I am glad and thankful over the years I have been able to take pictures and/or videos of multiple timeframes in my life which in tune with the timing of my tattoos as well as studies of various works, I am glad there are decades of which I can think back to for the instant recollection to as close of details as I can for various time aspects. Admittedly sometimes it takes a bit of time to put everything together to understand and comprehend more clearly, though the portions of which in reference to more recent choices to upload pictures with specific types of images which in some ways have been seen before though without a camera at first. I have seen what are considered as Unidentified Flying Objects #UFO in various areas and in multiple ways, well before getting to use my first camera at the age of ten years old. Already having been through various aspects as well as seeing a multitude of situations in conjunction to the fact my biological father had also been a professional photographer with his own film developing area in the basement of the house I grew up in #NewJersey, before the house which is on the property now.
I was told there was an electrical fire in the house shortly after the events of 11 September 2001 which coincided with a divorce between the couple who bought the property, though because I was not involved with the house sale I would not know what the names were of the people who purchased the property. In 1998 whomever purchased the property from my biological parents and however they had gotten the house sale to be as I do not remember a for sale sign in the front yard, though I do remember the move from New Jersey to #Illinois had been abrupt and without any warning as well as there had not been anything major in their lives which I was informed of. The prior three years prior to the house sale and abrupt move in 1998 I can remember after going back to New Jersey and driving around the areas a few times the following major events in reference to my biological family in New Jersey for this entry:
1995 Main Events:
* I think in 1995 during the spring or summer going to #Florida for a Hand Bell Choir Festival and several situations occurred other than the It's A Small World ride breaking down on the third time through the ride whichever day before lunchtime, which I admit when I thought it would be great if the ride would break so I did not have to go through it again because of being exhausted from the three prior days of the same sort of repeated riding through the It's A Small World ride and it was only the third day of the 7 night time in #Disney; I admit I should have clarified my thoughts apparently to where I did not have to be in the tunnel at the time of the break down, as well as turning the music off. Do the math for the third day by the way of not being lunch time, and we arrived when the doors opened. Anna sang the highest pitch in the #HallelujahChoir and enjoyed singing along with the #SoundofMusic with her favorite Disney movie of #Fantasia, which you know she sang along with #ItsASmallWorld the whole time for each single ride through the tunnel. I know the cars were paced several feet a part and I silently cheered for the male who yelled for her to stop singing though because I got a look from my biological father, I knew better than to show my teeth smiling at that male.
If I remember correctly shortly before getting onto It's A Small World ride he had complained about Anna getting out of the wheelchair to walk to one of the rides my biological sister picked out while I stayed off to the side as they got on, and until he had gotten onto the next lift had been when I heard him stop complaining; admittedly agreeing because of knowing why she had chosen to rent the wheelchair as she was able to walk from the linphnode being removed from her arm, which had nothing to do with her walking around the Disney park. Though I am uncertain if he had known or understood the difference between her and I as those who know and learned can envision how the male was treated when he made a comment and Patricia heard as well, and how she had responded in comparison to me taking a few steps back; which additionally to the irony of patterns, my pattern of behaviour began in reference to being respectful was well before going to Disney.
No offense to Disney however it was not until later just before the trip that the movie Fantasia was not the only movie they had made and only having seen 2 of their movies in the theater before going to Disney, that was my only impression of how Disney was going to be with the combination of how my biological mother had been before going to Disney; which I do not blame Disney for that, the choices were not made by Disney how my biological mother had been. I did like the movies #TheLittleMermaid for awhile, just as I enjoyed #BeautyandtheBeast for a little while; until Anna learned the songs, which then maybe you can understand as to why I enjoyed so much more #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas especially since the tone of the musical notes are nowhere near Soprano as much in the main characters. Due to the fact she was scared by the movie meant she refused to sing the songs as well, which made it even more of a favorite movie; even more wonderfully the dog Sasha was still in the backyard for those who understand that reference, for timing. I also do not blame Disney for the ride situation, though hopefully if there is maintenance needed the music could be paused to come back on at the appropriate time if that had not already been squared away.
Though my daughter #Letters4Lidia might not recall as much her brother my son James #letters4James knows from #HarryPotter movies as apparently there are more than one and yet knowing how my biological parents had been when I was a child luckily for him, there also was #TheLordofTheRings movies. Notice how there are movie sets if my son and my daughter were to read through this and recall, you had multiple movies and multiple series. Now think about as to how that was in reference to The Sound of Music and Fantasia, and you remember about how other things were regarding your biological Aunt Patricia and her high school friends. Ironically when you think about the titles and such, in a few ways regarding other situations.
Going back I thought I had seen him around the park at times where we had been though Anna had to go through the same patterns each time to the It's A Small World ride when on one day the Disney section of the Haunted House ride Patricia wanted to go on which actually seemed interesting as I had not been able to choose one ride to go on yet, which she was excited for and because of how I had been as a child comparatively; I thought it might actually be fun, especially compared to the 4 prior days of Disney rides as it would not be until the 7th day I was allowed to choose one ride for the whole trip at the park. Similarly to the day before with the It's A Small World break down the ride had a glitch when going through, as there was a baby in the mirror reflection which had teeth similar to angler fish teeth when it opened its mouth when Patricia went to see herself touch it which scared her making me laugh. In the reflection the baby smiled and put one of it's claws towards its mouth as Patricia screamed and cried, of which I could only smile and laugh as it was the best part of the trip to that point. A male came out of a backdoor area to yell at me asking what I did for the screen projection to be that which he almost looked like the male, though I cannot remember what he looked like now in detail.
1996 Main Events:
* My year started off with my best friend from early childhood died after a car collision when his Dad was driving a #BMW who died on impact from the air bags, though he was in a coma for a little bit and though I knew him for years I was not able to attend his funeral. Whether it was the same year or the year before or up to a couple years later I would learn my Great Grandfather died in the hospital which I was in trouble for asking about Hemlock years later in San Antonio Texas as I was similarly not allowed nor informed of being able to attend his funeral, which few knew of the repercussions of such a choice for me to not have been there because of my Great Grandmother's influence and roles; which she died shortly thereafter, and similarly again I was not allowed nor informed of until years later after the funeral. Though wait, there is more. My maternal Grandfather's death and funeral had been exactly the same whereas Patricia was allowed to know and go, which she was not informed of the realities until later when our biological father had told her several aspects of his connections; though neither had officially informed me of their discussions along the drive, for clarifications if needed.
Later in the year I was in trouble for asking about a prior male babysitter I had which my biological mother was infuriated I had asked anything and simply told me she thought I should be glad because Patricia did not have to deal with anything, just before I found out I was going to a second week I did not want to go to for #ChristianCamp at #BaptistCampLebanon; not because I did not enjoy it, though because something felt weird. The second week on my birthday during the co-ed sleepover the camp counselor who had molested me then and the whole additional aspects thereof, when my biological family went to the office of the director as the other female cried into her Dad's arms telling him of how horrific what she had gone through had been; I waited while dealing with everything on my shoulders, as I knew what I would additionally have dealt with if I had shed a single tear the way she had in her father's arms. After leaving at the Birger King along the way we stopped to eat or I suppose I should say they stopped to eat and I had some food available though could not eat, to then be told my childhood dog from when I was 2 years old had died before they left to pick me up from camp. A week or two later the #Detectives were in the kitchen at the house asking questions which while Mike went outside to smoke a cigarette, Anna would not stop interrupting the Detectives questioning me for what had occurred. It got to the point I looked towards her and yelled for her to leave so I could actually speak with the Detectives, and she stomped outside to speak with Mike and the Detectives finally were able to get the answers to their questions at the time they had.
As a side notation in reference to when my son was at summer camp during my Medal of Honor Art Project, I was called and told he had sprained his ankle. I repeatedly called and left voicemail messages checking after the first voicemail I received, which he and I talked afterwards and I was not told anything beyond he had sprained his ankle helping some campers. However because of the laws in #Washington state with the #Democratic policies and how those laws view biological children under the age of 18 years old though above the age of 12 years old, the director of the camp legally did not have to respond to my messages due to the excuses in my opinion as to those laws. That law across the board should be revisited to genuinely discuss correctly and honestly, in comparison. If when I was a child that would have actually been helpful in comparison to the amount of technology available now and able to see and hear much more at further distances, so some of those laws need to be relooked at for the modern times especially in reference to technology and how others have apparently pretended to be someone they are not online compared to who they are in real life. I learned the hard way that I could not be the only person who could fall for something such as, which in turn since the amount of technology available to children younger and younger while they learn quicker and quicker means the precautions need to be looked at now for actual revamping of the laws for the proper protection and safety in such ways and manners. Yes there are times to which the young must look towards the elders for guidance, though also visa versa.
On a positive-ish note though ironically aligned with my Medal of Honor Art Project, I began my #ConfirmationClass process through Old Tennent Presbyterian Church #OTC through the #Presbyterian congregation which was the last portion of learning some of what my Great Grandparents and my maternal Grandfather had been teaching me in certain references of other aspects combined. Also I earned second and third place in sparring and form in the only #TaeKwando competition I had been in, as well as just before Christmas I had been able to spar someone my Sensei who had certain shiny military medals in a shadow box similar to my maternal Grandfathers for medals arranged who had not allowed me to spar while he was in the dojo. #Christmas came early when there was a substitute teacher ironically as well, however you read that; however that male had been an annoyance since a few weeks after beginning Tae Kwando, at the Dojo in #Manalapan.
1997 Main Events:
* I graduated Confirmation officially and I felt the need to wear a white dress with a heart cutout in the front of the dress with an almost Asian style collar though I could kind of breathe with the sleeves I found with the embroidery in honor of my Great Grandparents and the braces I had at the time I usually wore white though I felt the need for something which my maternal Grandfather would push away out from my sight though was black and white fabric, which he always looked up towards the ceiling whenever in the area if I saw it with his back to me as a child before continuing on to discuss some of the other shadow boxes. At the time I did not realize how befitting it had been for both aspects though I remember before going to the service for the graduation my biological father gave me a gold chain with a Jade heart, and as I had learned recently of my Great Grandparents and I had not been able to see my cousin and her part of the family; I thought to myself how befitting, the whole arrangement had been. I had not realized then of course, the level of natural symbolism when looking back. To this day I have no idea what my maternal Grandfather did officially as officially was one of his favorite words when telling me about some situations from his past while the other favorite word was unofficially, which again to the irony of my Medal of Honor Art Project and the color choices combined. I remember he told me his favorite group had something where I would see a wall I would want to hug because it would put stars in my eyes, which as a child I asked how hard I would have to run to hit the wall to make that happen. I can see the irony now in reference to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in such a different way in darker humour, however he would just smile and chuckle softly to himself as Grandfathers do I had guessed back then. Now, I look at such and wonder what that actually meant regarding a wall as I am fairly certain he was not talking about the metal part of the bunk.
I am simply going to write, I do not think it takes a head injury to tell the difference between the metal part of the bunk and a stone wall.
Just a few months after a football game I had been taught a cheer by one of my friends Saint John Vianney High School #SVJ had shown me, I was told of an upcoming trip to Illinois as I was told there was not a reason to go to New York City after what occurred when my biological family had been at my Great Grandfather and then Great Grandmother's funeral as my biological father's sister Linda who had married a male named Phil as they both worked at the Post Office had pulled in favors owed to my biological father after my Great Grandparent's deaths. Their only daughter Catherine up to that time was around a few years younger than Jade who is my biological Great Aunt Helen who married a male who lived in Harlem which she met through my Great Grandmother prior to their marriage after Jade's birth, which if I remember the year for their wedding was around either when I was in. I first remember meeting Jade around when she was in kindergarten and I was around in 3rd or 4th grade, which was shortly before the wedding if I remember correctly; though that is from earlier than the three years, though seemingly important for clarification.
A couple years at most after is when I had gotten Mono, Epstein Bar, Lymes Disease, Bronchitis, and the Flu all at the same time which I know my Great Grandparents were infuriated about and my maternal Grandmother was sent to New Jersey because my Grandfather could not go with her to see me there at the time as he was on an oxygen tank at the time when I was in 5th grade beginning in the time around September or October in 1992. My Grandfather informed her of college availability in front of her in the trailer while the white cat she had sat on the couch with me while Mike, Anna, and Patricia went to the store. I remember crying to my Grandfather about something I had read while coding that day though I cannot remember which one of the many files I had opened had been the catalyst for my tears though I can remember there was a big piece of large round wood type of a structure with many people chained together around though together, though unlike a fictional story I wrote the way the video cut out afterwards was not the same ending as in a writing.
I suppose a saying I have had for a while might make a bit more sense, once you know you cannot un-know.
Yes I have seen a lot as well as have experienced a lot and yes I do know and understand and comprehend the difference, just as I am capable of distinguishing the difference between those aspects plus the fiction portions of particular portions as well as name references in other portions of lighter aspects. Being creative such as creating a story for a series such as Fail-Safe is quite a process of creativity when you think about the fact of various portions which I had attempted multiple ways of portions during my childhood, teenager years, through to the time when I officially and yet unofficially had begun putting my writings and compiling other portions too later on when I officially officially began the official process of writing my multiple books and book series.
Only after my Confirmation graduation was I allowed to color my hair, of which I have discussed and written about such at length of which possibly certain additional aspects make even further sense at this point. However shortly before my Confirmation Graduation there had been an altercation at Saint John Vianney High School on a school bus, around the Basketball season in high school time. I thought with the female Basketball team which the cheerleaders sometimes cheered at the crowd could work on doing the cheer I was taught to get more people excited and into the game, as I was able to go to a Brown University Basketball game around the time of thinking about the idea and speaking with the female who had taught me that cheer. Some of my fellow classmates were working with some of the other cheerleaders to learn that particular cheer because of how catchy of the chant had been for whoever had come up with that set of moves after one of the males spoke with me after going back to the bleachers, as he wanted to know why I wanted to learn the cheer not being a cheerleader. I spoke with him and several other high schoolers as their parents gathered as well as others walked by as per a football game in the bleachers, and I am still proud of myself for seeing an individual trip after a comment made to me about giving her and her boyfriend a hug. Granted my foot moved however I was able to see nonetheless and as I leaned down to speak with him I informed him I did not appreciate his comment about my friends, which possibly some might in the following year though when looking back now might have a different and yet more clear understanding for how I had been in high school during certain specific situations such as a common pit area and/or a cafeteria area for a couple.
Get it? Ok, two thirds of a pun.
1998 Main Events:
* There was a trip out to Illinois as I was told to visit with my biological mother's sister Edith and her new husband Mark, Kate and Allie my cousins are from a prior marriage to someone Edith had escaped; which when my cousins told me their Mom had to disavow them to get married to Mark in the #HolyRomanCatholicChurch I admit, I was quite saddened though also some other portions referring to particulars which had been paid attention to. Mark worked in Chicago and my cousins told me they caught him sniffing their panties when he would do the laundry as he refused to let anyone do the laundry in the house, which seemed odd. Less than a few months later from that time early in 1998 I remembering being told the house was sold and the movers would be on the way shortly to pack up the garage and basement, and I needed to pack my room in 2 weeks or less. The week or night before was the last time I had done any coding been on a computer other than to check an email address made at Jackie's house in Marlboro in her bedroom, shortly before a disagreement I had with a male who was dating a female I knew which occurred in the hallway as to his treatment towards.
There was a female who transferred to Saint John Vianney High School which she and I got along wonderfully and her Mom was a DJ, which she had set up for the combination party which had essentially been a last minute change in a few ways as per the timing for packing. Initially the party was going to be my Sweet 16 party early because of my birthday having been so close to the beginning of school at the time, though turned into a Bon Voyage party as well. Initially what spots went for who I was supposed to be able to invite had been cutout by my biological parents for Patricia's invitees because though she already was going to have a few of her friends at my party, because as an additional explained aspect later on in reference to applying to Marine and Science Technology School #MAST with the #Navy attachment and what was being considered as a phase during those times; I was allowed to invite 1/3 to 1/5 of the people I originally had written down before Anna sent out the envelopes, as done.
As the school year was still going on in Illinois after that, I legally had to go to school despite having graduate my sophomore year of high school. Then because I was attending a Catholic High School and I took Latin for a foreign language, the public high school did not consider Latin as a foreign language. When in the office I remember telling the counselor "I said Latin, not pig Latin" and was told she did not like my attitude, as she believed 'they were one in the same and was telling me how she knew words better more"; and told me she did not believe me about the difference or the base of the five most commonly spoken languages in the modern world bases which then she spoke pig Latin and when I responded with "Venni Vidi Vici" with the proper pronunciation she told me, she thought I must have learned the Jersey pig Latin to speak that way.
I suppose I can make a joke about the ocean since my biological parents refused to let me go to #PointePleasant #Beach or #Seaside or #SandyHook or #CapeMay, which I knew there was no way for me to explain where I would have been believed by that point. Thus not only did the technology portion stop the way it once was though also going to the ocean and my interactions there over the years, were stopped in an instant. I was a Camp Counselor for #MarlboroRecreationCamp during Middle School, however I did not go to the Camp Counselor level when going into my Freshman year of high school. Though I had been able to get out to the ocean in other situations, it was not the normal time for me to have gone out to the locations I had gone in the oceanic waters as school had already begun. The last time I had gone out to the oceanic waters at my normal schedule for back then had been in 1997, just before going to camp for the week I had not wanted to go to nor had been in any part of that week planning.
I suppose I can make the joke in reference to the statement I made in #Latin combined with the counselor's snark in conjunction with my #SCUBADiving certifications and training among a few other strands now, regarding the meaning of the Latin phrase.
Nonetheless the summer school was mandatory if I was going to take care of what I needed to do to get into the #ArmedForces of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica, which I took both summer high school courses as well as college high school courses to catch up. Then while junior year in high school during the time I had dealt with certain aspects of cheerleading and the competition I warned the cheerleaders I should not have used for the individual routine that I was thrown into last minute, because I told them I was taught the cheer by another cheerleader from another school I had attended and I knew New Jersians. I was laughed at and told they did not believe anyone would ever be able to tell which I disagreed and no one wanted to hear my reasons as to why beyond the one fact they paid attention to when I told them the cheerleaders I knew had EARNED 1st in state, which is still amusing as my warnings for the looking to see what competitions for cheerleading actually were before going into the competition scene head first. I was told I knew nothing about cheerleading or competition, which those who know the area of New Jersey and #NewYork and #Pennsylvania; you know why I could only do what I could to explain what I could even referring to what I dealt with regarding my first day of school, and the other students lying and telling the Police Officer in the school of their wrongful belief of me being in the mafia. The following after that team got 2nd place out of 2 teams and I was thankful I did not place with the cheer I had done with only a cartwheel and a roundoff despite having been working on completing backhand springs and flips prior to the competition, because I refused to perform to what they wished for because of forcing me to the individual part of the competition with what I knew they knew was another's cheer routine in full. Ironically the following spring one of the cheerleaders and I had gone to a movie she wanted to see called #BringItOn, which by technicalities those cheerleaders I warned about those who I knew in the east coast area and competition standards were repeated even back then. I was made fun of because they thought it was because I had previously been in a #Catholic High School, which I warned those females that was the least of their concern compared to some I knew.
Fast forwarding through the culmination for the day of thanks portion, I am glad not only to have learned how to take pictures from multiple angles beginning as a child though also having the ability to have to literally and proverbially focus in a metaphorical way for looking in order to take pictures. As my biological father had been a professional photographer in an addition to multiple specialties along with the certification to fix and repair #Bulova and such types of watches and clocks with a #Gemology appraisal certification in conjunction with my biological mother in coding computer aspects, possibly the attention to details can be seen from a different pun intended angle.
Personally I do not know who had their own camera in reference to age biologically in the 1990s, however I also do not know who had asked someone they knew how to work the camera when seeing one in the 1980s to see through the lens differently while being taught well before my Confirmation Class in reference to timing for details in the camera changes as well at such an age combination. Though I can write about the reasons why I was joining further for the aspects regarding my thanks for being pun intended exposed to such referencing the ability to see through the camera for the image(s), the ability to take pictures of the more recent posts through my #Instagram account as well as a few other social media accounts such as #Facebook and #Twitter are able to expand the viewing capabilities to see what I have discussed in various aspects regarding such pictures and videos. I have taken pictures in film format similar to some of the digital ones more recently, though because my biological father had a film developing studio in the basement underneath the stairs; I am uncertain what he did with the negatives from the pictures I took, back in those years. However I am glad for the ability to hopefully be able to put such together more clearly now, as there are multiple ways to find.

To clarify on the last day at Disney for the Handbell Choir, I was able to pick which ride I wanted to go on. Though I thought #SplashMountain would be fun, I saw how long the lines were for a large portion of other rides which looked fun as well. I felt I needed to pick a ride which I knew my biological mother and biological sister would not want to go on and be too scared or they would say they were too good or something along the lines comparatively, because of their preferences the whole week as well as their choices for other rides. I admit it was funny to see my biological father's response as well as theirs when I picked #SpaceMountain because it almost was as though he felt as though he jumped in the air and screamed "YES, FINALLY" clapping and jumping for joy. However he looked at Anna and shrugged his shoulders looking upward and away from the scowl on Anna's face as Patricia stomped her foot and complained she could not go on another ride because of the bags she was having to hold, because of Anna remaining-ish in the wheelchair.
For a second I thought I saw the male walk around a corner where there was a stand with balloons, though I did not see where he went afterwards. Waiting in line for Space Mountain I listened as Mike spoke about the choir competition as well as a few situations in the Deacons and Trustees at church, as I saw the male randomly walk through different areas while waiting in line. I admit in the beginning I felt a bit unnerved by that male and yet in some odd ways I did not feel as unnerved when thinking, as something seemed important about that time though I did not know the words to explain the feelings I was having. In some ways I have to admit there have been times I wondered who he was and why he was looking at me compared to my biological sister, as it almost seemed towards the end of the week as though he was confused and puzzled by me.
Usually most who I had seen in a capacity when both my biological sister and I were together whether or not our biological parents were around, people seemed to naturally gravitate towards one direction or another.
The longest ride with the most amount of fun in a pun intended cool area of the park to feel as though you are simply floating in a soft breeze seemed most ideal, at minimum I remember that had been how Space Mountain felt to me when I was there. I do not know how others have felt from such a ride, however I know that was the only way I could find something to enjoy after all of the combined aspects of that particular time for that trip.
#SusanMeeLingFindASilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #60DaysofThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLingFindingTheSilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge#60DaysOfThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge