As people have been upset rightfully so about the mask mandates as to the occurrences thereof, the reminder as to how much I dealt with in reference to McCoy Elementary School of #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate Carrollton #FBTX #FarmersBranch #FarmersBranchTX #FarmersBranchTexas Farmers Branch School District which had not believed me about my background as being medically retired from the #USA #USAArmy #USArmy #USAA Army Branch of the United States of America had been the main reason as to what they claimed as to why my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia had been mistreated as they had, regarding the school staff and the parents’ lack of belief in my having been in the Army. I was told because of how I physically look was their problem as to the lack of belief anyone with a military background would ever have a hairstyle or haircolor as the way I did and do have, as they complained it was considered as distracting to the other parents and children.
They claimed that my tattoos within my skin were not anything they have ever seen anyone with a military background, though I have known many who have had tattoos. The school staff and adult volunteers of McCoy Elementary in the years from 2008 through 2011 as to the various situations which lead to the #TexasEducationAgency #TEA Texas Education Agency of which I fought as much as I could on my own as there was not one advocacy group which would stay with me as to the law firm having contacted them, as per a train incident which occurred when Yolanda was riding in a vehicle with the lawyer from the law firm from the McCoy Elementary School as to them discussing my daughter’s case before as I was told when they went over the train tracks and there was a collision as to the lawyer dying because of the way the train hit and spun the car out of control where she had wrist and shoulder damage as I was told.
The length of the list of problems as to what I dealt with as no one I personally knew would assist me as even though my biological mother was a substitute teacher in the #SanAntonio #SATX #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas area and knew who my biological sister was married to in reference to their family and such aspects seen on my original #Facebook Facebook account, the ways which they could have offered assistance or pointed me towards those who could actually help me were obviously not made available at those times. The same can be said/written in reference to my ex-in-laws as not one of them had contacted me as per watching such on Facebook, in comparison to what each of them could have helped and assisted with. Everyone I knew in person who I had thought were friends who may have known someone who could have helped me with the situation, instead stood by and did nothing as to the explanations as to what I was dealing with.
The #SCUBA #SCUBADivers #SCUBADiving SCUBA Divers I met initially in the year of 2009 before everything really started getting bad when I told them about how the situation was in the McCoy Elementary School when registering my son and my daughter for school, just laughed and told me they thought I was overreacting. Those in SCUBA diving had said they knew some of the people and claimed they were respectful of the military, though at the same time used similar words as to what was used when I told them about different circumstances from the year of 2008 through that point in the year of 2009. When the situations had gotten to the point they had in the year of 2010 as to Shawn McCall having gone with me to one of the hospitals my daughter was in #Denton #DentonTX #DentonTexas #DBU Denton Behavioural Health as to the occurrences, there was not the specific discussions as to what I would understand as to the situations.
The school knew of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as I had asked for clarifications and when the staff had gotten mad at me for not understanding, was when I had explained the after effects. Instead of simply believing me and the ways the situations proved to have been as per how such had gone regarding those staff members within the years of 2008 through 2011 before my children went to #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving Elementary School where the actual special needs program had finally been instated for my daughter to attend the school after the years prior after having been in a hospital in #AK #AKstate #Arkansas #Arkansasstate Arkansas because of the health insurance requirements at the time as to the specific type of hospital she needed, the situations which occurred thereafter semi-got better.
However when on the phone with the Texas Education Agency Judge Lynn Rubinett as well as the lawyer Nona Matthews from the law firm in the year of 2011 as to the problems from the start as she refused to shake my hand as she claimed she was scared my tattoo would rub into her skin in comparison as she thought it was possible a temporary tattoo in comparison to a real tattoo that all of my tattoos are, she had told the Judge she refused to believe my military background without the proof of as the rest of the staff and volunteers of McCoy Elementary School had refused to believe me only because of how I physically look in comparison. I had been extremely enraged by that point in time of which as per the Judge’s orders was when I had finally sent an email as to my military identification card which I knew I should not have had to do. However the fact that it was the only way I could help assist the situation, I sent the picture of it in an email from my original gmail email account.
How others then view the occurrences as to what happened in reference to when I was living in Irving as to such a situation as because of those people in McCoy Elementary School and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District as to my back patio as to the time in the year of 2011, is whatever your choice to believe as to why such occurrences there were as to such a point in time. Thus those who are upset about the COVID vaccine aspects, you can truthfully in my opinion blame the lawyer Nona Matthews (or whatever legal name change she may have gone to) as well as the law firm (of which they have changed their law firm name) as well as the staff and parent volunteers at McCoy Elementary School and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District for the ways the situations went along with those who I once knew who could have offered assistance as to correctly directing me to people who could have helped the situations as to up to that point in time as just before that military identification card email had been when I additionally sent my first draft of my autobiography which I called “Red” via the same email which later became the books “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing”.
How each chooses to review such factors as to such situations referencing Irving as to the timeframe and the combined factors, is how each chooses to review such coinky dinks. The ways of which the reality as to how such had went in such references, I went into the depths of the details that I was able to allow myself to go in reference to that time because as with everything else that was the last situation I believed anyone would ever believe me about as to the combinations of each aspect I was already dealing with and the lack of belief as to how such levels were as well regarding my SCUBA diving aspects. Thus in turn the ways of which as to how the COVID situation has begun as to the realities of which in my opinion stem straight out of Carrollton Texas as to the ways which could have been avoided if people had made the correct choice, in comparison to the ways which the situations had gone at those points in time onward.
The aspects additionally as to how the ways of which the situations during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as per “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to certain occurrences, I have detailed in regards of such images and details as per such factors as to some portions of the points in the references thereof. In the reality of such situations while I have gone on to explain in writing more than I have in discussions as per the situations as they have gone, I simply have not seen the need to go in depth any further in such regards as to the ways which in my opinion I would have thought I would have been asked by now if such situations were considered as to the gravity in the comparisons thereof. However as to the ways in similarities regarding as to my royalty checks as to seeing such aspects to actually know in the references of in comparisons to the assumptions, at this point of standing my ground as to the realities thereof as to the knowledge as to such factors of which while some might have thought to be arrogant in the comparison to the reality of such situations as to what occurrences thereof as to what I personally dealt with in such references as to Irving. While some might have whatever opinions as to such factors the reality of which I have gone over in the various ways, I have not hidden as to the facts thereof.
What does anyone think would be the transmission portion of importance in the comparison to the assumptions thereof, when taking such into consideration? What about the emails in such regards as to the law firm and such aspect would be of consideration as to why I am and have the right to be upset as to the realities of such a situation in reference to Irving, as why would I specifically go into that particular detail before? What would that legal term be if I had specifically written as such previously to the year of 2018 when initially writing to who I had, the year 2019 as to the beginning of the updates to my website, throughout 2020 and 2021 as per the times in the state of Texas because of Irving being in the state of Texas as why would I not specifically bring that portion up though point out the transmissions as well as other factors as what importance would such be as to the aspects thereof?
Thus just as to the situations in reference to the COVID as to the CFBISD board meeting choice as to not saying the Pledge of Allegiance as well as I learned as to the Pledge to the state of Texas in that May or June 2010 school board meeting as to the Zoom meetings for classes as to such factors can be fully 100% attributed to those people in my opinion, the same in reference as to the COVID vaccination as to the proof as to such factors being in compliance as to the situations because of my military identification card as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the United States of America as to the situations as to the email in the times in Irving 2011 in my opinion as those people of those groups and organizations of who stood by and did nothing to when they had to have known someone who could have helped my situation in truth and honesty during such points in time.
Could someone online could have contacted me as to having put the information out into the internet for the request of assistance repeatedly throughout the years of 2009 through 2013 before my books began to assist me personally in such regards and references thereof instead of just sitting and reading to click on the next link because if there would have been the assistance sent to me, of who to specifically contact and with what assistances of?
Could someone do so now, that would actually be helpful to me?
Back then to this point in time now, what would the difference be?
What is the opinion, when looking at such coinky dinks as to the timing thereof?
