In reference of combining all of my journals I wrote through my original #fetlife account which I will post the link at the bottom for the clarifications thereof, I am going to have the transparency brought forward as to what can be seen from the original posting dates as to the current timeframe of this day 28 November 2021 for those to see as to my original #Facebook accounts of Susan MeeLing as well as Lady Dori Belle for the additional ability to see the connection links as to what I had discussed for many years and decades in person as well as online as to such factors as best as I could as to the circumstances. Possibly such details will assist to make sense, in the comparisons thereof as to the amounts of details though in addition I do not pretend or hide myself from my truth which others should realize it is important to be honest and truthful in many more ways than just in one or two moments as it is imperative to be more capable to recognize the truth in such aspects of life for far more than some might have realized despite all of my warnings as to what I knew to bring forward to assist as best as possible.
I will begin with posting my newer updated journals from my original account and work backwards as to the irony I noticed. There will be plenty to read in the ways of, whether or not you choose to venture into the areas of the website fetlife.
Posted on 24 December 2012
Day Seven: 4 Turn Offs
Day Seven: Four turn-offs...
24 December 2012
Out of all of The Exercises; I have to say...I think this one is going to be one of the easier Writings to it is nice to have a kind of break from the heaviness of some of the prior exercises. However, just because I get a small "break"; does not mean that it is over, of a way...kind of like life...
Sometimes we are lucky enough to get small breaks here and there; but it just is not over until fate, destiny, choices, free will, and whatever one calls whatever Diety they believe (or do not believe in)...says it is time...
...all one can do is their best, with whatever they have available to them...
So, without further adue...
Day Seven: Four turn-offs...
Turn Off #1.) Lack of hygiene...
UGH!!! I find it to be the most vial thing when someone will not do these things, at the very least...and IN this or a similar order...of course...preferably my order...:
1st) Start the shower and make it to a comfortable temperature or whatever temperature chosen;
2nd) Get into the shower/tub facinity and stand COMPLETELY underneath the water, and if that is not possible, move around so that the water can cleanse the entire area of the body;
3rd) Get Shampoo, squeeze some of the gel into the hand - a decent size preferably - and apply to the head, scrubbing thoroughly;
4th) Wash all of the soap out of the hair and off of the body (and if needed - repeat the actions, but with Conditioner)...however...if one's hair is "oily" - washing the hair twice - in my opinion - is optimal if not using a Shampoo specifically made for that type of hair;
5th) Pick up the Face Wash and pour some into your hands before scrubbing your face AND behind your ears as well as possible to get all nooks and crannies;
6th) Wash off all the soap from the face and behind the ears;
7th) Grab a loofah/wash cloth/small towel/...or hell...use your damn hands if nothing else...and grab the Shower Gel/soap/bubbles and squeeze the gel onto the item and scrub the ENTIRE physical body until it is covered in bubbles from the soap chosen - in every single area;
8th) Wash all of the soap off of the body and out of every single nook and cranny;
9th) Shave however needs to be done - preferably for me - at the VERY least...
- Females: your armpits; your legs - (the entirety please - I do not want to reach your knees and then feel a sweater as I move up your thighs)...that is NOT a kosher thing...that is called PURE LAZINESS...I find it to be disgusting...and so do most males...just as an F.Y.I., in case you never knew...; and finally, your pussy - and when I talk about this, I do not mean just the front that is viewed when looking at the entire body for it's form...I also mean your lips (in and out if it is a must), your areas where the thigh meets the pussy, as well as your ass).
BONUS POINTS: (which really should be an obvious if you have this because of your genetics) Your arms if you have a large amount or even dark hair on your arms...bleach and wax are two friends of females...and have been for many years... Now, this one should be a no brainer...but...well...common sense IS a super power nowadays, so I will write this out. Females...if you are unfortunate to be one of the types of females who has facial hair around your mouth/cheeks/neck/or facial area in general that is not your eyeBROWS(!!! - meaning there are supposed to be 2 eyebrows..1 eyebrow PER eye...not just one eyebrow if that is an issue - take care of that shit too), do what needs to be done to either REMOVE the hair (preferably) or lighten it so it is not nearly as noticeable.
...really...everything here is not THAT hard to just takes dedication for CLEANLINESS and HYGIENE...which is something that I REALLY enjoy!!!
- Males: at the VERY least, your entire public area - including your ass - MUST be trimmed and man-scaped...if not shaven completely - which is my preference - of course - ...the whole fur thing completely grosses me out to no extent; also, your facial hair WILL be either completely shaven off - or if I allow any - it WILL be trimmed; and finally, your actual head of hair...I am NOT a fan of males with long all...whatsoever...if your hair is longer than mine...there will be some SERIOUS evaluation on my part, as I will NEED to be sure of your cleanliness and hygiene with even more detailed inspection and evaluation. I will also add, males, if you have a rug on your chest and/or back - get rid of it!!!
There is NOTHING that is attractive about a fuzzy wuzzy bear when the clothes come off...NOTHING...
BONUS POINTS & GOLD STARS: - you will trim or shave the hair in your armpits...hint - hint...
...once again...I will repeat...
...really...everything here is not THAT hard to just takes dedication for CLEANLINESS and HYGIENE...which is something that I REALLY enjoy!!!
10th) Wash off all of the body hair that was cut so it goes DOWN THE DRAIN...seeing a ball of hair in the drain, is NOT kosher...
11th) Repeat Numbers 6, 7, and 8; so to make sure the body is completely clean of whatever was cut off...though that should be common sense...then again...I always have to remind myself how that is a super power...
12th) Once you are SURE that every single area of your physical body has been cleaned and groomed, turn off the water to the shower (as we should not waste), and dry everything off completely before stepping out of the bathing area, as to not drip unnecessary water drops on anything.
13th) Brush your teeth and use mouth wash...and DO NOT forget to scrub your tongue and the roof of your mouth.
14th) Clean out your ears...I do NOT want to see goobers inside of your ears, when close to you.
15th) Deoderant/Anti-Perspirant mixture to put underneath your arms in your pits, with whatever is needed for however you perspire.
16th) Lotion, where needed. Also, as males, this would be where you also could shave your face, if you are not comfortable in the shower to shave/trim. However, once again, wash all hair off your body, and make sure the sink is CLEAN afterwards.
17th) After lotion-ing the body/face/knees/elbows/whatever dry spots you have; a nice cologne or perfume is a nice addition...however...DO NOT DOUSE YOURSELF IN IT...I do not have the tolerance for an over-bearing amount of smells coming at me.
18th) Now you pick out CLEAN clothing, that is appropriate for wherever we are attending. If we just stay at a house - anything from sweats/swishy pants to jeans would be fine. If we are going out to the store, at least a nice pair of jeans and a t-shirt that is not wrinkled, is ok. If we are going to an event...depending on the style of event...depends on the dress code required. AND PLEASE!!! Make sure everything matches!!!
19th) Check yourself in the mirror to make sure everything looks good and is appropriate for wherever we are going, and find matching socks and shoes. Flip flops are NEVER ACCEPTABLE outside of the house, unless we are going to the beach or a water-park or something of the sort where water is involved. (if you have someone that you can run how you look, to make sure everything is kosher...that always is a plus for you for aid)
20th) At this point, if you have followed all directions; you are now acceptable to present yourself to me, and we can do whatever was scheduled.
Turn Off #2 STD's...period...
I am not going to put myself at risk; let alone introduce that to my children as someone that I am romantically involved with.
Friendship is ok with this; but playing, becoming any way D/s, and dating are COMPLETELY OUT OF THE QUESTION...
Turn Off #3 Genital Piercings...
Yes, I know PLENTY of people who swear by how awesome they feel/look/do for so and so...
That's nice...
...for THEM...
Personally, I allow ONLY the following to enter any area that I allow in my body:
a.) ...the tongue/mouth of a human being who is alive and desiring to stick their tongue wherever I want and allow;
b.) ...the fingers of a human being (a limited amount of course)...I am not about to be fisted...not as if there are too many people with fingers small enough to stick more than 3 in at the same time to my kitty...and 3 is pushing it...
c.) ...the male's penis, where it to be allowed to be treated to entering me...and you better not be bigger than 9" long...and better not be wider than what my hand can fit around...because we will DEFINITELY have issues 1.) my kitty is NOT a bucket;s size in width...and more importantly, 2.) I do NOT want my kitty to be as big as the Grand Canyon, as other females are ok with...
...sorry...when I sit on a bar stool...I do not want to have to worry exactly HOW I have to sit, so that I don't slide down to the floor...
However, back to piercings...I am NOT into them, at ALL...
I do not have a dildo...I refuse to allow anything that is not an alive and willing/wanting/desiring that is a human...
I refuse to allow even vibrators to enter all that being said...
For me? No. I personally do not find genital piercings to be anything but a way to make me run.
If I wanted to tinker with some metal...I would go work on my car...
Turn Off #4) Lack of desire to do what I want/need in order to be pleased and fully satisfied...
Being with someone who is not into pleasing me sexually, to the point of exctacy of pure rapturous delight...and beyond... are a waste of my time...
So, if that does not come through your mind while with me in a relationship; not just when with me, but sparatically throughout the day as well...
...just do not bother wasting my time and get out of my life in that aspect...
I deserve someone who wants to be with me for me. I deserve someone who finds me appealing in every single way that I am. I deserve someone who will make and keep me happy and smiling. I deserve someone who cares enough about me; that my happiness and my comfort are their #1 Priority. I deserve someone who has eyes (and body) for me, and not for anyone else except me.
I deserve what I want, what I need, and what I desire to be met within another person who wishes to be my partner...and I refuse to settle for anything less than what is for my highest good.
www. fetlife .com/users/484330/posts/1330427
I personally have been more receptive as to the possibilities of a relationship, though because of how I personally am as to the realities of what is of importance, I know what my ideal type of relationship is if it is to become as such. However because of knowing there are multiple aspects of what I can work upon, there are the aspects as to the realities of what needs of mine to be met for such factors as to the realities of working together in such a balance aspect if there were to be such a situation of which the possibility of the interest as to such a type of relationship.
With the prior posting be of the irony as to the Mayan Calendar to this one, I truly do not know as to whether or not I could even be seen as such in honesty as to the facts of such levels of situations as to having some viewpoints as to what I read in reference to Moroni's book in the Book of Mormon in such references as to the church aspects as to knowing I am as I am and as more have the viewpoints of differences in the comparisons thereof I have wondered if there ever would or could be such a point of such for myself as who could in truth as to such factors?
I cannot remember a point in which the individual I was in a relationship with was ever actually officially proud to be with in a longer term relationship aspect, as ironically the closest I have to such is in such a sporadic way in comparison to the actualities as to the ways I see a relationship in reference to April 2019 as to the first time I ever took someone as to a semi-ish relationship on a military installation as to the Navy Marine shipyard as to the USS/USNS Nimitz class ship as well as the factors as to Club Sapphire comparatively despite the ways which the other timeframe situations have been as to the comparisons of what I personally view as a relationship despite the aspects as to the modernizing as to technology as per my preferences in the comparisons thereof as per what I personally have kept in my thoughts as to what the ideal actually would be as to a relationship in such a way compared to as per my preferences.
Unlike what I have been accustomed to dealing with which then is the fact as to how could such actually have been something to be accustomed to as to the length of time as to such factors, as in truth was it really from the time of waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury or in truth would it actually have been far longer before such a point in time of the year of 2000 and then what does that say in such proverbial aspects as to me? Taking in additional consideration as to the 10 year anniversary as to the BBQ and the aspects thereof, such has just been a perpetuation of what I have dealt with for as long as I have which at what point is it that such aspects are realized in the realities in the comparisons?
I am uncertain, though who knows?
Possibly...though a major turn off is when the hiding and sensation of being embarrassed of me is a large one...instantly as well...when there are the sensations to picking up on the energetic portions of something being odd then I simply cannot get comfortable until the clarifications thereof as to the ways as to how such genuinely has been and just is...

The ways of what situations have been as to the factors, are as the realities have been for me as to such lengths of time. I do the best I can, though seeing in the ways as to the possibilities in other references at times is more difficult as to the ironies of such factors as to how I can see in other references thereof.