There is something which to admit to during this portion of the timing which I am glad I forced myself to begin realizing the month and time, which makes an extreme amount of sense when looking back. During the time I was in Washington state after winding up there from Texas in 2013 aside from the electrical zapping and heavy portions regarding the technology impact in conjunction to everything else I was dealing with up to the point in 2013, each year starting in 2014 I dealt with being chastised for without knowing the actual day or month specifically; automatically flying into a tizzy about certain timeframes, where I would naturally go to speak with my son though also would discuss what I went through as a Mom in reference to the situation from McCoy Elementary School of Carrollton Texas of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD. Before the first full year of me naturally doing so to discuss without knowing the specific time at the time of beginning for doing so I will leave it at, I had a room that I had to stay in within the house. I was told it was supposedly because of the annoyances seen when talking with my son about his feelings as well as my own apologies for only being able to do so much to better the situation as best as I could while keeping both my son and my daughter as safe as possible.
Then again by the time later in 2014 and then the following year into 2015 was when a room became official due to the situation which I had already told people for years prior of certain messages and threats I had been dealing with up to that point in time of when I gave up explaining to the communities I was in about what was going on, as prior to winding up in #Washington state the numerous times of telling and explaining what I was dealing with and instead of being taken seriously; the assumption of The Miller's Roses/Thorns Book #STRGMTT of the Princess in comparison to everything combined which would completely negate any portion in that description of people types in the lifestyle, as some had claimed they knew better for such a view in comparison to accepting the reality of the excuse given of the Princess role. Unlike what certain portions written in that one particular book compared to other books though also in line with certain ones I read, not everyone is going to fit into one of four boxes in the comparison of the overall within that particular viewpoint of the particular area of the civilian sector. The irony of the claim of being open and accepting of everyone, except if you fit into any unapproved box checked by someone else's whims if not looking as what was considered as acceptable; which ironically I had already been dealing with in a different area of the civilian sector, which each should have paid more attention to at the times of such warnings. Though admittedly nothing new in that reference, as being believed without having to prove anything additionally over time has not been the most common or I suppose most normal way in my life.
Looking back and thinking about the beginning of my Medal of Honor Art Project trip for the 30 day timeframe I am thankful I made the plans for the trip and went, though I suppose that did not do enough to assist me personally in reference to what I was yelled at for after what I had already dealt with up to that point. While I know there is no getting over certain aspects which the times were and only to work through such as best as I can, realizing now in 2021 of the accuracy of such and yet with admitted bias towards the fact I dealt with what I dealt with. In that combination of life experiences what is it that would truthfully be expected from the average individual, and what would the average overall response been to any three combined of the overall situations I dealt with which would warrant a different response either during such years and/or afterwards and/or to this point in time?
Thus in a twisted turn despite having been kept in a room for years which even when packing up my stuff for my trips if leaving the room would deal with certain comments comparatively to other prior situations at the time, and I still spoke with my son during the times despite the situation at hand; which I am thankful despite what occurred that I pushed forward to do so, in light of the overall view of events especially. In such a twist of oddities in comparison to whatever happened in the movie I first saw as a teenager during Confirmation Class at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church #OTC timeframe called the #WizardofOz #WOO to instantly zone in during one particular scene and ask for the rewind to replay on the tv through the VHS, around the time in the movie of the Scarecrow/Tin Man/Dorothy going past a building on fire. I cannot remember what I saw back then which caused me to respond the way I had and though I remember some laughing I do not remember laughing in the slightest, and from what I can remember was shortly after the movie was put away the Pastor came in to teach the Confirmation Class and I needed to run to the bathroom before he spoke about the lessons for the Confirmation Class that day. It is odd to me looking back as just a few short months prior to that Confirmation Class time specifically still in the year of 1996 and the earlier year's events such as meeting #NewJErsey #Governor #ChristineToddWhitman, with the events thereof along with that summer as well as the nightmare I already was dealing with trying to figure out how to fix and repair to not be as much of a nightmare for as many; in a weird odd way it seems as though much in that short amount of time, seemingly fully implemented some of the more diligent work I began getting involved with forward after the Marine and Science Technology School in addition to the overall in that year.
I can make a joke in reference to the antichrist in reference to the situations regarding what happened during the meeting of during the time, in regards of my political beliefs comparatively to the time and situation in the place at the capital in Trenton; which of course ton and Trent have a few twists of ironies in words, when taking a step back to look at the multifaceted details in a micro and macro-spection sort of way.

I suppose I can joke maybe that was the click which pushed what I was already going to move through quickly to a higher speed of getting what was needed done at the time, when looking back at simply the volunteer hours required for my graduation from the Confirmation Class as a member of The #Presbyterian Church associated with the #HolyRoman #Catholic Church as well as Old Tennent Presbyterian Church. Though at times there was a push (or a shove) from my biological mother to go towards modeling or acting, meaning outside of church plays in school functions such as cheerleading also in reference to a beauty pageant. In attempts to skirt me away additionally the try to push college being the way instead of the military as I had heavily already begun to state was the way I was going for what I needed to accomplish as after completing #Geometry in the Community College when I was a Junior and still going to High School, the try to get me to see how cool college was compared to going to the military after my Senior year in high school fell quite short and extremely flat when looking at such. While in high school I took College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus as a Senior in High School by the time of earning all of the required credits to graduate one semester early compared to the one year early if not having been moved from New Jersey to #Illinois, realistically it still would have been the same ending with the exception of being 16 years old to graduate high school while being in college at the same time though in a different way as my biological father was in college and I read through all of his textbooks from college at #Brookdale Community College #BCC for some of the classes.
Admittedly the sadistic portion of me wonders in reference to not only my biological family as to how such after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury had responded to my intellect before as well as after 2000, though more-so in reference to the various individuals who I spoke with about schooling who did not pay attention to the fact they were speaking to someone as they were who had been in College Courses while still in High School as they brought up of their opinions about them having been in College at an age well older than I had been in both college and high school in a specific area of Texas more-so than other areas. Of course not forgetting they were speaking with the same person which had also in the prior year earned 26 #SCUBADiving certifications, and had taken care of what I had taken care of in reference to SCUBA Diving within the state of Texas as well as the oceanic waters; after my certifications and training, throughout specific areas only in the state of Texas for over 150 individual #SCUBA Dives not including my Open Water SCUBA Diving certification for the counting of the over 150 SCUBA Dives prior to going to Cozumel; as personally I chose not to begin my counting of my SCUBA Dives similarly to the way I viewed Basic Training for myself in regards of while having gone in the #Army branch, the #MarineCorps view of graduation. I did not view myself as a SCUBA Diver officially until I graduated what would be a smaller version of Basic Training, or known as #NationalGeographicOpenWaterSCUBA #NCOWS #NGOW Diving as there is a difference between the #OpenWater SCUBA Diving course and the National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving course. The Open Water SCUBA Diving is a total of two days of class with pool time before going into natural water whereas National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving is 5 days of class with pool time before going into the natural water, for those who are adamant about education despite view of experiences by some.
I suppose I can joke the Open Water was like high school though the National Geographic Open Water was like my high school time mixed with going to college, in a proverbial sort of metaphor for the overall view especially in a larger combination when taking into consideration I was a single Mom at the time as well as putting myself without any government assistance of funding specific towards my education where I did not have to pay out of my own bank account as I have heard about Financial Aid as well as Vocational Rehabilitation through the #VA; which some could have at those times or even after viewed as stupid for not having someone else pay the bill for me to go through, however in such others were able to get the assistance from Voc Rehab sooner in my thoughts as odd as may come across because of one spot not taken up in the paperwork and other processes for. Though the work I put into both aspects of time may have been viewed at such times as odd or off putting, in the long term I am glad I continued as best as I could. I suppose that combines the sadistic aspect of wondering if ever found out of the actual level of education in combination with the experiences now looking back, if there ever was a change of perception as most were told of though similarly to the beginning portion of this entry; the aspects of such views from the school and the district as well as the law firm, as to their particular handling of their sides of the situation. While other aspects could be considered as sprinkles in such a proverbial way in reference to certain specifics about college education while my biological sister may not have known about my time in actual college, my biological parents did know about my time in actual college as well as the other details; which in turn is quite confusing as to various levels and different times, when taking such into consideration. Though again in some twisted sadistic way I am certain a few jokes can be made, in quite a different way.
Despite the portions of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, I am thankful I looked more into the research from the #PhD s and #Masters in the article from the #JewishMedicalJournal #JMJ (irony of #MMJ, am I right?) to further delve into the information to properly discern for myself as to the best and most ideal, in reference to my SCUBA Diving in conjunction with a larger number of specified tattoos. That was extremely helpful to making my way back to the state of #Texas after Washington state from after the #CowboysDancehall #StoneyLaRue concert situation. Though it was a complaint by others of my repetitiveness because of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and subarachnoid hemorrhage, I did grow up within a household which one of the two people did coding for information technology and the other did minor and major repairs to watches and jewelry pieces; both of which were highly sought after for the attention to details while remembering my Great Grandparents and my maternal Grandfather, how much more detailed oriented could a #Virgo by birth be?
I suppose I can make the joke since I cannot drink alcohol, you guys are already and have been holding a beer for me especially as some southerners and Texans know what that statement means. Did I live up to those Texans sayings, yet?
Go big, or go home. : What about both, huh? Double that by technicalities, right?
Don't mess with Texas. You have know idea how accurate more-so possibly before certain writings and discussions I, certain specifics depending which situations one goes through.
Not born here though got to Texas as fast as could. : Between the Army branch from the Medivac through to the time in reference to Washington state to Texas and my whining in such a way until getting back, again I believe I can joke about a two pair for those who understand the reference.
[New Jersey] by birth, Texan by choice. : I think a bit of my New Jersey-ness may have been required for certain aspects in regards of a Faery-sized attitude again for those who understand the additional pun reference, if you will.
And so on, and so forth.
Thus I am thankful for the combined aspects because if I had not been as detailed oriented due to how I was raised, the various circumstances would have gone differently if not for.
Additionally I am thankful at minimum of having the where-with-all to take certain steps to find my way back ironically especially when thinking about a name I have been known by in certain areas of Lady Dori (Dory I suppose ironically looking at the story of) Belle #LadyDoriBelle #LDB #LDBelle, not having seen the #FindingNemo or #FindingDory movies until years after picking my name and then the first two books I wrote and compiled. My son figured it out before I did I am guesstimating especially if he remembered hanging out at an ice cream shop with a male Marine I knew actively more-so in SCUBA Diving who had joked with my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia about some similarities of a character in the movie, which I had not fully understood until after the explanation as at that time I did not know about the premise of the movie nor of the character. Though I have to admit it is ironically funny about the Whale Shark and speaking with as well as some not believing until Dory proved such during an emergency situation, or something along those lines. As my son and my daughter are biologically over the age of 18 years old I am thankful for film photography, including the realistic needs of the portions regarding the negatives; though compared to digital especially. Though some would definitely be cool if some were found regarding certain times and places beyond certain aspects which might have confused some as to my age at certain times, and how I could know certain aspects as reflected through how I am. I am also thankful for #GeekSquad guys as even though the reality of the technological portions, the connection points from the originally uploaded SCUBA Diving pictures would be in whichever laptops I had during those times in regards of keeping pictures.
I am thankful I took the courses and completed the training I had as what pictures I was able to take though more-so in reference to being able to keep for the online aspects, the ability to prove who took such pictures being able to explain the individual details going on during each portion of the pictures I have in regards of my SCUBA Diving certification classes; and though I have not specified officially regarding the fullness of the training I had gone through and put myself through, I am thankful I subconsciously knew or remembered somehow certain portions despite the combined situations. Though it has taken a bit of time to recollect more specific details, the SCUBA Diving specialties courses assisted additionally to my training. In addition I am glad both prior as well as after my SCUBA Diving classes and training I had taken the similar view regarding how I approached information discussed within the communities as well as books recommended from classes and demos, and the Dominant Mentor course with the electives available mixed ideally. Though I suppose there is the way to see various similarities though nonetheless, the course instructions were helpful additionally in reference to a turned view in regards of different combinations. Whether you look towards my tools and the specific coloration connections or whether you look towards the classes or specialties, or whether in reference to the safety and consent aspects for specific age ranges to further such; at minimum if there were those who wondered about certain specific situations even if not having discussed or written about in detail, there might be enough to go on to imagine which ways were which ways for which situations during which times.
I am thankful for consistency, though in different ways than some I guesstimate in certain ways. However I do not think I am the only one who has such types of preferences or needs, at various times.
Nonetheless there is an additional irony of during the photoshoot with as I was told a United States of America's Armed Forces Marine completing the pictures with who I was told was his brother or cousin in the Dallas Texas area and the Marine's wife from #NewYorkCity or New Jersey as I cannot remember which specific area from what she told me who did the make up to an additional portion regarding SCUBA Diving, as well as where I grew up, among several other additional aspects in the combination thereof. The first set of testing pictures done went well and then was the photoshoot for the Modern Wizard of Oz theme which admittedly I had a farmer's type of female outfit in blue and white as well as red sequins heels, though that role had been cast and I had already done the modeling pictures in reference to the outfit at the time prior to the photoshoot for the Wizard of Oz. I do not know what happened to the image which had a picture I had taken and had next to my bed when I could get some sleep which I was asked about the picture and explained it was my fiance at the time if I remember correctly, though he was confused because I had told the photographer I used black and white film for the camera to take the picture. I was confused why he was confused though I learned at the time there was the camera change to digital, as apparently the film was not as widely utilized; which he picked up the frame with the picture I took to look at and asked me about how I got the details to the level I did, as he thought it was a digital picture with a filter until I told him otherwise and before he told me it looked better than some pictures he had seen professional photographers take. I laughed as I have taken pictures in different settings and learned how to work with the camera in comparison to against the camera to find better ways to take clear and precise pictures and videos, over the years up to that point in 2010. Other ironies about The Modern Day Book and a few additional situations seemingly fit into this particular entry somehow though I would not know the specifics other than remembering the portion about the brief showing of The Wizard of Oz which I did not get to see the end of the movie because of the timing for Confirmation Class, though I have an odd feeling as to some sort of connection.
I knew back as a teenager I could have gone through with the television acting as I was told in Chicago Illinois with the background in church plays as the lead role or co-lead role for each one discussed with the talent manager in the location, however the situation at the time seemed it would be more long term in reference to the ways I saw were a clearer path to find a better way in reference to stopping the parts which could and were stopped in many ways in reference to my nightmare as a child into my teenager years. Though that is the only way I can personally think of from my personal knowledge as to connection points regarding the Wizard of Oz at this point in time and though I know I was told about what the references were back then in 2011 to the different roles for the pictures for that #DeepEllum #Dallas location photoshoot, I guesstimate others can see some proverbial metaphors.

Picture of me in 2010 which somehow seems befitting in a few subtle ways, regarding today's entry
#SusanMeeLingFindASilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #60DaysofThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLingFindingTheSilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge#60DaysOfThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge