Today's day of thanks as prior includes a multifaceted view of several aspects of combined situations and events, which leads to my finding of something to be thankful for also known as finding a or finding the silver lining. Though I suppose I can begin with those portions because of the title of two of my books as well as the #FEC among a few other portions, including registration through The #LibraryofCongress. Which I am thankful despite not knowing the comic books situation among other intellectual property suits, putting my name in the title guarantees the inability to ever transfer any of the rights to such because of the additional information within the books themselves and the additional clarifications in The Modern Day Book; though all of my other books I had put my name of course which includes the specifics of the connection links to the first three points I just brought forward, which I am thankful for despite my lack of knowledge about that situation the working out thereof. Again being thankful for the technological advances to assist with processing the information and the irony of the connection links, and points.
Thus today I begin with the portions referring to being thankful to have met and received a coin from Arlee Ermy at the #Houston Convention Center #NRA #GunShow in 2013, though honestly for the whole time overall as there were many portions when looking back now to see quite a bit. Starting with the trip out to the Houston area from #SanAntonio is when I received a phone call about someone who I had just seen a couple weeks prior and had after over 3 years of knowing her, introducing to my son to play video games as she knew of what was occurring in reference to my daughter as well. I was told she died as someone in the Austin community had received an email about Maria's death, overnight. I was driving at the time and knew to pull over to be able to be informed of the situation, which the male who had been met during the #CowboysDanceHall situation during the #StoneyLaRue concert when I was surrounded and singled out for simply going to a country music concert looking as I do while having the audacity to go somewhere on my own as an unattached female; of which of course I hope you can sense the dripping sarcasm, though also see a few other additional situations which how much the same sort of patterns of behaviour occurred at various times by multiple people and groups. Ironically such people and groups which had made such decisions as had chosen, are what they are in reference to the added ironies of the intricacies. Towards the end of March 2013 was the concert around the 22nd, a few weeks or months later had been the Houston Gun Show, which I already had not been involved as I once had been years before as I had not gone to a local event in San Antonio by that point in time for over 5 months. Thus such overdramatic garbage from those times which I did not need any additional of, such childish games from full grown biological adults was and is repulsive.
No wonder why I have not been in the slightest of mood to actually look into any reality for dating, nor have made any attempts since returning to the state of Texas in 2019. As seen with the amount of stuff I was working on, mailing out, delivering, and etcetera the time for any thought of a full on dating relationship had not been of extreme importance in comparison to what was needing to be taken care of properly. Though I have written as well as murmered to myself, I know the difference between the terms for the words former and ex; which since I do not play games, I do not have the patience for one night stands or anything less than what is specifically sought after for such a type of relationship. Which since I am not that individual who feels the slightest bit of comfort from such an experience and actually feels disgusted and repulsed by such for me personally, another repulsion in reference to a few situations I have picked up on over the time though did not go into because realistically it did not seem worth my time. I can run through various situations and scenarios to find additional clarifying portions without having the feelings the same way as once was, because of what I have needlessly been put through though have stood up against such types of behaviours from biological adults.
Nonetheless while being excited to be able to see a childhood friend from 4th grade onward named Kelly Gann when I knew her from YMCA gymnastics, which I had not seen her since around the year of 1998 until then in 2013 when meeting at the NRS Gun Show the following day. When the phone call came through as would be normal for anyone who cared genuinely about an individual who was told to have died, I was upset and needed to sit to deal with. As the GPS history had not been deleted the address was still in the GPS to the location, which I put the directions for that location instead of checking into the location for the weekend first. I went by searching for her and nothing, which by the end of the next day while everyone else found out online however about the truth of that situation; there was other stuff going on in my life at the time, which did not give insight to such and nor had I been informed of upon the evening after meeting at the Gun Show. I suppose I should have known only being able to choose between meeting Colonel Oliver North to listen to and ask questions because of having read multiple news articles which he overcame various aspects, or who everyone else in the group had wanted to meet in the gun show. To be quite honest between the situations at the time in addition to the information and going to see the empty apartment location, I simply did not argue as it was too much to deal with or care to handle. It did work out though, in a bigger way.
Most likely unbeknownst to everyone with Arlee Ermy that day as well as unbeknownst to Kelly and her husband Thomas who she said she met at Space Camp when living in New Jersey, in reference to the situation regarding Irving as well as the information; as even the individual I had met during the situation at the Cowboys Dance Hall during the Stoney LaRue concert had not been told about that, similarly to several other aspects. However having found pictures from 2010 at a Randolph Air Force Base Air Show which a male in the background looks similar to how the Washington state situation went through; there are additional portions which are a bit unnerving, needless to add to such. The shoes are similar to shoes he had in Washington state same as the type of jeans, as well as the shirt and the baseball cover color and design; including the type of child with the male dressed as the male had in the Cowboys Dance Hall at the Stoney LaRue concert in 2013, when seeing later. #FBI #missingpersons I have not spoken with my son James Michael Nichols since August 2019, though I have reached out and contacted multiple individuals/associations/organizations to do what I can; and yet again from the culmination of experiences I have had throughout my life, no one has done anything which has assisted such regarding my son and my daughter. Aside from the fact I have sent the FSL books, there has not been anything discussed with me this whole time informing me of anything regarding such before or after sending and taking my books out to be mailed and/or hand delivered. I truly am regretting ever SCUBA Diving and completing my SCUBNA Diving training, I truly am. I did not ever think I could regret my SCUBA Diving, and now I have found several reasons as to why. Though I may have been born in the year of the dog, I was born a human being. Taking my children from me is dar different, especially regarding as to the hows and the connections thereof. I could be wrong, though it seems too coinky dink-ish to me.
However Kelly towards the end of the afternoon had said she saw how I was exactly the same from childhood with the exception of the portions of standing up for what is correct was magnified and any other weaknesses from those times were erased and as though they never existed in my personality, of which in turn regarding aspects since my return to the state of Texas; if you know of or knew of what I had been dealing with even in a smaller way, how could you truthfully blame that in comparison to accept your blame for your parts involved wherever such had been whether for good or bad or indifference? Is it not ironic the mother and daughter from McCoy Elementary School in Carrolton Texas of CFBISD named Rebecca Shrader and if correct her daughter Abigale look similar, to the male who had been a part of the group in reference to Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert in March 2013? What type of female would be a part of something in that way and would that mean such a type of female and/or male who would willingly cause harm to minor children as well as medically retired or the legal term of disabled veteran and should such a type of fe/male be allowed near children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and/or children in general with such a hypothetical history? That is for others to decide if such types of people deserve to be allowed near such children with such a type of pattern of behaviour, because what type of example does that set for the future generations? Especially with technological advances, and Irving 2011.
Ironically when in the Seattle Washington cemetery where I spent hours cleaning dog crap off of multiple Medal of Honor recipient markers as I have discussed and written about before including the reference to the dirty blond female with longer hair in a black SUV which sped off in the cemetery when I went to ask a question if she knew anything about the cemetery location, which ironically hypothetically if that had been the female from McCoy Elementary School who had been one of the female adult volunteers who encouraged her daughter and other classmates to bully my daughter and my son because of the military connection; how ironic I would feel the energy to go towards that SUV on that day, and she had sped off. Maybe there are technology captures of her out in the security camera footage such as the same with the brunette at the Comedy Club in Seattle Washington shortly after Robin William's death, and the Alki beach coffee shop handing a copy of the two books to Rebecca Shrader as per the name I was given. Hypothetically when that blond female read the reality of the oceanic portions before ever getting to the information about her and the females with the school, it is a shame it was such a long amount of time for them to realize who I had always been. Though it is even more shameful that grown adult females would train their children like dogs to go after my son and my daughter having the ability to have read through my social media profiles, to be able to know what they were stepping into though they hypothetically thought they were better than I for whatever excuses they had given. That is if hypothetically, I am accurate.
The top left female is who I had met at the coffee shop, the middle female is Nona Matthews the lawyer from the law firm for the CFBISD school district, the female on the right with her son is one of the other female volunteers who lost my daughter at the Fort Worth Zoo in 2010 with the female on the left and the female above with her daughter in black and white compared to the color pictures. The female in the second row was the teacher during the time of my daughter's field trip, the female in the middle was the Principal named Dawn Rink, the female on the right of Dawn Rink was another volunteer during the trip, and the documents within are a few of the repercussions from those females who volunteered at the school who had told my daughter and her classmates as they had in a brief way after the school and the district's negligence combined in my opinion; while not forgetting the fact of multiple attempts to reach out to a law firm who would take the case for the justice needed, though hardly ever getting a response and the few responses were simply saying the case was too big for their britches.
I am extremely thankful for the #WhistleblowerProtection through also the #Obudsman which I contacted early on before ever going to the district meeting where I spoke, and they did not say the #PledgeofAlliegience nor the #StateofTexasPledge though preferred the #OurFather prayer which is ironic because it was my children's biological father which had been the cause after they had seen how I looked, before they learned of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to then begin telling the children to ostracize and bully as they had proven including up to the point of the meeting and there after regarding what is perceived as their biased hatred against the #ArmedForces of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica's veterans, active duty, national guard, and reservists; as proven how they treated my daughter, my son, and I simply from that one board meeting to show the year and a half prior, as I would guesstimate all of the other people in the audience were the last thought to the crowded room with standing room only after the first 10 minutes from when the doors were opened to the public. Most likely those females did not know I had told people in the Austin area I was going, the DFW area as well as the newspapers I had reached out to prior to that #CFBISD board meeting; because those so-called people were probably only paying attention to what I posted online and because of their addiction to technology back then, it would have been impossible for them to think outside of the box they were staring into. However if there was any additional problematic involvement from those so-called people technologically, then I am additionally even more than I already was thankful for #GeekSquad at #BestBuy. It is interesting to have learned more recently there is a Best Buy inside of the #Pentagon, I wonder if they have a GeekSquad at the Pentagon too.
The lawyer had told the Judge when I was living in #Irving in 2011 just before that incident shortly in time how she felt she needed proof to believe how I could be a part or in the #Army branch, proving to the Judge and others as I had told in various correspondences; that female Nona Matthews refused to shake my hand because of my skin and my hair, as she siad in her own words: 'I don't want that ink going into me and get a tattoo because of her tattoos' of which obviously it does not take a head injury to figure out there are people who have had tattoos which did not jump from their skin onto another the way the demonic forces can jump around certain types of individuals, as seen in the first documentary I watched when I was old enough to watch an R movie. Maybe the female in the black SUV that sped off which looked similar to the blond female in the black and white picture with her daughter had figured out the level of and was spooked not by me myself, though seeing the clouds rising from behind the areas where I had just cleaned off large amounts of piles of dog crap off of a few Medal of Honor recipient markers by that point. I was looking for the 4th or 5th Medal of Honor recipient's marker by that time, which of course as I continued onward and wrote about already after speaking about; I had a few other Medal of Honor recipient markers to clean dog crap off of for a few more hours before being able to complete my historical and spiritual rubbings of the Medal of Honor recipients' markers, as per my Medal of Honor Art Project. Though, that was towards the beginning of my Medal of Honor Art Project in 2014 which would mean the stalking and harassment from adult females being as creepy as I had warned others about and proving my point in other aspects.
Then again if those people who claimed what they had all those years ago as well as those who refused to step forward at such times in 2009 onward, I am not the only one who holds you accountable for making such a set of choices. I can fully promise that, with 100% certainty. Irving, is that answer especially since as I explained in an extremely brief way in FSL; the situation which I was informed of the looking for me, was and is because of the last chance. One told me in my ear prior to leaving for those who might have an idea as to what was meant, "It will be midnight, soon." However since that along with other situations have not been asked about I have no need to go on further about such at this time, because I do not need the information as I already have had it since then in 2011. You can refer to the tattoo in 2012 for your proof for such a set of situations, for those who had not figured it out on their own. I am thankful I chose not to say anything about that Irving situation back then in 2011 all the way through into the point of 2014, just before getting ready to send the FSL books to the Library of Congress as well as to #KDP #Amazon for my self-publications. Though I was in Houston and apparently near NASA as well as speaking with an employee of #NASA as well as an ex-employee at the time of NASA, which neither asked or referenced about the #SCUBADiving nor anything much about that connection to NASA in the slightest. If NASA was told otherwise, I hope that clarifies the situation.
After getting in line at the #Glock station to wait as the line moved to go forward to meet #ArleeErmy #TheGunny, I would guesstimate none knew by looking at me as to the level of turmoil and pain; however, that honestly was commonplace by that point in time. When getting closer to be able to meet him there was an individual who walked over to the line who knew Kelly Gann and Thomas, though I do not know from where as they talked amongst themselves and had not introduced the male who they knew and were speaking with to me. While holding their infant and the movement forward went at the time, there was a male with shorter hair and glasses who stepped over to where the line was at to ask me if the several police officers could speak with Arlee Ermy; which I interrupted before he could finish asking, and nodded my head while saying "they are more than welcome to take as much time with Arlee Army as they could, I can hold the line for them to be able to as I know this might be their only opportunity to do so."
The male with the glasses smiled and when the people who were speaking with Arlee Ermy went along while waiting at the rope point, the Houston Police Officers spoke with however long they had been able to do so as honestly I did not count the time. While I knew Thomas and Kelly were not thrilled I had made the choice I had, I was not in the mood to deal with anything which added any additional stress to the time of my life then. As I heard mumbling under the breath, I simply can only say I know for a fact while the time may have registered for one number; I would guesstimate the officers were able to feel as though they were able to spend around an hour with Arlee Ermy, on that day. I admit since I was the only one who wanted to meet #ColonelOliverNorth, the mumbling only caused me to smile as it seemed as though the officers were enamored rightfully while being able to speak with Arlee Ermy that day. I admit with the culmination of events and situations to that point, it was the only situation I could see which caused a smile while the discussion with whomever Kelly and Thomas had known went on.
To see them genuinely smile and laugh with Arlee Ermy simply reminded of the times when there was the ability to spend time with my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as a family, and watch them have fun and play as children. I knew I did not understand or know the reference at the point beyond his military experience for Arlee Ermy, though I was told about a movie or a television show or something along the lines. I remembered a news interview he had which a female news reporter had goated him into going into Drill Sergeant mode because she did not believe how the United States of America's Marines could ever be as strong as portrayed in the Basic Training scene in some movie, which I admit I laughed when she was educated as I knew better whenever the year of the interview seen on television had been for that situation. For those who know what I am referencing, perhaps you understand as to why I enjoyed seeing that and yet at the same time; could possibly understand from such knowledge as to how I would be aggravated at the same time, seeing a female purposefully push Arlee Ermy to such a point using the audience to push such an agenda to see such a view in comparison. If I recall correctly of that particular interview I was living in #NewJersey at the time, though I cannot remember which year as that was before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
As I had seen as well as listened to stories about my maternal Aunt Chris (Christine Gavett : last known address in Missouri and she was an optometrist and married to a male named Brian with a daughter from a prior relationship named Megan I think though the daughter went to #ArtCollege in #Canada somewhere) about what she and others similar to her had done during the #VietnamWar to soldiers of which her father had told me of as well before my biological parents, my maternal Grandfather her father said he needed to make sure I saw some of the works he had been a part of to make sure those similar to his daughter could not go further causing such havoc and chaos needlessly. I am uncertain if the irony of the #GeorgiaGuidestones in #DewyRose in reference to his comment about wanting to hug a stone which would put stars in my eyes when seeing it or if there is another reference point(s) to, however the irony of the pictures and videos I took when I was out in the location a few times. I cannot remember seeing a group of stars, however I took pictures of several other aspects going on at the time; and yet there is the box with the X, the shape of the combined pieces of the #Georgia Guidestones as one piece, as well as the layout on the ground for the area of the Georgia Guidestones when looking at the location of the corners per piece.
Aside from the irony of the fire at the trailer after his death while everyone was out from the location elsewhere and came back to see the firetrucks clearing the blaze, the ironic twist in reference to the house I grew up in New Jersey having an electrical fire in a longer timeframe than it took for that property from when moving to #Illinois before Texas; just the same in reference to the condo my Great Grandparents lived in with my maternal Aunt Linda and her husband Phil which both worked at a #USPS in #NewYorkCity, as the building from what I was told had been destroyed during the attack to New York City on 11 September 2001. As I drove through the area of the east coast recently and remembering the view of the skyline as well as the sight of the Statue of Liberty when driving from specific directions from upstate #NewYork, the fact I did not see the #StatueofLiberty along the bridge going in either direction meaning up from New Jersey towards New York where the #LibertyScienceCenter #LSC location is; as it was named the Liberty Science Center because of the ability to see the State of Liberty from the parking lot across the water, with the added closeness for details with the telescopes in the direction towards the Statue of Liberty. I did not see the Statue of Liberty where I should have in December 2020 just as I did not see the Statue of Liberty where I should have in January 2021, just as I did not see the Statue of Liberty as I should have when in the area a third trip to the area in the end of March/beginning of April 2021.
I spoke with a female recently as she had gone to New York City a bit ago and said the ferry boat took her trip near the Statue of Liberty and it seemed smaller to her than in what she remembered from pictures and videos, and remembering the sights I saw a child growing up in the 1980s and 1990s I can verify from the specifics in reference to the traveling as well as the field trips when I was a child to the Liberty Science Center; the Statue of Liberty was missing from the skyline view, which might have been why I had to return as many times as I had to in such a quick amount of time. If that is the case which the Statue of Liberty original is hypothetically missing and was replaced by a smaller replica of the Statue of Liberty, what is the reasons as to why? I admit it could be from the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury though honestly as usual, I also find it odd I was ready to take my children to the area and specifically felt the need to ask about a trip towards Liberty Science Center as well as the Statue of Liberty to see the situation in person for myself.
While possibly the ability for someone to have overheard the cell phone call when I was outside on the patio and/or the possibility of a confusion which there was a coverup upon realizing and some were unsure, though possibly someone knowing my background to see if there would be a way to verify and hearing such a discussion and/or who I spoke with speaking with others in New York/New Jersey about the trip possibility without a second thought; because I had a feeling I needed to have the ability to see in person the area, while being able to show my son and my daughter where I grew up. Granted I did have the ability with the recordings when in the area and posting, though obviously the portions of intention as discussed were in person for the three of us in comparison to just myself in the car. I thought my son and my daughter would be able to speak with someone from the area directly would be able to give them the ability to understand from the knowledge of where I grew up as well as what was seen back then compared to the current time, they would be able to keep in mind a different perspective in comparison to the political spinning which sometimes occurs if not paying attention to details. Who such may have been who could have wondered for themselves as to the sights from the 1980s and 1990s to the current times after the events on 11 September 2001, I suppose if there had been a twisted version of Capture the Flag in comparison to the Statue of Liberty is the only wording I can write; though maybe there is someone who can give a better reference as to a mission to covertly take such, and because of the chaos from no one would pay attention to the actual Statue of Liberty going missing because of the stopping the airplanes and the building construction to clear Ground Zero at the World Trade Center, the field in Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon. If hypothetically someone or some groups were similarly confused as the female I spoke with recently had mentioned, the fact I distinctly remember being able to see the Statue of Liberty from the bridge area near the beaches and some of the universities though most distinctly the Liberty Science Center.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the word Liberty in the name of the Science Center, has to do with the view perfectly designed to see the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island for the ability to see. However if you were in college, high school, middle school, or preschool/elementary school during the 1980s and/or 1990s depending on your personal interested would trigger certain questions if you had traveled frequently and on a semi or consistent basis from a multiangled set of trips in a vehicle as a passenger most likely; though I would not doubt bus, taxi cab, and limo drivers who would cross the state line borders the most would be able to recognize the difference quicker as law enforcement/fire department/EMS might not travel as much across the state line because of jurisdiction. Below are a few links of the original pictures as well as some modern pictures including a female who climbed the statue which from the original pictures the Statue of Liberty's toes are taller from the original for an adult male standing at the floor compared to the female who was laying down-ish and the toe was barely above her head. Unless back when the original Statue of Liberty was built there were a group of one foot tall males on average for height, I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out the problems with the images from the Statue of Liberty.
If you look through the pictures in the second link which shows a picture of the toes with the chains and the metal circle which would be around the size of the satellite dish in the picture I took when I was at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, as well as the chain in a different picture from the SCUBA Dive then is around the size of what is shown in reference to the pictures from the link showing the female who climbed to the statue's foot also shows a step which the original statue both of her feet were on the ground floor with both sets of toes showing. Also the law enforcement officers are not supposed to be as large in comparison to the size of the metal circles, seen in the article link's pictures. Woman climbs Statue of Liberty to protest family separations (
Open the links to the pages above to also look for yourself in other searches for verifications, and compare the pictures I took when SCUBA Diving at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. #Vandenberg to compare for yourself in reference to the chain sizes between the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg naval vessel .
The picture on the bottom right shows the chain for the area of a vessel in the area of the bottom of the oceanic waters in the Bermuda Triangle area of the Atlantic area of the Matthias Abyss area, which though it looks smaller because of being able to take the picture where the image fits into the frame; though since you may have a camera for on land the further back to be able to get the picture, is how it is done correct? The picture on the bottom left next to the chain which looks smaller than it is, the left is the picture of the bottom floor of the ocean in the area next to the boat nearby. I suppose I can make a joke about my #MedalofHonorArtProject as to where I have to go to get the historical and spiritual rubbings is within a graveyard or cemetery, and I seem to have found a large naval boat and airplane cemetery or graveyard. Those who have gone SCUBA Diving in areas such as the #sonotes, you might recognize the colorations of the water though in a different way; though some have seen with their own eyes in person, and know of such vibrancy because of the mineral contents throughout the water depth level changes in such a location. In an dive in the area near Cozumel on the other side of the island in the Gulf of Mexico area of the oceanic waters, I had landed initially inside of the area of a underwater riverbed which if you go to the following #wikipedia page link to read about Altitude and the mathematics for the letter used in the calculations of algebraic aspects is the letter "A"; thus I apologize for my arithmetic in my books "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" as apparently those numbers of Atmospheric Measurements should actually be the feet measurements of the "A", as seen for the altitude portions of flight because of the actual arthmetic for being able to sink a naval vessel on purpose to be able to make a coral reef without the disruption from warm water reckless SCUBA Divers as can be referred to in regards of my SCUBA Dive assigned partner during that time proved. Thankfully I had always been a responsible SCUBA Diver though admittedly a bit different, though my purposes for SCUBA Diving certifications and training was nothing close to any of the divers I had known at the time for such reasons. That is unless I knew of a #Navy #SEAL, without knowing of the #USNavySEAL.
Now I am thankful I had the where-with-all to not have the slightest bit of concern about others' opinions as to how I look
as realistically after the way I grew up before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which by the way those females told my daughter and my son while encouraging the class of my daughter's had told 'everything bad that occurs to you and has occurred to you and your family was deserved for being a part of the military'; as proven in multiple documents I was given by the CFBISD school district, as well as the staff members before requesting paperwork from the school district and with the modernization of the technology despite not being able to get into one particular account in specific, those servers with those messages have been stored of all those messages in a distant area of the galaxy and beyond the second each letter was typed. You know, as I already explained to people in New Jersey. I am extremely thankful I was raised where I was raised and despite several situations overall, I am thankful for being able to learn everything I have been able to as a child into teenage years; as even though the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury including how many additionally had informed me of their opinion as to how I look well before ever getting to Carrollton Texas, which a male who had parents overseas had said his 2nd or 3rd cousin seemed a better choice than I after looking at my picture with my natural color hair and without tattoos. A female such as those I met in #Carrollton Texas trying such shenanigans, I had heard more when I was in Elementary School than anything those females were able to say in comparison and seen more in person than they themselves would be willing to brave. However since those adult female volunteers and adult female staff members had made the choices to make the statements they had made including not saying the Pledge of Allegiance or the Pledge to the State of Texas in tries to make fun of my daughter in kindergarten as she explained only about the Pledge of Allegiance, though seen at the board meeting the proof as at the time I did not know there was a Pledge to the State of Texas.
I learned about that in 2020, which obviously is after 2010 and the Fort Worth Zoo #FWZoo. I am glad I kept the documents, had them registered without ever telling anyone about the Library of Congress as well as Amazon to have originals sent out before the response from Legal Zoom ever came through; and thus Amazon also has the originals, along with the Library of Congress, as well as the over 25 individual sets from the first order. By the time of the #ComedyShow which the irony thereof, that female I met at #AlikiBeach coffee place near the ocean waters had been the 3rd or the 4th or the 5th edition and also different than the upload link through #dropbox I made. I am glad the CPS were given the multiple boxes that I made copies of, as well as having taken additional copies elsewhere before ever leaving the state of Texas for the east coast; though which year, what locations, to whom, and etcetera I suppose as those females said their opinion was it was deserved, though I have a feeling hypothetically they probably had a different intention with their wording choices. Now if such a set of females who had nothing better to do than try to train their children to be cedar versions of the sycamore regarding military police dogs while ironically making such statements, I suppose the images from the Chad/Chop Seattle area might include some additional ironies; especially when taking into consideration getting to meet Arlee Ermy after giving time for the #HoustonPoliceOfficers #HP to speak with him in 2013 for as long as they had wanted without any interruption from me, which later after recording a video of Kelly Gann with her husband Thomas and their infant son to go outside had been when I had been given a coin from Arlee Ermy and his staff for giving time for the Police Officers to speak with him as I was told.
I admit it was cool and awesome to get a coin from Arlee Ermy especially how I am about the #MarineCorps, however I was given a coin from a living Medal of Honor recipient named Leroy Petry which is an amazing aspect which my son was a bit taken aback when he heard me say in truth, "It's the first living Medal of Honor recipient I met that I know of, too!"
The picture of the coin on the left was taken around 2017 or 2018 in #Washington state near #Tacoma whereas the picture of the coin on the right was taken at the location checked into in Houston area of Texas metroplex, using the table or adorandock chair to keep still because of doing what I could to focus on the positive during the time. I literally had the silver lining when looking into Arlee Ermy's eyes when getting to meet him as well as when seeing some of the staff while waiting in line, among the addition referring to the crowds within the convention center that day for that particular point in time. The picture on the right is after getting to talk with Arlee Ermy after awhile and before the coin, and the bottom picture is of me standing on the deck of a boat in the Houston area as you can see the airplane near my feet as well as the ramp towards. From the skyline those who know the area would know which boat I went to or the area thereof, as well as the NASA area which could be the same region. It was an arduous time in 2013, though I am thankful for so much clarifications available despite later learning the female who had been told to me about sending an email to others in the Austin Texas area community had faked her death. I wish I could write or say faking anything, though I simply cannot tell a lie.
I will take the truth any day of the week over a lie, because putting the word pretty before the word lie does not do anything except for covering the dog crap with a word which does not change the lie. Thus there is no such thing as a pretty lie, though there can be pretty people who lie. I think there might have been a misconception about that statement, when you think about such in the manner thereof.
Nonetheless for the conclusion portion for this particular entry, I look forward to what I can see in the horizon for quite a few in time as per time schedule as per visions I have had as notated previously which had come to fruition and into reality. And yes, there is so much more to come.
#SusanMeeLingFindASilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #60DaysofThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLingFindingTheSilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge#60DaysOfThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge