I am in quite a bit of a mood admittedly as per something I listened to Sean from the #VigilanceElite #YouTube channel a few weeks prior to my recent #MedalofHonorArtProject trip, as with several interviews of the various members of the military/#ArmedForces of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica, local/state/federal law enforcement, fire department, and EMS which had been said a few times which seemed important as I knew each were speaking from experiences which I could see a bit from. One particular portion which had been said had been something along the lines, "...and when it all comes to a stopping point and yet the train is still moving at some point the rest of the cars have to reach that point..."
I admit it is not word for word, though it is poignant sentiment for me to pay attention to. I know I did not graduate Basic Training nor AIT and etcetera to complete what those individuals had and have and continue to go forward, though there is not the ability to truthfully deny the process which has to be gone through in multiple aspects. Of which while each of them had gone through when the time came for certain transitions in life, and the information discussed through such from experiences the reality of certain correlations in the current time make quite a bit of sense additionally. Thus, I am extremely thankful for the YouTube channel and the discussions during the interviews I have listened to this far on 21 May 2021. As the ability to look through the typed pages of words as I have allowed the choice to be able to read such in comparison to giving the allowance to discuss various aspects of what I have written and/or took pictures and/or video of through my website and if purchasing certain books, as personally I have not opened up to anyone in person about such details because of several factors; including the lack of proper clearances to be able to know certain information of which, Fail-Safe had given multiple warnings about within that particular book of that series I have been working on. There is absolutely no need to deny the truth about the depth levels of intricacies and as to such my rightful choice to deny any request for information, because if you do not have my express permission to record me when I am in the knowledge of the recordings such as outside in a public location; inside of a building such as an apartment as per legal statutes where the right to expect and receive privacy, even now when alone I do not care to go over specific details with the knowledge of the cellphone/laptop/technology pieces which by technicalities does not have the authority to record without the permissions in a private location without the purposeful usage of the technology devices, such as when making a phone call or text, going on a website or app, and etcetera. Without such a situation there is no excuse for any legal purposes unless there has been a warrant presented for the monitoring as I learned the military could not do and thus, civilians would also fall into such a category automatically for choosing to illegally put any type of surveillance in an unattached individual or attached individual's living dwelling for an example. I learned through the Article 15 fiasco every legal aspect is required to have an end date otherwise there are major federal laws of invasion of privacy for this situation example, compared to the requirement for the end date for back then an illegal Article 15 to begin with. As Washington state went as it had, I reiterate those portions in reference to illegal surveillance by any civilian as I do not care if you think you are a private investigator because of a piece of paper; you know how I view pieces of paper when it comes to several aspects if we have ever spoken, or you have read. In reference to #SCUBA Diving, I am going to get into that.
However because of the lack of integrity seen in certain references which could have been assisted in the proper timing my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, the communities I had already been involved with for several years dating back to beginning in 2003, all well before #SCUBADiving in 2009; a large portion of the overdramatic problems which seemingly looking back which pun intended had arisen was due to an adult biological male who had refused to see even though he was there in the Gulf of Mexico area of the ocean, when I landed at the bottom of the ocean to stand up and pee while looking directly at the individual I am referring to. At the time for the trip out for my last 2 SCUBA Diving certifications for the plan I had made for myself, I had informed on the airplane flight of how ignorant he sounded telling me he thought I needed to see a sea cucumber to feel the difference when you touch it because the shell gets hard. I told him he needed to keep his hands to himself and not touch anything he did not have permission to touch, which he thought apparently I was joking. He continued talking about the marine life species called with the Scientific Species label of Holothuroidea as I had already been gardening for decades by then in 2009 of which any gardener of certain types of specialty plants will usually know both the common name such as in the case for the animal called the sea cucumber or at minimum look it up for clarification later, though will also know a minimum of the major genus label scientifically; of which I did apply and was able to get through the 3 interviews for the Marine and Science Technology School #MAST with the Naval academy branch attachment, when I was living in #NewJersey when getting close to graduating 8th grade.
Though I was not accepted as I was told then by the school which my childhood neighbor across the street was with me when I received the letter from MAST, which literally was less than one week after returning from camp after my birthday that year. Timothy did not know what happened at camp that summer initially though he saw how much I was working for the ability to go and later the following year when we met up near the bus stop as he was one year behind me in school as he was one year younger than me and he also went to the same babysitter at Sony/Sonja and Joe/Jose's house, which he did not tell me he had applied until getting to the mailbox and pulling the door open. I remember telling him I genuinely was happy for him to apply and get accepted which he looked at me asking who I had spoken with as he was only recently done with his interview processes, though there was the packet with the larger amount of paperwork as he opened the mailbox to pull it out. I looked at him with a smile asking when he was ready to begin, which he seemed confused as to why I was genuinely happy for him to be accepted knowing the prior year situation about the MAST in my regards. I remember I told him it seemed as though it was important for him to go for what he needed to do in life and what I needed to do apparently did not necessarily mean the requirement for me, to attend the MAST school. I know later the move to Illinois was a lot for me in a multitude of ways, however I would have been destroyed if I had been able to get into the school to move forward and the situation which later in the middle meant I would have been pulled out prior to my graduation from high school similarly. I know myself as I knew myself, and my biological parents would have gone through worse than my work to complete all of the additional classes because of the transfer out of state to a public high school from a Catholic High School.
I was infuriated multiple class credits such as religion classes, Latin classes, and several other math and/or science classes credits were not transferrable at those times. I would not have been nearly as calm if I had learned what I learned later of my biological parents' involvement to push me away from the Armed Forces in their thoughts by moving to Illinois, though there is the ironic twist of the amount of #Navy and other military bases though more specific because of the MAST charter high school. My biological parents were so against me joining despite where I grew up and grew up around I watched as they lied about me as they already had done for years by that point, and they lied to the healthcare company to put me into a hospital for being set to go towards the military once they realized I had done more work to graduate early than they knew because they were paying more attention to their favorite daughter. When I started talking with recruiters at the school fair in September of my Senior year of high school is when the information came through to them that all of the college courses I took while going to summer school and then later to continue college while going to regular high school, initially when arriving in #Illinois I was told my classes had put me more than 1.5 years behind my schedule. I pushed forward telling my biological parents I was going to the military and at some point was told of the thwarting on their part in reference to the move away from New Jersey, the choice to find where the military bases were to be as far from them while possibly they did not think the military guys ever left the military bases, and they had destroyed my MAST application process by speaking with the interviewer rudely and telling the people you believed it was just a phase; which since my biological parents had already been lying about me to cover up what they and/or my biological sister had actually done, at those times they considered me as the perfect scapegoat for their crimes against humanity.
My biological mother lied on the paperwork forms as well as lied to me to get to the location saying I was going to go to a party which I could speak with some military people, to see whether or not I really wanted that. I told my recruiters about the situation when after out of the place they took me to as the staff members could not understand why I was in their care, as they did not see anything wrong with me except they thought I was stubborn about what I was needing to do as I saw and explained to them. The recruiters who spoke with my biological parents and dealt with them for months while they knew I was being smoked regularly as I had updated them on my progress, as I already explained several portions which seemingly they understood seeing how my biological parents were acting in the office. One of the tops for the office looked at me one afternoon while I was supposed to be in college class because then my biological mother thought if I stayed in college longer I would all of a sudden want to go to college because of what I would see at a college campus, which since I finally was able to be emancipated to join and go to Basic Training despite what occurred; needless to say or write, I succeeded in going and have proven the aspects I was looking at had not ever been a phase for me. I suppose for my biological sister being as she had possibly some psychological projections as to other surrounding situations, though if you take a total look into my upbringing surroundings there is nothing which I would guesstimate which would show anything except the pattern for the ability to go to the Armed Forces of the United States of America to do what was necessary to fix and repair what could be done from what I had seen. As the recruiters obviously spoke with my biological parents about several topics my biological mother laughed when the recruiters, my biological parents, and I were standing outside smoking cigarettes; those of us who did, which she then admitted while laughing as to lying to the healthcare to prevent me from leaving to go to do what was necessary.
I remember I looked up towards the male recruiters dressed in their Class As or Class B uniform depending of rank, before looking upward to the sky doing what I could to remain calm having just heard my biological mother admit she purposely had gotten in the way of my progress because of whatever ineptitude to see there was so much more which I needed to do than be anything less than who I am in comparison wrongly in my opinion. Timothy may remember or not from when we were growing up, maybe he could see a bit of military preparation when looking back as he would know the history of New Jersey and the areas we were mainly around at the times; while not forgetting he obviously saw and listened when at our babysitter's house, as to how my biological parents had spoken to anyone associated with me compared to my biological sister which obviously would extend naturally to the initial connection. If you have met my biological mother then you most likely learned she will not do certain things my biological father would, though the past is how the past is.
Shortly before walking towards the car after that realization from the admitting and laughter from my biological parents about what lies they had told about me to others not only in Illinois though also in the east coast area, the recruiters seemingly were taken aback by the unabashedness of hatred emanating from their words; I can remember later meetings where it seemed as though the recruiters were intrigued as to what they had been told straight from their mouths of the 17 years I had dealt with up to that point, one admitted he had not seen such torture from Americans before to their own. I suppose now a bad joke though a joke is still the truth now in Texas I suppose the joke could be, just wait a minute and hold this. Let me actually show you what levels they have gone to and what I have seen others who have done similar to their children or like to their children where I grew up walking around, as they are as they are and they will be as they will be. At the time my biological mother worked at #McHenryCountyGovernmentCenter #MHCGC in #Woodstock Illinois, which I remember after one afternoon stopping by the office she had made sure to introduce me to a Congressman whose office staff was in the building of which I write remembering now had told me she had spoken with a Congressman to get things taken care of the way she wanted, before when I was stationed in Medical Hold Unit at Fort Sam Houston she told me on the phone again she had spoken with the Congressman's staff in the office at the government center and repeated everything was taken care of as she spoke with them and there was nothing to worry about according to her. I did not ever testify in a court of military law about what occurred during my Basic Training yet my biological mother said she had everything taken care of, through contacting that Congressman's office staff about my situation. As much of a disappointment and the proof thereof as had been explained and shown over the years, it would not surprise me if there was a message sent somewhere which had something involving my fighting to join the Army branch. I had already been yelled at before for living despite, and it seemed the exact same from what I could feel vibrationally.
I did not believe her and I made sure to tell everyone in #MedicalHoldUnit about her including the Medical Hold Unit now Warrior Transition Unit #WTU office personnel, the #CID agents when other discussions occurred from after #Brackenridge after the rave; as my biological mother encouraged me to meet people on post to go outside and see more just before that trip. The new company commander at the time prior to his transfer shortly after as she knew I was happily speaking with him despite the age difference and despite the possibility of fraternization for talking with, all of my doctors at Brooke Army Medical Center while in Medical Hold Unit, all of the people I could when in whichever area of the base to give extra help and support as needed including at the Navy/Marine building near Stanley those years, and many more well before being put on restriction; I had discussed the realities as best as I could, to give a better clarification as to what I could find words to explain what I had noticed oddly. Though realistically even while on restriction at that time, the amount of people I warned about my biological mother it seemed the better to absolutely obliterate what coding I had seen her put into previously when she had been coding for the #IT software department at #Prudential in #Holmdel New Jersey in the 1980s and 1990s. If she thought I put their names onto my life insurance policy, she was wrong. I actually had put my Uncle and his new wife's name onto the life insurance policy as I had told them at #NicksPizzaria in #CrystalLake shortly before I went to Basic Training. However looking at the paperwork I was sent there is an irony because when filling out the paperwork at the time for my life insurance policy as who would be the receiver of, those times in 1999 and 2000 there was not any electronic forms at the local recruiter office to put the names in and when at the #MEPS station while there is paperwork which was filled out on a computer, the life insurance policy was written by hand as there was not the printed names into the fields as it was just as the same as a signature line for the name choices. Thankfully the paperwork which can be gone through from my actual military file compared to what my biological mother would have been allowed to see as a civilian even with working at a local government center, as the background checks and the like are and were done separate from the government center's way for background checks.
As my biological parents explained to my recruiters of what they had done I would guesstimate they may have spoken with others back then and put a few fail safes into place to put a netting out there just in case as evil and cruel as my biological mother had initially came across as, could hypothetically be shown in full detail for many more to see. The guesstimation of the knowledge I could not be the only one at those times who was dealing with such, as my recruiters were/are biologically older than me. I doubt unfortunately they had not seen such before or had certain experiences, which took them aback a bit. I remember there was a point when I was in Illinois though I do not recall the specific month after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury coma, I walked into the recruiter's office and all of the recruiters I had known were there and looked in my direction seemingly with a large amount of fear in their eyes. I remember I walked in and asked how they were doing and if they remembered me, which the recruiters said they did and wondered why I had asked such a question of them. I told them what I remembered from Basic Training and the office recruiters sat down in their chairs to roll closer to where I was standing, as they asked many questions.
Now moving forward through what has already been discussed and/or written of what individuals actually need to know compared to what they think they want to know though have had no one who has proven any clearances to me for such information to be discussed and thus, since situations have gone as they have; I have locked up tighter than I already was and since there are so many different additional details to every situation, I can continue going around and around and around as I have and do because once again. No one has proven any clearances to me as to why any information is needed further, especially since my SCUBA Diving accomplishments have yet to be recognized as per they should have back in 2009; specifically after returning to the state of Texas, after my Florida state area SCUBA Dives. One particular biological adult male SCUBA diver who had discussed the Holothuroidea species and once again the Latin language is used for Scientific labeling in reference to Illinois high school, and I have already been gardening on land helping around where I could when I was growing up in New Jersey in the planting areas; well before having my own house to garden with the plants and specific species, I was growing. That biological adult male SCUBA diver had continued trying to tell me he thought he knew better because of being an Instructor at the other local store in the city area and as I understood, he was just filling up extra space for the trip to be a better price for everyone in the group to go as with 6 people there was a better price than with 5 as I was perfectly content not sharing a room with anyone during that trip. I had to be convinced to allow him to go and be in the same hotel room which took weeks before I would consider him to be a possibility, which ironically made the owner of International SCUBA at the time giggle and laugh as she thought the responses she was getting from his attempting to be humorous as she knew him far longer than I did and she knew far more about his SCUBA diving past than I did in the overall community by that time in 2009. I am uncertain if she had herself some specific interaction with him or a friend of hers or a family member of her who had a situation with that biological male SCUBA diver, though it seemed as though she wanted to see his education as to a few things.
Knowing what I know now in comparison to back then, I can see a very long trail of tangled strings which had been placed around as a different netting for whatever the situation had been whatever time it had been. I do not doubt she knew my capabilities as we had talked for hours at random while I was volunteering at the shop during the time when my son and my daughter were in school, as she had been who I first spoke with about SCUBA Diving and the depth of research I had already done prior to walking through the doors in January 2009 for the official classes sign ups. Looking at the paperwork requirements though I had woken up from my coma more than 5 years prior to then in reference to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which there are certain medical differences for people such as myself though that is a whole other ball of wax, nonetheless because I had recently within less than 12 months had 2 major surgeries I went to my plastic surgeon who had beautifully done work for what happened to my body after being pregnant and gaining between the two pregnancies in total over 130 pounds including the subtraction for the weight loss between my two pregnancies for my children. I think he understood my concern as talking with him because of the implant portions for my breast augmentation, however the stomach area also was of concern to ensure because of the atmospheric changes as well as the levels of nitrogen the wondering about such details was the reason as to getting the signature for my medical approval to go SCUBA Diving then. She knew how serious I was to begin with and she joked about the fact as to how I began my SCUBA Diving research had felt to her as though she saw a #Unicorn walk through the door, which I did not understand at the time while acknowledging the reality thereof. If I remember correctly I began describing the differences between actual Unicorn species compared to Pegasus species compared to etcetera in brief, while discussing several other portions about combined connections to several aspects of SCUBA Diving.
As a side note in reference to that biological adult male SCUBA diver and the female owner when discussing a few situations whether the assistance for the #RescueSCUBADiver course as well as more in specific to furthered details later on it almost seemed looking back now in 2021 to then in 2009, Patti was Lucy to him being Charlie Brown. The irony of catching a Poufy Fish after I told him not to touch anything, and him catching the fish like a football before it poufed up in his hands.
By the time I had spoken with Patti about the other class options to add as the equivalent of a 16 course meal for all of the specialties available after finishing my paperwork for my National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diver certification which was before my #FishSpeciesIdentificationSCUBAnonSCUBADiving certification, as the scientific Latin portions again show through. I made sure I completed over 100 SCUBA Dives during the time of my certification classes before booking my trip to go for my Drift and Ocean SCUBA Dive certifications, as the classes are and have always been considered different than the SCUBA Dive training I had done. Thus the over 100 SCUBA Dives while had been during the timeframe for the certifications sometimes of which though my #NightSCUBADiver training certification had been official in June, possibly the aspects of certain camping supplies comparatively for my food might make a bit more sense than the prior explanations for space in my car additionally. After a situation and the following day the class for whichever certification in the month of May, I learned the hard way what one of my SCUBA Diving Instructors had discussed in class and knew to make sure to get my Night SCUBA Diving certification classes taken care of properly. Thus anything further repeated the need to ensure my SCUBA Diving prior to going to #Florida with my son, my daughter, and my niece as they were my proverbial tethers back from when I finished what I needed to take care regarding SCUBA Diving in the areas I had to go to during the time. I knew each possibility of what could have happened though the risk of allowing my children and my nieces to have to deal with those particular aspects along with others as the USS/#USNSGeneralHoytSVandenberg was sunken into international waters to build the coral reef. I did not know of any groups' name other than what would be associated through the #Pentagon, however they were busy with a lot and what it would have taken to try to explain then; even now I repeat the aspects of being thankful for the Vigilance Elite YouTube, as I know each individual has had their own experiences and perceptions from which in turn the ability to discuss with others for others to listen to see what has been around and within situations for the general public to be more aware of in various ways assisted in various regards. However as said once that train is pulled to a stop, everything that followed from behind keeps moving forward because of the kinetic momentum.
Thus realizing the individual who had not wanted or needed to acknowledge he was in a relationship with me at the time because as he said he did not want others to think of him as taking advantage of a student, during what he said would be meeting through a SCUBA Diving trip. That had confused me because he had pursued pushing for the ability to go on the trip with everyone after Patti had convinced him to book a trip with her to go to the Cancun area, though the boat had been driven to the other side of the Cozumel island when when went SCUBA Diving because I paid attention to the signs when the boat was going out onto the oceanic waters. I had already had a situation referring to #UnderwaterNavigationSCUBADiving certification which I was told the class was for only the underwater portion and had nothing to do with the on land portion, because SCUBA Diving is in the water. When I asked about what to do if going out to the ocean for SCUBA Diving and what to do then, I was laughed at. I remember after that class when I went to volunteer I purchased a few items from International SCUBA when I went in to volunteer because of various concerns knowing my SCUBA Diving style, which then I purchased a few other items as I looked online as well as several other locations. While admittedly in prior writings including my books "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", "Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", possibly "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend MeeLing", as well as each book of my 3 part volume series "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing"; I could have written Cozumel instead of Cancun because of only remembering the sign from the island when the boat drove by outward and back inward each time for the ocean boat SCUBA Dives, compared to the one set of shore SCUBA Dives.
During the first day after checking into the hotel to go to the rooms to unpack, each of the SCUBA Divers I had gone with went their ways. There were two pairs of two couples, and then there was the male SCUBA diver and I. We went to our shared room with two separate beds with a balcony, two dressers or one which looked large enough to be two dressers wide, three night stands with drawers only, one table inside with chairs, one table outside with chairs, a clear-ish color for the patio balcony with some silver around the edges, a television, a phone, two Bibles, a sink area separate from the shower and toilet area nearby, and an open ceiling area somewhere possibly at 8-10 feet upward from the floor. If I remember correctly I am fairly certain of tile flooring in the bathroom and sink with mirror area as well as in front of the door where there was an additional table to put items on as many SCUBA Divers would go there at that time, which when preparing to go for the shoreline SCUBA Dive I went to the shower to prepare for what I was going to need to do. I know at a point I was asked while I was in the shower which was less than 2 hours after the flight when I was in the shower of what type of SCUBA Dive depth gauge I had and when I answered about the type, I heard something drop to the floor before hearing a jingling sound with a zipper area. If hypothetically that zipper area had been where some of my SCUBA Diving knives were, then someone caught a poufy fish because he should not have touched what he did not have permission to touch and would not have had to catch a poufy fish and deal with the ramifications after having been pricked by one of the spikes. Hypothetically such is a coinky dink if he were to admit such a reality, then again after getting back from the #GulfofMexico area of the oceanic waters; later he had not wanted to let anyone we went SCUBA Diving with know or any of the school staff at International SCUBA, though I am uncertain if he realized SCUBA Divers probably talk with each other at some point and who could have been in the area when. That was not the only time as obviously with the camera picture of me during the SCUBA Diving trip on the boat, I had seen the flash because of the set up for underwater photography; and there that individual had been on the boat the following day, holding my underwater SCUBA Diving camera. One picture of a few had been sent to me via email as my SCUBA Diving Instructor who was a part of my #UnderwaterDigitalPhotographySCUBADiving course certification class, though the reality of such for several circumstances during the trip which had not fully been realized to the levels of until after returning to the state of Texas from Florida.
Prior to my trip out to Florida after time in #Georgia during the First and Only Family Vacation I was able to have with my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, and my niece #Letters4Marissa; I needed them to see more of the United States of America to truly learn in person to know and understand more clearly for themselves on their own, and I needed my niece to speak with her sister to think about a better way of life for herself. I saw which path she was headed down, and she had more to offer than what she had been lead to believe at those times. I needed those nieces to speak with their cousins in #Oklahoma to be able to look into more details of deeper meaning and find a better way than as well, what they had seen for too long in certain references regarding their school. I needed my one niece in the reference point to also speak with her cousins she had just spent time with, for similar aspects regarding more than just one view of what they saw in the world. I knew the type of education they were getting simply by driving around the areas, and they needed to be the beginning points of the catalyst for a more informed type of genuine learning not only about information needed for schooling; though also to prepare for real life as what each of them saw was a part of life in reality when in person interacting without technology, though they did not at the time necessarily see the difference with. I had already been doing everything I could for my son and my daughter to be able to and continued onward to do so as best as I could possible, though situations went as they had over the years which hopefully for the longer and longest terms are the highest good and best ideals to bring forward into action.
While I had taken the risks I had, I discussed in as much detail as I could go into for the information to be known and understood as best as possible in reference to my SCUBA Diving style. It went as it did and yes while I individually made the choice myself to go underwater to handle as needed to be, however everything for the most part went smoothly comparatively for what needed to be done. For clarification the water color changes in any area of water where I took pictures was not because of a filter, it was because of however the situation(s) at the time had went in reference to what I had dealt with regarding certain species within the different bodies of water I had gone for my SCUBA Diving classes and my SCUBA Diving training. However prior to my as well as after my Night SCUBA Diver certification course class, I did not need to take any chances utilizing my underwater camera during those camping times; however the eggs in the morning were as fantastic on the bread, as the dinner the evening before everyone else went to sleep in whichever tents they went to after dinner and their beers. I went to my tent admittedly around the time of and when the last light went out in the area with only the smoldering from the firepit, I am just going to write I could see quite clearly before and after I completed for the swim so to state. Again prior to the booking of the ocean trip I had accomplished over 100 safe SCUBA Dives for my certification classes coursework and continued onward during the interim waiting period, prior to the actual trip out to the #Cancun/on the other side of the island of #Cozumel/Gulf of Mexico area of the ocean.
The rest of the time between returning to #Texas after Mexico had been as it was, though the male had acknowledged the catching of the Poufy Fish during the trip as well as after the trip in 2009. I told him I had told that Poufy Fish to go a different way when checking his hands on the surface while standing in the boat to go backwards to the preserve area of the Cozumel island because it was closer to where we were taken to go SCUBA Diving in the Gulf of Mexico area of the ocean, however while my SCUBA Diving Instructor may have wondered if the depth level his gauge read was accurate; the answer is a half and half situation, depending upon how the screen looked when you looked at it during the time underwater as well as above the water at the surface. As my SCUBA Diving Instructor for those two SCUBA Diving certification classes during that time, thankfully for the dive where he went next to a Nurse Shark at the bottom of the ocean in the elevated area as the natural progression of the topography for the area compared to where dropped down into for that type of Drift SCUBA Diving that time; I can make a joke about him being to be the verifiable proof as to what the SCUBA Dive Master on The Starfish Enterprise had said before everyone on the boat dropped down, to go SCUBA Diving around the area of the USNS/#USSGeneralHoytSVandenberg at their comfort levels of "I don't doubt anyone would feel the safest if going SCUBA Diving with you and would jump at the chance to be your SCUBA Diving partner."
After what had occurred not at the bottom of the ocean though at the surface on the boat that day when seeing who had been assigned to me only because of the #NITROXSCUBADiving tanks, just the same as the prior Florida SCUBA Dive because of having an underwater camera and the SCUBA Diving partner earlier that week. However the second assigned one for the two sets of SCUBA Diving was not prepared the way the first assigned SCUBA Diver had been when I SCUBA Dove with him, outside from leaving the dock at the area from #BocaRaton Florida. Upon returning after the entire family vacation trip back to the state of Texas, there were issues with communication with the individual over the time while out of the state of Texas towards the east coast which were extremely concerning. Partially because of knowing he had caught a Poufy Fish, and a baby Poufy Fish at that. A baby Poufy Fish's venom is much more potent than an adult Poufy Fish, which you can refer to Rattlesnake venom for a land reference. The choice back then was to ask him to contact me while I was on the trip as I would him, however I could not force him to do the correct choice. If he had adverse reactions from the baby Poufy Fish and chose not to say anything because as my ex-sister-in-law pointed out about him being a motorcyclist and certain attributes of certain types of motorcyclists, in certain ways especially now I can see how truthful such a statement had been in a different regard. He knew he caught a Poufy Fish and though he did not know it was a baby Poufy Fish, he had repeatedly before catching the baby Poufy Fish been warned not to touch anything which he did not have the right to touch. If he chose to not say anything to others who may not have known during the trip because possibly none of the others saw he caught a baby Poufy Fish, they may have noticed a pattern of behaviour change during the time I was gone from the state of Texas. If choosing to be far too headstrong and have ignored multiple signs and warnings beyond what I already had warned of as well as the messages I sent in concern of him at those times, those who knew him best at those times would have been able to notice. However in reference to my SCUBA Diving Instructor for that trip, he was able to be safe because of how I am about my SCUBA Diving overall. It is mandatory for me to ensure I make every possible effort for a safe descent into the waters to whichever depths needed at the time, to have the safest possible SCUBA Dive in whichever waters, to ascend safely to go upward on land to continue to live as best as possible from whatever situations occurred back then in other specifics.
Upon returning from Florida's trip and having dinner with the male SCUBA Diver at my house after not having received many messages or calls during the trip and been worried the whole time, the dinner went as it went. While I was ready to celebrate after getting back after checking to see what occurred while I was gone as the fact the lack of messages while I was gone compared to before leaving, seemed off putting. I could not tell my son, my daughter, or my niece during the trip towards Georgia for their safety just as I could not discuss the information with my ex-in-laws prior or during the trip itself for their safety on the phone calls. Knowing at the time when in Georgia of being on a military post, I could not put everyone at risk back then because I knew if I told my ex-brother-in-law about any portion of my #SCUBA Diving training and not my SCUBA Diving certification courses; I knew he would have to report information to his #Commander, and there was absolutely not one second to wait. I knew I would have been held under a different version of #MartialLaw which my biological mother would know a very small version as to what would have occurred in the teeniest and tiniest of ways was a massively huge concern, and the length of time it would have taken to be able to get to what I needed to at the #Vandenberg would have been too late if the situation had gone that way.
I had to bite my lip while driving through the states towards Georgia and Florida because if I spoke a specific word prior to getting into Florida for a SCUBA Dive, the only reference I can give in a different metaphor for those who understand or at minimum know; you need to push the #NOS button at the most precise point in time for the greatest speed and best outcome possible for that, and as I saw the signs along the highway I had to focus my attention as best as I could to any other topic possible. Having the knowledge of other technological aspects when seeing such signs and also in reference to the military base #WarnerRobbinsAirForceBase in #Macon Georgia, that itself was enough of a continuous reminder with the additional portions referring to the work I needed to take care of. I thought it would be best if I were to simply take a picture when there was a lull in the time during the actual SCUBA Dive itself as it only took me 3 minutes to land at the bottom of the ocean and by the time of 9 minutes, to land at the bottom of the ocean in the Matthias Abyss area below the portion of the General Hoyt S. Vandenberg to the other boats and airplanes in the area. Once I lost sight of my assigned SCUBA Diving partner because of the amount of other SCUBA Divers going into the water when he was towards the surface when he was at around 35 feet when getting his hands to the mooring line, compared to where I was when I landed after the first landing. A small reference could be a different version of repelling downward because of several factors, and a smidgen of gymnastics I suppose to try to explain-ish.
When I was done with the first picture from landing at the bottom in the #MatthiasAbyss area of the oceanic waters, I will leave the most simple description I can for that particular set of events during that SCUBA Dive in that area. Usually during most lake, quarry, hot springs, and when taking in consideration the length of time over the numbers of days out in the Gulf of Mexico area of the ocean compared to the number of pictures during the Vandenberg SCUBA Dive before my ascension to the top for a surface interval; you literally can do the math counting for yourself, though there are a total of 26 pictures only from the SCUBA Dive to the bottom area of the oceanic waters. The other pictures I had were uploaded by me back then to my computer laptop, though I do not deny the fact during the surface interval I was told to snorkel and if the similarity of people choosing not to touch what was not theirs to touch ever to begin with was similar situation hypothetically; I cannot begin to put into words what hell would have been unleased simply by their fingers touching the camera case, and opening the pandoras box I literally and metaphorically and proverbially had just fought to close. My elementary school aged children knew better than full grown adults had in comparison, referring to keeping their hands to themselves and not touching what is not theirs without permission. Due to their lack of a clearance level what they would have essentially unleashed is probably why unlike any other SCUBA Dive I had gone on, I needed to sleep for several extra hours since little children were smarter to not touch what was not theirs to touch.
There has been lessons in which my son and my daughter knew if I said something was to be a specific way, the lesson learned as to why such was supposed to be a specific way showed itself in the end. If in reference hypothetically since I do not have such particular proof though not forgetting my #UHAUL having my SCUBA Diving gear, once again I reitterate stop touching what does not belong to you and since UHAUL chose not to contact me until after my shipment was stolen for my some of my furniture, clothing, belongings of my children, SCUBA Diving gear, and much more. If they had actually informed me instead of taking the finances for the lot of my belongings or if it was a set up to steal my gear ignorantly to try to make up for it by taking the pictures and my SCUBA Diving certifications to the SCUBA Diving shop I had taken my son to go through #JrSealSCUBA Diving classes or simply just asked honestly, the additional damages done because of the refusal to do so was a choice made not by me. Just as if the male diver back when I returned from Florida had told the truth knowing I had done so in the Gulf of Mexico area of the ocean situations in full had not been so childish as to then say he moved my Faery and Dragon statues while not knowing which ones after denying the situations from Cancun, I was done with that individual quickly because of the prior added situations. I would have made further attempts after about a week if I had not remembered how many times he had already moved my belongings because as a child would test certain limits until being reprimanded as per the situation, however I moved on quickly because I was not selfish enough to deny doing what I could to actually help SCUBA Divers and be responsible as a SCUBA Diver and a human being. At minimum that is my personal perspective as the waters of the ocean area already as they are, which the need to simplify for the assistance when needed is there as there is actually a mandatory course regarding certain types of SCUBA Diving Instructors if I am accurate called Rescue SCUBA Diving.
Additionally as he knew about the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as those who have known me in person previously or possibly have read through something I wrote, how many times when getting to know you in order to remember your name did it take before I did not bring up the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury? That is what that SCUBA Diving individual had known to the level of from the length of time he had begged for the level of attention in a different way, for me to feel comfortable enough-ish to allow him to be a roommate for that trip. I knew to listen to my intuition and not allow that to be anywhere near my SCUBA Diving gear back then, and then the irony since.
Thus when he walked out of the back patio and ran to his run to jump into the drivers seat to speed away from talking about the situations, he also walked out on every SCUBA Diver's safety the length of time it has taken for the realistic acknowledgement from that individual in my opinion. From the point of my return to the state of Texas after those SCUBA Dives in the Florida areas to the time after returning from my #CavernSCUBADiving certification training in Florida to return back to Texas, upon getting back from that trip was when the final point was he had at that time to get the proper individuals alerted to actually speak with because of what clearance levels they would have had to have to actually discuss with back then; or the other option would be a lengthier amount of time, they would miss out on multiple details because of the length of time, then would essentially do what occurred in reference to the UHAUL all simply because that male had chosen to deny the ability to others without any clearance levels on his part mind you for such a choice. In turn because of that choice to not have people speak with me or other SCUBA Divers introduce me to be able to know officially in one aspect to be able to find the clearance level for myself, each day which went by which already was impacting who I had been proud to be the tether with was ripped away from my life and I from theirs. The damages which were done to my daughter, my son, and I could have all been avoided years ago if anyone other than myself had simply been honest in reference to other than the Cavern SCUBA Divers and a few additional Instructors from the shop I went to for my classes and courses comparatively.
It is ironic he caught a baby Poufy Fish, and then after his hands touching what he had no right to; how my family was destroyed because of that male, and my children and extended family and friends needlessly suffered at his hands. In my opinion because of his choices to not go forward properly or listen correctly, those choices were the cause for the quicker which is ironic of a company downfall of my family. My daughter and my son were already dealing with the death of not only their biological father despite what cruelties of I had to defend them and keep them safe as possible from, their favorite Grandfather died less than 9 months afterwards upon several situations combined all at once, and then there was the problems at the school which did not need any further problems all because of what looking back now seems as childish egotistical machismo arrogance from that individual. He probably was ignorant enough to think he had more experience in SCUBA Diving work than I, just as he probably thought he actually knew the type of SCUBA Diving I did all because of whatever he had going on in his thoughts prior to the Cancun trip. I would guesstimate he thought I was timid and shy about SCUBA Diving when the reality I was meek wondering whether or not someone such as his type of SCUBA Diving could be allowed anywhere in the vicinity, of the work I was doing.
A quick point of additional proof beyond the pictures with the water color changes during the same SCUBA Dives in a lake, quarry, and/or hot springs; I was informed recently the problem with people going missing in a large way at Lake Travis in Austin where I had gone for 3 different sets of SCUBA Diving certification courses and training, stopped sometime in the middle of the summer in 2009 around June just before the big kick off of the heat of summer. I repeat in reference to my personal quandries at the time for the Cancun trip was not in reference to anything about SCUBA Diving in the ocean, as I grew up in New Jersey and went swimming on the coastline every summer a minimum of 3 times each summer after I was in elementary school; though not counting before I was in elementary school, and not counting other aspects of training while I was growing up to visit my Great Grandparents as well as my maternal Grandfather. Thus the modesty in checking the situation out was to see whether or not he was even capable to handle being my roommate for the work I had to take care of during that SCUBA Dive set, not in the slightest until after on the trip did I ever look at him in that way. I had major crushes on a few SCUBA Diving Instructors and divers which only if I named which ones I had a crush on or in only one case dated a SCUBA diver I had a crush on, I would like to guarantee few would ever have thought I was focusing on anything other than my SCUBA Diving as you need to also keep in mind; my son and my daughter went out to the lake/quarry/hot springs areas to play outside at times when I briefly went under the water to take care of what needed to be done, depending of the timing. I refused to be one of those types of females in front of my children just as I refused to be that type of ex-wife despite the horrific portions of which would have probably warranted a different response, however despite many aspects I had not denied my ex-in-laws had been kinder to my children and I than my own biological family which is able and has been proven I would guess.
The number the Navy guys were able to teach me how to count up to after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury ironically ten years later after my SCUBA Diving in 2009 later in 2019, that male decided to visit me in Washington state by flying up as he said. I talked with him on the phone at random after sending a letter to the shop I knew he probably still worked at while also sending out other letters to various individuals, groups, organizations, and etcetera referencing several different portions as I had also written and published after the compilations made for one book compared to all of the books up to the point; which I knew needed to get mailed out, though unlike anyone else he had contacted me back via a phone call from the letters/packages sent. We talked briefly here and there as the problems with the landline phone would not work despite the #CenturyLink company sending out someone who was supposed to be a technician while I spoke on the phone with the owner of #NineLivesBooks another time in #SanAntonio Texas, who had admitted many people had given him their information and passwords; which I knew I had not done so in the references he made, as well as other specifics which another aspect of an individual not having the clearance for various aspects. That male owner said he needed to make a copy of my military identification card to put in for paperwork regarding my volunteering which whether or not he knew I was already an #OrdainedReverend, is inconsequential at this point especially if he had wrongly chosen to use the card information for any purposes except what was said for the #IRS. However I knew he owned a bookstore I had volunteered at when his girlfriend at the time had once been a co-owner, and I knew I had written books for publishing. What he admitted to while also denying other aspects on the phone in reference to arithmetic of SCUBA Diving just the same as the male SCUBA diver, is what it is as to how such does go in such ways; while the ironic aspect of the male SCUBA diver planning to visit Washington state, to see me.
I took him to see the Bremerton Naval Shipyard in person and while standing on the docks and discussing the aspects as best as I could about the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg SCUBA Dive he had the nerve to look into my eyes with the #USSNimitz which is a smaller version of the class size of the Vandenberg because of the timing it had been built and for the purposes of with the larger pieces required with room for people to grow in height just in case, behind me as he walked closer to me. Asking me why I did not take a selfie at the SCUBA Dive when at the Vandenberg and continuing his wrongful denial at the time of such realities while discussing how my SCUBA Diving Instructor from the Cancun/Cozumel island trip in 2009 then in April 2019, I did what I could to remain as proper and composed as possible knowing all of the minute details intertwined wondering how he could really lie to me about everything including saving his life after he had wrongly went through my SCUBA Diving gear and chose to move what was in the different pockets around as if he knew anything of the slightest as to what any was actually for outside of what the physical portions were; or should I make a reference to the irony of those who are shallow, only looking at the surface?
Nonetheless as he walked away yet again though this time unable to leave because I drove unless he wanted to walk towards the street, I simply looked at the boats floating upon the water and the birds which flew to the area nearby for me to look at. A few geese and ducks swam closer as some seagulls flew overhead, and a pelican perched a bit off in the distance from where I stood. A few fish swam closer to the surface as the birds looked upward towards my direction randomly swimming in circles before my eyes when I looked towards the boat far off to the distance on my left to see the many uniformed soldiers walking around the grounds as well as throughout the exterior portions of the USS Nimitz, and how much higher than the trees topline the Nimitz was sitting. Looking at the flags waving within the breeze peaking through some of the portions of the top, I knew. I thought about some nails I saw in a windowsill when at the house my son was staying at during the time prior to his enlistment swearing in and going, while thinking and looking at the many individuals and thinking about who they could know or have known regarding SCUBA Diving. The area being a Naval/#MarineCorps location obviously the #MARSOC and the #USNavySEALS are more known for such types of SCUBA Diving depth levels as well as work in certain ways by species differences mainly being the only difference aside from how they complete their training sequences, though those guys do much more one land as well as in the air in comparison to what I was doing. Again I am extremely thankful for the Vigilance Elite YouTube channel's interviews though admittedly seeing some of the tattoos in the skin of some of the people, I had grown quite curious about the details thereof and almost felt a bit of as close to proper-ish words as possible: a divination-ish kind of though not because of the fact of how I can read energy in different ways well before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, and after too it seems.
I can joke about how I had gotten in trouble for the only item the Zero Week Sergeants during my Basic Training could find wrong with what I had packed to bring with me to Basic Training which those who have gone through understand I would think, which the sergeants had considered the extra socks as contraband because there was nothing which which actually anywhere remotely close to the other items others had brought to Basic Training as contraband. When asked why I brought a whole new bag of 12 pairs of extra socks when I went to training, I think I might have been smoked as to my facial response as to being confused how or why I would get in trouble for extra pairs of socks during any military aspects; which I can smile because of the #USMC name of their #SCUBADiverSpecialForces.
However as I looked at the far too many people in numbers to try to count surrounding me at the area on the base as the male walked around within a specific area, I admit I wanted to go onto and into the Nimitz that day. I knew that was not the proper timing to ask as well as knowing to stay out of the way of what they were working on as walking through in the middle of what was going on, would not have been ideal aside from the fact of needing to do so with someone stationed within the area for such respect and properness of military etiquette. Aside from the fact of not being alone at the time, I did not want to inhibit or prevent anything either. Later there was a bit more discussion while standing in front of the bow of the USS/USNS #Kittyhawk and a few other boats in view prior to going outward on the loop towards #Olympia Washington, showing him I could also walk on top of the quicksand and the ocean. Proving only I could have accomplished as I had which then there is a bit of a twisted irony when taking into consideration the story of #KuanYin, which he had his own eyes to see clearly back then in 2009 as well as later in 2019. However with having just driven from the area with the amount of personnel which was impacted because of as well as civilian recreational SCUBA Divers, I could not understand how he could not see the amount of technology people were using and know not every parent was as I am. Whereas other parents prefer to give them a piece of technology compared to being a Mom or Dad or Aunt or Uncle or Grandparent or whatever unlike most military, law enforcement, fire department, and EMS workers who prefer to take their children for experiences outside instead; the amount of upcoming teenagers who have parents who could afford to pay for their lessons and trips without knowing of certain realities, was something I could not understand how he could not see the reality as he had been a #SCUBAInstructor at another shop. I knew I posted the pictures and what information I could online, though I also explained where I could about my work for and why I chose to SCUBA Dive beginning in Texas in person as well as online. Then the fact of movies, television, video games, and the distortions with photoshop to not distinguish the difference because of the desensitization, even an intelligent individual can be fooled by certain aspects online if not paying attention.
Locations and information of are also needed as back when I was in school the pictures of the ocean were not disclosed as to whether in an aquarium or in SCUBA Diving, which includes later on when SCUBA Diving. I did not expect or think of him to know much of military specific type of SCUBA Diving simply because the lack of seriousness about the SCUBA Diving gear safety once on the Cancun/Cozumel trip, and though I did not graduate Basic Training or AIT I knew of the implications if such would occur back in 2009 when I argued with him back when I returned from Florida. However he wanted to focus on the fact he was upset I was upset about him moving my Faeries and my Dragons in my house while I was gone on my trip, and I did not give him a key. Instead of paying attention to the SCUBA Diving needs he wanted to focus arguing about how he thought he had the right to test my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury through moving my stuff while I was out of the state, and only my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez had been given a key at that time. Thus if Sean Leonard who once instructed through SCUBA Toys from the time I knew him in 2009 through to around last year or so in 2020 had gotten the key from her or from illegally taking a copy of or etcetera such as picking the lock, in reference to a situation regarding what I was told about police showing up to my house while taking care of the situation overall after what happened to my daughter at the #FortWorthZoo #FWZoo because the school would not believe her about what I had done referencing my SCUBA Diving where I landed at the bottom of the ocean; that is why in my opinion I blame him for his choices to not truthfully acknowledge the facts, as he saw all sides when in Cancun/Cozumel throughout the SCUBA Diving except for seeing me when doing so past the shoreline walk in SCUBA Dives. The whole time my daughter was using references she knew to explain and the school would not listen just as that male would not speak at those times, which in turn my son lost out on time with his sister as he too knew of the reality though was not as outspoken as his sister. The school was already treating my son, my daughter, and I as they were and thus if that male had done what was needed back then in 2009 or even now, so much could be fixed and repaired; though what could have been prevented cannot be undone, and the reality is he has to deal with that set of facts.
In such because of the military connection I have being medically retired from the United States of America's Armed Forces #Army branch though not having graduated Basic Training and yet being within the timeframe of what would have been the beginning of my second 8 year term contract as I had planned if I had graduated Basic Training and AIT, though still having the particular identification card means the realities within the print. The owner from Nine Lives Books having taken a photocopy meant he knew there is the 93 official stamp regarding government property of the identification card for me, though realistically in reference to any with such a type of stamp. Thus any information he used without permission is considered as identity theft if hypothetically that had been a tracking way he legally did not have the authority for, and unless informed as to the clearance level for as well. As per the situation regarding who I refer to as "Your Dad is Not a Captain's son and Mom" during the time at Nine Lives Books and the first aid kit, there are several legalities I would guesstimate some have more clear wording for. However referring to the fact my house in #Carrollton had been purchased with the finances from my children's biological father's death who by #UCMJ standards was also considered as a dependent of mine since the divorce had not been finalized, in turn a legal argument could be made in a federal way of federal property rights as my children were and are able to use benefits from the time of active service despite the end portions to a minor degree; however because of the surrounding portions regarding the death of my children's biological father by that technicality, the house property I had purchased and remodeled does fall into a grey area because of the CID portions at that time before they closed the investigation as was told to me. Whatever ribbons and medals were actually earned are what they are, however the stolen valor situation has seemingly calmed down thankfully in the civilian sector despite the #SupremeCourt ruling a few years back; though there is the freedom of expression both ways regarding that ruling which the Supreme Court did not take into consideration, as by their own ruling veterans who earned medals and ribbons during their active time however so within the Armed Forces of the United States of America have legally been granted permission by the Supreme Court for their #FreedomofExpression to respond however they so choose if they themselves had earned any aspect of what was being presented and as to what for. If a design for a performance or party event so long as the timeframe is not the pattern for the uniform at the time of is the only acceptable option for such legally whereas current issued would be considered under such, if I understand the information from the ruling correctly.
By technicalities there is an irony of the song from #ThePurge which because the Supreme Court ruling had been as such by technicalities by their own wording, the Supreme Court of the United States of America has actually sanctioned the Freedom of Expression in response to those who have stolen valor however they see fit. I have already written of the reality about a few combinations, however it is considered illegal to impersonate a Police Officer while wearing a current uniform and presenting oneself as such without a disclosure such as an event within the United States of America; if I understand correctly, which in the reference to military stolen valor being as rampant even within the limits of #MilitaryCityUSA I have an additional viewpoint which might be askewed admittedly though hopefully makes sense.
If an individual who has stolen valor decides to fool people into believing such and the time comes to an emergency such as the events of #PearlHarbor and #11September2001 while there are those who genuinely seek to help as well as assist, and what if there was the individual who had falsified identification through uniform/identification card/facial recognition scanning/height change/weight change/color changes in the hair/etcetera for some minor examples or what-have-you and an emergency of such occurred and the individual lied claiming something along the lines of the stolen valor aspects; that would be considered extremely problematic for the proper work needed to be done as well as the overall safety as best as possible in such a scenario, and/or situation. If living in an apartment complex and not knowing each aspect when such could occur, how quickly are most genuine Armed Forces individuals of the United States of America would get in their vehicle to drive over to call them out to get in because of a local or state or federal emergency alert? What if the individual talks about the stolen valor and when getting to the situation that individual is a hinderance and problematic and then runs away though on post in the middle of the emergency preparation area, and/or the situation itself? That cost is extremely high and once the cost is paid, there is not a refund necessarily in the way you would think in a situation which an untrained individual would be in the area of a highly skilled what-have-you for ... etcetera. Just as local/state/federal training for law enforcement, fire department, and medical services have specific training and/or requirements depending on levels of experience is important in the civilian areas; so too are the locations regarding where military personnel for the Armed Forces of the United States of America to be able to protect and defend the homeland of the United States of America against all enemies both foreign and domestic to keep as safe as possible.
I personally took my oath quite seriously to a few points which some might be taken aback as to the levels of especially referencing a few specific situations mainly in #JBSA area for those specific situations, I have always been proud to say the truth. I am medically retired from the Army branch of the United States of America, is a sentence portion I have said multiple times. It is the only way I thought could respect those who had accomplished successfully completing Basic Training along with and/or AIT and had stepped forward at any point in time for the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as I had seen certain situations previously nearby military installations when growing up in New Jersey and walking around where I had in specific regions along #Pennsylvania and #NewYork mainly; though I also grew up with certain situations where I knew, understood, and comprehended it was better to tell the truth every time.
Through the Vigilance Elite YouTube I saw the area for the #MikeDrop YouTube, which is additional poignant discussions which can bring different perspectives of realistic situations from experiences in ways which can be discussed for the general public to the point of. I am extremely thankful for such beginning such and becoming more, as during the timing of what has been going on that wording was quite ideal for the timing to review and re-review various situations. I knew there would be a time when I would have to discuss in further details about my SCUBA Diving as I knew and had attempted as best as I could as I could, which in turn the portions referencing SCUBA Diving aspects for the United States of America's Armed Forces especially because of the oceanic water portions as to the kick up or kick back to what needed to in cooking terms simmer slowly only because without any assistance from what should have been completed back then; there could have been much more saved sooner, though can still work towards.
I suppose one step at a time though in SCUBA Diving the only steps you take are on a boat into the water or on the shoreline area into the water and thus, everything else is simply swimming and SCUBA Diving type of movement; along with the ebbs and flows, of life itself. This particular process I am thankful to have some guidance in ways I could understand in my own ways, though they were correct as to the level of which the sensation of the moving train stop is a mild understatement when taking a few situations into consideration. I have and do hope for the best though because of how much I have seen and experienced, depending upon the situation depends upon the level of expectations and variances I suppose is the way to write such.