Today while murmering and thinking for the 14th day of my challenge to find things to be thankful for despite how certain situations have been as admittedly the surfacing of certain realities is quite a bit of a preponderance which has been of concern, long before more current times.
I have written about after speaking about a multitude of situations from my childhood and teenager years which in this specific reference of when I was in 5th grade my biological parents did not take me to a hospital for medical care after they sent me to elementary school knowing my temperature was over 103 degrees fahrenheit, as well as not being able to talk without coughing. Instead of being hospitalized as would be normal for anyone who had Mono and/or Epstein-Bar and/or Lymes Disease though all three of those in addition to Bronchitis and the Flu all being found at once within the bloodwork and the other types of tests at the time for the cultures, my biological mother decided it would be better if my biological father went to school to become a nurse instead of admitting me to the hospital; because she thought in the long run the cost would be cheaper, compared to the reality. I remember asking if that was allowed at the kitchen table before being told to go to the floral couch and laying there until I was able to get well enough from the in house visits from the nurses to take care of the IV, for several months before homeschooling could begin for me to be able to keep up with my classmates' work from Asher Holmes Elementary School.
I am thankful I remember that because I warned people about my biological mother and my biological sister who went to college in San Marcos to go into Forensics, and my biological mother kept the couch from New Jersey and took it to Illinois before taking it to Texas. I wish I remembered more officially sooner however Anna 'decided after Lackland Air Force Base' she would only cover up the couch with a cover either she purchased from a store or sewed herself as her Grandmother was a seamstress in the late 1800s into the 1900s who would sew uniforms for soldiers and after the war, she took veterans to give them a place to start anew while teaching them how to take care of different daily chores so they could progress forward in a better way. Though I wish I thought of certain aspects when in #Illinois to explain more clearly even though knowing something seemed odd and not knowing the correct way to explain, there was only one male who slept on that couch without the cover on it in Illinois in reference to my friends/associates/relationships; I cannot say the same about what my biological sister, her friends, her associates, and her relationships had done in reference to that couch before and/or after I left the house in Illinois to go to the #Army branch after fighting to be emancipated to be able to join which was after years of arguing I needed to go to the military for the #UnitedStatesofAmerica's #ArmedForces, because they were the only ones I could think of who would know what to do with everything I could give them for information to help at the times before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
Many people sat upon the couch with and without the cover, however only one male had slept without the cover on the couch. I admit I really truly wish I knew what words to explain as to what I felt had been odd about the situation in comparison to back then, though I am glad in the long term I had ended that relationship at the time despite not having wanted to. However if he had remembered me and later on ever thought about back then and recalled how many excuses I gave trying to say something which was true though enough to keep safe in so many ways for the ironic look back now in 2021 if not done already the #mysa #MilitaryCityUSA #CDC should go to their house to look for the couch if they have not already to take in for testing for possible forensics which would have been known about by Anna Louise (maiden last name Lally as I was told) Hom as well as my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom-Miller for her school at college as well as the combined prior aspects I have already discussed and written about in full details as best as I could; though also in reference to my biological father regarding business associates in China, as I remember as a child being told of needing to look into the newspaper for certain clues on specific dates for a specific signal; though I did not understand, though I have a feeling some might know much better than I.
The couch is:
* a beige/white/cream color mixture blend background with random flecks of shining sewed into the designs of the flowers mainly in different reds (not as red as my hair color unless enhanced) and blues for flowers with green vines
* the flowers are more open in some areas on the couch and more closed in other areas of the couch
* it has a pullout queen or king sized bed with a metal frame that is black and silver springs which show as soon as you pullout the bed portion for the netted fabric
* the material covering the mattress is similar to the fabric netting people use for shade cover as seen in some apartment complex areas' pictures in comparison to gazebos
* 3 cushions on the sitting area of the couch need to be removed for the ability to get the pullout bed to open though the back padding for the areas meeting the cushion areas is either 2 or 3 separate though sewn together pieces
* the couch was purchased in a #NewJersey furniture store shortly after going to Mr. and Mrs. Henderson's jewelry store in #RedBank, if I remember the location correctly for that business for jewelry work
* after moving from New Jersey to Illinois and then to #Texas claiming it was to help me to raise my son and my daughter, however there are those who are informed as to what occurred and how easily it could be seen possibly more-so for some now compared to back then, as to what I was trying to find the words to be able to explain as to what I had seen when I was a child growing up in New Jersey as well as the additional portions after #SCUBA Diving in certain communities more as I knew I was putting myself at risk entering a specific community type of sect especially with what was going on in reference to the fullness in reference to what was going on in regards to my daughter and my son though I knew the potential impact of such as well and needed to despite how situations were and went from 2005-2012 as once my biological mother and biological father felt they had to interfere with anything I was doing as an adult over the age of 21 and after what I already had done despite not having graduated Basic Training or AIT during specific times between 2000-2005 during certain appointments and certain hospitalizations mainly after 2001 of which I am thankful I told Medical Hold Unit before the name was changed to Warrior Transition Unit at #JBSA
* There was a navy blue couch cover with white trim piping the last time I saw the couch in the great room area in comparison to the living room area, however since my biological sister apparently had twins with who she married; possibly it might be important to think about that in reference to the long term effects from certain choices if she forgot after a bit of time from college and getting a Masters Degree in 2009 or 2010.
I admit I am going to be a bit snarky with the next paragraph, as a warning: Though I was told by my biological mother if I showed up to my biological 'sister's Masters Degree ceremony that it would be an embarrassment to be seen, as Patricia worked so hard for her Masters'; and yet I am the one who earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications, I am the one who landed at the bottom of the ocean in a minimum of 1 location for #SCUBADiving in deeper areas of the ocean and who would at a science department in any university would ever want or need to speak with someone such as myself? Who would ever have any questions about the other SCUBA Diving aspects when taking in consideration I cannot remember the male's name from the Austin area of the community I refer to more specifically as an overall sort of way, however at minimum he and the people who were at that event at that house during that weekend event knows what was discussed in reference to the details thereof spoken that night; though I am thankful I was able to clear up some information for them at the time and depending where they went onward to, I am so thankful despite how my memory deficits and cognitive disorders are difficult at times I am thankful I remember those situations right now. I am thankful I told the community in San Antonio Texas I had been involved with at the times as well especially in 2012 as at the time when in the community, I did not know my biological parents and biological sister had continued lying about me and denying my existence just as they had in the San Antonio #Pagan communities as well as during the courtship and marriage to the family married into all before 2012. So much had changed for me personally between 2008 through to returning to San Antonio in 2012 I needed to regain my bearings as the additional construction changes were so much to process in the midst of everything at the time, though I am really thankful before I had been the poster girl for one event during the first dance practice for the show after learning of the theme for the show of telling a joke about the choice for the ballerina on top of the most wanted of all; because of the twisted irony of my childhood, teenage years, into my adulthood; just about 1 or 2 full years before learning my biological family was still doing the same things, and again while I knew it was risky to go the route I did in full truth can anyone at all find a better way I could have figured to inform as well as keep safe from that since I truly did not have the correct words at the time to explain quick enough? Then my biological family also did not know how I raised my son and my daughter in comparison to what I went through, as well as not ever previously having been informed of what I did in the fullest contexts between 2000 onward. Why? Simply because, my business was not their business. I prefer life and enjoyment in comparison to destruction, chaos, and diseases unlike what I could say at some times. Remember what was going on in reference to the actual help my daughter and my son needed for assistance, which was the claim as to why showing up in my state? I may not have been born in Texas though I re-grew up in the state of Texas, I re-trained in the state of Texas, I earned all of my SCUBA Diving certifications before going to the ocean officially to SCUBA Dive in Texas hot springs/lakes/quarries, and I am the one who did everything I could to genuinely make things better in full truth and in full acceptance. Research is what I assisted in finding cure aspects in 2000 through to 2005 however where even there I was helping to find a cure, when my biological sister went to the lab with my now dead-ex-husband who she also had been intimate with while knowingly assisting to cheat as she already had done and continued to do for a few years in Texas; upon 2005 is when I stopped in reference to the aspects of research in such ways, however it would be less than 2 full years before she would begin to look into forensics; which I already helped the Coroner and tech assistant in an autopsy as already had been known back in 2000, in comparison to following in a different way later by someone else such as Patricia going to college. How many high school courses and college courses did I take when I was 16 and 17 years old at the same time in 1998-1999, and why did she think she was going to get sympathy from me for her college time after she was 18?
Though I wish many aspects did not have to have gone the ways they had while doing the best I could to assist in the best longest term ways possible, it was and is my hope for a much better future in truth. I cannot be the only one who has dealt with certain aspects similarly though I know it is only in a few situations of such, though there is so much more connections than some many have realized initially.
I know I have more recently written about, showed pictures/videos of what I can of what I can see, as well as brought forward some memories some may not have realized back in various times though are important with the furthered knowledge now; that time when I was growing up in New Jersey and on the east coast not just in reference to when I was in 5th grade though also the beach aspects before SCUBA Diving, might connect a few other portions. Whoever that was who showed up to the house when I was in New Jersey in 5th grade those multiple times to go for a walk after ringing the doorbell and knocking before ringing the doorbell again who helped me to be able to get well enough, to be able to begin homeschooling by my 2nd grade teacher Mrs. LaPianna that was not the in home nurse visitations; I am greatly appreciative and hopefully, was worthwhile in the longest term possible. I am glad I was able to write down on paper to be able to communicate with the nurse while I was coughing prior to going to the doctor, as at minimum in my own words and in my own writing at the time I was able to inform her I had been truthful and I had talked about going to the doctor though was at the time denied until after the school nurse proved to the requirement to need to go to the doctor for an evaluation.
I do not know if there are those who remember that time in 5th grade at Asher Holmes Elementary School and I do not know if Mrs. LaPianna told you how much that card meant at that time, though hopefully if so it has been much better for the long term into the longer term. Even after everything I did remember that card and though I was not allowed to keep the card after a certain point, I did everything I could to remember some of the pictures and stickers from that time as I had a bit of time to look at and through it; shortly after there were some cards from church members which fit perfectly inside of the large card from school and as I had already read through the books in the house a few times, it was the best change of pace for the time. I am extremely thankful, even all these years later.

Warriors are not always the fastest or the strongest males or females as strength and speed can be developed, through training. Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that is loved and held sacred, until the war is won from earning victory rights.
#SusanMeeLingFindASilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #60DaysofThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLingFindingTheSilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge#60DaysOfThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge