While I am certain there are those who cannot get over certain aspects of what occurred over the years due to whichever circumstances thereof, however the portions of which some might wish for certain aspects; I have accepted a long time ago as to who I am, and I did not hide myself. If there is one major complain from my biological father, he could not understand why I could stand out of a crowd more than my biological sister. When in reference to my Great Grandparents on my paternal side the type of standing out was different because of the difference between several aspects, however I was not nearly as exotic looking comparatively; which in turn meant a bit of surprise, as in comparison to what was told about in reference to my biological sister. Despite whatever clothing, location, state, and etcetera; he seemed unnerved because of the fact of noticing while my biological sister would stand out on the surface, the in depth discussions which happened were far different. All before 2000 of course, however personally the various perspectives of what I saw needed to be taken care of were much different.
When in reference to the #Army branch of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica's #ArmedForces and prior to my emancipation to join, I had been put through various physical exercises because of his prior time with the #MerchantMarines as I was told; though he had also been a certified #SCUBA diver with the teachings going through using the J and the K valves, as I have in the past year been able to meet an individual who uses some similar type of equipment which whatever equipment works and is most comfortable is the ideal fit especially for #SCUBADiving. Though later in his life he had been a certified Bulova watchmen who could work on multiple higher and highest end watches to repair and fix as well, he also had been a certified gemologist. He had worked as a professional photographer for landscapes as I was told, which he also did a lot of gardening within the property and surrounding areas in #NewJersey and the tri-state areas because of additional income sources due to cost of living in the area as well as the upbringing he had when growing up as a child and teenager in the foster care system as a first generation Chinese male in the 1950s to 1960s.
I learned a lot from him he did not realize possibly until much later of which despite the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and not having built an airplane before though having gone through woodworking class which for the most part is the equivalent to stencils compared to airplane making for remote control model airplanes, I remember I contacted someone through eBay about a #P51Mustang in balsa wood as I remembered seeing the model airplanes in the basement when I was growing up in New Jersey at times. I emailed with the individual through eBay about the idea I had for making a P51 Mustang and the reasons why, which now I can laugh a bit as I did not realize the intricacies being conveyed through the messages as I was determined. The precision required for working on such had caught my attention later after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury when I thought for a #Christmas Present I could make one, and the individual and I messaged back and forth. Eventually I purchased the P53 Mustang from the auction to build on my own, thinking I could make it. After months of aggravation and countless hours holding regular Super Glue to dry, which for the paper took around 30-35 minutes. It was an odd situation however when I completed what in my opinion looking like a child would have done better at a younger age, I handed him the paper gift bag and the first comment had been "You know, most people usually give the gift of the model airplane in the box. I can see, you learned that."
Though I can laugh about the situation to a degree in some ways and though I have written about this previously, the understanding the ability to laugh as #ChristopherTitus had brought forward as many have through such to show a different way to look at life. It was around 3 or so years after waking up from the coma which I had to be taught how to count, taught color names, and relearn what I knew how to do before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. One of his episodes from either his television show or the comedy show had been quite relevant, among so many additional reasons in many ways; similar especially to a few musicians, which the time it took to make the model airplane had given me plenty of time to think while having to hold each piece of balsa wood, to each location. The airplane did come out looking like a peace sign, or more closely to the Air Force logo in a way. Especially when taking into consideration the coloration for the P51 Mustang, though when adding the portions referring to SCUBA Diving the detailed intricacies required for the level of which I was going to go had been established as I made my own coursework for myself from what I knew had to be done.
Without such precise attention to detail as required for several aspects, the beginning portions to several other endeavors would have been different. I remember as a child one day I had taken a gauze package up to my side of the room because I thought I saw a spark when opening the band-aid to take care of a wound, and it seemed needing to be looked at further in my opinion. I waited until after dark to get underneath the covers of my bed to slowly open the package, and as I watched the spark light up the areas where I pulled the band-aid wrapper to see the line light up from the opening and as I had slowly moved, it was interesting to look at as it almost seemed to look as a miniature firework underneath my covers in my bed. I thought I was the only one who could see the spark when the covers were pulled off of my bed and my biological father demanded to know what I was doing, and I showed him. Or, I attempted to. I knew he would not believe me though I showed him anyway, and the light which filled the room seemed blinding. After that incident the lightning bolts seemed to randomly change each week, as I worked with the energetic pulsations which shortly afterwards my biological mother demanded I touch a metal lamp post because of the electrical surges.
With the additional aspects to which it was what it was, until later when I noticed furthered portions which none I knew would believe me at the times I knew them; though the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury were difficult to overcome admittedly, though more-so work through is the better way to explain. However also having the additional background assistance to discuss various portions of SCUBA Diving with a SCUBA Diver who had worked with J and K valves gave an additional strengthening to my SCUBA Diving in other ways, as the attention to the details of multiple aspects were important as some learned. Thus even with the realities of the difficulties regarding my upbringing from my childhood and teenager years to now without the additional aspects to which the ability to focus in a way which is ideal to best tkae the initiative to step forward when the moments were accurate, had made such additionally pertinent.
I did bring up the aspects about my SCUBA Diving certifications as well as my SCUBA Diving training in minimal ways as per the time allowed among a few other portions, however the reality of having told several people within the SCUBA Diving community I had been involved in during the time had been when the discussions of going to land at the bottom of the ocean had begun as well. Upon booking my first oceanic trip to the Cancun area in the Gulf of Mexico and we were taken to the other side of the Cozumel Island Preserve for the SCUBA trip for the second and third days of SCUBA Diving after the shoreline SCUBA Dive which you can see in the picture, has a gazebo on the oceanic waters with a specific type of entrance. However we did not necessarily go out from that particular location for the SCUBA Dive, as the picture below was just after we got to the hotel to go to check into the hotel. As those who know who was a part of that particular SCUBA Dive, that is how short of an amount of time it took that male to go into my SCUBA Diving Gear bag to get my SCUBA Diving camera from the bottom of my SCUBA Diving gear bag to take the picture with my SCUBA Diving camera. The male in the white hat and the Hawaiian floral shirt was my SCUBA Diving Instructor, which the picture was on my SCUBA Diving camera; however if that SCUBA Diving Instructor had similar situations with his SCUBA Diving camera which was much more expensive in price than my SCUBA Diving camera, as he was a part of the day at the lake and my ability to see and learn from different pun intended angles.

You are also able to see the male with the white hat holding the camera he would use, though put into the housing for the SCUBA Diving time for one of his SCUBA Diving cameras. Thus there would only be three people left to choose from from the SCUBA Diving trip which the male in the white hat's girlfriend Sally was getting something taken care of for the room I thought because her stomach felt ill, the female in the picture in the other white hat and the colored tank top Joy's husband was in their room I thought as well because of something they ate in the airport before everyone left from Texas to go on the trip. Sean Leonard who had been told to me was only supposed to be a roommate during the SCUBA Diving trip and was supposed to stay on his side of the room as when I had agreed to have a roommate, as quite frankly I did not want nor need anyone going through my SCUBA Diving belongings other than the Airport Customs and TSA Agents with the US Marshalls; especially after having left their airport and been checked into the hotel, as I can complain about at this point now.
SCUBA Diving is already a risky endeavor to take on oneself though I also was a single Mom of two children whose biological father had died just over 1.5 years prior, and their Grandfather on the same side of the family had died less than 1 year prior to that SCUBA Diving trip. I made sure to square away everything I possibly could to ensure the fullest amount of safety as realistically the fact I was earning my 24th and 25th SCUBA Diving certifications on that SCUBA Diving trip, meant I took SCUBA Diving more seriously in such a way than apparently as I learned later on from the initial asking of that male being a SCUBA Diving Instructor than at a different SCUBA Diving shop in the area. Though that individual had made fun of me for earning 16 SCUBA Diving certifications when I had spoken with him when I was initially introduced to him for the possibility of if he could be my roommate, I simply should have listened to my gut instinct and to have paid for the room to be on my own. I knew of the weapons I had and to the level thereof because I was taught to respect which in turn meant I kept my hands to myself, especially in reference to SCUBA Diving and all other types of specific tools of gear types. I learned the most diligent way as to the repercussions of, and thus the concern as to an inexperienced SCUBA Diver being near my SCUBA Diving gear seemed to be a hazard as I explained to Patti.
She chuckled a bit though seemingly as I explained the level of security precautions I had been taking to make sure my son and my daughter were as safe as possible on land while I was as safe as possible whether on land or in the water and etcetera, though that male had not ever been married nor had children he had been informed of by what was said to me.
I was told he had been a SCUBA Diving Instructor for around 5 or 10 years around then in 2009 which seemed interesting in a specific aspect, though I was informed of other portions as well. After the discussions of which certain characteristics seemed a bit weird to me which taking that into consideration, which I was convinced after awhile to which it took over a few weeks to convince me. Every now and then I would see him at the gas station, the store, the SCUBA Diving shop, and etcetera randomly; though the town of Carrollton Texas was not as heavily populated as Dallas or San Antonio, which to me seemed as though could be almost normal. However it still felt odd, and though I spoke with people I knew about various portions of my SCUBA Diving plans as well as who I spoke with as best as I could depending upon the situation regarding SCUBA Diving as I read in another lifestyle book series of the importance to inform others you know of the situation as best as possible to keep those you know informed; just in case, as it would be helpful in case a rescue was needed in certain scenarios. Having grown up where I grew up and having seen what I had when growing up, I took that particular set of writings from Screw the Roses Give Me the Thorns by #TheMillers in a different context beyond just the words meant for the #BDSM Lifestyle. In my thoughts as when evaluating for an overall aspect regarding various situations additionally regarding various topics, my thoughts tend to wander beyond just the initial set of words for the topic being discussed. Thus in SCUBA Diving the references made sense for both sets of lifestyles, which I implemented as best as I could for both as it seemed important and though I would learn later as to why it is what it is as there is no shame in consenting adults portions though there are certain safety precautions for such which makes sense in other areas of life when you contemplate the reality of the more complexities thereof. From such, I was able to find silver linings here and there.
As I am still a Mom and yet my son and my daughter are over the biological age of 18 years old each, the concern for such an endeavor as to go SCUBA Diving meant all the more to me for such intricacies. However the SCUBA Diving was not highly looked upon by some I had known and though I took every possible precaution including distancing myself from the situations I was seeing unfolding elsewhere, I was not easily convinced in the slightest. As that individual was okay to speak with there were discussions throughout which randomly sent chills up my spine including on the airplane out which I discussed, and then the fact I heard the jingling from my BCD being moved without any other movement at the time regarding sounds beyond a zipper a few times. There had been a point when I was in the shower and was asked about my SCUBA Diving depth gauge computer which after I told him the gauge type, there was a clanging dropped sound which sounded as though my #BCD measurement monitor military grade thankfully though had been touched by that SCUBA diver while I was in the shower. I peaked out from behind the door as I jumped out of the shower to hold the door, and he was putting my BCD back onto the table when I demanded to know what he was doing. He claimed he walked by the area, and bumped against the table.
I returned to the shower closing the door as being in a room which has to be shared despite separate beds bothered me extremely, as even before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury I had been extremely modest and private. I know what I look like, I know what clothes I have modeled in, however that does not give you the right to touch me nor touch anything of mine; male or female or whatever pronoun you choose for yourself, as it is my body and my property and my choice as to whether or not I choose to allow you to be anywhere near me. I have repeatedly had to explain myself including to that male, however well before that had occurred and well before 2009 for certain aspects. I did not think I would ever have to explain myself as many times as I have had to for common courtesy to which because of later portions after the Gulf of Mexico area of the ocean SCUBA Dives specifically referring to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. #Vandenberg, that made everything even more difficult needlessly for my son, my daughter, and I. I already had a difficult time discussing situations by 2009 I did not think as I had been told he was a SCUBA Dive Instructor through #NAUI, I did not realize how many times I would have to repeat myself and clarify being a #PADI SCUBA Diver to a NAUI SCUBA Diver Instructor from what had come across as many times as I had to tell him no before ever leaving for the trip for different discussions as well as whatever was against my personal beliefs he had brought up in discussions.
As even on the flight out to the area and his discussion about the species of fish called the Sea Cucumber though the Latin genus species specified name is Holothuroidea as he said if he found one he would make me touch it, even though I told him I did not touch animals in the ocean. He laughed and told me about the way the species transforms the feeling sensations, which I told him I did not care about his choice to touch an animal though to leave me out of it; however I told him of my opinion as well as what I had studied, in reference to touching animals which meant to simply just be. I tried lightening the mood telling him even in zoo situations the animals are left to their devices in the proper locations regarding the minimal human interaction, which I was laughed at in the airplane for. I told him human beings are not the same as zoo animals and visa versa, though there are domesticated versions of animals which he should look at for that if his need to do so while leaving me out of it. I warned him of species in the oceanic waters which are extremely lethal, and he laughed in my face. As he continued throughout the flight I simply wanted to close my eyes and not have to speak to because of my particular pain levels and the reasons why I personally began my SCUBA Diving, instead he wanted to talk about various species and annoy me further than the altitude pain levels from being in an airplane. The second the plane hit a bit of turbulence, he shut his mouth. I closed my eyes, and waited until the flight landed. He also was told about my situation regarding technology as each SCUBA Diver Instructor pretty much knew, which confused them because of what I was told in reference to my look; which ironically, confused me.
While looking back now in 2021 and knowing it was a situation I could have prevented if I simply had stood my ground stronger, however realistically it was not until Patti told me about being in another country which I had began to think about if it would be an intelligent choice. I knew about several real situations and thus, that was the only reason to which I accepted under the conditions of the SCUBA Diving. In the shower as I was reviewing the prior SCUBA Dive for the day as it was almost time to go to dinner after my SCUBA Diving gear sounds while he was outside of the bathroom door, I heard the sink water thinking he was going to brush his teeth when the door opened despite being locked; and then there was a large gust of cold air wind, and then a large glass of ice cold water when I take showers at heats which are for my health and make my skin red as my hair because of other portions that male did not seem to take into the slightest bit of additional consideration. You know, additionally to the fact of how when after the SCUBA Dive trip to return to Texas and the choice he made to not inform anyone else of possibly getting more involved. He and I went on two or three dates before I left to go to Georgia and Florida for 2 weeks once in Georgia which the picture below, give the time date stamp which had to be reentered because of the removal of the date stamp when I pulled my SCUBA Diving camera out when in the hotel.

You can see from the two portions the difference as other pictures are similar, from different SCUBA Diving trips which if they align to GPS coordinates as to his location with security footage with appropriate timing for my SCUBA Diving pictures among etcetera as the individual did not feel he needed to be seen with me as such at SCUBA Diving weekends between the Gulf of Mexico and going out to #Georgia. However as a side note he had told me about putting on a furry sasquatch suit and going around the Clear Springs SCUBA Park for awhile, and randomly picking into people's bags which infuriated me further. He brought up about how he was a SCUBA Dive Instructor at a different shop and in a different group, though he thought it was amusing; which I told him I did not find funny, nor did I believe any other SCUBA Divers I knew or would be would accept such a choice repeatedly. He laughed in my face asking, what could I do about it?
Though admittedly I am doing the best I can to get through to keep on schedule for the posting timeframe for my challenge, thus I apologize if the information is a bit much quickly. It is a bit for me to process in full as the fury of a male SCUBA Diving Instructor with admittedly more involvement in the ways which he was accustomed to his type of SCUBA Diving, my training for my SCUBA Diving was not the recreational type which I was made fun of for throughout the trip when on land when at the hotel or on the boat. After calling him out on several aspects and him not listening during SCUBA Diving trips on the boat out past the island area, most simply rolled their eyes accustomed to such antics; until I continued to repeat myself, as that is not difficult for me as those who have known me know. After the first hour on the boat out the females looked at me randomly questioningly, as I would get closer to the Captain's area just to get some peace and quiet from that male. I needed to focus on what I needed to do for my SCUBA Diving class, as well as my own SCUBA Diving. Then you can see how such occurred once again regarding my SCUBA Diving camera, during a trip out on the boat when in the Gulf of Mexico going to get ready to drop down shortly from then after the last part of the surface interval.

Notice the date missing as well as the fact you can tell I am not thinking about having to babysit my own SCUBA Diving gear while on the boat
I am glad I wore black and white in my bathing suit that day, as apparently it was mandatory to do so having such an individual stalking and causing problems needlessly during an extremely dangerous set of SCUBA Dives for me. I did not need to explain myself to some random male who was less trained than I in such efforts, as well as less trained than I in regards of what I needed to do to clean up the oceanic waters; as per the competition I had signed up for and earned the spot to meet the Governor of the state of New Jersey for the entire Marlboro School District's 8th grade class in combination with others around the entire state, for my artwork to clean up the ocean. I already had established myself in such a community, I know my own when I know my own. As he explained, he was a recreational SCUBA Diving Instructor; that was explained to me repeatedly, as he made fun of me for my studies and work as some in the community overall might have an idea as to the level of. It is one thing to tell a joke at SCUBA Diving events, it is a whole other ball of wax to play jokes on the SCUBA Diving community; especially with the fact of unlike that male, there are those who do have children to take care of and be concerned about as well as people who SCUBA Dive who simply just want to enjoy their SCUBA Dive.
Just because the term recreation is also in camp for children in elementary school where I come from, does not mean you have to act irresponsibly nor act as a child when being a SCUBA Diving Instructor of any kind. Even if you are SCUBA Diving to simply relax, for a little bit of time if you can afford that luxury. Most SCUBA Divers whether recreational or what-have-you, they prefer as many safe descents as many safe ascents with the SCUBA Diving time in between being as safe as possible. I cannot be the only one, who thought or thinks such ways; though also referring to the aspects of The Millers' book, which various portions make additional sense when taking into the consideration of the philosophical view points in conjunction to the types of intricacies. Though my SCUBA Diving colors are the same as my lifestyle colors for my tools, I also have implemented certain styles over the years in my outfits as I saw fit for what I was doing and/or needing at the time. Nonetheless I did not forget the rules nor did I forget the etiquette required, for several additional portions regarding multiple facets in the times. A few writings of mine on the adult website fetlife, show my writings @LadyDoriBelle can give additional details for such view points and I had not yet learned of the medical benefits of MMJ by the timing of the reading of The Millers Book for clarification purposes as that was over 1.5 years prior to ever discussing the possibility of some benefits comparatively.
Nonetheless when taking a look at the timing as well of my SCUBA Dive portions of my trip in Florida to then return back to the state of Texas after having landed at the bottom of the ocean after handling several situations, which if the pressure from the water area did not dent the area in the picture; I suppose you can guess how I handled situations when at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, as I had discussed and no I did not take a selfie. As you can see as quickly as possible, I was a little busy not recreationally SCUBA Diving.

However upon returning to the state of Texas after having discussed with several in the state of Florida before going to Alabama to stop for my son, my daughter, and my niece to spend time as a complained about until I had gone because my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Nichols-Osteen complained and whined until I hung up the phone. Then my other ex-sister-in-law called to complain for me to take them to Alabama before my ex-brother-in-law, because no one else seemed to have the slightest idea that Alabama is before Georgia and closer to Macon Georgia than Boca Raton Florida as they seemed to not have any technological advances to be able to use mapquest or google in 2009. It would have been more convenient than having to drive from Boca Raton Florida to Steele Alabama then through Tennessee because of the back roads, into Arkansas, then into Texas in comparison to Florida down along the I 10 corridor as I had driven out there previously or at minimum could have discussed before I left Texas instead of after. However the arrogance and ignorance of such ex-in-laws as to demand of me even more than I already had gifted to them, was enough for that side in regards of my last straw of any handouts to them. I warned them to not push me any further and upon granting their final request, well the rest the ex-in-laws can give their side of what they did.
Or was it a bunch of scardy cats thought I was going to die because of the slice to the BCD in the back part, of one of my 2 BCDs?
Upon returning to who was not officially my boyfriend though had gone out to a few places a few times which admittedly before my SCUBA Diving trip portions I was beginning to see some good in the individual as I could kind of find something to laugh about, however my return trip was such a level which adding he had caught a poufy fish when in the Gulf of Mexico and it had expanded in his hands and had not called me so I could check on him; he had seemingly either played a game and pretended not to get my texts until I returned to the state of Texas, or he was not interested any further which either way after my work I could not care either way. I was lit up with so much occurring, simply on my mind was needing to relax and while I was able to enjoy time with my son, my daughter, and my niece; the individual who had caught a Poufy Fish was being irresponsible through the choice to refrain from contacting me or getting help as I warned him to do as I thought a SCUBA Diving Instructor would have a First Aid/AED/CPR certification minimum. However, he had his own choices to make and despite my concern I was unable to make him contact me on his own free will. After my return from Florida, is when we arranged a get together.
Originally I was going to discuss the portions of my SCUBA Diving in Florida after not being able to go SCUBA Diving at the Georgia Aquarium because my ex-sister-in-law had complained she thought she knew better for my son and my daughter in reference to seeing me SCUBA Dive, however looking at the slice the wondering as to what the attempt was when I caught her digging through my SCUBA Diving bag when she then told me such. It would not be a surprise, as I had been informed as to what type of individual she was by her father before her dead brother or my dead-ex-husband told me about her as well as the rest of that side of the family among so many others.
Similar to a few locations, I tend to walk around and speak with people if I feel like it. I was able to get to know a few areas people especially as much as I was driving throughout the state of Texas between 2001 through to that point in 2009. Thus I had met a lot of people over the years I have enjoyed discussing various topics depending upon the situation and timing as per possibilities in Georgia as at one time she too lived in Fort Worth Texas after being in Fort Polk Lou8isiana and that particular ex-sister-in-law also had lived in Alabama in the house her aunt lived in as well on Chandler Mountain, which is how she came up with the name for her eldest daughter.
Any similarities, from what I was told? Mary, Mary, quite contrary...With silver bells and cockleshells...And pretty maids all in a row...And pretty maids all in a row...
I believe in other references the lyrics to the rhyme seem quite a bit appropriate, from what I was told and saw.
However as I am still alive as I always have been and always will be, the annoyances of others' such choices of their inconsiderate behaviour in such a short amount of time was an overload in my opinion. Instead of getting to the points I needed to referencing the information about my SCUBA Diving while I was out to then be able to ask about the Poufy Fish situation, instead that male had decided to tell me he had moved my Faeries and my Dragons in my house to test the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. We argued outside because I refused to allow such inside of my house near my children as they were sleeping as I had checked on and off after a few situations where I needed to retuck my daughter to bed, however outside there was not the ceiling to make a sound barrier for his or my voices. Arguing about the realistic facts of my SCUBA Diving and landing at the bottom of the ocean while he was playing games moving my household items around to illegally do so testing me to see when I returned if I would notice, might have caught the ear of any nearby neighbor if there are any who have a boat and/or SCUBA Dive and/or know someone who might have a connection in the same town as both SCUBA Dive shops each one of us were separately a part of the overall community. As my driveway was in the back and his Chevrolet Avalanche 2 trucks are the Harley Davidson colors one being black and one being orange/red, as well as having 2 Harley Davidson motorcycles; it seems extremely hypocritical for a SCUBA Diver to have two sets of motorcycle vehicles that match in year/color/parts as well as the same for the trucks, and yet decides to touch other people's SCUBA Diving gear when out at the water to go SCUBA Diving.
Nonetheless he refused to speak about the SCUBA Diving I had done, the Poufy Fish he caught when SCUBA Diving under my supervision after that moment discussed on land, and he refused to speak with anyone informing me of such after he had flown up to Washington state to see me after he had attended a year or two prior a Medal of Honor banquet as he told me held by Former President of the United States of America George W. Bush in Texas, and knew I would have several of my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces in my apartment to take to the American Legion/VFW/Disabled American Veterans/VA/military museums before he arrived to my apartment in Washington state; also knowing of my medical issues after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in conjunction with my SCUBA Dive situation, which he said he knew I 'had done everything I could for my daughter.'
If he had not kept up with what I was doing, then it made no sense for him to know what was going on with my daughter or anything else except what was in the letter; though nothing was brought up about my books, nor the links. Then when bringing up the SCUBA Diving portions certain words I murmered, I noticed him using when speaking to me. When he arrived in Washington state to pick up from the airport and go back to my apartment, he walked around my aprtment looking at my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as the paintings I had completed on the walls before covering with blue ocean colored paint. I refuse to paint any walls of any houses I do not own after that situation as since when at a Navy/Marine Shipyard which is a military base looking at the USS Nimitz instead of being serious yet again, his choice in reference to the SCUBA Dive at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg had been ignored and dismissed by him telling me he 'was not there' as well as he knew I 'did not take a selfie at the location'. I did explain a few things in attempts to get him to stop being moronic in my opinion or maybe the Poufy Fish destroyed what was of the brain capacity he had since he did not want to pay attention to my warnings, though I drove onward to another location as he got into the vehicle and I took his doubting to a point where I knew he would have to bow down. I walked on top of the quicksand as well as on top of the ocean in front of him before videoing the same aspects in different locations, and when he chose to ignore my warnings by simply acknowledging such correctly openly and honestly to be able to speak with the correct people instead; that male suggested I contact Elon Musk, or Marc Cuban. I have, and not a surprise as to not having a response thus far when the suggestion came from the same individual who refused to verbalize for himself.
I despite such as my life with my son and my daughter was destroyed because he chose what he knew nothing about and he went against my warnings, and because of doing so for as he chose to including to this point now as I have yet to slightly have the correct acknowledgement required for additional ignorant aspects from individuals in reference to Irving; though I suppose I figured out who the proverbial Pharaoh was, as it was literally in the cards during the only poker game I had ever participated in. In whatever instance as to the reality of why no one in the major news media has ever discussed such or ever asked officially to inform me of any type of interview unless more recently at actual events or random formally discussed as prior to, which after everything I explained what would make any sane individual think any way other than to expressly be truthful to me would be any other way better? He lied to my face in my apartment in front of the different pieces from my Medal of Honor Art Project, lied to me on a military installation about not believing me about my SCUBA Dives he had at minimum been on and seen though arrogantly and childishly has denied the confirmation as required not only in the way which would be needed by simply asking through etiquette, though the choice to do so as well as his choice to seal his fate was made the first night. By the time he went to leave on the flight out the second he stepped out of the vehicle, he had one last shot to repair such before I went because he was not going to stop me as he had not previously because he has no clue who I spoke with over all these years as it is almost 12 years he has denied US Navy SEALS among others who could actually possibly have the ability to translate the correct way the right to ask me questions openly, because of his denial.
I have sent multiple pieces of material to more than just such names well before the suggestion, and well after as once back in Texas after 4 July 2019; I went straight to what I needed to do, giving him the last chance to be able to save his name from what could be.
I learned, he no longer is a SCUBA Diving Instructor. At minimum whomever made the choice to not renew him and if so was due to the choices he made, thankfully so though hopefully letters to each student he had over the years if able to be found could assist with additional clarification for the proper education of NAUI SCUBA Divers as per the major length of time for one example. Not forgetting my Uhaul, though yes, I am thankful for the fact I was able to get and keep some of my pictures for awhile from time with my children and what I had taken pictures of. Yes I am thankful I was able to get my SCUBA Diving log book with my certifications, which I have if needed; though I already renewed my SCUBA Diving certification pictures for all of my SCUBA Diving open and semi-closed oceanic and freshwater SCUBA Diving type. I truly appreciate someone such as Christopher Titus' sense of humor, with such situations when thinking about the situations to assist with the processing. It takes a grown up to acknowledge such and take the steps forward to genuinely pursue a better and more positive path despite the struggles, to be able to light another's way while continuing to progress forward. The irony is I think if our biological father's and/or biological mothers were switched we would have been different, and yet that is exactly the point.
I am thankful for the situations which strengthened me further, and I hope many more positive blessings for a betterment for.
Though I am wondering how is it to have taken almost 12 years to acknowledge such to me, or was that too difficult to ask? The fact as to so many assumptions annoys me, though not as much as it annoys me to know there has been clarification as to some of my SCUBA Diving type in the state of Texas and yet the acknowledgement for such has yet to occur. If my biological and/or ex-in-law family connections were involved, I curse thee permanently because you should have known better and the whole aspect would enrage the oceanic and cause Irving as it did; even the mere mention in word, thought, or writing of any type.
That probably should be fixed and repaired, summer is here and I do not need to SCUBA Dive. In reference to the comment about 1 situation and 1 situation only about thanks, that was for one situation and one situation one situation only. Just as my ex-in-laws and my biological family had abused such trust of mine, so too has everyone who has denied acknowledging such when meeting me who know.
However to end on a more positive note despite the other situational aspects I wish I had remembered to email a picture to the male who I purchased the P51 Mustang from, though I hoped with a writing he might at minimum smile. Irony, of RC.