as to such being considered as a different type of a game. While not officially said to me, I would not be surprised as to the ways if there ever was a point which Renee had ever had a Professional version of the Ms Club Sapphire sort of situation and how such could go in such aspects in other ways more-so along such needless game sorts of references as to a different version of a celebrity portion thereof; to which as in an in person aspect I had informed Her, I had always been more protective in ways which were not always available in words though more-so in actions.
While only more recently has it been made aware as to those who have been willing to purchase a female's virginity in my opinion which I am personally against however such is the right to choose in which ways thereof, however in such references as to such how if You have met any who admitted such; who and how did they explain such portions to You, and what were the explanations as to such portions? Was there anything which could be viewed in such references thereof regarding the aspects as to the similarities regarding certain portions especially Renee being so young biologically, though also unknowing as to the ways certain individuals can be in reference to certain types of the equivalent of the hidden celebrity aspects in comparison to the celebrities more well known in the light; the ways which some have known about the aspects regarding adult film individuals, as to the metaphor as to celebrities more-so along various lines thereof? In what I have more recently learned of regarding the portions as to Las Vegas where the lights are always on and yet it is an oddity as to the darknesses thereof, is there a comparison regarding the ways which some could see a connectionary point?
I have not hidden how I had been involved with the Dominant Mentor Program just as I had not hidden my approval of the Professional Dominatrix aspect as to the ways which each is an individual human being and saw the requirement for the aspects as to the need for proper education as the ways which more have been running towards such aspects in their own ways, whether in the #50Shades 50 Shades series portion or the possibility of in the ways of #ParoxysmLotus The Paroxysm of the Lotus series; which in the adult consenting lifestyle as to adult consenting behaviours there is a certain set of rules whether spoken or written as to etiquette standards, as well as safety requirements of a multitude of types and ways. Why should such aspects only be for the descriptions of the Leather portions is a question I had asked not only in reference to the #DMP #DominantMentorProgram Dominant Mentor Program to which there was the sister group of the submissive Mentor Program; which I had not been told as to whether or not there were previous individuals of cliental to such portions of the submissive Mentor Program for such protection aspects. Due to discussion I had with a male who was involved with the Austin ClubFEM group which initially went as the name of Tender_Male though had later gone by the name of TM due to how he had informed me as to the problems he had when approaching the Female Dominants as I thought until I was informed as to all except myself in reference to being open to such portions of the adult consenting lifestyle, of being the only Female Dominant who was not a Professional Dominatrix. He had informed me when he had approached the other if they were open to such consenting portions, they preferred he contacted them via their fetlife profiles to arrange a consultation in comparison to going to get involved that night of whenever he had asked in such regards. When discussing such in person I was informed as to the aspects of him finding out all of the females except for myself had been Professional Dominatrixes, which I had no clue nor idea thereof until being informed as to the ways of such; which ironically had been around the time of when Lady Robin had informed me she did not want me as a part of the Austin ClubFEM in any such ways any further which also coincided with other problems as per what she had been informed of regarding Renee when I was at a #mysa #SanAntonio #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio #HomeDepot Home Depot location at the time of the phone call ironically after the situation regarding the #USAF #USAirFirce #USAAF Air Force laptop situation regarding the #Dallas #DallasGalleria Dallas Galleria and the situations thereof.
While I know there is the benefit regarding the Dominant Mentor Program as well as the submissive Mentor Program and the various genres for the lack of better wording for such, in the references thereof who would be most upset if there was a situation which submissive males were considered to have a bias against referencing the submissive Mentor Program as the ways which the Professional Dominatrixes had such situations? How was such discussed among the members of ClubFEM in the regards of both sides to such an equation, at the times when learning I had been accepted to the Dominant Mentor Program? I know the aspects as to some in person discussions referencing various sides and angles thereof regarding the different groups I had been involved with when in #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas where I had begun the initial phases of the Dominant Mentor Program as well as the same in reference to when I had to transfer to the #DallasTX #DallasTexas Dallas area of Texas because of the situations in reference to what occurred to my daughter for the ability to take care of both my son as well as my daughter when she was in the #AR #Arkansas Arkansas hospital to transfer into the Dallas area Dominant Mentor Program as allowed after the initial phases of getting the transfer arrangements for my daughter and my son squared away, as I had also been informed of others' opinions of such both in person as well as online despite the realities thereof as to others' opinions regarding such aspects despite having explained such portions.
As a side notation to ponder as to how I could drive as much and as long as I have for the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project: How many hours of driving did I have to do to go from Irving Texas to get to #LittleRockArkansas #LittleRockAR Little Rock Arkansas for my daughter's hospitalization while making sure my son was properly taken care of to be able to be back in time for my son's needs at the same time of doing what was required for my daughter, regarding the amount of travel time on the road back and forth in one day? You are able to do the arithmetic of how many hours I drove to be able to take care of both of my children, as best as I possibly could for yourself. I simply did what I needed to do as per being as best of a Mom as I could be for both my son as well as my daughter, despite the circumstances going on in such references while on my own. In turn the amount of hours were the amount of hours every two to three weeks and sometimes four weeks within a one month timeframe for the six months, she was in that particular hospital location. During a point in time initially after the first part of the hospitalization I had been able to purchase a #Jeep Jeep Wrangler before the problems which occurred due to the banking situations and even though I had both the car dealership as well as the bank on the phone for the phone call, the finance manager at the car dealership refused to accept what the bank had explained to them on the phone regarding the finances having been taken care of; though if it was not the bank then it was the bank who had explained such to them as to the truthful portions as to having completed the financial transfer of funds for the purchase at the time. As by that time of the situations involved where such would have been made easier for me to be able to actually and genuinely take care of the situations needed for both of my children as well as myself, who in such references knew of the portions regarding what I had been dealing with and did not care who they caused harm to regarding the ways thereof? What did such matter to that type of addict in comparison to what I had actually needed, in the ways which also my son and my daughter had needed more than some adult who was acting as a child in comparison and who was not ever worth my time and was truthfully not ever going to be considered as worth my time?
That individual(s) can remain as nameless and faceless to me as per the ways they had always been in such regards, for my personal opinion in such aspects as to the lack of humanity as well as lack of genuinity as well as lack of a heart; though I do genuinely hope for the truthful retribution in all such ways as to the aspects of genuine justice in all such ways to the fullest extent of the laws available.
In such additional portions regarding the aspects as to the ways which certain male submissives who choose to only prefer to be clients until they realize the only portions as to any concern regarding a Professional Dominatrix is their finances and nothing more than such aspects as while those might think there is actual concern or care in comparison to only caring about what can be purchased just in the ways karmically as to the ways which they have only looked at Professional Dominatrixes as to such portions, those have been the 'people' who have been the biggest problems to both Female Dominants as well as Dominatrixes from the start such such aspects in my opinion. However so too those 'people' have also been the biggest problem for any type of male submissive and/or female submissive and/or Female Dominant and/or Male Dominant; whether Professional or not, because of how those types of 'people' think and the ways which they think that money can buy everything, with the exception of what they crave the most ironically. That money does not ever purchase genuine love, nor does it purchase genuine care, nor does it purchase an actual genuine relationship and those 'people' usually are the loneliest 'people' in the world because of their inability to ever find a way to look within themselves to see what damages they have caused to others from their greed as well as their lack of compassion and lack of humanity as those 'people' only see everything as a property value until they realize they put themselves into that exact same category when they choose such a path which has been needing and requiring such portions to be brought forward for the clarification purposes thereof.
While some individuals have seen Professional Dominatrixes for many reasons which includes the portions as to the ways to deal with certain aspects as to whatever their profession is for other such psychological portions though not necessarily seeing how they are capable of caring and loving just as deeply as they are in such professions of whichever paths thereof, the portions to which some have not seen the medical benefits regarding the dopamine releases regarding other aspects as due to the portions of a different portion of releasing such due to the regards of the particulars referencing such types of certain employment aspects has been overlooked in my opinion. Just as within the #LGBTQP #LGBTQ LGBTQP communities long before the bringing such aspects forward in which is a normal and way which some are born, those who are more in the reference to male submissives though some have seen in reference to females who have specific aspects in other certain similarities; the ways which the usually male submissives who prefer the cliental portion only aspect as to the aspects to which the LGBTQP have been put into certain situations in years prior referencing the outing to which cause needless problems regarding law enforcement because of wishes in comparison to earning, have been problematic for decades regarding such types of individuals who wish to top from the bottom instead of accepting and learning to earn such a relationship. Those portions to which such male submissives wish in comparison to ever being good enough to look within and accept who they are in ways which such portions have been problematic, have needed and are required to be stopped immediately with all such portions of full justice in all ways.
The irony of so many wanting and needing the females' right to choose, and yet the problems which certain people have wished otherwise as per the view of once a female is in control as to how such worries for those certain types of males being found out for exactly what they had done and what they had been a part of all along. As per the ways certain types of individuals such as specific types of submissives seek such aspects thereof the patheticness as the ways which such has always been looked down upon not only by those who have accepted themselves for who they are, though also literally and figuratively looked down upon by such references regarding the Irving situations and the lack of a requirement for such types of individuals to ever be a part of any such portions regarding such as they have additionally caused needless unrest in such references and regards thereof as to the looking down from such entities. Though the irony as to getting the internal portions as to thinking a different way, as which is more well known in other such aspects such as the training portions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America despite what some have realized and/or paid attention to over the time. In such references, why would those Irving associated aspects ever want anything to do with such types of? If you are incapable of accepting who you are, what would ever make you think they would accept you?
The answer is because you cannot purchase them nor can you purchase that type of experience(s) though you are possibly only allowed to read about such or hear about others who have had such, no matter what your wishes are.
Realistically and similarly just as I have no need of such portions regarding such childish aspects nor do they, though they have seen far more of you than you might wish for them to have seen of you.
As it took from August 2009 through to starting more specifically in 2019 to begin writing some of the aspects as to the deeper portions of my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving-ish and as it took from the time of my childhood through past to more currently of 2021 to write about the portions as to such situations referencing my Grandpa Gavett-ish, in conjunction as to the aspects as to the time from 2011 to 2021 about #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving-ish as the time from my childhood through to 2021 about my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu -ish squared of writing about such portions, with the additional portions as to the time from when volunteering at Nine Lives Books and reading the #BigBlueBook Big Blue Book or the #BlueBookProject Blue Book Project in 2006 through to the times more currently of 2021; how stubborn does anyone thing or know I can be in such references as per justice requirement, in such references?
The arithmetic is 10 years + 39 years + 10 years + 39 years + 10 years + 39 years + 39 years + 39 years+ 15 years = just the equivalent of 201 years for such a beginning portion for such to look into, for some portions thereof for such a consideration as to the mathematical portions thereof.
In turn the portions as to what aspects I do remember from when I was a child as well as a teenager have thankfully been returning to me, though such portions I do not feel like writing about. Why? At this point in time out of spite, until what requirements are met for the needs thereof for genuine and actual security portions in comparison to what some individuals have wished for regarding as to their desires to know more about both the oceanic portions as well as the space aspects. In such references while an individual such as those from Nine Lives Books which has not ever actually needed the help as per their own financial portions which they had denied the aspects what I was fully truthfully owed and still owed regarding such realities as since those types of people only see the American Mandarin Chinese aspects, let me put such portions into the numerical aspects for what would actually be owed to me for what work I had actually done in comparison to what they had wished was the labor portions in comparison to such times. The painting as per the energetic aspects as to the bathroom area for the work put into would be equal to over $2,500,300.00 the aspects as to the energetic work to clear out the whole store areas would be double that aspect of the $2,500,300.00 meaning $2,500,300.00*2; the portions as to the aspects of saving the male of Your Dad is Not a Captain's son's life would be in reference to the medical bills which the BAMC location incurred plus the portions of that child and his family's pain and suffering as well as the girlfriend's portions thereof in conjunction with the ambulance fees thereof as well as the medical portions thereof as per such medical numbers; then there is any additional fees as to what occurred after having left that location and anything they had been responsible for in all such damages as well as pain and suffering from such aspects; to which while such an individual might have the financial aspects to fully pay such bills in total in full, that particular check can be sent and made out for my ability to cash such if there is any connectionary points to any and all such aspects.
While such individuals may not have thought highly upon my physical look as well as the ways which the realities thereof actually are, the portions thereof for all such monetary fees would be the beginning portions of such equivalent aspects while not forgetting any others who had been impacted along the ways thereof to their financial portions regarding all such additional fees since such types of those 'people' are as those types of such 'people' are. That does not forget the aspects additionally regarding all such royalties in the regards of each individual book portion of such illegal releases as well as the additional aspects as to the bank interest rates over each portion of each financial aspect over the timeframes of for all such portions regarding such a hypothetical regarding any and all such individuals involved since those types of 'people' have the ways of which they are and the financial portions thereof since those types of 'people' require the actual portions of such numerical values; then there are the additional aspects as to what my son and my daughter as well as my friends and my associations were put through regarding such childish portions thereof. Thus the various oddities regarding such an overall portion combined in reference to several aspects, the situations as to the oddities of more recent news stories of which when taking into consideration of the pop culture aspects as to #BritneySpears #FreeBritney Britney Spears and the support for her to be able to be on her own and in charge of her own life as well; I can see a few oddities to which I can admittedly in some ways selfishly and yet other ways obviously a different situation, though agreeing with the fact as to being in charge of one's own life and one's on destiny in full truth as per such back and forths, regarding such connection aspects as to having known of a male who had involved himself to become a part of her life in ways trying to detract from her while trying to make himself bigger and not being able to do so which in turn the aspects as to the portions of a reverse aspect of what some females have done to be able to get child support payments. What is it about the financial aspects in comparison to earning on one's own as it was intended to be from the get go to earn one's own way as per one's own accomplishments, which some have not paid attention to referencing males in different professions? If there was the ability to work with while the sharing on life together the portions thereof for such aspects as to the truthful saying of happy wife and a happy life, though what was it she had seen which she had noticed and paid attention to in such aspects which #ChristinaAguilera #Xtina Christina Aguilera had noticed as well in some ways which had been brought forward when taking a look into such aspects including with #LilKim Lil' Kim?
In my opinion such goes both ways whenever taking either side of whatever would be considered as the feminine and whatever would be considered as the masculine regarding the portions of the feelings as to the involvements thereof, and the ability to maneuver throughout life together in such ways as to the connections thereof. In such references as to what accomplishments per individual within their own levels thereof whether in the same sector or other sectors and earning such accomplishments individually while being able to have the relationship of what works best for the situation thereof in a way which achieves more for the betterment thereof, is where the genuinity of such actualities of fulfillment brings forward a newer approach to the same words which has been known for centuries and generations regarding the aspects as to the ways which some might not have realized in a different magnitude thereof while not detracting though enhancing one another along the way in comparison to what some may have thought referencing such aspects. Patterns of behaviour are an important factor in such portions as well per the ways which the correct pairing as per the ways wine pairs with certain foods better than others, similarly the portions as to relationships as to the pairing as to what is more ideal for various circumstances and situations thereof. In such, honesty is the best policy not only in my opinion though also in ways which have shown such to be more ideal in a multitude of ways and aspects in the shorter into the longer and can be seen for the longest terms possible.

The events of which after the attacks of both in reference to 1993 and 11 September 2001 had brought many people together despite what it tore apart referencing the aspects of the proverbial curtain or vail referencing the aspects as to life as an individuals, as a family member, as a friend, and as when in a relationship aspect to which what had been learned partially in reference to the northeast as to the levels thereof regarding those who were in the area of the northeast coast learned quickly and yet slowly all at the same time in both sets of situations of both years. While some paid more attention to the different aspects of entertainment or while not entertainment regarding the news portions thereof though were paying more attention to what was being shown compared to what in full was going on in such situations on the ground, similarly in reference to the ways which in references to military aspects as to a different viewpoint thereof regarding some of the portions involved referencing what has been involved in certain ways though the larger aspects of such impacts have not been as well known unless in person to such references beyond what has been portrayed in whichever media portions thereof. As time has gone onward and the ability to bring forward more awareness as to the various aspects as to the realities thereof the realities as to what various levels of different employment portions have needed more explanations for others to be able to see in a different way as to knowing from what is discussed compared to what is shown, as the reasons for why pictures are worth more than 1,000 words as depending upon who you are depends on what your words for such descriptions to which pictures depends upon the outlook to the window of which has been opened for your to be able to see into for which clarifications thereof. From then when having such an illumination of the mind to be able to know more for the ability to understand what situations are comprehended regarding various aspects and what causes and/or reasons as to the aspects of why, the next set of choices and movements are up to each individual to make upon such portions thereof to which in such aspects as to the portions of what an individual earns to move forward is as such and the ways which each goes is a specific set of choices in the larger overall whole of life.
What is truthful equality, when taking a look at such aspects and genuinely thinking about such?