In reference of combining all of my journals I wrote through my original #fetlife account which I will post the link at the bottom for the clarifications thereof, I am going to have the transparency brought forward as to what can be seen from the original posting dates as to the current timeframe of this day 28 November 2021 for those to see as to my original #Facebook accounts of Susan MeeLing as well as Lady Dori Belle for the additional ability to see the connection links as to what I had discussed for many years and decades in person as well as online as to such factors as best as I could as to the circumstances. Possibly such details will assist to make sense, in the comparisons thereof as to the amounts of details though in addition I do not pretend or hide myself from my truth which others should realize it is important to be honest and truthful in many more ways than just in one or two moments as it is imperative to be more capable to recognize the truth in such aspects of life for far more than some might have realized despite all of my warnings as to what I knew to bring forward to assist as best as possible.
I will begin with posting my newer updated journals from my original account and work backwards as to the irony I noticed. There will be plenty to read in the ways of, whether or not you choose to venture into the areas of the website fetlife.
Posted on 5 November 2012
Read This
www. fetlife .com/users/484330/posts/1258645
When keeping your mouth shut and pretending that the reality is not the reality when knowing what the reality is, what damages can be caused as to such factors in the comparisons thereof as what answers could have been assisted with and what importances of such details actually mattered in the larger portions thereof?
What safety could have been given and what protections would have been better in the comparisons thereof, as when choosing to have hidden such factors in the comparisons as to being open and honest about the realities of what point does it ever become important as to bringing such forward in truth in such comparisons thereof?
What could have been more beneficial as to the occurrences as to my SCUBA Diving having been brought forward in truth back in the year of 2009, in comparison to what occurred instead to my son and my daughter and I?
What could have been taken care of in more positive ways, if that had actually been of a genuine concern in truth as to my well being in the comparisons as to the situations which occurred?
What would have been better for my son, my daughter, and I in comparisons as to the situations that happened by which choices in comparison to ever actually speaking with me in truth?
What assumptions in the comparisons to the truth were able to be found, and what aspects as to Irving in the year of 2011 in addition as to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving could have actually been helped in comparison to what occurences have been as to such points in time?
Where did anything ever actually matter in truth as where would such actual truthful individuals be that I could actually reach out to and genuinely get the responses in return in comparison to how many times I have reached out, and the amount of times as to no answers as to the lengths of time as at what point does it actually ever matter?
I will believe it matters, when I am officially told in words verbally as to in person when in person as to such aspects as to the truth actually mattering to other people as to the ways which such situations have been has not actually shown me anything that I have done actually has mattered as to the realistic portions of which such situations there has not ever actuality been a point of which anything has ever been brought forward to my attention as to anyone ever seeing any validity to anything of actual importance in such references thereof by my standards.
The ostracizing did not ever show me anything ever mattered as to what I have done, it only shows me the lack of importance as seen by each individual as well as shows me the lack of concern as to the situations whiloe showing me how little I ever mattered to anyone I ever once knew.
It only showed me as to how much I personally wasted my time as to bringing anything forward ion ways which people would actually be capable to understand, in comparison to wasted hints and there is nothing useful to me as to hinting as to the factors of how little it actually helps me as what is actual help as to what I genuinely need and have needed in comparison to the occurrences thereof?
Ther answer is evident as to the aspects of my journal blog entries fropm the years of 2019 through 2021 as well as the fact books of "Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing", "Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing", "The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" as those three books in such combinations with my journal blog as to the amount of work I have done and the ways of such showing in comparison to actually making sense as to any such aspect of anything having been worthwhile as to such aspects as to all of the work I had done and put together as to how little it ever seemed of value or worth to anyone as to such factors as to the ways of which none have ever actually spoken with me in truth to where I would ever actually know as to such factors of which then in turn as to how it only comes across as to others having played a game in comparison to actually seeing anything of importance as to such factors of any work I have ever done.
There at this point literally is nothing I can see as to anything of any worth of my works as to the ways which I would see as such by what others have shown as to what is considered as important, by which standards as to what the others individuals have shown as to what the aspects thereof are as to such factors is where the upset occurred as to such individuals as to the ways thereof in comparison to what actually would have been far more easy in comparison as I simply have not seen or been shown specifically in the ways which I have had the common sense to explain such in the comparison to others in such references thereof.
That in all aspects shows me the character of each individual I had once known, as to the realities thereof if it actually was considered important.
I should not have to constantly have to look for a silver lining as how much of a silver lining could it have been to actually be shown in the truthful aspects as to what it actually meant, in comparisons as to the aspects of which there has only been less and less and less as to such factors where it truly is nothing as to such references as to what I review as to anything I have personally done as to the realities of which if it actually was important as to actually being told and shown in comparison to just casting aside in comparison to pulling in and actually showing concern as to such factors in the ways which would have actually been seen if told in truth as to the situations thereof.
No one can truthfully be upset about my words as to it should not take a head injury to figure out either if in the beginning they enjoyed such aspects thereof, as the reality of having had such on my website as to such points in time prior to the aspects of certain situations thereof as to the aspects which how difficult truly would it have been for someone to actually speak with me in truth about my website and just ask me in truth knowing as to what I had been dealing with when in the hypotheticals as to if there actually were friends at one point in time to me as to actually having simply been honesty with me in person when discussing with me in person face to face? Was that truly so difficult to have spoken with me in truth if you knew me before hand as to after how I wound up in Washington state as to such hypotheticals as to having known me if you spoke with me, or was it that those once at those points in times were only just what to you in comparison?
Yeppers, how dare I open up as to such experiences from my perspective after everything I have been dealing with and put through as what is genuine happiness as to any such importance thereof?
One comment about only one set of books is not the same no matter what the subject matter as to such aspects as to it only referencing the specifics to that title of books in comparison to the assumption overall as to such facts as to the reasons why there are different title names to each and every individual book and book series, for that clarification as I did not think that took a head injury to figure out as to such factors. Though yes that does show the character or lack thereof such individuals to wish that extended to the subject matter in comparison to only the books as to the titles themselves, in the comparison as to actually showing what aspects thereof were ever of actual importance in the comparison thereof. I believe on those other aspects as to all of my other books as to simple wishful thinking as to such aspects of others' opinions, in comparisons to my own personal business plans for myself.
Hopefully those royalty checks I should have been paid in such references as to my clarifications finally make sense as to such factors as I had already specifically written only in reference to the two books, in comparison to all book titles which were not gone over as to such on purpose because of knowing what I was working on in comparison to the assumptions of others as to my personal business plans as to my work I was creating on my own. After how many individuals, groups, organizations, and agencies I had requested help and assistance from; where does two book titles ever translate elsewhere as no the subject matter as to the other titles of books being different on purpose and by choice as can be seen in reference to my larger book series of numerical portion, as to such factors thereof only for such references as to my personal business as to what I was and have been working on creating for myself.
What is it to actually accomplish my personal goals both the goals I have written down as well as the ones I kept quiet to myself as to my subtle hopes and prayers as to such factors, as truthfully I would not know what it is for any such aspects of my hopes to actually come true for me where it lasts in the long term into the longest terms as to my preferences as that basic portion has to begin first in the aspects thereof to such factors
How many times did I get accused repeatedly and falsely, as what damages do such individuals have to recompense for such aspects as to the situations thereof as to my life as to my son's life and my daughter's life together as our family in the ways which we once were? The time cannot be given back and then what does that actually mean for such aspects, in the comparisons thereof?
This line... "I have deeply searched my soul for some give a shit. I couldn't find any."
I know the feeling as to such factors thereof, as I suppose it was only myself as I had hoped there had to be others who actually did care.
This line...
"People will hit their heads on the same brick wall again and again because they don't realize how good it will feel when they stop."
If people stop doing something which could be helpful and assistive, then what does anything in life matter? Did anything ever matter, in truth?
This line: "Character has never stopped mattering."
What is character for is character truly what is the reality anymore, as why would it be important as to clarifications as to such factors without the reality of such factors being proven when realized that it is important?
This line: "People often assume their credibility is directly proportional to the number and volume of postings they make on the internet."
Why would that be considered as to credibility as would it be of more importance as to the credibility of what is posted in comparison to the numerical portion thereof, as who truly actually cares about the numerical portion in comparison to the truth of such in postings?