In reference of combining all of my journals I wrote through my original #fetlife account which I will post the link at the bottom for the clarifications thereof, I am going to have the transparency brought forward as to what can be seen from the original posting dates as to the current timeframe of this day 28 November 2021 for those to see as to my original #Facebook accounts of Susan MeeLing as well as Lady Dori Belle for the additional ability to see the connection links as to what I had discussed for many years and decades in person as well as online as to such factors as best as I could as to the circumstances. Possibly such details will assist to make sense, in the comparisons thereof as to the amounts of details though in addition I do not pretend or hide myself from my truth which others should realize it is important to be honest and truthful in many more ways than just in one or two moments as it is imperative to be more capable to recognize the truth in such aspects of life for far more than some might have realized despite all of my warnings as to what I knew to bring forward to assist as best as possible.
I will begin with posting my newer updated journals from my original account and work backwards as to the irony I noticed. There will be plenty to read in the ways of, whether or not you choose to venture into the areas of the website fetlife.
Posted on 19 December 2012
Day Three: Eight ways to win my heart...
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart...
19 December 2012
The last Writing for Day 2 was a difficult writing for me, as I honestly had to think about things about myself. I have a feeling that this Writing, may turn out to be just as hard for me to ponder through my thoughts.
Knowing what I want/need/desire in a relationship with someone, is one thing. Writing it down and putting it into descriptive words...well...that seems like it is going to be another thing, altogether...
I will find out soon enough.
So, without further adue, and in no particular order...with the exception of #1...
Day Three: Eight ways to win my heart...
1.) Honesty and being genuine at all times.
Lying with me will get you no where, except shown to the door with a boot so far up your ass; that my heel is coming through your throat...
There is nothing worse in the world to me as far as humans go, than a liar, a cheater, a manipulator, a loose moral-ed person without any ethics, ...and I could go on...but the point has been made.
I do not care if one lies about who they are, how they were a part of some experience, what they have done personally, where they have been, who they know/been any point...for any not only are hurting yourself, but you are hurting those around you...whether or not you care is a whole other ball of wax unto itself, though it is the truth...
One can tell as many lies as they wish...but at some point...YOU WILL BE FOUND OUT...and then the malice and upset natures will ensue from those you once knew...
My ex-husband is a PRIME example...he has been dead since January is now December 2012...and I still find out new lies that he told to me or things that he hid from me, when we were "married"...if one could call it a marriage...though more like a prison system... ~ I digress...
Being honest to myself is extremely important to me. I cannot sleep well; if at all, when I have done something that is not truly a part of who I am at the core...and it will eat away at me, until I can rectify the situation...un-stop-ably...
If someone is not honest within themselves...then they cannot be honest with is simple...and if that person cannot be honest with themselves or me...then they are not worth my time or the breath that it would take to tell them as such.
Being genuine, when I write that in here; I am meaning that it is more than just in the sense of being genuine within one's being, for that is partially covered by the honesty. The two are interchangeable, at times when I am working in the point I am making for Number One.
When I talk about being genuine, I not only mean within oneself; but I also mean being genuine in everything that one does for/to/with/etc me.
I want someone who genuinely and honestly wants to serve me, as a submissive/slave. I do not want or need or will accept anyone who does not show me their true intentions, as they proceed with their words and actions; especially if that person is wanting some form of relationship with me as, I do not want anyone to feel forced against their will, to appreciate me; to accept me; to love me; to let me live as I want to/need to/desire to; and not how they want me in their ideals; and so on...
I want an honest relationship with someone who is genuinely interested in me for who I am and not what I have or what I look like or what I can give them or the like...for I have no time for that bull shit...and I will not make the time for that crap anymore.
I want, need, desire, and more importantly; I DESERVE to be genuinely wanted, appreciated, loved, cared for, be with, have myself taken care of, given signs of love and affection for me, held when I want and need - yet given space at the same time - when necessary, and etc. with only the purest intentions for my highest good in their mind, heart, body, soul, and being.
When and if I am to get involved in a relationship...I am to be the absolute Number One, top priority on their list of importance, and I will accept nothing less. Yes, work and family rank above times...
However, if you are taking me out somewhere, I am going to expect you to not answer any phone calls or texts that are not of importance...because the most important thing at that time, should be you spending time with me and enjoying whatever we are doing and wherever we are, with every bit of your being, for every second we are together.
Honestly and genuinely cherish me...want me...need me...accept me...allow me to live as I need/want/desire...treat me to who you truly are...grant me all that I need/want/desire, so I may do so in me your care and love and appreciation for me and who I am at every chance that you can, with whatever you feel is necessary...spoil me relentlessly...make me smile...keep me smiling - more importantly - with a genuine smile of bliss, joy, and happiness as you have a true enjoyment from everything with and for yourself to me fully...
Which that leads me to:
2.) 100% open and (once again) HONEST communication with me, at all times, for every single topic/event/experience/lesson/and the like, that is brought up...or should be brought up...the latter is a REALLY important one...
3.) Remember me... random times...
...for when my medical issues may come into play...
...for my value...
...for who I am...
...for who I want to become... needs... wants... desires... dreams and inspirations...
...what I like, adore, and love...
...what I do not appreciate, dis-like, despise, hate, and loathe...
...for what makes my soul sing in joy...
...for what my soul, my body, my heart, my mind... to keep me happy while at the same time of being happy within yourself...
...when you are doing something to/for/with me, to always keep me as your priority...
...when you are doing something for/to/with me; always being honest in the thoughts and genuinely sincere in your deeds/thoughts/words...
Remember me always in dream, thought, daily life, and so on; and ponder ways that you want to do to honestly keep a genuine smile on my face and within my heart.
4.) Piercing eyes...oh my GODS!!! Eyes are amazing to me...more so than almost any other physical part of the body to look at.
Every male has an a$$ and a c**k. Size of the penis really does not matter to me as much as someone's tongue muscles and their arms' stamina...for...I prefer that over being stuck and doing my thing, or allowing them to do to me as I want...
Although...I do have to admit...DOGGIE STYLE IS PURE AWESOMENESS!!! For almost any sexual act...mmmm...
Just sayin'...though the size as to a certain maximum is a reality...
Every female has tits, ass, and a pussy/cunt (I have to differentiate as there is a difference between a pussy and a cunt: ~
A.). The female has a beautiful body part of the female anatomy that one doesn't matter whether the cherishing is fashioned in the way of sensuality or in the way of "torture" for the long as all actions are done with pure intentions, and there is caring involved - beyond the cumming aspect...THAT is a p****. ~ Now... B.) a **** is something that is just fucked mercilessly. Not in the way someone would fuck someone they care about mercilessly, in the aspect of getting everyone involved off and cumming...but mercilessly fucked in the way of just a place to throw some jizz and release it from the system....pretty much like a bucket... When one is looked at for nothing more than a fuck-toy, and there is no concern for the other person's enjoyment...THAT is a ****...
So, eyes are more important to me than almost any other body part of the human anatomy; as eyes are individual...eyes speak volumes...eyes are the key to the soul...
With that, having piercing eyes, in combination with everything jaw would be laying on the floor...drooling...
5.) TELL me and SHOW me how much I mean to you, why you enjoy me, the treasure you see and have in being a part of my life, and so on...consistently and yet figure it out...
6.) Stand up for what you believe is right...whatever it is...and stand behind your opinions. Do not cave into pressure of the masses. Live your life how you want to, within the limits of the law (mostly since what we do is illegal). Be for the greater good when stating your opinions, in ways to aid and help others.
HOWEVER...if you are one of the first people to acknowledge it, in every way that you were inaccurate or mis-guided. Accept your mistakes, learn from the lessons, and move forward.
I practice what I preach...I expect you to do the same...
Live life to the fullest...
7.) Believe it or not...I want to be romanced and wooed off of my feet...and kept on Cloud 9 because of it. Not all the time, of course...but sparatically...and thoughtfully...
8.) Have compassion and be compassionate. Not to the point of co-dependency, of course; but be compassionate to those in need, the underdog, the weak, the lost, etc.
Have a soul and be kind, when needed.
Lift others up, off of the ground; when you are able to.
Educate those who are in need of wisdom for their growth in life.
Open doors for others...especially for the handicapped and the elderly.
Be a true gentleman.
Be chivalrous.
Show all that you meet within the world, the light of your soul, through the compassionate acts that you do...whether or not they are publicly it because it is the right thing to it because it means something to you to aid it and feel the spirituality flow through your entire being, when everything is over and you are away from the situation ~ and revel privately about how what was done, helped whomever or whatever it did, in a positive manner.
I will admit...this was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be for me to write. Yet, at the same was indubitably more intense as I started to get really into things, as I was seeing, in black and white...what I actually wanted and needed...
...and now...there is a permanent reminder for me to keep track of when dating someone...
www. fetlife .com/users/484330/posts/1323491
I can almost hear the song by Tim McGraw Humble and Kind in my thoughts, at this moment. :-)
I have enjoyed his music quite a bit, admittedly!