In reference of combining all of my journals I wrote through my original #fetlife account which I will post the link at the bottom for the clarifications thereof, I am going to have the transparency brought forward as to what can be seen from the original posting dates as to the current timeframe of this day 28 November 2021 for those to see as to my original #Facebook accounts of Susan MeeLing as well as Lady Dori Belle for the additional ability to see the connection links as to what I had discussed for many years and decades in person as well as online as to such factors as best as I could as to the circumstances. Possibly such details will assist to make sense, in the comparisons thereof as to the amounts of details though in addition I do not pretend or hide myself from my truth which others should realize it is important to be honest and truthful in many more ways than just in one or two moments as it is imperative to be more capable to recognize the truth in such aspects of life for far more than some might have realized despite all of my warnings as to what I knew to bring forward to assist as best as possible.
I will begin with posting my newer updated journals from my original account and work backwards as to the irony I noticed. There will be plenty to read in the ways of, whether or not you choose to venture into the areas of the website fetlife.
Posted on 17 December 2012
Day One: 10 Things I Want to Say to 10 People...Dominants...
Day One: 10 things you want to say to 10 different people right now.
17 December 2012
First, I want to say, that I have thought thoroughly about everything that is about to be written. With each of these days, I am taking the time to ponder what all needs to be said, FOR ME.
Secondly, I am not doing any of these activities for anyone, with the exception of myself. I found this list, thanks to _rhonda, and I am planning on writing as much, or as little, as I feel is appropriate.
Third and finally, I have actually decided to do this exercise a little bit differently. I have chosen to write about 10 things that I want to say to 10 Dominants, and I have chosen to write about 10 things that I want to say to 10 submissives.
So...without further adue...
The first things that I would say, would be to my children, so technically, that would be two people, but I count them as one....
Dearest children of mine as to the overall way of viewing the generalized view as to being a Mom as to how being a Mom means the realituy when responsibilities are required as to the ways which children tend to dominate the time in comparison to assumptions as to such factors in the comparisons as to how hypothetically the lack of common sense may have been as to such situations as to the realities of which I explained the viewpoints in my book "Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as to being a realist as how does it take a head injury to figure out when a parent has child(ren) as to how much time the parent(s) have to spend to take care of the domination of the time as to other factors thereof in comparisons to the generalized versions of BDSM which obviously is different in the comparisons thereof as I did not think it actually took a head injury to figure that out nor did I think it took a head injury to have to actually see such details as to what I was dealing with my in personal life as to the timeframe of December 2012 as to the combined factors thereof as to how much of my time was being dominated as to the situations thereof in comparison to actually getting what I personally needed for myself as to because of being a responsible Mom,
I had 72 hours of labor at least, with both of you individually. Handsome, you were around 76 hours and Beautiful, you were about 78 hours of labor. You brought pains to my body that I never thought was possible and made me feel physical things that I never want to experience again.
...but it was ALL worth it...
Both of you, I love you more than life itself. I have willingly given up my body, my heart, my mind, my soul, and my entire being/life to both of you. Neither of you are better than the other, for both of you have your individual strengths that I am so proud of; there is no need to compete with one another because I love you both equally and unconditionally.
Both of you have blessed me with being in my life and being a part of me, that without you; life would not be worth living. You two have completely taken over my being and I would not have it any other way; as the people of the universe have no clue of your worth, beauty, intelligence, artistic natures, and the like; that I am so lucky to be able to watch you grow from my uterus, to infants, to where you are now, and further.
Being your mom has given me the most precious gift in the world, that few could understand to the degree of how I view you both, as my children. Nothing has been more rewarding than living with you and being with you, each step of the way; that I have ever been allowed to be a part of.
Handsome Man, you are my first born and my always will be my little dragon who has made me smile, even when the most hurtful things have been occurring at the same time. Beautiful Princess, you are my baby girl and my littlest always will be my little faery who has made my heart feel things that have never been felt before. Both of you have made me a stronger person within this world, and I am so great-full for every lesson that you each have taught me, each ~ individually, ~ and as a whole.
My little girl; no matter what happens, you are always in my thoughts, you are in my heart - making it beat as you have made me learn what emotions are, you have made me have a soul... My little man; I have always thought of what could and would be best for you - as best as I possibly could, I have felt my heart actually beat in joy, my feelings have been brought back to life when I see you, you have made me have a soul... Together, both of you gave me life...a life that I could never wish for anything matter how tough things may get.
Both of you are my shining stars, the twinkle in my eyes, the ones that bring me the greatest amount of joy...the ones who brought me the world...
Both of you will always be my will always be my little will both always be my little both will always own my heart, mind, body, and soul as no other can, will, has, or anything of the type as the two of you are of me and I am of you. Life would not be worthwhile if I did not have either of you in my life; if I did not have either of you as a part of me; if I did not have the ability to hold you to give you kisses; if I did not have the ability to surround you with my arms to embrace you and hold you so close that I can feel your heart-beating; ...if I could not tell you how much I love you and what you mean to me...if I did not have the ability to show you my feelings of joy/love/happiness/compassion/thoughtfulness/creativity/etc...for the two of you have and are my world...I am sorry for not showing you how much you deeply mean to me.
However, I must say, and I must apologize to you both.
I am sorry for not being the "best mom" in the world. I am sorry for not being able to give you all that you want/need/desire at the exact moments that you wished for. I am sorry for not being there when I should have been and I am sorry for being there when you did not want me to be. I am sorry that I have failed to keep you in mind when making certain decisions for life and I am sorry that I have made certain decisions for us as a family, that have only lead to disaster.
I am sorry for not being exactly who you wished for when coming within this universe. I am sorry for not being the strongest person for you. I am sorry for coming up short. I am sorry for allowing your father to treat me the way he did; and I am even more sorry that you had to witness it, no matter how hard, and how quickly I would move to hide you in your rooms; to wait for the thunderstorms and lightning strikes to blow over and away. I am sorry for being weak enough to allow things into your lives and into mine that were not for our highest good.
I am sorry for being so sorry of a "human being" that I have screwed up in so many ways.
I wish I could fix both of your worlds to ideal perfection. I wish I could hand over anything and everything that your hearts' desire. I wish I could give you all that you need/want/desire; when you need it, at the exact time that the request has been made, whenever you want. I wish I could give you all of the blessings within the universe so that you may bestow blessings on others as you walk your paths, through this life and show them everything that they are missing out on and to prove them all wrong. I wish I could make life easy for us. I wish I could make things better. I wish I could fix every single mistake that I have ever made that caused either of you discomfort, pain, un-easiness, or anything less than the best of the world and universe and I have/had to offer.
I wish I could be able to watch every step you make. I wish I had the ability to see each and every aspect of what helps to change you for the better. I wish and hope that I have the ability to guide you in the proper directions for your highest good; as sister and brother, as a family with me, and as individuals. I wish I could see every little thing that makes you who you are as unique and special people with your friends, as well as when at home...even though I know that I need to let you go to grow up on your own, at times. I wish I had the ability to fill you with as much love as I have within me for you so that the troubles of the world, were not troubles at all, but little mole-hills that were easy to over come. I wish I was everything that you needed, wanted, and had to have me be. I wish I never failed you before, and I wish that never could or would again.
Your smiles brighten my days. Your ideas make me think outside of the box. Your presence makes everything worthwhile, even in the worst of circumstances for me. Your love makes me make me whole...
Thank you for being a part of me...thank you for blessing me...thank you for teaching me...thank you for being you...thank you for your strengths and thank you for the weaknesses that I have the chance to aid you in becoming a stronger and wiser person...thank you for being you...
I love you both, my little bears...I always will love you...
With nothing except the best wishes for you in and from my heart, mind, body, and soul for you to be filled with, covered by, and surrounded in blessings for all of eternity...
Love always,
Number Two: My Parents, so once again, they are counted as 1...
To My Parents...
Together and in each of your own ways; both of you created me to be who I am and shown me what I want to be. You both have taught me to be a better person than just what I thought would be honorable, and you both took it to a new level. As my children have taught me how to live; you were the ones who gave me life; and as hard and full of strife as life is, you have shown me that no matter what the circumstances...I will be able to make it through and survive...
Your marriage lasting over 31+ years has brought me to see that love can overcome anything, and trust with open communication is one of the most important factors in a relationship.
It took me a long time to learn that lesson, but now that I have; I cannot forget it.
Both of you make me think and wonder what can be done to make things a better situation for all involved. Dad, you have shown me that no matter what life throws at someone; there is always a way to survive, make it through, and become a stronger and better person than I was before whatever situation or conversation we have. Mom, you have taught me that as much as I despise to admit it; there are times when emotions and letting them out to leave is theraputic and I sometimes just have to say what is on my mind so I can feel better.
Though, I know many of the lessons that you tried to teach me as I grew up, I lost, due to the Army. Many of the memories of childhood are long gone, and while some pop in memory here and there; unfortunately, much has gone away, never to return. I apologize. I made the choice to join the Army. I made the fight with you to emancipate me so that I could join the military, and in the end; after all of my fighting...I ended up with the injury that I have.
I am sorry for fighting you...maybe if I had waited until I was 18 years old; things would not have happened as they did...or maybe they would have been the same...or worse...I do not know... However, what I do know is, I am sorry for all of the pain that I put you through, all of the worry that ran through your veins, all of the drama that happened within the Army and my injury and there after from the side effects...I wish I could take it all back from you and turn it into something positive.
I am sorry that I did not become all that you wished for me. I am sorry that I did not achieve all that you had hoped for me. I am sorry for all of the garbage I put you through from birth to teenage years to adulthood to now...I wish I never had created the amount of stress that I had for you too.
Mom, you have been so strong throughout everything, even when you had to break down to cry to release the tension. You have shown me that it is ok to cry, every now and then...even if I have a hard time producing even one showed me that it was ok to feel things...and to be felt... Dad, you have been holding so much on your plate, I wish that I could take away even a small amount to alleviate the stress you have been under for the years that you have been alive, from childhood all the way to now.
Both of you deserve nothing but the best. You both deserve the greatest amount of happiness and joy that could ever be in any person's heart, mind, body, and soul; to the point of over-flowing prosperity and abundance of greatness within your lives, together, and individually.
I wish you peace, prosperity, balance, joy, abundance of everything that is great/good to keep you within whatever means you wish to be, love, compassion, happiness, and anything positive that can benefit your lives to make your existence on this planet easier and more enjoyable. I wish that all strife, problems, ignorance, and all negativity to leave you and your lives and your home and your beings; so you may fully enjoy life in all of it's glory.
Even with our disagreements and issues between us, even when we did not talk, even when I was angry or upset...I have never wanted anything but the best for you two...and it will always be that way...
I love you now, then, and always.
Your daughter, who is PROUD to claim you as my parents;
***** MeeLing ***
The 3rd Person:
You brought me into this Lifestyle and You took me under Your wings to show me what is the safest way to enter and do things within BDSM. Your guidance has never gone without a thought at some point throughout my day, each day, that I have anything to do with real life play, relationships, and so on.
From the first day that stupid little boy that I was dating at the time had introduced me to You, MWAC; I was ever-so lucky to meet You and have You care enough about me, for some reason; to make sure that I was smart in my play, in my BDSM Life, and even within my vanilla life. You have taught me so many things that I could not even begin to list what all information that You have taught me, what wisdom that You have shared with me from Your experiences, and what guidance You have granted me. Your aid from the very beginning has forever made my view of how the Lifestyle should be lived, in the aspect of education, honor, trust, open communication, looking to always learn more, negotiations, different tools and styles of working, and so on and so forth.
I can never express how thankful I am for You entering my life.
I could never tell You how appreciative I am for everything that You have taught and shown me.
I will never be able to show You the amount of respect that You deserve; though I will always strive to.
You are amazing in every sense of the word, and I am so lucky to have crossed paths with You.
I wish You all of the blessings that Your cup can hold, and more, so that it is over-flowing with an abundance of wonderful situations, people, and such for You and Yours.
THANK YOU for everything.
I know that I am not perfect or the ideal FemDom who is considered to be "normal"...but I am me...and You showed me that it was ok for me to be me...You showed me that it was ok for me to accept this aspect of me within my life and within my being...You showed me that it was alright for me to be a Dominant Female in the bedroom...You showed me honor and respect for the Elders of the Community more than I had respect for Elders before...You showed me that it will all be some point...You showed me all of this and so much more that I have learned a great deal from what You have blessed me with...
...and I will always be appreciative of You, Your time, Your energy...of who You are...
With all due respect,
The 4th Person, truly needs no introduction, for She is renown for...well...just Her...
I had the pleasure of seeing You, Ma'am at some parties, and I had always been in awe of You, Your strength, Your intelligence, Your wit, Your entirety of who You are...
I was lucky enough to be able to have acceptance into the Austin Mentors Program, and when I was able to meet You face to face; I thought that I was in awe before...but...Ms_Cenna; I was even more struck to silence (believe it or not ;) ) by not only Your presence, but Your beauty as well. In order to study Your every move, thought, advise, and etc, I sought You out for aid and guidance, as You are the first Female Dominant who has ever caught my attention the way that You have. The glory of Your presence, is just jaw dropping as when You enter anywhere; You could part the Red Sea, if You wanted to, with just a look.
I know that sometimes You have a hard time seeing what others see in I am going to list a few that W/we see whenever the thought of You pops into my head, let alone when I get to speak with You. In no particular order...
Ms_Cenna, Your intelligence about so many factors of not only the Lifestyle, but of Leather, of Poly-Households, of life in general...You have so much wisdom to share from Your experiences, and the ones who are lucky enough to get to know You and/or learn from You, should know how lucky they are.
Ms_Cenna, Your Female Power that exudes from You as soon as You are mentioned, thought of, or walk into an area... You show other Female Dominants how to be true to themselves and their desires... You have shown me how to accept my Feminine Power and live as I believe a Female Dominant should be...and I am so thankful for that...
Ms_Cenna, You have accepted who You are, as a mother, as a wife, as a lover, as a Player, as an educator, as an Elder, as everything that You need to be in order to make Your life the way You want it to be; and You accept nothing less than what You believe that You deserve. You have shown me, that it is ok to be within myself as a Female Dominant. You have shown me that I am not "weird" for enjoying male submission. You have given me a chance to look within myself, as no one else ever has...and You have made me look at the center of my being to see what is real and what is an illusion...
Ms_Cenna, in the Mentors Program, You aided me more than anything that has been stated above, and more than I can put into words. When I did or could not understand questions that were part of Homework for the Program, You took the time to make sure that I fully understood and comprehended what things were...even if I sometimes mis-interpreted them and instead of making the project as what a collage truly is...I did what I did... Even though I mis-understood, I accepted the fact that I did not comprehend everything that I thought I had, and that made me learn to question more. You also made me rethink about what I volunteer for at the same time...LOL...the brick upside the head of "Are you sure this is what I wanted to put on your list..." has NEVER left me...LOL...
However, even with what I had signed up for, was allowed to do and have granted to me in education through every single Mentor that I had requested (and mostly gotten) all taught me how to better manage my time, as well as pay attention to the influction of someone's voice when they are asking me a question...especially if it an "Are you sure..." question...LOL Though, I would not change the allowance of what You granted me in the Program, for I learned so much that I will never be able to thank You enough for the extra education that I was allowed to have.
Ms_Cenna, You as a being...You as just who You are...being who You are, without any worry to what others think...You, who have so much to offer the world...if only more would see the beauty that resides within Your soul...
Ms_Cenna, I have never been around any Female who was as strong as Yourself, and I look up to You as someone who has so much to give, but only to those who are deserving of Your time. Just having the ability to observe You, is always a treat; for You always show integrity, honor, respect, common sense, and a fun way to be taught.
Ms_Cenna, there is an abundant list that I could try to point out everything that is awesome about You...but words would never do Your grace the slightest bit of justice...
Thank You, ever-so much for being Yourself, Ma'am.
Thank You for showing me and teaching me and guiding me in every way that You have taken the time to.
Thank You for educating me on things I had never thought of.
Ms_Cenna...mainly...just, THANK YOU...
With all due respect,
Person Number Five...
If You had never created the Mentors Program...I do not know where I would be within myself, Sir.
MasterWalker, Sir,
I cannot thank You enough for grabbing as much information that You can and could find, to put together a Program for those who are willing to explore themselves within their entire being, as well as themselves as a Dominant/submissive.
Many do not comprehend the value of Your Program, and I am for one, owe You so much gratitude for all of the work, time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears that You have accomplished. The Program, though many see it as just a way to "control the masses", is no where near close to that description. Your Program opens people of the community to see what education is out there in the world and what can be taken advantage of, should one truly open themselves to learn.
Yes, You and I both know that there are many people within Your Program who are wonderful teachers; but, yes, there can be better sources for information as no one knows everything about anything. What people fail to understand, is these people can be stepping stones to create the connections to the people who can fully understand what one is interested in, and how to expand upon that outside of their bodies, and inside of their beings; and You are granting them access to such information/education/people/steps in the path of the Journey of BDSM that can be best suited for them, should minds be opened.
Personally, I spent much time and effort within Your Program to learn, to educate myself, to open myself to new ideas of play, as well as to see within my being of who I am - what I want/need/desire - and how to prioritize them. I became a better Dominant with Your Program and with the teachers that I was able to have for classes; and I thank You for that. I opened my eyes more than they were, I saw and experienced new techniques, I was informed of other ways of the BDSM Lifestyle, I was shown more safety, I was taught so much valuable information; that I am so thankful for, and I could never think of enough ways to tell You or show You my appreciation.
May the most amount of blessings flow to You and through You to everything You do and are a part of to the point where it emanates through Your pores and aura, to expand a higher consciousness to those You meet, keep in Your life, and associate with.
With all due respect,
Ms_MeeLing (Dori - *****)
People of Number They are 1...
This Male Dominant has a presence that no one has within any community, as the honor, integrity, ethics, morals, and the like; they just flow out into wherever He and His family are at; to the point of as if there was a shining beckon as soon as one is within His presence, it is blindingly gorgeous.
This Male has the education of both European BDSM as well as United States BDSM, as well as the experience to perform all that He was taught, to boot. His scenes are so intense, that they are not for the weak of heart; as this Male Dominant is a Player that does not do the "slap and tickle crap", He actually makes the scene a scene...and makes people think as they watch every action He carefully makes.
Unfortunately, mis-understood at times, though He truly does not care - for it is up to the other person to ask questions respectfully, in order to understand; He is full of ideas and inspirations for how to run, live, and be who He truly is within Himself, His household, His job, and whatever He so chooses to do with Himself; for he is a force to be reckoned with, like no other.
Cross and His household with Flame73 is un-surmountable with pride, respect, honor, and everything that is Leather.
She, who has so much information to bestow on those who have earned Her attention by showing that they are honestly interested to learn; Flame73 is a Female Dominant, all unto Herself. She is ideal for so much, and She is who She says She is...without any apologies...
Together, these two People have shown me what an honest, openly communicative, loving, and wonderful household is. They have taught me to accept the true-ness of what is within and to expand my wants/needs/desires as I honestly want/desire/need; without any care for what is said about me for my beliefs, opinions, play, and over-all; who I am. These two have shown me what a true Household is and how it should be run, so that all involved are genuinely happy.
Their family members and those whom They own, have taught me things in their own rights...and I appreciate the whole unit for the beauty that is.
Thank You Flame73 and Cross for being true to You and Your family. Thank You Cross and Flame73 for all that You offer to the community when You go out to show Your presence and/or support of a group or event. Thank You Cross and Flame73 for just being Yourselves and for holding to the morals and ethics that make honesty shine for what it should be valued for.
You both are a wonder to the world, and You both make others see what being truly genuine is.
Thank You for everything that You have done, do, and continue on with, for You offer and show myself and those who pay attention, the value of open communication with pure intentions.
With all due respect,
Ms_MeeLing (***** - Dori)
Dominant Number Seven...
This Female Dominant has done more for the community than any other Female Dominant that I can think of. LuminousNAustin is the most fabulous person one could ever meet.
She is so full of zest, life, and joy that no one can deny how beautiful this Female is. She has offered more information and education, so people who are willing to listen can learn; and She has created so many situations and experiences for others that cannot be denied as anything but enlightening and enjoyable as one learned.
The amount of respect for Her that I have is un-surmountable and I cannot thank You, Ma'am, enough for every bit of energy that You put into the Community to help and aid those who need guidance.
You have shown me that no matter what, I know nothing, not matter how many classes/demos/conventions/etc, I will always need humility for information, as there is always someone who knows more.
With all that You do and are a part of, Your humility for being renown astonishes me. The fact that You accept who and what You are, for all that You are worth (which is ever-so much); and You will accept nothing less than what You deem worthy of You and Your presence. With that, You have shown me to accept my inner self, but always be humble with others; for I know not to whom I may be speaking to...but that aside...just respect in general.
Thank You, Ma'am.
Brightest blessings in all ways, shapes, and forms to You and Yours.
Ms_MeeLing (Dori - *****)
The Eighth Dominant...
This Male Dominant is beyond what anyone would ever expect upon the first glance, should one not pay attention to the gem that He is. He offers so much to the Community, let alone He offers so much of Himself to those who show that they are worthy. He makes it apparent that the Leather Path is my Journey to follow, though in my own way.
Sir mzzz has more knowledge in His pinky, than most people within the Lifestyle have within their entire being. I have never met a Male who was such a gentle soul, yet at the same time, as vicious as a Tiger on the hunt after He caught His prey - to tear to shreds - and has...
This Male Dominant, Sir, You have taught me more in just social interactions with You, let alone any time that I have had the pleasure of seeing You without anyone bothering our conversations. I am so appreciative to have met You, as You have shown me that being Leather does not always mean having to be "rough and tough"; but being Leather can also be gentle and beautiful.
You have shown me ways to improve myself upon my path. You have given me inspirations for how to be Dominant with a submissive. You have granted me information to BDSM that I will hold near and dear to my heart, for years to come. You are the reason why I have learned what I have about older information that is not normally known. You have introduced me to history and studies that have never crossed my mind; and I thank You so much for every bit of involvement that You have had with me, Sir.
I am great-full beyond words.
Many blessings to You, to fill You, Your home, Your garden, Your life, You Path, and everything that You are involved in. May You always be abundantly filled with all of that which You need, want, and desire; that is for Your highest good.
With all due respect,
Ms_MeeLing (***** - Dori)
Number Nine...
This Female Dominant has inspired me beyond words. She has shown me tricks and positions and the like for submissives; as well as posture for myself. She is a Master, by all senses of the word; for She started in Leather as a true Leather Wo/man did, back in the Old Guard and worked Her way up the ranks, until She was bestowed Master, by the Community for all of who She is, all of what She stood for, and all of what She has done.
LadyRobin has taught me how to truly value a submissive. She has taught me how to fully step into a role that is needed, take charge, and do whatever has to be done to fix or help a situation...even at it's busiest or worst.
Her Journey throughout the BDSM Lifestyle has inspired me in so many ways, that listing them would not be fair enough for words as to how She had affected me. This Female knows Her stuff and will bend over backwards for those She deems to be worthwhile. Her play is admirable as when She plays, Her meticulousness is immaculate and is a treasure to those She helps or aids. The toys Her company puts together are far beyond worth of what they charge; but yet She still understands and keeps in mind the people to help get the weapons they want/need, at a reasonable price. And the weapons...well...they ARE weapons...and I LOVE mine that I have from Her company, as not only are they made to perfection, but they are also evil little bastards... WIDE evil grin
Her Sadism is what has drawn me to Her, for She holds back for only new players...and anyone else who knows Her... "Brace yourself..."
I learned from Her that it was acceptable to be a Sadist, to have my wants and needs met by granting pain to those who want it and who deserve my time. She showed me how to weed out the "do-me submissives" and find my way to searching for what I truly desired.
Thank You, Ma'am for all of that, and more. You have affected my BDSM Lifestyle in so many ways that I could not even begin to thank You enough for.
I wish You and Yours all of the best, and that all negativity flees from You, before it ever heads in Your direction. May You always be filled and surrounded by nothing but light.
With all due respect,
Ms_MeeLing (Dori)
Last, but not least...Number 10...
TC1kod1, Sir,
Thank You for all that You do within the Community, first and foremost. The education that You are so willing to inform others of is so helpful, that most cannot comprehend the value of Your lessons.
You have helped me through many times, and made me look at the brighter things in life. You have shown me that even though there is crap whirling around; to always be true to myself. You have made me aware of the fact that I am actually worth something, and I am valuable.
You have made so many people's lives brighter by just opening up to them to teach them an inkling of what You know. You have made my world a better place having You in my life, whenever I am lucky enough to see You.
Personally, I honor and respect everything that You have been through; from the Lifestyle through the military through vanilla life.
You have shown me that transformation into one's true self is a blessing and not a curse.
You have taught me that only some people are worth the effort, while others should be left at the wayside.
You have opened my eyes to see things in such a different light, that I am so thankful to have ever met You, let alone, call You a friend.
Brightest of blessings, in all ways, so that Your world over-flows with greatness.
With all due respect,
Ms_MeeLing (***** - Dori)
So there are my 10 Dominants that I wanted to say something off to write to the submissives/Switches...
www. fetlife .com/users/484330/posts/1320788

SIDE NOTE on 29 November 2021: How much time is dedicated to raising children properly, out of curiosity?
Is there anyone anywhere who has spent actual time raising children other than myself, or are there who are more similar to my now dead-ex-husband who had no idea as to any reason as to purchasing packages of diapers and wipes throughout the time of a pregnancy as to ensure to have enough supplies in comparison thereof as I knew to do so and did not need a class for that?