The realities as to the aspects of which various factors as to situations of my life which as I have asked for assistance as to what I would be capable of bringing forward as to what my personal needs would be as to the factors thereof when initially asking for such aspects, the ways of which though I had requested the return contact as to the aspects thereof previously to such points in time prior to when my son and I had wound up in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state after the #StoneyLaRue #Concert #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #Texas #TX #Texasstate #TXstate #MilitaryCityUSA Stoney LaRue concert at the Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio Texas in March of 2013 after all of the combined factors of what I had personally dealt with up to such a point in time after having woken up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury of which I had repeatedly explained over the years without the in person face to face in person assistance as to such aspects of which I had made multiple requests thereof to such factors, I was reminded of one email of which I had brought forward as to the situations regarding the school and the school district of which though I do not know officially who the individual was as to the response I had received there was a comment made at church which reminded me of the aspects to one particular email during the adult Sunday School class before the services thereof.
While I had only taken the summer school classes as I had already explained as well as wrote about in reference to being capable to ensure I could still graduate early after having been moved from #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey from a parochial high school which my #Latin #GrecoRomanLatin #Greek #RomanLatin Greco Roman Latin classes as well as my religion classes were for the private school in comparison to the public school and thus because only due to the sex or seven courses which the credit transfer issues were of a situation, was the only reasons as to why I was in the summer school classes throughout the semester. Though such people in the summer school classes wished that I had been there for whatever aspects those people were in summer school comparatively as to such aspects though the assumptions only because of my having been moved from New Jersey to #IL #ILstate #illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois because of the problems referencing my biological sister as to her reputation had become problematic as to such aspects as to how she was conducting herself within the areas of New Jersey and #NYC #NewYork #NewYorkCity #NYstate #NewYorkstate New York City in the comparisons thereof, few in such summer school courses could believe how someone who actually looked Asian in comparison to my self could be as overdramatic as to the situations thereof. In the realities as to such explanations referencing the differences of which only if I am spoken with about certain aspects will I bring such forward and/or only if I am in a situation which warrants such aspects, the comparisons thereof as to the ways which when at #ClubSapphire Club Sapphire to the comparisons to when I was throughout the various areas within the state of Texas as to such realistic portions thereof for the actual review processes for only when there were situations did I ever begin to speak up though had begun so mildly in the comparisons to the ways which over time such a build up brings/brought forward such aspects thereof.
In the references as to summer school though Mr. Stoner did not believe the facts as to the reasons why as to his assumptions between the summer school classes as well as the parochial high school aspects in conjunction to the New Jersey situations, the ways of which such a grouping of problems in conjunction to those types of summer school students as to the situations thereof compared to the additional aspects of when I was at #McHenryCountyCommunityCollege #MHCC McHenry Community College as to making sure I was capable to get out of Illinois as quickly as I possibly could, as there was nothing of comfort to me within the state of Illinois whatsoever as to the ways which the additional problems of which others were similar as to New Jersey as to the treatment towards my biological sister as to the ways as she had not kept her mouth shut about my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu in addition as to her not having kept her mouth shut about my having been the original Jesus Christ in such regards; the problems of which the only ways which I saw any possibility of doing what I needed to do as to what I preferred away from those types of problems and away from those types of people, was through the branches/divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as I thought I could actually camouflage within one or any of the branches or divisions thereof.
However, my background check having begun in the year of 1996 I suppose in reference to the year of 2000 when the official paperwork was begun as to such aspects for the Army branch, as to the ways even on paperwork I could not camouflage in any such aspects thereof because of my application process to the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment in conjunction to the factors of my biological mother having been in software coding in #Prudential Prudential in the 1980s and 1990s which in turn as to the additional factors of my Grandpa Gavett as well as my Bok Gung and Bok Pu as to the inability for me to camo at any point in time was officially realized to me in the #ASVAB ASVAB testing aspects as to the second time of going through the ASVAB test though the second time at the #MEPS MEPS station in #Chicago #ChicagoIL #ChicagoIllinois Chicago.
As a side notation of having met a male I cannot recall his name as to being from #Elgin #ElginIL #ElginIllinois Elgin Illinois and having danced in the smoking section prior to the official oath later on in the day, while he thought I was interested for longer than I was as to the similarities in reference to who I actually had been interested in months before as to Thomas Seaman in all comparisons for multiple reasons; that male seemed to not understand as to the work I needed to take care of and the ways of certain situations, of which there was not ever going to be any such reunion as to that individual as to his wishes as to my lack of interest in such a point in time as I was not ready to settle for anyone especially when taking into consideration as to Thomas Seaman in the comparisons as to the timeframes as to what my work was needed for. While admittedly I had fallen in love with Thomas, there was the factors of what I personally knew were needed as to the nightmare I had been having since well before ever meeting him. The oddities as to how he had thought I was joking in the comparisons to the realities of what I had seen as to such points in time, the ways of such factors of which what I personally knew I needed to take care of were far beyond the capabilities to bring such words forward aside from what discussions which had been as to such a point in time.
The aspects of which I had driven from Illinois to go visit with him in #Ohio #OH #OHstate #Ohiostate Ohio in such regards as to my personal feelings towards him despite the factors of being stubborn admittedly, the aspects of which personally I would not complete such a trip for just anyone as to the ways I was as to the ways which I am. If I make a trip all the way out to a specific location, there is the reality as to how much concern and care that I actually have had and/or do have as to the aspects thereof. While some might have whatever viewpoint thereof as to the fact I have enjoyed driving, it does not change the fact if I personally make the effort as to the drive especially if it is more than 1.5 hours; you better believe I actually care and have the genuine concern as to such aspects, whether some have wanted to admit to such factors.
Nonetheless as to the realities of which I had went over the aspects of the ironies as to the ways which I wound up in #Iowa #IAstate #IA #Iowa Iowa state before turning around to then return to drive through Illinois to make my way through #IN #Instate #Indiana #Indianastate Indiana to be capable to get to Ohio in a six hour timeframe, there were extenuating circumstances which I briefly have gone over as to the aspects thereof which I had been given a warning ticket on a yellow sheet of paper which said I was clocked at going 127 miles per hour. Whether that was the actual speed compared to what actual miles per hour to get from Iowa to #Cleveland #ClevelandOH #ClevelandOhio Cleveland Ohio in 6 hours, is what it is as to the factors thereof to what the actual arithmetic speed calculations thereof to such factors. However in such a reference as to what seemed as a small breeze, what would individuals think as to the factors as to such time as to whenever such situations have occurred regarding any sort or type of hesitation compared to what was a calming relaxed drive across the areas thereof?
Would there be a newer definition to what the slowness of speed as to the proverbial New York minute in comparisons as to my driving aspects, when taking such into consideration?
What would that mean for anyone who took what would come across as too long of a length of time in such a reference, if such would be compared as to faster than a New York minute in such references as to getting situations taken care of as to the factors thereof to the different situations I have brought forward?
Why would that be of importance to take into considerations when in reference to getting situations correctly taken care of, as well as what would that mean in reference to response times?
When taking into consideration as to how many have gone towards the technological portions as well as social media as to emails/phone calls/text messages/online aspects why would it be a massively huge annoyance as to any such procrastination from each and every individual who knowingly would have such details, as why would that be considered as problematic as to the factors of taking care of business in comparison to the laziness which I have noticed as to the oddities in regards as to the instant gratification individuals as to such factors thereof as how hypocritical would that review in such a point in time as to the year of 2021 be reviewed as in such references between the years of 2000 through to this year of 2021 from each and every individual who might have ever hesitated as what would that show me as to the aspects thereof in such each and individual hesitation compared to the lengths of which proof thereof for my travels in regards thereof to such comparisons?
Now how does the factors in such references to the differences as to both regarding my return to the state of Texas as to the #MadMax MadMax situation as to the #Alamo #AlamoDrafthouse 151 situation as to the MadMax movie watch at the Alamo Drafthouse, take a review portion thereof though what are the differences as to the ways which I handled my situations in comparisons to the proverbial aspects thereof as what is humility?
While Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had planned the 151 Road Warrior situations as per what I had explained as to what I had been informed of as per my writings in my journal blog after I had done what I could to get others to pay attention to the details as to who I thought would have the capability to pay attention to the correct details, what in reference to the election cycle of the year of 2020 have the correspondences as to the ways in reference to respecting the areas as well as the attire in reference to clothing and outfits in such timeframes as to the locations thereof as to the situations additionally regarding law enforcement as well as the Texas National Guard as to what I brought forward in my journal blogs for such references in the proverbial combinations thereof and who was upset as to my writings regarding such details as to the aspects of the clothing and attire which could understand from the knowledge as to the clothing in reference to the MadMax situation?
Though Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr was upset that the MadMax actor was not willing to remain in the area of the Alamo Drafthouse because of the local law enforcement informing the MadMax actor and the security forces thereof as to the vehicles as to the 1604 loop which Cactus Jack also made fun of the factors of how the local law enforcement had difficulties as to figuring out the jurisdiction aspects as to the parade licenses, how could such reviews as to the overall portions in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as well as the 2020 election cycle be considered for such a thought process of review in such references as to safety as to the truthful portions of discussions as well in what would be considered as important in such review aspects?
When in reference to the types of vehicles as to the MadMax movie compared to the Austin rallies as to the election cycle in the year of 2020, why would the situations be capable to see certain similarities as to the proverbial metaphors in reference to the aspects of the Texas National Guard as to the local law enforcement as to what occurrences were discussed as to others’ opinions about my opinions as to what I noticed in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”?
What is considered important as to the factors of my Medal of Honor Art Project completed Artwork pieces as to the review portions thereof in comparison to the grave stone rubbings in the review process as to the situations as to what did Cactus Jack have lawyers fight for to the aspects of the clothing aspects as well as the e-tool situation, as why would there be a review portion in such regards thereof?
In reference to the situations in reference to my SCUBA Diving which the 10 year anniversary compared to the 20 year memorial and such details which were brought forward as to the factors thereof to the truth, what in reference to the garage situation as to the factors in reference of my pregnancy and delivery in the years of 2001 and 2002 as to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia would be considered important as to such reviews as to the importance of details; as why would the additional importance in review as to what is supposed to be the consenting adult lifestyle be of importance to the portions of specific names as to my writings only in reference to the years of 2019 into 2020 and 2021 in comparison to what details as to prior times, as why would those combined aspects be of importance to review such details and what would be of importance to the considerations thereof in such references as to the truth as well as to the consent?
What in regards as to the technological portions would be of consideration as to the time differences as what details are of importance to the timeframe as to the specific years in the regards both of the situations themselves as well as the official statements with the specific details by which accounts as what is the difference to when in person face to face in person compared to writing in such references as to the specific details thereof, and where is the forgiveness important in such references as why would the factors thereof be considered as important to take into consideration?
When in reference to my trips as to whether in reference to Illinois to Ohio compared to Washington state to both in reference of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as well as my return to the state of Texas, what is the difference as to the factors as to how I handled such situations; as what is the differences though similarities between the MadMax situations as to the election cycle in the year of 2020, as what is considered of importance to the local law enforcement as well as the state law enforcement as well as the federal law enforcement as well as the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans/dependents in such references as to each situation thereof?
Though it is known Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr was mad at the MadMax actor as well as the entourage of the MadMax movie situation as to the Alamo Drafthouse, who could have been upset and why would there be any upset in reference to my return to the state of Texas and/or my responses as to the aspects in reference to both my SCUBA Diving as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project as what was required in reference to the MadMax situation as what could be considerable as to the requirement as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips?
Though I physically look as I do in such comparisons to clothing and outfits as to the timeframes thereof, what is the differences as to my return to the state of Texas in the year of 2019 which can be considered as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips; though what in comparisons thereof could be reviewed in reference to the MadMax situation as well as the comparisons as to the factors in reference to the 2020 elections cycle, depending upon the event as what would be considered as important as to such review aspects for what reasons?
While admittedly I have made in certain references direct communication attempts as to handwritten letters as well as mailing letters as well as emails as well as direct tagging as to the aspects of my journal blog entries in #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as to the best attempts I could think of to make because of the ways which social media as to the common names in the comparisons thereof, what is the difference as to such factors of if there were those who had wished for the direct contact to their accounts and/or to them as why would there be such a leeway as to such factors in the comparisons thereof in an overall view as what details can be taken into consideration as to the multiple attempts I made in the most direct ways as best as I possibly could in comparisons to the hypotheticals as to others wishing hinting would be considered okay; as why would the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in conjunction to my SCUBA Diving in combination to the situation in reference to Irving Texas in the year of 2011 as well as how I wound up in Washington state after the Stoney LaRue concert Cowboys Dancehall situation in March of the year of 2013 as to the zapping portions thereof be considered as possibly hypothetically forgivable in such aspects of such specific repeated attempts on my part as to the best of what I could think of, compared to what hypothetical possibilities in such references as to the aspects of hypothetical wishes as to hinting in such comparisons as to what would the reasons be which such might not be considered as easily forgivable as to other individuals who would have hypothetical knowledge as to the factors thereof as what would the differences be as to the key factors to take into such considerations and why would if such portions in the reference as to the #CID CID as well as the factors of if accurate as to the 20 year memorial to the 9/11 attacks, be considered as important to take into consideration as what could be considered as keynote of importance as to the aspects of humanity as well as modesty in such references as why would those be of considerable importance to take into consideration?
Why would it be considered important to actually move at a high speed rate in reference to those who understand the terminology in reference to the connection aspects as to the military portions, despite my being medically retired from the Army; as why would that be considered important as to my viewpoint in reference to the actualities of importance, as what patterns of behaviour have been proven as to such factors regarding those who get on the proverbial ball compared to those who have tended to dilly dally?
While in reference as to my SCUBA Diving in reference to the individual in regards of Sean Leonard as to Washington state as well as the aspects as to my acknowledgement as to having been interested in him as to the factors of which I had only preferred as to my SCUBA Diving trip regarding my work in reference to #Cozumel #Cancun Cozumel factors for the safety precautions as to such aspects in the comparisons to having acknowledged enjoying discussions with him about various topics though the ways of which my personal preferences as to the safety protocols as to the similarities in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the aspects as to the situations, as not having ever denied my personal feelings for him as to such points in time as to the facts of which there was the aspects as to having been protective of both the references as to the oceanic aspects though also admitting to reducing the risks as to the aspects of the safety portions as to my type of SCUBA Diving. In the comparisons thereof to what I was informed of in the comparisons which those who have known me in person when face to face in person regarding relationship factors know how feelings are not something I personally have gone into much details about because of, why would the speed as well as the distance to taking care of such situations as best as I possibly could be considered as such aspects and what would the obvious response be to my view if I were to see a slower pace of movement from individuals who would not be considered within a lower intellectual category in reference to correctly taking care of situations as what would that in response then mean and translate in thought as to those who would willingly continue to move slower than the snail’s proverbial pace in comparison to the faster than a New York minute proverbially as what would the review as to the years between 2009 through to 2019 to the current year of 2021 mean in such references when reviewing such aspects as to whether or not the importance was ever taken into consideration as why would anything matter after a certain point in such regards with the ways such situations have been as to the factors thereof as where would my view as to the actualities of concern and care actually be seen from others in such references?
Thus in such references as to the MadMax situation whereas Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and the group of the 151 Road Warriors who took less than 1 year to make fun of the San Antonio Police Department for not knowing a jurisdiction as well as made fun of for the parade license as to how many people made fun of me for my responses in regards of my Medal of Honor Art Project trip response to individuals who had made the choices they had made regarding such, and what similarities can such individuals find themselves to having towards the situations in reference to the 151 Road Warrior situation as to such descriptions similarly how many individuals can see certain aspects akin to the Excalibur responses to my response referencing such situations in regards of specifically in the years of 2019 as well as 2020 into 2021?
What similarities can be noticed in regards as to my care and concern in reference to my fighting to be a part of the Armed Forces of the United States of America in the years of 1996 through 2000, my work in reference to my style of SCUBA Diving, my Medal of Honor Art Project, my books I authored and compiled in conjunction to my journal blog on my website, as well as my trips as well as my work from specifically in reference to the years of 2019 through the current year of 2021; as what similarities in proof as to the aspects of have proven to be accurate in which ways, and why would it be considered important as to the patterns of behaviour?
Where can the similarities as to the aspects of others’ responses from such years be proven to be helpful as to the comparison and why would my response to such factors be considered when in the unbiased aspects as well as the intellectual review of such informational details as to a different viewpoint as why would my viewpoint as to such reviews be considered as when actually reviewing in truth, as what assistance could actually be found on which side and why would there be an important recognition as to such factors as why would it matter as to the realities in such comparisons to those who have been similar in the references as to the Excalibur Faire to the 151 Road Warrior MadMax to the aspects of my work overall as where would the seriousness be required to be noticed in such comparisons thereof to the situations?
What would truthfully matter in all such references compared to the assumptions, and why would the realities be of importance to such factors as where would such be considered as important as to the details and why would the details as well as the larger overall picture be considered as important?
In reference to the situations as to the year of 2020, what would be considered as necessary in such a point in time to the review thereof and where could that be considered as more than just a few sporadic aspects comparatively as how important could such be reviewed?
Why would it be important as to the patterns of behaviour, as to which aspects thereof to such a review?
Thus who could in truth take situations seriously compared to the aspects thereof to those who have taken the stance as to the situations in reference to the above mentioned, as where would the patterns of behaviour lead to in such references as to the examples thereof?
Who did I once know in person face to face in person as to such aspects and where was the actual concern capable to be found in such regards as who would be capable to see the situations in reference to the aspects thereof, as why would that matter as to how the overall has been as to such aspects as why should I take others seriously from this point on as to such a review in the comparisons to how others have treated such situations in reference to me and what I have dealt with as at this point why would it matter to me in such regards when reviewing how others have chosen to be in such references compared to the ways I have been as where would the importance of such aspects be considered pertinent as to such factors?
If only I have taken situations seriously and if only I have not hesitated though I have seen where others have taken their time choosing of their own free will to hesitate and/or taken a longer amount of time when knowing there was not the need of such types of situations, why would I only view such types of people as less than serious as well as nothing more than those types who do not see the seriousness of the aspects thereof to life as to the types of games they played and what would be of importance in the larger aspects of those types of people compared to the actualities of the realities in life as to such requirements as why would it ever be of concern for me to continue to bother in such regards if such tendencies are as they have been as how many decades has it been as to the amount of work I have done as to the comparisons as to how others have made such choices as why would it be considered as important as to such a review as to whether or not I chose to continue onward as to the ways thereof compared to what I have been shown as to others’ choices as what could that mean in reference to the aspects as to the patterns of behaviour as what is the definition thereof I had given in reference to of which then at such a point who is which aspect thereof as to the choices of free will?
Why would that be of importance as to within the waters to on land to the space aspects, and what would that mean in reference to the choices thereof as what should be considered as to the care and concern aspects in such situations?
What would there be of others for me to take seriously after the levels of which the individuals as to what I have dealt with referencing such years as to the amount of situations which I have proven to be correct and accurate be of importance to take into consideration, as why would such types of people as to their patterns of behaviour be required to take a look at in reference especially after the #Y2K Y2K millennium timeframe in the aspects of be considered of importance in such reviews as to the clearance factors of verification and why would my patience levels be as to such aspects in reference to the choices thereof as to what patterns of behaviour would be important to take into consideration as how many times have I been accurate and why would it be important as to taking such seriously in comparisons as to the ways of such others’ choices in the references thereof as why would it be considered as necessary for everyone to get on the same page in comparison to the ways such prior points in time have been as to such factors thereof?
What is important as to the clarifications as to those who genuinely take situations seriously compared to those who only have in more recent years begun to see life in a serious manner as why would those factors be of importance in conjunction to those who had once been known to take life seriously though had reverted to prior aspects as what clarifications would be needed as to the larger aspects as well as the details thereof, as what would be needed in such regards as to the technological portions as to why the aspects of situations would be considered as important in which possibilities as why would that be something which would be required to review in such references as to the verification processes as well as the aspects as to clearances as to the ways of such works as to what if there are emergencies as why would that be of importance as to which sectors of life compared to the ways which some people have chosen their life paths in the larger ways?