In reference of combining all of my journals I wrote through my original #fetlife account which I will post the link at the bottom for the clarifications thereof, I am going to have the transparency brought forward as to what can be seen from the original posting dates as to the current timeframe of this day 28 November 2021 for those to see as to my original #Facebook accounts of Susan MeeLing as well as Lady Dori Belle for the additional ability to see the connection links as to what I had discussed for many years and decades in person as well as online as to such factors as best as I could as to the circumstances. Possibly such details will assist to make sense, in the comparisons thereof as to the amounts of details though in addition I do not pretend or hide myself from my truth which others should realize it is important to be honest and truthful in many more ways than just in one or two moments as it is imperative to be more capable to recognize the truth in such aspects of life for far more than some might have realized despite all of my warnings as to what I knew to bring forward to assist as best as possible.
I will begin with posting my newer updated journals from my original account and work backwards as to the irony I noticed. There will be plenty to read in the ways of, whether or not you choose to venture into the areas of the website fetlife remember as to the supposed to be consenting adult biologically lifestyle as to such factors of as it is a different terminology reference as to submissives and slaves within the BDSM lifestyle for the clarifications thereof as to the ways of which has been needing the clarifications in multiple ways as to the differences between the aspects of the Civil War compared to the situations between what is supposed to be among consenting adults as to the ways which the aspects of the more weel known aspects as to the acceptances of adult biological as to the sexuality of which has been brought forward in various reviews as to the dopamine levels among other factors as to health and well being as to various portions which have had multiple Medical Research Journals as to such factors thereof as to the additional health benefits among other situations when in a healthy and aspects as to such situations which involve complete knowledge thereof as well as the actualities of the consent factors as to the situations thereof which when utilizing safe procedures as to the ways of such situations to which maintain the actualities of genuine safety in the comparisons thereof to the ways depending upon the viewpoint of the years thereof to the details. However the clarifications have been needing to be made clear, as to the situaitons in reference to travel from and to other countries as to the needs from such aspects to be verified as to the differences in such references as just as Hollywood as to the drama portions the same as to how the adult film industry I could guesstimate as to such factors of other similarities as to the crossovers as to such aspects in such reviewal portions thereof which the Constitutional Rights and Amendments assist with such factors though the clearer wording may have been needed as to the understanding from the knowledge in the comparisons thereof.
Despite such being out in multiple areas such as music videos and the like, as to such symbolic aspects in certain references as well as lyrics thereof.
Posted on 17 December 2012
Day One: 10 Things I Want to Say to 10 People...submissives and slaves and Switches...
Day One: 10 things you want to say to 10 different people right now.
17 December 2012
First, I want to say, that I have thought thoroughly about everything that is about to be written. With each of these days, I am taking the time to ponder what all needs to be said, FOR ME.
Secondly, I am not doing any of these activities for anyone, with the exception of myself. I found this list, thanks to _rhonda, and I am planning on writing as much, or as little, as I feel is appropriate.
Third and finally, I have actually decided to do this exercise a little bit differently. I have chosen to write about 10 things that I want to say to 10 Dominants, and I have chosen to write about 10 things that I want to say to 10 submissives.
So...without further adue...
...and in no particular order...
submissive #1...
I want to thank you for so many things. First, I want to thank you for showing me what I will and will not accept into my life, my children's lives, my home, or any part of me and what is about me.
I want to thank you for showing me that I have more patience (stupidly I have to admit at times), than I EVER thought that I had within me.
Thank you for showing me that no matter how much I trust someone, even if it is enough to allow into my dwelling; that trust should be handed out...I am sorry...not handed out in portions...but earned from me...
Thank you for reminding me how much I enjoy to clean, but how much I despise doing it for others, other than my family; as empty Chinese food boxes full of left over hair from a brush to be found by a guest, is far beyond what I am willing to clean up after. Thank you for showing me my limits on cleanliness.
miss-tigress, thank you for showing me how much lack of compassion there is within the world and within each human being.
Thank you for teaching me that I need not to rely on anyone, except for myself.
I appreciate what you taught me about getting rid of negative beings within my life and how to desecrate anything that was left over, that was not found before; in order to release my residual frustrations. eggplants and keys and pictures, are so fulfilling to turn into dust...also, to feed to the Dumpster Monster... As from you, I have learned that when I have left over energy that needs to be rid of...something always shows up to aid me in getting rid of what bothers me...and it makes me feel so much better.
Thank you for teaching me how to release and let go of things that do not serve for my highest good.
Thank you for showing me that I deserve friends...true friends...not fair-whether friends who use me for my resources without returning anything.
Thank you for being you, for without you being you; I would have never learned all of the above, as well as how rude and callous people can be when in front of children; how worthless and how much oxygen thieves are predominant in a lot of people; how there is no compassion in some people - even when they know everything; how life in general is just SO MUCH BETTER without leeches.
The next person, is actually a Switch, not a submissive; though submits to the right people for her...Number 2...
Discordia, Discordia, Discordia...where would I be without you and your helpful inspirations?
Not only have you shown me how one is not a true Dominant when they cannot control or make their submissive do what they should ~ even though there has been laid claim to such...thank you for showing me that there are people who consider themselves to be Dominant. but really are not, for they cannot handle their own stuff, let alone the garbage of their Owned pet.
Thank you for showing me that no matter how much I open myself to someone, I can always be screwed over; so I need to watch who I trust more than ever.
I appreciate you telling me how to steal other Dominant's submissives away from their Owners, even if the Dominant is a supposed "close friend"...however...instead of being thankful for the ideas of how to go about doing so; you have shown me to be thankful enough to know what to look out for and what/who not to trust.
Thank you for letting me into your world to see how life can be so much more hectic when one draws the attention to themselves; whether or not they deserve it.
Thank you for showing me that my head injury was something to study and delve into for your research for your past lost; as it showed me that not everyone looks at me for who I truly am on the inside and that I am not always appreciated as I should be.
Thank you for explaining to me that the community is politics and a game instead of a real thing to some people; so I know who is out to be known for something and who is out to be true within themselves in the Lifestyle.
I am great-full that you taught me how to discern the real from the fake, how to rid myself of the worthless, and how to move on in a better light with positive energy within my soul.
Thank you for all of your help.
The next 3 are all together, in a family household, and each one has so much beauty in them to is no wonder that they were lucky enough to wind up where and with Whom they did. no particular order...
The first one is a 3...
You have shown me what a gentle soul in a male is.
You have taught me to look for someone who looks to honestly fulfill his Owner's needs, wants, and desires to the fullest; without any reasons, but to see you Owner smile from ear to ear because you just randomly thought of something for her.
You have given me the chance to see a male submit with nothing but love in his heart...and made me want to find that for myself, with a genuine person.
You have shown me how strong a male can be; physically, mentally, emotionally, and well as how much softness there is on the opposite end of the spectrum.
You are a gift to your Owner, and treasured as such, and as you should be.
I wish that you and your Owner's and family have nothing but the best fly to and through you; for all of Y/your highest good.
With Respect,
Number Four...
My dearest and sweetest, Resolu_minette,
I know I can never say your French matter how hard I try...but I adore the fact that I am able to call you the name I am allowed, so I do not constantly mess up and disrespect the beauty that you Owner's have bestowed upon you, in name. I am SO appreciative of I cannot even describe...
However, onto you...
You have the most gorgeous light within you, making you one of the loveliest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Your light beckons like a flash in the night; only available for those who are worthy of seeing all of the beauty that you possess inside.
Your strength is amazing. You make me long for a submissive who can take and enjoy as much physical endurance as my submissive can handle...and beyond...
You gave me the privilege (after your Owner's permission, of course) to play your body and mind...and there is no amount of gratitude that I can send your way that would be worthwhile...though I still do, for I am great-full for the chance and to see what a body can handle.
Your grace should be world-renown, as you can teach so many the true meaning of submission and slavery to an it shows how you give your all, no matter what.
Thank you for all of the beauty that you have shown me that a person can hold within themselves, just for the right people.
I wish you and your household, nothing but the best; for none of you deserve anything less.
With Respect,
The final one of the three...the final slave of the household...Number Five...
Thank you for showing me the amount of love that can be within a slave for their Owner. You have taught me that I should look and accept nothing less than pure devotion from whomever I choose to claim as mine...if ever...
I appreciate seeing how you maneuver to make your ways in order to please your Master, just for a small snicker...let alone for a full fledged smile...
Your intelligence blows me away and the love and compassion that flows through you amazes and inspires me.
Thank you...for everything above and more...
With Respect,
Number 6...
This female submissive, truly needs no introduction as she and her Master, are unbelievably awesome to watch in scene...let alone, how T/they interact with E/each other when outside of a scene...
Her smile...not counting her laughter...brings joy, everywhere she goes. She has shown me that there truly are submissives who enjoy what their Master's do to them...willingly or "unwillingly"...
She has taught me that there can be fun in playing with a brat, though I never played her; I only watched.
JustKitten is one of the most well behaved bratty submissives that I have ever seen...and it makes me long for one of my own who has some of her traits.
Her Owner and Master, justkittensMaster is an EXTREMELY lucky Male Dominant, who has shown me how to appreciate one's submissive, and how one's submissive can fully devote themselves to their Master, with all of the love within their heart; and be appreciated - yet beaten for it all at the same time, because of the enjoyment factor. ;)
This C/couple has taught me many things about relationships in just watching T/their interactions with each other. T/they have shown me the beauty of love, and never ending passion.
For all of this above and more; I am ever-so great-full.
Thank Y/you both, and the brightest of blessings to Y/you together, on Y/your paths individually and as a whole.
With Respect,
The one whom I view as the most precious flower within the Chinese Kingdom...the Lotus Blossom...
sylee is one of the most beautiful versions of submissives that I have ever seen throughout my entire time within the BDSM Lifestyle, since 2004.
I have been blessed and lucky enough to watch her grow and become such a strong female, but a female with a loaded heart of love; that must be tended to on a regular basis.
Thank you for teaching me to make sure that I am always consciously aware of any submissive I may choose to take in or play with.
Your emanates the glory of who you are inside...and those lucky enough to bear witness can learn more than they could from many, just by watching your posture, your demeanor, your being of who you are truly within...
Thank you for showing me and teaching me about how to work with submissives in a more gentle way.
Thank you for aiding me in learning about the pure beauty of submission, when earned.
Thank you...
With Respect,
Number Eight...
This masochist is one of the most wonderful people one could ever encounter.
Her intelligence and her wit is amazing. She can teach almost anyone something...whether or not they were prepared for it...and make them think and ponder and wonder...
Not many like her...if any at all other than her...
ScarlettAngell has one of the most compassionate souls I have ever met. She is one who understands life's turbulence, but offers intelligent and ~ common sense at times ~ solutions to situations that may be of a problem.
Her heart is open to be loved and to love as she is for who she is; in all of her glory.
You have taught me how to look outside of the box.
You have shown me what it is like to have intelligent conversations with a person, who will accept one for who they are, and wish them blessings upon their journey as they walk away; whether or not you cross paths again.
You have granted me access to learning about who you are and what you are and what it is to be open and honest within oneself.
Thank you SO much.
May blessings flow to and through you, to surround you and fill you, with all of the blessings that can be sent your way.
With Respect,
submissive #9...
This one will not be named or linked to, as pretty much, anyone who knows me; will know exactly who I am referencing, as the writing goes on.
This female submissive was VERY special to my heart...and meant so much to me when we were involved in a relationship; that I made her a promise, that I have kept and I fought for; just for her comfort. Unfortunately, due to her partner trying to Dominate me instead of have an actual relationship with me, as said and told; I had to walk away, as no one was going to tell me when and where I was going to spread my legs to fuck them, without a conversation/negotiation with all involved, at the exact same time, in the exact same area. I do not live in the Middle East, so no one is about to trade me for a matter how much of an ass hole and a jackass that I can be...
I want to thank her for showing me that I can actually have feelings of more than lust for a female...I want to thank her for allowing me to care for a female beyond what I ever thought was possible within me...
Thank you for being such a unique spirit...though I am sorry that I lost that twinkle in your eyes from that night of dancing...for that saddened me more than anything else in the end.
I appreciate the fact that you stood up for your partner when he ate my ashes, instead of moving and in turn; becoming my human ash tray for the day...
...though I wish you were able to see things from my side to understand that I did not do that on purpose, as I was speaking with other people, and did not realize that they were behind me anymore, as I thought they had moved to where you were mingling with people. There may not be much respect for him, but for you; there always has been...and more since the beginning...
Thank you for showing me how to open myself to a female submissive, more than I ever have before...
Thank you for teaching me how to much...
I can never explain all that you have meant to me or taught me; but thank you...whether or not you choose to accept the appreciation, is of course, up to you...but there is much within my heart for you and all you have taught me.
Thank you...
With Respect,
The final, last but not least...Number Ten...
This last Number is actually dedicated to all submissives and slaves...
Thank all of you, male and female submissives and slaves; thank you all for showing me what I want, what I need, what I desire, and what I will and will not tolerate for myself or my relationships; whether it is play or romantic...
Blessings to everyone of you.
With Respect,
(Reverend) Susan MeeLing AKA Lady Dori Belle
www. fetlife .com/users/484330/posts/1320916
